' 8 THE SUNDAY OREGOMAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 21, Ii10. NEW TODAV. APARTMENT HOUSES W KST SIDE APARTMENT Apartment-house and qirarter block In center of west side apartment din trict. Partly furnished. Income $800 per month. Terms. $2:$,."oo SOUTH PORTLAND APARTMENT Apartment-house 01 100x100. Income J235 per month. No heat furnished. STORE BUILDINGS $4500 STORE BUILDING on Williams avenue, with housekeep ing rooms above. Ideal location for grocery store. Could not be duplicat ed at this price. Terms. $1575 STORE BUILDING on Alberta street, in business district. Give immediate possession. Terms. LEASES TN INDUSTRIAL CENTER Factory site with spur track adjoin ing. Buildings on same for sale rea sonable. Adjoining proposed Mont gomery Ward site. VACANT BUSINESS AND FACTORY SITES $5O,000 GARAGE SITE on Burnside, near Broadway. Owner will construct building to slt. $10,000 GARAGE SITE Corner 100x100. on Union avenue, near Broadway. Best parage site on east aide. Terms. $7500 APARTMENT OR GARAGE SITE Corner 100x100. on East Seventh street ; and Couch. Will sell or lease.. $4 500 HAWTHORNE AVENUE Quarter block. Ideal apartment site. These lots cost the owner $7500. Terms. $2100 IDEAL FACTORY SITE on O.-W. R. & N.. adjoining Twohy Bros.' carshops, 195 feet of trackage on spur track. Terms. For Information in regard to these properties consult J. I. .; Richardson, In charge of business property and leases, with FRANK L, McGUIRE AbitiK 1 on Building. Main 1088. Wanted! BEST BUY BRICK BUILDING Any location reasonably close. Income not essential. Have three cli ents waiting. See me today. 1 nJXiUue-e 4th STREET BUILDING $65,000 3-story brick and concrete, good for wholesale or manufactur ing. Will take part trade. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldij. MONEY To Loan on Improved TITLE & TRUST COMPANY Title and Trust Building HOTEL BUILDING $100,000 INCOME $800 PER MONTH Good brick building on tran sient retail street. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS OlA Yrtc- and Woolen rinfblnr. We Make Reversible. Hand - Worei FLUFF RUGS They Wear Like Iron. Wall Orders. s.nd for Ronkltl RnK Run" Woves.. All SI.ea. Carpet Cleaning Vxl2 Ham. Steam Cleaned, 81.50. WKSIKUN mi'P RUG CO.. 4U V a ion Ave. M. fc...i as.d. Is 1471 STORAGE SPACE Investigate Our Plant and Rate. Why assume expensive leases under present high costs? CLAV S. HORSE, INC. Dravasr and Storage. ath and OU.aa. Phone Uiliry. 347Q. Phone your want ads to the Orego nian. slain 7070. A 6096. NEW TODAY. Houses for Homes PHOT $2000 $2250 $3250 $3500 $3500 $3650 $3700 $4000 54000 $4000 $4000 $4500 $8000 OS OK TBKII M MANY HKRS AT (U K IIKKICK. 6-r. house, 50x100; bath, elect., basement: Emerson, nr. E. 10th: $300 cash. 6-r. nice bouse. E. Alder and 30th: $500 cash. Big snap. 6-r. house, 52x100. Ivy st, nr. Union ave. Snap; $500 cash. Good 6-r. house, 40x100. Qra- nam ave. Nice 6-r. E. 34th cash. nr. Union; terms, house, garage; cor. and Market; $1000 Pine 6-r. house; furnace, fire place. 50x100. E. Taylor, near 28th. Big snap; terms. 6-r. nice house. 40x135. Stan ton, nr. Vancouver ave. 8-r. fine, modern house, fur nace, fireplace; E. 31st, near Main. Snap. Swell large bungalow, fur nace, garage, 65x127; fruit: Rodney ave., nr. Piedmont; $500 cash. Nice 6-r. house. E. 6th, nr. Halsey, 50x100: $500 cash. 6-r good house, 100x100. E. 13th and Leo, Sellwood. Easy terms. Fine 8-r. bungalow: furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch; ga rage; cor. lot. p. 38th and Salmon. Snap. Swell 8-r. strictly modern house on corner. M block; fine view: Waverleigh Heights; terms. Swell 9-r. house, furnace, 4 fireplaces. 100x100. beautiful $9000 view; E. 53d and Morrison, Mt. Tabor. Easy terms. GRUSSI & BENNETT 318 Board of Trade. Mala 7452. Will Build High Class Garage 5Oxl0O BEST PART OK CITY REASONABLE RENT LEASE TO SUIT TENANT PORTLAND'S AVAILABLE BUSINESS LOCATIONS CAN BE SECURED THROUGH INSIDE PROPERTY DE VLERS GROUND FLOOR HENRY BLDG. FLAT BUILDING A MONEY-MAKER INVESTMENT GILT EDGED Clowe to BuiilneM Center. 60x100 corner on Everett, three six room flats, three five-room flats and a seven-room house in finest state of repair; now netting above 10 per cent Interest on price asked, namely, $22,500 ; reasonable terms. Look into this. THE LAWRENCE CO. 2QS Corbet! Bldg. Main 691.1. A GREAT BIG BARGAIN! 745 V2 -747 NORTHRUP STREET $5500 Easy terms one flat, 4 rooms; one flat, 6 rooms. One store, fine for shop or light grocery store, 2 baths, 3 toilets, furnace, etc. It was taken by mortgage and must be sold. Clear title. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Let us write your insurance. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW Eight rooms. Hot-water heat. Hard wood floors throughout. Tiled bath. Heavy porcelain fixtures. Hand- finished woodwork. Ruud heater. Strictly modern in every .respect. Built for a home. Heavy French plate windows. Concrete porch. Ele gant light fixtures. For further in formation call East 7292. GARAGES For AH Cars Prices on Application Ready-Cut and Portable Houses MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY i hoi Union Ave. N. W din. 2413. WILL BUILD On Broadway NEAR BURNSIDE to suit tenant. Finest location for auto or accessories business, moving-pfcture house or some thing along those lines. Ritter, JLowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WK CAM, FOR YOUR OLD CARPETS, Ruga and Woolen Clothing. Vie Make Reantlful llnnri-Wnvea FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Oat Promptly Rag Kagr Woven All Slice Mall Order., send for Booklet. Carpel. leaned. Laid and Uf. fitted. kOKTHWKST RUG CO. IS But 8th St. Phone Essat 3SbO Garages Call for Illustrated Price List. 208 BECK BLDG.. I Broadway and Oak phonr Broadwaj u, Sam Connell Lumber Co. 51 frt Mortgage Loans 20 Edward E. Gondey Co. L- $V Bank Boll din NEW TODAY. REAL ESTATE AS DEPENDABLE AS EVER mow IS THE TIME to Biy: Over forty years' ex perience in Portland justifies me in recom mending realty invest ments, but you must buy right. Accurate in formation regarding in side property for our customers. HENRY W. GODDARD 243 Stark Street Successor to GODDARD & WIEDRICK Build Your Own Garage Sectional Garage to you anywhere In the northwest. You can set It up in a few hours Send for circular REDIMADE BUILDING CO. 315 K. 1 1th St.. I' bone l.ut SI 14. Portland. Or. A RARE ONE WASHINGTON ST. 130x100, corner, covered by one story modern brick building, which would cost $30,000 to duplicate. Heart of automobile row. Short lease. Rental value $700 per month. Bare land sold for $100,000 a few years ago. Account of being owned by an estate, very low price is made. No trade. Terms, if desired. Price $8500 E. J. DALY 221 FAILING BLDG. ARTISTIC HOMES Ill II. II THAT HOME NOW! T f r -1 1 1 hoira ' 1 i"i , r" r c rm a m er www a .. ... .'ill.... i i i . . 1.1 u v.. i ll.lj terms or we will build by contract. See us now. Our prices and treat ment are right. SHAW. LARSON A. SEY.MOI R, U02 Spalding Rids;. Phone Alain -108. Want Apartment Building Will give small income Portland property and assume mortgage up to $50,000. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOANS That Cost Tou Less and Get Tou Out of Debt THE MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN NO COMMISSION Equitable Savings and Loan Association 240 stark: Street. 200x200 FULL BLOCK $12,500 East 20th, 1 block from Sandy blvd. lhis is a beautiful block for apartments. Good car serv ice and close in to the center of the city. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc. F. E. BOWMAN & CO, 210 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 3026 We will deliver a REBIMADE NEW TODAY. Bihr-Carey Co. REAL ESTATE 219 Railway Exchangee Bids. Ma4n 16 Following are some of the best homes to be had in Port land today for the money. We deal exclusively in city homes at bargain prices. Let us show you several at about the amount you wish to pay. It is a pleasure to show you. No obligation on your part. Six e x p e r i e n ced salesmen with automobiles at your service. THE CREAM OF ROSE CITY cncn Buys a six-room bungalow $UUUjust off Sandy blvd.; on cor ner lot; paved streets, sewer, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, beautiful inside and out, pergola and sun porch, a built-in buffet that's a beauty; $2000 down. CQCnfl Buvs a five-room bungalow OODUUon 68th street in Rose City. Full lot, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage; $1000 down. fiCcn Buys a brand new five-room vtOju bungalow, north 'of Alameda drive. Paved streets; assess ments all In and paid. White enamel finish, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen: $1500 down. Call Main 1686 and a salesman will drive you to the place. SEVERAL. MORE ROSE CITY BARGAINS SIMILAR TO THE ABOVE. WHY OT LET US SHOW YOU ALL Of XII KMT ALBERTA SPECIALS QflnnBuJ'8 a seven-room story-and-9 JUUU a-half house, one block to Alberta car. Close in. Bath, toilet, Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, several fruit trees, shrubbery and berries. $600 down. This place will bring $3500 in May. Why pay rent? $2750 Buys a new four-room bun galow In Alberta. Full cor ner lot; white enamel t h r o u g hout. fireplace; $600 down. $3150- a dandy modern five- m bunKalow. Paved street. close to Alberta car: $1000 down. Cannot be beat for the money. Buys eight-room house in Alberta, six years old; cost $3800 to build. If you want big value let us show you this; $1000 down, balance like rent. $3000 $3000 n"! y splendid two - story use in Alberta in Brood con- ditlon throughout: full lot, fruit trees, shrubbery and vines; close to school: $800 down, balance easy. A won derful bargain. SOME OTHER GOOD ONES Rnn(lBl,ya an exceptionally fine vwuuu six - room, two - story bunca low type house in Hawthorne on 37th street. Paved, corner lot, i u r n a c e, fireplace, un usual built-in buffet; nice well-kept lawn, roses and shrubbery; $2000 down, bal ance $50 per month. OKflflBuys a good five-room semi l1JUW modern cottage in Hawthorne district. Many trees and shrubbery: also chicken- house. Small payment down. uaiance iiKe rent. 9fliiflBuys a five-room cottage on UUU isth and Taggart streets. Small lot semi-modern, paved street all paid; vacant, move rignt in. $500 down. S3000 Ituys R seve-room house on -.-. . -1 11 l i cei. in naW' thorne district: right on car line. Good condition inside flnH niM XT , ... . . . . sewer; garage. Price cut for quick sale from t3r.no. Only $500 down. Act quick to get Bihr-Carey Co. REAL ESTATE 21 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. Main lONfl. MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE Excellent Location Artistic Exterior Rooms Beautifully Finished 24 Apartments Equal to 3 to 5-room house. Present income on low rental Over 12 Per Cent Can sell just about half pres ent cost and it is only four years old. $30,000 will handle this. Balance can be paid from rent. McCRILLIS CLEAVELAND CO. 322 to 326 Henry Building Telephone: Mam 530 WAREHOUSE SITE 100x100 or 50x100 COR. FOURTEENTH AND KEARNEY STS. This is right among the large warehouse buildings. We have a very low price on this prop erty ior snort time only. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg Portland Rug Company MANUFACTURERS OIT FLUFF RUGS "THERE'S A DIFFERENCE." WE WEAVE ALL SIZEH IN BOTH FLUFF AND RAG RUGS. Let U. Call for Your Old Carpet.. Work Will Be Returned "Proniptlv " Mall Orders l.lven I'romot Attention. VB CLEAN CARPETS. Portland Rug Company 1672 Eaat Seventeenth Street. Phone B 1324. Either Pacific or Home. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. WEST SIDE furnished apartment.; Income 312.000; equity 3S.O00. mortgage 314.000: terms, but no trade. Owner, F 700, Oregonlan. RKAI. K.STAT E. lor nssle Flat and Apartment Property. HOME AND INCOMEIRVINGTON. 2 modern apartment buildings, heart of Irvlngton, lower apartment beautiful ly finished old ivory, double Karaite, beautiful home as well as seod income. J. ROBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange Bids. Main T031; Residence. Tabor 5910. FLATS IRVINGTON PAYING II1. 2 Vi -story building. 50x100 lot. modem and up-to-date. 6 flats, no runtime ex pense, something choice. J. ROBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange Bids. Main 7831 ; Residence. Tabor 5319. BRICK APARTMENTS. Equity I35.O00, mortgage $15,000: net income $8VOll, including manager', sal ary, apartment, etc.: no trades. For interview, phone manager. Main 1643, or call 121U N. W. Bank bldg. 17 INVESTMENT. Business property, store, and flat, good rental property; price $3500. J. ROBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7931: Residence. Tabor 5319. SMALL rooming house for sale, close In on west side ; V rooms. .u.r.iiiai. 100 For Sale -Lott. $150 Lot 25x100 ft. on 56th at.; 50 ft nortn ot lium-siae. $300 lot, 50x100 ft., corner 56th and Ankeny .ts. $450 lot. 75x100 ft-, corner 57th and Davis sta. $283 lots. 30x129 ft on 59th St., two blocks from Hawthorne car. $285 lota. 43x100 ft. near 59th at., facing Powell valley road which be longs to the county and will be paved Cyan. Washington St. lot 105x134 ft., adjoins city park on the west, suitable for a laundry or ice plant and many other commercial purposes. Only 4 blka, from 23d St.. $1085 will buy It. All the above lota will be sold on easy payments. E. I. NIXON. 414 Washington St. SACRIFICE. $750 ROSE CITY PARK. Paved street and sewer in and paid: level with sidewalk, near car: excellent location. This must b. a quick sale. Look at this at once and you will buy. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 206. Branch office. 45 th and Sandy. Tabor 2804. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Lot 50x100 on 27th, near Knott: all Improvements in and paid: price $800. the only lot left at this price. Lots 50x100 on 25th, near Knott: all Improvements In and paid: price 9900. Lot 50x100 on 25th, near Knott: all improvements in and paid, price $10OO. There are only a few of the lota left: why not buy while you have this rare opportunity? -HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark SV Successor to Goddard & Wiedrlck. SNAP. ON SANDY BLVD. JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. Parkrose. 100x141 feet, almost 5 lots: corner, cement sidewalks, paved St. In front; pressure water, gas, electricity: taxes are low, being Juat outside city limits: no street Improvement, to pay: a beautiful building site, good view of valley and mta. Price only $1500 cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. ENORMOUS SACRIFICE. $1200 BUYS 18 LOTS in Jonesmore; 8 have trackage on O.-W. R. A N. at E. 81st and Halsey. balance are good lota too; this price is for im mediate cash sale by non-resident; if you have an atom of confidence in this city, grasp this unusual opportunity. KASF.R A RA1NEY. 823-6 Gasco Bldg. Marshall 3123. FOR SALE. Part sh. balance terms, but no in- terest. Southeast corner Woodstock and 51st.. 135x100. $1800. all clear. Northwest corner Holman and East 24th. 100x100. $1450. all clear. Address Arthur C. J. Schnennauer. 2130 North Slat st.. Seattle. Wash. IRVINGTON. V 50x100. $1500 Beautiful level lot In midst of fine homes on 80-ft. paved street, every thing paid. See us at ' once. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LET US WRITE YOUR INSURANCE 100x90 E. BURNSIDE. $750 CASH. All liens paid, good view, near E. 6Sth at. KASKR & RAINEY. 823-6 Gasco Bldg. Marshall 3125. joo-ft. FRONTAGE on Villa ave. (paved county roadl. 65x100 one end. 40x100 at other. 3 blocks over city limits, six to car: cleared and level, city water, light, gas. phone at hand: just right sixe for chicken ranch or small farm. For cash $475 Write or call on owner. II. P. McCoy, 1251 Belmont St.. East 888. $050 EACH for one or four sightly lots. cloe1 in on- good rarllne: all Improve ments paid; bonds or other securieles taken in part or full payment: will con sider financing bulldlnc several houses. Owner. AM 41. Oregonlan. ' MR. HOME8EEKER. Buy yourself an Xmaa present. 1O0 by 100 corner lot. good residence dis trict: sacrifice. Write owner. BF. 342. Oregonlan. TWO lots, Nos. 2-3, In block fl. In Blu mauer Addition, all Improvements in, perfect title: 1 lot. No. 3. in block 5, on Holladay ave. and 30th st By owner. 2050 Holladay ave. FOR XMAS. Nice corner on east slope Mt. Tabor. $250: no incumbrance. Harrison. Ger llnger bldg. BARGAIN 2 fine lots 25xlOO each, near Lombard and Peninsular n-t.: easy worth 500: will sacrifice for 3250; term. E J. Oeiser. 417 Chamber of Com. IRVINGTON LOT SNAP, 11050. all clear. buys this fine east-tacing lot. titn near Stanton. Neuhausen jr. Co. WII.1. trade or sell four lots in town of Swalwell. 55 miles N. E. of Calgary. Canada Geo. Hawley. Orenco. Or. A HIGH-CLASS building lot In Alameda Park on 3Cth at., near Mason, liens all paid. WW cash. Tabor 3304. TWO lots on Hawthorne ave. and Slat st for sale by owner, sr. jacanum, jujui Day. Or.' RE A I. ESTATE AGENT BONDS. MUST BE READY JANUARY 1. 1020. SMITN.-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. IRVINGTON CORNERS. 11130 AND TJP: INSIDE LOTS. 11050 AND UP. NEU HAUSEN CO., N. W. BANK BLDG. FOR SALE! Two nice residence lota, E. 70th. near Sandy blvd.: cheap for cash. Mrs. R. C. Chapman. Kelso. . Wash. FOR SALE One. two or four beautiful view site lots, by owner. Call Tabor 2I3W. For sale House. WOODMEN. ATTENTION! lOO acres of good timber. 3 mile, from the R. R. station and 3 mile, of the Willamette river. Haa 50 acres of oak. balance good fir timber. The land lies level. Is only 2R miles from Portland. This tim ber will pay 3 times the price of the land. Price J5 an acre. 1-3 cash. Mr. Kennedy. 527 Corbett building. J2750 ARTISTIC HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Unusually attractive 5-room homelike bungalow; large living room with ellnk-er-brlck fireplace, large paneled dining rcom with built-in buffet, convenient kitchen. 2 light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing: paved street. Herns all paid but 3100; terms. SEE FRANK L. HcOl IRB To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. VSAH BROADWAY BRIDGE. X22O0 VERY ATTRACTIVE BUY $2200. Three-room cottage with bath, base ment, electricity, gas, etc., SOxlOO lot Just one block off Broadway, about 5 blocks east of bridge. I will leave it to you if this lot alone Isn't worth more than we are asking for all. Short walk to business center. Term.. C. A. WARR1NER. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Roard of Trade Hldg. SOUTH MT. TABOR. S30OO. 36O0 CASH. 5-room bungalow on full 50x100 lot. 2 blocks from Hawthorne car; has book cases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full base ment, fine garage, one extra room fin ished in attic: IROO cash will handle. Don't fall to see this. J. A. HUBBELL. 1078 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8802. $40fH 10S6 E. GRANT STREET. Nobby 7-room home, built-in., paved street; move right In: term.. Miss Slo comb. Main 4246. forenoon, evenings. $180fJ $SO0 DOWN TERMS. Cottage, good buy. cloee In. Q. C. MOORE. 501-2 Couch bldg. BIG LOT, S-room cottage. $525: $125 down, terras. 6128 52d st. Woodstock car. fjT7TIBBETTS ST. 5 rooms, modern, fire place, h. s. street. $3000. E. 2871. MY equity in west side home. S1C00 cash. BD 783. Oregonlan. RF.AL EST.1TK. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON HOME BEAUTIFUL. This Is one of the finest and most artistic homes that we have had the pleasure of inspecting. It Is of colonial type and sets in the center of a plot of ground inuxioo. a full lota profuse with various kinds of shrubbery. It was built by the owner about five years ago when labor and material were at bedrock. Tou enter a ves tibule with coatrooin. the center wide stairway around which the entire plan Is laid la an Innova tion. On one side there is a living room with fireplace designed to match the woodwork and tapestry paper, and dining room with beau tiful built-in buffet: the reception hall, living room and dining room are of selected mahogany. To the right of the reception ball you have the breakfast room, also the library which is flnlahed in oak with an artistic fireplace. The kitchen is large and light and all counter, sink and drain boards are finiahed in vltrolite. There are real oak floors throughout the house. The house has an excep tionally fine heating, system which has atood the teat during the re cent cold ana p. There are five bedrooms on second floor, two tiled bathrooms with pedestal wash stands and shower hatha, also r.lce sewing room with built in cupboard. All walls on the sec ond tloor are painted In oil with hand-painted border., all cloaets and wardrobe, of Port Orford cedar, front bedroom haa fireplace and triple glass mirrors. All wood work white enamel, third floor ha. large finished party room connected with heat. House phone on all floors, basement and at tic. Stationary vacuum cleaning system connects all floors with basement. All windows p. Ate glass and fixtures the best. We know you will like this place. Call and make appointment at once, as this la th. first time it haa ever been advertised and th. prlc. la right. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Let Us Write Your Insurance. $6500 DISTINCTIVE ROSE CITY HOME This ta a real home; unusually well built, be.t of material, auperlor work manship; hardwood Moors throughout, woodwork all In white enamel, large liv ing room 14x2.. large, cheery Ort place, built-in bookcases. French doors lead n.,i.r i.rv attractive paneled dining room with maaslve built-in buf fet, full white Dutch kitchen: has every built-in convenience; breakfast room, 4 light, airy bedrooms, sleeping porch, best white porcelain plumbing fixtures, full cement basement with furnace ana laundry trays: 80x100 lot, located on fc. 57th street. 2 blocks from Rose City car: garage; can arrange terms. SEL FRANK L. McOL'IRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. REAL BUNGALOW BARGAINS. 5 large airy rooms, large floored attic, every conceivable bullt-ln feature throughout the house; hardwood floor. In every room, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement with wash trays; ele gant light fixtures, fine garage, paved street and In restricted district, near E. 24th at. Lot 50x100. This Is an excep tional bargain at ;.."" (2000 cash; good terms on balance. 5-room modern bungalow. la-ge attic, full basement, wash trays. Dutch kitchen, buffet, bookcase, in first-class condition: neat and clean; in Irvlngton Park on 27th at. $3000: $750 cash. bal. easy. It. M. OATEWOOD A CO.. 185 4th St. 600 HOMES FOR SALE. Here is a real opportunity for you to secure a modern, well-built home oa easy terms. Every one of these home, has been personally inspected and appraised. Some wonderful bargains. A photograph of each home with full data regarding rame is on display for your inspection. 12 autos at your service. This system has void over 800 homes this year and I am sure we can be of service to you in lo cating Just the house you are looking for. FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home, Abington b.'dg. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. A REAL BUNGALOW. FURNISHED MOVE RIGHT IN. View lot. 50x119 feet, exclusive dis trict; can see the whole city, large living room, fireplace, hardwood floors, glassed in sun porch, dining room with French doors and elegant view. Dutch kitchen, cozy breakfast room. 2 large bedrooms, bath and all-year sleeping porch with heat, cement basement, furnace, laun dry trays: furniture is new and the best: built for a home: $7000. i-HAS lilNGLEK & CO.. 223 Henry bldg. NEW HOME. $4250. Modern 5-room house, large at tic and nice cement basement: hardwood floors, fireplace; good terms and you could not duplicate it for this today. Good terms. See Mr. Rhode. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th St. Main 6800. $2400 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $2400. Move in January 1. Just a real nice bungalow. 4 nice large rooms on 50x100. lot 2 blocks from Klllingsworth ave. on West Emerson street, near car barns. Will be vacant Dec. 25. This is splendid home and a ' good buy. $2400: $750 cash, balance I $25 per month including interest. Be sure and see this. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6913. $2650. HEART OF ALBINA. MUST BE SOLD TO CLOSE ESTATE. 50x100 and 7-room house. No. 270 Graham ave. This is semt-buslnes. prop erty only one block north of Bates bank. Changing condition, will make it grow in value. In order to close an estate It li now offered at a price that Is $500 les. than the mortgage. For appointment phi.ne Mr. Strong, executor. Main 3592. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Two bedroom, and nice sleeping porch and bath upstairs, and living room, dining room, hall and kitchen down, fireplace, built-in conveniences, cement basement, furnace, paved street. In and paid. Just 1 block from car. Price i4BM: terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board ot Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. $5750 Beautiful 5-room bungalow, with attic for 3 additional room, if de sired: living room acroa. entire front: hdwd. floors, fireplace, beautiful built lns. furnace, full cement basement.; st. Imp. included in price; terms. Sun. call Mar. 2784. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Bxch. bldjr Main 583. HAWTHORNE COTTAGE. $1600 $600 CASH AND $10 MONTH. 4-room plastered cottage, lot 30x100: all street Improvements in and paid: lo cated near 42d and Hawthorne. This will be yours if you hurry. Sunday call 216-48. CLEVELAND -HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bids- Main 6752. MY CONTRACT CASH OR TRADE. Very desirable 6-room and bath, cor ner lot 50x100. monthly paymenta In cluding interest and taxes. $25; value of house and lot $45O0: due on contract about $8100; location. Shaver .t.. be tween Mlsslsippl and William, avea Handy to cars and school. Donald Mac leod. 10Q2 Spalding hldg. . , ALBERTA. 6-room modern bungalow. 2 blocks to car; a good buy for the money: price 13100. $700 down, balance to suit. Aak Mr. Kellogg. A. J. DeFOREST CO.. 320-321 Henry bldg. Main 2600. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Terras like rent Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Main 2033. Main 4477. ON EAST 18TH. In Irvlngton. lot 30x100. 8-room artistically finished home with . furnace and fireplace, fruit trees, for the very low price of $3000. Party leav ing town HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark st. IRVINGTON. $R000; $1000 CASH. 8 artistic rooms, large, bright; cost owner $8300; naif block to club 4S4 E. 22d North. Do not disturb tenant- Call McDonelL East 419. $8150 NEAT, modern little 5-room house, nearly two tots, all Improvements paid. E. 47th, near Belmont. Owner transferred from city: priced for Immediate sale. 910 Cham, of Com. Phone Marshall 1585. BENSON PLUMBING CO., First-classplumblng done, quick serv ice. Phone Tabor 5280. 5-ROOM house, lot 80x100. chicken park, large fruit trees, small fruit, fenced, Pledmcnt. 4 block, from St. Johns car $1450: $250 cash, rest like rent. Apt. 804. 186 Sherman st. HOUSE for .ale or will rent, immediate possession. Phone woodlawn 5841 or .Marshall ;i2f). KENTON 8-room house, large lot. tlOOO. on terras. 275 Halleck, near Peninsula avenue. MODERN 8-room house with fine grounds, lot 100x103, price $12,000. 420 Chamber of Commerce. RKAI ESTATE. For Sale FRANK U Mt-GUIRE OFFERS THE FOLLOWING AIM'l; VISED HOMES FOR SALE; 20 homes In Rose Oity Park. 34 home. In Hoiladay-IrvlngtOn. V home, in Piedmont. 5 home, in Laurelhurst. SO homes in Sunnside. Haw. and Tabor. 50 homes in Alberta. 43 homes in Albina. 33 homes in Peninsula. 2 homes in Kenton. 21 homes In Woodlawn. 33 homes in Central E. Portland. 30 homes in nontavilla. 27 homes In Waverly Richmond. 34 homes in Sellwood. 30 homes in Woodstock. Vt homes in Mt. Scott. 62 homes on the west side. Are you a stranger in Portland? Do you contemplate buying a home. Do you know values? Do you know the desira ble and undesirable districts? Famil iarising you with these tacts and looking out for your every interest is part of the SERVICE of the "MAGL1RE BrSTBM." Come to our showrooms and see over 000 photographs of nomes for sale, rang ing in price, from .5O0 to 3 50.OOO. Each section of the city having its allotment of space. Accurate data, descriptive ot the property, accompanies each picture. Every house has been inspected and ap praised by FRANK L. McGTIRE per sonally. This system ha. sold uvea hOO homes this year. 12 experienced sales men with automobiles at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Successor to H. D. McGulre Co.. Established In 1830. '3 Tear, of Service." Abington Building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. IRVINGTON. REAL HOME. This Is undoubtedly one of the finest homes for the money, not only in Irv lngton, but in Portland, and you will say so after inspecting it. Situated as It ta on loOxlOO corner, near the play grounds and club haute. It is surrounded by home, of It. own class. Our prlc. is way below market as owner says sell at my expense. The house has every thing in it that goes to make up a real flrsf-class home such as hot water heat ing plant. Ruud hot wat r heater, beau tiful mahogany dining l m with artis tic built-in buffet, larg. kitchen with butler's pantry, living roon. exceptionally large with fireplace. .Basement has fruit room and dandy billiard room: second floor has four large airy bedrooms and one child's room. Also modern bath room, telephone lyetem connects all floors with kitchen. Third floor has maid's room and large party room. There Is a large garage connected with heat; take a look at outside. 705 Braxee. N. E. corner E. 20th North, then call u. for appointment to see lnelri RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LET US WRITE YOUR INSURANCE. DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER AND BUILDER. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW e itOOO TERMS. 428 E. JESSUP ST. Just completed, modern 5-room bun galow and sleeping por-h. also large room plastered In attic, ha. hardwood floora, Dutch kitchen, paneled dlninc room, bookcases, electric fixtures, plentv built-lns. French mirrors. rooms are large and conveniently arranged, fin ished in Ivory and white enamel, plumb ing complete: if. a dream bungalow and- could not be duplicated for les than $4S00; see this today near Union and Klllingswnrth, adj. Piedmont: take Woodlawn car to Jessup St. and Union ave., then go one block east. Phone Bast 6516 during dav. C 1182 evenings. OWNER ON PREMISES 12 TO 8 DAILY. ADJOINING PLAZA BLOCKS. $11150 TOTAL PRICE. $350 DOWN. $20 PER MONTH. Why. this 1. right in town. Walking distance. In a good neighborhood, and. moreover, a substantial, comfortable 5 room plastered home, with white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; hard surlace street, sewer and walk all paid for: It isn't a full lot. but it's large enough. See it today. Antos at your service. SEE FRANK L McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. AN IDEAL HOME. On paved street, cloee in. about a stone's throw of Sandy blvd.; has large cement basement, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors; In fact, elegantly finished through out; 5 sleeping rooms and fine sleeping porch in glass. Only $6T.oo or might take trade for smaller place. See Mr. Rhode. TH B FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th St. Main 0S6. ROSE CITY. A moat charming 3-room bungalow. 2 bedrooms down. 2 nice finished room. In attic; has neax breakfast nook; oak floors throughout, except kitchen: living and dining finished in natural quarter sawed fir, balance white enamel; fine fireplace, good furnace, garage. 50x100 ft. lot: all Improvements In and paid: block off Sandv. below hill: velour. silk. linen sundlm window hangings and gas range Included: $8Uoo: to caan: an uae new and a lovely home. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett bldg. Main 6916. 6-ROOM modern home, vacant, full lot. lawn, fruit, etc; 1943 Eaat Washington t. Assessment paid ; $2500. terms. ft -room modem home, vacant, newly painted and decorated, suitable for one or two families: lot 67UxlOO. fruit, lawn, etc. 266 East 45th St. Terms to suit and a bargain.. 6-room modern home, vacant; lot 50x 100: terms to suit. 1401 East Gllsan ft. L. E. Stelnmeta, 406 Gerllnger bldg. Main 8091 or Tabor 8224. REDUCED PRICE $4500 ALBERTA CORNER $4500. Oround 96xlO0. about 14 good bearing fruit trees, an abundance of berries, and a good 7-room house, paved street. This property i. clear of all IncunSbrance and can be bought on reasonable terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of Insurance. ROSE CITY PARK. $8000 8-room modern bungalow, with the exception of hdwd. floors; corner lot 100x114.6. with concrete garage. This home has furnace. rirep.:ice and all built-lns: out-of-town owner offer, this at cost 4 years ago; terms. sun. call Mar. 2784. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 3S3 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $24 .0 $600 CASH. 3 rooms and reception hall, bookcases, buffet; cement basement; white enamel plumbing: paved street: located near 39th and Harrison sis. Sunday call 216-4S. ALBINA. CLEVBT.AND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6752. EST YAMHILL $2650. Furnished 5-room semi-bungalow: hard wood-finish floors-; streets paved and paid ; income from fruit pays taxes and insurance: 2 blks. from school and 1 blk. from-car; piano Included In fur- HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark L 7-ROOM house, semi-modern; walking dis tance on East Salmon: lot 42x115; street Improvements all In and paid: some fruit trees; full concrete basement; $3500; terms. C. E. SCOTT REALTY CO... MAIN 33.13. 317-519 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IRVINGTON and Laurelhurst home.; we have just completed several bungalows and colonial homes In Irvlngton and Laurelhurst: if you are In the market for a strictly molern home, don't fall to see us. Turner A Winshlp. builders. 312 Henry bldg. Main 7847. 5-room house In a good location, ex tra large lot and garage, price $2250. $500 down, balance to suit. Ask Mr. Kellogg. A. J DeFOREST CO.. 320-321 Henry bldg. Main 2690. SUNNVSIDE. large 6-room house, corner 1 VJ I. , , - 5-room cottage, full basement, attic, bargain. 205O; $600 down. Tabor 1811. W. H. Sawtell. AN IRVINGTON BEAUTY. New 7-room strictly modem New Eng. land colonial house on corner lot In the most exclusive part of Irvlngton: one block from car: an ideal home. M. Bill ings. 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390. NEW 6-room colonial house, 100x100 cor ner lot and garage: property Is worth $50O0. but owner Is leaving city and the beet offer takes it: a big bargain for someone. AL 58. Oregonlan. WEST SIDE INVESTMENT To close estate w-III sell two houses on corner lot on 6th street, bringing In good Interest on investment: price 14750. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. STRICTLY modem 8-room houae for aale, on hard-surface street and carllne, by owner: a bargain for cash. Tabor 4018. call evenings. FOR SALE Half block with two 3-roorn. one 4-room and one 7-room houses, pay ing 15 Per cent net. Address E. J. Bene dict. Camas. Wash. SELLWOOD. 3 ROOMS. $1400. Paved street, electric lights, bath, ne ,.nr $500 cash, vacant- Sellwoo.t 1 2700. REAL E3TATK. Fur Kale Uou RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. 827 Chamber of Commerce. T-room home in Sellwood. $4000. fully modern, cement b:u.-ment. laundry trays. 3 bedroom, sleeping porch, all In Al condition; extra large lot with abun dance of fruit, garage, chicken house; compared with today's, prices on material the house could not be duplicated at the price, and we are glvtng you all the rest; $1000 cash and term, on balance, or will trade for a small farm and pay any difference. 3-room bungalow. Montavllla, $26"0. large living room with fireplace, din ing room with built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen; a pretty little home with ce ment walks, curb. etc. $1150 cash, bal ance 5 year, straight at 0 per cent. Rose City Park 5-room bungalaw. $2250; this is the bert buy we have in this district, i. a very cosy home, on good street, with walks and curb, twe blocks to car: the be.t pact is. thai it can be handled with $350 cash and balance $25 month. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. 827 Chamber ' Commerce. $3500 MODERN HOLLADAY HOME. On Clackamas sinet. on a full lot with liens paid is a 7-room very modern attractive home with distinctive lines; living room with cheery fireplace: solid paneled dining room with built-in leaded glass buffet; cove ceilings; white Dutch kitchen. 3 light airy becrooms: sleeping porch; full cement basement: furnace and laundry trays; best white enamel plumbing fixtures: electric lights anal gas. Can arrange terms. This Is an unusual bargain. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington Building. Main 1088. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. 134.-.0 TERMS PARKROSE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Half-acre tract just outside of the city limits on macadam road and only 3 blka. to Columbia highway; 5 very good rooms; bedrooms, bath and kitchen enameled; bullt-ln buffet and fireplace: both liv ing and dining rooms have large win dows and face on the street; Dutch kitchen, woodlltt and laundry trays. Ground cleared except a few fir trees near house. Ideal suburban location: gas. electricity and pressure water. $1060 down, balance like rent. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg Main 208. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. We have a real cleverly arranged 5 room bungalow with large living and sun porch, and breakfast room, oak polished floora rir.place; all the built-in., fur nace: a cleverly arranged, well-constructed and moat cheerful home in de lightful district; paved streets, all paid, and most beautifully furnished. Including mahogany dining room set. 1 Circassian walnut. 1 ivory bedroom suite, and large divan, close to car: $7500. This is beau tiful view home and worth Investigating. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett bldg. Main 8915. ONE of the niftiest 6-room bunga lows in the city, good solid con struction, hardwood floora all built-in, white enamel finish, full cement basement, furnace heat, full lot. good garage. This place la new. in fine location and can be bought now for $8OO0. with terms. Now is the time to buy. S. R. STOCKTON. Tabor 1040. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500 for a dandy bungalow of 5 rooms and breakfast room, also sleep ing porch first floor; additional sleep ing porch and large attic up. Never again an opportunity like this. Owner leaving city, must sell at once. Will sell furnished If desired, or make addi tional discount for all cash. Street imp. all in and pd. A pleasure to show you. Sun. call Mar. 2784.. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 58$ WALNUT PARK. ATTRACTIVE BUY. This Is a .real home, nicely located In beautiful Walnut Park: 8 rooms and den, strictly modern except hardwood floors. Juat 1H blocks from car. hard surface" streets, clear Of all Incumbrances; terms Watch our adi-. We get resuitF. C. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $5775 TYPICAL COLONIAL HOME. 0-rooms, very modern, beautiful lines massive concrete columns, furnace, fire place, many built-in con venlencea, large den. ideally located In the Hawthorne district. We have 86 other homea in Sunnyalde. Hawthorne and Mt- Tabor. SEE . FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 1088. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. BUNGALOWS HOUSES. We have a very nice list of most at tractive bunga'.owa and house, many with hardwood floor. furnace and garage, located in Laurelhurt. Irvlngton. Roae City Park and Hawthorne dlatrlcta; we would appreciate your calling ua up or coming to our office and allowing ua to tell 3sdu all about our beautiful homes. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915 100x100 LOT with new 6-room house, hardwood floor. 2 fireplaces." bullt-ln buffet, sun parlor, breakfast nook, fur nace anil laundry trays. Rooms are all very light and house Is double con structed. Owner 1 forced to leave city and haa Inatructed ua to sell place at $4700. $1000 cash. Ask us about this won derful bargain. Ji'IlXSON-nnpSON CO.. 632-633-634 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON. A lovely 3-room bungalow, with oak floora. Dutch kitchen, breakfaat nook, all finiahed in old Ivory and white: nice large rooma. fireplace, urnace. garage: improvements all In and paid: right on carltne; Juat a real homey home; $5650; $1500 caah: move right In and eat Chrlat mas dinner there, it will taste better. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett bldg. Main 8915. MONTHLY PAYMENTS LESS THAN RENT. Furnished 5-room cosy bungalow, fur niture new and latest style; good fire place, very conveniently arranged, cor ner lot. near car, park, giade and high schools: IHOO caah. 140 monthly; $3130. JOHNSuX-DOWO.N CO.. 632. 633. 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main $787. $3500 UNUSUAL BARGAIN. On E. 8th street, near Rhone, which is practically walking distance, is an unusually subatantlal 6-room modern home with maaaive llnea; full lot 50x100. $500 down and $25 per month. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abington Building. Main 1068. Of; Ice Open Evenings and Sundays. 5-luiOM bungalow, hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, bath, ce ment basement, laundry trays, electricity and gas, large attic. 8-year-old lawn, berries, roses, French windows, every thing up to date, cement sidewalk, graded streete, two blocka from Alberta car. on 11th street. Price $3730, I10O0 down. See R. B. Smith, 1121 Eaat 24th st. North. Phone Woodlawn 3801. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything: furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. L. R- Bailey Co.. Inc.. contract ing architects. 924 N. W. Bank bids. SACRIFICE Mortgage due; Oregon street, large 5-room bungalow, near pavement: extra large lot; numerous conveniences: basement, large attic; house cannot be built for present price. $2800: $1745 cash, balance monthly; Immediate possession, owner, evening.. Tabor 7055. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Cloae In on Broadway; 50x100, good 7 room houae. not etrlctly modern, but good looking, walking distance, pries for quick sale. $4750. Don't pass thia up. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg OWNER NEEDS MONEY. If sold this week, owner will make exceptionally attractive price on a strict ly modern 3-room bungalow In good dis trict vacant and in the pink of condi tion,' street Improvements all in and paid. Owner. Woodlawn 29. $:.00O SUNNVSIDE DISTRICT. 7-room modern houae. south front cor. lot 60x66 2-3; good lawn, shrubbery and flowers; hard-surfaced street: will trade for improved acreage not over $6000. PYRAMID LAND CO.. 603-4 Title A Truat bldg. IRVINGTON HOME $6300. On lot 30x100, we are offering a beau tifully finiahed 7-room home, including 3 bedrooms and bath: hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace; 16th. near Sia- 11ENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark at. trxVING city, must sell brand-new 8 room bungalow, completely .furnished If rfelred See this and make offer. 1070 U .7., . SIM Tf-mn Own. i .R - i i h V1NGTON 7-roorn house, fine lot with trefs- a bargain at $3000; terms. B. J. Oolse'r. 417 Chamber o.Ccmmeica. WII L take $10O0 for a $1165 house con tract drawing 7 Interest, secured by a Hose "city bungalow. Call Main 16S6. IRVINGTON HOME. EAST 184T. IRVINGTON EAST V.4 R. T. STREET. IRV AGT IRVINGTON bargain, classy T room home; newly finished, $7000. Owner. Eaat 8016.