TTTE SUNDAY OKTIGONTAX, PORTLAND, DTICEIBPIR 14, 1010 TO EXCHANGE-RRAL ESTATE, WONDERFUL STOCK PROPOSITION CAN GET ALL SHEEP AND GOATS NEEDED ON SHARES. 880 ACRES IDEAL. LOCATION. 45 MILES FROM PORTLAND. Vltie soil, lies roiling, plenty of culti vation for all feed needed, fine teed and v mini iieu outrange, modern building. ktiectria lights, etc.. good auto road.' I'hOOl. telfcOnnn. nslrVihAn fin, -a-u rer good fishing. lots o fruit, wire fences, near boat and rallrnaH nrtr-s Cioooo- incumbrance $10.ooO. I am not in a posi tion ir handle this; will trade and as sume. What have you? V e49, Orego nian. 160 ACRES KEWBEkG. 110 acres under cultivation; 6-room house, barn, machine abed, and all neces sary outbuildings; 9 cows, 4 calves, hogs, 4 head of fine large horses, chickens, mower, rake, corn planter, hack wagon, a plows, 2 harrows, a rill, cultivators, cream separator, in fact all necessary tools. Price $25,000. .Exchange for Port land property. C. M. DOLLAR II IDE, 807-S-9 Lewis biug. ALBERTA FARM TO TRADE. WANT good building lot or suburban property for 160 acres east of Edmonton, Aioerta, Improved.; a stock and mixed farming proposition: close to good town and school; price $240o; my equity is $1600. Ralph Harris, 27 Chamber ol Commerce. WILL TRADE 10 acres, all in cultivation, good build ings, well fenced and on good road. This place is 2 miles from Lents, lies fine, good soli, no rock or gravel and every foot Is seeded. The place is a snap at $450u. Not a nickel against it. 1 want something in the city, what have you? AM 155, Oregonian. WILL TRADE AND ASSUME. An 8-roora modern house, fine cement basement, two sets of plumbing, electric lights, gas; a mighty well-buiit house; lot OOxluo; near Overlook Addition; prire 94500, clear; will trade this for house iu better district and assume ; this will stand a loan of $1750. T 460, Oregonian. DOWNTOWN BUILDING. One of the very best business buildings In Portland; absolutely "CLASS A"; on Morrison street: all rented. This is a chance of a lifetime to get In on a down- 1 town IMPROVED property. Some good I property wilt be accepted as part pay. W. II. ROSS, 11U0 N. W. Bank bldg. SOME TRADE. Some trade will be accepted on one of the finest residence properties in Port land ; absolutely modern to the minute : hot-water heat, oak finish, double ga rage, very ample grounds. NO MORT G AG E. W. H. ROSS, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. WANT3 PORTLAND PROPERTY. Good. Improved farm of 320 acres, worth $4o,000, to trade for good Port land property. This is a fine farm near Portland. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY,, 913 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU wish to sell or exchange your prop erty, either city or country, rooming or business, see Richards & i'eper We have the goods and can handle your business promptly. We have a fine list of email homes and acreage. See us at 508 Buchanan bldg. " WANTS ONE BIG PROPERTY. Client has number of mall properties, all good, aggregating $40,000 in value; might put in part or all on one big properiv ,nd pay or assume difference. I.ULJDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. $1400 EQUITY In modern 8-room houe for good Ford or other light car; lot 50x100, all improvements in and paid, price $45O0. bal. S25 plus 6 per cent in terest ; house renting for $35. Hedges. 171 West Park, ground floor. Not open Sunday. I HAVE a stock much 313 acres) in cen tral Oregon on the Strahorn Survey; will seil all or part of it on easy terms or ex change for house and lot in Portland. Call E. M. Peck, 4 North Oth St. Phone Broadway 12. (ji'OD 7 -room modern bungalow, close in, on Beirnont street, to exchange for improved acreage, not over 10 miles from Portland. PYRAMID LAND CO.. 003-4 Title & Trust Bldg. TO TRADE MAKE OFFER. 10 acres unimproved Clackamas Co., f."no. Equity Warrenton lot. Riverside. CM., lot. 25. DR. E. S. HA MEL. Astoria. Or. O W NEK of Port lan I Heig hts home of 7 rooms and good garage, on paved corner, .one block to cur. It wiil pay you to phone owner Monday. Main 3401 if you want a hurgain; might take equity in cheaper Property. BRICK APARTMENT FOR TRADE. East side corner, well Incited, always rented, furnished, pays good income on price asked of $4o.uoo. mortgage !4.0oo. Will trade for clear property, what have you. P Slit, Oregonin u. WANTED To exchange a beautiful res idence for 15 or 20 acres, highly Im proved, on paved or nara roau. annur i.t miles Portland; no junk considered;, value of residence. V12.noo. Brokers in j vtted. T 401. Oregouian. j HAVE good, modern home. Alberta dis- I I ri'-t. worth $50tn, to trade for store building. What have I NOKi) HAMPTON' CO.. I Main S'Jio. 101 stock Kx'hunse : EQUITY In 9-room modern, good di.strlct. close In. Want farm land with some cultivated. GEO. C. HOWARD. ."14 Chain, ('om. M iDKKN 0-loom house, gai a ge. c hie ken house, bearing fruit tres; mie block from HA ear; all in first-class eontlltion; trade for sin.iM acreage aud good house: llills direction preferred. 7020 2Sth S. K. IS VOIR MORTGAGE FORECLOSED? If your mortgage has been foroelosed. don' I lose your property ; will give you a good trade for your equity. V S50, Oregonian. W I i7l"t H A D E FOR HOUSE EQUITY fine 10 acres of lun.l near Vancouver: no Improvements, light brush, price $2000. mortgage S.'iOO; will trade for house and assume or pay eash. Y 2.". Oregonian. Tt Kril AOK Vrv desirable orune or chard in Lit ne county to exchange for Portland residence or southern t'alifor- nia property. Address A i3;., Orego- tiian. i FOR SALE or exehange. ."Ox.imt with 5 room cottage, on -arline; worth J-HOO; 15 uiluutep from center of city. Phone W o m i 1 a v n 2 1 3 or call at 2 Mi c h 1 ga :i LA I'ltliblir UST Will soil, or trade for St Pa ill, Minn., property. lot H. hiock 1 nj. 43d and Couch. 75-ft. front. U. S. Hubley. Ml I ay ton rvc. St Paul. TO KXC1I ANGK M1M Kl.l.ANKOI S. V CKAVENETTE if bread mixer, ex w ha t have volt '.' oat. si.- . I'h an go f o Tabor H: S. and lu eh iekens. LA1 i ha "S gold wateh. Walt ham. if ex igo for chil'fotinier, poreh 1 ur.iiture oiiH-thtng 1 can use, T:hor 52H". Got ) D 2-hoIe Gas heater gas .-to East Mi e. almost new, for FOR SALE. Ilorew, Vehicles, Livestock. f 1 : t M t lie farm, 3 fine cows, one big I loNtein, about 1400; one big Guei nsey, be fresh in one week, and on Jersey and Durham, .lust fresh, calf by wide, cnm snd see them; real cows. Phono 20 J MilwauMe, one block south S. P. depot, V tlw ankle. Henry Smith. 1 FOR SA LE Two Shetland ponies ; one 7 months old snd one 3 years old; 2 miles north of Gear station, on Orchards and Si ft on line. William Faley. Route 2. Pox 13W. Vancouver. Wash. 7 HKD of gootl work horses and 4 good milk "ows; have no more feed: wil' iell ch'.-. v. WttHtock car to ;2d. 4 hlorks north and 2 east to t00 Powell Valley rcid. ItT FRESH cows, extra lieavy milkers. Wi.i sell or trtke bef catt'.ts in exchange. 112S Miit.itlatn st. South Portland car to end f 'mo 1 b.k. south. 1 blk. east. YoUVt ! hiKh-grade Holsttn cows for! s!e. io freehen this month; all tested Also reiitered Holstein bull. 2 months j old. Car! Tr.iehsel. Scappoose. Or. ' WE BUY and sell cattle, sheet and goats. See us If you want to bnv or sell. Campbell- Pheln n Land A Cattle Co. 30-2 1 'ouch bldg. SPAN b!oeky young mares. .1 and ' ytari old. weight about 2700. sound and w ell broke, extra good. Inquire 07 Wil lnms ave. FOU SA LE Nearly new waiion. used but a short time. Baker & Kinney, 701 Wash ington st., Vancouver. Wash.- 7 FR Es?H cows for sale or trade, 4 beef cattle. Take Vsneoux er car to Colum bia hlvd. station, go 1 btk. north. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid fur Head cows aud crippled horses. Phone Mflwankie 00 J for results. DEAD hores. animals hauled away. free. , Tort land Rendering Co. Woodiawn 20. j D V. AD ho rues take dead cows. Taboi 1 quickly. 4203. Cash for j FoR SALE 15 full-blood Shropshire M arch rams. H olm ajo Fu el Co.. '.4 3th. HOLSTEIX cow. or 7 ons. fresh 2 weeks. B. W. Spang. Tigard. Or. Dli. M. nr. . HOWES. Bterinarian. Tabor 3 FINE cutters snd 1 pair of sled runners for sale at a bargain. 102S E. Alder st. To FllKSn cows and cominr fresh In few 'uys; f;u:ly cows. $50. J51 E. Ash. ONE beef cow for sale. S9 N. Prescott. FOB dAL. Jloraes, Vehicle Livestock. ANDERSON'S JERSEYS AT AUCTION. GhKSHAil, OR., SATUkUAI', Dec. 20, 1919. The entire well-known herd, of grade Jerseys, 4u hogs, team of horses and other articles win be soid on Lne Anuer son farm, live miles east of Ores ham, on the old Barlow roau, one-half mile east of Oni is station, on the Ml. Hood car -line. Cars leave Portland, First and Alder fats., at i;45 the morning of me sale. 13 cows Heavy producers, some fresh, others to lresnen soon and some in all stages of lactation. lo heiterb inree to freshen soon, oth ers are younger and have been bred, ail sired by Lord Tennison (his dam, Lady Tenuys of lngletide, has prouuced iS pounds of milk per day and nas a it. of M. record of 3a&.5b lbs. iat. Six of the temaies that are carrying 'caives have been bred to Lady Tenny s Chief. a halt-orother to the aoove bull Noth- uifi uui purc-Drea uutis nave oeen usea in this herd for sixteen years and they are ail very desirable. Herd bull Lady fenny Chief, dropped June 12, 1117, solid color ana a beauti ful individual, easily handiea and a sure breeder. He was sired by Chief of Multnomah and his dam was Lady Ten nys of ingleside. 40 head hogs Pure-bred Durocs (not registered), brood sows, bred gilts and younger pigs, both sexto; also ine great herd boar uolden R uius. Team of horses Well-matched bays, weight 26U0 pounds, sound and right. implements Three-inch tubuiar saeln wagon, manure spreauer, mowing ma chine, gang disc piow , harrow cart and three section harrow, 10 Louden stan chions, single buggy and harness, spring tooth hariuw, set ol heavy harness. Da and many other articles. ! Term; $20 and unuer cash. Over $20 six months' time will bo given on ap- j proved notes. J Sale positive. If weather is stormy, I sale will be held unuer cover. Sale starts at 11 o clock; lunch at noon. R. I. ANDERSON, Owner, Gresham, Oregon. E. A. Rhoten, sales manager, Salem, Or.; Col. J. W. Hughes, auctioneer, For est Grove, Or.; A. Myers, clerk. FOR SALE or hire 145 head of horses, ranging from 3 to 12 years old. from 12U0 to 170o lbs. ; some well-matched teams. These norths are right in the collar, working every day. Will sell any one of them at any time purchaser comes along. Harness and wagons- of all kinds. All horses guaranteed as represented. Three-year-old Jersey cow. about 7 weeks fresh. I'hij Suetter. 285 Front sc. Crown Stables. GOATS At stud, Wasatch, No. 52ue. pure bred Toggenoerg buck, naturally horn less, young, vigorous, conformation and markings perfect; extra heavy milk strain ; best imported blood ; service fee. 10. For sale; Choice Toggenberg buck, hornless, large ana perfect, not regis tered; also few choice grace does: fresh en February and March. Stamp for reply. L. G. Bieuerstadt, 31 Union st.. Ashland, Or., breeder of Swiss milch goats. PUBLICAUCTION SALE. ' Dec. lb. 1919. at 10 A. M.f -rolle south Multnomah station. Capital high way on J. Deniey's place, 50 high-grade Holstems, 20 fresh, 8 springers, balance fresh last 3 months; 14 heifers, 1 to 2; purebred II olstein bull, 2 ; farm imple ments, 3 horses, gas engine, feed cutter, root cutter, chickens. OWNER. H. SCHAFER. AUCTIONEER. J. C. KUTALLL STOCK to feed; am long, oh feed and short on stock ; now it occurred to m-. that if you have a carload or two of hogs and cattle or sheep that keep you guessing as to where their next mea' will come from, that we might get to gether and benefit each other. If so. call on me at the Benson hotel Monday or Tuesday. Hamshaw. NoTlCE, dairymen; if in need of cows see us before buying; 15 head of rresh cows, 40 head of springers, consisting of Jerseys, Durham, Hoi steins and Gurnseys . can be seen at Union stock yards barn. Beef cattle taken in ex- v h an ge. G. K. Howett. Wdln. 24u0. FOU R good milk cows and 7 good work horses: have no further use. Will sell cheap. Woodstock car to 32d. 4 blocks north and 2 east to 090 Powell valley road. Piano. Organs and Musical Instrument. EDISON PHOXOGKAUH SALE. During the past few months we have taken a number of - Edison cylinder horn machines in trade on larger ma chines. We offer same at the excep tionally low figure. Remember each machine has 100 good records accom panying same. Edison model D" plays 2 and 4 minuie records, $15. , Edison model "C" plays 2-minute records only. $10. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. USED phonographs, all guaranteed and in fine condition : letrola, $1H, mahoganv .. St rati 1 vara, $100. mahogany Brunswick, oak Victor. Sth. mahogany Columbia Favorite Cecilian. mahogany . . . .595.00 . . . . S5.00 . . . . 87. 4.".OV 1 4: 1'av 10 or more cash, balance month ly or weekly. FOLEY : VAN DYKE. across from First Natl. bank. 100 5th st. EDISON DIAMOND DISC PHONOGRAPH. We nave taken in exchange on larger mat-nine a fine Edison diamond disn phonograph : new instruments sell for 1 '2tt,"; price with attachmen to play Vic tor and Columbia records, only $240. Terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 A Id nr. W . HAVE some wonderful bargains in slighi iy usd pianos: latest design cases. Cannot be told from new. Now is th 1 time and this is the place to buy a use ful Chrisimas gift for the family. Come in and fee them and you uill he con vinced. Soulc Bros., 100 10th st.. near Morrison. BRUNSW1CJC. BRUNSWICK. Come in amA hear the new all-record Rnmswlek, plays all records, no sur face noise. Just received a new ship ment of machines. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 350 Alder. MY JiEAUTi W L new table type, period ilesigr.. Stradiv:ira phonograph. Circas s'in walnut finish, with all visible metal putts goid-plated; plays nil records. It would make an appropriate gift tor atiy home. V. -Hi.. 500:. PIANO WANTED. Trade your silent piano for a fine new Victrola. B runs wit k. Grafonola or Edi son and records. Make Xmas a joyful one. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. ST El NVAY I'l'llKJHT PIANO, STYLE K. i X PKUFKCT COM 'IT I ON, MAHOUA N Y CASK ANh UENCU. C U S T $750 N E W . WILL SELL FOR ? 000. 3 50 CASH. ItA LANCE TERMS. P 621. OREGONIAN. SHULTZ ORGAN. Pine Shutta parlor organ, only $30. Splendid tone. A splendid Xmas present; $10 down. 5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Aide r t. DANCING RASTUS. Su the new ilc.ncing Rastus. fits any .lionogtaph. Makes everybody In.ugh. 'ricj $1.50 Hyatt Talking Machine o.. 350 Alder st. FINE-TONED VIOLIN'. f Exceptionally fine-toiovi violin, Strad ! model, onlv :.7.oO: S15 down. month - Iv. Hvatt Talking Machine Alder st. Co., 350 Foli SALE 1 Fierce piano, purchase price $45ll; lightly us.ed. Wiil sell ior 250 or terms. Call at 125 14th st.. after 1 ..'( lock Sunday. aNT a gvtJ piano; will pay spot cash: $200 to $350. give make and kind of w ood. AH S07, Oregonian. FoR sale, one Pease piano, purchase price $ t"m ; will sell for $250 cash or terms. Cail nfter 1 P. M . Sunday. 125 14th at. 3. Oregonian. PIANOS, player-pianos, grand and upright piamM. some good used pianos. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 0th st. B i02, Oregonian. i.l'MBU t.ilking machine, slightly used; only $22. Suuie Bros., 100 1 t U st., near Morrison. W ANTED to buy. good used piano. Will pav tip to $'5o cash. What have you? v aTl Main 4 120. k . .J'MBIA talking machine, siight'y used; iloO model on.y $o; terms. Suuie Bros., 'loth si., iiaar Morrison. ! S T E 1XWAV sq ua re grand pi a n o, excellent I tone; action good ; worth 1T5, will take t .7.V B 9".3. t.regonian. j . iv'Ti K ta king machine, slightly used; ! $70 model only $50: terms. Soule Bros., ) 1 tit, loth St., near Morrison. 1 jpjoo RWS fine, sweet-toned Milton piano; walnut case; easy terms, brokerage Co.. 312 Worcester bldg. HIGH-GRADE phonograph and. records, a.l in perfect condition ; sacrifice for cash. 4 5i E. 11th et. W ANTED AT ONCE Uused baby grand mann; in Ai condition oniy. Address Oregonian. 1 ILL pay to $35 for phonographs. Write Guy Martin. Beaverton, Route No. 4. I $200 BUYS Conover piano; easy j Brokemge Co.. 312- Worcester bldg P! A vn T nil vi ir nlavr itlinllv , meat bareain. Marshall 154.".' $lo5 BUYS line uprignt pi'ino, ;n.,hogany; ifimi. Brokerage Co.. 312 Worcester bUig. j OR SALR -Edison re-creation phono-j graph, cheap, like new. Tabor S8. SI CT CASH for good piano. :.'14 Monday. Call Main WANTED Player piano, good make, i bogany case; pay cash. East 7b JUL OS SALE. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. AWAKEN THE FAMILY CHRISTMAS MORNING With the joyful music of a Phonograph! Which wiil you have ? Select from Edwards special Bruns wick outfits. NO. 1. Brunswick with seven double-faced records (14 selections). $105.95. . $10 cash. $2 week. No Interest. NO. 2. Brunswick with 8 double-faced rec ords tl6 selections). $141.80. $15 cash. $2 week. No interest. NO. 3. Brunswick with 10 double-faced rec ords (20 selections . $183.50. ' $20 cash. $3 week. No interest. Columbia Horn-style Phonograph $5.00. Columbia Table-style Phonograph In Mahogany $60.00. Unola Cabinet Phonograph $59.00. Lyric Table Phonograph $17.50. Terms on any of these last five men tioned to fit your requirements. EDWARDS CO., 5TH AND OAK. A. Good Place to Trade. A GOOD used pliino rather than a cheap new one. Automatic $100 Decker & Son New York (mahogany) V'ose & Sons Haines ........ Farrand Brewster Prescott Lester 125 150 225 235 265 275 2S5 315 350 Geo. P. Bent (Crown) FOLEY & VAN DYKE. 106 Fifth St. bbLLklTY STukaGE CO- CLOSING OUT Small upright pianos, &T and $75 cash. Parlor organs. (18. $25, 928, $35, $55 Large uprignt pianos. $195, $235. $205. $475 new stored upright pianos, $290. $750 modern player piano and bench, $435. Pianos stored for 50c monthly. Pianos bought and sold tor cash only, lui 4th su, at Washington st- PIANO BARGAINS. $100 and up. good standard used pianos, such as Checkering. Hardman, Fisher and others. All our used pianos have the one-year exchange proposition, which guarantees them. See our line. SKI BERLIN O-LUC AS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st., bet. Wash, and Alder sts. VOCALION ORGAN. Just the organ for church or moving picture use. Having 2-manual keyooara, base pedals, port levers with electric mo tor. Some bargain. SE1BERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. USED PIANO We nave a large assort ment of iued pianos, player pianos and baby grand pianos. Standard makes and everyie guaranteed. Our prices ar low, our terms will please you. Keed French Piano Mf g Co.. 435 Washing -ton st.. tor. 12th. Bdwy. 750. JAN UARY CLEARANCE SALE IN DECEMBER. $75 Vilctrola and records (used)....$ 55 250 Swick & Co. (good upright) . . 135 $400 Vose & Sons dine condition).. 238 Best piano repair shop in Portland. HAROLD GILBERT. 384 Yamhill. BANKRUPT PLANO SALE. Eilers Music House, bankrupt, stock of upright and play er-pianos purchased by us from the trustee in bankruptcy is now being closed out. FOLEY VAN DYKE. 106 Fifth St. Opposite First Natl. bank. SCOSD-tlA.KD PHONOGRAPH Several cabinet style phonographs of go- stand ard make, only slightly used, at very low prices. Our terms will please you. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co., 435 Wash ington st., cor. 12th. Bdwy. 750. FoKCiSD to seil my beautiful Pathe phono graph, oak cabinet case, permanent needle and 24 selected, all high -class records, just been in se a few weeks; a sacrifice at $98. Must sell quick. Am moving. Phone Tabor 6704. PLAYER-PIANO MUSIC. Roll sent out of town on trial. Full line of J. R. s. music carried in stock. Writ e for catalogue. Selberiing-Lucas M j sic Co.. 125 4th su FOR SALE Edison phonograph, complete, including oak cabinet and 40 Amberol records. $40. Call or write Emma Ful ton, Tabor 0090. 1402 Hawthorne ave.. Port land. Or. FISHER upright piano, almost new. at a snap. Ste this piano if you want a good piano. Selberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 izh st. Ui-i.LEI) Christmas terms; $12.50 cash. ji-.jy next pay uay . 9 10 month, af ter January. I0o. buys new upright, im proved, up-to-date pianos at the SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill Fourth st. THDE YOUR PIANO or organ on a nw 'ictrola and records; our propositions will please you. Seiber-ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main So.Mi. BEAUTIFUL oak cabinet phonograph, like new. $-S0. Professional hanjo, S20 ; 5rf" eamera. Mko new. $3.50 ; Visible type writer. $12. Marshall 080. 503 Jeti'er- POIl. CHICKERTNG, $100; old style, in the best of condition. Sclberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4Th st. CHICKE RING. M eh 1 in. Packard . Bond! Llndeman pianos, une of these will make a fine Christmas present for your family. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 14tf6thst. HARDMAN upright, just as good as new. Some piano at some bargain. Selberiing Lueas Music Co.. 125 4th st. CORNET FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN- New cornet, including fine leather 'case, for only $40. Call Tabor 1003 between 1 and 5. WINSTON, mahog. case, latest style, just used short time. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. W ILL exchange new Victrola, Bruns wick, Grafonola or Edison phonograph and records for piano. Hyatt Talking Alachine Co.. 350 Alder. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos and player-pianoN; get our prices. Seiherling LuraE Piano Co.. 125 4th st. Main J5S0. V1CTROLAS. records, music bags, violins, gui ; ;i rs, ukuleles anil other musical goor. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 0th street. $IOO TO $150 CASH PA ID for upright pianos. Phone Main 5323. Security Stor age Co.. or call at lOu 4Ui si., at Wash- ington st. EUPHON A SK-note player. mahoirany - case, 2 years old; excellent condition; ;ii:n "omo rui'.s. Good bargain. 114-S Hawthorne ae. . Kfc.tvi.Nr .Metuin grand pianos: select fr Christmas. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 14! 0th COLUMBIA phonograph, including records, used tw o months ; wil t sell reasonable. Cnll Broadway 1ST.. b;ll tiKAND piano wanted; give cash, must be reasonaole bargain. D 0W2, Ore gonian. PIANO TUNING. Special rate on church and preachers' plin 'S. Tabor 5423. J. F. Stephens. PLAYER-PIANO. standard make. cost Siono. now only $o.o. it Is a fine value. 6. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 th st. W I LI p'ty cash for good upright piano; no dealers; full description first letter. BC id. Oiegonian. KREHLING plasn oak eas. like new. Sei ber;ingLucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. EDISON phonograph, $150 size, only $110 Looks liks new, in in perfect order. G. F Johnson Piano Co.. 149 flth st. SAXOPHONES, cornets, guitars, ukuleles and other musical instruments. G. F Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. SECOND-HAND piano, only $165, cash or i terms. o. f . jonneon nano 00., 14 h street. E01SON disc phonograph, with Columbia and Victor attachment, good condition. 71 1 Vaughn st., near 22d. MAHOGANY player. 50 rolls and cabinet, liiie new reasonable. Marshall 2218 or 47 Mjy apartments. A CHENEY phonograph will make a beau- tlful Christmas present for your family. r, F. Johnson Piano Co..149 6th st. VICTROLA, style VI. $3 Piano Co.. 149 6th st. G. F. Johnson 1 PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S GILBERT SS4 Yamhll. St. PLAYER rolls 10c per roll. you are tired of exchanged Harold Gilbert. 384 Yamht:i. WILL pay good cash for slightly used. standard-made piano. O 226, Oregonian WAN FED Good second-hand piano from private party. V 743, Oregonian. Ki'e- "it i H cornet, use some; only $60. G. F. Johnson Plapo Co.. 149 6th st. 525 FIRST payment on phonograph, for sale. Broadway 3S&1. SOPRANO saxophone, buffet, bra. only $00 . G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 Gth st. lk 1ZE violin, bow and case; has good tone: price $15. 428 H 11th St. Main 25S6. j MARTiN saxophone and case for sale. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st FINE Fisher piano. Broadway &89L FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. GOLDEN oaa Edison Diamond Po nt Am ber o la, and u5 Blue Amberol records, in first-class condition. Outfit cost new $02; special, $33.60; $5 down, $5 per mo. $35 Grafonola and 20 records; cost new $5; will seil for $27.50; $o down aud $5 per month, $100 mahogany graphoph'ons with 25 double disc recordj; genuine spruce horn; fully guaranteed; only $25. Fine Brunswick cabinet phonograph, fumed oak finish, plays all records; fully guaranteed; only $&5 ; $15 down, $7.50 per month. VERN L. WE.N'GER, 142 Second st. USED PLAYER-PIANOS at real savings: Autopiano. fine mahogany - '' 5 Eilers de luxe player 38a ; Stuyvesant pianola 350 i Krell autogrand 451 Cabie-Nelsou player 4: (3 eteger piayer-piano ....... ow Autopiano 650 Newton piayer-piano 45 12 rolls of late music and payer bench lncluaed with each player-piano. All guaranteed. FOLEY & VAN DYKE. 106 Fifth St. AN ACCEPTABLE XMAS GIFT. Buy your friends a new record al bum, only $1.25 ami $1.50. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co.. 350 Aldsr. Curat cure for Sale. EXCHANGED FURNITURE. For considerably less than what new would cost. LOOK OVER THIS LIST." Airtight heaters, $2.50 to :..$ 8.50 Trilby-Oak coal heater 10.00 Cast top and botton wood heater.. 14.00 New oil heaters, $4.98, $5.95 and.. 6.MO 4-hole wood and coal range 4-hole wood and coal range . . . . . 6-hole wood and coal range 6-hole wood and coal range 4-hole Monarch range "Sellers" kitchen cabinet 42-inch drop leaf breakfast table. Golden oak sideboard 37.50 40.00 45.50 4S.50 72.50 49.50 4.85 22.50 Ciuarter-iawed aolden oak buffet.. 2H, Golden oak china cabinet, a beauty 39.50 Square top dining tables, $9.50 $10.75 and 11.60 Quartered oak flush rim round top table Solid oak dining chairs (ft only) 27.00 each Solid oak dining chairs, leather seats, each Mahogany settee, tapestry seat.... 4.25 6.00 8.75 8.50 Mahogany arm rocaer "Royal" easy chairs, $28.75 and Tapestry overstuffed davenport. Rafinished Iron beds. S7.25 to... 38.75 78.50 14.00 Wood framed springs, $3.25, $3.75 and , Felted cptton mattresses. $10.75 to Golden oak dressers, $23.75 to..... Hugro vacuum sweeper Electric vacuum sweeper As is. set of dishes. $10.25 and... 4.25 10.50 25.75 4.00 10.00 10.75 ED WAR us 00., o in J -N Lt UAa A Good Place to Trade. Easy Terms. No interest FOLLOW THE CROWD TO 188-190 FIRST ST., FOR ANOTHER SENSATIONAL OFFER, Beginning Monday morning, we place on sale two carloads of new steel springs of double construction, with 27 large helical springs across each end and guaranteed sagless for 25 years ; thye seii reguiariy tor $13.75, but buy ing two carloads direct from the manu facturer enables us to pass them on to you at $8.85 each. We also have a few more 40-pound felt mattresses left at $1295 each. You are welcome to easy terms. M1SH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 First Srteet. SPECIAL FOR THIS WflEK. Kitchen treasure $ 4.75 Sewing machine, guaranteed 7.50 liorary taoie Chairs $4.50 rocker $16 cook stove 4-hole coal or wood range Copper-coll gas water heater - 4-burner Vulcan gas stove $7.50 iron beds Mattresses Yum Yum bed springs OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. 100-168 First St., Near Morrison. 7.50 1.25 3.O0 11.00 19.50 12.50 19.50 4.50 3.00 1.75 BUCK'S PI PEL ESS FURNACES are the best; have many exclusive fea t urea; no cleaning out of firebox; one piece firepot; automatic filling of water tank: no dust in basement owing to ash sprinkler, and many other features that only the Buck has; easy terms, no interest. Call and see ours in opera tion ; hen ts 4 floors. 50xl0 feet. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORE. All under one roof. No branch stores. 195 FIRST ST. Remember. 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. Overstuffed 3-piece parlor suite, com prising a massive davenport with rocker and chair to mateh. lt is a wondenul attractive suite, of superior (instruc tion. It has loose cushions with Mar shall springs and is upholstered in a high-grade two-tone blue velour. Christ mas price $350 and you may take until next Christmas to pay for it; easy terms. M1SH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 1st St. USED MAJ ESTIcTraNG E in" first-class condition, complete, set up and connect ed to your hot water tank; no extras. $59.50. Easy terms and a year to pay. We charge no Interest. GEVURTZ FU tN ITU RE COMPANY, THE BIG STORE. All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors from Yamhill Pub lic Market. PA1W.OR FLOOR LAMP STICKS, very special. Oniy a few. $9.75 each; ma hoganv finish. 2 light sockets. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, THE BIG STORE. All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 D jors from Yamhill Pub lic Market. LARGE LOT of carpets, Axminnter, Brus sels, for large size, rooms ; some stair carpets; about 30 yards Axminster green carpet, practically as good as new, $1.50 per vard, would cost now $4.50 per yard. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. 106-168 First St.. Near Morrison. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. Flexible Flyer sleds, with steel run ners. 5 feet long; they ask $7.50 for 1 hem uptown; our special Christmas price $4. M1STI FURNITURE CO., 1SS-190 First Street. LATE MODEL SlOii Fox typewriter, in perfect condi Hon and priced at only $59.75. Easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1 88-190 First Street. STABLAK STAY BLACK STABLAK. The king of alt stove polishes, black snd brilliant: gun ran teed to stand any heat in rason ; -.ic a oottie. m all or- ders- given prompt attention. tor sate at th Crown Furniture Co., 29 First st. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars. Fireproof Storage. C. M Olsen Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pins st. GENUINE Body Brussels Rug, finest qual ity ; blue and tan patterns-: like new : worth $125: this week only, special. $55. KLIN E KLKMTUKK CO.. 192 First su ; AS RANGE and plate, cupboard, cabinet table, screen cupooara, lawn mower. 6 foot Atkins dragsaw; call Sunday. 282 i:. "2d st. N. ; Montavilla car. FUHN ITl'RE for sale and flat for rent. furniture of r rooms in a moaem flat good oak furniture in excellent condition. f oo. fc,vereit si. ENOUGH to furnish 5 or 6 rooms, all good condition, notning cneap. private par tie : no dealers. Call Sunday and w!i week 4-'4 Amswortn. near union. SPA X1SH leather Morris chair with 1 tomatlc back and solid oak rocker. good as new, $22 for both. 915 Thur- nan st., apt. 15. HANDSOME dining ret. table. 60-inch top. 10-ft. extension, ounet o it. long. lea ther seat chairs with carver, mahogany M'-rary table, other rurniture. Last oll9. FOR SALE Golden oak dinmr table. 45- inch top : library table, leather-seated roeker. Will sacrifice for quick sals. Phor.e Main i191 bundaar aiternoon. I I kn ITl'RE for sale by party leaving-! . city: mciuaes range witn gas plate, heater, bedroom set, rug, chairs, etc f-!! 404 Benton st. BED davennTt. $18; upholstered chair, $7; iron bedstead. $3. 268 4th. near Jeffer son st. MONARCH malleable range, just as good as ever: price $40: must be taken Mon day. Phone E. HJ49. 296 Graham. FURN ITU RE of 3-room bouse; also good team, wagon, harness. Come, make me a bid. 200 E. 86th. ML Tabor car. QUARTERED oak library table. Ivory wood bod and vacuum sweeper, for sale; A-l condition. 223 N. 20th st.. apt. 22. AT DOUGLAS COURT. Dining room set and rug for sale. 423 West Park su, apt. 202. KITCHEN table, spring cot, buffet, library table, oak chairs, plate mirror, bust form, ladies' coat Wdln. 660 5. TWO three-quarter iron bee's with springs. Call after 12. Marshall 1134. EXCELLENT heating stovs. bell. 16951 FOR, MALE. F ore for Sale. PKE-HuLIDAi CLEANUP SALE ON SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE, RUGS. 8TOVE3 AND RANGES. WM. GADSBY & SONS, FIRST AND WASHINGTON STS. "JL BETTER PLACE TO TRADE." GOOD GOOSE FEATHER PIL LOWS, GOOD AS NEW.. $ 2.50 SOLID OAK DINING CHAIRS... 3.25 CHILD'S IRON CRIB. ALMOST NEW .... FAMILY WRITING DESK AND BOOKCASE 8.50 9.75 HIGH-BACK QUARTERED OAK ROCKER . 11.50 COMBINATION BOOKCASE WITH GOOD MIRROR 7 24.50 AXMINSTER RUG. 9x12 24.50 LARGE KITCHEN TREASURE. IN FINE SHAPE 4.75 HALL MIRROR. SOLID OAK FRAME 4.50 VELVET RUG. 9x9. IN GOOD CONDITION 16.75 QUARTERED OAK "BUFFET WITH BEVEL MIRROR 4.50 CONVERTIBLE BED DAVEN PORT 42.50 WHITE ENAMEL BEDROOM ROCKER 3.50 LARGE ASSORTMENT STEEL RANGES. AS LOW AS 26.50 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. WM. GADSBY & SONS, FIRST AND WASHINGTON STS. MAHOGANY BEDROOM SET And re member, it is real mahogany ; bed, spring and mattress, fine heavy chiffo nier made in blrdseye maple with a heavy beveled plate-glass mirror; this is elegant Empire style with French legs, all to match ; used, but good as new. $175; easy terms, no interest and a year to pay. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, THE BIG STORE. All under one roof. No branch stores. 195 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. WALNUT AND LEATHER PARLOR SET consisting of massive settee, chair and rocker; all are of excellent construction and upholstered In genuine brown Span ish leather; a wonderful set for the living room ; must be seen to be ap preciated; easy terms; we charge no interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORE. "All under one roof. No branch stores. 195 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. COLD WEATHER SPECIAL. Brand new Victor range, sanitary base, white back splashers, plain nickel trim ming. We usually sell this range for i;. very special this week oniy .iit.r.o. Easy terms and a year to pay. We charge no int-'re3t. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORE. All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember, - Doors from Yamhill Pub lic Market. DECEMBER CLEARANCE SALE ,A11 kinds of floor coverings, kitchen utensils, heaters, furni ture and toys. We can save you money on Xmas gifts. OKI FURNITURE CO.. 2H9 Second st 512O0. TAPESTRY OVERSTUFFED DAVEN PORT. Three loose cushions, same as nw ; in fact, we could sell it for new. $59.50. Easy terms if desired. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, THE BIG STORE. A U Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doo-s from Yamhill Pub Mo Market. COMBINATION Universal coal or wood range on sanitary base, with warming closet and colls; guaranteed to give en tire satisfaction ; fot up and connected, our special price $55. If you are look ing for a bargain this Is the real one. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. 100-168 First St., Near Morrison. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. A magnificent mahogany library table with 30x4S-incb top, 5-inch legs, large bottom shell' and drawer. This fine table was u?ed only a couple of months and cost 75; Christmas price. $44.75, terms to suit. MISH FURNITURE CO.. iSK-100 First Street. . CIAL DINING CHAIRS. 6 solid -oak, leather-seat chstr at $4.50; yo'.id-oak p'-destiil round extension table, $ 16.50 : quarter-sawed oak -top li brary table, $12; solid-oak genuine leather-seat rocker. $1 1.50. OWL FURNITURE CO. PELLS FOR LESS. 160-108 First St., Near Morrison. FURNITURE of 5-room flat In good con dition, altogether or by the piece. Call 2lT'i Cherry. Phone East 2257. FURNITURE of nine-room rooming house for sale. 4024 Clay st. Poultry. GETTING EGGS IN COLD WEATHER is simply a question of giving the hens enough good food with Pratt's Poultry Regulator mixed In It every day. There must be food enoueh to keep up strength, provide extra heat to withstand the cold and a surplus to go Into egg-making. Pr:itts Poultry Regulator keeps the esg machine well oiled aud in good running order. And the copt Is a trifjp over a cent a lien per month. Guaranteed to satisfy or your money back. Sold by all f i rt-clHss denlers everywhere. PET STOCK AND SUPPLIES We are headquarters in the N. W. for birds and cages, dogs, cats, rabbits, cavies, etc.. food, remedies, etc. Call or wr..e. Pet stock catalog on request. Routledgo Seed Floral Co., 145 2d St.. Portland. PULLETS We offer you Barred Rocks. White Wyandottes, Black Orpirgton snd Rhode Island Red pullets. $1.25 to $2 50. according to age and strain. Northwest Poultry Corp.. 82 St., 73d to 74th ave. Foutheast. 30 WHITE leghorn chtrkens for sale, good laying stork, April and May hatch. Call Sunday 424 A ins worth ave., near Union. Phone Woodiawn 191 9. WE WILL pay you highest cash prlee foi April, May -hatched pullets, r.ny breed; Northwest Poultry Corp.. Lents, Or. 2t RHODE ISLAND RED pullets, March hatch. 2229 6th st. Main 5224, between 2 and 4 o'clock. FOR SALE 26 white leghorn March pul lets, most now laying. A A. Auspoa BII Station, Estacada line. 26 HENS, white Leghorns. Barred Rock Buff Orpingtons. Woodiawn 3083. Launches and Boats. BOATS and barges built and repaired, es timates and expert advice freely fur nished Yard and ways at Albina av Phone East 2162. Marios Repair 4k Const. Co WANTED Columbia river fish boat, no less than 8-horse. H. D. engine, nt for trolling: must be reasonable. M 86 Oregonian. FOR SALE Modern houseboat, fine condi tion, partly furnished ; good buy : must sell quickly. No. 4 Willamette Moorage. Sell. 3O07. FOR SALE 1 30-foot launch with cabin over all, witn good 10-borse power rn glne. brand-new. Inquire Mars ha 11 1056 HAVE cash for 18-ft. Sponson canoe. Call Wdln. 5716. 3 LOTS, near Tacom for house boat or launch. An ph. uregonian. HAVE 16-ft. Morris canoe, good shape $33. Call Wdln. 5716. Machinery. SPECIAL. We have in stock lath machinery. planers ana upngni sningie machines. THE J. E. MARTIN CO.. S3 First Street. Portland. Or. 1 E. P. ALLIS 16-in. by 86-in. Corliss en gine, in good condition, also 48-in. bv 12-ft. Fitehburg lathe. Portland Iron works. 14th and Northrup sts.. Bdwy. 3113 ana as-. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, electric hoists, construe tion equipment. Standard Mach. Co., 55 First st, li.H' HSEPOWER new Foos engine at a reduced price. Pacific Seal Supo 9 Co. 4g Front Bro1 wav 1966 WANTED Marine engine, second hand. In first-class working order. 20 to 25 H. P. 419 Board 01 Trade Diag. ON E Taylor w ater tube boiler: 50 horse power ; reasonable. Ft. of K. Morrison C Von WartA boa thou a. East 17SL r()H SALAL Machinery. IF TOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS. CRUSHERS. y SCREENS. ELEVATORS. 20-BBL. MELTING KETTLES. 16-BBL. MELTING KETTLES. 12-BBL. MELTING KETTLES, 3-BBL. MELTING KETTLES, FIRE WAGONS. PATCH PANS, BITUMEN CARRIER CARTS. DRAG-LINE BUCKETS, HOISTS, MOTORS. PRICES FURNISHED ON SPECIAL SMALL ASPHALT REPAIR OUTFITS. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR S. c P. CRUDE-OIL BURNERS FOR PAV ING PLANTS AND GENERAL STEAM POWER PLANTS. WE .ARE IN VERY CLOSE TOUCH WITH THE MOVEMENT AND 'LO CATION OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN THE NORTHWEST AND WILL BE GLAD TO GIVE YOU ANY 'IN FORMATION YOU MAY DESIRE. AT YOUR SERVICE. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT CO., 29 N. 1ST ST. BDWY. 1046-5, ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE D E LTV E RY, ROAD CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT. 20O All steei 30-ln. bunks, 2 Chicago penumatic self-contained air compressors; cap. 184 ft. Engine and tank on wheels; engine internai com bustion; fuel oil. 1 Chicago paver; cap. 20 ft. 1 Ransom mixer; cap. 10 ft. 1 Ransom mixer; cap. 30 ft. 1 Buffalo-Pitts. 5-ton tandem roller. 1 Mongihan 2-yard drag line excavator. 50 24-in. gauge dump cars, lou 36-in. gauge dump cars. 1 24-in. gauge dinky locomotive. 1 ,ew Marion Osgood caterpillar shovel, 1 Bucyrus 45-ton track shovel. 1 8x10 hoisting engine. Pile driver hammers, gas engines, pumps, tools. BOILERS AND ENGINES. 4 100 H. P. boilers, with Dutch oven fit tings. 1 100 H. P. fire box boiler. 100 lbs. 1 250 H. P. fire box boiler. 100 lbs. 1 ao H. P fire box boiler. 1 60x16 butt strap return tubular boiler. 1 550 H. P. Cross compound Corliss, with 350 K. W. generator. 460 volts. 1 24x30 righthand double piston valve engine, 0o0 H. P. 1 4-valve Clark, 3O0 H. P. 1 10x42 Bates Corliss engine. 1 12x13 Vim center crank auto engine. 1 GH upright engine. 1 3 K. W. 115-voit generator. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS. RAILS. 1 38-ton Heisler, oil burner. 1 45-ton. 6-driver. lo wheel locomotive. 2 Uxl2 wide drum Washingtons. 1 9x10 Mundy. 3S All-steel Kusse:'. logging trucks. Io0 1 boom chain: new, $5 each. SPECIAL. 2 New scows. 3ox:H)xOV ft. 1 Speedway marine gas engine, 30 H. P. iron or wood-working machinery, log- ' ging. sawmill, contractors' equipment, locomotives, boilers, engines, crushers, . . .... - 1 1 .ihlt n n rt heltlllC i BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY. 52 s Railway' Exchange Bldg. Main 1212. 24-23. V. t f ouick ; there are many new el- ctric motors among the entire stoca of the U S spruce production corporation which" we just purchased. They are go ing at second-hand prices and the prices ar r:ght. Come and see them. Motors from 5 h. p. to 75 h. p.. both 1200 and 1800 r. p. m. They won't last long. COAST STEEL Ar M AC HlXbB CO., 50 First St. FOR SALE Suction dredge, specifications 4x25x00 it.: 12-inuh suction pump. ..moo gallons, 40-h. p Chanoler engine. 60- h. p. uprigtil noiter. su- - spuds, etc: ull in first-class working or der For prio and inspection tec 1L K ' BANK IRRIGATION. DISTRICT, Bur 1 ank, Washington. loo ELECTRIC motors, many never oper ated, from i-ounuation rus .h-j . . spruce production corporation: o to 75 h p, 120U and 100 r. p. m. We ve priced them right for quick sale. Come now and g"t first pick. COAST STEEL MACHINERY CO.. 50 1st St. FOR SALE one lu-20 Case tractor. 4 cy Under motor; one three-bottom 14-ln. Oliver plow with rolling coulters and combination jointers. This- outfit will be sold at a ridiculous low price. Write or seu C. Harold, room 5o3 Bank of Com merce bldg.. talent. Or. Posh, Rabbits, Birds. Pet Stock. O T ST A BL ES. 17th a.nd Kearney, good young horses and mares, some wet matched teams; everything ?ltiliw,vt.h,.,1 ' guarantee as represented. G. D. Will iaiv.son. TOV biack and tan puppies, 3 rnontns old. $15 each for quick sale; fine Christ mas present for children. Take St. Johns or Mississippi en Killingsworth 120 Killingsworth ave. F YoU are looking for a prize kitten see my beautiful brown tabby Persian. S mos. old beautiful color and from best pedi cieed stock. $2". 3S 39tll ST. S. E. THE PADEREWSKI CATTEKJ. Orange Persian kittens of quality. East 3007. ; THOROUGHBRED English bloodhounds for sale. Box 67. city. St. Theresa san atnriuin. St. Theresa station!Or.Ci'.ty car. A SACRIFICE on my St. Andresberg, beautiful singer, must sell this week, also a female. Sell. 3165. HARTS MOUNTAIN and St. Andreasberg singers; also females; reasonable. Tabor 1031. FULL-BLOODED Spits for sale, bouse pel and good v atch dog, cheap for good home. 403 Prescott. TRAINED roller canaries, Sti Andreasberg stock, 20 to choose from; ideal Christmas jrift. 4 JOS Stanton. East 4o29. WANTED Scotch terrier. State price, color, age. msx. and breeding. AR 973. Oregonian. " AIREDALE XMAS PUPPIES. B. NORTHRUP. GRESHAM. OR. or M H AWES, veterinarian specialist, dog and cit; lady attendant. Tabor 6560. FOR SALE 10 choice singer Phone Main 468. FOR SALE cheap. 40 Flemish Giants. Cail Woodiawn .V.40. Mrs. Myers. AIREDALE puppies, registered prize win ners. East 2654. THOROUGHBRED (ox terrier pups for snle. Tabor 1217. 6230 26th ave. S. E ST. ANDRE AFBERO roller night singers and cages. 390 Shaver st. Wdln. 3652. HAVE useful articles valued $30 to trade fnr fine yellow roller. Sell. 1996. NICE Christmas present, toy Boston ter- rh rs ( females ) reasonable. Bdwy. 3663. BEAUTIFUL Persian cats and kittens for nl?. Portland Cat Kennels. Tabor 75ol. BEAUTIFUI old. Sell. Malteese poodle. 7 months 761. Ty pe writers. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly pay ments : snd for price list. The Whole sale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington st. WILL exchange new Victrola. Bruns wick. Grafonola or Edison phonograph and records for typewriter. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. RENT a Remington; special rate to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now, immediate celiverv ; reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter Co. FORSALE Entirely new and latest model No. 5 Underwood typewriter. Write BJ 170. Oregonian. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th. Main S66S. NEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 11 Sixth st. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter No. 4, pood condition; oaa iiaritet- B Tll A 1 N OIIvpt typewriter good a new, $10. Sell. 3o6L and case. KOR 8ALE. Typewriters. REBUILT AND SLIGHTLY USED. Underwood, No. 5, on er mi: lion . . . . 575.00 Underwood, No. 3, 14-io. fcO.OO Underwood. No. 5 uu.ot Remington. No. IO, latest model I.YOO He. 1. 111 g tou. No. 6 Kemington, No. 7 25. 00 Remington. No. 2 15.00 L. C bmith, Nu. 2. 2-coior and B. St S 50.00 L. C. Smith. No. S. late model. 75. 00 Smith Premier. No. 2 23. ou Smith Premier. No. 10, visible.... 37.50 Alt Machines Guaranteed. Ribbons. Caroon and Bund Paper. Type ritei Rented and Exchanged. Exclusive Corona Agents. E. W. FiSASfc. CUMPANV. 1 lo aixth sL TYPEWRITERS The biggest bargains evir uiiVred. All in good shapv. some with two-color ribbon-. You will not have sjen an opportunity again. We hate Manned the prices in order to move ttws large stock 01 machines, but make your selection early ; wuiie they lat, $1 to 22 50. THE REBUILT TYPEWRITER CO.. 304 Oak St., Portland. WANTED Good Underwood. Woodstock or L. C. Smith typewriter. Pyramid Laud Co.. 6Q3-4 Title Trust blag. M icc I la 1 leo us. PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. If you need any ptpf or fittings or have any plumbing work to be done ses NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO.. 197 Front st.. between Yamhill and . Taylor. Mam 631. A CALCULATOR adding machine for $12.50; guaranteed for five years; add. subtract, multiply and divide ; positi e ly no errors: easily operated : makes bookkeeping. Inventory, Invoicing, bal ancing ledger and all clerical work easier; can be used in any business; com plete instructions accompanies this small, neat, well-built machine; ideal Xmas gift ; sent postpaid to any Oregon or Washington audress; something new; positively a bargain. Order now . F. J. Mercier, 354 Yamhill st., Portland. Or. DIAMOND Weighs 1 1-10 karat; is flaw less anu pure white in" color, mounted in heavy 14 karat ring ; $375. Would cost In jewelry store today $5oo. Can be seen at a5 N. 2d st. any day S to 10 A. M. Also have perfect karat diamond mounted in lady's Tiffany ring, $50. If you are not a judg-? of diamonds bring someone with you that Is; rings will not be taken out for valuation. DIAMOND. BIGGEST PERFECT STONE IN TOWN. ALMOST 5-K : WAS SHOW WINDOW ATTRACTION LAST XMAS BY BIGGEST DIAMOND DEALERS IN CITY AT $3500; HAS ALMOST DOU BLED IN VALUE SINCE. BUT $3ihK) CASH TAKES IT; SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. R 217. OREGONIAN. SACRIFICE 1 12-foot floor case, number 1 of other cases, scales. National penny register. 1 small one. 1 large icebox, " 6-foot candy case, an entire pop corn and crispette machine, candy kettle and stove, electric soft-drink mixers, counter cases, candy scales. 242 Salmon. CHRISTMAS GIFTS, 5c to $20. a variety for you to choose from, you save money in every step to Christmas Gift Shop, 351 13 Washington street, basement Ma jestic Theater building. W ri 1 LE THEY LAST PRC N ES ! First-class petite prunes in any quan-J my at noiuiay prices; not a processeu prune ; tins year's crop. Call at Nobby Cleaners, cor. Park and Salmon. DIAMOND cheap; 2.41-carat. blue white; can't be duplicated for $2u00; will take $12t0 cash or will trade for good auto mohile. W. D. DeVarney. East 5S31. GOLDEN OAK and bevel front china c.oset. $75 ; 94 -piece hand-decorated gold band Haviland dinner set, A-l con dition. $125. 451 East ISth N. EasL SI 5o. FOR SALE One penny register. 1 small one. 12-foot floor case, all plate; candy case, other cases, wall case, large ice box, restaurant gas plates. 242 Salmon. Main 342. GENT'S diamond stickpin; also lady's small diamond. 18-kt. gold ring. 1 opera and 1 field glass, for sale cheap. N 193, Oregonian. WILL exchange new Victrola. Bruns wick, Grafonola or Edison phonograph and records for typewriter. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. WILL exchange new Victrola. Bruns wick, Grafonola or Edison phonograph a nd records for pis no. Hyatt TalK ing Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE. CHEAP." Larger size Reed electric bread mixer, all complete; can be seen in action 420 Chamber of Comm. bldg. fcc't Neison's encyclopedia, like new, wil". xchange for good i resser. rug or what have you? Main 4879. Fine lor Christ mas present. CHRISTMAS bargain ; 1 sample raincoat, never worn, $12; breat 44, sleeve 20. length 50; real convert cloth, up to date. 39Q Knott st., apt- 3, evenings. FOR SALE. One counter case. I glass candy case. I counter, cash register, candy, etc. 209 5th. near Jefferson. SILK. ONE BOLT CHINESE PONGEE, NAT URAL COLOit, 20 YDS.. 34-INCH. MAR. 23o9. BROWN coat, with large racoon collar and cuffs; size 38 or 40; blue gabardine 1 coat, size 4o; both practically new. 456 1 rutocK DIR. CHRISTMAS $14 Webster dfctionai trade for furniture, camera or Main 4S7'.. y, wil. what 7 SECOND-HAND lumber for sale; rustic, ceiling. 2x1, 2x6. 2xS; Sound Wrecking Co. Call East lst7. BEAUTIFUL brocade opera coat, ward robe trunk, blue velvet, dress t30, large rrmlne c.irf. Broadway 3s;il Sunday. MAHOGANY cabinet Victor Victrola, size XVI, with six dozen records. Phone Bdwy. 2000. FOR SA LE Liberty range for wood or eoul with coil, very reasonable. 495 M jntgomfTv. Marshall 302S. ONE set of . chains 32x4. $5; 1 new chain 35x4 V for sale reasonable. H. E. Joy, 104 4th st. FOR SALE Good pair of cowboy boots, or trade for pood .38 revolver. 6-ln. bar r. I. Wdln. 4219. ItA XD-EMBiit 1DERKD silk crepe kimonn. suitable Christmas fii ft. Call East 5563 after l:3o A. M. WHITE broadrloth hand-embroidered eve ning capo; also a pair of lady's English wa:king shoes. East S712. FOR SALE Girl's white angora furs scarf and muff good as new; $10. 244 S. Broadway. FOR SALE Very choice string of am bet beads, aiso garnet beads ou gold chain, reason a t'le. East 5 4:t2. POSTAGE stamps, breaking up collection, 50 discount. Room 412. 204 Colum bia Ft. DIAMOND, I karat, absolutely , perfect ; great bargain. $3o0; worth $450. BC 85, Or goman. 30-GAL. boiler, complete with stand and unions. $9. Also can supply pipe and fittings. 635 E. 12th, cor. Beason. FOR SALE: First-class Singer sewing ma chine with electric motor, reasons bl a Woodiawn 5716. FINE Peninsular heater. 6-hole cook stove, boy's overcoat, man's unii'orm coat and cap. 474 E. Pine st. SHIPWRECK salvage toy sale; if you want to save money don't miss it. 464 Wash ington st. GIRL'S shoes with Ice skates attached; 5-B ; price $10. Boy's Meccano set for smart boys, price $5. 456 Pittock blk. SMaLL mink neckpiece: make suitable present for old lady. 456 Pittock blk. Broadway 17S5. SALE or trade. 22 shares Golden West Oil Co., 2500 barrels crude oil production dally. D 974. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL select Hudson seal coatee, squirrel collar and cults, bargain 275. hc 59. Oregonian. 1 1 KARAT perfect pure white diamond Make me an offer. See owner 1066 E. !th N. FoR SALE $12.50 new Universal 4-hat electric grill at $S. See Miss Henstrought, M Cormiek Music Co.. 429 Wash. St. ONE latest model Conn cornet, new, worth $104; will sell very reasonable for cash. Phone Sunday Bdwy. 379. FILET crocheted sweater, turquoise blue. Y 50. Oregonian. UL CK set of furs, good as new; will sell r hen p. 450 E . 11th St. MISTLETOE with berries, 50c lb. 324 1 3t n st Phone Main S105. Fl. 1 Br PRINTING at cut prices. Be van . :4l Pat ton road. Main 4529. 1 14 CHOICE laying pullets. $2 esch: aiso ! ! good wood and coal range. Main 6399. COAL OIL heater for sale. Apply 270 ! Burnside st. I LADY'S diamond ring, perfect: cost $50. will sell for $35. 450 E. 11th su ONE 4-burner gas range. $10: 1 boy's bi cycle, $10. 738 Hoyt SL Maln 29M. !'(' K-LINED overcoat, else 40. $73; cost 15tt; perfect condulon. .Marshall 421. 'J r fine :i,Kl'TRIC heater. $4: dertsi chair. eonditi-n. chai. Mar. 3o;;,. 4 DARK gray overcoat, also 88, $7. 307 1st SL FOB SALE, M iscellaneous. DIAMONDS BOUGHT PAWN TICKETS. Sell your diamond direct to Diamond Importers and recetva The highest cash market valu. Without any disappointment. We pay from $100 to $800 Per carat. We purchase pawn Tickets. Gold. Sliver. Platinum. Any valuables, any amount. W buy War Stamps. Liberty Bonds, Victory Bonds I f you want money, ses ua Private offices: business confidential. AMERICAN, BROKERAGE. Brokers and Diamond Merchant 205 MORGAN BLDG.. Second Floor. Licensed by the City of Portland. rKERLESs PLUMBING FIXTURES. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. HOUSE-HEATING MATElUALS. IRON PIPE. JIM. POWELL VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES. BOSTON BKLT1NO COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBLR GOODS THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. ta- ,0-72 Front street. Portland. STORE AND OFFICS FIXTURES. CONSISTING OF Showcase, and waiicaes. Large taoies and counters, candy Jar can registers and saies caiet, caee&e cutlers, meat slicsr Kou-top desks, desks. Addiiig mac nines and typewriters, one targe and one small icebox. Large gas range, cider press. Two soua toun tains; aUo ons 20-foot front and oacn bar. with arge mirror, woi k uoardi aud sinks complete. GOODS aiOLD ON LAaV iEKMS. HOCHi- 1EX.D BROS., 43 1st SU DIAMONDS WANTED. $200 TO 1UU0 PER KARAT. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT, ell your u.uiuunui to aiaaiond ex perts. We positively pay highest cash market values for uiamonds, platinum, goio, silver, otd Jewelry and aU valua bles 01 e ery description. We buy old false teeth and all uental gold, bee us belore selling eleswhere. Private offices, business strictly confidential. NATIONAL JEWELRV CO.. 447 Morgan Biug., Fourth Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS Aia Lusis of Market Value. WAR STAMPS BOUGHT. AM EKICAN BROKERAGE. -Oj .Morgan Bldg.. Second Floor. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS. 75 machines to pick irom. all in good condition, equipped with new ribbons and rollers; some have two-color rib bons. Fine for home use. just the thing lor that Christmas present tor the chil dren. 10 to 922.5U. This adv. may not appear again, o make your selection tany. THE REBUILT TYPEWRITER CO.. 3u4 Oak SU, Portland. UNION ball-bearing skates, $2.45 a pair; kitty-kars. U3c and up. Santa Claus heauuarters lor bicycles, tricoles and wheel toys of all kinds. We deliver for Chri!tma. Select your toys now. The Evening Repair Shop, 340 N. 23d, corner Raleign st. Broadway 30 0u. FOR SA LE 1 line. new wood -turning lathe, with -H. P. motor. 0 turning tools; -;2 in. between centers, 12-1 n. swing, ui: iron, weight about 900 lbs. For particulars write Chas. Surber. 1345 Sargent ave.. Klamath Fails. Or. 1 HAVE several diamonds that have been lett by outslUe parties to be sold. You can buy them for 25 less than the w holesale cost. Miltei j. Clearing-doua-lor Diamonds. 355 Wash. u. next to Majestic tneater. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, soid for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 199 Third, near Taylor St. SOME folks say diamonds are high, but one wou:d hardly think so if thoy would slop long enough 10 compare my pricel with regular prices. Miller's Clearing Hou.-e for Diamonds, 355 Washington st. next lo Majestic theater. 25 DROP HEAD sewing machines, com plete with attachments. 111 good sewing order, to S25, sewing machines rented S3 per month; macnines cleaned and re paired. E. R. IS teen, 152 Grand ave. - " H3Q7. East 2359. . OFFICE furniture from war dept., desks,, tables. chair, f lies, supplies. ty pe- ritcr.. adding machines, check writ ers. D. C. Wax, 109 2d sl. near Wa-sh-ington. Main 4031. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and tecond-hiind, at right prices, bought. sold and exchanged. NORR1S SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Phone Main 2045. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal.. $7; 40-gal. $9 tested and guaranteed , stove and fur nace coils, gas heaters Installed, expert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams et. East 8516. WHY PAY RETAIL PRICES? When you can save 35 to 40 per cent by bury ing your raincoat, leather coat or combination coat at wholesale price di rect trom United Rubber Co., 726 Mor gan bldg OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per plate; also crowns, bridge work, dental gold bought. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg WHY not a typewriter? A useful and ed ucational Christmas present for any boy or virl. Standard visible models at $35. L. C. Smith a.- Bros. Typewriting com pany, Mtrt Spalding bldg. LEAK. V roof, eh ? Very aggravating. In deed. Why not a permanent and com fort h hie roof ? We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work gua rantoed. Main 7776. - DUNTLEY VACUUM CLEANER. CHEAP. WDLN. 2499. BTK EL WALL BED. 2499. reasonable. Wdln p. S. BARTLETT, 17 Jewel. Watham movement. 14 karat solid gold, fancy engraved case, cost 77 SO. will take $45. 62 N. 6th st.. Dr. Brown. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable price PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1906. 48 Front St. FOSTAGE stanmps for collectors, bought and soid. 301 McKay bldg. Main 1004. Res. Mar 8793. SUITS to order cn easy payment Unique Tailoring Co., 104 Fourth su. bet. Wash, and Stark. BARGAINS In unredeemed guns and r voivers. all makes, cheap J. j. Beaurs gara, io- Main st-. jv'ancouver. Wash. 3 BOOKKEEPERS' desks and stools. 1 roLtop desk and chairs, 1 flat-top desk. B-jfhong & Co.. 91 Park it. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables. showcases, wall cases, fixtures: terms. W. J. Wuigley, 227 First. Main 5399. HONEY Strained and Comb. WARRANTED UNADULTERATED. Light, mild ; delivered. East 1416. UNCALLED-FOR OVERCOATS for sale, cheap ; large stock to choose from. Or pheum Cleaners. 855 Stark. CHOICE potatoes. $3.25 sack, delivered Bishop Bros.. 124 N 5th st. Phone Broadway 454. ONE large and one medium-size fireproof safe for sale, cheap. AH 730. Orego- man. FOR SALE Range. 6 holes, wood or coal, water coils, fine condition, cheap. Phone Tabor 5020. . SLEDS and bob sleds for sale, and" mads to order. 1 auor m iivisian carriage I Works. 133 Division St. i FOR SALE 4 detachable sled runners for 1 1 4 axies. Apply Geoige Bracey, Bdwy. HANDSOME auto robe. 2 sets of chains, autograph kodak. No. 1; all very cheap. Call East 522. FUR coat, exceptional opportunity to se cure handsome Rasf tan mink. 40-in. coat for $0O0. Phone Main 165S. Fori SALE New switch of young lady's cut hair, very dark brown. Phone East 1114. 3t. I.L. COMPUTING Dayton scale In good condition, $40. 174 13th it 1 DIAMOND dinner ring, also gentleman's diamond stickpin. East 522. ON Majestic range, almost new; price $7 5. 54 E. Madison. j FoR SALE Suitt. dresse waists; new; ; no agents. Hotel MorrU. 329. '1 hi REE beautiful ban d -m .vheted bed spreads for sale cheap. 539 K. 47 th st, N,