The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 21, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 49

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Tyra B. Kohlander. formerly of Port
land, seoond daughter of Knut Anton
Krodln of Kalmar, Sweden, took place
at the church of St. Matthias, Earls
bourn. London, November 25.
Miss Neva Ellen Vaughan and An
drew V. Ovall were married In Spo
kane at Temple Methodist Episcopal
church recently. Last night a recep
tion was given in their honor at the
The bride Is a graduate of the na
tional Methodist deaconess school of
San Francisco. Later she was dea
coness with the First Methodist
church in Salem. Or., for one year
and afterwards in Cleveland, O. She
took a post-graduate course In social
service and became a field secretary.
The past year she has been secretary
to Dr. Stevens, president of the school
in San Francisco. The bridegroom is
the son of Rev. John Ovall of Temple
Methodist Episcopal church in Spo
kane. Wash. After January 1, the
couple will be at home at 203 Boyer
street. Walla Walla.
IHoa Eleanor Hunt of Portland and
Kmil Beck of Pendleton were mar
ried Wednesday, December 10. at the
home of Dr. Edward H. Pence, pastor
of Westminster church. The wedding
had been delayed by the snow storm
The wedding supper was served at
the home of Mrs. Drew L. Price, In
i rviagton.
Miss Hunt, prior to her marriage,
was secretary to Dr. Pence. Mr. Beck
is a Pendleton merchant. The couple
will live in Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Davis of Chi
capo have announced the marriage of
their daughter, Florence Eva, to
George Monroe Olson of this city, at
the Hotel La Salle In Chicago. After
the first of the year Mr. and Mrs
Olson will be at home In Portlnd.
Cooper- Jackion.
A charming wedding was held in
the parlor of the Sunnyside Congre
gational church last Monday night.
when Miss Hyla Marguerite Jackson
was married to S. O. Cooper of this
city. Dr. J. J. Staub officiating. Lloyd
Stearns sang "Because I Love You.
Dear." and was accompanied by Miss
Louise Stearns. The bride's dress was
of blue messaline, trimmed with gold
She carried a shower bouquet of
Ophelia roses. The guests included
relatives ad a few close friends of
the couple. Oregon grape, evergreens
and chrysanthemums were used in the
decorations. After the ceremony
reception was held at the home.
Miss Natalie Deatrlck became the
hride of Ulrlc R. Grey at the First
Presbyterian church last Friday at
noon in the presence of a few lnti
mate friends. Miss Ruth Sager was
maid of honor and J. H. Scott acted
as best man. After the ceremony a
wedding luncheon was served at the
Benson hotel to the bridal party and
Mrs. Janet Chamberlln, Miss Eliza
beth Lewis. Miss Mary Murdock, Miss
Margaret Gilham, T. E. Downey, Meier
Newman. Robert Chamberlln and Oelo
The young couple left for Fresno
Cal.. for. their honeymoon. The bride
is the daughter of Mrs. Jennie Dea
trlck of Hoopeston. 111., and a gradu
ate of the Institute of Art In Chi
cago. The past year she has been
in charge of art in the public schools
in The Dalles. Mr. GroV is one of
the highway engineers. The couple
win mane their home In The Dalles
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bates have gone
to .New York ro spend several weeks
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Howard of Ta-
coma are spending several days at
the Hotel Portland.
Ensign and Mrs. L. E. Emery of
Portland have been sojourning at Del
Monte, Cal., for the past several days
Mr. and Mrs. Mert E. Dlmick Jr
left Monday night for Los Angeles
where they will make their future
Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Rosensteln an
nounce the marriage of their daughter
Faye to Robert D. Flagman of San
Miss Marlon E. Weiss has returned
from Eugene to spend the holidays
with her parents ut 46 East Sixteenth
street North.
Dr. ana Mrs. c. A. Macrum are a
the Hotel Portland for several weeks
They have been at their country place
near Mosier.
Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Bailey Jr
(Maida Rossiter) are down from Sis
ters, Or., for the holidays and ar
at the Hotel Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Rosenthal
returned home last weQk after an
extended" trip through the principal
cities in Washington. Idaho and Mon
Mrs. Anthony John Stowell of this
city has returned to her home afte
visiting with relatives and friend
in Tacoma and Seattle for several
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Matter
have returned from their wedding trip
and are residing with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Mattern, 775 North
rup street.
Miss Vivian (Peggy) Waller, who
has been attending Mills college, ar
rived home Friday to spend the hol
idays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank L. Waller.
Mr. and Mrs. Linus Vere Windnagle
of Baker are In Portland for the holi
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred T. Warren. Mrs. Windnagle is a
former Portland musician.
Mrs. John Francis Shea left last
week to spend several months with
her two daughters. Mrs. Harry Ku
chlne, in St. Louis, and Mrs. William
Castleman, in Louisville, Ky.
Mrs. W. Follett and her father. Dr.
Seth Kerron, of Eugene, are stopping
at the Hotel Portland. Dr. Kerron
having come up to attend the meet
ing of the city and county health of
- fleers of the state.
Mrs. Lovelia Merrill of Grand Rap
ids, Mich., who haa been visiting at
the home of her grandson, Verne
Haybarker, 1037 Garfield avenue, left
Wednesday for Nehalem to spend
Christmas with her daughter, Mrs.
Charles Haybarker.
.Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Wooster
of Corvallls. Or., are spending the
Christmas holidays with Mn. Woos
ter's mother and sister, Mrs. J. E.
Mag-ers and Mrs. George L. Roth, at
700 East Ash street. Mrs. Wooster
will remain for several weeks.
Mrs. Carl Crow is spending a few
days at the Hotel Portland before re
turning to her nome in Shanghai.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Crow are writers.
They have a wide circle of friends
In Portland who are entertaining In
formally for Mrs. Crow.
Mrs. J. E. 'Miigera, having sold her
country home at Rlsley, Clackamas
c ounty, has returned to the city and.
with her daughter and son-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Roth, are oc
cupying their old home at 700 East
Ash street, corner Twentieth.
Mrs. Elizabeth Klckards has re
- reived word of the announcement of
ihe marriage of her sister. Mrs. Jessie
K. Hunsdale. to Thomas Osborn. The
ceremony was held at the home of
her brother, T. G. Knight of Fort
Worth. Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne
will leave at an early date for a tour
of -Europe.
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Beaumont, 343
Glenn avenue, left Sunday to spend
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. H. G.
Butler in Berkeley, Cal. After a few
days in Modesto with Mr. and Mrs. H.
L Downing. Dr. Beaumont will re
turn, but Mrs. Beaumont will visit
friends in Los Angeles, returning
about January 12.
Mrs. C. E. Brook, accompanied by
ir daughters. Krma and t'eatrlce
11 1 Friday for San i'"ranclsco td speno.
Store Open Evenings
U ntil Christmas
umd&ij Lemmgrainm
Mail Orders Receive
Prompt Attention
Vol. I.
No. 4.
ZToiris. rrosri urn..,, , . .
Vice-President aijd Manager.
Postofflce Opposite.
For Your
Especially for the convenience
of those out of town and last
minute shoppers who are in a
quandary as to what to choose
we have arranged lists of va
rious articles from which selec
tion may be a matter of merely
a few moments.
There are many, many articles
in our stocks not listed here
for space is limited.
Lennon's Merchandise and
Glove Orders are redeemable
here or in Seattle at any time.
Gloves The
Gift Welcome
(P-i QQ for broken assort -DAOtments
of cape, suede,
doeskin and glace gloves. Some
plain, others with fancy em
broidery. (PO OF for one-clasp gray
suede gloves, with
spear backs. Practical and
smart for street wear.
"She Selects Her Own" the New Xmas Slogan
Lennon's Merchandise and Glove Orders Make Gift Choosing by the Recipient
a Joy Because Lennon's Merchandise Comprises Articles That
Every Woman Delights to Receive
Gloves, Silk Hosiery, Umbrellas, Silk Underwear, Waists, Handkerchiefs, Sweaters
A Convenient List of
Lennon's Gift Hosiery
d0 pr A and $2.75 for fancy
DitJ or plain back nubuck
gloveB in gray, tan and pearl.
d0 AA and $3.50 for light
DOUU weight washable
cape gloves with embroidered
backs. In all popular shades.
flq rTjrto $4.50 for French
DO 4 tl novelty gloves
white and colors very beau
tiful. MfT. A for white glace
til gloves with shadow
embroidery. Very new and ex
ceedingly smart.
Complete lines of the popular
strap wrist and slip-on style
gloves, as well as 8 and 12
button mosquetaires at all
Men's Gloves
r7F for Doettes wash
wAeltlable in gray with
black embroidery or yellow
with black.
PO ryfTfor men's heavy,
tDAdm ej serviceable gray
suede gloves very popular.
$4.50 tO $6gern ulne
Hayes buckskin gloves.
QF for perfect silk boot
hose, seamless and full
fashioned, also uneven weaves
in all desired shades.
OK for Eiffel silk hose
with lisle tops and
silk and fiber hose in popular
fTfk for Phoenix, Shaw
'""knit lisle top silk
and novelty silk fiber hose.
Exceptionally good colors and
for Phoenix semi-
fashioned hose
fancy silk and fiber lace ef
fects. Also Gordon's famous
silk and fiber novelties in
two-tone effects.
(J0 f( for Radmoor full
fashioned lisle top
silk and the popular No. 903
semi-fashioned hose in all
wanted shades.
PO OK for Phoenix full
Di.iJfashioned gilk
stockings THE BEST HOS
S. A.
PO CA for lisle top McCal
lum hose in all col
ors, two-tone ribbed silk and
fiber, Oynx make, in attract
ive combinations and Gotham
gold stripe.
(PO AA for all silk and lisle
o.uu top hose of the very
best brands such as McCal
lum, Phoenix, Eiffel, Oynx
and Radmoor. All daytime
and evening shades.
dQ CA and $4.00 for hand
embroidered clocked hose Phoenix brand
with colored clocks Mc
Callum, Eiffel and Onyx hose
in black with white or white
with black clocks.
d A pr f to $12 for the most
ravishing group of
hosiery ever displayed here.
Every conceivable novelty
lace, gold embroidered, lace
inserted and embroidered novelties.
Gift Umbrellas All Prices
Scarfs and
(J OFfor all-wool knitted
tDriJ scarfs in plain colors
with striped ends.
MAP for sleeveless knitted
sweaters with brushed
wool collars and belts. Also
slip-over sweaters with contrast
ing colored collars.
QKto $11.50 for scarfs
in plain colors and
heather mixtures big, soft,
woolly ones.
A AA for handsome im
iDX.UU ported English
scarfs made of the famouB St.
Wolstaan yarns in beautiful
color combinations.
d- - fTf to $45 for all sorts
t&XX.OU of lovely wool or
silk sweaters.
I for beautiful hand
crocheted filet silk
For Children Complete
assortments of wool, cape
and chamois gloves 35c
to $1.75.
dK Qff for silk umbrellas
in fancy colors with
bacolite rings to match.
(P QfT for heavy fine silk
umbrellas with nov
elty ring handles in harmon
izing shades.
fl0 QfTfor the popular
DO.I7tJplcadhy wood stick
handled umbrellas and some
with bacolite knobs or rings.
(PA ATI to white bacolite
DV.i0 handles with fancy
colored knobs and rings. Of
course the umbrella is fine
fi nn r eoiord sfik
DU.lU umbrellas with
oblong or round ring handles
in mottled effect.
to $14.95
for hand
some silk
u mbrellas
with compo
sition shell
and amber
handle s
tips and
made to
;o 516.35 for
beautiful um
brellas with gray composition
shell or amber crooks. The
borders are in fancy squares
and dots.
O QPto $20 for a de
DO.VO lightful variety
of novelty umbrellas, lovely
enough for any gift.
$15.45 1
Charming Silken Underwear
Exquisite Gift Blouses New Different
for fine batiste and col
ored organdie blouses
with tucking and pleating.
(TQ QFT for dainty voile blouses
DOt7e) trimmed with filet or
Val. patterned laces.
&A AC for Crepe de Chine and
DxJ Georgette blouses, em
broidered, beaded, lace trimmed.
JJ APT for exceptional values
BO7Jin Georgette and Crepe
de Chine blouses in a wide variety
of styles.
drw QK to $9.95 for an unusual
D t ) assortment of blouses
that contain novelties that will
make gift blouses doubly welcome.
f AA for the popular Fern
tD.LU.UU Crest blouses in
Crepe de Chine or Georgette.
mPAto $85 for lovliest
tl" costume blouses with
all sorts of novel and interesting
color combinations and beaded
P- Affor Phoenix silk
tDJ-.UU Hsia veBts with
ribbon shoulder straps.
for Glove
Silk vests
brand with
straps and
band tops.
for dainty
E n v e 1 ope
Chemise in
crepe d e
chine, some with d ain't y
French knots.
(1Q A fP for satin and crepe
DO.Trtf de chine envelope
chemise white or pink in dif
ferent styles. Lace trimmed
and French knot embroidered.
flJPT f7(Pfor Mohawk glove
)0. 4 O siik knickerbockers
sizes 6 and 7.
C 'TFT for Mohawk
t Siik knickers
tra heavy quality.
$8.75 p:
at All Costs
OfPfor dainty colored nov
elties in sport handker
or the popular
Polly Anna crepe
de chine combinations.
flJO FAto $19 for dainty
DO.OJ styles of futurist
silk and crepe de chine com
binations for the plain tai
lored girl.
A A to $29.50 for gowns
DU.UU 0f Siik crepe de
chine and satin in plain and
beautifully lace trimmed
styles. Some trimmed with
real filet lace, hand made
and embroidered.
or S ior ?l lor pure
linen handkerchiefs in
different styles Mountain
home embroidered kerchiefs of
pure linen and an endless vari
ety of popular sport handker
chiefs. Also good varieties in
the popular lissue handker
chiefs. 0-f AAfor a box of three
B.UUdaInty handkerchiefs
all white with corners pret
tily embroidered and taped
fp A each for hand-embrold-e
red handkerchiefs
pure linen white with colored
and 75c for hand-embroidered
pure linen
A A to $20.00 for dainty
Spanish, Madeira and French
embroidered white and colors.
G A AAfor
Kayser glove
silk vests in plain
band top styles.
M(F A for bodice or strap
.01 style glove silk
vests in flesh color. KayBer
Chas. F. Herg. Vice-President and Manager
309 Morrison Street Postoffice Opposite
the holidays with her eon, Fred Brook,
who Is connected with a well-known
firm of that city. Another son, J. L.
Brook, will come from San Dlepo to
meet his mother and sisters. Thej
will return home after three weeks.
Negro, Accused of Theft, Gets
Promise of Vocal Training.
DALLAS, Tex., Dec. 20. Sitting
huddled in a chair In juvenile court
here, a diminutive yellow negro, 11
years old, recently sang himself from
a charge of blcycla theft. There was
nothing of apparent greatness about
the lad unless It was his feet. En
cased In a pair of worn-out men's
shoes. It was difficult to tell how
much shoe leather was superfluous.
"Judge, you ought to hear that boy
sing," suggested a court officer when
the case was called.
Judge R. B. Seay of criminal dis
trict "court No. 1. presiding tempo
rarily In juvenile court, said he
"didn't mind."
Without a trace of embarrassment
the negro boy closed his eyes, threw
back hia head and broke Into the
melodious croon of "Swing Low,
Sweet Chariot." Court officials and
spectators literally held their breath
as the singer's voice rang through
the court room.
"That boy has a ten-thousand-dollar
voice." Judge Seay declared. "He
shall be educated and trained ajs a
singer. I am personally going to see
that he is placed where he can have
the proper advantages. "With that
voice he will be a power among his
The boy, who says he does not
know his own name, was placed under
the care of the Dallas negro Y. M.
C. A. pending other arrangements.
Klamath Voters to Pass on Budget
Increase of $4500.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Deo. 20.
(Special.) Voters of this city will be
asked to authorize a special budget
increase of $4500 at an election on
December 27 to be used to pay In
creased salaries to teachers In the
elementary schools. The money will
be available at the beginning of the
next fiscal year, June 1, 1920. '
Teachers were recently granted a
general Increase of 15 a month by the
I board of directors. They are asking
125 more monthly. The average sal
ary at present is estimated at $90.
Instances are recounted to show that
the low wage is causing actual suf
fering. Schools of the city are taxed to
capacity. Attendance has Increased
117 since Stepmber 1. and more
buildings are necessary.
Dance Partners Cost Sixpence.
LONDON' Dec. 20. Supplying dance
partners at slxpene each Is one of
the features at a big dancing' hall In
the west end. The large enclosures
at this hall are reserved for girls
without partners. The male dancer is
permitted to take his choice for half
n hour's dancing.
One-Fourth Off at the
Stout-Lyonfc Drug Co.'s
Three Big Stores
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Myers. Oregon pioneers, who for the "past 38 years
have resided in Portland, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on
Thanksgiving day at their home at 4519 East Fifty-ninth street. The couple
raised a large family, all of the children being present at the festivities,
which were in -the nature of a family reunion.
The nine chllreii include: Mrs. Irwin Wright. Mrs. Alan Weathcrdon,
Robert F. Myers. William A. Myers. Frjvhk E. Myers. George V. Myers. Lewis
E. Myers and John S. Myers of this cil y ; also Charles F. Myers, of Oakland,
Oal. There i one grnml'lu tighter iu the family, Orpha, dai sliter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank E. My old.
Can you think of a more useful and
more appropriate Christmas gift than a
Fi n e Fu r!
Just out of my workshop, a beautiful selection of
"Special Priced" Coats and Coatees, in Hudson Seal
(seal-dyed muskrat). French Seal. Nutria and
Marmot, ranging from $225 to $700.
Wolf. Fox and Lynx Scarfs, in all shades, from
$55 to $150.
Skunk Scarfs from $110 to $495.
A specially splendid lot of Mink, Fisher, Otter and
Beaver Neckpieces.
Select while you may.
141 Broadway 340 Alder Street
Southwest Corner of Broadway and Alder
Thousands of others hare gotten rid of theirs WITH.
of over a pound a day and WITHOUT PAYMENT
until reduction has taken place.
I am a licensed practising physician and personally select
the treatment for each individual case, thus enabling me to
choose remedies that will produce not only a loss of weight
harmlessly, but which will also relieve you of all the trouble
some symptoms of overstoutness such as shortness of breath,
palpitation, indigestion, rheumatism, gout, asthma, kidney
trouble and various other afflictions which often accom
pany overstoutness.
My treatment will relieve that depressed, tired, sleepy
feeling, giving you renewed energy and vigor, a result of
the loss of your superfluous fat.
Yon are not required to change In the slightest from
your regular mode of living. There is no dieting or exer
cising. It is simple, easy and pleasant to .take.
If you are orerstont do not postpone "but sit down right
now and send for my FREE TRIAL TREATMENT and
my plan whereby I am to be PAID ONLY AFTER RE
DUCTION HAS TAKEN PLACE if yon so desire.
MrnmaWyriri iM NemTnk
286 Fifth At.. , New Ttrk, N.T.
Dm. K. Kbwkajt, 386 Fifth in, N.T. Peak B-261
Kindly send me your raEB TBIAI.
TREATMENT and "pay-when -reduced"
Address er R. F. D
Town Star i n n .