r THE SUNDAY OREGON I A X, PORTLAND, DKCFMRER 21, 1910. 17 a i'y 4 I 4 V BUSINESS Ori'OBTlXlTIES. HKRE'H A REAL BARGAIN, $1750. GROCERY STORE WITH BAKERY OI'TFIT, rent $!, with living roomi; doing V-4h cash business each month. Thin place In worth more money. lar;e c,fu.mkky with t i,iv. rms. Apartment-house district, doing big ' tasii &uin-js; price 4uuu. GROCERY STORE IN KENTON DISTRICT. $3200. Clean ntock, has 5 living rooms, ga rae, barn, delivery wagon, horw ; lease, rent $S. per month; doing $:000 busi lirsM each month. $HHtO FOR CORNER GROCERY WITH nl'-t- living rooms, partly furnished , rent $20, doing fair business. Others In all parts of the'clty. GET INTO MY AUTOMOBILE and I will show you. O. C. MOORE, WITH BRTTCE GdDDARD, 501-2 COUCH B LEK5 MOVING PICTURE HOUSE. Small house over 225 seats that has been paying over $40 net. It takes about $12H) cash. Balance easy payments. We believe this can be increased to $50 a week or over. We have sold seven pic ture shows In the past few months and we can advise you right. Weston Co., Gao N. W. Bank Bldg. GROCERY STORE. RENT FREE. Fine stock and doing a cash business: old established place. If you want a snap let u bhow you this place, includ ing 2 rooms of furniture and stock, all for $1600. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. This Is an old established firm in good live town in Oregon, doing $0000 a month. About $15,000 will make first payment; balance can be arranged. Long lease on bulIdinK- This store is a money -maker. Weston Co., 030 N. W. Bank Bldg. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Part ner wanted to sell the gasoline, oils, auto accessories, etc., and be gen erally useful In the garage ; profits are good : $175o required. Call room 401 iJekum bldg. CAFETERIA. First -clans location and equipment do ing a nice buxln $3500 cash if taken before Xmas, act quick. CARL E. TUOGLE, A 212-218 Henry Bldg. Main 8832. '$1150 lti HOUSEKEEPING rooms; $2150. 20 housekeeping rooms; $4000, 30, all modern, some terms ; $1050, restaurant, fine location, some terms; $1650, res taurant, corner location ; some terms. Harper. 629 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE Stock of hardware, furniture and Implements in the richest section of Yakima valley. Will sell on inven tory for cash. No trades. Stock will Invoice about $5000. Address AY 5tt. Oregon tan. &1 U V 1 NG PICTURE IN COUNTRY TOWN 270 opera chairs, clearing $70 a week above expenses. $25O0 cash ; balance $1000 at $35 a month. Weston Co.. 630 N. W. Bank Bldg. TRUCK PROPOSITION. All winter haul, about $45 per day, city work, over pavements ; payment down, balance to suit. See Barnes, 71 Broadway. AUTO REPAIRING. Also sell gartoline. oils, tires, auto ac cessories; battery charging, etc. Have a service car; profits are good; price only $1450. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. R EST A UR A NT. Worklbgman'8 location; rent $10; do In r $20 to $25 daily ; partners cannot agree ; will sell for $275, half cash. I'e te rg. 1 ." X. 5 : li s t . FOR SALE iiel business In good local ity, on Hazel Wild spur; cheap. Inquire for further Information. Call Tabor .s t :.o. TA ILORJNG. clean Ins. dressmaking and pressing shop for sale; doing $75 to $100 per week. Come and see. Phone E. 5." 15. 90S K. Gllsan. MOTOR-TRUCK AGENCIES. Would you like to figure on a good motor-truck agency for Oregon ? If so. call Huston, Main 5080. WANT man to take active interest In go ing wood manufacturing concern; must invest $H00 to $3000. Woodlawn 1650. FOR SALE Small meat market, doing $6(1 per day, $500 will handle. 15 miles from Portland. AE 50, Oregonlan. "WANTED Expert truck driver to pur chase truck on good contract. See Nash, 71 Broadway. Bdwy. 2162. 12- ROOM apt. house for rent, furniture for sale; good opportunity. 641 E. Mad ison. srOR SALE Card and lunch room, soft drinks and tobacco. 83 Russell st. Reas onable. Folt SALE Small laundry, shows good profit. Ideal place for practical man or man and wife. AV 065, Oregonlan. I WA NT to sell the busiest lunch counter in this city ; splendid place for two. SHOP rawh takes It. AK 857. Oregonlan. B;iineft Opportunities Wanted. AN all -around experienced business man. capable, active and willing to work. Wishes to invest $1000 to $2000 in An es tablished business with some one of un questioned Integrity ; can satisfy the most exacting as to character and abil ity ; don't answer unless you can do likewise. All information confidential. No agents. AO 60, Oregonlun. FOB EXCHANGE 40 acres. Boise. Idaho. 25 acres alfalfa, all fenced, perpetual water right alone cost $2000; price $5000 or will trade for good apartment or rooming house or city Income. Phone East 2H46. Apt. 309. I WANT to' buy a garage or a repair shop, either in Portland or a country town ; or would consider a co-partnership with a reliable party. Will pay cash. E 602. Oregonlan. GKNTLEM AN. 38. good appearance and talker, plenty of tact and enthusiasm, has $500 and the best that is in him to offer. State full particulars. AM 30, Oregonlan. WANTED location for garage and an to mobile business: have equipment for of fice, garage and repair dept. Will con dder partnership. H 434, Oregonlan. HAVE from $500 to $2000 to invest" lna good going business with services ; give full description in first letter, bank ref erences; no agents. AL 60, Oregonlan. LET ME take your garage and keep shop ann run it on percentage ; you get more than rent in is way. Phone East 6533 ask for Jackson. WANTED TO BUY SMALL STOCK OP hardware; must be going concern with clean stock; give full particulars. Ad dress F. T. Baker, Colfax. Wash. YOUNG man desires to in vest up to $5000 casn ana securities with services in an established business. Give full inform a -tion In reply. AO 66. Oregonlan. HAVE from $1000 to $2000 with services v to invest In a business with a future ; Valso have truck and car. AC 330, Ore gonian. LOCATION wanted for billiard room and barber shop, would purchase est. place anywhere. Address Daniels, 250 N. 19th street. LINOTVPER with 2 new machines and 30 fonts of mats wants to locate In Portland, space with printer or sepa rate location. AV 056. Oregonlan. OWNERS. TAKE NOTICE. I want a confectionery, cigar store up to $300; have cash to pay. Call Wood lawn 2025. PRACTICAL civil engineer has $3000 to $5000 to Invest, with services, in con tracting or engineering business. F 794. Oregonlan. W" A N TED Rooming or W. k7 15 to 20 rooms; must be cheap for cash. Marshall 4078, apt. 1. or P. O. Box 3634. 1 HAVE $10O0 to $2500 to invest In a good business, either all or half Interest; no agents. D 969. Oregonlan. WANTED Tailor shop; prefer hotel loca tion: must bo of merit. Call Broadway 4264. apt. 11. EXPERIENCED garage man 'wants half interest lu good garage. AC 324. Orego nlan. "WANTED Hotel or other good business. What have you? Will deal with owner only. AE 657, Oregonlan. PHONE MAIN 7776 If you are in a hurry to sell. B. F KELLY. 715 Swetland bldg. BANK stock wanted up to $8000, carry ing position of cashier. AV 905. Ore gonlan. - WILL invest $2000 In bank stock, carry Ing position of assistant cashier. A V 006. Oregonlan. W A XT ED To purchase whole or half in terest in retail book and stationery busi ness in fortiana. tn l-u, oregonlan, PHYSICIAN with Oregon license, exoerl enced and good references, wants loca- tlon. BC 134. Oregonlan. WILL INVEST $20,000 in paying business or loan on real estate security; principals oniy. ae two. oregonian. I WANT A MEAT MARKET. If you want to sell yours for cash call woodlawn .wjd. 1 WANT filling station or partnership In Kirfrf tor casn. nooniawn I WANT small restaurant or lunch counter; nave casn. t-au wooaiawn vza. HAVE $2000 to Invest In good business with my services. 3.1I. Oregonlan. "WANTED Confectionery, city or country. What nave you .' or .i..-t. oregonlan. WANTED -Buy or rent tore. Tabor Tudtf. a small grocery BUSrXKSS OPPORTUNITIES. Bu.slneiH Opportunities Wanted. SEE BRUCE GODDARD FOR RESULTS. Our system of advertising in all the leading periodicals of the country brinies buyers to ua from all parts of the United States. List your grocery, con fectionery, garage. hotel. restaurant, business of any kind, we'll sell It for cash. Three automobiles at your service. Call Main 4557 and we'll call. BRUCE GODDARD. 601-2 Couch Bldg. GOOD paying business ; combination pool, oft drinks, cigars, confectioneries; pre fer city several thousand population with steady, substantial payrolls; invest $2000 or more. In replying give details In full. BF 304, Oregonlan. Stocks and Bonds. WE WANT YOU TO INVEST IN PORTLAND. If you want to get Into business and have not quite cash enough for your proposition, come - in and we will help you and advise you. Weston Co., 630 N. W. Bank Bldg. WILL SELL a few shares of Arthur L. Smith motor stock reasonable if taken oon. AE 628. Oregonlan. Hotels and Rooming Houses. GOOD BUYS IN ROOMING HOUSES. NO. 82. $200 down buvs 14-room, west aide : rent $30. NO. 77. $550 buys 0-room. east Side: rent $30. NO. 04. $850 takes 8 rooms, on Wash, st.; good place. NO. 85. $900 buys 13 rooms: rent $30: west side; good NO. 00. $1150 buya 10 rooms. W. Park st: rent $4250. NO. 97. $1 2.V takes 1J rooms; terras; rent $50; west side. NO. 96. $1500 buys 19 rooms, west side: rent $35: good place. NO. 87. :0 rooms $1M0 buys side. rent $55: west NO. 98. 22 rooms; $2000 buys rent $75; west aide. NO. lOO. $2300 buys 31 rooms: rent $150. This place clears $225 per month; good fur niture. NO. 102. $2500 takes 27 rooms on 6th St.. west side. NO. 89. $2650 takes 21 rooms: terms : fine place : west side. NO. 91. $3000 takes 29 rooms; rent $100: clears $250 per month. NO. 80. $3150 takes 43 rooms, brick bldg.; rent $60; good place. NO. 95. $3200 takes 42 rooms: clearing good money. NO. 88. $5500 takes 40 rooms ; clearing $275. This Is a good place on -west side, center. NO. 105. $0700 takes 67-room strictly modern apt. on west side; cleari-ng $100 per week. This is a fireproof building and has lease. ssjpV Most of these places can be bought on terms and they have good furniture and good locations. We nave more In our files but haven't room to advertise them. Come In and see us. We have a lme of grocery stores and all kinds of other business chances. Call on us. Merry Xmas to all. Main 8245. NORD-HAMPTON CO.. 401 Stock Echange. 3d and Yamhill. MRS. M. E. LENT. HOTELS AND APARTMENT HOUSES. BS-M Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phone Main 8560. If you wish to buy or sell. I can give you satisfactory service. 60-ROOM HOTEL. High -class furniture and furnishings, white pressed brick building, automatic elevator. 33 bath?, newly kalsomlned and enameled; clearing over $600 per month; something exclusive. Price $12,500; re quires $70O0 cash to handle. 64-ROOM HOTEL. Risrht in business center: rent $300: Northwestern heat, well-furnished, in come about $1500 per month; big prof its; price $10,000. Terms to reliable parties. ROOMS AND APARTMENTS. 45 rooms, rent $225, brick building steam heat, runnina water in rooms clearing over $350 per month. This Is close In on west side: first time offered. Price $6500. 30 APARTMENTS. .Brick building, west side location 4i.il t h of Jefferson- most I v all furnished hardwood floors, private baths, clearing $500 a month; price iii.uuu. 28 APARTMENTS. RENT $300. Located in easy walking distance brick building, private baths. This is J good buy. Price $8700. 22-ROOM HOTEL. Near Washington street; brick build ing. Northwestern heat. Price 53500. 10-ROOM TRANSIENT. All newly-furnished. This is a fine lo cation. Price ;i7ou; requires uw casn I HAVE OTHERS. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL HOTEL. One of the best hotels in Portland can be bought at a very reasonable price Doing an average business of $3500 per month. Expenses about $22U0. Fur nishings in first-class condition through out. Strictly modern fire-proof build ing; 5-year lease. Price $25,000; $20,000 cash required. A. J. DEFOREST & CO.. 320-321 Henry bldg. Main 2690. 1 12 H. K. ROOMS, rent $25: clears over $100; 1 21 H. K. rooms, rent reasonable, dears over $150; 1 18 H. K. rooms, rent reasonable, clears over $100; 1 8 H. K. rooms, rent reasonable, clears over $60 ; 1 14 furnished rooms, clears over $125. We have others, .terms, all close In; prompt service, I BARNEY JOHNSON A CO.. Xfotn ?T1."B 170 iftth at.. Ground Floor. 16 ROOMS. MOSTLY SLEEPING. One of the very best east side loca tions; very good furniture ; stove heat, electricity and gas ; rent $30, can get lease; $1500. C. E. SCOTT REALTY CO. MAIN 3353. 517-519 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $400 PROFIT A MONTH. Splendid little apartment bouse, absolutely fireproof, automatic elevator, 2, 3 and 4-room apts., nice and clean; all full, with waiting list. Price. $6700, excellent terms. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon bldg. CAFETERIA. Downtown cafeteria doing fine busi ness; fully and modernly equipped; S30O0 first payment. If interested, call at office SKOTH EIM -BROWN COMPANY, No phone Information. 330-1-2-3 Railway Exchange Bldg. 130-PEft-DAY RESTAURANT. West side, close to 4th and Morrison sts.: old established place and making money: good reasons for selling: trial given. A anap at $2500. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 805 Oak St. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business, Hotel, Rooming or Apart ment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. RIERDON. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2500. Gives you possession of the best small hotel in city. cor. brick bldg., rent only $125, lease; absolutely modern, clean as wax ; $400 clear profit each month. Price. $5500. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon bldg. MRS. M. E. LENT, HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BROKER. If you wish to buy or sell, come In and talk It over; 12 years In this business In Portland enables me to give you satis factory service. 723-24 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 48-ROOM mod. apartment: hot and cold water each room: low rent, good lease: full fine tenants; attractive bldg.. close In. south of Washington. Price $4500. only $2500 down; Income $300 to $350 ppr mo.; easy to operate. Hedges, 171 W. Park. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 15 housekeeping rooms, stove or fur nace heat, hot and cold water in most rooms, rent $40; two rooms and kitch enette for landlady: nets $90; price 1000. will give terms. 194 Lounsdale st., cor. Taylor. 13 ROOMS, furnace heat: furniture .espe cially good: low rent, lease: White Tem ple district: no better location in city; good money-maker: Income $180. Price $1100 cash. Come early. To see this means to buy. Hedges. 171 W. Park. 44-ROOM hotel. 2 years' lease, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, clearing above all expenses $300 month; west side location: $3000 will handle. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon bldg. WORKMAN'S HOTEL 75 rooms, all fur nished, hot and cold water In rooms: full all the time: stone building; rent rea sonable; a good manufacturing district AO 59, Oregonlan. I SELL hotels, apartments and rooming houses. List with me for results. My motto "Square Dealings." Hedges. 171 W. Park. 15 ROOMS! housekeeping, close fiT west side; priced at $2000; fine home, lots of vard ana xiowers; terras, call 16314 W. Park St. Welis A Anderson. 30-ROOM apt. house for sale. 207 14th St. Call and see proprietor. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Booming Booms. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Class A building, location cannot be beat. Nets $2500 per month, long lease, completely and well furnished; $20,000 will handle. TRANSIENT HOTEL. Modern brick building. 73 rooms, all furnished and doing a first-class busi ness. Good for $800 net per month. Good lease. Price $12,000. 27 -ROOM TRANSIENT. One of the best downtown locations, steam heat, hot and cold water. Rent $100 per month. Well furnished and a good buy at $3000. 22 ROOMS 22., Beautiful little brick, fine transient location, steam heat, running hot and cold water In each room. Brass beds, good carpets; $2000 will do business. APARTMENT HOUSES. One of 27 well furnished apartments, fireproof building, all completely and well furnished, strictly modern. Price $7000. some terms. LARGE APARTMENT HOUSE. 50 well furnished apartments, modern brick building. long lease at very rea sonable rent. Nets over $1000 per month. Can be handled with $10,000. ROOMING HOUSES. I have many housekeeping and some small transient houses in all parts of the city, easy terms on most of them. Watch our Ads. We get results. V. RIERDON. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. HOTELS. APARTMENTS AND ROOMING HOUSES. 24 rooms, housekeeping, furnishings fair; electricity and gas; gas and stove heat; excellent location on main busi ness street; $2000, terms. 17 rooms, house keeping and sleeping, good furnishings ; electricity and (as; close to public library ; $1700. terms. 16 rooms, sleeping, but can be easily converted Into housekeeping; close to business district; hot and cold water in part of rooms. $1000. terms. 12 rooms, room and board; excellent furniture and carpets: nice large rooms; hot-air heat : excellent location. $2000. 9 rooms. 2 housekeeping suites, bal ance sleeping; electricity and gas; the furnishings are above the average; fire place and sleeping porch ; large rooms, furnace heat. $1200. C. E. SCOTT REALTY CO. MAIN 3353. 517-519 Chamber of Commerce bldg. A. J. DEFOREST A CO., 320-321 Henry bldg. Main !090. 118-ROOM APT. HOUSE. Fine west side location, everything In first-class condition. Best of carpets and hardwood furniture. Price $11,000, part time, 4-year lease. 44-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE. Modern corner brick building in easy walking distance; rent $125 with lease. Income $650; $2500 down, balance easy monthly payments. 36-ROOM BOARDING HOUSE. Workingman's place, doing big busi ness. Nice office. Good dining room and kitchen. Well equipped throughout Present owner has run place for past 7 years, wishes to retire from business Will sacrifice for $1500. A REAL SNAP. $1500 handles 36 rooms, all H. K . brick bulldinfir west side location. Rent $150. 2 $2500. :-year lease. income trice WE BUY CHATTEL MORTGAGES. SCOTT-BOWDEN CO. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CTTY. SMALL APARTMENT. 21 rooms, corner brick building, hot water heat, running water in all apart ments ; 3-year lease at $50 per month ; excellent location and clears $175 over all expenses; furniture and furnishings are In fine condition and of good qual ity ; price $3000, $2000 handles. 15 ROOMS. Very elegantly furnished, furnace heat, electric lights, hot and cold water In part of the rooms, excellent west-side loca tion; price $1750. t 12 ROOMS. Furnished above the average and net ting $00 over expenses; located close In, west side; furnace heat, electric lights; price $1550, terms. 10 ROOMS, TRANSIENT. Located in the uptown retail district, brick building, gas heat, e.ectric lights, 2-vear lease at $50 per month; all new furnishings and clear over $100 per month: price $1750. $1000 handles. SCOTT-BOWDEN CO., 431 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. "4-ROOM HOTEL. Exceedingly well-furnished, electricity and gas. hot and cold water in all rooms; telephones in every room: some private baths; large, lobby. This is a good monay-maker. Northwest heat. $15,000. TERMS. C. E. SCOTT REALTY CO. MAIN 3353 517-510 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 30-ROOM modern apartment house: 10 three-room suites: 8 apartments fur nished; excellent furniture, building and furnishings all go. This is the best buy in the city; $5000 cash takes this. Balance In monthly payments. Owner lives In east. C. E. SCOTT REALTY CO. MAIN 3353. S17-519 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $800 NET PROFIT. 120-room hotel, over 4 years' lease, hot and cold water In all roomB. North western heat, elevator, well furnished, swell ground floor lobby; $10,000 will handle. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon Mdg rU ARE looki-ng for a hotel. We are looking for a buyer. 30 rooms, all modern, with free rent. Net Income $20O-$350 per month: In good location: $5500. good terms. NCRD-HAMPTON. 401 Stock Echange bldg. Main 8245. LITTLE DANDY. 12 rooms, exceptionally well furnished, mostly sleeping rooms, fine corner bldg.. thoroughly modern. Price. Including winter's fuel, $1600. White Temple dis trict. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Teon bldg: 18-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Income $170 per month, rent only $35; west side location. House all full. Price. Including a $50O piano. $2000: some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 805 Oak SL "WE HAVE an exceptional buy in a large hotel near the depot, making a net profit of $1000 month; $10,000 will handle; exclusive with this office. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon bldg. 11 H. K. ROOMS, electric light. A-l fur nishings, good money-maker: very cen tral location; have other size houses. Call 201 10TH ST. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotels, apartment and room ing houses, with us. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon bldg. 12 ROOMS, very nicely furnished, far above the average: pretty house, low rent: White Temple district: full choice ten ants; Income $145 per mo. Price $1600. Hedges. 171 W. Park. APT HOUSE 48 rooms, west side location, nets $400: priced at $8500; good lease. Call at 163 West Park st. Wells A Anderson. ROOMING house. 12 rooms, housekeeping, mil nlcelv furnished clean and neat, al ways full: rent $40: price S1200. 312 Columbia st. FURNITURE for sale for 8-room house; house 10 fixed for roomers and board; furnace heat: bargain. Main 1167. 208 Grant. ROOMING house. 13 rooms, nice modern place, close in. weoi siue; nice nome; good money-maker. Price $1000: other bargains. H. W. Garland. 201 3d st. FOR SALE By owner. 9 rooms, some housekeeping: very desirable home with good Income; west side, close In. Phone Marshall 463. HEADQUARTERS for rooming houses. If you want to buy or sell, see me. H. W. GARLAND. 201 8d St. 10-ROOM roomlnghouse, good furniture: priced at $750; terms. This is a good buy. Call 1634 West Park st. 27-ROOM apt., close in. low rent: priced at $3500; good terms: west side. Call 1B3V4 West Park st. Wells A Anderson. 20 ROOMS, all housekeeping, at good loca tion; .always full: rent $55. Price $1800. Inquire 254 Third. FOR best bargains in rooming or apart ment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th st NICE little rooming hous Main 427. for sale. Call 1 ROOMS, cheap for cash; good location; fey owner. 84 loth at. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotel, and Rooming HERE ARE MY LEADERS. THEY CAN'T BE BEAT IN PORTLAND. 27 rooms, one floor, steam beat and hot snd cold water for every apt. fur nished by landlord under the small ren tal of $75 per month ; every apt. has electric and gas meter and gas range, completely rurnished and clean; easiest place In Portland to run. Price $2600; terms can be arranged; clears $175 month above expenses, and provides good home besides. 24 ROOMS, TRANSIENT HOTEL, $3650 Brick, one floor, steam heat, low rent. 4 private baths, hot and cold .water in all rooms; clears $400 per mo. a Dove expenses. This place has fine carpets, brass beds, steel springs. Circas sian dressers, splendid mattresses and exceptional furniture. 40-ROOM MODERN DOWNTOWN PLACE. Beautifully furnished and up-to-date. $r00 on easy terms. 42 ROOMS. STOVE HEATED. $2750. Easy terms; clears $250 per month: good lease at $75 per month. 40 ROOMS, STOVE HEAT, $3250. Terms, west side; a bargain. 12 ROOMS, NEAR 15TH AND WASH. $1050, very fair furniture, good. 12 RMS. NEAR 17TH AND MORRISON. $I2(M); some terms; good furniture. 12 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED RMS Broadway, lovely home and clears $80 per month. $1500 is price. 12 STEAM-HEATED ROOMS. 1825, on two floors, hot and cold water in ev ery room, electricity. This Is very ex ceptionally good, clean. 22 ROOMS ON ONE FLOOR. $2500. Terras; clearing $200 month; running water; first time offered. 8 rooms. $850, on Washington St. 6 -room flat right down town. $450, some terms if desired. The places are exclusively for sale thrown this office and have been per son iSgy investigated by me before being offered. You are always assured of a square deal when buying through this office We also sell groery stores, res taurants, houses and lots, etc. Chattel mortgages bought. GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE and I will show these. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501 -2 Couch bldg. Main 4557. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. The most prosperous year In the his tory of Portland Is coming to a close, but everything points to five years of unexcelled prosperity. I wish my friends a very large share of It. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 COUCH BLDG. 7-ROOM DOWNTOWN FLAT. Strictly modern and very convenient rent $33.10. rooms sublet bring $70 leaving 3 beautiful rooms for owner, good furniture and carpets; price $800. $500 down. Call at 230 Vi 10th St.. 11 A. M. to 4 P. M. Sunday, or during the week at 320 Henry bldg. SPLENDID BUY. 20 rooms, all in 1 and 2-room apts.. well furnished, furnace heat, rent only $70 month, clears $125 month above all expenses. Price $1750. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon bldg. 12 ROOMS. Housekeeping furniture, near Wash ington and 18th sts.. monthly receipts $131. total expense Included, rent $45; price $800, terms, or $750 cash. CARL E. TUQGLE, 212-213 Henry Bldg. INCOME $275 PER MONTH. 24 rooms, 10 furnished for light house keeping; rent only $50; price $1000. Ask for Mr. Johnson, with SKOTH EIM -BROWN COMPANY. Main 5100. 330-1-2-3 Railway Exchange Bldg. 12-ROOM house all modern, splendid cor ner, new furnace, well furnished, in housekeeping apartments, splendid loca tion, clears about $67 month. Price $1000 SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. M oore Co. 1QQ7 Yeon bldg. 21 - ftf OM nnartment bouse. brick bldg. steam heat, all on one floor, lease for 2 years. 9 months ; clears over all ex penses about $100 month. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon Mdg lft ROOMS 10. Close to Olds A King's; wicker and mahogany furniture; always full ; turns away M people a day; $6oO will handle 5th 16 ROOMS 16. White Temple district; rent $33; dandy furniture; all full ; large yard ; price ISM your own terms. Peters. 10 .n 5th st. WANTED A 3 to 5-vear lease on a good rooming house or hotel, not less than 20 or more than 40 rooms, .musi oe gooa location, furnished or unfurnished. State particulars. AK 827. Oregonlan. 6- ROOM FLAT 6. Well -furnished, clean and light; rent lift one ant rents for 2u : If sold once $325; $100 will handle. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. IS ROOMS 18. Rent ISO on one floor: light, well fur nished; always full; price $945; $300 will handle. Peters. 1j N. 5th at. SMALL grocery doing $3500 per month cash S months of the year: over 4000 apt. house district: rent $20: no dellv erles. Phone Marshall 4400. apt. 515. WE have cash buyers for apartments. houses and .hotels. BUSINESS SERVICE. 317 Henry Bldg.. Main 6797. HOTEL 30 rooms, brick building, close in makes plenty of money. You had better look this up. Call 183 '4 West Park Wells & Anderson. 5-ROOM lower flat, close in. west side price $525. You could not furnish fo this money. Call 1B3H West Park st Wells & Anderson. FOR SALE Waldo hotel. 8494 Ankeny s:.: J'.t ro,,:ii!, st'Min ri'jat, low rent, good income; price $3000; some terms. Phone Broadway 2002. $10,000 NET for modern and good paying 72-room notei: rent ."u. some terms no agents. AC 326, Oregonlan. SMALL modern hotel for sale, reasonable fine location on west side. Phone Main 1135. WANTED Unfurnished house. 15 to 20 rooms, between 6th and 16th sts., south of Washington. Phone Main 5821. FOR SALE The best hotel proposition ever put on the market In the city strictly private. G 750. Oregonlan. ?OI SALE Rooming house, centrally lo cated, on main Dusiness street, Astoria D. H welch, Astoria. Or. IF YOU want to buy a rooming house write uj 2o2, oregonlan. IF YOU want to sell a rooming house write to AK HS3. oregonlan. UOm AM) FOUND. LOST In Liberty. Majestic or Columbia theaters, or one of the departmn stores, old black sealskin muff keep saKe. tvewartl. can Alain add. WILL the girl who found the purse on outn st. ana ave. inursaay alter noon, belonging to M. L. , please cal Se'.lwood 2H54 7 LOST-Between 5th and Sth on Morrison St.. book of Standard Oil coupons In street. Return to o4i Jt landers and re- celve reward. LOST Party who took umbrella In front Dependable butter store, please return to same, name engraved on handle. No questions asked. LOST Tan pointer, 8 months: studded col lar; answers to "Mike." Reward. East -861. 140 E. 27th st. LOST Wednesdsy night, brown cameo brooch. Finder call Woodlawn 5070. Re ward. LOST Boston terrier, female, brindle side of face white, license on collar. Phone Tabor 4883. LOST Near 39th and E. Gllsan. Tuesday noon, brown silk umbrella, tortoise ring handle. Tabor S371. Reward. LOST Downtown district or Rose City Park, coral lavalller. Bdwy. 2818. 599 East 45th st. N. Reward. LOST A pair of shell-rimmed glasses with bows, Wednesday, downtown. Please call Marshall 857. Reward. LOST On Vista ave., between Lourelle and Carter lane, Elgin watch, gold case; reward offered. Phone Marshall 8249. FOUND Thursday on west side, a pair of lady's kid gloves. Owner call Main 7384. Miss Stencil. SHRINE PIN. a small gold wreatu around It; lost In the business section of city. Finder please call Woodlawn 59S9. FOUND Hillsdale district, helter, about 2 years. Apply Supt. Glenwood farm, Hillsdale. LOST Gray overcoat between Hawthorne ave. and Bertha station. Reward. Main 421 S. LOST Glasses for seeing and reading. Friday. Phone Tabor 1627. reward. LOST Package containing gray silk hose. Finder please return to Oregonlan office. LOST 1 Ford truck chain. Bdwy. 320 or Wdln. 5436. Please call FOUND Dog, sable and white female col lie. Call Tabor 1638. LOST Lavaller, red setting, between audi torium and postofflce. Main 2716. LOST Thursday evening, light buckskin glove, size 9. Reward. Tabor 9115. LOST Materials and foundation for mak ing a muff; reward. Bdwy. 1940. LOST Sell. -A pair of men's gold nose glasses. 3850. LOST Canary bird, near 21st and Irving. Call Marshall 2.7TC LOOT AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cars or tne Portland Railway. Ligni A Power Co. : Dec. 19 3 purses, pin, bracelet, pr. glasses. 2 bunches of keys, j 4 pr. gloves, 3 gloves. 2 books. 3 suit cases, box. 6 packages, 5 lunch boxes, 18 j umbrellas. Dec. 18 5 purses, pr. glasses, key. rosary. 2 pr. gloves, 3 books, 1 box, 1 10 packages, handbag. 1 rubber, pipe j cutter, broom, 2 lunch boxes. 2 suitcases, 18 umbrellas. Dec. 17 7 purses, hand- I bag. 2 pr. gloves, belt. pipe, tennis shos, ; 2 rubbers, .lar, 2 books, 8 packages, axe . handle, valve heed, box, sultoase. 2 lunch i boxes, 27 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First ami Alder sts. ! LOST Black met. lTandlein "public mar- ' kei. between 5th and 3d sts; had red. 1 beads and 2 prescription numbers In pink, to be called for at Woodard-cisrke ; papers. 4 keys, and 2 $1 greenbacks. Finder can keep money If you will only please return keys and papers. Either mall them to me, Mrs. N. How ard, Speedwell Garage, 14th and Couch sts.. or call roe on phone, Bdwy. 3074. LOST Friday P. M., $35 In bills, either between State bank and Levitt's dry goods store, or between Levitt's and Olds, Wortman A King dept. store. Finder please call East 365; will receive a lib eral reward for the return of same. LOST In Liberty theater or Woolworth store, package containing 1 H yds. blue serve, ': yd. silk. 2 patterns and small toy dog. Finder please notify L, Roberts. Gen. Del., Oregon City. Or. Reward. LOST Pair bt -focal eysglasses. white metal mounting, crystal rim. soft leather case, between Multnomah hotel and Portland Heights, Dec. 18. Leave with clerk at Multnomah hotel. Reward. LADY who picked up diamond ring in. front of teller's window In First National bank please return to C. Burke. 340 2d st. S., as she is known. LOST Lady's Swiss watch with enam eled chain attached, on 17th St.. Port land Heights. Call Marshall 1406 on week days. LOST December 16. between ninth floor Llpman. Wolfe and Remi,-k Song Shop, engraved sliver bar pin. with light colored stone. Please call Mar. 464. WILL the party who found brown um brella in Frank Nau drug store Thurs day evening kindly return to drug store. Reward. STRAYED from Willamette Ilelghta. red lrisn terrier dog. year and hair old. no collar on. answers to name Captain: lib eral reward. Main 3701. 371 N. 31st st. LOST Business district. Trl Delta Soror ity pin, crescent shape, 3 pearls. Re ward. Lorlne Misler Davenport. Congress hotel. WILL party who picked up package con taining ribbon in iieu.ver market, call E. 1244. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTED. 10O0 MEN to stay away from San Francisco and bay district points. The strike called by Pacific Coast Metal Trades council is still In effect. Pay no attention to con trary statements appearing in dally press. For further Information call at 3lil Worcester bldg. and ask for Mr. Kendrlsun. see. Metal Trades council. YOL'NG man with business and selling ex perience hsa money and services to put Into business that will stand Investiga tion; no pool room or cigar stores con sidered. B 974, Oregonlan. ProiMHusIs Invited. . REQUEST FOR BIDS. I will receive sealed bids at my office. 740 Morgan building, up to 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday, December 22. 1919. for the following: Stock of ladles.' suits, coats and dresses, furs, waists, skirts. underskirts and other mer chandise usually carried in a ladies' apparel shop, of the Inventory value of $12,907.07 Equity In ladies' suits, coats and merchandise sold, upon which a deposit has been made, but which are not fully paid for, showing a balance due of 627.10 Fixtures pertaining to the above stock of the inventory value of 1.146.00 Total $14,580.17 located at the store formerly occupied by Groves' Apparel shop. No. 288 Mor rison st.. Portland, Or. Terms, cash. A certified check for 10 of amount offered must accompany each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and property may be Inspected upon appointment. Dated, Portland. Or.. December 12. 1919. R. L. SABIN. Assignee. SEALED BIDS for general school and Jan itor supplies for the scnool year I020 1921 will be received at the office of the undersigned. 401 courthouse. Port land. Oregon, until 5 P. M.. January 14. 1920, and will be opened at a regular meeting of the board to be held In room 804 courthouse at 4 P. M.. January 15. 1920. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each pro posal. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids, or divide the award. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. December 20. IS) 19. Miscellaneous. MY WIFE. Mrs. Blanche Owens, has de serted my bed and board, and 1 refuse to pay any debts made by her after this date. WILLIAM F. OWENS. TO WHOM It may concern: I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by Mrs. R. Lohale. RAMA LOHA1E. December 19. FINANCIAL. BE YOUR OWN FINANCIER. Join this association and get your mortgage loan on the co-operative plan. Loans for any amount to run from 3 to 10 years, repayable In small monthly Installments. Part or all of loan may be paid off at any time. Every bor rower participates In full profits of the association. Only purely co-operative savings and loan association in Portland. UNION SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION. 284 Oak Street. WE BUY AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS. MAKE? MORTGAGE LOANS. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. WRITE FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY INSURANCE. EXILE BURKITT. PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AND TRUST BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN. LOTS OF IT. QUICK ACTION. LOW RATES. EITHER STRAIGHT MORTGAGES OR BUILDING LOANS. ACTION AND SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO. JOHN WEIST CO.. 807-8-9 LEWIS BLDG. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. INVESTMENT opportunity is offered small Investors to become shareholders in a banking institution earning liberal re turns. For particulars call between 10 and 12 A. M. W. J. Catto, 429 Lumber mens building. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH MARKET PRICE. CASH for RECEIPTS. We LOAN money on BONDS. SAVINGS STAMPS. 7 int 725 Gasco bldg.. 5th and Alder. CELLARS-MUKTON CO. HAVE mortgage. $675, at 8Cr, runs 1 year on 80 acres of good land: will discount $50 for cash. Mr. Mlllership. Alder ho tel. Main 5275. CASH paid for realty mortgages or sale contracts; prompt attention; reliable service. A. K. Hill, 215 Lumbermen's bldg. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate In Washington. Ore go rilLEIoblesiei-urnbe Money to Loan on K.-ul Estate. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. LOANS on improved real estate, house for sale. Insurance. Bluings. 509 McKay bldg. $10,000, $6500, $10O0. ON city or farms: will divide. 821 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7. Salomon A Co., 408 Selling bldg. Louis MORTGAGE LOANS, lowest rates. A. H. Harding. 312 Railway Exchange. MORTGAGE loans on Improved city prop erty. P. O. box 408. $10OO. $2000 and $8000 on city improved at .lar. -iiiiii. .Main i-ia. $500 TO IMM. 6 and 7 per cent ng Im njcoyed UU' proantD: L. o y. FINANCIAL. Money to . oan on Heal Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. 6 per cent to 7 per cent, flvo-yemr period. You may pay $100 or any multi ple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce Interest. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value of house and lot at 6 H to 7 per cent. You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal mouthly. For example, $1200 loan, you pay $6 monthly and Interest. You have privilege ol paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly. Interest reduced ac cordingly. NO COMMISSION. WE RECORD MORTGAGE AND PAY OTHER EXPENSES. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period. 54 per cent and 6 per cent. Repayment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main b30b. Suite 407 Xeon Bldg. WE CHARGE NO BROKERAGE ON RESIDENCE LOANS. and positively the lowest rates of Inter est; also make business property and farm loans, liberal repayment privileges. Brokers and borrowers place your loans where you can secure the beat terms. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 91 Third street. Phone Main 3067. Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce Bull dine. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On Improved property, or for improve ment purposes. Tne best and easiest method of paying a loan la our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for go months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or '.. 17 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $100o and interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portlona. Repayment prlvilegea. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark sc. (Portland. Or. HAVE following amounts to , loan on im proved city property: $ Mki at 7 $looo it 7 ' $1000 at 7 $30uu at U'x If security is AJ $400U at 7 MULTNOMAH DEVELOPMENT CO.. 204 Henry bldg. PRIVATE MONEY. $22,000 for Immediate loans: wilt di vide. City, Acreage or Farms. Plenty 6 per cent money for farm loans. TOIS C. BECK. 525 Henry Bldg. Marshall 585b. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security ; any amount from $500 up on improved city or term prop erty. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 601Q. A 281B. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms. No commission. No delaya DEVEittCAUx. Mortgage company. 87 0th St.. Portland. Or. $60. nou TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215-216 FAILING BLDG.. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS. Loans made on improved city property. Prompt service: no delay. Call and see us for terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. Northwestern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying prlvilegea A. H. BiKRELL CO.. - 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MONEY TO LOAN e on real estate security at going rate of interest. OTTO A HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city property and also 1m proved farm property. Current rates. WM. Mac MASTER, 331 U. S. National Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 5H PER CENT. 6 PER CENT, 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbett Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property; favorable repaying privileges, no commission or aeiay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 506 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. SEE US TODAY. We loan money on real estate, 6 .ii, i tc,'r, long time, short time; monthly payments or as you can; sums to suit. i -, uabwo oiog., otn ana Aicer, CELLARS-MUKTON CO. MONEY TO LOAN. Private party has $1500 at i per cent Interest, wants first mortgage on im proved Portland property. Call Main 530. MORTGAGE LOANS. OUR OWN MONEY. LOWEST RATES WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 80 Fourth St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. City or farm property from $500 up. W. H. BR1TTS. 318 Chamber of Com merce. Tel. Marshall 2549. $1000, $2000, $3000 TO LOAN on first mort gages, i ( ; no com in insiun , no ueiay. jonn Guy Wilson. 1406 Yeon bldg. Main 1228 BIB MKI PRIVATE funds to lend on city or farm property at 7. Give details In letter. M 817. Oregonlan. $800. $400. $500. $750, $1000 AND UP; low rates: quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate. RITTER. LOWE A CO. 201 Board of Trade Bldg. Sinn. $400, $500, $65U, $750, $1000 AND UP: lowest rates; quick action. Gordon Mort gage Co, 631 Cham, of Cora. Main 1870. $1iho AND UP! no commission or delay. F. H. DESHON. 615 Cham, of Com, bldg. MONEY on farm and improved city prop erty. K. K. Baxter. 704 Spalding bldg. Money to I -oan Chattels and Salaries. CHRISTMAS MONEY. VI LOAN MONEY To salaried and worklngmen on their personal notes. NO MORTGAGE NO IN DORSE R. NO PUBLICITY ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND SEE US TODAY. Investigate our modern money-lending methods. It will cost no more now than If you wait until a few days before CHRISTMAS. OPEN 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. UNTIL XMAS. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. Licensed. 218 FAILING BUILDING. 6. E. corner THIRD and WASHINGTON STREETS. OPEN EVENINGS. OPEN EVENINGS. DO VOl' NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE ? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS. ETC. If your payments are! too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans, and leave the se curity In your possession, and you can repay ua in small monthly payments. ALSO WE MAKE SALARY LOANS to aalarled people, on their own note. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND COMPANY. (LICENSED). 806-307, Dekum Bldg. Marshall 32S6. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 910. 394 Stark Street, Near Tenth. Loans on diamonds, watches, vlctrolas. pianos. kodaks, shotguns. furniture musical instruments, and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOR ROWER. City and county warrant cashed for face value. CARRIE MYERS-HERRMAN. Manager. SALESMEN Roth heater, $5; starts Ford In 2 minutes. If frozen: big commission; five minutes put on: write for territory. Box 264. Wllkes-Barre. Pa. MONEY to loan on atamonds. Jewelry; legal rates; all articles held a year; estab lished since 1888. Dan Marx. 283 Wash. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furni ture; legairntes. 208 Washington bldg. GEO. HARVEY loans money on household goods. Legal rates Tabor 3806. Loans Wanted. LOAN on close-in property, west side cor ner, with Income. Broadway 3207. WANTED $1500 on BF Oi&Koulaa. property. FINANCIAL. Wanted. LOANS WANTED. $250O -Modern 7 - room house. East th I st. N., 7 per cent, payable quarterly. J3000 Modern 7 -room house. Piedmont. I 7 per cent, payable quarterly. $6."O0 Factory building, leased at IUN ' annually: wants loan S5o it 7 per cent Interest, payable quarterly. S1-..'IM1 Modern flnnr mill nl.nl vnne $3.ooo. will pay 7 per cent quarterly. See Mr. Graham. i IN I KKHI A TK INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. WE WANT AT ONCE The following amounts on Improved Portland properties: $1500 at 7 per cent. 100 at 7 per cen4. 200 at 7 per cent. 30.40 at 7 per cent. 30O0 at 6 per cent. FRANK L. McGUIR. Abington Bldg. 2000 LOAN wanted at 7 on 10 acres. Improved, Tigard district; $20O0 building toan wanted on new modern bungalow and half acre at Multnomah station: J lrwpcrij nenn souuu ; iuuu loan wnuicu on Improved property at Glen Morrie at 8. valued at $3000. Will deal with private parties only. MULTNOMAH DEVELOPMENT CO.. 204 Henry bid. $3500 7 PER CENT LAURELHURST. New 6- room extra fine home Just com pleted. In best section of Laurelliurst .near park. All streets paved. Property worth over $7000. Want $3500. 8 years. 7 per cent. No commission. Laurel hurst Co.. Mr. Koehler, 270 V Stark st.. Main 170O. LOANS WANTED. $2500 on lti.se City Park residence. $5000 on cloae-in west aide property. $12,000 on very fine $30,000 farm. $15,000 on new west side concrete bldg. $20,000 on extra fine $56,000 farm. OTIS C. BECK. 525 Henry Bldg. Marshall 5958. I. HAVE a $7500 second mortgage. T per cent, all payable In two years, on first class brick income Portland property worth about double totaf amount against It: I will give liberal discount for cash. P 820, Oregonlan. $2500 3 YEARS AT 6 PER CENT. 7-room house and 33JL100 lot. on East Sth. near Burnaide at. rvalue $5000; in surance $2000. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. WANTED $ei0 to $1000 for one year at 10, secured; not real estate: will repay In installments. If paid before year la up will pay full Interest. AL 82. Ore gonlan. WANT $70 for S years at 7 per cent on well-improved 2 acres, close In. all under cultivation' small new lath and plastered cottage. This la fine garden land. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. WANTED A loan of $2000 for one year: will secure with Interest in a new man ufacturing business, which Is making a wonderful showing. A 868. Oregonlan. $8011 8 YEARS AT 1 PER CENT. Modern 3 -room house. 90x100. at Fir land station: Dronertv value $2450. SMITH -WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. WANT first mortgage loan for $850 to I0OO, two or more years at 8 per cent on small country home, value $1600. AC 353, Oregonlan. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE ON IM PROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY AND FARMS. F. H. DESHON. 615 Ch. of Com. WANTED $3750 on Hts. new 8-room res idence: private party. A R. 997, Orego nlan. $6000 WANTED on west side business AN 35. Ore- property ; no commission, gonlan. $8500 WANTED on loan secured by good city income property. 7 per cent, but no commission. Phone Monday, Tabor 4i25 WANTED at once, $1000 on improved city i property, to be paid in month. y install ments. A 949. Oregon lan $14,000 LOAN wanted by owner of farm property worth $40,000. Will pay 7. O 248, Oregonlan. $750O ON 3000 acres, will pay 8 per cent. Owner. BC 97. Oregonlan. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 Cham, of Commerce. 4th and Stark. LOANS WANTED. $aooo for one or two years.. Main 6707. WANT S4000 loan on new Irvington resi dence. AR 993, Oregonian. PERSON AJ.. A BRIDE. A lady came Into our store. And to us did confide. She wished to buy her wedding clothes. As she waa to be a bride. She said to us: "Some months ago I bought a swell new SUIT, And It made me so attractive That my sweetheart thought me cute!" And her advice to all the girls Who do not wish to tarry Is to buy their clothes at the FLOR ENCE STORE; They'll get a chance to marry. She bought of us her wedding clothes. A HAT. COAT. unKMi ana more. For she saved much on each of them At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS ! STORE. 2D FLOOR P1TTOCK BLOCK. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless Dentistry absolutely per formed by the nerve-blocking method, without after-eifects: let us prove It to you. We make X-ray examinations of teeth when necessary along with oth er operations; we specialise in first-class dentistry at reasonable feea. DR. A. W. KEENE. DR. B. H. PREHN. Majestic Theater Bldg. 351 tj Wash. FEET on the brain. Not a new disease. Most people have it when you are auf- fering from sore feet. You can not think ..f in iIuti i' ' i 'iitii ,. ' n ,n. I I will give you relief and comfort. By scientific chiropody-podiatry: many years' practice In Chicago. Cera Yale Bell. 508-307 Swetland bldg. Main 1446. Cor. 5th and Washington sts. HAVE tried the best reputed professors: all a lallure: Tried Rom-l-da; after six bottles I now can truthfully say I have a fine head of hair. W. M. Beers. Wrentham, Mass. I, his sister, can solemnly declare this. Harriet Beers. Wrentham. Mass. A SUGGESTION. Nothing more appreciated than a fur ( choker scarf and muff, from $7.50 up. Come and see. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Park. W. S. LE ROY. S. T.. 310-317 Bush A Una bldg.. Broadway at Alder. Are you aware of the fact suggestive therapeutics has cured more diseases than all other sys tems combined? I use suggestive thera peutlcs exiusively. Main 6761. THE master of pyorrhea gives you the benefit of many years' experience and snows you how to cure your own pyor rhea with a little aid from the dentist. C. Smith Long, preventive dentist, Buah A Lane bldg. WRITE A SONCJ Love, mother, home, ohlldhood. patriotic any subject. I com pose music, guarantee publication. Send words today. Thomas Merlin, 817 Reaper block, Chicago. IS YOUR hair falling out? Stamp brings free detailed information how to stop falling hair and promote Instant growth. ! K. C. W. Co., 839 9th ave.. New York city. NO HIGH RENT. Come and see my stock of remodeled furs and save money. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Park. WANTED White man willing to give blood for transfusion In pernicious anemia case. Apply to Dr. Menne. Good 1 Samaritan hospital. BODY massage, grad. nurse, elec. face and scalp treatment; nerve caaes special. 427 Morgan bldg, 11 to 8: evenings by appointment. BUY" Havana cigars direct from factory. $8 for box of 50. prepaid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Maximo Gonzales A Co., box 936. Tampa. Fla. WILL a big brother help financially a big i.im In i-nrinr for a little imnrlr.. 1 orphan girl? AN 25, Oregonlan. . ; - , PROPERLY balanced food a valuable as- set to health and beauty. Address Ex- pert Dietician, box 128, Sausallto. CaL V'Vc blolS st' at Alder. r 7 ELDERLY gentleman, bachelor, would like to help needy widow or children to make Christmas merry. AE 646. Oregonian. PERMANENT home by healthy girl. 10 years old. trustworthy. BD 7 IS. Ore- gonlan np rar55n ,.,i.v,... PILES CAN BE CURED without opera- f.on. Free booklet. P. O. box HQS. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you 7 See Vlereck. collections. Dekum bldg. ""MfiTK CW box" lo CANCERS successfully cured without pgtn. H. W. Stump 437 Larrabee St.. city. DR. WILKINSON removes corns In 3 mln. 315 Flanders St.. near otn. 1 TRUNK Give size: not over $10: with or j without tray. BD 790. Oregonlan. FOR entertainers for banquets call Main 9580. EDITH Phone, Leave word for SaJ, i mm i GET WELL, FREE FREE. FREE. ijvery day. from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M . and evenings on Monday. Wednesday and to 7 to . and Sundays from lO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO ,. HAVE FAILED to get relief In any other way are invited 'nvtlgate Chiropractic methods, w men are permanently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS ?"$' examine you. make a complete diagnosis or your case and di rect your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER. -h R?PRACTIC u afe- sane, sura and modern science of curing and pre- CHIROPR A PTtr in 85 per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removal the cause health returns, Tho Above service Is all free to you at the college building and may be had In private if desired. PRIVATE. TREATMENTS may also be n?a In college building by members of the facuuy. by either lads or men prac m .oners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner of Park and Yamhill. Tel. Main 1014. HOSPITAL In connection with college. Will handle out-of-town patients at a most reasonable 'lD " oraer 10 snow wtiit Chiropractic can do. Address All communitiaLlonm La DR. O. W. ELLIOTT. President. . DIAMONDS BOUGHT. PAWN TICKETS. Sell your diamond direct to Diamond importers and receive The higheat cash market value. Without any disappointment. We pay from $100 to $800 Per carat. We purchase paws Tlcketa. Gold, Sliver. Platinum. Any valuable, any amount. We buy War Stamps. Liberty Bonds. Victory Bonds. If you want money, see us. Private offices, business confidential. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Brokers and Diamond Merchants. 205 MORGAN BLDG.. Second Floor. Licensed by the City of Portland. 100 PER CENT CHIROPRACTIC SYSTHM. Dr. McMahon. Macleay bldg.. Portland, a chiropractor of experience, a past ama teur, a 10O per cent chiropractic special ist, with hfghest testimonials from pa tients from eastern states, familiar with the beat, also from western and local pa tterns having unfortunately had leas than 1O0 per cent chiropractic elsewhere, with, of course, correspuudlug disappointment in delayed relief. Men and women are fully satisfied with my lOO per cent chiropractic philosophy, long experience and superior skill demon strated in consultation examinations' easy. careful adjustments rates and finally, resulta. Tenth year in city. Terms. 81 adjustments $15. Phone, call or write. FOURTH AND WASHINGTON. Ken Home, 647 East Salmon at. KELLY A PILGER. PERMANENT HAIR WAVING. Formerly operator for the Hair Store and the Sanitary Beauty Parlors for the last three years, are specialising in per manent hair waving. Phone Main 7!15 tor appointment. Room 403. over Hip podrome theater. ACCUMULATION of impurities, by-products of digestion, cause disease. The cure: Dissolve and eliminate the poisons and revitalize the weakened parts. This can be done with the various electrical modalities. Rheumatism, neuritis, neu ralgia, asthma, nervousness, constipa tion, female disorders, prostatic enlarge ment, lung, liver, bowel, bladder, some skin dlaoruera. catarrh, weak eyes. Nose throat, rectal troubles without juricry' Dr. R. A. Phillips. Broadway bldg. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We Pay up to $23 Per Plate. Brldgework. Dental Gold Bought Bring or Mail. Private Offices for Ladlea AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 203 Morgan Bldg., Second Floor. FALSE TEETH! FALSE TEETH1 Highest cash prices paid for false teeth, crowns, bridges and ail aeutai gold. $200 TO $1000 PER CARAT for diamonds. We buy watches, old jewelry and all valuables of every de scription. . NATIONAL JEWELRY CO. 447 Morgan Bldg.. Fourth Floor. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER a cleansing, healing, germicidal and Invig orating douche. A great aid in lueor thea and female dlsoruers. 50c and SI per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. CHRONIC and nervous diseases a spe cialty: new methods. Dr. J. w Batdorf drugiess psyslcian, 304 Dekum bldg' Tel. Main 1160. This ad good lor free examination. AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH and a scientific massage once a week will prolong both plosical and mental efficiency Dr. Ironside, 308-11 Broad way bldg. Nurse in attendance. Main 56 ALL the latest remedies sold at the Clem enson Drug Co.. 200 Morrison st St Charles Hotel corner. At this drugstore you get Just what you call lor. We have no substitutes. MISS E. ADAMS Treatments for damiruff and falling hair, manicuring. 407 Morri son St.. Tllford oldg. Olticti 3o5. Hours 11 to 8. Sunday a 11 to 3. " l $1 ILL get b.th . feet fixed up good at Dr I Eaton a, the CHIROPODIST, who doesn't n"" F"S 3 yrs here, exam. free. Globe ' theater bldg.. 11th A Wash. Bdwy. 2824 ERIKSON 3 white shield maternity home for unfortunate girls, no publicity, babies placed in Christian home. Address 7s E. 72d N. . C 1279. DR. RUTH OLSON! medical gymnast Swedish graduate, steam massage ex ercises, electricity. 352 Washington bldg. Main Q34. Ladlea only. WE BUY WAR STAMp"s! spot Cash. Liberty Bonds Bought American Brokerage. 20ft Morgan Bldg. PYORRHEA challenge to those who think pyorrtiea cannot be cured. Main 6761 C Smith Long, Bush A Lane bldg.. Broad way and Alder. ALASKA FURS. Finest quality, ready-to-wear and to order at upstairs prices. The Fur shop, auti Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. FEB V ET A HANNEBUT. leading wig snd loupe makers, finest stock human hair goods, nairdr-?salng. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 349 Alder. Main 546- "DADDY BOB" Come home at once; busi ness in S. A. and other places settled by Daddy. Robt and Dolphie ask for you every day. Mother. WANTEU Home for school girl 13 yrs. old, -where she can help with housework to pay for board and room. Phone Broadway 3254 or write 154 6tb st N. TEACHERS OF NEW LIFE OPEN CIK CLE SUNDAY NIGHT. 8 O'CLOCK. ALL ARE WELCOME. READINGS AND LE3 SONS DAILY. 573 EAST BUKNS1DE. MRS. HANSEN wants help; shee needs clothing and food for self and 3 small children. Please help Mrs. Hansen, 180 Carmli'-rs St. ' WANTED Present address of John Gelst, formerly of Roseburg or vicinity; $5 re ward. Address G. G. Stewart Rose- burK, Or. TOBACCO or snuff habit cured or no pay; $1 if cured. Remedy sent on trial. Su perba Co., W 814, Baltimore. Md. PRIVATE home for old people: the best of care, home comforts; rates reason able. Phone Woodlawn 2150. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by lo needles method; trial free. Joale Finley. 014 Bush A Lane bldg. Main O068. DR. ELNA SO REN SEN, 508. Panama bldg. Drugiess; massage for stomach, kidneys H,eu,natism. constipation, open evenings' . . . ,. ' . DR. MARGARET HAYNIE gives chlro- ! eetVknd'ldain GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc. Hours 2 to 5. or by appointment. Phone j Main 1049. Office 308-C Third st r ' PILES can be permanently cured without operation, mm w 11 . jitsan, a4 4 Morrison st v t-: FURNISH entertainers for lo,lireu i quets and dinners. Portland Theatrical Agency. 319 Piatt bldg. - ... Tri..xT.- v.--.-- TT between 4th and 5tL ExpeVi woLL" Children specialty work- ! "YJ- t,'-at1d.'..Jnanlcu.r!n' scalp treatments. 415 Buchanan bid' ,.... eeaa ' " LADY" BARBERS, shsve 20c: haircut 33q face massage 35c. 253 Everett and ThlrC GOITRE, enlarged glands; cure yourselt A. R. Strachan, route 5. Hlllaboro. Or. I I'.IMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33W. Sell. 2213, mornings I ..enTHlMlK DANIELS ml n.rf: nTTTT j manicuring, face, scalp. 322 Fliedner bids!