THE SUNDAY OltEUOMAX. POUTLAXD. D EC KM B EI! 14, 1U19. ACT1V1T1ES0FI.W.W. DISCLOSED IN COURT Ql D! m The Gift Supreme For Mother Prepare for Eye Comfort 5 This Sabotage Methods Revealed hv P.nnfpsspri "Sflh Hat." 2 IIP CHEMIST TELL$ OF WORK Defendant Explains How He Made "Kittles" for t'se In Destruc tion of Property. . KANSAS CITY. Mo., Deo. 13. Tes timony purporting to show the activ ities of I. W. W. in committing sabo tage in this country was introduced by the government today in the trial ol .32 alleged members of the organ ization Deing held in the federal dis trict court in Kansas City. Kan. Blbert Coutts or Fresno. Cal., tes tified that ho had been a "sib cat" for the L W. W.. which meant that be was one to commit sabotage. He was a cnemist, be said, and had a laboratory at San Joaquin, Cal., where ho made "kittles." The "kitties" were a mixture of chemicals placed in a bottle. After a certain time the chem icals ate away the cork' In the bottle and became inflammatory. The labo ratory was known as an "ark" to the I. W. W.. he testified. "I saw where the I. W. W. was leading me," Coutts said after he had left the witness stand. "That is why I quit." He is 24 years old. OAKLAND, Cal., Dec. 13. James McHugo, convicted of criminal syn dicalism, was sentenced today to serve from one to 14 years in San Quentin, STATE HAS GOAL OFFICER RAILROAD OFFICIAL ELECTED AT BEQUEST OF GOVEKXOK. Te of Wood Advised Wherever Possible and Preference Transpor tation to Consumers Promised. SALEM, Or Dec. 13. (Special.) fc Seattle railroad, with headquarters In Portland, has arrived in Salem to act as coal officer for Oregon until fuel conditions are relieved. Although coal is not plentiful in some parts of the state, Mr. Keck nays there has been no actual suffer ing for lack of fuel, and that the rail road administration is exerting every effort to protect the public In west ern Oregon and other parts of the state where wood can be obtained Mr. Keck advises the use of this fuel. To insure pr--npt delivery Mr. Keck says the railroads will give wood prefer ence transportation rights. As fast as complaints are received by Governor Olcott they will be turned o-.- to Mr. Keck for investi gation. Should he find that these complaints are based on facts, and that coal is actually needed to relieve suffering it will be furnished by the railroad administration througn some responsible dealer and sold at a rea sonable profit. Profiteering will not be allowed. Mr. Keck says the railroads operat ing in eastern Oregon have a fair eupply of coal on hand, and with re duced train mileage they will be able to continue service despite the present cold spell. Establishment of fuel headquarters In Salem was brought about at the re quest of Governor Olcott, who re cently appealed to the federal author ities to use their best efforts in re lieving coal conditions as they af fected the people of Oregon. GARFIELD SCORES WILSON fContlnued From Flint Page.) cral Palmer, confirming that under standing for which he was asked. Discussing proposals which he had submitted to the cabinet. Dr. Garfield Bald: "I had no power under the Lever act to fix wages, but did have power to fix prices, and the determination of reasonable prices involving finally a determnation of reasonable wages I drew up a fyitement of principles which 1 thought should govern the determination of reasonable wages and submitted that to the cabinet." "Were they with you on that state ment? Senator Frelinghuysen asked, "Yes, except as to the second of the principles stated," Mr. Garfield responded. "That was one which said the average wage of workers In the , industry ought to be taken as a guide in fixing increases allowed to meet the cost of living and not the wages of a single group. Secretary of Labor Wilson desired the increases so given to be estimated on the wages of pick miners. Cabinet Divided on Issue. 'What was your objection to that?' ' (Senator Townsend asked. "Basing the increase on the wage , of pick miners,' Dr. Garfield said , would nave resulted in securing an average increase of 179 per cent wages in the industry over the period since 1913, when the secretary of labor conceded that the increase ' the cost of living had been only 79 per cent. Some members of the cabinet. Mr Garfield said, supported him and some the secretary of labor, but all were in agreement on the balance of the pro. " posal. He had finally taken the res ponsibility of putting through his set tlement suggestion without securing ; a unanimous agreement of the cabinet. "I conceived myself to be the res ponsible officer,'" ho said, "believing that I had authority to determine questions. The matter was not pre . tented to President Wilson." Applying the principles laid down. Dr. Garfield said, he decided that 14 per cent would meet the increased , cost of living and that operators could pay it out of profits and atill keep enough mines running to supply the nation with coal under the fixed price of f 2 35 a ton. The miners decided to . refuse, and continue the strike. Policy Is Discussed. "I went home thinking the matter 'was to be fought out." he said. "And after that proposals were made in the 1 government to take the matter out of ' your hands, in spite of your magnl ; ficent war record and the way yov were standing as a bulwark to thfe public?" Senator-Frelinghuysen inter jected. ' "I do not wish to go into the matter ; Of where and how the arrangement was made." Dr. Garfield said. "But your proposals up to December 4 were the government's?" Senator Myers began, "accepted by all the par. ties as the fact, and then some Changs was made?" j "Yes," Dr. Garfield replied. Dr. Garfield said lie had not talked f Our Ophthalmoscope and Retinoscope is one of the most scientific eye-testing instruments in the world. With it we can deled error of vision instantly. C J THE FIRST NECESSARY THING TO DO IS TO HAVE YOUR EYES PROPERLY EXAMINED. We spare neither time nor patience in determining the formulas that mean so much to you. The second necessary thing to do is to have your glasses scien tifically ground. THIS HIGHEST GRADE GRINDING IS DONE ON OUR OWN PREM ISES UNDER OUR IMMEDIATE SUPER VISION ACCURACY IS GUARANTEED. The third necessary thing to do is to have your mounting fitted so that you may have absolute comfort. Our many years' experience enables us to do this important vork dependably. These are the intensely practical elements that will prepare you for long years of superior sight. But we do more; we provide you with glasses that become you. Just say "THOMPSON'S" to the elevator operator. It will mean to you better optical service. J Complete lens-grinding factory on premises. SAVE YOUR EYES Thompson Optical Institute Eyesight Specialists Portland's Largest, Most Modern, Best Equipped, Exclusive Optical Establishment. la 209-10-11 Corbett Bldg., Since 1908. with John Lewis, acting president of the mine workers, and William Green, secretary, on the flying visit made bv those officials to Washing as ton a week ago, when the White House settlement was submitted. "If the president should see f it to establish a commission to review my work or my actions or my decisions, that would not be a matter to which 1 could present any objection," Dr. Garfield said. Itecent Agreement Considered. "Do you know the department of justice or the department of labor or any other agency of the govern ment, and the miners have come to a practical agreement that wages are to be increased by this commission above the 14 per cent you proposed?' Senator Townsend asked. "1 do not know that," Dr. Garfield replied sharply. "I make one state ment that there has been such an agreement." "Now, why have you resigned?" Senator Frelinghuysen asked. "I've stated the principle involved," Dr. Garfield said. "Do you see anything patriotic in the action of Lewis and his associates in calling off the strike?" Senator Frelinghuysen asked, referring to a message of congratulation sent from the White House. "Not .more so than when you or 1 obey the law generally," Dr. 3arfield returned, and the session adjourned. WASHINGTON MINERS VET OCT Conference Fails to Reach Agree ment on Returning to AVork. SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec. 13. Dele gates of the 36 Washington state local unions of the tne United Mine Workers of America, adjourned their conference here late today without reaching a vote on the question of returning to work in. response to orders from in ternational officers of the union at Indianapolis. The conference will be resumed Monday morning, according to Rob ert N. Harlin. president of District 10, who called the original meeting. None of the mines will resume work Monday, he said, although he predict ed that an agreement wculd be reached. Pay Warrants Now Ready. Clerks and juiges who served at the special city election on November 13 can receive pay warrants at the office of City Auditor Funk in the city bali tomorrow. About 3600 per sons served in the special city elec tion which was called by the city council to submit a charter amend ment permitting the council to levy an 11-mill tax levy for general pur poses In 1920. The measure was suc cessful at the polls, although the vote was exceedingly light. The Dalles Sugar Short. THE DALLES. Or, Dec 13. (Spe cial.) A sugar shortage exists here STIFF NECJUliBAGO Aches and Pataa of Rheumatism Sometimes Almtt Unbearable. There are weather conditions that make rheumatism worse. They are not the same in the cases of all per sons. Some victims of this disease suffer more In dry warm weather than In moist cold weather, but all suffer more or less all the time. The cause of rheumatism is an ex cess of uric acid In the blood, affect ins; the muscles and joints. Hence the blood must have attention for permanent results in the treatment of this disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla has given en tire satisfaction in thousands of cases. Do not fail to give it a trial. If a laxative is needed, take Hood's Fills tuey don't gripe. Adv. L: J C3 Fifth and Morrison well as a fuel famine. None of the jO Id local grocers has supplies of sugar on hand. Two pounds has been the limit to each person. Adequate supply of the sweetening is not expected until the middle of next month. Bolivia Plans to Borrow. LA PAZ, Bolivia, Dec. 13. The Bo livian senate today decided to nego tiate a loan of 100,000.000 piastres. OS Christmas cheer is assured in every home where enters on Christmas day a REAL (Oriental 3&ug Nothing is more effective in creating typical Christmas atmosphere; nothing is more artistic and beautiful; nothing is more serviceable and economical as a floor covering; nothing can please HER more. Wide assortment, highest quality and lowest price are guar anteed in advance for those who make selections here. Tenth and Alder. Largest Oriental Rug Dealers in the northwest. iimiiimiiiiiiiiiiimimimmmmimmi CoronA The Personal Writing Machine. $50.00 With Case E. W. PEASE CO. Exclusive Distributors. 110 Sixth St. IIIIIIII1III1I11IIIIIII1I13I1III1I1IIIIIIIIIIIJIII MADE TO ORDER SHIRTS i m JACOBS SHIRT CO. Raleigh Bldg;., 327 Washington St. ESTABLISHED 1888 fHfl December 81st. P. M. to 1 A- M. nj: r A 1 " 1 fi Pr ft I frl N I Reservations Now Being Booked. p IsTl 1 1 I A 8 UU3 HI j Table d'Hote Supper 3.00 Per PUte. j I life ls jg p -gl Ifaffips' ;LJJ "-tyr ls&lJj Awaken the Family Xmas Morn With Joyful Music From il'pM Beautiful Floor Lamps A Variety Sarpavnlni? All Previ ous Collection. You'll Appre ciate tne moderateaeaa ! price on tne Genuine Mahogany Posts and All -Silk Shades AS WELL AS ON THE Mahogany -Finished Posts and Near -Silk Shades Add a Lamp to Your Account. If You ' Haven't an Account, Start One. Your Credit la Good Alao at PlraMng Assortment of. Metal Base Table Lamps With Art Glass Shades $11.75 to $26 JO J5 I Royal and Monarch Easy Chairs Reclining Back S3 CASH- II WEEK $29.75, $32.50, $36.75, $38.50, $4250, $49.75 Alao a Splendid A mtortmrnt of Tapestry. Genuine Iea41ier and Leatherette Overstuffed Rockers Awaitlnai V our Inspection. SELECT ONE SINGLE PIECE OR A HOrSEFtL ITS-EAS i-TO-PAY-TH E-EL WARDS-WAY JtST TWO BLOCKS JpORTH OF WASHINGTON;. Multnomah Where H ante Cmf arts Abound Portland, Oregon Announces Annual Watch Party and Supper Dance Grand Ball Room, Assembly Halt and Tea Gardens, December 81st. P. M. to 1 A- M. Being 3.00 -All tops are High Closets I FLHMTt'RE THE IDEAL FAMILY GIFT Sent to Your Home on the Coavealently Arranged Tcnu of $25 CASH, $4 WEEK, NO INTEREST It may sound braggish to say it, but. nevertheless, here is the snappiest outfit shown in Portland for the money. The facts stand ap parent, self-evident and absolute. See for yourself. LIVING ROOM $76.50 ' DINING ROOM V $60.40 BEDROOM $89.90 KO INTEREST. Taa'U Find It Dlfficnlt t Select for Her a More ricaalna; Uift Than One of These Handsome Red Cedar Chests some plain, some with copper trimming's, while others have period bases, scrolled fronts and high-cut handle sides. Terms on, any. $5 Cash, $1 Week, No Interest $2350 $25.75 $28.50 $32.65 $35.00 $3750 Hotel Booked. Per Plate. ThsStay Satlsfoctory"R&nge Installed laclaalag Pla-Froat Water Beater ( colli). $20 Cash $2 JO Week No Interest The Heavy Double Walls Are Built of Copper-Bearing Steel Plate With Asbes tos Lining. Every Joint and Seam Is Riveted (Not Bolted). Sure, they have Duplex Grates, Duplex Drafts and a Dust-Tight Ash Compartment as well as Vitreous Knamel trust-proof) Oven and Flue Wall Linings. of the new Blue Mirco Finish and the are of Wellsvllle Polished Steel. Yes. you can have either leg or cabinet base style with 4 or 6-hole top. Oven sizes as follows: 15x21. 17x21. 19x21 and 21x21 Inches Edwards will take your old Stove or Range as part payment, too. Ill y r Select From Edwards' Special Brunswick Outfits WHICH WILL YOU HAVE 'WAXED OAK, FUMED OAK, MAHOGANY? MODEL. ILLrSTRATED abovi:, with srvks nnrni.K- FACKB RKCORDS (14 SELELTlOJiil), 1 $105.95 $141.80 $183.50 10 CASH. 2 WEEK. SO INTEREST. fj I Healtltful rfillr New Method of Changing Conditions Mental and Physical DR. DEE Phone Bdwy- 4255 Beck Bldg. 112-13-14 Broadway and Oak Wanted Highest cash price paid for used Upright Pianos Player Pianos Grand Pianos Pianos exchanged for Victrolas and Records Get our proposition. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co. 125-27 Fotirth St. Blain8586 Su Mastercraft Kitchen Cabinet Cut kitchen work one-half, eliminate lifting and bending, conserve sugar and flour. Have a place for everything and everything will be in its place. A Gift that will lighten and brighten the kitchen work In your home. Model illustrated In "White Enamel" or "Oil Wax" (steam proof) finish. $10 Cash $2 Week No Interest The- ' 17 '' f j! MODEL. H,I,rSTB.lTED, above:. vm EIGHT DOl'RLE I'ALEO HECORDS MODEL, II.I.rSTRATlSD ABOVE, WITH TEN MOT FIT. TC-J-ACKn BKCORDS (SO SHLECT1.S), SELECTIONS). S13 CASH, fl WEEK, NO INTEREST. S20 CASH. S3 WEEK. KO INTEREST. No Cold Air In a House Where The HOMER Is Used Note the Thermo-Seal Inner Lining- Heavy Galvanized Iron with asbestos insulator. With out it there would be no circulation of warm air. It keeps the return air cool until it reaches the base of the furnace. It sends all the heat to the rooms above. The Thermo-Seal la a distinct Homer feature. Homer Pipeless Furnaces Recently Sold Near These Locations Any of Them Your Nighbors? East Sixty-fifth North, near Stanton. Front and Ankeny (office). Wisteria avenue, near Sandy. Wilbur street, near Jarrett. East Eifty-first street North, near Brasee. Jessup street, near Union avenue North. East Fifty-second street North, near Holladay. Glenn avenue, near KillinRsworth. Front street, near Texas (Knlton Park Add.) haver street, (fararose aoohiooi. Holgrate street, near East Forty-first. Killingswortn. near ancnipan. North Park street loffice). East Forty-ninth North, near Siskiyou. East Eighth North, near Brazee. East Eighth North, near Knott. East Flanders, near East Bixty-slxth. Haight avenue, near Ainsworth. East Sixty-first street, near Knott. Shaver street, near Penver avenue. Alberta, near East Twenty-eighth. Newberg. Oregon. Phone Main I2T a sal the Fsniiae Man WIU CalL Looks Like Real Winter Weather Ahead! lie Prepared! , I .1, '