The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 21, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 4, Image 48

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1. i bb8bb 8
(Continued from Page 8.)
Taylor streets, Saturday evening, De
cember 27. Dancing at 9 o'clock. All
members and their friends are cor
dially invited. Prizes.
What promises to be one of the
delig-htful dances of the season will
be the sixth annual dance to be given
by the Beta Phi Sigma fraternity at
the Irvington club December 27. Mem
bers and their friends are looking
forward to the occasion with much in
terest. Elaborate holiday decorations in a
color scheme of red and green will be
arranged throughout the ballroom,
and there promises to be a surprise
or two in the way of novelties.
The Beta Phi Sigma fraternity Is
one of the oldest in the city, the local
chapter having been established as
the Alpha Beta Kappa fraternity in
1912. In 1916 they were installed in
the present organization as Lambda
Alpha chapter by Raymond Far
cubar of Lincoln, Neb., and John
Cook of Elkhart. Ind.
The chapter has a large member
ship and many of the members now
attending the University of Oregon
and Oregon Agricultural college are
expected in the city for the occasion.
Members in charge of the affairs
.re Charles C. Welch, Theodore D.
Harmon, Dr. Edwin Morene, Charles
3. Osborne and Herbert B. Miller.
For the dance to be given at the
Multnomah hotel next Friday by the
American Legion auxiliary, patrons
and patronesses will be Mayor and
Mrs. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mar
cellus, Mr. and Mrs. James Gay. Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Johnson, Bert Clayton,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fawkes, Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Conly, James Convlll, Mr.
end Mrs. Kenneth Cooper, Mr. F.
Fleke. The committee of the dance
includes Mrs. R. W. Cahill, Mrs. E. F.
Gerth, Mrs. E. J. Elvers.
An event of much Interest during
the holidays Is the dancing party at
the Irvington club on Tuesday, De
cember 30, for which the Misses Max
Ine Stout and Virginia Cmbdenstock
and Leonard Irvln and Charles Carr
'will be hosts and hostesses.
The dancing party given by Oregon
White Shrine of Jerusalem has been
Bet for Thursday, January 8. at Chris
tensen's hall. Eleventh and Yamhill..
Mrs. George Mettler, general- chair
man, promises many special features
for the occasion.
The engagement of Beatrice Helen
Lincoln to Walter J. Kroder was an
nounced at a party given in Miss Lin
coln's honor by her sister-in-law,
Mrs. R. J. Lincoln, last Friday.
The East Side Lavender club will
meet the second Friday in January.
The meeting has been postponed
owing to the storm, so closely preced
ing the Christmas holidays.
Marguerite camp will hold a con
tinuation of Its bazaar in East Side
Business Men's hall. Grand avenue
and East Alder, next Tuesday at 1
P. M. Dancing will be held in the
evening, with cards in the afternoon.
The .William McKJnley. Women's Re
lief corps, No. 46, will hold Its next
regular meeting Tuesday at the usual
place. All members are requested to
attend, as there will be election of
The oustandtng social event for
alumni, students and friends of Ore
gon Agricultural college Is the dance
to be given January 2 at the Hotel
Multnomah under the direction of the
Greater O. A. C. committee. The af
fair is official In character, having
been arranged on the campus at Cor
vallls. Patrons and patronesses will
be Mayor and Mrs. George L. Baker,
Bishop and Mrs. Walter Taylor Sum
ner, Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Malarkey,
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. Dow Walker and Mr. and
Mrs. A. F. Eschrict.
Invitations have been Issued.
which they left on a short weuaing
Mr. Forrester attended school at the
University of Illinois, at which he was
well known among fraternal and ath
letic organisations. After being dis
charged from the army, about eight
months ago. he left his home in Chi
cago to take up work with the engi
neering department of the Portland
Gas & Coke company.
Miss Gilbert is also well known In
social circles of Chicago and arrived
In this city a few days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrester will be at
home in Laurelhurst to their many
friends after January S.
At an attractive wedding Miss Clara
Elck became the bride of Rev. H. G.
Herrmann of Vader, Wash., last
Wednesday night at the Clay Street
Evangelical church. Miss Mary Ellen
Mullan sang "My Heart Is Singing."
The ceremony was read by Rev. Jacob
Stockcr jn the presence of many
friends and relatives. Miss Esther
Schukrerht played the wedding march
rom "Wagner." A delightful wed-
ing supper was served after the cere
mony in the church parlors. The
church was attractively decorated
with palms.
The bride was gowned in heavy
vory satin, trimmed with rare lace.
Her tulle eil was arranged In a
flared cap effect with a wreath of
orange bloseoms She carried a beau-
iful bouquet of bride's roses.
The bride was attended by 'Miss
Bernic-e Wtchmann gowned In a dress
f white net made over silver cloth.
Misses Esther Londow and Katherine
Perllc were the bridesmaids. Miss
Londow wore in attractive dress of
pale green georgette trimmed in sli
er, while Miss Perllc's dress was of
pale pink georgette over net of simi
lar style. T'ne attendants wore elab
orate tulle hats and carried arm bou
quets of Ophelia roses. Six of the
brides intimate friends gowned in
dresses of pastel shades wearing cor
sages of roses and violets acted as
the ribbon bearers. The bride was
given away by her father, E. E. Eick.
Paul Bradford was best man and Will
Geiger and Herbert Gunther were the
The bride has lived in Portland for
many years and has a large circle of
friends. She was an active member
of the church, being vice-president of
the Christian Endeavor and the lead
ing alto singer in the choir. Rev. H.
G. Herrmann Is a minister of the
Evangelical association, a graduate of
Northwestern college of Illinois and
pastor of the Vader church of this
denomination. The young couple will
Miss Edna Love became the bride
of John Peter Becker Thursday night
at 8 o'clock at the residence of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Love, in
the presence of relatives and intimate
frlendf. The service was read by
Rev. Leonard Ludwig. The bride was
gowned in a handsome robe of
duchess eatln and carried an arm
bouquet of white roses. She was at
tended by Mrs. Evelyn Becker. After
the ceremony a reception was held.
Russell Forrester and Miss Lou
Gilbert of Chicago, 111., were married
last Wednesday at the First Congre
Rational church.
The bride was attlaed in a brown
beaver-trimmed broadcloth suit with
a hat of brown velvet.
Miss Erma Millicent Brook and
Grant Reddick were the attendants
Miss Brook wore a blue-tailored suit
with tlack picture hat.
The bride wore a corsage of pink
rosebuds and orange blossoms an
her bridesmaid wore pink rosebud
and violets.
The bridal party had a wedding
supper at the Portland hotel, afte
Ijjjj "There's a Difference."
make their home in Vader. Wash.,
where Mr. Herrmann will take up his
t ark-St range.
At a simple, but charming wedding
last Sunday at the home of the bride
groom's sister, Mrs. J. Murphy, Miss
Lola Strange was married to Leslie M.
The bride was attended by her
sister, Gertrude Strange; A. B. Cays
was best man. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Mr. Mace of the
First Methodist church. In the pres
ence of immediate relatives and
Miss Strange was formerly of Cor-
vallis and Air. Stark is a graduate of
Oregon Agricultural college.
The young couple will make their
home at "Maxwelton Braes at
Metsger, Or.
James Ted Smythe and Miss May-
belle Agnes Gibson were married last
Sunday afternoon at the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Delia L. Cullins,
156 14 Ainsworth street. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. Bruce J. Glf
fen, pastor of the Vernon Presby
terian church.
Ted Smythe was a company A, 3d
Oregon volunteer, who joined at Mc
Minnville, the former home of both
himself and his bride. He was gassed
and wounded. He is now a member of
Portland's police force.
Mr. and Mrs. Smythe will make
their home at 79 Union avenue north.
On December 8, at 1172 Boston ave
nue, O. Williams and Elizabeth Mc
Laughlin were married. Rev. J. Bower
soxe, officiating. There were present:
Mrs. Anna Love, Mrs. Cora Rand and
Mr. and Mrs G. C. Atchison. Mr. and
Mrs. Williams will reside here.
M a n rgrr- II r n n r I .
Romey Manegre and Juanita Ben
nett were married at 763 Albina ave
nue, December 17, by Rev. J. Bower
sox. The bride, a recent arrival from
Stevenson, Wash., was attended by
Miss Dorothy Campbell. Freeman
Manegre was best man.
Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Lee Neill
of Los Angeles announce the mar
riage of their daughter. Dorothy
Webber Neill, to Ward Allan Hol
comb, of this city, December 10, in
Los Angeles. After the first of the
year Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb will be
at home at 628 East Stark street.
The marriage of John Brabazon
Howther, eon of Colonel and Mrs.
Howther of Shrigley Park, Maccles
field, Cheshire. England, and Dr.
jfep Have You Tried
Jfft Our chef is an artist in his line. NjCSfM
Sj&fSS? We serve a variety of club break- SSSSWa.
'?-5I? fasts at moderate prices 6:30 JSK "
psSHpj 108 Fifth Street, Off Washington.
Women, Attention!
The Margaret Haynie Institute of
Drugless Therapy
is located at
215 S wetland Building
Steam Baths, Oil Massage, Violet Ray Vibration and
Instruction in Physical Culture and Diet
QfJk Extra Salesladies r q -t WW I
P Extra Sales Space 1 O Oei"Ve X OU
Extra Stock ' In This Bi y rt f
A Three Days' Selling I J'
t 1 W Ot Charming
jr1ryrlr cur
ill '
Three Days' Selling
Of Charming
Silk Underwear
Just in Time for Christmas Giving
The values shown here are matchless in quality, design and dainti
ness at such extremely low prices.
H . Liebes & Co. Gift Boxes Free With Purchases
Hurried selections are made easy by the special arrangement of
our silk underwear section for the final Christmas rush. Grouped
on tables where you may choose according to the amount you
wish to spend.
Envelopes at $235, $3.95, $4.95
Pretty modes of crepe de chine and wash satin, dainty trimming
effects of filet laces, Valenciennes laces, ribbons and embroidered
designs, also plain tailored styles.
Camisoles $10, $1.95, $2.45
Dainty and inexpensive, but very suitable for giving.
Night Gowns $4.95 to $12 JO
A most elaborate assortment of attractive styles in crepe de chine,
elegantly trimmed and plain designs. Wash satin modes in
delicate daintiness.
Underskirts Special at $5.95
Of a good quality crepe de chine, elegantly trimmed modes and plain
tailored modes.
Bloomers Special at $3.95
Delicate wash satins with hemstitched and shirred knee, or finished
with Vandyke points, to be had also in glove silk, tailored styles.
Boudoir Slippers and Mules $3.95 to $8.50
Of pink, rose, Copenhagen or black satin in dainty designs.
Boudoir Caps 50c, 95c, $1.50, $1.95
Very charming caps in dainty styles and novel trimmings at
exceedingly moderate prices. Much appreciated gifts.
Ribbon and Lace Garters $125 to $3.50
Effective and dainty, yet inexpensive.
Silk Petticoats, Negligees, Blouses are Appreciated
Gifts Shown in Great Variety
t9 SI