The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 21, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 7, Image 51

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    . V" ' J
- 1.7
C lty Editor Main 7070. A 6005
Sunday Editor Main 7O70. A. 6005
Advertising Department. .Main ,0i0, A 6(195
Superintendent of bldjr. . -Main 7070. A 60tfo
ORPHBUM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude
ville. This afternoon and tonight.
BAKER (Broadway near Morrison) Baker
Stock company In "The firat." This
afternoon and tonight.
AlvCAZAR (Eleventh at Morrison) Alca
car Musical Players In "A Stubborn Cin
derella." Tonight.
LYRIC (Fourth at Stark) Musical com
edyr "So Long. Betty." Three shows
dally. 2. 7 and 0 P. M.
PANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows tlaily, 2:30, 7 and 9:05.
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to 8.
O.iS to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and
holidays, continuous. 1:15 to 11 P. M.
On Sale at
Business Office. Oregonlan.
Knights to Initiate. The Knights
of Columbus will hold initiatory serv
ices in the Women of Woodcraft hall.
Tenth and Taylor streets, today at 11
A. It. After the conferring of the
first degree, lunch will be served to
the candidates at the Hazelwood. Ex
cavation for the new Knights of Co
lumbus building on the property at
Park and Taylor streets is now in
progress and it is planned to have the
building ready to occupy by June 1.
The committee in charge of today's
exercises includes: J. J. Burke, chair
man; A. B. Cain, Charles B. Bauman,
J. J. Kenny, P. J. Vogl, F. Jazawa
Schniederjost, L. Pierpont Gunning
and J. E. Keneflck.
Hibernians to Entertain. Follow
ing their annual custom, the Ancient
Order of Hibernians will hold their
Christmas tree in Hibernian hall
Tuesday night. There will be pres
ents for everyone, with candy and
nuts for tho children. A short pro
gramme will precede the distribution
of gifts by Santa Claus. in which Pro
fessor Richard J. Flanagan will be
featured. D. W. Lane, an active mem
ber of the order, is chairman of the
committee. From 10 to 12 o'clock a
- three-piece orchestra will provide
dance music. No admission will be
charged. Members and friends of the
order are Invited.
Law Lecture- Slated. The seventh
lesson In the course of political
economy sponsored by the united land
and labor party, under auspices of the
State Federation of Labor will be
conducted in room A, central library,
tomorrow night. The topic will be,
"Laws and the Only Way They Can
Be Made Without Becoming the Ma
chines of Special Privilege and In
justice." The theme centers about the
Idea of proportional representation.
The lecture will be given by Frank E.
Coulter, secretary of the party. All
are invited to attend.
Ship Photos at Library. The
emergency fleet corporation has pre
sented the business-technical depart
ment of the central library with a
set of photographs exemplifying the
four types of the ships built in the
Portland district under the emerg
ency fleet supervision. The types rep
resented are the Ferris. Hough. Ballin
and Peninsula. The photographs are
displayed in the technical room of the
Library Association to Meet Here.
The executive committee of the Pa
cific Northwest Library association
has accepted the Invitation from
Portland to hold the next annual
convention in this city. The invita
tion was extended at the convention
last August in Vancouver, B. C. The
next convention will be held the last
week in August, 1920.
Whisky kegs and barrels, all sizes,
5. 10, 16, 20 to 30 and 50 gallons, hard
wood, new and second-hand; ready
for filling; no country orders less
than three barrels unless called for;
second-hand barrels of all kinds fur
nished in carload lots. Panama Coop
erage Co., 228 Front St. Main 277s.
Adv. .
Midwinter Clothes for Men.
Joy's tailored-to-order suits and over
coats cost you no more than ready
made. See Joy's fine stock of wool
lens and choose a pattern to please
you. Perfect designing and work
manship. Joy. the tailor, 104 Fourth
st.. bet. Washington and Stark. Adv.
Xmas Gifts reasonable, high-grade
tableware, electric heaters, toasters,
percolators, irons, new life vibrators,
hair dryers, toilet, sewing, shaving,
silver carving sets, etc., pocket knives,
25c to $50, all makes. Paul Steinmetz,
mgr.. Portland Cutlery Co., 86 6th st..
nr. Stark. Adv.
Why the Milk Cure?- Because
there Is no other"food which so quick
ly affects the blood stream as an ex
clusive diet of milk when properly
administered. Good blood cures
disease. The Moore Sanitarium, office
908 Selling bldg. Adv.
Driving Away Drudgery! We have
convinced very many families that
our laundry work Is the kind they
want. Palace Laundry "family econo
my wash" at 7 cents , per pound Is
satisfactory and economical. Adv.
The master of pyorrhea gives you
the benefit of many years' experience
and shows you how to cure your own
pyorrhea -with a little aid from the
dentist. c. Smith Long, preventive
dentist. Bush & Lane bldg. Adv.
Did you know that Lewis & Stone.
120 Broadway, near Washington, carry
a complete line of community silver,
pyralin ivory, leather goods, pocket
knives, razors, shaving sets, shaving
supplies and toiiet goods. Adv.
Pacific Hospital and surgery, a
nice quiet home-like place, competent
graduate nurses: sanitary and scien
tific care; "320 Montgomery. Phone
Main 275 3. No contagious diseases
taken. Adv.
The auxiliary of company C, 116th
engineers, will give a dance at the
Multnomah hotel, Dec. 26. All mem
bers of the company are invited to
attend. Adv.
Bio Dance Suntjat.
Riverside Park at Milwaukee.
Butterfibld and Cotillion Orchestra
Cars 1st and Alder, 6 to 10. adv.
Free Lecture Tonight.. Subject,
"Christmas Cheer." at Theosophical
hall, 301 Central bldg., cor. 10th and
Alder. All are welcome. Adv. .
The Family Finish Wash.
First-class work returned ready to
wear for 12 cents pound. Call East
262. U. S. Laundry Co. Adv.
A Beautiful silver cross fox set,
extra large, invite your Inspection at
hk value. La France Fur Mfg. Co.,
163 W. Park. Adv.
Last chance to get a really good set
of artificial teeth before the holidays.
Dr. E. IVRossman. Plate specialist,
Journal blflg. Adv.
Large selection of Parisian ivory
hand mirrors, toilet sets, also shaving
sets. Le wis-Stenger Co.. Morrison and
10th streets. Adv.
Kemmerer Coal, Carbon Coal Co..
mine agents. 321 Hawthorne ave. East
1188. Adv.
They're wonderful those Dixie
special mince pies. Better give your
grocer your Christmas order today.
Perfection Plaster Boad of Beaver
board for walls and sellings. Tlmms
Cress & Co., 184 Second street. Adv
Order your Dixie special mince pies
from your grocer today or you may
be disappointed. Adv.
Metal weather strip permanent
fuel saver. Carter, Main 6538. 210
Stark st. Adv.
Dr. J. D. Fenton. physician and sur
geon, moved 411-412 Selling bldg.-Adv.
Dr. H. M. Patton returned; 336 Pit
tock block. Adv.
Moore Sanitarium for the milk cure
? M KTY Boxes, lc daily. 2S4 Oak.
Portland Art Association. The
fourth Christmas exhibition at the
Museum of Art is now In place In
the temporary exhibition gallery. A
number of fine paintings', originals
and copies of early paintings of the
Madonna and Child and other Christ
mas subjects, are displayed, as well
as the colored Arundel prints repro
ducing Italian paintings of these sub
jects. The "Nativity" made by stu
dents of the art school" Is again
shown. Christmas greens and gar
lands, with old brocades and candles
form the setting for the Christmas
pictures. All children are especially
asked to visit the exhibition. The
hours of the Museum are: Weekdays,
9 to 5 o'clock; Sundays and holidays
(with the exception of Christmas day.
when the Museum is closed). 2 to 5
o'clock: free the afternoons of Sun
days, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays
and Saturdays.
Building Managers Leave. Four
members of the Portland association
of building owners and managers will
spend the Christmas season in Cali
fornia. W. C. Alvord, manager of the
Failing estate, sailed Thursday noon
on the Rose City and will spend two
months motoring in California. Frank
E. Hart, special agent of the Spald
ing estate, left on Thursday night for
San Francisco. He will spend about
two months in Hawaii. Mrs. N. D.
Sllva, manager of the Chamber of
Commerce building, will make a two
weeks' visit in Los Angeles. James
J. Sayer. secretary of the association,
also left yesterday for Sacramento
and San Francisco where he will stay
for two weeks. On Monday, Decem
ber 22, he will speak at a luncheon
meeting of the San Francisco Asso
ciation af Building Owners and Man
agers to be held at the Chamber of
Impromptu Opera Brings Arrest.
Good old Italian opera and other
music of a less high character roared
in stentorian tones by about 20 husky
Italians in the card room of C. Bona
dire, Union avenue and Clay street,
early yesterday morning resulted in
the residents of an apartment house
overhead sending in a call for the
police and Mr. Bdnadlre was arrested
for keeping his1 place of business open
after 1 o'clock by Motorcycle Officers
Stiles and Wright. Municipal Judge
Rossman yesterday morning- levied
a fine of 115. Tony Cotti, a com
panion of Bonadire, who preferred to
go to Jail with him rather than go
home, he told the police, was turned
loose by the judge.
Woman Screams; Arrested. Mar
garet Gallagher, who persisted in
demonstrating various and sundry
blood curdling yells at"the Norene
apartments, 305 Grand avenue, early
yesterday morning, was given two
days to practice yells in the city jail
yesterday by Municipal Judge Ross
man. The woman was arrested after
Mrs. N. E. Pitts, proprietress of the
apartment house, had sent in a call
for the police. Motorcycle Officers
Stiles and Wright, who made the ar
rest, reported that the woman was
under the influence of liquor.
Theft of $400 Reported. Penny
Neve, who had a room at 101 K North
Fourteenth street, reported to Offlcer
A. O. Anundson yesterday that he
had lost $400. He declared that he
lost the money In his room, but the
officer was unable to secure any
clew implicating anyone in the theft.
J. Durby of the Richelieu hotel re
ported that he had lost a watch and
chain and $10.
T. M. C. A. Speaker Announced.
Harry Phillips, formerly deputy
mayor of London, England, will be
the speaker at the mass meeting of
men In the auditorium of the Port
land T. M. C. A. at 3 o'clock this
afternoon. His subject will be, "Who's
Your Boss?" Harold Hurlburt will
sing. All men are Invited by the as
sociation service department.
Workman Injured in Elevator.
H. G. Wells. 55, of 556 Union avenue,
a laborer employed at the plant of
the Swift Packing company, received
a scalp wound and a bad cut on the
nose yesterday morning at 7:15 when
he was caught in an elevator door at
the plant. He was taken to the St.
Vincent's hospital for treatment.
Church of Our Father Song Serv
ice. Today at 11 A. M., Christmas
song service with ten-minute sermon.
Choir assisted by the Chaminade trio,
Broadway at Yamhill. W. G. Eliot Jr.,
pastor. Adv.
Church . of Our Father Forum.
Ralph C. McAfee. "Good-Will Among
the Churches," 7:45 P. M., entrance
Broadway, between Yamhill and
Taylor. Programme of Christmas
music. Free discussion and all wel
come. Adv.
Why the Milk Cure? Because it
increases the quantity, improves the
quality and stimulates the circulation
of the blood. The Moore Sanitarium,
ffice 908 Selling bldg. Adv.
Your Christmas dinner cannot be
all It should without a Dixie special
mince pie. Ask your grocer. Adv.
Safety Boxes, lc daily. Union Safe
Deposit & Trust Co., 284 Oak. Adv.
Our specialty Is useful and attrac
tive Christmas presents for men and
boys. We have hundreds of attractive
articles at low cost that will please
the men or the boys socks, shirts,
neckties, underwear, pajamas, scarves,
hats, caps, sweaters, macklnaws at
exceedingly reasonable prices. Browns
ville Woolen Mill Store, Third and
Morrison. Adv.
Amateur Photographers.
The Berger Studio makes a spe
cialty of high-quality enlarging for
particular amateurs. Berger prints
have an International reputation.
Avail yourself of this service. Out-of-town
orders promptly filled. Berger
Studio. 108 Tenth St.. Plttock block.
For Sale One of the most desirable
hotels on the Pacific coast. In Victo
ria, British Columbia a city favored
with unequaled cllmatlo conditions,
which have made It the mecca of
tourist trade from all parts of the
civilized world. This hotel Is situated
right in the heart of the city's activ
ity. It Is four stories high, with a
frontage of 84 feet on the principal
street. It Is splendidly furnished and
equipped in the most up-to-date style.
The hotel is noted for its service and
comforts. It has a spacious and invit
ing rotunda, which adjoins a magnifi
cent writing and rest room. The bed
rooms, 92 in number, are cosy and
well arranged. This Is an unusually
attractive opportunity to secure a
hotel the possibilities of devel
opment and money making are excel
lent. As a home it affords many pleas
ing qualities. $25,000 is the first pay
ment to secure this concern, and to
the proper party terms could be ar
ranged for the balance. For further
particulars apply to
1054 Broadway West. Vancouver. B. C.
Be Your Own Plumber
Give us measurement and we will cut pipe.
All kinds pipes and fittings.
Bet. Yamhill and Taylor Call Main 5631
For the Child to Be
Plated and Sterling Silver,
featuring the Hudson pattern.
Two and three-piece composi
tion. Beginning as low as
of Sterling Silver are priced
SI. 75. ,
Plated porridge sets of bowl
and plate, or plated or sterling
mugs are other good suggestions.
See the Beautiful Osborne China
Hand Wrought 24-carat Gold Overlay on China
Osborne China Sale and Pepper Shakers, $2.50 and up.
Osborne China Cups and Saucers. $5.00 up.
Osbome China Bonbon Baskets. $10.00.
Also Osborne China Vases. Plates. Emblem Trays, Caskets.
Pitchers, Teapots, Sugar and Creamer Sets, etc.
Portland's DIAMOND Store
The largest stock in our history awaits -your
approval. Diamond gift sug
gestions of all kinds, featuring
Enlarged Diamond Solitaires
$50, $75, $100, $125, $150
Only at Jaeger Bros, in Portland
can you find these diamond rings
with platinum star setting that makes the diamonds appear
greatly enlarged and much more brilliant.
Wrist Watches
$20, $22, $25, $27.50 to $300
Gruen and other fine makes ; dainty,
dependable watches in the latest per
fections of designing.
Nurses' Wrist Watches
$26, $30, $32
A real remembrance. The nurse will
value one of these doubly for its
luminous dial and sweep seconds.
Absolutely reliable timekeepers.
Manicure Sets
of French Ivory, In soft
leather rolling cases, be
gin at 81.75.
Military Brushes
Best genuine bristle
goods, ebony backed,
with sterling Initial
plate. A pair, 88 and up.
Tii mi imi in ii i nun him i inn him iii ii iii ii
Commerce Safe Deposit Vanlts.
1 Third street. Both phones. Adv.
Read The Oregonlan classified ads.
Britannica, Cambridge Ed.,
29 vols.; sheep, India
paper; price $150
Harvard Classics, 50 vols.,
cloth; price $40
Rid path's History, 9 vols.,
cloth; price $10
Mark Twain, 25 vols., cloth. .$23
Dyke's Automobile and other
Mechanical Books.
Hyland Book Store
170 FIFTH ST., OPP. P. O.
We Move About March 1
F and E
Sales and Service.
Hedman Mfg.
. Co.
Phone Mar. 3423.
416 Railway
Exchange Bids;.
C. Gee Wo
Root and Herb Remedies
162 V2 First St.
Portland, Or.
U.ln fttfiT
365 Washington
Over Strand Next to Star
Store Open Evenings
Until Christmas
Jaeger Bros, - quality is backed at this busy season by
special holiday service. Expert attention makes Christ
mas shopping at Jaeger Bros, almost as pleasurable as
receiving a gift bearing their label.
A Rare Display of SILVERWARE
The newest designs And patterns and favorite period
reproductions In sterling- silverware.
Basket of Sheffield
New designs. Fruit and cake
baskets and flower baskets
priced upwards from 05. OO.
Sterling and sterling and glass
combinations latest and most
attractive designs upwards
from 81.75. Cream and
Tea and Coffee Sugar Sets
Sets Boll Trays
Mayonnaise Water Pitchers
Bowls Fruit and Cake
The Most Useful
of Gifts
a dependable
Men's Watches
$20 to $250
G r u e n "Verithin."
Elgin, Hamilton and
Waltham watches for
men. Great new
stocks of latest models
of these dependable
makes that will be ap
preciated for looks as
well as quality.
Our Special $100 Diamond
The greatest diamond ring value
in Portland, and the most popu
lar gift ring.
Jeiveleri Silversmiths
iii i ii i ii iii 1 1 iii i ii iii ii iiimmiiiinimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimimiiimiiiiiiiiir:
Wheeler's New Geneva
This Is a cut of our New Geneva Ophthalmoscope, the very no-west
model made of these wonderful Instruments.
With this new Instrument of ours we are able to detect errors not
found in the ordinary way. It makes our thorough examination
more thorough than ever.
An Institution may bear an old name, boast of having been in
business for years and claim to have everything which Is biggest
and best. Yet all of those things are worthless unless they be
backed by clearness of vision and honesty of purpose.
Comparatively speaking, this company has been In business only a
short time. But the man whose name It bears has had twenty-four
years' experience, the past twelve In this city. That thorough
training gave him the breadth of vision and steadfastness of pur
pose we consider important. The vision to see that there has been
great need of honesty In this particular business.
If you have any symptoms of eyestrain, have your eyes examined
by us at once and if you do not need glasses we will tell you so.
Remember the name. Wheeler. Oreconian bldg.
Wheeler Optical Co.
Second Floor, Oregonian Bldg.
What It Means to Have Good Teeth
The very best and latest in modern dentistry. No more falling plates.
We extract any number of teeth without causing the slightest pain.
Particular Attention Paid to Platen and Brldsjcvturk.
33 Years in Portland.
211 FAI1.IN- Bl.n... Tllllll) AM) W A HI r.TOX.
Interesting Christmas
Mesh Bags
Sterling. Silver Plated, Gold and
Gold filled wide assortment.
Card Cases Vanities
Sterling. Silver Plated, Gold Inlay
and Striped new and different.
Con Purses
Silver novelties with ring and chain.
Sterling Silver, Gold and Gold filled.
Perfume Bottles
Cut and etched glass with sterling
Toilet Sets
Plain and striped sterling silver
backs. Best Bristle goods.
Motorists' Manicure Sets
Silver-handled pieces In compact
leather cases.
Tea Time Needs
Novelty Tea Balls and
Tea Strainers of Ster
ling Sliver.
Florette, La Tausca
Imitation Pearls
815 825. 850. 8100
and si to $250
the string.
Masterly reproductions
In 16 and 30-ln. lengths.
Gold and platinum
clasps; some dla-
Gorham Quality
Priced up to $40
The name Gorham indi
cates highest quality and
most distinctive style.
Jaeger Bros, have a splen
did collection of the genu
ine Gorham umbrellas for
men and women to show
Christmas shoppers.
Other makes of Umbrellas
as low as 82. 50.
WJrm Pleased!
feJL Well I Should Say So
fcdJEWB L Our store is filled with givable things these days and 5
AAJB it's a simple matter to find not only one thing suitable for S
T- gZ? JK Fountain PensT Loose-Leaf Books
Eversharp Pencils yreA
HfjL Engineering Supplies and Artists' Material
JsBEaMs?l&3&i I
Pacific Stationery and
Printing Co.
107 2D ST.
Complete Office Outfitters
Tour Old Roof Made
Waterproof for Ten Years ,
Liquid Roof Cement stops leaks in
shingle, paper, galvanized, gravel
or roofs of any kind. One coat all
you need. Costs less than trying to
patch the old roof. Call or write
Great Lakes Refining Co.
307 Title S Trust Bid sr.
Tel. Main 8182. Portland. Oregon
Books Bought and Sold
Books covering every branch of
literature. Automobile and tech
nical books a specialty.
Johnson's Book Store
ISO Fourth Street.
Suits French Dry Cleaned or Steam
Cleaned 1.25.
Unique Tailoring Co.
104 Fourth St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark
Wi Pay You to Do Your Own
, Delivering.
To the Man Who Is
Considering His
Wife's Christmas
Give her, as usual, the things of special holiday appeal.
But give her, also, the foundation of a PERMANENT
ESTATE a foundation that you and she can build upon
from year to year, until it will make her INDEPENDENT.
Start for her, this Christmas, with a nucleus of cash,
liberty bonds or other securities already owned, a Trust
Estate under the "Security Savings and Trust Plan."
It will influence her entire life. It will provide an income
in her own right. It will add to her proficiency in finan
cial matters. It will prepare her for eventualities.
The time is short. Come in and see what
an admirable Christmas gift for your wife
the "Security Savings and Trust Plan"
offers. Booklet on application.
Security Savings and
Trust Company
Capital and Surplus $400,000.00
Affiliated With the First National Bank
Portland, Oregon
Carry Love and Friendship to All the
. World and Bring Us Closer to Our
Fellow Beings
You will find in our store cards with beautiful senti
ments, suitable for the most particular;
also friendship cards.
Friendship Cards Correct styles of Box Stationery
Fountain Pens Brief Cases
Loose-Leaf Books Leather Bill Folds
.Diaries Book Ends
Desk Sets Practical gifts for
Desk Pads the office man
Calendar Pads for the New Year
387 Washington Street
Pittock Block, Portland
Fifth and Oak Streets
Portland, Oregon
Phonea :
Marshall 6080
Aut. 565-48