The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 21, 1919, Section One, Page 11, Image 11

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Gift Certificates
Solve Perplexing Gift Problems
So many times you are puzzled as to just what
some friend or member of the family would like.
Give a Gift Certificate on this store then selection
is left to the recipient of the gift.
Fountain Pens
A Gift for Everyone
Highway Commission Urged
to Act, Despite High Bid. .
We have an exceptionally fine display of "Water
man's Fountain Pens in all styles and sizes. A pen
to suit every hand.
Prices Range From $2.50 to $29.00
Eversharp Pencils $1.00 to $25. OO
Present Structure Across Youngs
Bay Declared Dangerous; Ear
ly Construction In Prospect.
Notwithstanding: that the lowest
bid was 20 per cent above the esti
mates, the Clatsop county court. Port
of Astoria commission and chamber
of commerce of Astoria urged the
state highway commission yesterday
to. award the contract for a bascule
bridge across Young's bay, between
Astoria and Seaside. This proposed
bridge, some 1800 feet in length, in
cluding the approaches,- and 150 feet
clear span, is the biggest bridge un
dertaking the highway commission
has handled.
Under the record of agreement,
Clatsop county is to bear one-third
of the expense, the remaining cost
to be borne by the state highway
commission and the federal govern
ment, the bridge being a post-road
project and therefore co-operative.
Action to Be Taken Soon.
Commissioner R. A. Booth, after
consulting his colleague, E. E. Kiddle,
announced that the commission wants
time to consult with Simon Benson,
chairman of the commission, who is
in California, and with Mr. Purcell,
of the bureau of public roads, before
making a decision. It was stated
that the commission will make an
award or reject the lowest bid not
later than December 29. This date
was satisfactory to the low bidder,
J. S. Gilpin, of the Gilpin Construc
tion company of Astoria.
Proposals were received from vari
ous parts of the country, as the bridge
is large. The Gilpin Construction com
pany bid J373.282.20 for the semi
permanent type, and J311.502.30 for
the lighter type.
Expensive Type Favored.
The difference In the types c.onsists
In the material used in the ap
proaches. The lighter construction
calls for timber, while the more per
manent type is a combination of con
crete and timber, so arranged that the
timber can be replaced with concrete
In the future should necessity demand
end money be available. The Clatsop
county delegation assured the state
highway commission that it favors
the heavier and more expensive type
and that it favors awarding the con
tract to the Gilpin Construction com
pany, despite the fact that the bid is
higher than recently made estimates
of the engineering department.
Port Proposal Withdrawn.
Earlier in the agitation for this
new bridge the Port of Astoria made
a proposal to contribute toward the
cost, provided the bridge was made
adaptable for railroad purposes, but
later this proposal was withdrawn.
It has been the policy of the com
mission, explained Mr. Booth, that
when bids are received considerably
In excess of the estimate to reject
the bids and readvertise in the hope
of securing a better figure and this
policy has been usually successful.
This big bridge, however, presents
phases somewhat out of the common
run. There is no assurance that steel
will be cheaper later than it is now;
In fact steel companies, said the com
missioner, naa declined to quote to
any prices beyond
Give "HER" Perfume
It conveys to the
recipient a mes
sage of thought-
I u l remem
brance in a man
ner difficult to
Bottles of cut
glass in beauti
ful boxes or of
plain glass- in
boxes less elaborate make choosing an easy matter.
Educational Toys
Konstructo 50 to $2
Gilbert's Erector $1 to $10
Gilbert's Wireless $5.00
Gilbert's Nurse's Outfit $2.50
Gilbert's Electrical Set $5 Up
Gilbert's Chemistry Set $2.50
wsium s -v,v- ;
'P1 5
Lamps for Gifts
Desk Lamps
Boudoir Lamps. . . .
Table Lamps
Floor Lamps
Piano Lamps
We shall be pleased to show you
our extensive. line of attractive
Pretty Han
A beautiful as
sortment of silk,
velvet, mocha,
suede, brocaded,
beaded and
hand - tooled
Leather Bags.
Also all styles of ladies' Leather Purses and
Handbags. Priced to suit all.
DOLLS that look like a baby, real life
j 6ize, with and without wigs, $6 to $18
DOLLS that walk, 22 inches in height, moving
eyes. Nicely dressed, with and without wigs.
Come and see them walk. Prices $10 to $15
I Stationery for Gifts
Stationery is always the acceptable gift. Everybody can use it
and no one can really have too much of it.
Engraved with handsome monogram on our high-class tinted E
stock and put up in one of our special Christmas boxes, it makes
a handsome gift. EE
PRICED ONLY 5 Of to $15.00
Beautiful Py-Ra-Lin Ivory
Choose your gifts this year from our showing of
Py-Ra-Lin Ivory. Then you can be sure you are
giving something acceptable and useful.
Electrical Gifts
The Sort of Gifts Tou Like to Give
. Because They Are Appreciated Most
Electric Toasters $ .6.00 to $ 8.50
Electric Percolators $10.00 to $25.00
Electric Irons $ 3.50 to $ 8.75
Electric Heaters I..$11.00 to $12.00
Electric Grills $ 9.50 to $12.50
Electric Hair Curlers $ 6.00 to $ 7.25
Electric Chafing Dishes $16.00 to $21.50
the commission
this month.
Bridge Held Danxrroua
Assurance was given the commis-
unai me present bridge across
Youngs Bay is dangerous, that lives
may be lost if the structure is made
to serve traffic for two years more
and that the sentiment of Clatsop
county, as expressed, was to let the
contract, even though the bid may
vo nign, ana oegin construction im
mediately. The belief of the delega
tion is that steel will not be lower
.In price for two or three years.
The only road contract awarded
yesterday was for 2586 feet of fenc
ing on the Columbia highway between
Astoria and Svenson, which went to
R. R. McClanahan for $2846.40. Bids
for graveling 2.62 miles of canyon
section of the Baker-Cornucopia
highway were rejected. Bids for
bridge work in Yamhill county were
opened by the commission for the
county and referred to the state en
gineer and the county for determina
tion. Stebinger Bros, were low bid
ders at $46,513 for one structure and
K. D. Olds was low bidder' at $8912
lor the bridge across Chehalem creek.
Syndicate Bids for Bonds.
For the $1,000,000 road bonds, bear
ing 4 per cent, the high bidder was
a syndicate consisting of the First
National bank of New York. Keene
Taylor, Anglo, Paris & London bank
and Ralph Schneelock & Co. The bid
was $986,170.
Assurance was given James Stewart
by the commission that bids will be
called for the January meeting oti
.the Mayville-Thlrty-Mile section of
the John Day highway, provided the
engineering force at Salem can pre
pare the specifications in time. Air.
Stewart was also assured by Commis
sioner Booth that the Sarvice creek
John Day river section will be built
when funds are available.
"We are anxious to finish the work
on the map which the legislature
made. stated Mr. Booth, to the as
sembled delegations who were de
manding road work, "and if money Is
granted we will prosecute the road
programme as quickly as possible
and get it done, if we can do so at a
reasonable price."
Finance Programme Kelt.
This announcement Immediately
fired members of the legislature pres
ent to work for a finance programme
at the special session of the legis
lature next month
Crook county, through County Judge
Wallace, offered $40,000 of the est
mated $75,000 cost for a post road
project east of Prinevllle to the forest
reserve. This, when completed, will
be a section of the McKenzie high
way. The judge also asked for 32
miles of additional work extending
from the Shorty Davis ranch to
Paulina. No action was taken by the
County Judge Hare of Tillamook In
quired about a 15-mile stretch of hard
surface which has been promised and
received the reply that the commis
sion is committed to It. but that noth
ing will be done until there are
more funds. Judge Hare declared that
Senator T. B. Handley will be at
Salem to see that relief is afforded.
I nion Offers to Lend Money. 1
Union county explained to the com
mission that It has voted a bond issu
for pavement and that the plan pro
vides a paved road to every town in
the county. On the old Oregon trail,
which is an extension of the Columbi
highway, the county will pave from
Kamela to North Powder. The county
wants action on the road from I.:
Grande to Minam, in Wallowa county
Christmas Candies
Christmas is not Christmas without a plentiful
supply of good candies for both the children
and the grown-ups.
The choicest Candies we could find, daintily
boxed for gift giving Vogan's, Thompson's,
Krause's, Johnson's, Hoefler's and Canter
bury's. Also Christmas Bulk Candies.
em v
Ladies' Silk
Make one of the best presents
that can be purchased. To aid
you in finding something that
will please her, we offer a very
attractive collection of the very
latest styles and shades and
every kind of handles.
Prices $5.50 to $24
Make Fine Gifts
Composition Ivory and Pyralin
Clocks large assortment, all
Prices $2.50 to $15.00
s5 ft
6 fc.- Jj-'
111 V;'ir
rMJSrW&SP The Gift Supreme
A gift that helps to make Christ
mas merry and keeps a picture
story of the Christmas joys and
Latest Types with Anastigmat Lenses $20.27 to $85.33
Large assortment other models at $3.49 to $29.33
TRIPODS $2.75 up. PHOTO ALBUMS.. 25 to $7.00
Leather Carrying Cases for cameras or kodaks $2.75 up
Hat Brushes
Cuticle Knives
Nail Files
Puff Boxes
Cream Boxes
Dresser Trays
Napkin Rings Bonnet Brushes
Talcum Boxes Military Brushes
Perfume Bottles Nail Brushes
Hatpin Holders Pin Boxes
Jewel Boxes Hair Receivers
Mirrors Glove Stretchers
Combs Soap Boxes
Complete Tree
Lighting Sets
Wire and lights all ready to use. The
. modern way of lighting Christmas
A Trees. All colors of lights. No
danger of fire.
8-Light Tree Outfit...
16-Light Tree Outfit...
24-Light Tree Outfit. . .
Your family and friends will
greatly appreciate traveling
equipment, on account of its
We carry the famous "Likly"
Bags, Suitcases and Wardrobe
Trunks. Absolutely the finest
quality and style.
We invite" your inspection of our
wonderful and extensive exhibi
tion of Leather Goods and Lug
gage. Your Gift problem will be
solved after visiting this department.
Some Very Practical
Gifts for the Men
The kind that men appreciate and are
always glad to receive.
Auto-Strop Safety Razor $5.00 up.
Twinplex Razor Stropper $5.00 to $7.00.
Gillette Safety Razor $5.00 up.
Kenney Shower Bath $7.50.
Shaving Mirrors Magnifying Mirrors.
Shaving Outfits complete, with Mirror, Mug
and Brush $5.50 to $14.00.
Please Shop' Early in the Morning Store Open Evenings to 9 o'Clock
.ajcL Clarke Co j
Wood-Lark Building
Alder at West Park
This is the first Christmas that you have had
the opportunity of buying a complete home
electric massage outfit for Five Dollars. Most
every girl and woman has yearned for these
wonderful health and beauty treatments; but
the price has heretofore been prohibitive.
Put the roses of youth back in your cheeks
and the suppleness of a youngster back into
your body. Massage will do it- Sister, mother,
wife, brother, sweetheart all need a "Star"
and will be delighted to get one. Give the gift
that can be used every day in the year.
Price Complete, fully QfT ff
guaranteed only. .. . 3tlUl
With the understanding that the state
Viia-hwav commission is short of funds.
Union county offered to lend the state
110 000. which is half the esumaiea
cost of grading between those points.
The county has set aside 3i,uuu ior
paving It.
The proposition was somewnai
unique, for usually counties warn m
borrow money from the commission
rather than lend. A memorandum of
the offer was taken for future consideration.
Umatilla Asks Survey.
Umatilla county asked for a sur
vey from Pendleton to the John Day
highway and from Nye, via Albee and
Ukiah, to laie. xne county nas a
large sum to spend for its share in
co-operation. Also, umauna county
asked that the 19 miles between
Echo and Pendleton be graveled by
June 1.
From Yamhill county came a dele
gation requesting that the rocking of
the Gaston and Forest Grove road be
held up for the time being, as the two
counties, Yamhill and Washington,
want to have a concrete road from
McMinnvillo to Forest Grove laid dur
ing the summer. The commission
again reiterated the statement about
shortage or tunas, wnicn representa
tives Dennis and Graham understood
and promised to . help remedy at
The commission ordered resolutions
adopted on the death of the late J.' N.
Burgess, member or the commission.
Engine, Running Slowly, Is Dam
aged Huge Boulder Rolled
Down Into Umpqua.
EOSEBURG, Or.. Dec. 20. (Spe
cial.) The Elks' special train, re
turning from Glendale to this city at
an "early hour this morning, narrow
ly escaped being thrown into the
Umpqua river when a slide of rock
and earth was encountered at a point
just north of Dlliard.
Two slides were encountered, the
first being discovered before the train
reached the spot, and the obstruc-
Guards Meet Waverlelgh.
The Multnomah Guards second team
will play the Waverleigh Athletic five
on the Washington high school floor
Monday night. The Multnomah team
will be selected from the following
players: Hill, i-dlund, Irvine, Oilman
Wright and Tuma,
tions were removed by the train
crew. Proceeding slowly, owing to
the heavy rain that had fallen most
of the night, the train collided with
a huge boulder, partly breaking the
rock and slightly damaging the
This obstruction finally was rolled
off the track and went crashing over
the cliff into the river and at Green
siding No. 13 was notified of the bad
conditions near Dillard.
All trains were delayed somewhat
today on account of these slides and
unsafe stretches of track both north
and south.
St. Helens Woodmen Elect.
ST. HELENS, Or., Dec. 20. (Spe
cial.) St. Helens camp No. 10999,
Modern Woodmen of America, has
elected the following officers: Con
sul, Wr. H. Faxon; past consul, H. A.
Colt: adviser, B. L. Monish: clerk,
H. K. Le Bare: banker, W. A. Levi;
escort, W. E. Hoover. The installation
of officers will be held on January 7.
The Personal
Writing Machine.
With Case
Exclusive Dis
110 Sixth St.
Anno un c em ent
We Wish to Announce the
Re-Opening of
Cfjiet Hund)
With Our Old Motto .
Still the Chiefs
414 Morrison. Cor. 11th St.
One year's free serv
ice on appliances
G. P. A. rrofit- w
rtu? 1 sharinr l onnons ZTk
i.avVfcss' r r.,
Happy Christmas Time
You can make it happier still if you heap at the foot of
the Christmas tree some of the useful and handsome
ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES greatly desired by the
fair "lady of your heart."
- gnmmnmiMiinimiimimHiMtinmitmiintinmin
Any Woman Would Like
I A Small Electric Iron for Traveling Use I
A Hot Pad . f
A Curling: Iron
1 A Chafing Dish 1
A Grill
1 A Portable Sewing; Machine 1
This store will be open Monday
and Tuesday evening:s
Scott Electric Cot
Phone Broadway 1820
Just Suggestions:
Electric Toaster
Special $3.85
Regular Price $4.83
Crisp, delicately -browned toast
made right at the table tastes so
much better!
SE-TO-SO A little shaded electric
light for the sewing machines $5.
It clamps right on the arm of the
machine and throws the light di
rectly on the sewing. Very useful
on dark days or evenings when
there's stitching to do.
BOUDOIR LAMPS for the dressing
table ?5. Charming little metal
affairs with silk-lined shades in
dainty colors.
colored lights $3.50 $4$5.
: M