7 REAL. ESTATE. DO YOU WANT A BUNGALOW of five rooms with everything com pletely modern, furnace, oak floor, fireplace, built-in features in kitch en and dining room, all finished n white enamel? This is a new place and you can have immediate pos session. Price, $.500, on terms. The location Is the Laurelhurst district. Or would you need a 6-room house, absolutely new and modern, with all the latest buiit-ins, fire place, basement, furnace, station ary wash trays, entirely finished in white, wit a the latest el-tric fix tures, 4 rooms downstairs and 2 up? Ready or you to move into. Price $0500, on terms if desired. Another one is a 7-room house, entirely modern with furnace heat. This one is $.uOO, on terms. All three of these places are 21. blocks from the Montavilla car line. SEE J. A. MILLS, 204 Corbett Bldg. IRVINGTON REAL HOME. This Is undoubtedly one of the finest homes for the money, not only in Irv ington but in Portland, and you will say so after Inspecting it. Situated as tt is on looxifiu corner, near the play grounds and clubhouse, it is surrounded by homes of its own class. Our price Is way below market, as owner says sell at my expense. The house has every thing In it that goes to make up a real first-clas home, such as hot water heat ing plant, Huud hot water heater, beau tiful mahogany dining room with artis tic built-in buffet, large kitchen with butler's pantry, living room, exception ally large, with fireplace. Basement has fruit room and dandy billiard room; second floor has four large, airy bed rooms and one child's room. Also mod ern bat ti rooms, telephone svstem con nects all floors with kitchen. Third floor has maid's room and. large party room. There is a large garage con nected with heat. Take a look at out side, 705 Brazee, northeast corner East ii'tth North, then call us for appoint ment to see Inside. KITTEK. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 "'" SELL WOOD DISTRICT $1000. 3 - room house with large attic; lot 50x100; lots of fruit; good lawn; 1 block to car. $500 cash; easy terms on balance. $K.0 BROOKLYN DISTRICT $1300. 4- room house with bath, full plumb ing, cement basement; lot 50x100; fruit trees; good lawn; 1 block to car and si-hool. Terms if desired. $2100 ALREKTA DISTRICT $2100. 5- room bungalow; 3 blocks to car. TTina if deetrd. $U.-,0U ALBKRTA DISTRICT $2r00. -room house; lot 75x100; plenty of fruit, berries and grapes ; good lawn. $1700 cash; easy terms on balance. Dandy 6-room modern bungalow in tipper Ainina district; 50x100 lot: paved street. This place is worth $4000, but owner will sacrifice for $30O0. Some terms ir desired. PYRAMID LAND CO., 603-4 Title A Trust Bldg. THESE ARK VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN. $.1000 Ground 100x100. with about 20 good bearing rruit trees; 8-room house, all clear of incumbrance. $500 cash ; balance like lent. Peninsula district. $3000 Corner lot 50x100; 8-room house, full semi -cement basement; fur nace ; terms. West Piedmont. $41:50- Corner lot; 8-room house, strict ly modern except hardwood fioors; paved streets ail paid for. Terms. Hawthorne district. All three of these homes are good buys. P. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201 -;t-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A REAL BUNGALOW. FURNISHED MOVE RIGHT IN. View lot, 50x119 feet, exclusive dis trict; can see w hole city, large living room, fireplace. harwood floors, glassed in sun porch, dining room with French doors, and elegant view. Dutch kitchen, cozy breakfast room. 2 large bedrooms, bath and all-year sleeping porch with heat, cement basement, furnace, laun dry travs, furniture is new and the best; built for a home; $7000. ('HAS, RINOLER & CO., 225 Henrybldg. WHY NOT FNIOY CHRISTMAS IN YOUR t WN HOME? IT WILL ADD MORE PLEASURE TO THE YULETIDE. JUST LOOS AT THIS: 5-room modern bung;tlow cottage, clean and cosy, oeautii'ully furnished; choice lot wKh fruit and flowers, in good location, with all hard-surface streets, sewers and Bide walks in and T.aid tor, only $3750. 1 h:tve many ot tiers from $201)0 to mi,om on which 1 can quote a home scekiT verv desirable prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama bldg. ALBERTA . HOME BARGAIN. A regular home. 7 large rooms and den. 4 bedrooms, large closets, full con crete basement, furnace, 2 sets of plumb ing, newly painted and tinted, like new; lot 00xlo4 feet, fruit and berries, close to car and stores; to reproduce this place would cost today $0000; price $4hhi; $looo cash. bal. easy. This is a snap ; took it up ; immediate possession. H. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 1051$ 4th St. AX EXCELLENT BUY AT $0500 If you really want a home, do not pur chase until you have seen the Interior of this beautifully finished 6-room strictly modern home, with sleeping porch, on lot 40xl2S; paved alley; full bearing family orchard ; winter fuel and gas range in cluded In price. HENRY W. COPDAUD, 243 Stark St. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income T We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plans and ilnance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. L. It. Bailey Co.. Inc.. contract ing architects. 024 N.W. Bank bidg. DO YOU WISH TO SELL? If you have a home for sale we can ell it for you; a phone call will bring our appraiser; we have buyers looking for homes; yours mav be what they are seeking. Do not call us unless you wish to sell. C. E. SCOTT REALTY CO.. Main 11353. 517-510 Cham, of Com. bldg. IRV1NGTON DISTRICT Close in on Broadway, 50x100, good 7 room house, not si nctly modern but good looking, walking distance; price lor quick sale, $4750. Don't pass this up. KITTEK, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Let us write your insurance. ROSE CITY PARK. $5250; 6 rooms and sleeping porch with hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace; garage. Imp. paid. This home is strict ly modern and worthy of your inspec tion. A pleasure to snow you. J. A. W1PKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 5R3. SNOW-TIME PRICE. IV rooms with full basement, fireplace, DusVh kitchen, hard-surface street, on car line; $000 down, balance 6 per cent. J. ROBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7031 Res. Tabor 5319. BUNGALOW. Best In Laurelhurst, near rooms and garage, modern artistic and complete. This park; nix in detail. is a rea. it up at bungalow. You should look once. - W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. JUST A MOMENT, PLEASE " Brand new classy 4-r. bungalow. Jus finished, near Union ave. north of Pied mont district; a fw hundred dollars as ti."ivi "in HtiiiuiB i l. jan ar- range bal to suit owner. East 4O0O. purchaser. Pnone BUILD NOW. If you own a lot w will furnish the money and bul.d for you. Terms like rent Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO Main 2035. Main 447T. IRVINGTON. Six rooms, furnace, f lrep!ace hard wood floors, full lot. paved street, nearlv new. UM.i W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE or exchange. 50x1 oo with 5 room emtnge. on carline; worth $'(i00 15 minutes from center of city 1'hone Woodlawn 2133 or call at S02 Michigan ave. I K V I N i J TON $6000, T E R M S S beautiful rooms, large living room artistic stairway, home cost owner $X500 lull lot. 454 E. 22d N. Do not disturb tenant. Call McDonell. East 410 WEST SIDE BUY. To close estate will sell two houses on corner h t bringng In good interest on investment. Price $-4750. HENRY W. (K'DDARD, 243 Stark St. $2350 BUYS corner home of 6 rooms and bath: lot SnxlOO; only one block tn r-i- Terms. Near Franklin high. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. J.. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 683. FOR SALE OR TRADE Beautiful corner lot. small house ; Oregon Electric or iuiion cars: tusicr ana ivei.y sis.; easy i terms. East 24 6. SMALL modern bungalow. 1674 Mississippi ave Ronton car. S26i"K. Rental pav'ts D. D. Bathr'ck. 515 Ch. of Com. Main li5. FuR SALE Haif block with two 3-room, one 4-room and one 7-room h ouses. pay ing 15 per cent net. Address E. J. Bene dict. Camas, Wash. BEA i'TlFl'L R. C. P. bungalow. 5 rooms. attic, all built-in features. 46th. bet. Hatsey and Wasco; $4250. Main 574S. IRVINGTON NKW BUNGALOW? Te HAVE IT. SEE NEl'H AUSEN A CO. SEVEN-ROOM house, modern, cheap If sole! at once. Owner, Woodlawn 5940. BRA I, ESTATE. for Sale BIHR-CARET CO., Main 16S6. ; a 19 Ry. Ex. Bldg. THE CREAM OP ROSE CITT PARK Your one big opportunity to get the home you have been planning to buy in Rose City is here. No doubt you have heard your friends say, "Well, we are going to buy in the spring" and they wiil buv in the unnne. but with the ex I cessive demand that will prevail the prices will soar sky-high and they will J pay ueariy. spring is a nice time io move into a home but an expensive iime to buy one. We have some wonderful bargains at the present time in Rose City and also in other districts in the city. Come to our show rooms and see the many photo graphs, or call Hain 16btf and a sales man will come to your door. ROSE CITY SPECIALS. $5000 Buys a beautiful 8-room bungalow close in ; paved streets, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, music room, elaborate light fixtures, full cement basement, east front; $1000 will handle. $4550 Buys another bungalow, 5 rooms, completed in September. Elab orately and artistically decorated Inside, hardwood floors, paved street, sewer, beautiful built-in buffet, white enamel throughout; no furnace. Owner leaving for California. $5250 Buys a 6-room bungalow on cor ner lot. just 100 feet to Sandy boulevard. One of those you have noticed many times and longed for; complete and modern to the last degree; paved streets, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, massive built-in buffet, plate glass and solid brass fittings; $2000 will handle. $3600 5-room bungalow; hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, full lot, garage; 4 block from Sandy boulevard, on 68th street; $1000 down. $4850 6-room bungalow; hardwood floors, paved street, furnace, fireplace, beautiful corner, in the heart of an exclusive residence district; 1 block to Rose City car. Can't be matched for the money today. t HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $5000 Bungalow type, 2-story, 7-room, corner lot in Hawthorne district; paved street, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, elaborate built ins. many roses, vines and shrub bery; $2000 to handle. BIHR-CARET CO., 219 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1686. I NEED THE MONEY MUST SELL BEFORE THE 18TH. If you have cash, can offer you the biggest bargain in city. 6-rm. bunga low, den, fireplace. built-in buffet, white Dutch kitchen. 2 fine bedrooms, dandy bath, modern plumbing, full cement basement. 28x50. furnace, laundry trays ; 50x1 00 lot, located on 45th st., 3 blks Woodstock car. among fine homes; house Is dbl. constructed. Brood condition and vacant. Was priced at $3500. First reasonable cash offer accepted. See my agents Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon bldg. "IRVINGTON-HOLLADAT PARK." VFRV nPSrRARLE "HIGH-CLASS" HOME. CORNER (2 LOTS) 10 ROOMS A VT S PORCH 2 BATHS. ETC. DOUBLE GARAGE. SPECIALLY WELL LOCATED. 22D & H ALSEY. S. W. COR NER (E. F.) POSITIVE BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE. ArrKAlrU A 1 OFFERED THIS WEEK AT $17,000. TKRMS A ROUT 45000 CASH. BAL. REASONABLE. INQUIRE FOR OWNER AT 302 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1136. IRVINGTON. SELECTS. 711 Thompson. $68uo. unlocked. 6 rooms and den. $3S0O. 814 Tillamook. $4400; unlocked. 480 E. 17th N., $G5O0; tenant. 851 E. 30th N., $6850. 7tifi E 2th N., $4000: tenant. $ 10,500. $7800, $16,000. $25,000, so remarkable buys. Phone me to sh you these and others. R. T. STREET, Irvington Headquarters. East 894. VERY CONFIDENTIAL. If you are contemplating buying a home, I want to talk with you. I have for sale in Laurelfcurst a beautiful Eng lish colonial home of 9 rooms, large corner lot, very artistically finished; 6 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, bwjlt two years ago. Cost $13,500. Will produce the bills; might consider a small bungalow in good location as part payment; prin cipals only. Phone evenings and Sun days. East 20K6. VACANT VACANT VACANT. $3250 EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN $3250. MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Five rooms one floor, room above for two more: full basement, furnace, fire place, all kinds of built-ins: near car;1 an improvemeiiio n miu ijjiiu , vuu nut, Kullri hmiHc for S3500: easv terms. Sun- dHy, Marshall 51163; weekdays. Main 7907. Mariels or Williams, 820 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. IN ROSE CITY PARK. Take car to 63d st.. 1st house south of Sandy : this bungalow has hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, plate glass windows, glass mirror door, lovely white enameled kitchen with breakfast room; attic; built by day's labor and good ma terials; open today from 11-2 o'clock. Main 5456 or Main 6882 1125 Gasco bldg. $250 WILL HANDLE. PRICE $2800. Good 7-room 2-story house; basement and plumbing; electric lights, gas; H block to car; street Improvements that are in are paid; nice 100x100 lot; choice fruit and berries; easy monthly pay ments. ' JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632. 633. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3737. HOUSE BUYERS TAKE NOTICE. We have homes for sale in all parts of Portland, on terms to suit. Our automobiles at your service. Now Is the time to buy. Real estate Is on the ud grade. We know the city and can heln you to locate right. See Moore. BRUCE GUDDAKD, 502 Couch Bldg. $10,500 IRVINGTON home: beautiful large living room in mahogany and old Ivory, solid mahogany dining room, oak library or breakfast room, basement Includes large billiard room ; second floor all ivory finish, hardwood floors; fireplace In front bedroom suite ; tile bath con necting, with shower ; porch ; attic has bathroom and 2 large bedrooms. R. T. STREET, Agent. East 894. BIG BALGAIN IN MT. SCOTT TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. Large 10-r . m house, all furnished; corner witn S los ; six bedrooms ; hard wood floors; "arse full cement basement with furnace and laundry trays. ALL THIS for ONLY $4000. TERMS Mac! VNES & PRATT. 41o Board of Trade bldg. Main 3S0S. Sunday 8619. ROSE CITY. BEST BUY" THERE TODAY. STRICT LY MODERN. HAH D WOO D FLOORS. ALL BUILT-INS. PULL-SIZED BASE MENT FURNACE, 5 ROOMS. LARGE ATTIC; $5700. THIRD CASH. BALANCE EASY. POI NDEXTER. 20R SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE B 7120. WHY PAY RENT? 5 rooms, full basement, hard -surface street, on car line.- only $2500; $500 down, balance 6 per cent. J. ROBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7031. Res. Tabor 5319. IRVINGTON EXCLUSIVE HOMES at a price of $4750. $6000, $7500. $9000 and $12,000. and in central Irvington, on which terms can be arranged. J. ROBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Main 731. Res. Tabor 5319. HOUSE AND TWO LOTS. $1500.' Ready to move Into; corner; lots of fruit and berries, cement walks, close to school and bank; newly painted and decorated. Sellwood. SEE MOORE. 501-2 Couch Bldg. IRVINGTON BARGAIN (vacant 6 rooms, sleeping porch, garage, large living room. 2 lireplaces. oak floors, choice location ; $0250. eas terms. HURRY. Neuhausen & Co.. Main 878. IRVINGTON SWELL HOME? WE HAVE IT. SEE NEUHAUSEN & CO. For Sale Business Property. QUARTER BLOCK, WEST SIDE BUSI NESS SECTION: IT HAS TRACKAGE AND NEAR S. P. DEPOT; $32,000. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 20S SELLING BLDG MAIN 1SO0. FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE. HLF BLOCK. CLOSE IN. WEST SIDE. FINE FACTORY OR GARAGE SHE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 2 O S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1 8 no FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE Suburban Homes. $1800. Tour rent will buy this home. Nice 5-rm. house with lOOrlOO feet of ground, 5 blocks west of Evergreen station on Oregon City line, next to paved high way; garage, chicken house, good well, electric lights; terms to suit. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, Sixth and Morrison Sts. MULTNOMAH IS ALL RIGHT" Oregon Electric natns are running on time, good warm cars, and we still have a few more homes left for sale at a bargain. Come out. Vou will find me still on the job. Phone Main 1SK)3- BKAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. ONLT $1000 buys this half acre of land. well improved with a 5-room plastered house, bath and runnine water, eas. etc.; on the river road, the paved high-! way and not rar irom tne canine, inn is in a good district on the Oregon City carllne. Half cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington Bldg. ONLY $1650 and you get all of this for the money: More than one acre of land, very highly improved, close to the paved highway, close enough to a carline, close to schools. With the land eoes a comfortable 4-room house and plenty of water in all seasons. There is gas and electricity on the street. The J owner is leaving the state, therefore , offers this place at a great sacrifice.) About $500 cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY. Abington Bids;. ON THE west side, close-in to the business center. You go to it over paved highway. Here is one acre of land, very well improved, in a fine lo cality, with a view of mountains and valley; not far from two carlines with . 6c carfare: with this land vou sret a practically new, very substantial 7-roora house; the house has all of the city conveniences, such as city water, gas, i etc.; there is a. chicken house. Darn, ana fruit sufficient for family' useV There is a fireplace in the house; this acre with residence is only 17 minutes' ride from the business center. The price is only $3ooo. All you need is $1000 cash to swing the deal. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington Bldg. ONLY $1500, and this price for this property surprises the neighborhood. Here is -acre of land; Its location and improvements cannot be better; every kind of fruit that grows in Oregon is in abundance on this place, in full bearing; only two blocks from a car line and station, with 6c carfare; prac tically on the Capital highway. There is a small house of 4 rooms, not ex pensive house, but comfortable, and cheap enough where you get it for nothing; in the bouse there is city water, gas, etc. This place is located only 4 blocks from a city school; there is a garage, barn and chicken house on the place; $500 cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington Bldg. ONLY $5000, on the Sandy boulevard. . on the paved highway to the Columbia highway, in the Rose City Park dis- ! trict, on a carline with 20 minutes' car service; here is 1 k big acres of land, every inch of it improved ; this place Is conspicuous to the passersby from its up-to-date large and extensive poul try facilities; a 2-Btory chicken house, if you please, with accommodations for 1500 of the feathered flock ; there is also a good, very cozy 4-room house with sleeping porch; this house has all of the city conveniences .such as city water, gas and electricity; near to a s-hooL What do you want more than this ? Practically in the city, only you avoid paying city taxes. Everything goes for $5000; $2000 cash, the balance a long time at 6 per cent. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington Bldg. ONLY $2200 One big acre of land on the main highway, out Oswego lake way ; only 4 blocks from Lake Grove station, only 4 blocks from the lake; with the acre you get a :.rand new 4 room bungalow, very up to date, has all of the city conveniences such as city water, gas, electricity, bath, etc. There Is a large chicken house, part of it could be used for garage; brand new Majestic range goes with the place; about $900 in cash is all you need. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington Bldg. HAVE you aot a residence In the city in a good district, that you would like to exchange for this close-in, up-to-date suburban home? If so. listen to this Here are 2 big acres of land, highly improved, all of it on the carline and right at the station. You go to it over a paved highway all the way from the business center to the Rate at Courtney , station on Courtney avenue, the only 1 lighted avenue all night long outside of1 the city limits of Portland; you get with the land a good modern 7-room house; no person should desire a bet ter place to live; there is a garage and fruit of a variety sufficient for family use; no richer soil on the Oregon City carline; the owner, on account of his business, is unable to care for so large a place and is willing to take In ex change for a large part of t ie purchase price a modern residence in the city; or will sell on a cash basis for $7000. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington Bldg. ONLY $3150, on the Capital highway on the west side. In the best and ntwest suburban district outside the city limits; every house within a radius of 1 mile is new; only a short distance from car line and station, with 6c carfare; now we come to the point here is -acre of land; its location eclipses any other location in the Multnomah district : the view from the place is its distinguish ing feature ; it will charm any person to stand and observe the surroundings of mountains and valleys in the fore ground; there is a well-selected orchard of fruit in full bearing, small fruits In abundance; there Is a garage and chicken house ; now we come to the house; it is of the bungalow style, mod ern and up to date, laid out and planned to meet and suit the taste of the most critical; there are 6 large rooms and the house Is in perfect con dition; it is close to a city school. The owner is obliged to sell for the reason " that his business takes him to another state. This is property that is cheap for $5000. of any person's money we don t want that; take the whole thing house, land, chicken house, view, and on paved highway, ail for $3150 ; yciu must nave iuu in casn, otnerwise there is no use la i King. M. J. CLOHESSY. Abington Bldg. ONLY $5000. so close in to Portland. This means thousands of dollars more than an independent living; here ii 110 acres of land, 30 of It In cultiva tlon. a large orchard of selected fruits In full bearing; there is a new 6-room house, very large barn, wagon house, ana several otner ouildings which are necessary to go with the place of this size. There is a creek running through me piace; mere is an ever-iivin stream with an avalanche of fine water piped to the house and barn; this place is iuny equippea wicn everytning live stock and tools, furniture and imple ments to pursue the work. Everything goes ior tne email sum or louOO. and gives you penect title to this farm half cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington Bldg. DO YOU want this 08 acres. S miles rrom t-stacana 'mere are 30 of it in cultivation, with a good 6-room house. large barn, chicken house, milk house and granary; there is a big orchard of commercial quantity; tnis Diace it fniiv equipped, implements and tools; there is livestock, furniture in the house; everything goes Just as the farm stands, and the price is only $7500; about half chbu win nanaie ic M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington Bldg. viM.i imnu ouys xnis ana where, on this highway so close In. do you know of anything of this size that you can buy for twice that price? Two big tro JL innu H DUH6 Line rOaO, not any farther out than 7 miles from the business center; there la no house on this land, of course not, you could not even expect half the land for the price that you are getting. It is only 4 blocks from the electric carline and fronts on the paved Base Line road Remember, that at this price and this land, you get Bull Run water piped to the property; $1000 in cash you must have. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington Bldg. SUBURBAN HOMES. 5.89 acres, all cult.; fine orchard 6 room house, large barn; fully stocked and equipped; horse, cow; near railway station and paved road; $4500; terms. 4 acres. 3 acres cult. ; nice orchard, bearing: 4-room bungalow, nearly new barn, chicken house; at the station, elec tric line; $3100; half cash. 1 acre, close In; 6 bearing prune trees goo garden land; 3-room cottage chick en house, city water; 15 minutes' walk from Alberta car. Price $2100; $1000 cash. This is a snap. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 165 4th St. BIG BARGAIN DIRECT FROM OWNER Highly lmproveti 20-acre suburban home. I mile frorr, Harrlsburg high school, S-room house, large barn, other cutbui'dings. good water and phone black EOil. best for loganberries and thicken ranch. Price $5000 Including personal property on liberal terms. John J. Cramer. Harrlsburg. Or. 3-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED. $IOOoT At iiapiewoou. on uregon Electric 30 minutes from Portland, a 3-room bun galow, gas, electric lights, water base- mem tun o wmpieieiy furnished and ready to move into, all for innn. pay $500 cash, balance $10 month. See owner. L. C Grimm. Maple wood. Main 0414. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME, and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rlsley station .on Oregon City car line sign "Alder Brook." Homewteads. Relinquishments, 300.O00.00O ACRES OF FREE LAND IN U. S. "The New Homeseeker," a 10O page book describing millions of acres ot vacant public homesteads, timber, mines and grazing lands. Contains town ship plats and illustrations; founded on historical facts: does not mislead. Read "official" warnings. ELIMINATES CROOKED LAND AGENTS. Tells whereabouts of government land In Ari zona. New Mexico. Nevada. California. Idaho. Oregon. Montana. Washington Utah and Old Mexico. Describes water soil and climatic conditions, all the principal U. S. land laws. A marvelous publication, just off the prews. Mailed anvwhere. $2. Address "THE HOME SEEKER." Dept. 3. 3d floor Grant bldg, loa AuielfcS. CaL REAL ESTATE. lor Sale Acreage, fE modern dairy farm and about 4500 acres, including several miles of shore line on Puget sound, about 50 miles north of Seattle. A colonization proposition with unusual townsite and summer resort features. Price for all the real and personal propertv. including valuable improvements. $365,000. Terms. CALVIN PHILLIPS A COMPANY. 80O Leary Building. Seatu. wxR a . YQn.a ,V OR TRADE 8 acres of One irA mles of Tigard; all in culL iff 4rooni tause. floored attic, cement oasement. water system, good kitchen ran ire. inlniri x,.., kitchen floor, other household goods, winter wood In basement, good barn, 6 tons of hay. chicken house, farm tools, l good cow and heifer calf, some chick ens Price $4850; mortgage $1750. 6 per ?nl'i&Jan- Wln change my equity of $30o0 for modern home in Portland; not over 8 blks. of car, or will, sell on terms. C. E. Adams. 507 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Marshall 2575 R? ,12 acre. close to sawmill, on county road; would make a good poultry ranch; enough timber on place to pay for same; price $300. ..,V4k? acre: 0 acres In timber, balance tillable: close to school, church, sawmill; on county road; will make a good ranch; price $1600. . cre WU Improved, all necessary buildings, stock and tools; close to col lege town. If Interested write for par ticulars. Pripe $3500. John Pimm, Phil omath. Or. . ACREAGE SNAPS. 93500 5 acres Powell Valley rd. cultl- 3ouu 5 acres on Columbia highway. 6- room home. $-700 27 acres. Sky Line boulevard. 12 miles from courthouse. House. 10.A barn, creek, spring. Visuo 10 acres Vancouver, Wash., small house and barn. $-000 10 acres. Vancouver, improved. $104 4 acres, Buckley ave. CHAS. RINOLER & CO.. 225 Henry bldg. WOODBURN. OREGON. 20 acres on PACIFIC HIGHWAY, ad joining WOODBL'RN. on the east; beau tiful homesite. finest kind of loganberry land. Jf the property was set out to berries the returns therefrom would pay for the place. All under cultivation; no buildings; live in town and farm in the country. This Is high-grade propo sition, but will sell right, as 1 want to go east. I. J. KOUPAL. EUGENE, OR. 10-AORE farm at Gresham. Or., by owner: good house, barn, fruit and berries, tel ephone; $5000. 15 acres, modern 7-room house, built 1ns, bath, full basement with trays, barn, garage and outbuildings: a fine country home; a bargain. J 7000. Both places are 15 minutes' walk to depot, high school and library. Telephone Gresham 503. Will be at 119 E. 32d st. Sunday and Monday. Tabor 8038 BIG CROPS NEXT YEAR. This weather will soon moderate, we will have spring, green grass and flow ers ; big crops always follow deep snow and cold weather. We will be pleased to tell you about the fine farms and acre ages we have, with stock and equipment and some with small payment down. Then when the snow is gone we will be pleased to ihow you any of these fine places. John Ferguson. Gerllnger bldg. LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts 6 acres up. located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water: work nearby ; buy on your own terms; prices $20 to $65 per acre. LU DDE MANN COMPANY. 913 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. SOMETHING WORTH MONEY. 24 acres, 4-room house. Courtney Sta tion, Oregon City car. Terms. J. ROBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange.' Main 7931. Res. Tabor 5319. 60 OO ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price. J5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHALiSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. 2 1-3 ACRES. No. 1 soil, near North" San tlam, on Woodburn branch of S. P.; good 4-room house, new barn, chicken house. woven wire fence; several varieties - of fruit; price $000. Pvramid Land Co., fin3-4. Title & Trust bldg. FOR SALE at a bargain, one good tract of farm land near Hillsboro and two good lots on East 18th near Division. Make your own terms. Call 330 Morgan building. CRANBERRY LAND, will produce $750 per acre; once planted lasts a llietlme. For sale, lO acres; will develop. P. O. box 155, Seaview. Wash. l ACRE. 6-room house at Metzgar station, price $1750; wii: exchange for diamonds, stones averaging from $300 to $500 pre ferred. Call East 7572 after 6 P. M. Farmprs' Mutual Fire Relief Association. Insures at cost, $25,000 saved to farm ers yearly. -stocK fc.xcnangeDiag., city 3 ACRES, just off Base Line road; closs to car line; beautiful fir grove; $1500; terms. Broadway lbos. uu Oregon bidg 4 ACRE'S, all cleared ; very best of soil; close to station ; J-rooxn snack. 1700, terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Oregon bldg. 24 ACRES. Gearhart, on highway; part cultivated; bargain. siLth. i, 100 j Fourth. Fruit and Nut Lands. tfv.yra R-OLD bearing apple orchard. or might trade; five best varieties of fruit; orchard in A-l condition. F. T. Hamshaw, Benson hotel, city. har Sale BECK'S BARGAINS. $2600 will buy 20 acres of choice hill v-Allev land near Sherwood ; 18 hm acres in fine crops; good, nearly new ( buildings, bearing orchard, team good horses, fine cow, 75 chickens, farming equipment, feed, gas engine, most of furniture. A real bargain. $3500 buys 36 acres fine land, 3 miles county seat; 17 cutlvated, 15 pasture, 4 timber, house cost $2500, other necessary buildings, orchard, farm Implements, hay, etc A snap; terms. $6000 buys 160 acres fine land near Eugene, half mile to grade and one mile, to high school ; 50 acres cultivated, 00 acres cutover land, seeded; 20 acres fine timber, family orchard, woven wire fences, goat tight ; 6-room good house, two large barns, machine shed, chicken house, etc.; living water, fine road, close to outrange. Team, all farming equipment, 10 tons hay. Mortgage ap praisal this place values same without equipment at $6000. Take part city trade, but no discount from this for cash. $6500 buys 40 acres extra fine land in Clackamas county; 39 acres cultivated, acre lamlly orchard ; extra good large buildings, steel windmill, good fences, etc. Close to store, school, on mail and telephone routes. Might take some trade. Th is Is an extra fine bargain. No discount for cash. $8500 buys 80 acres very finest soil; 88 acres potatoes on adjoining like land this year sold for $10,000. Some crop, say we. 40 acres this property culti vated; timber for fuel, balance fine pas ture; 77 acres level, balance hill; fam ily orchard, good fences, good house, large old barn, other buildings. Mile to county seat. All neighborhood conven iences. Team, 4 good cows, poultry, geese, etc. Complete farming equip ment, hay, etc. .Terms. EXTRA SELECT. BOO acres of land that Is pronounced by land experts to be the finest body of Willamette river oottoni iana in tne val ley. Over oo acres cultivated. no waste, no wasn, little overiow. Pro duces crops of every kind In abundance. Vnrtieularl V adaDted to clover, cm inn hops, loganberries, peaches, vegetables. etc. Mortgage loan companies value this property at $l5o to $2oo per acre. For auick deal we will deliver this fine property to a buyer for only $125 per acre. Many other bargains, from $2500 to $100,000; witn or without stock and equipment. When looking for a bar' gain, always see OTIS C. BECK, "Realtor." 525 Henry bldg. Marshall SS58. 0 ACRES, adjoining good town south of Eutrene: 10 acres bearine prunes: 15 acres In grain; 15 acres pasture: balance timber: live spring; ideal chicken ranch horse, cow, heifer. 10 tons hay and all farm tools included. Price only S5500: part cash F. W. Northey. St. Charles hotel. Albany, ur. CHOICE irrigated alfalfa land, unim proved, under govt, project; adjacent land produc ?d 7 tons per acre at four cuttings of 1019 crop. Low altitude on Columbia river and highway. Terms. GtiO. C. HOWARD, Owner. 314 Cham. Com. FOR SALE Thirty acres. 23 acres In T y ear-old prunes; good income this year; balance of the land excellent for logan berries or other fruits. Buildings fair; on good road ; small cash payment and easy terms. Address AV 934, Oregonlan. 80 ACRES, 35 cleared, balance in Douglas I fir timber; house, two barns, 130 fruit trees, bearing, apples, pears and cher- I rtes. Price $2600. Address owner, box J 337, Cottage Grove, Oregon. I HEAL ESTATE. For Sale Fanna. SEE MITCHELL & RIPPEX FOR FARM BARGAINS. Real estate is the basis of wealth. Saving leads to wealth. Good investments bring riches. Prosperity fosters contentment. Own a farm and be happy. Be wise and buy one of the following farms while prices are low and terms are easy. Do not be afraid to go In debt for a good thing. If the farm you seek is not in this list, please call at our office and inspect our listings of the j choice farm bargains. 605 ACRES. Choice first-class stock and coarse I grains farm; the largest per cent Is of j the very richest dark loam river bottom , land, balance gently rolling wiin m Tualatin river flowing through the cen ter, dividing the farm in equal parts. 250 acres under cultivation, 855 acres in stump pasture; 34 miles from Portland, on good rock road. 4 miles of paved high- w-ay, l miie to good grade a scnoui, mi" from railroad station, train stops at gate for milk and other frleght. two sets of buildings with water piped from springs; plenty of living water; one 8 room house, hot and cold water, bath, one 4-room house, one large barn ar ranged for 20 head of cows and 6 horses; storage room for implements; one stock barn will hold 90 head; one cow and horse barn with room for 20 head; one goat shed with room for 100 head; milk house, a hog house, chicken house and stock corrals, fenced and cross-fenced with $1500 worth of Page woven wire; for quick ale this wonderful bargain Is of fered for the extremely low price of $65 per acre. $15,000 cash, balance to suit purchaser at 6 per cent. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM. 140 acres of rich shot soil. 13 miles from Portland, ten miles from Hills boro, 7 miles from Beaverton. 6 miles fmm horllrvA(1 V. mild ffOm SChOOl '. 17 acres under cultivation, 80 acres timber and brush, some saw timber. 10 acres scattering timber, balance slashed; 65 fruit trees, 4-room house, granary, barn, small outbuildings, good well and spring, a great buy at $00 per acre, $2000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent MULTNOMAH COUNTY FARM. 87 acres. 16 miles from Portland. 4 mile from Columbia highway, mile from Troutdale. V4 mile to school: 50 acres under cultivation, balance brush; 4-room house and barn, creek never dry. A real bargain for somo one interested in land close to Columbia highway; price $10,000, $3500 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. POLK COUNTY FARM. 80 acres. 44 miles from Dallas. H mile from school, on good road; 45 acres under cultivation, balance timber, brush and pasture ; wire fence, spring and running water, large barn in good condition; 1 acre of apples. 1 acre of prunes; 8 walnut trees; price. $4000. V cash, balance iong time at 6 per cent. MITCHELL & RIPPEY. S28-29 Henry bldg. Main 2534. a T"rwCT-m-J XTTt. DAIRY MAN. Registered Holstein cattle and modern home, consisting of 820 acres, all tniaDie, an in htvh HttLt of cultivation. balance in pasture all fenced and cross fnrprt inml well with kus engine; as sorted orchard and all kinds of shrub bery; 8-room modern house, with fur nace and tile bath room, concrete base ment and fireplace, full set plumbing, a ion tununt hntiM. ham and all neces- sary outbuildings; 2S head of registered Holstein cattle, 6 head full-blood but not registered, 20 Poland-China pigs, 20 Cotuwold sheep, 80 goats, chickens, t inn tnm. waizon. harness, mower, and all necessary farm toots and house hold furniture; located 12 miles from Vancouver and 2 miles from country town ; on good auto road in a thickly settled and prosperous community with all rural advantages. Price $36,000; $20,000 cash. THOMPSON, SWAN A LEE, 3d and Main Sts. Vancouver. Wash. DAIRY AND PRUNE FARM. On account of other business I offer for nfllf nnc of the best dairy and prune farms in the state, consisting of 320 acres, about one-half In cultivation; land lies with icood slope, well drained, had modern build lrgs. on main county road, close to f ortiana, near eieciric line and station, fine chocolate loam soil, close to school and church and In an excellent neighborhood; price $30,000; SIO.OOO cash, balance to suit. There is also a complete list of stock and equipment that can be bought at a very reasonable price, and if you are looking for a good place see this. H. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man," 50H-500 Lewis Bldg. ONIONS. CELERY. POTATOES. 25 MILES PORTLAND. PAVED ROAD If vou understand growing these, have a proposition to offer that cannot be duplicated; IS acres, all told; 5-room modern bungalow, barn and other out buildings, family orchard, lOVa acres potato land, 1 acre wood. acres of finest quality beaverdam; under man agement of the right man first crop will more than pay for place; price $5100, $1500 to $2i00 first payment, balance 3 years, 6 per cent. We have samples of the land at our office. Come in and see and learn why this place is for sale. HARRIS & MAXWELL. Main 2831. 304 Ry. Ex. Bldg. DON'T FORGET THIS ONE. A good farm, two miles from Newberg, within 200 yards of the west side high way, gently rolling land with about 7fi or 80 acres In cultivation; S acres of prunes, 7 years old; family orchard, spring and spring creek; some timber and some bottom land; this place has easy access to transportation and high school, also market ; it can be had at $150 per acre, with part cash. SEE ANYONE AT SPERLING A HANNA'S OFFICE. 204 CORBETT BUILDING. A CHOICE HOME. 62 acres in famous Tualatin valley, main road runs through farm; 10 miles from courthouse. Portland ; 23 acres In cultivation, balance In pasture; running water 6-room bungalow, large barn, out building, windmill; fruit and berries; price $250 per acre; $15,625 Will take Portland property for part payment and make good terms. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 4th st. 14 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 20 very desirable acres with splendid 7-room house, good as new; barn and outbuildings ; berries, fruit; paved road w:ithin H mile of place; gravel road to place. A genuine snap to close an estate. A fine proposition for a man who has a good position in town. Red cars to city; 30 minutes by auto. Price $6500. With terms. HARRIS A MAXWELL. Main 2831. 304 Ry. Exch. Bldg. CLOSE-IN FARM. 38 acres choice level land, 34 acres In cultivation, 4 acres pasture, 6-room house and barn, outbuildings in good condition, fruit, berries, grapes, an ele gant home; 12H miles Portland; good road; price $0o0; half cash, bal. long time at 6 per cent. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 165 4th St. 42 ACRES level land, 60 miles from Port land, m miles rrom town, on . . . route; 28 acres plow land, bal. first-class pasture: all fenced and cross-fenced ; good house and bam. milk house, root house, well, lots of fruit and berries. People getting old and want to retire. Wm. McKlnley. box 222. Castle Rock, Wash. Phone 193. WE HAVE more than 600 farms listed for sale or trade ranging from 1 to 6000 acres, some extra choice proposltlona If you contemplate locating In Oregon or Washington It will pay you to Investi gate our ast. iu auios at your disposal. Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 627 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. FOR SALE One of the best 80-acre farms in the Slletz valley, 3 miles from town on good road, all level, river bottom: 40 acres under cultivation, 15 in pasture; some stock goes witn place; price S5OO0. half cash, balance can be raised on place from land bnara or rarra loan assn. Write or see rea Koraiveat, Toledo, Or, YAKIMA valley garden and fruit. 10 acres. deep loam soil, all tn cultivation, to garden and fruit, river front, nice 3- room house, sleeping porch, outbuildings, tio. rood well, government irrigation: price $3000 Central Yakima Ranches Co.. 512 Selling bldg. Main 4393. 30 ACRES good land, new place; 4 acres cleared, fenced: 25 young fruit trees. berries; good house, barn, root house. chicken house on main roaa. i town. This is a snap at $2300, $1000 down, bai to suit. Wm, McKlnley. box 222, Castle Rock, w asn. SPECIAL BARGAIN. $750 cash buys splendid 85 acres wheat land ix. Gilliam county, near Gwendolen r R. station, r or run particulars write to Mr. Roppo, 221 Eastlake ave.. Seattle, Wash. ONLY 16 miles from Portland, 67 acres, dairy and chicken ranch r-36 acres in cultivation. 7 acres orchard, close to town and school; fair buildings, stock and implements and feed. E. E. Knick rehm. Oregon City. Or. R. 4. box 42. 360 ACRES, unimproved, near Goldendale. Wash.; $3600. Also 160 acres. Imp., in Fort Rock valley. Lake county. Or.. $2400; exchange for California property. 18 Breeze ave.. Venice. Cal. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, good soil, H tillable; employ ment; easv terms. Jesse R. Sharp e. S3t Third St. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to S200 per acre, easy terms: best soil. Farms for sals, all sizes. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. LAND FOR SALE 320 ACRES EXCEL lent tarm iana in soutnern Aioena, Canada. Peder P. DahL Crary. K. Dak. R. F. . 1. Box 1. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale BENTON COUNTY FARM LANDS ARE WHAT YOU WANT AND ARE NEAR OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIONS OF BIG AND LITTLE FARMS. OUR BEST SMALL FARMS. 84-ACRE RIVER-BOTTOM FARM. This farm is 1 miles from Corvallls. on main road ; 75 acres high-class land in cultivation; 35 acres In potaso, pro duced over $10,000 worth this year. This is the sandy loam soil you will like to handle. The improvements consist of big new barn. 35x60 tholds 60 tons of hay . 80-ton concrete silo good horse barn, machine sheds, hog house, hen house and other outbuildings. The house Is of 5 rooms and rather old. This' place is absolutely the best buy in a close-in place around here. Price $13,500. OUR BEST 40-ACRE TRACT. 39 acres in cultivation; 1 acre in oak grove land la all well drained and is good productive soil; place Is well fenced, on gravel road. 1 mile to school; fine family orchard and berries; improve ments consist of fine 7-room plastered bungalow, full concrete basement, press ure water system, fireplace, bath, toilet, hot and cold water and acetylene light ing system; barn 30x40; good chicken house 40x60 with concrete floor; hog house, smoke house and machine shed. 15 acres seeded. Price $8500; half cash, balance 6 per cent. PROSPECTIVE CHICKEN RANCH. 2t1- acres, located 5 miles from Inde pendence; all in cultivation; lies fine with enough roll to drain well. Woven wire fence; 1 mile to school and electric station, good 6 room house; barn 24x30, 1 -acre family orchard. This is on good gravel road and a snap at $3750. 21-ACRE BERRY OR CHICKEN FARM. All is cultivated; is nice lying piece of land and is fertile: about 5 miles from Philomath; mile from school on grav el road ; acre of orchard. 6-room farm house, dandy barn, hen house with big scratching shed, milk house, etc.; build ings worth $1500 at very least. Pries for all is a snap at $2750. 25 ACRES FOR BERRIES AND FRUIT. 20 acres of this place are in cultiva tion and in crop; has a fine family orchard of 2 acres; nice creek through the place; old. poor set of buildings; only 1 mile from town of 5lK; 8 miles from Corvallis. This is worth the money. " Price $3000. Remember that when you buy near Corvallis you can give your children an education at O. A. C; also remember that Benton county has a hustling coun ty agent to help her farmers and that Benton county is building her roads to accommodate her own people. Our road programme we believe to be tne neat ior home folks of any in Oregon. Investi gate Benton county and Corvallis. Let us send you a booklet telling facts about Benton county; also our descriptions of farms we have for sale that have been personally inspected. KINNEY A CO.. Benton County's Leading Farm Salesmen, CORVALLIS, OH., Home of O. A. C. FOR SALE. LEBANON. OREGON. FARMS AND PRUNE ORCHARDS. acres, 2 miles out of Lebanon, graveled roads. 16 acres of fine prunes; 70 acres in cultivation, one-half river bottom; two Thomas dryers, 6-room house, barn 40x60. and other outbuild ings; the income for the last two years waa over $14,000. The owner is an old man and retired ; the first time on the marker the best buv In Linn county. Come and see this place at once. It's a snap at $2uo per acre; $SoO0 cash, bal ance own long time at 6 per cent lOO acres, all In cultivation, fenced in different fields, woven wire; good house, 8 rooms, 4 barns 24x42. 32x62; machine shop 20x36, cow barn 24x42. Fruit cellar; all level, drained land, graveled road, R. F. D.. telephone, cream and milk route; the improvements are fine; 7 miles to Lebanon, one mile to shipping station and school and two miles to high school; ideally located, price $150 per acre; $10.0uo cash, bal ,ance own time at 6 per cent; come and see this if you want a real farm. 141 acres, 9 miles from Lebanon, H, mile to store, postofflce and school; good graveled roads, nice laying, drained land, good Improvements. house ten rooms, fireplace, barn 40x60. shed on one side, wood house 16x20. smoke house 14x16. good wells; all buildings painiea; woven wire; running water; this is sure a good place; price $14,000. $8000 cash, balance 6 per cent. 18 acres three miles out, good grav eled road, 4-room box house, good lit tle barn, chicken house. 3 acres straw berries; a good buy at $1800, $1200 cash, balance at 6 per cent. 80 acres, 50 acres river bottom, balance bench land, ten miles out; 25 acres In cultivation. In river bottom; 6-room bungalow, good little barn, garage and other outbuildings; two fine mares, 1-year-old filly, and 1-year-old horse, six good cows, three heifers. 15 head of sheep, sow and pigs, seed and feed and ail equipments; R. F. D. and telephone, cream and milk route; this is first-class fruit, potato and berry land; school 4 mile. If you want a good place, worth the money, you better see this one right away; price $5000, $4000 cash, balance 6 per cent. M. I SOUTHARD SON, LEBANON. OREGON. MODERN FARM HOME FULLY EQUIPPED. 60 acres, 35 acres in high state of cultivation, balance in pasture; abund ance of first-growth red fir timber for domestic use , all tillable ; the best of loam soli; fenced and cross fenced; 8-room modern house, full set of white porcelain plumbing, water piped from large spring to house and barn ; almost new barn and silo; also second barn for implements and young cattle; large double-walled cellar; separator room, and woodshed; large chicken house and park ; family orchard in full beartnK. small fruits of all kinds; team of 3-year-old Fereheron colts, also driving mare. 7 aood dairy cows, 1 heifer. -O. I. C. brood iow will farrow soon. 6 full-blood O. I. C. shoats, 100 chickens. wagon, harness. 2 racks, cream sepa rator. 2 Diowt. 2 harrows, mower, .rake, cultivator, hay fork fully equipped, wood cut for winter use, about 20 tons of hay. 2O0 bushels of grain, apples, need nntatneK. and all small tools: includlnc household furniture consisting of 3 bedroom suites, complete dining room set. carpets, rugs, couch, range, kitchen utensils, etc. Only 44 miles from good Columbia river town. 12 miles from Vancouver; on good auto road, in t thickly settled and prosperous com munlty with all rural advantages. Pries $8800: terms. THOMPSON. SWAN LEE. 3d and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 116 acres, all in cultivation except 10 acres of grub oak timber: this place Is gently rolling land in a good locality yt mile from the west side highway and 2 miles from the state normal school at Monmouth; buildings are good; the bam is not painted, but the paint is on hand for this; all stock, machinery, hav and grain goes with It: 60 Acres are in crop. 10 acres are in clover. The Valley A Siletz R. R. runs across one side and a station Is on the place. The stock con sists of 5 horses, 5 cows. 1 yearling, 1 2-year-old, 1 calf, a brood sow. 6 shoats and a lot of chickens. The price Is $125 per acre, cash. This Is an excellent place and Is at the right price. SEE ANYONE AT SPERLING A HANNA'S OFFICE. 204 CORBETT BLDG. FARM SNAPS. $110 per acre. Beaverton : 80 acres, lies fine, paved road, joining land sells at $250 per acre. $4500. 68 acres. Sherwood district: fine land. 15 acres cultivated. $4500. 40 acres, Estacada. Improved f tfrm ; furnished house. barn, stock, equipment: fine for stock. $2700. 27 acres. 12 miles Portland, small house, barn, sprrhg. creek. Large Farms Small Acreages. CHAS. RINOLER A CO.. 225 Henry bldg. AN IDEAL HOME. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 28 acres, extra choice land; all In cul tivation. 9-room house, barn, outbuild ings, good condition, all kinds of fruit and berries, grapes; 1 team horses, cow. 40 chickens, wagon, nuggy ana an nec essary tool. Implements; 13 miles from Portland courthouse: good road ; price $0000; half cash. bal. 6 per cent; this Is a fine home R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 165 4thst. BIG CROPS NEXT TEAR. This weathe" will soon moderate. We will have spring, green grass and flow ers; big crops alw.nv follow deep snow and cold weatner we win ne pieasea to tell yOU SOOUl m Mile i ma Oliu i age we havs. witn stock and equipment. -a anmn with sma ii payment down Then when the snow is gone we will be r leased to show you any of these fin nlaces. John Ferguson. Gerllnger bldg iPPI.ES AND BERRIES. 60-acre bearing orchard. SO acres In apples. 10 acres in loganberries and rasp berries a big paying proposition; at Molalla In the heart of Willamette val-oy- price $20,000. with desirable terms. If "you are looking for this kind of a proposition you can't find better. Platted in lO-arre tracts for subdivision. HARRIS A MAXWELL. Main 2Wl. 304 Ry. Ex. Bldg. r w f Koin tr rented, am ready to take new nosit'on as manager for big farm. Am 1 a practical livestock man and modern farmer well acquainted with power j farming and land clearing. Address AV . 24. Oregon Ian. Z if-wtra fiood soil, fruit, bulldlnes. 1 near electric and employment; 13 miles from ortiano. Terms easy, i I BC 74. Oregonlan. I REAL EST A TE. For Sale Faxnts. ATTENTION, MR. PRUNE MAN. 113 acres. 50 acres in lull bearing Italinn prunes, in best condition ; 1 tunnel drier with 27-ton capacity, would cost $15,000 to replace, and prune ware house, 5 acres in timber tvery valu able for drier purposes), balance in high state of cultiv at ion ; the very best of rich, loam noil, no rock or grael; lo cated in the famous Prune Hill dis trict; large family orvhurd in full bear ing, good comfortable house; also 2 extra houses for lnrd help; Isfrge barn and silo, and &1I npivssarv outbuild ings; teams. 2 wagons. 3 plows, disc, harrow, mower, rake, spraying outfit, j 3 cows, some young stock, chickens and ' small tools: on mam countv road over- t looking Columbia river. Portland and Vancouver: 1 1 mil s from Vancouver; 1 ls miles from railroad station. Price $40. Otto; terms. THOMPSON. SWAN A LEE. 3d and Main Sts. Vancouver. Wash. 40 ACRES A-l alfalfa land, near main line R. P.. town. Umatilla Co. Would seil now for less than half what it will be worth a few months hence when water is delivered. Address 2.2 N. 20th St., Salem. Or. 12lt-ACRE farm on Clackamas river; fine bottom land; rlrst-c.ass improvements. Main 6410. 1205 Wilcox building. WANTED REAL ESTATE. $2,2S2.0OO WORTH OF HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1. 1110. So3 HOMES. This organization can sell houses. Every house listed is Inspected, photo graphed and appraised by Prank L. Mc guire personally, and report made oo your house without charge. You know that 12 real estate salesmen with auto mobiles, working in a well-organized of fice, which spends thousands and thous ands of dollars annually advertising homes exclusively must get results. We are in touch wit h the majority of buy ers. LIST YOUR HOME WITH US FOR RESULTS. SEE FRANK Ifc McGCIRE. TO SELL YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. WE HAVE had a very successful business this season, having sold many homes, and are now in need of mo"e to sell. If you care to sell yours, call on us on the phone or call at office and we will in spect your property. We have a staff oi experienced real estate salesmen, and have had manv years' experience in handling Portland real or t ate. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632. 033. i;t4 N. W. Hank bldg Main 37S7. WANT houses from $4000 to $'i000. We are selling a number of houses in the better districts. Let us know if you have a house in a Kood restricted district in price from 4itK to $riuoo and we can Insure you a speedy eale. See or phone Mr. Oliver with Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 0th St. Hdwv. 43Sk FINE HOME WANTED. Not to exceed $35,000; must have a!out an acre of ground and at least li-room house; state location: give full description; positively no agents. East 20MJ. WEST SIDE HOME WANTED. Want large, modern west side home up to $.'i0.0v0 value, as part pay on fine tarm of 3TO acres, less than 20 miles from Portland, worth $45,000. LU EDO E MANN COMPANY. i13 Chambef or Commerce. WANTED PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTY. Will pay rash to $30,000. Will take up foreclosure. 224 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak. WANT cultivated suburban tract, one to three acres, with or without buildings; must be on good road and close to elec tric line. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of Commerce. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and Bee us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Main 2035. Main 4477 WANT 6 or 7-room house In Rose City, Sunnys!de or Hawthorne; will pay J35o0 to $4000 cash. Must have quick posses sion. Tabor IGoO. WE have buyers for cheap acreage, 10 or more acres close to Portland that can be sold on small payment down, rang lng around $100 to $150 an acre. HARRIS & MAXWELL. Main 2!;;i. 304 Ry. Ex. Bldg. I WILL pay spot cash for modern 5-room bungalow, Hawthorne. Sunnyside or Rose City. Prompt attention given. A. K. Hill. 215 Lumbermens bldg. Phone Broadway 421. No agents. WANTED To buy small house or 3 or 4 rooms with bath: have from $200 to $500 to pay down ; must be near car line and not over $1800. Address AO 733. Oregonlan. HAVE a cash buyer for 5 to 10 acres of real beaverdam and ; must he good. C. H. WOODWARD. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bdg. QUARTER BLOCK WEST SIDE, north of TAVL.OK. LAM Of ' i:un (rm ana south of Hovt: NO INFLATED VAL UES. Poindexter. 20S Selling building. Main 100. DON'T LOSE YOUR PROPERTY. If your mortgage is foreclosed, don't lose out, but see me at once; I will give a good trade for your equity. S 500. regonian. HAVE cliont looking for good Investment, west side business property ; must show either good income or have great fu ture. Poindexter. 208 Selling building. Main IN"". SELL your own property; save commis sions, new plan; quick: results; free book tells how. Simplex. dept. 101. 112 i Broad wa v. New York. WANTED Someone with 5 or 8-room modern house in good location that will sell at the right price for cash, furnished or unfurnished. Phone Tabor 2850. Wa.nTED Home of 5 or 6 rooms; give full description. location and price; prefer buying from owner direct. X 320. Oregonlan. FARMS, ACREAGE. CITY PROPERTY. 1 have ten buyers to one bargain. B. F. KELLY, Swetland bldg Main 7776. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO SELLT WE SELL THEM TRY US. MacINNES & PRATT. Main 3t. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE few buyers for west side houses, between Madison and Caruthers sts. Call or phone John Singer. 420 Chamber of Comm-rce bldg. Main 0478. WOULD like to buy modern, well-located home of seven or eight rooms from $7500 to $10,000. Edgar Brayfield, P. O. box 4. city. WANTED to buy bungalow from owner, price about $;tono or $:i500; all cash . hardwood floors and furnace. Call Wdln. 1570. WANTED to buy or rent 5 or 6-room bun galow with garage. Rose City Park or Piedmont preferred. Small cash pay ment down. Tabor 7510. WANTED To lease 100x100 for auto re pair business, west side preferred, north of Burnslde. T 481, Oregonian. WANTED 6 or 7-room house, between Montgomery and Caruthers. Henry W. Goddard. 243 Stark St. WANTED 'Modern house in restricted dis tricts, or good building lot. G 687. Ore- gonian. REAL HPT ATE EXCHANGE will buy exceptional good bargains. 325 Railway Exchange Bldg., 3d and Stark. FIVE or 6-room house. What have you to offer for cash? State location and price. Give particulars. BC 56. Oregonian. WANTED 7 or 8-room modern residence on west side up to $I0.O00. Henry W. Ooddard. 243 Stark St. I CAN PAY $75 as first payment on a house, balance by month ; not particular what district. V 851. Oregonian. I WANT a home in Hawthorne or Rich mond district ; prefer bungalow, fairly modem ; terms. Y 26, Oregonian. I AM looking for a home in Rose City; want five rooms or more; fair payment down. AM 156. Oregonlan. I AM in the market for house; want some thing cheap: will pay $50 down, balance monthly. S 504, Oregonian. HAVE $100 as first payment on a house. What have you 7 v Oregonian. TWO choice R. C P ots. $2000. and cs for bungalow Marshall 4138 WANT house: give lot as part pax-ment. ellzbi . 1 t to st. Aiain iya. WANTED Good building lots In Rose City Park or Irvington. AH S00, Oregonian. WANTED Lot In Rossmere, Rose City Park or Laurelhurst. Tabor b741. 10 ACRES, clear, near Tualatin for house equity; good location. Call East 6:: 0. Farms Wanted. WANTED Farms in the Willamette val ley, within 50 miles Portland, if price is reasonable can sell quickly; have many clients looking for farms. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 105 4th st. HAVE sold my farm and must give pos session by Jan. 1, want from 1 to 5 acres handv to car. not over 20 miles Portland AC 20S. Oreiron'an. WANT 30 50 acres good land with hulldfnes. near school; can pay $4000 cash. AC 2l. Oregonian, -REAL ESTATE. tsrmi Wanted. FARM OWXRR.-fl If you furnishe us with farms w w1 furnish you with buyers. Send us ooir plete description of your farm, its prJ and terms. Small improved farms in Kr demand and larger farms, if rUl " priced, are readily sold, Out-of-the-S uUi-iS not rirc.lrH " 1. E. A. L1NDGREN. Savon Land Co.. i35 N. W. Bank bldjr. WANT GOOD FARMS. In Clackamas or Wash ins ton counties. Clarke county. Wash., or valtev farms 40 to 300 acres ; prefer places stocked and equipped. Have eastern buyers now lu city and others coming. Address J. ROBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7181. FARMS WANTED. S families from out of the state wait ing for the snow to go off. want smUi1 farms 20 to 4t acres in Willamette v ley. with improvements. If you ha such a place let me hear from you at once. D. McCHESNEY, 304 V Oak st: Bro:idway 20tV FARMS WANTED. Several buj ers waiting for farms to $25,000; two for farms to $70,PXM. Prefer slocked and equipped properties. For REAL SERVICE send description and particulars to OTIS C. BECK. 525 Henry building. Marshall 55S. SMALL FARMS WANTED. We have several buyers for small farms, wit h stock and equipment, from 30 to JO acres, with half, or more under cultivation. We can guarantee you Quick action on such places. John Ferguson. Geriinger bldg. 1 WANT a small dairy and grain farm, fairly close to town and shipping point on good road; mut have some improve ments, with or without stock and ma chinery; state price separately, with best price and terms. Address O. A, Pearce. Oswego. Or. W E have buyers for f irst-ciass farms or orchards at right price. Please submit us complete details". LONG-ESTAHLISH ED- -RELIABLE SERVICE. A. K. HILL CO.. 215 Lumberm e ns bldg. FARM WANTED FOR CASH. 15o acres preferred. H in cultivation, within a radius of 15 miles of Portland. Would consider more or less. Must be good soil and priced right. 224 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak. HAVING come to Oregon from Illinois with famly would like to hear from owner of farm aboil SO to 120 acres tor sale. Will buy good place and equipment. Can make good cash payment and balance next fall. V 7:1 . Oregon i an. HAVE a cash buyer for 5 to 10 acres of real beaverdam land; must be good. C. H. WOODWARD. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Hldg. WANTED Small farms, 40 to SO acres, along or near the paved highways, any direction from the city, for waiting clients. No Inflated prices considered. B S. Cook. 601 Stock Exchange. HAVE YOU A FARM TO BELLt WE SELL THEM TRY US. MaclNNESS & PRATT. 413 Board of Trade. Portland. Or. Wauted to Rent Farms, HAVK partv with $3000 cash; also party with $sooo cash; want to buy an eo.u?pped dairy and lease farm. See H. A. DRYER. 'The Acreage Man," 5Q1 Lewis Bldg. PARTY having practical experience and technical training wishes to lease im proved orchard farm. R, W. Miller. Pocatello, Idaho. STOCK or dairy ranch, near Medford or Grants Pass; must be fully equipped, stock, etc.. on ground. AR 970, Orego nian. WANT about 10 acres, all cultivated, with some fruit and house, near Portland. P SI 3. Oregonlan. TniBER LANDS. I WANT A SAWMILL.. I own a stock ranch of 815 acres, about 50 miles from Portland; good fences and buildings, good roads, school, etc. Price Is $30.oO0. incumbrance $10. 750; will trade for a mill; what havi, vou? AM 157. Oregonlan. SAWMILL interest for sale cheap to meet other obligations, cutting 25.000 ft. daliv at $S net profit, making $5ooo clear profit monthly; good salary Included, near city and plenty of local cars. V 71. uegonian. im , lim ACRES GOOD FIR TIMBER. WILL CRUISE AROUND 50.000 000 b LET. LO CATED BENTON COUNTY. OREGON. NEAR TRANSPORTATION. OREGON BONI & MRTGAGE CO.. 2QS SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. FOR SALE Fine 20-M Russell mill: also OUilO Seattle donkey. full logging i . Karp.ln nrlr and term. F K Bowman A Co.. 218 Chamber of Commerce. . I WANT a small sawmill with some timber- would turn In. as first payment, oquity In 40 acres In Clarke county. Wash., partly Improved; balance from lumber cut. S 441. Oregonian. FALLING and bucking contract to let. good ground, good timber; 80 cents per thousand. Lammera Bros., Cottage Grove. Oregon. HAVE a tract of well-located second growth timber on rock road, close to siding; will furnish logs to party with small mill. A. C. 1311 K. 14th st. ARE vou interested in ued logging equip ment? Accessible and in good condi tion. Write us at once. P 622, Orego nlan. 46 CRES and 14.000.000 merchantable lumber for sale, in Twp. 40. 1 West, Jackson Co.. Or. AV 601. Oregonlan. FIR timber. 5 to 20 million ft. Pay as cut. We have good mill. Address P. O. Box 2M7. Stat Ion A. TIMBER land to trade for equities, S 40, Oregonlan. LOGGING contract wanted, equipment must be furnished. X 329. Oregonlan. CORD WOOD for sale on good road close to town. N 17a, Oregonian. PILING tisnber wanted for winter work. O. V. Gamble. Couch bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. ARM FOR RENT PERSONAL PROP ERTY FOR SALE. Will rent this 50 acres, with 40 acres in cultivation, being Columbia river bot tom soil: old house and barn, located 7 miles from Porttand, near Park Rose; rent $5O0. , m m Personal property consists of 3 Morses. 2 cows. 2 sows, 8 shoats, 8 pigs and complete list of farm machinery. Price $1200 cash. H. A. DRYER. The Acreage Man." B0S-509 Lewis Bldg. GARDEN LAND TO RENT. 20 cres, all cultivated; 2-room house, large barn, tools and equipment; $350 year. CHAS. RINOLER CO., 225 Henry bldg. RANCH 180 acres, for rent, stock for sale- 50 acres bottom, tillable land; re mainder pasture; 24 miles to Toledo. Or.: small amount of money will handle. V.nv 1 Tfi. TolfO, Or. TO FXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. ALBERTA. CANADA. -640 acres, all tillable; fine set of build ings; house, barn, double garage, ma chine sheds, granary and all necessary outbuildings. Good wire fences cJOB? to school and town. This Is one of the best farms in the entire neighborhood and has never been offered before. Cash price $36.50 an acre. Exchange for Port land property or close-in acreage. C. M. DOLLAR H IDE, 807-8-0 Lewis bldg. 6 000 000 FEET timber and 160 acres Tarn ' hili county to exchange for unimproved land suitable for cultivation. . Owner, 2 V. S Bank bldg. TO EXCHANGE 100 acres good land In Lane county, 4Vj miles to R. R. and small town, for Portland property; value $:u0. Woodlawn 2046. INCOME busings property or apartment 'rouse wanted in exchange for fully equipped modern farm; will assume, V 7 10. Oregonlai. I HAV E a tractor and 3 plows that I paid $MoOO fr new one "ear -go, and will trade my equity of $1000 for good lot in cty, clear. Main 3401 Monday. stuCK ranch, "60 acres, in Willamette valley price $25. Will take a $40nO home on it as part pay; will give soma time on balance. Owner at Main 3401. FUR SALE or trade. 120 acres land, Laks Co Or., near Lakeview. Ollie Madi son Box 350. Ang leton. Te xas. 80 ACRES. 35 in apple orchard, 6000 boxes this year, commercial varieties. Free and clear; no junk. AC 3 1 4, Oregonian. 73x143 LOT, Multnomah station, to trade for first payment on house. Address 28 Willamette blvd.- or R 20b, Oregonlan. SOME cash, home, Los Angeles, $900; lots, peninsula $500; acreage, iO0, for coun try home, Gresham direction. East 205Q. 160 ACRES of timber, trade for smaller acreage, city lot. stump or walnut land. Y 83, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE Good business corner on Alberta ureei, win mi 5 or 6-room bungalow. Woodlawn 2044. 2 FLATS, always rented; want auto or lots as part. Main 1203. 8-ROOM house: fireplace: want lot as part payment. 100 H Fourth. BY OWNER 7-room house for smaller houce or auto. Call Main 427. 1