THE SUNDAY OREfiONlAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 1919. 13 1 7 i. .ViV-- . ; -J :m FOB BALC Miscellaneous. PIPE PIPE PIPE. You can do better with us on all sizes f black and galvanlxed pipe and fit tlngn, a we have one of the largest as sortments in the city. ' also have & large stock of brass valves of all kinds and sizes at reasonable prices. BELTING. BELTING. BELTING. We have the largest stock of used belting In the city al a very low price. W have Just received a large shipment of new rubber belting. 4. 5 and 6-ply, and can sell this far below regular price. We have also a large lot of rubber and leather belting that we have purchased from the U. S. spruce production division that we can sell at big reductions. CABLE. CABLE. CABLE. We have thousands of feet of cable from three-eighths to one and five eighths at a reasonable price; mostly plough steel tt-18. We carry at all times a large stock of used machinery, castings, pulleys, shafting and boxing of all sizes and de scriptions. Engines and rails, a good as sortment to select from. WOODSMEN AND MILLMEN, ATTENTION. Cross-cut suws. all new. from 4 to 10 feet in length, at 65 cents per foot. Tou must see them to appreciate the big value in these. Be sure to see us for yarding trucks, lumber dollies and logging jacks, as we have a large assortment at greatly re duced prices. TENTS. TENTS. TENTS. We have just secured about 1000 Unltsid (states army tents, square and round. Also a large stock of tent flies, all at gr sacrifice prices. BLOCKS. BLOCKS. BLOCKS. Logging blocks of all kinds. Tommy Moore blocks at from $50 up. Blacksmiths' tools, anvils, blowers, tongs, hammers, fitters, etc. Chain blocks, from one to three-ton. a great reduction. One electric dynamo at a very reason Able price. Garden tools of all kinds, all new. at Tery low price. ROOFING. ROOFING. ROOFING. We have Just received two carloads of new galvanized corrugated roofing, slightly damaged by water, far below market prices; alsco a large stock of roofing paper, one. two and three-ply, at a great saving. Mail, phone or tele graph orders promptly attended to. ALARKA JUNK CO.. 201 Front Street. Main 4110. ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. BOILERS AND ENGINES. 4 lOO-H. P. boilers, with Dutch oven fit tings. 1 100-H. P. firebox boiler. 100 lbs. 1 250-H. P. firebox boiler. 180 lbs. 1 0-H. P. firebox boiler. 1 60x10 butt-strap return tubular boiler. 1 550-H. P. Cross compound Corliss, with SSO-aT, W. generator. 480 volts. 1 24x30 R. Hand double-piston valve en gine. 60O H. P. 1 new 4-valve Clark. 30O H. P. 1 16x42 Bates Corliss engine. 1 12x15 Vim center crank auto engine. 1 6x8 upright engine. 1 3-K. W. 115-volt generator. ROAD CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT. 200 all-steel 30-inch bunks. 2 Chicago pneumatic self-contained air compressors, cap. 184 ft., engine and tank on wheels, engine Internal com- hnstlon. fuel oil. 1 1 1 Chicago paver, cap. 20 feet. Ransom mixer, cap. lu teet. Ransom mixer, cap. 30 feet. 1 Buffalo-Pitts. 5-ton tandem roller. 1 Monighan 2-yd. drag-line excavator. 50 24-in. gauge dump cars. 100 30-ln. gauge dump cars. 1 24-in. gauge dinky locomotive. 1 new Marion Osgood caterpillar shov el. -yd. 1 Bucyrus 45-ton track shovel. 1 8xl0 hoisting engine. Rile-drlver hammers, gas engines, pumps, tools. LOCOMOTIVES CARS RAILS. 1 38-ton Heieler. oil burner. 1 45-ton. 0-driver. low wheel locomo tive. 2 Hxl2 wide drum w ashingtons. 1 0x10 Mundy. all-steel Russell logging trucks. 85 150 3 boom chains, new. $o each. 2 new scows, 3000x6 V feet. 1 Speedway marine gas engine. 50 H. P. Send us your inquiries for anything In Iron or woodworking machinery, logging, sawmill contractors' equipment, locomo tives, boilers, engines, crushers, steel rail. cable and belting. BURKE MACHINERY GOMPANT, 528 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1212. A 2423. FOR SA LE Hot-water-pipe boiler, good for 1500 ft. of radiation, smoke pipe, brick, doors and grates, good condition, price $200; 150 ft. of 6-ln. black pipe, $1.25 per ft.; 80 ft. of 5-ln. black pipe. $1 per ft., and some 5 and 6-in. cast iron fittings, good as new; 150 ft. 6-in. wool felt pipe covering, 25c per foot. Phone East 2854. ' 413 EaBt Morrison st. PROFESSIONAL banjo. $20; beautiful oak cabinet phonograph, like new, $80; Shel ton electric vibrator. $8; 5x7 camera, high class, like new. $35; visible type writer. $12; 1-quart plumber's torch. $1.50; old Columbia phonograph. $3.50. Marshall 686 503 Jefferson. LATEST model Columbia electric grafo nola. automatic record cabinet, beautiful mahogany case, splendid collection of records, value about $2O0; all now and In perfect condition. $135 cash. Taboi 1801. BURN kerosene. save dollars; single burner outfits, $14; double. $20. Call East 6770 for demonstration. Agents 'wanted. 295 Hawthorne. ALL WOOL overcoat, size 38-40. $11 ; small typewriter, $7; large breakfast table, $3; Grllett razor. $2; keroslne burner, $3. Richards. 328 Main St. DARK BROWN mink fur and muff, like new; 120. I -A KouaK. ti. rc. lens, pic turea - $15. 1093 Vernon avenue. Woodlawn 3786. FOR SALE 5x7 Premo No. 10 camera, 6 double-plate holders, case and tripod: perfect condition; cost $70, price $30 Phone East 1052. SALE Linen lunch set, 13 pieces emb. sof: blue hand crochet lace, hexagon shape. $20; 3-plece crocheted bed spread. $15. AK 840. Oregonlan. GIRLS' AND BOYS' toy Jar, shaving mirror. cut glass cigar 2 cedar chests, never worn; electric beautiful wool dress grille. Tabor 2921. GENUINE white Alaskan fox fur, $35; also white rotary sewing machine. $4o. Apt. 105, San Marco apts., E. 8th and Couch. fcH'OTT'S 20th Century loose-leaf album in two volumes, cloth bound, with stamp collection or without; beautiful Christ-m.-i-; ir. .-.en ' . :;'! McKay bldg. POTATOES, best quality mountain grown, not frosted: deliver 5 -sack tots and over at $8.50 per. Schmld, rt. 1, box 71, Beaverton. ABOUT hundred pounds Oregon English walnuts, this year's crop. Main 25j Monday. ' BEAUTIFUL luncheon set, linen and filet, 13 pieces, $20; Astrachan coat, miiak collar and cuffs. $50. East S22. BABY'S crib and Sturgis go-cart for sale cheap. Apply 424 Alnsworth ave.. Wood lawn 191S. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter. 14-ln. roll and violin, reasonable. AK 851. Ore gonlan. BARGAIN. Reed electric bread mixer as good as new. 420 Cham, of Com. bldg. SFECIAL prices, beautiful hand painted punch bowl, tooled leather, water colors. at studio. 304 Royal Annex. $80 Good cooking range. ground top. water coil, in good condition; $23. good wood-coal heater, like new. Tabor 45.13. GENUINE walrus handbag, brand new, cost $75. great bargain $35. 1093 Ver non avenue. Woodlawn 3786. FINE-TONE cello and cover: also 5x7 camera; reasonable. Woodlawn 6249. STRING of garnet heads; would make beautiful gift. AN 28. Oregonlan. WICKER sulky with hood, or will trade for Oriole baby carriage. Tabor 552. CHOICE old religious painting, rare bar gain at Cini. 386 Mr Washington st. PEARL beads, all the same size; for cash. AN 38. Oregonlan. cheap GIRL'S plaid coat, Scotch cheviot, size I 1Z or 14, price 1 " Broadway 2087. NEW "Science and Health." de lnxe, cost g-ll 84. 205 Globe bldg. CEPAR CHEST. $13.50. also new phono graph. 82 Grand ave., apt. 23. LAWN mower, hose, rakr, shovels, saw, carpenter bench, etc. Phone East 5119. BROWN fox fur. 10 A. M. and 4 943 P. M. Alblna ave., bet. FOR SALE Beautiful Wdln. 6378. china dinner set. $74 HOOVER electric cleaner. $50: $56 Eu reka cleaner. $25. Tabor 4009. BEAUTIFUL amber beads, cheap for cash; owner leaving city. AM 45, Oregonlan. MI ST sell extra large cut in Belgium. Mar. 2309. glass vase, cut CHILD'S new play 1041. 641 6th St. auto, gas log. Main 70 USED sheets for sale, keta. AK 850, Oregonlan. and 00 blan- LONG distance receiving wireless outfit coat $36; sell $19. East 2676. WANT to sell my fur collar. Just like new. Main 6882. FOR SALE Motion picture camera and tripod. Call 550 Couch St. FINE suit, size 38. $17.50. 44 E. 10th st. N P.KAT'TIKI'L ermine neckpiece. Main 9507. HANDSOME electric lamp. Mar. 3598! NEW white fox scarf. Main 9567. MINK neckpiece Main 9567. FOR SAl.E. Miscellaneous. NEW AND SECOND-HAND EQUIPMENT. A LARGE RENTAL LIST. WE STOCK A COMPLETE LINE OF ROAD MACHINERY. INCLUDING ROCK CRUSHERS AND DRAG LINE BUCKHTS CLYDE IRON WORKS STEAM I HOISTS. CLYDE IRON WORKS DERRICK IRONS -FROM FIVE TO TWENTY TOMB CAPACITY. WE ARE AGENTS FOR MARION SHOVELS. STEAM. ELECTRIC AND GA80LIN.3 TRACTION. TRACK AND CATERPILLAR. SCHRAMM ATR COMPRESSORS. TRACK fePIKES. BOLTS. FROGS, SWITCHES. ANGLE BARS AND SPLICES. RELAYING RAILS ALL SIZES. TRACK MATERIAL ALL KINDS. LOGGING AND RAILWAY SUP PLIES. THE FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL LIST OF SkCOND-HAND EQUIPMENT IN STOCK: 1 A -1 Thew shovel, traction, revolving, two dippers, -yd. and 1-yd. 1 7x10 3-drum American derrick, and cl.imshell. -yd. bucket. 1 Davenport sream locomotive, 36-inch g&uge. 1 Davenport steam locomotive. 12-ton, 14-ton. .10-lneh giuge. 1 14 -yd. rlamshell bucket. 2 1 -yd. clamshell buckets. 1 14-yd. orange peel bucket. 1 8-h. p. vertical boiler. 1 20-h. p. vertical boiler. 1 25-h. p. firebox portable boiler. 1 Steam hoist. 5x6. 1 Big A Little mixer. 1 No. 6-A Foote paver. 1 Ranso n-Groul mixer. 1- 10x14 Champion jaw crusher. 1 8x14 Champion jaw crusher. 1 No. 6 Austin gyratory crusher. , 1 10x20 Western Jaw crusher. 1- No. 2 Gaes gyratory crusher. 1 No. 1 Gates gyratory crusher. 1 No. 2 Aurora crusher, on trucks. 1 1-h. p. Novo gas engine. 1 15-h. p. Foos gas engine. 1 22-h. p. Witte gas engine. 1 No. 2 Nye pulaometer pump. 1 No. 3 Nye pulsometer pump. 1 6-in. Gould vertical centrifugal pump. 1 10x16x12 Blake steam pump. 1 10x6x10 Blake steam pump. 1 6x4x6 Smith-Vail Duplox steam pump. 1 25-h. p. Fairbanks-Morse gas engine on trucks. 1 Smith hand mixer. 1 No. 12 Smith mixer, with side loader. 1 No. 12 Smith mixer, gas driven. 1 No. 2 chain belt mixer, with side loader. 1 4-K. W.. D. C. engine and generator. 1 14-in. guy derrick, with timbers. CLYDE EQUIPMENT COMPANY. EIGHTEENTH AND UPSHUR STS., TELEPHONE BROADWAY 883. THIS AD STATES FACTS! I have a large assortment of uncalled-for tailored suits at prices that will surprise you. All sizes, patterns and styles. I can fit you to a suit that will please both your taste and pocket book. H. J. BLUM, 164 Tenth Street, Near Morrison. FLORIDA PECANS. Big. delicious, full-meated. thtn-shell pecans, fine for candles and pastry. In cartons, postpaid one pound $1; five pounds, $4. McCA SKILL LAND CO.. DeFUNIAK SPRINGS. FLA FOR SALE Loganberry plants, strawber ries, champion gooseberries, 1 and 2 years old; Concord grapes. Perfection and Fay's Prolific currants, red and black raspberry plants, French and Italian prune treeB; reasonable. 5803 Woodstock ave.. Portland. Phone Sell wood 2332. FOR SALE An entire stock of fixtures, floor cases, candy cases. Jewelry wall cases, cigar wall case. 12-ft. case, rouni corner case, small register, adding ma chine, electric mixers, stools, marble slabs, large Ice box; act quick. 241 Salmon. LEATHER COUCH Charter Oak range, gas plate attached.- Ivory enameled wicker bassanet; la ly's oak desk, small library table, electric dome, combination fixture, set oak dining chairs, galvanized e-nsollne tank. East 1640. GENTLEMEN'S ring, very fine. H4 karat blue sapphire set in 14-karat solid gold "band Belcher" style: very handsome, never worn: worth $25, will take $15 cash. AE 660. Oregonlan. 1 PAIR weed chains, size 32x4. good as new, $0; 1 tire, tube and extra rim. in good condition, size 32x4. $20. Small motor and Goodell Pratt lathe. 107 E. 37th st. Tabor 5214. $20 LADY'S tailor-made suit, size 40 or 42. heavy quality navy blue sergs. pin stripe, good condition. 106G E. 22d st. N. Alberta car. OVERCOATS TRAVELING SALESMAN HAS 3 OR 4 EXTRA FINE SAMPLES: MUST SELL. CAN'T CARRY. TABOR 6070. FOR SALE. Going away, will sell my home-made preserves and pickles. Address 182 Skid more st. Take Mississippi car. STEEL 2499. WALL BED. reasonable. Wdln. FOR SALE 0 lbs. lbs. dancing wax, filler; 7 I. O. O. cheap. East 2184. floor wax. 20c lb.; 12 25c lb.; 25 lbs. psste F. Militant uniforms CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Miscellaneous china, silver, handsome chafing dish, pictures, trunk, furniture. 447 E. ISth st. FOR SALE Small register, round-corner case. 12-ft. case. Jewelry wall cases candy and other floor cases, adding ma chine. 242 Salrron. M 342. ROM-I-DA grows hair on bald heads guar anteed: to be had at Owl drug store. Roberts Bros., Knights, Bush drug store. Allen's drug store. 16 and Lovejoy sts. VELVET covered couch, quarter-sawed oak frame, cheap; solid quarter-sawed oak center table, SO-lnch top. Tabor 1478. GARLAND range, combination wood, coal ana gas; water coll in front: In first class condition. Price $50. Inquire E. w. rteaa. 4om st. s. e. BOY'S dark gray wool chinchilla overcoat, age 8 to 10 years, perfect condition; also hlMh rubber boots and sled. Call East 7754. GENUINE Paisley all-wool shawl for sale. Handsome coloring, beautiful design price $70 Address BF 803. Oregonlan COMPLETE SET Book of Knowledge. like new, beautifully bound, cost $00. will taKe $:;. Knone Mellwood 3488. BEAUTIFUL wolf fur for sale. Just as good as new. Would make beautiful Christmas gift; reasonable. 444 Park st. CHRISTMAS TREES. Choice extra bushy. 50 ;ents and 7B1 Union ave. N. Woodlawn 1396. LIBARY scarf for sale, one that has taken first prize at Gresham fair; also piano scarf. Call Sellwood 778. AGATE grinding outfit, complete, with or without motor. Main T220 or 249 Har rison st. 6-FOOT Burrows comb. pool, billiard table complete, also full No. 4 set CcCanno builder. Call Tabor 4840. Sunday. ELEGANT, large ermine trimmed white fox fur. worn only few times; very rea sonable. Call East ..988. FOR SALE 30 W. C. F. carbine rifle. In perfect condition. Bdwy. 3435. room 405. A 877. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Hawaiian steel guitar, book instructions: army overcoat, extra long: both $15. Marshall 2553. 261 14th st. $250 DAI.TON adding machine, about a year old, for $150: just as goooUas new. G 754. Oregonlan 6-HOLE burner, first-class condition. Phone Tabor 6506. SOLID gold beads. 15-lnch. $7: linen table cloth and towels. Main 6265. BOY'S gray overcoat. 18 years, good con dltlon. bargain. Tabor 2825. 1 OHIO vacuum cleaner in good working order for sale cheap. AE 645. Oregonlan. WILL SELL '-heap. 110J hand-- crocheted E. 30th st. N. bedspread FOR SALE Mechano set No. Woodlawn 1216. Call 904 E. 3. Phone 17th N. WILL sell some white leghorn pullets cheap: short of room. B 979. Oregonlan FOR SALE Ladies new black fur coat. ' I12H Hawthorne ave Phone Tabor 5943. ADDING lie.iT machine, first-class condition. Broadway 1198. NEW $60. coat (black), bust 44 for $20. Main 8380. to 46. worth D'ANJOU PEARS. $2.50 box. Bdwy. 3134 before 8:30 A. M. and after 6:30 P. M. LADY'S new red-feather turban, $6.50. Call Tabor 9019 MAN'S heavy black overcoat, size 36-38. Tabor 8416. COLUMBIA phonograph, used 2 months; Including records. Call Bdwy. 1819. FOR SALE Lady's reasonable. Tabor silver 2676. wrist watch; A 0-HOLE steel range and heater; also canned fruit. Tabor 6987. FOR SALE Handsome white crepe dress, tailor suit, evening coat. East 6053. WILL sacrifice man's diamond ring, kt., $150. AM 17. Oresonlan. FOB SALE, Miscellaneous NOTICE. LOGGERS. MILLMEN, CONTRACTORS. J. LEVI 189-189-191 1 'ront St. Do you want to bring down the high coat of wire cable, tools and supplies? See Leve and you will know how It Is done, for his prices are far lower than anyone else In the city. Below Is only a small quantity of the many thousands of articles we carry in stock: WIRE CABLE. Over 100.000 feet of new nlnw-steel cable, the best that Is made. 6-19. varl- I ous sizes. '4 -Inch. -tnch, ',4 -Inch. ' - 1 Inch and 11-16-inch; long lengths from I 1000 feet up to 4750 feet long. If you i neea any caDie. see us nrst, as no one can compete with our prices; also besides the above we carry in stock over 60.OO0 feet slightly used plow-steel cable, vari ous kinds and sizes, long pieces, at greatly reduced prices. BLOCKS. Steel, snatch, tackle and wood blocks at low prices. CHAIN BLOCKS. We carry In stock the following sizes: -ton, 1-ton. IVi-ton and 2-ton at re duced prices. CHAIN. Large quantity slightly used chain, various sizes, at low prices. PEAVIES. Over 30 dozen new peavles on hand at a low price. Pulleys, shafting and boxings, large quantity on hand, various kinds and sizes at lowest prices. RUBBER BELTING. Large quantity, new and slightly used rubber belting, four, five and six-ply, at reduced prices. CARPENTERS. TAKE NOTICE. Big cut in hardware prices this week In the following goods: Hand saws. Jack planes, smoothing planes, draw knives, hand axes, steel tapes, braces, squares, auger bits, carpenter hammers, wood chisels and all other tools in the store at greatly reduced prices. If you need any tools, see us first, as our prices are far lower than anyone. WOODSMEN. TAKE NOTICE! We carry in stock at all times a large quantity new and slightly used Slmonds royal Chinook crosscut saws, swedged and filed ready for use; also wedges, splitting mauls, axes, falling wedges, gluts and other woodsmen supplies at prices lower than anyone in Portland. DRILL STEEL. Large quantity octagon drill steel at a low price; also we have on hand one second-hand Putnam power drill. No. 1, for $95, In good working order. Anvils, vises. Champion forges, blow ers and blacksmith supplies. We carry a large stock at low prices. ROOFING PAPER! ROOFING PAPER! Big reduction In price on our well known wear-well brand quality roofing paper, fresh from factory. 108 square ft. to the roll; has nails and cement In each roll: made extra strong for western storms to stand the roughest weather: 2-ply, $2 per roll; 3-ply, $2.50 -per rolL Mall and telegraph same day received. orders answered J. LEVE. 189-189 H -191 FRONT STREET. Main 5198. HAVE the following articles for sale at a big discount: 1 Columbia electric Grafonola with several good records. 1 24-volt storage battery. 17 set of Exide batteries for Rauch and Lang electric coupe; this set has 40 cells; run only 1800 miles and in dry storage now. 1 winter top for a 1917 Oakland tour ing car; this Is as good as new and looks It. 8 Stewart vacuum tanks. Several eood used auto tires. 2 30-inch wire wheels that will fit an car using a 30-inch tire. 1 4-cyllnder motor, fine condition. ..-.I automobile rims. 1919 Excelsior motorcycle with side car. 1 Dayton motorcycle. Several aood used tubes for auto tires. A lot of other auto accessories slightly used. Phone Sunday or all week. Broadway S30S. WHY PAY RETAIL PRICES? When tou can save 35 to 40 per eent by buying your raincoat, leather coat or combination coat at wholesale price dl rect from United Rubber Co., 726 Mor gan bldg. A FEW boys' engineering sets, steel, have been used for demonstrating, lor less than half; doll house, electric motor and some other odd toys: girl's bicycle. $12.50; $15 tricycle. $5; set carving tools. $4. Main 6989. FUR coat of natural muskrat trimmed with French seal; excellent quality; coat was bought one week ago. Is brand-new; will take $loo less than cost: must real ize quick; good reason. Sunday or eve nings. Marshall 3295. FOR SALE by owner. 1 princess dresser. 1 oak dresser with glass. 1 Davenport. 1 stand table, 1 china closet, 1 Iron bed and spring. 5 doz. H-gal. Mason Jars. 111214 Grand ave. S. Phone East 7141. FOR SALE One range. $14; 1 gas range. $16; small coal stove. $2; 1 extension table, $2: 1 patent toilet; cast Iron pipes and gas pipes, cheap. 1117 E. 29th st. North, city. BEAUTIFUL brown coat, nutria collar, silk lined, new. $95. one week ago; sell for $70; good reason for selling. Tabor 4 '- 630 East 58th st. N. PAIR of size 10 high-top leather boots, made to order by Nlehoff Shoe Co., fully caulked and worn only once; cost me $25, will sell for $18. Phone East 8137. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Crocheted breakfast caps of all makes from $1.75 up. Marshall 4549. 583 Wash ington st. 3-DROP diamond platinum lavalllere, cost $200 some time ago; will sell for less. Phone Marshall 839 Sunday after 7 P. M. or Monday between 2 and 5 P. M. BARGAIN IN SILK. IMPORTED (SHANTUNG) CHINESE PONGEE. NATURAL COLOR, 1 BOLT. 20 YDS. 34 IN.; $30. MAR. 2309. DIAMOND, lli karat, lady's ring for $400. could not be duplicated at any Jewelry store for less than $650 to $700; by pri vate party. G 722. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 11th edition Encyclopedia Britannlca ; dark green morocco binding, India paper; $150, or will trade for ilia mund. AR 20, Oregonlan. FuR SALE 'Electric train and transform er, complete line, looks like new, a dan dy Christmas present; worth $37.50. svill take $22.50. Phone East 6339. MANTEL clock. lavalllere and chain, ladv's wrist watch, almost new. Mar shall 1148. BOY'S overcoat, almost new; suitable for - boy aged 12; also coat for girl aged 14. 452 Morrison. WANTED DIAMOND. i TO 2 K. ; MUST BE Al AND CHEAP FOR SPOT CASH. NO DEALERS. TABOR 6670. GENUINE mink muff and neckpiece, per fect condition bargain; rubber cape, never worn, cheap. Main 7860. RESTAURANT OUTFIT; over 80 com plete set-ups: complete kitchen outfit; $100. BC 131, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 2 dictating. 1 transcribing dictaphones: late models; prices reason able. AC 352. Oregonlan. A BEAUTIFUL hand-kntt Russtan sweat er, a fine Christmas gift. Call Wood lawn 668. BEAUTIFUL black broadcloth coat, fur collar and cuffs, size 34-36. perfect con dition. $25. Apt 203, Main 6641. DRAFTSMAN'S adjustable table, 80x54, and chair; also roll of tracing paper. Phone Broadway 8570. FOR SALE Holly with lots of berries; cents per pound. 1204 E. Yamhill Phone Tabor 658. LADY'S gold ring with large, genuine, oriental pearl: give name and phone. BF 354. Oregonlan. ONE large and one medium-size fireproof safe lor sale, cneap. An mil. oregonlan GENTLEMAN'S disnannd. $30. Masonic ring with smal Sell. 886 after. 12 o'clock. MAN'S handsome black never has been worn. overcoat, size 452 Morrison. 40. ICE skates, pillows, pillow roll, fire screen Jager carpet sweeper. East 5119. POSTCARD projector, new condition, at less than H price. Automatic 815-33. NEW wood heater for small range. Phone Wood. 7062. . CHILD'S w.alte enamel bed $6. Phone Tabor 5054. and mattress. HAVE set of pigskin boxing gloves; $10.00. East 4415. price 8-STRAND dark brown hair switch, onable. East 824. HOT water Beacon St. tank, complete. $7.50. STORE fittings by a you money. Marasy. 'arpenter who savea Sell. 2421. MAN'S gold watch, open face: best Ham llton make: used few months. E. 5675. FOR SAUE Child's tricycle, auto, dress er, rockers. Col. 990. FOR SALE. M iscellanruus. I HAVE two absolutely perfect blue-white diamonds, about H -karat each. These stones are a match and were worn as earrings. I received a loan of $1200 on these stones, but 1 am unable to redeem them, so must sacrifice. 1 am a private party ami can arrange for you to see these stones by appointment; confldcn- tlal. Ao 48. OrVa-onlan. DIAMOND cluster ring, fine stone In cen ter almost a karat. $175; large cameo. 5 diamonds set In hand-engraved mount ing. $150; small diamond ring. $20; gold bracelet, blue sapphire and diamonds. $30. Information at 304 Lewis bldg. VEST POCKET Kodak and case. F6.9 lens. Cannot be told from new; 24x3-4 Ansco. F7.5 lens, with case, fine condi tion. Either one is a bargain at $17.50. Would make fine Christmas presents. Call Schweitzer. Broadway 5382. 2 WATCHES' for sale. Waitham move ment. 1-17 Jewel P. S. Bartlett solid gold fancy engraved case, cost $7.u. other 15 Jewel Waitham, $50 takes ootn or will separate: both gents 62 North lh. Dr. Brown. watches. FOR SALE or trade for chickens or an thlng can use, 1 beautiful black ostrich plume, 2 brown blue silk crepe em broidered kimonos. Phone Tabor p4tb. $3.75 EACH, fine genuine on pa.niiiiK. large 16x20, Mt. Hood. Crater lake a iwr if ul subjects. Call 42b Lui m - ber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. TWO hand-embroidered oaoy J t one child's rocking horse. Htll for Christmas gifts. Paone Main -54 Mon day. make nice r.vlAl.l, uiaiiiunu. . -- v 1 1 irae,.mei,t ring; win sell chep for cash If taken before Christmas. AM 56. Orego- nian. 1'ICTlKES 25 c each; 16x20. different seen " horses, religious, fruits, presi dents! etc 428 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and stara. - WILL sell or trade 9x14 double face linen pattern table cloth. class clothes for medium sized man. 8ell. 8570. HOSIERY Men's fine cuhmwe Jio. re tailed at wholesale price. aii w Washington bldg FOR 8AU AUTOMOBILES. BUY NOW. ITS YOUR TIME TO BUY NOW. at this time of You can " "'"""--,-. " . ffr the year. See wnai WO am- - 1917 Hudson Super Six. fine running condiUon. We put a 00-day nn It. the same g-uarantee on a new car- flL HE 1918 Hudson Super Six, overhauled and renainted: guarantee the same as a lac- a new c ar $1650. guarantees 1918 Hudson Speedster, overhauled, re .lnted and guaranteed the same line- pa factory gives new car antee as $1750. , , n holmAT-W Hot SDOt the latest light alx; fine conditions $12o0. 1918 Chalmers Light Six; like new and with the Hot spot $1175. 1916 Chalmers LlgTht Six, all In fine condltlon--$785. ESSEX. F.ssex. traded In on a big car; It's lust like new $1350. Liberty; good condition $1200. MAXWELLS. 1919 Maxwell; fine condition $845. 1918 Maxwell; fine condition $625. 1917 Maxwell; fine condition $500. Before-you forget Just read over these bargains and then look them over. C L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 615-617 Washington St.. Portland. MORE CAR PER DOLLAR. We have the same line of first-class used cars at the same prices. Other people have raised on used cars, but we still sell them and guarantee our car as usual. Will trade for any property or anything of value as part payment, rive terms: liberty bonds. Apperson chummy roadster, 1919. Oakland. 1918. King 8. Overland mode!. Bulck light six Chevrolet touring, 1918. Maxwell touring. Bulck, model 55. Stoddard-Dayton roadster. Wtntou light six. Ford touring. 1917. Kissel -Kar. American touring. Studebaker. 1917. Studebaker. 1018. Studebaker. 4-30. Chalmers touring. Oldsmoblle light four. Chevrolet touring, 1917. National roadster. Ford. 1917. Reo truck. 1-ton. Reo trucks 2-ton. Chevrolet baby grand delivery. Ford light delivery. PORTLAND-SAN FRAN8MSCO USED CARS. 355 Burnslde st. Broadway 3685. WE SAVE YOU MONEY THE OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.'S BIG UPTOWN USED CAR STORK. BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE. (Just 2 blocks from the Benson.) IT'S DOLLARS TO DOUGHNUTS You will wish you had selected your car at THE OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.'S Big Uptown Used Car Store. Broadway and Burnslde. Just two blocks from the Benson. Buck the snow with one of our used ears. THE OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.'S Big Uptown Used Car Store. Broadway at Burnslde. Just two blocks from the Benson. STUTZ SPORT MODEL. This Stutz will speak for Itself and we will show you anything you want done with a car; has the regular stutz equip ment and oversize cord tires. Call and see It at 505 Alder st. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. WE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD BUYS tSED CARS. UARANTEED AS REPRESENTED TERMS. THE C. H. S. CO.. 65 North 28d St Marshall 1428. A CHRISTMAS gift for you; Oakland roadster coupe; 5 wire wheels, new cord tires. 3 spare tires, 2 spring bumpers. cutout; like new: no reasonable offer refused. Tabor 6365. ELGIN 6 sedan, almost new; has new cord tires all around: will sell this car very cheap; small payment down, bal ance t.o suit. East 2706. FOHD touring. 1918. In fine condition, new tires all around: many extras. During day can r.ast aua ; evenings. Tabor 0sn8 Ask for Irvtne or May. 1919 HENDERSON motoscycle. electric equipped: has spot light, clock, speed ometer and dream tandem; cheap, on terms. East 2786. REO three-fourths ton speed wagon; tires 80 per cent new; new battery; must be sold today; $600; 1530 E. Taylor st. Tabor 6365. CLASSIEST Paige roadster in the city; new paint, cord tires; at a sacrifice. Marshal 3540. CHEAP 1918 Chevrolet In good condition; will take piano as part payment Owner 557 Vt Williams ave. Room- 12. 1919 EXCELSIOR, fully equipped, with side car; the price is right, cash or terms. Marshall 1428. 1918 FORD roadster with extra just overhauled. $475 cash. truck bouv. Main 6352. LIGHT delivery body. Al 8415 Foster road, Lents. condition, $35. BEST OFFER this week takes my Stude baker. 4-cyl. touring car. Tabor 8207. 1917 FORD chassis In fine shape, all new fender and 2 new tires. Tabor 5603. $llo DOWN, balance to suit, will handle a good Mitchell touring car. Mar. 1428, FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE!? COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANT. GOOD USED CARS. CLOSED CARS. 1917 CHANDLHR SEDAN $1750 1918 DODGE SBDAN 1400 1917 DODGE SBDAN 13CHJ 1914 FRANKLIN SBDAN 1250 1U19 FORD SEDAN. Elec Starter.. 80O 1917 OAKLAND. All-Weather Top 850 DODGES. J918 DODGE. AU-Weatber Top $1100' 1918 DODGE Touring 950 IflT DODGE Touring 875 , 1916 DODGE Touring 7.V) ' 1916 DODGE Roadster 754) 1915 DODGE Touring S.Vl 1915 DODGE Roadster 550 MAXWELLS. 1919 MAXWELL Touring $750 1918 MAXWELL Touring 650 1918 MAXWELL Roadster 630 1017 MAXWELL Touring 475 CHBVROLJSTS. 1819 CHEVROLET Touring .. 1918 CHKVROLET Touring .. 1917 CHEVROLET Touring .. $675 625 650 FORD8. 1919 FORD Touring $450 1918 FORD Touring 400 1918 FORD Roadster 450 1916 FORD Touring 350 1914 FORD Roadster 250 1918 FORD Delivery 500 OPEN SUNDAY. ..COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, w ashlngton at 21st. Main 62441. GREAT SACRIFICE SALE. OF USED CARS. Every car we have has been put In nne mechanical condition and we will sell at prices that are real bargains Maxwell. 1018. Paige. 1918-18. Mitchell. 1018. Franklin, serlss 6 Bulck. 1917. Velle. 1919. Also two 1919 Paige light six dem onstrators. COOK GILL CO.. INC Phone Bdwy. 32S1. 11th and Burnelde. GUARANTEE OUR CARS. J oodge touring cars: 1 car has o tuiu iires ana spotllgnt. both In first class condition. 1 Cole Aero 8 1918. In fine shape and . Dl'ivnuiu ouy. 1 1918 Chandler. 1 1918 5-pass. Bulck. 1 1919 Lexington. 1 1917 Bulck roadster. 1 1017 Chalmers. 1 1918 Paige. 7 -pass., newly painted 4 cord tires. This is a beauty. 1 1919 Ford touring. Overlands, Chevrolet and Maxwells anu scverui otners. Remember Slmonton's guarantee. SIMONTON MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Couch Sts Bdwy. 121. ELECTRIC GARAGE. 11TH AT HOYT. I have a Hup touring car that has new top, new paint, new rubber and one extra, and runs like all the big Hups run; first-class low price of $950 with $300 down, and we can take light car in trade on this. Also light speed ster, runs and looks fine; low price of $35o. with $100 down, balance easy. '17 Maxwell touring, runs and rooks fine; low price and will take Ford In trade. Call at Electric Garage, 11th at Hoyt st. See Mr. Lavella. CHANDLER TOURING. dark maroon. black wire wheels, 5 tires, guaranteed mechanically same as new car: this is an exceptionally fine car and the price Is low for a quick sale. Come see It TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO.,' 514 Alder Street. Term to suit your convenience. GUARANTEED USED CARS. Packard Twin Six. Nash" Six. Overland Willys Six. Terms on any of them. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR 421 Burnslde St. CO.. FREE-j-1920 LICENSE FREE. With Each Used Car. $5951019 Chevrolet touring: good one. $40.i Late mode) Ford: new body. SIM Good Chevrolet touring; good tires. 225 69 Overland;- good tires; fine looker. tS ??.9vSr,ana 'curing; fine runner. 695 1918 Studebaker touring; bargain. 424 Belmont St. DODGE ROADSTER, '18. This Dodge is first class every way and has five non-skid tires, nearly new we have low price of $850. with $300 down, balance long time, easy terms tllat will please you. Call 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. LATE model Dodge touring car. In fine condition. Price $50 under what it would be 30 days from now. Terms. FIELDS MOTOR-CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 240. FRANKLIN touring car, series 8. Just taken In exchange on a new touring car: this car has been well taken care of and is an exceptionally good buy for $1200, terms If desired. BRALY AUTO CO.. 601 Washington St. MAIN 4880. FOR SALE Reo roadster, good tires fair mechanical condition and dirt cheap must be sacrificed at once; can be seen at Northwest Auto Company Monday Ask for Akin. 1914 BUICK LIGHT 4. 5-naasenrer In good condttlon throughout; a anap at $850, on easy terras. A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO.. 525 ALDER ST. AUTOMOBILE owners save your tops Use Duckback waterproofing. See Stark & . - iu, station Hawthorne Garage. East 8241. HAYNES touring. 1914. ele.-tr'c ... A-l condition, owner must sell: $875 w im terms. ou orana ave. N.. nea Burnslde. OAKLAND DELIVERY up to one ton. In . .... ui.,iuin "11 o.u. easv terms A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO 525 Alder St. LATE 1917 Ford, new tires. Ysle lock. etc. $n95. terms. Will accent ...,H ... 1?..?,"? Phonograph part payment.' 168 .j... riiim, nciwy. ins. 1919 FORD roadster. Dodge touring car new top and new tires STATE AUTO SALES CO 7430 Burnslde. OLDS 8 Chummy roadster, good mechanl cal condition, newlv nalnterl- win rlflce Cull Mr. Little. Bdwy. 2492 or BRISCOE touring, late model, a'very good C,, TOm r- ""- tJawy. 2492 or Mar shall 1905. 1919 Chevrolet touring, brand new tires, 'i fact, this car looks like new. SEE J. SHANAHAN. 411 DAVIS N55' f,IN?. T TOat"- run less than y.v eii.rjr guarantee and 2 weeks free service. Call Woods. Broadway 89 A REAL SNAP Late IT ForVl - condtlon. $425. Paul Wright. Broadway court, evenings. 5-PASSENGER late model Empire, Just line ii- . i.n..r. BUWy. 249 .iHrsiiaii i.-'.,. in,, eiun A iIh. . l. .. t. .. . . loin w --- v ..i-... nucnrDera, etc good condition throughout; $450. Main 290O. TWO Ford bodies; make an offer. Broad - way 324,7; FOR SALE 5-passengcr touring car at a bargain. Call Tabor 2047. FORD roadster. A-l condition, reasouable Main 2648, FOR SALE Al TOMOIIU.ES. FORDS FORDS FORDS. Here is a fine lot to pick a Ford frbm: 1 1919 Couplet, with starter. 1 1918 touring, with starter. 7 1918 tourings. 1 1917 touring, lots of extras. 1 1916 touring. 1 1915 touring. 8 1914 tourings. 1 1919 roadster. 1 1918 roadster. 1 1918 chassis. , 8 Ford deliveries. 1 1919 Ford worm-drive ton truck. 1 ton Federal truck. 1 ton Ford Internal gear drive truck. 1 1918 (late model) motorcyole; best buy in city: extra equipment. Small payment down, balance monthly. RUSHLIGHT PENNY. INC., Authorized Ford Dealers. 363 East Broadway, corner East Third Phones, East 302. East 303, C 1561. THE SNOW WILL 8OON BE GONE AND SO WILL THESE Maxwell, Reo. Oakland. Hudson 4 cylinder. Hudson 7 pass.. Reo 6. Mitchell. Col 8 4 pass.. Cole 8 7 pass.. Olds 8, Apperson Anniversary. K-ton Republic truck, ltt-ton Bethle hem. 3Vi-ton Bethlehem. 5-ton Indiana. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Alder at 18th. FORDS. FORDS. $200 to $700. CHEVROLETS CHEVROLETS. $450 to $550. MAXWELLS MAX ViLLS. $500 to $775. BUICKS BUICKS. $250 to $1150. Dodge. Paige. Hudson. Chandler, Stutx. Reo speed wagon. Republic truck. Liberty bonds at face valuei Easy terms. No brokerage. C. G. BI.EASD ALE. 530 Alder' st. Broadway 1852. CHAS. C. FAGAN CO.. INC. Distributors Plerce-Arrow Motor fars and Trucks. Ninth at Burnslde. Broadway 4693. 1911 Plerce-Arrow "36," 2-passenger roadster $1250. 1919 National sedan. 7-pass. ; practical ly new throughout: new Plerce-Arrow paint Job; a splendid all-year car 82750. 1912 Pierce "36." 4-passenger touring: beautiful new paint Job; perfect condi tion; new cord tires $2K50. 1914 Bngllsh "Sunneam." 6-cyllnder. Burbank tup. good paint, new Urea; a high-class car and good buy at $3250. The above-mentioned cars are now go ing through our shops and will be avail able for delivery about Dec. 23. '10 HUPP. This small light Hupp has cost the owner we purchased It from $2410. It has all the extras you can get on one and then some. Call and see this Hupp If you want a real car and a novelty Job that Is the only one like it In Portland: low price of $1550. with $550 down, bal. one year. RED FRONT USED CAR CO.. 505 Alder St. MY DODGE touring car. perfect mechani cal condlAon. has four now Sllvertown cords tires and one spare cord tire with cover, new top. with plate glass windows, bumper, spotlight, skid chains, extra tubes and tools. I am leaving ror Cali fornia Christmas due Hnd Will 1! fnf $So0 cash. This is a really good car and your money's worth. See It at 36 3d st. Phone Bdwy. 332. THE OREGON REPAIR CO. To repairmen, garages and car own ers, we have the exclusive right for Ore gon for the L. Lawrence patented fused electrically with silver and nickel alloy scored cylinders and cracked water Jack etc: temporarily located at N. P. Auto Wagon Works. 9th and Hoyt sts. Phone Broadway 4477. 919 Lexington sport model, as good as new: a bargain. BRUNN MOTOR CAR CO.. 28 North Broadway. Open Sundays. 'WE HAVE SOME EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS. VARIETIES IN STANDARD USED CARS. $250 UP. AUTO SALES CO.. 0th and Couch DODGE TOURING New late-.ivl. t eijiiiiiin jii mc snape you would like it. oniy en sat HBSJ aotvn. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. e 523 Alder St. STUTZ. 1UIN. 6-pass.. 16 valve. 6 cord tires. 4 new Kel.y-Springfieid. 2 extra wire wheels. If you are looking for a Pttitz It will pay you to see this. Phone Bdwy. 4052. FROZEN CYLINDERS. Water Jacket cracks repaired by new process; no preheating or warping of castings; reasonable. Flovd Hai'adav garage. East 8284. 170 E. 7th st. 1919 FORD touring car. In fine condition- water gauge, speeaometer. 3 new tires and lota of extras; a bargain for $5oo some terms. 264 Davis st. Phone Broadway 3297. Big USED CARS Stock. No misrepresentation Prices Right COVEY MOTOR . . CAR CO CHEVROLET touring. 1919. used private ly, newiy paimea, gooa tires: a real bar gain. $625 with terms. 80 Grand ave N . near Burnslde. AUTOMOBILE owners save your tops Use Duckback waterproofing See Stark & Rogers. 220 Stark. East side station, Hawthorne garage. East 8241. 1920 AUBURN. Brand new. Come in and! make me an offer. No reasonable offer 1 reiusea. SEE WINKLER. 411 DAVIS. FORD roadster. 1914; must sell: a bar galn at $250 terms. SO Grand ave. N near Burnslde. CLASSY 1920 Moon car. driven 700 ml'es. some extras; bargain; private owner East 5656. FORD touring. 1917. Just overhauled and in .good condition. $350; cash or terms. Phone East 6323. 1918 CHEVROLET touring. In first-class mechanical condition: extraa Bdwy 4380. STUDEBAKER BIG SIX. on easy terms first-class shape. Call after 12 to 4 P. M. M. 1. uoyie. 4i2 inmliill. MUST sell my late model Sedan, with extra summer top. Terms to right party Phone East 3416. 1919 Lexington touring car; 2 emergency seats, spotlirtht; looks like new; factory guarantee. East 5465. TERMS. 1919 CHEVROLET roadster, .only run a short distance: like new. I need larger car: terms. Marshall 2167. FORD touring. 1915. good mechanical condition, good tires: $825. Some terms. . 80 Grand ave. N.. near Burnslde. LATEST model Old coupe. 1020. never run a mile; must sell. Call Mr. Little. Bdwy. 2402 or Marshall 1905. WILL SELL $12 electric heat radiator for $8 or will trade for electric fan. Phone East 3023. '19 FORD sedan, electric starter, speed ometer 'n' everything. Tabor 2418. OLDSMOBILE sedan, same as new; in every way: bargain. Tabor 6478. GOOD 1914 model Reo car for sale cheap. inquire Bristol hotel, room 2. 1918 Ford sedan for sale cheap. Phone East 1967 or Tabor 557S. MUST sacrifice my 1918 Chevrolet: juat overhauled; five good tires. East 6569. FOR SALE Franklin 9-B. good as new. Broadway. 2. room 400. BUICK bug for sale cheap. Address O. C Conger. Multnomah. Or. 1919 Ford touring, same as new; bargain for cash. Marshall 2068 today. 1917 FORD touring. $375; must sell bv Tuesday. Phone Broadway 4070. LATE model Chandler; looks and runs like new: must tell. Call Wooosawn 3880. FOR SALE AIT01I0BHJ8. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANT. Good Used Cars. 1919 BUICK Roadster, cord tire equipment with new extra, car like new $1600 1917 BUICK Touring 4 eyl.. good mechanical condition, good tires -5 1916 CADILLAC DB LUXB 7 passenger; a big roomy car. new ly painted, first-class mechanical condition, good tres with extra, tonrieau windshield, plate class side curtains, bumper: a won derful For Hire or Stage car. 2250 1915 CADILLAC "8" Roadster; newly painted, good mechanical condition: a beauty.. 1350 1913 CADILLAC First-class condition throughout, good tires with extra.... 550 1914 CHALMERS MASTER SIX First-class condition throughout, new tires; a bargain - 500 Open Sunday COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington St. at 21st. Main 6244. WE SELL YOUR CAR FROM YOUR HOME. OUR SELLING PLAN HAS BEEN VEItr SUCCESSFUL. CASH TO THE OWNER. TERMS TO THE BUYER. OREGON USED CAR APPRAISING SALES CO.. 831 BECK BLDG. PHONE BDWY. 4380. LOOK AT THESE PRICES: All Cars on Easy Terms. 1917 Ford touring 8 850 1917 Chevrolet touring 4.0 1916 Maxwell touring 350 1918 Hupmoblle touring 1100 ft!. 1 - aimer six 1450 191 S Studebaker roadster 700 1914 Saxon roadster 225 ALDER STREET GARAGE. 542 Alder st. Bdwy. 172S. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. A BARGAIN: GOOD CORD TIRES. RE FINISHED AND A 90-DAY GUARAN TEE. SAME AS FACTORY GUARAN TEE. CALL ADAMS. TABOR 630. OR MARSHALL 5342. THII I'.EAL BARGAIN HOUSE. We nave In storage some real snaps and hrve been Instructed by owners to sell regardless of price. Some of these cars are almost new and every car guaranteed as represented. Hudson Speedster. Maxwell. Moon. Chevrolet Studebaker. Reo. Paige coupe. Dodge. Mitchell. GLOBE GARAGE. 50 N. 20th St. Main 206. FORD OWNERS. Fnrrt overhauled 820 Rear axle overhauled valves ground, carbon removed...... S Magneto recharged ft We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings. etc.. which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St.. Corner Jefferson. 18 FORD TOURING. SELF STARTER. This car is like new and has all the electric equipment that the factory puts on. such as electric lights, self starter and some other extraa Low price of $550 with $150 down, balance easy. Call ur address RED FRONT USED CAR CO.. 505 Alder St, 1918 Lexington touring car; Just over hauled: five cord tires; guaranteed In every way; seat covers, 2 bumpers and spotlight. BRUNN MOTOR CAR CO.. 28 North Broadway. Open Sunday WHEN THE CASTIRON TEETH ON THE FLYWHEEL OR ANY PART OF YOUR AUTOMOBILE ARE STRIPPED. HAVE STEEL TEETH PUT ON BY H. B. BLACK. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 534 ALDER, BROADWAY 268L $350 SACRIFICE $350. If you are -In the market for a real bargain it will pay you to Investigate this buy. 1915 Studebaker four. In good condition throughout, good starter, tires and top: will demonstrate. See this car at Autorest Garage, 10th and Salmon. DODGE touring car for sale cheap. Five goad tires, uew top and mechsn lcally perfect. Can give some terms to responsible party. Today only at 004 E. Taylor St. Phone East 6737. DODGE ROADSTER Late model in the best of condition in every way: genuine bargain for a Dodge. $70O. on easy terms. A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder St. FORD BUG. Packard, style, body Just new with all klndw of extras, will sell for $490. worth $650. easy terms. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder St. 1916 DODGE touring, this car Is newly painted and in good mechanical con dition. PEE RICHARDS. 411 DAVIS. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. used prlvate tlon. good tires. A bargain at $623 with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnslde. PRACTICALLY new Chevrolet, run 200O miles, extra tire, other extras, actuallt worth $800. sell $050 cash. Marshall 2553. STODDARD-DAYTON. T-pass.. 4-cyl.. Bosch mm. : would make light truck, delivery or heavy bug; $10O cash. 950 E. 29th st. N. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheel axles, we wreck all makes of car and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. North Broadway and Flanders. SIX CYLINDER GRANT ROADSTER. By doctor who Is leaving city; excellent condition. lots of extras. bargain Couchman Garage. 19th and Couch st. LATE model 85 Overland six. In best condition; will trade for light car with vash for difference. 029 Everett, apt. 20. Call after 5 P. M. AUTOMOBILE owners save your top. Use Duckback waterproofing. See Stark Rogers. 226 Stark. East side station. Hawthorne Garage. East 8241. Iff X UIH1.Y. 1917. In the best of condition good paint, good tires. Sacrifice at $600 with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Bairnslde. ONE SH-ton White truck. Al shape: one Ford touring car. 1913. excellent condi tion; one Overland, made Into delivery car. Phone East 5384. BUICK 1916. six-cylinder roadster. In best of mechanical condition, equipped with five cord tlreB, all good rubber, bumpers and clock: $800. Tabor 9527. A GOOD buy. 1917 Mitchell 5-pass. car. In fine condition, good tires. $1000; terms. Call owner. Sell. 2783. FORD touring. 1915. in flrat-class condi tion: good rubber; for quick sale at $250 cash at 910 Thurman st. Monday. REO 7-passenger. touring, newly paint ed looks like new.- Call Mr. Little. Bdwy. 2492 or Marshall 1905. 1916 HUPMOTHLE. new tires, plate glass windows new. Just overhauled. Bdwy. 43S0. 1916 CHEVROLET. This Is the best buj In the city. If you want a car you can't afford to miss this. Woodlawn 3168. 1914 CHALMERS, good running order: cheap tf taken at once. 8816 70th st. S. E. BRAND NEW 1919 Ford, run 2000 miles. See at 244 Broadway, 12 to 1:80 Monday and Tuesday; good terms. A SMALL wood or coal kitchen range; good condition; price $12.50. AL 98, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Leaving city: will sell my Liberty Six car. newly painted, median Ically O. K. 1918 model. Phone East 6864. FOUR-WHEELED trailer with 4 88x4 8I1 vertown cord tires, almost new: $110. 414 E. Burnslde. FORD. 1917. new top. 8365. priced low to raise money. Tabor 4573. 8811 Wood stock ave.. call today ESSEX, touring, 1915. only run 8000 miles. Must sell. A bargain at $1575. terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. pear Burnslde. AN attractive 5-passenger 1919 Lexington sportster; excellent condition: five wire wheel For particulars call WdL 3778. WILL sell irsy 1918 Hupmoblle or 1917 Ford at a sacrifice. Call Broadway ntts FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN Here Are a Few We Offer for Tour Approval 1913 Pierce Arrow 6-48. A-l condition, 1918 Mitchell. 7 pass.. 6 cyl. 1918 Mitchell. 5 pass.. 6 cyl. 1918 Velle. 5 pass.. cyl. 1917 Mitchell. 2 pass.. cyL 1917 Saxon. 5 pass.. 6 cyl. 1919 Jordan. 7 r.i .- . eyl. 1919 Jordan, 4 pass.. 6 cyl. 1918 Studebaker. 7 pass.. cyL 1918 Mitchell. 8 pasa. 6 eyl. 1918 Maxwell. 5 pasa. eyl. A Number of Other to Select From Prices $500 to $3000. Used Car Department MITCHELL LEWIS STAVXR CO.. E. 1st and Morrison St. Phones: E. 7272. Automatic 212-16 West Side Sales Room Broadway at Oak Sts. Phones: Bdwy. 515. Automatic 533-48 COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANT. Good Used Car. 1918 PACKARD. 7 pss.. like new. $375 1919 CADILLAC. 7 pasa. ilk new. cord tires, nearly new with new extra, seat covers, spring bumper 3600 1918 CADILLAC. 7 pasa: newly painted, special permanent Cali fornia top. w-lre wheels, a beauty 8500 1819 COLB AERO "8." 4 pasa. seat covers, bumper. 2 extra Urea. . . . 2500 1919 FRANKLIN: like new. bump er front and rear, spot light, per fect mechanical condition 2850 1916 PACKARD Twin Six; 8 pass.; first-class condition throughout. 2250 1919 VELIE. 4 pass., sport model: wire wheels, newly painted, good mechanical condition 165a Open Sunday COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANT. Washington St. at 21st- Main 8244. BUICKS! BUICKS! LOWEST PRICES AND TERMS. Guarntee and Free Service. B 36 BUICK roadster 8 C 23 BUICK. .-..pass touring 875 D 35 BUICK, 5-pars. touring 7541 C 55 BUICK Big Six touring 8uO D 55 BUICK Big Six touring 1050 1918 BUICK roadster. $560 down. 1919 BUICK Utile Six. tour.. $540 down. 1918 BUICK Little Six. tour.. $520 down. 1918 BUICK Big Six touring. $640 down Some of these cars are as good as nw. all are In A-l condition. These prices will move them quickly. We have many other cars, all makes, both open and closed, lowest prices. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. 5th ar.d Taylor. Main 6144. See our sedan ad In this Issue. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 58 N. 23d St. Main 780. GOOD USED CARS. RIGHT PRICES. - Bulck, 4-cyllnder: new tires. $3uu. Olds 8, 7 - pass. . 6 good tires, A-l con dition, repainted like new; $1400. 6-cyllnder Chalmers. A-l condition. Late 1919 Velle; new tires: $51)0. 1917 Studebaker: 4 cylinder; $650. 6- cylinder. 7-pasa Mitchell: cord tires; $1175. 1910-17-18 Saxon Six. 6-cylinder. 5-pass. Overland. $750. Model 85 4-cylinder Overland, $900. 1918 Veils, repainted. $1300. AN IDEAL ALL-YEAR CAR. We have juat secured an almost new Grant sedan; run only 600 miles, costing $241)0. with equipment. For quick sale this Is offered at $1650. terms if de sired. This Is a rare bargain and we advise you to see it today. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lownsdale St. 1 15th and Burnslde.) LOOK THESE OVER. 1915 Ford chassis $200 1914 Ford roadster, tall delivery 225 1914 Ford 1-ton truck chassla 875 1915 Ford touring, new body, crown finish 325 1915 Ford roadster, new tires 350 192ft Ford touring, used 3 month.. 575 1918 Saxon Six. new tires 750 191S studebaker. 7 passenger 750 ISM E. M. F. roadster 175 1914 Excelsior motorcycle, twin.... 85 1914 Indian motorcycle, twin 45 Terms If Desired. 126 E. Sixth St.. Near Morrison. CHALMERS HOTSPOT. A DANDY CAR AND A BARGAIN. DRIVE UNTIL SPRING OR NFTXT YEAR AT VERY LITTLE DEPRECIA TION. THIS CAR RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR C30. OR MAR. 5342. ALLEN ROADSTER, This is one of the new light fours and Is refinlhd like new. runs first-class and has some extras: we have low price of $800. with $25u down. bal. long, easy terms. RED FRONT USED CAR CO.. 5Q5 Alder St. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. Goodyear cord tires for Fords, $24.55. Authorized Witlard sales station. UNION AVE. TIRE A BATTERY SHOP. 488 Union ave- N-. cor. Sacramento, Phone East 1303. 1UIS MONROE Just 65 new; a beautiful lightweight car; newest style top. piste glass back and sides. See this one. only $95o; $300 down, long terms balance, A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder St. 1919 FORD coupe, same a new. speed ometer, apolllgbt, demountable rim and natural grain wheels; tire Ilk new and lota of extras: private owner: will demonstrate: also 1917 Ford roadster. 1073 E. 30th St. N. Phone 317-13. 1919 WIF.E wheel sport model Lexington: perfect condition: real bargain. BRUNN MOTOR CAR CO.. 28-30 North Broadway. Open Sunday. WANTED Good second-hand automobile; willing to pay any reasonable sum If car Is In good condition and late model. Submit your best offer with full descrip tion. AV 958. Oregonlan. MY SLIGHTLT USED 1920 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET SEDAN. BARGAIN AND TERMS. CAN BE SEEN SUNDAY AT FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14TH AND ALDER. INQUIRE FOR MR. BRYAN. 1919 FORD touring car In perfect condi tion, fully equipped with shock absorb ers, speedometer, set tire chalna etc Must be disposed of at once. Term Call Woodlawn 5566 after 6 P. M. FORD roadster. 1918. Lots of extras. In the very best of condition. Must sell. A bargain at $475 with terms. SO Grand ave. N.. near Burnslde. AUTOMOBILE owners save your tops. Use Duckback waterproofing. See Stark A Rogers. 226 Stark. East side station. Hawthorne Garage. East 8241. DODGE For sale by owner, in perfect condition, fine tire, spotlight and bump er; $900, terms. Marshall 240; eve.. East 4817. ONE 5-passnger Overland in first -clp.sis condition, must be sold on account of sickness: 1 Ford truck, worm drive, new $750 Fulton Auto Co.. 420 Belmont. MAXWELL touring. 1918. newlv dsIsImI good tires, must sell. A bargain at $775 Willi terms. ou uninn ave. r... near Burnslde. $650 Hudson six. late model, sernn-pas-senger. good condition, good tire, te-ms slew appointment call Eaat 860. 4