The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 14, 1919, Section One, Page 24, Image 24

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Buy Some Gifts Each Day Shop in the Morning Shop on a Transfer Use the Escalators Carry Small Packages
The Joy of
A Kodak
for Christmas and
then the fun of using '
it that day and all
the days to come!
Main Floor. .
A Merchandise
allowing the recipient to choose his
or her own gifts for the amount
stated is a safe solution of the
Christmas problem. We issue or
ders in any amount $1 or more
redeemable for merchandise in any
department at any time. Booth,
Main Floor.
Christmas Gift
To add the final touch seals,
tags, stickers, cards, ribbonzene,
tissue paper and every other sort
of "f ixin' " for that very important
Christmas package will be found in
the Stationery Shop, Holiday Sec
tion on the Second Floor, Fifth
See Also
Page 13
of This Section
The Christmas sale of
Red Cross Seals is now
being held on our Main
Floor under the auspices
of the Oregon Association
for the Prevention of
wewcah fo cross
vTV' to J. 10-"
st The Quality Store f Portland
HURRY! HURRY! Christmas Shopping Should
y WW wtw itab11
Christmas 3&tchest in
$r S 4s ,
kIAMONDS and lacy platinum work dinner
rings, slender barpins, tmy watches on black
ribbons gold bracelets, cameo brooches, baby
pins silver vanity cases, mesh bags, cigarette cases,
thimbles genuine Whitby jet, indestructible pearl
beads, novelty necklaces men's and women's
watches traveling clocks in leather cases men's
and boys' scarf pins, cuff links, tie clasps sterling
silver flatware, chests of silver, sterling silver tea
sets, after-dinner coffee sets, cake plates, sandwich
plates, cheese dishes, vases, candlesticks Sheffield
plate reproductions in tea sets and separate pieces
the best silver-plated flatware in convincingly ster
ling patterns.
ATCHES of Waltham and Elgin makes for
CJJjUrl men and women a man's 25-year-case
Waltham at $37.50 a woman's little Swiss
watch on flexible gold-filled bracelet at $15 a wom
an's 14-karat engraved gold tonneau watch at $45
a tiny white gold watch, "engraved, with 15-year
movement, on black ribbon, $56 a man's Wal
tham watch in 20-year case with 7 jewels, $20.25
a man's 7-jewel, 20-year-case Elgin, $16.25
a railroad watch, 17 or 21-jewel movement, $50 to
$65 finer Walthams up to the Riverside at $150 for
19-jewel movement.
sonally chosen on their individual merits, priced
at the uniformly fair rates customary in the
entire Meier & Frank Store. Please feel perfectly
free to come, to see, to make your own judgments
and comparisons, without any obligation to purchase.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Christmas Sale of
3 Pairs Silk Hose $525
3400 pairs,
mock seams.
Pair $2.
Pure dye silk hose with lisle tops, heels and toes and
Black, white, brown, castor, Cordovan, etc. All sizes.
Silk Hosiery
Silk hosiery has been called "the ideal Christmas gift"
and it is hard to think of any better gift for a woman, com
bining so well the attributes of beauty and utility, not to
speak of those hardly less essential ones of comfort, fashion
and shall we say it luxury. Wherefore when, in the face
of a nation-wide shortage of the better kinds, we offer close
to 20,000 pairs of America's best silk hosiery at special
3-pair pi-ices, the importance of immediately making Christ
mas selections becomes apparent.
' NOTE: Silk Maids are NOT included.
3 Pairs Silk Boot Hose $5
4000 pairs. Fine silk boot hose with mercerized lisle tops and
soles. Full fashioned and mock seam stockings in all colors and
sizes. Pair $1.75.
3 Pairs Silk Hose $60
4200 pairs. Pure dye thread silk hose with durable mercerized
lisle tops and soles. Full fashioned stockings in a good assortment of
staple shades. Pair ?2.50.
3 Pairs Silk Hose $7M
2000 pikirs. Full fashioned all-silk stockings with double garter
welts and lisle soles, lisle lined. All the leading shades. Pair $3.
3 Pairs Silk Hose $9
3000 pairs. Pure thread silk hose, including such makes as Wayne,
McCallum, Gunther, Merrill and others. Full fashioned hose in all
colors and sizes. Pair $3.50.
3 Pairs Fiber Silk Hose $2.65
1000 pairs. Seamless fiber silk stockings with lisle tops, heels and
toes the "Ipswich" brand in black, white, gray, etc. Pair $1.
3 Pairs Fiber Silk Hose $3.75
900 pairs. Fiber silk hose with lisle tops, double heels and toes.
Mock seams. Black, white, brown, navy, etc. Pair $1.50.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Tickets to the
Poultry Show
The Great Western Winter
show of poultry, eggs and rab
bits opens Tuesday at the
Municipal Auditorium and
continues all week.
A Limited Number
of tickets admitting to the show
Tuesday will be given free to per
sons calling for them at this store
from 9:15 to 12 tomorrow while
any remain.
t Sporting Goods, Sixth Floor.
Order Your Xraas
Tree Now
made arrangements to supply pa
trons with Christmas trees of Ore
gon fir, luxuriant, symmetrical,
evenly balanced trees that will
grace any home, at $1.25 each.
Orders taken now for trees to be
delivered, beginning Saturday, De
cember 20.
within city limits,. No G. O. D. or
ders will be accepted.
Meier & Frank's:
Sixth Floor, Fifth Street.
300 Gift Blouses $5
Sub-standard If Perfect
Would Be $10.00 to $15.00
Nearly twenty different styles in fashionable georgette
and crepe de chine blouses. Practically all fresh from the
workrooms. Cut over standard patterns and in late
autumn styles.
This is the first sale of sub-standard blouses of
fered in the Blouse Shop, and we make the innova
tion only because t he-blouses are so nearly perfect
that the flaws are of trifling importance and the
values wonderful!
Clever color combinations'. Interestingly trimmed in
yarn and silk embroidery, with headings, fine tucking,
hand-made filet lace, embroidered ruffles and other at
tractive features. White, peach, flesh, maize, navy, tan,
Copenhagen, green, brown. Sizes 36 to 46 in the lot. The
three pictures show what interesting styles can be had.
Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail orders Filled.)
Solve Every Christmas Problem
What a fascinating place the Meier & Frank Book Shop is.
Busy all day long, but never too busy to serve courteously.
Assistants who know what you want and where to get it
Books are a universal gift there isn't anyone too young
or too old for a book ; there isn't anyone too sad or too gay to
read. . Books are easy to send by mail or express and they
make small packages which can be carried home secretly and
laid away safely until Christmas morning.
Good Fiction for Christmas Giving
The Passionate Pilgrim
by Samuel Merwin.
A story which almost anyone
would like, introducing newspaper
life, a love story and a fascinating
end. $1.75.
by Kathleen Norris.
A story of the California red
woods and the world outside. The
best love story that Mrs. Norris
has written. $1.60.
Mrs. Marden
by Robert Hichens.
Robert Hichens has a fame of
his own and any new novel by the
author of "The Garden of Allah"
makes thousands of friends imme
diately. $1.75.
A Woman's Woman
by. Nalbro Bartley.
A story of Densie Plummer,
who as the mother of a family
was old at 37 and most self-sacrificing.
Then the tables are turned,
Densie becomes the power of the
community. $1.75.
Dangerous Days
by Mary Roberts Rinehart.
An interesting story of Ameri
can life and its reaction towards
the war. $1.60.
Jeremy, by Hugh Walpole.
Everyone will want to read
about this newest boy called
"Jeremy," who is so likable. $1.75.
In Secret
by Robert W. Chambers.
A story of mystery and adven
ture by this popular author.
Mare Nostrum
by V. Blasco Ibanez.
The epic of the Mediterranean
from the dawn of legend to the
days of lurking German subma
rines. It tells not only of the sur
face of the sea, but the life and
wonders of its depths. $1.90.
Meier & Frank'
Alex the Great
by H. C. Witwer.
"You can do it" is the slogan
of this compelling hero of the
romance of business. $1.75.
John McCormack,
His Own Life Story.
What is a singer like w-hen he
is a boy? As he grows into man
hood is he any different from
other men? This book tells about
it in the singer's own words. $3.
Rudyard Kipling's Verse.
An exclusive edition 1885-1918,
containing more than 400 poems
of this master of verse. It is a
unique gift for a lover of Kipling.
Boxed $5.
John Martin's Big Book for
Little Folk, Number Three.
Stories, pictures, rhymes, poet
ry, something about animals, mu
sic, stars, mythology. All done
in delightful fashion for any boy
or girl under 8. $2.50.
The Boyd Smith
Mother Goose.
Beautifully illustrated, with
large type. $3.
Mother Goose.
The Volland Edition.
Illustrated by Frederic Richard
son. An elaborate, gift' for any
fortunate little girl. $2.
Heidi, by Johanna Spyri.
A story of little Heidi, 8 years
old, in her home in the high Alps,
where she helps Feter take care
of the goats. . Charmingly illus
trated by Elizabeth P. Stork.
The Magic of Oz
by L. Frank Baum.
A faithful record of the mar
velous adventures of Dorothy and
Trot and the Wizard of Oz, to
gether with the Cowardly Lion,
the Hungry Tiger and Cap'n Bill.
i: Fifth Floor. (Mai' Orders Filled.)
To Patrons
Living in
Sensible of the inconvenience
to which you have been put by
the Know and its effect on de
livery schedules and desiroiro of
extending: the regular MEIER &
FRANK delivery service to you
at once so far as humanly pos
sible, weather conditions remain
ine: the same, we will observe the
following- schedule in the under
mentioned districts tomorrow
(Monday) the time in each case
being the hour at which we ex
pect to arrive at the specified
Beaumont 10 o'clock
(Knd of Beaumont carllne)
Kenton 10 o'clock
(End of Miaalulppl carllne)
Lents Junction 11 o'clock
(Via Foster Ronl)
Milwaukie , 10 o'clock
Montavilla 10 o'clock
(S2l and Stark)
St. Johns 12 o'clock
Carline routes have been se
lected, as these alone permit of
proper traction and access. Pa
trons living: in the vicinity of the
above mentioned points are asked
to assemble at the place indi
cated for distribution of their
packages. Each car will be
manned by a driver and two
helpers who will render what as
sistance is possible to patrons
living at a distance from central
distribution points in carrying
bulky packages.
Drivers will receive orders for
next morning delivery. Orders
should be itemized. State name
and address in full. .
"Let's Be More
Try and cross the street ac
cording to semaphore signals.
Do not stop on the cross
walk. Do not step into the street
without looking in both direc
tions. Do not cross the street with
an umbrella in such a position
as to obstruct your view in
any direction.
Do not stop and stand and
talk in the middle of the walk
pr street.
Cross the street at right an
gles and only at intersections.
Remember that vehicles have
rights the same as pedes
Observe the semaphore.
Keep brakes in perfect con
dition. Keep car under perfect con
trol. Give right of way to vehicle
crossing from the right.
Don't pass another vehicle
at an Intersection.
Give the proper signal be
fore turning in either direc
tion, slowing down, stopping
or turning out from the curb.
Don't turn around except at
intersections go around the
Keep your eye and mind on
the object immediately ahead.
Don't try to "hog" the road.
"l.ight-up" at sundown.
Be considerate of the rights
of pedestrians.
Beautiful Fur Trimmed Goats
Particularly elegant coats of such rich materials
as velour,' peach bloom, ' silvertone, crystal cord and
other novelties. Majority are luxuriously trimmed
with natural raccoon, Hudson seal (dyed muskrat),
nutria and wolf. All lined with silk and warmly
inter-lined. These are the very same coats which
you have seen in our stocks until now at $95.
Extra Sizes in Women's Suits
At $35.45
Radical price revisions made on finely tailored,
extra size winter, suits excellent for every month
in the year. Majority of the $65 grade. For in
stance, a fine oxford gray chevrona suit, extra size
49, formerly $65, is now $35.45. Two brown gabar
dine suits, extra sizes 49 or 53, formerly $65, now
$35.45. Two broadcloth suits, in plum color, extra
size 45, or in black, extra size 47, formerly $6d, now
$35.45. A dark blue gabardine, extra size 51, for
merly $55, now $35.45.
All plainly tailored and designed by specialists for large figures. Cheviot, chevrona and
gabardine in navy, taupe, brown, plum or green. Often only one suit of a kind.
Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
These Furs are Perfect Gifts
And all the prices are "special" an ex
traordinary happening before Christmas.
Pictured is a luxurious coat any woman
would like to have. Natural unplucked
otter is the fur and it has an extra large
collar of skunk. 38 inches long. Spe
cially priced $425.
In the second picture is shown a large,
deep Jap kolinsky wrap trimmed with tails
and paws, specially priced $157.50.
An exquisite coat for someone of very
good taste forms the third illustration.
Made of delightful mole, trimmed with
natural gray squhTel. Special $467.50.
A beautiful skunk throw, specially priced $130.50
A glossy black lynx throw, specially priced $166.50
Natural Siberian gray squirrel cape coatee, specially priced $292.50
Mole coatee, collar and cuffs of ermine, specially priced $318.75
Nutria coat, long and very full, specially priced $497.25
Hudson seal coat (dyed muskrat) with collar and cuffs of taupe
squirrel, 30 inches long, specially priced $327.25
Natural marmot, plain, 30 inches long, specially priced. $127.50
Japanese mink cape coatee, specially priced $191.25
Animal scarfs of wolf, specially priced $24.55 to $70.65
Animal scarfs of fox, specially priced $70.65 to $135
Animal scarfs of lynx, specially priced .$54.00 to $135
Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Christmas Umbrella Land ,
They're all here. They're all new. The smart umbrellas of the season for gifts. No
one wants an old-style umbrella these days any more than they would care for a last
season's hat. Latest fashions for these rainy-day protectors include tailored malacca
handles, interesting shepherd crooks, colorful bakelite rings and, of course, all the bright
colored silks which look so pretty in umbrella crowds on rainy days. Nowadays no one
wants to have only one umbrella many women like two or three different hues to go
with various costumes, and every man wants one to keep at home and another to have
at the office for emergencies.
A Few Gift Suggestions
Colored umbrellas for women have ivory-finished handles and
rings to match the color of the silks; also dark wood handles with
rings or cords $7.35.
Shepherd crook handled umbrellas for women come in purple,
green, red or blue; often with the smart white tips ?8.35.
Malacca cane umbrellas for women are of excellent silk, some
with white tips, and there are often rosettes on the handles; in
cluded are fancy ring handles with ivory finished tips and fancy
ferrules to match; all the popular colors at ?10.
Exclusive umbrellas for women have fancy crook handles with
imitation amber, tortoise shell or sterling silver mountings and
tips; there are also transparent red and smoked pearl handles
which have extra heavy silk covers edged with wide grosgrain
tape; priced from $12.50 to $17.65.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)