14 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, rORTLAXD. NOVEMBER 23, 191D. FOR BEST FARMS. FARM FOR RENT PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. 2 on flprM! 1-iS acres In cultivation, rood dairy barn. 6-roora house. 10 acre I of full bearing prunes; right on paved hlchwav: i m i pk from the heart ol Portland; rent $75 per month; personal I 17 milch cows." 7 heifers. 2 bulls and calves. 5 horses and harness. nun, . rhinliiHi ...-.ts. 9 u.u(?.-inR- naCK. bueer. mower, rake. disc. Kane plow and I 2 walking plows. 2 cultivators, harrow, cream separator, elder press, miik coo.; mr a n H ranm .H Ifl hmVlolA of Dtt tS. 2ii bushels of rye, 12 acres seeded crop. 50 J tons of hay, straw and potatoes; price 1000; terms. H. A. DRYER. :he Acreage Man." OS-ft Lewis BIdg. DAIRY RANCH FOR RENT. STOCK' FOR SALE. 450 acres fine river bottom land, very good buildings; rent only $100 per month; personal property consists, of 40 line cows. 15 calves. 1 bull, 3 horses. WMB-nn. riiso nlnw mower, rake, nar row, cultivator, new milking machine cost XIOOO. nMne-e cutter ana mower. 3 gasoline engines, all dairy equipment and trio In nhnnt 4T I onn of hay. about 40-tons ensilage; located only 6 miles irora Vancouver, near station. This is j a real money-maker. Price $8000, $3000 cash, balance easy terms. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO.. 410 Washington st.. Vancouver, Wwh. fARM FOR RENT PERSONAL PROP ERTY FOR SALE. Will rent this 50 acres, with 40 acres in cultivation, being Columbia river Dot- tom soil; old house and barn; located 7 miles from Portland, near Park Rose; rent .O0. Personal property consists of 3 horses, I x cows, z sows, a shoats. oigs ana com plete lit of farm machinery. Price 12tH cash. H. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man." 508-9 Lewis bldg. 10 ACRES. 6 acres under cultivation, 70 fruit trees, .large 3-room house to rent oy tne year. sioo. jNear juount uaivary cemetery. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. BIdg. Main 1094. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. SOME EXCEPTIONAL EXCHANGES. Suburban 6 acres, near 82d st., in full bearing and with costly large bungalow; cash price $8500 and worth much more; now clear of liens; will take improved city property, residence or two preferred. Apartment house, $50,000; clear of liens; big Income; will take San Diego or Los Angeles property in trade. Fine lot near Broadway and Hoyt. $25.0O0; wiM take San Francsico Bay realty. Modern house. 8 rooms, very best, ex tra modern; will take Los Angeles or beat tie similar. 1 $16,000, Portland Heights home; will take similar in New York city or Wis consin. Large fine Irvington house, worth 117. 500 or more; take smaller; others. What have you to trade for a good house In Irvine ton 7 House si.vouO or $20,000: take San Francisco Bay house or realty. What have von? 47-acre farm, east of Gresham, $6500 to $7000; sale or trade for good small house to total price. O vo, uregonian. ALBERTA. Canada, farm, stocked and equipped, making money, owned by old man who wishes change of climate; 640 I acres. 4bO acres in crop tnis year, good buildings, fine water, well located near school and railroad : price $30,000, will take good home in Portland or suburban home as Dart payment. Want Portland residence as part pay ment on good farm, 78 acres stocked and equipped, good road, near school, I valued at $12,000. J. B. ATKINSON, 112 W. 6th st., Vancouver, V; ash. Phone 832-J Sundays. PORTLAND" FOR "CHICAGO." LIBERAL EXCHANGE OFFERED. VERY DESIRABLE HOUSE (10 RQOMS), STRICTLY MODERN ( I RV-1NGTUN-HOLLADAY PA RK DIST.), CHOICE LOCATION (HALSEY ST., NEAR 21ST). TWO LOTS. NEW FURNACE. DOUBLE GARAGE. MAKE OFFER. WILL ASSUME REA SONABLE MORTGAGE. PROPERTY APPRAISED $22,500. ACTUAL VALUE $25,009. ADDRESS OWNER, S02 SELLING BUILDING. MODERN FARM FOR TRADE. 2oo acres near Sheridan, over 100 acres in cultivation, new modern house. bath, toilet, gafi. lights, splendid water svstem. fine barn, all personal property goes with place. H has cost $3S.OoO to out this Place In present condition, but owner is not a farmer and will take I $:to,onO for everything. In good city or nearby property. W. C. BECKTELL. 1 loo N. W. Bank Bldg. MODERN EAST SIDE BRICK APART- M E NT. W ELL I .OOAT E D. ALW A Y S RENTED. BUILDING FOUR YEARS OLD. PAYS 8 PER CENT NET ON :i7 .linn: RENTS VERY LOW: WILL PAY A GREAT DEAL MORE; PRICE $40,000; incumbrance $14,000; will trade this for clear larm or otner property, might assume small amount. What have you 7 V 0tt, oregonian. SALE or exchange, 204-acre Willamette valley farm: close to good town, with railroad through place close to sta tion ; water piped to house and barn ; $125 per acre and will take clear resi dence or small place near Portland Dart, or will take good income prop erty and assume. 324 Railway Exchange. FOR APARTMENT HOUSE. 10 acres, dairy ranch, half in culti vation. 10 miles from Portland, $30,000; clear and unincumbered. GOLDSCHM I DT'S AGENCY, Stock Exchange Bldg. ONE acre with fine 7-room modern house; fruits and everything: on paved street: want good automobile as part of down I payment. -Mr. nut ton. SKOTHFIM-BROWN COMPANY. 330-1-2-3 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 5199. NICE LEVEL LAND close to cheese fac tory, cannery and railroad; 23 miles out; 40 a.. S40UIK Take house and assume good building lots. 324 Railway Ex change. 7-ROOM, partly modern house, on two lots, 1 block to Alberta car line. For sale or exchange for small farm within 50 ml. of Portland. J Owner 1117 E. 29th st. North. Portland, Or. STOCKED FARM $3500. 100 acres fine land in western Mon tana fullv enuiDoed. for property business in Oregon; might assume. B. F. Kelly. Swetland bldg. Main 7776. FORD or other light car wanted for my $1400 equity splendid 6-room modern house. Lot 50x100. improvements paia , rents for $35. price $4500. Owner J. E. Hedges. 171 West ParkJ TfiO ACRES, all fenced and in cultivation. fair buildings, near Corvallis: cash price $12,000. clear; want good house or two in restricted district. R. F. Feemster, Ablngton bldg. Mar. 4138. nan iPHKS of land In Malheur county. unincumbered, value $500 to exchange for property in or near Portland. Would 1 take good automobile as part payment. AV 879. uregonian. 320 ACRES. Eastern Washington wheat ranch, all under cultivation, $25 per rr Trad for home in city. Scandi navian-American Realty Co.. 248 Stark st. Main 5429. (Ground floor.) noVT LOSE YOUR PROPERTY. If your mortgage Is foreclosed, don't I lose out, but see me at once. I will give a eood trade for your equity. li uis. Oregonian 9-ROOM all-modern home between Los Angeles and Pasadena. Value $10,000. Want stock ranch Oregon or ash. Might consider Portland home. Edw. Four nler. 184 16th st. 140 ACRES timber. Youngs river district. nation county, cruise .d.u.ooo ieet. farm, hotel or income property. J H. McMahon, 2606 E. 43d st. Tabor 5361. . 20Xi ACRES loganberry or prune land, one mile R. R. station. Polk county, for auto roadster preferred. Phone Main 33 17. TWO choice lots In Laurelhurst addition to exchange for improved property. Au tomobile in good condition would be cons i d e retL AV 878. Oregonian. CONCRETE garage building with guaran teed lease at $27oo income annually, trade Portland property. AH 773, Ore- gonian. . WILL exchange 50x120 at North Fair Oaks. San Mateo county, Cal.. for close in Portland lot. Buchanan, 334 Hall st. BLOCK Mountain-marine view fruit berries, roses, grapes. $2.O0; German town road, Linnton. E. R. Herold. 6 ACRES nice land, some fruit, all cultivat ed, close to town, 40 miles from Port land; will exchangarfor auto. East 7736. CHOICE lot 100x100 corner, 23d and Haw thorne for house or close-in acreage. J 475, Oregonian. 10 ACRES. In cultivation; will exchange lor late model standard make auto mobile. C 416, Oregonian. APARTMENT site. W. 25th and Savler. Price $3500 and mortgage $1000. for acreage in valley. A S3w. Oregonian. KLAMATH FALLS property to trade for lots in Portland. Tel. Main 7349. 2FLATS, $3500. Want cheap building lots as part payment. Main 1 293. 10 ACRES clear, near Tualatin : surface c learc d ; lor bo use equity. Js 1 632U, TO EXCHANGE REAL' ESTATE. ItiO ACRES AND 50 CATTLE FOR TRADE. Widow must dispose of this quarter section. Personal: 30 beef cattle. 20 milch cows, 100 tons hay, 7 horses. 2 sows, 12 shoats, full set implements; price $J.GOO: federal loan S3000; trade equity for Portland property or vicinity; JW acres, all irrigated, some a nana. some meadow. 4-room house, barn ox 100. fenced, barbed and woven wire: 20 miles west of Redmond, Oregon. Har grove Realty Co., 122 .North Otn st. Broadway 438L A REAL FARM. 140 acres. So acres cultivated. 50 acres more of old pasture ready to plow, good tences, good large barn, lair o-room house, good family orchard, well wa tered; 1 mile to school, close to town, good road; 16 head of stock, 30 chick ens, tools and equipment; price $14,000; will take in trade. CASTLE ROCK BUSINESS PROPERTY. 3 stores. S furnished rooms upstairs. warehouse; ground 79x209. all improve ments in and paid; now rented lor 4i per month; price $oo0U; want city or larm property. l can exenange wnai you have for what you want. Graham, 325 Ry. Exch. bldg. 240 ACRES SALEM. Nearly all under high state of culti vation, 30 acres of full-bearing prunes. lo acres of loganberries, excellent fruit dryer; large barn, ti-room house and all necessary outouilaings, water system , located 7 miles south of -Salem, near electric station. Cash price, $35,000. Will take good income Portland prop erty. C. MT DOLLARHIDB, 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. 40-AC RE dairy and fruit ranch to trade lor small place close to town. J nis place Is 30 miles from Portland; house, barn, chicken house, good running stream, 125 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of small fruit, two bee houses that cost $500 to build, good fruit house, good prune soil. Farming implements go with the place ; public school hk mile. 3 miles to a thriving town, high school, church. For particulars write C. G. Long. lamhill street. Portland. Aiarsnau i594. LOOK! LOOK! Wanted A well-stocked, improved farm Tor one of the finest hotel buildings ana grounds in the city for sale or trade; 3 stories, solid brick building, 52 rooms iurnisnea tnrouenout. rive stories. rented: laree pool room with fruit and cigar stand; everything goes as it stands: price ;,uuo. Also i lots, close in on car line. My health is the reason. Give full particulars In answer. Owner, Hotel Newton, 22d and Ballard, Seattle, Wash. WANT AROUND 40 ACRES. Will give $1000 cash and clear 8-room house and acre ground in Jefferson, Oregon, worth $2500, as first payment on around 40 acres, with some bearing prunes; prefer S. W. of Portland. Har grove Realty Co.. 122 North eth St. Broadway 43S1. 120 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. o acres under cultivation; excellent family orchard, fair set of all necessary farm buildings; 3 horses, 7 cows, harness. wat; on. Dueey. mower. Dlnder. rake, in fact all necessary equipment to operate farm. Cash price. $10,000. Trade for Portland properiv or close -in acreage. C. M. DoLLARH I DE, 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. ALFALFA RANCH. 100 acres: 130 acres irrigated now: near Bend, Or. ; plenty of buildings on the place: owner is a widow and a resident of Portland now and can not farm it ; price is only $12,000. The water right is paid up forever. Will consider Port land property priced right. Mfl'LlKE & 6LH M A U (J Id CO., 300 Railway Exchange bldg. OAK GROVE. 2 acres with fruit trees and barn, a good 7-room plastered house, near sta tion and school; $4500. CHOICE LOCATION. One-half acre with all kinds of frui! and good modern bungalow of 6 rooms; $3S00. Inquire Mrs. F. M. Youngs, third house north Risley station. Ore go City carline. 360 ACRES CLOSE IN. 90 acres, under high state of cultiva tion, familv orchard. 4 acres of walnuts. 2 houses, very large barn and outbui Id ings. creek and spring; cash price $25,- 000. Will exchange for any good prop- erty. C. M. DOLLARHIDE, 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. JUNCTION CITY HOME. Will trade for Portland property or automobile ; 5-room house with 2 lots; well located a-ad rented to steady ten ants. A. J. DEFOREST &: CO.. 320-321 Henry Bldg. Mam 2600. WILL EXCHANGE FOR APARTMENT BUILDING. Have 100x125. 2 good houses, bringing In $130 per month, and good flat build ing, bringing in $75 p.-r month, for apart ment house up to $75,000. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade blog. LET US WRITE YOUR INSURANCE. IDEAL FARM. Are you looking for a good country home, also make large profits on your monev ? Here it is : 54 acres river bot tom land. 2 miles from Eugene, new bun galow, electric lights, etc.; good out buildings, $350 an acre; will accept some . Portland property, some terms. AG 424, Oregonian. WALNUTS. 70 acres with prunes, fillers, dandy set of buildings, good water system, woven wire fences. Located In the heart, of Willamette valley. Cash price. $10,000. Trade for Portland property. C. M. DOLLARHIDE. 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. DAIRY" RANCH. 62 Vt acres. 23 cultivated, bal. timber and pasture : running water, 6-rooni bungalow, large barn and outbuildings, lo miles from courthouse; $15,625; free of debt: will take half in city property. R. M. Gatewood & Co.. 165 4th st. HALF BLOCK AND GOOD FLAT BUILDING. Mortgage $25,000; will exchange equity for good residence lots or houses. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. CLASS "A" BUILDING. Prominent Morrison-street corner, all rented: will accept clear farm property up to $125,000. balance long time at low mte of interest. W. H. ROSS, 1100 N. W. BankB1dg. MODERN 6-room bungalow in Oregon City ; $50041 equity in siocnea rancn near fortiana; sunurnau huhic, r $4000 Portland: lot, for house, equity or auto: ton truck for Ford. Real Estate Exchange. 325 Railway Exchange. Want house in good district. Will give $2000 cash and clear 7-room house on E. 7th St.. worth $3500. for better house In good district. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th st., Broadway 43S1! 160-ACRE land near Coos Bay for stock merchanaise, buiq euppties, enop or ga rage: value $2000. worth more, will give or take small amount. AM 571, Ore gonian. FOR SALB Grocery stock, fixtures and house combined, o living rooms, 101 oux 100. cement basement, garage, street In and paid; will trade for city or close-in home up to $3000. Call Wdln. 5150. FINE RESIDENCE. Double garage, modern to the minute: ample grounds; no mortgage; some good property taken in exchange. W. H. R05S. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. TRADE US YOUR EQUITY. 5 ACRES. 2 MILES MULTNOMAH ST A. Cash value $1400. Free and clear. Sub mit what vou have, prefer house equity. SMITH-WAGONER CO- STOCK EX. FOR SALE or trade, modern seven-room house. 20 minutes walk from center of city: will exchange to half Vancouver property considered, some cash, balance time: $6500. AL 675. Oregonian. FINE CORNER Lot 24, block 2. West moreland Add.. Portland, for property In or near San Francisco, Oakland or Los Angeles. tai. nenry a. ooaara, care Hotel Morgan, Los Angeles, Cal. 160 ACRES, near Swift Current. Sask., un improved wheat land, creek through one corner, to trade for small farm, acreage, stump land or unimproved suitable for cultivation. BD 672, Oregonian. ALFALFA FARM. Stocked and equipped, value $15,000; will exchange for Portland income prop erty. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Ba n kB I d g. WHO has 5 or 10 acres Improved, not over 10 miles from Portland, for 65 acres partly Improved. 21 miles out: w-ill pay difference, if any. BC 272, Oregonian. W A XTED Stum p land, or unimnroved suitable for cultivation, in exchangi for 10 acres with .wv.imu teet of timber, Yamhill county. Owner. 222 U. S. Bank. FOR EXCHANGE ISO acres, all or part. Jefferson counij. wrrgon. wneat land, for southern California real estate. O. A. Pearce. Redondo Beach. Cal. PORTLAND city property. $115 month 7n come. will exchange for small farm worth $8000- ceih. Write full descrip tion. L. Tho.r.r-son. 4312. 4tth st. S. E- HAVE you Montana land to exchange for 80 acres in the Willamette valley? Also want a dry land relenquishment if priced right. Private party. AV 867. Oregonian TO EXCHANGE 15 acres, valued at $MX). adjoining live valley town, for rooming house 01 small business of about equal vaiue. AG 435, Orcaua.au, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. CORVALLIS 24 ACRES. $400 will handle this place; 185 acres in cultivation; All rich black loam soil, raises heavy crops. The farm is situated at Calloway very close to the depot; 10 room house with 2 fireplaces, house all nicely papered. - large woodshed. 2 fine large barns, sheep barn, smoke house, hog house, 2 good large hen houses, good garden, ail fenced with woven wire, creek through barnyard, 2 springs on place and splendid well of water, enough hay in barn to last until spring, also grain for feed and seed. All kinds of fruit and berries, also grapes. Large black team of work horses, 6 head of cows and young heifer, 1 fine Jersey cow, 2000 cords of wood in the woods to cut. Complete set of farm implement and tools, large number of chickens. This would make a dandy dairy farm, would run 10O cows; so close to depot cream could be shipped easily. It is a splendid money making farm without a bit of waste land on it; is up to date and ready for a man to step right in and go to work. Will make very low price to reliable party on long time pay ments. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 527 Corbett bldg. 0O0-ACRE wheat ranch. 850 sown to summerfallow wheat, all goes with place, at 20 bushels per acre, will make 17.000 bushels selling for $2.20 will bring a total of $39,400. With the place is a good farming outfit, water piped to buildings, 1850 under cultivation, price $90,00o. Will consider clear valley farm or city property to $70,000. If you can handle this, why wait? 145-acre wheat ranch. KOO in wheat at 20 bushels makes 10,000 bu. at $2.20 manes j:.uw; simple isn't it 7 J? ine buildings. 90 hogs. 21 cattle. 28 horses, tractor, auto truck, a fine place to raise stock as well as wheal: price $50,820. Consider good valley farm to about $:O,00O; remainder your own time at 9 per cent. The above figures are not overdrawn a particle. In fact 25 to 30 bu. per acre is more probable. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. IMPROVED FARM TO EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 144 acres. $21,600, located near Day ton, on fine road, 100 acres In cultiva tion ; large barn, etc. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. 2100-ACRE STOCK RANCH. Eastern Oregon land; enough under cultivation to raise crops to feed stock; plenty of water; very fine set of farm buildings; family orchard; fenced and cross-fenced; 30 acres of alfalfa; about 100 head of Durham and Hereford cat tle. 15 horses, some hogs. All neces sary implements and household goods. $20 an acre takes everything. Want val ley farm In exchange. C. M. DOLLARHIDE, S07-8-9 Lewis bldg. INCOME PROPERTY TO TRADE. Apartment house, fine west side cor ner in center of apartment district; price $40,000. Take farm, city property, or timber to $25,000; balance mortgage. Big modern brick apartment house, fine Income, furnished handsomely, prir-e $75,000. Take about half in trade. We have a number of attractive Port land properties for exchange. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. WHEAT RANCH. $30 an acre; all Binder cultivation' fair set of farm buildings; family or chard. Will exchange for Portland or valley city property or farm land. C. M. DOLLARHIDE. 807-8-9 Lewis bldg. HEADQUARTERS FOR EXCHANGES. 7-room house, acre land, lots of fruit. on Oregon City line, for 5-room house in city. 9-room house for close in acreage. 7-room house for 5 to 30 acres land close in. Bakery and grocery for city property. 10 acres, new house for grocery store. See John Brown, 324 Railway Ex diange bldg. WILL TRADE. Modern furnished hotel in live city of 45.0OO. for land In eastern or central Oregon. Hotel is rented and paying well. Write us. If interested, and we will fur nish full particulars. WILLIAMS & GILL EX, Bellingham. Wash. STORE POSTOFFICE. 1 acres ground, 2-story store build ing, also 2-room house, family orchard, poptof f ice and ticket office : 1 cow, Htudebaker ?edan car, about $100 stock of merchandise. Price only $2750. o" sell land and store for $lhO0; or will ex change for Portland property. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. W I LL E X C HA N G E FOR A PA RTM E NT BUILDING. Have 100x125. 2 good houses bringing In $130 per month, and good flat build ing bringing in $75 per month for apart ment house up to $75,000 RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Let us write your insurance. WEST SIDE INCOME. Paying 10 net: want good valley farm. Come in and investigate; this property has never been offered before. C. M. DOLLARHIDE, 807-8-9 Lewis bldg. 10 ACRES, 7-YEAR-OLD APPLE ORCHARD. 4 standard varieties; good 5-room bun galow, barn and outbuildings; beautiful location, good view. An exclusive place. Value $4000, cost more; exchange for CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 671 52. HOTEL BUILDING AND FURNISHINGS. GOOD OREGON TOWN. Earning $400 per month; best hotel In town; will exchange for Portland property or close-in acreage; price $20. 000 clear. C. M. DOLLARHIDE. 8Q7-S-9 Lewis BIdg. 81 ACRES near Estacada, 8-room house. woodshed, barn 60x64. chicken houses, granary, hog house, smokehouse, good vegetable store house, water piped to house and barn, good family orchard, hay price $10,500; terms; will consider trade. THOMSON. 620-21 Henry bldg. 116 FEET ON SANDY BLVD. BUSINESS CORNER. Now ripe for improvements; ground equal to 1H lots: will sacrifice for cash or trade for residence lots. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TWO new small bungalows on a cor. lot, Kenton diet. ; also a 5-room house plenty qf fruit and 2 lots on cor. 78th and Pine, Montavilla, Total value $0500. clear. Want near by acreage or city improved of similar value. D. D. Bath rick, owner 515 Cham, of Com. bldg. "WANT WEST SIDE BUILDING. $75,000 TO $150,000. will give small parcels of Income Portland property, and assume mortgage RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. SIX LOTS and t -room papered house in rtinsDoro. or., on Kirth and Main nts. 2 blocks from business center; $2500 cash or exenange lor good confectioners live town. Box 105, route 5, Vancouver. asn. $1000. FURNISHED HOUSE. 5 rooms; lots of fruit; good heavy oak zurmture; 1 diock to car; terms. C. M. DOLLARHIDE, 807-8-9 Lewis bldg. HALF BLOCK. AND GOOD FLAT BUILDING. Mortgage $25,000; will exchange equity ior gooa renaence 101s or nouses. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. YAMHILL COUNTY. 160 acres, 2 miles from Lafayette, 100 In cultivation ; house, barn, other out buildings, crop partly in; $125 per acre, will accept good Portland houses. Own er, 1125 Gaaco bldg., room b. Main 83S0 FOR SALE or exchange, feed and seed store located at Dallas. Or., doing S5o. 0OO business a year. Will accept Port land residence as part payment. Box fi"fi. Eallas. or. HAVE beautiful view lot on west side. ft. frontage to trade for acreage near Portland, w in pay casn or assume. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 oard of Trade Bldff. EXCHANGE 40 or 20 acres Cowliu county free and clear, for Portland proDertv : will pay cash difference. Owner. 206 tocK txen. oiag. TRADE clear lot In west Seattle for Ford automobile; vaiue ouo. au 41.. Orego nian. . FOR automobile or piano, fine horse and buggy- ooQ.awn ir.j. BY OWNER. 7-room modern house for unar.er one, tall Main 4J. KuK Tit A DE. 40 acres farm land for auto. ov4u etfia &, x iuu, or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, FARMS TO TRADE. I TO 1250 acres in wheat district, lioo in l cultivation, part already seeded; good f building, fine well and pumping piht, stock and machinery: price $35 per are. Will consider vallev farm or building in any good, town to $30,000, balance mort gage. Nearly 10OO acres. Vck farm In southern Oregon, 400 acres bottom land, part Irrigated; good buildings; price $50,000. Take three-fourths in trade, farm or city property. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. A WONDERFUL STOCK. PROPOSITION. CAN GET ALL SHEEP AND GOATS NEEDED ON SHARES. SS0-ACRES. I DUAL. LOCATION. 45 MILES FROM PORTLAND. Fine soil, lies rolling, plenty In culti vation for all feed needed, fine feed and unlimited outrange, modern building, electric lights, etc.. good auto road, school, telephone, neighbors, fine wa ter, good fishing, lots of fruit, wire fences, near boat and R. R, Price $40.0u0. Incumbrance $10,000. I am not in a position to handle this, will trade and assume. What bave you? J 471, Oregonian. 2 MODERN HOUSES. On corner lota, clear, and close-in acreage clear, to trade for a farm, to $25,000. C. M. DOLLARHIDE. 807-8-9 Lewis bldg. IF YOU want to go In the berry business I have Just the place for you. Five acres all in cultivation, good five-room bunga low, barn, woodshed and chicken house; also a young orchard of mixed trees, lano is all plowed and ready to plant berries. On good gravel road, 4-mi!e from post office in small town near Newberg; will ell or trade for house and lot in Port land of about equal value. Price $2500. Marshall 5035. SUNNY Southern California property ex change for farm In Oregon; must be near school, good town ; modern seven-room story and half home, very sunny rooms, oak floors, hot air furnace, excellent location: also fine pair lots, paved St., fine location; also good paid lots, good location, but farther out. Total valu ation $10,010. W. J. MOUNTJOY. 1222 Edgemont. San Diego. Cal. 200-ACRE FARM WANTED. Want 100 acres under cultivation. "Will trade in 25 acres near McMlnn ville that is worth $5000. FRED F. HUNTRESS. 1459 East 31st Street. WWCAT R 1 VPH TO TRADE. r.nfi ur-i-Aa Hit xvill count v. Wash.. 3 000 acres now seeded, all splendid wheat land but 160 acres, price $;j0 per Bi-a inriuHinp all nprHnti ilI DroDerty in cluding 75 Holt caterpillar; will take half purchase price in city or nearby property, and balance in crop payments. W. C. BECKTELL. 1100 N. W. Bank Bidg. EQUITY in new modern bungalow. full lot, lor -vacant lot or auto. R-room modern bungalow In San Fran Cisco, 3 lots. 2 car lines; improvements tn unrt Tnirf Will exchance lor fort land home. See Harper, with Scandi navian. American Realty Co., 248 Stark st. Main 5429. (Ground floor.) BEAUTIFUL home on Mt. Scott line, mod ern R-rnnm hmiRP hRli DIOL'K OI KOOQ land. Chicken house and parks, all U ! nH frul f . laren earden SDOt : Talued $450. Want close-In acreage suitable for berry growing, on good road, near gas and electricity, if possible, or will sell on terms. Address 9310 Woodstock avenue. WILL TRADE AND ASSUME. An 8-room modern " house, fine cement basement, two sets of plumbing, electric lights, g:is; a mighty well-built house; lot 9Oxlo0; near Overlook addition; price $4500. clear. Will trade this for house in better district arid assume : this will stand a loan of $1750. F 051, Orego nian. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. FOR CITY HOME. 20 acres, just east of the city, house, barn, outbuildings and orchard, grove of fir trees; will exchange for modern home in city. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6752. NEWBERG 160 ACRES. 105 under high state of cultivation: all very rich soil, fair house, barn, silo and all necessary outbuilding; fully stocked and equipped. Cash price $25,000; ex change for Portland property. C. M. DOLLARHIDE. 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. I HAVE a number of first-class proper t to in xi'hneR where the owners do not want them advertised, these include both city and county properties and run ning In value from $3h.uOO to $350,000; anything submitted will be held in strict confidence to all owners. W. O. Becktell. 110O N. W. Bank bldg 10 ACRES, all in cultivation : mw hou: first floor 3 rooms, plastered: second floor not finished; barn 30x40, about 7 tons hav: fine soil: 2 acres onion land running water; located miles south of Oregon City. Price $3500. Exchange for house in Portland equal value. GIBSON, 268 STARK.. MARSHALL 12. " -TTs ACRE S fVo A NA CRE. 75 acres under cultivation, fair set of farm buildings, family orchard, creek nd Murines, fenced In 7 separate field Trade tor 1'ortiana property or ciose-iu acreage. C. M. DOLLARHIDE. S07-8-9 Lewis Bid g. NICE little 10-acre home, 3 miles from Albany. 5-room bungalow, nice barn, chicken houses, hog house, etc., fruit and berries. Will exchange for larger place, or other property. What have you to offer? F. W. Northey, care St. Charles hotel, Albany, Or. WE HAVE a fine modern 6-room house first-class repair. 3 lots fruit and ber ries, worth $3500 clear, ta trade for small improved farm. preferably in Swedish settlement. No inflated values. R. F. Feemster, Ablngton bldg. Mar. 4138. WILL TRADE FOR HOUSE EQUITY fine 10 acres of land near -Vancouver; no Improvements: light brush ; price $20oo; mortgage $j00; will trade for house and assume or pay cash. V 712, Ore gonian. WEST SIDE. 1 2-room modern house, rents now as rooming house, easily arranged for 2 families, cash or terms, exchange for small house with several lots, or Ira proved suburban acreage. HAVE a vacant lot on 76th st. between Pacific and Hassalo sts. Would like to exchange for lot in San Diego, Cal.. or will sell. All assessments paid, includ ing recent sewer.. Write 'owner. F. W. Lane. 235 F st., San Diego. Cal. WANT to list farms and acreage for city property; also city property tor rarmi and acreage. No inflated values con sidered. R. F. Feemster, Ablngton bldg Mar. 4138. WILL trade for light car 3 beautiful 50x 100 lots in Tabor Side addition, or will give all three in first payment on 5 or 6-room house. 990 Powell Valley road. Phone Sellwood 717. 8-ROOM house. Rent $40. Want lot part paymt 100 e ourtn. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. TO TRADE New woodsaw for heavy work team; new airoanKs-aiorse z. type, -m. P. engine and tractor. P. O. Box 575. Newberg. Or. NEW Hot-Point electric heater and Andio electric lamp lor a cook stove or small range; must be good. Near what car line? AC 272, Oregonian. FOR EXCHANGE 25-35 carbine and .2: caL Winchester: want wmaii-caUDer snot gun, or what have you? M. B. Signs, Board man. oi SMITH Premier visible typewriter, cost $100, will sen ror or exenange tor Winchester .22 caliber automatic S 405, Oregonian. EQUITY in gasoline woodsaw; will take lightweigni engine ior tne same: Daiance on easy terms; $15 a month, without in terest. Tabor 2712. STUDEBAKER 5-passenj5er: will trade for late model motorcycle or diamond. isi Alder. 4-ROOM furniture, house for rent, good stuff, for Ford car in A-l shape. 266 E. 86th st. Mt. Tabor car. WASHBURN guitar, fine condition, also child's piano, $15. new. for boy's bicycle, 18-inch frame. 267 Wasco st. FARM wagon, trade for potatoes. Call Hey wood Bros. & Wakefield. Ask for Mr. Miller. WOULD trade half-grown pig for heifer calf. G. W. Harris. Concord sta., river road. Orpfon City car. WILL exchange tinting, painting or paper hanging for good vacuum cleaner. AG 443. OregoniaTi. WILL sell or trade for blue rug. full set of Dr. Berry's books on child training. Tabor 5774. SWAP small some cash. diamond for tinting G 814. Oregonian. SMITH motor wheel, nearly new; what have you. 64S Aioina ave. NEW SEAL MUFF Sell cheap or exchange for gooa ifxxj rug, dv. oregonian. GOOD wood and coal range for trunk and valise. taoor ONE good wood and coal heater for good ix oak ana traveling, oas. j.auor TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. EXCHANGE One set Cyclopedia of I Applied Electricity, one set of Hawkms Elictrical Guides, both new. for camera. guns or fiehing tackle. Mon. or Tues. eve. W . D. Tatro. oOO Columbia. TRADE 5-pass. Marion auto, Edison disci phonograph and Alaska fur coat for fur niture, diamond or lot. Call Sunday, 655 I Northrup su, or write what you have to I traae. WANT TO TRADE new wood-saw. Fair banks-Morse Z type, 6-h. p. engine, trac- I tor 2 new saws, all complete for Ford I car; must be. in good shape. P. O. box 575. Newberg. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE Will trade fully equipped vulcanizing plant for late model I small car In good condition. Look this 1 up; some trade. 639 Union ave. N. TWO teams, harness and wagons, span of I mules for sale or trade for goats, sneep. cattle, truck or automobile. Lock box I 2Q2, Willamtna. Or. CLASSY home garage, large corner, could $ be used lor business, valued 123, ooo; want ranch. Johnson, 334 L&rrabee st. A GOOD tent to exchange for shotgun. rnone n oodiawn 251Q. WANTED Wardrobe trunk in exchange tor pnonograpn. fhone c lioo. FOR SALE. Hontes. Ve hides, Livestoc k. AS I am renting my farm, I offer for sale I la neaa. oi xniicn cows, all to freshen this winter: 12 head of heifers, all should freshen; 7 fine brood sows, some I with pigs, others to farrow, and 15 I head of young pigs; three-fourths 1918 model G. M. C. truck, nracticallv good as new; at the Robinson farm, 1W mues w est of Oregon City. near I west Linn school. Write A.. Pressey, I uregon cny, or. FOR SALE Goats, large, handsome, born- less Toggenburg buck, sure getter, con- I lormation ana marKings perrect; not reg istered, but grand sire and dam import ed. Crown Prince and Cleopatra. Some choice grade Toggenburg does, freshen I February and March; large. perfect I iiiarniiiKs, neavy mutters; .u up, includ ing crating. Must dispose of. L. G. Biederstadt. 31 Union st., Ashland. Or. MARES AND HORSES. 4 to 6yearsofd", 1300 to 1SO0 lbs. These are all low-down blocky-built chunks, with lots of bone and quality; some well-matched teams. each and every horse sold with a guar antee, i nai aiiowea. aoii union ave.. cor. btevens. L. Glass. OFFER big gray mare for sale for $70 cash; also ItiOu-lb. sorrel horse and 2V0- lb. team in good shape. .1 ust from coun try; harness, farm wanon. Woodstock car to E. 3dth and Gladstone, two blocks north to I0b7 Francis. Phone Sellwood 1212. U. S. STABLES Just a few horses left- After Pec. 1 my location will be the O. T. Co. stables, 17th and -Kearney, where I will be glad to meet all my old patrons. As always I will stock the oest norses money can buy. G. D. Williamson. frOK bALE . milch goats, all bred: one I d-quart milker, .0; one 2',-quart milk er. s.t; Dotn young; one na-nnle kid. soon fresh, $20; two nannie kids, bred. $15 each, and a well-bred young buck. $15. Call at 1872 Fiske st.. Portland. Or. at. Johns car. LEAVING city, will sell good cow with heifer calf. Just fresh. $125; also 50 1 yearling hens $1.50 each, furnished shak I with 9 lots for rent; $10 per month; elec tric light and Bull Run water. 51 35. path st. N., Mount Tabor car. 8 FRESH cows, 4 to 6 gals.; extra rich miin; some good lamiiy cows cneap; will sell or take bef cows In exchange. 1160 Macadam st. South Portland car to end or line, a blocks south to Richard- son ave.. l bloc k cast in pasture. LOST mate will sell reasonable gray horse. weighing about 1500 lbs., sound, true ana in good shape, with nearly new '2- inch butt chain harness. 10h7 Franres ave.. cor. E. 36th st., tel. Sell. 1212. oonstock car. 1 HORSE, weight about 1100 lbs., and coven-d deli wry wagon; also small team and delivery wagon and good harness may be sen Sunday A. M. or Monday. id rs. jersey st., ct. jonns, or. FOUR good work horses, weight from 1200 to l.oo pounds : guaranteed good work ers in every way; must be sold by Mon day. 990 Powell Valley road. Wood stock car. FOR SALE Cheap, one gray mare. 1300 lbs.. 9 years old: one roan, inoo lbs.. 3 years;nne bay. 9tft lbs. S. C. Richmond, : Eagle Creek or Elspaugh station. Esta- cada line TEAM mares, 2000 lbs., harness and wide tire larm wagon: also fresh cow. Scott car to Tremont eta.. 4 blks, soutb to 65th ave.. 1 west to 71st st. SoutU- west corner. NEW shipment of fresh cows, heavy sprinters, several large Hols terns and p tir Jerseys; price from $o to $100 without their calves. J. K. Howitt. fortland L nlon stor-kyard barns. FOR SALE Two Shetland ponies; one 7 months old and one 3 years old ; -1 mi!s north of Gear Station, on Orchards and Sifton line. William Faley. Route 2, cox ancouver. asn. BARGAIN L'ur.-lb. brood sow. $40: 2 fe male goats, $8 each; 15 laying hens. $1.50 each; J heifer calves. 6 weeks old. $15 each. 6o4 both st. S. E. Woodstock car end. JUST IN from the farm, complete ran-h outrit. an in gooa condition, very cht-ap. for quick cash sale. Call 392 East Knott street, '-3 block from I nion avenue N . FOR' SALE 1 team, weight about UsOO lbs., set of double work harness. 2 wag ons. 1 l-incn plow tor siro. L. 11. Slve. Pineknot station. Or., Oregon Electric FRESH COWS FOR SALE. S fresh family cows. Call at 41 E. Kilpatrick st.. 3 blocks east of Bank at j end 01 Kenton canine. BIG bone, long, tall. Poland-China br for sale, $3o to $50 each: registered; cratea anu irwnsiei 1 t-u r . t. ij.. oria- Jey. Cal. A. M. Lester. TO TRADE Lot for horse, cow or chick ens or farm Implements or second-hand lumber. Address P. B. Dorais. Mill- waukie. Oregon. R. F. D. Route 1. LIGHT orchard team, good harness, low chunks, both black, used to farm and or- ! chard work, $125 takes them. Phone I East 8701. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and sroats. 1 See us if you want to buy or sell. Camp-bell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co., 30-2 I'oucn Piag. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash nald for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukle O'J-J ior results. Fl V E aood dairy cows, just fresh, civini from to o gauons aauy. ooostock car to 632 E. 24 th st. ONE 4-year-old dark brown mare, blocky build, weight 1400. Union Dairy. Tabor 3624. FOR SALE Reg. Hoist ein bull. 3 years show breeder; good Individual; $20O. Perrln & Gasser, Ridgefield. FRESH cows for sale, nice 1 good for family. 510 Kerby sippi car to Russell st. nd gentle, st. Mtssis- WANTED To purchase a fresh family cow, on terms; must give at least 4 gal lon's; Jersey prefered. A 843 Oregonian. 65 PIGS and 20 brood sown for sale cheap Bob Lowe's ranch, Buckeley ave.. south . of Foster road. WILL TRADE 2 10-mo. old heifers for milch cow. C. Cook, Rt. 2, box 137, Mil waukie. WANTED Horse for Its care: good pas ture and feed. E. Tanner, Oregon City. Or.. Route 6. Box 138. FOR SALE Nearly new wagon, used but a short time. Baker & Kinney, 701 Wash ington St., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE or exchange, a 1-ton top de livery wagon for miik goat or doe kid. 70 East 80th st. North, Montavilla. TWO fresh cows with calves. $150 each. Skele, Box 727, Powell Valley road, near Kelly Butte. 2 FRESH cows, heavy milkers; Rock pullets. 6711 57th ave. Scott car. 50 Barred S. K.t Mt. FOR SALE Team geldings, weight 2900; good narness, cneap. 004 both st. M. S. car. DEAD horses, animals hauled away, free, Portland Rendering Co. Woodlawn 20. DEAD horses taken quickly, dead cows Tabor 4203. Ch for FOR SALE 15 full-blood Shropshire March rams. Hoi man Fuel Co., 94 5th. FOR SALE Sows with sucking shoats. 95-J. Milwaukle. FOR SALE FRESH JERSEY FA COW. 171 E. 58th st. N. BIG horse cheap. Lost hii s mate. Woodyard. 32 1 Front st. HORSE and cart for sale cheap. mer st. LARGE young U647 05 1 h St. cow. rich mi:k, sell cheap. S. E. Woodstock car end. WANT team on my farm for their keep.' Mar. 3471. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. BEAUTIFUL piano and bench. $ls5. 328 Marguerite ave. Hawthorne carline. CHICKERING piano for sale; A-l condi tion: cheap for cash. Tabor 9412. SLIGHTLY used cabinet Victor for sale by owner. Marshall 554. WANTED Melody C saxophone. Must be a bargain. Marshall 4549. Call Monday. VICTOR PHONOGRAPH and cabinet. 403 Goodnough building. 5th and Yamhill st. WANTED to buy for cash, an A low pitch Clarinet. Phone Tabor RS3I. HAV good piano for sal. 11SS Ivon su FOB BALE. Piano. Organs suid M usicml Instrument. CHRISTMAS PHONOGRAPHS. Buy your srift machine now. while the lines are complete; Vlctrolas, Pathe, the Stradtvara, the Mandel and other makes can be compared side by side I In our phonograph department. Foley & Van Dyke, log 6th u, just below v ashing ton. $10 CASH then $10 per month buys one of the Incomparable Pathephones and 24 late records; call and see these and you will settle the phonograph question. Foley & Van Dyke's popular phonograph department, log 5th st. our lines of high-grade pianoa ana players are really priced $50 and $100 Ipss; by all means see us before pur chasing. Foley & Van Dyke's piano department, just below Washington on 6th st v e have just traded In an exceptionally fine $550 Crown piano; can scarcely be told from new; we guarantee O. K. In every way; $335. part cash and balance on reasonable terms, takes this piano. Foley a Van Dyke piano department. Our line of Pathe records is the larg est and most complete In Portland; Iiear these wonderful records in our popular phonograph department. Foley & Van Dyke, 106 Stb st., just below Washington. VICTROLA BARGAIN. $110 cabinet Victrola, just like new, with 12 late selections 6 records); this Victrola has been used only a short time and has the best of care; offered Monday for quick sale at $S7.50; see this in our popular phonograph depart ment. Foley & Van Dyke, lotf 6th st. New shipment of Hoffman pianos just received and now offered at $HS5 cash or reasonable terms. Foley A Van Dyke.1 For expert piano or phonograph re pairing call Main 122. Foley & Van Dyke. Our piano tuners are all high-class workmen: leave orders if your piano neeus attention. Foley & Van Dyke. FINE PIANOS, $150 TO $273. TERMS. .oo noDen At. tame taiesi style plain mahogany with $25 bench, $525. ningsDury, a i most hko new, .iuu. Genuine Schumann with bench, plain mahogany, $450. Keller Bros., mahogany, $o40. Kiff &. Sons mahogany. Our low expense makes our prices at least $100 below up-town prices; all guaranteed pianos. hKOKKKAOB CO., 312 Worcester Bldg. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $.J5 Arlington upright piano ior....$14S $450 Haines Bros., mahogany 1S3 $350 Ha llet & Davis, upright ebony.. 109 $:;.0 Leland. oak upright.... 101 $475 new stored upright.... 29t $750 Harte player piano 443 Small upright pianos $65 and 71 Pianos stored, 50c month. Pianos bought and sold for cash only 109 FOURTH ST., at WASH. ST. REAL PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. $125 Pathe. $85. $110 Victrola. $90 $175 Cremona. $123. All of these are as good as new; pay $10 and we'll send you one. We are open evenings. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. B 402. 427 Washington St. CASH PAID FOR TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE, 12 1ST. MAIN 4495. TABOR 6798. GOING to buy a phonograph for Christ mas f join our Christmas pnonograpn club, pay $2.50 cash and $2.50 weekly. We are open every evening. Come In and we'll demonstrate for you. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. B 492, 47 Washington St. j USED PIANO We have a large assort ment of used nianos. d aver pianos ana baby grand pianos. Standard makes and everyone guaranteed. Our price are low, our terms will please you. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co., 435 Washing ton st., cor. 12th. Bdwy. ;0. 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CAbli EVERETT ebonized ot VOSB & SONS (pioperly repaired).. 218 Kurtzman (like new) 200 Passed, by the best repair shop In the cltv. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill. PIANO BARGAINS. $100 and up. We have several good used pianos at prices that are right; step In and see for yourself; terms ar ranged. Selberling-Lucaa Music Co., 125 4th st. SECOND-HAND PHONOGRAPH Several cabinet style phonographs 01 good siana ard make, only slightly used, at very low prices. Our terms will please you. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co.. 435 Wash ington st., cor lth. Bdwy. 750. WE hare several good bargains in slightly used pianos which it would De worm while to look up if In need of a piano. The best values and lowest prices in t he city. Soule Bros., 166 loth St.. near Mor rison. BLINDFOLDED you'll choose the Cremona phonograph lor Us tone. aiiow ub to demonstrate and we'll prove this state menu Open evenings. WAKEFI ELL MLSIC CO.. B 492. 427 Washington St. PLAYER PIANO ROLLS. We send player rolls out of the city on trial; eet our proposition. All Ahe latest rolls carried in stock. Write for catalogue. Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co.. 125 4th st. IN the Crtmona we have the sweetest toned phonograph; we ll prove 'his state ment it ou'il allow us to demonstrate. We are open evenings. Wakefield Music Co., 427 Washington st. Broad w ay 492. : REDUCED Christmas terms; $12 50 cash, $12.50 next pay day and $10 month after January 1, 1H20, buys new upright, im proved up-to-date pianos at the SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill Fourth st. GOING 10 buy a phonograph for Christ mas? Join our pnonograpn ciud, p. $2.50 weekly. We are open evenings. Come in and we'll demonstrate for you. Wakefield Music Co., 427 Washington st. NEW VICTROLAS. We have received shipment of new Vlctrolas. X and XI. selling for $110 and $130. Select your instrument now. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. ORGANS. $5 and up ; standard makes such as Estev. Packard, A. B. Chase and others. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. ! CALL Fischer. B flat clarionette. wash- hum mandolin style Hawaiian guitar. instruction book. etc.. all In first-class condition. Apply Sunday 690 Lpshur, upstairs. 'STRADIVARA PHONOGRAPHS" play all records perfectly; will take-old machines in trade ; expert phonograph repairing. Enke oc Fields, 709 Couch bldg. Main 8273. T H ADR YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records; our propositions will please sou. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 1-5 4th st. M.ain 8586. wti.i. xrhanefi new Victrola. Brunswic r.rfnnnin or Edison phonograph and records for piano. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 3o0 Alder. piTitTTiPTTi, mahoeanv case Behnlng pi ano, but slightly used and in the best condition, only ;i.o. norm twu new Soule Bros.. 166 loth St.. near Morrison DISON large size cylinder phonograph ; also fino oak cabinet containing over 2 00 records; also about 50 extra re cor da Cheap for cash. East 4105 " PIANO WANTED. HiehMt cash paid for used pianos and player-pianos; get our prices. Sieberling Lucas Piano Co.. 125 4th St. Main S586. BASSOON, low pitch, made by. Selmer of Paris; perfect In tune and pitch; like new. J. F. Bingham, 492 East 13tb south. I HAVE 3 high-grade cabinets In my house. Edison diamond point, Columbia and Pathe. Will sacrifice. 450 E. 11th st. South. $500 TAKES beautiful $750 Aeolian pian-r ola. bench and rolls worth $35. In excel lent condition; used one year. Call Tabor 8186 after 6 evenings. W'E ARE agents for Chickering. Mehl ID Packard, Bond, Llndeman pianos and player pianos. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. RECORDS Lady having a contract for $$ worth of records. Pathe and Okeh rec ords, will sell for $5. You make selec tions. Call 427 Salmon st. Apt. 4. FOR SALE A bargain, nearly new Bruns wick phonograph, used very little, same size as $175 model; price $125. with rec ords. 530 Failing st. LARGE size Victrola. like new In general appearance, a splendid value, fully guar anteed by us. G. F. Johnson Piano Co. 149 6th st. FOR SALE Cheap. Euphona 88-note play er piano, mahogany case, two years old; also 25 rolls popular music. 1148 Haw thorne ae. BRUNSWICK mahogany cabinet phono graph, nearly lie, guaranteed in per fect condition, with record.. $93 ; terms if desired. Woodlawn 4076. WANTED A piano to take care of for storage, in respectable home; no chil dren. Call Main 609 4. GOOD values in used pianos. $175, $223. $2T5 and up. G. F. Johnson Piano Co 149 6th st. RESPONSIBLE party wanU to take care of piano and pay some rent; best ref. K. 5374. MAHOGANY player, like new. with 50 se lections and cabinet, $400. Mar. 1437. FOR SALE Used piano, good condition. ' caoh; ao dealers. Tabor 2u7. FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. BUY your good piano from the Brokerage Co.. 312 Worcester bldg. The best pos sible bargains In the city. DANDY cabinet Columbia talking ma chine, cheap. Room L 142 h irst su, cor. Alder. KL'RTZMAN piano for s.ile. mahogany case and splendid tone; price $.uO. Caii C 2419. KIM HALL ORGAN Hood tone, good con dition; $2S50. Call labor 7742 or call at 320 E. 6'tth st. N. , CASH PAID FOR LTSED RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPHS. 128 First. Main 4495. Tabor 67fS. WILL store piano in my home for use of same; no children; references. Mam '2- vi. t'OK SALE Trap drums and accessories, cost $95 month ago. sxll for $70. 53 N. 16th. Bdwy. 3SS1. ONE second-hand piano for sale : going east, must sacrifice. Call iSa.ker su Near 4th st. FINE $2S5 Edison diamond dit-c machine; price only $235. $25 tlown. $10 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Aider. HIGH GRADE Kimble piano, splendid con dition, cheap: owner going east. Ad dress D 943, Oregonian. STEEL guitars, ukuleles, saxophones and other musical merchandise. G. F. John son Piano Co., 149 Sixth street. LEAVING CITY, will sell me beautiful upright Weber, in first class condition. Phone Sellewood 1975. I WANT a bargain in a piano, can be old If good tone; give all cash. Call Main 3S64 Monday before 6:30 P. M. vTPTnni a oohinut i7. with 24 records, $100: latest style. Seiberling-Lucaa Mu sic Co., 125 4th st. UtiED Victor, Edison and Columbia phono pranhi irnnH s new. from $! to $v- Soule Bros.. 166 10th St.. near Morrison. GRAFONOLA with records for rent. En p'ire Transfer Co., 254 Broadway. Bdw WILL exchange my phonograph for your old piano: liberal value aiiowea. o. r Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. FOR SALE A new pnonograph for $35, equal to any $100 talking machine. S. Morton 215 12th st. Marshall 3oSL mnR tin vniir old silent niano toward plaver piano or Cheney phonograph. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 ut h t. PIANO Almost new, oak. good tone. cheap for quick cash sale. Phone Wdln. 142S. . $10O COLUMBIA talking machine only $0; terms to suit. Soule Bros., 166 10th st,. near Morrison. BURDETTE organ in flrst-clasa condition for sale cheap. Call East 3048 evenings after 6 P. M. PHONOGRAPH. beautiful carved blacK walnut electric or spring wina. . for $300. Call 427 Salmon St.. apt. 4. WILL Mohancp beautiful all-record Bruns wick nhonoirraoh for good -piano. Soule Bros., 166 30th St.. near Morrison. EDISON phonograph, nice condition, bar gain price. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 1-1$ 6th street. m FISHER upright, plain walnut case, fine condition; a snap. Seiberling-Lucas 1 Music Co.. 125 4th st. COLUMBIA Oral on ola for sale; ditlon. Tabor 9402. NEW, never used, Columbia cabinet grafo- I nol-A. 12 records. $.t. .;2t Mat 11 st. WANTED Good sweet-toned piano, cash) If reasonable bargain. Marshall 5709. ESTEY chapel organ. $50; $50 Victrola out fit, $30. Harold S. Gilbert, 381 Yamhill. 1 PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. o4 Yamhill St. I NEW $140 victrola. 12 records, 6 albums. $112. Bargain. o2S Main st. ORGAN for sale, cheap, lawn 0013. Phone Wood- 1 BRUNSWICK, mahogany cabinet; no deal- ers. .Main uiioo. $75 ONLY for $150 grafonola with 50 good records. Marshall 2402. FOR RENT OR SALE Upright piai responsible people. Broadway 52 S9. GOOD piano, best care, responsible party. No children. Main 7.VJ0. COLUMBIA graphonola, ok, without cabinet, with records. East 14. WANTED Leather violin case, good con dition, fcast U4o. Monday iilsht to !. WASHHUl'tN guitar, $12: c hiid's toy piano. $.; $ij new. L'oi Wasco Furniture for Sate. USED GENUINE MAHOGANY BEDKOL set, consists oi oiiil mahogany bed. 11 eh 1 1 f oiner ot mahogany, excellently con structed of bird s eye maple, and handsome dressing table with big mirror. also of solid mahogany and a u ressin table bench of solid mahogany. This et is in the much desired empire design and is priced very low at $175. Easy terms. ro interest. OEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG ST.iE All under 1 roof. No )ranch stores, 185 FIRST ST. Remember 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. BUCK'S PIPELESS FURNACES have many exclusive leatures not in other 1 furnaces. For instance, no cleaning out. one piece firepot, ash sprinkler ttiat ' eleminatw dust in basement, automatic check draft and other exclusive patented conveniences that no other furnace car ries. We sell them installed on eaay terms and chame no Interest. GEVU RTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORE All under 1 roof. No branch stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market.. USED RANGES AND COMBINATION RANGES in great variety. We ha over 100 of these money-saving articles t Trires that are . and less than new ones, and remember we not only sell them on easy terms, but we absolutely cuaran tee them to give you satis 1 ac tion. Easv terms, no interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORE All under 1 roof. No branch stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. MAHOGANY PARLOR LAMP STANDS with big base and 4-inch stick and two lamo sockets. The same as are usually Brtiri at sir tn l'JO at the bic stores. Only a few at the extremely low price of $9 75. If vou want one call early. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, THE BIG STORE All under 1 roof. No branch stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. BRIDGE BEACH coal or wood range, 6 holes, wit h water coils, guaranteed to give entire satisfaction; looks like new. Special $45, set up and connected. This is a real snap. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-168 First st., near Morrison. Trow si 4 lk 2 heavv fumed oak rockers. genuine brown leather cushions, $20 .-h - 1 metal mouse-proof kitchen cab inet. $10. Call Monday. 1114 Williams ave., npt. 4. COMBINATION oak bookcase and writing desk; in perieci coauiuuu, ovtstmi, $17.50. STAR FURNITURE CO.. The Store of Bargains. 204 First St. $800 WORTH of furniture for sale cheap on terms; also house for rent reason able If desired. St. J fthns car to Polk, two doors from car. 1 24 fc.. Polk St. COMBINATION RANGE. Universal wood. coal, gas; steel, nickel trimmed, nearly new rane, double coil. $S0: large, fine ice oox, jo. iast RANGE for sale, good as new. 6-hoie steel range, wood or coal. i.t08 iuth ave. s. fc,. Sellwood 1650. Mt. Scott car Myrtle Park S 7 blocks south. USED HOOVER SPECI AL, in first-class condition, for $3.0. sellsnew $(4; posi lively a ua-' h " " Jiam GENUINE LEATHER Davenport, $00. was $125, will take Liberty Bonds. Broad- waj" 2804. FOR SALE Charter Oak kitchen ratine with coiis; aimost new, $.o; also hen ing stove, new, $18. Call Tabor SNAP $280 4-room furniture, mahogany Grafonola, 35 records, hou.se for rent. I 26tt E. 86th st. Mt. Tabor car. DINING room set, chairs, lounge, beds, tables, bureaus, fine A. B. gas range. Conie Monday, Dbo Hancock st. SIX rooms of furniture for for rent, on the west side. 6492. sale. Call Main FREE STORAGE furniture 1 month. Port land Transfer & Storage, 144 1st. Main 1515. v FINE oak Jacobean dining table. like new. 6 blades. Phone Marshall 57S5 today, or evenings. No dealers. EIGHT-PIECE set of furniture suitable for housekeeping room; also two reed window boxes, new. Call Tabor 4466. UPRIGHT heating stove for either coal or wood, almost new. $2". East 2581. ROLL-TOP -ak Woo Jl awn C'.'i. HEATING Stove Call Wdln. 5371 with coiis, reasonable. 1 OAK buffet. 1 cheap iron fter 2. 329 East 12(h st. bed. Call FL'RMTL'RE in an S-room hiv.ise for Cail In forenoon. Main 4!7. MOVING will sell JewH gas range, and springs, saw. couch. E. 3 7 mi. FOR SALE Ured gas range, iron bedstead and spring. Main 57vi5. FOR 8.UB. Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE SPECIAL. THIS WEEK ONLY. Before purchasing your furniture, rugs, carpets or stoves, don't forget to look oer our complete stock of new and used merchandise. It will be to your ad vantage to see us before- you do your buying. A FEW SPECIALS THIS WEEK ONLY. Combination wood and coal heater new $40, now $17.50. 22-lnch Mascot new, only $19. - 20-lnch Mascot new, only $iti.5. wood beater, brand wood heater, brand Combination wood and coal beater, new. specitl $21.25. RUGS RUGS RUGS. 9x12 Wilton, cost new $115, now $57.50. 9x12 Wilton, cost new $W5. now $4-5. 9x12 Axmmster, cost new $S5. now $41. 9x12 Axminster, cost new $55, now $27. These rugs are all In Al condition. Many other new and used rugs and re duced prices. Special prices on floor coverlnr this week. Dining tables from $4. SO up. Knghsh breakfast tables this week Coil Springs, regular $17, this week, only $9.75. 25 per cent reduction on all ranges, stoves heaters and irons and grates, All copper boiler, 14-ounca, special. Electric irons, while they last, $2.95. We carry a complete Uns of trunks and suitcases. LEVIN HDWE. & FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 Front St. Cor. Salmon, IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOf A CONGOLEUM ART CARPET WB CAN SUPPLY YOUR WANT FOR LESS THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN POUT- .LA . U. By some very fine maneuvering w nuuagfU to buy a carload of rongoleum art carpets at a figure which enable us to offer them at the following prices: xii ior tt.oo ix9 for 7.00 x9 ior 9 0ft xl 4- for lo.oo. 9 x!2 for 12. on xl3 for 13. 50 xl5 for l.VOrt These carpets are all in one piece and we have several pretty patterns to choose from. Easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 18-190 First st. A FINE 12X1S BODY BRUSSELS CARPET Made un In rue form with handsome border. Trrere are over 4o yards of ex cellent body Brussels carpet that would cost at least $5 a yard without making up. It Is of a splendid quality and de- ugn and if you have a big room here is an unusual opportunity for you; $95 buys it. Easy terms. No interest. UEVL'KTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. The Big Store. All Under One Roof. No Branch Stores. 1S5 FIRST STREET. Remember 2 Doors from Yamhill Public Market. THIS IS, INDEED. A VERY RARE OPPORTUNITY. We have 3 royal Turkish rues In Tabrix deeiirn in those wonderful soft colors so characteristic of these fine rugs; the colors are old rose, tan, green and blue with old rose predominating; they were used less than J months ana we can sWl them at the following extremely w prices, the 9x12 size for $13.t. the x9 for $75 and the 4x6 for only $3.. Easy terms. Mish Fur. Co.. 1SS-190 1st st. USED FURNITURE We have a big line .of fine furniture that has been slightly used and we can lit you up with a housefull of furniture at prices that will astonish you. And don't forget we can give you a year to pay, and we charge no interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORE All under 1 roof. No branch stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. THANKSGIVING BARGAINS. Big reductions on heaters and ranges, 40 !- .-.'nt off. We have to sell our heaters at any price, as we have too many on hand, t ome ana see tnem. Also big reduction on any turniture. Don' t ni iss these bargains. UNITED Fl KM Tl KK SlUKHi. 173 First St. WB ARE moving to a house without ee- tricitv and will sell our electric wan ing marhine. cost $135, for $00 cash ; also a $42. 5o front point carpet vacuuin cleaner for $27; will take bonds or U. S. stamps, 584 3d st. SINGE R drop head sewing machine for only $IS.0. in perrect working conamon; drop head White sewing machine, prac tically as good as new, with all attach ments for only $29.50. OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. IfiO-lflS First St.. near Morrison. BR BARGAINS. Bed springs and matt ress, $5.50; all kinds of heaters reasonable; all kinds electric toasters and heaters; quilts and pillows. OKI FURNITURE CO., 2O0 second. A 1209. SLIGHTLY used, beautiful Ivory set; dresser with large beveled mirror; t rip ple mirror dressing table, with chair to match; also magnificent bedstead; all for $82.50; worth $125 new. STAR FURNITURE CO.. The Store of Bargains. 24 First St. HoCSi E R kitchen cabinet, solid oak, has all the extras, fancy glass front, $0; would cost you today $tl5. OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. 166-16S First St.. near Morrison. FURNITURE HOSPITAL Corner 2d and Market. If your -furniture is broken down or discolored, call A 1028" ; we will call and get it. repair and return to your home. Upholstering and refinishlng a specialty. L LARGE selection of heaters, new or used, for wood or combination, several Howard heaters. Our prices are right. OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. 1W6-16S First St.. near Morrison. FOR QUICK SALE Furniture for a 3-rm. apartment. inciuaing piano; excellent bargain as must be sold at once; owner going away. Can be seen at apt. 102, San Marco apts.. cor. E. 8th and Couch. Any evening after 6:30 P. M. "STABLAK STAY BLACK STABLAK. The king of all stove polishes, black and brilliant; guaranteed to stand any heat in reason; 25c a bottle. Mail or ders given prompt attention. For sale at tho Crown Furniture Co., 209 .First St. FU RN I TURE ot houseboat, table, chairs. dresser, lounge. Garland range, etc.; also sewing machine, like new; might con sider trunk, suitcase in a trade; house boat is for rent. A, Guenther, foot of Vermont St., Fulton. LARGE office table and four chairs, with rug, all in excellent conaition; also various articles of household furniture, such as chairs, water heatex, etc E. 03u2, or 361 Larch st. dqx'T sacrifice your furniture if going I east or to California. We can save you I money on your, freight in our through I cars. Fireproof Storage. C. M. Olsen Transfer & Storage Co., ' fine st. - K'EW, modern. gas stove and heater. ninmhitiB- and nice for sale, also beauti ful full quartered oak table and 6 chairs at a sacrifice; leaving city; 940 E. Glisaru MontaTilla car. BARGAIN One Garland range, slightly used, large oven, nickel trimmings. Set up and connected for- $50. UNITED FUR. STORE. 173 First St. WATER POWER wash machine, $12.50; a $25 value. OWL FURNITURE CO., Seils for Less. lflO-168 First st., near Morrison. DON'T miss our cleanup saie of rebuilt ranges and gas ranges, special prices all this week. Guaranteed for service; easy terms. H. Jenning & Son. 6th and W afrhington sts. KITCHEN stove with reservoir. $14.50. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 10-168 First at., near Morrison. FOUR-HOLE cook stove In good condition S lo.oO. STAR FURNITURE CO.. The Store of Bargains. 204 First St. FOR SALE An Axminster rug, good as new; price $30. Tabor 8030 or 6448 SSlh st. S. E. m JACOBEAN waxed library table, like new. Call Sunday until 2, Gleen apts., 1:04, 984 Hawthorne. LA RGE box couch, wicker rocker. 1 large, ;t small rugs, automatic refrigerator, etc Ma:n 6415. . 4-l'l Et.'E pari or st in imitation mahoganj with figured silk upholstering, $25. East j'l. u hina ciouet and buffet. Apply Mar. 454.