.- TTTE ST71TDAT OREOONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 21, 1919. B sn-s-Mw - i 7 SES Lnsnftf Is s j" nMt-ltlB .. 'SBmmBmH . mini 1 ; 1 Ik A !i r f-,r Mia hnltclaVM nn 1 lUwA.tt tTUxtin. 1.'. . 1 . 1.' , . Wv r . I fW?) JPo T7- ?7 7 7 rf A f "Hj3 Trt T Tl JSs? C t k HHH I the afternoon of D.cBmber 80. It .will Krledenthal. Mary Grirrin. Elisabeth the Past Week, JT1 Bono Of STr. and T7rs. Mason WL IHMHhHI I I be held at the home of Mrs. FUtcher OoddBrd, Helon H;ivklns. lillsabsth r-. . , .... , , m HHHH Linn on Portland lloirhts. The ' ) guests who will oome to Portland Hh 'Sl IsBnanansBnBnBnansBSBBal tn Christmas season -; . '.-: ' ' from the active chapters of California. ggg VKHH Stanford. University of Oregon, Unl- . '' : verslty of Wnf hlnaton, Washington nK' WBH Agricultural college at Pullman and j" ':' ' V M " A- C' Th0 Portland alumni chap ters will assist Mrs. Linn and Miss I j U- ' ;V 'ig ; - ; " v Knapp In receiving' the visitors from .(i ( f C the active chapters. Jfrs. ffarion Cfi&se Wdrimier, lYJio fas Gone To AT YorJc to Spend tte JfoZicZiys fnfAfrmf Jie' THX most important thins in the oetal world the past week was the benefit ball given by the Junior league Friday night at Chrls t.ensen hall. The affair Was unusually brilliant as the whole of Portland realise the Importance of helping the Junior league In its charities, churob vrork and civic affairs. The ballroom was beautifully deco rated with the season's colors and greens, with an effect of fairyland. Boxes were arranged around the room, which were taken by some of Portland's most prominent people, among them being Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Cobbs, Mr. and Mrs. George Gerlinger. Mr. J. B. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bowles and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitney took a box together, as did Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. Varnel Beach, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ains- worth, Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. BurnB, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cookingham, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott R. Corbott, Miss Henrietta Falling, Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Mrs. M. S. Hirsch. Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor Honeyman, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Honeyman. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Al len Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. William Mac Master. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hunt Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Macleay, Mr. and Mrs. Chester G. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Porter, Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Rookey. Mr. and Mrs. C. R Swigert, Mr. and Mrs. Otis B. Wight, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Wilcox. Most of these box holders were hosts for dinners preceding the dance, after whicli tlftelr guests occupied the box, when many beautiful gowns were worn. A obtilllon was danced and several feature dances were gfven, among them being one by Miss Billie Brad ley and Edward Sedan, the popular dancers from the Alcazar musical stock company, which was arranged through the kindness of C. V. Everett. Patronesses Tor this affair were: Mrs. Charles Francis Adams, Mrs. John Alnsworth, Mrs. W. C. Alvord, Mrs. C. F. Beebe, Mrs. W. J. Burns, Mrs. Henry C. Cabell, Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Mrs. Elliott R. Cor bett, Mrs. Edward Cookingham, Mrs. J. F. Dickson. Mrs. C. A. Dolph, Miss Henrietta Falling. Mrs. George T. Uerllnger. Mrs. Slgmund Frank, Mrs. Wells Gilbert, Mrs. Donald W. Green, Mrs. C. E. Grelle, Mrs. Sherman R. Hall, Mrs. Frank E. Hart, Mrs. Max - Hirsch, ' Mrs. Solomon S. Hirsch, Mrs. Lee Hawley Hoffman, Mrs. David T. Honeyman, Mrs. Thomas D. Honeyman, Mrs. Victor A. Johnson, Mrs. Alma D. Katz, Mrs. Peter Kerr, Mrs. Thomas Kerr, Mrs. Antoine G. I Labbs, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mrs. John Latta. Mrs. C. H. Low is, Mrs. I L. A. Lewia, Mrs. D. W. L. Mac ajregor, Mrs. R. L. Macleay, Mrs. Wil liam McMaster, Mrs. Co A. McKenna, Mrs. Lewis H. Mills, Mrs. Donald R. Munro, Mrs. Chester G. Murphy, Mrs. Herbert S. Nichols. Mrs. Andrew R Porter, Mrs. A. E. Rockey, Mrs. James Rosenfeld, Mrs. Charles K. Rumelin, Mrs. C. F. Swigert, Mrs. Guy W. Talbot, Mrs. J. N. Teal. Mrs. Wheelwright, Mrs. C. T. Whitney, Mrs. Otis B. Wight. Mrs. Joseph K Wiley, Mrs. Raymond B. Wilcox, Mrs. George F. Wilson, Mrs. Jonah B. Wise, and Mrs. C. E. S. Wood. An affair that promises to be one of the most popular of the holiday season, because of the variety of Its attractions. Is the Christmas college ball, which will be given in both ball on rooms of the Hotel Multnomah December 29, the Monday following Christmas. This ball stands out from the many festivities that will be given during the holidays be cause of the many prominent organi sations which are sponsoring it. The Multnomah Amateur Athletic olub is donating the use of the ballrooms, anctf the hostesses for the evening are the Portland alumni of the sororities of Kappa Alpha Theta. Chi Omega, Gamma Phi Beta. Delta Delta Delta, PI Beta Phi, Delta Gamma, Alpha Phi and Kappa Kappa Gamma. All students home from the col leges for the holiday season are in vited to be guests at the ball as well as high school students Interested In college affairs and the alumni and friends of the various colleges. In addition to dancing a group of club women, under the leadership of Mrs. E. J. Steele, will arrange card tables In the tea garden. The five north western colleges have been asked to put on stunts between the dances, for which a prize will be awarded. Tickets may be obtained from any member of the sororities. Patrons and patronesses for the ball will be Mr. and Mrs. George Gerlinger, Miss Gertrude Talbot, Miss Elizabeth Fox, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Colt. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Newell. L. L. Mulit, Hopkins Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Herdman, Mrs. C. L. Meade, Mrs. S. F. Wilson, Mrs. E. J. Steele, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Blanohard, Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branch Riley, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Seeley Parsons, Mrs. Alonsa G. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Linn, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Beck, Mr. and Mrs. John Claire Mon teith, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sewell, Mr. and Mrs. William Wheelwright, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keho, Mrs. Pearson, Mrs. Carl D. Shoemaker, Miss Doris Churchill. Mrs. Arthur Struble. Mrs. Ralph Cake. Mrs. Jacob Risley. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Eliott King. Mrs. W. T. Belcher, Mrs. Ross Giger, Mrs. S. Leigh Savage. Mrs. C. Harold Palmer, Mrs. H. B. Fen ton. Mrs. C. A. Hart, Mrs. D. A. Hathaway. Mrs. A. H. Mc- Curtaln, Mrs. W. H. McVay, Mrs. L. F. Steel, Mrs. H. U Temple. Mrs. W. H. Thomas, Mrs. Carl Whltmore. Mrs. M. F. Wright, Mrs. D. M. Watson, Judge and Mrs. Robert Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donald, Dr. and Mrs. Fred erick Klehle, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Evans, Mrs. Willis Duniway, Dr. and Mrs. Otis Wight, Mrs. Alice Benson Beach. Mrs. Slegfrld Unander. Mrs. Alva Grout. Mrs. F. J. Wlttlesley. Mrs. Roy W. Murrow, Mrs. Hamilton Weir, Mrs. Arthur Mehlin, Mrs. Claude Mc Collock, Miss Anna E. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Davis, Miss Emma Grlebel, C. E. Cleveland, W. T. Fletcher and S. F. Ball. Pi Beta Phi sorority, through its president, Miss Florence Knapp, Is planning a tea for all Its active girls Miss Kerns arrived In town yester day from school In New York, to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents. Mrs. Edwin Seely Parsons left Portland Thursday night for Danville, Hy to spend the Christmas holidays with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Metcalf. Mrs. Parsons will be back In town Janu ary 4. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Wellington are In Portland again after an absence of two years in California, where Dr. Wellington, who was a captain in the medical corps, was stationed at the Letterman general hospital. Dr. and Mrs. Wellington are making their home at the Portland hotel. Mrs. Walter J. Holman entertained the officers of Nydia Temple, daugh ters of the Nile, last Thursday for luncheon. Those who attended the luncheon were: Mrs. H. T. Hutchen son, Mrs. Hugh Boyd. Mrs. A. H. Lea, Mrs. O. W. Mlelke, Mrs. George Cel lars. Mrs. A. H. Averlll. Mrs. Robert Skeene. Mrs. George Hentson. Mre. George L. Baker. Mrs. W. J. Hofmann, Mrs. Arthur Callan, Mrs. Herman Blaesing, Mrs. Charles Runyon, Mra L. A. Bailey. Mrs. William Boone, Mrs. Roy Sike and Mrs. Edward Holman. Ellsworth, Florence Fowler, Frances Frledenthal, Mary Griffin, Elisabeth Ooddard, Helen Hawkins, Elisabeth liolbrook, Doris Hicks, Elolss Hug gins, Doris Holman, Eleanor Holman, Delight Ingold, Helen Illldge. Betty Kerr, Elizabeth Kelly, Hannah Lald law, Margaret McGowan, Dstelle Mod tin, Dorothy Mitchell, Frances Mat thews, Virginia Pearson, Anne O'Reilly, Jane O'Reilly, Helena Pittle kau, Janice Parker, Catherine Ross, Mary Ellen Read, Marlon Sicnel. Ruth Sensenlch, Elisabeth Strowbridge, Kathleen Scott, Annie Louise Soel berg, Adine Soelberg, Helen Barbara Simmons, Roselyn Taylor, Margaret Vinoent, Honor Farrell Youngson, Eleanor Woodward, Jane Flecken stein. Virginia Irwin, Virginia Keat ing, Helen Andrews, Vivian Johnson, Dorothy Logan, Frances Milne, Doro thy Lyons, Margaret Robinson, Phll Upa Norton Sherman, Dorothy Scot ten, Martha Shull, Marian Farrell, Virginia Thatcher, Evelyn Thatcher, Helen Thuthlll, Helen M. Parker, Jeannette Dentler, Corlnne Hutchin son, Katherlne ' Forbes. Jessie Smith, Janet Griffith, Edith Marshall. May Eggett, Frances Cornell, Ann Shep ard, Doris Wfldman, Thyra St. Clair. Mary Harris. Isabel Kidd, Gladys Bowen, Beatrice Cowen. Julia Kllnge, Helen Johnson. Katherlne Wilcox and Florence Pangle. One of the largest and most pret tily appointed dinners that preceded the Junior league ball was given by Clarence Braselle at the University club In honor of Miss Helen Honey man and Arthur Brown, whose en gagement has been recently an nounced. The centerpiece of the table was built of the corsage bouquets, which were of orchids and violets. Those who enjoyed this dinner were Mr. and Mrs. James Honeyman, Miss Helen Honeyman. Miss Anne Munly, Miss Helen Page. Miss Katherlne Mrs.R.W.Cattill Chairman of trie Committer for A e J) an ce, Wfiich' tJfie Jim ericas . egxon JluxjIZary WxZZ Give J)ecmbjr 2Stiat J u.2 tj7 om a?z JofeZ . raof ftr-i?n i Thurkplsnn MIrr Charlotte I.aldlaw. An engagement df much Interest In jtiss Frances O'Brien, Miss Cornelia Portland Is that of Mrs. Etta Honey-, Tevis Miss Jean Stevens. Miss La man Lewis and Jordan V. Zan. which , ,,,, un-mmm N-.r, zn Kcott. was made known the past week Mrs. Lewis, since the death of her husband, David Lewis, a few years ago, has made her home with her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Honeyman, in this city. Mrs. Lewis is one of Portland's popular matrons. Mr. Zan la a well-known bachelor and very popular In the social world. Many affairs are being planned for the couple. One of the festivities that was post poned during the stormy weather was Arthur Brown. Ray Munly. William Atwell, Franklyn Korell, Edward Bra selle, John Leander. Jack Driscoll. Al fred O'BrleTl, Lowell Kern, Edward Willard Fenton, Duncan Lease and the host. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Porter entertained Friday with a most enjoyable dinner at the Portland hotel in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and Dr. and Mrs. H. Bourfler of Seattle, who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Fields. Seated around the beautifuly . j . . aouoiaivu luuio wee ... . " ' w . - "ir."5',lm.as Q.ance p'I,.ea.Ir lne Camnbell. Dr. and Mrs. Bouffler. Mr, oriicers ana caaets or Mill Military v ; T v. Mr and Mrs K!.Jfc5itf 2? ,he,d iradnleyrmUhyMr.'eand Mr'.. Shtrman '""" -v i .-ew lenrmiuir, vmn i-.- Aire r.inrA Pe ters, Mr. and airs. Annur r leias and Mrs. Harry Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Bcott. Miss Sarah Pat rick, Bam Flelsohman. Don McGraw and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cobbs and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Fields were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boloher Friday evening. ' - - Another charming dinner which took place before the Junior league dance was one that Mr. and Mrs. An drew Porter gave at their residence, after which the party oocupled Mr. and Mrs. Porter's box. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Haueer and Miss Sarah Patrick. Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ellis enter tained with a dinner party for six friends Friday night at the Hotel Portland. Frances Baker, daughter of Mrs. F. C. Baker, entertained with a luncheon at the Hotel Portland, followed by a theater party, Saturday afternoon, for Margaret Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Foster, who Is at home from Mills college for the holi days. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Murphy also were dinner hosts preceding the ball Friday night. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hawley Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Labbe, Mr. and Mra Guy Webster Talbot. Mrs. Grenvllle Vernon and F. M. Warren. e Dr. and Mrs. Otis Wight entertained with a dinner and box party at the Junior league ball Friday night Their guests Included Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Ed mund King, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Babcock, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Katz. Mrs. Pierre Hines and Miss Shearman. Mr. and Mrs. Fremont O. Downing will, leave tomorrow for Seattle to spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Downing'! parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Baxter. They plan to be ab sent about two weeks. m m m HOOD RIVER, Or.. Dec. 110. (Spe cial.) Mr. and Mrs. J. L Carter leave their east side orchard home today for Oregon City, where tomorrow at the home of their daughter, Mrs. G. II. Tracy, they will celebrate their golden wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Carter were married In Salem. They came here when the orchard Industry was Just beginning. Mrs. Carter Is a native of Missouri. She came to Oregon with her parents by ox train. Mr. Carter Is T4, and his wife 71. Mr. Carter is a native Ore-gonian. Mr. Carter was a member of the Oregon legislature while Hood River remained a part of Wasco. He is an ex-president of the Oregon State Horticultural society. He and Mrs. Carter spent five years at Salem, from 1895 to 1901, in charge of the state school for the blind. In addition to Mrs. Tracy, Mr. and Mrs. Carter have three other children, Mrs. R, D. McKlnBon of La Grande; Edward Carter of Blltzen and Miles Carter, who makes his home with his parents. see One of the many dinners given before the Junior League ball was presided over by Mr. and Mrs. Will iam MacMaster, their guests being Mr. and Mrs. Reade M. Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. L. MacGregor. Mrs. Sherman Hall and John Latta. Later the party occupied the MacMabter box. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Jones and their two daughters, the Misses Ado laid and Louise Jones, of Alameda Park, have sent out 250 cards for a dance to be given New Year's eve at tbe Irvington clubhouse. . . m Christmas night will see many of the younger set at the college "prom" to be given at the Multnomah hotel. This will be the fourth annual Christ mas "prom" and the committee, com posed of students of the different col legos. Is expecting a large attendance. A feature will be the early evening entertalnlng when hosts and hostesses will give dinner parties, mvttlng eight or ten or u dozen guests for dinner at one of the big hotels or at their own homes, and later taking their guests to the ball. The committee appointed to repre sent the colleges and high schools are. Stanford Anderson. Cecil Dunn, Herbert Malarkey. Lee Suefert, Carl ton Logan. Byron Thomas, Alys Sut ton, Charles Scallon, Norman You mans, Geraldlne King. ElVerna An derson, William Ralston. Earl Larl more, Elsie Clodius, Earl Clark. Mike Reed, Dorothy Donlon. Harold Brown, William McBride. Hazel Weiden. Al bert Dugan, Selraa Wetteland, Marsh Davis. Eddie Eddlund, Roland Manary and William Steers. m Reed college dormitory students were the guests last night at a pre hollday party given by Miss Irene Harrington, director of the Reed com mons, and Miss Emma Clausen, stu dent assistant. Christmas gayety prevailed at dinner, well received as the first event of the evening. A blazing log-fire In the men's social room attracted students and faculty for an after-dinner session of music, Christmas stories by Dt. Coleman and by men who were In overseas service a year ago. Informal dancing with music by the dormitory orches tra completed a "pleasant college house party. Mrs. Etna Ransom left last Sunday for New York to pass the Christmas holidays with her daughter. Miss Helen Ransom, who js g school at Briar Cliff on the Hudson. Mrs. Ran som stopped off In Spokane to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Coman Davenport for a few days. at tbo Miss Elise Feldman arrived Thurs day from the University of Cali fornia, to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Airs. Phillip Feldman. The marriage of Miss Charlotte K. Skulason to George Gundlach was solemnized Thursday, December IS. at the home of I. S. Patton, 1275 Klickitat street. Miss Irene Daly Is receiving many social attentions from her friends, who are giving her a sincere weloomc after an absence of many months In Europe, where she was engaged in war work with the Red Cross. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McDonnell of St. Paul announce the birth of a daughter, born Tuesday, December 9. Mr. and Mrs. McDonnell are former residents of Portland. Thomas Sharp will arrive in Port land Tuesday to Join Mrs. Sharp to spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Sharp's parents. Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rothchild wore hosts last Thursday night at a dinner dance in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Ehrman and Dr. and Mrs. Arthur t. Rosenfeld. Both Mrs. Ehrman and Mrs. Feldman are recent brides from California and are being warmly wel comed to Potld by their many friends here. ' " ' Mr. and Mrs. Rothchild's guests In- the same list of patronesses and the same invitational list. The date will be announced later. Following are among those who are on the list of girls Invited: The Misses Marjorle Adams. Beulah Belch er, Pauline Bondurant. Helen Ball, Clara Baxter, Rhoda Burpee, Jean nette Carter, Helen Carman. Ruth Cleland, Dorothy Carpenter, Gloria Collinson, Frances Dick, Pauline Dick. Helen Darling, Janet Ettinger, Jovcc JiMttmiiiimni niiiHimminitiiiiiiiiiiiii lu.'rimiiiiiiitiiiiiiimiim Photography and Art 407 Morrison St. Between 10th and 11th Make Appointments Now for 3Photogratf)g Every Woman Will Appreciate It Can you imagine in your wildest dreams a woman who would not like a Norman suit, tai lored to her measure? A. suit of the newest, smartest materials, fin ished to the smallest details ? We suggest that such a suit will make a splen did gift for your wife or sister, a gift of per manent value and worth. ncRfirMi Bros JGllOfifandmJlEfr nORTHWESTERM BAHKBLD6. 0-06StZZAfYYS2tZVe Dr. and Mrs. Ray Matson. Mr. and Mrs. James Ambrose, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Porter. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Fleishman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicolat, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hauser. Mr. and Mrs William Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Hauser. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bates. Mr. of San Francisco Announcement: The exclusive agency in Portland for Kratz' Distinctive been placed with Bob Cleveland Northwestern Bank Build ing Lobby and Selling Building Lobby A complete line of the Kratz chocolates, freshly made and packed for Mr. Cleveland's trade, will be kept at all times. To Serve You Better We have taken new quarters in the Columbia building. Here we are awaiting the pleasure of showing you the many new suitings we have procured and which we can make up at mid-season savings. Fifth Floor Columbia Building Entrance Next Strand Theater Sk Jw a. SS 1 J I HBsTOffiCT ::'::':;ir:::::::::;;;;: ' j I CORSETS At th- Original Sbnp. MADAM MARIE V. ZKITKrCHS, Corsets Made to Order. 31S Fltertnrr Bldg., lOtb and Wash. 389 ALDER ST. NBAB TENTH Ye Betty Lampe Tea House Luncheon, Afternoon Teas, Special Parties 223 Fifth St.. Cor. Salmon Tel. Main 3907 FOR AN UP - TO - DATE SUIT SEES I jfY0 2 s. wEissfe: The Ladies' Tailor. Ugfe Testa St fresh every day. Morrison St., bet. Ath anrl nth Tal LQWffiL Main or. A 806, BOOTH'S for BUTTONS BOOTH'S for B R A I D IN G BOOTH'S for PLEATING Hemstitching lOe a Yard. Coat Button Holes lOc En. Elshth Floor Morn-an Builolna;, Room 823. F. W. PATT & CO. LADIES' TAILOR Bolts, Gowna. Waists. BM-7 Broadway Bids. Marshall 488. Wherever women meet, the mention of cRd Feather Complex ion Towder is the signal for smiles of approval and nods of endorsement. cRgdFeather Complexion cPowder produces a natural, genuine effect because of its peculiar and exclusive transparent and adhering qualities. Always to be had in white, flesh and brunette. Hirfged-cover boxes 50c. "8? The Remiller Co. 2 jo W. 17th Street New York Sold in til Owl Dmg Stores and by other good druggist! mnd department stores SPECIAL PRICES ON LADIES' SUITS AND COATS. J. K. STERN LADIES' TAILOR. 447 ALDER. M. PATT SUITE 511. BUSH LANK BCILDINO. COItNEK BBOADWAV AND ALDEB. LADIES' TAILOR si5 h 0 v . OlAJP QJUQQQSVLO CO With all our good intentions to shop early, there are always some we must remember at the last minute. Here are a few suggestions of the useful gifts that are always the most appreciated. Christmas Furs $22,50 A number of black and brown wolf scarfs attractive and comfy for winter days. At this special price of $22.50 you have a splendid, yet inexpensive gift. Blouses for Christmas SpeciallyPriced$8. 95 Georgette Blouses of exceptionally fine quality. Many, many different styles and trimming effects. Handsome Umbrellas $8.00 This group of umbrellas is specially priced and include high quality silks with fancy handles all colors and styles. Petticoats, Special $6.95 and $8.95 Two big lots featuring everything new in silks, flouncings and colorings. Smart Sweaters $15.00 Clever ripple styles with new bell sleeves, round neck and flare collar. These come in beautiful shades of coral, bisque, rose, etc. MEN'S TIES 40 Dozen, Special 50c Pretty patterns in wide-end Ties. KNIT AND ALL-SILK TIES $1.00 TO $3.00 MEN'S SILK HOSE $1 and $1.50 J Use Your Charge Account 1 Take advantage of our credit pol- icy to purchase what you want and pay after the holidays. All pur- f chases made before the first of the 1 I year payable February 1. P 1 niiiitiiwiMiiitHiiiniuiuiitiiiiiiiMitMiitiiiiMiiitiiiiiiiiiMniiiiiiiiitiiiuiiiiiuiiiiitiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii: SMOKING JACKETS AND BATH ROBES AT REASONABLE PRICES 'Outfitting Qt WASHINGTON AT TENTH The Gray-Tile Corner I