The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 23, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 19, Image 43

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The chiropractic profession offers the
most unusual opportunities of any field
In the world today. Know about Its
pre .t opportunities before deciding your
career, or if you axe dissatisfied In your
present position in life or Its earning
capacity is nut what you would like
tt to be. investigate the great oppor
tunities offered In this greatest of all
professions CHIROPRACTIC. A most
exceptional opportunity to study chiro
practic and to become a chiropractic
phymcian is offered at this time by our
college; both day and night courses.
ch!ropia tic physicians needed In the
United States today to supply the de
mands of the millions who have turned
to this great method of healing; their
Augmented Curriculum, Able Faculty,
Ciirural Facilities Unexcelled.
For participate address Dr. Oscar W.
El lint i. president.
Park and Yam hi 1 1.
Main 1014. . Portland, Or.
You cannot learn any part of this
proitBSton through correspondence.
you the trade in 8 weeks; sculp and
massage specialty ; tools free ; positions
guaranteea : pay while learning; tuition
reuueed this term. 23;i Madison.
YOUNG man wants work In auto repair
shop or driving cars. Experienced. In
or out of town. Ral-rences. Will work
any u. hre. Aduress O. A. Richardson,
li Mil Meruer, Seattle, Wash.
FATHER and bun want to batch, cut
wood, clear land, care for stock and
farm, or what have you ? fcait. out of
rain, preferred. Washington or Oregon.
C 440. Oregofiian.
Al TRUCK mechanic wishes position with
firm or truck agency, past threw years
with service department of .Mack cor
poration at Seattle; best of references.
S 4U0, Oregonian.
OFFICE manager a-nd accountant wishes
to locate in Portland. Best of local ref
erences. Extensive experience In lum
ber and automobile industries. BF 2fc0,
MAN and wife v ant worn together, man
lor labor work, wife for wait ress or
cook's helper. Will go any place. Call
today or wriiw. 4bOV Belmont St.. apt. li
SALESMAN with car in city, has covered
Oregon for past 2 yrs.. would consider
otter from reliable firm. BF 200, Ore
gon iau.
HAS anyone a permanent position for an
ex-sailor who wishes to advance and
become an asset to the firm? Not afraid
of long hours. Hartman. 575 Powell.
ALL-AROUND middle-aged man of good
appearance and address wants position ;
good talesman; best ot reterences. Main
room 1.
YOUNG man, 10. wishes position as truck
driver; am experienced and know city.
Have had night sclrool education and
furnish best ot references. Tabor bolO.
BOOKKEEPER, typist and general oltice
man. accurate. rapid and efficient:
young man. married; references. t" 431.
Oregonian. -
YOUNG man with roadster auto wants po
sition with reliable firm. Salary and
commissi'. n preferred. Y 127, Orego
Tiinn DRUGGIST, registered, desires work eve
nings and Sundays; would accept steady
position, country 0r city. C 45u, Orego
nian. AN old man wants a light janitor or por
ter job ; wajfes can be arranged. Call
or mail 32 N. 4th at., care Chicago hotel.
J. W. Chaty. Portland, Or.
REFINED married couple will give serv
ices of one or both in exchange for
furnished apartment; excellent refer
ences. X 344. Oregonian.
TRUCKING contractors wanted for wood,
coal, lumber, etc.; local or out of town.
Call Tabor bo7u. Write 900 E. Salmon St..
EXPERIENCED Janitor wants work after
noons or evenings; dependable; reference.
V 717, Oregonian.
out of town
Tal or 110:i.
-Any kind of work. In or
esti-nates cheerfully given.
REFINED, competent man, well educated,
necks employ. n; lit as secretary or vale.
T i3o, Oregonla i.
IF -in need of thoroughly experienced,
competent manager for farm or stock
ranch. T 4 I'll, oregonian.
WANT work with Ford car; well acquaint
ed ; have had selling experience. C 423,
M J DDLE-AGED man. government refer
ences, w aiits work of any kind. E 707,
SITUATION as ..lanager or Janitor of an
apt. house; experienced. E. 1W03 after
0 P. M.
WANTED By man and wife, situation in
apt. house; four years in present plaro;
beat city references. Tel. Marshall 2540.
"WANTED Work for a new 3Vs-ton Pack
aid truck with driver, 11)19 model. Phone
"Woodlawn 3'.2.
WANTED Position as night watchman
janitor; experienced, reliable. Call
arid ress 1224 Mirtana ave.
REFINED teacher. B. A. M. A. of well
known university, desires position of
private tutor. T 4:t0, Oregonian.
I WOULD like position as night watch
men ; married man ; best of references.
Tabor H4-7.
GENTLEMAN going to Chicago and return
will act as agent or companion. C 438,
ACME window cleaning,
cleaning. rtoor waxing;
Broadway 5M0.
O. A. C. MAN, experience and references,
would place your farm on paying basis;
salary or 50-50. NV Clark. 62 E 2 7 1 h st.
BOY wRnts job as apprentice to commer
cial artist; some experience. X 340, ore
gonian. CHINESE high school boy wishes work
a f ternoons from 1 to 6. F 853, Ore
gonlan. CARPENTER, good mechanic, wants work
at alterations and repair; city or coun
try: reasonable. Wilson, ftl 2d st.
"WANT Position as yard foreman, book
keeper or time clerk; S years experience
lumber business. W 791. Oregonian.
ELDERLY mm aa choreman; can milk
snd do gar.1n work; stesay; good
worker. X .f.30,
MIDDLE-AGE"3 man as choren an; good
disposit ion and good worker. X 34 '3.
Ori gonian.
around ho-jl
country. X 33
mnn as handy man
r private place, city or
ELDERLY mm as choreman around farm;
can milk, do rojgn carpenter work and
handy man. X 337, Oregt nlan.
CHEF cook wants work, hotel or res
taurant, lu or out of town. A 845, Ore
eonlf n.
MAN handy with tools, some experience
repairing shoes, wnts position; givs
particulars. AH Oregonian.
POSITION as bushelman in clothing stor
wanted. Give particulars. AH 7h0, Ore
gonian. riRsT-CLASS all-around baker of 20
years' experience seeks position. C 445,
HOTEL baker wants as second on pastry.
C 44 1. Oretronian.
N iXUNl ON movie operator wishes posi
tion in town or out. D P52. Oregonian,
MARRIED man wishes part time position;
anything. Marshall 3H03.
K ALSOM I XING, painting, plaster-patch-Trtg.
reasonable. Main 2S05.
CARPENTER contracts wanted for builcf
insr or alterations. Manny. Sell. 2421.
CARPENTER. Al mechanic, remodeling or
new work. Phone Tabor ft(41.
I"I RT-CLA.S nleanizer wants rosltion ;
2 years' experience. Phone Wdln. 5s!
PHONOGRAPH repair man and salesman
w 1th automobile. T 433. Oregonian.
WT'iiO CUTTING wnnt-d. contractsV S
Williams. 4HQ9 E. 00th st. S. E.
PAINTING. tfntin g. reflnlshlng. price
nrrhT. Good work. Tabor 30M.
FA I NTING. tinting, enameling, very reas
onable. Marsh. 459. room 212.
YOUN'l man,
1 Frovs-aa,
wants work on a farm
' Washington st.
PA PERHANG1NG. painting and tinting
goad work, right prices. Marshall 24H3.'
HAULING wanted for SW-ton truck. Can
Sellwood 20u4. evenings.
WANTED Work for 34 -ton truck. leTf
wood 12fl.
COMPETENT bookkeeper deIres position -operate
typewriter. Phone Marshall 747'
v 00a law n 04t:t.
WA.Mtu 10 iite csre or an invalid T
ROUGH carpenter work done on short no-
COMPETENT logger wishes contract put
ting in mg: jod irom 10 to o m per
day preferred. Y12S. Oregonian.
BKIi'K contractor. fireplaces. mantles,
garages). 47 Ankeny. Phone E. 3357.
CARPENTER wants repsir or reneralcar
penter work. Phone Tabor
WANTED A steady position, electrician
and machinist. W 7S", Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY experienced farmer, mar-
ried man, would like to secure a position
as manager of large stock ranch; expe
rienced in the care, feeding and raiding
of cattle, sheep, hoes, horses, poultry and
general farming; can repair and operate
any kind of farm machinery; knows how
to handle men and get results: know
how to buy and sell stock; good business
man, Kood habits, honest and industrious.
AG44U. Oregonian.
If you are looking for a truck owner to
haul Joss or lumber, write us and we
will publish free a notice where it wiil
be read by the men you want to reach.
The Timberman, Portland, Oregon.
SPECIALTY "SALESMAN. 40 years old.
with selling experience over six states In
food products office specialties, stocks
and bonds, wishes Portland connection;
salary or salary and commission. Apart
ment 12. 1102 Union ave. North.
trip to Houston. Texas; will work al.
towns between via San Diego. Imperial
Valley, El Paso, San Antonio. What have
you to offer? Have best local reference
A S07. Qregonian.
EXPERIENCED and reliable grocer and
all-around general merchandise man
wants permanent position; capable of
managing business; six years In busi
ness for myself. Address E. H. M., 1070
East Washington t.
WANTED -Position with reliable Arm by
reliable young man of 2. experienced
as order clerk, shipper, receiver, col
lector or salesman ; lived in Portland
22 yrs.; can furnish reterences; have
Ford. K 7J9. Oregonlan.
PROSPECTOR, with many years" experi
ence, well posted on geology of ore de
posits, wants financial backing for trip.
Address Gene Osborn, lo5 S. Crawford
st., Portland, Or. Home evenings after
5 o'clock.
WHAT have you for a mill man, expe
rienced from the bottom up to manager?
Can saw. repair your engine, boiler or
build your mill; have good success with
men. AV 8. Oregonian.
MARRIED man with family would like to
r:nt dairy farm or work for wages; two
boys old enough to milk ; one can de
liver milk; have 5 years experience.
Write or call 6610 62d st. S. E.
PRINTER-OPERATOR 16 years' experi
ence; excellent job man; estimator; fast
on make-up and ads; married : reier
ences; wants steady-job on country news
paper. AG 44S. Oregonian.
BY middle-aged man. handy with tools
and understands boilers, or will accept
other kinds of work for t ord car. Ad
dress C. A. Hutchins, 371 N. 22d aL.
A LL kinds or work; ir you need help for
lone or short iobs. phone Bdwy. 052;
will send you a man. or address Carter s
employment office. 240 Ankeny st.. fort
land. Or.
STEAD'S, reliable married man desires
garden work, putting in wood, odd jobs
u:Dmd the home, hotel or factory, any
thing; moderate wages. What have you?
Phoiu- Broad way 4-V.'4. ask for Ross.
W A NT ED By married man. position as
shionlna- or receiving clerk, warenoue
man or timekeeper; ten years' experi
ence: have fair business eaucation. r
S;U. Oregon lan.
YOUNG man, 20. wants position in firm
where there arc chances tor advance
ment; willing to start at the bottom.
Phone Woodlawn o.
YOUNG man. 23 yrs.. attending school,
desires employment from 11 A. M. to 2
P. M. and after 4 P. M. dally, includ
ing Saturdays. Phone Sellwood 812.
FIRST-CLASS1 truck driver, chauffeur or
garage man. can do own repair work: I
can manage any paraBP. Who will give
me a chance? Wuln. 3040.
I AM 19, am willing to work, have had
experience In garage and driving or win
take any reasonaole job. East 34 J tt.
Lowell Peuirs.
HARDWARE traveling salesman. 12 years
on coast and river territory, at pretent
employed, would consider proposition
on commission. S li'JS, Oregonian.
Bookkeeping, buying and selling ex
perience, open for position Dec. 1; lo
cal references. AN 971, Oregonian.
EXPERT pruner wants tree pruning by
day or contract. Call or write D. A.
Sterland. 107S Portsmouth ave., Portland,
Or. PhoneColumbia 500.
STRANGER in the city wishes position as
stationary engineer; number of years'
experience; give good references. AE 010.
JAPANESE young couple wants position
in private family ; man first-class cook :
ife second work; both have experience.
A K 7f0, Oregonian.
RELIABLE married man. 34. wants posi
tion : hotel work prererrea. c an i
cash bond, excellent references.
421. Orcgoniaiu
CHAUFFEUR. 30 years of age and com
petent, desires position with private
party. Pleasant home preferred to-large
salarv. AV 7. Oregon Ijitk
CAPABLE traveling ales-nan wants staple
elde line. K. H. K. Gelser. Grand hotel.
Baker. Or. .
PAINTING, papering, tinting, day or con
' tract. All work reasonable; guaranteed.
East 11 1 1
EXPERT painting, tinting, enameling and
paper hangiug done very cheap. Tabor
1172. ,
FIRST-CLASS salesman wants lucrative
position with good concern; references.
AN NlHi, Oregonian.
l i v nd wife want lob on farm. . any
kind of work. Telephone Main 5730 or
call 043 First st. ,
EXPERIENCED shipping clerk
position; will give references.
N 210,
ELDERLY MAN. experienced saupnpe
maker meat cutter and market sales
man, reliable. A E 611. Oregonjan.
MARRIED MAN wants ranch work or
will work In city; no children. AC 201.
JAPANESE wants a position as a hall boy
or any other work at hotel, apartment,
or club. AC 202, Oregonian.
PAINTING, paper hanging and tinting;
holiday apeciattles; 75c per hour. Tabor
BOY, 19. wishes place to work for board
and room white attending college; pre
fer private home. AN 972. Oregonian.
JANITOR, thoroughly experienced: make
all minor repairs; have tools. M 801.
WANTED Position by middle-aged man
of any kind; handy around house. AK
732. Oregonian. ,
perm a-
AO H 4
RELIABLE married man wants
nent position; have Ford car.
Ml DDLE-AGED man wants
doorkeeper in theater. A
nlan. -
ositlon as
WANTED Position In wholesale lumber
office as Invoice, clerk or stenographer
bv voune man. AH 720. Oregonian.
rn UFFEUR. w-lth exceptionally gooa city
references, wishes situation. Call Main
0738 mornings
WANTED Position as salesman; first
class references. 413 Washington st.
Broadway i o.
JAP XESE Chauffeur; careful and reli
able, wants position In private family
A 1W
1 OWN an Overland delivery, wouia line 10
get 'work w-lth u: can furnish references.
A! 42S. Oregonian. .
MAN with traction engineer's license wants
firing in heating plant; can repair. Call
Broadway 1332.
TRAVELED world over at sea ss oil fire-
ail masee anu "
,n stationary? AC 23, Oregonian.
CHEF First-class meat and pastry, years
ot exp., wants pos., hotel, rest., or cafe-
FIRST-CLASS COOK un a nine capnai
would ouy iini ?. .
Address Cook. S2 E. Davis st.. city.
:il x'KSK wants position as auto ti river
or nousewor k. , -
AE 607. Oregonian ..
MARRIED MAN. 4. experienced in mall-
order WOrlt. UrBll TT. r.r-ww.. tli.
firm: references. AO -ti, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN with experience wants job
driving delivery car and do other work:
some shop experience. 1201 E. Wash, st.
OFFICE-MANAGER. 12 years experience,
esoeeiafiv qualified as credit man: refer
ences will convlnceAC 267. Oregonian.
MAN and wile, experiences 'rvo- c
position where can wo
way 2100. room 3.
MARRIED MAN with family
district must have work; 1
In Mt. Pcott
district must na .m.u t-i.
also repair man. AH . .0. Oregonian.
LADY will give services In return for fare
to California. E 757, Oregonian.
Il locomotive and stationary engineer
ooen for position. AC 200, Oregonian.
TWO experienced pruner want pruning vv
day or contract. Phone Broadway 25. .
posiTlON as yard foreman, tallyman or
marker on chains. AE OOP. Oregonian.
mv with motorcycle and sld
de car wants
work. AK 776. Oregonian
MAN with 3-tou truck wants a hauling
job. Call East 7904, or 615 Oregon 6t.
WANTED Cordwood to cut on
AN 04. Oregonian.
POINTING, paperhanging and tinting. Ta
bor 111&
ELDERLY man would like position hoter
levator operator, firing boiler, or store
or other. janitor work where could, have
more than usual time to do the work.
Phone proprietor Nokomis apts. for ap
pointment. S 404, Oregonian.
SALESMAN, 20 years' actual road work,
reis. highest financial interest of Chi
cago and Portland; willing to do 3 men's
woik tor the price of 1 good one. If
looking for a "dead one"," the cemetery
Is full of 'em. X B5U. Oregoniau.
ELDERLY man would Mke housekeeping
room for little work morning or evening;
also few hours' work there or elsewhere;
had experience firing boiler; store or
other janitor work. T 443, Oregonian.
MARRIED man without children wants
position on farm. Can give reference,
experience. Address Leo Scnroer. Glad
stone, Or.
Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Office.
Overhead and Depreciation,
Income Tax. Inventory.
Economy and Efficiency,
Wage and other Plans
for increasing Production.
Bookkeeping ;nd Office Work
References l-l&.-it and West.
Phone Marshall 520tf.
I have had 12 years' practical expe
rience in all departments of pine in
dustry and have been assistant mana
ger of large plant; will sever present
connections about first of the year and
go south ; would make good buyer or
city salesman. H 365, Oregonian.
YO'"NG man with good general office ex
perience in wholesale nd retail mer
cantile lines desires position with grow
ing concern in any capacity leading to
good future; salary to start secouuary
consideration. A b?l, Oregonian.
AS BOOKKEEPER or cashier, experienced
in general office work, now employed;
good reason for change: a place where
there is a chance for advancement de
sired. C 443, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office
man. efficient and trustworthy, capable
taking charge of office or correspon
dence; best of references. G. P. Phone
Marshall 4777.
ACCOUNTANT and auditor will open or
close your books, prepare financial
statements; will write books monthly or
periodically ; income tax reports. Phone
Main 1 007. Bowman.
BOOKKEEPER and accountant with ten
years' nifg. and mere, experience. Includ
ing cost ac pointing, wishes position;
typtot. G i2u, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED accountant - bookkeeper
wants work whole or part time; highest
credentials as to character and ability.
AG 433, Oregonian.
bile experience, cost accounting and gen
eral office systematizing, open for posi
tion Decemberl. C oOfe. Oregonian.
EOOK KEEPER, cashier, paymaster, time
keeper, married, wants position with
future; worker; references. An iner
vifw appreciated. J 472. Oregonian.
YCUNG man. 23, attending school, desires
bookkeeping during spare lime. aown
town. What have you? Main 5&40,
EX-SOLDIER In tank corps wants posi
tion as chauffeur; 3 years' experience;
drive and keep up any car ; wages no
object. BO 3. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED office man. skilled ac
countant and correspondent, desires po-
sition. T 434.Cre gonian.
EXPERIENCED, accurate bookkeeper and
office man desires position all or part
time: moderate salary. East l."n:j
MARRIED MAN. age 3fi. wishes position
as bookkeeper and office manager where
efficiency counts. P. O. Box 371)2.
ACCOUNTANT will keep your books In
first-class shape "evenings at a reason
able rate. Phone Broadway 4329.
CAPABLE bookkeeper, rart time position.
Tabor 037.
Soldiers ar.rt Sailors.
Ex-oversea: soldier, married, experi
enced bookepfr and ncouninnt. also
timekeeper and cashier's experienc,
wants position immediately; good refer
ences, hard worker ami no bad habits.
Let me have au interview. J 473. Ore
gonian. DISCHARGED army officer, aeronautic
engineer, wants position as garage man
ager or repair shop foreman; eight years
experience at auto repairing and ga
rage management ; competent to take
full charge, can give best references,
will go any place. AG 423, Oregonian.
EX-PE RVICK MA N, 25, desires position
with a wholesale firm where there wlil
be an opportunity to progress in the
sales e'epartmen. to a road position.
Experienced and competent office man,
tvpist. Or ca:. start as floor salesman.
AG 43. Oregonian.
I AM electrical engineer with estimating
and supervising abll ity. desire engage
ments evenings, taturaay ai ternoons or
Sundays, compiling plans and estimates
for architects or contractors. PBX tele
phone systems a specialty. W -78S, Or
egonian. EX-SOLDIER, young man with dependent,
must have work : experience in many
lines; not afraid of hard work; if I take
your .iob I'ii make good: night work
preferred; best references. AG 401,
COLORED ex-service man wants position
as porter or janitor, apartment house
preferred or other work, can furnish ref
erences. Call C. R. Wright. Phone Bdwy.
SALESM A N Ex -service man Is available
lor position; well acquainted with whole
sale and retail grocery trade in Oregon,
Washington and Idaho; prefer city aell
ing. A. Lawrence. Hotel Oregon.
YOUNG returned soldier with 4 years
service in France, stonebroke. wishes an
opportunity to make money. Have had
hish school education, willing to do any
kind of w ork. A K 785, Oregonian.
VOUJCO man, honorably discharged f: urn
U. 8. navy, desires general office work
with any firm. I urn 21 years of age
and have had high school education.
Pnone B. 2"-K.
POSITION As superintendent of a hop
growing plant by a man of many .ye.-irs
expert nee. Address "Hop),' Box 104
Chchalla, Wash.
attending college. desires work daily
from 11:30 to 1:30 and afternoons 4 to 0;
also Saturday all day. Woodlawn 2SS7.
COL LEG E student wishes work of any
kind after school and Saturdays: ex p.
bookkeeper and can drive any make of
. car. G 24. Oregonian.
rr -v ct-tjMPir t 'V v. v.
erablei retail and wholesale selling ex-
perience desires position; can furnish
good references. Call Tabor 2744.
A-l COOK wants work at once, or would
j buv interest In a small place; first-class
1 references; married ; age 27. Address
Cook. S82 E.Davis St., City.
bt'u K K NO- position wanted by ex-
service man. experienced and accurate
at figures; can operate typewriter. AG
450, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED oil and paint salesman
open for Jr.gaapment Jan. 1; references.
Address AV h"3, Oregonian.
EX-SOLDIER, business college student,
age 13. w ants place-to work sfter school
and Saturday. Broadway 2009.
EX-POLD1ER. 22 years, has good educa
tlon, good worker, wants a steady Job
In cityor country. E 750. Oregonian.
AUTO mechanic, ex-service man. experf
enced in starting, lightfnir and Ignition ;
wages no object. Tabor 7340. Oregonian.
ELECTRICIAN, discharged soldier desires
work. insin Wlreman. C. Williams 1
13th st: Phone 316.
HAVE Ford express,
F K51, Oregonian.
want work with it.
WANT work by the hour; reasonable. C
441. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes dav work
at washing and lronlng only. Sell. 431.
EXPERIENCED woman wants "dav work
cooking and Ironing. Woodlawn 1201.
LADY wants day work. 45c an hour and
c rf are. East 2134.
WOMAN experienced, wants dav w ork
cleaning or ironing. Call Main 2224.
LADY wants houseclesnlng or other work:
hour or day; do good work. Wdln. sr.-v
ACCOM P A N I M E NT work wanted b ihs
hour by pianoteacher Main 2145.
TELE PHONE opers tor would like private
exchange. Sellwood 3170.
RELIABLE woman wants cleaning and
dav wnrk. S 397, Oregonian.
LAUNDRY done beautifully at home
1 132.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work,
fail all week, phone Broadway 424!.
sroTCH ladv experienced
A-l worker.
w ant? day work. Sell- 3453.
COMPETENT woman wishes work after
no o nsYT230 re go n i ia n
LADY desires employment
O 82S. Oregonian.
GOOD demonstrator. Just came to city
wants work. X 351. Oregonian.
LADY wants children to room and board
Call Sell. 62. ' -
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work
Mnn.. Tues.. Wed. Sell. 1032.
WOMAN wants rty work, 45eand carfare.
1 M v o m.
EXPERIENCED woman wants kitchen or
iisy worg. I'none eroinwav i'42.
LDY wants housework: n-j
F.a.t 44 before 2 o'clock
washing. Call
I want a position as leader of orches
tra (pianist), have had life experience in
opera, musical comuay, drama, pictures, j
with first-ciass managements in the eaM .
anu arroaa; experienced conductor.
orchestra and choral societies; desire to
settle permanently where teaching pros
pects offer inducement; Unionist. V 72,
An elderly woman and aaughter want
position as caretakers of a good resi
dence while family is away for the win
ter in exchange for the use of three
rooms ; references furnished and bonds
given If necessary. Address AO 723,
A LADY, with good education, good pen
man, neat, accurate, dependable; not
afraid of work, wants position, clerical
or educational, where she can work
up. Phone B 17ou.
VERY neat, energetic lady of HO. one who
attends strictly to business, wishes posi
tion, had experience as saleslady, doc
tor's office and credit ofuce. AH 7 TH.
Oregonian. -
YOUNG lady with general office experi
ence, a comptometer operator and some
typing, can give good, reterences. AH
771 , Oregonian.
WAITRESS, experienced in good places,
wants steaay position waiting table for
breakfast, or good permanent place
breakfast, lunch and dinner. AG 460,
EXPERIENCED middle-aged colored lady
cook wants position; 2 meais a aa . win
consider 3 nica.s. Phone Bdwy. 3345. 9
to 11 A. M. .
CHINESE girl wishes steady position.
speaks1 English well; preier worn, wnere
costume will be necessary. For further
lniormatlon Call A-4b27.
INTELLIGENT, industrious young woman,
high school education, quick and accu
rate at ngures. desires position ; expe
rienced. G S13, Oregonian.
RELIABLE young woman wants position
in hotel office or switch-board room;
board and small wages. AG 403. Orego
nian. YOUNG woman, trained nurse, wishes re
munerative out-door work or other at
tractive relief from nursing. D U49, Ore
gonian. TRAINED nurse wishes case to travel
with or Institutional work. Call Main
6830 between 1 and 4 Sua. or address
D 948. Oregonian.
BRIGHT. energetic saleswoman wants
short hour work, cigars, com ectionery.
cashier, ushering, best .of business ref
erences. J 477, Oregoniaru
A COLORED woman with a little girl 9
years old wants a position as general
servant, near car line and near school.
Phone B 21.Y7.
RVPKWIKVI'V.n ioni'hr wants School
commercial work preferred. Address D.
Blank, Y. W. C." A., Spokane, Nov. 20
to :Q.
KIND, reliable woman wishes care of ohil
fimn .-voni-.e uf i e r ii oop s or Sundays.
025 Jefferson st. Leae word at Schmidt's
grocery. Main 1940.
EXPERIENCED laundress wants washing
by day six hours' work for nice family
after Monday, west side only, x sti, ore
YOLXG Scandinavian woman desires nice u n ri h.u rA in PfrhlinK6 tOV lew
hours work and some wages; must be
close In. R 117, Oregonian.
YOUNG married woman wishes to work
In Avohu n rr hnimpkUltST room
rooms. Mrs. Catendeau. Phone Main
Sr. 10. ,
Al 1 1 ILE -AGED lady, experienced, unln
nmhcrpd fur chamber w ork In country
town on highway. Address Glazier, Hood
River, or.
KITCHEN walls and woodwork washed,
by expert window cleaner; floor waxed.
Call Hansen. Marshall 2.V4.
POSITION wanted by middle-aged widow,
good plain cook, neat and reliable. BC
1. Oregon i a n. m
POSITION wanted In confectionery by ex
perienced young lady. Tel. Main 3730.
Ask for Juliette.
WANTED By a lady, a place to wait ta
ble for dinner or pantry work. AC 203,
OivFoniaii. ,
EXPERIENCED telephone operator wishes
position on private switchboard; refer
ences furnished. W. 770. Oregonian.
EX PERI ENC ED cashier and exchange op
erator wishes work part or full time;
reference. X 347. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl desires work in den
tistss or doctor's office. Phone Marshall
WANTED Position as fitter. Can take
care of alteration room and help in sales
d e pa rt me n t. T 425V Oregonian.
YOUNG woman wishes to learn dress
making, will be willing to help for
learning. X 33U, Oregonian.
WANTED A place to take care of chil
dren evenings while mother Is away;
reterences. Woodlawn 1011.
(MIDDLE-AGED lady will take care of
children afternoons. Call Mrs. Rice
Main 5701. ,
RELIABLE colored woman wants day
work, or will assist cooking dinners and
waiting parties. Woodlawn 2500.
a tttrpirvnAHI.K nurse cares for children
eveninas, the aged and sick through the
day. Marshall 341.
piaMst will work for experience and
small salary, evenings; prefer picture
show. V 77S. Orcgonln n.
w itph k-.m walls and woodwork washed
hv exoert window clean-r. Floors
waxed. Call Hansen
Marshall 258. .
LACE, scrim and marquis
hand laundered, called fi
del. East
YOUNG lady would like housework by the
hour or assist in sewing. Phone Wood
law n 5773. ,
TELEPHONE operator desires position. 3
years experience, also good typist. Mam
WOMAN with boy 8 would like place to
work, good home, small wages. AG 440.
YOUNG married lady
wishes to care for
hild in her own home; references.
Tabor C06S -
vVl DOW. 35. no children, wishes home.
Mrs. C. White, Boardman, or. The
White place.
PRIVATE lessons i
pie; '.emeu tary
1 English to grov
nnd advanced.
rn peo
F 843,
A NEAT, respectable and also experienced
voune lady w ij-hes position ; a hem-
stitcher. I'lease pnone mhhi
HI 5
' FIRST-CLASS day worn. .c an nour anu
car fare. Main 104.
EXPERIENCED laundress wants work fot
Tues. Call Broadway 571. .
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
Phone Tabor 2'.J2.
Bio k keep era jteno graph era. Office.
iic-FiVK ri . voune lady from east, with
thorough knowledge of banking, steno
rraDhic and office work, would like
position. AJ C05, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED business woman deslrei
permanent position, knowledge of stenog
raphy and typewriting. E. 4011. H 351
.'YpitrikncKD bookkeeper wishes per
manent position; familiar with type
writing and adding machine; reference.
Phone East 4732.
YOUNG lady w ith high school education
and experienccu in geuviui oinTs
desires clerical position; references. Mir-
Fhall 2543. " .
YOUNG lady seeks position offering op
portunity of private aercetaryship: have
commercial and legal experience. Intelll
' gence and ambition. S 3S7. Oregonian.
YOUNG woman wants position In doctor's
office or general office work; is an ex
perienced typist and file clerk. V 721.
WANTED Position as typist, billing and
filing, take some dictation. Call Tabor
2J5. .
COMPETENT stenographer
keeper wants position Dec.
$1Q0. Phone Bdwy. 4i23.
salary YOUNG LADY, experienced, wants clerical
work, filing- or auditing department,.
Tabor 258.
YOUNG ladv wants position with reliable
firm ; experienced as assistant cashier,
tvpist. general office work. E. 7tKS.
EXPERT Elliott-Fisher bookkeeping ma
chine operator, wisnes position. j o&.
Oregonian. :
PAsiTlOX as bookkeeper or clerical work.
Call v 00a law. n, ill e cm 11 wi ouuutt
or address AO oregonian.
pypfrikNTED bookkeeper and s
nographer wants position : csn furnish
the goods. AG 403, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady experienced In bookkeeping
and general office work desires perma
nnt position. B 923. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, experienced, working in
the morning, wishes work afternoons
ute typewriter. Bdwy. 2732.
kft? of books to keen wanted: al?o tem
Dorary stenographic work. Phone week
da. Main 07 lb.
rrivPRTENT cashier and assistant book
keeper Ueuires position; best reference
AN W73. oregonian.
EXPERIENCED business woman wants
position evenings as casnier or seiung.
L 540, oregonian. M
vniAi; ljtriv. experienced, wants clerical
work, filing or auditing dept. Tab. 258.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper
rapher; nest of references.
ind stenog
Main L'S17
EX PERIENCTD bookkeeper and cashier
wants position. Call Eaat 4992, Monday.
Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office.
POSITION desired by woman capable of
do'ng filing, typing, meeting the public
and any other work pertaining to an of
fice with the exception of short hand :
bett of reference, state salary and If
chance for advancement. C 430. Ore-
STENOGRAPHER and office oman de
sires position, permanent or temporary;
ten years' exrrlence; Inrarkhoe. com
mercial line and handling cc r respond -ence:
not ifraid of work or responsi
bility. Tabor 2-58.
GIRL with two years experience claim de
partment wholesale hdwe. co. wishes po
sition : knowledge of typewriting; 1-
Per week. AC 282. Oregonian.
RAPID, accurate stenographer with several
years' experience, able to assist wit h
books and correspondence, desires posi
tion; references. W 705, Oregonian.
WISH to Inform my many customers, also
. puonc, I have Just returned from Chi
cago with all the new ideas. New and
old gowns made satisfactory; ail work
guaranteed. My aim in to please my
' customer!. Daisy Chamberlln, Tabor
DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, alterations.
nouse aprons anu dresses. children s
clothes. reaonaWle prices. 310 Fremont
St., Easf7307.
IF YOU admire work well done, fry Mrs
xaies, ii.'u uivision St.. tor alternations,
remodeling and making of ladies' gar
ments, reasonable prices; work guaran
teed. Phone Ttoor S012.
FOR BEST results In dressmaking, remod
eling, renning and alterations see Mrs.
Kinder at Emporium Dye Works. 04i)
Morrison st. Broadway 4259.
SEWING taught by experienced hand. $1 a
lesson; i lessons for SO. 737 Mississippi
ave. Phone Woodlawn 530.
DRESSMAKING, plain and fancy chil
dren a clothing, prompt service, reason
able. 537 Montgomery st.
ALTERATION shop, relinlng ladies' coats
ana tauorea nuttoa nolea specialty.
ENGAGEMENTS hy day, up-to-date dress-
ma k t: ramoaeung ; reasonable, tsroud
way 1067.
DRESS a-nd coat
prices reasonable.
way 7S3.
making : remodeling ;
629 Kearney. Broad-
IJKLnSMA KING, plain sewing, alterations.
repairing, reasonable. 512 Couch bldg.,
4th near Wash. Main 00O8.
SEWING, reasonable. Phone Main 5871
DRESSMAKING done at home, prices reaa
onable.1192 lvon st. Tabor 9205.
EXP. dressmaker wants work by the day.
Woodlawn 0250.
PLAIN dresses made for $10.
"4 is.
Call Main
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $3 per day.
Call evenings Tabor 6205.
DRESSMAKING by experienced dressmak
er. Phone Sellwood 1057.
DRESSMAKING by reliable woman; altcr
ations and remodeling. Woodlawn 0147.
GOWNS and coats and some ready-to-wear
gurmentt. Phone East 4:;i5.
EX PERI ENt'ED drefpmaker wants sew
lng by day. Main 646S.
MAKEOVER dressmaker and general re
modeling. no Hawthorne.
10115 Villi:,ms ave.
Normal confinement cases given druirs.
dressings. licensed physician service and
2 weeks' hospital care for $4o. Hospital
ana surgical cases given physician serv
ices and hospital accommodations very
reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 106, Main
i.44, or apply at 702 Dekum btfig.
NURSI3 Quiet home, attractive surround
ings, on fine auto road and car line.
Mental cases; references. Ores ham. Or.
H. A., box 111.
PRACTICAL nurse, hospital training and
experience wants invalid or general case.
wouia leave city. Sellwood 2s33.
TRAINED nurse will tak care of child or
invalid to Cal. in exchange for travel
ing expenses. A E oiW. Oregonian.
PRACTICAL nurse wants employment
confinement case preferred; best of ref
erences. East 0014.
WANTED By practical nurse, caring for
convalescents, invalid or aged. East
WI LL DO nursing In my home.
4 uy.
WANTED Position as housekeeper by
refined and well-educated lndy, with
little boy 8 years old. who Is capable
of taking free charge of a home; best of
references. BC 7, Oregonian.
YOUNG married woman wishes position
as housekeeper In widower's or bache
lor's home in evchange for self and nus
band's room and board. Mrs. Caten
deau. Phone Main S510.
HOUSEKEEPER wants housekeeping
work for honorable widower or bachelor
on ranch ; no hur ry for the Job. would
like to get good location by spring. AC
240, Oregonian.
REFINED, capable woman wishes position
as housekeeper for widower or bachelor
l7t small modern home: would consider
out of city if modern. 4320 43d st. S. E.
Sellwood 2'-51.
REFINED, capable lady wishes position as
housekeeper for widower, must be in
good home: no objection to 1 or 2 chil
dren. Phone Main 025, room 24.
MIDDLE-AGED lady desires position as
companion or housekeeper for working
couple or old people. References. C 424,
WIDOW would like position as housekeeper
in gentleman m home; must be modern:
no objection to one or two children. N
20S, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants housekeep
ing for two or three gentlemen or one
with grown children. A refined home.
T 430. Oregonian.
POSITION as housekeper by lady w-ho It
capable of taking full charge of a re
fined home or apartment house; best of
references. AG 4.1, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED housekeeper with yung
daughter desires permanent position ;
references. J 431, Oregonian. Phone
Main 31:;.
LADY from the east, good housekeeper
cook, wishes full charge in good home.
L X "3 52, Oregonian. '
NEAT, clean, agreeable middle-aged wid
ow wants H. K. in respectable home.
AK 783. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman with 2 children
wants position as housekeeper; country
preferred. R OL". Oregonian.
YOUNG widow, unincumbered, wants po
sition as housekeeper for a refined gen
tleman. T 302, Oregonian.
WIDOW would keep house for widower;
no triflera. AK 7&4, Oregonian.
BXPBR1 ENC ED grocery and delicatessen
saleslady with experience at fountain
wishes day work. Good references. V
714, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants serving or
aasiat cooking Thanksgiving day. 50c
hour, carfare. AH 70. Oregonian.
WOULD like care of children afternoons
and evenings. Call D 1570, ask for Miss
VERY experienced woman wonts all-
around day work; expert laundress. East
$2.15 DAY. 9 hours,
hist housework, com
l. Oregonian.
fort the sick. T
EXPERIENCED lndy. day work, a No
cater at dinner party. Phone Tabor t.iiA.
WANTED 5 or 6-room modern house in
Peninsula or Kt. Johns district: must
be cheap for cash. H 357, Oregonian.
WANT to rent furnished or partly fur
nished liouw. 5 or H room, hy December
1. Main 0707. Beat of references.
WANTED To rent a 4 or 3-room bunga
low or cottage, rent not over I4u per
month. AC 275, Oregonian.
WANTED To lease or rent 3 or 4-room
modern house, walking distance, r bus,
WANTED By couple. 4 or G-room fur
nished flat or house; must be modern:
w est side preferred. S 4o3. Oregonian.
WANTED to rent. 5 or ft-room house, just
furniture, carpets and curtains. Tabor
FOR RENT $20 month. 4-room house,
west side, nice location. SuU Keliy si..,
near Gibbs. Broadway 24S7.
MODERN house wanted, walking distance,
to lease. Call at 250 Market St. Phone
W ood '.awn :i07 0.
W A N T A bo u t 25 room s for room I n g
house, lease, possession the first. Main
S 1 ,m 1. Thomson, 62Q-21 Henry bldg.
galow or flat, reasonable, east side. East
WANTED Strictly modern furnished
house by family of two. Marshall a57 7.
FIVE, six or seven-room, near grade
school. Main 0121. Mr. Sawyer.
WANTED Furnished houpe. at least 2
bedrooms. Phone Tabor H153.
preferred .
r -room house. Rose City
adults. East 5140.
WANTED To rent 5
Phone Marshall 256.
or 6-room house
Information and
Rental Bureau.
Reliable, up-to-tfat lists of desirable
vacant houses, apartments and flats with
del mite information pertaining to each.
Newcomers to Portland will find this
bureau of great vaiue in helping them
gL properly and quickly located.
Eighth Floor.
WAN TED 6 -room modern bungalow,
house or ground-floor flat, clean and
furnished, by strictly first-class adults
by December 1. Will pay rent in ad
vance quarterly If you like. Address
R. F. J., 710 Spalding bldg., Portland,
t Oregon. (
We have parties who want Zt or 6-room
modern bungalows: will pay $25 to $40
per month and take years lease.
WANTED December 1. well furnished
house. 5 or 0 rooms, owners home pre
ferred. Address Frank N. Payne. Hotel
Portland, giving full description, loca
tion and rental.
WANTED to rent by Dec. 1, 5-room fur
nished bungalow. Irvington or Rose Citv
for family of 3 adults who will take best
care of property. Call Fred Spoerie.
mgr. Tel. Co.. B. 422.
WANTED To rent at Seaside, 4 or ft-room
furnished house by Portland busines
man from November 25 to December 15;
best of references given. Answer at
once. AF 13D. Oregonian.
WANTED At once or by December 1.
small furnished house, or housekeeping
rooms, preier Richmond district. Phone
m Tanor S75S.
WANTED TO RENT Three or four-room
flat, apartment or bungalow, furnished
or unfurnished; Hawthorne district pre
ferred. Phone Tabor 1137.
WANTED To rent Dec. 20. unfurnished 6
or ti-room house within 2 blks. of car
line; 2 adults with 8 mo. old child.
Must be modern. Tabor hn75.
WANTED For 3 or A months, by man
and wife, a small modern bungalow,
furnished, well located. A 629. Ore
gonian. WANTED On west side, furnished house
or rooms, preferahly with housekeeper,
for 6 to 10 medical students. Box I. O.
STRICTLY modern 4 -room bungalow In
farkrose. Inquire Mrs. Inglis. Richard
son road, or call Broadway 24b4.
RESPONSIBLE couple. best references,
want 0 or (-room modern house, furnace,
by Dec. 15; permanent. Tabor 4022.
WANTED Furnished or pnrtlv fur
nished apartment or housekeeping
rooms. Dy mother ana daughter em
ployed. C 440, Oregonian.
SMALL furnished apartment or flat foi
mother and lo-year-old son by Christ
mas; must he close to school. Phone
Tabor tiU.'J.
WANTED 3-room apartment, unlurnijthe
or partly furnished, on west side, within
walking distance or 5th and W ahingt
sts. J 474, Oregonian.
WANTED By young couple, no children.
3 or 4-rooci furnished or uniurnifhed
apartment, west Kida preferred; refer
c.ices. F 5S5, Oregonian.
HIGH school teacher and mother w;mt
unfurnished three -room apartment . w est
siae, t-eo. . rennneni. Aia:n iiM
WANTED To share room or apartme
west side, with young lady; reasonable
terms. u t?22. oregonian.
W ANTED - 3-room furnished apartmen
by 1, will fcive reference. T
440, Prehuman.
OUNG couple desire to locate in a two
or three-room apartment, furnished or
unfurnished. W din. oil1.
SMALL apartment or housekeeping room:
within walking distance; E. 32d and Di
vision. Call Sell. 1010.
A LADY wants well-furnished room.
fined family or apartment, west slde.
Answer today. AH i81. Oregonian.
WANTED Flat or apt. on west side;
adults; reference. AG 454. Oregonian.
ELDERLY gentleman (widower) seeks
comfortable room with use of bath rn
refined home : board also, but not neces
sary. J458, Oregonian.
REFINED couple desire room and sleeping
porch preferred ; references exchanged.
Fhone Main 7700
COUPLE employed wish warm room by
Dec. 1 near l!lst and Kearney sts. Main
A GRADUATE nurse would like a pleasant
warm room 011 Willamette Heights. Y
124. Orusonlan.
WANTED- Room with private family by
young man. AG 437, Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
LADY with boy 5 years of age wishes place
to board and room. I am employed in
an office and can furnish references.
Have been raised In a home and would
like to find a suitable place for myself
ai.d child. Don't answer if you don't
care for children and haven't the right
place for a child. AC 273. Oregonian.
AG REE A BLE and well-bred man would
like comfortable room and two meals
in a home of nice peopie, either resi
dence or apartments, fairly close in ; na
boarding house; kindly give phone. AG
41S. oregonian.
WANTED By business girl December 1.
room and bo;ird, or kitchen privileges;
pri vate .family, centrally located ; or
would share apartment. Ma in OS us Sun
day. Bdw y. 4301 Monday.
TWO young ladles wish room and board
in refined Dri;ite home Dec. I: west side
prefers tile. Phone Main 4140 or Main
42.i5. References.
YoUNG man desires a mom. private fain
lly living In apartment house preferred.
f 401', oregonian.
GENTLEMAN wants room and board near
Kern Pai k station, on Ml. Scott car-
lino. AG 405. Oregonian.
WANTED 4 to 6-ronm flat or apt., ne
Good amsritan hospital, Dec. 1; adults.
AG 4fi2. oregonian.
YOUNG man wishes room and breakfast
in nice home, easy walking distance.
AG 441, Oregonian.
W ANTED 2-room apt., near Good Samar
itan hospital at once; adults. A b'Mt, Ore
Bonlnn. WANTED A place to room and board in
a widow's home by a working man. AP
448. Oregonlam
ROOM and board, home cooking, rates
reasonable, walking1 distance. East 4482.
ROOMand board wanted by refined lady
on central west side. Call Bdwy. 2710.
Housekeeping; Rooms.
WANTED 2 housekeeping rooms, vicinity
upper Albina; warm and comfortable.
J 470. Oregonian.
BUSINESS woman wants housekeeping
room ; Lincoln high district preferred.
G Hj7. Oregonian.
i WOMAN wants H. K.
I heater, use of phone.
room with wood
D t55. Oreemilan.
WANTED To rent small acreage with
good house where care of s:t me is some
object Main 0244. Mr. Khirnian.
WANTED to Correspond with fanner 1
lug hay to sll. Charles E. Graver,
ri e r w o od . Wash.
PAIR AIREDALE pups, must be reginten-d
and cheap. R. G. Keatley, Castle Rock.
RESPONSIBLE party will store piiino for
its use; no chlidrn. A i 77v oregonian.
Furnished Room.
PHON E Bdwy. 2202. Terminal Baggage
Transfer Co., 0th and Flandern, Baggage
stored 5 days free. Checks called for.
HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison fit. at Tenth.
Rates $1 day up. Weekly 4.5o up.
Steam heat. Free phone and bath a
HOTEL NORR1S. I7th and Wash., strlct-
ly modern cuisine rooms ween up,
with bath, S
Come and see.
PALACE HOTEL. 440 Wash, at.
town location, respectable and
modern rooms larg. clean.
strict :y
LARGE. nicely-furniihed room, suitable for
two; ciose In. Ca. I any afternoon, 177
SARGENT HOTEL, 71 S Grand ave.. h.
apt- ana sleeping room. cim 01.
HILLCREST HOTEL Bath. phone. $25
I mo up; without bath, lift up 1 ii Wah.
: WARM basement sleeping room for work
ing man. $10 per monm. iamtiiii.
LARGE outside room In steam-heated apL,
west side. Broadway 5 5 : 1 4 .
TWO sood
urnf-hed rooms, $15 per mo.
7 Main st. "U mornings.
75c. $1 DAY: 12.50 week up: outside rooms
Hotel Cadillac. 3d netr JefferHon.
I CLEAN, comfortable sleeping rooms. $2 M
I per w eek. 247 Vk 5th sf.
Furnished Rooms.
Washington : have a limited number of
very desirable rooms, with or without
private bath: all rooms have steam heat,
electric lights and telephone; clean and
central location. Permanent or tran
sient. Reasonable rates
Fifth and Washington sta,
Washington at. suites with bath,
i0 a month up.
Fast Morrison st. at East Sixth.
The principal east-side hotel; digni
fied and refined ; 1.25 per day. double
S1.73; 16 per week: $22.50 per month.
1TOU HOTEL. 261 13TH ST. m
FURNISH ED room. nice, warm and airy,
on block from car, rent $5.50 by week
Everett st., cor. 2 0 1 h. . m
ANSON I A HOTEL 14thand Washington.
Clean, respectable, modern: transients, $1
up: permanent $4 up; priyate bath $A.
ROOM for rent, also garage. Tabor 57Q9.
V n f urn i h ed Roo ma.
COMFORTABLE store room to live in.
balcony bedroom, hot and cold water.
g.ts, steam heat, two adults. S03 E.
Clisan at.
THREE rooms, unfurnished, upstair; two
unfurnished downstairs front rooms. S95
k erton.
LA RtiE two-room housekeeping suites
reasonable; running water, inquire room
12. 10;; First st.
PLEASANT, unfurnished attic room, su
,bl for man sleeping daytime. M. 4.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
FINB larse front room, furnished at-
rrm'tfve: Kiiitahla for voune man; moa
ern new home: piano: lu-minute ride
Hawthorne car. Call today 3u4 K. 22d,
near Ha w-thorne. Phone East 6(130
ATTRACTIVE front room, modern eon-
VO!il,nni' silt fa Hi a tor two laaies
married couple employed ; kitchen privi
leges or brrakfast served If desired; rea
sonable. O.ft Ja.. AnKeny.
DES1RAHLE room for gentleman in bac.e
Inr nnurlAr, in Tr ti TV P ftCA a lar I ITl e O l
privilege of large living room, tub and
snower Dstn: rTerences. an .nui.
NICELY furnished room to one or two
ladles, very rea.-oiianle. no otner roomers,
V block to car. references exchanged
Tabor 5950.
xirRt.Y furnished room In private family
1 fr.ttti nlilavl ft Clf. ?- H..
Burnside at., call between 9 A. M. and
3 I. M.
NICE, large front room, suitable for two.
or one .-incle room, in modern prnan
home, walking distance, on east side.
East 2142.
MODERN furnished rooms f-r working
girls; kitchen privi.cces; bunn sitie r
line. 10 minutes to Fifth and Morrison.
East 42r.O. .
Ft R RENT An up-to-date steam heated.
room in Rose City district, privilege o:
ride Into cltv between 7 and 8 A. M. ex
ceptlng Sunday. Call Tabor 7?3.
CLEAN and pleasant room for gentleman.
modern conveniences, oesi rfn'rnww in
quired. Hours lO to 4. Phone Main
NICE large front rom with private lava
torv in a beautiful home, all modern con
veniences; west side, walking distance.
Marshall 401.
CI1F. E RFUL bedroom for gentleman, nice
airy bedroom with comfy, private sit
ting room for two gentlemen, 24S 13th,
near Main. Mar. 350H.
LA KG E. brinht room in modern home .
, )i u 1 minutes from town;
HA. and M S. cars. 257 E- 32d st. Ta
bor US4. .
NICELY furnished stam-heated room foi
ihp or two gentlemen. 1 per month
also small room. JIO; Inquire after 11
o'clock. 7SO Kearney; Bdwy. ni.
FOR R ENT Nicely furnished warm room
to imiv or counle employed all day. near
Bdw v. car line. 774 Wasco, cor. 24th
East 7111.
LARGE front bedroom with sleeping
norrh running? water, two closets; a pt.
in Nob Hill district. Call Marshall 1741.
CoSY furnished room, all conveniences;
wa'klng ditance, $10 month. 5U2 2d BL.
near Sherman.
A CLEAN, comfortable room in a desir
able home for business woman or man
and wife : references S35 Raleigh st.
FURNISHED room for business woman,
with home comforts; references. AG
PLE S NT room, well heaved, tor business
pi opie; walking distance. Mar. 2uo3. 3ui
11th st.
LOV ELY front room, suitable for 2. with
sleeping porch: modern conveniences.
r".r Everett street.
MoDE R N room, always
for one or two. close
N. I5th el.
arm : nice home
, west side. 174
A COMFORTABLE sleeping room, furnace
heat, electric light, bath, phone, walking
distance west s i ! e. 415 Broadway. (
LA Rt JK. alrv room for gentleman ; heat,
phone, bath; walking distance. Call
tO I. tU. Aiaill. C
NEWLY furnished, strictly modern rooms:
ft minutes waiK irom r-. .. i
up 340 College, near Broadway.
iHT front room In musical family,
; Multnomah club; gentleman. Mar.
3 evenings.
PLEASANT. h-Hted sleeping room; gm
tbMnn preferred; rent $15; west side.
347 13th st. .
2 FURNISHED rooms in a private house.
one for 2 gentlemen, one ior a, uum i
desired. E. 50 59 . .
NICE room for gentleman,
man club, J 12.50; quiet
near Mult no
family. Main
NICELY furnished room in swell private
home, suitable for 2 young men. 71 Trin
ity p'ace
CoMFORT A BLE sleeping room, phone,
bath. $3.50 per week. 434 Mill st. Main
ONE or two furnished roo ma with use of
kitchen, ail modern home. 1347 Milwau
kee ave. .
furnished housekeeping rooms, gas
Call ulter 1 saturaay. iain
LARGE front or side bedroom, well fur
nished, heat, bath, phone. 013 E.
Davis st.
DESIRABLE (Mcnm-heated room, walking
dlstame. reasonable; employed ladles.
4o3 V12 th s t .
VERY elan furnished room for gentle-
niiin on I v. private home, moderm con-
4 veniences. ISO K. 14tH st. South.
CLEAN comfortable furnished room.
modern conveniences, 1139 Cleveland ave.
Wdln. HO02.
FURNISHED front room for one or two;
walking distance. 134 Grand ave. N.
E a.t SQ70. ,
ONE large front parlor, large enough for
three, $0; one for S3. 00 N. 10th. -Bdwy.
WELL furnished room for business man,
modern conveniences, walking distance
327 Mill t. Main 5471.
FU RN I SH ED modern heated room. Tele
phone East SO 50.
LARGE front room,
home; references. J
heat, phone;
25 Broadway.
SINGLE sleeping room, close in, $2.25 wk.
Quiet hvme. 454 Taylor.
T uooMS, men only, furnace heat, close
In. hnth. Ma'n 1 4:i.
SLEEPING room in private family, gen
tl"mnn only. Marshall 1S05.
ntoins, heat, light, close in.
4M) Davis st.
DELIGHTFUL. large, comfortable room,
running water, near bath. East n.Mu.
PLEASANT room for two In private fam
ily, walking distance. East eloS.
NEWLY furnished, furnace heated, room,
h nne prtvi lees. Wood : a wn 11 0.'j.
$12- Two large roomn. partly furnished,
ground fi"fr. 550 Powe'l st. .
PLEASANT steam -heated sleeping room.
J.inette apts. 40! Jefferson at.
2'. 14th.
ar Jefferson,
stance. Main
ONE nlcelv furntwhed room, use of kitchen
and laundry. Mar. 280X
FINE room fr rent.
In. K.'st :;!.
hot-water heat, close
Folt KENT Furnished sleeping room, very
c!ose in. Call East 540.
GENTLEMEN who care for nice room
private family. Main 0570.
COMFORTABLE room, close in ; reason-
FINE 'arse front room,
t ".epn 22d and 23d t.
7:.1 Johnson, be
Main R7!0.
L.A KGE furni
sh-'l room in Irvington
aFonable. East 452.
BEAUTIFUL homelike ronju with piano,
one or two gentlemen. 414 Salmon.
FURNISHED room with kitchen prlvilegt-a
t'lu nt East 3Q5. .
3 ROOMS, all li
Tin r.ace heat.
ivc comforts, phone, bath.
530 E. 47th N.. near car.
W ELL furnished room in private family,
close in, gentleman. E. 2303.
DESIRABLE room for rent for 1 or 2
business people. 427 Clay.
L.A ULiE fiont room suitable for one or two.
4'4 Benton st.
PHONT room In home, refined, cou-.-nial
family, garage U deaired. Mar. 3U0.
Furnished Rooms in Ari v a te Family.
LoELY large room, for 2. well furnished
in mahogany, velvet rug with adjoining
wash room, price $35.
Also sleeping with large dressing room
adjoining with French doors, furnished,
iu white enamel. $30.
Another for $25. Use of living room
and piano, close in on west side. Mala
AN ATTRACTIVE well furnished room for
gentleman who appreciate the comforts
of a refined private home, having all
moiern conveniences, close in; references
exchanged. East 7145.
COMFORTABLE room. hot-water heat
very modern, for two young men, $10
each, board If you wish. West aide.
Main 4215.
Rooms With Board.
MAN Middle aged, wants comfortable
rom and plain board In home where
room ana bain are on hrst floor; lower
limbs partially paralyzed ; health good
ot her wise : req u ! res no care ; C. S. pre
ferred ; reasonable; give phone. C 448,
JEANNE D' ARC Furnisned rooms, with
or without board, for business girls and
lady tourists, permanent or transient.
Special features w iihiu the limitation
of the minimum v. a k c earner ; J2 per
week and up. 205 14th st. Main 4119.
NORTON I A HOTEL. Portlands downtown a
high-c ass family hotel ; rooms en suite
or ingie. with or without board, for
families and business men and women.
W e give you alJ the comforts of a home.
Reasonable rales.
ROOM and board for business girls; all
modern conveuieuces; w-aiking distance;
$4.5Q perweek East 4732. 12 E. 7th St.
3to loth t For business girls and
students; reasor.ab.e rates. Mar. 1251.
TH E Mignon Nursery is a real home for
cnildrea. Tabor 1271. 1224 F-. Main st.
THE HAZEL Family hotel, home cook
ing; re.i sonaal e. 5 Th 1 r d St.
Roo in With Board in Priate Family.
ATTRACTIVELY furnished front room
with excellent board, in private home;
either lad or gentleman; 114 other
bctardrs, home privileges; also garage
uesirea; cnoice aistrict. woodlawn
PLEA SA NT front room with board, all
home conveniences, for two gentlemen;
one block from Hawthorne. East SoO.
254 E. 2::d st.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with fire
p.ace. suitable for two people employed,
wonderful view and garden; home privi
leges. Main 1 S;7.
LOST November S, white Llewellvn set
ter, male don. license No. 14lo; finder
please r-tum to 5 id N. 20th St.. or call
'. ist 2ii4." ; reward.
YOUNG lady will share nice room in own
home with business girl; board and
home privileges to right party. Call Ta
bor ?51t bet. 12 and 4 Sunday.
WANTED To car for a
lutle girl from
ie best of care
other children.
2 to 5 years old ; will
in pri ate home : no
Phone Woodlawn 1207.
RoOM and board in a refined, comfort
able home by a lady employed, west
side preferred; references given. W
7.M. Oregonian.
COM PORTABLE attractively furnished
room suitable for one or two gentlemen;
wa Iking distance ; opposite Multnomah
oiuh. 5SO Salmon. Muin 3732.
BOA RD in private family where room can
he secured in same block: Sunnvslde and
Mi. Taor cars. Call Tabor b5D bet. .
1 2 and 4. Sunday.
Kui M and board in a well-heated and
well-furnished house for man and wife
or two p-ntlenu'n; business people pre-ft-rrcd.
Wd 1 n..Vi72.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes to board a
stnsll girl, treated as If my own; no
other children; not too close in; good
yard. Otll Wdln. 4570.
ATTRACTIVE room, hot-water heat for
r fined young lndy or man; with or -l;h-fut
bo;'1 ; home cooking : St. Johns dis-
triet: references asked. Columbia '. 7S.
oM with board in private family for 1
ir 1 gentlemen; plenty ot" heat; walking
ii-tance. 712 Lovejoy. Mar, 5530.
2 YOUNG men for room and board, private
family; strictly modern, east side bunga
low; C. f. preferred. BJ 42. Oregonian.
WANTED To room and board. 2 young
men. large front room. 50 E. 12th N.
Phone E. 24S.
YoUNG laay wishes room and board in
private family near Highland school.
Phone Marshall 61 oil Sunday afternoon.
pri vi leg
room and board for men. Home
s. Modern conveniences. Use of
:!ose In. Bdwy. 1403.
PLEASANT room with board, west side,
walking distance, near car. Phone East
FURNISHED room suitable for 2 gentle
men, private family. 302 Morris. East
RoOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, home
cooking, use of bath and phona; waik
ing distance, 7.50 a week. 525 Clay.
CLEAN 100ms with or without board, mod
ern and reasonable. O.SO Glisan, near
2 1st.
BEAUTIFUL front room, light and cheer
ful, with heat and board for gentleman.
Private. 504 Hoyt. Broadway l'JSO.
BOA R D and room. vicinity Franklin
high. Richmond, Creston schools. Phone
Tabor 1550.
PLEASANT large Bleeping room and
garaee for rent to gentleman with auto
mobile, ill B. Ankeny. Et. 2548.
ROOM and board in modern buniralow, S3
Willamette blvd. Woodlawn 4Ut7.
BOARD and room,
local ion. E. 5ii'.3.
private family, nic
TWO business girls to share attractive
flat. wst side, close in. Main 4240.
ROOM and "board for working man. Call
Eajit 077V. o73 Ross st. ; $40 month.
ROO M. board, home 'cooking, ressonabla
rates, walking distance. 207 Sherman st.
Gr:int at.
board ; furnace heat.
Home cooking.
WANTED Child between : and 7 ear;
bef of mother's care. Phone E. SI no.
WANT children
li05 C'orbett 8
board, mother's care.
Marshall 3SS3.
CHILDREN to board and care for; mother's
care. 1005 Corbett st. Mar. 3SS3.
CHILD can have good home, beet of care;
! arse yard. 1 n suburbs. Woodlawn 1 50G.
i-i'M AND BOARD 2 m Id d leaped men,
home eomf.-trt. :t0 Larrabee. East
WILL hoHrd 2 little children, best of caro.
Am close to school. Phone Wood. 2045.
T W O busine
est side.
i irls to sliwre attractive flat,
close In. Main 4240.
boa rd. reasonable; piano.
-. Main mmi.
WANTED Contents' girl to
with mother and daughter.
share home
Tabor 17."..
LARGE f ron t room with boa rd for two,
hnme privileges. Main 1539. 740 Irving st.
WANTED Ladv boarder, home accommo
dations. Ella Finney. R. 2, Gervais. Or.
GOOD, warm room, good eats, close in,
for 2 laboring men. Phone East 7346.
ROOM with twin bed, home cooking. East
ROOM with board for 2 young ladles em
ployed, w alking distance. Mar. 2704.
Furnished Apartmenta.
FOR RENT 2 single apts.. suitable fof
two. steam heat, also X-room cottage
after Nov. 25. Call Woodlawn 595ti.
2o:t Stanton st.
WILL share nicely furnished three-room
apartment, west side, congenial, refined
young taily; references exchanged. V 722,
i reeoiiiHn:
WILL subiet my beautiful four-room fur
nished apartment to responsible parties;
aduita only. Call Marshall 2784.
TO SHARE furnished apt- quiet, wellbred
girl, 25 years of age ; references given
and req u i red . Mars h al 137 70.
WANTED Young lady music student to
rhare small apartment, use 01 piano.
t all Main 1192
ask for MIbs Norris.
HIGH-CLASS. 2-famtly ap
$7." ptr month. $050.
Fuchs. 420 Cham. Com.
i., renting for
Mrs. Florlan
MERLIN. 340 Grant 2-room basement
apt., nicely furnished. $25 month; refer-
FOUR rooms, adults only. $35; corner 27th
ar.d E. Nelson. 1 block south of Sandy
gas. bath.
Lptsm large, pleasant rooms;
electric lights, phone. 2V0 3
ENTIRE lower floor of 3 rooms to agree
able couple; no children: after 10 o'clock.
5i.:i E. 1 4th.. near Broadway.
One nicely furnished 8-room apt,
steam heat; everything modf rn, $43.
FINE furniture. 6 or 7-rm. bou? or apt.
for rent; all mahogany. Mar. 0070.
TWO front rooms, steam heat, p; ivata
bath; adults. S40S Mississippi ave.
COMPLETE apartment. $21. 50; concrete
bldg. Union ave. and Killings worth.
M DEKN 2-room furnished apt., suitable
for worlifng coup. 0-2 Flanders.
COM i LETELY furnished 5 -room apart
ment. Woodlawn 21 3S.
CA ME LIT A apts.. 13th and Jefferson ; a
5. roo in apt ; all outside rooms.
attract i.e 2-room apt.,
reasonable. 247 5th st.
v.NTED ilri t
roo:;. Apt. 2m.
share apartmen. Mar.
Evenings or Sunday.
K K 'ilS suitable for bachelor apt.
Stark st.. room M, Main 54'J4.