r . 10 THE SUNDAY OREGON! AN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 21. 1919. V-.t KKAI, KNTATE. Suburban Mumeh, ONLY $1600 and what's the matter with thi7 un the Base Line road, the paveu highway, the main artery extending IMi from the business center of the city. Only about 7 miles from the business center. Here you have two big acres of land fronting on the Base Line paved , highway. This land is all level and In cultivation, a beautiful site for a subur ban borne. Only 3 blocks from the elec tric curtlne. With the land goes city water Bull Run . . the main extending along the entire front. Have you ever beard of anything like this before on the paved highway with so much land and all of the city conveniences for the ' price? $1000 caah you must have. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only 91200: this will surprise you. you ! go to It over the Terwilllger boulevard j and Capital highway, close to another boulevard, close to city school and sta tion with Cc car fare. Here is a very ( comfortable 3-room bungalow, rooms large. In the bungalow such convenien ces as city water, gas. etc. With the bungalow for the price goes almost one- half acre of land with more fruit in full -bearing than can be found anywhere else j on the same size lot. Thl is In a good district where property values increase j and this place Is offered away under ' Its true value. Come around with $500 j casn and secure thin place. M. J. CLU- j HESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only S3O00 buys all of thlt and Its lo- ; cation warrants a very much higher price. Here is one acre of land very Well Improved, an assortment of Small lruit sufficient for half dozen families. : With the land we throw In at the price ! a good, practically new, very substantially-built, 7-rooni house with nice ; porches, fireplace brlek chimney from the ground up. This place haa all of the city convenience such as city water. : Cs, etc., there is a barn, chicken house , and other necessary things. It Is only 17 minutes' ride on the car line from the business center. It Is close to two car lines and station with 0c fare. loto cash - la all you need. M. J. CLOHESSY, AB- I INCTON BLDG. Only S10OO. Well! Well! Here Is some- thing for the price that beats anything you nave heard of. A big one-half acre of land with all kinds of fruit in bearing. With this half acre goes at the same j price a good .'.-room very substantially built plastered house; in the house is -bath, running water, gas. etc. There Is I also a chicken bouse on the place. This j property Is close enough to a car line with good car service ; S."iuo cash will ' handle it. M J. CLOHESSY. ABIXG TON BLDG. Only $050; thfs Is in the right dl- 1 rectlon, practically on the Capital high way, away this side of Multnomah, on ! the west side, one big acre of land nil j In cultivation, only 3 blocks rrom a car line and station with 6c car fare. This place can have all of the city conven iences and It's cheap enmigh for $2lsV. all right, we don't want $2000. take the whole thing for $1)30. It will require half cash. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABIXG TON BLDG. How would you like to have this OS , acres of land, close in to Portland, on the : Estacada car line, on good roads leading . from the business center to the place. ! There are 30 acres of it In cultlva- j tlon, the soil is the best. There is a house of (I rooms, large barn and chicken ,,.. . mllW hmiwe and eranarv. The place ; is well Improved, has a family orchard of a variety of well selected fruit in full bearing, everything on the place goes for the price. All of the farm im plements, tools, etc.. as wall is two horii. U rows. .1 dozen chickens, geese. 10 stands of bees. It Is only 3 miles from the car line and station. The price for everything is only $7500. If you have a j house and lot in the city it will be ( tnken In as part of this purchase price. , M. J. CLOHB3SY. ABIXGTON BLDG. On Palatine Hill, the best part of it, on the west side, in the center of the j fine homes In the Riverdale district. -Here are three big acres of Jan.! with no part of the surroundings comparable to It, from a view point of location as beauty spot. You go all the way to the place on a paved highway. You I have every city convenience that all of j the other fine homes in this district I have. The view of the mountains, river , and city is superb in the full meaning of the word. It has such a suburban ; sight Immediately adjoining the city 11m tta as will fill the expectation's of the most critical desiring a home In a high- class district where values will never de- j predate. We throw In with the price of the land a comely 4-room bungalow. I comfortable to live In though unpreten tious. The owner of this property has ; a good reason to sell from the fact that , he Is a. non-rearident and cannot be here to enjoy the delight of living In such . a place, although he is loathe to give It up. He offers it for sale at a great aerifies to his interest. This invest- ' ment means $13,000 to the purchaser . with a cash payment of $5000 down. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTOX,BLDG. On the Oregon City car line, right at th station on Courtney ave., the ilghted : thoroughfare all nighj. long. You go to the gate all the way from the business ! center on a paved highway. No pret- j tier suburb on the Oregon City car line ! than this location. Here are 2 big. bountiful acres of land, no richer soil ; to be found, with a variety of fruit of j the very be.t quality. In full bearing, j There are cement sldt-walki lending from the road and car line to the steps. There la. which goes with tho land, a modern, up-to-date, well-laid -out, 7 -room house, hard finished. In this house you have all the city conx'enlences. There Is a garage and chicken house also. The present owner not being In a position to give the required time for the upkeep of this pretty place, offers It for sale for for the low price of $7000. Any person having a residence in the city in a good district, an exchange of a big part of this purchase price will be considered. Bring in your proposition. If purchased on a cash basis about f .100 cash is all you need. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABIXG TON BLDG. Out on the Sandy boulevard. In the Fosa City Park district, on the car line as well as on the paved highway, which leads to the Columbia highway, are 16 big acres of land, all or it in high state ; of cultivation, with the land goes a '4 room modern house with sleeping porch, i The house has ail of the city conven- j lencee including city water. This place Is a money-maker to the owner or any other person who buys this up-to-date poultry facilities and equipment. It Is ; conspicuous for this reason ntone. but , all who travel on the ha nay nouie vnrd. There is a rapacity for 15(10 chick ens and eggfl at WO crnts a dozen, you know what that means. The price for everything is only $.1ooo. $2000 cash win handle It. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABIXG TON BLDG. Only $2200. and you will have to travel some to bent this. Here is a big acre of land, all of It on the highway, close In to the city; only 4 blocks from the car line and station at Oswego lake way. With the land goes a brand new 4-room modern bungalow, with every city con venience In It. It Is clore enough to school and In a very good district where the land sells readily. All you need Is $000 in cash to takp possession of this home. V . J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON . BLDG. Only $4500 and this property is where you want It. In high-class Riverdale dis trict, close In to the business center of the city, only 4 blocks from the carline and station with a commanding view j of the river and mountain. Xo prettier or better Improved half acre of land J with an abundance of choiceefrult of all t kinds in full bearing. There Is a good j 6-room house and sleeping porch. The , house has all of the city conveniences. I About one-half ensh will handle It. M. j J. CLOHESSY", ABIXGTON BLDG. If you want a riverfront and paved street front suburban home we offer from one to four acres of land, nicely Improved with bungalows of modern construction, with all of the city con veniences, on a car line as well ss fronting on the river. cloe In to the business center. We can suit you an to price, qun Ilty of la nd and location. Call at the office for the 1 "script ion of the many places of this kind of which we have listed. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABIXG TON BLDG. Right at Multnomah, on the west side, on the Capital highway, one block from a city school, one block from the station, your choice of 2 modern brand new, up-to-date, never-before-occupied bungalows with half and on acre of land, nicely Improved In either case. The bungalow of 4 rooms. baement. averythtng In It of the Ineat end most modern. With thin bungalow goes one sera of land, a fine variety of fruit In full bearing and the price only $4200. $2000 cash, the balance at $20 per month. 0 per cent Interest. The other bungalow la the best and finest, nothing could be more up to date In the Mult nomah district. This contains 7 rooms with tfc acre of land. Price only IBftOO, $2000 cash payment down, the balance $25 per month at 6 per cent Interest. Either of these nieces or both are the best Mtys ever offered In the Multnomah district. M. .1. CLOHESSY, ABIXGTON BLDG. AT MAPLEWOOD STATION. 100x100 PRICE $1400. KrxlOO corner; lots of fruit, berries garden : only 2 blocks to station; cent fare; neat little cottars of 3 -ns and store room; $300 cash and r terms. itET.I ABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 5 OAK. ST. BKUAPWAY 413$, UK VI. E.HT.TE. Suburban Homes. SL'Bl'RBAN BUYERS, LISTEX. Do you want a stfb urban home? Are you wise enough to look now, before tne spring scramDie tart3 7 There are ; not enough suburban homes to go around ' and you 11 be just too late to get the! kind of a place yoti want If you'walt j until it's time to plant seeds. At the present time we can show you the kind I of a place you want at the price you want to pay. Don't try to find Just the kind of a place you want advertised, j The easiest way is to step Into our of fice and tell us the kind of a place you j have in mind, and we'll be able to tell i you at once whether It s to be had or not. Chances are we can show you the very place you want. O. a. McCORMIC CO.. T42 Washington St., near 2d. Ground Fir. SUBURBAN HOME ON PAVED STREET 2 acres, perfect lying land, all clear, on east side, just outside city lim its, stone's throw to station, every foot of road paved, nice bearing orchard, practically new 7-room bungalow, lull basement, plastered, tinted, clean as a new pin, hot and cold water, bath, gas, electric lights. Bull Run water, barn, chicken hou.se, garage; price $5230. Com pares favorably with any $7000 subur ban home you have been shown. Har grove Realty Co., 122 N. 0th st. Broad way 4381. SUBURBAN HOMES 5.3'J acres, all cult., fine orchard, 6 rootn house, large barn, fully stocked and equipped ; horse, cow. near railway station and paved road; $4500, terms. 4 acres, 3 acres cult. ; nice orchard, bearing ; 4-room bungalow, nearly new ; barn, chicken house; at the station, elec tric line; $3IOO, half cash. 1 acre, close in, 0 hearli.g prune trees, good garden land, 3-room cottage, chick en house, city water, 13 minutes' walk irom iiibs ib car. trice 2iuu, BlUvG cash. This Jm a snap R. M. OAfTEWOOD & CO.. lGSfe 4th St. ACRES, 5-room house with large veran das and sleeping porch, recently painted and In good condition; 3o bearing fruit trees various kinds, sidewalk and hard road righa past the door, 3 blocks to Be U rose electric station, one mile from Lents. This is just the place to keep your cow and chickens and work in Portland if you wish. The price of $2000 Is a decided oargain and $500 will be accepted as first payment. This is the best and only suburban home we are advertising todav. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY, 827 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE several small places, rang ing from 1 H to ; acres with buildings, etc., some real modern, ad Joining the Pacific hlghwav. 1 hour to Portland. If you want a small country home at the right price, it will py you to In vestigate these. F. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. 8-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME. i mile from Capitol highway, on good gravel road; acre wood. 7H under cul tivation, all well fonced; new plastered house, concrete basement, iew barn. 0 tone hay. 1 Jersey cow. fresh; 2 doz. chickens. 1 ton earrots. 0 months' wood in shed. acre strawberries, complete set of small hand tools; $."0Oo. H cash. GEO. E. ENOLEHART CO.. 624 Henry bldg. Main 7206. THREE ACRES AND BUNGALOW, ONLY $1800. $IOO down gives possession of 3 -acre ranch with 3-room. well -constructed bungalow; lies on county road, only short distance from Oregon electric sta tion; good soil, fine view; remember, the price is only $1 S00 and $100 pay ment gives possession. Call 500 Con cord bldg.. 2d and Stark. $1800. Your rent will buy this home ; nice 3-room house with 100x100 feet of ground; five blocks west of Evergreen station on Oregon City line, next to paved highway; garage, chicken house, good well, electric lights; terms to suit. PORTLAND TRUST COMPAXY. Ht h and .Morrison Sts. SUBURBAN HOMESITE. ONLY $47.. 210x100. over 4 city lots; rocked road; fire spring brook, piped water elec tricity; close to eleocrlc station : fine view ; cedar, dogwood, maple ; swimming and boating: $50 down and $10 per Daogth. 5oo Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. OREGON CITY LIXE. NEAR OREGON CITY. 100x100 with nice shade trees and some fruit. Good 6-room cement block house. City water, electric lights, bath and toilet. Price only $2750. 4 cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. Egg oak St. Broadway 4133. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. ONLY S-15O0. With 2 acres of black loam soli; small barn; located 30 minutes out oi Oregon Electric, reasonable payment. Call ,100 Concord bidg., 2d and Stark. 2 ACRE, all in cult., near intersection Union ave. and Columbia blvd. A real bargain at f 1350, $i00 down, $15 per month. See Mr. Graham. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. tar Salt Business Property. MILL AND ELEVATOR. Account other interests I will sell flouring mill, elevator and warehouse in one of the best small town, and farm ing districts of state; showing fine prof its. P. O. box 403. QUARTER BLOCK. CORNER, WEST SIDE. WITH GOOD RESIDENCE; BAR GAIN. $12.5u0. POINDEXTfSR. 20S SELLING BUILDING. MAIN 1800. RES UMBWCg 271 -20. GOOD Income property for sale, consisting of corner grocery store and two flats. Phone Monday, Tabor 4725. For Sale Acreage. CO WS. CHICKENS A X u BQtTJ PM E N T. Nearly fiv acres, located on good graveled road, close to Portland, one fourth mllo from electric station ; all under cultivation; verythlr.g in the way of fruit, all bearing'; also walnuts; good 5-room house, barn, fruit cellar and other buildings; price $2V50, with pota toes, rabbits, chickens, horse. 2 fine cows anil equipment; largo cash pay ment ; personalty inspected ; photo at office. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. t HAXBERRY MARSH, Long Beach. Wash. I am compelled to sell a fine 10-acre cranberry tract; three acres in bearing vines, two acres in fine shape, large crop this year; almost new 5-room house, packing house, garage and good garden spot. The land is on the sandy ridge road. I'rfce $4500; $1500 cash, balance easy terms. E. ADAMS. S07 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Marshall 2575. ONLY $000 CASH. 3 acres, located clos to city limits, on good macadamized road, 7c fare ; easy walking distance of station. All under cultivation; good loganberry land or fine for gardening ; no rodt. gravel or hard pan, small house, with water piped to kitchen sink, gas mains being extended. Price $2100. balance on easy terms. Personally Inspected. Photo at office. JoHN FEUGUSOX, Gerlinger Bldg. ALL IN B&AJtHfO FRTJIT. Two acres at the edge of the city; on good macadamised road; this side of Buckley ave., close to electric line; Spltzcnberg and Winesap apples, cher ries, loganberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries and rhubarb: fruit trees in good shape: price $1675. with $575 cash; personally inspect e-1 ; photos at office. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. $200 CASH, PRICE $800 In the vicinity of West Woodburn. S mile west or Logan vi lie station, is 10 acres of the finest kind of black produc tive soil. Enough cordwood may be cut to pay for the land and clearing. A tremendous bargain; adjoining 10 sold for I1A0O six years ago. Personally In spected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. Two acres, with new lath and plastered bungalow. 4 rooms, right at station. 6c carfare : all under cultivation ; gas. city water in house. lights available; good road all the way. Price $2500 for the 2 acres, or will sell one acre and bunga low for $1600; personally inspected. Pho to at office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. AT Meadowbrook on Gresham Electric. acres, facing on Johnson creek, with private road to Powell Valley road; nearly new l-room house; tome clear; plenty firewood : $3000; terms. Oregon Investment it Mortgage Co., 222 Cham ber of Commerce. 20 ACRES. Located about 15 miles northwest of Portland in Washington co., fenced, with a few acres in cultivation; H mile from W. electric line. Price $1000, $soo cash, bal. terms. Write 626 E. Richmond st. 2 ACRES, between Mt. Scott and Estacada carllnes: H acre in loganberries, balance in 12-year-old fruit trees; good well; ex cellent soil; $1700; terms. C. E. SCOTT REALTY CO... MAIN 0000. 317-510 Chamber of Commerce bldg. AT BLBCTRIC ST ATI ON. ' 8A acres, new bungalow, good soil, close to school, $100O worth wood to cut. $3. 23 per cord on ground. Price only $1500 ; easy terms. B. F. KBLLY, 715 Swetland bldg. 6 ACRES. 8-room cottage, running; stream: ideal place for private trout stream: close to Bull Run line, at Maberry station $1200. terms. Broadway 1638. 200 Ore gon bldg. SMALL farm homes at Oresham. We have many good buys in suburban homes, acreage and berry lands. Give us a calL Krider ft Eiklngton, Gresham, Or. KKAI. ESTATE. For HsUe A creage. DAIRY A!)ip BERRY FARM. 42 acres. Joining town of Clackamas. 11 miles from Portland on paved road all the way and right past the door; ricn, black and chocolate loam soli that will grow the finest loganberries, veg etables, grass and hay; about 7 acres of young apple orchard Just coming Into bearing; large house and barn, fenced with hog-tlgbt fence; abundance of good water and the best buy in acreage we have ever offered; $212 per acre, half cash, balance long time. Let us prove to you that this is a real buy. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 0$rbettBldg. Main 001 S. ON THE PAVEMENT. AT ELECTRIC DEPOT. Xearly 7 acres, all under cultivation and the best of soil. Over 100 bearing fruit trees, apples, pears, prunes, cher ries and all kinds of berries. This land can sll be Irrigated and Is fine lo ganberry land; 4-room house, barn, 'ga rage, 2 chicken houses, creek on place; no gravel or rock. This is at the edge of the city; paved road all the way. Price $470O. $1500 cash,. Personally in spected. Photo at office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger building. FOR SALE OR TRADE acres of One land 1 miles of Tigard; all in cult. Good 4-room house, floored attic, cetnen: basement, water system, good kitchen range, inlaid linoleum on living and kitchen floor, other household goods, winter wood in basement, good barn. 0 tons of hay. chicken house, farm tools. 1 good cow and heifer calf, some chick ens. Price $4S5b; mortgage $1750. per cent. 3 years. Will exchange my equity of S3O50 for modern horns in Portland, not over 6 talks, of car. or will sell on terms. C. E. Adams. 507 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Marshall 2375. ACRES RIGHT AT HILLSBORO, $1550. Suburban home. Just 1 mile from courthouse at Hillsboro; 7 acres, 5 cleared, balance pasture with living stream; nice 3-room house, plenty out buildings and good water; price only $1550 , $625 down, balance 5 years, G per cent. HARGHOVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St. Broadway 4381 THIS SIDE OF OREGON CITY. 12 acres, located on good gravel road, near the pavement, 10 acres can be cul tivated, over 4 acres under cultivation; crek and spring ; small house, barn, 2 chicken houses ; one acre of berries. lo gan, and 8000 strawberry plants; some kale. Price $2400, with good cow, 1 heifer, 1 horse, 12 chickens, wagon, cul tivator, buggy, harness, plough, and lots of tools. Personally inspected. $11 Ou cash. Photos at office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. FINE 3U-ACRE FARM, NOT FAR FROM PO RTLAND-NEWBERG PAVED HIGHWAY. 2G acres of splendid soil in cultiva tion, lenced with hog-tight fence, bal ance pasture, family orchard, abundance of good water, gas engine, house, barn, other outbuilding. mile to town and high school; price only $550O. See SAM HE WE Y at J. L. HAKTM AN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RIGHT AT STATION. GRESHAM LINE. 4 acres, all good deep soil, no gravel or rock, fine for loganberries; 2 acres under cultivation, 2 acres In stump pas ture; good well, 5-room house, chicken house, fencing. The new highway Is bf-lng built by this place. This Is close to Oresham. Price '$UOu; large cash payment required. Personally Inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 4-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME. Right at station. 35 minutes' ride; this Is as pretty a tract as you could desire, lies fine, beat of soli, has dandy orchard; berries, grapes and walnuts ; plasterc! 5-room bungalow, electric lights: good barn; fine workshop and storeroom; 3 acres in cultivation, 1 acre pasture at back. tffHO; terms. D. McCHESNEY, 304 Oak et. Bdw 26 FIVE MILES FROM CITY LIMITS. 10 acres, located southeast, near Clack amas: good soil, 4 acres under clutivaSj tlon; balance, very easy clearing; half mile to school; 8unnyside district; small orchard ; small house, barn and chicken house. Price $21M). $1000 cash; will consider small house near Oregon City. Personally Inspected. Photos at office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 15 ACRES, modern 7-room honse, cement basement, wash trays and bath, coops for 250 chickens, barn, family orchard, ber ries, 15 minute.' walk to electric and high school ; $7000; Gresham. 10 acres', 5-room house, modern barn, 20 swinging stanchions, cement floors,; 18000, no trade. Will sell 25 acres as a whole or subdivide. A. W. Tarr, phone Greeham 503. ONLY 5c CAR FARE. Nearly two acres, located south of Capital hill; all under cultivation: creek on back part; lots of fruit trees; good fences; 4-room house with city water and gas; barn, chicken house and store house. Price 01850, $ltf00 cash, personally in spected. Photo at office. John Fergu son, Gerlinger bldg. ONE ACRE on Lenox road, one-ha 1 1' mil? Powell Valley; all unaer cultivation; berries and fruit, house. 4 rooms, sleep ing ponh, garage, chicken house and run : buildings cannot be built for the amount asked for the whole place; price CSSOO; liberal terms. Harris A Maxwell. 304 Railway Exchange. Main '2SS1. ACREAGE A SNAP. 0 acres, 1 mile from town, near high way; good 4-room bungalow with pan try : good pump, all fenced, 5 acres 83 ssi pert, barn 24x30 with loft, chicken house; the very best bottom land, will grow anything : for quick pale $1000 takes it, no trade. Wm. McKlnley, box 222. Cattle Rock, Wash. CLOSE TO ELECTRIC DEPOT. 15 acres of good land, all under culti vation: located near St. Louis, south of Portland; fins section; new house. 14x20; county road and rural conveniences. Price 93000, $1000 down; easy terms c.n balance at 0 per cent. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. STOCK proposition of merit 812 acres, 4 seeded to grass this fall, plenty water; about 30 miles from Portland ; price $11 per acre, $100 cash will handle. See S'-hiller: Scandinavian -American Realty Co., 248 Stark st.. Main 5129. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. 2 acres, located at electric depot; good 2 -room house with furniture; place well fenced with wire; good soil; one mile to school ; price $030; $350 cash, balance will be carried as mortgage without monthly payments. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg.. 10 ACRES NEAR PAVED ROAD. Fine IcrraJ tract all In cultivation, short distance off paved road on good cross road, 14 miles out. 4 mile statloa; has good hoUKe, 4 large rooms, barn. etc. ; :.'-" ; easy terms and quick posse;sion. D. McCHESNEY, OOOjj Oak st. Bdwy. 206. CHICKEN RANCH, $1850. 18 acres, 2 lg miles from town on Pacific highway : new 5-room bungalow, barn, chicken houte. fenced, good water; land can't be beat for raising chick ens. Y'ou'll have to see this to appre ciate It. Wm. McKlnley, box 222, Castle Rock, Wash. IMPROVED 20-acre farm, near Gresham, located on good road, close to ichnnl good orchard, berries, grapes, good five- i room house, barn and outbuildings, cow, farm tools, chickens, vegetables and po- I tatoes for winter; only $5300. Many I other good buys for your inspection, i K rider & EJklngton. Gresham. Or. 5000 ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms. low Dtice. $3 per acre and up. Liberty bonds j accepted at par. Write for map show- Ing location, termr, etc. WEYETt MAUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma bldg.. Tacoma, Wash. WE HAVE for sale many goou city bom, acreage tracts and large stock and grain ranches. We have branch offices in 3 states and are prepared to offer you some of the best buys in the northwest PYRAMID LAND CO., 003 Title A Trust bldg. OREGON CITY LlE. One acre, all under cultivation, fruit and berries in abundance; good 4-room house, on macadamized road, near Con cord school. Price $1600. $500 cash. Per sonally Inspected. John Ferguson. Ger linger bldg. LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tractr. acrea up. located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad: good soil no rock, plenty of water; work nearby' buy on your own terms. LITE DDE MANN COMPANY 013 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. SAVE $500 Beautiful 13. near Vancouver electric, neaWy all cultivated: plastered house, with concrete basement ; special. Immediate sale, $3500: terms: worth $4000. Owner, evenings. Tabor 7055 141 East 69th North. yOR SALE at a bargain, one good tract of farm land near Hillsboro and two good lots on East isth near Division Make your own terms. Call 330 Morgan building. " FOR SALE 10 acres on Oregon City and Snlem road, all In good condition, fair bulldin-?M - all kinds of fruit trees - l L miles from Orezon City. Price $3't0n D. F. Moehnke, Hoff, Or. 5 ACRE?, close to Gilits station on Bull Run line; fine soil: one-half cleared balance fir and cedar; $1200. terms. 20& Oregon bldg. Broadwav 1658 10 ACRES best close-In combination of soil, water, climate and arrangements for profitable diversified farming: term McKlm. owner. Ken ne wick. Wash. 4 ACRES, all cleared. 1 block to station very best of soil: 2-room shack: $170 terms. Broadway 1658. 200 Oregon bldg' REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. SPLENDID 10-ACRE HOME. Tracts like these are snapped right up as soon as placed on the market. Such will be the fate of this one. 10 acres, all In cultivation, perfect lying 1 jbuu, i . miies out. just ouiie one oi best towns around Portland. In highly developed neighborhood ; hard roads all way ; o-room plastered bouse, nice, neat barn, outbuildings, very choice orchard. Non-resident m.s sell It for .2oO; worth much more and cost him considerably more. Hargrove Realty Co. 122 North Sixth street. Broadway 43-1. ACREAGE SNAPS. $3500 5 acres on Powell Valley road, cul tivated, on paved road. $3500 6 acres on Columbia highway, 6 room home. 92700 27 acres. Sky Line boulevard. 12 miles from courthouse. House, barn, creek, spring. $130o 10 acres Vancouver, Wash., small house and barn. $2iKK --lO acres, Vancouver. Improved. 2000 -4 acres, Buckley avenue. CHAS. RlNGLER & CO., 323 Henry bldg. FOR QUICK ACTION. 30 acres of rich loam noli, five miles southeast of Oresham on main auto road to Mount Hood ; 12 acres In cultivation ; living stream, plenty wood and fine buildings; you can get this place for $0o0O; reasonable terms; you can trade in clear Port land property for part and assume on ba!utice ; Immediate posses sion. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 07."2. AT THE EDGE OF THE CITY. Two acres, all under cultivation, grav eled road within 2 blocks of the phv.4 e. good garage, barn, chicken house and wood shed; good 5-room, lath and plas tered house, wired for electric lights; buildings in Al shape, nearly new ; 3.'. bearing fruit trees; some berries: 20 Italian prunes. This is only 30 minutes out. Personally inspected. Photo at the office. Anderson, with John Fergu son, Gerlinger bldg. Homesteads, Relinquishments. aoO.OOO.uOO ACRES OK FREE LAND. IN L". S. "The New Homeseeker," a 100 page book describing millions of acres of vacant public 1 homesteads, timber, mines and grazing lands. Contains town ship plats and illustrations j founded on historical facts; does not mislead. Read official" warnings, ELIMINATES CKUOKED LAN D AGENTS. Tells whereabouts of government land In Ari zona New Mexico. Nevada. California. I tta ho, Oregon. Montana. Washington, Utah and Old Mexico. Describes water, oil and climatic conditions, all the principal C. S. land laws. A inarveloua publication, lust off the press. Mailed any whe re. $2. A dd ress "THE HOME SEEKER." Dept. i. 3d floor Grant bldg., l.Of Angeles. Cal. RELIXOL ISH M EXT Mudd lake. Idaho, lolnlnK farm; 54 bushels wheat per, acre; close to school. Frank Belts. Jewel Idaho. Fro It tnd Nut Lands. IF YOU DON'T KNOW orchards, have an expert examination made before Invest ing. , We offer this service at a reasonable CWe are agricultural college graduates, wl:h a wide horticultural experience. Uood orchards are fine Investments. Pearcy Bros., consulting horticulturists. 210 Oregon Bldg., Salem. Or. BE cautious In buying an orchard. 6 ACRES, 3 MILES OCT. $2100. On east ide, 3 miles city limits, paved road practically all way, all cleared, splendid soil, no rock, good orchard, poor house, right at good school; price lot). $1000 down. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North th St. Broadway 4381. 3 ACRES, Just off Base Line road, beau tiful fir grove, close to car line; SLVKJ, terms. Broadway 165S. 209 Oregon bldg. For Sale it BECK'S FARM BARGAINS $1000 cab gives you pose sal n of 80 si-res very choice land. . mi.es from Vancouver, 65 acrs cultivated, 9 acres timber, balance pasture ; all tillable ; good hous-, dairy barn, etc.; close to electric station. Balance $loo0 per year. Price $10,000. $Qf oo buys 40 acres fine Multnomah county land, 35 cultivated, balance pas ture; family orchard, good buildings, in cludes new modern dairy barn; Bull Run water ptped to buildings; mile to electric station. Terms $2000 carh. or will trade tc full value for a huuse. 7000 buys 82 H acr smooth land, pa.rt river bottom, 25 cultivated, balance fine timber and pasture ; good road, milk, mail, tekphotu routes; woven wire fenced, fair buildings, close to grade and hlhch-Mjl; 46 lit ad stock, poultry, complete frmln eiulpmnt, crcps, etc Terms $3000 cash, balance 5" per cent Many ' other bargains from 03000 to 9100,000; with ur without stock and equipment. When looking for a bargain, always see OTI C. BOOK, Realtor, BOO Henry bldg. Marshall 538. NLY $6.30 PER ACRE. WELL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 201 acres, located 1 V- miles west of Southern Pacific. On good graveled road ; loO acres under cultivation and ; tiled; 94 acres pasture. some tim- . ber, good fences. 4 acres orchard, j 8-room house, barn OOkOO. silo; build ings all In fine shape : with this place go 3 horse., cows, 1 calf. 4 ' hogs, 12 pigs, 11 head Shropshire sheep, j 36 goats. 70 chickens. 3 turkeys and crops; also 2 wagons, 2 piows. 3 sets I harness, mower, rake, disc harrow peg j tooth harrow, cream fe para tor. potato t planter and digger, grain drill and lot i i. . . . . . . .. -twH on n Via 1 told without the stock and equipment for about $50 pOf aVre. Located in Lane county, close to school, all rural con veniences and near Eugene. Or. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. ON THE WEST SIDE HIGHWAY. f B an-i a fraction acres of the best land you can find; about 5 or 6 blocks to electric station on west line, near a good school ; has about 75 to 86 acres of plow land. 5 acres of 7-year-old prunes, spring and spring creek, a lot of timber, family orchard; house is not very good, hut other buf Id ings are very fair; this land Is mainly black soli and has abuut 8 acres of river bot tom land; It is near a good high school and only 27- miles out of Portland, with Ne berg as trading point; this is an excellent place and can be bought for $150 per acre. See SPERLINO & BANNA, 204 Corbett Bldg. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. ' Ideal small dairy. 40 acres. 23 in high state of cultivation; all tillable; fine water; family orchard In fuii bear ing; new 6-room house, new barn 32x34, granary, garage, chicken house, hog house, new disc, new separator, plow, harrow, cultivator, mower, rake, 4 good dairy cows, team, wagon, harness, 4 hogs, 50 chickens. c.IL small tools; plenty of feed to winter stock; very best of soil, no rock or gravel; in a highly im proved and prosperous community; short distance from Ridgcficld; rural wagon daily trips to Rldgefield school. Price $8500; half cash. THOMPSON, SWAN A LEE. Third and Main Sts. Vancouver. Wash. ONE HUNDRED ACRES ON THE STATE HIGHWAY. This Is " of the b-st located farms in the Willamette valley, all under cul tivation: no hills or waste land on this place; good buildings of all kinds, one quarter of a mite from the electric car line: this place can be reached In half an hour on the electric car or automo bile; If you are looking for a farm, take a look at this one. WAKEFIELD. FRIES A CO., 85 4th St. jGOOD STOCK RANCH. 388 acres, located 2 miles from rail road town in Uenton county, Oregon, near Kings valley; 50 acres under culti vation; over 200 acres can be cultivated; 2O0 acres of pasture; some heavy timber, county cruise 0,000.000 feet; 8-room house, barn and other buildings; 2 acres orchard: several springs and small creek; exceptionally fine soil; private road; lots of outrange. Price $5OO0. or will trade for city property; personnallv in spected. John Ferguson. Gorlinger bldg AN IDEAL HOME. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 26 acrer. extra choice land, all In cul tivation, 9-room house, barn, outbuild ings, good condition: all kinds of fruit, berries, grapes; 1 team horses, 2 cows. 40 chickens, wagon, buggy and all nec essary tools. Implements ; 12 miles from Portland courthouse, good road ; price $!i000, half cash, balance 6 per cent. This Is a fine home. H. M. GATE WOOD A CO.. 165H 4th St, $10 PER ACRE. 32o acres. SO fenced and In. cult., house, barn, running water through place, two miles to store and P. O. and school, to exchange for Portland lots, house equity or small acreage. See Mr. Farnsworth. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1748. 410 Henry Bldg. ISO ACRES. 1 mile from town; good 8-room house, barn, orchard, 20 acres cleared, balance pasture: will sell for wflTt Im provements are worth. P. O. box 352, Kalama. Wash. GRAIN and grazing land in Wallowa county for sale or exchange for western Oregon land. Owner, 603 'Title & Trust bldg. KKAI. ESTATE. lor Sale 640-A ORE wheat ranch located in a wheat country. All In cultivation, near good town, $40 per acre. 200 acres good land, good community, not far from school. Will saJl or trade. $75 per acre. Terms to suit. 215 sveres all unaer fence and cross fenced. 9-room house, barns, outbuild ings. 12.1 acres sown to oats and wheat. Price $13,000. Some cash is all you need to get immediate possession. SO acre near Corvallls. $3500; $&O0 csksh. balance terms. Good wood prop osition and good land. 212 acres nearly all under fence. ISO cleared. Will sell or trade for citv property, terms. iui.o. $2000 down, balance &0-acre tract near city; house, barn city water, improvements. SS&OO cash. A good buy fur the pries. We have a farm for tell you wha.t we have. sale. Let us See Mr. Baker BUSINESS SERVICE. 317 Henry Bidg. Main 6797. THOROUGHBRED STOCK OR DAIRY FARM H1VER BOTTOM LAND. 500 acres on St. Paul-Salem hard road, fronting on river and about miles south of St. Paul; 426 to 450 acres under piow. 350 acres river bottom, ineJ granular mold sandv 00H deep ana easily worked; spring creek and abund ance of finest water; 7-room house, large barn and other buildings, all fence and cross fenced; good school Just across road; mite to 8. P. R. R depot; this farm Is ideal for stock, dairying, hog and berries and hops; price is much be low actual value, only $1S.". acre on good terms at a per cent interest. iour op portunity to purchase a farm that wui pay for itself In a very tew years, in vestigate. THE LAWR3NCE CO.. 205 Corbett Blog. Main 6915. FINE FARM. 120 acres good land, 35 acres under plow; modern e-room house; barn 54xS4, properly finished inside; a fine orchard; concrete milk house, hog house and Pns; house has a summer kitchen and wood shea combined; everything on place Is strictly up to date; lots of pride taken in place; everything newly painteu; mod ern, brand new chicken house; 17 head of cattle, 2800-lb. work team, one new iVi heavy Bain wagon. 2 plows. 1 disc, 2 orags. 1 farm wagon. 1-6 Interest In threshing machine, and lots of other tools; complete outfit. You can't dupti cate this place for a good many times what is asked; failing health cause of sale; can be snapped up for $12,000; some terms. Wm. JdchUaley. box 222, Castle Rock. Wash. 4U-ACRE STOCKED AND EQUIPPED RANCH WITH 14-ACRE PRUNE OR CHARD. ONLY 00700. Located Fh prune belt, southwest of Portland. 1, miles from a good town; other bearing fruit trees such as apples, pears, plums, quinces, cherries, English walnuts, loganberries, blackberries, rasp berries and strasv berries ; good 5-room house, painted, barn, chicken house, other outbuildings, springs and well; pas ture, some timber; good team of mares, Jersey cow. chickens, hay in barn; farm Implements; 22 acres In cultivation; ideal combination snd dairy and fruit ranch; csh. balance at C. Se SAM HEWEY at J. L. H Ait T MAN CO.. 7 Cham, of Com. NEAR RIDGE FIELD, WASHINGTON. 40 acres, located on good graveled road, mile to school. 2 miles to high school. All the land can be cultivated, 30 acres under cultivation ; rcdshot soil, good fences; 100 fruit trees; new 6-room bungalow. 26x30 barn. 38x40 garat, chick -n house and woodshed ; telephone and stock, in local company. Price 0T000 with stock and equipment ; 200 bushels potatoes; 150 bushels oats; 8 tons hay. Some crops seeded for next year; $2500 cash. This is only one hour's drive from Portland. JOHN FERGUSON. GcrllnKer Bldg. YAMHILL COUNTY RANCH. .120 acres. 2 H miles east of Yamhill station on gravel road; 220 acres under cultivation; 100 acres timber and pasture, good wovan wire fence, new 5-room bun galow, barn o270. water piped in bouse and barn from spring by gravity system; on cream and mail route ; telephone ; clear title; immediate possession; price $21.ii00; $M0O0 cash. bal. to suit pur chaser at 6Tr interest. MITCHELL RIPPEY, 32S-29 Henry bidg. Main 2034. DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH 170 acres; SO acres bottom land. 20 acres under cul tivation, balance pasture and timber; fine tiout stream running through ranch ; p. ace well watered by creeks and springs; good 1H -story bouse, newly painted, good barn ; 1 H miles to P. O., cheese factory and good school; good team, harness, two wagons, buggy snd slng!e harness, disc harrow, plow small tools, good cow, cslf. chickens ana some house hold furniture; price $4500; some terms. Address F. W. Baton, Beaver. Tillamook county. Or. 42 -ACHE PRUNE AND DAIRY RANCH. NEAR NEWBERG, 32 acres in cultivation. 15 acres In prunes, balance pasture and timber. Good family orchard, splendid water, creek and well, good soil, good 6-room house, p.mited white; barn, painted red; chicken house, hog house; phone in house: R. F. I. and cream route; miles from New berg on hard road. Price $250 an acre. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. 7 1 ATITM AN CO.. 7 Cham, of Com. FOR SA US Good improved Irrigated 10, 20 and 40-acr Irrigated tracts In cen ter of Yakima valley; good water right, nartlv paid up, close to good R. R. town; one-third cabh, balance iay terms. Also i 4 iu acre." river ooitom pasture ana farming land, black soil and 700 sheep. Price $42,00, one-third cash, balance terms, ti per cent ; located in the Yak ima valley, close to good R. R. town. Call or write W. L. Johnson. 347 East 41st st., Portland, Or. HO ACHES. JOINING TOWN. Electric lights, city water, best of soil. 20 acres in cultivation: fall crops in and rest plow-J for spring; good 8-room house, bam, etc.; included is team. cow. chickens, some implements and feed ; $ni0; 8 blocks from electric line, 35 miles out. You can see this any time now. D. McCHESNEY, 304 1 Oak St. Bdwy. 2flfl. HOP YARD. S3H acres, level land; 18 acres hops. 7 years; 25 acres more cleared; 40 acres pasture, running water; no buildings; ht mile to rsflway town. 26 miles to Port land, paved road ; price 9150 per acre . $12,525; $3500 cash, balance 3 to 5 years. 0 : will take sood city property up to $50iHl as part payment. R. M. GATE WOOD at CO.. I6&14 4th mt. 1J."-ARE dairy farm, fully, equipped with cows, other stock a nd machinery ; land Is all under high state of cultivation, buildings are first class; large sllo.'abun dance of fruit and on a stone road close to Eugene, Or. Price with everything complete $17,000. or will sell the land separately at $125 por acre on terms RALPH HARRIS COMPANY, 827 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES; 17 cleared, bal. easily cleared, fenced and cross fenced; 5-room bunga low, fireplace, good barn, woodhouse chicken house: water piped to buildings; power for electric lights; 4 rows, 2 hogs. 125 chickens, ducks, horse, wagon and buggy; all Implements; hay, grain, pota toes, orchard, berries; $4500: $8000 down: terms; 0. Writs Geo. Beers, Oandy. Or. CAMAS. WASHINGTON. 22 acres, located on graveled road. 1 mile from town, good high school; large payroll ; 12 acres under cultivation, bal ance In pasture; orchard of apples, pears, prunes, cherries and half-acre of peaches. 6-room house, barn, garage: horse, har ness and some equipment. Price $3200: $1000 cash. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bl d g. CLOSE-IN FARM. 38 acres choice level land, 34 acres In cultivation, 4 acres pasture, 6-room house and barn, outbuildings In good condition, fruit, berries, grapes, an ele gant home ; 12 S miles Portland ; good road ; price $0000, half cash, balance long time at 0 per cent. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO.. 160H 4th St. WE HAVE for sale many good city homes, acreage tracts and large stock and grain ranches. We have branch offices In 3 states, and are prepared to offer yoti some of the best buys In the northwest PYRAMID LAND CO.. 603 Title A Trust bldg. YAKIMA valley garden and fruit. 10 acres deep loam soil, all In cultivation, to gar den and fruit; river front: nice 3-room house, sleeping porch, outbuildings, alio good well, government Irrigation ; price 10000. Central Taklma Ranches Co.. 512 Seillng bldg. Main 4093. 77-ACRE ranch in Lewis county . good roads: good soil: 7-room house; bearing fruit orchard and buildings for dairy ranch; slso poultry ranch; close to good school: price $5000: 00000 down and bal easy psyments. See owner st 552 4 M Union ve., near Knott st. FOR SALE 320 acres, all in winter wheat, buildings and water: complete outfit in cluded, also lease on 320 acres adjonl inp. Write for prices and terms. Box 15rt. Mansfield. Waah. 360 ACRES, unimproved, near Goldendale. Wash. ; $3000. Also 160 acres, imp.. In Fort Rock valley. Lake county. Or.. $2400; exchange for California property. 18 Breaze ave.. Venice. CalL CHICK EN?" FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $73 to $200 per acre, easy termi ; best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. Mr Fa Hand, 003 Teon bldg. FOR SALE or trade. 3 20-acre Wyoming farm for western Oregon. Washington or California land. State full particulars. Joe Crowe, Hillsdale, Wyo. KKAI, ESTATE. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. We have an excellent offering in a :' acre farm. 12 miles from Portland court house, paved htghwsy nearly to the door. 60 acres In high state of cultivation. acres of finest pasture, 5 acres wood, 27 acres in crop. 2 houses. 2 barns, granary, hog shed. 2i head of sheep. 13 cows. 2 horses. 2 pigs, about 50 chickens: family orchard, bay In mow. about 300 bu. grain, mower, rake, binder. 2 plows, disc, drag, harrow, potato planter and digger, fan mill, grain drill, lime and fertilizer spreader, grass seed drill. 1 and 2-horse cultivators, elder mill, stump puller and many other Implements: buggy. 1918 Ford touring car, phone In house, cream route at door, abundant water, very best of school and church facilities; sll stocked and equipped. Think of It, only 22,OOo (no Incumbrance) : 33 min. from Portland. S7UOO will handle; long terras on balance. HARRIS st MAXWELL. gjajjwy Ki. bldg. Main 233l. S400 TO $500 MONTH DAIRY BUSINESS FOR SALE. Consists of 13 cows, some thorough breds, one registered bull. 1 yearling heifer, one team horses, all utensils such as sterilizer, separator. boiler, tanks, washer, bottler, pump engine. milk wagon and milk route where you can sell all the milk you can produce at 15 cents quart, sufficient food for winter use, and full set of tarra implements. Will rent you the farm of 50 acres and there is sufficient fruit to pay half the a man to enter the dnirv buKiiit-.sfi. vou ' are getting the equipment for less than you could buy new, and you're not pay ing anything for the established busi ness. Price I2U50. All cash. This Is locat ed less than 8 miles from Portland. See us at once. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. 827 Chamber of Commerce. SUNNY ALBERTA. THOROUGH BRED STOCK AND GRAIN FARM 2537 ACRES IN V1K.1NG DISTRICT. Four sections of finest, rich, blsck loam soli. 1200 acres in crop 1919. 000 acres of level prairie grass sod easily broken, balance gentle rolling and finest pasture; every foot can be cultivated ; abundance of finest water; a . most modem set of finest buildings, value S-.'i. close to 3 railway towns and 70 miles east of Edmonton. This Is one of the finest going farms In western Canada. One that will pay for itself In three years. The land Without Improve ments Is worth the price. Ask us for full description of this grand farm. Price $110,000. half cash. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. ALFALFA AND HOGS. SURE WINNERS. A few of our best irrigated ranches trices as xoliows: $5500 $7500 ioooo, 1 14.000. These are under one of the best gov ernment ditches on the coast, and water rights fuity paid. We have personally in spected these places and know they are good. All have good buildings and are well Improved. They cut 4 tons alfalfa per acre In two cuttings. Sell most of it at $22 SO to $23 In the stack. Call and see us and let us tell you more about them. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 303 Oak st. Broadway 4133. FOR SALE: Farm 58 acres, by owner, 4 1-3 miles west of Portland. Or., on Barnes road, starting at the head of Washington st. ; 45 acres In high state of cultivation, balance slashed and burned, on rock county road, good drilled well with leader water system, concrete well house snd new garaire, small house, falr-slsed bam. 2 prune dryers, granary and henhouse. 4 acres bearing prunes, 24 acres of assorted orchard apples, pears. Lambert cherries, Engl It h walnut; orchard In fine shape; place lies level and good soil; price $400 per acre, $1 8.000 cash, balance time or might consider larger well Improved farm near a good town in exchange. Phone Main 9338. Fred Durlg. R. F. D. No. 2. Portland Oregon. Box 52. DO yoU WANT A GOOD WHEAT FARM? ye hav 0000 acres 5 mls from r R. station on O.-W. R. . N. rail road and 4 mi:es from N. P. R. R, sta tion, all fenced and cross-fenced, good T-room house with bath, toilet and a m I poo f.sjTlosi cement cistern; barns, sheds, blacksmith shop. grain ware house, gas pumping plant, on Touchet river- farm is located in Walla Walla county. Wash. 3400 acres tillable. 200 Mood bunch grass pasture. 20O0 acres now in crop, this place should make 23 per cent net on purchase price, which Is $40 per acre, half cash; owner Is not a farm er. Is in other business and is anxious to lL STEWART & BUCK. 315 N. W. Bank bldg. BIG SACRIFICE! FOR SALE HY OWNER. GRAIN AND STOCK FARM. 32o acres of improved farm land; 80 seres in cultivation ; 1TO acr-s more can be farmed, bal. rolling; 2-room house and a l-room shack; granary and im plement house; four grain bins holding 5000 bushels, a good well of water fed by springs; alt fenced; good school across the road I about 10 miles from Great Falls. Mont., on Great Northern R, H. : 12 miles west of Conrad; closest town Is Penroy. 3H mites; just 25 miles east of mountains; N. W. W. Sec 23, Twp. 28, R. 3. N. W. V. Sec. 26. Twp. 28, R. 3. No agents wanted; write or inquire of owner, F. O. box 4302. city. POLK COUNTY FARM. 80 acres, 4 a mllss from Dallas. H mile from school, on good road: 45 acres under cultivation, tal. timber, brush and pasture: wire fence, spring and running water; large barn In good condition; 1 acre of apples, 1 acre of prunes; 8 wal nut trees. Price $4000; cash. bal. long time at 0 per cent interest. MITCHELL & RIPPEY. 328-20 Henry bldg. Main 2534 FINE 70-ACRE FARM, between Portland and Salem: close to the paved road: only 1 mile from town, you can look this over any time now. there are 65 acres In cultivation, rest Is pasture; fine soli: Just slopes enough for drainage; 8-room house, large barn, out buildings; only H mile to both grade and high schools; price $11,000. Including equipment. $4000 cash, balance 0. D. McCHESNEY. 304 H Oak at. Broadway 206. 8O0-ACRE STOCK RANCH FOR SALE. $0 PER ACRE. Located In south end of Willamette valley R. R. station and postofflce at place; land cut over; some of it seeded: good grass ; world of water ; good soil ; no rock or gravel; it is the making of one of the best stock ranches in the state ; 14-ln. high pressure water main through tha yard, you can tap It at small cost. J. L. HAKTM AN CO.. 7 Cham, of Com. NEAR HILLSBORO. ALL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. . Fine 20 acrea. all in cultivation: dandy set of farm buildings: 4 cows, 2 of them registered Holstelns. 2 brood sows and a lot of small pigs, some turkeys and chickens and all farm machinery and sma'.l tools: a lot of hay and grain ; PRICE ONLY $5750. $2500 cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., S03 OAK ST. BRO A DW A Y 4 1 33. SALE OR EXCHANGE 480 acres, with good improvements. In Southeastern Montana ; 65 acres in alfalfa, balance range ; permit on forest reserve for 200 head of cattle; hay, grain and nearly 2.00 head of cattle, horse? and equipment, for $25,000. Take small valley farm as part payment. Other Montana and Willamette valley farms for sale or exchange. 1 C. W. VAIU Carlton. Or. A CHOICE HOME. 62 H acrea In famous Tualatin valley, main road runs through farm; 10 miles from courthouse, Portland j 23 acres In cultivation, balance In pasture; running watr. 6-roora bungalow, large barn, out buildings, windmill ; fruit and berrles; prlce $250 per acre, $15,623. Will take Portland property for part payment and make good terms. R. M. OATEWOOD A CO.. 165H 4th St. ON THE PAVED HIGHWAY. 40 acres. located 0 miles from Mr- Cloud, California: all good land ; 25 acres under cultivation; 40 acres can be cultivated: rural conveniences; some fencing : price $1500 cash, or will ex change for city property and assume up to $l&O0. John Ferguson, Gerlinger ning. 18-ACRE ranch; 23 mlfes from Portland; 7 acres beaverdam land ; best on Ion land ; l-j mile from paved road ; all clear ex cept H acre: good 3-room plastered house, burn and other outbuildings; $280 per acre; terms. C, E. SCOTT REALTY CO... MAIN 3333 317-510 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 62 ACRES. $3000. $300 DOWN. Seven miles from the Estacsda electric station of Sandy, 30 miles from Port land, Is 62 seres of good red shot soil: 13 acres under cultivation; 70 bearing fruit trees: 3-room house: large barn. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, farm in La no county. Or., 160 acres. 30 cleared ; good buildings: 3 million fir: mall each week day; phone; 3 miles from R. R.; will sell or exchange for stock of merchan dise. AV 048. Oregonlan. im ACRES ON S- P. ELECTRIC. Part In cult., 4-room house, all fur nished; 3 minutes' walk to station, store, school: price $2O0O( $500 down. Draper. 526 Chamber of Commerce. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up: running water, good soil. H tillable: employ ment: easy terms. Jesse R. Sharps. 33H Third st. SOUTHERN IDAHO IRRIGATED FARMS. Government project; cheap water; deep soil: no alkali. Martin A Son, Rupert. Idaho. FARM ERS Mutual Fire Relief Association. Insures at cost; $25,000 saved to f arm ors yearly. Stock Exchange bldg., city. UEAL ESTATE. BENTON COUNTY FARMS ARE THE MOST ATTRACTIVE IK THE STATE AND ARE NEAR OREGON AGRI CULTURAL COLLEGE. IDEAL FOR CHICKENS AND FRUIT. 50 acres, located about 7 miles from Corvallis on good gravel road ; land all drains fine and ts former OAK GRl'lt land, wry fertile ; raise any kind of cropa; about 00 acres now In cultivation, balance Is In pasture with some oak grub on it; 7 acres of very fine Italian prune trees in bearing, these are extra choice; 5 acres of 10-year-old apple trees, good variety, heavy bearers, fam ily orchard also ; good 7-room house, good small barn, prune dryer ample for place: hen house and usual outbuildings, three-fourths mile to school, one mile to station ; dally mail and other advan tages, this place is a real snap at $73O0; one-half cash. 84-ACRE RIVER BOTTOM FARM. This farm is IV miles from Corvallls. on main road ; 75 acres high-class land in cultivation; 05 acres in potatoes, pro duced over $10,000 worth tbis year; this Is tho sandy loam soil you will like to handle : the Improvements consist of big new barn, 05xO. holds 60 tons of hay; 80-ton concrete silo, good horse barn, machine sheds, hog house, hen house and other outbuildings; the house Is of 3 rooms and rather old; this place is absolutely the best buy in a cluse-in place around here; price $13,500. OUR BEST 40-ACRE TRACT. 3d acres in cultivation; 1 acre in oak grove; land Is all well drained and is good productive soil ; place Is well fenced; on gravel road, one mil to school: fine family orchard and ber ries; improvements consist of fine 7 room plastered bungalow, full concrete basement, pressure ator system. 11 re place, bath, toilet, hot and cold water and acetylene lighting system : barn 30x40 ; good chicken house 40xe0 with concrete floor; hog house, smoke house and machine shed; 15 acres seeded: price $8500 , half cash, balance 8 per cent. PROSPECTIVE CHICKEN RANCH. 28 acres, located 5 miles from Inde pendence; all In cultivation: lies fine with enough roll to drain well ; woven wire fence ; one mile to school and electric station: good 6-room house, barn 24x30; l'i acres family orchard: this is on good gravel road and a snap at $3500. 21-ACRE BERRY OR CHICKEN FARM, All is cultivated; is nice lying piece of lajid and is fertile; about 5 miles from Philomath; three-fourths mile from school, on gravel road; acre of orchard; 6-room farm house, dandy barn, hen house, with big scratching shed : milk house, etc ; building worth $1500 at the very least; price for ail is a snap at $2750. 25 ACRES FOR BERRIES AND FRUIT. 20 acres of this pace are in cultiva tion and in crop; has a fine family orctiard of two acres; nice creek through the place ; old. poor set of build iags; only one mile from town of 500; eight mites from Corvallis; this Is wort h the money ; price $3600. Write for our 'booklet' telling facts about Benton county and leaflet de scribing our personally inspected farms; will be mailed to people who tell us the kind of farm they want, SOME REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY IN BENTON COUNTY. Because CORVALLIS, the county seat of Benton county, is by far the best SCHOOL TOWN in the northwest. Because land Is cheaper here than most sections of the country and has not suffered the effects of an un Jus tifiable BOOM. Because of our abundance of good pure water. Because the whole community is In terested in your welfare if you are a Benton county farmer. Because we provide good market roads for our farmers. Because OUR FARMERS have avail able at FIRST hand the whole re sources of the Oregon Agricultural Col lege, which ts located at Corvallls and which assures your SUCCESS if you but follow their directions. Bocanse we have a CANNERY to use your produce. KINNEY A CO.. Benton County's Leading Farm Salesmen. rORVAIl.TS. OR.. Home of O. A. C. A MODEL 40-acre farm home, located near i . Line road, a little northeast of (iresham. all In high state of cultiva tion ; good soil and lies perfect, well fenced and cross-fenced Into 6 fields with woven -wire fencing, family orchard, ber ries, natural fir grove, gravity water sys tem piped to house, barn, mllkhouse. The house is a new 7-room bungalow tvne. with modern plumbing, full con crete basement, fireplace, hot and water, etc. ; bullt-ins in kitchen pantry: a concrete root cellar 24x3ft, cold l and ; with 1 barn I machine shea aoove; large uairy a 11. 1 .i lo. irranarv 12x1 . e i r;t k'e and workahupsind other outbuildings. A well- kept farm home, all in first-clans con dition In a beautiful location and will stand close Inspection. Price $12,500. terras half cash. KRIDER A ELKINGTON, Oresham, Or. A REAL FARM. Do you want one of the best farm buys in the state of Oregon ? 44 acres chocolate loam. 40 under cultivation, bal ance beaver dam and big tlm Oar ; 1 ur -ning water, springs, wheat thr-?slwd 45 bushels, oats 87 bushels to the acre this season: 6 acres and clearing strata cut 30 tons of hay; 1 acre of prunes "ote 7 tons; place paid 0 per cent -in $r5.oou this year; good buildings. 0-"oom Iioui e. fine large barn, fruit house, carpenter shop, etc ; family orchard, berries, etc. Tips to plant 5 acres in spring, located 30 rods from thriving little city, school, churches and college; 25 miles to Port land; paved road: very Mot of re not s foi selling; Investigate fully ; pta-:e will tslk for Itself. $12,0OO. haif cash. Crma fill. Main 4203, Portland, or Box 5f5. Newberg. Or. 40 ACRES, all tillable; 4 acres seeded to meadow ; rich loam soil, 28 acres In high state of cultivation ; excellent wa ter; family orchard in full bearing: 5 room house, barn 50xOO. chicken house and park, and all necessary outbuild ings, together with good team, wagon and harness; also light wagon, mower, hay rake, cream separator, 2 plows, cultivator, harrow, brood sow, 6 pigs. 4 fine dairy cows, hay in barn, grain for seed, straw, 1 small tools and 12 chickens ; located I H miles from coun try town, only 8 miles from Vancouver; on good auto road. Price $7500 ; $25O0 cash, balance 0 per cent. THOMPSON. SWAN A LEE. Third and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash. FULLY EQUIPPED, llfi'v acres, all in cultivation, except 10 acres of oak timber; good buildings, two wells and spring, 10 acres In clover, 00 acres In other crops, 5 horses. 5 cows, 1 2-year-old heifer. 1 yearling, 1 calf, 1 brood sow and 0 shoats. harness, binder, mower, plows, disc, hay rake, hay in barn, 125 bushels oats. 125 wheat i in fact, everything goes except household goods; this place Is 24 miles from the state normal school at Mon mouth; the Valley A SUetz railroad runs across one side, with a station on the place ; price $125 per acre, includ ing everything. See SPERLINO A HANNA, 204 Corbett Bldg. $0.75 PER ACRE $0.76. 030 acres, all In one body in Lane county, foothill land, logged, burned and seeded, no rock ; well watered by creek and 20 springs ; key to extensive out range, three miles to god town and hitch school, railroad station right on the property : good roads, rich pasture: a great place for stock or sheep, rough but rich ; must have quick action ; need money; $4000 cash will handle it. Wire or write MacTNNES A PRATT. 418 Board of Trade Bid., Portland. Or. 66 ACRES, located close to electric depot: 22 miles east of Portland. 30 acres un der cultivation, 10 acres pasture, all the land can be cultivated, balance easy clearing. All can be Irrigated from spring, galvanized pipes Installed for distributing the water, creek on place ; good 0-room house, with com plete plumbing, large barn and silo. Orchard of assorted fruit and some walnuts. Price $0300. with some crop, chickens, team and equipment ; person ally Inspected. Photo at office. John Vcrguson. Clerllnger bldg. l-NLV $75 AN ACRE FOR THIS 225-ACRE FARM. 40 MILES 8OUTH W EST OF PORTLAND. 1 00 acres very rich bottom land, all tiled, was In hops for 20 years; 50 acres more in cultivation, good soil, balance open pastors and timber. About all till able when cleared : woven wire fencee : fine creek. 2 springs and well ; good bam, house, new chicken and hog houses, orchard and berries, on gravel road near town. .See SAM HEWEY at J. 1.. HAP.TMAN CO.. 7 Cham, of Com. IS ACRES EXTRA GOOD. Well located and at the right nric : all in cultivation and part In crop: this. - place has fair buildings and fences, ts ! one-half mile from the west side high- j way and two miles from the state nor- mal school at Monmouth: the soil . runs . from black to chocolate soli and has not waste land: It can b- bought for $100 per acre, crops in inctuaea ; terms can he had. See or write SPERLING A HANNA. 204 Corbett Bldg. REAL ESTATE AGENT BONDS. " MUST BE READY JANUARY 1. 1U20, SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK X keal estate. For Sale WILL DIVIDE THIS FARM IN HALF. 81 -acre farm located east of Can by. on a good macadamised road; has 35 a. cult., SO a. pasture, 1 a. of bearing orchard. 0-rm. cot tage, barn 40xOO ft., and other outbldgs. all nearly new; good fences. 4 horses, 15 hogs, 8 sheep. 15 goats, 50 chickens, cow and heifer, farm implements and tools. Closu to good school, church and stores. m. from R. R. sts. Will sell 80 a. for S12.00U. $2000 down; or will divide this land and sell the improved 41 a.. Including stock, for $,8500. and take a house and lot up to $4000 as part payment. This farm has a good location, very rich soli and will bear ln vt stifc-atlon. F. R, JoM.se, 527 Cor bett bldg. Main 714L $5000 71H ACHES; 7-room house: 80 acres cultivated. 10 acres in prunes, full bearing: 4U acrea timber, well at .house, spring in pasture: one-fourth mile of town on Pacific highway ; terms. $4500 ie acres, near Willamina; 40 acres cultivated. 40 more ready: l.OOu.OOO teet fine .limber: finely watered: buildings, fences and near paved highway; splendid buy; easy payments. $5 AN ACRE 714 acres; one of the best large farms In the Willam ette valley; 5O0 acres in cultiva tion; on main paved highway leading into Salem; all kinds of fruits for family use. Come, see our list of farm buys B. S. COOK. 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. (87 ACRES, 75 acres tillable: 43 In hia-h state of cultivation: best of loam soil, no rock or gravel; all fenced and cross fenced; fine spriflg creek through the place ; spring water at house and barn : large family orchard in full bearing : almost new 5-room house with base ment, barn 35x52 and all necessary out buildings, together with 3 horses, bug gy, plow, harrow, binder, mower, rake, disc, drill, silo, 25 tons of hay. M0 bushels of oats and all small tools: 1 acres of kale, 4 acres of potatoes, 4 acres of corn; located on main high way, with all rural advantages; only 3 s miles from Columbia river town. 1'nce $12,000; $7000 cash, balance to suit. THOMPSON. SWAN A LEE. Third and Main Sts. Vancouver. Wash. RICH DIKED LAND. Ml acres, all level and all the very finest of river bottom land, but does not overflow as it is diked, which eliminates any chance of overflow. This place has almost 1 mile river frontage on Columbia river; fine 1 0-room modern house, dock and warehouse, store building. 2 new silos, barn, stock shed and all other outbuildings. This land can all be put In cultivation, about 400 acres now under plow; tractors and all stock and equip ment can be had with place; located less than oi) miles of Portland and is without a doubt one of the finest farms In the northwest and properly farmed will pay for itself in two years. Price $100 000. very easy terms. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO.. 410 Wash, at.. Vancouver, Wash. EQUIPPED 40 ACRES, FOREST GROVE - . $3250. 40 acres, 3 miles Forest Grove, 25 miles to Portland; about 15 acres cleared and seeded to winter oats, balance pas ture, with living xtream and 5O0 cords wood, already swamped and ready to saw ; bearing family orchard and ber ries, new barn, rather poor house, out buildings. PERSONAL: 2 horses, har nf wagon, buggy, plow, harrow, ,;.!.:,. line wood saw, small tools, cow : heif ers; price $3250, $750 cash. balance terms. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 North Sixth st. Broadway 43al. A FINE COUNTRY HOME right on the west side electric. 27H miles out of Portland, and on the west side highway, near high school, about six blocas from station; very fair house, good barn, garage, chicken house and run. tank house, pressure tank engine and pump, water from a good spr.ng. about 25 acres In cultivation, 7 acres of prunes. 6 years old. In excellent or der; about 10 or 12 acres of plow land about 5 acres of timber with spring and and small creek at the back; the prlc Is only $300 per acre; It will cost more a year from now. SEE J. A. MILI-S. With Sperling Hanna, WK Cor beat nidg. 42 ACRES. 12 miles from Portland, 1 fc miles from apltol highway ; 35 acres under culti vation. 10 years wood, 5 acres good pas ture land, splendid spring water, good well, fair 6-room house, good barns, good orchard; 8 acres under fall wheat. 2 higb-class Jersey cows, fresh: about 4 chickens. 20 tons hay. bin of potatoes and some grain. 3 mares about 1400 each harness, wagon, hack, buggv. mower, disc, drill, harrow, plow and small tools, all nearly 'new. Only 3S50O If aold be fore end of year. Equipment alone worth S.'lOtH). See M. J. Edwards. GEO. E. ENOLEHART CO. 024 Henry bldg. Main 720C. F 1 N E PRUNE RANCH. 40 acres, located 14 miles from Sheri dan. Or., Yamhill county: 1500 Italian prune trees, 4 years old; also apples, peaches, pears, plums, quinces, English walnuts, currants, goosv berries, logan berries, raspberries, blackberries, sweet and sour cherries, rhubarb and aspara gus beds; trees in fine shapv and bear ing; 5-room painted cottage, barn, chicken house and woodshed. Price $5500 with team of mares. Jersey cow, chickens, 5 tons hay and machinery. Halt cash. 0 per cent Interest on balance. loh n K'Tgu.son. Gerlinger bldg. MULTNOMAH COUNTY FARM. 87 acres. 16 miles from Portland. H mile from TToutdale, mile from Colum bia highway. mile to school; 50 acres under cultivation, bal. brush ; 4-room house and barn ; spring water piped to house and barn; creek never dry; a real bargain for someone Interested In land; price $10,000; $3500 cash, bal. long time at 0. MITCHELL A RIPPEY. 328-20 Henry bldg. Main 2534. STOCK RANCH AT A BARGAIN. 600 acres, all fenced and cross-fenced; 00 to 70 acres cleared ; lot more easily cleared : practically all good farm land when cleared; there are 2 sets of build ings on place, 50 or 60 tons bay. 35 head of stock. 17 of which Is milch cows; full set of machinery, team and every thing ; goes for $30 per acre; S700O w 111 handle ; good time on balance at 5 per cent. STEWART A BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. NEAR McMINNVILLE. 124 acrea located southwest of town ; 0U acres can be cultivated: 55 acres un der cultivation, 40 seeded to crop. 70 acres pasture, good fences, county road : one-fourth mile to school and all rural conveniences ; good 7-room house, barn 40x52 and other buildings : one acre orchard ; price $80 per acre, with 4 horses. 8 cows, 3 yearlings. 2 hogs. 1 bull, 15 goats. 200 chickens, 5 turkeys and complete line of machinery; $3500 cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. DO YOU WANT A STOCK RANCH? Here Is a chance to trade for one. It has OOO acres. 175 plow land, lust ordinary ranch buildings, good spring water; It la located six miles out of Condon. Or. : there are about 1000 acres under fence. 400 being government Land; will trade this place for Wlllamete val ley land or Income bearing property in any good town In the valley. See or write J. A .MILLS. 204 Corbett Bldg. FARM SNAPS. $110 per acre. Beaverton; 30 acres, lies fine, psved road. Joining land sells at $250 per acre. $4500. OS acres. Sherwood district: fine land. 15 acres cultivated. E4500, 40 acres. Estacada, Improved farm; furnished house, barn, stock equipment; fine for stock. $-TOU. 27 acres, 12 miles Portland, small house, barn, spring, creek. Large Farms Small Acreages. CHAS. RlNGLER & CO., 225 Henry bldg. FINE 51-ACRE EQUIPPED FARM 11 ACRES ITALIAN PRUNE TREES. ALL BEARING; A-l CONDITION. 10 miles from Vancouver In the fa mous prune belt, on hard-surface road ; good soil; 42 acres In cultivation, bal. pasture: splendid water; gas engine; 7 room house, big barn. 2 cows, hogs, 3 horses, chickens, plenty of feed, complete set of farm Implements. Price $11. 006. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 7 Cham, of Com. 40 AffRES, EQUIPPED. $5500. This Is as good land as anybody's, only 15 miles from our office, mostly paved road. Thare is new 5-room house, fair barn, outbuildings; about 20 acres in cultivation. 10 in pasture and 10 timber: well, spring and creek, family orchard, team. 2 cows, chickens, wagon, harness and Implements included. $5500. D. McCHESNEY. tQ4S Qk st. ; Bdwy. 260. FOR SALE or trade 110 acres. 90 or more cuofl cr en timber: euouarh aood land cleared for a profitable little farm: 3 or 4 million ft. timber: good location for a sawmill; cm good graded auto truck road: 5 cows. 5 calves. 7 head 2 and 3- year-old horses, bldg.; good hunting and fishing. I am sick and must quit work R. R. 1. box 15. Scotts Mills. Or. FOR SALE Going dairy ranch, 800 acres stocked with high-grade dairy .rows, si los, two sets bldgs. ; 3"0 acres In culti vatlon, bal good pasture; 2 mile R. R. and highway; price 50.mm. c as h . ba lane, in com e property. G. M Kees. 100 Va Fourth st. 1: sasafxl