THE SUNDAY OREGON! AN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 21, 1919. 15 j v I - - i m HELP WANTED MALE. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. INC.. 4ii:i HAWTHORNE AVE. AUTOMOBILE TRACTOR AND AIR PLAN E MECHANICS. EXPERT VUL CAN IZE RS. ACE T Y LE N E VV ELD E It S AND MACHINISTS THAT HAVE BEEN TRAINED IN OUR SCHOOL ARE IN DEM AN D EVERYWHERE AT BIG WAUKS. WE TEACH THESE TRADES IN A FEW WEEKS' TIME: SO PER CENT PRACTICAL WORK WITH CLEAR. UNDERSTANDABLE LEC TURES AND DEMONSTRATIONS BY KXrEHTS. THE STATE ALLOWS EX SERVICE MEN S2Z PER MONTH WHILE ATTENDING OUR SCROOE. CALL OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. 20,000 LOUUERS WANTED to man Loyal Lesion Loggers and Lum bermen camps wnen they resume opera tions the tint oi the year. Go today to the 4-L employment of fice, register and list your occupation. Only Americaus or aien willing to de clare their intentions to become uch and who believe in our government are registered. ALSO MILL WORKERS WANTED TO REGISTER, i , Employment Office, 80 Third St.. Portland. Or. , jt AN and wife; woman to cook, and do housework in general and assist mother In care of - unildren. 5 ana S years of age; man can assist with housework and must be a handy man about place ; nowledge ot carpentry and fixing up auout place, some nowledge of automo tive, and do janitor work around office and work in yard; ages around 40 and not afraid of work; will give room and board and reasonable salary. Aadress. with full particulars as to qualifica tions, references and sal. expected. AK Mil, On Ionian. WANTED Al baker, for bread and sweet dough, who caa operate on a rotary even; can buy half interest in business if desired; best of reference required. T 4bU, Oregonian. t IF YOU have a few hundred dollars to put into a good proposition and can go to California, can make $400 to $500 per month. No agency business. Give your phone number. BC V21, Oregonian MAN HANDY WITH TOOLS, with few hundred dollars, can make several thousand dollars per year if you are a hustler; no canvassing. Give your phone No. G 12'6. Oregonian. IT VO competent bookkeepers, salary $150, location eastern Oregon; men experi enced in accounts electric company or iron works preferred, and able to operate typewriter. Call 401 Title &. Trust blug. HAN with few hundred dollars to invent in a co-operative working proposition ; has U your own money. Mt. Scott car Wiiltmun station. Jive your phone No 7i:oa 04th ave. S. E. iWANTfiD Experienced bank man, not araid of work; must be accurate, fast and looking for steady employment ; state agw, experience, confidential. AX. 61, Oregonian. TRUCK. MAN WANTED. Firht-i'lass truck driver with pep can Secure lung job, :?ome money needed get this ; city work. See Barnes, 71 Hroauway. m W A N T E L T WO MEN. MA R I ED PRE- FEKRED. EXCELLENT INSURANCE CONTRACT, SALARY. COMMISSION ; ADVANCEMENT FOR LIVE WIRES. BP 71TJ. OREGONIAN. HAN to work in stock room and shipping department of wholesale notion house ; In replying, state age, previous , ex perience and salary expected. Address AV Uttl. Oregonian. !WE START you in a business you can make $i to $12 per day, men and women. S. H. Smith averages $15 per day; A. J. Howard 20 in 10 hours. 124 E. th st.. between 1 and 5 P. M. "WANTED Thoroughly experienced ledger clerk and general office man by large wholesale house; good future for proper party; salary to start. $30 per week. Address BC I Itt, Oregonian. "W ANTED Man e xperiunced in auto ac cessories and stockroom to take charge of accessory department in garage; must be energetic and have sales ability. Smith's Oarage. La Grande, Or. WANTED Two men for greenhouse work; have house for one married man. Ap ply today, A Zltzewltz. Wedeman Bros. ici-' ftnhoueoe. Lake road, Milwaukle. WANTED Bright young man, must be college or high-school graduate, with references. Cloverio Film Co., Mt. Scott car to IQOth .st.. Monday A. M. only. WAN WITH FEW" HUNDRED DOLLARS can make $10 to $15 per day ; handle your ow n money ; give phone No. AL 45, Oregonian. LI V E salesman for big advertising nov elty to work city; "big money " Oive hine or addregs. C 1107, Oregonian. PRINTER Union, Al, all-around, wants steady position, slow on linotype. R. H. Pare, general delivery, Chehal IS. Wa:-h . WANT -wood cutters. Call Sunday fore r.oon, bet. 12 and 1, at office of Williams Ave. Fuel Co.. 577 Williams Ave. Y : ANTED Middle-age couple hours' work In apartment apartment and some wages. to do few house for Main 514. "W ANTED Office boy by wholesale firm; advancement for capable boy. AN, 23 Oregonian. A FIBER wanted for Arlington. Or., good wages. Inquire Lewis St ger Barbers Supply Co. TAILORS. ATTENTION. Strike still on in Portland. LOCAL NO. 74. ADVERTISING solicitors. Theater pre grsaumes. Big money. Robi nuon, 207 Stock Exchange. Call mornings. 2 GOOD, rough carpenters. 4.50. 8 hrs Apply job. 27th and Mason sts., or phone Mar nan auiw. evening. Heip Wanted -Salesmen. 6A LESM EN to eell wonderful Eccb car buretora for Fords. Guaranteed 50 to mora mileage, easier starting. q ui-ker pick-up, smoother runninc throttles to 5 miles per hour on hiah ; 15 days trial. Distributors making Sim end id proi it and sat 1st ted customers. Write for protected territory. Economy Carburetor Co.. Dept. 46, Milwaukee. Wisconsin. "WE have an exceptionally good proposition for four high-grade motor truck sales men, two for territory work and two for retail to represent a well known, high grade motor truck that Is distributed here by a well established firm ; only men of good character and selling ability need apply; give references and phone. M Mi, oregonian. Wa NT ED Jan. 1. advertising salesmen. established line, advertising signs and novelties ; exclusive territory ; expenses suvnncpd, salary and commissions ; ex perience not essential; age. height. weight, road or business experience; give inree iai dumiicss raie rentes, nianioru Crowell Co.. Ithaca. N. Y. EN PERI BNt-ED salesman to carry coast line of silk waists and middy blouses Oregon and Washington . commission basis : state experience and references. Joseph Samuel, 783 Mission St., San' raneiHco, Cat. SALESMAN for Oregon; vacancy January 1 ; permanent position : old house selling staple line on exceptional perms; high commissions; weekly advance. Sales manager, suae Uiu. uu woodward, De trolt. I5- ST.". MA D1C weekly selling advertls- Ing fans exclusively1 or as side line; eel fine; seli- i' - season on: an merchants possible customers; samples light; commissions liberal. Apply Fan Dept., Kemper A. i nomas i;o., Cincinnati. bs i-cj&fM inexperiaiicsa or expe rien ed. city or ( raveling: write for lis ot openings aim lull particulars. Ad dress Nat I. Salesmen s Tr. Ass'n., Dept All, niuB.HO. til. SCHOOL BOYS AND GIRLS nr a--r,c Make your Christmas money selllnsr mtn lature airplanes. Very attractive Xmas S;ii t : unrsi ioy on mantel , packet mail. Sample 15c. 614 E. Main st. MA XL F A(-Tl'KLJ , Jobbers' and dealers high-class advertising specialty salesmen i 4SI11U b i "- vi rkun, inaiKi, protection covet ins ir(irio. iciercntes exchanged A REAL salesman can earn $10 par day sa l urtg vtinuininiu eiotn iq aut owners and deatera This Is a guaran teea article; no rage. jr. j. Kelly, tat manasjer. cast Jrfut. ttA LEHMAN wanted In every town fn Speedollne; $300 to $500 per month; ex elusive territory; automobile roe ti workers. Speedollne Co., Dept. 86, Dal iss. -rexas. jboukm AX, nigh class, wanted for new firoposition rrom Roy croft Shops ; car eads. Write W. D. Harney. 405-6 Whit building. Seattle Wash. SIX live salesmen at once, knowledge autns nrMerren, not an ac, orv : a. nei- manent position in absolutely new field 30U goga bxen. oiag. w A NTsW Man wun car to travel, ca. make $300 to $600 per month. Call be tween 10 and 1 '-. Jackson apt., 314 Union and Lavis. WmMM you ever oiierea a Dusiness of you own.' ii you are a salesman, we nav one for you. 830 Chamber of Commerce hldg.. I B Stark st. ONE more salesman for auto accessories must be able to organize and sell, this is a fine proposition with big money. 633 Washington sr. VI RST-CLASS advertising solicitor, must furnish references; good proposition A 996, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. LARGK EASTERN . MANUFACTURER OF ADVERTISING CALENDARS. LEATHER AND OTHER ADVERTIS ING SPECIALTIES. BANK AND OF FICE SUPPLIES, DESIRES EXPER IENCED SALESMAN FOR OREGON; GIVE AGE. EXPERIENCE AND REF ERENCE. w LOUIS F. DOW CO., ST. PAUL, MINN. ARE YOU THE MAN? Largs Cleveland house, established 19 years, doing business in every state, has splendid opening in Oregon for specialty salesman of proved ability. Our estab lished line backed by natlanal advertis ing sells readily to better general atores, hardware and drug stores; unusual sell ing features Insure large orders; EX CELLENT commission contract with LIBERAL WEEKLY ADVANCE to pro ducers. G. R. Williams, sales mgr., department 13d, 192U Euclid ave., Cleve land, Ohio. REAL SALESMAN, with car preferred, in your locality, 150 to $200 weekly, selling that wonderful "CORAJA" patch not a khaki or canvas back it's different PATENTED nothing else like it on the market. You can make a clean-up BEST in the world, for automobile inner tubes. Territory free. Have ssveral openings for stats managers with $3o0 to $500 capital. Should easily make $000 to $2000 per month. THE "CORAJA" RUBBER MFG. CO., Dallas, Texas. ATTENTION. SALESMEN! Hove some thing ne-.v, rain gloss cloth to keep rain, fog. snow, steam off automobile wind shield; guaranteed to do the work ; sells on sight to big Jobbers, automo bile owners; sample 50c; salary and rnmmtnxiAn to salesmen who mean business: monev refunded if this is not the greatest of its kind invented. Rain Gloss Co., 2011 8th ave., Seattle, Wash. EXPANSION of our sales organization to handle the increased output or our new enlarged manufacturing plant will en able us to use six additional experienced specialty salesmen for 1V20. We are a Mil. known 111 inois manufacturing cor poration with an established trade in every state and many foreign countries. Address Fergus, 106 Garrick bldg., Chi cago. WANTED Experienced paint salesman to sell roof paints, stains, and waterproof ing materials, etc., by old established reliahin coast firm, to travel in out-of lawn territory: man of proven ability and character only need apply; commis sion or guaranteed salary auouea, op port unit v for right man HEMdMTE PAINT CO.. INC., San Francisco, Cal. ATTRACTIVE TRAVELING POSITION onen Jan. 1. with well-known firm; will afford income of $50 per week ; gen erous commissions and bonus, with ex penses from start; previous experience not required ; applicant must have high school education and be at least 27 ; asvi are. education and experience. J C. Wine. 9.0 Monadnock bldg., San Francisco. SALESMAN wanted to carry leading line of perfumes and toilet accewiforieii on a commission basis. Reply, elving particu la rt as to experience and other lines carried. If anv: also state territory cov ered. Lundborg Company. 200 Fifth avenue. New York City. WANTED AGENTS. "STA-CLEAR." the handy hand cleaner for windshields. Solves baffling prob lem. Cleans rain-blurred, snow and sleet covered windshields. Stays clear entire storm; not cloth; chemically sat urated wool pad mounted in enameled steel holder. Motorists delighted; amaz ed at results. Sells on sight, 1; agents make bir; profit. Write or wire for ex clusive territory. Sta-CleaX Mfg. Co., Dept. 15. Toledo. O. AGENTS Best seller: Jem Rubber Repair for tires and tubes; supersedes vulcaniza tion aJ. a saving of over 800 per cent; put it on cold, it vulcanizes itself in two minutes, and is guaranteed to last the life of the tire or tube;- sells to every auto owner and accessory dearler. For particulars how to make big money and iree sampie. wu Aina" . v, . , Philadelphia. Pa.. Dopt. 79. AGENTS Men and women, learn the stock and bond business. Matce irom wu w $10,000 a year. We will send you ab solutely free our short course of in structions; guarantee you immediate employment; only limited number of courses given away. Act quick; it may be the making of your fortune. Union Trust company. Dept. 673. Hoffman building, Houston. Texas. AGENTS Make $50 weekly taking orders for fast selling uooayear ramroais, Hun dreds of orders waiting: $2 an hour for tpare time; we deliver and collect; sam ple coat free; write today for agency. Goodyear Mfg. Co., 127 Goodyear bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. . BIO EARNINGS EASY; 5 startling inven tions; quff-k-seiiing auio H.ccssuri . sell to owners, dealers, agents; establish own business; exclusive territory; write quick. Jubilee Mfg. Co., 688 Sta. C, Omaha. N eb. . V E START you in business, rurnisning evervthing; men ana women, oppunuimj lifetime to earn $30 to $loo weekly, oper ating our "New System Specialty Candy Factories" Home anywhere; booklet free. Ragsdale Co., box S, East Orange. N. J. $100 WEEKLY Go into business; make nl money; manui miui s uu . cmh ouh Southern Pralines." New business; enormous profits; tremendous demand ; wonderful opportunity. Write Southern Candy Co., 425 New Orleans. La. v.-.n WKEKLY and up selling Mexican dla- monns. lxacny rBieinuic ihuuwi .-nuc rainbow fire; stand tests: sell at sight: repeat orders. Write quick for sample ca&a offer tree. Mexican Diamond Im porting Co., 253 Las Cruces. New Mexico Oil. BURNERS, only real blu Ilai burner on market, noiseless, no needle valve or pipe to burn out; lights in stantly, 20 hours per gallon kerosene . agents wanted. See Oil Burner Co.. 101 Rth st.. St. Paul, Minn. ic.KN'TS make bis- profits selllnc extracts nerfumes. cold creams, faca powders. so ices, medicines, etc. Beautiful hlxh- jcrade line. Exclusive territory. Sample soap free. Lacasslan Co., Dept. 141, St Louis. Mo. iOO PER MONTH selling a new patented fuel vaporizer, guaranteed to save up to ZQ in gasoline; 40 miles per gallon made with JTord car. Sold on money- back guarantee. One sample free, Stransky Vaporizer Co., Pukwana, S. D. AGENTS $ to $12 a day easy. 250 light weight, fast-selling, popular-priced neccs sines, food flavors, perfumes, soaps, toilet preparations. Agt-nt's outfit free. Writs today. American Products Co., 200 Amer loan bldg.. Cincinnati. O. MAGAZINE and book ntrents wanted to sell combination offer five -volume History World War and magazines. Aest selling proposition for years. C. E. Thomas Pub. Co.. 509 S. Wabash. Chicago. AGENTS $40-$100 week. Free samples. Gold sicn letters; anyone can put on store windows. 731s; demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co.. 435 N. Clark. Chicago. AGENTS wanted in every town to sell my wonder bath towel: send $1 for sample and full particulars: make $6 to $10 per ' week on your spare time. Address S. T. Gutss, 16 Grand ave.. Portland. AGENTS wanted to represent un In out side towns, Oregon or Washington: Rood commissi ion and permanent connection. East Side Auto Supply House, Portland. Oregon- ' AGENTS wanted In each town in Oregon and Washington to represent liberal o'd line company writing general fire and automobile Insurance. B 096. Oregonian. AGENTS If earn lees than $50 weekly get our guaranteed hosiery offer. Enormous January business. Phoenix Hosiery, Darby. Pa, AGENTS, get on our mailing list : some thing new every month. The F. Var sity. 256 Seventh st.. Oakland. Cal. LEARN about the profits supplying per fume to families by addressing Leffler Co., 723 Walton St.. St. Louis. Mo. LIVE man to take agency for the state of Oregon. Bel-Vatan Auto Polish Co., 766 Flood bldg.. San Franciseo. ACCENTS Our soap and toilet article plan Is a wonder. Get our free sample case offer. Ho-Ro-Co., 117 Locust. St. Louis. AGENTS at once Sell 50c per month hoe pltal tickets 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl tp answer and take tele phono calls In small office : either part or all day. Phone Main 7255. WANTED Dining-room girl. Phone Wdln. 201.1. LADY to exchange housework short time daily for pleasant home. East 2726. WANT First waitress, at. Lincoln restaurant, 632 WANTED Young woman to run elevator. Y 66, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced chambermaid. Hotel Rowland, 207 4th. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DUE TO constantly Increasing require ments of service, permanent positions are now open In the operating depart ment. Under the schedule of wagsa now m effect the approximate esmtngs of tele phone operators are as follows: During first year of employment. sseo. During first month while learning. . $58.50. At the end of 8 months, $63 to 970 a month. At the end of 6 months. 168 to $75 a month. Increases regularly given thereafter until operator earns $90 to $98 a month. Supervising operators $92 to $110 a month- Excellent opportunities for promotion to higher salaried positions. APPLY AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. Room 601. Sixth Floor. Telephone Building. Park and Oak Streets. MEIER A FRANK COMPANY Requires the services of girls be tween the sges of 16 and 18 as wrappers and inspectors. Apply employment manager. 6th floor. MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. ALL former MEIER & FRANK employes not now engaged desiring to assist us during the holiday season please report to employment bureau at 9 A. M. this morning, ready to go to work. There are vacancies in several of our departments for those having experience In other stores. Apply employment bureau, sixth floor. Meier &. Frank company. FORMER MEIER & FRANK CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS desiring employment are ply at employment burei Invited to bp u, sixth floor. MEIER tc FRANK COMPANY. THREE ladles for special child welfare work: should be between 26 and 46. well educated, of eood appearance and In position to travel ; we instruct in re quirements; guarantee vxpenses; position pays $40 per weak to those qualified. It is the opportune time for this work. 814 Couch bldg. Apply from 2 until 5 P. M. MM E. PATTENEAUDE. hair and skin specialist, in ex. door Benson hotel, will sccept a limited number of puplis to learn tns proiession, enacting mem iu enter business for themselves; unlimited opportunities In this line. WANTED Five bright, capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sen dealers; $25 to $50 per week; railroad fare paid; write at once. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 826. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Steady, reliable woman for general housework; wnuia ta woman with child of school age; references re quired; good wages: out of town. Address AV U37. Oregonian. WANTED Girls to work in woodworking factory at St. Johns. Healthy, sanitary surroundings; no experience necessary fc $2.25 to $3-25 for 8-hour day. Give home address in your reply. AE 759. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, desirable permanent postlion; please answer in own handwriting, stating qualifications, age. experience, salary desired to com mence and references. R 209, Oregonian. WOM BN'S Protective Division, located at room 803 Police Headquarters, 2d and Oak sts.. will furnish information, give protection and assistance free to women and girls. Interviews confidentiaL - WANTED Young lady for permanent po sition In wholesale house; must be good at figures and write a fair hand ; state age, salary expected and previous ex- perience. AG 4bt, oregonian. PORTLAND, OR.- Railway mail examina tions Jan. 17; $1300 year; llHt vacancies free. Write immediately. Vranklln In stitute, Dept. 704 Y, Rochester, N. Y. CASHIER wanted, must have some knowl edge of bookkeeping and be a good pen man; state age, experience, references and phone. BF 31. Oregonian. WANTED Operators on two-needle Union special machines: both flatbed and cyl inder; 44-hour week; good wages. Apply Hlrbch-Wcis Mfg. Co. WANTED Legitimate stresses snd enter tainers: have good engagements to of fer you. Portiand Theatrical Agency, 319 Piatt bldg. EXPERIENCED middle-aged working housekeeper to manage rooming house out of the city; no children. AV 13, Oregonian. OFFICE assistant wanted: must be able to operate typwrlter; moderate salary to begin; reply in own handwriting. AH b21. Oregonian. $6 TO $1H DECORATING pillow tops at home; experience unnecessary ; particu lars for stamp. Tapestry Paint Co.. 178 La flrangf, Ind. EARN $2o weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers. magasfnes; details free. Press Syndicate. 175 St. Louis, Mo. THE Florence Crittenden Home is ready to help airy girl in distress. 955 East Gllsan. "MV" car. East 816. NEED lady trio and quartet for good long engagement; salary sure. Portland The atrical Agency, Piatt bldg. ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Rrmy Rescue Home, 393 East 15th st. N.. or phone East 128. WOMEN. 18-35. wishing government rail way mail office positions; $1300 year. AV 927, Oregonian. WANTED Trimmers and makers for hoth city and out-of-town position Mullgr A Raas company. Royal bldg. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Man darin cafe, Park and Morrison st. after 12 A. M. v'14 WANTED Trimmers and makers for both city and out-of-town positions. Muller ax Raas Company, Royal bldg. WANTED Conk for small institution; no objections to woman with child. Call 742 Overton st. WILL give man and wife room and us of kitchen to help with housework. 293 West Park. TWO experienced stenographsrs; salary $75 $60. Call today. 301 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED Woman or girl to baby. Call at once. 414 11th at. care for apt. 302. WANTED Experienced srirl at Rebe's con feotlonery store. 365 Alder st. WAITRESS wanted. Chesterbury hotel 201 X. 2Qth sit. ' GIRL or woman for general housework. Ta.bor 7b37. WANTED Girls to learn chorus steps -evening classes. 610 Eilers Music bldg. CHURLS GIRLS, experienced, big engage ment Apply Casino theater. WANTED Experienced candy irlr) or can dy packer. Swotland s, 260 Morrison. WANTED Experienced singers and dan- c e rs. au uwfcvni s'ni . LADY BARBER . wanted at once; position. 253 Everett and Third. steady MISS M ATTINGL YS Shorthand. Typewrit ing School. $6 mo. 269 14th. Main 3893. WANTED Lady barber. 171 U 2d st WANTED Second cook. Call Bdwy. 5433. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GOOD PRICES PAID. Experienced operator on overcasting machine. Experienced operator to make cuffs and collars. We have places for 20 experienced sin gle and double-needle operators. Apply at office of ML Hood Factory, 233 Couch street. THE OLDS. WORT MAN at KING STORE requires the services of experienced sales women in all departments. References re quired. Report ready for work at super intendent's office Monday morning. GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AGE. The Duplex Hair Cutter. Just comb your hair and It cuts it at the same time. Easier than shaving. Guaranteed to save its cost many times every year. A child can use it. Worth $5. Sample sent postpaid for only $2. Send today. SUPERIOR MFG. CO.. 839 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland. Oregon. TOY SALESWOMAN. Apply superintendent's office before 10 o'clock ready to go to work. Llpman, Wolfe A. Co. WANTED Competent stenographer and orricc assistant. Must oe A-i ana iu.i understand filing and general business correspondence; no other need apply. Give references; where last employed, telephone number, salary expected and detail Information first letter. Address AG 491. Oregonian. WHOLESALE nouse reauires services of stenographers, assistant tookue-per ana general office help; those with ex perience preferred, although spplicatlons from beginners will be considered; in replying, state age previous experience and salary expected. Address AV 9t0, Oregonian. CALCULATING MACHINE OP E K A T O R. Progressive wholesale desires services of experienced operator of Burroughs calculating machine ; one who can op erate typewriter preferred ; no short hand. Write, stating experience and salary desired, BC 1-0, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lady stenographer; one with some knowledge of corporation bookkeeping preferred; please answer in vour own hanivritina. stating quail fications. age. experience and salary desired to begin with, also references. D io, Oregonian. WANTED A wood stenographer, girl younx man ; must have good business head, lake charge brani a man agers office; salary to commence. su month; good opportunity lor right party. u (4t. Oregonian WANTED Nursemaid for baby girl years old; Portland Heights; good room and pieasant surroundings ; none out an efficient and exoerlenced person need apply. Phone after 10 o'clock, Marshall 4:i3. A GIRL with some stenograph leal sxpe Hence who Is willing to file letters, as sist bookkeeper and do general ofrice work ; must be quick and accurate with figures. .I J14, oregonian. STE A HT position open lrl filing depart ment ; no experience necessary ; would prefer one who can do typing, but not essential ; salary In proportion to abil ity; advancement assured. AR 959. Or egonlan. WANTED Competent cook and assistant In Christian Institution outside Portland $1-0 per month, with living; good post tlon for mother and daughter. Address A V l2.'t. Oregonian. GIRL or young woman wanted before or after Christmas for small house ; no washing or baking; SUO a month or $14 a week; room and board. A 850, Orego- nian. WANTED Experienced woman to do housework, four in family. Call room 527 Cornelius hotel until 2 o'clock Sunday, after then write J. H. Cronklte. St. Henels, Or. YOU WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONli. We write music, gusrantee publication; submit poems any subject. Metropoli tan Studios. Dept. 538, U14 S. Michigan, Chicago. WAITRESS. $14 wk. ; chambermaid. $55; camp cook, $05 ; ranch cook. $50 ; Inex perienced waitress, $10 week : family cook. $0O. 301 Ralelfrh bldg.. 327 Wash ington st. Call Monday. WANTBI Several ladies, with or with out experience; permanent positions; good wages and chance for advance ment. Palace Laundry, East 10th and Everett. A RE FIN BID woman to do light house keeping In home of young couple, "to act as companion go lady ; C. S. pre ferred. 085 Market. Take Hawthorne car to 33d. WANTED Experienced woman bookkeep er by a wholesale house; state firms previously employed, length of time us bookkeeper and salary wanted. AC 343, Oregonian. WANTED A maid for general house work ; 1 child In family. Apply 534 E. 17th st. N. I-J car. YOUNG girls, having had power machine experience can find steady employ ment at the Brownsville Woolen Mills, 3d and Morrison. WOMEN FOR FINISH SHOP WORK. We are in need of experienced fin Ishers. especially on pan ts. Brownsville W oolen Mills. 3d and Morrison. THREE teachers wanted for homo econo mles. at once; salary $125 per mo. Wrlto or wire Yates-Fisher Teachers' Agency, ;i i wrnartwny Ding. MAN" with boy 7. twin boys 5. girl 3, wants housekeeper by Jsn. 1st; one that loves children and a good home. Write 1250, Montana ave. sj MIDDLE-AGED woman to take care of elderly female as practical nurse and companion; good home. Woodlaun 2787. WANTED A good, reliable woman as housekeeper on a farm ; 4 child re n ; sal ary $40 per month. Columbia 526. Write J. sievenson. 720 Oborlln. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. Only hustler wanted ; must have car commission only. SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exch. REAL ESTATE SALESLADY. M ust have Ford car and be a hai worker and bright ; commission. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. Aiv iii-A-i cixt i tu K.mi girl wanted for gro cery, coniectionery ana lunchroom hours from 2:30 to 10 P. M.; salary $15 j week and board. 225 23d st. N. CANDY girl. $12 week, parents. Call after 2 Harris, 120 5th st. Must live with P. M. Sunday MIDDLE-AGED woman, housework; man with 3 children. 2606 E. 43d st. Tabor sooj . Richmond car. BRIGHT young woman for office position Reply In own handwriting. O 718, Oregonian. WANTED Young lady with experience In operating graphotype machine. Apply ssi cjsk sr., room PR, LIVE saleslady for big advertising nov elty to work city, big money. Give phone or HQ'ireas. r , uregonian. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for elderly man Rood home, small wages. K. J. Kinney R L Newberg. Or. Fl RE INSURANCE. STEAD Y- AND HARD WORKER ONLY. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. WANTED The Dalles, second girl In nice home; good wages. Call 974 Schuyler st or pnone tasi 21114. COMPETENT woman to help care for sick woman ana do like housework for two Call 53. Lexington ave., Sellwod. roi'Nti glri Tor general housework; no cooking, no wasning. 7S7 Nbrthrup st. Apt. M . TOl NG woman to work from 11 A. M. to 2;M P. M., washing dishes: prefer party baW,.,.! t2 ,1 . . . C-. Ana I m . GIRL to do filing and general office work no knowledge of typewriting necessary Apply fli - ri m. ANTED Undergraduate nurse for out of-town hospital. Address AV 952, Ore gon taiv NURSE GIRL to assist with csre of baby in very email ramny ; good wages and aooq nome. 1 an AUiomai ic l 2-7 1. WANT nurse gin for baby 4 years old. in exchange lor Doara and clothing. A 870, oregonian. GRADUATE nurse, general duty, local hos pltal. $75, room and board. AC 334 jregoman. vi j 1. b 10 neip wun nouse worg and care 01 cnua , no ounumy umner. Mrs. A, D, . orni, ,vin;n oujo. WANTED Dressmaker wishing s-onrl lr.,-a tlon: give phone number. AN 24, Ore YOUNG woman to assist doctor; aood Bros poots for right person; give phone, age WE can use 2 young ladles In our baby weuro wui k. onuri nuun, gooa pay, mornings, aw. w rigni, iiu in. sbjsj st WANTED uiris to ream beauty parlo work; give phone number. AO48, Ore Konian. WOMAN to care for 2 children and house tor ousiness woman. jaii East o36; at ;.v 1 a, "in COUNTER girl wanted. 384 Wash, HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of experienced of fice women. Apply superintendent's of fice, 8:30 to 10:30 A. M. WANTED Competent, experienced young iaay as assis ant bookkeeper; gooa typ istt and used to dictaphone preferred; or.s who is willing to go to a country town for a month or two, after that In Portland. Address, stating age. ms.r zied or single, expe. ience, references, and Uary expected. AM 46, Oregonian. QUICK and accurate typist and bHl cleric iu large corporation; permanent position, tine opportunity. Give phone, age, and wlary desired. K 734, Oregonian. QUICK and accurate stenographer for per manent position witn isrge corporswon ; state age. phone, experience, and salary ieniri-d. AH 8. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general office work; smal1 wages to start with ; chanca for advancement. Call Jautzen Knitting Mills. 31 N. 5th S:. GIRL wanted for soda fountain; must have experience. Call Sunday morning. Perk ins Hotel pharmacy, 3th and Washing-ton. Mt'LTIGRAPH Operator wanted. Give amount of ex perlence. telephone and address, AN 37, Oregoniao. GIRL wasted to work In hospital, board and room and wages with opportunity to learn nursing. Apply T02 Dekum bldg. WANTED First-class bookkeeper and typist; state salary expected and last place of employment. AM 55, Orego nian. MILLINER, experienced makers; want all my old makers. Miss Selover. The Else Trimmed Hat Co. Main 4402. East 568, evenings. A WELL educated woman wanted for edu cational work, one with teaching: expe rience preferred ; excellent opportunity for advancement. BC 135. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, experienced . state expe rience and salarv expected. Seattle A Hufman. Inc.. '2Q4 Stark St. GIRL wanted for confectionery and cigar store, per day. 301 Burnslde st. TWO lunch waitresses wanted at Elks' club, 3'J1 Stark st.; good wages, g TAILORESS for repairing and alt. rations. Lincoln Tailor Shop, 41B Morrison st. EXPERIENCED pants operator wanted. bSW 3d st. WANTED Girl with experience to assist with housework. Call East 4774. GOOD home and small East 378. for general wages to woman: housework. WANTED Young girl to work In reatau rant. no experience. 286 E. Morrison sL anted bomrstlrs. COOK WANTED. BEST WAGES. 812 12TH STREET. MAIN 8 -GO, REFINED congenial single or married woman to keep house for 4 young peo ple, all employed; clobe in on east side. References exchanged. East 3569 after 6 P. M. , WA N'T ED- Houmo keener for I elderly gen tlemen; good home; no washing; please -r.i1. Rhnni .a1-' aise. etc.. and bttlary ex nested. Address G. M. A., caro of Tribune. Lewlstun, Idaho. GOOD glri for general housework ; small ramny ; no wasntng or irouina . soou v ages. Phone Mrs. Sharp. Marshall 3S28. OM i'ETEXT girl for general housework: ?iust be a good cook. Mrs. A. A. Aya, 60 Halsey st. Phone mornings East 4602. CAPABLE girl as housekeeper In modern home, small ramny, no launary. Au drey 7B8 State st., Salem, Or. WANTED Active, intelligent middle-aged vtoman to do housework; no cooaiug, $40. Tabor 4603. HhTlABLE girl to do cooking family of 4; good wages. Phone Mrs. bharp. Marshall 5S26. WANTED Woman for cooking and house work: small family, sis L.ovejoy. fiions Marshall 3706. WANTED Girl to do general housework; ao washing. 000 r.. notn st. is. rnona East 4133. WA N'T ED FIRST-CLASS GIRL. GEN ERA L HOUBBwoaa; uwui mj i- KAM1LY; WAGES GOOD. MAIN 224U. WANTED Middle-aged woman or high school girl to assisi. wun nuusewurn, -adults. East 1370. WANTED Maid tor general housework. family of adults. Apt. 01, 7UO uavis si. Mar. MW, WANTED An oxperlem-ed girl for gen eral housework, no laundry; can morn ings. Main 6330. WANTED -An experienced second maid with references. Mrs. George Low. tel ephone Main 7 X) 8. WANTED A good cook in private fam ily, at once, for about a weeks. Call East 5660. A OOOD woman for general housework; must know conking ; gooa wages. Ap ply 560 E. Madison. WA NTBD Maid for cooking nd down stairs work; good wages. rnono nasi 3413. W A NTBD A cook. 247- N. 24th st. MaT- Hhall 33ft. GIRL to asalst with general light house- vork and cooking. Main 1012. GIRL wanted as mother's helper and to sp 1st with light housework. Bast gssgsj. FIRST-rLA8S experienced waitress. Al- x:iudra Court. 53 Ella St. EX PER I ENCED girl for general house Main J4U. work; good wages. EXP. girl for general housework in flat; n o r 00 King. ti. 007 o. WANTED A girl to assist In general housework; good wages. Tabor I4is. A COMPETENT girl or woman to assist with car- of two children. Main 2U20. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by widower. 1U4, ShaniKo, Or. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AGE The "Duplex hair cutter; just comb your hair and it cuts It at the same time; easier than shaving; guaranteed to save its coat many times every year. A child can use it; worth 15; sample sent postpaid for only $2: aend today. SUPERIOR MFG. CO.. S30 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland, Oregon. THOUSANDS U. S. government perma nent jobs now open to men. women, la up; $1100-12000 year. Quick raise. Com mon education sufficient. List openings free. Write Franklin Institute, dept. 376 Y, Rochester, N. Y MEN AND WOMEN Speech la golden; let us tell you about talk topio wnicn will enable you to cash your convetsa tlon. Sunset Sales Service, 10U East Kith street, Seattle, Wash. WOMEN or man wanted; salary $24, full lime. 50c an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer; experience unnecessary. International Mills, Norrls town. Pa. ' POSITION open with large well-known firm ; applicant must be well educated; give education and experience, phone number; not office work. AR S. Orego nlun. MEN and women sell calendars on com mission. 93 to 95 dsy; 8 to 10 A. M. only; small deposit; bring suitcase. 21'J Ablngton bldg., Monday. COLORED entertainers wanted. 4800. Mr. Heath. Call East EDUCATION AT. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, booakeeplng. secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 weeks; scalp and face msesage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange DUli ainie. Free booklet. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS AG'CY. Frank K. Welles, ex-ass t State SupL. mgr. N- W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed. DECKERS BUSINESS COLLEGE. COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSE. Allsky Bldg.. 3d and Morrison. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Wash, at 10th. Enter now. day. evening, all com mercial branches. Broadway 1821. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Bucket's private school ; Individ ual instruction. 122 H Grand ave. E. 427. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you set of tools free, position secured. 38 N. 2d st. LEARN VULCANIZING A RETREADING. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, Inc. ' 462 HA'.VTHORNE AVE. F1SK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Mn. 4835. Teaching positions, free registration. OREGON LAW SCHOOL, Allsky bldg.. 3d and Mor. W. E. Kichaidson. bee Main UI7 EDUCATIONAL. BB A DOCTOR OF J CHIROPRACTIC. The chiropractic profession offers the most unusual opportunities of any field In the world today. Know about Its great opportunities before deciding your career, or if you are dissatisfied Id your present position In life or its stfH ng capacity is not what you would like It to be, investigate tbe great oppor tunities offered in this greatest of all profesalons CHIROPRACTIC. A tnoat ' exceptional opportunity to study chiro practic and to become a chiropractic physician Is offered at this time by our college: both day and night coursea ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND chiropractic physicians needed in the United States today to supply the de mands of the millions who nave turned to this great method ot healing their Ills. INVESTIGATE!. Augmented Curriculum, Able Faculty. Clinical Facilities Unexcelled. For particulars address Dr. Oscar W. Elliott, president. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGB, Park and Yamhill. Main 1014. Portiand, Or. Tou cannot learn any part ot this proiession through correspondence. BOOKKEEPING. Stenographers or clerical help wishing to learn or Improve their bookkeeping whilst retaining their present position can now get personal instruction enabling them to bold that position that will b open Jan. 1. 1020. Call and wa will ex plain. PACIFIC EXTENSION INSTI TUTE. 605-6-7 Panama bide JJOHLER'S BARBER COLLEGE will teach' you the trade In 8 wks.; vlve you a set of tools and some pay while learning-; positions secured, scholarships and transfer cards issued; S2 schools in U. . and Canada, Send for catalogue, 22M Burnside si. THE International' Corrcaponaence Schools can raise your ui roadway. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MANAGER CAPABLE, ENERGETIC lU'MINESSS MAN, AGE 85. NOW EM PLOYED, DESlKhkS CONNECTION WITH HIOH -GRADE CONCERN JAN UARY 1. EXPERI ENCKD IN HAN DLING ALL DU8INKS8 DEPART MENTS. SALES PROMOTION. AD VERTISING. PRODUCTION, CORRE SPONDENCE. ACCOUNTING. ETC. FIFTEEN YEARS' SELLING EXPERI ENCE. WOULD CONSIDER DEPART MENT OR BRANCH MANAGEMENT. HIGH EST REFERENCES. AO. 62, OREGONIAN. OFFICE manager and credit man open for position; strictly high class; 13 years experience ; thorough accountant and a man ow capacity: can get results; unless you hava something with a future, a proposition would not be Interesting; now employed st salary of S-Ou. Address BC 101. Oregonian. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Will keep set of books for small firm doing manufacturing or trading business; financial statements rendered; modern accounting and cost systems installed. 320 Board of Trade bldg. Main 1003. EXPERT bookkeeper open for situation Jan. 1, li'-u. First-class references fur nished ; married and have family. BC 138, oregonian. SITUATION wanted as cashier by party with experience, can furnish good refer ences as to character and ability; ready al once- AR 13, Oregonian, SALESMAN. proven ability, thoroughly familiar with Portland and surrounding territories, desires position January 1 with est. local firm; best of references furnished. AC 330, Oregonian I AM taking a business course and desire a position In some company where 1 can get practical experience; would work reasonable for chauce to gain experience in business. BK 341, Oregonian. EX -SERVICE man, licensed chauffeur, wants position, tor hire or private; will accept any garage work; 6 years' Pierce Arrow and Packard exp. S. M., East 5728. DRAFTSMAN, technical graduate, 15 years' marine and mechanical engineer ing, open for position. BF 301, Ore gonian. BY experienced meatcutter, cspsble of managing market; married; reference furnished ; state wages and condlt Ions AO 40, Oregonian. PRCNI NG and packing done by day or contract ; 6 years experience. Phone or write U. Dillon and B. L. Rawson. Glad stone. Or. Phone Oregon City 8F12. WANTED Work on poultry farm by ex perienced elderly man ; can handle car penter and improvement work. AC 335, Oregonian. SALESMAN at present employed desires to change nts position alter Jan. 1. win furnish own car; ex-service man ; refer ences AK 834, Oregonian. A I Tt.tMOp.ILE sa lsman a present em ployed desires to change ; best of local references furnished; ex-service man. AM 17, Oregunlan. POSITION wanted by middle-aged exper lenced fireman, janitor, or night watch man; can handle any kind fuel. AC 338. Oregonian. BOY 15 wants a place on ranch for small wattes. 28 Iarrabce at., Portland, Or., phone e.ast aoou. POSITION wanted in garage. In accessories or tire department: experienced, can five references. Room H, 40 ancouver ave EXPERIENCED shipping clerk dsir position; will give references. AL 71 Oregonian. CARPENTER New and repair work, day or Job contract; estimates free. Wood- lawn 5359. YOUNG colored man wants job as por ter. Janitor or floor man. A 864. ore gonian. SEWING and talking machines overhauled. clf-and. repaired; regulate gas ranK; good work, moderate price, bell. HIGH school boy wants immediate work after school acd on Saturdays. Phone Ta bor W404 MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN desires po sition, nothing in reason refused ; state certificate. Phone Main 4067. ALL-AROUND printer-operator, capable, reliable, married, wants steady job. AC R3:i. Oregonian EXPERIENCED country bank clerk, teller, etc, desires permanent position at 120 a month. AV 907. Oregonian. WANTED Contract to cut 500 cords or more of wood, by experienced wood cut ter. O 7M, Oregonian. EX-SERVICE man, married, wants work of any kind. Call Sellwood 200 E. 34th st. yoi'NG Japanese wants position as school boy; wages no object. AC 318, Orego nian. Yol'NO man 22 years old wishes position In garage: have had experience as night man. U01 Miss. Woodlawn 2326. WANTED By man and wife, cooking In logging camp. Call or address room 301 Hroadway hotel. . WHEN you have any repair work in and around your house of any kind, call G. Olson. Broadway 2n28. WANTED -Place to care for furnace and be handy man. Call Burns, phone Bdwy. 2164. CARPENTER contracts for building or repairs, save you money. Manny, 9cIU wood 2421. WANTED By A I auto mechanic, job driving truck or car ; best of references. Phone E. 6833. ask for Jackson. A RELIABLE and experienced young man wants position on ranch. East 2763. 040 Pacific sL ALL-AROUND ranch hand. 30 years, wants place on ranch after Xmas. F 746, Oregonian. MA S with Ford wants work quick; will work cheap. AC 40a, Oregon ian BOY wants position as apprentice In ma chine eh op. Ta bor P105. JANITOR Marshall (married) experienced. 677. Phone HAVE 1-ton Uuck, want hauling. O 756, O regonlan. WANTED A practical nurse at once. Ap ply 758 Mississippi. EXPERIENCED fireman, Janitor and wife want work, apL house. Sellwood 2326. NON-UNION movie operator wishes po sition. AO 54. Oregonian. WANTED To clear 3 or 5 tract. AR 6. Oregonian. acres by con- SHINOLERS When you want shingling done call Woodlawn 5206. YOUNG man. stengrapher. wishes position In law office. BF 305. Oregonian. BAKER and pwatryman, wsll experienced, wishes post ion. AO 76. Oregonian. EXPERT stove and water pipe repairing1. Telephone Sellwood is" T . BX PERI ENCED farm hand with femilv wsnts work on farm. 3724 64th st. S. E. FROZEN PIPES THAWED AND RE PAIRED. WOODLAWN M8S. JAPANESE schoolboy wants position family- Broadway 6B. in POSITION wanted by middle-aged man watchman or Janitor. Tabor 0105. JANITOR, experienced. AL 47, Oregonian. JANITOR. Phone Soil- 404, INITIATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED By married nan. t5 years old. position on fruit or dairy ranch; un derstand handling and care of stock, also know suincthinr about fruit a row ing: am a good worker; can furnish i best of references: position must have good living Quarters for my family: also near school. Now if .-tome one wants a good ii... it and has a permanent position, would like to hear from him and talk It over. BJ 20. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED LUMBERMAN Desires to locate in Portland the first ot the year; have had ten years ex-p-rince In the manufacture and sals of Pacific coast lumber products; sals end of the buslnc&s preferred. What nave you to offer? F 795. Oregonian. SALESMAN Large experience In vari ous lines, now working bui desirous of better position, desires connection with rellsble mfgr. or Jobber, for any of the northern Pacific coast states, beginning Jan. 1 ; goud references; salary and com -rr. .sslon. BJ 108. Oregonian. IF your roof leaks, call an expert roofer to repair it. W don't use ducksback rubber band, vulcanise nor other catch penny specialties; we use tbe best min eral pitch, applied by expert roofer, giv ing you the best roofing that can be had. A. P. P. Co.. 75 Union ave. N. Phone E. 5764. WANTED Executive position by man of initiative, experience and sound judg ment; capable of assuming responsibil ity; clean, successful record; now gen eral manager successful corporation ; age S3; salary 83000; Investment if de s I red. Add ress A V 831. Oregonian. N EED work, have hardware and mercan tile experience, buying, selling, adver tising, etc.: can keep books, stock clerk, or sell goods; capable and can Assume responsibility or Just work. AE 637. Oregonian. MR. BUSINESS MAN. here Is your chance to secure the services of an experienced freight traffic man. one who really col lects claims, etc.; also who can handle paper buying: executive ability; A-l references. AC 33a. Oregonian. IS THERE a tire vulcanising snd battery hop or garage in Portland that can use the services of young man w ith some experience and ability? Wants to learn more; expects no pay for first few weeks. F ?S3. Oregonian. POSITION wanted, experienced superin tendent and manager open to take im mediate charge of logging operation: nine years' experience in large Colum i H5 rive reoperation. J 483. WANTED Position as watchman In wholesale house or factory; experienced with high and low pressure boiler and on ourners; married, middle-aged. War shall 4L'h2. room 11. RELIABLE married man wants work, truck driver or in a garage; know city well and handy with tools; Al references. Pay what I am worth to you. AG -stti, Oregonian. EX-ARMY officer and wife want position In small town or in country . man has had executive experience, wife is expert bookkeeper and stenographer. BJ 200, Oregonian. SALESMAN wants reliable aide lines for Oregon. Idaho, Eastern Washington; ac quainted grocers, bakers, confectioners; best references. What have you? E. D. Cook. Tabor -J9bQ. DO YOU want, temporarily, an experienced bank man for back work, to assist in contemplated chanaes In svstem or to otherwise help? 130 a week and travel ing expenses. AV &0S. Oregonian. ' LUMBERMAN wants position Jan. 1; sawmill superintendent, yard foreman or shipping; Job muat be worth at least S25U u. month ; references. Address AV tfttg. Oregonian. I WANT a position as salesman, an Inter view wun you will convince vou I am of the right caliber; will furnish my own car; ex-service man ; references fur nlshed. AL 44. Oregonian. WINDOW trimmer and card writer with 7 years experience, desires permanent connection; best of .reference. BC 130, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED office man, at present employed, wants to change his position about Jan. 1 ; references furnished. AM 42. Oregon Ian. WANTED -Position by man with years of experience in detail mill work; eiUier office or as mechanic. Address S., .43 E. 62d st. N . city. Phone Tabor 6266. HANDY man. experienced, competent elec trician, plumber, carpentor. etc.; apart ment house or hotel; good references. 186 Willamette blvd. Woodlawn 731. EXPERT logging accountant open for of fer after January 1. Commissary, cook house, logging costs, systems tlaing; ref erences. AV H12, Oj-egoniau. WANTED Position as Janitor In first-class apt. house by a sober, reliable man. good repair man ; can furnish local reference. BF 34S. Oregonian. STEADY man with family wants position as engineer or fireman in city; can make all repairs and installation of machin ery, etc. East 1304. WANT Job as sa w mill yard foreman or tally man where there la chs nee tor advancement: high -class man ; good references. Address AV 164, Oregonian. ALL KINDS of house repairing, carpet laying, thawing water pipes ; charges reasonable. Phone East 2246 evenings after o. EMPLOYMENT, a first-class hotel clerk will want employment by Jan. 1 or be fore; wife flrnt-clasa waitress If needed Q 726 oregonian. PRINTER with 8 years' experience de sires position at once ; Ilnotpye experi ence. Address J. M.. box 40X19. Port- land. LET ME make your sick Ford well at home; garage connection for shop jobs. Work guaranteed. Woodlawn 4166. C1IINESE wants position; first-class cook; private family ; ity or country hotel. BD 75. Oregonian. WANTED Position hotel clerk in town or out town ; can give Al references. Pnone East 7.V8. AH 822. Oregonian. n RST-C!aSS pantry man or waiter would like to have position In hotel, elub or restaurant. BD 7S4. Oregonian. MAN and wife want housework; man to do Janitor work and wait table, wife good cook. Phone Ma i n460.'.room 4. SCHOOLBOY, 16. wants work for board and room, mother willing to pay part board. Phone Main 46U.. room 4. WANT position as d raftsman. R. R. or highway work, anywhere. H. 3. Hall, Stevenson. Wash. COOK, all-around man. dinner, short -order and pastr). Is open for engagement, day or night shift. M 820. Oregonian. MAN over 40 wants work as night watch man or light work. Dan MoOllvery, room 3.t Southern hotel. 647 1st st. S. GOOD experienced Japanese cook wants situation; has references. Address Harry Kobe, as ss. 4tn. ELDERLY man wants position as janitor or houseman; terms reasonable. BJ 203, Oregonian MEAT CUTTER and sausage rpaker; In ciiy or out ; rename. oaii raoor S7 44 or write Roblnaon. 440 K 37th st. EXPERT ;iuto mechanic and machinist wants work. Phone Tabor 7414. PAINTING, Portland timing, special low rates; best references. Main 7635. Bookkeepers. Rtcnosrraphers, Office. OPEN FR ENGAGEMENT JANUARY 1. 1S0. An sll-around office msn and expert accountant. ery best local reference. 50 years old with a wide general experience, salary $173 per month. Address H. W G.. 545 South 15th St.. Salem. Or. EXPERIENCED accountant will audit, open or close your books, make financial statements. Income tax returns, or get any informat Ion you require from your records; highest references. BD 770, Oregonian. MR. BUSINESS MAN- Be prepared for coming prosperity; young oolite (and x-servlce) man desires start with bus iness firm. ahy capacity, salary no ob ject. AL Ha. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by accountant; good business experience ; competent to take entire charge of books If desired 1 am quite sure you will not regret giving nip an Interview. BJ 240. Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT Would like a small set of books to keep; fret your accounts in shape for your In come tax statement Charges reason able. A R 21. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. elderly, wants position; best references; effi cient service for small salary. BC 110, Oregonian. LUMBER accountant, first class, familiar with cost systems, desires position. A. R. Hunter. P. O. box 431. Phone Sellwood 2G57. CAPABLE accountant wishes work on books evenings. G 744. Oregonian. Soldiers and Sudor. CABINET-MAKER used to furniture re pairing and finishing, first-class me chanic, wants steady work. AK 835. Oregonian SITUATION wanted, young man in need of work desires employment of any kind; an honest and willing worker. AC S31. Oregonlan. MARRIED MAN. 2 years In motor trans port service, wants work; can do re pairing. I. 1. Kirk. 461 E. Morrison sL East 951. OOOD, all-round truck driver or touring car; T years' experience. AR 984, Ore gonian. EX -SAT LOR, Al milker and dairy man, wishes work; can give refs. Main 237, room 31. DISCHARGED sailor wants steady position driving Uuck. A 868, Oragonian. SITI'ATIONS lTAXTKU .UALg SoldWr toe) Manors. EX -OFFICER. 3 promotions 19 moiaha time. M, married, mlshcs position with opportunities for advancemtsi; four years' executive experience with cor poration, dlrect;y reapousible for wort of over hundred employes; exporlencMl with correapondunce saU etatSStVes; will ing to work without remuneration while grasping details ot worjc then at nominal salary until prove fo your satisfaction s.Ti worth more M SSI. Oregonian. KX-SBRVICB man with 10 vcurs" rience in uto repairing- and oxy -acetylene welding. Drop card to 360 S. 4a th st. N.. Portland. Qi. EX-SKRVICE man. Vnows citv thoroughly, experienced in dvliwrle and collections, has good references and Ford car sU your service. l'hooo Broadw ay 0J75, DISCHARGED Canadian soTdlor wsabsw Job as elevator boy; not much experience, but willing. Louis Saltman. AC J-0, Or Tonian. EX-SERVICE msn wants position ss as sistant bookkeeper; business school train ing, small nalary to start. Phone slain 548U. Roblnaon. EXPERT TREK SURGERY Have your trees trimmed now by cx-soldler. rhoi East sajs be:or u- A. II.. aftur 3 P. M. MAN with Ford wants work- TaU-r 7170. SITUATIONS M INTED-WWMAMJL WOMAN 30 years old, good appearance, seeks permanent position with reliable business firm about Januitry first. Quali fications: Speak and write French and Oerman f luentl y. good typist, ordinary bookkeeping experience in auieamansai and In executive positions. rJcaide broad gens-al education. Thrve year In agri cultural college. No one requiring so llcltlag apply. Q 71U, Oregonian. LADY, with girl 10 yrs., want positlen housekeeping tor tna.t ; no objection to child: having lull charge or all noiol, rooming house, apartment, or ctunc In hotel, restaurant; elevator operator: bave reference. Answer in pe.-ou; busi ness only. New York Apt., 44iVs 111- moat, apt.. 34. I HAVE had a business coiiege course. also two years of experience in book keeping and am looking fur a place whir I can begin a, the begimiln . work up: salary of small object providing there is a good chs nee for advance ment. AL 3C Oregoulan. YOUNG lady, neat, trustworthy, wishes light housework for winter, smai'. usat. congenial family havlnc piano to Uaw whssj at leisure; good home appttclated where 1 can be happy, comfortable : no washing; very close In: references. C 3fld, Orvgoman. SISTER and brother would like to share horn- with refined middle-aged widower or bachelor in modern home and not too far out. We are tired of rooming houses and want a real home; references es changed. A iSSO, Omgonlan. EXPERIENCED woman wants house work or cooking for a private family where room and board included for her self and 3-year-old bov. Phone Mar. 37X6 or address 227 Market sL Mrs. S. L. Wei la. MOTHER and daughter wishes employ ment together: tske care home owner's absence, or rooming or apartment house; experienced hands; references given. AE M40. Oregonian. WANTED Position by well educated young woman with business experience and ability to meet the public: capable ' Of taking charge of office; some ln- surance experience. AE 639, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, with busi ness experience, desires good position with opportunity for advancement; cap able of meeting the public: call Sunday or evenings after 6 P. M. E. 4710. TO HEAR from rorined middle-aged gen tleman who will finance rooming house proposition; can give best of reference. A E H42. Oregonian. NKAT, refined woman would do familv cooking and a.4t with children in a home where house boy or second maid la employed. F 776. Oregonian. LIN CO UN high school girl wants to work for room and board and wages; some experience. Call 273 Columbia at. YOUNG married forenoons for 2 side preferred. woman wishes to work meals and; west AC 300, Oregonian. ELDERLY lady wishes emplovment as companion or part helper in small fam Uy. Call at 172 B. Monroe. UCS1 N ESS w oman. 30. desires position managing office or department; $90 to commence. Box 301. Beaverton, Or. VoLNO lady would like work three nights a week In store or typewriting. Tabr :o:i. WANTED By woman of ability and com mon sense, position as compsnlon or r-ousekeeper. R" 11, Oregonian. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother Is away ; referencea Woulawn 1611. EX PE UI ENCED woman wants cooking In restaurant or cafaterfa in Sellwood. 41)7 Tenlno ave. POSITION Iri doetor'a office or clerical: high school graduate: experienced. Main .'sol. RECONSTRUCTION snd nurses aid with general office experience desires posi tion In doctor's office. Call Tabor 2S77. ;:t.I. educated young lady wishes to occupy her time with some suitable - cupatlon In town. BD 78fl, Oregonia 11. GOOD laundress wants washing, about six hours work, Monday and Tuesday. Call Sundsy and evenings. Main ;ilStf. A DEPENDABLE nurso cares for children evenings, the sick through the day. 2oo per hour and up. Mar. 340. LADY wants hou&e cleaning, other work: hours, day, work guaranteed. Wood lawn 630V WANTED Work In camp or ranoh. I have three children. Mrs. Kolkow, Noti. -Oregon. EXPERIENCED woman want general housework. 4Qc per hour. Wdln. Mg4 . BV YOUNG Isdy, 23. elevator position, day or night work. Marshall 1372. LACE, scrim, laundered; marquisette curt a Ins hand Ailed for. East ttlDtf. OFFICE girl wants work daily. 4-6 and Sat urday afternoon. Main 2915. LADY wants work as Janitress in theaters Sell 62 U. UKI'BND ABLE nurse cares for children evenings, sick through the dy. Mar. Z49. WoMAN wants day work. 6 hours, TtO tents, car fare- Woodlawn 3107. POSITION as copyist, familiar with dif ferent typewriters. East 3Mi0. SWEEPING, dusting, general housework by hour or day. East 8307. SWITCH BOARD operator, 4 years experi ence, also good typist. (70. Main 207. LADY gives masaagc 6f, Oregonian. and oil vibration. A K EXPERIENCED woman wauts day work- Tabor Mil, WORK, by experienced waitress; nlsJit work preferred. TaUor SWl YOUNG colored woman wants few hours' work dally. Phone Mar. 639. HOUSEWORK Marshall 3U2A. by the day. references. Itokk--cr. Mrnographfrs Offico. WANTED Position in high-class office or in private home as private or so 111 secretary; expert stenographer, highly educated, ability aa an executive, able to meet public In business way or to move in social circles; 3 years wide ex perience. Applicant Is gentlewoman by birth, breading and education; pleasing personality ; age '24 years; salary ex pected. $75. Other than high-class poi sons need not apply. BF 307, Orsgo nlan. BOOKKEEPER who s thoroughly com petent wishes work rternoons. tem porary or permanent, experienced la opening, closing and auditing, revenue statements, etc. Broadway jfg EXPERT comptometer operator will flguro inventories or any special work; prompt, accurate service. Can furnish own ma chine. AC 347. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER with 5 years' general banking egperlsnce wants position along1 clerical and stenographic lines. Woodlawn 18. YOUNG woman with business ability wants position In office where she can learn, the business; can operate comptometer. BC 147, Oregonian. A-l BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wishes position ; 8 years' experience : rapid and accurate with figures. AG 309. Oregonian. NEAT, quiet young woman desires filing, clerical work, etc, by first of year or before ; permanent. AC 3-3. Oregonian. TYPIST wants per thousand; 207. addressing, fllllng-in, $3 prefer home work. Main COPY on the typewriter done on short notice; neat and correct; reasonable charges. Wood 1 a wn 5219. WA NT ED Position aa stenographer and office assistant; experienced. AG 505, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog raphr; best of referencea Main 2817. TYPIST, rapid, neat, accurate, wants per tnannt position. $65. Main 207. Dree makers. WANTED First-class dressmaking; all work guaranteed. Phone Mai shall 1174. No. 414 11th at., apt. S01. DRESSMAKING, alteration work or plain sewing by day. East 8597. LADY will do plain sewing. 35c nr. 71. Oregonian. All m 1 r