The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 21, 1919, SECTION THREE, Image 45

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Pages 1 to 12
Editorial and Doings in Realm
of Society
NO. 51
I JExclusive Portland Agency for Carter's Knit Underwear for Men, Women and Children
All Charge Purchases Made Tomorrow and Rest of Month Go on January Accounts Payable February 1
Merchandise Bonds and
Glove Orders
issued for any amount desired. A safe and
satisfactory way to solve the gift problem.
Bonds and Glove Orders may be redeemed at
any time. For sale, Special Booth, 1st Floor.
The Standard Store of the N orthwest
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Shop Early and Carry
Your Small Parcels
Plan to do your shopping early in the day
and thus avoid the greater crowds of the aft
ernoon you will find it much more satisfac
tory. Please carry small parcels when possible.
Xmas Suggestions From Portland's Best Gift Store
Christmas Linens
Special Display, 1st Floor
Here are gift suggestions for those who would
give something useful Table Cloths in many beau
tiful patterns Lunch Cloths Center Pieces and
Damasks by the yard. Table Napkins Scarfs, etc.
Beautiful Madeira
Center Pieces
Main Floor Real' Madeira hand
embroidered puife linen Center
Pieces a sample assortment on
sale at $7.50, $8.25 to $11
LINEN SCARFS in scalloped
effects. Size 18x54 inches. Ex
cellent quality. Priced at $2.00
5-Piece Bath Sets
Priced $3.50
Main Floor Bath Sets contain
ing one bath rug, one bath tcwel,
one hand towel, two (PQ Cfl
wash cloths; priced BODv
Lingerie Nainsook, flesh tint
ed colors. Put up 10 yards to
the box $6.00, $7.50, $9.00
Pillow Cases and Spreads
Main Floor Embroidered Day Cases of fine quality
material splendid gifts $3.85 and $4.25 a pair.
Hemstitched Pillow Cases with initial, $1.95 pair.
White Satin Bed Spreads, large size, special $4.48
2-lb. Wool-mixed Comfort Batts, mothproof $3.50
3-lb. Silverdown Pure White Cotton Batts $2.75
2-lb. Pure White Cotton Batts, soft, fleecy $1.50
Gift Sale of
Second Floor Women's Coats hi
many beautiful styles for afternoon
and evening wear $110 fCL
to $225.00 Coats now at 3 vJIl
Women's Coats for utility wear in
the best styles at prices ranging
$20.00, $34.95 up to $310.00
Sale of Silk
Second Floor Women's Dresses of
Geoi-gette Crepe, Tricotine and Nov
elty Silks $19.98 up to $73.88.
These are shown in all the most at
tractive styles. Appropriate for gifts.
Women's Skirts
Second Floor Women's Dress Skirts
in Fancy Plaids, Velvets and Serges.
Excellent assortment of styles and
latest colors. Priced $15 and $17.50
Morning Hours
Are Best for
Gift Sale of
Second Floor Why not buy her a
handsome new Suit for Christmas?
Here is a splendid opportunity to
secure one at a substantial reduction.
Women's Winter Suits in tailored
and novelty styles. Very best mate
rials $38.49, $46.85 to $09.75.
Sale of Crepe
Second Floor Women's Novelty
Waists of Georgette Crepe, Taffeta
and Crepe de Chine. Many exquisite
models especially appropriate for gift
giving $4.78, $6.48 up to $14.98
All Waists at reduced prices.
Silk Petticoats
Second Floor Jersey, Taffeta and
Messaline Silk Petticoats in a large
assortment of pretty styles ranging
in price from $5.00 to $19.75
Toys, Dolls, Games
For the Children
SANTA CLAUS will appear in Tosjand again
tomorrow, from 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Ixt the little
ones come in and see him and the many interesting
Toys, Dolls, Games and Christmas things on display.
Rocking" Horses
$4.25 to $15.00
Toyland. Fonrth Floor Rocking
Horses in many different sizes
and styles, priced $4.25 to $15
Shoo-Flies, $2.50 to $7.50
Kiddie Kars, $2.50 to $4.50
Doll Carts, $1.50 to $12. OO
Children's Desks
$4, $4.50, $5
Toyland, Fourth Floor Chil
dren's Desks with lift tops. Good
substantial construction. Prices
range $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00
High Chairs $3 to $17.50
Toy Dishes in sets; low prices.
Wheel Goods, All Kinds
On Display, 4th Floor
Children's Play Autos priced $11.50 to $50. OO
Play Wagons $5-$11.50 Bicycles, $30 to $50
Children's Wheelbarrows priced $1.50 to $2.00
Velocipedes $4. 25-$19.50 Handcars to $29.50
Gloves the Ideal Gift!
Make Your Selections at Once
CHATEAU Imported
French Kid Gloves in the
smart slip-on style. 8-but-ton
length with two pearl
clasps priced $5.50 pair.
Gloves, full P. K. stitched,
2 pearl clasps, silk filet em
broidered pointings, $4.25
with 2 pearl clasps, welted
wrist, heavy embroidered
backs. Black, white, beaver,
taupe, brown $4.25 pair.
Kid Gloves one and two
pearl clasps. Embroidered
backs priced $3.75 pair.
Other Appropriate Gifts for Women
On Display in the Garment Store, 2d Floor
Washable Lambskin Gloves, very serviceable, pair $1.89
Women's Suede and Mocha Gloves, $3, $3.50, $4 pair.
2-Clasp Chamoisette Gloves, plain or fancy, 850 -$1.25
Silk Umbrellas
Practical Gifts
Main Floor Women's Silk Umbrellas
of splendid quality. Popular 8-rib style
good, substantial construction. Ring
or crook handles. Black and (StfZ
colors. Moderately priced at t J
Women's Silk Umbrellas of the finer
grades, with wide selvage border. " 8
and 10-rib styles, nickel, gilt or black
finish. Detachable handle and tip; very
convenient for one who travels. Shown
in all best colors $10.50 and $11.50
Women's Silk Hosiery
Women's Fancy Silk Hose with open
work or embroidered designs all the
new shades priced $5.00 and $5 .50
Women's Silk Hose in famous "Gold
Medal" make. Superior qual- J- rA
itv. Priced, the Dair: onlv D-LtlvF
Dainty Gifts for Baby
Second Floor Two-piece Brush Sets at 850 to $1.75
Comb and Brush Sets (4 pieces) $1.98 to, $6.50
Fancy Carriage Straps, various styles, $1.65 to $3
Quilted Satin Boots $1.98 Kid Moccasins at $1.19
Rattles 350 to $1.35 Silk Quilts $3.85 to $10.98
Silk Robes $6.25 to $15 Japanese Robes at $3.98
Knitted Sacques, Bootees, Skirts, Dresses, Slips, etc.
Women's Silk Underwear
Women's Wool Sweaters in the latest
styles with belts, sashes $7.49-$22.50
Women's Silk Sweaters in many beauti
ful styles and colors $25. OO to $49.75
Women's Silk Kimonos in great variety
of styles and patterns $7.49 to $45.00
Women's Bath Robes of good heavy
blanket material priced $4.75 to $25
Wool Shawls in various plaid effects
with fringed edges priced $1.75 to $21
Children's Fur Scarfs and Sets in the
wanted pelts special $3.29 to $35. OO
Women's Boudoir Caps of crepes, silks,
nets and laces dainty gifts 490-$4.5O
Women's Wool Spencers in sleeveless
styles. Specially priced in this sale, $2.49
Women's Wool Spencers, with sleeves,
warm and comfy, splendid gifts, $3.25
Maids' Dresses in the very smartest
styles and best materials $2.50 to $5
Maids' Aprons in many different styles,
at prices ranging from 5O0 up to $1.39
Women's Tea Aprons 500 up to $1.95
Wool Hug-Me-Tights, $2.75 to $5.00
I 11 -i
'it trr1
Christmas Gifts Men Appreciate
WHAT SHALL I GIVE HIM FOR CHRISTMAS! This question is easily answered
if you will pay a visit to the Men's Gift Store. Hundreds
shown in cases and on aisle tables conveniently arranged
teous, obliging salespeople to wait upon you. SHOP E
Men's Xmas Ties .
65c to $5.00
Main Floor Women buying for
men, and men buying for one an
other will find here an immense
showing of high-grade neckwear,
brocades, jacquards Persians,
stripes, etc. Light and dark col
ors 650, 850, $1.00 to $5.00
Men's Silk Shirts
$7.50 to $15.00
Main Floor Any man would ap
preciate a fine Silk Shirt for
Christmas. Best qualities here!
Men's H'dkerchiefs
15c to $1.50
Main Floor Men's Handker
chiefs of every description
plain or initialed pure linen,
plain cotton and cambric. Linen
Handkerchiefs 500 to $1 .50 ea.
Cambric Kerchiefs 150-350
Men's Bath Robes
$7.50 to $25.00
Main Floor Men's Bath Robes
of good heavy blanket material.
Don't delay choose at once
while it is possible to get right
sizes. Priced at $7.50 to $25
of different articles are
for easy choosing. Cour
Men's Silk Hosiery
$1.00 to $2.00
Main Floor Men's Silk Hose in
plain effects $1, $1.25 to $2
Men's Silk Hose with fancy
clocking priced at only $2 pair.
Boxed Gifts
Men's Silk Garters put up in
neat boxes 5O0, 650 and 750
President Suspenders packed in
Xmas boxes 650 and $1.00
Lisle Garters in boxes 25-350
MEN'S GLOVES in all popular
styles for motoring, street and
dress wear. Price $3 to $10 pr.
New Ribbon Novelties
For Christmas Gifts
Main Floor The Ribbon Section has on display a wonder
ful assortment of dainty gift articles made of ribbon
such as, Lingerie Sets, Baby Armlets, Sachets, Bags, Coat
Hangers, Dress Hangers, Boudoir Sets, Sachet Receivers,
Camisoles, etc. Light dark colors. These range in
price 350, 500, 650, 850, $1.50 on up to $3.50
Lingerie Sets, Special 25c
Main Floor Only a limited number of these Sets left, so
be prompt if you wish to secure one. Made up of good
quality satin ribbon in pink and white or blue and OP
white. With nins. SDeciallv Driced for Mondav at md3
Dept., Main Floor
Main Floor A delayed shipment of
several hundred dozen Handkerchiefs
has just reached us. Owing to late de
livery we are going to mark them at
VERY SPECIAL prices for Monday's,
Tuesday's and Wednesday's selling.
Madeira Handkerchiefs
Box of 3 for $2.15
Main Floor Real Madeira, Irish and
Spanish Hand - embroidered Handker
chiefs in many beautiful one- PO "I C
corner designs. Box of 3 for wJuAtl
Women's Fine Linen Handkerchiefs
in dainty Appenzell effects. PO
Choice assortment. Box of 3 Di0
All Linen Swiss Embroid- P" r fk
ered Kerchiefs; box of 3 for D 1-0M
Women's sheer Handkerchiefs OQ
in Appenzell designs. Box of 4 071
Gowns, Chemise,
Second Floor Night Gowns of
Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin in
white and flesh color, at prices
ranging from $5.98 to $23.50
Philippine Han d-m a d e and
Hand-embroidered Night Gowns,
priced at $3.50 on up to $9.50
Envelope Chemise of Crepe de
Chine in flesh and white. Beauti
ful gift garments at prices
ranging $3.98 up to $15.98
Petticoats, Pajamas
Pajamas of Crepe de Chine and
Washable Satin Billie Burke and
two-piece styles $6.98-$32.50
Petticoats of Crepe de Chine
and Wash Satin at prices rang
ing from $6.98 up to $11.50
CamisHes of Crepe de Chine in
flesh and white $1.25 to $3.98
Camisoles in dark blue and red,
for wear under dark waists. These
are priced at $2.75 to $4.50
Cavalier Boots of Kid
For the Man
Main Floo r Men's Cavalier
Boots of brown vici kid. High
cut style with turn down collars.
Fine for Xmas gifts. Jrj pf
Priced, the pair; only w
Men's Slippers of fine qual
ity kid Opera, Everett and Ro
meo styles to choose QtA A O
from. Priced, a pair DrxO
Gift Slippers
All Popular Styles
Main Floor Pre-eminently the largest and
best stock of Christmas Slippers in the city!
Slippers exchanged, for size, after Christmas.
Plan to do your shopping early in the day.
Siesta Slippers
Women's Siesta Slippers in red, gray, rose,
black, orchid, fawn, pink and other QT
colors. Ribbon and braid trimmed b&J
Siesta Slippers, plush trimmed, pair $1 .98
Siesta Slippers, collar and pompon $1.49
Women's Cavalier Felt Boots, pair $2.75
Children's Slippers
$1.19 to $2.25
Children's Felt Slippers in the
desirable styles and all wanted
colors, priced $1.19 to $2.25
Headquarters for Boys' and
Youths' Felt Slippers in styles
just like daddy wears. Special
showing of Indian Moccasins
with beaded designs. Do your
s h o p p i n.g early In the day.
Useful Gifts
Of Leather
Main Floor Women's Back-Strap
Purses of real pin seal leather. Many
different styles at $3.50 to $35.00
Music Rolls and Folds in the new
est shapes priced $2.50 to $7.50
Men's Collar Bags $1.25 to $5
Men's Leather Belts 750 to $2.00
;ial showing in Dept. on the 3d Floor.
Manicure Sets
At V2 Price
Main Floor We invite your inspec
tion of an excellent assortment of
Manicure Sets many different
styles put up in genuine leather
cases. Pearl, Imitation Ivory, Horn
and Ebony mountings $4.00 to $25
Sets on sale at $2.00 to $12.50
Hoover Electric
OURELY no gift
you could select
would give her more
real joy and satis
faction. It will be
a constant reminder
of your thoughtful
ness. HOOVER
Electric Cleaners
have lightened the household labors
in thousands of American homes.
They have made housecleaning a
pleasure instead of a drudgery.
Hoover Electric Cleaners are
fully guaranteed by the maker.
Special Christmas demonstration
this week in Rug Dept., 3d Floor.
This is also a high-grade Elec
tric Cleaner. Equipped with motor
driven brush. Demonstration- on
the Third Floor. Easy payments.
S-miitf'nuiiiiu i'
Gift Ivory
In Great Variety
Main Floor Imitation Ivory Toilet
Articles and Novelties of various
kinds suitable for Christmas gifts
here in the largest assortment in city.
Mirrors at $4, $4.50 to $16.50
Hair Brushes priced at $3 to $15
Combs at 250, 750, $1 to $2.25
Puff Boxes at $1, $1 .50 to $6
Hair Receivers at $1.00 to $6.50
Cloth Brushes $4.50 up to $6.50
Hat Brushes $2, $2.50 to $3.25
-Nail Brushes $1, $1.25 up to $2
swel Boxes $Z.5U up to $6.oO
Beautiful Hand-Painted
Toilet Ware
Main Floor Exquisite articles for
Christmas gifts. Choice of three
different decorations. Sold in sets
or single pieces. Sets $10 up to $55
New Veils and Veilings
In Latest Novelties
Main Floor Give her an
attractive New Drape Veil
for Christmas! We have
them in all the very smart
est styles 650 to $3.98
New Veiling by the yard
Chenille Dot, Hexagon,
Mesh, Colored Chenille Dot
effects. Excel- fl" Of
lent quality at DJ-.ieJ
Basement Millinery Sale
$7.98 Banded Hats, Special $5.00
$5.00 Trimmed Hats Only $2.50
Basement Women's Banded Hats
in the season's most desirable
styles lines formerly AA
selling at $7.98; special
-Children's Hats, HALF PRICE
Basement Women's Trimmed
Hats, formerly selling PO QQ
at $6.98; priced'special DOI70
$5.69 Untrimmed Hats $1.98
Untrimmed Hats d1 QO Trimmed Hats for- d0 J?f
values to $5.69. Special wmVO merly priced $5; now DAiMJ
Children's Tarns, on Sale 50c to $3.50
A splendid gift for wife, sis
ter, mother. Genuine Tennessee
Red Cedar Chests in a large as
sortment of beautiful styles.
Some have inside trays and some
are trimmed with copper bands.
Highly polished and extra well
made. An attractive and useful
article for any home. This week
we offer about 100 of these
Chests at $12.95, $15.90,
$17.60, $19.90 to $35.00
CRETONNE Covered Boxes in
latest designs at lowest prices.
Fancy Art
Screens '
3d Floor Excellent variety of
styles to select from. Here is
a gift that never fails to please.
Navajo Rugs
3d Floor Our en
tire stock of Navajo
Indian Rugs offered
this week at special
low prices. These
make exceptionally
fine gifts for the
folks back east.
L a r g e selection
of Indian designs in latest colors.
$ 7.50 Navajo Rugs at $ 6.45
$12.50 Navajo Rugs at $10.60
$15.00 Navajo Rugs at $12.75
$25.00 Navajo Rugs at $21.25
$30.00 Navajo Rugs at $25.50
$35.00 Navajo Rugs at $29.75
Auto Robes $7.65
Third Floor Good large size Auto
Robes priced special at $7.65
Indian Robes special at $9.90
Plush Auto Robes at $7.65
Silk and Down Comforters at
prices ranging $20.00 to $45.00
Special showing of high-grade
Wool Blankets suitable for gifts.
Room-Size Rugs
In Beautiful Designs
Third Floor People who have in mind giving
something in the way of a practical gift can
not do better than select a beautiful rug. To
morrow we shall feature a showing of the
famous ROYAL BENGAL RUGS in all sizes.
Note These Prices
2:5x4:6 Royal Bengal Rugs priced $21.00
3:2x5:5 Royal Bengal Rugs priced $37.00
4x7-ft. Royal Bengal Rugs priced $47.00
6x9-ft. Royal Bengal Rugs priced $90.00
8xl0-ft. Royal Bengal Rugs now $150.00
9xl2-ft. Royal Bengal Rugs now $165.00
Sale of Small Size Rugs
Suitable for Gift Giving-
Third Floor Velvet Rugs of fa
mous make. Excellent assort
ment of patterns and beautiful
colorings. Rugs size 54 by 27
inches, priced in the (PO AQ
Christmas Sale; only v0LtO
Size 36x72 as above, at $6.98
Third Floo r Body Brussels,
Wilton, Velvet and Axminster
Rugs in many handsome pat
terns. Small sizes such as every
home has need for. Values up
to $5.50. Priced in the OO
Christmas Sale, only DtO
I iw tt inr i i in J1
For Gifts
Kipling Complete
Verse in one volume, cloth
The Vital Message
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle $1
The new book by the author of
"The New Revelation"
St. Joan of Arc
By Mark Twain $1.50
Illustrated in color by Howard
The Book of a
W. H. Hudson $3.50
Theodore Roosevelt
Wm. Thayer $5
A Laborador Doctor
Dr. Grenfell's Biography $4
The Child's Life of the
Maurice Maeterlinck $2
Re-Creation of Brian
Harold Bell Wright $1.50
The Saint's Progress
John Galsworthy $1.75
Mare Nostrum
Vicente Ibanez $1.90
Henri Barbusse $1.90
Hugh Walpole $1.75
Author of "The Secret City"
Mrs. Marden
Robert Hichens $1.75
Free Air
Sinclair Lewis $1.75
Sax Rohmer $1.75
The World of Wonder
ful Reality
E. Temple Thurston $1.75
Our stock of Children's Books
is very complete, even at this
late date. Linen Books, Toy
Books, A-B-C Books, illustrat
ed books, stories for boyB and
girls, beautiful gift books
everything you desire.
These Illustrated Books
Are Worthy of Special
A Chinese Wonder
Norman Pitman $2.50
E. Boyd Smith New
and Complete Mother
Wonderful illustrations in color
in black and white will de
light both parent and young
ster. The Burgess Bird Book
Thornton Burgess $2.50
The Boy Scout Year
Edited by Franklin K.
The Chatterbox for
1920 $1.50
John Martin's Big
Book $2.50
Nights With Uncle
Illustrated edition $3.50
Hans Brinker
Illustrated Ed. Mary Dodge
All in It
Ian Hay
Carry On
Coningsby Dawson
Land of Deepening
D. T. Curtin
Olds, Wortman
& King