THE SUNDAY OREGOXTAN. PORTLAND. DECEMBER 14, 1919. BUSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. INVESTIGATE THIS "MINE OF HE KIT." "SILVER AND LEAD." HIGH-GRADE MINIXG PROPERTT. NRAR R. R. AND SMKI.TKR. FINE SHIPPING CUE NOW OPEN. WILL ABOUT $2000 PER CAR NET. NON-RESIDENT OWNER NEEDS tM ALL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE NOT SELLING STOCK). ilt'KEK YOIT LIKRRAL PROFIT AND SKCUK1TT: $3500 FOR LABOK AND EQUIPMENT IS AMPLE TO ENABLE US TO SHIP ORE AT GREAT PROFIT OR 1 5 "00 INVESTED SECURER TO YOU CONTROL, AND ilANAIiEMENI. -MINING MEN" (OR O 1 JHEKS) INVESTIGATE. INVESTMENT SECURED. ADDRESS "SILVER PROPERTT." CARE AC 1W. OREGON IAN. MOVING PICTURE THEATERS. "Movie" house in good town in Wash ington. i&oi); cah and terms. Also nave two Portland "movies" at $6500; one at 1800 and some others that can be had. All making good money. Corporation with Oregon agency, good irticK needs more capital: this is a Chance for a man with some money to get into & good, paying ousiness. MANUFACTURING. Going concern needs manager who can take half of capital stock. Trade well cstaDiisned and making good money. HARDWARE AND FURNITURE. Country town srore; $20,000 cash to manuie; aoing su.wu. GROCERIES. Store doing over $100 a day at $3000; one at $6000 doing $4000 month: grocery. confectionery and lunch for $1500; also .nave some orners. DRUG STORE. Partnership for live man with $3000 to $5000 or will sell you all. JOHN P. WESTON CO., 630 N. W. Bank Bldg. REAL BARGAINS Within a few blocks of my office, $1500. Cash grocery with 3 living rooms, $2500. Confectionery on Washington at., at Invoice, $2500. Cigar store, center of city; long lease. I $2b00. Cigar .tore on Washington St.; bargain. I $4000. f Confectionery and cigars, on 6th St. N. ' 92000 cash, balance $150 monthly. SERVICE IS MY MOTTO. If you wish to buy, or sell a grocery tore, garage, hotel, apartment house, or a.ny other business, LET ME ASSIST YOU. , Tou may call and explain what you I (Want, or what you have, or 1 will call upon request. CARL E. TUGGLE, Member of the Portland Realty Board. Phone Main 8832. 212-213 Henry bldg. Portland, Or. I "6ILVER" $1.36 PER OZ. WE WANT SMALL SYNDICATE TO JOIN US IN OPERATION OF A "S1L- . VER AND LEAD MINE." LOWEST ESTIMATE OVER $50,000 VALUE ORE : NOW AVAILABLE. READY TO SHIP TO SMELTER. (2 MILES TO R. R. AND 10 MILES TO SMELTER). CON- , DITIONS GOOD FOR ALL-YEAR WORK. WE HAVE THE ORE. NEED SMALL FINANCIAL AID; ABOUT $3500 TO $5000 IN $1000 MONTHLY INSTALL MENTS FOR LABOR AND SMALL EQUIPMENT. WE HAVE SOME EQUIPMENT. (NOT SELLING STOCK.) A REAL MINE. POSSIBILITIES ARE BIO. ADDRESS FOR INTERVIEW. OWNER. Y 21. OREGONIAN. 1 HAVE a business that covers the coast and have representatives in Alaska; am now represented in Chicago, Toledo and Detroit. People buy my goods because they have to have them. I want a partner, a broad-minded business man, not one who thinks he is, but one like 1 want. The man I choose can name his own salary and will manage the coast branch and have one-half interest. I will handle the eastern -territory from Detroit. It requires at least $2000 to handle. At Hotel MadraB, Sunday. Ask for Mr. Mack. FOR SALE A good paying multigraphing and mimeo graphing shop. School for multigraph operators in connection. Have a good business and present profits are $325 to $400 per month. $700 or $S00 cash will handle this balance terms. Must be sold quickly. Call at 530 Railway Ex change bldg. Main 455, Monday. HALF INTEREST in a great big paying business; must have A-l business ability and $2500 cash: to such a man he can begin at once and name his own salary. Duties will be principally office work. Eastern man preferred. Will not sell to a dub. NORD HAMPTON CO., Main S245. 401 Stock Exoh. bldg. CORNER GROCERY WITH LIVING ROOMS. Fine corner grocery doing a nice bus iness; cheap rent; 4 fine modern living rooms in connection; will invoice around $2000. Nothing better In the city. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., SOS OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. I'OR the promotion of a distinct high grade Oregon manufactured product, with expansion possibilities unlimited, an investor is desired having $2000. who will bo given opportunity to investigate and be assured of big earning power. Also opportunity for active participa tion later. AH 819, Oregonian. IF YOU ARB GOING TO CALIFORNIA and can invest a few hundred dollars, I can make $5000 to $10,000 per year. Be J your own boss, handle your own money . In one of the cleanest and fastest money earners on earth; no agency business. Olve your phone number. B 990, Ore gonian. ' OPPORTUNITY now given for man having capital to engage in a recently incor- Tnorated new manufacturing business. :t IMstinut new product with Immense field j ; opening up for output and assured ;j eales. Right person can have directing i hand. The demand requires more cap ital. A 873. Oregonian. 1URST-CLASS restaurant in best location in city: fully equipped; large dining 1; room, tables to seat &6 people at one time; good business; owner has other business that compels him to dispose of same; must sell soon; Price $900 cash '! or will sell H interest. W. a. Schooley, 1112 Main St., Oregon Cltv. ORGANIZE business under declaration of trust; legal all states; no reports to . i county or state com.; no liabilitv to , - Ftockholders; no probating of estate: ' pays same taxes as individuals: stock 1 easily sold: inf. free. Nat'l Org. Co., 123 Madison St., Chicago. PATENTED automobile necessity of un usual merit; thousands purchased by government: wonderful opportunity ; big seller; no competition. You make $10,000 to $20,000 net annually; $2000 to $5000 rapitat required. Scott Corp., 105 N. Clark, Chicago. kM in a position to offer a man with $3500 an opportunity to make a sub stantial gain If interested in moving Iilctures: investment secured and re turned within 60 days. B SSL Orego nian. POOL HALL AND CIGAR STAND. Best corner location east side; has 4 pool tables, lunch counter and good cigar trade; cheap rent, good lease; $1200 required. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. WANTED I have $400 and absolute knowledge of placer ground that will run $1.30 yard. Should handle 100 yards dally with modern appliances. Need $1200 more with or without services. Smith. 404 Larrabee St. AX opportunity of guaranteed safety with money returned within DO days to gether with interest and substantial in terest in business as a bonus; $10,000 required; open to close Investigation. K 7!i. Oregonian. CORPORATION, well-known and ..t.h llshed in Portland, with A-l bank refer ences, and doing a general mortgage, real estate and insurance business, has open ing mi --v-1 fulness man with money. IHT 77. Oregonian. WANT man with a few hundred dollars and services for manufacturing business w.n .mini luiiesi investigation. Cail at 927 Chamber of Commerce bldg between 11 and 12:30 or 4 and 5:30. WANTED A business man for partner for sale of new automobile truck; new. none like it. fully guaranteed, for state of Oregon; $1000 required: you handle your own money. BC 82, Oregonian. A LIVE young man wanted as partner with ambition and courage to accept a real opportunity. $1000 to $5000 needed AH 810, Oregonian. :u. TAILORING, cleaning and dressmaking shop for sale: doing $75 to $100 per week. Come and see. Phone East 5315 96S East GUsan. corner of 32d st. KOR SALE First-class, well-established grocery business in one of the best towns In the Willamette valley. $2800 cash Address AV 814. Oregonian. RESTAURANT at reasonable price: tak Uigin about $50 per day. Apply 93 GOOD restaurant. 6th St. location, cheap rent, lease, seat 50. Main 621. BAKE shop with 2 ovens, steam boiler for rent. $20. 340 Front. PARTNER, cleaning, pressing; $100 teach business. 307 (i 1st St. LOCATION for barber shop, bath In con. . ...... to V..pil. 1 ,J . 1 . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SOME GOOD BUYS. NO. 40. $500 takes good restaurant, west side, with living rooms. NO. 40 B. $550 takes another good paying res taurant. NO. 43 B. $750 handles dandy paying grocery taking in $50 per day, with living-rm. ; apt.-house dist., west side. NO. 38 B. $800 takes good com?., tobacco and periodicals. NO. 42 B. $800 takes goodv candy mfg. business. NO. 11 AND 24 B. $1200 takes either of these groc, conf. and cigars, with living-rooms; good places. NO. 25 B. $1250 takes good groc, confectionery and cigars, doing $00 per day business; rent $10., inc. 2 furnished rooms; dandy place. NO. 17 B. $1300 takes gro.. conf. and bakery doing $60 per day business. NO. 20 B. $1600 buys grocery and lunchroom, rent with living rooms $12.50; good place. NO. 19 B. $1850 takes dandy confectionery and bakery; rent with living-rooms, $15. NO. 4 B. $2850 buys groc, conf. and tobacco store. NO. 18 B. $320O takes good hardware store, east side, doing $60 per day business. NO. 23 B. $4000 takes groc, conf. and delica tessen with living-rooms, doing good business. NO. 28 B. . $4000 takes A-l delicatessen doing $125 per day business, west side, apu house district. NO. 3-B. $6000 buys finest confectionery In city. NO. 15 B. $7000 buys fine grocery and dry goods, doing $123 per day business. We have hundreds of other good buys but haven't got room to advertise them. Come in and see for yourself. NORD HAMPTON CO., 401 Stock Exchange. Main 8245. 3d and Yamhill. FURNITURE BUSINESS NEEDS PART o , NER. Sole owner retail furniture business large Pacific coast city needs active Partner; business did turn-over $117,000 last year now running $3000 per week; second store recently established excel lent location; both stores developing ex ceptionally; new partner must be pre pared invest $40,000 and take full share management. To such man this is real opportunity; thorough references offered end required. Write at once, stating age, present connection and past experi ence. Don't reply unless you have necessary capital and are willing to take interest. Address Thomas Barnes, a he Izzard company. Times bldg., Seat tle. Wash. DO YOU want a sound, long-established, paying business doing better than $60, 0O0 annually in a live town of about 1200? Sawmills in town and tributary. Large cannery shortly to be created. Stock about $20,000. Own store build ing and residence, which can be bought or leased. If buyer desires can reduce stock 14 In short time. Investigate this and you will find you have a good busi ness and location. Best of reasons for selling. Call or address N. Sellg, Falls City, Oregon. REEDSPORT, OREGON. If you are looking for a first-class location to establish a good grocery store, pool hall and cigar store, or men's apparel, furniture or hardware, or drug store, or any of the general retail stores, you should go to Reedaport. Oregon, at once, or come in and talk with us. We have two nice store rooms yet available for any of the above purposes. The J?w," n?eQs all of the above businesses. DABNEY INVESTMENT COMPANY. Room 1 Worcester bldg., Portland. Or. Branch Offlce.Reed.sDort. Oregon. CAFETERIA SACRIFICED r utt QUICK SALE We offer for $3000 first payment, one or Portland s best known cafeterias, lo cated In the heart of the business dis trict. Has complete and modern equip ment and is a good money-maker. Wa recommend this as a safe and attractive Investment. If interested call at office SKOTHE1M-BROWN CO.. 330-1-2-3 Rail! way Exchange bldg., for further details. No information over phone. WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS At a Basis of Market Value. WAR STAMPS BOUGHT. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg.. Second Floor. RESTAURANT. This la a splendid large place, best of equipment and fixtures; located un der a large hotel. Price $2000. MOVING PICTURE THEATER. $1800 takes this. Fine location, best of equipment and fixtures: profits $350 a month. Will stand investigation. Ask Mr. Fish. A. J. DEFOREST & CO 320-321 Henry bldg. Main 2690 GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. inn oALtiS OVER $5000 Located in rich dairy section about 20 miles from Portland: stock will invoce around $10,000. property $3500. Will con sider house and lot to $5000. Owner has made a fortune and is retiring; business established 25 years. This will stand the acid test. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 752. IF YOU ARE SEEKING TO GET INTO A good business, come to us; we have what you want. If you want to buy a good home, see us first; we have them. If you want apartment houses, hotels or rooming houses, we will show them to you. If you want Immediate results, we can get It for you. Oregon Business A Financial Agency, 448 Morgan Bldg. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. Will invoice about $14,000: 7 miles from town, good logging camp right by store: one of the best summer resorts, on edge of lake. This stock turns 4 times every year. Selling acct. of sick ness. Puptolfice in connection. This A-No. 1. Address. BOX 222. CASTLE ROCK, WASH. PHONE 183. SUBSTANTIAL manufacturing corpora- Miia mifduw men to estaDllsn branch and manage salesmen; $300 to $1500 necessary; you handle own money. Will allow expenses to Baltimore if you will qualify. For particulars ad dress Secretary, 416 N. Howard t Baltimore, Md. POOL HALL AND SOFT DRINKS. 6 tables, wall case, cigar case, can dies, cigars and soit drinks: rent only $20; furnace heat, brick building, doing a good business; all for $1300. part terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. BE INDEPENDENT Chiropractic doctors earn $3000 to $6000 yearly; work for yourself; this good paying profession quickly learned by correspondence; low rates: easy terms; Illustrated book and charts free. American University, 167 Manlerre bldg.. Chicago. MANUFACTURERS MEN'S WEAR DO TOU WANT LIVE REPRESENTATION IN THE SOUTHWEST? TWO YOUNG, HIGH SPIRITED, LIVE1 SALESMEN OPENING SALES OFFICE IN DALLAS WANT LINES. REPRESENTATIVES. 828 BUSCH BLDG.. DALLAS, TEX. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Partner wanted to wait on customers, sell gas, oils, tires, auto accessories, etc., and be generally useful in the garage: good profits; $1750 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. INCOME. $12,000; equity. $36,000; mtge.. $14,000; west side, furnished apartment houye. Opportunity to make good in vestment. Some terms, but no trades. Owner. N 221. Oregonian. HAVE patent on small article used by al men, inexpensive to mfr.. cost 1 cent sell for 25 cents, will trade for anything of value or sell right. Model at 417 Ahington bldg. CONFECTIONERY, lunch and cigar store for sale on invoice, on Mt. Hood loop road ; good location and a first-class stock. Reason for selling retiring. This stands Investigation. R 129, Oregonian. PARTNER WANTED. Handy man. with $250. can buy half Interest in auto repair and used car business. Room 401 Dekum bldg. WOULD like to meet lumber man to join - me In timber and lumber office. BC 70, Oregonian. HEMSTITCHING parlor, fine opportunity for business woman; bargain for cash. P 816. Oregonian. SPLENDID location for dentist; joint waiting room with a doctor. Above Plummer's drug store. 3d and Madison. A FILLING station for $950: sells gaso line, oils, tires, auto accessories, etc ; good profits. Room 401 Dekum bldg. THIS STORE must be sold; cash grocery, good location : low rent. Call Sundavi or evenings. Wdln. 4146. FOR SALE or trade, ice plant and feed business in Oklahoma. Wildman &. True Carnegie, Okla. CONFECTIONERY and cigar and news stand; good location, cheap, A.C ao OregouuLO. BC8LSKS8 OrrOKTCNlTEES. SOME GOOD RESTAURANT BUTS. A dandy on Broadway, newly equipped ndom.s b's business; splendid lease; 91X and terms. A winner. Washington st. restaurant. $1000; go ing great and fully equipped. $450 buys a splendid little place suit able for a couple. Others, all sizes, all prices. SEE MOORE. 501-2 COUCH BLDG. Bus in? Opportunities Wanted. WANTED HA CLING CONTRACTS. ' Our hauling equipment consists of six 3H-ton trucks, with dump bodies and hoists, ready for road work ; can also handle logging and lumber hauls Write us and we will figure with you. AK titi, Oregonian. WE HAVE cash client prepared to buj furniture and lease of apartment house. 50 to b0 apartments. METZGEK-l'AKtvEK-FERGUSON CO.. Property management, real estate and . insurance. 302 Oak St. Bdwy. 3644. WANT man with a few hundred dollars and services for manufacturing business i? wil1 stand fullest investigation. Call at 927 Chamber of Commerce bldg., between 11 and 12:30 or 4 and 5:30. WANTED HAULING CONTRACT. We have six trucks, three of them Z ton size, and three 2-ton size ; would like contract haultng lumber, logs, wood or gravel. AK 796. Oregonian. APARTMENTS, rooming houses, hotels, grocery. hardware, furniture, barber shop restaurant. Have buyers waiting, bee John Brown. 324 Railway Exchange bldg. Marshal 3333, WANTED A GOING BUSINESS. Will giv splendidly located, clear, east side, Portland income, residence property, paying 7; price $7uoo. Box 71. Elk City, Or. WANTED To purchase interest in saw mill in Oregon or Washington and han dle sale of output. Address P. O box 1476, Tacoma. Wash. A To leas sawmill from 20 to 40 m. capacity, with available tim ber on or close to K. It E butt. Oregonian. WANTED to purchase interest in sawmill in Oregon or Washington and handle sale of output. Address P. O. Box 1476. Tacoma, Wash. WILL purchase whole or part Interest In small garage from owner; location mudt be good. Bdwy. 1435. WANTED To buy some small business or buy Into some business; give price and full particulars. N 224. Oregonian. WILL buy a grocery and pay cash; give location and I will call. Address Y 77. Oregonian. WANTED Trucking for 2-ton Gary truck; Jish steady work. C. F. Harvey. Main WANTED 30 to 40-room modern house keeping apartment, from iJuuU to 4000. Call Marshall 2633. WANTED Small bakery, city or country. BJ 172, Oregonian. HAVE $o00 to invest in cigars or confec- tionery. Y 56. Oregonian. WILL BUY the stock of a small notion store, also rent store. G &05, Oregonian. $400 TO INVEST with services. B 9S4. Oregonian. PHONE MAIN 7776 if you want to sell; 111 do the rest. Hotels and Booming Houses. REAL SWELL. 14 newly and elegantly furnished rooms, all in housekeeping suites, hot water heat, absolutely modern house in all respects, nothing like it on the market, exclusively with us. Price $2100, some terms. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon b Id g. MRS. M. E. LENT. HOTEL AND A PA RTMENT HOUSE BROKER. If you wish to buy oi sell, come In and talk it over; 12 years in this business tn Portland enables me to give you sat isfactory service. 723-24 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LITTLE DANDY. 12 rooms exceptionally well furnished, mostly sleeping rooms, fine corner bldg., thoroughly modern. price including winter's fuel $1600; White Temple dis trict, don't miss seeing this. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co., 1007 Yeon bldg. MILL HOTEL. Live Columbia river town ; 40 rooms, furnished and full of business; good 3 story frame building. Will sell for cash or consider some trade in Portland. A. E. PEAKE. 202 Wilcox Bldg. 40 ROOMS, nearly all housekeeping; cleara $275 per mo.; steam heat in ail rooms. This is a good place; close in; $3500 will handle this. NORD HAMPTON CO., Main 8245. 401 Stock Exchange. SNAP IN GOOD HOTEL. $3000 will handle a fine 34-room hotel close in on west side, making big money, all modern and fine furniture. NORD HAMPTON CO., Main 8245. 401 Stock Exchange. 13-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE. All rented, close in, west side, fur nace heat, good furniture, all for $1500, part terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. CHEAP $1000; 10 rooms furniture, in cluding piano; all rented in housekeep ing rooms; income $80; near factories; rent $30; give lease or sell house; leav ing city; also chickens for sale. Main 6309. TWO SMALL TRANSIENT HOTELS. ' 16 rooms; lease; rent $80; steam heat: $2700. 22 rooms; N. W. heat; rent $150; $3400; terms. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG WEST SIDE LOCATION. 66-room apt. house, all tiled halls, elevator, well furnished, clean as wax. right close In; price $000. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon bldg. 21 ROOMS, all housekeeping; on west side, close fn; income $300 per mo. This is a crackerjack and $1750 will handle it. NORD HAMPTON CO.. Main S245. 401 Stock Exchange. 54 ROOMS, all housekeeping apartments; rent $100 ; steam heat, electricity, good furniture; clears $350; dandy west-side location; $6000. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 Henry Bldg. 7-RM. flat, $375: dandy. Income $63. S-rm. flat, $400; clean, income $5. 7-rm. flat, $650; good. Income $67. All close-In west side, low rents. HEDGES. 171 West Park, ground floor. SPLENDID 8-room modern house; rent only $30; well furnished. Including good piano. Price $1100, $800 will handle. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co., 1007 Y eon bl d g. 14-ROOM elegantly furnished house; full of first-class steady tenants; right down town ; nets above expense $1 50 ; $2500 cash. baL easy. Owner 15 12th St., cor. Salmon. WANT small apartment or rooming house, close in west side. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 20S Selling bldg. Main 1S00. Fire and Auto Insurance. MODERN HOTEL 54 rooms; S years' lease: reasonable rent; elevator; some private baths; ground floor lobby; $S000; terms. MPS. THOMSON. 620-21 HrN'RY BLDG. 12 ROOMS housekeeping, rent $16 per mo., always full, good place; $850 will handle. NORD HAMPTON CO.. Main 8245. 401 Stock Exchange. APARTMENT of 125 rooms, modern; 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; well located on west side. Income about $1200; low rent: price $9500. half cash. Hedges, 171 West Park, ground floor. FINE little cor. brick apartment house. 30 apartments; nets about $4(o month, good lease. Price $70O, $5000 cash. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co., 1007 Yeon bldg. WEST SIDE MODERN APARTMENTS. 67 rooms, good lease: rent $3O0; auto matic elevator: clears $400: $6700, terms MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 Henry bldg. WE WANT apt. and good rooming houses to sell; have customers. BARNEY JOHNSON & CO. 170 10th St., basement. Main 2715. TRANSIENT rooming house. 10 rooms; new furniture, lease, rent $50 a month; good income; heart of city. Marshall 3372. 12 ROOMS, H. K. ; rent $40: electricity, steam heat; clears $S0; price $1375; terms. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. 46 ROOMS all housekeeping, brick build ing, lease; this is a good one and priced right. Call 103 West Park. Wells & Anderson. I WANT to buy a small rooming or apart ment house ; have the cash to pay for one. Call Marshall 727. FURNITURE for sale for 8-room house house is fixed for roomers and board furnace heat; bargain. Main 1167. 208 WHEN you get tired having others try to sell you out. list it with the old reliable T. BRUCE GOPDARD. 502 Couch bldg GOOD downtown hotel. 34 rooms 2-year lease, $5000; $3000 cash, balance $150 a mo. w esion i.o.. ou vv . Bank bids. 10 ROOMS, part housekee ping, west side priced $700. terms. Call 163 West Pnrk st. Wells & Anderson. MODERN apt. houses; good leases; rents reasonable: $10,000 up: terms MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. ROOMING HOUSE 22 rooms. $2200; $1400 rash, balance $50 a month Weston Co 0 N. W. Bank bids. " BLMNKS5 OFPOKTtNTlES. Motels and Booming Houatn. SCOTT-BO WDEN CO. HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES, IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. 22 rooms, close in, west side location, furnace heat, electric lights, good fur nishing, clears $200 over all expenses. This is only a few steps from tho district and has a waiting list all the tune. Price $2700; $2uOO handles. 12 rooms. White Temple district, ex cellent furnishings, furnace beat, electrid lights, and nets $90 over expenses, and use of 3 rooms. Price $1550; terms. 10 rooms, 2 kitchenettes, close in, west side location, hot-water heat, electric lights, hot and cold water in all rooms, netting $80 per month. Houses of this kind are hard to get and won't last long. Price $1375; terms. A SNAP. 8 rooms, rent $25, best east side loca tion, walking distance to west side, extra good furniture, and makes a swell home as well as living over the expenses. Price only $750 cash. OUR LISTING PHONE IS MAIN 6127. SCOTT-BOWDEN CO., 431 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A. J. DEFOREST & CO., 320-321 Henry bldg. Main 2690. 118-ROOM APT. HOUSE. Fine west side location, everything in first-class condition; best of carpets and hardwood furniture. Price $11,000, part time; 4-year lease. 44-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE. Modern corner brick building. In easy walking distance; rent $125, with lease; income $650; $2500 down, balance easy monthly payments. 86-ROOM BOARDING HOUSE. Workinginan's place, doing big busi ness; nice otfice. good dining room and kitchen, well equipped throughout; pres ent owner has run place for past 7 years, wishes to retire from business. Will sacrifice for $1500. A REAL SNAP. $1500 handles 36 rooms, all H. K. ; brick building, west side location; rent $ 150. 2-year lease; Income $285. Price $2500. WE BUY CHATTEL MORTGAGES. THESE ARE PORTLAND'S BEST BUYS -8 rooms, steam heat and cold water fur nished by landlord under rent of $75 per month. Each apartment has electric and gas meter, on one floor, gas ranges, good furniture. Price $2600 on terms. 39 rooms, stove heat, rent $85; west side, clears $250 month. Price $3200, on terms. All housekeeping. i 40 rooms, rent $75 on lease, stove heat, big money-maker, $2700. 18 rooms. White temple district, $lg00, terms, furnace, exceptional furniture. H rooms, $1200, furnace, good furniture, nice home and good Income. 12 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wa ter in rooms, no attic or basement rooms; a bargain. 12 rooms, 15th and Wash.. $1050 8 rooms on Washington st., $850. tt room flat right downtown, $450; make your rent and expenses. K,,t?Ua.ri!f assured of a aiure deal when buying through this office. Every house has been personally investigated before being offered. UODDARD, 501-2 Couch Bldg. .5 1 WO and three-room apartments; mod ern brick corner, west side; completely furnished; rent $300, long lease; clears dies PF m Prlce 10.w00; $6500 ban- wo aid three-room apartments; one of the newest and most modern in town; something out of the ordinary tSSk ' rivVyear tea-"; clears over $400 per mo. Price $8500, terms. -0 h. k. rooms; rent $55; fine west side corner; electric lights, gas, water in most suites; good furniture; clears $100 Pe? Price $000; terms. YATES REALTY CO.. 249 4th St. DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL HOTEL, One of the best hotels In Portland can be bought at a very reasonable price. JJoing- an average business of $3500 per month. Expenses about $2200. Furnish ings in first-class condition throughout. Strictly modern, fireproof building 5 required6 Frice -5-0u; $20,000 cash A. J. DeFOREST & CO 820-321 Henry Bidg, Main 2690. ABSOLUTELY HIGH CLASS. We have for sale the swellest, most exclusive family hotel in city; elegant ly furnished in every detail; Bigelow Axminster carpets, mahogany and quarter-sawed oak furniture; beautiful dining room accommodates 100 guests -absolutely modern, fully equipped kitchen, automatic elevator, steam heat, private baths, lovelv lobby; big profits price $30,000; $15,000 cash will handle. SEE MRS. KELLER, Geo. T. Moore Co., 1007 Yeon bldg. 90-ROOM APT. HOUSE. In the Nob Hill district, 30 strictly modern 3-room apartments, about 14 apartments exceptionally well furnished, balance rented unfurnished ; rent only $375. with lease. Price of furnishings and lease $0000 cash. Nets better than $i00 a month, with chance for increase. First time offered in 5 years. Don't in quire unless you have the cash WE BUY CHATTEL MORTGAGES A. J. DEFOREST & CO., 320-321 Henry bldg. Main 2690. S0-ROOM APT. HOUSE. $4000 handles it. 28 apartments, all with private bath and phone; corner brick building, close-in location; rent $30O a month; Income over $900, with chance for increase. Full price only WE BUY CHATTEL MORTGAGES A. J. DEFOREST & CO 320-321 Henry bldg. Main 2690. HOT-WATER HEAT "NOB HILL" DISTRICT. 21 rooms, nicely furnished and very neat and clean; all filled and bringing In good income; new 2-year lease at rea sonable rent; one of the best buys in Portland. Price only $2500. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. LIST YOUR PLACE WITH US FOR RESULTS. We want hotels, apartments and rooming houses in all parts of the city, buyers waiting; a phone call brings our listing specialist, do not call us unless you wish to sell. C. E. Scott Realty Co., Main 3353. 617-519 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business, Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. RIERDON. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 60 ROOMS. Finest little hotel In city; absolutely complete. 27 private baths, ground floor lobby, automatic elevator. first-class furniture; S7OO0 cash will handle. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon bldg. $550 TAKES fine little rooming-house. We have all kinds of good rooming and apartment-houses, all prices and good buys, too. NORD HAMPTOX CO., Main 8245. 401 Stock Exchange. 48-ROOM apartment, modern, steam heat, hot and cold water every room; also phone low rent, 3-year lease; close in west side locality; a good buy at $4500; only $2500 down. Hedges, 171 West Park, ground fl o or. 2 1 -ROOM apartment house, enr hiHv bldg., steam heat, all on one floor; rent $50. with lease for almost 3 years, net, SEE MRS. KELLER, Geo. T. Moore Co., 1007 Yeon bldg. Aft :nniTR vr t aaiio - Beautiful plane on Portland's busiest street, clears $400 month above expenses. punauic ici ma can ue naa, opiendid lease at very low rent. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch bldg. BEFORE buying consult our list of houses from 12 to 20 roorns. too num erous to advertise; we have some splen did buys. SEE MRS. KELLER Geo. T. Moore Co., 3 007 Yeon bldg. 40-ROOM hotel, brick building, right In town: if you want something good look at this one. Call 163)? West Park. WpIIs & Anderson. 7 ROOMS, all housekeeping, cheap rent. $500, close in. Call. 1634 West Park st! WpIIs & Anderson. 10-ROOM modern home, well furnished; good location ; $100 per month net in come. Call Main 5199. LIKE TO GET LOCATED AT ONCE Apartment house or hotel. AN 170, Oregonian. FOR SALE by owner. 12-room rooming house, all full, close tn, $1400 cash Ask clerk at Y. M. C. A. for William Barry. FOR SALE Newly furnished rooms In housekeeping suites; hot water heat; west side. Owner. Phone Main 5821. WANT hotel, apartment or rooming house -have the money for one. BD 541, Ore gonian. FOR best bargains tn rooming or apart ment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 24 9 4th o t. HOTEL Close In; monthly business $1200 net income $900; price $r00; some terma Call Nelson. Marshall 2633. I HAVE a dandy apt. house for sale making big money. Call Main 8245. Mr Bristow. WANT rooming house: something worth while, noL junk. X 2S0. Oregoiuao. BrSIN'KSa OFFOBTUMT1E8. Hotels and Booming Hoosea, MRS. M. E. LENT. HOTELS AND APARTMENT HOUSES. 723-24 Northwestern Hank bldg. Phoue Main 8560. If you wish to buy or sell, I can (tre. you satisfactory service. 60-ROOM HOTEL. High-cla s furniture and furnishing, white pressed brick building, automatic elevator, 33 baths, newly kalsomined and enameled; clearing ever $500 per month; something exclusive. Price $12,500; re quires $700 cash to handle. 54-ROOM HOTEL Right In business center; rent $300; Northwestern heat, well-furnished, in come about $1500 per month; big prof its; price $10,uoo. Terms to reliable par ties. ROOMS AND APARTMENTS. 45 rooms, rent $225, brick building, team heat, tunning water in rooms, clearing over $350 per month. This Is close in on west side; first time offered. Price $6500. 30 APARTMENTS. Brick building, west side location, south of Jefferson, mostly all furnished, hardwood floors, private baths, clearing $500 a mouth; price $11.010. 28 APARTMENTS, RENT $300. Located In easy walking distance; brick building, private baths. Thia la a good buy. i rice $8700. 22-ROOM HOTEL. Near Washington street; brick build ing, Northwestern heat. Price $350O. 10-ROOM TRANSIENT. All newly-furnished. This is a fine lo cation. Price $175u; requires $1000 cash, I HAVE OTHERS. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. $2500 PUTS you in possession of the coziest, cleanest 44-room hotel in city, cor. brick bldg., steam heat, hot and cold water in every room, splendid loca tion, net profit about $400. Price $5500. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co., loo7 Yeon bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE. 67 rooms, completely furnished, absolutely modern brick bldg.. auto matic elevator, good steady tenants; $4500 down, net profit about $400. SEE MRS. KELLER, Geo. T. Moore Co., 1007 Yeon bldg. RENT $10 PER MONTH. 7 rooms, electric light, gas In all rooms; newly painted and papered; in come $83; price $425. Hedges, 171 West ram, ground rioor. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company : December 9 1 purses, 2 keys, 2 pairs gloves, 2 gloves, 1 rubber. 1 boon, 3 pactcages, roil Deciding, Dianaet, i luncn boxes, suitcase, toboggan sled, 6 um brellas. December 11 1 key, book, 2 pairs gloves, S packages, 3 purses. December 12 2 purses, 2 pairs gloves, 4 gloves, 2 books, lantern, blow torch, pair shoes, basket, umbrella frame, 4 packages, 2 suitcases. Owners may ob tain property at 1st and Alder sts. WILL party who took glasses and case (Thompson's) from table electric de partment, Meier & Frank basement, Friday, November 14, please leave same at main office Meier & Frank ? I am the poor woman whose husband was killed one week later, Friday, Novem ber 21, in automobile accident. 1 need my glasses so much. WOULD the person who found roll of bills of $50 Friday at 4 :30 in Jones' be honest enough to return half the sum to mother of two small children who will be verv srratef ul ? Seal and mail to 886 Benton it, or call East REWARD OFFERED. LOST ON VISTA AVE., BETWEEN LAUREL AND CARTER LANE. AN ELGIN WATCH, GOLD CASE; FINDER PLEASE RETURN TO 614 V 1ST A AVE., OR CALL MARSHALL 3249. LOST Automatic auto lock. No. 1D06166 In front of Pierce'B sanitarium. 3ust thii side of Bertha station, on TerwiiUger blvd. Phone Broadway 3105 or leave at Oregonian office. LOST Small brown purse, containing money and paper, between Emporium and FJfth and Morrison, between 6 :30 and 6, Friday evening, or on Sunnyside car. Call East 6041. Reward. LOST Man's small black leather purse. Tuesday morning; contained paper mon ey and platinum-diamond ring. Liberal reward. Phone Benson hotel clerk, or room 1010. LOST Male fox terrier; black spot above tail ; answers to name of Trix. Liberal reward for any information leading to recovery. Adcox. East 7445. LOST Thursday eve., at 5th and Wash ington, a heavy lined leather mitten. Reward for return to 1208 Wells Fargo bldg., or phone Tabor 3535. LOST Evening, Dec. 9, open-faced Swiss watch with part of chain; Initial W; $10 reward. Mr. Winn, 115 Russell. Phone East 1773. PARTY wearing long blue cape, who picked up purse at 3d and Taylor kind ly leave same at Venable hotel office and avoid further trouble. LOST Gentleman's black traveling bag. contains also lady's raincoat; $20 re waru will be paid for return. E. 6136: no questions asked. LOST 1 new Goodrich safety casing. No. 14152916, size 30x3, mounted on rim; lost off U. S. mail car. Reward. East 304. LOST Sapphire gold ring, platinum set ting, between O., W. & King store and Ansonla hotel. Reward. Miss Patton. Bdwy. 1443. WILL party who took green Stetson hat by mistake please return to t tie Lunch Box cafeteria, between Morrison and Yamhill sts. LOST S A. M., Dec. 13. bet. Clackamas and Broadway on 24th st.. black seal leather portfolio. Phone East 2473. bOl Clackamas. LOST A pair of brown cravenette top ladies' shoes, just mended down town Saturday, between 11 and 2. Call Tabor 85::. JERSEY cow, weighing about 800 pounds, lost from the Hamilton place on Colum bia highway. Notify G. K. Howitt, Union stock yards. LOST Leather case containing 1 mov ing picture film, on Mt. Scott car, Fri day morning. Call Tabor 7S16, morn ings. Reward. LOST Small purse containing currency and small change on Grand ave., or Sun nyslde car. Reward. BC 60, Oregonian. KIN DLY return leather-covered Christian Science quarterly, with name In gold, to 665 E. 62d st. N. Phone Tabor 1264. LOST Kodak, near 23d and Thurman at a. Finder return to George W. Krimbel. 671 Upshur. Broadway 1135. Reward. LOST Thursday evening, gold bridge. Please return to 346 Madison ave,; re ceive reward. LOST 2 dark brown hair switches, be tween Washington high and Lents. Call Tabor 5SS2; reward. LOST Premo camera on Union ave.. be tween Beech and Going sts. Finder please phone Brdy. 2170. Reward. PINK camisole and handkerchief, on Madison-st. bridge. Finder call Main 2740. Reward. LOST Small beaded purse containing cur rency and check, on east side. Call East 2740 ; reward. LOST, Tuesday morning, pair tortoise rimmed glasses. Call Main 2363 Mon day. Reward. LOST Brown suede purse between Port land and Lent on Mt. Scott car. Friday night. Tabor 8914. LOST Gold wris watch between 4th and Washington and Ladd school Saturday afternoon Reward. Main 1520. LOST Right black lined leather gauntlet glove at 4th and Alder. Reward. Mar shall 1585. LOST Lady's gold wrist watch, Friday in Olds, Wortman & King's. Liberal reward. Write AC 313, Oregonian LOST Thursday on Alberta car. niiir handbag containing about $10 and other articles. Reward. 817-36. LOST Eastern Star pin. Return to R. A. Johnson at Erickson's restaurant. Second and Burnside. Reward. LOST Lady's Swiss wrist watch in Meier & Frank's. Call Tabor 5156. Re ward. LOST or strayed, a yellow and Angora cat from 215 14th st. ' Marshall 401. brown Phone LOST A lady's gold wrist watch, between Siskiyou and Alameda on 60th or Sandy blvdJ Phone Tabor 2890. Reward. LOST Fox terrier, white and black, tan head. Phone Main 1088 or Broadway 136. Reward. 62 H Ella st. LOST Blue Maltese Woodlawn 1542. kitten. Reward. LOST Set of tools in small hand satchel, 16th and Wash. Reward at 228 Wash. LOST Bunch of keys, heart-shaped ring7 reward. Main 5272, 12 to 10 o'clock. LOST Diamond platinum lace pin; eral reward. Main 6S75. FOT7ND Ice skate in automobile; held at 995 E. Hoyt. FOUND Weed non-skid chain. Market. Call 628 FOUND On E. Glisan. pair of glasses. Call 111 E. 75th st. N. evenings. LOST Irish terrier pup, answers to name of Bingo. Phone Main 5609. Reward, LOST A screw earring, plain rold dron. f kw i i; OL.-NJJ urn muii, cau u. ?13. LOST ANT FOUND. LOST Small coin purse in Olds. Wort man & King's store, containing training school pin and change. Finder kindly return to O. W. K, supt. office and may keep change. No questions asked. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. I WILL receive sealed bids at my office. 740 Morgan building, up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday. December 16. 1919. for a stock of groceries of the Inventory valuation of $189S.b9 and fixtures of the inventory valuation of $255.20; located at 1256 Hawthorne &venu. cltv - tr-m m cash; certified check for 10 per cent of ""ouni onerea muse accompany eacn bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and proper t inspected by appointment ouly. R, L SABIN. Proposals Invited, REQUEST FOR BIDS. I will receive sealed bids at my office, 740 Morgan building, up to 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday December 22, 1919, for the following: Stock of ladies' suits, coats and dresses, furs, waists, skirts, underskirts and other mer chandise usually carried in a ladies' apparel shop, of the Inventory value of $12,907.07 Equity In ladies suits, coats and merchandise sold, upon which a deposit has been made, but which are not fully paid for, showing a balance due of 527.10 Fixtures pertaining to the above stock of the inventory value of 1,146.00 Total $14,580.17 located at the store formerly ecu pled by Groves Apparel shop. No. 288 Mor rison st., Portland, Or. Terms, cash. A certified check for 10 of amount offered must accompany each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and property may be Inspected upon appointment. Dated. Portland. Or- December 12. 1919. ' R- L- SABIN, Assignee. FINANCIAL. BE YOUR OWN FINANCIER, Join this association and get your mortgage loan on the co-operative plan. Loans for any amount to run from 3 to 10 years, repayable in small monthly installments. Part or all of loan may be paid off at any time. Every bor rower participates in full profits of the association. Only purely co-operative savings and loan association in Portland UNION SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, 284 Oak Street. WK BUY AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS. - MAKE MORTGAGE LOANS. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. WRITE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY INSURANCE. EXILE Bl'RKITT, PRESIDENT, OREGON BOND Sc. MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AND TRUST BLDG. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH MARKET PRICE. CASH for RECEIPTS. We LOAN money on BONDS. SAVINGS STAMPS, 7 int. 725 Gascd1 bldg., 5th and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. CASH paid for realty mortgages or sale contracts; prompt attention, reliable service. A. K, Hill. 215 Lumbermeus bldg. CAsH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate in Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermens bldg. BEST cash offer takes our capital stock in Liberty foundry. Phone Main 843 L Address X 333. Orego n i a n. Money to Loan on ileal Estate, CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION On improved property, or for Improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 mouths, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark U, Portland. Or. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc b K. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 3026. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms. No commission. No delays. DEVEKEAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 6ih St.. Portland. Or. $60,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK, 215-216 FAILING BLDG., THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS. Loans made on improved city property. Prompt service; no delay. Call and see us for terms. PORT1SAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, Northwestern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1RKELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marsha'! 4114. A 4118. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security at going rate of interest. OTTO A HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. MON EY TO LOAN" on improved city property and also im proved farm property. Current rates. WM. MacMASTER. 831 U. S. National Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, 5r PER CENT. 6 PER CENT, 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbett Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 506 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. SEE US TODAY. We loan money on real estate, 6 and 7, long time, short time: monthly payments or as you can; sums to suit. oasco otag., otn and Aider. CELLARS-MURToN CO. MORTGAGE LOANS. OUR OWN MONEY. LOWEST RATES. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourth st.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS, City or farm property irom $500 up. W. H. BR1TTS. 318 Chamber of Com merce, Tei. Marshall 2549. PRIVATE MONEY. $17,500 for immediate loans ; will divide. City, Acreage or Farms. 525 Henry Building. Marshall 5858. MORTGAGE loans of from $800 to $3000; no delays, low rates of interest. Call 426 Northwestern Bank bldg., or phone Main 3077. WILL loan $8000 on one or more first mortgages. 7 per cent; no commission. M. A Zollinger. 504 Selling bldg.. Main 101. PRIVATE money to loan on farm and city property at 6 and 7 per cent. Webster Klncaia. 526 nenry biug. HA V E 200 to loan on good real estate security. 7 interest. 1124 Northwestern Bank bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate. RITTER. LOWE A CO. 201 Board of Trade Bldg. $300. $400. $5O0. $650. $750. $1000 AND UP; lowest rales; quick action. Gordon Mort- gage Co.. 631 Cham, of Com. Main 1370. $loou AND UP; no commission or delav F. H. DESHON. 615 Cham, of Com, bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, lowest rates. A. E. Harding, 312 Railway Exchange. MONEY on farm and improved city prop erty. K. K. Baxter, "in Spalding P i d g. SEE OREGON INV A MORTGAGE CO 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th ana Stark MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7. Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. Louis WIi-L lend $20,000 on suitable real estate security tn Portland. BJ 168. Oregonian. I WISH to lend $5O00 on really good real estate at 7 per cent. AC 309, Oregonian. $500 TO $5000. 6-7, ON IMPROVED city property. East 6329. $10O0 TO $1400; no agents Real estate security. ail oi., oregonian. j $10,000. $5000, $1500. $1000 ON city or iio.uoo, FINANCIAL. Money to Loan an R.! Kstata. RESIDENCE LOANS. per cent to 7 per cen t. five-year I period. You may pay $100 or any multi ple thereof account principal emi-an-nually and reduce Interest. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value of honse and lot at 6fe to 7 per cent. You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example. $1200 loan, you pay $6 monthly and interest. You have privilege of paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly. Interest reduces ac cordingly. NO COMMISSION. WE RECORD MORTGAGE AND PAY OTHER EXPENSED ' BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, 6 per cent and v-cut- xepaymeni privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, Main 630s. Suite 407 Icon Ba dg. WE CHARGE NO BROKERAGE ON RESIDENCE LOANS. and positively the lowest rates of inter est; also make business property and farm loans, liberal repayment privileges. Brokers and borrowers piace your loaJis where you can secure the best terms. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 91 Third street. Phone Main 8067. Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce Building. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security; any amount from $500 up on improved city or farm nron erty. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. 2S1C $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP. low rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. Money to Loan Chattels and Salarieel DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY". LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE, PIANOS, VICTROLAS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS, ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans, and leave the se curity In your possession, and you can repay us in small monthly payments. ALSO WE MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people, on their own note. Rates reasonable. Private offices, all business strictly confidential. WE ALSO BUY DIAMONDS. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (LICENSED). 806-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 32S6. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. CHRISTMAS MONEY. WE LOAN MONEY To salaried and workingmen on their personal notes. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE. NO PUBLICITY ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND SEE US TODAY. Investigate our modern money-lending methods. It will cost no more now than If you wait until a few days before CHRISTMAS. OPEN 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. UNTIL XMAS. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., Licensed. 218 FAILING BUILDING. 8. E, corner THIRD and WASHINGTON STREETS. OPEN EVENINGS. OPEN EVENINGS. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 910. S94 Stark Street. Near Tenth. Loans on diamonds, watches, Victrolas, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments, and anything of value, ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOR ROWER. City and county warrants cashed fof face value. CARRIE MYERS-HERRMAN. Ma n a ge r. $1000. $2000, $3000 TO LOAN on first mort gages, ic; no commission; no deiay. John Guy Wilson. 1406 Yeon bldg. Main 1228. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal (ics, tt.ii jiuicics neiu a year; estab lished since 18S8. Dan Marx, 233 Wash. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furm ture; legai rates. 208 Washington bldg. GEO. HARVEY" loans money on household goods. Legal rates. Tabor 3S06. iiOartB wanteex. I HAVE a $7500 second mortgage, 7 per cent, all payable in two years, on first class brick Income Portland property m'orth about double total amount against it; 1 will give liberal discount for cash. P 820, Oregonian. THE owner of an Irvington residence worth JU,uuo wisnes to borrow $.500 at 6 per cent, giving this as security. AC 310. Oregonian. WANTED $5300, five years, 8 per cent on 2180-acre improved farm in Alberta; value $50,00. Claude Cole, 215 Lum bermens bldg. FIRST MORTGAGES ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY FOR SALE. F. H. DEoHON, 615 Cham, of Com. bldg $1000 TO LOAN by private party on im proved real estate; no commission. Alexander. Main 25. eve. Tabor 3638. $100. THREE months. 8 per cent and $10 bonus. BC SO, Oregonian. $5000 WANTED on improved acreage; no commission. O 242, Oregonian. fcEE OKEOON INV & MORTGAGE CO. 222 Cham, of Commerce, 4th and Stark. PERSONAL. FISHING. Tis said "Most men are liars Who love the fishing game. For they lie about the bait that's used And the places just the same. And when they hook a little fish. Which somehow gets away. They'll, talk about the size of it. And you will hear them say: "Oh, gee! I lost a dandy About three pounds or more. And I almost had it landed. About a foot from shore." We're fishing for more business. And you can save much more On each new SUIT, COAT. DRESS and HAT At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. SECOND FLOOR PITTOCK BLK. ACCUMULATION of impurities, by-products of digestion, cause disease. The cure: Dissolve and eliminate the poisons and revitalize the weakened parts. This can be done with the various electrical modalities. Rheumatism, neuritis, neu ralgia, asthma, nervousness, constipa tion, female disorders, prostatic enlarge ment, lung, liver, bowel, bladder, soma skin disorders, catarrh, weak eyes. Nose, throat, rectal troubles without surgery. Dr R. A. Phillips, Broadway bldg. WRITE a song Love, mother, home, child hood, patriotic, any subject. I com pose music, guarantee publication. Send words today. Thomas Merlin, 817 Reap er block, Chicago. SCENARIOS wanted Exchange plots for $$; photoplay ideas revised, published, copyrighted, sold; advice tree. Universal Scenario Corporation, Western Mutual Life bldg., Los Angeles ALL the latest remedies sold at the Clein enson Drug Co.. 20o Morrison st, St. Charies Hotel corner. At this drugstore you get Just what you call for. We have no substitutes. FOR SALE Reasonable, blue jersey dress, black taffeta dress, fur choker, blue doi man (fur collar;, large beaver hat to match. Bdwy. 1940, room 517, 7 to 9 P. M. YOUR Skin and Scalp are either Oily, Dry or Normal. For Corrective Treatments consult Mrs. Freeman. Corbett bldg.. wjtn i-Tanco-American nygienic jo. TEACHERS OF NEW LIFE OPEN CIR CLE SUNDAY NIGHT. S O'CLOCK. ALL ARE WELCOME. READINGS AND LES SONS DAILY. 575 EAST BURNSIDE. DETECTIVE United Service Detective Bureau: work executed by skilled opera tives. 607 Stock Exchange bldg. Main :;m 2. ERIKSON'S white shield maternity home for unfortunate girls; no publicity; babies placed in Christian homes. Address 79 E. 72d N. : C 1279. WANTED To hear from artists, illustra tors or moving picture concern in Port land who can use a bright, beautiful girl of 3. N 165, Oregon ia n. CLIFFORD BEAUTY PARLOR, 129 East Sixth st.. just opened : hair dressing massaging and manicuring. East i.tt2. IR. WILKINSON removes corns in 3 min, 315 Flanders St.. near 6th. PILES CAN BE CURED without opera t!on. Free booklet. P. O. box 1105. MYRTLE CLARK, shampooing, manicur ing, face and scalp. 733 Morgan bldg. PERSONAL. VXTW GET WELL. FREE. FREE. ;very ,dy 'rom 10 A M. to 4 P. M., and evenings on Monday, Wednesday and to l y" oia 7 to nd Sundays from 10 THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED i r',ef in ny other way are Invited Lh J?ves,llSl-o Chiropractic methods. J! are PerinenUy curing hundreds o v t r v uav. THE BEST OF CHTROPRACTIO DIAGNOSTICIANS "Ofoughly examine you. raak a complete diagnosis or your case and di rect your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU y A TE V E R SHIR?PRACTIC is sure and modern science of curing and pe ventir.g disease CHIROPRACTIC will permanently cure ,-P,cent OI a11 diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause nealih returns. The above service Is all free to you at tne college building and may be had in private if desired, i PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had In college building by members of the facuuy, by euuer lady or men prac titioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner of Park and YamhiU. Tel. Main 1014. BOSPITAL in connection with college. Will handle out-of-town patients at a most reasonable rate in order to show what Chiropractic ca Address all communications to DR. O. W. ELLIOTT, President. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. PAWN TICKETS. Sell your diamond direct to Diamond importers and recelva The highest cash market valua. Without any disappointment. w pay from $100 to 1800 Per carat. We purchase pawn Tickets. Gold, Silver, Platinum. Any valuables, any amount. We buy War Stamps, Liberty Bonds, Victory Bonds. It you want money, see us. Private offices; business confidential. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Brokers and Diamond Mercnanta 06 MORGAN BLDG., Second Floor. Licensed by the City of Portland. 100 PER CENT CHI ROPR ACTIO SYSTEM. ir. McMahon, Macleay bldg., Portland, a chiropractor of experience, a past ama teur, a 100 per cent chiropractic special ist, with highest tesrtmouials from pa lLenl 'rom eastern states, familiar with the best, aiso from western and local pa tients having unfortunately had less than 1UO ptr cent chiropractic elsewhere, with, of course, corresponding disappointment in delayed relief. Men and women are fully satisfied with niy 100 per cent chiropractic philosophy, long experience and superior skill demon strated in consultation examinations; easy, carefui adjustments, rates and xinally. results. Tenth year in city. Terms. 51 adjustments $Lo. Phone, call or write, FOURTH AND WASHINGTON. New Home, 6-47 East Salmon st, PREVENT DISEASE OF GUMS. Do you know that tartar scales. Im perfect fitting crowns and bridges, over hanging fillings irritating gums, all con tribute to pyorrhea, pus of gums, in flation of gums, loosening of the teeth ana finally loss of teeth. 1 specialize in ftrst-ciass dentistry. DR. A. W. KEENE, Majestic Theater ouilding. ol j Washington st. KELLY & PILGER, PERMANENT HAIR W A VI N G. Formerly operator for the Hair Store and the Sanitary Beauty Parlor for the last three years, are specializing in per manent hair waving. Piiune Main 7i;o lor appointment. Room 403, over Hip podrome theater. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We Pay up to $25 per Plate. Bridgework. Dental Gold Bought. Bring or Mail. Private Otiices for Ladles. AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 205 Morgan Bldg., Second Floor. FALSE TEETH! FALSE TEETH! Highest cash prices paid for false teeth, crowns, bridges and all dental gold. $200 TO $1000 PER CARAT for diamonds. We buy watches, old Jewelry and all valuables of every de scription. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 447Morgan Bldg., Fourth Floor. WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD SANITAR ILM, 170 Willamette bouievard, Ains worth ave.; phone Wdln. 2100. Special attention given confinement and conva lescent cases; trained nurses, courteous treatment, rates moderate. 1AKAKA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a cieansing. healing, germicidal and Invig oratiug douche. A treat aid in lucor rhea and it-male disoraers. 30c and $i per bo Portland H otel Pharmacy. IF THERE are any bills to be paid by L. D. Howell, bOO Sandy blvd., collect before Dec. 13. Will not be responsible after said date. BIGLERIES & VOLTIS. CHRONIC and nervous diseases a spe cialty; new methods. Dr. J. W. Batdorf, dr ut; less psysiclan. 3U4 Dekum bldg Tei. Main 1160. This ad good for fret examination. IF you have corns, ingrowing nails or need a manicure, shampoo or face mas sage see Dr. Sacry, 60:1-4 327 Washington bl Marshall &i7t. Hours, evenings and Sundays. AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH and a sclentiilc massage once a week will protoug both physical and mental efficiency. Dr. Ironside, aob-11 Broad way bldg. Nurse in attendance. Main 06 LADY will dress your dolls for Christmas; furnish everything or use your materials; hats, coats, fur sets a specialty. Can take only few more orders. Mar. 2bUi. DU. RUTH OLSON. medical gymnast, Swedish graduate, steam majsaj;e. ex ercises, electricity. 5o2 Washington b 1 d M a In 634.Coniuitation .tree. $1 WILL get both feet fixed up good at Dr. Eaton's. Lhe CHIROPODIST, who doesn't hurt you; 5 yrs. here; exam. free. Ulobe theater bldg.. llth & Wash. Bdwy. ;:j24. WE BUY WAR STAMPS. Spot Cash. Liberty Bonds Bought. American Brokerage. 2Q5 Morgan Bldg. MISS E. ADAMS Treatments for dandruff and fallini; hair, manicuring. 407 Morri son st., Tilford bldg. Office 305. Hours 11 to 8, utioays 11 to 3. DR. "MARGARET HAYNIE gives chiro practic, steam baths, violet ray vibration and massage, 21a Swetland bldg. Main lToo. ALASKA FURS. Finest quality, ready-to-wear and to order at upstairs prices. The Fur Shop, tiuo Swetlana bldg.. oth and Wash. REV. and Mrs. J. Schorl. Bible spiritual ists; meetings Sun., Tues., Thurs. nights 8 o'clock. 15 E. lath st. N.. cor. E. Burnside. FEB VET& HAN NE BUT, leading wig ajiu loupe makers, finest stock human hair goo us. hairar issiug. manicuring, face and sca.ip treatment. 34 Aider. Main a4i SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by lo neeuies method; trial free. Josit Finley. Bush Sz Lane bldg. Main ti:;t;s. DR. ELNA SORENSON, 5US Panama t.u Drugies methods. Stomacn, kidneys rneuuiatism. constipation, etc M .'.list WOULD like the address of Mrs! Nellie Meyers, formerly Nellie Kapple of Lead vil'.e, Colo. Phone Hoyt Hotel, room ovii. ToBACCO or snuff habit cured or no p,, . $1 if cured. Remedy sent on trial. Su perba Co., W 314, Baltimore. Md. tiRALC ATE nurse treats lumoago etc. Hours 2 to S. or by appointment. Phoa Main 104i. Office 3U8-C Third it Lii a n. -N utwuty culture worn, we give you practical experience Sanitary Beauty parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg. HAIR CUTTING, 35c. Macieay bldg., Waah. St., between 4th and 6th. Expert work. Children ape c i alty. PRIMED A BALM, tormerly called Balm of Figs- E 33d. Sal1- 1 morning. nTsHBETH S Swedish Electro-Hydro In stltute. 523-530 Pittock blk. lidwy. 518. NERVES, lumbago treated; hours 10 to 415 Buchanan bldg. Main 8366. LADY BARBERS, shaves 20c. haircut 85c. lace massage 35c. 203 Everett, cpr. 3d. GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair, manicuring, face, scalp. 322 Flledner bld. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you ? See Viereck. collections. Dekum bldg. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation Free booklet. P. Q. box 1105. GOITRE, enlarged glands; cure yourself. A- R. Strachan, route 5. Hillsboro. Or. WAN T ED A baby girl for adoption. G S06, Oregonian. CANCERS successful ly cured without pain. Id. W. Stump. 4,37 Larrabee at,, cUy. V