19 COLD GROWS MORE yesterday mornirtgf. Many -water pipes were frozen and the city water sys tem completely put out of commission Pipes burst in Strauss' store and the hotel was forced to bring an oil stove into use. The Columbia river is frozen over. There is no prospect of a break in the weather. ALBANY RECORD 13 BELOW THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. FORTLAND, DECE3IBER 14. 1919. of the city, resulting in considerable damage. The weather is clear and sunny today, but as the barometer continues high indications point to still lower temperatures. The opening of the Libby coal mine and the em ployment of a larger number of men In the other coal mines in the district promises an increased production ol coal at an early date, sufficient to supply the local demands. .5 BELOW ZERO AT MEDFORD " . e INTENSE Rivers in Northwest Frozen Over. Are FUEL SUPPLY RESTRICTED Prediction for State and for Wash ington "Not So Cold," but Icy Grip Still Holds. (Continued From First Faff.) from the prceding day, when minimum was 22 below zero. tb MADRAS COLDEST OP ALL Four Through Trains Stalled at De pot for Water Supply. ALBAiTT, Or., Deo. 13. Fifteen de grees below Eero was the temperature recorded by the government ther mometer In Albany laot night, the coldest weather In the history of the local weather offlde. Bursted water pipes are causing record-breaking Inconvenience. A local plumber said today he could use more than 100 men in answering hurry ealis. The water company Is having diffi culty maintaining service. There was not sufficient pressure this morning to fill the big tanks which supply trains at the depot and four through trains were stalled here two or three hour, until the local fire engine could pump water from the canal. Chicken at various places in the country are reported freezing to death and etioep are Buffering. COLD BREAKS THERMOMETERS Temperature of 5 7 Below Zcor Is Recorded; Stock Suffers. MADRAS, Or., Dec. 13.-MSpecUl.) The Madras country, with the mer cury dropping to 57 below, is expe riencing the most remarkable weather in its history. At the close of the snowfall of four feet Wednesday night, the temperature began to fall rapidly. Since Thursday the ther mometer in various locations has fluctuated around 44 below zero. The government instruments man aged to record the 57 below mark, but committed suicide by bursting. There were signs of moderation to day with the mercury rising to 17 below at 4 P. M. The fuel situation is becoming alarming, and water pipes are out of commission. Schools and churches have been closed. It is feared stock will suffer for lack of food and water. COWLITZ FROZEN AT KELSO 1 0 Degrees Below Zero Is Lowest Temperature Reported. KELSO, Wash., Dec. li. (Special.) For the first time In 32 years the Cowlitz river is frozen over. It will be possible to cross the river on the ice within the Kelso city limits. Skat ing was in progress on the Ice In the Cowlitz near the west end of the Kelso bridge yesterday afternoon. Thick ice is also forming in the Co lumbia River near here. The temperature dropped to 10 de cree below sero Thursday night. The eohool board decided to start the Christmas holidays one week earlier and there will be no school next week. Kelso again has lights after being In darkness for 24 hours. No boats have been able to enter the Cowlits river for 48 hours. BEATERS KEEP FRUIT SAFE Car of Fuel Oil Rushed to Store houses at Hood River. HOOD RIVER, Or., Dec. 13. (Spe eial.) The official temperature at Parkdale, in the upper valley, was 30 degrees below zero last night. The lower valley's official minimum was 27. All indications point to weather as severe or colder torffht. With no fuel supply for the estimat ed 1000 oil heaters used by shipping agencies and individuals in combat ing frost at warehouses, the apple growers association and growers ap pealed to the state fuel administration today and a special locomotive was rushed here from Portland with a car load of kerosene. With bobsleds the fuel has been hurried to all parts of the valley. GRANTS PASS ABOVE ZERO Power Lines Go Out With Mercury Near Low Record Mark. GRANTS PASS, Or., Dec. 13. (Spe cial.) Once in 28 years the official thermometer has registered a colder night than last night. The mercury descended to the zero sign upon that single occasion, whereas last night it came within two degrees of zero. The cold which descended upon the Rogue River valley Wednesday night affected Grant Pass because the community Is dependent upon the out side world for Ite electric power and light. The snowfall had tangled the wires and the current failed to reach this city. About noon today the cur rent again was available. KLAMATH FALLS ! 0 BELOW County Older Snow Blanket; Wire Communication Restored. KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. Dec. 13. (Special.) The minimum temperature last night was 20 degrees below, 3 degrees colder than any previous tem perature recorded since this station was established In 1906. Other reports from higher altitudes in the county reached as low as 26 below. Wire service, completely cut off by the storm starting Wednesday, is practically restored. The entire country is covered with a blanket of snow ranging from 8 inches on the lower levels to 3 and 4 feet on higher ranges. SKATERS FLOCK TO COLUMBIA Winter Sport Enjoyed During Cold est Weather In JO Years. VANCOUVER. Wash, Dec. 1?. (Spe cial.) Ice skating for the first time in many years was enjoyed on the Columbia river yesterday. Above the Interstate bridge the ice which jammed yesterday was frozen solid, too rough for the sport, but below the bridge the surface was smooth. The minimum temperature during the last 24 hours was 8 Vi degrees below sero. the coldest weather re corded here in the last 70 years. Salem Drops to 7 Below. SALEM. Or.. Dec. 13. (Special.) Following the coldest night in the memory or the oldest residents of Marion county, tb? weather moder ated slightly here today. At 5 o'clock this morning the thermometer rests tered 7 degrees below zero, or 2 de grees colder than yesterday. Northbound traffic on tho Southern racmc lines is badly interrupted. The Oregon Electric la maintaining an irregular schedule. Three of the four street-car lines Tiers are now in operation. None of the storee have attempted to resume deliveries. It is expected tnat me schools will re-opn Mon day. Tonight the thermometer registered iv aoove. Mettcham Tubes Prove Unequal to Demands of Weather. LA GRANDE, Or.. Dec 13. (Spe cial.) Twenty-two degrees below zero and a lower minimum than that evi dent for tonight, is the weather sit- uation in La Grande this evening. In spite of the unheard-of drop in temperature, already far below any thing government records record, the suffering here is less acute than when the heavy wind swept a much higher temperatured air current. At Meachattl the drop was eo heavy that the trier niometers broke. Numerous districts are reporting 30 below, but these are from districts frequently that cold. The fuel sit uation In La Grande has not reached an acute stage yet. - SUNSHINE WARMS ROSEBTJRQ Cold Reported Less Intense Than on Previous Day. ROSESURO, Or., Dec 18. (Special.) A slight rise in temperature was noticeable this afternoon when the sua cam out brightly. In all khady places, however, freesing continued. The cold was not a Intense as yes terday, the coldest last night being 10. The snow has settled to less than two inches, and with a light breeze tonight which appear to be shifting toward the south, Indications are that Hunday will be ushered In consider ably warmer. Plumber have been kept busy the past two days opening up frozen pipes and restoring domes- tio tranquillity. GOLD HILL HAS VARIETY Nights Aro Cold, but Daya Ar Pleasant After Snow Fall. GOLD HILL. Or.. Dec 13. (Special.) The heavy warm wind and rain which visited Oold Hill terminated Wednesday night with a fall of five Inches of enow, putting all telephone. telegraph and power line Out of com mission. Gold Hill today was with out telephone and telegraph com munications outside of the city, and without electric lights and power. The snow melted fast durins Thurs day, but Thursday night froze hard and the weather has settled down ap parently with freezing nights and clear days. Brownsville Has Heavy Snow. BROWNSVILLE. Or., Dec. 13. (Spe cial.) Here at Brownsville, 20 mile east of Albany, snow has been fall ing practically without a stop since Monday night, and the, depth is now on the way to the two-foot mark. Wednesday evening a foot of snow was easily measurable in the streets and the storm showing no signs of abating. Part of the storm has been in the form of sleet. Stockmen think that few cattle back in the timber will be able to weather the storm. This city has not ceen such a sever storm In 10 yearB. Tillamook Reports Three Below, TILLAMOOK, Or., Dec. 13. (Spe cial.) In Tillamook county the mer cury dropped to three degrees below zero this morning, but the weather moderated during the day, finally reading 34 above zero. At 7 P. M. the thermometer registered 23 above sero. with every- indication of an other severe night. The weather is clear and calm. North Bend 1 6 Above. NORTH BEND, Or., Dec 13. (Spe cial.) With a minimum temperature of less than 16 above zero, last night was the coldest night experienced here for many years. Water pipes were reported frozen In many parts Town Blown Up, Snowed Up, Froz en Up In Three Unusual Days. MEDFORD, Or., Dec 13. (Special.) Blown up on Thursday, snowed up on Friday, and frozen up on Satur day is Medford's record in three days of the most extraordinary weather that has ever visited southern Ore gon in the memory of the oldest in habitants. Nine and one-half below zero was the official minimum at 6 o'clock this morning. Every hotel in the city Is filled to overflowing with ranch families, who, without light of electric heat, have been forced to abandon their homes. Although the mercury rose to 20 above eero' thl afternoon, another sever freeze is certain tonight. For the first time in 30 years Bear creek Is frozen over. Th local gas plant Is out of Commission. Tonieht electrlo light and heat will be available throughout the city. It will be many days, however, before tne rural districts have telcDhones. electrio heat, or lights. There Is no dan err of witnr famine unless unprecedented weather noma continue. SPOKANE PLANS TO RETRENCH DAILY METEOROLOGICAL BEPOBT. PORTLAND, Dee. IS. Highest temper ature, 17 degrees; lowest. 8. River read Inc. 8 A, M., 2.8 feet: chans In last 24 hours, 1.8 teet rise. Total rainfall (6 P. M. to 6 P.), none: total since September 1, 1918, 14.07 inches; normal. 1S.08: deficiency, 1.01. Sunrise, 7:45 A. M. ; sunset, 4.26 P. M. : total sunshine, 8 hours and 41 min utes; possible sunshine, 8 hours and 41 minutes. Moonset, 11:60 A. M. Barome ter (reduced to sea level) 5 p. M.. 80.66 Inches. Relative humidity: & A. M.. 88 per cent; noon. 60 per cent; 6 P. At 74 per cent. THE WEATHER. City's Activities to Be Limited to Conserve Coal. SPOKANE. Wash.. Dec. 13 With the temperature here 2 degrees above zero this afternoon, after having climbed during the day from 14 be low, EpoKane tonight was prepared to go MoAday to a schedule of re stricted activities in order to conserve rapidly dwindling stocks of fuel. starting Monday, banks ar to be open from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M.; stores. oiiice Dunaings and factories from 11:30 A. M. to 6:20 P. M and ihi from B P. M. to 11 P. M. Down town churches arranged today for union services tomorrow nlirht- The usual morning services will be held. A warrant was sworn to today by a city health officer for the Washing ton Water Power comnanv chaxizlniz failure to heat cars properly. ionaiuons promised Improvement tonight. It was stated. SO BELOW AT THE DALLES Columbia Solidly Frozen Scram ble for Coal Unabated. THE DALLES. Or.. Dee. 13. fSne- clal.) When the official thermometer her skidded to 30 degree below zero this morning. The Dalles again broke all previous records for low tempera ture and a yet there Is no indica tion of letting up of the below zero weather. The Columbia river is now solidly frozen and this afternoon sev eral venturesome persons crossed. The scramble for coal continues un abated today. In coal merchants' bin scores of citizenil are busy sack ing, sewing and carrying away their own coal. Four sacks of coal are now being allotted to each family. Eight Cars of fuel wood left Port land this afternoon and should arrive here tomorrow, according to advices received. All wanton waste of water will be vigorously prosecuted. EUGENE REGISTERS 3 BELOW Freezing or Piping Temporarily Cuts Off Water Supply. EUGENE. Or, Dec 13. (Special.) Three degrees below zero was the official government temperature In u.ugene tnis morning, but private thermometers all over the city and in different parts of Lane registered from zero to 10 below. Indications were that the temperature would be still lower tonight or early tomorrow morning. The Eugene water supply was cut off for three hours this morn ing due to the; freezing of gauges and small auxiliary piping at the pumping plant, but there was a reserve supply of more than 1,000,000 gallons In one of the reservoirs for fire protection. uas nas Degun to freeze in Eugene but the gas company has announced that the service has not yet been greatly crippled. ABERDEEN TEMPERATURE 12 Gas Shortage Also Threatened Un less Coal Arrives. ABERDEEN, Wash., Dec. 13. (Spe cial.) Cold weather, combined with the coal shortage, has brtught rail road freight service on Grays Har bor practically to a standstill. No Northern Pacific freights have arrived or left Grays Harbor in two days. Yesterday the first O.-W. II. & N. freight train to reach here in four days arrived. There was considerable moderation in temperature last night, official thermometer going only to 12 degrees, as compared with six the previous night. Grays Harbor will be without gas for lighting and heating purposes within the next ten days unless re lief from the present coal shortage Is had quickly. WALLA WALLA Mosier Reports 2 5 Below. MOSIER, Or.. Dec. 13. (Special.) The severest winter weather for more than 35 years in the memorv of citi ms ot Mosler vicinity now holds sway. The mercury stood at 2S below sero STATIONS. a 3 ?5 Wind Weathu, tinker Boise ....... Lies ton Calgary . Ohlcayo Deuver Dea Moines . Kureka . .. ., Galveston Helena . . . .. t Juneau - Kansas City I-os Angelea Marsh field M fed ford MinneaDOHa New Orleans New York . North Head M. Yakima. bit. Louis. Phoenix ... Focatello . Portland .. Ft Otoe burg . . Sacramento St- Louis.. 1 1 IjlUa. San r ranc o Seattle Sitka Spokane T"u 1-omn. Tntooh Is'd' Valdezt Walla Walla Washington Winnipeg . U,O.UU . -SI 4-J 60I.OOI12:SW li-';0.0u:14NW 14 0.00;12.NW 22 O.OOl. . S 6;O.U0. .W 4oi0.O0j. .W 74 O.SJ:30!NW iAli jt-lear IB 'Clear 0 48 -io -12 4 SSI 20 24 r-12' 1 18 sol 8 0.001. . ,0-.'3:V.UU 12 0.00 62lO.UO 40,0. IKI I 22 0.001 NW NW Nffl sw s 2'0.01 . . S4i0.0!. . 5:O.024SW 34'O.UO . .IN'S o o.oo;. .!SE Rain Cloudy ru cloudy jClear Clear Clear Rain Pt cloudy Clear Ht. cloudy Clear Cdr Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear 18 0.00 l2'NW!Cler 6410.001 lw Clear Clear 6 O.OO I7;o.oo , 2610.00 . 44 n. on . 10 18 0.00;i2xw Clear ui jo u.m.., v (Clear 4 erO.UOl. .INWICIoudv 3S', 4,0.00;14;N'E ICleax W NW Clear NWjin. cloudy N Clear 4rt aeio.idi..B O.OU . . jNE SsiO.OOI. .IE ."W.imvij'b 2O'0.00 . . M OiO.fHl . .I8B eo.ooi..sw PL cloudy v muay c iouay Cloudy Cloudy v., i tin r Pt. cloudy -lOiO.OPI. .!SW (Clear tA. M. today. P. M. report of preceding gay. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity, Fair, not so Cold winds mostly easterly. Oregon ana niunmoa r.ir, not so COlo: mocrra rn,trriy wi nut. Idaho fair and continued cold. 1 4 BELOW Gas Supply Exhausted Ice Jam Renders Water Undrinkable. WALLA WALLA, Wash- Dec. 13. (Special.) With an official tempera ture of 14 degrees below zero. Walla Walla had its coldest December morn ing on record today. Country districts reported from 20 to 30 below. Fore cast Is for gradual warming up. Adding to otner troubles, the eras supply became exhausted here today, closing several restaurants and bak eries and interfering with newspaper publication. A telegram was received today to the effect that four or five carloads ot coal will be here Monday. The meager supply is rapidly reaching the aero point. A big ice Jam above the city water works broke late this afternoon and nearly washed out the dam, more than two feet of water topping the dam. The city water supply tonight is undrinkable. ftfannMinimnn.i. nTTTnntn'1'n.ui One reatty worth-while gift will completely express the .Christmas opirit ND such a gift is the Stradivara-a real cultural utility and a source of wholesome pleasure because it gives to the possessor music that matches every mood and taste The One SMusical Instrument that Com bines ALL Instruments The Stradivara The ONE INSTRUMENT that combine ALL instruments just as it combines ALL ARTISTS is the Stradivara. Through the magic of its Sound Board the musical vibrations that have been recorded by any actbt, according to the merit of the record, ae given again in the full tone volume and tone claritv of the original singing or playing. I PATENTED HI I 1 KUlVMkfSJ 1 SOUNDBOARD. 1 UATtNTtU Stradivara SOUND BOARD 1 Amplifying Chajilx?r The Stradivara Sound Board extends the full width and cepth of the cabinet and is entirely free of contact: with any metallic part two very vital conditions to the production of pure tone. Plays All Records The possessor of this marvelously developed musical instrument is not limited in any way. The songs, the instrumental selections, the orchestra and dance music,- as sung t or, played by all of the world's greatest artists, may be re-sung and re-played in the home, as though the performers were there in person. Thus in giving the Stradivara, you are giving the unique opportunity to hear music, to 8vdy music and to enjoy it and profit by it to the fullest extent; and that indeed is a rarely worthwhiletgift Five Handsome Models to Choose From i Improved manufacturing methods and freight-saving keep the cost of the Strad ivara down, even with the vital improve ments that distinguish it. Stradivara cabinets fit into any surround ings. Fumed or golden oak, walnut, or mahogany, hand rubbed to a beautiful, last ing dull finish, give a fine range for choice. SMake Certain of the One Worth -while Qift by Ordering the Stradivara at any of these Stores: See any of the Stradivara dealers named below and place yonr order for Christmas delivery l W. H. CALEF, 540 Williams avenue. CHISHOLM & SPEEK MUSIC SHOP, 130 Killlngsworth avenue. DICKSON DRUG CO., 71 East Eightieth St. ENKE FIELD, 109 Fourth St., Portland. FOLEY & VAX DYKE, 10S Fifth St, WM. GADSBY & SONS. Second and Morrison. THE STRADIVARA SHOP, 202 North Jersey 6treet, St. Johns EMIL GEHRl.N'G, 720 Milwaukie avenue. GOLDSTEIN & SONS. 601 First street. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE CO., Grand avenue and Stark. HOVENDEN PIANO CO, 146 Park street. HENRY JENN'ING & SONS, Fifth and Wash ington streets. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO., 350 Alder street. LAURELHURST PHARMACY, 1161 Belmont street. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO, Fifth and Wash ington streets. McDOVGALL MUSIC CO, Oreeonian block. Alder street. IRA F. POWERS FURNITURE CO, Third and YamhilL J. H. REMICK SONG AND GIFT SHOP. 824 Washington etreet. SOULE BROS, 16G Tenth street. WILSON DRUG CO.. 1054 Corbett street. For the name of your nearest Stradivara dealer, please write u PACIFIC PHONOGRAPH. MANUFACTURING CO. Makers of the Stradivara PORTLAND, OREGON ..waK-..- r m JJ" iai5,r.-lj,l.. m jninii'inni!inil,,iiiiinlii; iniuTTti.-uiiiTi'' limiatnl M H 1 J' f I I ?l KUiecsar oc lusrtMd ek; ! ' I ij doubl sprine motor; .tstion- ,111 , - r , I- I srrunir-lsrm HI , , j'jl j j j ; I j I I In !li I T-iA l M KiiVi.t"' S ,prit. motor 'j? ft M 1 LI 1 1 1 1 f H i J I wsibsssbsbsbssBb8V4 r.ifc.-iS.'s;KRs-vjK.j( J Figured nuhoginy or sciccttd Ej jrwr?:. ,h--w- V9-- V ' I I 1" oak: hy W g I "vtlt, ,1 I i J I ,..pringmotoc b M j " r i ? ! A t i t 1 C ! ' II III" j I ' 1 - ' - 1 I m 111 IP !( :'" i i III, I LcLtI ! lit 1 : (III lliil liP I' II LI H usmnd oak; triple iprinc or I I (r Ifl 111 111 l i M 111 ! rnHMimiiiirjiinniMuiiii f ffca fi JfcT ritshl, figured African mahosany; four spniur motorm; , i Vi-wf I 1 P!y ," ro-iach ncords with ono wind- f j Swil i f - II B " or eltctnc motor. A most txautitul J)S I I WMM. S---.iii B y ? f M rVt-trt in f i mil iiiitfifiiiitiiiiituirrrtiiMiif i in fttiiit ill ' Considerable damage has from frozen water pipes.. resulted Bend Mercury 18 Above. BEND. Or, Dec 13. (Special.) The crest of the cold wave has passed in central Oregon. This was Indi cated here last night when, after touching a minimum of 23 degrees below zero, the mercury steadily rose during the early morning, the time at which the lowest temperature usually comes. Today's maximum was 18 degrees above zero. Marshfield Cold 19 Above. MARSHFIELD, Or, Dec 13. (Special.)- The local weather bureau to day reported the temperature last night was 19 above zero. The weather today warmed up a little, but tonight the chill returned and another cold night is ahead. The fuel situation is In fair condition now, as coal is be ing furnished from the Libby mint and wood deliveries bave been steady. Woodland Feels 10 Below. WOODLAND. Wash, Dec U. (Special.) With the temperature at 6 o'clock yesterday morning register ing 10 degrees below zero, and at noon standing only-6 above. Lewis river was completely frozen over from the Columbia to about five miles above Woodland. A channel is kept open for the Pekin ferry. A break in the water main has caused a water shortage here for the past two days. and it is hardly probable that the sup ply will be available aqain until after a thaw. Everyone is doing something in the way of leeoing Diras. . Woodburn Reports 14 Below. WOODBURN, Or, Dec 13. (Spe cial.) With about two feet of snow and the temperature dropping the past two nights to 14 degrees below zero, according to some thermometers, every one here is anxiously awaiting a chinook. In the interim Woodburn people are suffering from the unusual and intense cold, especially at night, and greatly inconvenienced by the bursting of water pipes. Columbia City 5 Below. COLUMBIA CITY. Or, Dec. 13. (Special.) The weather is the coldest ever known here, the temperature go- 1 . C V. . 1 ... waA .1 ' 1 , . ; . . i frozen over solid. Two Below at St. Helens. ST. HELENS, Or, Dee. 13. (Spe cial.) Zero weather came last night and this morning, the thermometer registering 2 degrees below. The enow is about 18 inches deep in the street and business is handicapped. The two sawmills and shipyard are closed down and will not resume operations until Monday. The Columbia river is full of floating ice and on the Wash ington side of the river the ice is forming into a large body. The schools have been closed since Tuesday and will reopen Monday, weather per mitting, r Chelialls Registers 17 Below. CHEHALia Wash, Dec 13. (Spe cial.) This morning the lowest tem perature ever" recorded locally was noted. 17 degrees below sero being reported from two different quarters, with others reporting as low as 14 to 16 below zero. Extreme cold pre vailed during the day and the hoped for thaw failed to come. Cloudy weather conditions, however, and a general softening of the atmosphere would indicate that tho worst is over, and that a change for the better is in proopect during the night. low zero. The temperature in other parts of the city varied from sero to 11 below. The Columbia river was frozen from bank to bank, but the ice broke up when the tide came in. The thermometer registered 8 above at 8 o'clock tonight with Indications of reaching zero before morning. Wasco Reports 2 8 Below. WASCO. Or, Dec. 13. (Special.) The temperature stood at 28 below zero tonight, with a forecast of 35 degrees by tomorrow morning. 1 3 Below at Castle Rock. CASTLE ROCK. Wash, Dec 13. Special.) A heavy snowfall of 26 inches covered Castle Rock and vicin ity and the thermometer registered 15 deerees below zero on Friday morning, while out at St. Helens, in the mountains, the snowfall was only ten inches and the weather not very cold. The snow and ice put a stop to camp and road work. Electricity and water are shut off and the town is experiencing the hardships of being without light or water. Beaverton Street Crossing Desired. SALEM. Or, Dec 13. (Special.) The Southern Pacific Railroad com pany has asked the Oregon public service commission for permission to lay a track over a street in Beaver ton. Washington county. War Talks Announced. At Everyman'e club, 243 Couch street, at 8 o'clock tonight. Arthur Mrrphy will talk on his experiences in France and the fourth lecture by Rev. Father E. V. O'Hara will be given. Father O'Hara's lecture, as usual, will be illustrated with motion pictures. Special violin and piano numbers will bo rendered by ex-service men. Rad The Oreronian claFPified ads. Astoria 7 Degrees Warmer. ASTORIA, Or, Dec. 13. (Special.) There was a change for the better in the weather conditions this morn ing. The lowest point was 16 de grees above zero, or 7 degrees warmer than yesterday. The wind was still in the northeast snd bitingly cold. The amount of ice floating down the river was greatly Increased and sev eral fishing launches have been swamped by it St. Helens Records 6 Below. ST. HELENS. Or, Dec 13. (Spe cial.) St. Helens experienced the lowest temperature of the present cold spell this morning, when the thermometer recorded desrees be- The Cause of -Your Stomach Trouble May Be a Tape-Worm . Many sufferer who have doctored for stomach trouble without setting last ins relief htvve fintvily discovered that tape-worm or other worms In the btom anh and intestines caused their trouble If you have a paie complexion, dull eves, rings under the eyes, coated lousue, heartburn, ga on the stomach, diiszinesft, headaches, constipation, poor appetite, gnawing sensation In the sisomacri, oiiensive breath, or excessive nervousness, write Tho Vita-Tone Co.. Dept. 84, 4ol Twelfth et., Milwaukee, Wis-, who guarantee, to remove tape storms and relieve stomach troubles and send their treatment on the Free Trial Plan. This company will send you. free of charge, a booklet telling all about the symptoms and causes of tape-worm, and other worms, and how to get rid of them and other forms of stomach troubles at home without dieting or ianger. Adv. A GOOD, STRAIGHT, HONEST MEDICINE J VERDICT AFTER THIRTY YEARS "Some thirty years ago, a friend of mine recommended Pe-ru-na to me. He told me the good he had received from it as a good blood purifier and system renovator. I tried Pe-ru-na to a 'satisfied satisfaction.' My family have used it ever since. There is no mistake, Pe-ru-na is a good, straight, honest medicine. It gives satisfac tion to the -whole body." nis im the ivav Mr. C. H. Swartz, B. F. D. No. 2, Box 210. Bi llinsliani, W'HshinKton. feels nbout Pe-ru-na sftor using it thirty yars. Pe-ru-na has had the confidence of thousand, for nearly half a century as a reliable treatment of catarrh It la by refcjulatina; diKowtion, eliminating poisons from the system, purifying liu blood, soothing the nerves, that Pe-ru-na exerts such a wondeifully beneficial effect upon all mueoUH membranes irritated by catarrhal conditions. Pe-ru-na is a tonic laxative, ready to take, vtalcn ne home should be wilUout. liava It ready for coughs, colds, catarrh of the head, throat, btomuch, bowela and all catar rhal infln mmations. No remedy can compare, Tritb Pe-ru-na for rebuilding the bodily health after protracted titkneaa. the Krip or Spanlah Influenza. Your dealer will sell you Pe-ru-na in either tablet or liquid form. i iron 103.0I "i r