THE SUNDAY OREGON IAN. PORTLAND. OECE3IBER 21. 1919. 19 FLOUR BOUGHT FOR EXPORT TO JAPAN More Foreign Business Is Worked on Local Market. DOMESTIC PRICES STRONG Higher "Wheat Premiums Current in Country Coarse Grain Values Maintained Despe Weakness. With bluestero wheat at IS and club bringing a 20-cent premium, an all around advance In the flour market la not far off. In the opinion of millers. There has been further buying of flour for shipment to Japan during the week, and while the Quantity purchased was not large, the export trading served further to strengthen the market. The coarse grain trade was In a good position, notwithstanding the reverses suffered by the eastern markets. At the merchants' exchange bids on corn, oats and barley ranged from unchanged to 50 cents higher than Friday. The follow ing sales were posted: Tons. CORN. Price. TOO Eastern yellow. Jan. shipment. . 60. 00 100 Eastern yellow. Feb. shipment.. 60.00 100 Eastern yellow. Jan. delivery.. 81.50 The San Francisco barley market was steady. At Chicago barley closed 1H cents lower to 2 cents higher at 11.66 for December and $1.54a4 for May. The weather forecast In the middle west as wired from Chicago: "Illinois. Mis souri. Wisconsin, fair and warmer; Min nesota, Kansas fair, not much change In temperature; Iowa fair tonight and prob ably tomorrow; slightly coiner. North Dakota fair tonight, becoming unsettled Sunday; not much change in tempera ture. Nebraska fair, moderate tempera ture." , Terminal receipts, in cars, were report ad by the merchants' exchange as follows: Wheat. Bar.Flour. Oats. Hay. Portland Sat.. 8 Year ago 1 Total this week 5S Year ago 21S Season to date. 40 15 Year ago 6474 Tacoma Frl. . 15 Year ago 21 Season to date. 3614 Year ago 3054 Seattl. Frl . . 18 Year ago 30 Season to date. 3443 Year ago 3S0U 1 IS 10 16 S 82 125 750 16 27 91 2152 1380 11 18 6oi 1981 344 537 60 19 118 116 4 419 443 542 190 " " "i 747 1774 S 12 406 814 170 46 rIKM MARKET FOR GOOD POTATOES Supplies on Hand Are Light and Last Prices Are Maintained. No potatoes were received on the local market yesterday and unfrosted stock was In light supply. The beet Oregon Bur banks and Washington Gems were held at $4.50 and ordinary grade at $3.504. Only one car of Oregons was shipped. Market conditions at shipping points were wired as follows: Greeley. Colo. Hauling moderate. Mod erate wire Inquiry. Good local demand, movement Improving. Market strong, no change In prices. Some loading, mostly from storage. Some sales on previous con tracts now being filled. Wagon loads, cash f to growers at country loading points Rurals and Pearls. U. 8. No. 1, $33.10, mostly $3. Idaho Falls, Ida. Practically no haul ing. Demand good. Market steady. Few sales. Wagon loads, cash to growers Rurals. $3; Russets. $3.75. Carloads, f. o. b, cash track Very few sales: Russets, U. 8. No. 1 $3.253.43, mostly $3.40. Flour factory paying for U. S. Grade No. 2 and sound culls. $1. Minneapolis Light wire Inquiry. De mand moderate, movement limited. Mar ket firm, prices slightly higher. Carloads, f. o. b., usual terms Round Whites, partly grades. $3.10: Russets. $3.1008.15; Kings, $3; Bliss Triumphs. $3. Waupaca, Wis. Some showing effects of late blight. Very light wire Inquiry. De mand moderate, movement limited. Mar ket unsettled. Very few sales reported. APPLE SHIPMENTS ARE INCREASING Local Demand Is Slightly Improved and Prices Are Holding Steady. Apples are again going forward from Oregon, the shipment of ten cars on Thursday being reported. One car reached the local market. The demand was a lit tle better and prices were unchanged. At the Philadelphia auction Hood River Spitaenbergs. extra fancy, small, sold at $2.40. Oregon Romes. extra fancy, brought $2.6092.70. and fancy. $2.3592.50. Market conditions at shipping points were wired as follows: Spokane. Wash. Very few sales of roll era reported. Carloads f. o. b. usual terms. Practically no sales reported. Most ship ments rolled unsold. Rochester, N. Y. Practically no wire In quiry. Loading very light account the weather. Almost no demand; market weak.. A few consigned. The New York and Chicago barreled apple markets for the week are sum marized by the bureau of markets as follows: "New York Supplies liberal; demand light: movement draggy; market weak. New York A2Vi Baldwin, $78; Green ings. $7."509; Northern Spys, $7.5009; Virginia York Imperials, No. 1, $797.50. "Chicago Demand moderate; market steady. New York and Michigan 'A' grade Hubbardstons. $898.50; Baldwins and Greenings. $99.50; Northern Spys, $8.50,19; Illinois Jonathans. $9.309 10; Virginia York Imperials, $797.50." AMERICAN CORN IN GREAT BRITAIN Larger Movement From Argentina Ex pected After Turn of Year. Reviewing the corn and oats situation In Great Britain, Broomhall cables: "A good active demand at the maxi mum price of 65s continues for Platte corn, but transactions have been on a moderate scale, as free sellers are not offering any sizable quantities and government re leasements have beeu practically negligi ble. Trade in American mixed can be considered fair, with 82s being paid for December and January shipment. 80s for January and February shipment. It Is encouraging to note that stocks of corn in the United States have Increased nearly 400.000 bushels compared with the pre vious, month's figures. After the turn of e year the supply of tonnage in Argen tina is expected to show an improvement and feeders are hoping this will be re flected in the increased c. I. f. offerings of Platte. There Is a fair increase in the port stocks of oats in the United King dom. This month's total being about 1.000,000 bushels larger than the month previous. SLUMP IN, EGGS CONTINUES. Local Market Drops Teh Cents in Past Few Days. The weakness of the egg market has developed into demoral:zation. With 60 cent buying cards out, jobbers offered candled ranch at 65 cents and selects at 70 cents. Some dealers who had hlgher jOrtced eggs on hand tried to get better vaults, but without success. With the ailing market retailers bought cautiously. No outside outlet was reported. The day's receipts were the largost since the storm passed. The butter market was firm, but there was not much activity. Cube extras were quoted at 65966 cents. Dealers fear much poor butter made from frosted cream will soon make Its appearance. FKW TURKEYS RECEIVED OX STREET Market Firm at .-, 52 Cents Large Sup ply la Not Expected. Only a few shipments of dressed tur keys were received yesterday and most of them were used to fill shipping orders at 50052 cents. Dealers look for larger arrivala today, but none of them expect heavy supplies. The larger retailers nave provided for their wants In southern Ore gon and Idaho. Because of the scarcity of turkeys live poultry of alt kinds was in good demand at strong prices. Farm-dressed meats were steady. Export Buying or Hops Ceases. Trading In spot hops of the 1919 crop and former growths has practically ceased. Tile sole demand came from England, and more hops are needed there, but with sterling exchange demoralized business for I xport account is out of the cuestion now. There Is still Inquiry for contracts, and tor three-year Merms an average of 40 cents is obtained. White and Red Lead Higher. An advance of half a cent on white lead. red lead and litharge was aanounced. The new quotation on white lead, ton basis. Is 13H cents and on red lead and Mtharra 14 cents. Bank t-learings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities were as follows: Portland 14 mkaii x ii:ij vii Seattle 6.48S.392 J.0l'-I(l7 Tacoma 7H1 4ifl iifi tsi Spokane 2.053.272 658.073 Clearings of Portland SAmrt mH Ta coma for the past week and corresponding week In former years were: Portland. Seattle. .838.101,756 45,002.412 Tacoma. S4.IU2.1KI5 5.32U.486 4.000.314 2,560.406 1.792,973!V'.:S 3.S2U.240 8.042. 1ST 3.50S.154 1319 191S 32.757.554 3.o.1'J.l36 1017 19.502.073 13.618.180 9.361.108 8.20U.929 9.74S.176 9,687.187 7,821.548 7,880.321 2i:.:0,294 18.340,047 9.345.033 7.632,115 10,348.213 10,828.018 10.017,640 8.5o3.385 1016 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Flour. Feed, Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session: -Bid.- Oats- Dec. .S62.50 Jan. 163.00 Feb. $63.50 No. 3 white feed. BiLrley Standard feed . . 73.25 74.00 73.50 74.00 74.00 75.00 No. 3 blue Corn No. 3 yellow.-. . . . 63.50 61.50 60.00 Eastern oats and corn in bulk: Oats 36-lb. clipped 60.00 88-lb. clipped 62.00 61.00 62.60 61.00 62.50 Corn No. 3 yellow 61.75 59.75 69.75 72.50 Barley No. 2 72.00 72.00 WHEAT Government basis. 12 20 ne bushel. 1LOUB Patents. tll.T6: bakers- nard- wheat, $12.33; whole wheat. $10.73; gra ham. XIOBO; valley, J 10. 45. MILLFEED Prices f. o. b. mill, city cartage exbra. Mill run, car lots or mixed cars. J46 ton; rolled barley. $77; rolled oats, $65.50; ground barley. $77; scratch feed, $80. CORN Whole, $74; cracked. $76. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland- Alfalfa, $31.50; cheat. $20: clover. $25; oats and vetch, $25; valley timothy. $26 9 28 Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extra. 65 0 66c ner lb.: prime firsts, 64c; prints, parchgnent wrap pers, box lots, 70c; cartons? 71c; halt boxes, He more: less than half boxes, lc more; butterfat, No. 1, 71972c per pound. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook. Triplets, 32c; Young Americas, 33c; .long- horns, dec. Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myr tle Point: Triplets. 31c; Young Amerlcaa 82 He. EGGS Jobbing prices to retailers: Ore gon ranch, candled, 65c; selects, 70c. POULTRY Hens, 30 Me; springs. 309 35c; ducks, 35 9 40c; geese, 25 9 30c; tur keys, live. 40c; dressed, choice, 50 962c. VEAL Fancy, 25c per pound. PORK Fancy, 23c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges, $4.2596:. lemons. $5.5096.50 per box; grape fruit. $3.50&6.25 box: bananas. 10911c per pound; apples. $1.2593.50 box: grapes. 14915c pound; pears, $1.7592.75 per box; cranberries, $5 90 per box, $17.50 per barrel. VEGETABLES Cabbage, 55Hc per pound; lettuce. $4.5095.50 per crate; beets. S3.50&4 per sack; cucumbers. $2$2.25 doz. ; carrots, $2.50 93 per sack; squash. 5c per pound; pumpkins, 3c per pound; celery'. $898.50 per crate; peppers, 20c per pound; horseradish, 15c per pound; garlic. 40945c per pound; turnips, $3.6094 per sack; caul iflower, $2.2592.75 per crate. POTATOES Oregon, $3.50 $4.50 per sack; sweet, ' , per pound. ONIONS Oregon, 5 96c per pound. Staple Groceries. Local jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit or berry, $9.77; beet. $11,27; golden C, $9.27; pow dered, in barrels, $10.37; cubes, in barrels. $10.62. NUTS Walnuts. 28 9 40c: Brazil nuts. 80c: filberts. 33c: almonds. 37938c; pea nuts. 16916c; chestnuts, 25c. SALT Half ground, 100s, $17 per ton: 50s, $18.75 per ton; dairy, $26.50928 per ton. RICE Blue Rose, 14Hc per pound. BEANS White, Uc; pink. 81c; 11ms, 17 He per pound; bayous, 8c; Mexican red, 7 Vic. COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 39950c. Provisions. Local jobbing quotations: HAMS 40 to 14 pounds. 34c: skinned 27030c; picnic. 26c; cottage roll. 30c. LARD Tierce basis. 31c; compound. 28c per pound. uki sabi anon, clear backs, 2531c: plates, 24c. HAtJur rancy. unouc: standard. 33a 34c. Hops. Wool. Etc. HOPS 1919 crop. 85c per pound : S-year contracts, 40c average. MOHAIR Long, staple, 40c; short sta ple. 25980c. TALLOW No. 1. 10c; No. 2. 8c per pound. CASCARA BARK New. 11c per pound WOOL Eastern Oregon, fine, 35 955c; medium. 40 9 50c; coarse, 85 9 40c; valley, medium. 45055c; coarse. 35 0 40c Hides and Pelts. HIDES Salted, all weights: 20c: green. 17c; calf, green or ?alted, 63c; kip. 33c; bulls, salted. 17c: green. 14c: horse hides, small. $3; medium, $4.50; large. S6: dry hides, 30c; dry waited. 20c; dry calf. 70c: dry salted calf. 65c. PELTS Dry long-wool pelts. 30032c per pound; dry medium wool pelts. 25 & 28c per pound', dry shearling pelts, 50c9$l each; salt long-wool pelts, $292.50 each: salt medium wool pelts. $1.50 0 2 each; salt shearling pelts, oucu eacn. Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. $2.06: raw, cases, $2.16: boiled, barrels. $2.08: boiled, cases. $2.18. TURPENTINE Tanks. $1.91: cases. $2.01. COAL OIL, Iron barrels .13 0 16c; tank wagons. 13c: cases. 24 9 81c. GASOLINE Iron barrels. 25c; tank wagon, 25c; cases, 35 c Rallies in Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 20. The market for coffee futures opened at a decline of six points under scattering liquidation in spired by unsettled Brazilian markets and rumors of lower cost and freight offers from Rio. The firmer ruling of sterling exchange led to covering, however, and there were rallies later, with May selling up from 15.09c to 15.15c and with the market closing net unchanged to five points hlgner. Business quiet. December, 14.80c; Janua-.-y, 14.70c; March, 14.99c; May. 15.16c, July, 15.36c; September, 15.21c. Spot coffee dull; Rio 7s, 15c; Santos 4s, 25 0 25C. Eastern Dairy Produce. CHICAGO, Dec. 20. Butter higher. Creamery, 56 0 06c. Eggs lowar. Receipts 2016 cases; firsts. CIM07OO: ordinary firsts. 55065c; at mark, case.-, included. 67 9 69c. Poultry, alive, higher; springs, 2oc; fowls, 18026c; turkeys, 40c. NEW YORiC. Dec. eluinsred. Butter firm, un- Kggs stee.dy. unchanged. Cheese steady, unchanged Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Dec. 20. Turpentine firm, $1.54; sades, loS; receipts, 376; ship ments, 544; stock. 13.196. Rosin firm: sales, 077; receipts, I486; shipments, 1785; stock. 60,737. Quote: B. $18.130 10.35; D. E. $16.20016.33. F. $16.23016.35: G. $16.30016.33; H, $16..'I0 16.40, I, 3T6.009 17.0T; K. $18.23; M. Y8.7&; N, $10.76; WG, $20.30; WW. 2L25. SHORT SALES COVERED STOCK MARKET IS FIRMER AT CLOSE OF WEEK. Advances Based on Brighter Pros pects for Railway Legislation and Rise in Exchange. NEW YORK. Dec. 20. Brighter pros pects for railroad legislation and -another substantia rise in British exchange caused moderate covering of short con tracts in the coarse of today's brief, stock market session. The further recovery of international remittances was based upon the recom mendation of the secretary of tha treas ury to oongress, urging that credits be advanced to the more needy European countries. Sules amounted to 450,000 shares. iraains in oonas was relatively more active than the turnover In stocks. Sev eral of the recently heavy speculative rails, including Pennsylanla General Hs and Baltimore A Ohio convertible 4 Vis were strong. Liberty and foreign war Is sues were steady. Total sales, par value, aggregated 812,300,000. Old United Stales bonds were unchanged on call during the week. A decrease of slightly over 840,500,000 in actual reserves of clearing house banks created a deficit in total excess reserves of about 812.S21.0O0. This is the first deficit reported since .the latter part of September, when reserves fell almost 8100,000,000 under legal requirements. Country-wide bank clearings again broke all previous records for this period of the year, exceeding 1918 by 40 per cent and 1917 by almor 2 per cent. Much of the increase. It was pointed out, resulted from the higher level of commodity prices over the previous two years. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. I. as- Sales. Am Beet Sug. 300 Am Can 700 Am Cr at Fdry 100 Am H & L pfd 200 Am Loco .... 2.000 Am Sm St. Rfg 200 Am Sugar Rfg 100 Am Sum Tob. 1,700 Am Tel Tel. 1,000 Am Z L A Sm 400 Anaconda Cop ' 2,600 Atchison 2,200 A G A W I S S 300 Baldwin Loco. 14.800 Bait & Ohio . . 4.700 Beth Steel B. 6,400 B & S Copper. 800 Calif Petrol . . 100 Low. 95 54 139 116 95 6S 137 95 98 16 68 83 173 100 31 95 26 44 132 94 "88' 87 26 35 41 85 213 61 13 166 335 78 37 88 52 107 20 74 16 28 100 319 22 49 26 58 14 U 68 27 98 81 36 106 40 20 81 20 76 113 43 103 Sale. 95 54 139 117 95 68 137 95 98 16 58 84 173 110 31' 95 26 44 132 94 55 38 87 26 36 1 85 215 61 13 166 337 78 87 88 52 108 21 75 16 28 111 2'"' 22 49 26 59 14 61. 27 98 81 36 106 40 28 61 20 77 114 44 104 22 104 229 92 123 91 106 104 113 78 87 53 811? 46 99 95T 55 139 117 96 68 1371, 97H 987 16 58 8 84 Vs 174 111 32 80 vs 26V. 44 138 95 "30 Vt 26 V. 86 41 86 Vi 217 61 13 166 339 79 37 88 52 ICS"., 21 75 16 28 111 223 22 49V. 26 59 15 60 27 lis M 36 107 40 28 61 20 77 114 44 Ki.-, 22 3 0.-1 232 02 124 92 106 105 113 73 87 r.:i 28 82 49 U Canadian Pac. 400 Cent Leather. Ches A Ohio. . Chi M 8b St P Chi N W Chi K I sr. Pac Chino Copper. Ool Fu & Iron Corn Products 000 V.ioo 3.600 3.000 300 200 2.60O 8.600 3.400 1.9O0 100 3.100 3,400 900 700 1.700 2,500 6.0OO 600 Crucible Stoel. Cuba Lane Sug Erie Gen Electric. Gen Motors . . Gt No pfd. .. . Gt No Ore ctfs Illinois Central Insplr Copper. Int M M pfd. . Inter Nickel . . Inter Paper . . K C 8outhern. 600 Kennecott Con 7.10O Louis & Nash. 700 Mex Petrol . .. 1S.7O0 Miami Copper 200 Ml.ivale Steel. ,600 -Missouri jar.. Montana Pow. Nevada Cop .. N Y Central .. N Y N H 4 H Norf ft West.. Northern Pac Pac Tel A Tel. Pan-Am Petrol Pennsylvania . . Pitts A W Vs. Pittsburg Cfca! Ray Con Cop.. Reading ..i. 200 1.800 1.800 4.700 300 2,500 100 8.600 9.200 4.200 200 900 4.S00 Kep lr A steel Sin Oil A Rfg 10,200 Southern Pac 7. BOO Southern Ry... 3.600 Studebaker Co 0.2D0 Texas Co .... 900 Tobacco Prods 1.300 Union Pacific. 5.300 Untd Rtl Strs. 3,800 U S Ind Alco 1.6O0 U S Steel .... 15.R00 do pfd K.o Utah Copper.. Western Union Westing Elect Wlllys-Overlnd National Lead Ohio Cits Gas. Royal Dutch.. 1.400 100 1.200 3.900 S0O 16.100 3.800 99 BOSTON.. U S Lib 3s. .99.00IA T & T cv 6s. . 99 do 1st 4s. .. .93.26 Atch gen 4s.... 77 an 20 es Hi.saiu R C, ref 5s. 147 do 1st 4HS... N Y C deb 0s.. 90V An oa . 1 01 J 1 1 n ' do sd 4vs! ! !9s!68!n p 3s '. do 4th 4 Vs. . .01.62 Pac' T a T ki. . 76 - 53 . RB - 89 .106 . 85 Victory 8s ...98.90 Pa con 4s. . do 4s 98.96 S P cv n U S ref 2s reg.100 ;So Ry 5s .... do coupon , . "100 U P 4s . . . U S cv 3s reg..'K8 If) s Steel 5s.'. 83 97 14 do coupon . .'SS1; Anglo-Fr 6s ..95 9-16 U S 4s reg. . . . "105 U do coupon .."lOS1.! Bid; toffered. Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. Dec 20 Closing quotations Alloues 88 North Butte ... IT Ariz Com 13 Calu St Ariz. . . 61 Calu A Hecla..987 Old I lom nu Osceola ........ 47 Quincy ho Superior 1 a . ess Centennial .... 14 Cop Range ... 44 East Butte ... 13 Franklin 3 Isle Royalle ... 32 . iv ousioil . . 1 . c: 1 . -1 .. - i" Utah Con i vv inona Lake Copper. .. 3 Wnlvrin. i 19 3 Mohawk . 60 I Greene Can Money, Exchange, Ktc. , ..:?W YORK' 20 Sterling, demand l-S?! ?,bU"' ,A82' Fr-nc" demand.- 10.55; cables. 10.80. Guilders, demand 37; cables. 37. Lire. demand. 13 8o: cables, 13.25. Marks, demand, 2.10; cables' 2:15. , ' Mercantile paper unchanged. Bar silver, $1.83. Mexican dollars, 11. 01. LONDON. Dec. 1 per ounce. -Bar silver, 77d Money, 3 per cent. Discount rates, short and three-month bills, 6 per cent. Deficit in Reserves. NBW YORK, Dec. 20 The actual con dition of clearing house banks and trust companies for the week shows that the reserve held Is $12,320,830 below legal requirements. This la a decrease of $40 543,890 from last week. LARGE SUMS ARE TRANSFERRED Shifting of Funds Has Little Effect on Money Market at New York. NEW YORK. Dec. 20. Specific reasons for the more hopeful feeling manifested In stock market circles this week were furnished chiefly by the rally in foreia-n exchange and greater monetary ease than was expected at this period or the year. Recovery In exchange, notably the British rate, was not due to any definite forward step in the International credit situation, but rather to a logical rebound from acute and unreasoning pressure. Relaxation In the money market again applied only to daily or call loans. Time funds remained firm at recent quotations The most impressive feature of the locai financial situation was the shifting of huge sums to meet Income tax returns and other federal requirements, - accomplished with scarcely a ripple of the money mar ket, t i lie advance in stocks late In the week was ascribed less to actual demand than to tardy recognition by the shorts that the floating supply of popular Issues had steadily diminished. Another factor which accelerated the rise was the increased In-q-firr Xor steel and iron products lmnr,.,- uvw tuiiyri auo umarea metal shares aisu vi uLi-iuotr . r"n: oetter trade condl tlons, accompanied by higher prices. DECREASE iN HILLS DISCOUNTED ' Over one Hundred Million Reduction in WASHINGTON. Dec. 20. The statement of the combined resources and liabilities of the 12 federal reserve banks -for the weeic ena-t iecemDer iw follows: Resource Gold :Id and certificates. .. .$ 241,325.000 uoia settlement tunu. teaeral reserve board 399.935,000 Gold with foreign agencies.. 187.717,000 Total gold held by banks. .$ 778.977.000 Gold with federal reserve agents $1,201,654,000 Gold redemption fund 115,182,000 Total gold reserves 2,095, Legal tender notes, sliver, etc. 59,098.000 Total reserves $2,154,911,000 Hi 1 Ik di.s. ounted. secured by government war obligations. $1. 414. n.'.n.ono All other 380.12.00i Bills bought In open market. 566.260.000 Total bills on hand . . $2,561,378,000 United States bonds --inT---r 26,846.000 U. S. Victory notes U. S. certificates of Indebted- 5,000 303.338.000 fj Total earning asseta J2.890.83B.000 Bank premises $ 12.986.000 Uncollected Items and other deductions from gross de posits Five per cent redemption fund against federal reserve bank notea 18.833 nnO All other resources 11.814.000 Total resources . . . Liabilities . . .$6,224,604,000 Capital paid in S 87,049.000 Surplus 8H087.O0O Government deposits 64.439.000 Due to members' reserve ac count 1,783.013.000 Deferred availability Items.. 848.607. 0OI Other deposits. Including for eign government credits... 10B.069.OOrt Total gross deposits 82.751,148.000 Federal reserve notes in ac tual circulation 3.988.894.0O. Federal reserve bank notea In circulation, net liability. 259.975.000 All other liabilities 56,461.000 Total liabilities 86,224. 604.0O0 Ratio of total reserves to net deposit and federal reserve note liabilities com bined, 46.8 per cent. Ratio of gold reserves to federal reserve notes in circulation after setting aside 86 per cent against net deposit liabilities, 53.2 per cent. CHICAGO CORN BREAKS INCREASE VX RECEIPTS SENDS PRICES DOWNWARD. Arrivals Are 700,000 Bushels in Excess of Shipments January Delivery Is Most Depressed. CHICAGO. Dee. 20. Weakness "at characterized the corn market today waa due principally to liberal receipts here. Trie close was heavy, 1 to 2c net low er, with January $1.86 to $1.37. and May $1.35. Oats finished at declines of to 2c and provisions were un changed to 15c down. Corn began to swing downward alter a little display of strength near the open ing. The early advance came about as a result of sharp upturns in British ex change and owing to a statement which the secretary of the treasury had made in regard to credits for Europe. Buying, however, lacked force. Besides, the re ceipts In Chicago for the week were 700,000 bushls in excess of the shipments. 700.000 bushels In excess of the shipments. Oats went lower with corn. Provisions were weakened by the breaks In the value of grain. Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. Low. Dec $1.46 $1.46 $1.44 Jan 1.38 1.89 1.86 May 1.34 1.35 1.33 OATS. May 82- .82 .81 July 76 .76 .75 MESS PORK. Jan 86.73 S6.8S 86.73 May 36. SO 36.25 LARD. Jan 23.02 23.05 23.00 May 23.82 23.87 23.80 SHORT RIBS. Close. $144 1.87 1.33 .82 .76 86.35 36.25 23.00 23.82 Jan. May 18.55 19.02 19.00 19.02 18.93 Cash nrlcs wore a. follows: Corn No. 2 mixed. $1.50: No. 2 yellow, not quoted: No. 3 yellow. $1.4891.52. Oats No. 2 white. 86087c; No. 3 white, 85 9 88c. Rye No. 2. $1.76. Barley $1,609 1.67. Timothy seed $8.60911.50. Clover seed $30 0 48. Pork Nominal. Lard $22.85 0 22.95. Ribs $18.26 010. Grain at Pan Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 20. Flour. 8-8s. $12.10. Grain Wheat, $2.20; oats, red feed, $3.1008.15: barley, feed, $3.37 3.43; corn. California white. $3.60 9 3.70. Hay Wheat or wheat and oats, $210 23: tame oats, $23 0 26: barley, $10023: alfalfa, $21926: barley straw, 60080c bale. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 20. Barley, $1.89 tyiBU. Flax $5. 04 06.14. Dulutb Linseed Market. DTJLUTH, Dec. 20. Linseed, $5.0403.14. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 20. Cotton Spot steady. Middling. 39.25c. Obituary. HOOD RIVER, Or.. Dec. 20. (Spe cial.) Funeral services for Mrs. T. J. Jarvis, aged 67, who died Thursday night at tae home of Mr. and Mrs. J. -D. Abbott on the west aide, were held today at the Anderson Undertak ing: parlors. Rev. J. B. LgSster, former pastor of the Valley Christian church, officiating;. Interment followed at Idlewilde cemetery. Mrs. Jarvis, who is survived by her husband, recently arrived, here from Portland. m ALBANY. Or., Dec. 20. (Special.) The funeral for the late R. A. B. Veal, prominent local manufacturer and city councilman of Albany, who died at his home here last Sunday, was held today at the First Methodist church. Dr. W. P. White, pastor of the United Presbyterian church, and Dr. J. C. Spencer, pastor of the First Methodist church, conducted it. Aliens Own Insurance Houses. WASHINGTON. Dec. 20. Foreign insurance companies control at least two-thirds of the marine insurance originating in the United States, a house merchant marine sub-commit tee headed by Representative L.ehl- bach, republican. New Jersey, de clared today in letters sent to state governors and insurance commission ers recommending changes In state laws so as to encourage development of an American owned business. Bear Sallies Xear Tood Klver. HOOD RIVER, Or., Dec. 20. (Spe cial.) Hunters today tried to 'locate a bear, seen early in the morning at the edge of the city by William Bar ton, ditchwalker for a power com pany. Bruin disappeared In the jungle of Indian creek gbrge. The heavy crust of ice made the use of dogs impossible. It Is unusual for a bear to interrupt his hibernation at this season. Coyotes Multiplying Fast. SALEM, Or., Dec. 20. (Special.) There are approximately 50 per cent more coyotes in Oregon than a year ago, according to Dr. W. H. Lytle, state veterinarian. The veterinarian attributes this situation to the fact that many homesteaders who former ly trapped for coyotes during the winter months have abandoned their abode In the timbered districts and are now working in the cities. Apples Bring $2.85. SALEM, Or., Dec. 20. (Special.) Twelve hundred boxes of apples grown in the A. F. Beardsley orchards In Keizer bottom and shipped east through the Salem Fruit union brought the grower $2.85 to $3 a box, according to word received here to day. Mr. Beardsley gathered approxi mately 1400 boxes of Spltzenberg ap ples from 260 trees that are only four years old. Salem Wants to See Pershing. SALEM, Or.. Dec. 20. (Special.) Governor Olcott will be urged by Sec retary McCroskey of the Salem Com mercial club, and leaders of other local commercial and civic bodies to extend an Invitation to John 2. Per shing, commander of the United States forces in France, to visit Salem on his tour of the Pacific coast. CATTLE DEMAND CHECKED BUYERS ARE XOT IXTERESTED AFTER MONDAY S FLVRBT. Hogs Move Readily on Basis of $1S for Tops No Sheep or Lambs Offered. There was little trading at the stock yards yesterday aside from the sale of aooui two carloads of hogs at $16. There ot Kk a. : b I '"k' e " ?n "d not raueh eceivtd pw ? N J,hP We received. Prices throughout the list were unchanged. Receipts were 142 cattle. S calves and 267 hogs. The day's sales were as follows: Wt. Prlce.l wt. Price. Scows ...705 $ 7.501 3 hogs ...840 $14. 00 Scows ...773 6.00! 5 hogs ...463 14.00 80 hogs ...286 16.00118 hogs ...265 18.00 67 hogs ...200 16.001 2 hogs ...130 14.00 Livestock prices at the local yards fol low: Cattle Best steers Good tO Choice Rtra $11.00911.50 10.00 ft 10.75 9.00 w 10.0O S.O0W 9.00 6.50 9 7.30 Medium to good steers. . . . '. '. '. Fair to good steers Common 1,. rBi. ?holce cows and heifers' '. 9.009 9.50 7.50 8.75 6.309 7.50 4.009 5 00 3.009 4.00 5.000 7.60 12.50 914.00 7.00012.00 8.009 9.25 15.25916.00 14 t.-. 'i :.-. 'J. 13.25 413.75 12.75013.75 uooa to cnolce cows, heifers Medium to good cows, heifers Fair to medium cows, nelfers t.anners Bulls Prime light calves "... Heavy calves Stockers and feeders Hogs- - Prime mixed Medium mixed.......... Rough heavies pig. rimn Sheet) Eastern lambs 18.00913.30 T i IX ll t Valla,' Ian,l, . , ,u,a . Heavy valley lambs 10. soft 11.50 reeder lambs 10.0091150 Yearlings 9.50910.00 Wethers 9.000 0.50 Ewes 6.5O0 7.60 4 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Dec. 20. Hoes Receipts 13.000; market generally strong, but clos ing weak. Bulk. $13.90914.15; top. $14.20; heavy, $13.90914.15: medium, $13. nr. 14.20; light. $13.80 9 14.15; light light. $18.609 14. 00; heavy packing sows, smooth. $13.38918.75; packing sows, rough. $12.75; pigs, J12.70Sri3.75. Cattle Receipts 8000. comoared with a week ago: Beef steers and she stock. steady to 50 cents lower; canners. 25 cents lower. Veal calves $1.50 to $2 lower. Bulls, big. 25 cents hiirhpr. Hlnpkrn unri feeders. 25 to 60 cents lower. Sheep Receipts 2000. comnared with a week ago: Lambs, steady to 25 cents higher. Fat yearlings and sheep, steady to lower; mostly 25 cents down. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, Dec. 20. (U. S. bureau of markets.) Hogs Receipts 12,000: market generally steady. Top, $13.70: bulk. $13.35 a 13.011: heavyweight. S 1 3 10 'n 1 3 .(15 : m..l- lum weight, $13.50913.70: lla-ht woia-ht. $13.23013.63: llaht lia-ht S13 on ft 1 3 heavy packing sows, smooth. $13.20013.40; packing sows, rough, sia.oufr la SO! oia-a. $10.75912.50. Cattle Receipts 1800. comnared with week ago: Beef steers 25 to 50 cent. lowerf she stock. 50 to 75 cents lower: bulls and veals, steadv. Stoekera nH feeders, steady. Sheep Receipts 8000, compared with week ago: Lambs, 25 cents lower; ewes, 10 to 15 cents lower: yearlings, strong; feeding lambs, 50 to 75 cents higher. Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 20. Sheep Re ceipts, 50O; market for week, lambs and sheep 25 to 50c higher; feeders strong to higher. No sales. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE. Dec. 20. Hogs Receipts. 600: market strong. Prime, $15.75016 25; medium to choice $14.750 15.7.1; rough heavies. $13.73014.25; pigs. $13915. Cattle Receipts. 165: market steady Best steers. $11011.50: medium to choice, $9 0 9.60: common to good, $7.50 0 9; cowa and heifers, $8.70t(9.5O; common to good $69,8.25; bulls, $6.5007.30: calves. $70 15. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Price Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 20. Butter, solid cubes. 00 c i- Fresh extras, 74 c; extra pullets. 66 c. Cheese Firsts, 31 c; young America. 88 c. Poultry Hens. 32033c lb.; young rooat ers. 31 032c: old. 20c; fryers. 34 9 3.1c; broilers. 38c; squabs, 60 0 70c lb.; geese. 28080c; turkeys, dresssd, 60 0 62c; live! sjs tt (jr. vegetables Eggplant, southern. 60Sc pounu; peppers, ben. 10913c pound; chili, 9&12c pound: squash, hubbard, $1,250 J. -it) sack: summer. $1.2602 Los Angeles iu. i ( . - i . . m 'it i ... sack: tomatoes. 50c 0$1.23 lug; potatoes, rivers, white, $40 4.oo: sweet, 4 6c; onions, yellow and wnne, ..oun.ou cental; Australian brown. ' " 5 '-'' - cucumbers. $1.5091.75 small box: garlic. 22 25c pound: beans, string, 10917c pound: llmaa. 10913c pound: celery. $6 0 8.50; turnips, $1.7502 sack- . .o. l. $i iti u 1.2.'. dqaen; cauli flower, $1.25 01.50 dozen; lettuce, 80 0 55c "'. peas, lvwiiMc pound; sprouts 8910c pound. Fruit Oranges. Valencies. $404.75: na vels, $3.2393.75; lemons, $495; grapefruit 4 dox; tangerines, 12 2592.75; ban anas, 697c pound; pineapples, $496 dozen: pears, cooking, $101..iO lug: winter Nellls. $2.609 3.60 box; apples. Newtown pippins. $1.7592.25: Spltzenberg, $2250 3.25: Baldwin. $202.25: huckleberries. 16 9 20c pound: grapes, nominal; pomegran ates. -3 nan orange box: persimmons. $1.5092 per 20-pound box; cranberries, $4 Vi.ol COX. Receipts Flour, 3200 quarters: bsrlsy. S20 centals; beans. 2919 sacks; potatoes. 1855 sacks: hay. 307 tons; bides, 248; nine, (i,ww gallons. Advance in Crude Oil. ARDMORB. Ok.. . Dec. 20. The Mas nolla Petroleum company today posted an advance of 30 cents per barrel for llrald ton crude oil. raising the price to 81.85. representing the largest advance In the history of the field. INDEPENDENCE. Kin., Dec. 20. An increase of 25 cents a barrel in the price of oil, bringing it to $2.75 a barrel, waa announced by the Prairie Oil st Gas com pany today. Dried Fruit at New York. NBW YORK. Dec. 20. Evaporated ap piss quiet. Prunes firm. Peaches quiet. Seattle Feed and Hay. SEATTLE. Dec. 20. City delivery Feed Mill, $47 per ton; scratch feed. $82: feed wheat. 185: all crain chop. S.5: oats, sns sprouting oats, $70; rolled oats. $70: whole corn, $75: cracked corn, $77: barley. 8U clipped barley. $85. Hay Eastern Washington timothy mixed. S369trl per ton; double compressed $40; alfalfa, $34; straw. $16017; Puget sound, $33 PLEBISCITE 1$ ABANDONED Plan for Settlement of Flume Dif flculty Given Cp. FIUME. Dec. 10. The plebiscite that was to have been held here to determine whether the proposals made bv General Badoglio. the Italian chief of staff, for the settlement o the Flume dispute, has been aban doned. The proposed plebiscite Involved the withdrawal of the D'Annurwlo forces and the occupation of the city by regular troops. NEW LAND BILL OFFERED Measure Aimed at Private Project in Klamath District. OREGON I AN NEWB BUREAU Washington, Deo. 20. By the terms o a bill introduced by Representative Slnnott today a large area of marsh lands en Upper Klamath lake, ove which a controversy has raged for many months, would be reclaimed un der the Oregon district drainage law The first purpose of the bill Is to de feat the leasing of the land by the government lor 30. years to a sa Francisco firm of contractors, an second, to make the land available for homesteaders with a preference right to ex-soldiers, sailors and marines. The secretary of the Interior would designate what lands could be re claimed by diking, but no federal ap propriation is asked. FREE MEDICAL AID GIVEN (iovernment to Treat Men for Ali ments Contracted In Service. WASHINGTON", Dec. 20. The war department's service and information bureau has undertaken a campaign to inform former service men that all In need of medical or surgical treatment because of illness or injury contracted in the army or navy can e. army or public health serv P'tal or local civilian sanitarii enter any ice hos- um, with all expenses paid by the government Discharged service men should ap ply to the nearest army hospital or local representative of tiie public health service for examination. -r con sult Red Cross representatives or state and municipal health trr.cera. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage Licenses. ANDERSON-ROHR Robert Burns An derson, 24, 382 Ross street, and Ernestine Mabell Rohr. 18. 7221 Forty-fifth street Southeast. COTTINGHAM-WIEST Cone Cotting- ham. 30. 160 North Sixteenth street, and Ada A. Wlest. 29, Lam brook apartments E.NULESBY-MOKrtis sr. rJngiesoy. zu, 232 Twelfth street, and Addle Morris, 19, tame address. PATTEE-ERICSON Alfred A. Pattee. 22, 301 West Richmond street, and Fran ces Ericson. 22. 542 Fessenden street. RIDGEWAY-BARTON H. H. Rldgeway. 68, 504 First street, and Nora J. Barton. 59. 3S8 Third street, ILLIG-ALLEN C. A. Illlg, 39, 681 Hoyt street, and Rosalie Allen. 21. same address. BEPtC-Dl'Brv'ER John J. Berg, legal. 211 Curry street, and Sophie Dublver. legal. 435 Fifth street. LENZ-AUSTIN Dr. H. J. Lens. 38. Se attle. Wash., and Gertrude Austin. 30. 1415 East Twenty-first street. CAMPBELL-WRAY Lee Colin Camp bell. 27. Seattle. Wash., and Gertrude Alice Wray. 24. Oregon hotel. DRESSER-WAGNER J. A. Dresser. 25. MB Xorthrup street, and Theresa Wagner. 23. 670 Tacoma avenue. MONSA AS-WULFF Jacob A. Monsaas. 25. Seattle. Wash., and Aagat Jane M. Wulff. 27, 12 East Seventh street. McCOKMICK-M ART1N Earl E. McCor mlck. 2S. 526 East Lombard street, and Ellen Dora Martin. 24. 729 Clatsop street. ANDERSON-HENKEL Dr. Douglas O. Anderson. 27. 917 Dekum building, and Helen Loraine Henkel. 24. 568 Seventeenth street. B ABB-BOCK H. L. Babb. legal. 54'J Pittock block, and Helen Bock, legal. 415 Allsky building. JCRDAN-NKLSON William Ellis Jor- an. 24. 692 East Irvlnic street, and C. Nelson. 20. same address. COWHKHD-1T REN William W. Cow- erd. 23. 14S1 East Hoyt street, and Fran cs T. L"lten. 24. 1S03 East Eleventh street. ('( "l.I.INS-DAKIN Claude -'. Collins. 4. Hood River. Or., and Marian T..Dakin. 2. 1207 East Harrison street. DAVIS-dl'.MINGEK E. A. Davis. 24. Independence. Or., and Rose A. Gumlnger. 4. Ulackstone Hotel. GEEIt-W AHNKR Dewey George lieer 1. 102 East Eleventh street, and Mao Itose Warner. 18. same address. DELISSALDE-BOl DRA Sylvester Le- lissalde. 34.. 425 Sacramento street, and ane M. Boudra, 20. same address. TO.l ( iLAS-t: A HI.E- -Harry . Douglas. legal. 14:13 East Seventh street North, am. Sophia Gable, legal, 793 East Sixth stree' North. v -ALLACE-M Y Kl'.s Zella J. Wallace. 23, 830 Borthatck street, and Florence E. Myers. 23, 208 East Burlington street. Kl . A HPS-. 'ONSEIt I.eroy w. Ed wards. 19. Mllwaukle. Or., and Clara Con- ser. 17. 1037 East l wenty-elgntn street North. Vancouver Marriage Licenses. EDWARDS-JOHNSTON John Edwards, 9. of Portland, and Martha Johnston. 22, of Portland. FOX-i'HEATIlAM Sidney Fox. 21. of Washougal. Wash., and Thelma Cheatham. 18. of Washougal. Wash. M I ( K r. I ,S ( N - HtNl.'tiHIil'N Mlcnaei Mickelson, of Quincy, Or., and Marian Hen derson. 23. of Portland. $10,000 Asked for Injuries. Damages of $10,000 are asked from the Alblna Fuel company by Con stant'ne Daklos for injuries sustained when run over by a truck owned by the defendant on July 6, 1918, in a suit filed in the circuit court yes terday. Daklos was riding a motor cycle across the Broadway bridge, skidded on the. greasy flooring and was run over by a truck following htm. He declares the truck could havs been stopped. Husband Finds Himself Ousted. After five months of wedded life. John C. Wallner found all his personal effects thrown on the back porch of his home when he returned from work one evening, and heard the voice of his spouse telling him he was a coward and "thV biggest fraud she ever met." according to a divorce complaint filed yesterday against Anna Wallner. Other divorce suits filed yesterday, were: Mabel against Albert Higley, and T. A. against Maliel I. Brown. Read The Oregonlan classified ads. OVERBECK & COOKE GO. Brokers. Stocks. Bonds. Cotton. Grain. Etc. $16-317 BOAKO OF TRADE BLDO. MLM11KK.N CHICAGO BOARD Or TKADB MEMBERS Correspondents of Logan M Bryan. Chicago and New York. New Tork Stock Exchange. Chicago Stock Exchange. Boston Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade. New York Cotton Exchaage. New Orleans Cotton Exchange New York Coffee Exchange. New York Produce Exchange. Liverpool Cotton Association. INVESTMENT ia a magazine for investors. Con tains reliable information about listed stocks and bonds. The current issue contains late data on several established securities that have, at present market levels, a liberal income yield. Investment will be sent free if you write for it. Writ Today. KRIEBEL & CO. Investment Bankers t i49s South La Salle St., CKJoago $2250 Cash or Liberty Bonds ESTABLISHED FIRE INSURANCE BUSINESS FOR SALE Fully furnished and equipped of fice; competent clerk who under stands every detail of business. Good clean business. Good income. Best American companies. Can deal only with responsible parties with best of references. Address AE 641, Oregonian PAYMENTS monthly buys oafrfahf tru stock or bond. Purchaser socvrn til 4siafll Uaa tors our sorcotty or srrrrra list and full particular TREE CHARLES E. VAN RIPER Mqsgfttr CeIidoid Slock tw.htjng 1 Exempt from all Dominion Canadian Municipal Bonds In this list of Canadian Municipal bonds you will, find investment securities that are, beyond question or doubt, the most attractive foreign offerings of the many which are presented for investment. These bonds are all direct obligations of the issuing municipalities and are payable in gold coin of the United States in this country. Bonds make ideal Christmas gifts. Every time a coupon is clipped it is a reminder of your thoughtfulness. 2.000 'Calgary, Clt of. Alta.. School... 10.000 'Calgary. City of, Alta.. School... 2.000 "Calgary, City of. Alta., School 1,000 'Calgary. City of. Alta., School ,500 tCalgary. City of, Alta 40.800Edmonton. City of. Province of Alta.. 5.000 Edmonton. City of. School 2,000 tEdmonton. City of 2.13 IFort Williams. City of 12,0c 'Medicine Hat. City of 1S.0OO -Medicine Hat. City of ' 2.000 'Moose Jaw. City of 10,000 tNorth Vancouver. City of, Prov. of B.C. 30.000 'Regina. City of, Prov. of Saak .2t6ttVaneouver, Cltv of, B. C a.000 'Victoria, City of. Prov. of B. C 4.000 'Victoria. City of. Prov. of B. C 6.000 'Victoria. City of. Prov. of B. C 2.000 'Victoria. City of, Prov. of B. C 14.000 'Greater Winnipeg Water Dietrlot 46.000 'Greater Winnipeg Water Di.trlot 6.000'tGreater Winnipeg Water District.... 200ftGreater Winnipeg Water District.... lOOttGreater Winnipeg Water District lOOttGreater Winnipeg Water District lOOttGreater Winnipeg Water District ttDenotes $100 denomination. tDenotes bonds of 3500 denom ination. t'Denotes bonds of $600 and $1000 denominations. 'De notes bonds of $1000 denomination. "Denotes bonds of $100, $600 and $1000 denominations. ItDenotes bonds of $486.66 and $973.33 denominations. tDenotes bonds of $486.66 denomination. LIBERTY and VICTORY BONDS If you must sail your Liberty or Victory Bonds, srll to us. If you ran biiy more Liberty or Victory Bonds, bny from ns. On Saturday. December 20. 1S19. th. closing New York market prices were -as given below. They are t he Bovernina prlcss for Liberty and Victory xioniis rn.ii over tn world, ana the his,h.- ' -. -. you may always know the New your Liberty and Victor' Bonds. 1st 1st Sd 1st SMa 4s 4s 4)is Market $99.00 $93. 2S an C.r, JP3.30 Interest ... .06 .0T .40 .07 .,' 806 -SS $91.76 $98.37 $91. S7 $94.77 $92.28 $0S.96 $98.96 When buying; we deduct 37c on a $30 bond and $i'..".o on a $1000 bond, vie sell at the New York market, plus the accrued Interest. Burzlar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for K.m Open t'ntil 8 f. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond Heuse. Capital One Million Dollars. , . Morrts Bnlldlna. 309-311 Stark St.. Between 3th and 6th. Telephone Broadway 2151. Kstabllthed Over a Quarter Century OREGON MUNICIPAL BONDS To Yield About No Income Tax to Pay Main 715 for details CLARK, KEN DA li & CO. GOVERNMENT, CORPORATION AND MUNICIPAL BONDS TO NET FROM 5 TO 7 PREFERRED STOCKS LOCAL SECURITIES ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. INVESTMENT BONDS 6 FIRST MORTGAGE SERIAL BONDS In Denominations of $100, $500, $1000. $2000, $5000 PRICE PAR, TO NET 6 Normal Federal Income Tax Paid by Borrower For further information, call or address COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 91 Third Street WILSON-HEILBRONNER CO. BROKERS 201-2-3 Railway Exchange Direct Private Wires to All Exchanges STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON SERVICE That's All Correspondent. E. F. Hutton & Co., New Tork; Clement Curtis & Co., Chicago; llayden Stone & Co., Boston. 6 Farm Mortgages G Secured by some of the best improved farms in the State. of Oregon, netting the investor 6. We have on hand amounts of $1000 to $10,000. City mortgages in amounts from $500 up, netting 6 to the investor. Pacific Coast Mortgage Co. (Established 25 years) 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Phone: Main 675 O D o II wcao Government Taxation. Rate . 4tt .4 . 4 . V4 Maturity Price 94.68 92.36 90.43 87.12 87.70 97.17 82.59 82.39 86.25 84.57 84.29 94.30 97.34 98.56 91.41 95.15 94.31 96.87 93.45 99.76 96.49 98.46 95.97 98.23 95.37 98.39 Yield 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.50 6.25 6.25 6.00 7.00 6.50 7.00 6.00 6.00 6.50 6.25 6.00 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 Feb. 1924 Feb. Feb. Feb. J&D 1926 1928 1930 193S 5 6 5 5 5 6 5 6H 6 M&S 1939 A&O 1953 J&D 1954 F&'A 1934 J&D 1943 J&D 1944 J&D 1939 J&D 1922 M&S 1923 J&D 1923 4Vi H 4 6 V S s 6 I 6 5 6 J&J J&J 1923 1923 M&S 1928 A&O 1932 A&O 1920 J&J 1922 J&J 1923 F&A 1923 J&J 1924 J&D 1923 F&A 1923 We advertise thMSe nrires n.ilrv in Tork market and the exact value ot 2d 3d 4th Victory 4s 44s 4Ms 3s 44s $111 44 $83.04 SU1.50 $SS90 $9!S.8 .43 1.13 .78 .06 .08 M. on Saturdays. INC. TELEPHONES: MAIN 283 MAIN 284 lOSOl aoi aoi BSSsi K fi O Q o o 0 o n 4