12 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAm IECE3IBEK 7, 1919. FEAL KSTATE. For Sale Acreage. BARLOW BOTTOM ACREAGE. Either 20 or 4o acres, wonderTu! soil, Including 6 acres of beaverriam soli ; woven wire fence and ornamental fence in front of property. a commodious house, 0 roomf, 150O cabbage plants, IV acres corn, same carrots, some celery, ail still in the ground: 18 tons hay, 2 horses, 1 cow, 50 ctnx, 3 H. P. gas en gine attached to wood saw, used also on cream separator; fodder cutter. There is an irrigating system, consisting of ditches already constructed, water ob tained from spring ; many farm Imple ments, barn, chicken houe, tool house, n.anv- articles of lurniture, new rause com 83, -J beds, including springs, mat tresses; heater, rockers, dining table, chairs, churn, cream separator, fodder cutter. Price very reasonable, and also terms. FRED W. NEWEJ-U Oregon Investment fe Mortgage 2i-ll-20-2 1-22-23 Cnamber of merce, Marshall 205. Co.. Com- 2 ACRES, all under cultivation. 1 "4 miles east of Lents, close to car lines . tine oii ; Va acre in loan berries. 1 2-year-old fruit trees, guod well; no other improve ment!, but tine plae for suburban home; it bargain at $1 TOO, cash or terms. 4 ACRES, improved, 3-room house, full basemen t, elec. lights, gas. well with seas engine, pump, large barn. 2 chicken houses with runs, 1 acre Concord grapes, 10o Lambert cherry trees, 75 apple trees, 3j pear trees: all trees 13 yt'ii old and bearing; parking set out to English wal nuts: fronts on car 11 he and hard road, 1 block from station: price S55O0; terms $4000 -cash, balance to suit. C. E. SCOTT REALTY CO. Main 3:153. 517-511 Chamber of Commerce Bidg:. SL1-I.WOOD AX D JOHXBON CREEK ACREAGE ATTENTION. GARDE N -ERS AND TRUCK GROWERS. Five very rich acres, all cieared and TfOfl V frrt nultluata fa n cnH lew . fort ual . ein outskirts bell wood, including neat, modern ."i-room cottage, bath; pear and apple orchard, 10 yrs. old, also vineyard, garage, cow barn, city water, electric lights, Portland & Oregon City K. K. eerve frequently, pass within 200 feet; ha rd-sur faced street; attractive price and terms. FRED W. NEWELL, Oregon Investment Ac Mortgage Co., 2 lis-10-2 0-2 1-2 2 Chamber Commerce. Marshall 203. AKWBERCJ H IrtHWAV BARGAIN. 17 acre located jut off cement high way on county road IS miles from Port land, close to electric station. Woven wire fencing, fine creek, family orchard, ema 1 1 fruit. 4 -room ceiled house with bathroom; flue modern barn 36x48, mod ern hog house, greenhouse, garage, run ning water in all buildings. Water sys tem could not be duplicated for $1500. J: lee trio lights. You can buy all this for $45oo. Eleven acres mostly In culti vation adjoining can be purchased. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 acres of fine land 11 miles of Tigard; all in cult Good 4 -room house, floored attic, cement basement, water system, good kitchen range. Inlaid linoleum on living and kitchen floor, other household goods, winter wood In basement, good barn, ti tons of hay, c Hick en house, farm tools, 1 good cow and heifer calf, some chick ens. Price $1810; mortgage $17.10, 6 pel cent 3 years. Will exchange my equity of $:t050 for modern home in Portland ; not over C blks. of car, or will sell on terms. C. E. Adams, 507 Chamber of t'ommorce bidg. Marshall 11575. NEAR CAPITAL HIGHWAY AND MULTNOMAH STATION. 10 fine acres for only $3000. You Can look all over the country and not find a better buy. Lies fine, just over the hill, with smith exposure; very rich soli ; small creek which never goes dry ; no rough or waste land; non-resident's big sacrifice. KASGR RATNKY. 823-826 Gasco Bidg. Marshall 3125 THIS SllE OK OREGON CITY. 12 acres, located on good gravel road. Near the pavement. 10 acres ran be cultivated: over 4 acres under cultiva tion: creek and spring. small house, barn. 2 chicken houses: one acre of berries, loganberry and 2ooo strawberry plants; some kale; price $2400 with good cow, 1 heifer. 1 horse. 12 chickens, wagon, cultivator. buggv. harness plow and ' of tools Personally in spected. SllOtt rash. Photos at offiee. JoHX FKKCrsuX, Gerlinger bidg THIS WILL MAKE A RANCH. FINE BERRY Li acres of ihc finest berry land; all but 2 a. acres Ik in cultivation now, the 2 ' acres are being used for past ure; all ft need, pa rt being woven wire ; good eight-room plastered house, good practi cally new barn and other buildings; clne to eiectrlc R. R. and highwav and Ponlnnd, you can makf this a money maker: SOOOtJ. terms. K. H. Deshon ('., 015 Clumber f Commerce bidg. JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. - acres, with new lath and plastered bungalow; 4 rooms, right at station. Kc ear Lire. All under cultivation : gas, city water in house, lights available. Good road all the way; price $2.1 on for tin: "J acres, or wi'l sol! one acre and bungalow for 1 1 tino. Personally in Spei'tfd. Photo at office. U H JEROU?O.N. Gerlinger Blrig. 0 ACRES, near city, on paved road. All clear. -d. Very fine and sightly. Let ma show It and you will want It. 7-10-lN-yn-nere tracts and other small er and larger tract, 1 try to handle only those worth lu price. Let me tell you of them. L G. DAVIDSON, Chamber of Commerce. ALL IX BEARING Pltf'l T. Two cre On goml rn,i ley ave ( t the eiige of the Cttv. t mired road; nar Buck to electric I r:i nsnnn tion. Spllzcnherg and Winesap apples cherries, logan berries, raT berries, black. berries, currants, gooseberries and rhii- ra i o. am oi this rruu In good shn pe Price $1 U75 with $573 cash. John Fer c iiKiin , Get-1 in giT h!i! g. bfooiiv, A R KS within 7 miles of the in.v. nn.tr .uuiuiomuu go!f links; best oi in mm . rdiim o-room plastered liouse. ncariy n lr: I'i fuel for ew . acres cultivated, all can acres good tinihpr. would make ears. Finest kind of berry land. Ter M BILLINGS. ff'. McKay lt!d? Main LiPO. 'l OSE TO PORTLAND. SECTION LINK ROAD. 10 Hi-rt's. 5 miles from rit v ItmUs- all can be cultiate,l: 5 aires under cultiva tion, bn 1m nee in brush. easv clearing blare frneed with httrh.-d wire: sma 11 house; good well. price $3500 with 1 2io P. iMmlty Inspected. John PVr- Git- limber bidg. IF" you whiii to raise hngn on alfalfa laud in that prt of the country that has lh longest growing season in the northwest, clip this ml out and mail it in i he WESTERN PACIFIC SECURITIES COM PANY. 711 White bl.'g.. Seattle. Wash., and we will tell vou nil about our lands " t Til R !:!; R I VI- KS ( H'XTRT. 1 ACK LS finest ot deep. rl-h soil, no rock or gmH. some timber, about -1 acre In cultivation. balance ea-llv cl-nred and all t i'laMe; onlv IS mi! tu . U ntllo to school, stores nd ele trie station: only S2UOO. Lot of others all size, nod (orations. Tallmadge Real ty Co. 010 Henry bidg. JK you want to raise hogs on alfalfa land In thai part of the country that bas the btngeM growing season In the northwest. -Mi imn na ou: and mail it to the WESTERN PACIFIC SECURITIES fOM- ' 'i ime ning.. Seattle. Wash ami we win ten you sit about our lands ' " "'vi r, hi r.KS Ct UM RV AT M K A loV nitOOK, on 7resr7Hm e trie, acres faelng on .Johnson etc w ii ii private romt to cower, VnP nearly new 4-room huse: some' road pt'T'iy pre nod ; Jiinnti, terms. Oregon in. v nfc. i v namner or Con 1 2 Ai'll KS Fine ratni.y land in hiqh s ga r:t r ' rood NEAR nruifAMi r.Imrd, plenty berries at" of cultivation: 'Hi ; fair house. fVtc on.y y4 . n. na lance easv. i.rKPh ;: m a n n ct m pa n v . 'hS'iihcr of Coin merce. Vt'R SAI.K-.My lae at .Ma: son slat; about two ity hitcks north of pn; h'Uhwy. d ittf'ew east of Iflllstoro arn: 1 mi:- PM oi Mfnaui. cansistins of Mr re, 4-ionin rot taue. good W-n nU f ii i.i ' i (i ( rm rci. i r in tp res tea rite J. J, K'l(y. Hank Center. Mtnn. HER R Y SOIL. T arms. 4 mi out. on fine road ; koo.i wen unii pump: Hfoui hair ciesrd b a : a n i v easy to cir; L'-roum shack f-rive on'v $:'.d"i: cood trms. la'KlMKMA.X t'oM V A N Y . 11 '1 chamber of Commerce. ACRES hear Clackamas, excellent soil nr'.ghi'oring I:md ne;ted nearly $1kHl per aero on berries t his yea r. This ran be iiKd for s-jintt. Terms. l'"J4 Oregon bidg "it h nd Oa k. 'vlt SALE 10 arrs hlixhly improved or rhsrn and berries ranch nnr Albnnv Price $:i.t: terms. For details adores r. w. none. st. cnaries Hotel, Alban Oregon. 4 :i. ACKKS. soil A-l; improved; house ha cas. eieciru-ny. ciiMp ir, alfalfa block to school. !ect ric line, in Chuln v tsts. cat., grand cumate; ,ott0; terms. 4o . ASH. ''R KALE 1 aires. 4-room house, ber. ries. fruit, larpe t hlrken houite. Oregon city car line. ?i4t; 4i'0 nnsh. bnlan etisv terms. Call E. S. Trombley, Tabo: . t i. F'R SALE st a bargain, one good tract of farm land near Ililtsboro and good lots on t.ast 1 sth near ui vision. Make your own terms. Call oJU lwrga vui.umg. KKAL ESTATE. -Acreage. LARGE modern dairy- farm and about 450 acres, including several miles of shore line on' Puget sound, about 50 miles north of Seattle. A colonization proposition with unusual townsite and summer resort features. Price for s.11 the real and personal property, including va.iua.oie improvements. $3H5.oou. terms. 8Wi Leary Building. Seattle EIGHTEEN MILK COWS. smail dairy, joining city limits of I x-nn.iinu; an under cultivation: 3 blocks I from car line. Family orchard and alH Minus oi oerries; gas and city water available: 3-roorn house, lath and plas tered, barn 34x4 J. silo 10x20. chicken house and other buildings: price $7ouO " on ujo siock. norses, a wagons, D.a"'rain. and complete dairy utensils; is.iooo cash or will sell the land and bundings with the stock and equlp- JOHN FBRGCSQN. Gerlinger Bidg. HIGHLY IMPROVED COUNTRY PLACE. ki acres at Tigard, all in cultivation; uiuuei ii uouse witn narawood noors, 2 baths, fireplace and many built-in fea tures; also modern dalrv barn, earaire. tenant's housed and other buildings; some equipment This is a fine little farm and a beautiful country home combined The buildings could not be duplicated iui mui-ii less man the price of the en tire property. Price 10.O00; reasonable terms. LUBDDEMANN COMPANY. Chamber of Commerce. ON THE PAVEMENt7TELECTRIC" DEPOT. Nearly i acres, all under cultivation and the best of soil. Over lOO bearing fruit trees, apples, pears, prunes, cher ries and all kinds of berries. This land can au De irrigated and is fine logan berry land. 4-room house, barn, ga rage, 2 chicken houses, creek on place; no gravel or rock. This is at the edge oi tne city; paved road all the way. f-rice t-nun; miu cash. Personally in spected. Photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bidg. ACREAGE SNAPS. $3500 5 acres Powell Valley rd. culti vated, on paved rd. $3500 5 acres on Columbia highway, 6 room home. J2700 27 acres. Sky Line boulevard, 12 miles rrom courthouse. House, nam, creeK. spring. $130 10 acres Vancouver, Wash., small bouse and barn. $20fM) 10 acres, Vancouver, Improved. 1 21 to 4 acres. Buckley ave. CHAS. R1NGLER & CO., 225 Henry bids. COWS. CHICKENS AND EQUIPMENT." Nearly 5 acres. Iocs ted on good road, close to Portland: 4 mile from sta tion; all under cultivation ; everything in the way of fruit, all bearing; also walnuts and other nuts; good 5-room house, barn. fruit cellar and other buildings. Price $3850 with cows, cream separator, bees, rabbits, chickens an everything; large cash payment: no bet ter soli anywhere; personally inspected. rnoio at oince. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bidg. 37 ACRES BLACK SOIL. , MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. All under plow, -large house and bam. 1 about 7 acrftS young orchard. The soil is or tne highest quality and most ideal I for loganberries; only mile from Clack amas. J miles rrom Portland on paved road. This tract is worth $12,000 if it's worth a dollar. You can buy it today ior :miuu; souu casn. xnis is wortn in vestigating. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 20 Corbett bidg. Main 6915. FOR SALE 12 acres, close to sawmill, on county road: would make a good poultry ranch; enough timber on place to pay tor same; price l.ioo. 34 U acres; 10 acres In timber, balance tiLable: close to school, church, sawmill: on county road; will make a good ranch; once xiouo. 10 acres, well Improved, all necessary buildings, stock and tools; close to col lege town. If interested write for par ticulars. Price $3500. John Pimm, Phil omath, Or. 8 ACRES, all cultivated: fine berry land; family fruit, fine tf-room plastered house. very convenient, built-in ice chest for ! rui t. well on porch, woodshed, barn with plenty of hay. henhouse and 2 doz. hens. Guernsey cow. horse, buggy, mow er, rake. plow, harrow, wagon, smal to!s. kale and carrots. This splendid place Is convenient to school : sidewalk to town. It" you want something good iee this. Price .t.f.u. terms, o. iu. rrey tag.. Gladstone. Or, ACREAGE. $1800 for SV acres 9 miles east of city; good house and barn. H in culti vation, bal. brush; small payment aown. but. like rent. R5SOO for 6 a., good 8-room house barn, garage, milk house and poultry houses, on Iase Lir-e. 0 miles rrom cen ter of city; easy terms: a nice suburbac 1 home. F L. BLA NCHASD, 519-20 Railway Exchange. GOOD 30-ACRE FARM NOT FAR FROM PORTLAND-NEWBERG PAVED HIGH- W A Y. 20 acres of splendid soil in cultivation. fincen with hog-tight tence. balance pas ture, family ore ha rd. a bunda nee of icood water; gas engine, house, barn, other outbuildings; i mile to town and high school; price only $5500. See Sam Hewey at J. L. Hartman Co.. 7 Chamber of i 'ommerce blrig. OUT TIGARD ROAD. IS miles Portland. In ;t cres fine soil. 4-room bunga low, small barn. Best po- luto tiro position to be fotllfd. Also food cheap ranch. Can be made to pay or itself with dne good crop. Price 1 500 for quick action. Liberal terms. Will take Ford car in as first payment, j HARRIS & MA.V KI.l.. 304 Railway Ex. bidg. Main 2S31. Open Sunday ft to 2. 1 0-ACRE farm at Gresham. Or., by owner; good house, barn, fruit and berries, tel ephone; 5000. 1 5 acres, modern seven-room nouse. built-ins. bath, full basement with trays. bain, garage and outbuildings: a fine country home; a bargain. $7000. Both T.int-e? are 15 minuies walk to depot. high school and library. Telephone Gresham 5"3. Will be at 119 E. 32d st. Sunday and Monday. labor Jb.if. ON THE PAVEMENT. Just east of the city; Base Line road. one fine acre, all good land, nice shade tr-es: cltv conveniences, gos. Km I Run water, e'ectric lights and city phone are there. Price SSOO with $:Ui0 cash. This only $100 a lot and the county pays for the paved road. .TOHN FERGt'SON. Gerlinger Bidg. ACRES In Tigard district, 4 acres in 12-year-old. and - acres in S-year-old com mercial apples. Ii acres in S-year-o!d wal nuts. 1tl crop sold for $:t."iOt. House. barn and outbuildings: located 4 blocks to electric station, school and stores; price Jt.-'otMi ; trms. CLEV KLA N 1-H EN 1'iERSOX CO., 'SI 'I Railway Exchange hldg. WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONTAGE. U acres, located it mi its from Court- bonse t electric depot, on Pal em high way, ail under cultivation ; orchard of unities, pears, plums. neaches. tt-room house, barn, chicken house, fruit cellar. Price i'-IooO; $-V0 r;sh down. A fine piece of land: sood productive soil. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bidg. II ACRES acres cleared, balanc oak and fir. but good cow pasture; t -room house, barn and other outbuildings: good nreharrt: horse and buggy goes with th Cos-t $rouo; will soil for M:'.."n; $l:,".o mort age. balance S;t0(t0 cash ; this Is sacrifice. XORU HAMPTON CO.. Main S24o. 4('l Stick Ex. bidg. 111 ACRES, a'.l cultivated; a In fruit, pears. unnlrs. orunes; splendid s-room pias- tered house, well tine water. 2 henhouses. bg barn, wagon shed. This is tht red oli.ot a.oil. good berry or garden sol!; niles from town ; price $40(H. $jl cash. Owner east. Yon ran move right in. O. E. Krey t sr. (;i(It-m. .Or j'vi ACRES-" Th is C V: acres is IfKite.I In a home bniblinir sect'on and cannot bp beat for homesit: ritv phone, gas. etc.: beau tiful fir rees for parfc. Price only 1000; good terms M"KDHEMVXN COMPANY. rt;l chamber of Commerce. SIO CASH PR'CK. f00. Near the Oregon electric station of l.nEHnvi'ie. JV.1 ntil from Portland is miles from Salem, is ten acres of black productive soil. Enough cord wood may be rwt to pay for the clearing- Persons 11 v inspected. J O H.N EE RC. USPS. Oe rlinger Bidg TEN ACRES of good land close to Ores- ham on section nne road. acres m cultivation, lies fin, ba lance eoveret. with small limber: will make you a fin home, chicKen or berry ranch; once i $2100. KRIDER & BLK I NflTON. GRESHAM. OR. LOCCKD-OFF LANDS. Tracts. 3 acres up. located within 30 miles oi mrt.ana on rai.roaa: good soil no rock, plenty of water . worn nearby; buy on your own terms. LtFJPEM ANN COMPANY 913 CHAMBER OK COMMERCE. """oftKOOX CITY LINE" One acre, all under cultivation, fruit and berries in abundance: good 4-room nouse. on i'iacauani'en roaa. near Con cord school ; price 1 1 .ton ; jt.oO cash. Per- Sonai v in"et'iea. JOHN FKROVSOX. Gerlinger Bidg. iuoO ACRKiS in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; smsy terms, low price. $5 ner acre and up. Liberty bonds seven ted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER COMPANY. xacoma otag.. iscoma. w ash. 10 ACKk.s of unimproved land ti miles rrom in cut limits or Portland, east price mo, i i'Hi down, bal. i yars. Uus REAL ESTATE. tor Sal e - Aeremgew A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY. A KAKK BARGAIN. A highly improved 20-acre place iiist east of the city limita to be had at a wonderful sacrifice. In the making of a beautiful sub urban home,, ideal for landscaping, gent ly rolling and an unexcelled view or the mountains, river and surrounding . country. Numerous buildings, water system, dandy family orchard of many varieties in run bearing ; rine grove oi trees, just enough to be proper; very rich deep -soil. We have something wa know will please you and only aK tne opportunity of proving our statements oniy s i.i.niMj; part casa. uost me owner $20,uoo. KASER & KAlNBf. Gasco Bidg. Marshall 3125. 5 ACRES LOGANBERRIES. Will, give you a comfortable income and should net you fuuO per acre per year. we nave 30 acre on tiaies roaa, xew blocks south of Powell Valley road, only 2 miles east of bUd at., which has been contracted to be set in berries and cared for until full bearing in 2 years. We can sell vou from 3 acres up. While you are paying: for your land the berries are growing into Dig aiviaenu payer. Come in and let us explain our proposition. KAiSKK fc x A I IN c. i . 823 -8 JO Gasco H!dg. Marshall 3125. FORCED SALE. WHY DELAY? 10 acres, nearly level bench land, on county graveled road, 3 miles from landing; good for poultry, berries, ap ples, potatoes; just the spot lor r inn. Swede or American with grit, neighbors around, camps nearby; cozy iur- nished li-room cabin now occupied: own er is sick, must leave; place with tools. provisions, till Christmas goes ior vou; fenced garden, grew 1-3 ton Early Rose by July 4. Get Toggenberg goat, poor man's cow, or 2 acres will support Jer sey. Address w. :n. ."Uttstti-tv ii;, urays rtiver, w asn. 28 Ui ACRES, all cultivated, fronting on Mo alia river: a in Dearing prunes-, o a- year-old prunes; 8-room modern plas- terpa nouse wir n Dam. eieciric hkhu hot and cold water, basement, big barn. granary, machine nouse. mooerii iruit dryer, fine well, tank- and ga engine, complete set of farm machinery and tools: z norses ana jersey row, ian, flock of chickens. This beauti i ul place in in thn lanbv district: nouse surrouna- ed by beautiful walnut and oak trees; no better sou in Oregon; most or lanu seeded ; mile of town; price $13,000, terms-. O. E. Freytag. Gladstone, ur. 1400 CHICKEN'S. 7', acres, located near Clackamas station; all under cultivation; good grav eled road, close to pavement; acres of berries, 1 acre orchard, 7 years old, good soil; 7-roon nouse, nam, cnicaen houses 50x100 and 24xlo0, 2 brooder houses, water pined to buildings; one mare and colt, 1 cow, 2 wagons, 1 mower, 2 cultivators. 2 sets harness. 1 harrow. 1 hay rake, 5 incubators of l00-egg ca pacity. 301)0 cash, terms on balance. Personally inspected : photo at office. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bidg. SUBURBAN HOME SITE. 1 24 acres, close in on the west Bide, with a most wonderful view which can n fver he obstructed: located irw a re stricted district of beautiful homes. It certamlv a bargain ana one win never have another opportunity to match i it. New highway now under construc tion goes right past it, uniy toou. i on terms. ! KASER & RA1.NBI. 823-826 Gasco Bidg. Marshall 312a. , CLOSE TO MlLWAt'KIE. EVERGREEN STATION. Quarter acre, all under cultivation. nice grounds; young fruit trees, just beginning to bear; some Derfirs; nice 4-room oungaiow wun nr- ce anu bathroom, no - tub; gas, elec . lights. This is on an improved road and close to car; chicken hous' and other build ings. Price $1000; 00 cash. This is only 8 Vic car fare ; photos at or rice. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bidg. 10 ACRES PLASTERED HOUSE $3500. Land lies fine; rich son; t acres culti vated: house. 3 rooms, plastered, and at tic; nicely painted inside and out; good harn and chicken nouse wen at nouse; spring in barnyard; oniy 18 miles from Portland, 'rice $-iiuu; terms uuu caau. balance to suit. LLKUUEMA.i COM fA. l . 013 Chamber of Commerce. FHL'IT RANCH, NEAR TIGARD. 10 acres. located on good road; all un der cultivation; 700 fruit trees, all in good condition and bearing: apples, cher ries, pears, pruiit-M, ru . . o"w of apples raised on this place in 1910; 4 room house, barn 30x0. chicken house and granary: one mile to school. Price $5250 with $2750 cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger' bidg. FIVE OR TFN ACRES in Hood River valley, level land, under irrigation; iSi miles rrom poou town on R. R-. on graveled road; best oi lanu for fruit, strawberries, aiialfa and pota toes; price 5 SO to per acre, ea.-y terms if desired; discount for cash. J. M. Curtis, 31X Sherman ave., hooa River, Or. , WXLV 35 MINUTES OUT. 2 acres, located on the electric line and county road, near the station. Bonita Meadows ; rine garuen it no. n uuw- cultivation; tiled; new lath and plastered. house, I4x-J small cnicaen nouse. rutc (1050 for all cash, or UOO on tt"ie. Personally inspected. Photo at ofTice. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bidg. 10 ACRES of red shot soil. 7 cultiated; fa ir house, gooa- Darn, orcnaro . pi nc $'HM. This is a good place for the monev and if planted to berries could pav for it in one year; close to town and school; on easy terms: all tillaoie soil and good. O. E. Freytag. Gladstone. Oregon. ,'i-ACRE SNAP. This heauttfut tract faces the paved Powell "Valley road, aS4 miles irom cu If in Its: IteS level, au l-nrr... - a e . .r- . sfli roundings; dandy proposition for sub urban homesite: price aooo, iprms. ! 1 1 n C h amber of Commerce. M a in HH67. FOUR acres, v miles from court nouse. o- room house, nam. ii.iirco fruit trees and small fruit ; alao garden- new well, ten min. walk to the elec tric 'or Southern Pacific. 3500. 1006 Mac adam st. " OREGON CITY LINE." U acres, close to car: good soil; nice high ground. 1 acres under cultivation; gas and city con w-ineui--a Price S7O0 with 53iO casn. Anuerson, R14 Gerlinger bidg. . CHOICE 2-ACRE TRACT Witn gOou nouse. barn and chicken noose: iois oi inn and berries, on improved county road near M ultnomah station : 4.i'. or particulars call at 404 Piatt bidg, lJt Park st. FIVE ACRES joining Grenam on paved oil crnrxrt vit . I Tl cuii viiinMi. in :rer avniUble. fine for chickens and berries; a real bargain. Moo. K RIPER ELKING-TON GRESHAM. OR- OWNER is willing to sscritice .--acre farm, near uene, ior M mi- fo -ii but might consider terms: tVoir acres Under cultivation, four mors cleared : small orchard; 000 taltes it. O l!o;t. Oregonian. i tj A-MJi.,sl witn 1 t-rotm nouscp, oui Kun water, nn"- p- , a i. n irnm court h ous', on east side. i u-inff' D-nna for chickens. 3 blocks rrm Ntntio:: reasonable, l-S cash: would divide. iwner. AK fil. Oregonian. 40 ACRES, near capiioi tun. oauiiiuuy ... ai tinn nn eniui rau, iiur iai low the market price and a great buy. PACIFIC REALTY. 4U' Spalding. Main K47. CRANBERRY MARSH. 30 -acre cranberry tract, excellent lo cation: fullv equipped: 12 acres Im proved and bearing. Address Box 147 Seaside. Oi TEN ACRES of good land near Oresham, on good gravel roaa, ai i in con w mm . small house, barn, Iruit and well : good location; price $3100. Krider & Elking- ton. Greslum, Or. t IX acres at Evergreen station. Oregon Cltv car'.lne; all cultivated, mostly fruit: pr tt v home, modern conveniences, ; op posite fiiafke-'s greenhouse. Oatheld road. feme and see for yourself. ACRES, all in cultivation. 2 blks. from electric station, 1 block from paved t.. e.od buildings. $270O. k,lo cssh. bal. to suit. Wi I bur F. Jouno. Henry btdgJ AltOCT 4 g acres, ail under cultivation ; best or so!!: .tust outnine ni riii.sitoro; cost over $1100; must sell this week; mak offer. T 41Q. Oregonian. I ACRE, all in cultivation. lone in. 4 blks from tiectnc station. n- oungaiow. oniy $210O. small payment, eapy terms. Wil bur F. Jouno, Henry bidg. AT Multnomah, large house, cement base ment, 2W acres, a, I cleared, fame fruit, good Investment at SI.IOO. Hours 11 to 1-2 to 4. 205 Allsky bidg 5 ACRES on Oregon Electric: anttage. barn. extra large cnicuen nouses. Address owner. H. D. Schmidt. 702 Clsus Spreck e;s bidg., San Francieco. 3t ACRES, with buildings, fruit, aspara gus: z mm. w aiK to ceaverton station ; onlv $2inn. Hours 11 to 1. 2 to 4. 203 Alifkv b'dg. FOR SALE 4 nres choice crsnberry land. near Ilwaco. wasn.: wen located. Price HQQ. Call E a st2JS 7. FOR SAL CHEAP K0 acres. 30 mile. from Portland, 20 cleared, all fenced ; 10 tons hay go with place. W'dln. 1008. $3000 KLICKITAT valley, 160 acres grain , lana; wi acres ciesreu; goou sou; qOO J caetx. AlcFarland, 002 Yeon bidg. 1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. FIVE MILES FROM CITY LIMITS. lO acres. located southeast. near Clackamas, good soii. 4 acres uncier cul tivation, balance very easy clearing: half mile to school; Sunnysiue district; small orchard: small house, barn and chicken house; price $2luo; $1000" cash. WUl consider smalr house near Oregon City. Personally inspected. Photos at office. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg CHICKEN RANCH, $ 1 oou. 2-acre tract and 4-room house, good drilled well, on K 82d st., about lO mill, walk, to Kendall S La tion, Estacada car line. , J. J. OEDER, 4 Grand ave. N., nar E. Ankeny. IF you want to raise potatoes as Fred Harris did this year, getting a return of $lo9H from 2' acres under cultiva tion, clip this ad ou-t and mail it to the WESTERN PACIFIC SECURITIES COM PANY", 711 While bidg.. Seattle, Wash., and we will tell you ail about our lands in the THREE RIVERS COUNTRY. OREGON CITY CAR SNAP. - Vz acres, all cultivation, good 4-room house, chicken-house. Courtney Station. Terms. J. BOBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. . SNAP I tifatd money and w ill sell 320 acres eastern Oregn land for less than assessed value. This land is not im proved, but clear of ail Incumbrance. Will accept small payment dowa. AH 7Q'. Oregonian. 20-ACRE berry tracts, within 2 miles of Columbia highway: excellent soil and rlimute. near transportation; land lies ideal for the growing of all kinds of berries; only cash, balance $150 annually. M. E. Lee. 5 05 C o r b e tt bid g. TEN or 20 acres of good land on rock road, handy to G ret ham with several h undred cords of good wood for $100 an acre. KRIDEft & ELKINGTON, GRESHAAl. OR. FOR SALE 2 acres, improved, close in house, fruit, berries and grapes ; will exchange for city property. 10oo Francis ave. Sell. 3578. For Sale -Farms. THE FINEST FARM IN THE NORTH WEST. 501 acres, all level, all the very finest of river bottom land, all diked, which eliminates auy chance of overflow ; one mile frontage on Columbia river. This iand can all be cultivated. There I now about 400 acres under the plow; there is a fine, modern lO-room nouse, full basen-ent, etc. ; fine water system, store Duild;ng. dock, and warehouse, large barn and stock sheds, implement houses, chicken and hog houses, 2 new siloa and other outbuildings; place is all fenced and cro35-feuced, mostly witU hog tight fencing; located less than 50 miles from Portland ou good road and near good town. This is in our estimation the best, the cheapest and the most pro ductive ranoh in either Oregon or Wash ington and properly farmed will pay for itself in two years, but place must be seen to be properly appreciated. There is stock, feed, tractors and other equip ment which can be had with place; price if soli at once. l00,itoo. very easy terms. Might sell a art of this iarm with the improvement. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO.. 4 10 Washington st, Vancouver, Wash. REAL BARGAIN. 24 ac'-ee, extra fine land, all in high state of cultivation except 1 Vi acres of rrpf-n timt.i-r: fine orchard of assorted fruits, good tt-room house, good barn OOx 60, new silo, wash house, chicken house. nog nouse, woou nouse mi gaiasr, fine cows. 3 heifers, 3 horses, hogs, 80 chickens, wagon, mower, rake, tedder, drill, silage cuLter and blower, plow, hrrnw ." tons hav. silage, etc.: also fine 5-passener automobile ; lo .ited on fine road, mile from smalt town; 12 miles rrom Vancouver. If you want a fine small farm, thoroughly equipped, see this at once. Price $7500; terras. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO., 4lO Washington St., Vancouver, V ash. 4o ACRES, lofitedj at Devitt, Or., west of Corvallls, one mile from town, good loam soil, 20 acres can be cultivated, 12 acres under cultivation, balance in pas ture, some timber lor wood, lots of out range, 4-room houso 24x3i, barn 32x4 1, chicken hou.e and milk hou.se, acre orchard, one mile to school t lots oi work one mile from this ranch. Price $2soo, with 2 cows, 1 yearling, 1 mower, 1 cul tivator, plow, 2 harrows, hay rake, cream separator and tools; $2000 cash. There are i0 chicken, on thiw ranch that can be bought. John Ferguson, Gerlinger building. UNION COUNTY RANCH. Located north of Elgin, HM acres, black loam toil, watered by spring and well, OO acres untler cultivation, hou.e, barn, good county road, school on place, R. F. Lf. Very productive soil; price .$75 per acre, with 1 head of cattle, 0 horses, 75 chickens, '2 wagons, 3 plows, 3 sets - of harness, mower, rake, binder, har rows, cultivator, gas wood saw, drag saw. grain chopper, grain drii I, potato planter, 3 hay racks and lots of crops; liul I cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger building. EXCHANGE FOR AT "TO. 9 acres, all level and good land, all In cultivation : acres In bearing prunes; good 4-room plastered house, good burn, chicken house and outhldgs. Located on good auto ro-d tt niih s irom Vancouver and "4 mile from electric line. Price $'J400. 'good terms, or will take auto as first payment. THE R. fc. THOMPSON CO., 41 O Wan hing ton Ht., Vancouver, Wash. 20 ACRES. 1 6 acres in cultivation, balance in brusii. crflek on one bound;- ry. family orchard, 7-rooin house. - barns. Jersey cow. 4 chickens, farm implements, store and electric station on place. In a small town 10 miles from Oregon City. Sawmill and gristmill. $4300; Jooo cash. A. C. HOWLAND. 8th and Main st. Oregon City, Or. E AM prepared to offer one of the best located. Improved, stocked and equipped, close-in farms, consisting of 70 acres that can b.- found near Portland, at a very reasonable price and with easy terms. Might consider good Portland residence as part pay. Nothing better or more desirable. SA ML EL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bidg. 30O ACRES of river bottom land, only 20 miles from Portland : large 1-room house, barns and dairy stocked and going big; 25 cu s. horses and all farm ing machinery: about 10i0 worth of feed and hay. all for $:iO.O(0; good terms. See me at once. G. C. Moore. ' .1. BRUCE GODDARD. ."02 Conch. Phone Main 4o j7. IF you are interested in raising alfalfa on irrigated land w hero you can cut from four to fi ve cu 1 1 ings a year, averaging from six to ten tons to the acre, clip this ad out and mail it to the WKSTKKM I'AU'IHC KE URiTIEH COMPANY, 7ll White bidg.. Seattle. Wash., and we will tell you all abou t our lands in the THREE RIVERS COUNTRY. ACTUAL SETTLERS ONLY. 160 acres. Cow lit z county, Washing ton, unimproved, good soil, fine neigh borhood, good roads, near all tillable; 1.1 acres almost clear; . price $3200; $200 cash, balance two years without interest. R. F. FEEMSTER. 30 Abington Btdg. HALE OR EXCHANGE, looo acres, 10 mils from good town In Montana; 500 under ditch. 215 in al falfa, balance of Irrigated used for sug ar beets, oats. etc. ; U-room modern house, with heating plant and electric ity. Price Jfs.1.000. $2,1,000 cash, or trade at cash value will handle. C. W. VAIL. Carlton. Oregon. GOOD BA rrI A IN. 4o-acre tract about six miles from Mosler in Wasco county, the berft apple district In the state. About ten acres of the 40 acres in ten-year old a pple orchard. In an excellent con dition. Good county road. s hool short distance a wny. Price 42f7..lO. Mrs liorian Fuchs. 420 Chamber of Com merce. 1 r you want to hesr w hat W. J. Ingram and Fred Finlayson say about the cli mate at HL'KBANK. Wash., clip this ad out ami mail to the WESTERN PACIFIC SECURITIES COMPANY. 711 White bidg.. Seattle. Wash., and we will tell vnu all about our lands In the THREE RIVERS COUNTRY. IF you want lo hear w hat W. J. I ngram and Fred Finlayson say about the cli mate at HURBAXK. Wash., clip this, ad out and mail to the WESTERN PACIFIC SECURITIES COMPANY. 711 White bidg.. Seattle. Wash., and we will tdl vou all about our lands In the THREE RIVERS COUNTRY. ' " FIRST-CLASS FARM. .17 ACRES. HILLSFiORO. All smooth, gently sloping land, 50 seres in cultivation, rest pasture, running water, good house, large barn; $150 an acre, reasonable terms ; team. 12 cows, lot feed and machinery if desired. D. Mc Chesnpy, jf"4 1 Oak St., Broadway 200. IF vou want to hear what W J. Ingram and Fred Finlayson say about the ell-) mate Diunv.m, hj iiiim ho out a fid mall to the WESTERN PACIFIC SECURITIES COMPANY. 711 White bidg.. Seattle. Wash., and we will tell you all about our lands in the THREE RIVERS COUNTRY. ao ACRSS, 5 miles from Vancouver, Wn. On good road and the best of oil: prU-e $11 oo. terms to suit. A, H. Bring holf, r:Q4 41st ave. S. E. " FO R E C LO S U R K SNAP. I want my $2530 back. Five acrea bungalow, poultry runs, ha m ; right at the station. AO Uf Oregonian. H'-AC RE f ai in all equipped, t lunu in ; all clear, or will trade. Call Tabor V07. STEAL ESTATE. For Sale 233 ACRES, rolling land, soil productive; 130 acres under plow. 110 acres la crop; balance mostly open pasture. well fenced and cross-fenced": buildings new and painted, roof and all: V-room. m story house, woodshed attached; milk house; horpe bn.ru 3ox40. I'O ft. posts: dairy bara 34x50. 20 ft. posts, room for 32 -cows, swinging stanchions, feed car rier and litter carrier; 1 tool house; bog house. 2 chicken houses and other out buildings; spring water piped into hou.s, milk house and barns; numerous springs on farm; 2 acres family or chard. Elctrlc lights in house and barns; Iocaied on the Power Plant road. miles west of McMinnville; good road; telephone and R. F. D. On good milk route. The following personal property Included: All crop, hay and grain on place; 110 acres seeded to oats and vetch; 2o cows; 1 bull; 1 brood sow: 50 goats; 50 chickens; 1 team mares, har ness and wagon, hack, mower, rake, harrow, disc, plow, garden plow, one half interest in drill, hay rack and rock bed. There rs enongh hay on this place to last till grass conita. Price for every thing mentioned is $ 20.000; ona-half cash, balance on terms at tf per cent. Write or ca J. H, Shipley. Mcilinn- vine. or. $22,000. BEAUTIFUL FARM. 200 acres on auto road t Portland, near electric station, including 12 milch cows, 12 heifers, 7 calves, 1 registered fine bull, 2 good teams. 7 bogs, 30 tons hay and stray, lloo bushels oats, wheat, 2 sets double harness, 7& cords cut wood; 15 acVea heavy timber, 125 acres cultivated, tU) acres pasture, plenty out range; good 7-room houso with piped water, large barn and outbuildings, cross fenced in a fields, each with creek wa ter; best of soil, land level, good drain age; 20 acres fall-sown wheat, 12 acres vetch and oats; 40 acres plowed fot needing, self binder, mower, hay rake, seed drill, disc harrow, 2 plows, har row, 2 wagons, 2 cultivators; all are new Implements, in Al condition, besides small iarm tools go. Value of improve ments, stock, etc., about $10,000. Sale price totals $22,000 tor all ; actual cost of clearing tne land Is now $100 per acre. You get a bargain. Look at this at once if a first-ciass goiug farm is wanted. Half or more cash down. Write or call at office. FRANK McFARLAND REALTY CO 602 Yeon Building, Portland, Or. 30 MILES FROM PORTLAND. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE 200 acres of fine land, 20 acres of wheat, 12 acres of vetch and oats, 40 acres plowed and 48 acrea ready to plow; lO acres fine timber, balance brush and pasture; all fences and cross fences are good; large barn 40x100; silo 14x30; 7 room house, good loads, R. F. D. mail, phone. 1 1, miles to store, school and church; 3H miles to railroad; two good springs and creek and plenty oi tresi water st house, barn, chicken yard and all nine fields. One 1-year-old registered bull, 12 milch cows, 10 yearlings, 5 calves, 7 hogs. 4 3-year-old mares, one horse. 850 bushels oats, 250 bushels of v neat, lo tons of timothy hay, 2( tons of straw; all im plements new; binder, mower, rake, drill, two cultivators. 2 plows, harrow, disc, two wagons and double harness, one sin gle harness and all small tools and Im plements on the place goes. Price 20.000, half cash. CART REAL ESTATE CO., , Greahum, Oregon. f.40Lf-i ?ET PROFIT THIS YEAH. CAN BLlf RANCH FOR $00,0o0; TERMS. This ranch Is located on Pacific high way, near Medford. in Rogue river val ley; under irrigation; gross income for icon over soo.ooo. operating ex penses under $20,000; ou acres in com mercial bearing orchard. 12 years old, standard varieties, appies and pears, trees in fine condition; 10 seres alfalfa 5., pasture and timber. Working equip- outfit, smail tools. 4 horses, cows, all go " ' , O1'ruon nouse, oarn. wire- livusur "in concrete nasement for stor Ul Ir"ii- -ee itemized report at our o.flcs with view of the orchard. In- w.uv over w a-j per cent. Good rea son for selling. See Fam Hewey a j. i.. HAKIMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber niTrue oiug. i :ti O C K D AND EQUIPPED ORCHAKU, ONLY X ,i 7 .10. located In prune belt, southwest of I ortiand. 1 y. miles from good town -oiJu-r bearing fruit, trees, uch as apples, pears, piums, quinces, cherries. Eng lish walnuts: loganberries, blackberries raspberries and strawberries. Good 5 room house, fainted; barn. chicken house, other outbldgs. : springs and well- pasture, some timber; good team of mares Jersey cow. chickens, hay in i ,IU iemMi: -4 acres in cul tivation : ideal combination dairy and fruit ranch: u cash, balance per cent. See 3AM HEWEY. at J. L. HARTMAN 1 P.. No. i Chamber Commerce bidg. J.-U-A. MIDWEST FA KM, JIOOOO. To close estate, with stock, mac hinery, crops thrown in by helrH to hasten pro ceedings: on improved road, near hust ling K. R. town; productive tillage- -4i-cow wir-frnce pasture, home-use wood vanety fruit. Oood J0-room house, stock ST,r-trBr. niir rn. hog house. Ad ministrator ordered to Include If sold now pair horses, other stock, grain bind er, drill, con. po-.alo planters, ime list implement, fodder, f ed : SnriOo easv vFu?- ?CfS Jeta,lB P 7. St rout's fc u r ,i in uargains zz; copy free. E A. s'lfitwr states; j-i c v. i, k. intifspolls, Minn. Plymouth bidg. ki ac.ea untler cultivation and fenced, balance burned off yearH ago and easily cleared: five acres assorted or chard of apples, pears, plums a'id wal nut trees in good condition; seven-room nuc with piped hot and cold water; 2 . .'Clck " hou,os- new Kranarv a. 1 sti 20 head of cattle, four head of bo. . ream separator. 3 bugsies and wagon, binder, mower, plows and other machinery, go with the place; spring did stock farm, having government re serve close for range- Price 13 5O0 with terms. Carey Real Estate Co., Gresham SO ACRES, MM ITS. 1 MILES PORTLAND CITY FARMS D MONTHS. BUT THE BEST BUY WE'VE -.Y5T 13 THIS H I (w H LY CuIt U :v'u MILES TO CITY LIM ITS. ON PAVED ROAD: SPRING WA TER. OWNER WILL BE HERE FOR ONLY FOUR DAYS AND IF YOU WANT TO SEE THIS YOU WILL NEFD HURRY: ONLY $325 PER ACRE AND DEAU BE PRACTICALLY A CASH RALPH HARRIS CO. E27 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDfl. ONLY $75 AN ACRE FOR THIS 225 ACRE FARM. 40 MILKS SOUTH WEST OF PORTLAND, too acres very rich bottom land, all tiled, was- in hops for '20 years. ,V acres more in cultivation, good soil, balance open pasture and timber: about all til I able when cleared : woven wire fences; fine creek, 2 springs and well; good harn. house, new chicken and hog houses: orchard and berries; on graveled road, near town. See Sam Hewey at J L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber Com merce Btdg. FARM SNAPS. $110 per acre, Beaverton; 39 acres, lies fine, paved road, joining land sells at $j.lo iter acre. $4,100. os seres. Sherwood district; fine land. 13 acres cultivated. $4.1oo. 4 acres. Estscada, Improved farm, furnished house, barn, stock, equip mei.t: fine for stock. $2700. 27 acres. 12 miles Portland, small house, barn, spring, creek. Large Farms Small Acreages. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 223 Henry Bl d g. AN IDEAL HOME. , STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 2ft seres, extra choice land : all in cultivation, n-room house, barn, out buildings, good condition, nil kinds of fruit and berries, grapes; i team horses cow. 40 chickens, wagon, buggy and al necessary tools, implements. 13 miles from Portland courthouse, good road pr-jce $0000, half cash, bal. 6 per cent; t! is a fine home. R. M. GATEWpOD A CO.. 163 1, 4th st. NEAR H1LLSBORO. ALL STOCK ED AND EQUIPPED. Fine 20 acres, all in cultivation. dandy Jet ot rarm building. 4 cows. 2 of them registered Hoi steins. 2 brood sows and a lot or small pies. oi turkeys and chickens, and all farm ma chinery and small tools ; a lot of hay and grain; price only .S750, $2foo cash. ltEl.l.HlB V fiMT.VlE.NT CO.. 305 oak St. Broadway 4133. STOCK RANCH. 240 ACRES. 5.loo. This first-class stock ranch with plen ty running water, only 3 miles from town on rood rosd, 40 miles Portland; about 4o acres In cultivation, lot more easily c lea red ; some timber. D. McChesney. ::m4 H Oak St.. Bqwv. 2q. BIG money to bs made raising wheat, get in the real game and write M . Fitz maurice. Condon. Oregon, for prices on wheat farms. Mention what monev you have to Invest and the number of acres you want, the first letter. M. Flts maurlce, Condon. Oregon. " IRRIGATED 10 ACRES. One of best tn Oregon, good improve ments, acres alfalfa, no w aste land : $23.ooo for quick al: need money; the alfalfa w-ill pay of In four years. Geo. Johnson, 2ttQ? S. 9th. Tacoma, Wastv FARM for sa. 160 seres dairy and farm land. 14 head stock and farm Imple ments, near Astoria ; good rosd, easy terms; map. Would consider renting to reliable party. J 444. Oregonian. Farm ! Mutual Fire Relief Association. Insures at cost. $25,000 saved to farm ers yearly. Stock Exchange bidg.. city 320-ACRE dairy ranch to trade for Arop erty in Oregon or Wash inqton. J. h. Peet. owner. Missoula. Mont. BEAT. ESTATE' "AGENTS "PONDS MUST BE READY JANUARY 1. smith-wagoner co., stock, txcu. REAL KsTATB. WASHINGTON COTT5TT Y FARM. 140 acres of rich shot soil. 1 miles from Portland. lO miles from Hillsborol 7 miles from Bearer, miles from Sher- I wood, mile from school; 17 acres nn- der cultivation. SO acres timber and J brush, some saw timber: 10 acres scat- 1 tering timber, balance slashed; 63 fruit i frees, 4-room house, granary, barn, small outbuildings, good wall and sprtng: a great buy at $oO per acre. $0OO cash. MITCHELL A RIPPET, 32S-29 Henry Bid. Alain 2534. j MULTNOMAH COtVTY FARM. 7 arres, 10 miles from Portland, mtle from Columbia highway. mile from Troutdale, , mile from school; 50 acres under cultivation, balance bruh ; 4-room house and barn, creek never dry; a real bargain for snyon interested In Isnd close to Columbia highway; price $10,000, .cuO cash, balance long time at 0 per cent. ' MITCHELL RIPPET, 32S-20 Henry Bidg. Main 2534. POLK COUNTY FARM. 80 acres, 4 V mUes from Dallas. H mile from school; 45 acrea under cultivation, b a lanes Umber, brash and. pasture; wire fence, spring and running water, large barn in good condition; 1 acre of apples, 1 acre of prunes, S walnut trees; price $40t0. H cash, balance easy terms. MITCHELL RIPFEY. Henry B.d. Main 2534, YAMHILL COCNTT FARM. 101 acres, miles south of Dayton. 13 miles from Salem. 2 miles from Hope well, 2 miles from Wheatland ferry. mile from cannery, mile from school; VO acres river bottom. 11 acres bench land, some timber; 25 acres under cultivation. 30 acres slashed. 5 acres in variety of fruit, abundance of berries, berries alone netted the owner $12ou this year, good spring, water forced to hpuse and barn by ram; lu-rm. house, bulit 3 years; 1 barn 3ox48, 1 new barn, garage and outbuildings; 2 horses, har ness, wagon, bnggy. hack, mower, hay rake, plow, harrow; mail, milk, and cream route; price $10,000, $2. loo cash, baiance your own terms at 6 .pr cent. MITCHELL & RIPPET. ' 328-20 Henry Bidg. Main 234. BEST FARM FOR THE PRICE ASKED. Forty-seven acres, all under cultiva tion bAiit .1 acres under white oak along creek running through this farm. Very good house, bam and other ouLbutioinga. cows, norwi, ens, buggies, harnesses, cream separator, ImnUmfnt. anri tools of VaTlOUS kinds, a part of It already seeded and hay In the barn A ready place In every re spect. Only a few blocks from a good valley town and railway station. Pacific highway, county road and railroad run by the place. Costs its owner 5S300, now offered for only $6000. Good terms. Good reaaon for selling. A reliable and experienced farmer and dairy man who inspected place recently said: "You can nnt t lift iT-acr farm too highly. In my opinion it Is the best and lowest pneeu iiti in on iiin cl tvu. your while to Investigate. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co.. 35 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 33S1. WHICH DO YOU WANT? 600 acres 0 miles from Condon. Or. 17.1 acres in cultivation. All fenced. In fact 1000 acres are under fence. Has sood .water for stock from a spring ordinary ranch .buildings. The price is $1A per acre, and the owner will take Income city property or farm land In the Willamette valley. This is an ex cellent stock ranch. 8H acres two miles out of Newberg. One block off of the west side highway. 2S acres in cultivation. 7 acres of o-year old prunes. A good house and barn. A chicken house. A garage. A water system and tank house, water from a spring with engine pump ana pressure. tank. Mnatlv tenced with woven wire. Two blocks to high school and about 6 or a biecks from depot. -rice .ou per jr Thi nir: la well located and will sell for a great deal more money In a year or so. SEE J. A. MILLS. 204 Corbett Bidg. "WHEAT AND VALLEY FARMS. 64 acres In Willamette vat ley. near cnml town: nearly all in cultivation; fine loam soil; good 0-room house and other bui dints: woven-wire lences: on good roau. Vz mile from school. Price isouO. $:tooo down. 155 acres in .Willamette valley: 1 Vs miles from town; all level; 100 acres in cn tt vat ton : running water, rarm duiiq ings; 55 acres already in grain. Price $03. 520-acre wheat farm In 40o In cultivaiioin: S acres Wasco Co.; iLfalfa : fair buildings: S ork horses, young horses, town, fed. all necessary farm tools. Price $:53 per acre. LUBDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. RICH. DEEP SOIL. Partly Improved farms can be bought within 12 miles of Aberdeen and Ho- outam at $50 to $HH per acre and easv terms. In some instances stock and crops are included. Unimproved land we are lltn st tliO to $40 uer acre on fol lowing terms, vis.: Caeh $10 and $10 a month at 0 per cent. Here is your op portunity to buy a tract of good land without rocks or gravel close to schoo and on good roads. For further lnfor tnatlnn writ at once. WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZATION CO.. ADtt.KUbc.N. Y AMI. FINK M -ACRE! EQUIPPED FARM. 11 ACRES ITALIAN r HI K. I ALL BEARING. A-l CONDITION, ift miles from Vancouver In the fa mous prune belt. on hard-surface road, mod soil. 42 acres In cultivation, bal ance pasture; splendid water, gas en gine; -room noue. Dig nam. - town, hogs. 2 horses, chickens, plenty of feed. rnmnUta utt farm implements; Dricc $11,000. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber Com merce Bidg. A CHOICE HOME. 62H acres in famous Tualatin valley, main road runs through farm: J.0 miles from courthouse, Portland; 23 seres in cultivation, balance In pasture; running water. 6-room bungalow, large barn, out bldgs. windmill, fruit and berries; price $250 per acre; $15,625. Will take Port land property for part payment and make good terms. R. M. GATE WOOD CO.. 165 y Fourth SL 41 ACRES. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Fine tract of gently rolling land. 20 miles from Portland in the best general farming section of the state; 4-room house, large barn, plenty outbuildings, wheat went over 40 bushels this year; fine for grain or clover; on milk route, handy to school, good road; about half In cultivation, rest pasture and timber; $.1,100. D. McChesney, 304 Vt Oak St., Broadway 26. $20 PER ACRE. 240 acres. 5 miles from WIMamina. 40 acres in cultivation, bal. has between 4 and 3 million feat ot timber. Excellent water and very fair buildings. This land is sn estate which the heirs want to s-ttle up and this accounts for the low price. It can be bought with some cash and terms on the balance. SEE J. A. MILLS. 204 Corbett Bidg. 20O-ACRE REAL FARM. NEAR PORTLAND. MUST GO AT ONCE. trnnA OlOW land. 123 crops rinter In; 3f head cattl. 3 horwea. T 15 calves. 73 cords wood, plenty hogs. timber, 1000 bushels oats. 260 bushel wheat, 15 tons hay; large nous. soo large bam. lots running water, all good new machinery to run farm. Main 180S. "close-in farm. 3 acres, choice level land. 34 A. In cultivation. 4 A. pasture. 6-room house and barn, outbuildings In good condition, fruit, berries, grspes. nn elegant home; 12 W miles Port land ; good road ; price $0000. half cash, bal. long time at 4 per cent. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 13 4th st. CHOICE SMALL FARM 20 seres of the best land, Just slopes enough to drain well: 16 acres cleared and cultivated. 4 -a ore pasture; first-class 5-room house, barn, silo, garage, choice assortment fruit and berries: fine Section of country between Portlsnd and Salem; $37ro. D. McChesney, 304 H Oak st., Kroadwny 20rt. 27-ACRE FARM. ALL IN CULTIVATION, $3,100. Good dark loam soli, fenced with woven wire; splendid water, family or chard; on gravel road: one mils to school and electric station ; south of Portland. See Sam Hewey, at J. L. HARTMAN ''OMPANL YAKIMA valley garden and fruit, 10 acres, deep loam soil, all tn cultivation, to garden snd fruit, river front. nlc 3 room house, sleeping porch, outbuildings, .tin irond well, government irrigation: price $3000 Central Yakima Ranches 1 Co.. 51 2 Selling .Ping. Main Ha. RICH land. Sacramento valley. 40 acres leased, pays big. also 40 acres near lke Tulare, good land at $25 an acre: want Improved land close to town tn Willamette valley. O. H. Barn hi 11. Ashl.nd.JJr. 28-ATTEFARM. ONLY 23 MINUTES OUT. 2H acres rich land. 6-room hou. burn, onlv V miles from courthouse; within mile of paved road; $1000. R A LPH HARRIS CO.. 827 rham. of Com. 71 SECTION. Improved farm, slock tnd im n!mnia : In Alberta: 2 V miles from R. R town. E. L Foes, Inn. Alta. ( Canada. 1 CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $73 to $200 per acrs. easy I terms: best soil. Farms for sals, all f nixes. McFarland. 6Q2 Yeon bids.. ISO ACRES b-st east Oregon alfalfa land. : $36oO GOOb 16-acre farm, house, barn. Irrigated; HO seres alfslfa, HO. rri , orchard. 2 large hen houses; near elec vi.nrd rttuy fwr seed. Call Marshal. trie. Main 3072. McFarland, G02 Yoon CSU7. I bids. BBAL ESTATE. Far Farm. $9500100 ACRES, the latest and best one: 5 acres in cultivation. 75 timber, shswlng 13.000 cords of wood: or 75 seres now seeded to fsll grain; place on rock road. 3 ml. o4 the most central town in Tanxhlll co .: sood bmMinr -nd ' all kinds of outbuii.i m- ? i chard, 3 springs and 2 streams, ever I flowing: with the farm goes the crop ; sown and the following equipment 2 I 1400-pound horses, harness, 3 wagons. 1 i buggy, ha rake, harrow. 3 plows, roller, disc, binder and seeder, milk seoarator. 1 brood, saw. 7 young bogs, 6 cows. 24 chickens, barn filled with hav and straw; piace all fenced; $2300 can stand at ti per cent, $1S.00 116 acres, all in cultivation: splendid house, b rms.. barn 60x100; 17 acres prune orchard. heavy bearing. ltO trees; community center, school on farm: this Is one of the best farm buvs offered. Think of it. every acre ready ts producs, and almost suburban prop erty. Just back of Vancouver; ood terms. $14,60 100 acres. 10O acres In culti vation; thousands of acres of free out range. 4U head of cattle, of which 17 milk cows, and as many heifers among younger cattle; $looo worth of oats, and $12.1u hay in the barn; crop of prunes sold for nearly $00; on hand hogs worth $23u, horses $.130; garden stuff $100 value and, this not far from the North bank highway, above Washougal ; all goes for the pri'. including a lot of tools and machinery; aiso will discount from price any shortage of above men tioned, amounts, $540O 8 acres, highly Improved; one of the most beautiful home places, conveniently situated to all best mar kets, and overlooking 3 rivers: onlv 10 rods off Pacific highway, and ad joining city limits where are 11 trains each day. 12 min. walk, to either of 3 hlghschool bides. ; oniy t0 min. run bv train to Portland: 17 acres under plow, a more can be; family orchard, and ele gant new buildings, 6-rm. bungalow w ith fireplace, new barn 40x40; $3500 down, bai. mtg. at 6 per cent. b. s. cook:. 601 Stock Exchan ge Bid E. ALL THIS FOR $4000 TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. Corner lot 120x100. fruit and shade trees, garden, place for poul try; a fine appearing house of ten rooms, in first-class order. The first floor has four isrge rooms, all hardwood floors and oak' wainscot in the dining room: second floor tt bedrooms. The attic is floored; basement full concrete, high ceil ing and well lighted. Fox furnace and laundry trays; bathroom, two toilets. pantry, gas, electricity. This home is completely furnished, including piano. The furniture is good and above the average. This fine home, ready to step into, for $4000; terms h cash, A wonder ful buy. MacINNES & PRATT, Main 3oo. 413 Bd, of Trade Bidg, MR. MIDDLE WEST, no matter whare you come from, you can't beat this 40 level cultivated acres. rWtsA to rail, school, church and good neighbors: good house and barn, big chicken house, pighouse. separator house, brooder house, new sito full of corn, two Dumus and a wsaith of other improve ments too numerous to mention ; every Inch of this land a money-maker; the nrxnt nwner has no 1(1 hundreds Ot QOl- lars worth of pigs, chickens, stock, pota- toes, wheat and cream this year; on an auto road only l-ft innes irorn x-orxianu, $175 per acre, on terms. Mr. CorDin, COE A. ilcKEX.S'A Sl CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. lbO ACRES, 13 miles from the center of Portland with macadam road running to nroDf rtv : 66 seres side hill and but torn land; 94 acres above road rolline Iand; about t0 acres in cultivation, and much more can easily be put in cultiva tion; buildings consist of large barn with stanchions for 18 cows, substantial house with 8 rooms, bath and toilet, etc., drilled well, windmill and gas engine; 8 seres of orchard bearing Italian prunes. nd all farm improvements. Price $23. 0O0; best of terms, or will sell part of this rancb. CALL ON IT;?. H. H. URDAHL CO, (INC.) Main 6232. 322 Abington bidg. A GENUINE SNAP. Here is a 7W -acre pls-c right at Jtfellrose station. Jutt ouu-ide tne cltv limits. Prb-e has been reduced from ...! to ti.UO for quirk sale. Fla is ail cleared and fenced. Nice family orchard. There is a fine i-room plas tered house that could not be built to day for $3,100. Another 3-room house in good repair. Small barn with i ment foundation and floors. This place is actually worth $1'0M) more than the present price but is going to be sold now. Don't call unless you have at least $23O0 cash. STEWART BUCK. 313 Northwestern Bank Bidg. $60 PER ACRE FOR WELL LOCATED FARM. 4 miles from Junction City. Or., pretty part of valley. 223 acrea, 160 acres in cultivation, most now seeded to fall grain. It la nice, smooth, well-drained land, no white land or rock, balance nice timber lot and pasture; 6-room house. 2 largo barns, outbuildings. Price only $60 per acre: HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381. $6.75 PER ACRE $6.75. 1000 acres, all In one body In Lane county, foothill land. logged, burned and seeded, no rock; well watered by creek and 20 springs; key to extensive out range, 3 miles to good town and high school, R. R. station right on the prop erty; good roads, rich pasture; a great place for stock or sheep, rough but rich; must have quick action, need money, $1000 cash will handle it. Wire or write MacINNES & PRATT, 413 Board of Trade Bidg., Portland, ,Or. ANOTHER 42-ACRB FARM AT TIGARD. 4 MILE FROM GRAVELED ROAD. All equipped, wagon, hack, buggy, drill, mower, rake, plow, harrow, disc and hand tools, all nearly new. 3 good mares about 1400 lbs., and har ness: 2 good jersey cows, fresh, and 30 chickens. 30 tons of hay. 100 bushels grain, l,-0 to 173 sacks of potatoes and 8 acres of fall grain in. EQUIPMENT ALONE WORTH $3000. PRICE $K300. GEO. E. ENGLLHART CO., Main 7266. 624 Henry Bidg. YOU CAN BUY THIS GOOD 70-ACRE FARM ON EASY TERMS. 40 acres of splendid - soil, no rock or gravel. In cultivation : about 20 acres more can be put in cultivation at small cost; balance pasture and timber: fine spring water, piped into 7-room house, and big barn, hog house, chicken house, machine shed; good iamlly orchard. 1 mi'tf to school, on county road. 42 miles to Portland; price $.1000, take $15o0 cash, baisnce to suit at 6 per cent. See Sain Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber Commerce bidg. ltH ACRES, TUALATIN VALLEY. STOCKED AN EQUIPPED, S12.&00. 16 miles from Portland. 2 miles from pavement, on main road; no better soil or nicer lying land could be desired; running water, good orchard, first-class 6-room house. Isrge barn, about 5 seres in timber, rest n cultivation and pas ture; team. 6 cows, young stock, farm machinerv and feed, $4oOO cash, balanc 6C. D. McChesney. 304 Vi Oak street. Broadway 206. . 10 ACRES deep, sandy loam river bottom soli on good stream, with irrigating plant: loins Pacittc highway. I hour to Portland : 3 acres In full-bearing I al ian prunes, which produced oyer $2000 worth of prunes last year; has prune dryer, bam and small shack; there is 5 acres adjoining this that can be had. If vou want a piece of soil that will produce anything you will Investigate this; price $3SOO. $1000 down. F. R. Jese. 527 Corbett bidg. REGARDLESS of the fact that wheat Is $3 per bushel now. we offer 320 seres of first-class hpflt land that lies well and is in a good district. Franklin county. Wash., for $Su00 on terms; or will take hous and lot to $: 00, one good crop wiil pay tor this place. Mr. Corbln, COE A. McKENNA & CO.. s Fourth St. Main 4522. AN EXTRA FARM BARGAIN. HO seres. 35 acres in cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber: rolling isnd. creek, springs. 6-room house, barn, out buildings: 1U miles Portland. 1 mile paved highw ay, railway station I S miles; 2V. miles Sherwood: price $5250, half cashT This Is an -exceptionally goou buy; 50 minutes out of Portland. R. M. GATEWOOD & -CO.. 16.1 u. 4th st. 9.1 ACREs7"l2 miles Portland; house, barn, granary. Sheepshed. 57 ihep. 3 cow e. 2 horses. 2- chickens; averaged 45 bushels wheat. Oti bo. out this year; all imple ments. J2,oo. $7000 down, ba'anre long tme: make a wonderful dairy ranch; un limited wut-r. HARRIS MAXWELL. Main 2J.tl 304 Railway Exch. B:dg. Opn Sunday, 0 to 2. IP you want to ralsv potatoes as Fred Harris did this year, getting a return of $15WA from 2 V acres under cultiva tion cl'p this ad out and meil It to the WESTERN PACIFIC SECt KITIKS COM PANY. 7l White bidg., Seattle. Wush.. and we w:H tell you all about our lands In the TH it EE RIVERS COUNTRY. REAL EST ATK. lor Sale -Farms. SOME GOOD FAR11A seres, in In cultivation, gently rolling land. 2 miles from the state normal bchool. Good buildings, good watei R- R- goes across one side, station on place. All stock, machinery and tools go with the place, including 30 tuns hav In barn. 123 bushels oats. 130 bushels wheat, 60 acres in crop. 1 acres kale. In tact everything aoes axcept the household goods; stock. 3 horses. & cows. 1 --year-old. 1 yearling. 1 caif. 1 brood sow, 0 s hosts. 3d chickens. 113 acres. 2 miles from New-berg. 2 blocks from west side highwav. 7S or SO acres In cultivation, good springs and spring creek, family orchard and 5 acres of .-year-old prunes. It is m mile from the depot on the west side electric. 3 blocks to high school. The land is slightly rolling. No. hills, about b acres are river bottom land. This piace can be bought for $100 per acra. One-half casn. 240 acres, all under cultivation. H In crop. Fair buildings, family orchard. mile irom west side highway. 1 W miles to state normal school. TUe land lies fine, no ntlU or ravines. On a good gravel road. $100 per acre. Terms can be had. SEE SPERLING H ANNA, 204 Corbett Bidg. CAN WE INTEREST YOU IN A GOOD FARM? We know we could, if you bad only seen this one. We make a specialty of high-class farms and know the coun try thoroughly and know you can't best this one if a tract of this size would in terest you at all 137 acres. 140 acres la cultivation. 40 acres best upland, balance uuexceiled bottom; splendid 9 -room bausM. hot and cold water, bat h. fine large barn, silo, etc; 4 acres orchard; fenced and cross-fenced, woven wire; lo cated 30 miles out in one of the pret tiest and best parts of Oregbn, splendid road right to the premises. We would be doing you a mighty good turn to sell you this property. Price $150 per acre. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th st, Broadway 4391. ALL THIS FOR $4000 To CLjSK AN ESTATE. Corner lot 12uxloO, fruit and shads trees, garden, place for poultry . a fine appearing house of tea rooms, in f irst cjhms or aer. The f irrt floor has four large rooms, all hardwood floors and oak wainscot in the dining room; Mcond floor 6 bedrooms. The attic is floored, base- ment full concrete, high celling and well lighted. Fox furnace and laundry trays; bathroom. 2 toilets, pantry, gas, elec tricity. This home Is completely fur nished. Including piano, the furniture is good and above the average. This fine home, ready to step into, for $1000, terms is cash, A wonderful buv. MacINNES & PRATT. Main USOS. 413 Board of Trade Bldf., Portlsnd. Or. DO YOU WANT A GOOD WHEAT FARM? We have 3600 acres 5 miles from R. R. station on O.-W. R. N. rail road and 4 miles from N. P. R. R. sta tion, all fenced and cross-fenced, good "-room house with bath, toilet and a 2.1.oou-gallon cement cistern; barns, sheds. blacksmith shop, grain ware house, gas pumping plant, on the Touchet river; farm is located In Walla Walla county. Wash. 3400 acres tillable. 200 good bunch grass .pasture. 2000 acres now in crop; this place should make 23 pei cent net on purchase price, which is $40 per acre, half cash: owner Is not a farm er, is in other business and is anxious t sell. STEWART & BUCK. 315 N. W. Bank Bidg. STRANGER, you are invited to accompany me on an auto trip 12 miles west of Vancouver, Wash., and If incidentally you should consider purchasing a 40-acre farm, -s in cultivation an d balance pasture. 3-room house, barn and other buildings, small orchard, near school, on a hard-suriaced road: black loam soil, you may do so for $4000. $1000 cash, balance lung time at 6 per cent. The present tenant's cream check alone is over $100 per month, but this is no criterion of what can be made on this place, Mr. Corbtn. -COE A. McKENNA CO.. 2 Fourth St. . Main 6S71. RIVER BOTTOM. BLACK SOIL. MK acres located between St. Paul and Hapmere. about 12 miles north of Salem. Good hard rosd and fronts on river. 430 acres under plow. 3.10 of whieh. Is finest black loam rtver bottom. There is fair house and buildings, good water and an ideal grain or stock ranch. This tarm will produce heavily right from start and the price Is $25 per acre below value. Only $135 per acre on verv reasonable terms. Would con sider Portland home or close In acreaco up to $KOiio. Do not fail to see us re garding this farm. TUG LAWRENCE CO.. 203 Corbett Bidg. Mai .l CLACKAMAS COUNTY FARM ALL EQUIPPED AND READY fUK BUSINESS. 03 acres on graveled road 6 miles from Motalla. 30 acres In cultivation., 30 acres seeded to fall grain, fair build ings, good family orchard, all kinds of berries, good team and saddle pony. 2 good cows, v shoats and 2 brood sows. 2 dozen chicks, full set of farm im plements, wagon, harness, saddle and small tools. This is a No. 1 buy. all for $700. Halt" cash. .. STEWART & BUCK. 31.1 Northwestern Bank Bidg. IF VOU ARE A FARMER OR DAIRYMAN snd know land when you see it and want to locate close to Portland, we have a mighty good proposition to offer in a stocked snd equipped Place. 14 n J Portland (fine road), for $22,000 $ 000 will handle. No incumbrance. If it were not for sickness this place would not he soid under any condition. Write or call and we will be pleased to show you the Pii4C"" HARRIS & MAXWELL Main 2S31 04 Railway Exch. Bidg. Open Sunday, w to 2. BEAUTIFUL BIG FARM, within 14 miles B of Portland. 200 acres; 170 acres cleared and in cultivation; 30 'acres timber, land lies rolling, is all tiled and drained, with d-ep rich soil; 2 large barns and some equipment: highway be in g paved to property This land will double In value lin completion of rosd construction : about lioooo taken off hie place this year. Here is a bargain. Price $250 per acre, "rmS CALL ON US. H II. URDAHL CO.. INC.) Main 6252. 322 Abington bidg. HIGH-GRADE FARM. 113 acres, extra choice, rolling nigh land- 80 acres high state of cultivation, balance timber; creek, spring, well, or chard, walnut, etc.. hop yard, hop house 7-room dwelling, bath, toilet, hot and cold water. 2 barns; 21 miles from Port land. 3 mMes Newborn. 1 a miles ratlwaj station. This farm Is one of the very best In the valley. Price $140 per acre, $1.1. K20. terms; would consider good city property as part payment. R. Al. GATEWOOD i CO.. 165 4th st. "0 ACRES very fine farm land. 230 arres cleared, good level bottom land: 120 acre merchantable timber: good . room house, barn and stables, or chards and everything that goes with a well equipped farm. Tractors, teams. 22 head of stock, o tons hay. 40 tons straw. 30 acres winter oats In. 30 acres winter w h at. All goe . $ .10. 000. A t lcat II O.00O less than ft Is worth. NOR D HAMPTON CO.. 401 Stock Exchange Bidg. Main 8245. SO ACRES. $5300. AT YAMHILL, acres In cultivation, 5 timber. 20 pasture, spring and well, good 55 open -room noUe. large oarn. taint ly 01 - chard, first-class land, rolling, but not rough, raises good grain and clover; mower, rake, plows, drill and other tools included for $.1,100, $2400 cash, balance 6 r. D. McChesney, 3U4 r Oak st. Bdwy. 2t6. 5 ACRKS, 35 CULTIVATED. Well located, good house, 2 barns. othr outbuildings, young orchard, all kinds of berries, fine outrango; equipped with team. 2 cows, calves, chickens, farm machinery snd small tools. Price $10.ooo, some trade considered. Address J. W. Dudley. Castle Rock, Wash- Phone Tabor 30.19. J2o ACHES A-l river bottom land, a'xmt -i cleared, most all In crop; 3-rtii house. 1 40x40, 1 30x4o snd out buildings; new tractor. 3 horses, w agon, harness, ail fari.- Implements, it cows. 3 heifers, 2 brood s-. "s. chickens and nu merous small artlci -. $23.ui0; 4 mi. from Jefferson; good gr...' -oa. See D. W. CUMMINS. Jeffivn. Or. IF you want to raise potatoes as Fred Harris did this year, getting a return of $159S from 2 V acres under cultiva tion, clip this ad out and mail it to the WESTERN PACIFIC SECURITIES COM PANY. 711 White bidg.. Seattle. Wash., and we will tHI vou ail about our lands In the TH Ft EE RIVERS COUNTRY. GRESHAM 30 ACRES. Located on main auto highway, close to electric station, stores and school ; plsstered houe, new dairy barn, family orchard, creek snd well : rich soil: a crt-at buv st jfVioo; easy terms. CLEV FLA ND-H END ERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg MODERN COUNTRY HOME. 121, ACRES. Paved rosd. right at station. 5 miles city limits; modern 0-room bungalow; land mostly cleared ; red barn, out buildings; price $6000. Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 N. 6th at. Broadway 4381. " $33 PER A"R E. SO acres unimproved land 1 H: miles from R. R. station and Columbia river; paved highway -near place; creek runs across one edge; all good soil: all could b-j cultivated: $35 pr acre. $000 down. F. K. Jesse. 027 Corbett bidg.