G THE SUNDAY" OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. DECE3IRER 14. 1919. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for rnady reference, for rates by the month or year, or 'oilier information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095. House29. Al'HUCMASiTS. JULIUS P.. BLACK, accountant, auditor. bpeeialiKt uii involved accounts, iludern system ilt-lalled, maintained. Pi tock block. Telephone Broadway 1. ALTERATIONS. BKMOUEUNii, refitting and altering la !''' Karmtuts, price.-. reaonaole. worK guaranteed. i. Reubins, ladies' tauor, -.ii Hush & Lane building. ASij-WKKS AM) ANALYSTS. Montana assay office. 142 Second- Uolrt. silver ami platinum bought. CAKI KT WEAVING. I53JRO The kind that wear the best are II UUO mpde Irum your worn-out carpets by the Northwest hug Co. (former ad dress 153 Union av.) Hag rug. woven, all pizes. Carpet cleaning, retinitis and resizing .Mail orders voliuiled. 1SS E. nth st. Phone East 3580. B lO. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Hug's, all tdzes Mail orders prompt. Send lor Booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned. $1 .50. FLL'KF Ki.'G CO.. ..4-5ft Union ave. N. East 6516. B 14T5. t l-.LI.t Loll) Bl'ITOXS. THE IRWIX-HODSUX COMPANY, 3HT Washington. Broadway 434, A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. 300,01)0 KNOW McMahon, 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment easl eat, best, permanent. 31 "treats" tlo. Tel. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello De Veny. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists In the city. Parlors 302 Ger llnger bldg.. S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corns, bun ions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swclland Mdg., 5th & Wash. Main 1081. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO., 1510-11-12 Roval building Marshall 5822. Multigraphing, mimeographing and mall advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1T08. No collections, no charge. Estab. 1900. DANCING. YOU can never learn dancing by taking private lessons from inferior teachers in small rooms or in short class lessons with no partners to practice with; you must have practice and learn to lead. Call at De Honey's beautiful dancing academy, 23d ai.d Washington: we guar antee to teach you to dance in 8 three hour lessons; ladies 92.50, gentlemen $5. New classes for beginners start Monday and Friday evenings. Advanced classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desirable partners and practice. No embarrassment. Private lessons all hours. My latest book de scribing all dunces, ballroom etiquette, etc.. free for pupils. No doubt one les on from us is worth six in the average school. See my ad on page 3, section 1. today. Phone Main 7656. KATHKRINE M ROW N smarnntees te teach ail latest ballroom dances in 12 strictly priate lessons. Learn to d-i-tce where each pupil receives p. rs nal attention. Hours. 10 A. M. to lu P. M. 12 private lessons, $5; 6 lea sons, $3. 603 Kller'a bldg.. bet. 4th and ith on Wash. st. Main 5004. LEARN TO DANCE. 12 private lessons. $5: 4 lessons. $2. 808 Ellers bldg.. bet. 4th and 5th on Washington st. Main 5004. MRS. SUMMER'S Berkeley dancing a.ad emy, 120 4th. Lessons dav, eve.; claxs Thurs. Ladles (2.50, gents .". Main 3318. MRS. BAYH, 308 Dekum bldg. 10-class lesson, $5. Beginners Mon. eve. Private lessons day and eve. Main 1345. ELNORA FLECK Ballet, technique, toe; nature oriental dancing: babies a spe cialty. 120 4th St. Main 3318. BALLROOM and stage dancing. Miss Dor othy Rasmussen, 610 Ellers bldg. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, 1 415 East Seventh. East 1847, B 1962. HEMSTITCHING. K. STEI'HAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat.1 buttons covered; mall orders. 219 Pittock blk. Broadway 1020. WHOLESALERS AND GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AN D CAPS. THAN HA USER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. HIOES. WOOL AND CASCAKABAKK. KAHN BROS.. 185 Front St. PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86-87-80 Front St. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 68-70-72 Front St., Portland. PAINTS. OILS AND. GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN A CO.T8eond and Taylor. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCIES. Wm. Goldman. General Manager. NATIONA1 LIFE OF VERMONT. Oregonian Bldg. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6095 Bates tor Classified ADvertisements la The Oreqonian.. UaUr tmnd bunas?- Par Un. On lln Itc Two cenverutiv timet. ........... llkree uuiiwutivr timet ..hJr hrten voiinectitive tluirs 63c A lie luuuMina vitutntiK-ationa rxcepU 1 tu rair ul liu itt I per iuc per iaj: bitiiatioo tlaatrd Male. Mituatiiaa Utuutal euuiie. No wi taken lor le lumi to Ui):. Count mix Morilfc to Ulc liuf. AdvrrtntUfiiU teit-rpl "fertton !" HkU be tea over the tett-pUou ti tue Jvrriii.;r oubscnorr to r.tUfr tUotie o prkf taui oe jjuotei over the phone but u.tt?meuL mU t rcuUrred tue iolio ins d . Adver tLvuaut are Ukcu lor The Ltil Ore MuULun uutil t i. Ai. ; lor Abe Suu ua oirsuuuiu uutii 0 t. Ai. &aturaa OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cru elty to animals. Office room. 153 courthouse i'hone Main 378 from 8 A. il. to a V. M. The society hns full charge of the city pound at its home. 535 Columbia boulevard. Phone any time. Wood lawn 74. Dugs for sale. Horse am bulance for sick or disabled horses, bmali aiiimuls painle.-wly electrocuted when necessary, and stray anluia.a cared for. NKW TODAY. LIBERAL LOANS. TVe loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc. F. E. BOW MAN & CO.. 210 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 306 STORAGE SPACE Investigate Onr Plant and Rates Why assume expensive leases under present hiah costs? CLAY S. MORSE. INC Draynice and Storage. 121B nnd Gllass. Phone Bdwy. 3470. FOR MORTGAGE LOANS See Oregon Investment A Mortgage Co. JL'i'i Chamber oi Commerce. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. ..l.H.ELECTEIC CO. i 31 N. 1st. Portland. Or. Rewind- vjif A ing ana eiecirjcai repairxna VSs specialty. See u about new or 3 used motors. 3dwy.l045. A 10-tB 11AKI)UOOI FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old houbtu Port land Hardwood Floor Co.. 187 W. Park. IRON WOKKa. PHIJE.V1X IRON "WORKS. Engineers, founders, mechanics, bolier. miners, bol.er and Diacksmith shop. Of fice and works. Hawthorne ave and East Tlilrl at. JEWELRY. WE MANUFACTURE genuine Jade Jew eiry in 24-karat gold mountings: we also manufacture Chinese character sig net rings; repair watches and other Jew elry; our prices are reasonable and our work is guaranteed. oriental Jewelry Co., 422 Washington st- MUSIC. OHEtiON Conservavoiy school) of Music. 2d floor Ru.-j-e.i hidg lover the "Lion" I. entrance 105 S 4L1 St.. cor. of Moi rison. OPTICIANS. NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLE?. Dr George itubenstein, the veteran op tician, still fits the best eyeglasses at very moderate prices. Tories, Kryptoks, also the cheaper grades. 22tl Morrison. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Tbou- aauas ox saustiea ciuwuicid. a trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man. optometrist. 2UM Morrison. M. 2124- JPATKNTS. PATENTS Send sketch or model for pre liminary examination. Booklet free. Highe.t reference., best result, prompt ne.it, assured. Watson f. Coleman, fat ent Lawyer. 624 t su. AvashlnaLoa. LC- PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years" experience U. 3. and foreign patents. 601 lekum bldg. GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bldg. M. 2525. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, stomach, bowet, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. 1 PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE! prices, starke-uavis Co.. ax oq. -ax. i. PRINTING. ; KEYSTONE PRESS. J. K. Gantenbeln, Manager. Printing and linotyping. 100 H Front St.. corner Stark. Main or A 1418. DDiluTHuf! F W. BALTES & COMPANY. rflllillilO 1st and Oak sls.M.165. A 1165. PAINTING. C. H. TERR1LL7 house, sign painting, pa pering. tinting. Tabor 2011. 310 E.44th. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. 21 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything in the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main 9070. A 7174. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU, , 6oi Dekum bldg.U.S., foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The Service With a Reputation." MOVING PACK'G STORAGE BAGGAGE 13th and Kearney. Branch 08 V4 Bdwy. ftiliNt BOWr. 3303 OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Qlisan St., corner 13th. Phone Broadway 1281 or 1109. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the city FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OI.SBN TRANSFER CO., 248 Pine. PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 105 PARK ST. MAIN 6195. A 1051. WOOD AND COAL. OREGON FUEL CO. Block and slab mixed; partly dried. Woodlawn 4102. MANUFACTURERS MILL SUPPLIES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 68-70-72 Front st.. Portland. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86-87-89 Front st- THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANtT 68-70-72 Front St.. Portland. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEHDIXG & FARRELU. 140 Front st! HOPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., Front and Morrison. NEW TODAT. WjK caix for volb old CAKPUTS, Rnri and oolen Clothlatv. W e lake Beaaifful fianil-t utp FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Oat rrompllr Has Husss Unts All Slsea Mail Order. Send for Booklet, ttrscla leaned. Laid and tie. fitted. NORTHWEST RUG CO. 1HX Ecu atk St. Pkone laxt 35M Portland Rug Company MANUFACTURERS OF FLUFF RUGS "THKKE'S A DIK FKKKNCE. WE W fc.W K A I.I. SIXES I BOTH rLt rr . if t. i tn. ft Call for Your Old Caroeta. Vurk Will Bp Returned "rromutl.v." tlail Ortlem tilven Prompt Atteution. WIS CLEAN CAKPETS. Portland Rug Company 1672 Kast Seventeenth Street. . hone B 13..4. Kither Pa-ific or Horn. SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS OIH ffntrv and V1ei. flothlntr. f r Make Keverslble. Hand - Wot FLUFF RUGS Tarf near l.llae -Iron. Hall Orders. stand for Booklet. Rac ttuara Wovea. All Sixes. Carpet Cleaning vi2 Kuata. Steam Cleaned, 91.54), WES IKHN 1 LI KK HUti t'O, CU laws Ave. . fc.a ai 147 G rages l ai! lor Illustrated Price l.it. 20S BECK BLDG.. Broadway nnd Oak Phone Broadway 14 Sam CcnDeH Lnmber Co. FOR LEASE April 1st. 1930. HOTEL ST. PAUL Formerly Hotel Belvldere, AT FOURTH AND ALDER STREETS. SEE OWNERS At 301 McKay Building. Main 1004. MORTGAGE LOANS farahall 4114. A 4118. Inprovnl city and farm property. Iaata4luieat repayment privilege tt preferred prompt, reliable aerv.ee A. H. BIRRELL CO. $17-2111 northwestern IS ante Buildiaa. JTEW TODAY. iea uurver a la UT1BUIHBD 1RBX ON TUESDAY NEXT AVK SHALL HOLP OIR REGrLAR SALE Of HOISKHOLD FIR.VISH I"iS. REGAKDLGSSi OF THE WEATHER. SO COME AND WE WILL HAVE SO MB BARGAINS TO OFFER VOli AUCTION AT lO A. M. AT THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE. ON THURSDAY NEXT WE WILL PROBABLY HOLD THE A V C T I O N SALE OF UNCLAIMED j KRKI'.'HT, ETC, FOR THE V. S. R. R. I ADMINIST RATION. - VE HAV E CON- sii..)1K.VI5 OF THESE LINES. WATCH THE WEDNESDAY PAPERS ; FOR P O S I T I VE ANNOUNCEMENT I I OF THIS SALE. I WE ARE SELLIN-fJ AT RETAIL ill 'IHK HUE. YOU WILL PROB. i ABLY KIND THAT ROCKER OR PIECE OF FUilNITUHE THAT YOU : ARE LOOKING! FOR AS A CHISTMAS Special Notice The baggage sale for. the O.-W. R. N. Company, at Aineworth dock, advertised for tomorrow, has been cancelled by order of the company. Watch papers for future date. WTE BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332. W. C. BAKER &W.H. DEAN Furniture Iealera anil Auctioneers. Masonic Temple Ruiltllnff, Yam bill and Weit Park Streets. Auction Sales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 160-171 SECOND STREET. ! NEAR YAMHILL. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRI DAY AT 10 A. M. FURNITURE, CARPETS, SHOES, ETC. PRIVATE SALE DEPARTMENT HIGH-CLASS FURNITURE OF" ALL DESCRIPTIONS, TALKING MACHINES. RUGS, CARPETS, STOVES. Come In and Make Your SELECTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS. A Small DepoKit Will Hold Any Article Subject to Yonr Order. CLOSING OUT OUR GROCERY BUSINESS BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY ! COME EARLY WHILE THE STOCK IS COMPLETE I J. T. WILSON, PROPRIETOR. Build Your Own Garage Sectional Garatre to you anywhere In the northwest.' You can set it up In a few hours Send for circular REDIMADE BUILDINS CO. SIS E. tltk St. I'knir Eaat 5114. Portland. Or. Parrish, Watkins & Co. Est. 18S7. Prank E. Watklna, Manasjer. Member Portland Realty Board. . Real Estate, Rental, Loan and Fire and Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence Solicited. IDS Second St. Pbonet Main 1644. MONEY To Loan on Improved TITLE & TRUST COMPANY Title and Trust Building GARAGES For All Cars Prices on Application Ready-Cut and Portable Houses MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY i KOI Cnlon Ave. !. Wdln. 2413. WEST SIDE BUSINESS CORNER Close in feet on RIFICE , 50 feet on Everett and 60 ( Fifteenth street. BIG SAC- I FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. ! Will take Broad wn Dart in trade. Phone OWNER. ! y 3Z07, for price and par- i Uculara. p faa mm I S III fc iVx " We will deliver a - NEW TODAY. n , -I- ' ' A Home la Lanrelhnrat. WHAT IS XMAS CHEER WITHOUT A HOME? Lay the foundation this Xmas and at the same time make a good investment in Lots are priced at Vt their value. The price of all land is starting; up and will continue to increase until it reaches the level of other things. Good judg ment dictates now as the time to act. On a $1200 lot you can pay $100 down and $15 a month. Ask for free illus trated literature. WEST SIDE :...(tUit?.'r.34KJ; V y y v $10,000 HOME INVESTMENT This fine duplex flat the building alone could not be duplicated for less than we are asking for the entire p-operty located on Glisan street, be tween Twenty-first and Twenty-sec-f nd. among Tine homes, high - class apartment-houses, hotels, etc.; half block from car, one block from the fine Couch school and walking dis tance from the downtown shopping district. There are six rooms on each floor, with good modern plumbing, fireplace In each parlor, built-in con veniences. The walls are In good shape. There is a steam - heating plant for each flat. This Is a real bargain, particularly so for someone who can occupy one flat and sublet the other. It 'will greatly reduce your cost of living and at the same time you will have more modern con: venlences than you would have by putting nearly the same amount of money in a home out in the suburbs, with no return whatever. There is also a good garage. Ritter, Lowe & Go. 201 -8-5-7 Board of Trade Building;. ARTISTIC HOMES BUILD THAT HOME NOW! If you have a lot or some money, we will build. You repay us on easy terms or we will build by contract. &ee us now. our prices ana treat ment are right. SHAW, LARSON SEYMOUR, 902 Spaldlnsr Bids. Pbone Main 40S. TO RENT For Ten Years Three - Story and Base ment Building 50x100 50 FEET FROM WASHINGTON ST. This Is a Good Deal W. H. WEBB OS YEON BLDG. SERVICE COURTESY RESULTS Do you wish to buy or sell? If you wish to buy, call us. If you wish to sell, call us. We will do the rest. Onr Auto In Wnltlnar to Show Ton lour new Home. C. E. Scott Realty Co. w a w n B17 - 519 Chamber of Coaunerce Bids;. That Cost Tou Less and Get You Out of Debt THE MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN NO COMMISSION Equitable Savings and Loan Association 240 Stark Street. WILL BUY FURNITURE AND LEASE OF APARTMENT -HOUSE of 50 to 60 apartments. Thoroughly experienced apartment-house manag er will pay cash and secure lease. METZGER-PARKER-FERGUSON CO. j Property Management. Real Estate and lnanrance. 3t2 Oak St. Bdwy. 3644. VoU0rtFagrLJ0aBrS J 2 O Gondey Co, K. at. Bank. JBitUdlava; BUY A LOT BEFORE LAND RAISES 270 yz Stark St -y 5 1 - -- .rd t 'A .if J: t i I i I i i ' . - A T OT h III" 3 1 f I NEW TODAT. STREET'S IRVIN-OTON HEADQUARTERS. 37.SO0 NEW LITINO Most modern type home, just four years old; all ivory finish, all hardw. floors, very large living room with tile fireplace and in direct lighting: dainty break fast room or sunroom; two large bedrooms, one or two smaller bedrooms, tile bath; ga rage: center of Irving-ton. By appointment only. BEAfTIFTL IRVINGTOJf HOME 10,500. Large living room In ma hogany and old ivory; solid mahogany dining room; oak li brary or breakfast room; base ment, includes large billiard room. Second floor all Ivory finish; all hardwood floors; fireplace in front bedroom suite; tile bath connecting: porch; at tic has complete bathroom and two fine large rooms; garage. Location best In Irvlngton. Severn! Mar buy. in exclusive ly listed selected homes at $16. 000. 113. 600, $18,000, $25,000 (and manv other similar offerings, not exclusively listed), also sev eral good bungalows at $8500 to $9500 also, several most beau tiful homes at $10,000 to $12,000 at right prices. -Larsra nsaderm kerne. 711 Thompson St.. near 21st; non-resident estate; four large rooms on each floor; porch; ga rage: large attic completely xin- . lshed; unlocked. ftssoo JfEW TODAY, rooms and den near 24th and Wasco. Can be bought furnished and Immediate possession if desired. 4600 766 E. 26th N. ; colo nial; do not disturb occupant. $4400 S14 Tillamook; 6 rooms) and porch; very modern; a buy; unlocked. S6S0O No. 480 Seventeenth, By appointment only. Alameda Park Six rooms, porch; practically new; hard wood floors throughout; very large living room, dining room, sun room, 3 bedrooma and porch, garage. $6850. 851 E. 3 Oth N. STREET'S IRVrVOTON HEADQUARTERS. Eaat 15th nnd Broadway. East 884. REAL ESTATE AS DEPENDABLE AS EVER NOW 19 A r;oon TIME TO BUY! Over forty years' ex perience in Portland justifies me in recom mending realty invest ments, but you must buy right. Accurate in formation regarding in side property for our customers. HENRY ,W. GODDARD , 243 Stark Street Successor to GODDARD & WIEDRICK AUTO ACCESSORY LOCATION v BROADWAY CORNER 100 feet frontage on Broadway, near Flanders Street Brick Building. Suitable for tire shop or other acces sory establishment. 3 OR 5-YEAR LEASE REASONABLE RENT Portland's Available Business Loca tions Can Be Secured Thru INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS GROUND FLOOR HENRY BLDG. A WARM HOME ZERO WEATHER OI TS1DK WARM AND COMFORTABLE ONE OF THE WARMEST HOVSES IN PORTLAND. THE HOl'SE WAS HFII.T ON HONOR AND AFTER EASTERN METH ODS OF CONSTRICTION. It Is equipped with metallic weather strips on all windows and doors, ef fecting a saving of 40 per cent on fuel bills. Hoirse has 12 rooms. Grounds cover five lots. Will sell all or part of lots with house. If you are looklnsr for one of the best buys in Portland a real home tor real money phone TAHOK 3342. or call for inspection. 1 1.0 EAST FLANDERS. Owner's business takes him irom town. "first-class up-to-date hair -dressing pa3l03s ALtlt MODERV EQI'IPMEXT. SACHIFICE. IF TAKEN AT Ot'E. .OOI) TERMS. FOR PA HTIl'l LAItS WRITE AV S3T, OlCKUOMAN. HEAL ESTATE. or &le 1 lat and Apartment Property. FOR QUICK SALE, Three apartment flats, west of Park street, in best district. 7 minutes' walk from Portland hotel. 3 and 4 rooms up stairs. 6 rooms downstairs: good dry basement: now paying better than 10 per cent on investment. For quick sale, $15,000. E SO, oregonian. FOR QUICK SALE. Three family apart, flats In best apart ment house district, with steam beat, hot water, well built, only 7 minutes' walk from postoff ice, present Income $130 per month, price for cash $15,000. E. 802, Oregonian. COMPLETELY furnished apartment house, controlling interest and full manage ment. $27,500; no trades, 1219 .N. W. ,Bank bids. REAL ESTATE. Far Sale Plat and Apartment Preperty. NETINCOM E "750O. PRICE ONLY 3.-..OO0. Fine brick and stucco apartment house. Has sleeping porches, hardwood floors, etc.. In every apartment; fine oil neat lna; plant and every other appliance that aoea with an up-to-date apt- house. RKL1ABLE INVESTMENT CO.. SOS oak st. Broadway 413S. For Sale -Lota. IRVINOTON. DISTRICT. NEAR KNOTT. Lot 50x100, on I'Tth Bear Knott; everything; in and paid. Price $775. Lot otlxlOu. on 2tHh. near Knott; alt Improvements in and included In price named. Price 4K00. Lot 50x100. on 25th, near Knott; all Improvements in and Included In price named. Price J0OO. Lot 00x100, on 25th. near Knott; all improvements in and Included la price named. Price $1000. HENRY W. UODDAKU, 243 Stark street. Successor to GODDAHD & WIEDRICK. $350 EACH. Rose City Park lota. 50x110. These lots cost $700 each. A snap for builder or speculator. . SS50 Alameda and 40th. snap, paved. Stioo each 2 R. C. lots. 68th st. $1700 25th, near Hawthorne. Improve ments paid. $1200 Irvinaton choice lots. $1250 Laurelhurst. all imp. paid. CHAS. R1NHLKR CO.. 25 Henry bids. FOR SALE Corner lot. 75x100. not far from school and car line; Raa, electricity and water in front of place; over $300 worth of street lmprovinenta paid for. all for $525. Owner. 278 Halleck st Phone Wdln. 6750: FOR SALE $450. lots S and 10. block 18. Warrenton addition to West Astoria, free from all Incumbrance: furnish abstract to present possessor Send all Inquiries to A. H. Alrtn. 202 North 40th St.. Se attle. Wash. UNIVERSITY PARK Lot 60x100; corner Flske and Oberlln ats. ; hard-surface pavement and cement walk. Price $500 cash; $550 terms. Phone Tabor 5864. FINK lot o E. Taylor, near 2VHh. cost former owner about $2500; price $1500; $500 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Tslklns Machine Co.. 850 Alder St. ooxlou CORNER, North 17th, near Wash ington, Income $135 per montn; $15,500, terr.is or die-count. P. O. box 62, city. IRVINOTON LOTS. $1050 AND IP; COR. NKRS $1d50 AND LP. SEU NKU'HAU SEX At CO.. MAIN B078. $050 LOT on Lincoln, near 63d. one block from car, clear of all Incumbrance; half cash. Main 6312. LOT on paved street for auto or easy terms. 10O Fourth. Main 1203. HOME BARGAINS. WHY PAY RENT T $2650 BARGAIN HOME $2650. 8-room good house, close In, Williams ave. car; 50x100 lot. paved street; a big sacrifice: good investment. CHAS. HI.NULEK A CO.. 225 Henry bldg. SUNNYSIDE HOME. $3200. Modern 6 -room and bath, close In. near Belmont street: terms. . CHAS. Hl.NGLEH A CO., 225 Henry bldg. $S800. Irvlngton bungalow, hardwood floors, 2 bedrooms, lotn st. : paved streets. CHAS. K1NGLKR & CO. ."225 Henry bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. $4300. Corner lot. all improvements In and - paid. 5-room modern, hardwood floors. furnace, iirepiace. CHAS. RING Li: K A CO.. 22S Henry bldg. WILLIAMS AVENUE. S5C00. 40x120 lot with 2 cottages, modern. good renting or business property. CliAS. R1NGLER & CO.. 225 Henry bldg. WEST SIDE HOME. $5500. Willamette J-'ts., 6-room modern home. close :n. fireplace, furnace, cement bae ment. laundry trays. 50x100 lot, paved streets, easy terms. Hunt for a home; cou.uti t be rtuplicatefl tor J 1 m. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 Henry bldg. S500 LAURELHURST HOME, best lo cation, garaae. paved ste. paid, strictly modern. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, tile bath. . CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 Henry bldg: WHY PAY BIG RENT? YOUR "RENT MONEY-' WILL BUY A NEAR NEW DUPLEX (DOUBLE) HOUSE. (0 ROOMS EACH). TWO SETS PLUMBING. TWO FINE OAS RANGES AND GAS WATER HEATERS. ONE HOUSE FAIRLY WELL FUR NISHED. (RENTS $401. YOU CAN OCCUPY ONE. RENT THE OTHER. ALL GOES FOR 27.-i0. THIS IS. A POSITIVE SACRIFICE (WORTH 23750). r.00 CASH WILL HANDLE. LOCATION, NORTHEAST COR. 6D AND OREGON ST. (MONTAVILLA CAR.) SEE THE OWNER. 3o2 SELLING RI.DO. PHONE MAIN 1130. "PORTLAND HEIGHTS." UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. - MODERN. SIGHTLY. BEAUTIFUL. DKSIRARLE (NEAR NEW). !!ESI- DE.S'CE. NEAR CAR. LOCATION ESPE CIALLY GOOD. A REAL RARGAIN. 9 ROOMS. DEN. SLEEPING PORCH. H. W. FLOORS. PLATE-GLASS WINDOWS. GARAGE. FULL BASEMENT. "SPECIAL BARGAIN." REASONABLE TfcK.MS, 1111' r It 1 H K PALE, 210.500 (EASILY WORTH 215,(11)0). ADDRESS THE OWNER. 302 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1130. LIVE IN COMFORT. HOT WATER-HEATED LAURELHURST Bunirnlow of 7 pleasant rooms, finished in old ivorv: every modern, f-ature ; fine HOT WATER HEATING PLANT with Extra Radlicion. Insuring abundance of neat In sero weather In every room. Extra large lot. nicely landscaped lo cated in best part of Laurelhurst neur the park; garage has concrete floor and walls. A delightful home and worth more than the price. $7r00 Half cash. MailVNES A PRATT. Main 3868. 413 Board of Trade b'.dr. flf!00. LARGE LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM, DEN KITCHEN AND BREAK FAST ROOM FIRST FLOOR. 3 BED ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH, BATH 2D FLOOR; HARDWOOD FLOORS, FULL-SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT. "FURNACE. GARAGE. ALL FINE CON DITION'; HALF CASH. BALANCE FIVE YEARS. POIX DEXTER, 208 SELLING BI.DG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE B T120. NEAR PENTNST'LA PARK. GOOD 41. ROOM BUNGALOW. Has plumbing, electric light, gas, re ception hall, fireplace, very lisrht kitch en; near car. Peninsula park and Jeffer son hlRh school, price only $2700; $030 cash, balance as eav a rent. JOHNSON-DODSOX CO., 682, 038. 684 NT. W Bank bide. Mn 87R7. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW CHEAP. Six rooms with basement, furnace, fireplace, hard surface, $700 under mar ket price. Terms. J. ROBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Mln 7931. Res. Tabor 5819. WEST side bargain, 7-room house, all fur nished, modern plumbing, 2 sinks, gas and electric, close in. the owner is out of town and we are authorized to sell house and furniture for $ 1 Son and will give terms at that Mrs Fiorian Fuchs, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ALBERTA RNAR Modem r - roo m bungalow, fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, hard wood floors, attic, full cement basement, laundry trays. 1007 East 11th aL. North. North. $;;too BUYS a nice 6-room home In the A Iberta district, with bath, gas. electric lights, furnace. A real buy. Let us show you. J. A. WICK MAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bidg. Main 583. $2:lo' BUYS 6-room home on TtOxlOO lot, with paved st. In and included in price. Let us show you. J. A. WIPKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 583. HERE Is the place. 4 rooms, hard-surface streets, corner lot. new house. 775 E. Ninth st. South: $2750. terma Call and FelTwood 2710. $7 .-.no 1 R V I N O T O N. very fine home, strictly modern, garage, splend id sur roundings, cannot be duplicated for $10. 000. Ownor. East 4191. Y k ST SIDE S N" A P Lucretia st reet . r.ox ion lot and good house (rented) : make 1 offer. S.SQ N. W. bank. Main 8078. j 7 R OO MS furnace, modern. Overlook add!- j tlon. Price $3. ".00. terms. Address S. S 1 White. St. Maries. Idaho. I BEAUTIFUL. Arlington Hts. 8-room rei- ' dence; all built-in features; magnificent ! view. BC 69. Oregonian. $3130 BARGAIN: modern Hawthorne I bunrnlow. paved streets. Owner. A 853. Oregonian. 1 IRVINOTON HOMES. ALL PRirES. SEE ' j Vl'H XUSEX & CO.. MAIN 8078. 7t,., WEST SIDE Colonial. 9 rooms, mod ' em, new; snap. Main 8730. ! IRVINOTON EAST K, T. STREET. I i HOMES ' feU. LHV, AUX, j BE.L ESTATE. For ssUe House. FRANK L. McGUIRE. SPECIAL HOME BARGAINS. The following homes have been In spected and appraised by FRANK L.. McGCIRK. personally and only homes of rood value and merit are offered for your consid eration. Tou can come to our show rooms and see over tHu) photographs of homes for sa-le. ranging io prices from $.H to 0.0oo. each section of the citv having its allotment of space Accurate data, descriptive of the property, ac companies each picture. This system has old over Mmj homes this year; 1 expe rienced salesmen with autos - at your service. 9500 ROSE CITT BUNGALOW. 6- room. ery modern, attractive bun galow, beat material and workmanship; many built-in conveniences. Terms. 5000 ARTISTIC ROSE CITY HOME. 7 - room modern bungalow; furnace and fireplace; built-in conveniences; un usually well built; large front porch with cobblestone columns; on E. 53ti st.. be low the hill. Terms. 5000 DISTINCTIVE ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5-room very attractive bungalow; un usually artistic lines; built-in conven iences; house recently completed. Terms. $4500 HOLLADAT HOME. 6-room substantial home; furnace and fireplace; garage. On East 9th street, near Broadway. $8950 UNUSUAL BARGAIN. 6-room typical huniralnw. firen!rv bullt-ln conveniences; dandy cement basement, hou-e unusually well built; double constructed with building paper between walls; 100x100 grounds: 10 as sorted bearing fruit trees: rraoes. wal nuts and berries. On E. 55th street near a tarn. House like new. Terms. $8700 CENTRAL E. PORTLAND. 6-room very substantial modern home on E. ISth street, near Rurnsnl You couldn't build the house for $4000. $500 uown. 13580 HAWTHORNE UNO ALOW. 5-room modern bungai.-w. fireplace, bullt-ln conveniences; full cement base ment. Terms. $8250 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5-room typical bungalow, attractive lines, good cement basement ; fireplace, Dutch kitchen and other built-in conven iences; unusual value; vacant: imme diate possession. WEST SIDE HOME. 500 DOWN. On Savier street, near 2Sth. in lower Willamette Heights, is a 6-room modem home: full cement basement, furnace and fireplace, white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas; 1 block to car unusual bargain. $3ino 100x100. BUNGALOW. 6-room modern bungalow; very pleas Ing lines; on Delaware avenue, near Kil lings worth; unusually easy payments. S295Q WAVKRLEIGH HEIGHTS. 5-room modern bungalow, attractiv' lines; close to car and school. Terms. $20t--MONTA VILLA BARGAIN. 7-room modern home, very substan tially bunt: rirst rioor of concrete biock: built-in conveniences ; unusual bareain on account of mortgage foreclosure. Terms. $2000 ALBERTA SNAP. 6-room . modern home, 'ry attractive lines: run cement basement : 3 ir-rlit airy bedrooms, best plumbing fixtures; electric lights and gas: unus ial value on E. ISth atteet, near Going. Terms. $550 FURNISHED BUNGALOW. 5-room. well-built, attractive bun pa low. com pie t el v furnished with Draet calty new furniture : full lot ; on East si -it street, nar Ankeny. Close to car and school. Terms. $2525 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. 5-room, very lnmtike grav bu'ira low with low, rambling line?; very prac tical floor plan: built-in conveniences house like new; on Campbell street, near Ainawortb. $3300 OVERLOOK DISTRICT. 5-room modern bungalow, good plumb ing irxtures; cement basement, full lot. I4W down. $2200 SOUTH OF L AURET.HCRST. 7 -room home with sleeDinr norrh white enamel plumbing fixtures: electric lights and gas. On E. Morrison ft., near Hist, i nis is-walking distance. $500 do and $25 per month. tinnr CLOSE-IN" HOME. 4-room plastered hungtilow cottnee white enamel plumbing, .Mtxinn lot. hard suriace street paia. On Missouri avrnm near i3eecn. i ne lot alone Is worth $1200 FRANK L. MrGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. RENTERS. ATTENTION. $2000 will buy a 5-room cottage on paved street, near Ladd's ad dition : 2 bedrooms, bath, toilet, gas: good condition inside and out; $4O0 down nnd $2-" per month. Move In January 1, BTHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main J6S6. ROSE CITY PARK. SflOOO buys -room modern huniralow o corner with lot 1 00x1 tut. 6; furnnce, fire Place, a!) nuiit-ins in fact, evrrvthtn thiit your heart could wish for but hdwd iloors. This Is owned by out-of-tow client, who is selling this for cost foi years ago. This is a wonderful opportn nity to secure a nesirn n'e home in th fine district. Let us show vou. .T. A. WTOKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 5S3. RORSMK R E OPPORTUNITY, $5rtO. Besutlftil R-roo:n home with furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, the finest o: lighting Tlxtures nnd built-in efft -t fine sleep. ng rooms: . sleeping p.irc K-lassed-in : pved st. : 1 14 blocks to Love joy. Will exchange for smaller house. s-ee Mr. Knode, THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY 104 sth st Main C00, TRVINGTON 6-room strictly modern house; fin view or the city, s blocks from car. IRVINOTON. 6-room strictly modern house: H. W, floors: fine view of the city. Price $4200, hair cash. Ask Mr. Kellogg. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 820-821 Henry Bldg. Main 2;00 BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME 10 rooms. S baths; hot-water heat : oak rioors. ma hogany and enamei woodwork. Close in. on car line: unobstruciible full citv and mountain view : $30,000. WiU take, if desired, half or .ess in one or more small modern Irvington homes and nearly all ba'ance like rent vou would pav for a $15,000 home. Residence phone Main 3369 ROSE CITT PARK. $5750 buys beautiful bungalow with 5 rooms .nnd bath down: attic for 3 addi tional rooms if derired. Beautiful huilt ins; freplace; furnace; hardwood floors. Living room across entire front. You win like this attractive home. Let us show you. .1. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 583. A GENTLEMAN'S HOME. 11 rooms, strictly modeiu; hardwood floors in all rooms, steam heat, fTtMace, 2 sleeping porrhr'S, garage: 1 1 ,5un si. ft. ground, paved street; walking dis tance to heart of city ;. price $1 2,r.n0 good terms. Th is home would coat to re pro dm-- s2O.nf0 K. M. GATKWOOn A CO.. IO514 4th st. C LO S E - IN T RO I'ERTY. fl-room modern home, cose to Broad way brid ge, full lot, no rest rict ioris : any and all kin-i of people; lot has been apprnised at $."oo0: owner old and do- not want to bother with tenants; will sell for $3750, Siooo cash. bal. like rent WRIGHT & ROCK. 417 Abington bldg. Main 50SS. j:i(HI Bl'N'CALOW ROSE CITT LINE. We advertise today, only, our choicest bargains Here is an attractive home. practically new, in a refined nefKhonr- hood. worthy of your time to insit.-ct it. :ti0 cash will hnnd:e it and $2."i mnnihly. R A I. PH HARRIS K27 Cham, of Com. IKVIXGTOS CHARMING BUNGALOW. stvle home, corner lot. a-araite. almost nAv: $T3.o. terms. Ner.hauseri &"o. WOODSTOCK bungalow. $ino0; large Hv- room, fireplace. loOii Fuurth. Main 12'J3. REAL ESTATE. For 8 alt -Houses, ONLY $1800 buys all of this: A rood 7- room nouse with a run lot on ,ast via sc. In the city. With the house goes the entire furnishings for five - rooms carpets, rugs, etc. It will requlra $1150 cash. This Is a sacrifice sale. U. J. CLOHESSV, Abington bdg. Only $1800, on the west side, on Front St., a good 5-room house. This is with in walking distance and that means something when the snow is on the ground. The property belongs to an es tate and is to be closed, therefore an offer somewhere near this price will be considered.. M. J. CLOHtSSV, A.bing ton bldg. This Is downtown close-tn property, on the west side, bordering on Portland H f.ghts. Here are two flats, always capable of bringing In a good Income; outside of the flats there is a residence which goes with the property that you can occupy and receive the income from the t'lau. This property Is an estate and Is ordered sold irrespective of its) value. It should be cheap at $10,000, but we will consider an offer close to $000. The lot is 60xluO leet: half cash will handle it. M. J. CLuHESa'V, A.b ington bldg. Only $3250 will buy this 7-room mod ern, very substantial house in the center of the city on me west side. This prop erty if close to Washington st., and from an investment point of view, out side of a comfortable home to live in, where you do not have to pay car fare. It beats anything we know of for the price. Trie house itself could not be built today for a less price than $40OO. A full lot In this locality is cheap at $70b0. This, however, is not a full lot. s-o hence we will sell it all for $3250. $ lotto cash, the balance as long as vou want at 6 per cent M. J. CLOHK3SY, Abington bldg. Only $3800 will buy this brand-new 6-room bungalow, never be I ore occupied, ready to move into. The location is excellent, in the Hose City Park district, on East 54th st. $1100 in cash will handle It, balance easy monthly pay ments. M. J. CLrOHESar, Abington bldg. Only $4500 for a six-room house, prac tically In the downtown business dis trict, on Sixth st., one block from the Lincoln high, 4 blocks from the audito rium. The lot alone is worth the price. The house ia good enough to tve in and is modern so far as the plumbing goes. It will rent for $35 per month. Half cash will handle it. Al. J. CLoHEiial', Abington bldg. On East Conch street, not any further out than Suth st., in the center of the east side best district. Here is a mod ern, up-to-date 7-room house, with sleep ing porch, full cement basement, fur nace, hardwood floors, all Improvements iii and paid for, clae to Laurelhurst. This hou.e will readily rent for $45 per month. You can occupy it Immediately alter purchasing. The price ia only $4500, siouo cash will handle it. M. J. CLuHESSY, Abingtou bldg. ARE YOU A STRANGER IN PORTLAND? Do you contemplate buying a hornet Do you know values Do you know the desirable and undesirable districts? Do you know the dittrlcis that are being invaded by foreigners? Familiarizing you with these facts and looking out for your every interest is part of the SERVICE of the "McGUIRE SYSTEM." Come to our showrooms and see over 600 photo graphs of homes for sale, ranging in prices from $50O to $5O.O00. Each sec lion of the city having its allotment of space. Accurate data, descriptive of the property accompanies each picture. Every house has been inspected and ap praised by FRANK L. McGUIRE per sonally. This system has sold over 800 homes his year. 12 experienced sales men with am os at your service. SEE FRANK L. MeGUlKE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Successor to H. D. MGuire Co. Established in 1SS0. "39 Years of Service." Abington Building. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. REAL BUNGALOW BARGAINS. 5 large atry rooms, large floared attic every conceivable built-in feature throughout the house; hardwood floors in every room, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement with wash trays ; ele gant light fixtures, fine gurage, paved street and in restricted district, near E. 24th st. Lot fi'x!iii. This is an excep tional bargain at $0500; $2000 cash; good terms on balance. 5-room modern bungalow, large attic, full ba.se ment. wash trays. Dutch kitch en, buffet, bookcases, in first-class con dition ; neat and clean : in Irvlngton Park on 27th at. $3000; $750 cash, baL easy. U. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 H 4th St. VACANT. $3700 Brand new 5-room bun galow in Peninsula district; fire place, basement, garage; while enamele finish; H block to car. $lho0 down. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1686. WEST PORTLAND. ATTRACTIVE BUYS. Here are four good small houses to be sold at a low figure and easy terms, lo cated within a few biocks of the new Mon tgomery- Ward site: will sell each separately or will sell the whole quarter block and foiu" houses at a surprisingly low figure. Southeast corner of 23d and Wilson. Take a look. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE it CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. $4-jmi buys bungalow of 5 rooms; breakfast room and sleeping porch first floor; 2 sleeping porches and attic up. Hdwd. floors; fireplace: usual built-ins; furnace, trays, full cement basement. Imp. in and pd. Owner, leaving city, wants cash. We will get you substan tial loan without cost. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main B3. FORSALE A 5-rooin bungalow, practic ally new, cement basement, fireplace. 3 polished floors, ivory enaml woodwork, built-in buffet and seat. Dutch kitchen with inlaid linoleum; lot 100x100. witfi 10 fruit and walnut trees, grapes, lilacs beautiful ro.ie. chicken house and y-d; terms $500 down and bal s nee monthly pavmcnts. 808 W. Russett St.: Wood- I- n'vn 32Q3. No agents. poRTLAN O. east side home, fine loca tion, close to cars and Jefferson high school, restricted, refined neighborhood, hard-surface streets and walks in: grounds 50x100; houw ft rooms, slso basement; cement billiard room, all con veniences including large combination rarge- price $7000. leased short time; might' consider going buslnesa Box 71. E'k City. Ore gon. WEST 5TDI3 $5500. Jackon St., near Oth. on lot 55x9. . II - room house, with bath, two toilets, furnace fireplnre, and garage space for four autos. Purchaser can rent suffi cient rooms and garage ipar- to pay for property; lot alone worth $0000. H e N R Y W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. $3.-.o0 BUYS a full acre close in on the east side, with substantial 6-room home, chicken houses, fruit trees, berries, etc.; everything for a nice suburban home. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 583. ALBINA. Four large room house, near Russell st extra large lot and garage. Price, $ ,25n- $500 down, balance to suit. Ask Mr. K,ho.iipFoREsT CQ 320-321 Hr.ry Bldg. Msln BSPO. FURNISHED Home, Alberta. $3,100; mod ern ft rooms, furnacs. ruW. Dutcb ktten en 50x1"m lot- $10H down, balanc. Ilk. rei'it Wdin. SOJJv 1103 Eolith stN GOING to build or repair? Get my Ideas anc estimates. B. T. Allyn. 23 Stark Ft Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Fhon. Mai. K-s phone. Tabor BUNGALOWS A SPECIALTY. If you are looking for a bargain It will e to oui interest to call up Mr. StowelU Tabor f.HSl. BY OWNER 6 rooms, sleeping; porch, fire p ace on car line, corner view lot. newly painted tbrouKhout. terma Main 24ti(J. e --nines. Woodlawn 4508. a-KuoM cottage; lt 7.1x100: fruit trees: chicken house. S14SO. Terms. $3"0 down. Uroadway m.-il. 29 Oregon bidg. " IRVijrrsTON HOME. EAST 13T. 7R iOM "house, fruit and flowers. 3.0O. J.-.U0 cash, balsnc. like rent. Pbone na-:in PliKTTY COTTAGE, 100: trade for larKer house or acreage, assume dlffer ence imiu SIklyou. nr. 70tlu R. C. car. li ING I ON SOUTHERN COLOXIALT E HAVE IT. SEE NEUI1ALSEN 4 CO. 1I1 I S"GT N bungalow, 7 rooms. S. P., Uutch Kitchen, CUxlOO lot. east face, 3 I-Ik.--. Bdwy. car, nr. Thompson E. 41ft rivE-itOtAi bungalow, 100x100. on South Portland car line. $3,100. Myora, 85 Re. i I way Kxchange bldgJ iKVINGTOM MrDONELL, .V10 E. 14th North. HOMES. East 419. MOPKRX bungalow, terms. Call 432 K. car. 7 rooms: cash or 4 1st St. North. RO 1K ING l'ON SMALL. HOME? WE HAVE I