v - - , : 16 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 21, 1919. ... SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. DrcMmakers. LAYETTES and children's clohhes exclu sively made at your home or mine; prices reasonable ; reference. BC 114. Orey onls n. DRAPER in dressmaking and tailoring would like few more customers. $5 ter day; shop expense; reference. Wdln. 6400. DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, alterations, children's clothes, knitting, crocheting; most reasonable prices. Main 1703. ENGAGEMENTS by the day by up-to-date dressmaker; remodeling reasonable. Bdwy. UE6T. , DRESSMAKER wants work by day. East gtc . EXP. dressmaker. $3 a day. Call Sunday and evenings. Tabor 0-05. DRBSSM AK I NO by the day. East 8595 after 6 o'clock. So phia I. Brauer. Fl RST-CLASS dressmaking, tailoring, al terations, remodel lng, by day. Main 4. Nuntfi. MATERTITY and surgical hospital. 1O05 Williams ave. ; normal confinement cases taken care of for less than V the usual charges; cases Including drugs, dressings, licensed physician's services. 2 weeks hospital care, all for $40; all other sur gical and hospital cases cared for under same conditions. Phone oodla wn 166, Main 7744. or apply at 702 Dekum bldg. NURPE Quiet home, attractive surround ings, on fine auto road and car line. Mental cases, references. Greaham, Or. R. A., box 111. PRACTICAL nurse wants case and hnuse work, If necessary. Main 1520 after 9 A. M. WILL do nursing in my home, care for Invalids, convalescents or old people. Tabor 5700. CHILD'S nurse, capable of taking full charge of infant, several children pre-i-rred. G 757. Oregonlan. COMPETENT child's nurse wishes position after Jan. 1; references. M 819. Orego nian. UNDERGRADUATE nurse will caret or ill ness, convalescent or elderly. Sell. 3094. GRADUATE nurse wishes case. Prices rea sonable. Phone E. 0003. Housekeepers. YOUNG lady wishes position In rooming house or apartment house where she will have full charge: or housekeeping for some refrned gentleman; modern home: no triflcrs need apply. Phone Broadway 3429, or write Savon hotel, room 34. Fort land. Or. CAPABLE, middle-aged woman, no In cumbrance, wants place as housekeeper in very small family; prefer widowers or bachelor's home where can have "uI1 charge; will leave town. AR 9S5. Oreso nlan. YOUNG widow with baby girl desires Po sition as housekeeper for elderly or em ploved couple, widower with children, or . lub of men, good cook, good references. D 004. Oregonlan. YOUNG widow with 2 little girls wants position as housekeeper; home more than wages. R. ML. 506 W. 15th st.t ancou- ver, Wash. WIDOW with son 12 years wants position as housekeeper for elderly couple or In widower s home; references. A 862, Ore gonlan. Ti ELI ABLE widow, middle-aged, alone, wishes position as housekeeper for re sectable widower. AG 510. Oregonlan. WANTED A position as housekeeper In widower's home. Phone Broadway B4M1 or 420 Alder St. REFINED, agreeable widow wants house- keeplng. AG 488. Oregonlan. Domestic. LADY wishes day work washing, ironing or cleaning. Call any day except Sat urday. S10 E. Pine st. HOUSEWORK and cooking in plain fam ily, without laundry. Mar. 4028. WANTED TO BENT. House. MEIER & FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats witn detinlte information pertaining to eacn. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. WE are In touch with hundreds of peo ple wanting to rent homes; let us rent and manage your property. FRAN K L. McGU I RE To Rent lour Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. WELL-FURNISH ED modern house, locat ed near town or convenient to Vancouver cars. Must have two or three bedrooms and good furnace. Bunga low preferred. Phone S. Vincent. Marshall 0070. WANTED To rent, responsible party, Jan. 1st. 4 or 5-room modern bungalow, good district; no children; will give good care, consider purchase if satisfactory. Wood lawn 3384. WANTED Between now and Feb. 1st modern 6 or "-room furnished house, Irving ton preferred ; best of references; 2 adults; would lease for one year. Phone East 6526. TWO adults want furnished house or flat; would buy furniture. West Side south of Morrison street or Portland Heights. Best of references. Office Main 1063, residence Main 322.". ABOUT Jan. 10 or IB by careful and re liable tenant, adults only, a 5 or 6 room modern bungalow in good neigh borhood. Tabor 2037. ft OR 6-ROOM house or bungalow, prefer ably with garage or room for portable one : must be neat ; responsible parties. Tabor 6O0S. WANTED Warehouse. 10.000 to 20.000 sq. ft.; prefer trackage. Portland Auto De livery Co., 27 N. Front. Broadway 17M0. WANT to rent 5 or 6-room house, family of 3 adults; Irvlngton; may purchase later. G 738, Oregonlan. WANTED To rent a 4 or 5-room modern bungalow in good district; no children. G 743, Oregonian. By responsible adults, nicely furnished house with fireplace and sleeping porch. Address E. HVcox. 071 Albina ave. 7-ROOM modern house with garage, good neighborhood, near car; adults. East 2057. WANTED Furnished or unfurnished small house or apartment; man and wife. BD 805. Oregonlan. 6 OR MORE rooms, walking distance Will iams ave car; references. Woodlawn 1207 Saturday. 4 OR 5-ROOM flat or cottage; 2 bedrooms. East 6407. Apartments. WANTED By two adults, small furnished apartment or three housekeeping rooms In high -class private residence; best references. Marshall 1S10, Satuday P. M. and all day Sunday. ! TWO adults want furnished house or flat; would buy furniture. West side south of Morrison street or Portland Heights. Best of references. Office Main 1003, residence Main 3225. , WANTED 1 2 or 3 room apartment, walk ing distance, by young couple; would sublet for 2 or 3 mouths; reference Phone East 6144. WANTED By two young business ladies, modern apartment in" went side; rent or sub rent; references furnished. Main 59K3. between 0 and 12. or 5 and 7. YOUNG COUPLE, no children, wants nice ly furnished small apartment on west side, by January X. AL 80, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished house, flat. apt. oi housekeeping rooms. Phone R. 1O07, Will rent all winter if reasonable. TWO LADIES want mall, well -furnished housekeeping apt. ; modern apt. house preferred. Mtin o.n i . room 20. WANTED By Jan. 15. on west side, good unfurnished apt. with 2 bedrooms: for adults. Phone Main 2S5S. Rooms. WANTED by nurse, front room in mod ern home, with use of kitchen or kit chenette ; east sid preferred ; best of references. Mrs. Emerson. 723 E. 19tn. North ROOM WANTED Room wanted, by college student. In refined family ; preferably with voung r o I k, BC 110. Oreg on I an. BY YOUNG couple, room and board, pri vate family: wish to keep dog in base ment. BC 132, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. TOUNG lady employed. with 3-yr.-old child, wishes board and room in private family, east or west side ; also care of child; give phone number. BJ 206, Ore gonlan. YOUNG woman desires room and board In refined home. References given and re quired. Telephone Marshall 2055 Mon day morning. BOARD for a child 4 years old, mother employed. Mrs. D. M. Bailey, 134 East Third st. ROOM and 2 meals desired by bookkeeper, about 35; private family, close in. B 075, Oregomian. WANTED By 21st, room and 2 meals, west side. F 703. Oregonian 31 1 DDL E-AGED woma n wants room and Qrd lo. Lrviofftoa. fiione aat JL8; WANTED TO RENT. Roontfi With Hoard. 2 YOUNG ladle (sisters), both employed, would like room and board In strictly private family. Tabor 5051 Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED Furnished H. K. rooms, or room and board In exchange for paper hanging, painting or carpenter work. BF 313. Oregonlan. HOUSEKEEPING rooms by mother and daughter in vicinity St. Helen's Hall. Mrw. Olga Lloyd, general delivery. WARM H. K. room. Williams or Union ave. car line, by Sat., Dec. 20; reason able East 7022. WANTED Housekeeping rooms suitable for 3 adults. AG 403, Oregonian. UNFURNISHED room for housekeeping at St. Johns: state price. AR 2, Oregoniari". WANTED Housekeeping rooms for two adults, west side. BJ 268, Oregonian. Business Places. WANTED Small location for business, with 1 or 2 living rooms. AL 70, Ore gonian. WANTED Desk room with telephone ac commodations in a modern building, cen trally located. AV 930. Oregonlan. WANTED Building suitable for confec tlonery. C 398, Oregonian. WANTED to rent space for small lunch Stand or buy one. BC 05, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. HAVE you Remington typewriter you will rent to responsible party ? Tabor 1927. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT. 8 rooms, den, sleeping porch; nicely furnished, piano, near three car lines, in Ladd's addition, $05. FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Rent Your Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 106S. IF YOU are going to be in the city holiday week you can rent my 2-room steam -heated apartment, within 2 blocks of Meier & Frank's for $12 from Dec. 24 to Jan. 1. Give phone, references. AH 801 . Oregonian. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st. at East Sixth. The principal east-side hotel; digni fied and refined ; $1.25 per day. double $1.75; $6 per week; $22.50 per month. PHONE Brwy. 2202. Terminal Baggage Transfer Co.. 6th and Flanders. Baggage stored 5 days free. Checks called for. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison St., at Tenth. Rates $1 day up. Weekly $4.50 up. Steam neat. Free phone and baths. 475 M ORRI SO N Newly renovated and furnished, large or single rooms; con veniences. CLEAN furnished room and kitchenette. Take Williams ave. car to Skidmore St.. 2 blocks east. 90S Rodney ave. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. St.. down town location, respectable and strictly modem rooms, large, clean. 75c. $1 DAY; $2.50 week up; outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. LARGE front room, furnished attractively; modern new house with piano; fine loca tion, 10 minutes' ride Hawthorne car. Call today, 304 East 22d, near Haw -thorne. Phone East 6636. LARGE front ' room with fireplace for gentlemen, breakfast if desired. Main 3106, 738 Johnson St.. between 22d and 23d. FOR young couple working. 1 nice room. 2 large windows. 2 large closets, bath, phone ; home comforts in a real home. Phone Tabor 1082. 1 448 TAYLOR ST. Clean, well furnished sleeping room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentle men. NEAT, furnished rooms for ladies em ployed; heat and electric lights. 40Z 12th st. A ROOM with breakfast for business man, refined family, garage if desired. Tabor 7844. LARGE, well-furnished alcove room; run ning water, porch; couple or young men employed. 570 Hoyt st. Bdwy. 1955. SLEEPING room with use of kitchen for breakfast; heat, light, phone furnished; close in. Marshall 3780. REFINED Christian home for business young people ; music and home privi leges; references. Tabor 5525. DESIRABLE, sunny south room; fur. heat, elcc. light, bath and phone; 10 m. to bus. center; w. s. 4. uroanway EXCEPTIONALLY wel 1-furnished front room for gentleman ; modern home. 139 Glisan. Main 1 224. CLEAN, comfortable room for a man; $12 per month, with bath. 400 Yamhill, up stairs. IN SELECT district, west side, walking distance. Bdwy. 2266. 84 N. 21st. SLEEPING room ; lady preferred; break fast privileges. 664 E. Plue st. FURNISHED room, cloae Jan L Marshall 915. in. west side. GARAGE and 2 desirable rooms, modern. Phone 319-95. 541 Tillamook, cor.12th. NICELY furnished room in private fam ily; gentleman preferred. 552 E. Salmon. NICE room for gentleman : near Multno n ah dub. Phone Main 2741. FURNISHED room. 255 E. 23d. cor. Mad ison. 26'J 14TH, near Jefferson st.. choice rooms, walking distance. Alain 3803. ONE first-class transient room for rent. Main 0O49. 531 Taylor St. ON E large front room, heated, suitable for two. 262 14th St. SLEEPING room in private family; large front room. Call Main 5002 before 2- FURN1SHED room for rent. 374 Victoria street. Rooms With Board. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-c?ass family hotel ; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for famtl fes and ousiness men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. JEANNE D ARC Furnished rooms, with or without board, for business girls and lady tourists, permanent or transient. Special features within the limitation of the minimum wage earner; $2 per week and up. 265 14th st. Main 4119. TWO vancancies in smalt family hotel, suitable for couple or four young men or ladies, all modern conveniences, fire place, shower bath ; an unusual place; home cooking ; shown by appointment only. East S0S0. DO YOU appreciate good board and room? If so come and see us: rates reasonable. home cooking, close in. Grand -Ave. ho tel, 334 Grand ave., 3 blocks south Haw thorne ave. ROOM and board for business girls ; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $4.50 per week. East 4732. 12 E. 7th st. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 10th st. For business girls sad students; reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. HARRISON hotel, outside rms., $2.50 ; table board $6 week. Front and Harrison, HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable. 550 Couch st., btk. off 16th-Washtngton sts Rooms With Board in Private Family. WANTED One or two little girls to board, not under 5 years or over 10 years; a good home; have no children. Write Gladstone. Or., box 307, or pone 437-J. 3 blocks to school. STEAM heated room, suitable for 2 young ladies, good board and home privileges. In refined home-like place, easy walk ing distance. 367 Glisan St.. Broad way 2438. ROOM and board for respectable young lady, in nicely furnished home of young couple. 2 meals, home privileges, piano, tfc block south of Hawthorne ave. Tabor 1383. 295 E. 38th st. HERE'S just what you want. Nice, clean, cozy room with grate, with or without board, reasonable; walking distance. Main 4559. YOUNG lady employed would share mod ern suburban home on car line with Komeone else employed; references. BD 7M. Oregonlan N EAT and clean room, with meals If de sired, for a refined business man : 3 in our family. Marshall 1020. 244 Broad way S. BUSINESS college girt or girl employed to assist with work in exchange for room and board : good home. Mar. 338. ROOM and board with respectable family for one young man ; $40 per mo. 424 4th st. Mar. 337S. ROOM and board in private family, $40 a month; working men preferred. East 6771. 373 Ross sL LARGE room with board and home privi lege. 161 N. 23d st. Mar. 3374. FURNISHED room with board, sleeping porch. 407 Clay. Main 3S34. ROOM with furnace heat in a comfortable house; references. Marshall 4423. ROOM In private family for gentleman. Board if desired. 851 Thurman st LADY wishes couple children to board apd room. Sell 629. CHILDREN to board in private home. E. 2446. 365 Halsey st. LARGE, nicety furnished room, with break fast; in Irvlngton. East 4852. BOARD and good home for young lady or small child. 346 Columbia. Furnished Apartment. THREE rooms, private bath, steam beat; adulU, oUj Mississippi &y FOR RENT. Furnished Apartment. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier Franks' tore; good surroundings, strictly mod ern, 2 and 3 -room f Urals hed apts. ; all outside with French doors and balcony. $75 6-ROOM well furnished! apartment flat; steam heat and hot water sup piled; 3 bedrooms, yard and basement; 7 minutes walk from postofflce. west of Park. References. BJ 186. Orego nlan. 3-ROOM apt., partly furnished, and board (not room), father and 14-yr. son who needs mother's care and good cooking. A. C. Alexander. 90 E. 19th st. Phone East 89. NICELY furnished apartment, three rooms and bath; no children; walking distance. Call at The Fair, 454 Wash ington st. or phone Main 7952 Sunday. APARTMENT, 3 rooms. 872 E. Davis, for refined couple; gas, electric lights and phone furnished; also private bath. Call Sunday. . 2 COZY ROOMS on 3d floor, cook stove, gas plate, water In kitchen, 917 per mo. 16th st. car. 605 6th. SHERMAN APTS. One 2-room furnished apt., steam heat, reasonable. 186 Sher man. Tel Marshall 3983. 3-ROOM apartment, furnished housekeep ing ; path ana heat; adults. 300 Rus sell st. NICELY furnished ( Including mahogany piano ) a-roora, steam -heated apart ment, $65. Main 4124. HERMENIA, 400 Hall st., 2-room basement apartment, partly furnished; 25. 4. 3 OR 2-ROOM furnished apt. house. Call at a.'i rnurman st. 2 LARGE rooms furnished, hot and cold water, heat. Call Main 7262. WANTED Gentleman to share furnished apt. Phone East 7762. 3-ROOM apt. with private bath; $32.50. Alta. Apts.. B2 E. Ash. L'nfurnisne'd Apartments. FURNISHINGS of small apartment for sale, apartment lor rent, call Marsnaii 4829. AND 4-ROOM unfurnished apts., $6 and $14. Tabor 7825. Hat. FOR RENT 130. 5-room modern flat. 538. Second st., bet. Hail and Lincoln. Inquire 86 10th St., Bdwy. 840. 1RVINGTON Exceptional 6-room flat; 2d floor apt., complete, $55. Adults pre ferred. East 8015. FOR RENT, $15, lower flat of 4 rooms and bath ; close in, west side ; adults. .'. i otn st. Taor 4.to3 LOWER 5-room flats, furnished or uri- Jackson. 5-ROOM flat, close In. walking distance. Main 250. 4-ROOM modern flat, heat and hot water, $25. Tabor 7837. Furnished Flats. 7-ROOM DOWNTOWN FLAT. Strictly modern, rent only $33.10 per month, rooms sublet bring $70 leaving 3 large beautiful rooms ror owner. Fine furniture and carpets for sale at $800 will take $500 down bal. in monthl v payments. Call Sunday 11 A. M. to 4 P. M. at 230 10th st., or during the week at 320 Henry bldg. 6-ROOM modern flat, downtown location. beauuiu. lurniture ana good carpets, i rooms pay the rent, garbage, steam heat, hot and cold water furnished by land lord at $45 per month. Price of fur niture and furnishings $775 cash. A, J. DeFOREST & CO., 320-321 Henry bldg. Alain 2600. $75 6-ROOM well furnished apartment flat; steam heat and hot water sup piled ; 3 bedrooms, yard and basement; 7 minutes walk from postofflce, west of Park. References. BJ 186, Orego nian. FURNISHED 5-room flat for about three months; laundry trays, furnace; two blocks north of steel bridge; $35; 281 Holladay. East 6682 11 to 12. FOR RENT 4-room upper flat, furnished. Call after 1 P. M. Sat. or Sun. 588 H Broadway drive or Broadway 3061 till 12 M. Sat. 4 ROOMS, modern, nicely furnished, walk ing distance ; adults only. 21 Eu gene, cor. Williams; Sunday and after 6:30 weekdays. 1-ROOM with fireplace, sleeping porch, large kitchen partly furnished, $45; close in. E. 738. Oregonlan. NICE 8-room flat for rent, furniture for sale, $200; rent $14. 568 Market st. Phone Main 7924. 4-ROOM attractive furnished flat; adults; references: $40. 616 Commercial st. FOUR-ROOM lower flat, partly furnished, bath. Main 2302, 497 Columbia at. Housekeeping Rooms, LARGE, unfurnished housekeeping suites with running water. Inquire 163 First, room 12. S FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 821 Garfield ave., call after 10 A. M.. Wood lawn car. Failing st. TWO large, light furnished housekeeping rooms, private family, cheap. 936 East Davis st. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 713 Sandy blvd. 400 B. 21st st. Phone East 7666; no children. THREE rooms, lower floor, at 694 Front st., cor. Meade ; $20. Call afternoons only or phone East 1668. FOUR large outside rooms, bath, light, water, phone free; reasonable. 654 E. Ash. FOR RENT 4 rooms, bath and 3 closets: good location on carline ; middle-aged couple preferred. Tabor 9458. HOUSEKEEPING room, ground floor, on carline, $lo. 409 Alberta st. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, wood and water. Rent $16. 631 Thurman st. 1 NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping room at 735 Everett. FRONT 3-room suite of housekeeping rooms. 5G2 Williams. FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms, $22 per month." Call 300 5th st. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms, kitchen partly furnished, suitable for couple or business girls; private entrance: reasonable use of acre garden spacs If derired. Phone Sell wood 650. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, electric lights and phone; walking distance; working girl preferred. 292 Tillamook st., near Williams ave. Phone East 6376. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms In private fam ily; walking distance; bath, gas and elec tric lights. Phone East 2143. Reference required. FOR RENT for 2 months, housekeeping room; dandy place for two people em ployed during day. Phone Main 4998 Monday. WELL-FURNISHED room with board in modern bungalow. 371 Larch St., Ladd Ad. Phone E. 5002. THREE fine housekeeping rooms Fn pri vate family, $22; furnish your own heat. 2Q8 Monroe, phone Woodlawn 3743. 3 WELL furnished H. K. roomn. modern conveniences; $25 : adults. 1067 E. 10th st. N., take A B car. $24 FURNISHED 3-room suite, ground floor: 20 -mm. walk ; 2 cars : adults pre ferred. McFarland, 6Q2 Yeon bldg. TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; large range, gas, for 2 or 3 bachelors. $6 week. 141 11th st.. corner Alder st. 3 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, pantry and bath, walking distance. Phone Mar. 2751. 2 LARGE front rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, electric light and heat; adults tfily. 246 N. 20th st. TWO furnished h. k. rooms, first floor, front, clean ; cookstove. 365 E. 7th. 1 ROOM and kitchenette, furnished, de siraMe for 1 lady. Close in. East 7531. FOR RENT 1 or 2 large housekeeping rooms. 171 N. 17th. FUR. H. K. APT., heat, light, running water. 474 Salmon st. TWO large, modern H. K. rooms, adults, $30 a mo. Main 2715.- FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, rent very reasonable, 7451- North rup at. ONE large room with kitchenette. 262 14th st. NEAT hack single H. K. room. 206 13th. Houses. LONG or short distance hauling; furniture moving; very reasonable. Phone East 5629. $30 ATTRACTIVE modern Hawthorne bungalow; 4 large rooms, besides bath Call Sunday P. M., at 423 E. 43d st. MODERN 5-room house, furniture for sale cheap for cash. 774 Interstate ave.. bet. tteacn ana railing. SIX rooms, 76th street S. E., $1800; mod ern. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. FOR RE NT Clay st. -Small cottage, west side. 504 FOR RENT Six-room house: bath, gas 69 E. 18th st: $25. East 1142. 6-ROOM strictly modern house, furniture for sale. East S130. HOUSE for rent; would sell; Immediate possession. Wdln. 5841 or Marshall 3209. 5-ROOM house for rent; furniture for sale neMOJUfrblt 398 ivy. fit, East 6332. FOR RENT. Houses. A BARGAIN. I AM SELLING MY FURNITURE IN ITS ENTIRETY, PRACTICALLY NEW, TO RIGHT PARTY WHO HAS CASH; ALSO MODERN FIVE-ROOM HOUSE WILL BE FOR RENT TO THE PARTY WHO BUYS THE FURNI TURE. INCLUDING DRAPES. GAS RANGE. HEATER. WOOD AND COAL. AM LEAVING THE CITY IN JANU ARY. DEALERS NEED NOT APPLY. AC 317. OREGONIAN. FOR RENT New 5-room bungalow, all modern conveniences, with garage; furni ture for sale. Choice location Rose City Park, 1 block north of Sandy; furniture purchased new In May. Phone owner Sunday. Tabor 2472. or call at 921 Ym bldg., Monday morning. 6-ROOM house with bath for rent or sale by owner, nearly 1 acre; chicken yard, fruit trees and garden; 5c commuter's carfare to Portland ; mile south and west of Multnomah station. Sec this to day or write E. C. Thayer, box 4364, Portland. NEAR RICHMOND AND FRANKLIN HIGH. $35 8 rooms, has electric, gas, water, bath, toilet, lavatory, fireplace, cement basement, furnace. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. 6-ROOM modern bungalow In R. C. Park, partly f urnlsrled. fireplace, no furnace, beautiful surroundings, $35 worth of wood in cellar; rent $33 per month. AC 316, Oregonlan. $35, MODERN 7-room house. 1 block from 4 car lines, walking distance to Jeffer son high; wanted permanent responsible tenants ; no small children. Phone Broad w ay 3047. FOR RENT Jan. 5, partly furnished house, 9 rooms, garage, close In; only re sponsible people; no children; in first class condition. Phone Main 3112 fore noons. FOR RENT Five-room house, nicely fur nished, $12 per month; seven-room bun galow, 5185 Woodstock ave., $20 per month, and for sale. Fred Spear, Tabor 5887. $20 OR $22.50 Unfurnished or partly fur nished 4-room cottage, good district: very little7 furniture needed. 9O0 Marguerite ave. N. end of Bdwy. car. Call only 2 to 5 Sunday. Automatic 512-05. 5 ACRES and 4-room house at Meadow brook sta., Gresham elect.; running water; $15 per month: would sell for $3000. Oregon Investment A Mort. Co., "J JaChamber of Commerce. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 580. A 6747. CHOICE 8-rm. house on Portland Heights to adults who appreciate a fine home and care for It same as they would their own place. AO 42, Oregonian. 8-ROOM house In A-l condition, newly tinted: good furnace, basement and attic, for private residence only: close In. west side: ready to mov e in. Ca 1 15 8 Ella st. LAURELHURST HOME. $60 7 rooms, modern, 50-ft. from car, furnace, fireplace, laundry tray. SMITH -WAGONER I M . STOCK EX. 6-ROOM cottage, bath, elect.. 3 lots, ga rage; $25. 6515 Woodstock ave. Key next door east. Call 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. SEE ME FOR HOUSES TO RENT. G. G. ROHRER, RENTAL REALTOR, 301 PANAMA BUILDING. FOR RENT 6 rooms in store building; bath, gas and electricity; $50 worth of furniture for sale. Phone Tabor 960. A SMALL house with full plumbing and one with furniture: cor- Mississippi ave. and Wrnchell st. : Kenton car. 7-ROOM modern house ; furnace; newly painted and tinted; near car: $40 month. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165H 4th st. LOCAL and long distance moving and haul ing; first-class equipment Green Trans. Co., M8) Alder St. Main 1261. A 7201. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. A W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d sL Phone Bdwy. 5121. FOR RENT fl-room new modern house and garage. $35 month; adults only; ref erence required. AK 849, Oregonlan. HOUSE, 6 rooms, newly whitened, black walnut furniture, for sale at a sacrifice. 46 Union avenue North. $25 6-ROOM house being completely kalsomlned and varnished. 743 E. Stark, cor. 22d. Inquire East 5356. 0 6-ROOM colonial house at 1041 Vernon ave.; modern and in first-class shape, $40 a month. Take Alberta car. FOR RENT Five-room house. $30 per month; no children. Telephone Tabor 7726. SUNNYSIDE 6-room house; good condi tion, $30. W. H. Bawte.11, Tabor 1811. 5-ROOM bungalow. 933 E. 17th st. N. Rent $25. Mar. 4070. , . furnished House. NICELY and completely furnished 7-room modern house, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floor. In beat part of Piedmont, convenient to Jefferson high and grade school : also Peninsula park. One block to Wllllams-ave. car, 4 blocks to Union ave. Woodlawn 1704. FOR RENT 5-room furnished bungalow, near Franklin high, to married couple with no children. In exchange for care of two small boys; must be good mother, good cook and clean; refer ences. AG 515, Oregonlan. SCENIC LODGE COTTAGES. 524 Heights Terrace. Hall-st. car on Morrison to 132 B. west; cheap rent for winter; wood laid in; fine view of moun- tn ins. HANDSOMELY furnished west side home, 0 rooms. 5 bedrooms and sleeping porch, wonderful view; oriental rugs. $125. Main 1 s."7. Marshall 1860. ENTIRE downstairs, furnished complete, piano, desk phone, light, water, cook ing gas: within reason. Ill E. 34th. Tabor 3554. FOR RENT Furnished 8 rooms and sleep ing porch; w-lll lease one" year; close in. east side, walking d (stance, near Ladd's addition. Call Sunday. Soil wood 107. FURNISHED. 6 or 6-room furnished house on cor ner, close to Union and Alberta st.. mod ern, fruit and garden. Wdln. 2SO. TO LEASE, my 5-room furnished cottage with piano, for 6 months or longer. $40 per month; close In. 40 E. 7th. between Oak and Pine. Phone East 3359. MODERN 6-room house for rent. 1 year, nlcelv furnished, fireplace, etc. Phone E. 4809. call before 10. 463 E. 8th N. and Thompson. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room house, good neighborhood, stoves, gas range for cooking, four blocks from car Hue. Phone Tabor 848 between 10 and 5. FOR RENT 8-room furnished house in St. Johns, square block of ground, apple and cherry trees. Call Marshall 2071 after 6 P. M. 50 WELL furnished modern 6-room house; three, bedrooms: close in, one-half block to car. East 5260. 50 WELL furnished modern 6-room house, 3 bedrooms, close in; block to car. East 5260. BUNGALOW, five rooms and den, wo blocks from car. Phone Tabor 5721 for nppointn ent. FURNISHED 7-room strictly modern house with garage, $05; no children. 039 East Everett St. Phone East 317. NICELY furnished 3-room cottage, water, garden. Adults, wi th or without infant. 1140 E. 33d st. N. FURNISHED cottage at St. Johns. 1025 N. Kellogg. Call Wdln. 4150 or call at 1076 Wil ! la ms ave. MODERN 5-room house, $25 month; adults. (Kenton car.) 1488 Omaha ave. Winter Resort). SEE THE beautiful winter surf. Ecola Inn. Cannon Beach. Write for exclusive res ervations for week-end house part lea Jazz dance, pool and billiards free to guests. Rosa H. Elliott, Mgr.. Ecola. Or. stores. TO RENT DANCE HALL. Within 1 blk. 10th and Washington srts. Splendid opportunity for dancing master: also suitable for lodge rooms. W. H. WEBB, YEON BLDG. MAIN 4913. STORE AND BASEMENT. 5"xlOO. 50 feet from Washington st. WILL MAKE TEN-YEAR LEASE AT ATTRACTIVE PRICE. W. H. WEBB, YEON BLDG., MAIN 4013. Oillcew. OFFICE SPACE. Equipped office space for rent. Phone, etc. 317 Henry bldg. DESK room, with telephone Included; Board of Trade ldg., $10 mo. Call Main 6412 today only. DESK room or furnished office with phone service, reasonable. 215 Ablngton bldg. DESK room for rent, bldg. Apply 512 Panama STORE for rent, very suitable for home bakery or shoe repairing. Marshall 232sJ. Miscellaneous. DANCE- hall for rent by dy or month to responsible parties: terms reasonable; hall and floor in fine condition. Wa ve! ly Hall. E. 26th and Clinton. Call Bdwy. 119. or Sun. Tabor 9293, or applv Kleist & Co.. 125 N. 5th st. LODGE hall for rent Eagle hall. 264 H Madison, for rent Monday. Wednesday Thursday. Saturday in each week. Call H. E. Miller, Marshall 669. OAK DESK, sanitary, flat top. double sell or trade for typewriter and desk Main 6125 or 431 Chamber of Commerce bldg. GARAGE for rent, cement floor, drain w nn w n t . U XT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 514-519 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 3989. GARAGES. Garage. $ 4.500 East side, concrete building, 70x100; low rent and good lease: storage takes care of all overhead ; good machine shop with lots of work. Will invoice price asked. .Receipts run $80O0 to 14000 per month. Garage. $ 6,500 Prominent east-side location that has always made money; good concrete building that Is always full of storage at a good figure; well equipped machine shop and lots of work; clearing $1U00 per montu. Garage. $ 6,500 Well-located east-side garage in dandy district, low rent. 5-year lease on reinforced concrete building; always full of storage, well-equipped machine shop and plenty of repair work; good tire and accessory trade. This place Is clearing $1000 per month. Garags. $12.500 Good east-side location; price Includes concrete building, 93x 115 lot, service car and livery car, complete set of small tools, electric charging plant. air compressor, cylinder-boring ma chine, lots of oils, accessories, etc.; well worth price asked. GROCERIES. Grocery. $ 950 East side, "cash and carry," rent only $15. Also carries a nice line of small hardware. Con fectlonerT. $ 1,750 Will sell "lump" or invoice; clearing better than $225 per month. Confectionery. $ 2,500 $1500 cash; rent S40. 3-year lease; doing about $50 per day. Hotel-bldg. location west side. Grocery. $ 3,000 This Is one of the busiest east side streets and is doing a busi ness of about $3000 per month. Has living room; will invoice stock. Grocery. $ 4,000 Price includes storebuildlng and lot 50x100. east side ; has nice stock, 3 living rooms and doing a nice business; 1 block from school. Will invoice. Grocery. $ 4,000 Fine west-side location, with 6 living rooms, all furnished; one room Is rented for $20, rent for all $50; If you are looking for a real buy, see this one. RESTAURANTS. Restaurant. $ 2,000 Morrison-street location, doing from $60 to $80 dally business. Restaurant. $ 2.800 A good restaurant located in center of Vancouver. Wash.; receipts about $130 per day; has good lease. Restaurant. $ 3.20O Will buy this Sixth-street loca tion, clearing about $400 per month ; rent only $45, with a two-year lease. BAKERIES. Bakery. $ 3 000 One of the best locations on Yamhill street with a 1-year leaoe; price includes stock on hand and a $1000 deposit on lease. Bakery 7 000 A dandy Alder-street location. doing a good business; a 3-year lease at $125 per month. You may investigate this business thoroughly. Terms. CLEANING AND PRESSING PLANT. $ 650 Good east-side location that Is doing a good business: price In cludes $300 paid on delivery car. BARBER SHOP. 500 Located on Fourth street, rent $20. This Is a neat place and has no opposition. POOLROOM. $ 5 50O This old-established poolroom on Washington street will stand vour closest investigation: re ceipts run about $50 daily. Half rash. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-519 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 3989. ' RESTAURANTS. How Is this? A nice clean restaurant doing over $40 day business with rent free for over one year for $450 cash. It is a snap. $1900 buys good restaurant close In. Basement: reasonable rent. $800 takes best paying "iall restau rant in the city doing over $60 day. RWe S Hjtt 3&W 317 Henry "flldg-. Main 6797 MAN ca. h town to refinlsh chandeliers, brass beds, automobiles, new method. Iio da v wunoui v . ;V " all or spare time; every household stors and office possible customer; field un limited in this big. money-making busi ngs write for frae particulars and proofs. Gunmetal Co., 33 Elm. Decatur. lit. , SUBSTANTIAL manufacturing corpora tion wants capable i anH mnnace salesmen; $BOO to M . , .. i;n ,,mii m nn A v IlHa neressary, yww r,w, ... . Will allow expenses to Baltlmors if you will qusllfy. jtSSSSS dress Secretary 416 N. Howard st-. Baltimore. WQ. ORGANIZE business under declaration of trust: legai an ZZ county or state com.; no liability to stockholders; no probating of estate: pays same taxes as individuals; stock Jsily sold; inf. free. Natl. Org. Co.. 123 Madi son St.. Chicago. IF YOU have a farm or business you want to sell list with us. We have clients with cash. See Mr. Baker. BUSINESS SERVICE. 317 Henry bldg. Main 6707. CONFECTIONERY. lunch and cigar store for sale on Invoice, on Mt. Hood loop road; good location and a flrst-clasa stock Reason for selling retiring. This stands Investigation. R 129. Oregonlan. FOR SALE BARBER SHOP. Good location, doing good business: In trouble, must sell; 2 blocks from center of business district. Call Marshall 1058. FOR SALE Bakery with rotary oven, dirt cheap: sickness In family reason for selling. For particulars address No. 39 East Main St.. Ashland. Or. 2 OOO.OOO FORDS will use this lubricating system. Sell to gsrage and repair men. Want party with money to put this on the market. BD 735. Oregonian. WANTED Active partner with some capi tal for attractive going lumber business. BJ 109. Oregonian. FINE location for poolroom and barber alios. ED TStJ. OiftfionUn. BUSINESS OFPOBTl N1T1KS. CAPITAL FURNISHED IMMEDIATELY TO COMPANIES. $50,000 -r, . $1,000,000. FOR EXPANSION OF GOING BUSINESS. Nothing for Promotions. , Must show profitable operation now. Will not consider close corporation. Must have at least 300 stockholders. We are an established financial institu tion with highest of credential. Offices In New York. Chicago, Phila delphia. Write for full details. Strictly confi dential. Address Postofflce box 1556. Philadel phia, Pa, $400 TO $500 MONTH dairy business for sale, consists of 13 cows, some thorough breds, one registered bull, 1 yearling heifer, one team horses, all utensils such as steriliser, separator, boiler, tanks, washer, bottler, pump engine, milk wagon and milk route, where you can sell all the milk you can produce at 15 cents a quart; sufficient feed for winter use and full set of farm Implements. Will rent you the farm of 50 acres and there Is sufficient fruit to pay half the rent. This is an exceptional chance for a man to enter the dairy business, you are get ting the equipment for less than you could buy new and you're not paving anything for the established business. Price $2950 all cash. This is located less than 8 miles from Portland. See us at once. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY, 827 Chamber of Commerce. WE BUY WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg., 2d Floor. FOR SALE; A well-established furniture store with a new stock of $6000 and - $2o00 In exchanged goods. If you want a furniture store with character and one that Is going strong, that you can step right into and get ab solutely right. Inquiry is welcome, P. O. box 3773. Portland. Or. FOR SALE Owing to illness of managing partner, a one-half interest In recently built 20-M. sawmill Is for sale; com pany Incorporated. Purchaser must be practical sawmill man. energetic and capable of taking entire charge and pro ducing results. None other considered. Price $4000 for half Interest. Part time I if good security. Will be In Portland Tuesday and Wednesday. Address for appointment, AV 945. OregoMlan. BUSINESS. Established 6 years, monthly income over $800; buyer must be man able to write good English and have ordinary business ability ; bank and high -class business references given and required. In reply give name, address and refer ences. No agents, trade or terms. Can prove all statements. Price $3000. M 816. Oregonian. I MUST SELL my grocery stock and fix tures at once; have other business left ine In east; will take $995 for stock and fixtures. Don't bother unless you mean business and have cash; one living room. Tabor 5200. Also Overland, 5-passenger, model 80. car in good condition, will sell cheap. A SNAP GROCERY BUSINESS. Established trade, good location, nice clean stock. Ice cream parlor and soda fountain. Ford delivery wagon ; business oetween $40OO and $5O00 a month; 5 liv ing rooms, rent cheap. Will sell lump $5000 or Invoice. AC 329. Oregonian. WOULD ybu be Interested In a real live patent? I have two; they were not found at the end of a rainbow: one la an at tachment for a phonograph, the other for an automobile. I need help to pro mote them. BD 783. Oregonlan. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF LEASING OR WANT A BUILDING FINANCED JOHN WEIST CO.. 807-8-9 LEWIS BLDG. $300 WILL buy Carlton hotel restaurant. 14th and Wash, sts.; best location, with dally business of $60 and up; rent only $50 monthly; sickness Is the only rea son for sale. This is a real bargain. Come and see us. GROCERY STORES. CONFECTIONERIES. Restaurants. Hotels. Rooming Houses. All Kinds of Business Chances. All parts of the city: all prices. Call Main 4557. Moore, with BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch Bldg. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per plate ; also crowns, brldgework, dental gold bought. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg. ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS, $6000 buys nice, clean stock of jewelry and silverware, hand painted china and cut glass; might exchange for Portland property or will invoice. See John Brown. 324 Railway Ex. Bldg. GARAGE PARTNERSHIP. Owner of very profitable garage with large storage would like practical re pair man as partner. Room 511 Rail way Exchange bldg- FOR SALE Hardware and furniture busi ness, including building. In best new town on coast. $13,500; $ 6000 cash: will consider Portland bungalow not exceed ing $4000. U 240. Oregonlan. OFFICE MANAGER. combination bookkeeper-stenographer preferred; high-class manufacturer's representatives ; $500 for half interest; references exchanged. Geo. R. Auger, Portland hotel. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Inter est. In established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. J. W. CROSSLEY. Secretary. DISTRIBUTOR For Ford Manifold Heater for cold weather starting; retails $2; biggest selling aoto specialty of season. Manufacturer, 353 Mulberry St., Newark. N. J. A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. A few high-class chokers, scarfs and muffs at prices that cannot be equaled. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO., 163 W. Park. WANT MOVING PICTURE THEATER. We have several people who want theaters. We can sell yours for you. Portland Theatrical Agency; 319 Piatt bldg. EXPERIENCED man wanted as partner In established undertaking parlor: must be able to make Investment. M 862. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Poolhall. confectionery and cigar store. I am leaving city. I have good business and I made good. 84 Grand ave. 8. A FILLING STATION. Sell gasoline, oils i. tires, auto acces sories, etc.: good profits. Price only $950. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. WANTED A man who will furnish tha capital necessary for a good wheat farm up to $40,000. W. S. L.. 916 Missouri avenue. 1-CHAIR barber shop for .sale In one of best thriving towns in uregun : doing splendid business. Inquire Lewls-Steng-er Barbers' Supply Co. FIREPROOF garage in suburbs for sale; has good storage and repair business. Prlee $1600. Call 511 Railway Exchane bldsr. INCOME $12,000: equity $36.O00; mortgage $14,000: west side furnished apartments; terms, but no trade. Owner F 791. Ore gonlan. THIS GROCERY must be sold, good lo cation, small expense, clean stock; about $1000. Call evenings and Sunday. Wood lawn 4146. MECHANIC will buy half Interest In small garage or repair shop, paying for same out of wages while working there. O 245. Oregonlan. FILLING station, first-class location: has good stock of tires, accessories, etc.: can clear $250 month. Owner will Invoice. Call 511 Railway Exchange b 1 d g . WANTED Partner to take 1-3 interest In fast-growing mfg. business. This will stand close investigation: $600 cash will handle. AE 620, Oregonlan. YOUR CHANCE It will pay to Investi gate: must sell on account of health. Kal's confectionery. 1032 Hawthorne, cor. 35th. WANTED Middle-aged widow lady to join me in a hotel proposition ; give name, address, phone and full particulars. Al vin C. Calvin. Gen. Del. BUSY restaurant, in good location: rent la low and profits are large; $7O0 cash will handle. Room 511 Railway Echange bldg. BUSINESS man with $11,000 to take half Interest in high-grade auto distributing proposition. F 784. Oregonlan. BLACKSMITH shop, doing good business. Address Lowell Blacksmith shop, Lowell, Oregon. FOR RENT Meat market, fully equipped, rent cheap; best location, east side. Phone Sell. 150 or call 715 Clinton st. IF YOU want your money to earn from 50 to 150 per cent, safe, no labor re quired, call at 1136 East 17th st. N. GROCERY FOR SALE. BEST LOCATION. BEST STOCK. Cash and, carry. CaU 407 . Buraaida. Bl IN ESS OPPORTUNITIES. OREGON BUSINESS & FINANCIAL AGENCY, 448 MORGAN BLDG. MR. BUSINESS MAN I F YOU ARE DESIRING TO GET INTO A GOOD PAYING BUSINESS. PICK YOUR CHOICE OF ONE OF THESE TBH ARE ALL GOOD: GROCERY. $11,500 Best paying and old estab lished store in Portland; doing MN per month ; corner loca tion; fire-proof building; rent $60. GROCERY. $5,750 Buys up-to-date grocery busi ness; doing $4ooo per month; rent $35. This is a good busi- ness. GROCERY. $3,000 Buys this good paying grocery, nice clean stock- doing $2OO0 per month ; reflt $14. wttb lease: a going ousiness, and can be Increased. RESTAURANT. $2.850 For one of the best paying restaurants In the city ; doing close to $30 per month : lo cated on Washington st. ; rent $150 ; a very good business. RESTAURANT. $1.200 Buys this fine restaurant, clear ing $400 to $5O0 per month ; established 10 years; owner wants to retire. LAUNDRY. $1,450 Buys this good going business; have more work than can han dle; doing $1000 per month; rent $25; good location. Get busy. s DOUGHNUT BOOTH. $500 B u y s this well established doughnut works; in heart of Yamhill market : doing good business: rent $50. 3-year lease. OREGON BUSINESS & FINANCIAL AGENCY. 448 MORGAN BLDG. LARGE STORE. $40,000 on stock of hardware, stoves, furniture, bedding and carpets, linoleum; will sell at Invoice or lump It. Am ask ing nothing for a first-class business, which books will show. RESTAURANT. I can show one of the best buvs In the city for $25O0; some terms if nec essary. $800 RESTAURANT. Connected with one of the best hotels in the city. Call and see It. CONFECTIONERY STORE. $1750 buys a business In one of the best little towns tributary to Portland; some terms. BAKERY. I have a splendid business, the onlv one of Its kind In a very thrifty town anmu 30 miles from Portland; $1200 handles. F. RIERDON. RITTER. LOW B & CO.. 20I-,:-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of fire Insurance. DO YOU want a sound, long-established, paying business doing better than $60. OO0 annually in a live town of about 1-00 ? Sawmills In town and tributary. Large cannery shortly to be created. Stock about $20,000. Own store build ing and residence, which can be bought or leased. If buyer desires can reduce stock M In shdrt time. Investigate this and yoi will find you have a good busi ness and location. Best of reasons for selling. Call or address N. Selig. Falls City. Oregon. GROCERY I Will sell at invoice, snout $2OO0, fine stock and fixtures, splendid corner loca tion. $5800 GARAGE $5800. A snap, rent only $60, with lease: 50 cars steady storage, sells gas, oils, tires and accessories; profit over $600 month. Good chance to Increase. Ask Mr. Fish A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320-321 Henry Rldg Main MM, BEST GROCERY IN CITY. 4 FINE LIVING ROOMS. This is in one of the finest east side locations and doing a nice business: rent only $35 for a fine store on a nice corner, and 4 fine modern living rooms upstairs. The finest place we know of for a man and wife. Sell at invoice. About $2000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. Broadway 4133. RESTAURANT. " One of the best equipped places on Washington st., clearing over $400 a month; price onlv $3500. RESTAURANT, LUNCH COUNTER. Fine location on 6th st.. making large profits; sell all or one-half Interest; price $1000. See Mr. Fish. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. POOL HALL. WEST SIDE. A complete place, handling all kinds of soft drinks, cigars and fruit; $600 will handle this place:- 4 nice living rooms in connection ; rent for all $33 and will give good lease. Price for all $1050. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Owner leav ing city. Pool hall, soft drinks and con fectionery: 2-chalr barber shop in con -wection ; place doing nice business, six furnished rooms upstairs, with bath; rent $33 month. For price and Infor mation address owner. A, Z. Slmms, 920 Front st.. Boise. Idaho. 6-TABLE POOL HALL Wall case, cigar cases, candy case, fine stock; furnace heat; 6 fine tables: old established place, doing a good business: rent only $20 per month. Price $130O, some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 303 Oak St. IF YOU ARE GOING TO CALIFORNIA and can Invest a few hundred dollars, can make $5000 to $10,000 per year; be your own boss, handle your own money In one of the cleanest and fastest money earners on earth ; no agency business ; give your phone number. AG 508, Ore gonian. A GILT-EDGE SYNDICATE CHANCE. A young business man with $500 to take an active " interest In a mfg. sales Co.'s syndicate, where the Investment will pay better than $5000 a vear. YOUR $500 RETURNED IN 60 DAYS. Investigate. Address AC 325. Orego nian. CASH CUSTOMERS WAITING. WANT GOOD POOL HALL. MEDIUM PRICED ROOMING HOUSE WELL LOCATED GROCERY. WEST SIDE RESTAURANT. SEE US AT ONCE R ELI A B LE 1 N VESTM EN T CO.. $05 Oak St. Broadway 4133. GARAGE SNAP. Best east side location. Storage paying salary two men. OH and gas paying more than ront Shop and supplies $30O to $500. $7500 for immediate sale. Pos sibly some terms. Pacific Agency. 514 Swetland bldg. POOL HALL. SOFT DRINKS. On Washington st., cheap rent with lease, clearing $5o0 a month; good chance to increase ; price $4750. some terms. See Mr. Fish. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320-321 Henry BMg. Main 2690. 13-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE. Close to Washington and ,10th sts. : house all full; rent only $ao per month. A good profit each month; all for $1300. some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3oS Oak St EXCELLENT BUSINESS OPENING. Partner wanted for a garage. Have exclusive state agency for a good truck and automobile. prefer office man ; money required, goes In to increase the business. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. BONA FIDE men of affairs and finan cial standing to join organisation of large profitable lumber enterprise; tim ber and plant secure: finances can be arranged wit h suitable men. AL SS. Oregonlan. INVESTMENT opportunity Is offered small investors to become shareholders in a banking Institution earning liberal re turns. For particulars call between 10 and 12 A. M. W. J. Catto, 429 Lumber mens building. A M O N E Y MAKER. $4500 will purchase an excellent city cash business for an artive business man: owner's health demands retirement. For appointment with owner address AG 513, Oregonlan. CASH GROCERY. With 4 living rooms, rent $25; place is well located on east side. CARL E. TUGGLE. 212-213 Henry Bldg. EARNING under $3000. look after of rice work and sell, business worth lookina into, part interest $200. live man or woman. Address Box 20fi4. Portland. YOUR chance tb make real money and be your own boas. Duckhack Waterproofing for auto tops. See Stark & Rogers, 226 Stark st. LIVE WIRE to manage Portland office ; can invest $50OO and up will double tn one year: business will stand thorough investigation. G 721. Oregonian. , J1SOO MUST SELL At once. 4 pool tables and billiard table, lunch counter, candy, tobacco and cigars. 302 Russell st. SPLENDID working library and fine of fice furniture for sale by an attorney leaving; city January 1: will sell at half price: terms, am bo?, urejronian. GILT-EDQE Investment. $5 up; real estate security; money back on demand; invch tlgate. BF 311. Oregonlan. GOOD restaurant on 6th st. for sale, or will take rooming house or land. Owner. 545 Hood. Main 621. WANTED Some one with money to go In rabbit business, have the experience. A 881, Oregonlan. MUST aell my ladies tailoring business at once. Well fitted up with goods and fixtures. Call Main 2147. ICE-CREAM sandwich machine at one third price. Call EaM 5400. BLACKSMITH shop for sale; good, all-year-round business ; sickness cause for aalllns. Address Box 2Z2, Camas. Waab. BUSINESS OProRTUNITIKS. V ALU ABLE WYOMING OIL LANDS to lease for quick drilling and develop ment. I have 320 acres of land In fne very heart of the Osage, Wyoming, oil fields where there are 45 drills running and 18 producing wells, and the first well was discovered Aug. 30 this year. WelTs run 25 to 30 bbla per day and Is 49 gasoline, the crude oil being used for further drilling. Wells run 300 to 400 ft. deep; can drill a well In from 7 to 10 days, and they are worth about $40,000 per year; not a dry hole In the field; am now interested in two drills that are In this field now: you can drill in 00 wells at least on this 320 acres. At $40,000 per year they would be worth $2,400,000. Will give full details on request. This is very valuable land and can't hold It long. Will sell you the 320 acres for $40,000 and will 'take half of it in treasury stock In the company. This is the faith I have in this land. CLAUDE G. WATSOX. Box 4371 Portland. Or. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. Here is a chance for someone to step into a good, well established business. 26 miles from Portland on Pacific high way and R. R.. in good little valley town, doing over $100 day business. The realty prop erty consist of 4 lots 50x100 each, on which are the store building. warehouse. 7-room residence. garage. oil house, barn and chicken house for $3500 including store fixtures: stock will invoice about $4000. Will take residence any good town to $3500 as parL 111 health reason for selling. R. Jesce. 527 Corbett bldg. $225CJ CASH or Liberty bonds, established fire Insurance business for sale. Fully equipped and furnished office; clerk who understands and attends to every detail; no better chance for a person desiring to go Into insurance business, or for an insurance business to run in connection with real estate ad loans. Can deal only with responsible parties with best of ref erences. Address AE 661. oregonian. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. ANNUAL SALES OVER $60,000. Located in a wealthy farming section within driving distance of Portland: stock will invoice about $10,000; bun galow and store property $3500. Will consider a city home In exchange to $5000. This business established 25 years ago by present owner. He has made n. fortune and wishes to retire. This is an absolutely sound, profitable business and will stand the acid test. C LK V E IA N I - H EN PER SON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. GILT-EDGE OPPORTUNITY Live, competent office man, capable handling set of books and able to invest up to $20,000. can obtain executive po sition with full charge office and finan ces of large auto sales agency in .this city. Company making wonderful profits and wltb unlimited future business in sight. Best of references required, which will be examined first; your fi nancial statement afterward. OTIS C. BECK. 525 Henry bldg. Marshall 3S58. CONFECTIONERY This Is a splendid west side corner location, bvst of stock and fixtures, net profits over $400 a month; price $40OO. CONFECTIONERY. FRUIT STAND. A neat little place, fine west side lo cation, close to theater, always busy; a snap at $1325. Ask Mr. Fish. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. STAPLE BUSINESS ON SMALL CAPITAL. Feed mill, hay and grain business on Willamette river, between Salem and Albany: 2-story hay warehouse, two story feed mill, two-story dock on river; a good business for the right man : can also handle all kinds of produce: bldgs. and business. $4500. stock at invoice. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 Henry bldg. FILLING STATION AND VULCANIZING Has 2 gas pumps, fine stock of oils, vulcanizing plant up o date, old es tablished place on paved street, clearing about $175 per month : rent only $lo. good lease ; a real snap, good reasons for selling, all for $1300. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. Oak St. 1 KNOW where there must be $50,000 to $00,000 worth of fine gold and quick silver lost by the old-time miners in the tailings and spillways. I have the only device in the world that will save 90 per cent of It. There are many for tunes here for someone with small amount of money. BD 791, Oregonian Give your phone number. ' POOL HALL. ON CORNER. Back and front bar. wall case, cigar case, all kinds of soft drinks, candies and cigars: 4 tables in fine shape. Will sell all for Invoice or will take $175U. Doing a fine business; good lease ; rent $30. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. DRUG STORE FOR SALE. Only drug store n good town. 400 population, excellent business, building and fixtures $2500. stock Invoice about $2500. sales last year $11,000. Good terms. Deal with owner. CITY DRUG STORE. JOHN DAY. OR. Mi iv INC VU'TURE THEATER. One of tbe best suburban theaters in the city ; good fixtures and equipment ; profits '$350 a month: price $1800, some terms. See Mr. Fish. A. J. DeFOREST & CO . 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2600. WELL established Tailoring and pressing shop In town of 1500 population, doing good business; owner leaving for Cal ifornia: for sale for only $2O0, Intruding all furniture and fixtures: well equipped. Terms on purchase price given. Jesse Crum. Elgin, Or. AUTO-TRUCK HAULING. Partner wanted for an established business hauling freight for merchants in and out of Portland; can clear $400 month for each partner; $1200 cash re- guired. Call room 4 01 pe k u m bldg. IF TOU HAVE $5000 and want It to earn you $10OO per ma., call at 371 E. Morrison st. and Investi gate one of the fastest and cleanest money-earners on earth ; will stand tic closest investigation. - AL 80. Oregonian. CIGAR STORE. On Washington st.. rent $100; sub letting space for $90, leaves your rent $10 Stock and fixtures. $2800. terms. CARL E. TUGGLE. , 212-213 Henry bldff. ACTOMBILE wheel shop und body works, completely equipped ; a going business. SACRIFICED. Owner's time needed else where. Might sell half interest and teaefc good man the business. $1500 cash PS quired. P 817. Oregonlan. GARAGE FOR SALE. Fireproof bldg.. 4-year lease: 35 caas steady storage and good repair busi ness, also sell gas. oils, auto accessories etc $50O month clear profit: $3500 re quired. Oall room 4Q1 Dekum bldg. CASH GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Located on Washington at., leaye. sales $50 day and up; will sell at invoice, about $2500. CARL E. TUGGLE. 212-213 Henry Bldg. ( tRBGON paper for sale In town of 1500, $500 cash and $2000. monthly payments. Bargain. Splendid opportunity for editor-printer of ability. AV 955. Orego nian. ACCOl'NT sickness can't handle the busi ness: will sell cheap for cash grocery stock and fixtures; well located, clear of all debts. See owner, 335 Union ave nue North. PARTNER WANTED. $1000 ill buy you half interest in established bwslnem; one who under stands office work, or Is willing to learn. Call at 448 Morgan bldg. PARTNER WANTED. For auto repair business, also sail used cars: bandy man. with $250. can buy equal half Interest. Room Wl Dekum bldg. SKM. OR TRADE Small weekly publi cation, free distribution. $20 to $25) worth advertising; good opportunity for printer and advertising solicitor. AC 319. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Retail cement. lime, house plaster and fertilizer business: also ce ment, tile and pipe manufacturing plant, located on railroad tracks, at a bargain. P. O. Box 673, Grants Pass. Q w ' ' 1 sell m ; 1 laundry to first party making me a fair offer; going concern and a real bargain. Write box 651, South Bend. Wash., for particulars. MAN WITH FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS can make $10 to $15 per day: handle your own money; give phone No. AL 45. Oregonlan. MODERN 3-chalr barber shop for sale in eastern Oregon. Fr particulars inquire at O'Brien-Shold Barbers' Supply Co. ;71 Washington st. CAFETERIA. S Complete outfit worth $400 for $200. CARL E. TUGGLE, 212-213 Henry bldg. Main 8832. MUST sacrifice at once: delicatessen. light groceries, doing $30 per day at present, will do $75 In summer months; for quick a-tlon call Main 5Q30. WANTED Partner In a factory, best prop osltlon ever offered: must have $350. gee me today. 480 Division st. $30O0 RESTAURANT Will take $25O0. AH 839. Oregonlan. only two ANT service., easy work, bis iy. .(.Mdy, 69 Uiiwaukie at. t