i TTTE SUNDAY OITEGOXTAX. PORTLAND, DT:CE3IBTIT1 14, 1919. WANTED M1BCELLANEOC 8. WB BUT DIAMONDS. Receive Full Value. Sell Directo to Diamond Brokers. Get what your diamonds are worth. If you have to sell, don't sell for any old price. We pay full value in cash. If you have vour diamonds in pawn, we will buy the ticket and pay you also full value in cash. This Is the place where you can turn anytfciar into coah ewelry. old gold, watches. silverware, platinum at full value. We buy your War Stamps, your Liberty Bonds, or any other valuaDies: so if you want ready cash, come to us. Always diamond bargains on hand. We buy bargains and sell bargains. PRIVATE OFFICE FOR LADIES. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Brokers and Diamond Merchants. 205 Morgan bids Second Floor. Licensed by the City of Portland. DIAMONDS WANTED. $200 TO S1000 PER CARAT. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT Sell your diamond to diamond ex perts. We positively pay the highest cash market values for diamonds, plat inum, gold, silver watcbes. old jewelry and all valuables of every description We buy false teeth, crowns, bridges and all dental sold. See us before sell ins elsewhere. Private offices. business strictly con fidential. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 441 Morgan Bldg.. 4th Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS At a Basis of Market Value. WAR STAMPS BOUGHT. AMERICAN' BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg.. Second Floor. 912.50 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays mure than anyone in the city for suiUs, overcoats and shoes, The Madison Cleaners and Tailors. Call Marshall 122U or Madison St., near 3d st. Will call anywhere in. the city, day or evening. WE BUY SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVER COATS. Your old clothes are worth money Bring them ii ; we will examine them and pay you the best possible price. .SELL TO A REPUTABLE HOUSE. ORPHEUM TAILORS. SCO Stark St. Broadway 1056. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG. SECOND FLOOR. JK.flO UP TO 125. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS I HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S i SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC. I BROADWAY S032, 245 Vj BllNSlDE, ; BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. FURS! FURS! FURS! I I make them look like new ; cleaning and alterations of any description at reasonable prices. See the LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. slain 0520. 103 West Park. Bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Up TO $2.1 FOR MEN S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men s clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS, 117 2d st. N. W. cor. Wash. Main U344. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per plate; also crowns, bridge work, dental gold bought. American Brokerage, 20o Morgan bldg. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men's uaed suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price for your goods. 167 1st St.. near Morrison. Main 738. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing ; highest cash prices paid ; will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225. 208 Madison. RIDING or officers' boots. 8 A ; riding or army breeches, 30 waist; army style macklnaw, 30; man's English riding sad dle and bridle. P 818, Oregonian. WANTED to buy. gentleman's snghtly-used suit, dark color, 30-40 chest, 34-;it waist; good quality and condition. BC 73, ore gonian. DIAMOND Private party wishes to pur chase diamond of large size. S 440, Ore gonian. Furniture Wanted, GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. Marshall 698L OLDEST RELIABLE PORTLAND BUYS GOODS FOR HOU8B IM HOUSEHOLD SPOT CASH. NOTHING TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL, FROM A BIG HOTEL TO ONS PIBVJB. PHONE US Marshall 5981. GEVURTZ FURNITURB3 CO 188 First St.. near TamhllL BEFORE YOU SELL TOUR FURNITURE SEE US. We are in need of alt kinds of used furniture, rugs, carpets. stoves and ranges; all kinds of gas stoves and ofiice furniture, and we will pay absolutely the top prices for same. call MARSHALL 587 and our buyer will call at once with the cash. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 2U5 and 207 First St., Between Taylor and Salmon Sts. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO. 102 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 300. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for Fame and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 20S First St. Main 772S. CALL MAIN 8951. If yon want to sell your furniture and po, give it away. Ask for Mr. Wolf, 101 2d st., near Taylor. ARE YOU GOING EAST? Consult us about reduced freight rates on household gooda to sll points; fast, through service. Pacific Coa.t Firward ing Co.. 9th and Hoyt sta. Bdwy. 7u3 I WANT used furniture; ea.h win be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Cull us for one article or a house full, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 263. Crown. CALL MAIN 887S We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before vou sell CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8S7S. WANTED High oven gas range! bed spring, mnttress. English breakfast ta ble. Woodlawn 5346. "WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash Phone today Main 4627 or 166 First mt. I WANT used furniture; will pay as much as any dealer can pay East 6417 M. H. Calef. dealer. S40 Williams ave. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. SECOND-HAND furniture wanted to shlD to eastern Oregon; no dealers. Mr 'n 6403. WANTED Used furniture, prices Main 5064. Will pay best HELP WANTED MALE. fc; x V V W. T 4 ; w-r1 reliable mu w mill nmn , operate mill on contract per M. basis. Address i O. box 2u47. station. A, HELP WANTED MALE. YOUR BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY If you want to make real money, big money, get into the auto game ; no other line offers equal opjMrtunity; no other line pays as well; we will teach you auto and tractor engineering under a plan no other school will match ; comb here four weeks, pay not a cent in advance; if you are then satisfied that our train ing im the superior of -any other Pacific northwest auto schools, pay your tuition; if you are not satisfied that our school excels, we will pay you for every hour you have attended class; this is the most startling offer any auto school ever made; there Is no red tape about it; we will gladly put it in writing, we are willing to depend entirely upon your honesty and good judgment; only a dif ferent, unquestionably superior school could make such an offer; if our train ing were just the ordinary kind, tbis offer would be suicidal ; but we know where we stand, know that the quality of our training will win you if given a trial; our 100-page catalogue is free; ask fo- book No. 1-B. Adcox Auto and Gas Engine School. Union and Wasco. Y. M. C. A. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y. M. C. A. which aids ambitious young men in prying open the doors of opportunity. In the past 10 years we have assisted 17,032 men in finding positions. Many of these men are now in executive positions and se cure tneir help through us. The standing this department has with employers lu due to the discriminating service rendered them over a period of 15 years and they turn to the Y. M. C. A. for men to fill the better sort of jobs. Vacant positions in Portland at pres ent are scarce, and If you need assist ance in selling your service consult one of the employment secretaries, room 307. We can help YOU. FORD SALESMAN WANTED. ST. JOHN & TITUS, CENTRALIA. WASH.. HAVE AN OPENING FOR AN A-l FORD SALESMAN. GOOD OP PORTUNITY TO THE MAN THAT CAN DELIVER THE GOODS. STATE AGE. EXPERIENCE AND REFER ENCE IN FIRST LETTER. ARE YOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED? If so, lt-aru the auto and tractor busi ness and earn from $100 to $300 a month. Southern California offers ex ceptional opportunities while and after learning; high salaries, ideal working conditions, fine year-round climate; no previous experience necessary. Learn in short time the National Way. Expert instructors, new. complete mechanical and electrical equipment, including Pack ard twin , Cadillac S. Willys-Knight, etc. No age limit. Earn board and room while learning. 600G successful gradu ates GUARANTEE YOUR success. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 15 years in Los Angeles at MS South Figuero. Write today tor tree catalogue 500 1NEXPR1ENCED men wanted to qualify as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld ers and tire vulcanizers ; only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S. government war department for train ing soldiers auto mechanics; don't en roll ir. any other school until you bavs inspected this one ; railroad fare re funded i.' after personal inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school: biggest, best equipped and lai gest system of schools In the world . four large schools. Write nearest branch Dept. 7. MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm sts.. Spokane. Wash.; 700 Mercler St., Seattle, Wash WANTED Advertising solicitor to sell and write advertisement and writeups In an industrial and development edition. This is an exceptional money-making oppor tunity for a iive wire of experience and ability. To the right man ve will give exceptionaJIy strong remuneration and co-operation, only men ca.pabie of "put ting over" a special edition need apply. Man with auto preferred. Address P. O. box 442, or phone 2;t, Salem, Or. WANTED AT ONCE First-class expe- t nenced open-shop pattern makers, core makers, molders. boiler makers, black smiths, forgers (heavy), machinists, cop persmiths and sheet-metai workers, also ship litters, riveters, caulkers (wood and steei), pipe fitters, ship joiners and ship carpenters. All Tor out-of-town work. For further information apply at 520 Oregon building, 5th and Oak sts. TWO experienced candy makers for nigh: work; hours 6 P. M. to 3 A. M. Apply Employment bureau, tith floor. Meier at Frank Co TRAPPERS. $1000 to $5000 per month trapping silver gray fox, marten, fishers, minks, otters, coons and bears in Ore gon and Washington , a dozen good trap ping grounds; fur is high: season now on; close to . railroads. Call or write Richard John, Room 48, 71 Vs. North Sixth street. WANTED Few men with fair intelligence and good character to accept position with old line life insurance company. No prev ious experience required. Per manent Income and chance for rapid advancement. 400 Northwestern Bank building. WANTED Estimator on sash, 'doors and mill work for permanent position in Se attle. Must be accurate at figures. Ad dress in confidence, stating experience and salaary. Address A V 238, Orego nian. EX-SERVICE MEN! The state allows you $2.1 per month while attending school. Why not come over and inspect our school. Adcox Auto & Gas Engine School, Union ave. and Wasco st. SALESMAN The phonograph business of fers a big opportunity to live wire sales man. We need two more men to work on a commission basis. Splendid chance tor advancement. See manager. 427 Washington st. PRACTICAL MILLER. Good miller with small amount or cap Hal ran secure position as head miller in 50-barrel flour mill with good finan-c-al backing; exceptional opportunity. Give phone. X 222. Oregonian. PRINTER WANTED For country office; steady Job In good town to right party; good equipment, linotype, etc. ; state wages wauled, whether married or sin gle, how long at trade. AV 920. Ore gonian. A FIRM of public accountants needs a few more men ; those with experience In this work pref erred, but men with broad experience In office work may be accepted; state salary expected. An swer B D "14 . Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE and tractor school; dsw building; modern equipment: best In struction ; practical work, laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or inquire at room 410 Y M. C a bldg. Phone Main 8700. branch 2. WANTED Men, prepare as firemen, brakemen, colored train porters. $150 $2O0 month; no experience necessary. Oregon roads. Write Inter-Railway, dept 152. Indianapolis. Ind. OA K wood to cut at 53 per cord. Prefer man with family of boys able to d farm work. Must give references Good house only article furnished. 20 miles from Portland 228 Alder st. LIVE coarse paper salesman wanted. Se attle paper jobber. January. Good sal ary and territory. State age. experience, whether married. AV 930. Oregonian. 1 OR 2 GOOD machinists for automobile machine shop If you cannot make the grade don't apply. Burns Machine Works, Inc., Pendleton, Or. , WANTED, immediately, men. IS up. rail way mail clerks . commence $1300; va cancy list free. Franklin Institute, dept. 375 Y. Rochester. N. Y. JAN ITOR for factory; must stay in build ings nights; room furnished free; single man only, must be past 40; state age and give reference. AH 833. Oregonian. WANTED Young man of ability who de sires to enter a business with a good ( future: age to to years. ati to o, 834-5 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED AT ONCE First-class expe rienced open-shop all round molders for work out-of-town. Apply 520 Oregon building, 5th and Oak sts. WANTED Agents, men and women; good pav, $8 to $10 per day. Call and In vestigate, 209 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. $1300 FI RST year paid government rail wav mail cterks; names wanted, men. 18-35. wishing positions. AV U28. Ore gonian WANTED Man to contract slashing wil low brush, about 5 acres. In North Port land. Call OCS Yeon bldg., or phone Main 10iS W ANTED Experienced knitter; steady work, good pay. Oregon Knitting mills 292 Third. WANTED Machinist for small shop, goun I all arounu man no can taae care ot shop. Bend iron Works. Bend, Or. HIGH-GRADE salesman as organizer; also county salesmen. 83U Chamber of Com merce bldg- STEADY auto stage driver. $125; $1000 cash security required. BC 65, Ore go uian WANTED Foundry cupola man for small shop. Bend Iron Works. Bend. Or. CARPENTER work in exchange for Ian yr s service. r0ft-Sll McKay bldg. ! WANTED Boy over 18 years old to run 1 elevator. Palace Hotel, lid WaauinfLoA. HELP WANTED MALE. DLCKBACK What is it? What is It for. and what does it do? It is an absolute waterproof for auto tops, tents, awnings, fish nets, boat sails, coats, boat hulls, anchor chains, anchors; it strengthens the fabric 12 times; gives a fine color, leaves goods soft and pliable; prevents rotting, and above all DOES WATER PROOF and prolongs the life of fabrics and wood. All questions cheerfully an swered by mail, phone or personally. DLCKBACK WATERPROOFING CO.. OF OREGON", Distributing station. 226 Stark st. Phone Main 4836. 20,000 LOGGERS WANTED to man Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen camps when they resume op erations after the first of the year. Go today to the 4-L Employment of fice, register and list your occupation. Only Americans or aliens willing to de clare their intentions to become such and who believe in our government are registered. MILL WORKERS WANTED TO REGISTER 4-L Employment office, 80 Sd St.. Port land. Or. WANTED SPINNERS. APPLY GOLDEN STATE WOOLEN MILLS, LONG BEACH. CALIFORNIA. WANT a responsible cowman with con siderable experience. Have registered Jerseys and feeding for R. of M. tests, separator, steam boiler, milking machine, modern equipment. The man with suf ficient steam can have a permanent Job if he can interest himself beyond the dollars only. Fine chance for a good future, but you must be ON THE JOB. $W0 for married man, house, garden, wood furnished. Chance to board some help. Show me by giving all details condterning yourself, family, experience, etc. Harry Asbahr, Corvaills, Or. LARGE department store in central Cali fornia requires a buyer who is a mer chandiser for the following lines: Women's hosiery, underwear, fancy goods, laces, embroidery. silverware, jewelry. A married man, absolutely conversant with eastern markets, whose past record shows he is a result pro ducer; a man who carefully watches stock conditions in his departments. State references, age, salary desired, in application. Radin & Kamp, Fresno, CaL AUDITORS. bookkeepers, clerks Many vacancies in government service ; large salaries to those with knowledge of in come tax requirements. Frequent civil service examinations; thorough corre spondence instructions under former in ternal revenue inspectors will prepare you. Request particulars. G, Federal Income Tax school, Columbian bldg., Washington, D. C. TAILORS wanted we have places now open in our new shop for about 30 men and women, only reliable people who want steady positions will be con sidered ; no reds or agitators need ap ply ; first-class wages and splendid working conditions. Call for Mr. Bow man at the Brownsville Woolen Mills store. AUDITORS, bookkeepers, clerks Business world needs thousands with knowledge of income tax requirements; large sal aries. Thorough correspondence Instruc tion under former Internal revenue in spectors will prepare you. Request par ticulars. G, Federal Income Tax school, Columbian bldg., Washington, D. C. RELIABLE man in each principal city to manage office and road men distributing feature moving picture films and sup plies t3 theaters, schools, etc.; bond re quired; must be able to open office; only business experience necessary. Independ ent Motion Picture Co., 177 North State st.. onicago. WANTED Oxy-acetylene welder, to do all kinds of welding steel, aluminum, cast iron and bronze; also must -be able to ao general repair work on motor car; state age, experience and how Ion wages expected, married or single, ref erences; answer in own handwriting. S 4it, Oregonian. DLCKBACK Wateroroof inz Co. want distributor for Los Angeles and one for Sun Francisco, Cal. . A contract with Duck back In valuable; $ii0 will be sut- mcient. DucKoack waterproofing Co. of Oregon. 220 Stark st. WANTED Window trimmer and card writer by department store in college town, snort aistance irom Portland; sal ary $10 to start; state qualiiications anu give references in answer. N 171, Oregonian. LARGE electric company has an opening for the boy not attending school who desires permanent position; general of f ice duties and every chance for ad vancement. Apply room 712, Electric building. WANTED SALESMEN FAMILIAR WITH LINES SUCH AS CROCKERY. HOUSE FURNISHINGS, STOVES AND CUT LERY. APPLY M. SELLER & CO. DLCKBACK Waterproofing Co. want good man for Eugene, Astoria and North i aklma; the agency is valuable $150 will handle any of them. Duckback Waterproofing Co. of Oregon, --tt Stark streot. Bo Y wanted over 16 to learn plumbing t.aae in &an r rancisco, cal. ; board room and washing, good pay while learning: can go to night school. Joe I McQuade, 4145 24th st, San Francisco, j Cal. WANTED Storekeeper familiar with gen eral merchandise, married man pre ferred, to take charge of and run store at mining town. Address P. O. box 67. Centralia. Wash. ACCOUNTING forms, practical 'systems, balance sheets, P & L statements, etc. Order portfolio before closing books. $5 postpaid. Longtln Audit Co., 12509 De troit ave., Cleveland, O. WANTED ONE MORE FIRST-CLASS COAT MAKER. REED BROS, 203 WIL COX BLDG. WINDOW trimmer can earn $25 to $50 monthly trimming windows and shelves in his spare time. Write fully, age, amount ot time available and experience. A V Oregonian. MAN with an auto, and can invest a few hundred dollars and go to California, can clean up $5000 to $10,000 per year; must be honest and trustworthy. Give your phone number. N 175, Oregonian. MAN with few hundred dollars to invest in a co-operative working proposition; handle your own money. Mt. Scott car Whitman station. Give your phone No. 7203 54th ave. S. E. WANTED Married couple in logging camp; wife to cook for 10 men: husband can work in mill or woods. State wages expected. Lammers Bros., Cottage Grove, Or. MAN HANDY WITH TOOLS, with few hundred dollars, can make sev eral thousand dollars per year if you are a hustler ; no canvassing. Give your phone No. AH 610. Oregonian. WANTED Sash and door machine oper ator for detail millwork; good wages. Write Tacoma Millwork Supply Co., Tacnma, Wash. MAN WITH FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS can make $10 to $15 per day; handle your own money. Give your phone No. BC 28. Oregonian. THREE ex-service men, easy Xmas, store-to-store proposition. $3 deposit required. Pay every night. 428 Lumber Exch. bldg. 2d and Stark. STOP dally grind, start silvering mirrors, auto headlights, tableware, etc. Plans free. Clarence Sprinkle, dept. 40, Marion, Ind. WANTED Acetylene welder; must be good all around welder and one who knows how to care for generator. Bend Iron Works, Bend, Or. MAN to take good out-of-town lumber haul or good wood haul in Portland, or 2 gravel hauls. Phone East 7680. or C 12o:i. WANTED A bass singer for male quar tette ; apply evenings after 7. 22 North rront, comer or urnsiae. Room 16. A JAP or cmnese boy to clean up the rooms In private hospital. 617 Kear- SIX salesmen who have cameras or ko- aaKi, matte gooa money; can use photog raphers. Phone B 2107 in evening. v AiM bU position as Janitor In apart ment house; good mechanic. BC 68, TAILORS, ATTENTION. Strike still on In Portland. LOCAL NO. 74. WANTED Two auto machanics. Inquire at cavi ournsiue garage at .East lOtn ana nurnsiue. LIVE men. with Ford cars preferred; jcooo minify lur rigiii men. ee Lun n'n Monday. 306 Broadway hotel. TV. o young men to canvass city on big money-making holiday proposition. 1 to a f. n. i i v. r-ara. north basement, TEN advertising men. money daily. M-Kay bldg. WANTED LICENSED P M M 7164. ELECTRICIAN. EXPERIENCED pants Apply 88 3d st. presser wanted. SOLICITOR for theatrical programme ad- vertimng. ttJ. oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper; give refer ences, v oregonian. EXPERIENCED office mnrt for temporary i work,; local references, V ?4s. Oresonian. UCLP WANTED MAta. ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS, COST ACCO UN TAN TS and advanced students of accountancy who are desirous of taking the spring C F, A. EXAMINATION should Investigate the C. P. A. Coaching Course now otiered by an association ot nationally known Certified Public Ac countants. This course requires four months of even In a home study and the candidate for the next examination would have to enter upon this work before Jan. 1 in order to complete the training in the time remaining before the May examina tion. In answering this ad state your qualifications In full. B S5. Oregonian. WANTED An experienced furrier to take charge of our fur workshop. Apply to Mr. Ludwig Hirsch, Fourth floor, Meier & Frank company. MEN WANTED TO BECOME DRAFTS MEN. Salary. $175-$250 month when com petent. Chief draftsman train you per sonally, also furnish FREE tools and drawing table. Training given until placed in position at above salary. Ad dress Chief Draftsman Dobe, 4001 Broadway, Div. 83A, Chicago, 111. WANTED A man who is willing to work and learn a business where the com pensation depends on his own ability. ambition and devotion to his chosen vocation. By giving his entire time, and the best that is in him. with in telligent effort, will insure him im mediate and permanent advancement. B U8S. Oregonian. STEADY job for married man not over 40 years oia; experience raising appies, pruning apple trees and caring for horses and cows; salary six-room house, chicken yard, garden ground, apples for use and $75 per month till March and advance after that. C. T. Roberts. Hood River, Oregon. BE independent. Chiropractic doctors arn 3000 to $6000 yearly. Work ior yourself. Good paying profession quick ly learned by correspondence. Low rate, easy terms. Illustrated book and charts free. American University, 126 Manierre building, Chicago, 111. WANTED Experienced salesmen for mens rurnisning aept. Appiy Dfiweeu 11 and 12 A. M. and, 1 and 4 P. M. ROBERTS BROS., Third and Morrison Sts. WANT the services of a live wire advertis ing man for high-grade specialty store. Exceptional opportunity for man with good business ability and Initiative; state experience, age, salary expected and tel ephone number. R 218, Oregonian. IF YOU have a few hundred dollars to put Into a good proposition and can go to California, can make $400 to $500 per month. No agency business. Give your phone number. B 901. Oregonian. WANTED -Jl good bookkeeper who can operate a typewriter ror an oui-oi-iown lumber office and sawmill ; male book keeeprs and stenographers for city; good salary. 829 Morgan olag. WANTED Good janitor, one familiar with ant. house- work: rood proposition for energetic man. Apply between 2 and 4 today, Mr. Peterson, 6S5 Irving st. YOUNG or middle-aged man to drive large White touring car between 10 A. M. and 6 P. M. Salary $50 per month. Ad dress j. ri. liarae, f ront sr. TWO neat-apoearins: single younjf men for advertising work. city. Call 1 to 3 171 West Park street, north side, base ment, Sunday. BUSINESS manager wanted for a local establisned motion picture company. Apply 618 Ellers. between 1 and 8 Sun day. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, to take full charge of corporation books. State age, salary, references. S 80, Oregonian. MAN wanted to learn shoemaklng trade little money required. 234 1st st. MAN to wash dishes mornings and even ings for room, board. 284 Main st. WANT boy to work after school. Record Abstract. 02 1st st. Daily Help Wanted Salesmen. OUR protected article exclusively owned and controlled, by us clears upward of X 40 ner day for salesmen ; most essen tial; government created demand. Largs territories to salesmen able to handle crews; side line or full time; If you cannot sell this specialty you will fail selling life preservers on a sinking ship; definite co-operation. Jerome Laadt, president, S South Dearborn st, Chi cago, III. SALESMEN One order day means $220 per month: 5 orders $1000 per month; wonderful new adding machine; retails $12.50; does work of $3000 machine; adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, au tomatically; five-year guarantee; worth Its price for inventory alone; carry in coat pocket. Full time or side line. Write quick for trial offer. Calculator Corp., Dept. 408, Grand Rapids, Mich. SPECIALTY advertising offers greatest returns to live salesman, sales experience desirable, but not essential; we are man ufacturers, our line highest class, most varied, calendars, thermometers, fans, pencils, etc.. Liberal commission paid promptly. For proposition write, giving age, experience, etc.. In full. Terre Haute Advertising Co., Terre Haute, Ind. I SALESMEN und district managers want ed for "J8" karat new iuu omce sell ing specialty; must conduct local con sumer, agents, mail order, dealer busi ness circulars, sales plans, kits fur nished; earn $100 weekly; 10,000 pkgs. sold 60 days; opportunity for man with small capital. 18 Karat Co., Oak Park. HI. WANTED A capable, forcible, active sales man accustomed to interviewing people. Excellent opportunity for advancement, must possess business ability, energy and tact; earnest and willing to work where the remuneration offers a permanent and highly profitable career. B 898. l rc gon.a.n. SALESMEN wanted, side line; each sale $8 commission; continuous monthly re newal $2; two to five sales dally easy; drug, candy, saloon, grocery, cigar stores, hotels: collect, keep $5 each sale. Sani chu, 3624 Cottage Grove, Chicago, 111. MAGAZINE and book salesman wanted to sell combination offer, 6-volume his tory world war and magazines; best selling proposition for years. C. E. Thomas Pub. Co., 509 S. Wabash. Chi cago. WANTED Salesman or promoter, $1000 to $20uO commission to the right party who can sell my Invention and. patent; one ot the cleanest and fastest money-earners on earth. Give your pnone No. ef -eo. Oregonian. SALESMEN Excellent permanent posi tion caoable salesmen In Oregon va cancy, Dec. 15, staple line for general retail trade ; liberal commission; $35 weekly, advance. Rice Company. 708 Williams bldg., Detroit. SALESMEN Inexperienced or experienced city or traveling, write for list of open ings and tun particulars. Aauress isati. Salesmen's Tr. Assn., Dept 311, Chi cago. 111. AUTO accessory salesman for necessity as great as tires: sells at sight, alt auto owners. Send for free sample. Tire Sole Sales Co., 1243 Sutter St., San Fran cisco, ai. SALESMEN wanted, two high-grade sales men wanting to make some' money tnis winter: a high-classed proposition and easy seller See Mrs Trabue, 505 Corbet building. WANTED Live man to take over all the territory In this state outside of Port land for the fastest-selling war publica tion ever offered; some capital required. D 975. Oregonian. sa LESMEN wanted Laces, embroideries: only men now steaany traveling smaller towns need answer: 124 commission; samples light. MERE. It CO., 416 Broad way, New York. SALESMAN wanted in every town for Speedollne; louu to aoou per montn, ex clusive territory; automobile free to workers. Speedollne Co., Dept. 86. Dal las. Texas. DESIRE to meet party that can market ihe output or a ouu-Darrei riour mm. Mention qualifications In reply. N 223, iregontan. FOR you we have a permanent position that will pay $100 to $150 weekly If you are a salesman; men with car preferable. 4 Vi Washington st. ANTED Portrait salesmen sell portraits. frames compete, ooc commission rot seeing and delivering.- Chicago Copy Co., 1400 La rr a bee st.. Chicago. 111. SALESMEN wanted for electrical house hold appliances. The most popular line in the market. Liberal commlsison, Stubbs Electrical Co., 6th and Pine. COAL shortage means money for territory salesmen; collect, keep money; gas fires in stoves from kerosene. U. S. Mfg. Co., Dept. 2. Columbus. O. BOOKMAN, high class, wanted for new proposition from Roycroft Shops; card leads. Write W. D. Harney. 405-0 White building. Seattle. Wash. SOLICITOR for one of th best electric washing machines on the market: large commission. Room 420. 45 Fourth st. WERE YOU ever offered a busineas of your own? S3 9 Cham, of Com. bids;., 4th and Stark. DOOR-TO-DOOR salesman wanted, one w ho k no wo how to close sales, Appi 114 First at. HELP WANTED MALE.. Heip Wanted Salesmen, WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN FOR LOOSE LEAF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT; MUST BE THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR WITH ACCOUNTANCY AND INSTALLATION OF SYS TEMS; THIS IS NO ORDI NARY "JOB." BUT AN OP PORTUNITY TO BE CON NECTED WITH A LARGE LITHOGRAPH HOUSE ES TABLISHED 17 YEARS. GIVE FULL PARTICULARS, WHEN AVAILABLE, AGE. SALARY NOW EARNED, ETC., IN FIRST LETTER; ALL RE FLIES HELD CONFIDEN TIAL. ADDRESS M," CARE BOX J, ARCADE STATION, LOS ANGELES. SALESMEN WANTED. PROSPECTS FURNISHED. We want experienced land salesmen to sell irrigation land In the THREE RIVERS COUNTRY and take agencies ai or nnar me ioiiowitik points in Wash ineton: Aberdeen. South Bend. On tralia. Kalama. Republic. Colvllle. Pome roy. Walla Walls, Wena tehee; also at the following points In Oregon: Astoria, McMinnvllle, Oregon City, Salem. Albany. Eugene. Roseburg, Grants Pass, Med ford, Marshfield, Tillamook. Bend, Klam ath Falls. Pendleton. La Grande. Enter prise, Baker; the following points In Idaho: Welser, Caldwell. Boise. Buhl, Twin Falls, Burley. Pocatello, Lewlston. Wallace, Coeur d' Alene, Sandpolnt ; the following points in Montana: Missoula. Anaconda, Butte, Great Falls. Living ston. Billinga WESTERN PACIFIC SECURITIES CO., 711 White Bldg., Seattle. Wash. SALESMEN'. "Let There Bo (Stransky) Light." Specialty men AMAZED at results. sen iu to io UAin cireci to consum ers at $5 each; commission $2.25 each; earnings $22 50 to $33.75 per day. Do you get that? Each day $22.50 to $33.75. Not sales but earnings; convincing proofs sent on request; only men vsed to big earnings need answer. We don't want pedlers, cauvassers or agents. It's SPE CIALTY MEN we want. STlt-vNSKY MFO. CO., 261 to 267 Canal St., N. Y. Makers of the Stranaky-Ligbt the larg est selling commercial unit in the U. 13. Adv. copyrighted 119. STOCK SALESMEN: WE ARE IN NEED OK 1 OR 2 HTGBT CLASS SALESMEN TO SELL STOCK IN PORTLAND AND THE STATE OK OREGON. THE COMPANY IS OWNED AND CONTROLLED BY OREGON PEOPLE. IF YOU ARE A HIGI4 CLASS MAN CAPABLE OF MAKING J1000 A MONTH AND CAN SHOW A CLEAN P.ECORQ. WE CAN PUT YOU IN A POSITION TO MAKE BIG MON EY. GIVE FULL PARTICULARS IN FIRST LETTER. ADDRESS BF 262. OREGONIAN. REAL SALESMAN, with car preferred. In your locality, sou to sjuu weekly, seuuig that wonderful "CORAJA" patch not a khaki or canvas back It's different PATENTED nothing else like It on the market. You can make a clean-up BEST in the world, for automobile inner tubes. Territory free. Have several openings for state managers with $300 to $500 capital. Should easily make $500 to $2000 per month. THE "CORAJA" RUBBER MFG. CO., Dallas. Texas. SIDE-LINE salesman wanted for an old- established line of toilet preparations, Druggists and department stores every where stock the leaders in this line to meet the demand created by a big and consistent advertising campaign. com pact sample line. Exclusive territory. Liberal commissions. Vigorous selling co-operation. Attractive special offers. Give experience, references and terri tory covered. C. H. Harrington, 409 Lafayette boulevard, Detroit, M icn. FOR TRAVELING SALESMEN. Sell Tungsten and Nitrogen electric light globes for eastern factory, dupu rutins com Die te Mazda line : every mer chant, building and institution obliged to buy lights for use or resale, so possi bilities unlimited: real salesmen no earning $50 per day net; even order takers doing well; sell exclusively or as side line. Secord & stusser. 4 rtau way Exchange bldg.. Portland. SALESMAN Your opportunity! Vacancy merchant to be employed direct bv iarEe ! Cleveland corporation to sell merchants needed high-class specialty in Oregon territory Permanent position; earnings $500 to $800 month : commissions paid weekly; state experience. Address H. R. Lower, box 190, Station C, Cleveland, O. JANUARY 1. advertising salesmen, es tablisned line advertising signs ana nov elties, exclusive territory ; expenses ad vanced, salary and commissions. Ex perience not essential; state age, height, weight,- road or business experience and give three late business references. Stan-ford-Crowell Co., Ithaca. N. Y. STEADY men wanted to take exclusive control of good territory in Oregon and Washington : money advanced weekly; outfit and special training free expe rience unnecessary; our active men are making good money, you can do the same; clean hs dy. guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. $50 PER WEEK Are there three live, en ergetic young men in Portland willing to really work for this amount as sales men if given the proper opportunity. Can you do what others are doing? If you believe in yourself or willing to work and learn call Monday before 11 A. M., 617 Worcester bidg. SALESMAN WANTED. District managers: We have positions for two high -class salesmen who have ability for handling men and develop ing territory for new company. This is permanent to you if you can deliver the goods. The compensation will suit you. 4"S Washington st. SALESMEN For whirlwind seller: staple article; sold all kinds stores; also as ad vertising specialty: good salesmen make $8 to $10 and high-grade salesmen $15 to $20 per day. Splendid side line. Write for proposition. Henry Mfg. Co., Kan sas City. Mo. SALESMAN wanted by established print ing and typewriter supply firm; com mission and guarantee. Established ter- ritory; ex-service man preferred; state habits, experience and education In first letter. ah ai, uregoman. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS coining money selling Cramer fiber brooms: outlasts six corn brooms; proposition worth to $100 weekly. Cramer Sales Co.. 1421 Arapahoe. Den ver. Colo. AGENTS, dealers, for simplest best-selling Ford starter; thousands In use: easily installed ; no holes to drill : fool proof. 8 In 1 Starter Company. 325 So. Western ave., Chicago. COAL FAMINE Making oil burner men rich; gas fires in coal stoves from al oil: great selling plan. Instant-Heat tf Co.. Dept. 2. Columbus. O. AG ICN TS Manufacture specialty costing IO cents, retails 12. Earn r00O and more yearlv. We start you. LeHob Mfg. pn., i.os neles. Cal. WANTED Several men to Introduce an easv selling product; a very good propo sition to the man seeking employment. Phone Broadway 2877. 560 Flanders st WANTED Book agent to take over my supply of History of the World War. Will sell very cheap. Broadway court, apt. No. 5. AGENTS Our soap and toilet article plan Is a wonder. Get our free sample case offer. Ho-Ro-Co, 117 Locust. St. Louis. BEST selling auto accessory on the mar ket, good commission. 30S Pine st. I WANT ffent-ral agency selling articles of merit- Hedge, 171 West Park, WANTED AG ENT9. EVERY HOME ON FARM, IN SMALL TOWN needs and win buy the wonderful Alad din coal oil mantle lamp; five times as oght as electric: tested and recom mended by government and leading uni versities; awarded gold medal. One farmer cleared over 5oO In six welcs. ; .dreda witn rl or autoa earning $100 to per month. No experience need ed, excellent spare time and evening seller. No capital required. Write ?u .""distributor proposition and V?h ?rl'eefc.trlaL Mantl Damp Co., " w 11 '"g-. roruana. (Jr. JU 0 per week easily in spare time introducing Stovoil. Wonderful new In vention: removes and prevents rust: leaves dry, clean, lustrous finish; keens stores like new; used and recommended py largest stove and gas companies; housewives are wild about it! Write quick for free trial offer and liberal terms. Superior Laboratories. Dept. 408. Orapd Rapids, Mich. AGENTS Best seller; Jem Rubber Repair ior tires and tubes; supersedes vulcan isation at a saving of over 8wu per cent; put it on cold, it vulcanizes itself In two minutes, and is guaranteed to last the lire of the tire or tube; sells to every auto owner and accessory dealer. For particulars how to make big money and fr mP'. address Amazon Rubber Co., Philadelphia, Pa.. Dept. 7. EVERYWHERE Alcoholic extracts pro hibited. Hit the iron . while it s hot. faeii Zanel non-alcoholic food flavors; contain no alcohol; ten times stronger. an e old anywhere. Here s your chance to make $ti to $12 a day. Send postal now for territory and free outfit oifer. American Products Co.. American Bldg.. Cincinnati. O. MAN In each town to refinieh chandeliers, brass beds, automobiles by new method: Jlu dally without capital or experience; all or spare time; everv household, store and office possible customer; field un limited In this big monev-making busi ness: write for free particulars and proofs. Ounmetai Co.. 33 Elm. Decatur. 111. r-MECHANICALLY inclined man to handle fc.t'LL8i E AGENCY on the best tl RA ITY LUBRICATING DEVICE for FORDS; ready market, good profit, sell dealers and individuals; $200 will handle. Write W. O. THOMPSON MFG. CO., PASADENA. CAL. AGENTS Make $50 weekly taking orders for fast selling Goodyear raincoats; hun dreds of orders waiting; $2 an hour for t-pare time; we deliver and collect; sam ple coat free; write today for agency. Goodyear Mfg. Co.. 127 Goodyear bldg., Kansas City, Mo. LGENTS Make $50 weekly taking orders for tast selling Goodyear raincoats; hun dreds of orders watting: $2 an hour for spare time; we deliver and collect: sam ple coat free; write today for agency. Goodyear Mt'g. Co., 127 Goodyear bldg., K annas City. Mo. SELL Mexican diamonds In your spare time. Beautiful pocket sample case makes sales on sight. Have rainbow fire of genuine diamonds; fool experts. Stands tests. Write today. Mexican Diamond Importing Co., 2ii Las Cruces. New Mexico. $500 PER MONTH selling a new patented fuel vaporizer, guaranteed to save up to bOr'c In gasoline; 4i miles per gallon made with Ford car. Sold on money back guarantee. One sample tree. Stransky Vaporizer Co., Pukwana. 3. D. WE start you in business, furnishing every tiling; men and women, opportun ity lifetime to earn $30 to $100 weekly operating our "New System Specialty Candy factories" home, anwyhere: book let tree. Ragsdale Co., Box L. East Orange, N. J. BIG EARNINGS EASY; 5 startling inven tions; quick-selling auto accessories; sU to owners, dealers, agents: establish own business; exclusive territory ; write quick. Jubilee Mfg. Go., bbo sta. J Om-.iha. eb. AGENTS Big pay and free automobile introducing wonaerrui new gasoline saver, punctureproof. five-year spark plugs and other economical auto neces sities. Out! it tree. L, Uallwey. Dept. fc!l. Louisville, Ky. AGENTS make big profits selling extracts. oeriumes. cola crtams, ia.ee powaers, spices, medicines, beautiful high grade line ; exclusive territory ; sample soap free. Lacasslan Co., dept. 141. tot- Louis Mo. CANVAc-SBRS wanted for several coun ilea in Oregon and Washington; steady work; good commission; some of our men are selling over $500 weekly; w want workers wno desire to maice money Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco. Or. TOU can manufacture fast-selling specialty for 10c. retails Z: several tnousand year ly easily made ; we will tell you how. Address LeHob Manufacturing Co., Los Angeles. Cal. FOR SALE Retail cement, lime, house plaster and fertilizer business; also ce ment tile and pipe manufacturing plsnt. located on railroad tracks, at a bargain. P. O. Box 67, Grants Pass, Or. AGENTS $-40-$100 week; free saniplet; gold algn letter, anyone can put on store windows; big demand; liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 435 X. Clark at.. Chicago. aulM's at once. Sell 50c per month hos pital tickets 2uft Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Good Christian woman as housekeeper on a farm: four children: balary $40 per month; good home. Tele phone Columbia 5-0. Write J. Stevemon, 7 o oberlin st. BOOK KEEPER-STENOGRAPHER for de sirable permanent position. Answer in own handwriting. stating experience, salary desired and references. A 846, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER Steady position, good sal ary and pleasant surroundings to person with general store experience; out of town, fall 12 to 1 Sunday or Monday. 1317 Northwestern Bank bldg. AGENTS If you earn less than $50 week ly, get our guaranteed hosiery offer: big Christmas business; repeater ; experience unnecessary. Manager, Phoenix Com pany, Larbey. Pa. WANTED Young woman to take hospital training. For further information apply to supt. of nurses, Oregon City hospital, Oregon Oty. Or. WANTED Non-prof esstonal piano player. 3U hours, evenings ana sunaay alter noon and evening; permanent; state sal ary expected. V 744, Oregonian. WANTED Young lady assistant dancing teacher and to learn exhibition dancing; good salary. Call at Ie Honey's Acad emy, li3d and Washington. TYPIST and bill clerk for city, salary $00 to start ; stenographers and book keepers for city, salary $75 to $lUO. 3l'0 Morgan bldg. SOMEONE to care for 3-year-old girl from Monday morning until Friday night and take her to doctor every day. Call Sell wood 1057 or Main 0b. OI1..L or woman to help with housework; good home, your own bath, in refined small family ; references. Woodlawn 4047. Alameda Park WANTED. Two experienced chocolate dippers. 26? 5th. near Jefferson. YOUNG lady wanted for light stenographic and office work, short hours, JOO; chance for advancement. Broadway 2004. WANTED An active. Intelligent woman to do general housework ; no cooking: $40. 7.-11 04th ave. S. E. INEXPERIENCED women can find good positions at the Portland Laundry Co.. !Hh and Couch. . WANTED Housekeeper for gentleman In his own home, light work. Marshall 3;r7. MATRON or housekeeper for Institution; neat and good cook, about Jan. 1. D 9S0, Oregonian. WANTiiU First-class bookkeeper and typ ist; salary $100 per month. S 438. Orego nian. GIRL for figuring and checking, rapid advancement: state ape and salary ex pected to begin. V 730. Oregonian. EXPE RIENCED chambermaid wanted. Apply Hotel. Arthur, 170 11th St., Mod- ' EXPERIENCED operators on power ew Ing machines wanted; good wages. 167 Fii-st street. WANTED Machine operators. Call Port land I-aundry Co., ith and Couch. WANTED Marker and sorter. Call Port land Laundry Co., 0th and Couch. HoME for a housekeeper In heart of city, family of 2- AH b26. Oregonian. GIRL who wants to earn money in spare time call 1H1 Skidmore. GIRL for genera! housework; no washing, good room, with bath. Call East 4100. FI RST-CLAS8 cook- Apply Monday. 253 West Par't st. FIRST of year, good cook for institution. l 070. Oregonian ABoUT Jan. 1, Al pantry woman. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by middle-aged widower. Y 55, Oregonian. WANTED Girls to learn chorus steps; -venire classes. C10 Eilers Music bldg. , wan'TED Housekeeper: good home for right party. R 207. Oregonian. GIRL to do sewing, inn street. Lennon's, 3O0 Morri- HOL'SEKEEPER. apartment, convalescent and baby 2 years. Marshall 172S. EXPERIENCED multigraph operator. 4."7. Oregonian. WOMAN for four hours work for board husband, self. 2S4 Main st. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, $18; 1 CHORUS Gl RLS experienced, big engage union house. 270 3d st. south, i menu Apply Casino theater. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DUE TO constantly Increasing require ments of service, permanent positions are now open in the operating depart ment. Under the schedule of wages now In effect the approximate earnings of tele phone operators are as follows: During first year of employment, SboO. During first month, while learning. S5S.50. At the end of S months. $63 to $70 a month. At the end of 6 months. 96S to $75 a month. Increases regularly given thereafter nntil operator earns $90 to $08 a montn. Supervising operators earn $92 to $110 a month. Excellent opportunities for promotion to higher salaried positions. APPLY AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. Room 601, Sixth Floor. Telephone Building. Park and Oak Streets. MEIER & FRANK COMPANT Requires the ervlces or girls- be tween the ages of 1 nd 18 as wrappers and Inspectors. Apply employment manager. 6 th floor. MEIER A FRANK COMPANT. ALL former MEIER & FRANK employes not now engaged desiring to vuim. during the holiday season please report to emolovment bureau at 9 A. M. this m nrn i n ir f li A v tn P to WOfk. Thi.r a r vAranrlM in several Of OUT departments for those having experience in otner stores. Apply employment bureau, sixth floor, Meier & Frank company. FORMER METER A FRANK CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS. dMfrlnc fmnlnvment are Invited to ap ply at employment bureau, sixth floor. MEIER Sl FRANK COMPANT. LIPMAN. WOLFE CO. Saleswomen experienced in selling Stationery Handkerchiefs Jewelry Silverware Toilet articles Toys Pictures AddIt aunt's ofiice. ready to go to work. FORMER saleswomen and cashiers of Lip man, Wolfe & Co. desiring permanent or temporary employment, apply touneriu tend en t s Ol fice bet ore iu : A. ai. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. THREE ladles for special child welfare work; should be between 26 and 45, well educated, of good appearance and In position to travel: we instruct in re quirements, guarantee xpenses; position pays $40 per week to those qualified. It is the opportune time for this work. 814 Couch bldg. Apply from 2 until 6 P. M. EXCELLENT home for a good school gtri in exchange for assistance with light housework. To one who appreciates a good home, and is disposed to give the proper assistance will consider payment of small wages. Must be absolutely re liable. Phone after 7 or any time Sun day. Tabor 50S7. wanted Operators on Union Special 2-needle machines, both flatbed and cyl inder; our flatbed machines have pullers attached ; einple needie positions also open. Best wages in city; 44-hour week. Apply HIRSCH-WE1S MFG. CO. MME. PA TTENEAL'DE. hair and skin specialist met. rtoor Benson hotel, will accept a limited number of puplis to learn the profession, enabling them to enter business for themselves, unlimited opportunities In this line. WANTED-School girl or someone to per form light duties morning and evening fr.t- ji ml board and some wages. Addres 3 East 40th st. North or phone Tabor 4135. WOM EN'S Protective Division, located at room 303 Police Headquarters, ad and ; Oak sts.. will furnish information, give protection ana assistance iree io womou ana gins. Interviews confidential. WANTED Glria to work in woodworking factory at St. Johns. Healthy, sanitary surroundings, no experience necessary. $2.5 to J3.25 for 8-hour day. Give home address in your reply. AE 730, Oregonian. GIRL for general housework, west side home; 4 adults, no children, generous wages; references required. Telephone day. Main 802; evenings. Main '547, ask for Mrs. Keller. LADV wanted to write poems or stories. Salaried position or cash for accepted MSS. Sutanitt MSS. National Story Maga zine, lil3 Vanderbllt bldg.. New York. WANTED School girl, west side apart ment building, for room and board and salary. E Foreman, Royal Arms Apts., Broadway 712 t TU 18 DECORATING pillow tops at home; experience unnecessary; particu lars for stamp. Tapestry Paint Co.. 178 L:t Gran g. Ind. INTELLIGENT younrf lady for dental of fice girl; experienced preferred. Call in person Monday. Dr. M. H. Oyamada, 30 N. 3d sc. cor. Couch. THE Florence Crittenden Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 035 East Gllsan. "M V car. East 316. EARN 2i weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers. magzins; details free. Press Syndicate. 175 St. Louis. Mo. ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Krmy Rescue Home. 302 East 15th st. N.. or phone East 12 3 G1KL for cashier, bookkeeper and stenog rapher, permanent position ; give refer e n LfS BJ IMi, Oregonian. SOLICITOR for one of the best electric washing machines on the market; large commission. Room 420.45 Fourth st. STENOGRAPHERS. $75. $00 0V ;ui,0.nBM SMJ. SOU and 10 and 10O. bookkeepers. u. ana nuu. Cal day 301 Northwestern Bank bldg. WOMEN IS up. Railway $1300. Franklin Institute, Rochester. X. Y. mail clerks. Dept. 704 Y, SCHOOL girl to stay with child 8 and go to school; mother works until 6. 007 B-lmont. Sat. or Sun. WOMEN. 18-35. wishing government rail way mail office positions; $1300 year. AV 927. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER tor wholesale houje; state experience and all particulars fully. V 91. Oregonian. CHAMBERMAID to work afternoons. Ho tel Lenox, 3d and Main. CLEAN girl to assist in general house work. Irvington. East 5273. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School. $0 mo. 260 14th. Main 3 SO 3. HOUSEKEEPER: apartment; convalescent and baby. Marshall 1728. i ( HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER. Widower with bov 13 years old owns s. plain old-fahioned home with yard, lawn, flowers and trees with ga, hath, electric lights and Iron, phone and phonograph, wants a housekeeper, one with little boy preferred; must be p pa red to operate house same as If her own and neeas home more than need for wanes. Will allow her $15 per mo. in addition to above. Don't want young girl nor do I want an old lady. Want some one who has a fair education and a little COMMON SENSE. Am good provider and would like her to be a good cook and housekeeper. School 4 blocks away ; church on corner. Don't want any fanatics. Have not any partic ular creed myself except honesty and fair play and don't wish to be bothered with any fanatic who hut. Tabor 6-"5d, to 12. 2 to 5. &S E. 7Sth St. N. Monta vtUa car Phone first before coming out. 'J5 minutes from town. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO.. Saleswomen experienced in selllncT Stationery Handkerchiefs Jewelry Silverware Toilet articles Toys Pictures. Apply superintendent's offlcs ready to CO to work. THE OLDS. WORTMAN KING STORE requires the services ox experience saleswomen for Jewelry, candy and rib bon departments, also experienced cash iers who understand National system, and apprentice girls for office work. Apply superintendent's office, 9 to 10:30 A, M. WANTED Young or middle-aged lady ca pable ot taKlng cnarge or oooKReeping in office doing heavy volume of busi ness; must come well recommended and be absolutely expert on all matters per taining to bookkeeping and general of fice detail. Do not phone, but call in person. Salary starts at $2uO month; plenty chance for advancement. J. N. BARDE, Pres. M. BARDE SONS The House of a Million Bargains. 240-42 Front st. FORMER saleswomen and cashiers of Lip- man. Wolfe & Co. desiring permanent or temporary employment, apply Superin tendent's Office before 10:30 A, M. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO.. OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM has opening for qualliled woman in nigniy remuner ative selling line, leading to executive powition; applicant must be well edu cated, of mature judgment, possess lac ulty of directing others and free to leave city ; previous experience unnecessary ; give ape, experience and education. J. C. Wi ne. H-IU Monadnock bldg.. San Francisco. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper-sten- ograpner to taKe cnarge oi tonceu dence of growing business: must have ambition and capacity to develop as busi ness grows ; prefer one w ho is makin g business her life work: age 12 to state fully phone number, age, qualiii cations. Y Oregonian. WANT to hear at once from woman hav ing comrortable, cheerrui sunuroan nome. who is good cook and would take care of young lady convalescing from tubercu losis for about four or five months; can make natisiactory terms if suited. Call Main 6010 after 6:30 P. M. WHY not give her a Princess Beauty Box for Christmas? Kegutar -.-. spvuim $t 08; contains everything needed for the complexion. Divinity perfumed; mailed anywhere. Princess Toilet Co., 515 Dekum bldg., 3 to 6 P. M. WOMAN wautid with a college or high school education, possessing Initiative and able to develop into a sales organ izer of supplementary school work- AH 77. Oregonian. EX Kri'TIV position in established legal office for experienced stenographer who has knowledge of bookkeeping; salary $15. Opportunity tor advancement. 1 40. Oregonian. YOL'NG ladv who appreciates a good home in a family of four, who can do general housework and help in store will have a steadv position the year around with reasonable wages. AH 835, Oregonian. WANTED Girl or young lady as book keeper and general office work; In an swering please state experience, last place of employment and salary expected. AR i7.". Oregonian. y a N T bZU steady. reliable woman for general housework; would take woman with child of school age; references re quired : good wages: out of town. Address AV l37. Oregonian. WANTED Five bright, capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 per week; railroad fare paid; write at once. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. Slltf. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Six energetic women who can meet the public: a good paying business to the right woman. 627 Corbett bldg. WANT girl to work in grocery store. 289 Burnside st. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Housekeeper to take are or 5-room apartment for yourg couple with no children; good position for ricnt party. Apply in person, -Mrs. Hemphill, 707 Hawthorne ave. i GIKL for general housework, west side home; 4 adults, no children; generous wages: references required. Telephone day. Main soJ; evenings. Main 11347, ask for Mrs. Keller. EXPE R I EN CE D g irl at once, for light housework in apartment; good home, beet wages; reference required. BD 721. Oregonian. WANTED Housekeeper for man and 4-year-old boy on ranch, mile from town; wages $15, room and board. Charles H u g hes, box 7 f, Terrebonne, Or. WANTED Housekeeper for man and two boys, 13 and 11 years, 35 miles from Portland, Slift; give full particulars. Ed Caseday, Heissan. Wash. WANTED A girl for general housework on ranch ; good place and good wages; no ob lections to small child. Phone Main 4105. WANTED A girl for general housework on ranch , good place and good wages ; no objections to small child. Phone Main 4103. COMPETENT girl for general housework; must be a good cook. Mrs. A. A. Ay a. 7 or Halsey st. Phone mornings East 4 Git 2. lilKL for general housework; small fam ily; good wages. Main 5i!4, bS Cornell st., between cverett anu. r muuera. MniiKkN home of widower reauires nea housekeeper. .bast ouo. a.x goo, vjro- gonian. WANTED Girl for general housework: no washing; good home; good wages. Phone Main 1714. 144 N. 23d st- . GIRL or woman wanted to do housework for man and wife and two hired men, Arrell. Route 2, Independence. WANTED Gill for general housework; 2 adults, no washing, wages $00. Call Main f767. Portland Heights. WANTED At the Old People's home, a young gtri to assist in dining room and attend phone. East 32d and Sandy. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework, family of adults; no laun dry. East 1HS4. WANTED A girl for general housework, plain cookirg; no fires to build; nice nunc for a good girl. Phone Main 604L WANTED A competent girl or woman to aMst in thd care of two children; wages J4U. P 7S0. oregonian. WANTED A girl for downstairs work and rooking. Telephone Main 4363. 1U63 Thnrman. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework. 704 Irving st., cor. 24th. Phone 511-82. WOMAN to help in general housework. Apply optical dept.. Lip man, Wolfe A Co r WOMAN or girl for general work and piain cooking;' no laundry; good wages; children. Sell wood 2212. COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages. Phone East 4803. RELIABLE girl or woman for general housework. Main 515S. 820 Overton st. W NTED Girl for generaLhousework ; no Sunday dinners. 45 N. -1st St. j FOR cook who will help with general housework; no furnace fires. Main 5."a0. GIRL. o assist with housework: no wanh inB or cooking. Main 3020. 674 'Everett. WANTED Girl to do light housework. 4:10, Oregonian. GIRL for general housework; 2 In family. East 17S5. II ELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WOMEN or man wanted, salary $24, full time. 50c an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experi ence unnecessary. International Mills, N'orristown, Pa. HAVE most attractive miniature air plane, Christmas toy ; every parent will buy. 15.", profit. 614 East Main st. Agents wanted. WANTED Advertising solicitors for the St ni well Magazine at 810 Bush A Lane bldg. V