TTTE SUNDAY OREGOXTAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 21, 1910. 11 WANTED- RIAL ESTATE. WANTED AT Ol'CB. HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE "Will pny from 87500 to $10,000 cash and assume mortgage or If necessary all cash. House must me late modern type and nut a worked over plrca 1 j ca lions preferred : Alameda FarU. Laurlhumt, 1 rvi i.Kton, Hoi lad ay. Roso City Park ai d "esic'ence section on eet aide. Ask for Mr. Hickman. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commetce Bldg. Main 20t. $2,319,000 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1. 1019. 844 - HOUSES. This organization can sell houses. Ev ery house listed is Inspected, photo graphed and appraised by Frank L. Mc Gulre ptraonally, and report made on your house without charge. You know that 12 real estate salesmen, with auto mobiles, working in a well-organized of fice, which spends thousands and thou sands of dollars annually advertising homes exclusively, must get results. are in touch with the majority of buyers. List your home with us for results. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abtngton Building. Main 10OS. OiUc- Open Evenings and aundays. WANTED AT ONCE. HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE. Will pay from $7500 to $10,000 cash and assume mortgage, or If necessary all cash. House must be late moderi: type and not a worked-over place; loca tions preferred; Alameda Park. Laurel hurst. Irvington. Holladay. Rose City Park and residence section on west aide. Ask for Mr. Hickman. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. WE CAN sell your home regardless of terms If the value is there. We call, photo and appraise your home free. If our appraisal meets with your approval it means that wo can sell your property without delay. Have clients waiting and need your home now. J A. W1CKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 5S3 HOUSE SE..L1NGS my specialty Give me the listing of your house; I will do th. rest. All listings given proper at tention. Watch our ads. We get results. C. A. WARR1NER, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. W ANT ACREAGE. Want 5 to 10 acres within 10 miles of Portland; on paved road preferred: not Dariuuiar about any lnipnvciia:nt8. win aivo beautiful west side view lot and some cash in payment. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE YOU SOLD YOUR HOUSE? If not. It is your own fault. Phone Mr. Oliver, Broadway 4381, with Har grove Realty Co.- I WILL oav cash for 5 or 6-room doi:ble- constructed modern bungalow. Piedmont or Walnut Park preferred, but will consider other good districts ; want huv airect from owner only. If you have bargain, write full particulars to postofflce box 028. city. WANTED r. acres or more on or near paved road not more than 25 miles from Portland and In Oregon, with small house, cither well or spring on place a part or ail of it under cultivation, soil suitable for loganberries; price not tu exceed $2000. A 800, Oregonlan. V A. PAY CASH TO $85.00b.00. I want to buy, direct from owner, larce house ; must be extra large rooms. ground not leas than 200x200 ; give full description and price. location. etc positively no junk; no agents; confiden- tiiH. iij ji'J. oregonlan. BUILDN O W If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Main MSB. Main 4477. WANTED To buy from owner, modern I or B room bungalow, tot DOS IVO. west slope Mt. Tabor or Hawthorne ave. dis trict ; will go to $3500; give exact loca tion and terms. Address D 008, Orego nlan. WANT 5 -room modern bungalow in good neighborhood, not over $3500. with $5O0 CO ,'Mi ca.- h payment. Send photo li you have one. RALPH HARRIS CO., 827 Chamber ot Commerce. I WANT a home in R. C. P. or Laurel - hurst to $ 60io; will pay all cash If any object; must have . rooms with attu: or sleeping porch, but prefer 6-room bungalow ; owners only. F 780. Orego- nian. WE HAVE two bonaflde buyers for Rose City Park bungalows up to $5000. Call use at once. RIELY A GUSTAFSON. Mar. 1 450. 905 Yeon Bldg. I HAVE BUYERS for small homes where a few hundred dollars down will handle. G. C. Mooi e. with GQDDARD. CALL MAIN 4557. WANTED TO BUY On or near Oregon City car line, 3 to 5 acres, with modern 5 or 6-room bungalow. Give lowest price, exact location and description, no agents. AN 36, Oregonlan. DON'T LOSE YOUR PROPERTY If your mortgage Is foreclosed, don't lose out. but sea. me at once; I will give a good trade for your equity. S 500. Ore- gonian. WANT 15 to 25 acres on paved road within "Jo miles ot I'ortiana: Nowtttiru ana For est Grove districts preferred; must have modern house; cash buyer. HENRY W- GODDARD. 243 Stark St. 1 WANT to buy a 6 or 7-room modem house in Hawthorne district, not to ex ceed $3500. I will pay spot cash. Don't delay. This Is not catch ad. A 851. Oregonlan. WANT A BUNGALOW. I own a fine quarter block on the Alameda R. C. P. : SUM as part DSLV ment on modern home In first-class dla- trtct. $5000 to $0000. Tabor 4514. SP-T cash and quick deal for bargain in 6-room bungalow. KOM utiy. luwtnorne or Sunnystde. See A. K. HUL 215 bum- bcrmons bldg. Broadway 421. HAVE YOU A HOU SETO SELL? WE SELL THEM TRY US. MacINNES & PRATT. Main 3S6S. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. W A NTED Close-in acreage In tracts from 2 Vi to 20 acres. - VESTER A DE JOICE. 222-223 Henry bldg. Main 1631. WILL want In spring a 5 -room modern home, close In; will trade high-class touring car toward purchase price; state particulars, al oregonlan. ISL L vour own property ; wave commt? Jons, new plan; quick results; free book tells how. Simplex, flept. ltd. I L- Broadwav. New York. WANT 5 or 6-room house, In R. C. Park preferred, or in any good district, not over $5500 ; liberal cash payment. HKNRY W- GODDARD, 243 Stark St. IRVINGTON house or bungalow, not too expensive, sometning moo em: am buy er, but want good value. BC 99, Orego nlan I WANT a home in Hawthorne district at once; must have six rooms and prefer all on one floor If possible ; will pay nan ca?n, i .oo, oregonian. WANTED Young apple orchard in White i Salmon or Hood River district. Oive full pHrticulars and price. AV 962. Ore gonlan. W A .N-: r. i west sine income property up to $6000 cash Mrs. Flortan Fuchs. 420 Chamner oi commerce. I AM the market ro:- house; want some thing cheap; will pay $50 down, balance monthly, s MM, uresronian. 1 can PAY $7 B as f I rst pay men t on house, balance by month ; not particular i what district. v sji. im-gonlar.. I WANT a home in Hawthorne or Rich mond district ; prefer bungalow, falrlv modern terms. 20. Oregonlan. WANTED A 5 or 6 room modern bunsa- low, glva price, terms and where located. At. ..n. oregonian. I AM looking for a home In Rone Cltv; want five rooms or more; fair payment d'-wn. am !. t trearonlan. WANTED Wesl il'le 5 or 6-room house, with small lot. Price $4500 or less E. J. GKISER. 417 Chamber of Com. WANTED tf or 7-room modern home, with garage; will pay cash if bargain prl e. Address BF 340, Orrgpnlan. 1010 model Chevrolet car as first payment on acres with buildings. AO 44, Oregonlan. LOT desired in Murraymead Addition, city. Give full Information and price. G 751. Oregonlan. WILL buy few acres partly Improved near river and paved highway, between Port land and Scappoose. BD 803, Oregonlan. HAVE ith for 5 or 6-room house, medium priced, chase in, near Union avenue. BC 107. Oregonian. A r.-ROOM bung, in a good dist.. on pave ment, from $3500 up to $5000 cash. N agents. Call Tabor 30PO. HA VB $ 10O as first payment on a house What have you? V 848.Ore;onlan. WANT lot in good district: have cash and auto stock. AO 342. Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT SUBURBAN HOMES for buyers with all cash: how much do you want ior yours .' .freier i to o-acre tracts, well improved, but can sell anv kind of a place If the price and terms are rea sonable. Don't wait, the spring selling aeason will soon start. Come in and talk it over or phone Main 8220 and we-Ml call and Inspect your place. G. G. McCOR MIC CO., 242 Washington St., near Sec ond. Phone Main 8220. WANTED LARGE TRACT CHEAP LAND. 5000 to 2O.OO0 acre cheap land In Oregon wanted; will pay 10 to 25 per cent down, balance reasonable. See JOHN WEI ST CO., S07-8-9 Lewis bldg. WANTED BEST BUY IN BRICK BUILDING that can be had anywhere, reasonably close in; Income not essential. See us at once. JOHN WEIST CO.. 807-S-9 Lewis Bldg. IRVINGTON owners I desperately need Irvington homes for all buyers who come to my Irvington headquarters. Investi gate the many sales we have made and the real service we can offer you in Irv ington R. T. Street. Agent. East 84. FIVE or six-room modern house In good neighborhood. Will give 40 acres good timber, cruise 3.000.000 feet ; adjoining t he town of W heeler ; pay balance in cash. Gibson. 268 Stark. Marshall 12. TO RENT OR BUY From one to ten acres within ten-mile radius of Port land: give full particulars or no atten tion will bo paid. M 803, Oregonlan. SPLENDID residence of 11 rooms. 3 baths, absolutely modern. In Nob Hill district; will pay up to $25,000; wish to deal with owners only. BC 115, Oregonlan. 6 OR K-ROOM residence In Irvington. Lau relhurst. Alameda or Willamette Heights districts; can pay $7500. BD 807, Ore gonlan. CLEAR LOTS and cash for good house up to $0000. A. H. ACKERSON. 42Q Henry Bldg. Main 7248. AV ANTED Good house up to $4000; have 40 acres near Roseburg clear. bal- cash. A. H. AKERSON, 420 Henry Bldg. AV ANT to buy sightly well -built modern 7 -room house. Answer giving location. ana price. AH . Oregonlan. RESTAURANT, from $500 to $1000, must re good value ; buyer waiting. Gibson. 208 Stark. Marshall 12. WANTED Vacant lot, east or north front; must be bargain for cash. E 735, Orego- nian. WANTED Several well-located building lots in Irvington. Turner A Winship. builders, 312 Henry bldg. Tabor 7847. CASH for lot at sacrifice price, also want lot as part payment on pretty new bun galow. Tabor 3S25. AV ANTED Arlington Heights, level view lot, east of Rutland Terrace ; give bed--ork figures. BD 780. Oregonlan. Farms Wanted. PAY CASH FOR AROUND 10 ACRES. Desire a place on Orenco. Kcedville or Tigard lines, will go out no further than these places. Will pay cash for a good place of around 10 acres. Must be near sts tion. well improved and a homelike place. Not expecting a bargain, for I want a good home and am willing to pay the price. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. Gth st. Broadway 4381. WANTED Tract of land under 50 miles of Portland, closer the better, from .5 to 15o acres, part in cultivation. Dart in timber; prefer some rough land; must have living running water on it; I not particular about Improvements! land f in cultivation must be zood soli : tra t ' must be on good road and easily access ible; am thoroughly acquainted with values and will not pay inflated prices ; (rive full Particulars u to Imsftsii i enliw of land, location, price, terms, etc A K 802, Oregonian. FARMS WANTED. Send particulars and urice nf vnur farm to Hargrove Realtv to. North 0th St., oldest farm dealers in Portland. They give your property immediate at tention. FARMS WANTED. WE are making more farm sales than we have In many years. We can set; yours if the farms and prices are right. Let us hear from l OU. SEE OK WRITE Sarn Hewev ai .1 I. HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber Com- merce bldg. FARMS WANTED. Several buyers wuitinir for fmttmm tn $25.000 ; two for farms to $70,000; pre fer Etocked ard equipped properties. For REAL SERVICE Send particulars and description to una j. 525 Henry bldg. Marshall 5858. SMALL FARMS WANTED. We hsvo several buyers for small farms, with stock snd equipment, from 30 to 50 acres, with half, or more tfnder cultivation We can guarantee you quick action on such places. John Ferguson. GerMnger bldg. WANTED Farm of 40 to 80 acres, at least 4 acres in bearing prunes, not less than 30 acres In cultivation, reasonable dis tance from Portland, not over 5 miles, on good road, from town and railroad, or paved highway : state terms. Dock box 106. t 'amag, Wash. WANTED 40 to 80 acres equipped with DUii'imgs. s:ock ami i;ois. on a gofKj road and not too far from R. R. ; don't mind some timber. Have $3500 to make a first payment ; will pay H per cent on balance. Place not to exceed $8000. D 1MJ0, Oregonian. WE HAVE buyers for farms at right price. rwmmm suomii complete Uf tails. uoick action. LONG ESTABLISHED RELIABLE SERVICE. A. K. HILL CO.. 215 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED Smal! farms, 40 to 80 acres. along or near the paved highways, any direction from the city, for waiting clients. No Inflated price considered B S. Cook. 601 Stock Exchange. WANTED Fauns in the Willamette val ley within ro miles Portland. If price is reasonable can sell quickly. Have many clients looking for farms. 1! M. GATE WOOD & CO.. ,165 W 4th st. HAVE YOU A FARM TO SELL? WE SELL THEM TRY US. MacINNESS & PRATT. 418 Board of Trade, Portland, Or. W A N T ED Abo u t 10 acres cultivated, o Portland. some fruit, goon soil, close HC 126, Oregonian. W NTED to buy from owner, good 50 acres near svhool, hard road, and Port iainl. Ky' iii't- r. '."is.. Commercial St Wanted to Rent Fa; ms. WANTED To lease 20 acres up. must be buildings, some pasture; will improve your place; want to handle cows ; will run as many for you as I put in. Address or call 5415 4Sth ave. S. E. WANTED To lease a ranch. 5 to 10 1 acres or more, with good buildings, fruit I trees, berries. ' good place to raise chick- ens. near highway not far from Port- ' "" - ' w: I'Al.TY naving practica. experience and technical training wishes to lease im- proved orcha rd farm. W. Miller, Pocatello. Idaho. WANT to rent a farm or dairy; would buy the stock, with 20 or 40 cows, near Portland; give all particulars and pries in first letter. AO 56. Orenonlan. WANTED To rent a small farm where I can pay part of rent In improvements. AE 664. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent a farm on shares or cash: irrigation or not. 335 N. 20th st., Portland. Or WANT to rent farm; will buy stock and AC 350, Oregonian. Implements ; cash. TIMUHR LANDS. 1 WANT a small sawmill with some tim ber ; would turn in. as first payment, equity In 40 acres in Clarke county. Wash., partly Improved; balance from lumber cut. S 441. Oregonlan. WE ARE looking for men with mill, will furnish timber and also deliver logs. We have some of the bet timber deals that can be found. 322 Yeon bldg. THE BIRCH COMPANY. (ORDWOOD stumpmge; mus: be on R R. or highway; will pay up to $1.50; must AK he able to haul winter months. S21. Oregonian. mi At'RKS In the Slletx; 3.0O0.00O feet fir and cedar; N Vi SWli sec. "2. twp. 7-9. Make me a cash offer. Owner. "H. A. P ' 3258 Liberty ave., Alameda. Cal. jIAVH complete mill of about 60 -M ca po itv; must be sold at once at wacrifice. right at railroad. 322 Yeon bldg. THE BIRCH COMPANY- MAN with dragsaw wants stumpage for j cordwooa. J . w. nurrus. xi iatt st., room 12. Phone Main 7920. ACRES and 14,000.000 merchantable lumber for sale. In Twp. 40. 1 West, Jackson Co.. Or. AV 601. Oregonlan. 160 ACRES, cruise 13.000.000 ft. In T. 4, N. of R. 10 W. in Clatsop county. For price, etc.. write AR 992. Oregonlan. FIR timber. 5 to 20 million ft. Pay as cut. We have good mill. Address P. O. Box 2047. Station A. WANTED Old-growth stumpage for cord wood ; small tract, fair ground. BC 100, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Experienced sawmill men to invest with services In sawmill of 35,000 feet dally capacity. Sixty-five per cent sugar and white pines. Northern Calif., near R. R. station. Want head sawyer, engineer, mlllright and other competent men. Clean-cut; no debts. Top wage and share of big profits. Address AV, 0"i7, Oregonlan. WE HAVE good looking Job to let, going outfit, camps all built, fully equipped and all opened, up; twenty million or more fine timber; good logging chance. Will require about 410.000 capital; ready to Btart logging at once. M 815. Ore gonlan. FOR .-ALE Sawmill or half interest In same,. Including buildings. one mil j planked w agon road to railroad siding, logging tools; 8.000.000 old and second growth fir timber at $2 per M ; Umbei pild as cut; plenty timber available, A 942. Oregonian. . I WANT A SAWMILL. I own a stock ranch of 815 acres. about 50 miles from Portland ; good fences and buildings, good roads, school, etc. Price Is $3o,ooo. Incumbrance $10, 750; will trade for a mill; what have you? AM 157, Oregonlan. WE HAVE good logging Job to let. going outfit, camps ail built, fully equip ped and all opened up ; twenty million or more fine timber; good logging chance. Will require about $10,000 capital; ready to start logging at once. M 815, Oregonlan. j r 100.000.000 FEET choice fir and pine tim ber on railroad, also cut-over land; fine gracing, orchard or farm lands. Im proved or unimproved. Particulars 733 Northwestern Bank bldg. Ask for Mr. amptell. EXCELLENT body well located old-growth yellow fir timber, sawmill machinery, logging equipment; will sell on time or lease to right party with small amount of capital. Address AV 917. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Fine 20-M Russetl mill . a. so 94x10 Seattle donkey. full logging equipment, uargaln price and terms. F. E. Eowman & Co.. 218 Chamber of Commerce. POSITION wanted ; experienced superin tendent and manager open to tske im mediate charge of logging operation; nine years' experience in large Colum bia river operation. J 485. Oregonlan. WE HAVE up to 200.000.000 feet of fir and pine timber close to transportation. If you have the mill we will allow you to Install same and pay as you cut. Call 733 Northwestern Bank bldg. PILING timber wanted for winter work. O. V. Gamble, Couch bldg. WOH RENT FARMS. A MONEY-MAKING DAIRY FAKM FOR RENT. 450 acres, all fine river bottom land, excellent dairy bam, room for 100 head of cows and 200 tons of hay; very good 7-room house, old barn, silo. etc. ; fine spring water piped to all bulsflings; only 7 miles from Vancouver. mile from R. R. station, boat landing on place; rent $100 per month. The following personal property on place for sale : 40 good dairy cows, mostly Holsteln; 1 bull. 15 heifers, 3 horses, 40 tons hay, wagon, harness, disc, plow, mower, rake, har row, cultivator, ensilage cutter and blower, 3 gasoline engines, cream sep arator, milk cans, etc. ; good as new milking machine, which cost $1000; owner of this made $30,000 the past 5 years, you can do as well. Price only $8000; $30oo cash, balance your own terms. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO., 410 Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash. FOR LEASE INCOME $750 PER MO. 15 acres, all cleared and under culti vation, good buildings, all city conven iences, personal property for sale con sists of: 21 head of high-grade milk cows, good team, new Oldsmobile auto truck. full line of farm machinery, cream separator and bottle washer, milk cooler and bottler, milk route's present income on the place $750 per month; long lease at $30 per month. THOMPSON, SWAN A LEE. Third and Main Sts. Vancouver. Wash. 260-ACRE stock farm In Wash ington county; 55 acres cultivation, balance pasture; house, barns and other bldgs.. rent $25 month. 3 horses, 8 cows, 36 chickens and farm Implements for sale. for $1050 cash. Ralph Ackley Co.. 527 Corbett Bldg. 20 ACRES FINE BEAVERDAM LAND ON -6. P. RED ELECTRIC LINE MILE TO STATION. All In cultivation ; house, barn, well all fenced. Ra:.-ies onions, celery, cab bage. High class land. Will lease 3 to 5 years to right party. s-tuu per year. C. H. WOODWARD, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 124 ACRES. 100 under cultivation; good buildings, stock and machinery to oper ate with: all for 51300 cash rent; located 20 miles from Portland near electric R. R. $80 For rent. well-Improved 40 acres In cultivation; stock and machinery for sale at the right price. See O. OERHAUSER. 403-4 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 8075. M ACHES FINE BEAVERDAM LAND. ON S. P. ELECTRIC LINE, MILE TO STATION. All In cultivation; house, barn, well; nil fenced ; ra ises onions. c I pry. cab bage. High-class land; will lease 3 to 5 years to right party. $4JO per year. C. H. WOODWARD. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg.. FOR RENT Prune ranch and farm 4 miles west of Camas. Clarke county. Washington : 54 acres, excellent soil, pasture, good improvements, average crop: Prunes, eight tons, dried; apples. 250 boxes. Tenant most have good ref erences. Share of crop, rental. C -) '. Oregonian. FOR RENT 23 acres. 14 under cultiva tion; $200 year; rent paid to March 1: lease expires March 1. 1U21 ; renter to buy equipment : 2 cows, calf, team, 4 pigs, chickens, hay; good bargain. T. J. K., route 6. box 201, Vancouver. Wash. GARDEN LAND TO RENT. 20 acres, all cultivated; 2-room house, large barn, toots and equipment; $350 year; creek. 12 acres beaver dam. CHAS. RINOLER A CO., 225 Henry bldg. 50 ACRES adjoining city, on hard-surface road, all in cultivation, fins for garden ing; will lease to responsible party for 5 years: nothing better; do not delay. Gib son 268 Stark. Marshall 12. 160 ACRES. 40 in cultivation. 10 A. gen uine beaverdam : H mile from Wilson vllle: good buildings; rent $350; per sonal property $1650. Wilbur F. Jouuo, Henry bldg. I WILL rent my 66-a-re farm IH miles from Boring. Or. My place is fully stocked and has all necessary imple ments, also gasoline engine and saw. See my agent. 420 Cham. Com. bldg. tfO A.. 50 A. IN high state of cultivation, near Newberg: rent $06O; personal prop erty $1400. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bdg. 45-ACRE place for lease and equipment for sale ; buildings for dairy or hog ranch; one G. M. C. truck, good as new. Columbia 540. I IF you want to rent your farm, transfer FOOT Umm mmA 11 U JgyojrOyaW, Henrv bid. j 14 A. IN cultivation, with bldgs. and reek, near Vancouver, only $3800. 1500 cash, bal, to suit. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. DAIRY ranch In Tillamook county, on shares: 1 5 rows and team of horses go with place. Write Box 3fi, Woods. Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 10 ACRES. WALNUTS. 20 mllfs out; good set of farm build ings, fully stocked and equipped; well and wind mill ; 65 acres under cultiva tion : 82 acres in all. Price $1S.OOO. Ex change for Portlind income. C. M. DOLLARHIDE. 807-S-9 Lewis Bldg. WHEAT. 600 ACRES. All under cultivation: 2 set of farm buildings; good fences, right at railroad town In eastern Oregon; price $30 an! acre. Trade for valley farm or city property. C. M. DOLLARHIDE. S07-8-U Lewis Bldg. BEARING PRUNE ORCHARD AND SOME , CASH FOR APARTMENT OR CEN TRAL BUSINESS PROPERTY. POIN DEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. 271-20. CLEAR. Klamath Falls lot. for encum- ) bered Portland house or bungalow: lots i are 12 blocki from main st. This will be j valuable property. B 076. Oregonlan. I FOR EXCHANGE 10 acres land for good heavy team of horses, harness and vrag on. Main 5275. ' GOOD 5-room home on lOOxlOO. $3300. - mortgage. $120; want 5 or 10 acres. 224 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak. REAL ESTATE" AGENT BONDS" MUST BE READY JANUARY 1. 192a i SMITH -WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. PORTLAND property and some cash to trade for hotel or apartments. 1105 East 30th st. N. , f -r for small home near Mrultnomah. Strat- ton. 217 ADington pmbk. COMPLBXTE 40-M capacity sawmill to ex change. 603 Title A Trust bldg. THREE donkeys to exchange for Isnd. 603 Title A Trust bldg. pOl'U beautiful lot In Portland for Den ver property. 7870 Perry. Denver, Colo. -REAL ESTATE. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 514-519 S WET LAND BLDG. MAR. 3JS9. FARMS. General Farm. 14-4 $45.000 246 acres, 3 from M -MinnvlUe, 1H miles from school: 200 acres tillable, 46 in pasture and timber, family or chard. 90 acres creek bottom, very rich soil; 2 middle-aged houses and 2 fair barns, all necessary outbuildings . water piped to buildings from spring; property Is clear of incum brance; will exchange for good Income property. General Farm. 6-5 $22.000 3S5 acres In southern part of Benton county, i miles from railroad; 30O acres in cultiva tion, balance pasture and tim ber; all-the-year water and nu merous springs, good house, 2 barns: all can te farmed with tractor; will exchange for small, well-Improved place in the val ley ud to $8000. General Farm 2-12 $17.500 316 acres. 4 miles southeast of Sfli erton. on good rock road ; very good land; 125 acres undei cultlvmton. balance good oak timber and good pasture land, new 5-room bungalow, large barn and other outbuildings; water piped to buildings from spring ; a fine place, locatsd ciose to school: will exchange for residence or other good property up to $5000. General Farm. 22-2 $16.000 160 acres of land In Clarke county. Washington; H under cultivation, balance pasture and tine timber; 4 acres of prunes in full bearing, good 6-room house, also new 4 -room bunga low, large barn, fine springs of water, t mite to school, 1 mile to store, only short distance from Battle Ground. Will ex change for good residence in Portland or Vancouver up to S20O0. Prune Land. 3-20 $15,000 150 acres short distance from Creswell. Oregon . 10O acres in cultivation. balance pasture wits, oak timber: 2 acres bear ing orchard, 3 wells, well-built 8-room house, arce dairy barn chicken houses, etc.; fenced with woven wire; good roads ; very tine soli, ad ft Died to fruit. Clo ver or any staple crops ; One Druns land : will exchange for smal). well -Improved place or wheat land. Dairy. Stock snd Fruit Farm. 22-1 $10.000 acres In Skamania county, Washington : all fenced with cedar posts and 5 wires; 45 acres In cultivation, 50 acres more suitable for cultivation; rich, deep shot land; creek runs through place; water piped to house and barn; over 30OO feet of water pipe used on place; good family orchard. 7-room house, practically new barn 48x 62 feet, another barn 60x80 feet; k mile to school, 3 miles from town and railroad: will ex change for Income or residence property In Portland or Van couver up to $ 4 000. Country Home. 4-16 $10,000 20 acres, short distance from Canoy; place Is well improved; good 8-room house, barn, chick en house, drilled well, elevated tank, gas engine to pump with, electric lights; a dandy place ; rtll exchange for a good resi dence In Portland. Dairy Farm. 8-20 $ C.500- 152 acres short distance from Cottage Grove i abou t 60 acres under cultivation, 25 acres of creek bottom land, balance hill laud; smal! 5-room house, large barn, family orchard, fine stream of water, lots of timber and pasture: all fenced and on good automobile road: will exchange for residence up to $2000 in Eu gene. Albany. Salem or Lebanon or acreage around ' Lebanon. Stock Ranch. 9-1 $ 5.00O 320 acres. 50 In cultivation, bal ance pasture and some timber, about 600.000 feet of fir; 4 room house, small barn and other outbuildings, good springs, tine bunch grass pasture, ad loinlnar 11 tow nshins forest re serve; ranch Is located 5 miles from Male. Ferry county. Wash ington, on main county road: will exchange for smaller farm in Willamette valley. Stock Ranch. 10-1 $ 5.000 159' acres In Sandy river val ley : new bungalow, new barn about 8 acres cleared. 10 to 12 acres slashed, about 100 acres on Sandy river bottom that can easily be Irrigated; located Just across the Sandy river from Mount Hood Loop highway, H mile from store; very desirable for someone Interested in stock; abundance of outrange; will exchange for Portland or Gresh am residence up to $3000. Acreage. 15-11 fs.00f 8 acres, short distance from Oregon City, all In cultivation; lots of berries, family orchard, 0-roonr plastered house with brick foundation, barn 30x40; 3 blocks from school ; will ex change f or house In Portland up to $2500. Berry Land. 13-12 $ 4.200 15 acres short distance from Hillsboro. Oregon . about 12 acres under cultivation, balance pasture ; good 4-room house, good woodshed and bam, well and spring water, family or chard and lots of berries; lo cated on rock road ; will ex change for larger farm. Acreage. 14-2S $ 3,000 5 seres Just outside city limits of McMlnnvllle; all kinds of fruits and berries: fair 4 -room house and small barn, chicken house; a dandy little place, adapted to berries and chickens; will exchange for small home in Portland at about $2000. Residence. 18-7 $ 2.500 Residence In town of Dallas. Polk county : 2-story. 9-room modern hkise and In good shape; 2 ots. aOVxli leet. witn res dence on corner: fruit trees and shade trees: will exchange for good property up to full amount. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 514-519 SWETLAND BLDG. MAR. 3989. PRUNE ORCHARD TO TRADE FOR PORTLAND HOME. :13 SOreS near Sprlngwater, Clackamas county, all under cultivation, 8 acres In prunes that will pay 10 per cent on the purchase price, family orchard, 6-room new I 4 -story house, not finished ; barn and out build ins s. place all under fene most of which Is hog tight; $60O or $700 worth of personal property, everything for $SOOO; will take good house to $5000 ana give gooa time on oaiance. STEWART A BUCK, 315 Northwestern BankBlda. ALBERTA FARM TO TRADE. WANT good building lot or suburban property for imi acres or Edmonton Alberta, improved; a stock and mixed farming proposition; closs to good town and school; price $2400: my equity la $1600. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY, S27 Chamber of Commerce. PHR EXCHANGE. 3-room bungalow. 1 year old : Dutch kitchen, nice electric fixtures, hath and nlumblncr: first-class nartv rninr nurnr will take vacant lot or good car up to uu: equity in nouse xx4(: price $ir00. WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO., 85 Fourth st. WILL TRADE AND ASSTTkfE. An 8-room modern house, fine cemen t basement, two sets of numbing, electrl lights, gas ; a mighty well-built house lot W)xl(H; near overlook addition; prlc ..ik. ciear; win traae tnis ror house l better district and assume; This will stann a loan of i..M. T 4n, Oregonlan 160 ACRES. SHERWOOD. 8, acres under cultivation. Good set of farm buildings; 5 seres of walnuts: family orchard. Cash price. $25,OO0. Ex change for city property. C. M. DOLLARHIDE. - S 07-8-0 Lewis Bldg. TRADES! OH! BOY ! We have the best lot of trades in city, farms, houses, store buildings, businesses of all kinds to trade. See us. Main 8245. NORD HAMPTON CO. Third and Yamhill. 401 Stock Exch NEAR 70TH AND DIVISION. 6 acres highly Improved; ;) in berries; fine bungalow, on car line; hard surface street to city. Cash price. $25,000. Clear. Exchange for a farm. C M. DOLLARHIDE. 807-6-9 Lewis Bldg. TO EXCHANGE 40 acres Rood level land, ' some timber, some cleared, bldgs. and well, on county road near Elgin; clear 9fi Pr'? ior srpcery store to ( 80 ACRES near Betacada, 6-room house. 1 acre clear; Price $3000. Will exchange for house equity or vacant lot. E. J. Oelser. 417 chamber of Commerce. HAVE 40 acres land In Tillamook, value about $1000. will trade for a Ford In good condition with delivery body. Tabor 591a, TO KXCHANGI TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. 827 Chamber of Commerce. I Have a $3000 5-room modern bungalow with fireplace; good district, with ce- t ment walks and curb; 2 blocks to car; to exchange for an exceptionally nice bungalow home in Rose City Park, and win pay cash difference. Have a very nice 7-room home on large lot in Sellwood; 3 bedrooms, sleep ing porch, full basement, laundry trays, etc.. all the fruit you need, garage and cnicaen nouse. a aanuy nome ior a i large family, and you will not be crowd- I ea. win exchange this for a small farm at $40OO and pay the difference in cash, or assume a mortgage. Have a business man's suburban home, 5-room bungalow, full modern, light at rh ,-itv timit. ..'n navri hirh'wuv One of the most beautiful spots to be found. SttS. halJ an ttCt of !atlV RSI" 85S ! chicken house. The price is $5000 clear j in a good district and assume or pay the difference. These are all first-class and worthy of your time Write, or call at our office. properties, to inspect- We want more small tracts and farms well located, for which we have sev eral choice city properties to exch&uge. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY, Suburban Home SpeclalisL 827 Chamber of Commerce. 70 ACRES, all fftiest bf deep rich soil. Tree from rock ana gravel ; lies nice , can all he plowed with tractor; living creek through It, small orchard, fair buildings, well fenced; 150 acres in cult., balance essilv cleared: located on main paved highway, only two miles from R. I xv. station, less than iz miles irom gooa county seat, -valley town; will be priced very low and might take some trade, balance easy terms; if you want a good farm, well located. Investigate this one 40 acres, about 15 in cult., some good timber, balance easily cleared; all best of soli, free from rock snd gravel; only 18 miles out Columbia highway : IT""", easy terms, and might take some trade; lotH of others all sixes, locations and prices. TALLMADGE REALTY CO.. 019 Henry Bldg. . WONDERFUL STOCK PROPOSITION CAN GET ALL SHEE0P AND GOATS NEEDED ON SHARES. 880 ACRES IDEAL LOCATION. 45 MILES FROM PORTLAND. Fine soil, lies rolling, plenty of cultl vatlon for all feed needs, fine feed and unlimited outrange, modern building electric lights, etc., good auto road school, telephone, neighbors, fine wateY good fishing, lots of fruit, wire fences; near boat and railroad ; price $40,000; incumbrance $10,000. 1 am not in a po sltion to handle this; will trade and as sume. What have you? V b49, Orego nlan. $2000 CASH AND $3500 HOUSE FOR BETTER ONE. I want a house for $5500; will pay $2i too in cash and give clear house on East 8th st. worth $8500 for one that will suit me; must have at least 6 rooms and sleeping porch, not very far out and in good district; will not go over $5500; not particular about possession for two months yet. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St. Broadway 4381. 7 ACRES of good land almost Joining the city limits, will m.proveu with good -room house and other buildings, nice orchard, some berries, all cleared anil fenced, wired for lights, will take a good property up to $4000 as part payment, but must have quick action; full price of this la $7500. STEWART A BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FRUIT RANCH FOR TRADE. I have a dandy fruit ranch of 185 acres, 130 acres in apples and pears, 7 years old; well located; fine hard road ; fair buildings; this is a snaj at $75.000 ; am not In a position to handle It and will make a price of $50,000; incumbrance $13,500; will trade and assume. What have you? I would like a sawmill. AL 80. Oregonian. 120 ACRES, WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 65 acres under cultivation ; family or chard, set of farm buildings, stock, crop and equipment go with the farm. Cash price $10,000; mortgage $3500. ExchanRO for Portland property, close-in acreage, or any good city propertv. C. M. DOLLARHIDE. 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. Tu EXCHANOB For a business proper ty, a well Improved 5-acre tract Just outside city limits of Portland, 8 miles from First and Alder car line; a good deal for a good location; small country town or suburb of Portland preferred. Dan McDade, Lents, Or. R. 3, box 126. GOING stock ranch of 1350 acres. $12.0Oi wort h of stock, sheep, goats, cattle, horses, hogs and poultry: located In Willamette valley, near highway and R. R. ; $57,000. cash to amount of stock, ha!, good Income property. , G. L. Res, 10031 Fourth st. WEST SIDE INCOME. A-l 7-flat building near public library, showing good Income. Cash price, $35. ouo; mortgage $lo,ooj. Exchange for a farm. C. M. DOLLARHIDE. 807-8-V Lewis Bldg. FOR SALE, or trade for Oregon land, 54 acres oi iana Murray t;ity, itah, with a brick houses, electric lighted ; land has fui! water right. What have you? Sid ney A. Cram. Rt. 5, box 160, Murray, Utah. M0 ACHES In sou; hern Missouri for sale. or exchange for Improved or unimproved property in or near Portland: will ex change this tract clear of Incumbrance anil assume 0C1 desirable property. Own- ? ; ; North western Bank bldg. 9-ROOM, all modern fine home. Los An geles, value iMMio mortgage $27O0, to exchange fur Portland desirable small home for equity: might take good land If clear. Owners only. Edw. Foumler, 184 16th at. HAVE beautiful west side view lot to exchange for acreage close to Portland . not particular about improvements ; might assume or psy cash difference. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BRICK APARTMENT FOR TRADE East side corner, well located, slway rented, furnished, r'ys good income u price asked of $40,000, mortgage $14,000. will trade for clear jiropmrtj, what nave you? P 810, Orsgonlan. CALIFORNIA. 46 acre. .Washington nav els, iv yrs. oin.; dioks. horses, cow, im plements. Price $50,000. Exchange for Oregon or vicinity. Send details. Own er, H. B. Goodman, Investment bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. ATTENTION SPOKANE! I have 3 splen ain tots on Aioins ave., fortiann. to ex change For modern 3 to 7-room residence Spokane, Wash. Will pay cash differ ence in value. Address P. O. Box 1702 Spokane. TRADE for small farm or unimproved I on two railroads: 2-story, lot 50x140. ronted ; value $7000. mtg. $2000. Oregonlan. A s;.. VANCOUVER business property for house In Portland: will assume. 5-room mod ern house In Vancouver for Portland : will assume. Address 104 Wash. st. Vancouver, Wash. IS YOUR MORTGAGE FORECLOSED .' If your mortgage has been foreclosed, don't lose your poperty; will give you s good trade for your equity. V 350. Oregonlan. 10O ACRES adjoining city of Roseburg. all tillable and mostly ready for cult. now; $100 per acre and might exchange for Portland Income. Tallmadg Realty Co.. 619 Henry building. 3 Mi ACRES good berry land, good 8-room house, well: 10 minutes' walk to car. for house and lot, value $2000. 4606 62d at. a jc. FORD, small rooming house, Beaumont lot. $1250 equity In $2500 7-room house; want improved scresge or large room ing house. Richard. Main 7600. WILL TRADE FOR HOUSE EQUITY fine 10 acres of land near Vancouver; no im provement light brush, price $20O0. mortgage 1500; will trade for house and assume or pay cash. T 25, Oregonlan. 6.000. 000 FEET timber snd 160 acres Tarn hill county to exchange for unimproved land suitable for cultivation. Owner 122 U. S. Bank bidg. $19041 EQUITY 1r. good 7-room house. 1671 E. Morrison. Want auto pr smsller house. Lot on 25th and Savler $3500. What have you ? Woodlawn 6260. EXCHANGE 10 acres O. E. R. near Port l.ind for house In Los Anselee or scre age near. N. Roberts. 11:13' E. 13th. city. FOR exchange ISO acres Jefferson coun ty, Oregon, wheat land for So. Cal. property. Address O. A. Pearce. Redon do He-h. Cal. 820 ACRES, Lake county. Or. Fenced, house, barn, well, level, deep soil ; mtg. $1000; will trade equity for good auto, some cash. 347 East 41st st., Portland. - SECTION wheat land at Lethbrtdee. : Alberta, to for Portland propertv. Ralph Harris Company. 927 Chamber of I Commerce. t Granzeville. Idaho, for rood business or small farm. H. Sparher. gen. del. TRADE car for clear lot in good location. G 749. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. TO TRADE Planer and matcher. 24x6; will traae ior mape or uprnre ooits. Gates Basket A Veneer Co.. 1436 Mac- adam Rd. WHAT have Kaet 5693. you got for good xnaraT TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. : MY GENUINE Alaska seal cap. worth worn only a few times; sixe either ijk I. or 7 hi. Will consider good automatic pistol in deal. BJ 264. Oregonian. ? -our ol ruX rt"L 1-." " tV and aav money. Ls France rur mik- Co.. 163 W. Park. 160 ACRES timber land in Clark county, Washington. What have you? AK 867, Oregonlan. WILL trade bicycle for man's suit or over coat, or what have you? BC 96. Orego- ninn. EXCHANGE carpenter work. painting, tinting, for rug. dining table, linoleum. AR 16. Oregonlan. CHOICE CHRISTMAS TREES delivered, 75c to $1.50. Call East 850. S Grand ave. North. WILL TRADE diamond r lnr for phono- grsph with records. AV 15. Oregonlsn. EXCHANGE two lots in Klamath Falls diamond or Victrola. East 6031. for KE W PIE dolls, all dressed; will trade; what have you to trade? Marshall4549. CUPID dolls all dressed ;wlll trade. Wha.1 hive you to trade? Marshall 4549. 12 -GAUGE Marlln pump gun, $20; hae you? 1372 Macadam st. or what CARPENTER work in exchange for den tist work. AR 17, Oregonlan. - FOB SALB. Hor Vehicle Livestock. AUCTION SALE OF The Thistle dairy. Sat.. Dec. 27. 1 P. M.. H2d st., 3 blocks south Kendall station. Gresham or Estacada car. 9 cows. 1 yearling Holsteln bull, tuberculin tested; 1 sow. i pigs. - wash tanks and turbine, 2 milk separators, 1 9-valve bottle filler, milk wagon, 1 wood range. 1 boiler, some milk cans, farm Implements. 1 H -h. p. Fairbanks gas engine. Frank McClel land, auctioneer. GOATS At stud. Wasatch, No. 5298. pure bred Toggenoerg buck, naturally horn less, young, vigorous, conformation and markings perfect; extra heavy milk strain ; best imported blood : service fee, S10. For sale: Choice Toggenbcrg buck, hornless, large and perfect, not regis tered; also few choice grsde does; fresh en February and March. Stamp for reply. L. G. Biederstadt. -l Union St.. Ashland. Or., breeder of Swiss milch goats. PUBLIC "AUCTION SALE. Dec. 2U. 1919. at 10 A. M., mils south Multnomah station, Capitol high way. at J. Denley's place: 50 high-grade Holstein cows, 25 fresh, 8 spring, 14 heifers, 1 to 2 pure bred Holstein bulla; farm implements, 3 horea. gas engine, feed cutter, root cutter. Owner, H. Schafer. FOR SALE. 10 head of first-class horses and mares from 4 to 6 years old, weight 140O to 1800 pounds, some welt-matched teams, one Hht wide-tire Mitchell wagon, har ness, ail guaranteed as represented. Trial allowed. Sanitary Stables, 365 Union ave., corner of Stevens at. L. Glass. SIX cowf, some fresh and some coming ; fresh, some are very heavy milkers; must be sold at once, $60 and up. also a good team of 4-year-old Percheron mares. I weight 2500. unbrowen and well made; I price $275. Woodstock car to 32d. four j ell valley road. SIX cows, some fresh and some coming fresh ; some are very heavy milkers; must be sold at once. $0O and up; also a good team of 4-year-old Percheron mares, weight 25oo. well broke and well made ; price $275. Woodstock car to 32d. four blocks north and two east. No. 990 Pow ell Valley road. YOUR choice of two good young teams, one weighs 2200 and one 2500 ; 2 single horses, weight over 1350 each; harness and wagon, for sale cheap: also a good family cow and t hree Pigs. Woodstock car to 32d at. 4 blocks north and two east. No. 990 Powell valley road. 0 HEAD of fresh cows and H heavy spring ers ; these cows have Just been shipped In and must be sold at once, as feed Is too high to hold; they consist of bur hams. Holsteins and Jerseys. G. K Howitt. Portland Union Stock Yards barn. Will deliver to any part of city. 1'KAM of mares, weight 2600 lbs., and team, weight 2T.00 lbs. Good harness and wagons to go with them. Will sell very reasonable as I have no further use for them. Woodstock car to 34th st., 3 blocks south to 104O Schiller st. 6 GOOD young milch cows, 1 calf. 3 good teams of work horses, sow and 2 pigs, scraper plow, harness and wagon, 2 seated rubber-tired buggy; leaving city, will sell cheap. Woodstock car to Pow ell st.t 2 blocks east to 896. O. T. STABLES. 25 horses and mares, some well matched teams ; every horse sold with s guarantee as represented. O. D. WILLIAMSON. FOR SALE One large yellow Jersey, verv rich milk and lots of It; can be seen at East 9th and Hawthorne. Inquire at wood yard. 481. Phone East 6106. TKAM ir trade for s Ford car. or sel cheap for cash: weight 2600, 8 years old. I fat and lots of life. Carl McGraw. Route 1 A. box 441. Portland. WE BUY and sell cattle, shee and goats! I See us If you want to buy or sell. Camp- 1 bell-Phelan Land A Cattle Co.. 302 Couch bldg. I FOR SALE 2 full blooded fresh Jerscv ' cows, 3 registered Hoistetn cows, fresh: cash. 491 Flint st.. corner Flint and I I'agf. SEVERAL fresh and coming fresh Jer seys. Durhams and Guernseys. Take beef cows in exchange. 751 East Ash. OWNKR must sell heavy team, wagon and harness, big sacrifice. Apply Sunduy. 1 460 Mississippi. "X TEAM, well broke; state weight, .ice and price for cash. Address W. F. Mc Cloud. Hotel Hood, Portland, Or. I HAVE for sale or rent several good teams of work horses, from 1300 to 1600 pounds. Call Tabor 6S75. GENTLE, 8-year-old buggy horse, can be used with saddle: also buggy and ' M. menu. i'lnAp. 3 W. Prescott st. SOW and 3 pigs. 16 weeks old. for sale reasonable. Mrs. Rutherford. E. 52d st. gaj 74th ave.. end of Errol Heights car. FOR SALE Milch goat and B mo a. old kid. or trade for rshhita. Karl H. As musscn. Woodland, Wash. OX TEAM, well broke; urate W Sight, ace snd irlce for cash. Address W. F. Mc Cloud. Hotel Hood. Portland. Or. 7 FRESH cows, sell or tradeforbeef cat tle. Take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd. station, go 1 block north. FOR SAl.B Nearly new wagon, used but ! a short time. Baker A Kinney, 701 Wash-' lngton St., Vancouver, Wash. GOOD heavy horse, hnrness and wagon ; very cheap. 632 E. 24th St . Woodstock car. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cnsh paid for dead cows and crfppled horses. Phone Mllwuukle 60 J for results. I TWO ffood ranch teams cheap with ness; weight 2200 and 2500. 5624 S6th Tabor 0034. DEAD horses, animals hauled away. free. Portland Rendering Co. Woodlawn 20. DEAD horses taken quickly, dead cows. Tabor 4203 Cash for DR. M. 6.'. 06 HOWES, veterinarian. 3-YEAR-OLD gelding, saddle and bridle; must go. ApPy lOO Mississippi. YOUNG, fresh J ersey cow and calf for sale. Phone Csk Grove 1 M. FRESH cow giving 4 - gmh cheap. Smith, phone 20-J.. Mllwaukle. Or. MILK goats for Washington. sale. P4 E. 78th St.. cor. TOITNG pigs for sale. Call Wdln 760 PI ii not. Orarnn and Miwlou' I nt ro n m t . USED nhonograph In good shape and 6 records for sale for $17.50. Cad Sun day or evenings. Ill K 75th st. N. COLUMBIA phonograph, record cabinet and records. A bargain. Call Marshall l2ff. FISilER walnut esse and some real piano, good as new. Bargain. Seiberling-Lucax Music Co.. 125 4th st. Good nlano: nav caxh If roa. Call Main 3804 Monday. WANTED Player piano, mahogany case; good make; pay o.ish. East 7811. COLUMBIA, u?e"d talking machlne7$32.5b model. $20. Soule Bros.. 166 10th st. FOR SALE Violin. 101 S. CrVwford St.. St. Johns. Call Sunday. 1 PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS HAROLD SGILBERT. 384 Yamhill st PLAYER rolls you are tired of exchanged. 10c per roll. Harold Gilbert. 384 Yamhill. NE ItL v new M40 oak VK trola. C albums. 5 records. $105. Main 7600 FO R 8 A LE Hal f -slxe Ruell after 5 P. M. violin. Call 87 a GRAFONOLA with records for rent. Em oire T-ans'er. 254 Hroadw iy. Bdwy. 155. FINE violin and leather case, like new ; $50; cot i $a". ao.- r-. si. KOEHLER A CAMPBELL oak cms at snap. Seiberllng-Lucas Co.. 125 4th r VIOLIN outfit, llki nw, stLnr. model. Williams. Woodlawn 2714. PIANO In fine condition, mahogany fin lst $10O. Tabor 3922 after 10 A. M. $175 GOLDEN oak Edison diamond disc, like new sacrifice at $130. 328 Main st. HKUNSWICK, large mahogany cabinet; no neaiCrs. Main Ml - I COLUMBIA phonograph, used 2 months; -Including rsoords. Call Bdwy. 1H1. i A NEW I cash. SMS Vfrf rols. 18 Marshall 5523. records, $82.50 FOB SALE. Pianos. Organs and Muslcsd Insxrqnsssama. AWAKEN THE FAMILY CHRISTMAS MORNING With the Joyful Music of a Phono graph. Which Will You Have? Waxed Oak. Fumed Oak. Mahogany. No. 1 Brunswick with Seven Donble Faced Records f4 selections). 3105.95. $10 cash. 32 week No interest. No. 2 Brunswick with 8 Double-Faced Records (16 selections). 3141.80. $15 cash. $2 week. No Interest. i No. 3 Brunswick with 10 Double-Faced Reccrds (20 selections). $193.50. $20 cash. $3 week. No Interest. Columbia Horn Style Phonograph $5.00. Columbia Table Style Phonograph in Ma hogany $60.00. Unola Ca lnet Phonograph $59.00. Lyric Table Phonograph $17.50. . Terms on any of these last four meatloned to fit your requirements. EDWARDS CO.. 5th and Oak. A Good Place to Trade. BARGAINS SAVE MONEY IN ALL KINDS OF VICTROI.AS. GRAFANOLAS. EDISON DIAMOND DISC MACHINES ORGANS. PIANOS. BRASS AND STRING INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT, SOLD. RENTED AND EX CHANGED NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 128 1st St. Main 4495. Tabor 679. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT Small upright pianos, $A5 and $75 cash. Parlor orcans. S1K. 125. I2S. 135. $55 i.arg- uprtgnt pianos. i-wo, $475 new stored nnncht nlH.n.:. $2'.H $750 modern player piano and bench. $435 Pianos stored for 50c monthly. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. 109 4th st.. at Washington st. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. Come in and let us show you some of the splendid buys we have on hand ; easy terms and every machine guaran teed. ' VERN L. WENGER, The Talking Machine Man. Record Exchange. Columbia Records, Columbia Grafonolas. 14. -v 2d St. (upstairs), near Alder St. PIANO BARGAIN. $100 and up: It will pay you to see our piano bargains. Hardman, Fisher, Vic toria, Koehler A Campbell, and many others In stock. Our one-year exchange proposition guarantees them. SKI HER LI NG -LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st.. bet. Wash, and Alder st. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE IN DECEMBER. $75 Vllctrola and records (used ....$ 35 $250 Swlck A Co. (good upright).. 13S $400 Vose A Sons (fine condition).. 2SS Best piano repair shop In Portland. HAROIJ3 GILBERT. 384 YamhllL BEAUTIFUL new table type period de sign Stradivara phonograph; plays all records; Circassian walnut finish with all visible nsetal pnrts gold plated; would make a handsome gift in any home. Woodlawn 56U3. VOCALION ORGAN. 2 manual, foot-base pedals, foot lever with electric motor. Just right for church or moving picture house. Terms given, some snap. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co . 125 4th t. OUT-OF-TOWN phonograph owners will find our mail order service excellent; we prepay all shipments. Records. Parts. Phonographs. Vera L. Wengcr. 142 2d St. REDUCED Christmas terms: $12.50 cash, 312.30 next nay day . $10 month, af ter January. 1920. buvs new upricht. im proved, up-to-date Dlanos at tns SCHWA X PIANO CO. Ill Fourth st WANT CHENEY PHONOGRAPH. Would like to exchange eqult- in nearly new Llndemsn 88-note modern player piano for Cheney phonograph up to $350. 1063 B. Salmon st. PLAYER PIANO. MUSIC ROLI-S. Sent out of town on approval: get our proposition. Complete line of late rolls carried. Selberl In g-Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th st. THADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records; our propositions will ples you Selber-ling-Lucas Music Cn.. 123 4th st. Main 85rt Hl'SH A LANS Victor piano, mahorfany finish, late model; first-elass instrument; would make a wonderful Christmas gift; cost $530. will sacrifice for half price. 10S8 Vernon ave. Woodlawn 3786. EDI S N dtamoml d Isc. la ' -nx m ve. $175 model, with fixture and Colombia a tachment and records; almost brand new: only $125. Cal! 312 Worqrster bldg. Monday. PIANO BARGAIN. Fine Stelnwav nlano. f irst -clsss con dit ion. like new j will sncrlflce $250 for cMxh. This is not a dealers adv. rtis ment. Call at Tl E. 28th. near Stark. MAHOGANY nlano nlaver In excellent con dltton. with 123 rolls classic and popu lar music. cost $230. will sell for $50; a very desirable Christmas gift. Main 6HS0. itfCAlTI FtL larce mahoeany cabinet phonograph, only used two months, like new. i.nd records, worth over $200. cal! t once. 3135. 360 E. Madison St. HARDMAN" cabinet grand upright in the of condition, almost nair price terms. Seiberllng-Lucaj Music Co.. 123 4th street ' r ; : rrr FOR SALE Brand new player plsno with rolln and bench, been ued Just 1 month cost $05O. will gall for $712. on easy pay ments. Call Bdwy. 2723. I HAVE to sacrifice mv beautiful mahec- anv Pa the large -size grafonola and re ords on account going away. 450 E 11th st. S. MOi:EL ELEVEN Victrola, mahogany fin Istr? excellent condition: $10O, compIet with recorda Mrs. Brown, 742 Multno "iaJ? l1; . FORCED to sel' my beautiful, brand new high irran. X45i piano; nen in use three months; will sacrifice $100; will give terms Tanor Hoo. $800 BR INKER HOFF player piano, looks like new, usea less man one year, in eluding 2 dos. rolls, $600; terms If de sired. East 5465. PHONOGRAPH for sals, part payment taken In printing, typewriter or other merchandise. Box 2084. Xmas oppor tunity. SMALL upright mnhognny piano. $175 fine condition Columbia graphs phpne and 25 records. $o. Private party. Sell wood 255S. PIANO WANTED Highest cash paid for used pfsnos and pis ver-pianos: get our pricea. eineriing. Lucas Piano Co.. 125 4th St. Main 8586 $100 TO $15C CASH PAID Tor upright pianos. Phone Main security stor ate to., or m . i n Incton sL music' Selling out violins. 1 bass rilo drums and other musical instru ments. 24SS 1ft L Phone Main 871 is nnOANt Victrola XI. with records porfet condition, for two Liberty bonds. M- in 4548 NEW fumed oak cabinet Victrola and rec arraa. cnut ixsm sen tor si wo oaan. NEWMAN EXCHANGE, 128 1st. M. 4495 ALTO SAXOPHONE. Conn's and ease . good as new. Main 9875. room 3. Call evening. . O. CONN comet, gold hell, everythin complete; cneap ir taaen at once. Washington st. Marshall 4549. $I0O MODEL Columbia talking machine slightly used, only $75. Soule Bros.. 160 lOth st.. near Morrison. FOR SALE Valuable o'.d flddls cellos, basses; fine repairing. Fiddle Co.. Boardman. Or. ft. violas Cremona FOR SALE $125 Grafonola with about tecoras io- sitm casn ir taken at once. fan weiiwcou mi. NEW steel guitar and case, bargain, aui , able for Christmas prt-sent. 766 Eas Main. $70 MODEL Victor talking machine slightly usea, only ino. terms. Soul nros,, iw futn st., near Morrison. VVNTf5D -Player piano for 40 acrs Ore gon -valley unimproved Isnd. BD 802 oregonian. I SWELL player piano, with music, cheap. 283 Larrabee. Phone East MM. WILL Bty'o PAY CASH for Tabor 1741. victrola. cablne PIANO Ludwlg player. mahoKsny. rolls; a great barcara, Marshall 1543. FOR SALE. llano. Organs and Musical Instruments. THESE USED BUT GUARANTEED AS GOOD AS NEW PHONOGRAPHS ARB ESPECIALLY PRICED VERY LOW TO MOVE IMMEDIATELY. Edison Diamond Disc, regular $175. Now 3125.00. Edison Diamond Disc, regular 3120. mogrsph, regular $125. Nc St null vara, regular $175. Now $125. Columbia, golden oak. regular 3140. Now 3110.00. We have two other goon bargains, on regular $350. now $275. and the other regular $100. now $75. WE WTT.L GIVE UNUSUALLY LOW TERMS ON ANY OF THESE INSTRU MENTS IF PURCHASED AT ONCE. HERE'S A CHANCE TO GET THAT XMAS PHONOGRAPH. We do as we advertise. Bring thts ad with you. BUSH A LANE PIANO CO.. Bnsh & Lune Bidg. Bdw. at Aider. C. G. CONN cornet, gold bell; everything complete; cheap If taken at once. 585 ush. et. Marshall 4549 FOR SALE Mahogany upright piano. $250, $150 cash, rest on terms. Write 7 '.hi 7 58th ave. S. E. FOR SALE Piano, In good condition; leaving for California. Call ftTTV Cherry street. Phone East 2257. WANTED Snnhnnp r Tn.iT . mditlon. chean for rash Phone auto- matic 315-33. BRUNSWICK, Victrola for sale, cabinet style. No. 7. mahogany finish; cost $100 new ; sale price $85. AO 09. Oregonian. WANTED Grafonola. also chiffonier: must be A-l condition; no agents. Call or " rite 017 Albina ave. PHI ATE party has nearly new piano for quick cash sale at $260. It's a snap. M.iin T70.". Sunday or evenings. CASH PAID FOR USED RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPHS. NEWMAN EXCHANGE. 128 1st. M. 4495 N F. W Hardman grand piano for sale; owner left cl y. Call Mara 13. MAHOGANY victrola as good as new, with records. Phone Marshall 2340. Furniture for Hale, SELECT TOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS FROM THESE GREAT SPECIALS. Solid mahogany curio case with large French plate mirror and of very grace ful design. Worth $45; special Christ inas price, $25. LADIES WRITING DESKS. Two extremely handsome ladles desks In Queen Anne design, one in genuine mahogany, the other real Circassian wal nut, worth $50 each; your choice $35. A large commodious lady's desk In wax oak ; a senidble, convenient desk re duced way down to $24.75. Solid oak early English lady's desk, quality and finish the very best, and only $21.75. MUSIC CABINETS. A very at tractive music cak'fhiet of quarter-sawed oak reduced to 992.50. A dainty music cabinet in genuine crotch mahogany; a wonderful buy at $18. Another music cabinet In mahogany finish for only $12.75. LIBRARY TABLES. Early English library table of solid quarter-sawed oak: It is unusually mas sive, the top measures 31x55 Inches; magazine racks at both sides and threa large drawers. This Is a 100 per cent bargain at $55. Another solid oak library table, wax finish, with magazine racks and 30x48- inch 'top. priced at only $35. 22x45-lnch fumed oak library table, mission design, cut to $10.75. Another fumed oak library table, 24x 36-inch top, for $14.75. ELECTRIC LAMPS. One fine piano floor lamp, with ma hogany finished pedestal, colonial design, and a very pretty shade: it would cost you $50 up town; our price only $32.50. A bronxe table lamp of beautiful, ar tistic design, with shade of handsomely colored art glas ; regular $24.75 value, reduced to $18.75. Another bronxe lamp reduced from $22.75 to $16.75. Also a table lamp with mahogany ped estal and rot-e-colored Cheney silk shade. This lamp has been used, but Is a great bargain at 13.73. MORRIS CHAIRS. A fireside Morris chatr. built to last a lifetime and just right for comfort; the frame in olid oak and the cushions the very best of genuine leather and priced at about half its value, $27.50. Another fine Morris chair, with mas sive solid oak frame and brown chase leather upholstering, reduced to $24.75; also a solid oak Morris chair with black Imitation leather cushions for only $15.75, BOOKCASES. Double combination bookcase, large book section on each side of writing section, three drawers and large French piate mirror. Xt'sj a thing of beauty as well as quality and very cheap at $45. Another combination bookcase worth $57.50. reduced to $41.50. Sectional bookcase of quarter-sawed oak, four book sections, one with leaded flaK, crown and base; $50 value, for 37.50. Another with 8 sections, crown and base, reduced to $31.50. Also a bookcase with 2 gl ass doors. pneeu hi onjy TOTS! TOYS! For the kiddies we have Kiddle Kara Sammle cars, tricycles, tables, cha'rs and rockers, writing desks, blackboards. doll beds and doll cribs and you'll find we can make your dollar do almost the work of two. Make us a call. We guarantee our price the lowest, our treatment cour teous and terms, when desired the easiest. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 First Street. VERY SPECIAL STAND LAMP STICKS gracefully turned, mahogany finish sticks and 2 lamp sockets, usuallv sold at $16 50; only a few for $9.75 each GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY THE BIG STORE. All under 1 roof. No branch stores. 185 FIRST STREET. Remember. 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. WE ARB going to California and will sell f o- $200 two complete housekeeping out fits Including good range. Ivory' bedroom set. ivory breakfast table snd chairs, oak dining tsble. etc., all located In build ing suitable for 2 families: house can be rented If desired ; gas, bath, electricity, double srarage. Phone Tabor 969. 6020 -er Read. DETROIT Jewel gas range, left-hand Oven. white enam.l. r.rlt lighter. In perfect condition; very reasonable; other house hold soods. 943 Albina ave.. bet. 10 A. M. and 4 P. M ONE Round Oak dining table. 4 leather seat dining chairs, vacuum cleansY, good as ucw ; reasonable. Phone Main 1585. T7--.S 14th st. HEAVY mahogany colonial dining-room set and music cabinet; will sacrlfloa. r.fin E 15th st. N. FOR SALE Dresser, coal or wood range, coal heater, Japanese table, chairs. 798 Commercial. ( mKING stove with tank and coll: li brary lamp. Just same as new. East 2075, ro R sale--Child's writing desk, cheap. 1