. 14 FOR HALE AUTOMOBILES. Xmas week and pre-inventobi SALE. TOGETHER WITH GOOD WEATHER. GOOD BARGAINS. GOOD S. H. FORDS. Ia the reason vou should be Interested In our complete line of used Ford cars. JS Z IEKMS. 1918 Ford couplet, bargain. 1918 Ford sedan, good upholstery. 1918 Ford touring, good condition. 1916 Ford bug, new body. 1918 Ford delivery, roll curtain body. 1915 Ford delivery, panel body. 1917 Ford delivery. 1917 Roadster, good condition. 1918 Roadster, electric starter, dam. rims. AND OTHERS. PALACE GARAGE COMPANY. Authorized Ford Dealer. Sales and Service. 12th and Stark Streets. Bdwy. 1572. Auto. 524-42. IT WILL BE SPRING E'RE YOU ARE AWARE. THEN WHY NOT SELECT THAT USED CAR NOW? SAVE YOURSELF FROM 15 to 25, We undoubtedly have the largest and best assortment of exchanged cars In the city, and whether you buy or not it will be Indeed a pleasure to show you with out any obligation on your part what, soever. All we ask is an opportunity to show you our stock. W. H. WALLINGFORD CO.. 822 Alder st. Bdwy. 242 or Mar. 1905. SEE MR. LITTLE. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING. WE HAVE THE CAR AND TERMS TO SUIT YOU. Oldsmobile six, practically new. Oakland light six, new top and good condition. Maxwell touring car, late model. Mitchell six, Just painted. studebaker, model 23, in good running order. Cadillac four, and several others. HAMILTON MOTOR CO., 80-52 N. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 3606. Open Sunday. WHO WANTS A CHEVROLETZ 4-90, in excellent shape for only TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO , 514 Alder Street. Easy Terms. DODGE TOURING. A SNAP 530 ALDER. FORD sedan, the Ideal Portland auto; a bargain for quick sale. 630 ALDER. Bdwv. 1852 MAXWELL ROADSTER. Looks like new; 4 new tires and extra equipment. 530 ALDER. Bdwy. 1852. USED RADIATORS, for all makes of cars. All our radiators are carefully rone ver and made tight before so'.d. BURNESS & MARTIN. 15th and Alder sts. BUICK ROADSTER. This is one of the fours: has 4 new non-skid tires and one extra; bumper potlight and other extras; has the tank and trunk in rear and has been rebuilt and runs as quiet as new; low price of MOO. with $150 down, balance easy. P"5 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. AUTOMOBILE experts and others under agreement with the Pacific Automobile Expert Co.. will report at once to the company's office. The yacht Myrtle Du Rette will sail Jan. 5. 1920. The steamship Diamond Queen en route to orient; cargo 1000 automobiles. ROADSTER. BUICK, in Al mechanical condition, new tires. See it today Bdwy. 1614. McCRARY. 1918 CHEVROLET touring car. In fine condition. Can be purchased today for Jio. Is worth $625. Terms. FIELDS MOTOR-CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 240. FOR SALE By owner, leaving cltv. latest model Chevrolet touring car, best of care run less than 500 miles on paved streets only; over $80 extras go with this car can be seen Sunday 10 A. M. to 2 P M at 14th and Main, garage 58. or call Mr' Primer Monday at Hotel Ramapo. 1919 FORD touring car; practicallv new Seen run little over thousand miles. FIELDS MOTOR-CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 240. 1917 BUICK touring car in good mechani cal shape: good paint and good tires also spare tire; price $1000. cash or terms. BRALY AUTO CO.. 601 Washington st. m MAIN 4SS0, WELDING. Auto cylinders. crank cases. axle housing a specialty. All broken parts water boilers. Ruud coils, etc. Auto Sheet Metal & Welding Works. Park and Fla nders. 1918 FRANKLIN. Just overhauled in our shop; this car is in first-class condition in every respect. Price $1700; cash or terms. BRALY AUTO CO.. 601 Washington st. MAIN 4S80. 1917 BUICK LIGHT 4. roadster. Just like new; mechanically in the best of shape special price of $750: onlv $200 down' A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO. 525 ALDER ST. $425 1918 FORDROADSTER. Equipped Gray-Davis electric starter, new battery, shock absorbers, demounta ble rims, oversize tires. In excellent con dltlon. Phone Marshall 4700. House 24. 1918 FORD TOURING, excellent running shape and looks like new. $450; $100 down. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. 525 ALDER ST. FOR SALE A beautiful Cole Aero 8 looks like new: would consider small car In trade or terms to responsible nartv 50 E. 30th St. Tabor 537. BARGAIN In 1918 Hup. perfect condition Just painted. Monarch Motor Co.. 343 Vancouver ave.. near Bdwy. PhoneEnnt 4136. BUICK 1919 light six touring car and equipment In extra fine condition $1500 cash or terms. D. M. Smith. Bdwy. 113o' 14th and Davis. . NEW KING "8" foursome, used as a dem onstrator less than 4000 miles. Factory guarantee and 52 weeks" free service Call Woods. Broadway 89. FOR SALE 1919 Maxwell touring car" good as new; all good tires. $775 if taken at once. J. F. Hall. Rt. 4 box -6. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 595-Y. MAXWELL touring. 1919. used very little almost new, owner's sacrifice: $950 with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burn side. 11117 CHEVROLET touring, only $425; $ioo down. A-l AUTO WORKS A- PAINTING CO 525 Alder st. "-PASSENGER Bulck 6. cord tires, one spare, looks like new. Call Mr Little Bdwy. 2492 or Marshall 1905. 1918 DODGE touring. 5 tires and mechan ically perfect. SEE GEO. SOLEY. 411 DAVIS. 1919 SEVEN, light six. Studebaker. This car Is as good as new; cord tires. SEE MYERS. 411 DAVIS. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BIG AUTO REMOVAL SALE. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., 525 ALDER ST. In about 30 days we will move in our new fire-proof building in the down JJJa Broadway automobile district. We will have elegant headquarters, but not as large floor space as our present quarters, therefore we are putting on this sale and forced to dispose of a large number of cars before moving, regardless of their cost or value. In the following list you will find' the best line of used cars in the city of Portland. We will make terms to suit you with a small payment down and long terms on balance. It will cost "uiy your time to look these over 1 Dodge Touring. 1916. 1 Dodge Roadster. 1917. 1 Dodge Touring, 1917. 1 Dodge Roadster. 1918. 1 Ford Touring. 1917. 1 Ford Touring. 1918. 1 Ford Raceabout. 1J16. 1 Ford Runabout. 1916 2 Maxwell Touring. 1917 1 Maxwell Roadster. 1917. 1 Maxwell Touring, 1918. 1 Maxwell Touring. 1919. 1 Buick 4. Roadster. 1917. 1 Buick 4, Touring, 1915. 1 MSnroe Touring. 1918. 1 Chevrolet Touring, 1916. 1 Chevrolet Touring. 1917. 1 Grant Six Touring, 1917. 1 Miabohm Sedan. 1919. 1 Oakland Six Touring, 1918. 1 Chevrolet Baby Grand, 1917. 1 Oldsmobile 8, Touring, 1918 1 Oldsmobile 8. Roadster. 1918 1 Oldsmobile 8. Touring. 1916.' 1 Oldsmobile 8. Roadster, 1916. 1 Auburn Touring. 1918 1 Hudson Speedster, 1918. 2 Ford Bugs, 1916. 2 Cadillac Bugs, snaps. PJ!?. ALL DAY SUNDAY. PHONE BROADWAY 2797. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 525 ALDER ST. WHY WAIT UNTIL SPRING ? THE BEST USED-CAR VALUES EXIST NOW. SAVE $150. CHEVROLETS AND FORDS AT JUST WHAT THEY COST US. iF,IE.rjDS MOTOR-CAR CO., 14TH AND ALDER. BDWY. 240. IT IS GOOD BUSINESS FOR YOU to look over our used cars Take advantage of present low prices. A deposit will hold any of these until you are ready to use it 1917 Hups., two of them. 1919 Grant six. 1918 Grant. 1917 Grant. 5-pass. light six Bulck. 1917 Saxon. Chalmers touring. King 4. LOTS OF OTHERS. MANLEY AUTO CO.. 11th and Oak at Burnside. Bdwy. 217. USED CARS OF VALUE. Hudson Super Six, rebuilt car. new Chalmers six, new paint . "" Overland ' King "8," 5-passenger. I " King "8." 7-passenger 5?' re.!V.iIt car' new Paint 1919 King "8" roadster.... 1919 Kin "ft" .$1600 1075 950 10H0 8 900 !7S.-, !S"iJ"ar? carry factory "guarantee and o2 weeks' free service. CorHov?LUEDjCARS SALESROOM. Lor- noyt and Broadway opp New P O Phone Broadway 89. ! 68 BUICK ROADSTER, LIGHT SIX. and'"i ?dateL ' has been rebuilt and is as good as it could be made- "r cord bnrrly "ew ,,re8 and one extra cord, bumper, 2 spotlierhts -nH light,16 w1hBahtt-and, ,"rttfr't3(soame "5n what?); glass wings on wind shield and lots of other extras we can't ?h"ecarWwlthhaT!,OW, Prlce f mis car, with $350 down, balance lonir anY o OU a" Ca oR.?P FRONT USED CAR CO 505 Alder St. Phone Automatic 513-97. AN exceptional paint jinn" nnc.1,,1 . 'c . . . ! j750 -w mis bargain. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO 514 Alder Street. Easy Terms. RAHL.rPEI), TRUCK VALUES. All trucks taken in trade com pletely overhauled in our own shop; various sizes. Our prices anri terms will Justify your Inspection INTERNATIONAL MACK CORP lOth and Davis sts. FORD, in fine condition; $150 worth of equipment, including Gray & Da v start ing motor and generator Back of front seat cut down for camping New up! twVsuVTou SnaP; -er'm. FIELDS MOTOR-CAR CO. 14th and Alder. Bdwy. H-jo. '17 OAKLAND TOURING. actsaSlike?enew Vanni8Cd 'oo1" nI IT. L.C- new one; low price of skw- U out dWn- baU "y- Call anl'Vy RED FRONT USED CAR CO. . 505 Aider st. FRD 1917 TOURING xvew paint, new tire nr.n. A-n. $150 cash, balance f.p" mo"? h OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB Looks and runs fine; price $7.n-' f-n cash, balance $50 per 'mS."50' 1652 East as grffSa 1918 OLDS 8 ROADSTER in thefTnesfm7 A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. SERIES 9B Franklin, runs and looks like n5':,U8ed n.'y a 8hort hile: can bl SSJ&tf prty"5 f 1550 ; ' S re! BRALY AUTO CO 60, Washington st. BUICK 1020 model 5-pass eaulnnert -i, , seat covers, shock absroers.PPumpe;' fes. thane40onmn.ther IS less man 400 miles; owner leaving oitv Soalandl" A'2M SEE?" EtwiVn J" l- A- M. Monday or Tuesday. 1918 FORD touring. Kelsevbodv Shock 14th and Aider. Bdwy. 240. FORD OWNERS Overhaul motor. $20; rear axle $6 grind valves. $3 5 per cent discount for cash: no charge for tow ir.1t i"! Belmont st. East 191. 424 1917 FORD TOURING: runs as good as ?tcnf"on??r$4S5at,?8S!downhOCk ab--beras! A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO 525 ALDER ST. U" 18 BUCK roadster In A-l condition by owner. 2 spare tires with covers: all 'rub ber nearly new. 3 locks, spotlight and bumper; cash. Main 8384 d FORD delivery. 1918. with new exoresi body, some extras. A bargain at SS with terms. . 30 Grand ave. N nea? Burnside. "ear WANTED Ford coupe, good shape from private party. Must be bargain for cash: self starter preferred. AM 4 Oregonian. ' PIERCE 48. T-passenger. like new West Inghouse absorbers; $3000. Owner liu . iiunc miirMjaii 1BU1. FOR SALE Buick 4, $175. Call Broad- way iBtfi, OK SA LE AUTOMOBILES. 1918 NASH with good Urea all 'around, oaa plate glass in rear, good top and side curtains, just gone over, in perfect running order; price $1200 1918 Bulck six. Just repa'lnted. uphol stering and top in good order, brand new side curtains, mechanically in good or der, tires are fair; $1150. L918 Pathfinder, twin six, mechani cally Jut gone over and put in perfect shape, two brand new cord tires in rear, new fabric tires in front, with extra tire and wheel, top and upholstering line new, plate glass, wire wheels, good lboo' nrice naa been reduced to 1918 Overland, five-pass., up In good order, with practically new tires all around, good top, side curtains, uphol stering, looks as good a new; price $875; will take in Ford on this machine. 1918 country club, up in fine running order with brand new $75 top and cur tains, good tires all around, new paint Job; $800. . 1918 Hupmoblle that is Just as good mechanically as a new car, has three brand new tires and two nearly new ; if you are interested in a good Hup. don't fail to see this one; will let you make any demonstration that would be re quired of any machine of this class; the top, upholstering is like new, in fact, the car is Just as good as new; formerly owned by Verv careful drlvr- nr-lr $1200. 1917 Brisco, in good mechanical con dition, tires fair, body and top just fair; here is a little car with lota of pep and runs like a clock, but the top and fen ders are not good, with small exoense can be put in fine shape and appear ance; price l.." 1917 Hupmoblle. good mechanically, with good tires, top and upholstering good ; this machine is a bargain at $850. If you see the car you will appreciate the value. 1919 Ford bug. splendid model, has good top. unholstering and rubber: with extras; here is a sporty little boat that will appeal to any one who is looking lor a Dug. (renders. ) $450. BUTLER MOTOR CAR CO.. East Burnside near bridge. East 321. PARTS PARTS for every make and model at greatly reduced prices. ENGINES ENGINES from $25 up, taken from America's best cars. ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES Just received 2 carloads of accessories, which we are selling at salvage prices. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., Third and Gllsan Sts. BUICKS FORDS. SEDANS. We have some very desirable buys In these cars at low prices and easy terms Buicks are both touring cars and roadsters. Some of the Fords are electrically equipped. Any of these will make a very de sirable Christmas present for the family. ALL GUARANTEED. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO. 5th and Taylor. Main 6144. Buy a used car from us and keep your feet dry. THE OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.'S BIG UPTOWN USED CAR STORE. BROADWAY AND BURNSIDE, (Just 2 blocks from the Benson.) 1918 MAXWELL. like new. This car Is ab solutely O. K. and the price is low. See it before It is gone. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. 514 Alder Street. Easy Terms. Don't wait until somebody else gets the car you want. DO IT NOW THE OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.'S Big Uptown Used Car Store. Broadway and Burnside Just two blocks from the Benson '17 FORD TOURING. . This is a real Ford and runs and looks like new one: has been reflnlshed: low price $Ji.,. with $125 down. bal. easy. RED FRONT USED CAR CO 505 Alder St. . 1917 OLDS 8 TOURING Small 5-pas an excellent light-weight family car; this is f, "vnoa,P ra?: 5 yo ee " and ride' in It you will be pleased and buy It: $-, down, one year on balance A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO 'Xh"? ;TI'IN car in Bood m-ehanical condition with four new Goodyear tires to the highest bidder. Call Sell 20 for --...,-,, at. anU give me an offer. NEW Ford touring with starter; never been run; for sale or will tak i.- j In --,.. TV'ttl i . . . L ' " ' '"'- ',1" "eu ciiassis onlv If want- en. j .100 iJivisinn st. Tabnr firtn:: Vt,?fsLA AP SS? 19P' Knod Paint and tires. A real bargain at $600 some terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Brn! 1918 OLDSMOBILE roadster: you must see this one to appreciate it; at a bli snap. SEE J. SMITH. 411 DAVIS. VTLDEBAKER FOUR. 5 passenger. 1918 In best of condition. Will sell at $800 and g v-e terms. 30 Grand ave. N near Burnside. "r LATE FORD SEDAN. SB LF-STA RTFK ELECTRIC LIGHTS C LOC K s P KK D-' OMETER. FULLY EQUIPPED $701) EASY TERMS. 303 OAK ST. ' 0 hRLAND touring. 1914. in first-clas condition. Owner must sell. Sacrifice at $275. some terms. 30 Grand ave N near Burnside. 1919 FORD touring, bought April 18, Just like new; cost $663; to go for cash dur ing week at $500. Main 6049 LATB NS '17 FORD in best condition; lot of r:i?' . 'aFrlfico for 400. Tabor 1555. ex 26S E. .'15th st MITCHELL touring, will sacrifice- a bis: bargain. Call Mr. Little. Bdwy "40" Ar Marshall 1905. -u- or $500 4-CYLINDER 1017 Studebaker de llvery car. good condition. Inquire 22" ' hamber of Commerce bldg. Mar. MB 1918 FORD touring, in very fine shaplP must be sold today. yr; IKKHEBY, 411 DAVIS FORI) touring, 1919. only run 900 miles Owner must sell: $550 with' terms. 30 PACKARD 30. good condition, cheap if taken at once: $275. H. Truscott. 295 Hawthorne. East 6770. FOR SALE New Master Junior lu.-ton truck, bargain. 716 Alberta st : Wood lawn 4190. ' ooa BABY grand Chevrolet, good shape cord tires. Call Mr. Little. Bdwy. 2492 or Mar shall 1905. FOR SALE A removable sedan top to fit touring car. In good condition; chean Call Marshall 3416. ' elp- FOR SALE 1918 Overland, model 90 $650: good condition. 716 Alberta st. Wood' lawn 4199. ooa FORD Like new; Woodlawn 4199. snap; $400. Phone 30X:iH wire -wheel for Ford. Tabor 5003. Automobiles Wanted. WANT Ford from private owner No phone calls. Wilson. 00 North Broadway. 124 ACRES near Goble. Oregon, for Ford touring. BF 315. Oregonian. SPOT cash and good Hup 32 for used Franklin. Tabor 1809. I WANT Hht Bulck 4: will Phone Automatic 513-67. pay cash. THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. DECEtMBjfSB 81, FOR SALE ACTOM OBI l.F.S. Automobiles (VsniM. VACANT BUNGALOW FOR AUTO. A-rOOm mnrinrn hnnvalnw Ana flnnr full basement, fine plumbing, nice fire place, some built-lns, large lot. 75x108: near car; some fruit: close In: price $2950; incumbrance $1900, payable $15 per month. This house is vacant and a bargain. I need a car and will give ooineone a ripping good trade. V . y-ri i-tfuinan. 4 CAR WANTED 1 PAY CASH. We are in the market at all times for any number of light cars; must run good and if they are not all paid for ve ouy your equity. tjall ana see mo ml jou want money. RED FRONT USED CAR CO.. 505 Alder St. FINEST kind M -section land. So. Idaho every Inch tillable: no rock or eravel dark chocolate loam soli, sub-Irrigated; best alfalfa and wheat land on earth; all fenced; well, old house, etc.: 6 ml. co. seat; level tractor land; a peach of a buy at $6000; inc. $3000 and I can't meet it: my equity for first-class, high-grade auto. taoor 6870. Answer quick. FORD WANTED Want good Ford car as first payment on 4 -room house and 50x100 lot. with fruit trees: bal. due on place $675. pay able $12.50 per month. 1420 Leonore st. wain. 400S. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lownsdale St. S. w. Cor. 15th and Washlngt on. WANTED Light 5-pass.. late model auto. Bulck 4 or Dodge preferred: will pay casn; nc aeaiers or agents. Address P O. box 42. Portland. BEAUTIFUL BEAVER FUR OVERCOAT. SEW, $600 CASH, OR WILL TRADE FOR GOOD AUTO WORTH THAT MUCH OK MOKE: NO JUNK. 87 EAST IMTH ST. TABOR 6670. GARDEN HOME ACRE for auto; all In cultivation; gas, electricity and water in the street; will consider any good 5-pass. car and give or take cash difference. See owner at 242 Washington st. HAVE $900 eauitv in 5-room modern, fur nlshed bungalow. Rose City Park, would exenange for late model small car. 588 Junior st. Woodlawn 5478. WANTED Recent model of Dodge. Max well or Chevrolet, in good condition, part payment to be made with desirable suburban lots. East 5727. WILL trade lot on Foster road, 55x135, balance in cash, for an up-to-date road ster. See Mr. Ella, 506 E. 22d St. CASH for light or medium car; must be in fair condition; full Information in answer. AH 847, Oregonian. FOKD roadster, late model, with open body; must be cheap for cash. 424 Bel mont st. $600 CASH for Dodge, state year and con dition; must be a snap. Address AC 312, Oregonian. LATE model Little Six Buick: have lOOx 100 Kenton lot. cost me $1050, will pay cash dlff. Phone 318-02. WANTED Second-hand Ford. What have you for cash? Telephone A. p. Miller. East 1552. WILL trade some livestock for a late model automobile. 990 Powell valley road S. E. WANTED A used automobile in good con dition; state maae ana w . jj j.... Oregonian. 80 ACRES, near Portland, good wood prop osition, for good auto. 912 E. 7th st. N. WANTED Late model light touring car; price must be right. W 816. Oregonian. Motorcycles. TELL DAD YOU CAN RIDE A BICYCLE FOR $2 DOWN $2 A WEEK. 5-YEAR GUARANTEE. OPEN SUNDAY. AND EVERY EVENING BEFORE CHRISTMAS. STRIKE CYCLE CO.. 86 BROADWAY. PHONE BROADWAY 1&2. I HARLEY-DAVIDSON BICYCLE IS THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR ANY' BOY OR GIRL ' BE SURE TO SEE OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HIGH-GRADE BICYCLES. ALL SIZES. ALL PRICES. TERMS. HA RLE Y-DAVIDSON SERVICE, 200 3D ST.. COR. TAYLOR. It Will Pay You to See Our Stock of USED MOTORCYCLES. Indians. Harley-Davidsons. Excelsiors, etc. Terms. Liberty bonds accepted. Motors, magnetos, clutches, carburetors, cylinders, grinding, acetylene welding, magneto, generator, battery repairing. We are equipped and can take care' of anything in the motorcycle line. Your overhauling and repairing solicited EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand Ave. Excelsior and Cleveland Motorcycles, Excelsior and Tremont Bicycles. BICYCLES! BICYCLES: BICYCLES' Largest retail stock of bicycles in this city to choose from. Special Christmas prices. . TRICYCLES! TRICYCLES! TRICYCLES! We have them all sizes; call and look over our stock before you buy SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES Harleys. Hendersons. Indians, Excel siors: large stock, bargain prices. Repairing and supplies. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 3C ::d st.. corner of Ash. BICYCLES. An Ideal Christmas gift. We have a ntgh-grade line of bicycles and bicycle supplies. Come In i.nd let us help you select the present that will please INDIAN MOTORCYCLE & BICYCLE COMPANY. 204-6 Third St. Main 6137 FOR SALE 1918 lightweight Twin In dian, used little. $120 cash. $135 terms Call before 3, 5428 37th ave. s E Ta bor 5078. 1915 Henderson motorcycle, fully equipped new tires; cheap tor cash. Main 7079. ' FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6139 Aut4 Tires and ArrrsKories. TIRE and ACCESSORY BUSINESS for sale; state agency for one of the best tires on the market; Oryear contract' good downtown location, rent only $100 per month; a live wire can make this business pay $1000 a month; imperative reasons for selling; stock, lease, tire con tract and all for $4000 cash. For full Information and details address C 386 Oregonian. TWO 34x4 tires, rubber good shape $12 ea jh. 282 Chapman St. Apply bet 12 and 2 P. M.. Sunday and Monday FOR SALES Two sets (4) Weed chains 33x4. used 20 miles. $6 per set. Tabor CLEAN-UP sale on new and used tires all sizes: open Sunday. Washington Tire Co.. 486V4 Wash. asiington 1920 FORD touring body. 1919 Ford, touring body. 1383 Division st. Tabor 5603 USED 37x5 Vi cord tire. Main 4115 be" tween 1 and 12 Monday morning! Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G N RMTTTT THIRD AND GLISAN STS ' A '"9 BROADWAY 2629 "' NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVERLAND HUDSONS LOWNSDALE GARAGE fl BDWY. 2408 15TH AND WASH- AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates City Ga rage, 86 10th st. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE L. L SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE! Mai, -o. juin a:u 1AMH1LL A 1236. ALTHOF BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring calling shopping, highway. Broadway 3517. FOR SALE-TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. SEE OUR STOCK OF USED TRUCKS. ALL SIZES AND MAKES. PRICES RIGHT. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. PARK AT EVERETT ST. USED TRUCK SNAPS. 1-ton Kissel, overhauled. 2 new tires, a serviceable, high-class machine at a bargain. lH-ton Federal, chain drive, over hauled. rH-ton Wilcox, overhauled, repainted; only $700. Several Ford 1-ton. in worm and chain EASY TERMS. o 7rlLl'IAM L HUGHSON CO., 0 N. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 321. PARTS SERVICE. USED TRUCK BARGAINS. G. M. C. K-ton body and top. Republic 1-ton. thoroughly overhauled Frdh 1"ton- worm drive, body, top and Ford with 1-ton attachment. $275. Fedeal 1 -ton, worm drive, thoroughly overhauled. G. M. C. 3-ton, chain drive. Velle 3H-ton, chain drive. WENTWORTH & IRWIN. Inc.. Cor. Taylor and Second Sta. TRUCK HEADQUARTERS. THREE bargains in trucks: 1917 -toh Republic, body and top new pneumatic tires $750 i-ton Panhard chassis and . CB-b 850 uio i-ton Republic, new hard tires 950 All of them ready to start to work. FIELDS MOTOR-CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 240. USED TRUCK BARGAINS. Hauling contracts furnished with the following trucks: 2-ton Atterbury. 2-ton Reo. 2-ton Diamond T. Diamond T Truck Sales Agency of Ore gon. 89-91 North Ninth Street. LIPPARD-STEWART -ton; Continental motor, brown-lipe transmission. TJmken axles, almost new Urea, excellent me chanical condition, complete with ex press body, windshield, curtains, etc., $050. terms. The White Company. Park and Couch sts.. Portland. Or. HIGHWAY construction: Packard (.ton. worm drive, new tires. Just overhauled. Why not look this truck over now? It's a real buy. $2350. terms. The White Company. Park and Couch sts.. Port land. Or. GARY TRUCK. Buy a 3H-ton Gary and go on long Job In city; flat body, all equipped, ready for work; small payment down and rest as made. See Barnes, 71 Broadway. FOR SALE, cheap New dump body and noist, maae tor snort wood, nullt ror 2 ton truck. See It at Hawthorne garage, 445 Hawthorne ave. G. Harms, Rt. 1, Aurora. Or. 5-TON G. M. C. Used only short time; tires and truck In very best corMitinn. $3175- lrm. CHESSMAN -STATER MOTORS CO., Broadway 4233. 92 N. Broadway. 3-TON Packard, long wheelbase. equipped with lumber rolls, ready to go to work; $1750. terms. The White Company. Park and Couch stB.. Portland. Or. CAN save you $450 on a brand new 3 14 -ton truck with dump body and hoist; $800 down, balance monthly payments. Own er. M 818. Oregonian. 4i -TON Republic, almost new. Let us demonstrate this Job to you; $900, terms. The White Company. Park and Couch t.. Portland. Or. REO three-fourth ton speed wagon: tires per cent new; new battery: must be oiu twiay; ouu; loau tl. Taylor Tabor 6365. FORD TRUCK. 1-ton. complete with bodv and cab: $300. terms. The White Com pany. Park and Couch sts.. Portland Oregon. FOR SALE 3 Cadillac trucks. l'--tini capacity, complete with body. Applv Portland Artificial Ice Co.. 180 Thur nian. 2-TON White, good shape mechanlcallv. good tires: II.jOO, terms. The White company. rarK and couch sts.. Port land. Or. 1-TON Republic, now being overhauled. $730 takes It; terms. The White Com pany. Park and Couch sta.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE 1 two-ton G. M. C. truck, new. 1 two-ton Republic truck. Cash or terms. good bargain for quick sale. Sell. 2306. HAVE two used United 6-wheel. 6-ton trucks In Al condition, reasonable. If interesteq call tjormont. Broadway 3914 WANTED Expert truck driver to pur chase truck on good contract. See Nash 71 rtroaqway. Bdwy. 2162. AUTO REPAIRING. EXPERT MOTOR REPAIRS. First-class guaranteed work at moderate prices. We will save you time and money. Phone Broadway 82. 344 Burnside Street. WILLAMETTE -OAKLAND COMPANY. OLD RADIATORS MADE LIKE NEW. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PORTLAND AUTO RADIATOR SHOP. 535 ALDER. MECHANIC 5 years' experience, will do work In your own garage: will go anv- where: satisfaction guaranteed. Tabor 1737. . D. Hines. FIRST-CLASS automobile mecbanlc. will take work by hour or Job: guaranteed work: cnll me to help or to do It all. Main 8490 GARAGES. FOR RENT Private Alder. 556 East WANTED M I SC E L LA N Kill S. WANTED Second-hand office desk; must be in good condition; state price. AG 482, Oregonian. WANTED Used copy Science and Health, good condition: state binding. AC 315, Oregonian BINOCULARS wanted from owner, 6-12 power. Perplex preferred. AH 855, Ore gonian. TO BUY a fireproof safe: give price and size and where it can be seen. AH 729. Oregonian. WANTED Indian relics, curios. William Paul, Broadway 1724. antiques and 125 11th st. WE BUY DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD. OLD Jew-ilry for cash; name your price. Bring or mall. 323Vi Wash., bet. 6th and Bdwy. WANT to buy carbons (diamonds) for drilling purposes. W. L. Brennan. 5790 Kingsbury place. St. Ixiula Mo. DIAMOND wanted: around 1 karat or thereabouts; private party; all cash BF 338. Oregonian. SPOT CASH PAID FOR VIOLIN. Cornet, Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin' NEWMAN EXCHANGE. 128 1st. M. 4495. WANT AUTO SHOTGUN Spot trash or equal value In trade. Newman, Main 4495 128 1st. near Wash. WOULD like to buy a second-hand doll buggy. Tabor 7060. DIAMOND wanted, li to 1 karat: pny spot cash. Phone Main 3804. Monday. GOOD lot to exchange for portable gii lage or piano. East 6329. BILLIARD TABLE Wanted, billiard table. Tabor 7837. 1.AVATORY. bath, toilet wanted. Swap enameled sink. Main 7164. 6 P. M. CEMENT brick block outfit, gonlan. AN 20. Ore- WANTED Good second-hand kiddie car Call Tabor 2724 after 9 A. M. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 04 5th. HIGHEST SPT CASH prices' paid for dla monds. Dan Marx, 283 Washington. TRUNK Give size; not over $10; with or without tray. BP 790. Oregon Ian. JUNK. rags, metals, old clothing, tools furniture, trunks: good prices. East 517l WANTED A folding Corona or Standard typewriter. BF 352. Oregonian. 13 OR 18-1N. LATHE and 18-ln. shaDr F 780. Oregonian. snaper. WANTED Young girls bicycle In good condition. Call East 7289. W A R D RO B E trunk, bargain Write box 445. Oregon City. Or. write oox WANTED Small incubator. Phone CoT 279. P. E. GunsolluE. jlLFescnden at.' GASOLINE wnodsaw. only good outfit con sldered. AM 50. Oregonian. ou"'1 con WANTED A good cornet. with case What have you? BF 343. Oregonian A REED buggy, must be reasonable. Tt hor 9114 1. WANTED To buy 2d-hand Boynton fur nace. Woodlawn 5403. WANTED 1-man stump puller. E. 2188. I19. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY DIAMONDS. Receive Full Value. Bell Dlrecto to Diamond Brokers, Get what your diamonds are worth. If you have to sell, don't sell for any old price. ne pey full value In cash. If ycu have your dlamonda in pawn, we will buy the ticket and pay you also full value in cash. This Is the place where you can turn anything Into cash ewelry, old gold, watchea. silverware, platinum at full value. We buy your War Stamps, your Liberty Bonds, or any other vaiuao.es: so if you want ready cash, come to us. Always diamond bargains on hand. We buy bargains and sell bargains, PRIVATE OFFICE FOR LADIES. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Brokers and Diamond Merchants. 205 Morgan bids. Second Floor. Licensed by the City of Portland. DIAMONDS WANTED. $200 TO $1000 PER CARAT. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell your diamond to diamond ex perts. We positively pay the highest cash market values for diamonds, nlat- lnum. gold, silver watches, old Jewelry auu au vaiuauies ol every description. We buy false teeth, crowns, bridges m.aa sui aeniai goid. See ui before selling elsewhere. Private offices, business strictly con fidential. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 Morgan bldg.. 4th floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. WE BUY WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg.. 2d Floor. $12.30 TO $23. FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more man anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. The Madison Cleaners and Tailors. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison St.. near 3d st Will call anywhere in the city, day or evening. HOP ROOTS WANTED. Want about 5U.0U0 hop roots for Feb. delivery; must be good vigorous stock of the English cluster variety. Growers having such for sale kindly address, stat ing price, HENRY L. BENTS, Aurora. Or. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. MU SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR IF your roof leaks, call an expert rooler to repair it. We don't use ducksback rubber band, vulcanize nor other catch penny specialties; we use the best min eral pitch, applied by expert roofer, giv ing you the best roofing that can be had. A. P. P. Co.. 75 Union ave. N. Phone E 57G4. $8.50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC BROADWAY 3U32. 245 V BURNSIDE. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. FURS! FURS! FURS! I make them look like new: cleaning and alterations of any description at rea sonable prices. See the LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO., Main 0529. 163 West Park. Be:. Morrison and Yamhill. UP TO $25 FOR MEN'S SLITS AND OVERCOATS We will pay any price for men s clothes OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d st. N. W. cor. Wash. Malu 9344. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per plate, also crowns, orldgework. dental gold bought American Brokerage, 205 Morgan b.dg I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $lo up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price for your goods 107 1st St.. near Morrison. Main 738. OUR SPECIALTY ia buying men's cast-off clothing; highest caah prices paid- -will call day or night. PEVPLES SECOND-HAND STORE Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. NEW BUYER. Highest prices for ladles' and gents' cast-off clothing. Call me first. Main 4473. Broadway 3932. SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES BOUGHT. SOLD RENTED AND EXCHANGED. NEWMAN EXCHANGE. 128 1st. M. 4495. RIDING or officers' boots. 8A; riding or army breeches. 30 waist; army style macklnaw. 30;. man's English riding sad- ui.. uuu ui tuic i oto. wregoniati ....... ......... JI 1 . . 1 M 1 111... . U 1 1 . . . w i v-1.-1 1 nn,1! ru t.- n . it, . . . . iubiicbi i ijiii.1 ,.ii. tor your rifle shotgun and kodaks. Hochfeld. 85 Third street. Main 3581. LOGS WANTED Seveal cars of clear spruce bolta Gate Basket & Veneer Co.. 1436 Mac adam Rd. WANTED .38 revolver. Woodlawn 4219. barrel. Furniture Wanted. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID-BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE " CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING BUYER WITH THE MONEY. THE KLINE FURNITURE CO. 182 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. . MAIN 309. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We ate in the market for same and will pay highest prices PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 208 First St Maln 77281 WANTED 48x30-ln. quarter-sawed white oak roll-top office desk; full pedes'al also 4Nxl8-ln. oak wardrobe; oak hali rack with mirror: white oak high-back revolving office chair. Main 3138 I WANT used furniture: cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and 4111 kinds of household goods. Call ua for one ar'icle or a house full, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 2CM3 Crown CAI.I. M A 1 V MfiTti We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell CALL UNITED FURNITURE STo'll MAIN 8878. CALL MAIN 8951. If you want to sell your furniture and not give it away, ask for Mr. Wolf. 19! ti' at near Tavlor REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For wardlng Co.. 9th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703 WANTED Furniture In exchange for chl ropractlc or druglesa treatments Bo WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First stl 1 WANT used furniture; will pay as much as any dealer can pay. East 6417. M H Calef. dealer. B40 Williams ave. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTED Used rurnlture. Will rray best prices. Main 5064. HELP WANTED MALE,. FINISH ING -ROOM foreman, shaper man general machine man. for furniture work' 340 Salmon st. BEST side, line on coast for real sales man, sunaay. to 1. 171 W. Park North. Basement. FIRST-CLASS hand and machine finishing rubbers. First-class finishers. First class makers. Apply 240 Salmon street. PLUMBER who has his own tools. Phone Main 7255. WANTED A bus boy for restaurant 108 Fifth street. WANTED Man to buy $200 stock and work in box factory AK 833. Oregonian. CARPENTERS for bungalow construction AO 77. Oregonian. LEARN the vulcanizing buslneVs. Call write 158 E. Broadway. HELP WANTED MALE. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING T.,J?VB:ST,GA1"E OUR SCHOOL AND METHOD OF TEACHING. WE WILL GLADLY GIVE YOU AN OUTLINE OF iiR. COURSES IN CONSTRUCTION and repairing of automobiles tractors gas engines carbl'retion ignition magnetos generator and starting mo TORS. ARMATURE WINDING STORAGE BATTERIES OX Y-ACETYLENE WELDING DURATION OF COURES 2 TO 6 MONTHS. DAY CLASSES FOR WINTER TERM BEGIN EACH MONDAY N GHT CLASSES MONDAY. WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENING SEVEN TO TEN. NO FREE TRIALS OFFERED. OUR TIME AND SPACE IS LIMITED. OUR STUDENTS RE CEIVE BOTH TECHNICAL AND PRACTICAL TRAINING IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. EX-SERVICE MEN GET 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT. STATE ALLOWS $25 PER MONTH WHILE TRAINING. APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED AT OUR MAIN OFFICE. 707 HAW THORNE AVE. TAKE MT. SCOTT OR HAWTHORNE CAR AT 2D AND AL DER TO 20TH STREET. OR CALL AT OUR DOWNTOWN OFFICE. 124 N. 6TH STREET. 2 BLOCKS FROM UNION DE POT ENTRANCE. CATALOGUES FREE OUR SCHOOLS AND OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED FOR XMAS DAY ONLY. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. INC. STOP LOOK LISTEN. Thousands ot trained men are needed as automobile and gas tractor mechan ics. If you are not a trained expert you can become one In six to eight weeks at Hemphill Bros.' Washington State Auto & Tractor school at Tacoma, Wash., who are offering a special rate until Dec. 31 for a complete practical course in automobile and gas tractor engineer ing, including carburetor, ignition, start ting and lighting systems, battery re charging and repairing: also oxv-acety-Iene welding; also a life membership on all subjects taught. You take the tools In your hands and work right on the machines. DON'T WISH AND DREAM. BLT LEARN AND EARN. Four weeks free trial. Fare paid one way. Good room and board $7 per week and up. Write today. Hemphill Bros.' Washing ton State Auto & Tractor school. 26th and East C streets. Tacoma. Wash. W ANTED Male clerk for professional or ganization, prefer married ex-service man who has some acquaintance with engineering methods; must be live agreeable, high-class man ualifled to keep clear, logical records, books and ac counts, do filing, stenographic work, take dictation, etc., some executive ability desirable. Reply, g ving age. ref erence and general experience In detail with sample of stenographic work and handwriting to AO 61. Oregonian. SALESMEN TO HANDLE AUTO SEMA PHORE SIGNAL; GOOD PAY; PERMA NENT; WITH OR WITHOUT CAR. CALL 911 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. WANTED A practical roofing man who Is capable of figuring on contracts and managing men: must be thoroughly re liable. Here is a splendid opportunity for the right man to get connection with an organization affiliated With the leading manufacturer of roofing cement In the United States. Man should know the roofing business from A to Z and be prepared to take hold January 1 1920. G 748. Oregonian. GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AGE The Duplex Hair Cutter. Just comb your hair and Jt cuts it at the same lime. Easier tnnn shaving. Guaranteed to save its cost many times every year. A child can use It. Worth $.". Sample sent postpaid for only $2. Send today SUPERIOR MFG. CO.. 839 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. GOOD, all-around office man; must be thorough accountant, able to take .full charge of bookkeeping department- and good correspondent; salary to start $125 advancement in proportion to ability State fully your experience and salarv you expect to earn after few months' service. AC 321. Oregonian. WANTED Competent stenographer and office assistant. Must be Al and fully understand filing and general business correspondence : no other need applv. Give references; where last employed, telephone number, salary expected and detail Information first letter. Address ah ivi. uregonian MEN WANTED TO BECOME DRAFTS MEN" Salary $l75-$250 month; chief draftsman will train you personally, also furnish FREE all tools and drawing table: training given until placed In po sition above salary. Address Chief Draftsman Dobe. 4001 Broadway. DIv IOLNG, ENERGETIC SALESMAN HAV ING EXPERIENCE SELLING AND AC QUAINTANCE WITH HEATING TRADii IN PORTLAND: SALARY POSSIHILI T1ES UNLIMITED FOR RIGHT MAN STATE AGE AND QUALIFICATIONS FULLY. AV 26. OREGONIAN. WANTED Japanese boy; must be ex perienced chauffeur. know something about plain cooking and willing. If neceaaary. to do housework: permanent Job and good salary. Call Main 410 be tween 2 and 4 P. M. WILL pay top price to herdsman experi enced in care and feeding cows on offi cial test HoNteln herd, fine location, modern buildings. Applicants are re quested to state experience. Address AV 918. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced and compe tent, steam turoine operator and elec trician for modem out-of-town mill: permanent position for right man: sal ary $175 per month. BJ 253. Orego nian. WANTED Man for delivery in a general store in country: one able to run deliv ery car ("Chevrolet!, experienced in gro cery business preferred: middle-age mar ried man given preference. O. F. Cady, Fairview. Or. WANTED Steam engineer with some knowledge of Ice plant. In Oklahoma, good living conditions for single man: state experience and salary required Address 151 Forest st. NATIONAL Association Accountants and Bookkeepers: all bookkeepers should Join. If you don't know, ask Chas A Sweetland. pres.. 119 Auditorium bidg., Chicago. MAN and wife, both milkers, or with Dot- to drive wagon, to run dairy, bottled milk; wages $125. wood, light and .-..in. furniture Included. 40 miles out. AV 954. Oregonian. WANTED Apprentice electrician In Okla homa town; general maintenance work: good chance for advancement: state schooling, experience and salary required Address- 151 Forest st. WANTED Middle-aged man to look after notei omce al night, clean lobby and attend to heating plant, $60 a month and room: more money to right man. AR 14. Oregonian. wXNTED Experienced solicitors in newspaper or magazine work. Leslie Judge Co.. 602 Worcester bldg.. 3 P. M. WANTED Good sales correspondent who can use typewriter; one with machinery experience preferred: state experience, age. salary desired, etc. p. O. box 1049. Portland. WANTED Legitimate actors and enter tainers; have good engagement to of fer you. Portland Theatrical Agency. 319 Piatt bldg. WE WILL start you In cleaning and dye ing business: little capital needed, big profits. Write for booklet. Ben-Vonde System. Dept. S9. Charlotte. N. C. PORTLAND, OR Railway mall examina tions Jan. 17; $1300 year; list vacancies free; write Immediately. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 375 Y. Rochester. N Y WANTED Outside man for furniture store; linoleum, carpet, shade work. Ad dress Dochertx & Barnett, The Dalies, Oregon. YOUNG man to work from 11 A. M. to 2:30 P. M.. washing dishes; prefer par ty going to school. Bdwy. 1885. 4"8 Hoyt at. WANTED Man who is not afraid of work, who understands mixing concrete: $6 day. Tabor 1381. w FIRST-CLASS advertising solicitor, must furnish references; good proposition! AR 996. Oregonlaiv WANTED Exp. candy salesman, city; must be live wire and business getter' Vol's Candy Co.. 7 E. 28th st. N. A GOOD hustler with Ford car to dem onstrate and sell an article in big de mrtnd: good profits. Tabor 7073. SHOEMAKER wanted at Goodyear Shoe Repair shop. 1007 Main st.. Vancouver Wash. 2 REAL tire salesmen to sell Federal tires In city. Call 335 Burnside. WANTED Wash man. Write or phone Model Laundry, Centralia, Wash. HELP WANTED MALE. YOUR BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY If yo want to make real money, big money, get into the auto game: no other line offers equal opportunity, no other Una Pays as well; we will teach you auto and tractor engineering under a plan no other school will match; come here four weeks, pay not a cent in advance; If you are then satisfied that our train ing Is the superior of any other Pacific northwest auto schools, pay your tuition: If you are not satisfied that our school excels, we will pay you for every hour you have attended class; this Is the most startling offer any auto school ever made; there la no red tape about It. we will gladly put it In writing, we are willing to depend entirely upon your honesty and good Judgment; only a dif ferent, unquestionably superior school could make such an offer, if our train ing were Just the ordinary kind, this offer would be suicidal, but we Know where wo stand, know that the quality of our training will win you If glveo a trial; our loo-page catalogue is rree ask for book No. 1-B. Adcox Auto and Gas Engine School. Union and Waeco. Y. M. C. A. ADVISORY AN EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y. M. C. A. which aids ambitious young men In prying open tne doors of opportunity. In the past 10 years we have assisted 17.932 men in rinding positions. Many of there men are now in executive positions and se cure tuelr help through ua The standing this department has with -employers Is due to the discriminating service rendered them over a period of ears an they turn to the Y. M. C. A. lor men to fill the better sort of jobs. acant positions in Portland at pres ent are scarce, and If you need assist ance in selling your service consult one or the employment secretaries, room 37. e can help YOU. ARE YOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED? If so, learn the auto and tractor busi ness and earn 'rom $100 to $300 a month. Southern California offers ex ceptional opportunities while and after learning; high salaries, ideal working conditions, fine year-round climate; no previous experience necessary. Learn in short time the National Way. Expert Instructors, new, complete mechanical and e.ectrlcal equipment. Including Pack ard twin 6. Cadillac 8. Willvs-Knlght. 5" . age llmlt- Earn board and room while learning. 6OO0 successful gradu-aif''i-UARA-N"I;EE YOUR success NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 13 years in Los Angeles at 818 South riguero. Write today tor free catalogue. 600 INEXPRIENCED men wanted to qualify as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld "".,,and tire vulcanizers: only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. a government war department for traln JO''era auto mechanics; don't en roll In any other school until you have inspected thia one: railroad fare re funded IS after personal inspection you fi. "tny misrepresentation regardln the school; biggest, best equipped and largest system of schools in the world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept 7. MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm eta.. Spokane. Wash.; 700 Mercler st, Seattle. Wash CARRIERS wanted for large routes In Laurelhurst and Grand ave. districts. .pp,yw,1-.'-y Circulation Dept., 203 Orego nian bldg. WANTED SPINNERS. APPLY GOLDEN STATE WOOLEN MILLS. LONG BEACH. CALIFORNIA. WANTED AT ONCE First-class expe rienced open-shop patternmakers, core makers, molders. bollermakers. black smiths, forgers (heavy). machinist- coppersmitsk and sheet-metal workers; also ship fitters, riveters, saulkers (wood and steel), pipe-fitters, ship Joiners and ship carpenters. All for out-of-to'. A Kor further information au1. 520 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak t. YOUNG man who Is anxious to work up to a good position with a growing con cerin;..2ne who can writ j a good letter and IiB.es salesmanship; preferably- one who has some knowledge of bookkeep ing but not necessary if other qualifi cations In evidence. Splendid opportun ity tot' advancement, but must show ability first ; state age. experience if any and salary expected. AC 322. Oregonian. WANTED AT ONCE First-class experi enced open-shop pattern makers, core makers, moulders, boiler makers, black smiths, forgers (heavy, machinists, cop persmiths and sheet-metal workers, also ship fitters, riveters, caulkers (wood and steel), pipe fitters, ship Joiners and ship carpenters. All for out-of-town work. For further Information apply at 520 Oregon building. 5th and Oak sts WANTED Patternmakers, eoremakers. molders. bollermakers. blacksmiths, forg ers (heavy), machinists, coppersmiths, sheet metal workers, ship fitters, rivet ers, caulkers (wood and steel), pipe fitters, ship Joiners and ship carpenters. Out-of-town work: permanent. For" fur ther information apply 510 Oregon bidg. between 3 and 4 o'clock daily. STEADY men wanted to take exclusive control of good territory In Oregon and Washington: money advanced weekly; outfit and special training free expe rience unnecessary: our active men are making good money, you can do the same, clean, hady. guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenish. Wash. WANTED Energetic. capable manaSer for 20-M. capacity sawmill. Must he able to take entire charge of mill and produce results. Will pay good monthly salary or will sell one-half interest to right man on easy terms. Will be in Portland Tuesday and Wednesday For appointment address AV 946. Oregonian. TWO experienced candy makers for night work; hours 6 P. M. to 3 A. M. App:y Employment bureau. 6th floor. Meier si Frank Co. WANTED Few men with fair Intelligence and good character to accept portion with old line life Insurance company. No previous experience required. Per manent Income and chance tor rapid advancement- 406 Northwestern Bank building. BOY wanted over 16 10 learn plumbing m trade in San Francisco, Cal, : board, room and washing, good pav while learning: can go to night school. Joe McQuade, 4145 24th st., San Francisco. Cal. AUTOMOBILE and tractor school; new building: modern equipment: best In struction: practical work, laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or inqure st room 416 Y M. C. A. blcig. Phone Main 8700. branch 2 WANTED Experienced stockman with some capital to take charge as general manager of large cattle company. At tractive proposition to right party Ad dress P. O. box 1214. Boise. Idaho. WANTED 2 thoroughly competent lum ber graders for out-of-town Jobs; must understand grades of yellow fir; will pay- lop-notch salaries to right' men. Apply 1202 Gasco bldg. WANTED AT ONCE First-class experi enced open-shop all-around molders -also coppersmiths for out-of-town work' Apply 520 Oregon bldg.. Fifth and Oak streets. WANTED AT ONCE First-class cxperl enced open-shop patternmakers: steady work, good wages, out of town 5"b Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak. 10 SALESMEN with automobiles, or with out, to sell our product, also 10 men on foot- Some wages and commi-sion-long Job. 525 Division street. STOP dally grind, start silvering mirrorr auto headlights, tableware, etc. Plans free. Clarence Sprinkle, dept. 40, Marion. 1 nd. LEARN oxyacetylene welding, we teach complete course; write for circular W C Welding Works. 103 E. Water st,. " Port land. Or. $1300 FIRST year paid government rail way mall clerks: names wanted, men. 18-85. wishing positions. AV 928. Ore gonlan. ELDERLY man as dishwasher 1 month, room and board. Hotel Kockrlii Kalama. Wash. TAILORS. ATTENTION Strike still on In Portland. LOCAL NO 74. WANTED First-class fry cook; must be fli-st-ciass. $30 ek. . days. Apply 108 5th it. FIRST-CLASS coatmakers and preaser 405 Commonwealth bldg. Assn. Talors Work Shop. WANTED Man or boy with motorcvele or auto to deliver packages DeceniboT 24. Swetland s 269 Morrison. '-"""bet OFFICE BOY Opportunity for advance ment In estkbllshed wholesale house a r 278. Oregonian. BUS HELM AN wanted, must be first-elas coatmaker. K. 8. Ervin & Co., 205 Sell, lng bldg " 4S"- W ANTED Experienced night auditor for large hotel. AG 471. Oregonian. WANTED LICENSED a p. si- M 7164. electrician! A Tel I I