7 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, DECKU HER 21, 1919 ATHLETES PREPARE FOR OLYMP C GAMES United States Track Men to Have No Easy Victory. ARMY METHODS ARE USED Fifty Chlers of Battalions Now Fin ishing Special Course of Train ing at Joint i lie School. NEW YORK. Dec. 20. Adopting the same systematic methods whicb American athletic authorities proved successful in the past, European na tlons are preparing for the Olympic games of 1920 in a thorough manner which bodes no easy victory for the United States athletes in the interna tional track meet at Antwerp. Bel gium, next Augusct. Campaigns for the development of teams, collection of funds and other important details essential to success in such an elab orate undertaking, are already under way, aided in several cases by gov ernment supervision and subsidies. No better example may be cited than the plans and arrangements of the French, which involve a generous use of the army methods and system. Three classes remain mobilized of the great army of France at the present time. They are the class of 1917, boys aged 22; that of 1918, aged 21, and the class of 1919. youths of 20. Thus the flower of the French race, physically and from an athletic point of view, remains under arms. They are distributed in various garrison towns and departments of France. It is from among these three classes that ahtletic France expects to recruit 30 or 40 first-class athletes to add to the1 already fair quota of men who are slated to represent France at Ant werp. Programme Derided Upon. The following programme has been decided upon by the athletic direc tors of the French army, at the head of whom is Colonel See, chief of the Joinville school of athletics for the French army. Elimination trials will be conducted in every regiment of the above three classes, each soldier mak ing a specialty of the sport for which he has shown the greatest inclina tion and to which he has been pro nounced fittest by the doctor of the regiment. These trials will occure af ter three, four and perhaps six months of preparatory training under the eye of an athletic director. Soldiers who have shown class warranting their undergoing further training will be picked out and directed to one of the large centers nearest their billet. Stra.sburg. Lyons, Marseilles, Bor deaux and Paris. According to the schedule adopted, the men chosen as being worthy of further trial will reach their various headquarters sometime in the spring. Then semi-finals will be held in Stras burg. Lyons, Marseilles and Bordeaux and it will be a case of the survival of the fittest. These will be sent to Joinville, near Paris, where the final touch will be put to their preparation. Chiefs Training at Joinville. Fifty chiefs of battalions are just now finishing a special course of training' at the Joinville srlmnl wnri in fw Urodlro u'iil K , I ............. I among the garrison towns of France to commence the training of the men and officers. Two hundred officers and 150 men are already hard at work at the school, some of them training in their own behalf, others getting ready to take in hand the men who will be sent to them from the provinces. Joinville is close to the Pershing sta dium and the dual work of the Olym pic candidates will be done at the former American stadium. One million francs of the 10,000,000 voted by the chamber of deputies for the intensification of athletic train ing among French youth has been appropriated for the work at Join ville. Trials .Near Championship. The officers and men at Joinville are already training in earnest and an Associated Press correspondent recently saw Tirard negotiate the loo meters in 11 seconds fiat, Seurin cover 200 meters in 22,i, Carlaix run 1000 meters in two minutes 35 sec onds and young; Guillemot do 100 kilo meters without being pressed in 33 minutes. These performances are very close to championship form. roung CruillemoT is considered as be ing the most likely successor to the famous J. Bouln. He is somewhat awkward in his style, but when it is realized that six months ago he had never competed in a race, the way in which he has been winning from all competitors lately would seem to in dicate that with a little more expe rience and training he will be a hard man to beat at Antwerp. Reverting: to patronymics, the man aner of the Wonderland Sporting club of Paris, which is bidding- for the Tlempscy-Carpentier bout, labors un der the label of Decoin. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. , ' rr permanent. good-paylne position, export stenographer, capable of taking charge or office during absence t manager : give previous experience and salary desired. BD 804. Oreconlan A DOZEN Rhode Tsland Red pullets of them ready to lay; also choice cock erels, suitable Christmas presents: over stuffed, reasonable. 350 Marguerite ave. Ta tor 390U. LEAKY ROOMS promptly repaired; charges reasonable Seney. the Roofer. Woodlawn 3328 and 3-2U.10. any time. WILL jell my 200 Cremona phonograpl. See Mr. Snow. ... iwvnu, term Angela Hotel, after l(i A.M. I WILL pay spot cash un to IUM f... 6-room bungalow, the closer in the het- ter. In a good district. B .,3, Oregonian WANTED To buy girls bicycles, small size, pneumatic tires. Plummer, Third and Madison. Fl'RNISHED 4-room modern cottar. piano. 747 Belmont st., near 23d. Reni $ Jo. COSY tow 5-room bunealow. awbm iTCnrZ town ; blK bargain If sold before nTmS Yeart. "Mi- ooinawn mm FOR SALE OR TRADE For small car J l-ton truck. Can be seen at Tti Kat Burna.de st. Kast 4678. SMALL furnished house with piano, rent a i room 23. before 10:30 A A.NTLD Furniture of small house for acre worth J0OO: pay balance cash Tel- ephonc East 171. room 203. WANTED An excavator for a basement amuBorthwIfk. Woodlawn "ment FQR SALE 20-H .P. return tubular boiler at a bargain. East 4B7B. FOR RENT-8-rocm unrurnlshed apart mint. Phonellaln (IH3R. SLEEPING room, front, plenty of llcht fuinace heat. $x. Easl Madison st ' H u S,E 5? w N"' Dap"' Phon' btl "i heat. 3U.1 est Park. Mar. 568. WANTED- First-class r-oatmakers Bros., tailors. 203 Wilcox bids-. Reed LATE model Ford sedan for onl Owner. 334 M: l-arrabee st y 515. TO trfide. residence Tabor 8733. lot for automobile. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. LATE 1919 Maxwell. In best of shape; cannot be told from new; must sell this car at a sacrifice this week. A BIG BARGAIN. Buy now and save the added cost of winter storage; a new. late 1119 model Chevrolet; has had the best of care; run less than 500 miles, must sell this week; will sacrifice. iMry Coast Agency, 71 Bdwy. Bdwy. 216fc ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless Dentistry absolutely per formed bv the nerve-blocking method, without after-effects; let us prove it to you. We make X-ray examinations of teeth when necessary along with oth er operations; we specialize in first-class dentistry at reasonable fees. DR. A. W, KEBXK. DR. B. H. PREHN, -Majestic Theater Hldg. 351 hi Wash. KICiHT rooms, double sleeping porch, modern, full basement, furnace, for rent to purchaser of furniture some of which is Just new. all is good and very desir able; you can have good home and free rent by renting several rooms; price 11&0 down. MRS. THOMSON. 020-21 HENRY BLDG. WANTED A first-class man or ability who by following Instructions will learn a business where the remuneration is large and offeis a permanent and hlgrhly profitable career to the person who has ambition and devotes his entire time to ills chosen vocation. AO SO. Oregoriian. CITY wood hauling contract, pays $15 per day ; requires purchase of --ton truck. Main MIT. 351 First st. SWAPS. Electric heater. k bed, spring and mat tress; will exchange for a good double bed or carpets ; also lady's gold watch and chain. II ear clasps, ring and brooch, genuine pearls and diamonds, sell or exchange. 1151 E. Lincoln. Tabor 222Z, 13 ROMS, h. it., rent $35, all full of good, steady tenants; elec, stove heat ; price $1050, $700 down. 8 rooms, h. k., rent reasonable. 4th street location ; price $050 cash. MRS. THOMSON. 00-21 H EX RYBLDG. WANTED A capable. forcible. active stock salesman to handle securities in an Oregon corporation. By giving the best t$iat Is in him. with Intelligent ef fort, will insure immediate and perma- nent ad van cement. Al oit, Oregon. an as ROOMS, all apts.. 4 years' lease, very reasonable rent ; electricity, stove heat, always full, clears $275; price $3750 cash. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BI)G. TYPIST, must be accurate, for policy writer, large insurance office; knowl edge of fire-insurance or accounting de sirable ; state experience and salary ex-pe-tt-d. AE 640, Oregonian. X M AS OPPORTUNITY. Ermine stole, 96 Inches long. 16 Inches wide, good as new, must be sacrificed; no reasonable offer refused. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. INFORMATION furnished promptly on any subject; expert advice; minimum fees $1. Write questions plainly and mail to Western Information Bureau, 404V Washington st., Portland, Or. 50-ROOM modern hotel. 3 years lease, some apts.. some private baths, spotless, well furnished, carpets good. h. and c water In every room; price $7,000. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. WE REPAIR CRACKED CYLINDER HEADS. ARM ITU RE &. ELECTRIC WORKS. 17TH AND ALDER. BDWY. FOR SALE IV2-H. I gas engine. Cham pion Hrlll press, pipe vise and carborun dum wheel foot -power grinder, all for $40. Tabor 8207. 20 ROOMS, all apts., good carpets and furniture, elec, stove heat, clears $175. splendid location, $2lO0, $800 down. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. 2- ROOM houseboat, furnished, also motor boat with auto engine, speed 20 miles : snap ; close in. Phone today. Marstiau 1306; Monday. Main 4206. CAN jjave you $50 If you can use a iady j 1 diamond ring, about 4 karat; Just re mounted in white gold of the latest de- ( sign. Phone after 11 A. m.. Bttwy. -u WANTBD To buy 6 or 7-room modern house. Piedmont or Kenton district; pre fer to deal with owner direct. BC .133. 'rPK'inlan. YOUNG married man with good educa tion wants permanent position ; several years' experience as clerk. J. Albers. Ifi2 W. Park st. Marshall 2141. HUDSON Super-Six. 7-passenger limousine; cord tires, fine shape: a bargain: terms. Mr. Reed. Tabor 7494. Boulevard Ga- rane. 20 ROOMS, h. k., rent J00. good clean place, elec. stove heat, best location, money-maker: price $1200 cash. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. NEW WASHING MACHINE. Swinging wringer. Gainaday. all metal, a sensible Xmas gift. HIS. East 3021. 298 Eugene st. WANTED A white male bulldog. 1 month or 6 weeks old. Reasonable. Call Sunday. Bdwy. 5792 and Monday call Main 0066. FORD for Xmas present, electric starter, prompt dellverv. Main 1100 week days. Call for Mitchell. ' WANTED From private party. Z good diamonds, around ',-karat. Call Tabor DARK brown Bolivia coat, silk lined, suit able for short lady or girl. Phone Auto malic 315-74. WASHING machine and wringer. gas plate; Al condition, cheap. 300 E. 45th st. N FOR UkA" Nice I v furnished sleeping room, west side, near hospitals. Phone Broadway 4757. WICKER furniture, nearly new, 3 chairs, table and bookcase. $80. Phone Sunday. Marshall 1396: Monday. Main 4206. PIANO or vocal lessons 75c; arrangements for practice: competent teachers. 505 Columbia bldg. Main 6656. FOR SALE Two wardrobe trunks. 1 made to order: 1 bureau trunk with 4 drawers. Full skirt length. Mar. 2S30. FOR RENT A modern 5-room furnished flat with garage, to responsible family of adults. $40 per mo. "73 Belmont st. FOR SALE bor 8739. -Baby buggy and gocart. Ta- WILL pay rash for good piano: agents need not answer. AK 858. Oregonian. BLACK walnuts for sale. Wilcox. East "i,T' 1 EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po a! Man. AL 63. Oregonian. : I NEW life vibrator. Phone Main 7957. win sell reasonable. HAVE drag saw, or stumpage. want cordwood contract AL 65. Oregonian. WANT flrst-clasa salesman who can get resultB. M. E. I.ec. -Iia Corbett Piag. WANTED Disabled 1910 Cadillac automo bile for parts. Phone Main 3-485. KINK printing at cut prices. Bevan Broa. .141 Broadway drive. Main 452. SHOWCASE, scales, coffee urn, stools, ac count register. 113 ltd nt. TABLE silver for restaurant. IMS mornings. FOR SAL.E 1 boy's wool dVercoat, as new. age S, 16. Tabor 87S2. good T YFI ST. beginner, wishes make good. East S.StiO. position ; can W NTED Pipe repairing done reason ably. Tabor 6143. ' WILL sell $17" cluster diamond ring for $10(1. Room 206. Angela hoteL HOUSE for sale: rooms; fruit, flowers; walking distance; terms. East 3860. WANTBD A practical nurse at once. Ap ply 758 Mississippi 1 Rates for Classified Advertisements In The Oregonian. Daily and tmtlaj Per line. One line lc Two consecutive times 2Sc Three connecutive times 30c Seven consecutive times 63e The followtno; claslficatlonH excepted, the rate of which Is 1c per line per day: Situation Wanted Male. Sit nation Wanted l-emale. No ad taken for lesn than two llnet. Count six words to the line. Advertisement (except "Person alt and Situations Wanted') will hp taken over the telephone if the adver tiser 1m a subficriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the plmm-. but statements will be rendered the fol lowing day. Advertisements are taken for The Daily Oregoniaii until 7:30 P. M.J for The Sunday Oregonian until 6 P. M. Saturday. DIED. DE PENE In this city, December 19. Marjorle Anita De Pene, aged 9 years. beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Pe Pene. sister of Dorothy Victoria De Pene. Remains are at the chapel of Miller St Tracey. Funeral notice later. BLA 17. KFEriLeIrker"gedCyV.h wifDeoCf barren Biakeiy. ' The remain, are at inley s. Montgomery at 3th. Notice of r funeral hereafter. IRWIN In this city. December 20. Viola Pearl Irwin. aged 3 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ord Li. Irwin. Remains will be forwarded to Steven son, Wash., by Miller &. Tracey. SICHEL In this city Dec. 20, at 3 A. M-, M. Sic he!, beloved husband of Gussie A. Slchel and father of H. H. Sichel at his residence, 721 Johnson St.. city. riXKRAI. NOTICES. -In this city. Dec. 13, Abraham age 57 years, late of 1095 Hoi- UJJrJE.N- gate St.. beloved husband of Mrs. Ida 1 -Odeen. age 57 years, late of 1095 Hol Vork city, N. Y. ; Henry Odeen of Payonne. N. J.; Mrs. Agnes Bartell of Dayton. Wash.; Mrs. Marie Read. Mrs. Helen Sexsmlth. Adolph. Margaret and Gertrude Odeen, all of this city. Re mains at Pearson's undertaking parlors. Russell St., at Union ave. Funeral serv ices will be conducted Monday. Dec. 22, c-hu-rch- Mcornerm l,h I'rng.fs" church, corner lttth and Irving sts. Friends Invited. Interment Mt. Scott cemetery. KfEHX In this city Dec. 20. Walter Kuehn. aged 12 years 6 months and II I days; beloved son of V t Mrs. August Kuehn. brother of Arthur. Harry and Rhelnhold of this city. The funeral aerv- , Ices will be held tomorrow (Monday), Dm 22. from the residence. 1074 East 17th street, at 1 P. M.. thence to St. I Paul's Lutheran church, cor. 12th and Clinton, at 2 P. M.. Friends invited. Re mains are at the residence. Interment In Mt. Scott Park cemetery. Arrangements In charge of the F. S. Dunning. Inc.. funeral directors. MERRITHEW At the residence of Mrs. M. C. Howard. 4903 Twenty-third avenue Southeast, Alvlna Short Marrlthew. aged 69 years 5 days, sister of Captain W. P. Short and Evangeline S. Shaw of this citv. Llllle A. Dvaart of San Francisco. Lettle G. Tooze of Oregon City, and grandmother of John Wallace Graham and Virginia Charlotte Graham of this city. Funeral services will be held at Portland crematorium, Sunday i today), December 21. at 2 P. M. Friends In vited. Arrangements In charge of F. S. Dunning. Inc., 414 Bast Alder street. WOTTBNBBROER At the residence, 764 Wasco street, December 19, Veda Wot tenberger, aged 19 years, beloved wife of C. H. Wottenberger and mother of Vernon Wottenberger. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anders of Hunting ton, Or. Also survived by three brothers and one sister, all of Huntington, Or. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Monday), at 1 P. M .. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment Rose City cemetery. PELLETR KAU At the residence. 1027 East Seventh street North. December 19, Eleanor Pelletreau, aged 40 years; be loved mother of Florence McCutcheon of Berkeley. Cal. : Mrs. Margaret Felld ing of Portland ; Royal "Pelletreau of Oakland. Cal.; sister of Frank Broderick and Smith Broderick of Yreka, Cal. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Monday) at 2 P. M. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment Rose City cemetery. BATES In this city. Dec. 19. William Batee, aged 77 years, belov d husband of Ella Bate- and father of Mrs. Rose Hawlty and Myrtle Bates of this city, brother of Robert Bates of Kansas. The funeral services will be held from the Conservatory Cr.ipl of the F. S. Dun ning Inc., 414 E. Alder St.. Tuesday. Dec. 23, at 2 P. M., under the auspices of the Sumner Post. G. A. R. Friends In vited, lat'.rmfnt. Lone Fir cemetery. SICHEL At the residence, 721 Johnson stneet, December 20, 1910, Moses Slchel. aged 60 years, beloved husband of Gus sle A. Sichel. and father of H. H. Sichel. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services at 10 A. M. tomorrow (Monday). December 22. 1919. at the residence. 721 Johnson street. Interment Beth Israel cemetery. Please omit flowers. BROCK Mrs. Phebe M. Brock died Fri day, Dec. 19. 1919. at her home. 6403 92(1 st. S. E.. Portland. Had lived at that address 19 years; previously for 22 years at Walla Walla. Age 74 years. Widow of Prof. J. W. Brock and mother of Wil bur Fink Brock of name address. Funeral Monday. .2:30 P. M., Lents Evangelical church. BERTULE1T The funeral services of the late Annie Bertulelt. who died lu this city Dec. 18. 1919. will be held tomor row (Monday), at 2 P. M.. from the First German Baptist church. 4th and Mill. I r:eniS mvncu. iniennein xiei new cemetery. Remains will be at the par- J ions or tne isicewes inaeriaaing ua, cor 3d and Clay, until Monday at 1 P. M. I COLLIN'S At her home. 20S Tudor Arms 1 Apis.. Dec. 9. Hazel Collins, beloved wife ' of Fred E. Collins, only daughter of Mr. arm :.iis. 1. a. reiers. sisxer 01 vonun Peters. Fri nds Invited to attend th" funeral at 915 o'clock Monday. Dec. 22, from Herman's Parlors. Third and Sal troin HW man rnriurj, t niru anu oai- mon Sts Interment. Riverview ceme- ; PEDERSEN In this city. Dec. 18, Carl Pedersen, aged 20 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lars Pertersen and brother of Peter, Edward and Harold Pedersen or Wal port, Oregon. The funeral services will be held Monday Dec. 22. at 1 o'clock P. M. at Finiey a. Montgomery' at 5th. Friends invited. Interment at Mt. Scott Park cemetery. HOLST At Norfolk. Va November 6. 1919. William A. Hoist, aged 52 years. Funeral services will be held at 11 A. M. today (Sunuayi. December 21. 1919. at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Sal mon streets, under the auspices of the I.oyal Order of Moose. Interment Union cemetery. OLFIN Al Troutdale. Or.. December 10 William Olfin. aged 62 years, funeral services will be held tomorrow (Mon day). December 52, at 1:30 P. M., under the auspices of Enterprise lodge No. 1, from the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc., .414 ESast Alder street. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. GARRISON Mrs. Elisa Garrison, Beaver ton, Or., aged 91 years, died Sunday, December 19, at home of W. E. Evans. Sister of S. E. Buxton, aunt of Mrs. Mary J. Evans. Funeral services Mon day. December 22. at 2 P. M. at M. E. church. Interment In Crescent Grove mctery. W. E. Pegg. director EM SNOSTROM In this city. Dec. 10. Baby Engstrom. aged 21 days. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Engstrom. Funeral service will be held at Dunning &. McEntee par lors. Broadway and Ankeny street. Mon day. Dec. '22. at 10 A. M. Friends In vited. Interment Multnomah Park ceme tery. DAY In this city. Dec. 18. Baby Day, aged 0 days. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Day. Funeral service will be held Monday. Dec. 22, at 2:30 P. M.. from the Dunning & McEntee parlors, Broad way and Ankeny street. Frlenda Invited. Interment Multnomah Park cemetery. M OSS The funeral cortege of the late Mary Moss, aged 70 years, will leave the chapel of Miller & Tracey tomorrow (Monday), December 22. at 9:45 A. M.. thence to Pro-Cathedral. where high mass will be offered at 10 A. M. Inter ment Mount Calvary cemetery. v in mis city. uec. in, MXOlia.' O'Kelly. aged 74 years. Funeral service ' will be held Monday, Dec. 22. at 2 P. M.. from the Dunning & McEntee parlors, Broadway and Ankeny street. Friends invited. Interment Multnomah Park cemetery. EVANS In this city. Dec. 17. Evan C. Evans, aged 61 years, father of William Evans of this city and Evie D. Evans of Freeport III. The remains will be for warded Monday, Dec. 22. by J. p. Finiey & Son, to Dodgeville, Wis,, where services will be held and interment made. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO LIVERY. Mar. 114. FLORISTS. LUB1-1NEK, FLORIST. 328 Morrlaon Bt, Portland hotel. Mar. 733 34 Morrison, bet. Bdy. and Park. Mar. 237 Portland a Leading Flower Shopa. MARTIN & FORBJ8 CO.. florUtJ. jfj Washington. Main A 1209. Flower tor till occasion.. artUtlcally arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison il Main 770b. Fine flowers and floral dt signs. No D ranch storea. LRV WOTON PARK FLORAL CO., 4tbTand Yamhill. Funeral designers, lowest prices. MAX M. SMITH, Main T21$, A 8121. Sell Ing building. SlxLi: and ider sis. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Wash 1 n gton sL. bet. 4th and Sth. Main 5102. A 1161. LIFE INS f RAX CK AOENf'lEa. W m. Go ;d man. General Manager. NATIONAL LIFE OF VERMONT. Oregonian Bldg. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cru elty to animals. Office room, 15J courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. The society has full charge of th city pound at its home. 635 Columbia boulevard. Phone any time, Wood lawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse am bulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted when necessary, and stray animals cared tor. ramra notices. KIRKPATRH'K COUNCIL, 2227. SE- CURITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION Big free open meeting next Friday. December 28. 8:0 P. M.. Swiss hall. Third and Jefferson. Cards "five hundred." Dancing Hoch famous union music. Come and Zy.22,d hVe'ThVe? for up-to-date policies. We insure the whole family from 1 to 55 year. You need us and we want you. WASHINGTON COM MANDERY, No. 15. K. T A stated conclave will be 1 held Tuesday evening. De- j cember 23. at T:30 o'clock. Installation of officers. All Sir Knights are cordially Invited to be present. O. P. E1SMAN. Recorder. MULTNOMAH. CAMP NO. 77. W. O. W.. meets at their hall. East Sixth and East Alder streets, every ! Friday evening at 8 o'clock. '. isiting neignDor aiwaj welcome. J. O. WILSON. Clerk. PORTLAND TENT NO. 1. THE MAC CABEES, will give their annual grand ball New Year's night. January 1, at their hall, 409 Alder street, -under the direction of Sir Knight P. C. Anderson. The best of union music and the best of a good time. 'd 7.r at 3H Oxonian bld7 ,.,., ... inriurf.n.r war tax. Br order of committee. THE MOOSE. Big Christmas tree at th Moose Temple Monday eve.. Dec. 23. All Moose are re quested to bring the chil dren. 4th and Taylor. CARD PARTY AND DANCE. Given for the public of Portland, cards 8 to 10; dancing 10 to 12: dandy music; good prizes; every one guaranteed; a good time ; admission only 15c. .Given by An chor Council No. 746. K. and L. of S Tues day night. December 16. W. O. W. hall. I 128 11th st. j IVANHOE HOMESTEAD. BROTHER ( HOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMEN. will give a masquerade dance Saturday. Dec. 27 at Women of Woodcraft hall. 8W4 Taylor st. Four prizes given for two best charac- ters and two most comical costumes. Ad mission 50 cents each ; couple 75 cents. MARGUERITE CAMP will hold a contin uation of their bazaar Tuesday afternoon and evening. East Side Business Men's club. Grand avenue and Eastt Alder. Cards in afternoon and dancing In evening. Ths public is invited. THE WOMEN OF MOOSEHEART LE GION will hold their next meeting Jan uary 2, 1120, It also being Initiation night. Clara. Seaton. secretary. EMBLEM jweir. uuttona. charms, pin fit designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6th st. F kiedLaNDEH s for lodge emblems, cia v c pins and medals. 310 Washington st. I I NKRAL DIRECTORS. Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established lbTT. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 507. A 1511. Lady Assistant. r L MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Wash ft., bet. 20th-21st, west t-Ul.-Main 2091. Lady Assistant. A 786.1. Dunning & McEntee I FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. Broadway and Pine St. Phone Broadway 430. A 4538. 1 L.ady Attendant. j J.P.FINLEY&SON PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main u. Montgomery at 5th. A 15HU. McENTEEEILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, ltith and Everett sts. Telephone ; Broadway 2133; H ome. A 218. F. S. DUNNING. INC. 414 E. Alder. Phone East T2. Perfect service, personal direction, free use oi rioral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson & Ross. Multnomah at E. 7th. East 54. Irving-ton district. m-yp -TT ft Jj. ijH.XUxl E l 1th and Clay sts East 7M1. T 1N33. ERICS ON Twelfth and Morrison sts. Broadway 2534. x. D. KEN WORTHY CO.. 5802-04 92d st., Ie..t. Tabor 526' - A D PI I AR Pfl H. 11 A-Lt-Unll UUi 592 Williams Ave. East 10SS. C 1088. .- 1047 Bl BREEZE & SNOOK T 1258 Relmont. B 1340 SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. M. 4152. A 2221. Lady assistant. mom uKsaim PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS SEE 4th est.. Opp Clir nail. Nei Broa. fcfS BLAESING GRANITE CO. " -c wi550M STREET BfESW TODAY. it ii i rvrukurr TV ILL LAlilAllUL For Apartment Building Have 100x125. 2 good houses, bringing in $130 per month, and good flat building bringing $75, for apartment house up to 1 $75,000. j Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Center of Irvington Six rooms with large aleepinR porch, one bedroom down stairs, lower floor nil hardwood except kitchen, has all the birilt-in features throughout; also Karaite: on ouxiuu lot. -Material ann wnrlfmianalHai thP ' 0oman8l'lp ltie DeHl' workmanship the best. I'rlce only 5t-.i 0. F. E. Miller, 416 ( hnmhrr of Commerce Bldsr. 3000 TO 5000 FEET OK STACK WWTEIJ on second floor or above, any time in next six months. Must be within Third. Yamhill, Twelfth. Stark. Desirable and permanent tenant, prompt pay. G 74S, OrcKnian. MORTGAGE LOANS MnrHh.il! 4114. 4 1 1 S. Improved city and farm propertr. IiiataJ Intent repayment prtvllese It preferred i prompt, reliable rvlc A. H. BIRRELL CO. tl'-2ltt Northwestern Bosk lliiiliilsu 100x100, WITH TRACKAGE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, LOCA TION. Two-story building, with basement, Kast Morrison and Kast Third streets. SEE ME FOR A LOW PRICE, GEO. M. STRONG Main :i3U2. APARTMENT-HOUSES WANTED FROM OWNERS. We have a list of clients wanting to buy. Inquire for J. I.ogie Richardson, FRANK L McGUIRE Ahlncton Building Main lifts. FOR MORTGAGE LOANS Bee Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co., HZ Chamber oi Commerce. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and Drofessional men condensed and clas- ed for ready reference. For rates information, telephone The Oreeonian, - ACCOUNTANTS. JLI.IUS R. BLACK, accountant, auditor, specialist on involved accounts. Modern systems installed, maintained. 728-9 Plt tock block. Telephone Broadway 1- ALT Kit ITIOXS. ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladles' garments, reasonable prices: work guaranteed. J. Reubln. Ladles' Tailor. 40b Bush A Lane Bldg. ASSAYEK8 AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. CARPET WEAVING. pilgC The kind that wear the. best are made from your worn-out caroeta by the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad dress 153 Union av.) Rag rugs woven, all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. 188 E. 8th street. Phone East 3580. B 1280. FLlJFTRUGSTflOM OLD CARPETS Raa- Run. all sizes Mat) orders prompt. Send Tor Booklet. 812. run steam or dry cleaned. 1.50. FLUFF RUG CO.. 54-68 Union ave. N. East 651. B 1475. KI.I.I I.OII HI TTIINS. THE IRWIN -HonSON COMl'ANV, 37 Washington. Broadway 484. A 12.14. C HI ROPR ACTOR. 300.000 KNOW McMahon. 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment easl est, best, permanent. SI "treats" 115. Tel. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPKCIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello De Veny. the only scientific chiropodist and arch specialists In the city. Parlors 302 Ger llnger bldg.. S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1801. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist: corns, bun ions, foot arches made to order. 1111 Swetland bldg . 5th A Wash. Main MM, CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1610-11-12 Roval building. Marshall 5822. Multigraphlng. mini, ographlng and mall advertisings COLLECTIONS. NETH A CO., Worcester bldg.. Main 17D6. No collections, no charge. Kstab. 10O0. I WCI.NG. TOIT can never learn dancing by taking private lessons from inferior teachers in small rooms or In short class lessons with no partners to practice with: you mtlt have nrnrllr. anH Uarn t rt leati Call at De Honey's beautiful dancing ' academy, 23d and Va?nins;ton; we Kuar an tee to teach you to dance In 8 three hour lessons: ladle '' r.n jrentlemen 15. New classes for beginners start Mondav ami Kridav ovninir advEnrad r-liiMMi Tuesday and Thursday evenlnjrs. 8 to 1 11:30. Plenty of desirable partners and 1 practice. No embarrassment. Private lepsons all hours. My latest book de- scririins; all dance ballroom etiquette, j etc., free for pupils. No doubt one )es son from us is worth ?lx In the averajc school. See my ad on pane 3. section 1. today. Phone Main 7656. KATHEHI.N'E M. ROWN g-uarantees to tesch all latest dances In 12 private lessons; 12 lessons $5: 4 les sons, 2. Learn to dance where each pupil receives personal attention. Hours 10 A. M. to lo P. M. Eliers bldg.. bet. 4th and nth on Wash. st. Main 5004. LEARN TO DANCK. 12 private lessons. $5: 4 lessons. $2 C03 Ellers bldg.. bet. 4th and ath on Washington street. Main ."004. 10-i lass I MRS. BATH. 30R Dekum bldg lesson. $3. Beginners Mon. eve. Private lessons day and eve. Main 1345 mTT SIMMKRS R-rUelev rl.nclna acad - I my. 120 4th. Lessons day. eve.; class Thurs. Ladles 2.30, gents $5. Main 3318 KLANOR FLECK Ballet, technique, toe. nature oriental dancing; babies a spe lalt.v. 120 4th st Main 3318. BALLROOM and stage dancing. Miss Dorothy Rasmussen, 610 Ellers bldg. DOO AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. 41S East Seventh. East 1H47. B 1982. FLOOR KKFIMMIIM. YOUR OLD FLOORS Reflnished the old way at a reasonable price; also painting and calsominlng. A. Harrow. 108 E. Sevsnth st.. Sellwood 2682 HKMsTITCHlNt;. K. STEPHAN. hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered: mall orders. 210 Plttock blk. Broadway 1020 IRON " WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS. Engineers, founders, mechanics, boiler makers, boiler and blacksmith shop Of fice and works. Hawthorne ave. and Bas: Third st. WHOLESALERS AND (.RAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AM) CATS. " THANHOL'SER HAT CO.. 53-53 Front St. I IIIIKS, WOOL AND CA8CABA BA KK KAMN BROS. 105 Front St. PIPE. PIPE FITTIX.S AMI VAI.VI. M. L. KLINE. 84-86-87-80 Front street. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY B8-70-72 Front st.. Portland. PAINTS. OILS M (.1 s V. P. Fl'LLER A CO.. Front and Morrison RASM rsSBN & CO.. Second and Taylor. mm today. Auction Sales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE IHU-ITI IBGOID STREET, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRI DAY AT 10 A. M. ( OEPLETl finMSHIM.s l-OR RS.CH HOOM l Till". HOME AT VOI H OWM PRIGS, PRIVATE SALE DEPARTMENT contains some exceptionally Rood i DIMM. SlITKS in mahogany.. Jacobean and, quartered oak. CLOSING OUT OUR GROCERY STOCK' This is a POSITIVE WIMI-I I to our grocery business and affords you a chance to stock up at rocK-oonom prices. Come early while the stock is complete. THE SEASON'S tJREETINOS TO Ol'R PATRONS. J. T. WILSON. PROPRIETOR. STORAGE SPACE We have 20,000 ft. of floor space to rent. Also offices in our fire proof building, with trackage at the door. Call Pacific Storage & Delivery Company 312 East Madison Street ON THE N. W. CORNER 2d and Columbia Streets 100x100 lot; very choice location. TTT 1 f- 1 1 1 ' 0 "-I I all ready to cook dinner. Street Im A a IrfrlPlrl H npC rV" I O provements all In and paid. Good VV CUVtllCl-l, 1 lltO VU fOUM at reasonable price and easy 85 FOURTH ST. by the month or W or other Main 7070 or A 6095. House ELECTRIC A r. REPAIRING. H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO. 11 M l.t Portland. Or. Ke winding and electrical repair in- a specialty. See us ?"" new or used motors. Bdwy. lu.o. HAKOWOOD FLOOKINO. iKT estimates for new or old nouse. rori land Hardwood Floor Co.. 18T W Pari JEWELRY. WE MANUFACTURE genuine Jade Jew elry In 24-karat gold mountings: we also manufacture enm blioi ......... Hags; repair wVtchV. and othVr jewelry . our prices are reasonable and our work Is gUMranteed. Orlental Jewelry v-o.. , 42 2 Washington st. MUSIC. OREOON Conservatory (school) of Musis, i 2d floor Russell bldg. (over the "Lion ). , entrance lUiij 4th at., cor, of Morrlaoa. OPTICIANS. ', . ' NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTAU-Ka Dr. Otwrge Rubensteln. the veteran op- tlclan. still fit. the beM WJJ kV I very moderate prices. Tories lUMWaM also the ehf.pei grades. -o ; OrTOMETKl-T AM) OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING t saTiissair Datronage on the i basis of capable service. Thou- i ... ...,i.ft..i f-uMlomers- A trial will convince you. Charles W Good man, optometrist. 20W Morrison. M. -1-4 MUSIC TEACHER. VIOLIN, piano, all string taught; chil dren 50c Kol Kenbeck. 4u Yamhill PATENTS. PATENTS Send sketch or model for pre- Highest reterences. b , raamlta. Pfg- iii.l.WW a 3S022?'r!f I PATENT ATTORN EVS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' "),rUncS,i1' 8 and foreign patents. ovi ifsw. GOLDBERG. 820 Worcester bldg. M. 2525. PHCTUaAMS. LiR R A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg . Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung hyir. .. ... .. ,. . . Drostatic. ter. -.ali disorders, skin f fectloiis.blood pressure PLUMBINO SUPPLIES. PLUMBINO SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Starke-Davis Co.. 21- 3d M. PLUMBING AND REPAIRING viir frozen or bursted pipes call Bdwy. 1665. Call for plumber. WATER pipes thawed and repaired. Cali East 4tt. Van Fleet. PI.l'.MBlNQ lawn 4 SOU and repairing. Call WooU- I'RINTIN. i- rj- . v-1.-. itu.ac 1 t ll.ntpnbPIH Prlntlnar'and linotyping. 10UH Front St.. corner Stark. Main or A141'- PRINTING I F. W. BALTES & COMPANY. st and Oak sts. M. 10.Y A 11C I PAINTlNf.. . H. TERRILL. house, sign painting, pa poring, tinting. Tabor 2611. 310 E. 44th RADIATOR- WORK. A-l RADIATOR work: all work guaian- ' teed The Evening Repair Shop. 340 N 231 st Broadway 30B0. ROOFS. DOES your roof leak? Expert roof re- pairmen. Neylon. phone 3-'.7E8. SECOND-HAND STORKS. 1-EV I N" HARDWARE & FI'RNITI'HK M 21 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything In the hardware and furniture line. Pnone Main 9970. A 7174. TK 11IK.M ARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 01 Dekum bldg. U. S.. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STOKAOK. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The Service With a Reputation. " MOVIN0-PACK'a-STORAGE-BAGG..OE I 13th and Kearney. Branch HA1- Bdwy PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Olls-n t . tor ner ISth. Phon Broadway JUKI or 11G9. W own and operate two 1'irge olam "A" warehoused on terminal track. LMwt insurant e ratea In th city. "FIREPROOF STORAGE" C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 24S Pine. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE SECURITY STORAGE TRAXSFEP CO.. 105 PARK ST. MAIN 5195. A 1051 MANUFACTURERS MILL SVI'I'I.IES. ' THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. o-o-.- front street. Portland. I'H MBIX: AND STEAM SI'PFLIES. M L KLINE). 84-N8-87-SO Front street. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. HK-70-72 Front street. Portland. PROIUCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ! KVEKOINO & FARRELL. 140 Front St. ROPF. AM. BINDER THINK. Portland Cordage. Co., 14th and Northrup. SAHH. DOORS M GLASS. V. P. FULLER 4b CO.. Front and Morrison. NEW TODAY. IRVINGTON HOME $7000 This fine house has hardwood floors,! even In the kitchen. There are two ; tirepiaces. a uanay lurnace. reception i hall, living room, dining room and den in old ivory finish. Kitchen in white enamel: large pantry. The second floor has three targe, airy bedrooms and dandy sleeping porch, modern bathroom, also two finished rooms on the third floor. From the photo you will note this house is not a bungalow, but a substantial, well - constructed house. It is located in the heart of Irvington proper Take a look at the outside. No. 484 Kast Twenty third street North, near Brazee. Terms can be arranged. House is now vacant. Let us show you. Ritter, Lowe & Go 201 - 3 - .1 - 7 Board of Trade Building- FOR SALE West side corner near Washington street. Fine location for garage or any kind of business. Will sacrifice if sold this week. Deal with owner. BROADWAY 3307. EAST TWKXTV - FIFTH, HROOKI.NN SHOPS N I '. R MODERN 4, 5, 6-ROOM BUNGALOWS ELL I'THNISHEO, terms. when, you are tired of high rent phone OWNER, Bast 3225. NEW TODAY. HTABLUBKD 1M WE HAVE BErElVKD THE COM PLETE E f R I S H I ritii.1 A J, Vol DP IS? HOME. THI S HAVIXCi .NO Kl Kl'HKH 1 WW III II KI'RMTI III'.. WHICH is 4.S liUOU AS NEW AAD WILL BE solD Ai .4.1 CTIO.N" AT Ht HAlvtn AUUlUN nuuac ON TUESDAY NEXT Comprising: beautiful electric f loo , p lamp complete with shade, two grenu- me maroie ousts, easy cnaira o.nu rocxers in genuine apamsn icamci and tapestry covering's, quarter-sawed oak Tihrnrv tnhlea. oak and mahoKanv rockers, andirons. fender and fire )r0ns. Wilton and velvet nips In sizes 9xl2 and g-3xio-6. velvet stair carpet. ld rose color drapes, oil paintings and pictures, rattan settee, rocker and round table very suitable for the room, electrio and gas table ,ampB. smali wtlton rugs. Dufold , r,1TT1H ak leather Mor- , ,.h.lr KI1d other suitable nlecf-s of i furniture for the living room, quar- ; ter-satved oak dining-room suite, vu pedestal table, very fine buffet and set of leather-seat ch airs, dinner set glassware, etc.; two full size brass beds, also steel bed finished in oak and one white enamel (all beds are complete with best steel springs, silk floss and felt mattresses. pillows, comforts and spreads), newest de--mn Ivory dressers with French plate mirrors, quarter-sawed oak dressers o n rl ,-fej-Tii.-.ft? a a . r . vi.vn m ceaneri drophead sewing- machine. so pI A x'0 range, kitchen trJura. utensils and many other useful household Roods. Also we shall sell for another owner very massive quarter-sawed oak pedestal dining: table and set of ten chairs with rush seats, library table, bed davenport, rockers, etc. Auctioneer's Note All the above gtoods are now on display at our salesrooms and await your most carefwl attention. Tou will find several articles In this sale very suitable for Christmas presents. AUCTION ON TUE8DA1 i:T AT in O'CLOCK. OX TRI'RSUll (CHRISTMAS DAT) I K ARK Kit T.VIXI.Y ( LOSKS) AND HOmC WITH VOt TO SI'KXD A MERRY CHRISTMAS ami m )l 1 SUE MAM MORE: OK TURK K till: ( Kil l V1M.I ( In Our Retail Pep't ue.have several rockers and other ol Thines suitable for Christmas presents. Come in and get our prices. VA K IIAVK TWO I'AIll.Olt OKt. W. I OH l'ltl A1 E S V II j We pay cash for household furniture. i Call us up Main 3332. If you really want to sell, or we will sell for you ; on commission. M . C BAKER w. H. nr. I urnltun- Dealer anil Auctioneers, Maaonic Temple Uulldlng;. 1 am- hill and West Park StrrcOi. I 25 PER CENT Below Pre-War Prices ! For Quick Sale Splendid Lots Ready for Building Holladay's Addition Phone Main 3052 KEASEY & KEADY Ground Floor. Railway Exchange BlrlK- 270 STARK ST. WANT WEST SIDE BUILDING $75,000 to $150,000 Will give small parcels of in come Portland property and as sume mortgage or pay cash dif ference. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Parrish, Watkins & Co. Est. 1867. Frank E. Watkins. Manager. Member Portland Rflalty Board. Real Estate, Rental, Loan and Fire and Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence Solicited I OH Second St. I'hunei Main 1644. 21st Street North 55x100 feet, east side of Twenty first street North, between Washington and Everett streets. PRICE $8000 Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 FOURTH ST. Co-Operative Realty Co. OLD TIIINiS ARE PASSINi. AWAY. WK SELL RKAI. KSTATK WITHOUT COM MISSION but employ our services, knowledge of the country and honor with Purchaser (which is right), and bring the buyer and the seller together, face to face. Broadway 3881. K9 Luniberniens Bide. NEW TODAY. Beautiful Irvington Now is the time to secure your future homesite in Portland's Model Home Section. There is no doubt but that Irvington will bring advanced prices in the spring. Let us show you this property today. You will like the wide, paved streets, evergreen shrub bery and the fine class of homes. We have ' blocks, in side parcels and larger pieces if desired. Prices are lower than ever before offered. Very easy terms. Why delay buy now. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED! 5000 to -20,000 acres cheap Oregon land. Will pay 10 to 25 cash; bal ance time at r e ason able rate. West Side Flat NE R YAMHILL STREET W ALKING DISTANCE Price $r8,000. This is a high class, well-located building, mod em in every way ; good income. Ritter, Lowe & Co. ! 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 30-R00M MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE i . i -iioini si I I I I I . 1 1 I A I' A RTM KXTS Kl RMSHEH. MX I.I.I. I NT I I HM I'I ML III II. DIM- M I I HMDIM.- ALL . THIS IS TUB sUBST HI THE I I . S5000 CASH TAKES THIS AliANCE l MOHTHL) PAtMEVIS. OWNER LIVES IN BAST. C. E. SCOn REALTY CO. lnln .'ta.Vt. ! S17-S1I Cimsfr ot femnfiw Bkdst. 100x100 ON SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 3d and Jefferson Streets with 2 cottages to Mi-story butldhsg; : ideal site for business block or ga ! rage. We ca"h sell for $27,50O. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 FOURTH ST. APARTMENT HOUSE Payinir good not income on $37,500. Might consider some trade. F. E. Miller, 416 Chamber of Commerce Hldar. 12 PER CBHT ET- Income Property Owner needs money in his husiness. Will sell modern home showing 12 net on cash investment of 33000. SEE o NER. 204 HENRY III. mi. FOR LEASE April lat. 120. HOTEL ST. PAUL Formerly Hotel Helvldere, AT FOURTH A-N'D ALDER STREETS. SEE OWNERS At 301 McKay Building. Main 1004.