19 SELF-STYLED WIDOW OF SOLDIER LOSES erable damage. The purpose of the investigations is to learn the manner in -which the disease is carried over from one season to the next in hope of finding a clue to prevent of recur KLAMATH GETS HOSPITAL 7TH AM1MH VERS A M.Y BAl j ring epidemics. These problems will WARKEX HOT IXSTITTTIOX TO BE OPENED SOOS. bo further considered during farmers' week. THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER SO, 1919. Mrs. Gertrude Lahey Unable to Prove Pension Right. CANADIAN WIFE WINS Court Keruses to Annul Latest Marriage, Assorting Claims Are Fraudulcut. Mrs. Gertrude Lahey of Tortland is held an adventuress whofhas sought to rob the widow of a Canadian sol dier of the pension due from her gov ernment, in a decision handed down bv Circuit Judce Morrow yesterday afternoon, which refuses to annul her marriage to J. E. Lahey, dCBpite her claim that her undivorced first hus band was alive in Belgium when, she wed for the second time. She failed to prove to the satisfac tion of Judge Morrow that Sergeant Robert J. White of Portland, who was killed with the Canadians at Wein court, Belgium, in August, 1918, was the Robert J. White she married In Seattle on April 5, 1916. The ruling of the court explodes the dual identity theory, but still leaves unsolved many features in the most puzzling case which has occu pied local courts for years. Pictures of Sergeant White were introduced in evidence by his Canadian wife and identified positively by Mrs. Mary Kutzschan of Portland as her son, who was reared and educated in this city. Mrs. Lahey presented pictures which were a startling likeness, but which Mrs. Kutzschan said were not taken of her son. Mother's Story Believed. It was on the testimony of the young man's mother that Judge Mor row placed greatest confidence in de-.iilino- the case. The unexplained phaseB Include the uncanny familiar- itv of Mm Lahev with tne eariy me of the Canadian veteran and of hii actions ud to the time of his purport rH marriage to her. in Seattle, two months prior to his wedding to Mrs. Alice White at Victoria. Though the latter produced many letters which her husband had written her from Belgium, Mrs. Lahey offered but one scrap of handwriting, scrawled on me bottom of a postcard and unsigned. As with the photographs, the writing bore remarkable resemblance to that of the soldier. A weak spot in Mrs. Lahey's case was her failure to remember on which hand her purported first husband had lost a finger. Undisputed evidence of the man's mother, Canadian wife and enlistment papers showed that two fingers were missing from his rinht hand. Before there was any testimony from the latter sources, however, airs. Ijhrv had said her husband had been crippled by the loss of a finger while in the Dlumbiner trade in jr-omana Sergeant White had been a plumber and had lost his fingers In that occu palion. Seattle Wedding Unquestioned. As there was no question of the validity of the marriage license found In Seattle records showing tne wea ding of the Portland claimant to one Robert J. White, mystery surrounds the fate of that White, now that the c ourt has determined that he was not the Whie who died overseas. Mrs. Lahey said that her first hus hand left her after a short honey moon, wrote her from San Francisco that he was going east to work in an explosives factory and that she heard from his no more. On reading in a Portland newspaper of the death of one Robert J. White in a munition factory explosion in New York in 1918, after months without word from her husband, she concluded he was dead. She made no effort to verify the " death by writing to the munition plant, contenting herself with telling her mother she "Just knew it was Bob" and six months later marrying Lahey. Subsequently learning Qf the death of Sergeant White through a newspa per notice inserted in Portland papers bv Mrs. Alice White for the purpose of informing friends of her husband of his honorable death In action, Mrs. I-ahey withdrew a divorce action al ready begun against Lahey and began new proceedings for annulment of marriage. In the meantime she made application to the pension bureau in Canada, submitting purported photo graphs of her first husband and mar riage certificate to support her claim, pension Money Received. Mrs. Lahey was sent 200 as first payment on her pension claim and $42.50 a month until the claim of Mrs. Alice White was filed with the Cana dian government and immediately recognized as valid. ' "I am convinced that the Lahey woman has been faking," commented Judge Morrow after his decision. "Though strangely familiar with details of his education and raising. In material matters Mrs. Lahey hag failed to produce convincing proof. I believe that it was when Mrs. Lahey saw the notice of the death of Ser geant White in a Portland paper that she first conceived the idea of claim ing a pension from the Canadian government. She immediately started an Investigation ot the lite or ". nue, which produced remarkable results and gave her much knowledge of in timate details of his career. " "She had no concern for the real widow, but to make her claims solid began this annulment proceeding. She already had sought, a divorce, but if that had been granted would have been unable to claim a pension, as she would have been the wife of an other man while her supposed hus band was overseas. So she withdrew that action and eought to annul her second marriage, making her claim more, secure, "Trie absolute indifference and heartlessness with which Mrs. Lahey received the pews of the supposed death of her husband in a powder factory imparts an atmosphere of cold-bloodedness to her character which would make later actions pos sible. I do not believe, however, that her real husband for there must have been a Robert J. White, according to the Seattle marriage records was killed by the powder explosion. My opinion is that he simply quit, as hus bands have been known to do." 0. A. C. MAN GETS POST H. A. Lindgren Associate Editor of AVestern Farm Life. OREGON" AGRICULTURAL, COL LEGE, Corvallis, Nov. 29. (Special.) H. A. Llndgrren, graduate In anlma.1 husbandry in 19H, recently has been made associate editor of Western Farm Life, published in Denver. Colo. He specialized in livestock after fin ishing college, at one time being in charge of animal husbandry in one of the Oregon experiment stations. He helped to work out the marketing problems of the farmers of the west em slope of the Cascades while lo cated in Oregon. Mr." Lindgren will spend consider able of hiq time traveling through the west as an authority on livestock while on the staff of the farm publication. KELSO MAN IS INVENTOR Choker-Maker in Form of Clamp Proves Labor Saver. KELSO, Wash, Nov. 29. (Special.) R. H. Barr, logger of thi city, who has invented a number of logging tools and other articles, has Just added another invention to his list of successes. This is a choker-maker made in the form of a clamp. 'which hs been found to be a great time and labor saver in logging work. Mr. Barr has his patent on the con trivance, which is being manufactured for the trade by Stewart Bros, or Portland. Being a practical logger. Mr. Barr knows what the logging camps need and the new choker- maker has met with instant popular ity among the loggers. Private Ambulance and Other Equipment Will Be Available for Caring for Sick. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Nov. 29. (Special.) Work on this cityjs new i 40-bed hospital, modeled after the . Mayo brothers hospital in Rochester, j Minn., is nearlng completion and the institution will be ready for ue in a short time, according to Dr. Warren unni idr:i I surgeon, who has been instrumental in its erection. The building is four etorlcs in height, the aeennri floor being equipped for use as a medical ward, the third floor as i a surgical ward and with, operating rooms on the fourth floor. Included in the equipment of the institution will be the mast expensive X-ray machine on the market, a prt vate ambulance which Is the only one of its kind in southern Oregon and the most aDDroved appliances for the op- ! erating rooms. "Five physicians are on the hosptal staff, each to nave nis office on the main floor. What is said to be the only exclusive prescription department in the etate outside of Portland will be operated as an ad junct of the Institution, with Frank B. Robinson in charge as neao. pnar macist and manager. Dr. Hunt has made every effort to meet the needs of patients in the ter ritory that will be served by the new hosnital and since work on the build ing was started has devoted much of hie attention to obtaining equipment for the hospital. $35,000 IS PAID FOR LOT ALBANY BANKS SHOW GAIN Deposits Increase More Than 81,000,000 During Year. ALBANY, Or., Nov. 29. (Special.) Albany's bank resources have in creased more than Jl, 000, 000 in the past year and have reached an aggre gate of almost 14,250,000. Statements issued by the four local banks on November 1, 1918, showed total resources of $3,158,091.97. On the call of November 17 thu year the same banks reported total resources of $4,223,210.67, thus showing a net gain of 1. 065,1 18.70. Each of the four banks in the city reported a substan tial gain in resources in the past year. Kelso to Have Chautauqua. KELSO, Wash., Nov. 29. (Special.) Kelso's winter Chautauqua festival will open Friday, December B. and con tinue until December 10. A high-class programme has been arranged for the coming attraction, which is under the mangement of the Ellison-White bu reau, and the local committee of 25 members is busy with necessary arrangements. C. H. Steffens Makes "Washing-ton Street Purchase as Investment. C. H. Steffens of the Oaks Park Amusement comDanv last week pur chased from I. E. Solomon a lot, 25 by 100 feet, at 430 and 430 Wash ington street, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, ine price was an nounced as $35,000. The deal was closed through the F. E. Taylor company, inside prop erty dealers and it was announced that Mr. Steffens plans to hold the property as an investment. NON-PARTISAN GIVES UP Professor Walter Mills Cancels Speaking Date at Takima. TAKIMA. V ash., Nov. 29. Informa tion received here last night from Bunnyside was that Professor Walter Mills, Non-Partisan league lecturer. who was scheduled to speak in Sun nyside last night, canceled his date at that place. This action, it was said in the tele nhone message from Sunnyside, fol lowed a meeting of citizens at which resolutions were adopted opposing the Mills meeting. Teachers needed. Good salaries. En roll free. Frank K. Welles, mgr., 131 N. W. Bank bids. Main 8276. Adv Science and Art BLACK RUST IS STUDIED Oregon Agricultural College Cereal Men Inspect Fields. OREGON' AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. Corvallis. Nov. 23. (Special.) , G. .R. Hoerner and F. J. Dietsch, representing; the federal office of ce- : real investigations at tine college, have returned from an Inspection of wheat fields In Idaho, Washington, Montana and Oregon to investigate the over-wintering and dissemination of the black stem rust of grains. The stem rust is frequently serious In irrigated and moist, cool coast dis tricts. It la not usually much of a factor in dry-farming regions, but on the hole Is capable of doing- consid,- Dentistry Is NOT a Science, but an Art, in , dr. e. g. Arspirro, mgr. Which Judgment Holds My Practice In Limited to ntniTrTl,HcZ. 2SU the Balance of Power Science gives exact results from exact calculations, not OCCASIONALLY, but every time. That is why it is science. Mathematics furnishes an apt example. Two and two make four every time, they are added together, whether in the orient or the Occident. There are certain laws and rules applying to any science which are unchangeable they apply every time. v Dentistry" (and I might include other professions very properly) is not- a science, because it is ever changing and changeable. We learn certain principles in college, we familiarize ourselves with the study as condensed in textbooks; we attend clinics, and we listen to the lectures of those who have attained distinction and therefore authority in the profession, and THEN WE GO OUT INTO OUR SEV- ERAL OFFICES AND GIVE DIFFERENT DIAG NOSES AND DIFFERENT ADVICE IN IDENTICAL CONDITIONS. Your family dentist advises saving your tooth the 'extraction specialist suggests immediate extraction. One dentist says you have pyorrhea another dis putes it. Barely 10 per cent (according to an authority) of den tists are competent to properly treat and fill a root canal. This is no -reflection on dentistry as an art which is making progress each day, but it distinctly proves it comes far from being an exact science. It is therefore essential that people whose teeth con tinually give them trouble ; people who are unduly sensi tive to pain; people requiring unusual or very delicate dental operations. RELY ON THE EXPERIENCE IN ACTUAL PRACTICE rather than on fine-spun theories and fanciful ideas. In this office you will find that rare blending of skill and experience so essential to masterly workmanship. The lessons learned and the skill acquired from that experience form the strongest asset of this dental practice. "Every Patient Must Be Absolutely and Forever Satisfied" is the motto of this office. Of the thousands of pa tients who have had their dental work done here in past years, I HAVE NEVER REFUSED to make good any complaint. FIFTEEN-YEAR GUARANTEE. Electro Painless Dentists In the Two-Story Building v Corner Sixth and Washington Sts., Portland, Or. 1 Open Nights l I Tires a.inidl Accessories Cot 'to Prices That Will Amaze Ton Hack Saw Frames and Blades Adjustable nickel-plated T)f frame Wood handle adjustable J 8-inch best grade blades, CRr "per dozen O0U 10-inch best grade blades R9f per dosen vili Carbon Scrapers Apple wood handle, best steel, Clfil per set of three Bull Bearing Scrapers Apple wood handle, grooved blades. -Bullum ' mane; per set or J g Machinists' Hammers (Ball Pein) 10-ounce 28c 20-ounce 42c Ronson Wrench Set Known and popular every- 7Ar where I Regular price $1.25. "Jaco" Grease Guns Steel barrel brass plated: two K7f spouts, for oil and grease. ...' Regular price fi.oo. Gem Grease and Oil Gun A large force feed heavy ! IQ duty gun. Regular 1.50.. I I 0 Breast and Hand Drills No. 1S5S "YANKEE Breast Q1 drills, two speeds JOiOU No.1530 -YANKEE" Hand JJ 6-Inch Combination Pliers Black steel, polished ends, I On per pair -. I Uu Dixon's Flake Graphite Packed in convenient half- A7 f pound cans, each .'. Till Regular price (0c Valve Lifters "Scissors" type, each Chain" type, each 4c "FAY-OH-R1TK" Shop-Lif ter.l.47 Engine Whistles Single Tone Buells. complete. -S.1.7 4 Single Tone tjampstones, JO "37 complete 1 (Ford Spark Fluff at;achments extra, i Hydrometers "L.TJTHY," all celluloid unbreak able; list price Sl-uO; 77p sale price . "AUTOCRAT." list price CO,, J1.00: sale price "BREAKNOI." sale price $1.00 Bumpers S-inch steel channel bar nickel. This price applies to all kinds and types carried in stock. Com- O I C plete 0i I 0 Ford Front Bumpers complete ..3.-, Tool and Battery Boxes Steel Battery Boxes with l lock, heavy steel I tOO Ford Tool Boxes, with I CO lock lt00 (Larger boxes In proportion) No. 1 White Cotton Waste Packed in 1 -lb. parkases. each 22c racked in 50-lb. bales per ii..mc Ford Cut-Out Sets Complete set. including valve, Cn pedal, pulley and cable OS I Ford Cylinder Head Wrenches T" handle wrench havlns: thre socket ends that fit many Ford 07 p outs. Including cylinder head . I Ford Pedal Pads "Slip-On" type, per set of S 20c "Clamp-on" type, per sei oi ..ijc Accelerators (Ford) 62c Accelerators foot control) complete throttle Ford Front Rubber Mats Standard quality Ford name on eacn mat. nri nr!4r models l.irt 191T and later models... 84c Regular price J2.00 Ford Anti-Draft Shields Fills the pap between -windshield and the top. 'Pnan-On" type, each .7e "Tack-On" t pe, each IW Complete with clinch Maples for instantaneous use. Ford Rear Curtain Windows Small for 1817 and later mod- )M els. .each 4.tl Larpe for 191 and earlier CO. models, each Juu Complete with clinch staples for Instantaneous use. Transmission Band Lining Best treated Swedish weare, 1 0 per foot Peerless" sets, complete with CD rivets 301" 'Eagle Twill," finest made, BDa with rivets uu Cork" insert sets, complete 91.90 Regular price $3.00. Ford Oil Gauge Heavy cast brass with protect- OQp ed class with drain cock..... JW 'REAR VIEW MIRRORS 6-INCH ROUND BEVEIv PLATB GLASS, ad- 0 I I (T justable bracket. . V l I V 4x6 oval or rectangular bevel plate glass with adjustable ball gC joint bracket INDEPENDENT LAMP BULBS Ll.t 5al Price Price FORD Headlight (Tungsten) 9-volt, 21 C. P 50c 24e Tail Lamps Bulb (6-8-9-volt) 28c 19c HEAD LAMPS (6-8-volt) 62c 2Sc N. B. Other sizes, also nitrogens in proportion. ' TAIL LAMPS List Sale Price Price Elec. tail lamps complete with bulbs $1.25 90JS7 Oil tail lamps.. 2.50 1.45 Red tail lamps, glass 30 .14 FAN BELTS Ford oak tan (butt OOp end or endless), ea. wu Ford .Vulcan-Cord, each - Ford Laminated each Maxwell oak. tan, 191 or 1918, each.. 29c 23c 99c 66c Chevrolet, all mod els, oak tan, each... Dodge, all models, CCa oak tan. each UQb FAN BELTING, all kinds, reduced prices. FORD RADIATOR CAPS Hard rabber, brass 07 p shell, cut threads, ea. & l U Regular 50c FORD HIB CAPS, Heavily nickel-plat- I la ed. each I FORD COIL POINTS (Quality guaranteed) For K-W coils, per pr. ITe K-W UnlT COILS Special Price each! .S2.18 RADIATOR CEMENT Johnson's (liquid) . . . .54c Eureka (powder) 4c (Both, guaranteed satis factory.) TIRE BOOTS Double lock inside OAf boot, 3-inch SU-lnch inch . 4 Vi -inch .30c . ..34c SOc Tire Bargains Subject to Prior Sale Our Amazing Prices Hoolc Oa Boota Rubber Leather (Steel Studded) 24c IRc ...,31c 78c . . . .. 37 c S3c . ...SOC J7c (N. B. For " Lace - on " add 10c per boot for lac ings.; 8-Inch - 31-Inch . 4-inch. . J4-inch TUBE PATCHES 'SEALITE." A sheet of khaki-back rwbber patch ing siock containing 4U square inches. Does a permanent instantaneous tube repair; list price 00a 50c; Bale price w "Atlas Cementless Patches." Box of ten round patches, khaki-back type, per box, list price 50c; sale I On price .ivu RELIfKRS, and 4-ply heavy duck, cement coated: made to fit tire; standard quality 3- inch tires 1.8T 3-inch tires 2.31 4- inch tires 2JTa 4 -inch tires 3.55 5- inch tires 4.35 VULCANIZERS MARVEL." JR. For tube only, complete CI IQ with patches V 1 1 1 0 "SUPER." For tube onlv. Complete with f I in patches 9lil0 Extra patches, per doz en (also fits CQa Shaler) . . . 00b nox.-i 'LVUND Ribbed Tread, lsts. 'NFC" ;;ix:tu. TTNl.ANH p.lhbed Tread, lota, "NFC KXIirRAMT. Nonakld. lsts MctiRAW, Nonkta, lata RKMBl.IC. fctaKBard, lsts QL.tKKR, Nonskid, lsts CJLK.V KI.AMJ-STANDARD. Monskld, lau QI'AKKR S. P Nonskld. Utw BKI'l BI.1C. B.S. Nonskld. lsts I AI-ITOI. S 3. Non.-kld, 1st, KEPI B1.1C Plain S. S., 1st .11x4 RKPI BMC CI. Nonekid. lsts tSIH KAME CI. Nonskid. lsts .".3x4 RKI( BIJC P:aln Q.D.. lata KMU'RANCE S S. Nonakld. lata RHI ORD Q.D. Ribbed, lets l.KK Puncture-proof B.S. and Q.D. Plain. 2d IKIHURS Q.D. Plain, 2da HK tUray) S.S. Nonakid, lata 34x4 FT.nK.RAL Q.D. Plain, lsts RKCOKI) Q.D. Rlbbd, lets BO KRS S.S. Nonskid, lata MOWERS Q.D. Plain, lsts 34x4 H FKUKKAL CORD 8 3. Nonskid, 2da IKDF.RAI, Q.D. Platn. 2de IKBKRAl S.S. Plain. 2ds DKFIANCK SS. NonBkld. 2d BOWERS, Q.D. Plain, lata BOWERS Q.D. Plain, lets F1SK (Oray) S.S. Plain, lsts PISK (Gray) S.S. NonBkld, lats RKPI BIJC Q.D. Plain, lata HRKSTOXE S.S. Nonakld. lata ItDKKAL S.S. TraUick, 2d a X."x4 FIKKSTUXG Q.D. Nonskid, lata HKKSK1XK Q.D. Plain, lsU JlrtlRAW Q.D. Nonakld, 2d MctiRAW Q.D. Plain, Uds FK11ERAL S.S. Plain, lsts , BOWERS Q.D. Plain, lata QUAKER Q.D. Nonskid, lsts S."x4V, CAPITOI. Q.D. Nonskid. Ista KEI'IBl.IC Q.D. Plain, lsts SI-.X4 - FIRESTONE Q.p. Nonskid, lata PIKKSTONE S.S. Nonskid, lsts PORTAGE Q D. Nonskid, lsts PORT ACE S.S. Nonakld, lsts MctiRAW Q.D. Plain. 2d MctiRAW Q. D. Nonakld, 2da FEDERAL Q.D. Plain, lets I. EE (Puncture Proof) S.S. Plain, Ista BOWERS Q D. Plain, lata BOWERS S.S. Plain, lsts OVAK.ER Q.D. Nonskid, lets J-ISK (Oray) Q.D. Plain, lata VISK (Cray) S.S. Plain, lata CAI'ITOI. Q.D. Nonskid, lets PI I.I.M AN Q D. Nonskid. lsts HKBRINti Q.D. Nonekld, lsts KKI'lltl.lC Q.D. Plain, lsts REPI BL.lt- Q.1J. wonaKia. lata NABOB Q.D. Nonskid, lsts List Prlc .116.5 . 21 00 . 2S.!S . Is 10 . 22. 0 . 23. o . 26.(10 . 28.40 . 26.85 . 22.15 . 24.00 . 35.T5 . 3a. SO . r,4 n . 37. R5 . 30.S5 . 4.1.95 . 38.5.- . 31.95 . 27 !5 . . 27 R5 . 39 95 , . 3X25 , . 58.05 . . 39.40 . . 39.40 . . 48 00 .. 44 (15 . . 47.:i5 . . 37.S0 . . 43.35 . . 46 75 . . 45 23 . . 41. -65 WESTCOTT ADJUST ABLE WREHCHES 6-inch S-inch 10-inch 12-inch S3 .76 .9S 1.17 STILLSON WRENCHES 20.10 13.25 22.9 17.40 21.90 18.95 15.20 17.90 17.40 87.95 27. RO 27.RO 23.00 20.60 23.S5 23.90 25.60 20.60 24.35 6-inch S-inch .... 10-inch .... .. .S7 . . .9S . . 1.8 . . 47.30 . 39.55 . . 41.85 . . 40.05 .. 41.15 v. 46.45 . . 51.50 . . 45.25 . . 40 110 48 00 48. OO 58.70 58.70 40. (10 45.90 45.(15 72 00 4S.25 48.25 62.05 4t.OO 48.U0 45.90 45.90 4S.10 49.55 WEED TIRE CHAINS List Our Price Price Size 30x3 i . . .36.60 93.28 Slse 32x3,... 7..10 B.K4 Size 31x4 s.oo a.40 Size 34x4 0.2O 7.36 , (.Other sizes. 20 discount.) BICYCLE TIRES -AMERICAN BEAUTY" Blue Tread, white side wall, with red stripe; wonderful vacuum non skid; heavy motorcycle tire fabric; 28x1 -inch eTd,e. ; .....$2.34 Regular J5.00 value. ...... - FIRESTONE Q.D. Nonakld. lsts... McORAW Q.D. Plain, lata HctiRAW Q.D. Nonakld, lata McGRAW S.S. Nonakld, lata ,. 1 EKERAI. Q.D. Plain. 2ds FEDERAL, Q.D. Rugg-ed. 2ds FEDERAL. S.S. Plain, 2ds FEDERAL S.S. Trafflck. 2ds I. EE ( Puncture Proof) S.S. Plain, BOWERS Q.D. Plain, lsts BOWERS 8.8. Plain, lsts BOWERS S.S. Nonskid. lsts BOWERS Q.D. Nonskid. lata Jt lslv Q.D. Kedtops, lata 37x5 VIRK-STONE SS. Nonskid, lsts McORAW S.S. Plain. 2ds MctiRAW', S.S. Nonakld. 2ds Men RAW Q.D. Plain, 2ds REPI BLIC Q.D. btaesard. lsts EHMAN S.S. Plain, 2ds FEDERAL S.S. Plain. 2da BOWERS Q D. Plain, lata BOWERS S.S. Plain, lata QI'AKKR Q.D. Nonskid, lsts tll'AKER S.S. Nonskid, lsts I IS K Q.D. Plain, Ista .. F1SK Q.D. Nonakld, lsts.................... FISK S.S. Redtops, lata FISK S.S. Nonskid, lsts CAPITOL S.S. Nonskid, lsts 3fiS U. QUAKER, Q-D. Nonskid. lsts.......... ,ii ,M. m.-icri bv an asterisk f) ara reeul. which the guarantee has been removed account of 1 61.90 55.55 45. lO 52 50 52 50 48.95 54.40 4898 411.3(1 78.25 57.70 87.70 62.10 , 62 .10 60.00 . S8 8S . 48.35 . 58.30 , 48.35 . 87.70 . 4S."5 . 4!..!0 . 64.35 , 64.35 . 61.00 . 61.60 . 55. SO . 56.40 . 63.60 . 56.40 . 56.30 22. R5 22.30 25.6 25.60 27.20 27.20 23.10 23. 0 14.25 24.20 22.15 5i".5 26.30 26.30 23.60 23.60 30.00 22.40 36.25 27.00 12-inch 1.45 14-lnch 1.58 SPARK PLUGS Champion X" 40c Many other makes at reduced prices. FORD VALVES - (POPPET) Best quality 12e FORD CYLINDER HEAD GASKETS Copper (asbestos C On center), each wO" STEWART SPEEDOMETERS The popular Cowl-Dash type with instrument board for Ford . JQ QC cars; complete ...vfliSJ Regular price $13. RUNNING BOARD MATS Sxll inches, made of black rubber, heavy ridges for wiping feet, complete with screws, each ... (Equal to those you pay for.) 71c 83.SS ar ins-pected "first" ow price. 41.10 from Piston Rings Step-cut (lap joint) rings up T to 4-inch ' Step-cut (lap joints rings OOp above 4-inch Ford step-cut rings ......lie Ford standard type 8c Ford 4versize rings (0025). 14c 'Never Leak" Compresso, the best two-piece ring made, all sizes, QO. each ; 0Li CABLE AND WIRE Primary braided, per foot Primary duplex braided, per foot. Secondary braided, tipr foot U Single 'Armored primary, per foot... Duplex Armored I ftp primary, per foot... Iwu 3c 5c 5c MECHANICS' ONE PIECE SUITS "U. S. SENSIBLE," inl (heavy blue denim) VViit "OUTER ALLS," I O (heavy khaki) I GOLDEV WEST," fme- ...52.85 "MOTORSUITS" (light $2.70 dium weight khaki) . . CONNECTICUT push and pull switches, furnished in one, two, three or four gangs; price per 97C T10LENE OIL The highest grade paraf- fine base oil; absolutely unsurpassed for quality; real eastern Pennsylvania, oil. Light, medium, heavy. AT ABOUT HALF PRICE 1 -gallon cans. each. ..61c 5-gallon cans, each. .$2.03 Bbls. or half bbls., MCrt per gal. N. B. Ko extra charge for steel drum and spigot. . VACUUM BOTTLES Pint size, black l CO and nickel v Pint fillers for all OOn bottles 00 "ICY-HOT" all nickel fin ish; quart size, 01 complete pu.JU Garden Hose, Air Hose, So:: ...HALF PRICE 3 and 5-ply rubber cov ered; Republic quality; every foot guaranteed. Complete with fittings. Vi -inch .-. .. .per.foot He i-inch ......per foot 13c Vi-in. armored.. per ft. 15c (In 25 and 50-foot coils ) LAMP CORD GREEN OR BLACK Op- OO.n-oK era. raw ft Green or black, 18- gauge, per ft... 2c Windshield Cleaners Rain-E-Day" "Clear Vision'. "Marvel" Reg. Sale Price. Price. $1.50 1.1S 1.00 .IT 150 I.IO Assorted Lock Washers 40 assorted sizes in screw cap can 12c Grease Cups "T" "Gits Plaih H'dle Oil Steel Brass Cups -ounce No. 000. . . . Re 12c loc -ounce No. 00.... 7c loc 15c 1-ounce No. 4 . . . . 9c 2Mc ... Priming Cups, Brass Flther long or ehort, each arc DRAIN COCKS, brass, each iHc Ford Bushings No. 271 S Ppindle Body, each.. Ford Timers No. 2714 Spindle Arm, each.... 4c Standard quality, complete with roller, every timer guaran- y y g Assorted Cotter Pins 100 assorted sizes in screw lip cap can . IIP Brake Lining (Guaranteed quality) All sizes at a flat discount of 50 (From "Thermoid" prices) Sterling Spring Oilers This device keeps the spring leaves properly lubricated per set COp of fnur ..................... UWU Peerless Inner Tubes Gray Red 30x3 - $1.90 $2.30 30x3 i 2.10 2.45 32x3 2.24 2.58 31x4 3.09 3.55 32x4 3.17 3.70 33x4 3.27 3.82 34x4 3.34 3.95 34x4 4.18 4.67 35x4 4.27 4.78 36x4.... 4.32 4.89 35x5 5.10 5.83 37x5 . 5.26 5.98 Pure floating stock to your guarantee. Finest quality. Gloves and Gauntlets Full and complete lines In the celebrated "Grlnnell." "Adler" and "Carson" makes. We bought these at least FORTY PER CENT under present factory prices: LADIES' DRIVING GAUNTLETS, full cape kid. in tan 3 85 or gray ''iU' Regular price 96.00. No. 42S Chrome leather heavy truck drivers glove V2.SO No. 8141 Black leather gauntlet, art leather cuff S.TS No. 510 Short gauntlet cuff wrist fitting a.75 No. 1S2 Short cuff, wrist-tight, fine colt skin .1S No. 835-765 Light weight gauntlet, flexible cuff 0 No. g46 Medium weight gauntlet, flexible cuff 4.05 No. 4814 Heavy gauntlet, leather cuff 4.00 K'r, afiii uw wool-lined srauntlet. leather cuff. ...... 5.7K No. 4400 Medium short cuff, wrist-tight glove 3.30 No. 7046 All-leather, soft-cuff gauntlet No. 4021 Fine all-leather, flexible cuff (unlined) 5.75 No. 4021 Fine all-leather, flexible cuff, wool lined 6-50 Our glove stock is among the largest on the Pacific coast and our prices are far below the market. Automobile Robes We carry the celebrated "CHAPE" line which is the best obtainable All popular shades in wool and plush at 25 per cent to 50 per cent under the market price for same goods. "HANOVER" Mackinaw QQ "MACON" Plush Mohair "HOLLYWOOD" all-wool 0 Mf shawl robe (light) -.JU.'rU "ABERDEEN" all-wool I 0 CC shawl robe (heavy) .... WIwwj "PASADENA" all-wool shawl robe (heavy) .. "RIVERSIDE" Plush robe ELITE" Plush robe "VICTORIA" Plush . 522 50 $7.80 $13.25 $22.50 $22.50 Spotlights Kaufman Silver Beam. The Spot light rie luxe, makes a most ac ceptable Christmas gift. 9C OC List orice S7.50: sale price.. tPd.WJ Flashlights (Batteries extra.) 2-cell round fibre case ....7e :i-coll round fibre case Tftc 2-cell round fibre c.ise. Miners 02c a-cell round Ilhre case, miners mo 2-cell round nickel case K4e 3-cell round nickel case 85c 2-cell round nickel case, ! 07 Miners 3-cell round nickel case, l 0C Miners ' ,uu 3-cell batteries; list price 5Rc En.- sal. riTlca ........... WUU 2-cell batteries; list price. . OQp ' in,.- eala nrice Ttcoma AUTOFARTS SUPPLY CO.?fc Portland 82 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon Broadway 5508 Bellingham