The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 21, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 3, Image 47

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wm 25c to $25
Sfj-sytZsj-s--A7c?J-?7f jrjrrt&jcr. Gik hKy
Y52L ZP ail 1 1 1 M 1 1 1
JM fc 388 Morrison St Near tOthStJ
rtjjPifS! l 1 Ohristilllon club under the personal
f pB lnflH ir MMSBiSES&MK&S&Mtt suPervlsion Mose Christensen.
,1 Miss Irene Rauh entertained with a
' HMHlt ' '-i I delightful party at the Turn Vereln
BHH '. lHHIIH I THjBrjadMii :' on Frida' night. December 12. the
lilie 'WBBMKi? I occasion being her 16th birthday.
'WSPlI w.Jlp I &BS JT JHMy '; - J Tne eveninK was spent In dancing,
ttr. 1 I WaMsgg w0$& i after which refreshments were
HHBmhE&I 1 ;., : iPlillifc-. yS&P I served In the dining room. The table
I " y was prettily decorated with baskets
" - Sf ' f flowers and candles with pink
IfSHgH V Ife. yi shades. A large birthday cake occu-
C I pled the center of the table.
"l .
PIBMPf fbefe
I "W -VTT'v'K. X. . " " " - L. fc.l r I "V -c K T , CrnLr1A o A .... "vr TT" I
Last-Minute Thoughts for Christmas Gifts
In the rush of the last three days of Christmas you can shop in leisure and comfort
in this specialty store. A host of practical and pleasing gifts for women await your
choice at prices that make buying easy.
The women's progressive unit of
the LaurelhHrst club will meet Tues
day afternoon to make final arrange
ments for the Tuesday card party In
the holiday week. At the card party
last Tuesday high honors in 500 fell
to Mrs. T. H. Craig and Mrs. T. D.
Weber. The winners for bridge were
Mrs. S. L. Stoeckle and Mrs. M. E.
Tanner. Mrs. R. W. Jacobson and
Mrs. J. L. Will were hostesses for
the afternoon.
For the card party Friday night
Dr. and Mrs. M. Chandlee were hosts,
when the "SOO" winners were Mrs.
C. S. Kahn and Arthur C. Smith. The
bridge honors fell to Mrs. I. Rich
ardson and N. V. Tanher.
A delightful dancing party was
given Friday night in the assembly
room of the Hotel Portland by the
members of the alumni of the Frank
lin high school. One hundred young
persons were present.
The Women of Mooseheart have
postponed their next card party until
January 7.
Ivanhoe Homestead No. 6038. Bro
therhood of American Yeomen, will
Fur Prices Slashed
25 33 50
For veal elegance nothing surpasses the
gift of furs. To the well-dressed woman
furs are a year-round necessity). At
these remarkable reductions you can well
afford to buy, knowing that your saving
is enormous.
Note These Discounts
$37.50 Wolf Scarfs $28.15
$75.00 Wolf Scarfes $56.25
$42.50 Fox Scarfs $31.85
$69.50 Fox Scarfs $52.15
$97.50 Fox Scarfs $73.15
$45.00 Black Lynx Scarfs $33.75
$97.50 Black Lynx Scarfs $73.15
$59.50 Skunk Scarfs ... ,$44.65
$155 Skunk Scarfs $116.75
$39.50 ScaJ-Dyed Muskrat Scarfs
at. . $29.65
$75.00 Seal-Dyed Muskrat Scarfs
at $56.25
$32.50 Seal-Dyed Muskrat Collars
at $16.25
$89.50 Seal-Dyed Muskrat Collars
at $44.75
$27.50 Manchurian Wolf Scarfs $20.65
$42.50 Manchurian Wolf Scarfs $31.85
$57.50 Scotch Mole Scarfs $43.15
$72.50 Scotch Mole Scarfs $54.35
$65.00 Nutria Scarfs $48.75
$150 Nutria Coatee. $100
$57.50 Squirrel Scarfs $43.15
$82.50 Squirrel Scarfs $61.65
$85 Jap Mink Scarfs $63.75
$110 Jap Mink Scarfs ...$82.50
$89.50 Marmot Coatees $59.65
$97.50 Marmot Coatees $65.00
$35 Black Lynx Muffs $17.50
$45 Sable Squirrel Muffs $22.50
Children's Fur Sets Angora, Lamb,
Coney, Thibet and Muskrat, special
$2.95 to $16.50.
Blouses for Gifts
A dainty blouse from one of these spe
cially priced groups would surely be
gratefully received.
$5 Blouses
For an inexpensive gift, you could
not do better than choose a Georg
ette or crepe de chine waist from
this pretty assortment. White, flesh
and colors in attractive styles.
$7.50 Blouses $8.95 Blouses
mm i24toi28
The quality of these georgettes and
crepe de chines is exceptional and
the styles varied. Lace, embroid
ery and beading play their part in
making the effect altogether charming.
$10 Blouses
For a really handsome present,
these blouses are ideal. The supe
riority of the Georgette and crepe
de chine is enhanced by delicate
lace and embroidery employed in
unusual fashion.
Unions $6.95 and
Step-ins $5.95.
Vests $3.50, $5.50
B 1 oomers $4.50,
$7.50, $8.95.
From this lot you will have no difficulty in
selecting a blouse of real distinction. The
Georgette and crepe de chine are of admirable
weight and the smart modes are smarter still
by reason of the splendid workmanship.
Gifts That Never Fail
to Please
CHEMISE $4.50, $5.95,
I I I I ! I I I $8.95.
GOWNS $8.95, $10, $12.50,
BLOOMERS $3.95, $5.00.
CAMISOLES $1.25, $1.75,
Pure thread silk of good quality,
also HOLEPROOF. Black,
white, gray, cordovan, in plain
and dropstitch weaves.
$6.95, $12.95
Jersey and taffeta
brilliant hues.
as well as darker
Mir .bjjjd in
Silk Umbrellas $5.50 to $25
You are always sure of good taste if you give a colorad silk umbrella.
Assortment is complete, with smart styles of handles in various effects.
gi-vo a masquerade dance at the
Women of Woodcraft hall. Tenth and
(Continued on PIt )
eluded Mr. and Mrs. Ehrman, Dr. and
Mrs. Rosenfeld and Mrs. Lloyd Frank,
Mr. and Mrs. William Heller Ehrman,
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Frank, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Metzger, Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Freed, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Wendeles. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Marx, Mr.
and Mrs. James Wendel Rosenfeld, Dr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Selling, Mr. and
Mrs. Sylban Deirkhlmer, Miss Sarab
Harris and Albert Egan.
The engagement of Miss Katherine
Mi'Mahon and Orville V. Gamble was
announced at an informal party for
which Miss McMahon was hostess at
the residence of her sister, Mrs.
Charles C. Bechtold, Laurelhurst ave
nue. Miss McMahon, who has been the
center of many pleasant parties, is a
Portland girl who during the war
gave much of her time and energy
to war camp activities.
Mr. Gamble is the son of Mrs. J. M.
Leiter. also of Portland. Gamble is
well known by the lumbermen of the
coast and maintains a central offica
in Portland for his mills and camps
throughout Oregon.
The wedding will be on Christmas
day in the manse of the First Pres
byterian church. A wedding dinner
will be served at the residence of the
bride's sister.
Owing to the numerous social
events prior to and during the holi
days the Knights of Columbus have
postponed their dance to January 9.
It will be held in the Multnomah ho
tel. M. P. Brennan is chairman of I
the committee In charge.
Corinthian chapter. Order of the 1
Eastern Star, will close its social ac
tivities for the year Tuesday night
with a dinner at 6:30 for the mem
bers and families. The chapter meet
ing will open at 8, followed by a
Christmas programme. to which
friends will be welcome. There will
be a Christmas tree for the little
The benefit dance given by the
Portland Association of Dancing
Masters, at Christensen's hall Decem
ber 29, promises to be one of the
most enjoyable affairs of the season.
It is given for the purpose of pro
viding funds to bring the post con
vention of the American National As
sociation of Dancing Masters to Port
land in 1920. The Portland associa
tion will have the assistance of the
Furs Are Supreme Gifts
If They Bear the H. Liebes & Co. Label
Such Luxury, such Elegance, such Serviceability, is difficult to find
in any other gift as it is manifested in the smart furs and fur coats we are
showing for Christmas choosing.
Last -Minute Gift Choosing
Is a Pleasure Here
The reason is simple our stocks are those
from which a woman would delight to
choose for herself.
Blouses, Hosiery,
Silken Underwear
and Umbrellas
These make instant appeal to the woman
who loves beautiful yet practical gifts. And
there is wonderful variety for your selection.
Come here for your last-minute gifts. They
will surely please!
346 WMbimtion Street.
Morgan Building.
Portland Agents Lily of France Corsets.
Exclusive Designs
H. Liebes & Co. furs and fur gar
ments are fashioned in our own factory
from prime pelts, shipped direct from
our own trading posts in the far north,
where pelts are choicest.
Fur Coats
Many trimmed with contrasting fur.
Marmot Coats, $170 to $300
Nutria Coats, $400 to $775
Hudson Seal Coats, $400 to $800
Seal Dyed Muskrat
Near Seal Coats, $225 to $485
A Neckpiece or Cape in the Favored Fur
Hudson Seal (Muskrat) $25 to $325 Moleskin, $55 to $325
Raccoon, $27 M to $45 Squirrel, $3730 to $400
Skunk, $50 to $400 Coney, $725 to $3750
Animal Chokers, $15 to $275
We will
help you
Special Display Fox, Lynx, Wolf Animal Scarfs
$27.50 tO $175.00 Much Appreciated Christmas Gifts
No! But you can bay your turkey by selling- your
Newspapers and Magazines
Call u.
Portland Paper Stock Company
Phone: Office nnd Wirekcow
Broadway 2003 474 Johnson, Cor. Thirteenth Vortk
Men's Fur Lined Coats $50 to $250
Mens Fur Coats $37.50 to $250
Good for Auto, Street, Travel and Storm Wear
Buy Your Furs
From a Furrier
Send for Our
Free Fur Booklet
Also for sale
by any
Realty Board
Next Christmas Welcome
Them in Your Own Home on
Superb Westover Terraces
Your rented quarters may be luxurious, hut
still there lacks the big happiness that is
found only in home ownership.
Earnestly compare your situation as one of
the homeless well-to-do with the possibilities
that are held for you in the home of your
dreams the home you should build on
Motor up. A glance at its inspiring view, its
beautiful homes, its curving boulevards and
terraces will convince you that next Christmas
you will welcome friends into your home on
A Merry Christmas to You
Harold Jungck, Secretary
1307 Yeon Building
Phone Marshall 630. Residence, East 1999
"Portland's Best View Homesites"
Phone your want ads to The Oregonian. Main 7070, A 6095.