12 TOE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, NOVE3IBEU 23. 1919. BCAL ESTATE. -Acreage. 10-ACEE PRUNE AND GARDEN RANCH. If you want a ranch that will Clve return. Investigate this. This In all a deep sandy loam river bottom soil, right on the Pacific highway. 1 mile from Canby; has 3 acres in full bearins. extra large Italian prune trees. This place Joins the Molalla river and has ir rigation plant, also has prune drv?r, barn and small shack, some farm implements. Price $3s00, $1500 down. F. R. Jesse. 527 Cor bett bldg. Phone Main 7141. AN IDEAL 6-acre home right at Gretham with fine assortment of fruit trees in bearing; 55 trees consisting of cherries. pers. apples, prunes, plums, quinces, peach, crabapple, 2 walnut and 2 almond trees, grape arbor and berries; good 6 room plastered house on concrete foun dation: xmall basement, electric lights, bath and sink, barn, root house, chicken house and runs; some chickens, fine Jersey cow. good horse, harness and buggy, plenty of hay in barn; several cords of wood; all farm toois; small fir grove near house. Let us show you this. It will bear inspection. $5SoO takes it all; half cash, terms to suit. Officw open Sunday. K RIDE K Sc. ELKINGTON. Gresham. Or. MT. TABOR BARGAIN. 1 acre near the Hawthorne cars, with tt-room modern bungalow, ce ment basement, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, large, shady porches around two bides; ai acre of apple, pear, prune, cherry and plum trees, at'out eight years old, in good condition. Also grapes and berries. This is a fine home for $5H00. with entire acre, or will sell acre with buildings for JilhUO. G. W. Cone, 170 East 38th fct. Telephone Tabor 1524. DAIRY FARM. LEBANON, OR. 141 acres of fine drained land, $0 acres in cultivation, enough timber for ranch, house 18x30 and T 20x40. 10 rooms; barn 40xti0. shed (led on one side, woodshed 16x20, smokehouse 14x10; these buildings are good. Orchard 6 years old. plenty of small fruit, 1 "-j miles of woven wire, two streams, spring and well, mile to oostoffice. store and school. R. F. D., telephone, cream route, good grav eled roads,, ft miles to Lebanon. Come, look this over. Price $100 per acre, $.s0O0 cash, balance 6 per cent. M. L. South ard, Lebanon, Or. LARflE modern dairy 4500 acres, including shore line on Puget farm and about several miles of sound, about 50 miles north of Seattle, colon ization proposition with unusual townstte and summer resort features. Price tor au the real and personal property, including valuable improvements. $;t'5,000. Terms. CALVIN PHILLIPS & COMPANY. 800 Leary Building. Beat no. FINE PROPERTY ON SCAFPOOSB HIGH WA Y. 35 acres on paved highway between Linnton ond Scappoose, 20 acres upland. 8 acres under cultivation. 15 acres river bottom pasture land; river east boundary line; fair barn and shark; 6 cows, 1 horse and all implements. Beautiful building site with unexcelled view. Price $6300; terms $4500 cash, balance long time. LUBDDEMANN COMPANY. 113 Chamber of Commerce. COWS. CHICKENS AND EQUIPMENT. Nearly 5 acres, located on good road, close to Portia nd, l4 mile from station ; All under cultivation, everything in the way of fruit, all bearing; also walnuts and other nuts. . Good 5 -room house, barn, fruit cellar and other buildings. Price $3 1 SO, with cows, cream separator, bees, rabbits chickens and everything. Large cash payment. No better soil anywhere. Personally inspected. Photo at office. John Ferguson, tierllnger building. 6 ACRES, all In cultivation, with a few assorted fruit trees, small house, barn and chicken house, less than 4 mile to good little town and Pacific highway; 1 hour's ride to Portland. A nice little country home for $2200. F. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bidg. Phone Main 7141. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. 6-acre tract with a 2-story, 6-room. well- built house. large barn and other outbuildings, city water, gas as well as 3 cisterns, several large bearing cherry tree, otner young trees will be bearing good in the next two or three years; plenty of berries, grapes, etc.. Just 7 miles from court house on base line road. Ideal chicken ranch. $0000 with terms. HARRIS & MAXWELL. Main 2ai. 3Q4 Ry. Exchange bidg. 10 ACRES CLOSE TO ELECTRIC. This choice tract on' good road and only 1-3 mile from electric line, about an hour's ride from the city; very good 5-room house, has fireplace; fine large orchard; lots of berries and grapes; good soil, has Just an easy slope for drain age; barn and outbuildings, some tim ber and spring: pony, cow and tools in cluded; $3000. D. McChesney, 304 Vi Oak st. Broadway 216. FINE LITTLE FARM NEAJi PORTLAND 10 acres close to Portland, paved highway, all fine land in high state of cultivation, big modern house with hard wood floors, water system. 2 baths etc., also modern barn, silo, garage : plenty fruit and berries. Price $10,000. one fourth cash. This is an exceptional place and a snap at this price. LUEPDKMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY 5c CAR FARE. Nearly 2 acres, located south of Capi tol Hill, all under cultivation, creek on back part, lots of fruit trees, good fences. 4-room house with city water and gas, barn, chicken house and store house. Price $1650. $1000 cash. Per sonally Inspected. Photo at office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bidg. 1(0 ACRES $10 PER ACRE. - Located about 55 miles from Portland. mile off main road to Tillamook; 100 acres tillable land when cleared; plenty water on place. This is a bargain for cash buvcr. LI" KD DEM ANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. LOGGED-OFF LANDS. T-.acts, 3 acres up. located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby: buy on your own terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 60OO ACRES in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, iovr price. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map ah owing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tiicoma bidg., Tacoma, Wash. FIVE ACRES FOR SALE. Only one mile from Canby. Or., nice barn, chicken house, etc;, all under high state of cultivation, fruit trees and lots of berries, close to school. Price rea sonable if $1000 is paid cash. WILLIAMS. 403-4 Stock Exchange bidg. -a ACRES, cleared. 4-room house, barn, chicken house. 300 bearing fruit trees, close to Cottrell station, on Bull Run ear line; would take 5 or fi-room house in trade. 209 Oregon bidg. Broadway FOR SALE or exchange. 5 acres with good spring and 100 cords fir wood. l mile t rom railroad and school ; plenty of work close by; has srrjaU house and outbuildings; will sell on terms to suit. Address BtilO 62d st. S. E NEARLY an acre at Ryan station" for Sl 000. Other uronertv around thi. sells for $2lH0 an acre. It is a Christmas present for someone. $200 cash will handle It. See ATCHISON. 204 Henry bidg. FOR SALE SO acres unimproved land in White Salmon valley. Washington ; gooi orchard and gra-zing land; price $20O0. $lgoo cash, balance trade. Write Mrs. K. Crowe. Husum. Washington. 10 ACRES ALL CLEARED. With good 4-room house, barn, chick en houte. 8 miles from Hills boro. 16 from Portland. Inquire 804 Oak st. Broadway 2tit. 10 A OR KS tine river bottom land, ail in cu'.iisHttcn. tiled and fenced: adjoining good valley town, largf cannery nearby ; reasonable price and terms. Alfred Hol den. Sherwovd. Or. O W N E RS SAORI FICE Beautiful 19. 4 ev8, soil unexcelled. 25 per cent culti tcO buliding, electric 2 miles; unin cumbered. $d,oo: accept residence g Tabor 7055. 141 East 60th North. BY owner, an acre: mile north of Stevenson, $100 acres. i In i-year orcn.ird. Spi'z., Newtown. Jonathan; 5 In meadow balance stump land. S. Samson. Stev enson. W ash. 3 ACRES, good 4-room house, fruit and berries, telephone; Estacada car line. 11 -cent fare; price $2700, term. $600 down, balance to milt. Graham, 325 Ry. Exch. bidg. . " TEN AORES LAND $150, $50 cash, baiunce 1 to 5 years; liberty bon'is taken at par. one quarter oil rights reserved. J. James. 446 Washington st. GA REN HOME 2 acres, water, sidewalks and gas; small cah payment. btianct month ly : might accept good pia-no as firt payment. 423 E. 16th st. N. 16 ACRES large tii timber, some cedar, cU'h to Gillis station, on Bull Hun car line; fine s.il. no gravel; S3200, terms. UUtt Oregon bidg. Broadway lt5&. REAL ESTATE. For bah -Acreage. SMALL EQUIPPED FARM. 25 acres, located 2'i- miles from Mo lalla. Or. Good graveled road, half mile .to school; ail can be cultivated, 12 acres under cultivation, 8 acres pasture, that is nearly ready to plow; good fences, 2 acre! orchard, all kinds of fruit and berries, 8-room house, large barn, chick en house and root cellar with cement floor; telephone and a! I rural conven iences. Price $40oo, witn team. 2 cows, chickens, cultivator, plow, harness, disc harrow, buggy and some crops. $2500 cash, no trade. John Ferguson. Ger linger bidg. CHEAP ACREAGE. Five 'acres, $25u, 10 down. $5 per month, bus five acres of land between Portland and Centra lia on the main line of three railroads. 1H to miles from good little town: sawmills and logging cam ps in Immedlat e vicinity ; some of this land is partly cleared, running stream, some bottom and some bench; this acreage priced from $25 to $75 per acre. Can give you any kind of a piece you wnt. CHARLES DELFEL. 318 Railway Exchange Btdg. ON THE PAVEMENT. AT ELECTRIC DEPOT. Nearly 7 acres, all under cultivation and the best of soil; over 100 bearing fruit trees, apples, pears, prunes, cher ries and all Kinds of berries. This land can all be irrigated and Is fine logan berry land. 4-room house, barn, garage. 3 chicken houses, creek on place, no gravel or rock. This is at the edge of the city ; paved road all the way. Price S4TOU, $1500 cash. Personally Inspected. Photo, at office. John Ferguson, Gcr llnger bidg. CHOICE TRACT NEAR CITY. B acres only 2 miles from city limits, fronting on paved Powell Valley high way, not much farther out than some ot residential districts of the city; all finest sollt level, fine surroundings. Choice acreage tracts on main thoroughfares around Portland are getting harder to find every da v. If you want one better pick up this bargain. Price $3000; rea sonable terms. LITE DP EM ANN COMPANY; 011 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 40 acres. 4nly $1000 cash down, balance $0000 at 0 percent Interest, no hurry about the $5000. This place is 20 miles from Portland; hard surfaced road will be 1 4 miles, also R. R. sta tion H miles; soil, beaverdam; rich bottom and good upland; creek through place and good spring water; some tim ber and not all free from stumps: farm building pretty fair; family orchard. W hy rent land when you can get a prop osition like this if you can handle It? AV 8G0. oregonian. AT THE EDGE OF THE CITY. 2 acres, all under cutivation, graveled road within 2 blocks of the place, good garage, barn, chicken house and wood shed, good 5-room lath and plastered house, wired for electric lights; buildings in Al shape, nearly new ; 35 bearing fruit trees, some berries, 20 Italian prune trees. This is only 30 minutes nut. Per sonally inspected. Photo at office. An derson, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger building. DO YoU WANT modern home in country? See this 4-roori modern bungalow with built-in buffet, etc.. electric lights, hot -and cold water, bath, toilet, full base ment, barn with concrete floor, plenty of feed for cow and fine horse, chick ens, farm implements and too'.s and 4 acres of splendid land, all seeded for next year s crop. Price $45oO. terms to suit. O. E. Freytag. Gladstone. Or. 4 ACRES SUBURBS $1S0 DOWN. Facing macadamized street, near 82 d st., paving, 25-minute drive 4th and Wash. Near good car service ;- good soil, light clearing; mora land if desired. This Is a real opportunity, can not bu equaled for the price in any direction. Suburban acreage is cert a in to be much h igher in the spring; imio; terms to suit. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7- Lewis bidg CLOSE-IN ACRE 5C CAR FARE. New six-room bungalow, lath and plas tered, cement pi-r. full basement; city water, gas and wired for lights, located on a good graded street, that is beins improved . less than 15 minutes by auto or car from" the center of city; will sell an acre and this nice attractive bungalow for $35no or quarter acre and bungalow for $2700. Personally inspected. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bidg. 5 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE. 20 acres, due west of Portland; 1 U miles east of Cedar Mills, 40 rds. to school; the Cornell rocked road lies on the north and the Jackson road (county) on south side; 15 acres under cultivation. 5 acres timber and brush; 2 good springs and creek never dry. Price sooo. MITCHELL & RIPPEY, .128-323 Henry bidg. Main 25.14. ALL IN BEARING FRUIT. Two acres, at the edge of the city, on good macadamized road, near Buck ie avenue, close to elctric transportation ; Spitzenberg and Winesap apples, cher ries, loganberries, raspberries, blackber ries, currants, gooseberries and rhubarb. All of this fruit in good shape. Price $1775. with $575 cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bidg. NEAR" OREGON CITY. 5 acres. 2 miles Oregon City, on fine road, all cultivated, fenced and cross fenced, 8-room plastered bunga low, base ment, bath, etc. Good barn, several chicken-houses. greenhouse. lflo fruit trees, some berries. Everything in fine condition. Price 3750. Terms. RUM M ELL & RUMMELL 274 Stark st. 10 ACRES of red shot land, all In cultiva tion : 8-room plastered house. 2 hen houees. barn, -nice family orchard prunes, cherries, pears, apples. This Is splendid fruit, berry land, near town a?id school. Owner in the ea?t. you can move right in. Price $4mH, $2G00 down. The build ings are worth the price. O. E. Freytag, i!adstone. Or. $7ooo FOR 25 ACRES 7 miles from center of city. 20 acres under cultivation, good bungalow and barn; has private water system; house all plumbed; finest kind of soii and on good road; some terms. We have a good list of farms and acreage. Come in and look our list over. F. L. BLANCH A RD, 510-20 Railway Ex. bidg. Mar. 829. ON THE PAVEMENT. Just east of the city. Base line road, one fine acre, all good land, nice shade trees, city conveniences, gas. Bull Run water, electric lights and citv phone are there. Price $800, with S.luO cash. This is only $100 a lot and the county pays for the paved road. John Fergu son, Gerlinger bidg. 2 ACRES -HOUSE, $1300. Located near Beaverton. V mile from electric station; land all cleared. 5-room house, family orchard. 4 mile from school and main road. Price $1300: terms $400 down, balance reasonable. LUBDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. $110 CASH. PRICE $'.00. Near the Oregon Electric station of Logan vllle. 35 miles from Portland and IS miles from Salem, is 10 acres of black productive soil ; enough cord wood may be cut to pay for the clearing. Person ally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger building. ACRES. 12 miles out: 3 blks. from sta t'on and highway, on Ore. City Hue; graveled road by place: 4-room plastered house, outbldgs. ; spring, wellhouse with cement floor; all in cultivation: 25 truit trees, eome berries. Price $3500. terms to suit purchaser. AV s 1 0, Oregonian. WHEAT RANCH. 400 acres In cultivation. Franklin Co. Wash.. 5 ml lew from R. R. . on good roads; free of debt; $1S per acre, $2704 cash, nam nee to suit. WILBUR F. JOUNO. Henry Building. OREGON CITY LINE. One acre, all under cultivation, fruit and berries in abundance. Good 4-room house, on macadamized road, near Con cord station and school. Price "$1000. $.".oo cash. Personally inspected. John Fer- J guson, Gerlinger bidg. CLARKE COUNTY ACREAGE. 76 acres. 2 miles from Sifton electric carline. on good road ; considerable ti m ber suitable for cord wood; $05 per acre; terms. F. B. HOLBROOK CO.. 214 Lumber Exchange bidg.. Portland. 20-ACRE SNAP. ONLY $100 PEPt ACRE. Just off paved highway. 10 miles from courthouse. in cultivation, bal. open pasture: fine spring, no rock nor gravel. Yon will not get a snap- like this often. Call 500 Concord bidg., 2d and Stark. 12 A ' K ES of bea verda m. good onion land. $500 an acre; will throw In 2S acres of poor land for good measure; 3 miles from Sherwood. mile to electric station: S cash. bal. terms. S. T. West fall. Sher wood, Or. BE AUTIFX'L 12 S -acre tract on slope of Ml- Scott, overlooking the city and a charming landscape; would make a most delightful suburban homesite; only $200 per acre. You can't beat this. B. S. Cook. 601 Stock Exchange bidg. ONLY $4O0 PER ACRE. OREGON CITY LINE. Acre tracts, half-mile east Rot he sta tion ; county road : nice building place ; one-third ensh. easy terms on balance, joh n Fergu s o n. ierl i n ger bu ilding. JV. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7-S Lewis bidg. ALL-CLEARED: $2I0O; TERMS TO SUIT. 5 ACHES NEAR POWELL VALLEY ROAD: S MILES CENTER OF TOWN. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 3O5-0-7-S Lewis bidg. ACRE. Multnomah station; a beautiful piece of ground at ?1 IOO. This is con siderable less than It is worth : easy terms. W. C Becktelk 1100 N. W. Bank blrfff- 14 ACRES, in cultivation, with creek and buildings, adjoining Vancouver. $3SO0, $5v0 cu?h. baL to suit. Wilbur Jouuo. Henry bidg. FOR Oregon City line acreage. Improved or unimproved, see John Brown. 324 Kaii way Exchange bidg. Mar. NKW TODAY. For bate -Acreage. W I LLA ME TT E RIVER FRONTAGE. County or Clackamas, distant from Canby, 1 ti miles, from Portland approxi mately 25 miles, electric to Oregon City, connecting with Jitney for farm or Can by, fare 50c; or S. P. railroad; 45 acres, good soil, practically level, wire fence. 32 acres cultivated, balance brush, some fuel, spring brauch. all year, clear and sparkling; laud can be irrigated; two wells, house IV stories, plain box bat tened, 4 to 5 rooms, good barn, other outbuildings. 1 Vi miles to S. P. railroad depot at Canby, formerly peach orchard, tr.-es running out, cut down, few left, excellent for loganberries. steamboat laiiuing, -X mile to paved Pacific high way, good winter road connecting, or to Canby. Price 05o0; terms. FRED W. NEWELL, Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co., 21S-ltf-2o-21-22 Chamber ox Commerce. Marshall 2o5. HIGH-CLASS HOME and 10 acres, only 20-mJnute drive out Powell valley road, for $1250. An un usual bargain, account owner going east. Can give possession at once. Semi-colonial house, built- only 4 years ago, 8 rooms, firepiace. all built-in features, big cement basement wtih several compart ments. This home on any city lot mould sell for price, asked, but you get 10 big acres and in a choice location. If you want the very best at the right price, investigate this opportunity. KASER & .RAIN BY, 823-6 Gasco Bidg. Marshall S125. BARLOW POTTOM ACREAGE. 20 or 4o cres of wonderful fertile soil, including acres of besverdam, 2 horses, 3 cow. 50 chickens, 3-h. p. gas engine attached io woodsaw, many farm implements; l&oo cabbage plants. 1 acres corn. 1 acres carrots, still in the grour.d ; also celery ; 18 tons hay; irri gating opportunities from springs, ditch as all in existence; fine barn, good 5-room house; woven wire fence. Price reasonable and then som. FRED W. NEWELL, Oregon Invest nent & Mortgage Co., 218-1U-2 J-21-22 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. 15 ACRES, good buildings, close in, good road, lots of fruit, fine country home, near school. $4500; terms. 5 acres, good buildings, fruit, good road, close in. near school $2oOO: terms. u-acre tracts close in. some buildings, good road, near car line. 3 acres in cultivation, $1500. only $300 cash, bal ance payment to suit purchaser. 9 Is acres, goefti modern buildings, paved road. 2 miles out, all highly im proved; $5500: & cash. J. B. ATKINSON. 112 W. Oth st., Vancouver. Wash. Phone S:i2-J Sund ays. HALF BLOCK STATION. Oregon Electric, 3 4 miles Portland. FInr4 sightly place of 8 V2 acres, all In cultil vation, three acres bearing orchara. all fenced and cross-fenced, big chicken house and fencer, good barn, good 4 room house, fine well, berries, aspara gus, etc. Unusually rich land Posses . fcion soon. A big snap at $4250. KASER & KA1NEY, 823-6 Gasco Bidg. Marshall 3123. 10 ACRES, about 35 minutes auto. Just southeast Hawthorne bridge, paved highway entire distance; all cultivated ; no nicer-lying tract near Portland ; fine view; come and let me tell you all about it. IO1. and 28 acres near Oswego, nearly all cultivated; possession by December 1 if you hurry; either one of these 3 tracts will prove a Joy to the lucky buyer. I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. NIFTY 2-ACRE PLACE. Swell 6-room modern bungalow, very attractive witn xirepiace. Dig porcn. etc. r 1 ne wen. garage, an Kinus and young fruit trees. Oni.. drive. Immediate possession. of berries 20-minute Pi ice only uoou terms. KASER & RAINEY, 823-6 Gasco bidg. Marshall 3125. ACREAGE SNAPS. $2700 27 acres, west side. 10 court house, small house, SDrings. creek. miles barn, Jl 10 per acre. 44 acres. Beaverton. $35O0 10 acres, Oregon City, good house, barn. jnr.oo 5 acres. 'Powell Valley rd. $2500 10 acres. Vancouver, improved. We have large list' acreage and farms. CHAS. Rl.XGLER, & CO., 223 Henry bidg 2 ACRES. All good, level land in cultivation; 25 bearing fruit trees, grapes, strawberries. blackberries. 6-room house with hot and cola water, bath. barn, fruit house, wood shed; cow, plow, cultivator. garde7i tool "3 miles from Oregon City. $2500, $1000 cash. A. C. HOWLAND. Sth and Main sua., Oregon City. Or. chicksn'raxch. 2-acre tract. $1GOO. 4-room cottage, good well, on E. 82d st.. hard-surfaced, near Kendall station, A nice little home for the money. J. J. OEDER, 4 Grand ave. N., cor. E. Ankeny at. I ACRifi WITH B E A U T IF UL. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. This acre and property is on 82d st., house alone worth more; full cement biisr-inent: elec. lights: will take good auto is part trade. Mr. Hutton. SKOTHE1M - BROWN COMPANY. 330-1-2-3 RyExch. Bidg. Main 5199. BEST ACREAGE BARGAIN IN COUNTY. 5 acres. 6-rm. dandy bungalow; raises everything for table; finest kind of land. $3250: $soO cash; 12 mln. to car station. Mr. Hutton. SKOTHEI M - BROWN COMPANY. 330-1-2-3 Ry. Exch. Bidg- Main 5199. WILL sell 5-acre home at sacrifice, $3500. 9-room house, barn, chicken house, fam ily orchard end berries, all under culti vation. 1000 feet from city limits of New berg. Terms on part, need money. Room 235, St. Charles hotel, today or Monday A. M. 40 ACRES Al alfalfa land, near main line R. R. town. Umatilla Co. would sell now for le than half what it will be worth a few months hence, when water is delivered. Address 2U2 N. 20th 1 Salem. Or. 5-ACRE tract on East Giisan street, 2 acres In fine fruit trees 10 years old, Bull Run water and all conveniences of the city, one mile east of city limits $fiS0 per acre, terms. J. W. Streit, 446 wasntngton sr.- uroaaway t Nir"E acre home. 9-cent fare, close to station, running stream all year, n small cottage; one or two acres adjoin ing can be bought. This place is fine for poultry. Price $1550; terms. 1123 Gasco bidg. Entrance 1 12o. Main 54o. lOVs ACRES WITH 6-RM. HOUSE. 6c carfare; house in good condition; other bldgs. ; house and land. $6400. Mr. Hutton, SKOTHEIM-BROWN COMPANY. 330-1-2-3 Ry. Exch. Bidg. Main 6109. 2 ACRES AT TIGARDVILLE. $500. Black loam, free soil; among other small farms; $10O cash. Mr. Hutton, SKOTHEIM-BROWN COMPANY. 330-1-2-3 Ry. Exch. Bidg. Maln 5199. NEAR MULTNOMAH STATION. 5 acres, all fine garden land In culti vation; only $200 down, bal. $10 month. B. F. KELLY. Swetland bidg. Main 7770. ACRE. 5-room house, well built, worth the price without the land. Close to station, elect, line. $1600, terms. Call East 419. ACRES, small cleared: bargain 789, Oregonian. house, near car; account sickness. 2 ACRES at Ruby junction, one-half cleared, balance nr grov; $1000, terms. Broad w ay J 658. 209 Ore gon bidg. FOR SALE 1 -4 acres at Oak Grove, clear and fenced; $900. Inquire of W. Swan, Oak ave. and 4 th ave.. Sundays only. FOR SALE 6-acre fruit farm on Orpron City carline: good Investment for right party. im. oregonian. For Sale Farms. PRODUCTIVE WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM PAY CHECK $4t MONTH. 108 acres. 3 m!es from Hiiisboro and milk condenser, adjacent to the famous Gov. Withycombe and Tongue farms; bt averdam. 4 upland : 00 acres In cultivation, balance pasturage ; fenced, iartly wire ; tiled, cFTtched. running wa ter and springs; piped to house, barn and corral ; barn 50x04, accommodating 17 cows, 5 horses, .box stalls granary in burn, loO-ton i.ew alio, many outbuild ings. O-room house, family orchard, nu mcrf us a'l kinds farm implements, tons of hay. straw, also tons of oats, barley, roots, mil '.feed, 60 tona ensilage, acre of kale. 15 head registered high-grade ieletted producing Jerseys, reg. Jersey bull, large hordes, hogs, chickens, much !l-sown clover, vetch, oats ; govern ment lean on ihe property of $3500 at rV,-2e!': governmfnt appraisement of farm $21. 000: this office price $20,000; per sonal property, stock, etc., price $5670 extra. PR7 W. NEWELL. Oregon Iny- atment A Mortgagee Co.. 21S-li-20-2i-22 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. IRRIGATED LAND 40 ACRES Located 4 miles East Bend, Or., paid water right for 26 acres; 36 acres can be cultivated, nice laying tatpd; some un der cultivation; balance is sage brush; no timber: ranal on place; lots of water, paid forever ; email house, county road, one mi'e to school. Personally inspected. Price $1150. $5oo cash: no trades, John Ferguson, Gerlinger bidg. 40 ACRES. 3o acres In crop; 5-room bun galow; family orchard, fine barn, out buildings, team horses, 3 cows, 2 pigs. 30 chickens. 12 tons hay, potat'srs. corn fodder, all farm impierrents; 07 mile ?m o -gon City: $000. term. Mr. Millership, Alder hotai. REAL ESTATE. " For Sal e r anna. 55 A. FOR TWO FAMILIES.. 15 MILES OUT. Two distinct set buildings; just right for 2 families desiring to locate close to gether; 15 miles center of Portland, good road all way, mostly paved, on nice cor ner, right at school, churches, stores, etc. 55 acras, 50 cleared, mostiy in fall crops. 5 timber, very best land, fine spring, 2 sets buildings opposite corner of place with nice fruit and water at each. Personal: 3 horses, binder, mow er, disc, cultivators, drills. 2 wagons, harness, 7 cows, 3 hogs, luO white leg horn hens, 25 tons hay, 100 bu. wheat, 350 bu. oats, spuds and implements. Price $12.50O. Make two nice farm homes with good buildings on each. Our ma chines will run you out in 40 minutes. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 North th St. Broadway 4381. WHO WANTS BEST FARM BUY? 225 acres; 10 acres in cultivation, bai w.a uni-n t imher nttKt n re and living water. This is a reai farm; no white land, and produces good crops of wtoeat, clover, timothy, oats. etc. -room house; h-na anH ft n t n ui i d in es. Now, the price of this farm U only $60 per acre, owner very anxious -j u r...cni ! v unpnt two days in vicinitv of tlis farm inspecting various properties for tale there, and found noth ing as good as this for less than $100 per ache. ft js near two good towns on county road and in a good section of the Willamette valley. uiu.mm'K HKALTT CO.. 122 North ttth St. Broadway 4381. HERE IS THE B EST CHANCE YOU WILL EVER HAVE TO OWN A GOOD FARM FAR BELOW ITS VALUE ... . .. rl .. r hlrh atatf Of CUItl , nA'fmo creek bottom, all fenced J ..funnoH Vnu could not picture a prettier place "in your mind than this is. Main road through school housfl on one corner; R. U . D ana telephone; 12 miles from a-ugene; 4 miles from good town. There is no white Una or rock on this plsc-; good lo-room modern house, 2 barns; one will Jom inouate 70 head of stock. A" cart be plowed with tractor; price is only $05 t..,,. if taken at once; $000 will handle: good time on balance. STEWART A BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank bidg. iJAVfiroiriru'tr.H LISTEN. la-j-anra tarm lor sale, located in Linn r ift.tmn 70 acres bottom land "'v. ........ f ..lUK-Btinn! lill acres open nstnr: 14M, acres Italian prunes. Just t i.uarirP- nmA ideal loganberry lana a Tu nPnh.ni rtf uunles. pears, neaches. cherries and berries; A Vs miles from two towns, on good gravel roaa, rural route and telephone; close to school 1 -.k..-,.h ll miiH to cheese factory. fair buildings and fences; stock and im plements can go with place if desired. For price and particulars call or write R. R. No. 3, Sclo, Oregon. CLOSE TO NEWBERG. T i . nn r.n1 ri,a li halt in CUlti itin (rood soring. 3 acres ?t mixed 1 ( ..,-... .... npora aitnleil. etc. Mnst all fenced with woven wire; wood wu nk,.B in iirintr a. eoad t-hare Ol h nurehn.se orlce. All can be made into cultivation except 10 acres. 7-room hr.UK eood barn and chicken house close to school and church, 2 milea to Newberg. For quick sale this place can be had for a fraction less than $122 per acre. Reasonable terms anu low raits 01 interest. See Robt. Hann, with Frank Taylor, adjoining City Hall. Newberg. "'OR SALE Dairy and stock ranch, 170 acres, SO acres bottom land, 20 acres under cultivation, 5 acres slashed and seeded, some good timber, enough stove wood sawed and split to last two years; good house and barn; lhz miles to P. O, cheese factory and good school. Fine team hordes, good harness, two wagons, buggy, disc harrow, plow, t-mall toois; line trout stream running through ranch. Place well watered by creeks and springs. Good cow, call, chickens ; price $4.u0, some terms. Address F. W. Eaton, Bea ver. Tillamook county, Oregon. HIGH-GRADE FARM. 113 acres, extra choice roiling land. 80 acres high state of cultivation, bal ance timber; creek, spring, well, or chard, walnuts, etc., hopyard. hophouse, 7-roora dwelling, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, 2 barns; 21 miles Fortland. 3 miles Newberg. 1 Vi mlies railway sta tion. This farm is one of the very best in the valley. Price $140 per acre; $1., 820. terms. Would consider good city property as part payment. R. M. GATEWOOD jk CO.. 165H 4th St. HERE ARE TWO BARGAINS. 64 acres In Marion county, black sandy loam soil, nearly all cultivated; good U room house and other buildings, woven wire fences, fruit and berries, close to school; price $bOOO. $3)00 down. 155 acres, ail good level land, 1 Vt miles to town and high school, lou acres In cultivation, good buildings, 55 acres already seeded in grain; price $b5 per acre. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, U13 Chamber of Commerce. 88 ACRES. $4400. Here is a bargain at $50 per acre. One mile I rom Oregon Elec tric R. R. and good valley town. 30 acres cult., 10 acres timber, good water,- mile to school. Price S44O0. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 527 Corbett bidg. DOUGLAS COUNTY. $41 AN ACRE. 180 acres under cultivation; balance good land; creek, spring, family orchard, good set of farm buildings; on good road; close to Oakland. Oregon. This place la worth at least $60 an acre, but must be sold at once. " C. M. DOLLARHIDE. 807-8-U Lewis Bidg. IMPROVED 20-acre farm, near Gresham, located on good roaa. close to scnooi; good orchard, berries, grapes, good 5 room house, barn and outbuildings, cow, iarm tools, chickens, vegetables and po tatoes for winter; only $5300, many other good buys for your inspection. Auto at your service. KKIDER & ELKINGTON, Gresham. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 160 acres in Estancia valley. Central New Mexico, ail tillable, level, good soil, no stumps, rock or alkali; fenced and cross-fenced, mile from forest re serve, near sawmills; fine climate, three miles from good town on Santa Fe railroad. Will exchange for property in northwest. E. Reuick, Umatilla, Or. 171 ACRES, 135 acres in cultivation, all fenced, 5 acres good river bottom. 8 acres good timber, no buildings, miles out of Lebanon. This is a good buy ; $rtO per acre, $2000 cash, balance per cent, long time. Get on the train and look this over. All level land. M. L. Southard. Lebanon. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE. My farm of 160 acres in Sask., Can ada. ; 6 miles from town and railroad, 40 rds. from postofflce; achoolhouse on farm, plenty of wood for fuel, splendid water. Will trade for small farm near Portiand. Address W. W. Seattle, 382 i Hawthorne ave. CATTLEMEN. ATTENTION 11.000 acres, including 600-acre ranch; Columbia val ley. 35 miles from Portland; riverfront age, main line railroad, hard surfaced. Pacific highway on property; 300 acres plow land; $10 per acre, terms; best cattle ranch possibility in Oregon. AU 434. Oregoniaju . 257 ACRES, about 0 acre bottom land, balance slightly rolling; fair buildings. t mil from R. R. station. 1 H miles from town ; price $6500. including farm implements, team of draft hordes and tOOlS; l-OUU -....v-o nm a.i per cent. Owner,AO 62, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR LEASE 53 acres in Mult nnmah county; 42 in cult., bal. pasture , 2 SDrings. 6-room house, orchard; fine tnr rinirv nr truck garden; StiOO or year 6 miles from Portland on Boone's terry rosd. only large barn to righL G. Rib- becke, P. O. uswego, 11. 1, oox 50 ACRES, 16 cleared, besides garden and nrohard: fine timber, near large sawmill, school and store; house 8 rooms, large barn, chicken and pig nouses ana yaids; weli located, good soil; bargain. $i;000. Address p. O. box 443. Portland. vrn Kit .E Benton county chicken and fruit ranch of ltt acres, under cultiva tion; orcnara; room loi j'u cincMens; improvements; one mile from Albany. Price $10,000; terms. Auoreta ay Oregonian. FOR SALE 80 acres. 20 cleared, all fenced hm.u 10 tons hay in barn, fruits, run nir.a water, best of land : 30 miles of uri ' .nrt liA miles from Columbia; roll tnt- innd. Come, look and make price. 13 02 Willamette blvd. Wood lawn lutiS. &Z ACRES, cultivated, buildings,- stooked and eaulpped, 20 miles S. W. of Port- i.nH- svi.OOO. take $5000 Portland troo erty. balance at 6 per cent, five aud 10 years. Myers, a nauway Exchange building. glK TO $20 PER ACRE. Fine level, irrigable fruit and alfalfa Innua. Inexhaustiue water supply, ideal climate. write tnimoer 01 commerce, Wineox. Ariaona. REAL SNAP 40 acres excellent land, 10 .cres in commercial apple orchard, res in oak timber, for sale at price of raw land; close to station. Western Oregon Lana company, noui oiug., corvailis, Oregon. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. near fortiana. j to .-uu per acre, eai terms; best soil. farms tor sale, sizes. Mc Farlan d. 6u2 Y eon b' d g. 40 ACRES near Lyle for saTe or tratle f land 20 or 30 miles of Portland. Mrs. Geo. Su Lawrence, Lle, aao. REAL ESTATE. For 8ale Farms. SMALL FARMS LEBANON. OREGON. 20 acres, most all in cultivation and In crop, drained land suitable for berries, garden crop; good tt-'room house, large barn and other buildings, orchard. 7 mile to Lebanon, one mile to Crabtree. good gravel road. R. F. D., telephone, price $4000. half cash. 6. Irt acres, 3 miles out, good, graveled road. 12 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, could be cultivated; 4-room box house, small barn, chicken house, good weli. price $18o. cash $1400, HrV. 10 acres. Just out of city limits, side walk to door. mile to high school, new 6-room bungalow, small barn, work shop and wood shed, good well. 4 chick en houses and parks, all nice land in cultivation, telephone, R. F. D., price $4000. half cash, 6Tr ; near one of the best little towns In the northwest. Office 70 Sherman St.. Lebanon. Or. VERY BEST SOIL EXCEPTIONALLY CHEAP. We had the pleasure recentty of look ing over as good a piece of land as we ha.ve seen in a long time and were sur prised upon investigation that it could be bought for only $75 per acre; 232 acres, located between Portland and Mc Mmnvllie in sight of a good town, on the red electric; 10 acres in cultivation, loo acres of which is as good land as a crow ever flew oer, all tiled and well drained; O-room house, large barn and outoutld ings. bearing fruit and living water: price only $75 per acre. One of the best hop yards ever in Oregon was located on this tract. For sale only to Dec. 1. HUH. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 North 6th st. Broadway 43&1. 60 ACRES. 40 in cult., balance pasture. some timber. lies nice to cultivate, all best of deep rich soil, no rock or gravel, 2 acres 01 orchard, good buildings, hot and cold water in house, on good road, only 20 miles from Portland; you can't help but like this one, with stock and equipment $10,000 and terms. 144 acres, all fin tt of land, practically level, U0 acres in cult., balance pasture, with some timber; all tillable, small liv ing creek, 2 good houses, large barn and otner outbuildings; good family orchard, line location on hard-surface road, only 17 miles out; less than W mile to P. o., store, church and (school; $150 per acre and terms. Lots of others, all sizes and prices; many of t hem personally inspected, and at bargain prices ; some exchange on tome ot them. Tallmadge Realty Co., li Henry bidg. iO ACRES, 60 in cultivation, balance pas ture; 0 acres young orchard, just started to bear; on hard-suriaced road, miles from Oregon City; ail fenced, new hip roof barn worth $2UOO, new machine sued, chicken coop, hog house with yards; old house, seven rooms, with fire place ; all ainus small truit, berries, grapes lor family use, several cherry trees, two wells, one at house, other at barn; hay in barn, seed, ieud, grain for sale on place; farm tuam, 32O0 Ins., wag on, two buggies, grain drill, two plows, harrows, discs, cultivators, wood in woodshed; price $14. OOO; will consider house in traue up to $2000 or more, $3000 or mora cash, balance easy terms must sell before Dec. X. Owner, M. J. Olson. Woodburn, Or. BIG STOCK. RANCH. 1060 acres witnin 12 miles of Cor valiis, v mile from station; 20O acres fine bottom land and 250 acres upland, in cultivation; lot more open land, bal ance timber ; all lies fine, new paved highway will pass through place; good house with hot and cold water, bath, etc., also small bungalow tor help; 4 barns, many other buildings; fenced and cross-fenced, including 7 mlies hog tight lencing; will Include 16 head horses and 20 brood sows, 300 chickens and tur keys and all farm machinery. Price $42,500. This is one of finest stock propositions in the state. LUEDDEMANN COMUANY. U13 Cnamber of Commerce GOOD FARM NEAR HUBBARD. 82 acres, about 46 in cultivation, bal. pasture and umber; 'running water through pasture: all good soil; located I'm miles from Hubbard. V mile from Pacific highway (paved); good two story plastered house. 2 barns and out buildings, two weiis. plenty fruit; price $200 per acre, good terms. Win. Wolter, owner. Hubbard, Or. BROWNSVILLE. OREGON. L. B. Morse, Brownsville, Or., has many attractive buys in improved farms, small acreage, close to town; prices that are right. 102 acres, located three miles from Brownsville, with new set buildings, b room liuaw, two line barns, garage, several outbuildings, orchard, all fenced with woven wire, tine living trout stream crosses place; 00 acres under plow, bal ance fine pasture, can be plowed; $11, OOO, terms on half at 6 por cent, long time. Will sell 10 cows, horses, chick ens, farm machinery, reasonable if wanted. Worth investigation. L. B Morse, agent. Brownsville, Or SPLENDID 323-ACRE FA KM WITH $4000 STOCK. CROP. AND EQUIPMENT FOR Paved highway and hard-surfaced road from Portland to the ranch, onlv 27 mlies southwest, about In cultiva tion; fine soil, lies weil, no rock; soma seeded to fall grain, balance good pas ture and timber. Abundance of fine water from a never-failing spring, piped to 6-room house and big barn; other out-buildings, big silo. i'ou can look "the vaiiey over" and you cannot dupli cate this ranch for less than $50,000. See Sam Hewey at J. L. Hartman Co., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce- bidg. $1000 DOWN. 40-acre improved farm, all good loam soil, 38 acres cultivated, house, barn and outbuildings, on good road, 1 mile from Wilamm etle valley town, electric station and boat landing. Price $0000, $luu0 down, balance on easy pay ments. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 527 Corbett bidg. YOU CAN BUY THIS GOOD 70-ACRB FARM ON EASY TERMS. 40 acres of splendid soil, no rock, ot gravel, in cultivation; about 20 acres more can be put In cultivation at email coat, balance pasture and timber; fine spring water piped into 7-room house and big barn; hog house, chicken house, ma chine shed, good family orchard : one mile to school, on county oud. 42 miles to Portland. Price $50i 0. take $15t0 cann. oaiance to suit at per cent. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bidg. A REAL FARM BARGAIN. 40 acres on Tualatin river, only 12 miies irom courtnouse; an acres und cultivation, 8 acres fine timber, balance fine bottom pasture; 3 acres bearing peach orchard, good house and large 'Tfti luun iry nome as well good farm. Place is worth $3000 more than .asked. Price only $6500, terms reasonable. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 240 ACRES SALEM. Nearly all under hlph state of culti vation. 30 acres of full-bearing prunes. 15 acres of loganberries, excellent fruit dryer; large barn, 6-room house and all necessary outbuildings: water system. Located 7 miles south of Salem, near electric station. Cash price. $35,000, Will take good Income Portland prop erty. C. M. DOLLARHIDE. 807-8-9 Lewis Bidg. A FINE 40 acres; must be sold to settle an estate. It is located one mile from town and electric station : 7-rpom house and out buildings; one acre in loganberries; about 20 acres In cultivation; on good road and in fine farming district; only $5000. I have many other good farms on which I can quote a rancher reasonable prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK, 214-215 Panama Bidg. STOCKMEN LISTEN. Close to Portland. 160-A. farm, plentv of outranjre; IOO a. in cultivation, fenced. 8-room house, large barn, aheds, or chard. 42 cattle. 5 horses, 12 hogs, a II kinds of implements to run farm, loti hay and oats ; price $1 3,000. one-half cash, balance 5 years. tKV. SEA WOOD REALTY COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce. AN EXTRA FARM BARGAIN. 80 acres, 35 acres in cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber; rolling land; creek, springs. 5-room house, barn, out building: 10 miles Portland. 1 mile paved highway. railway elation 1 miles, 2 miles Sherwood; price $5250. half cash. This is an exceptionally good buy: 50 minutes out of Portland. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 4th st 2S-ACRE FARM. ALL IN CULTIVATION ONLY $3500 U CASH. Good dark loam soil. fenced with woven wire, splendid water, family or chard, on sravel road. 1 mile to ichon! end electric station, north of Corvallis: o-room house, barn, other outbuildings. See Sam Hewey at J. L .Hartman Co., 7 Chamber of Commerce b!dg. 100 ACRES. 1 MILES OUT. Between Portland and Newberg; high ly Improved, modern buildings, excel lent family orchard; river frontane; woven wire fences; some snap. Price $12,500. C. M. DOLLARHIDE. R07-S-I Lewis Bidg. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, good soil, tillable: employment: eesy terms. J. R. Sharp. SS S 3d st. 47 ACRES, 4 minutes from town on Pa- cmc nign fc-ay. For particulars call laarahail 5aU5. By owner. Ida B Clark. 1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farm. PACIFeC AGENCY. INC. 512-13-14-15 Swetiand Bidg. GRAIN FARM 5-2. $42.0OO lo acres on good road. 13 miles from Moro: 1 IO0 acres in cultivation, good land, good im- provements, good fences. No hills, plenty of water, close to school. Good terms. PRUNES AND WALNUTS 13-3. $40,000 132 acres, short distance from good vaiiey town; 0 acre in cultivation ; 25 acres of 12-vear-oid bearing walnuts, large famllv orchard, 5 acres fu.l bearing prunes. Large new 8 room bungalow, larfte barn, r.uwl nrunn drver. food granary. All the land is fine prune and . walnut land. Prunes and wal nuts will pay interest on a $50,000 or $60,000 investment. Terms. STOrK AND GRAIN RANCH "6-16. $40,000670 acres stock and grain ranch, located on good road, about 12 mites from good vaiiey town; 320 acres of farm in cul tivation, balance mostly open hill pantnre, with a little lim ber; 6X1 acres of this farm is ideal prune land ; good run ning water and lots of springs on place, fairly well improved with good house.- 2 larare barns, all well fenced and cross fenced. Fully stocked and equipped, in eluding 100 head of sheep and 40 head of cattle. Can make nood terms on this or might rnniidor nood income property or smaller place in exchange, up to $15,000 or $20,000. STOCK RANCH 1-1-35i00 110O acres on main line of S. P. in northern part of Josephine county, including ono town site, about IOO acres cultivated, but - can till 5"0 acres. Plenty of good improvements; 120 acres of good timber and balam-e pasture. fine orchard. Some stock and full equipment in cluding tractor. Term. STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH 3-12. $35,000 10 acres in Lane county, Ore gon, on good road, over 2m acres In cultivation. mostly good bottom land, about 100 acres of fine bottom land, un cleared, fine ash and oak tim ber, also 200 acres of good fir timber handy to log. Good house. 2 barns and silo. Small saw mill now In operation ; 2 miles from, store and postofflce; 6 miles from railroad. A fine grain stock and ranch, with plenty of water and outrange. Good terms. BTnrxr a vr r: re A IN RANCH 21-4. $35,IKK) 881 acres of good land, 140 acres under cultivation, so acres of open pasture. 160 acres of good timber. Good nine-room house, three barns and other outbuildings. plenty of good fruit. Located pear Jetrerson. r.RAIV rath 6-12. a nnrh irit acres lfjted in northern part of Lane county, about 200 acres that was in cultivation last vear and the balance all ciptmd and all can be farmed lies gently rolling and is well drained. One of the best im proved places in Willamette vallev; 2 sets of improvements, 1 one "fair shape and the other fine. Fine big house of ten rooms, nicely located1 on main road, extra fine barn, with room for 200 tons of hay. Building cannot be duplicated for $10,000. Oood assorted orchard. An ex- tra fine farm and should . in terest anvone looking for a good p. ace. Reasonable terms could be made on this. WHEAT RANCH 12-3. 26 000 320 acres hhort distance from GoMendale, Wash. ; 240 acres unrter plow, 30 acres of alfalfa, balance good pasture. 7-room house, large barn, drilled well, windmill and gas engine. Hog hout-e and shed, hay shed 30x00. Bearing family orchard. Good terms. GRAIN AND STOCK RANCH $24 000271 acres located about 10 miles from Corvallis, on a paved road, J 50 acres in cultivation, all lays rolling and is all well drained. All good land. Balance of land ce-nFists of timber "and pasture, fair improvements, good barn and fair house. Place well fenced and cross fenced. One or the best locations In the val ley. Good terms may be had on this. FARM LAND 4-15. 4 OOO 124 acres fhort distance from Llberon : IOO acres in cultlva- KloU ttanriv loam soi i. family orchard and lots of ber ries. Good old farm house, fine barn, silo and other buildings. Depot and school house on ranch, telephone and R. F. D., well, spring aJid river front age. Good terms. STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH 6-5. $2 500 35 acres, located southern part of Benton county; 1 u miles from raiiruad station: 300 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and timber: all the year water and numerous springs on place. Good house. 2 good barns and other outbuildings: water piped to house, all well fenced and cross fenced: land all lays so it can be farmed with a tractor. Fully stocked ana equippea in- terms on pale or would ex change for a small place, well improved in valley up to $8000. STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH !-7. -$22.000 326 acres located a short dis tance from Philomath: 175 acres In cultivation. mostly bottom innrt the balance is roll in k : 1 nasture and fine oak timber good family orchard, fair t -room house, large barn, granary and chicken house. One of the bett farms in Benton county; plenty of water for stock. Lo cated on county road. Good terms. FARM LAND 2-29. $20.000 96 acres close to McKey sta tion; 70 acres under plow, bal ance pasture : 10 acres heaver dam land; 2 fair houses. 2 large barns; 3 H miles from Wood hum. Fuily stocked. Good terms WHEAT AND STOCK RANCH 12-11. $20 000505 aers 12 miles from t.old- endale. Wswh., 6 miles from rali- I road station and grain e;evator; I J70 acres under plow, IO acres of orchard and -garden; 5-roorn house, - oarnn, ' ' house and 2 good stock wells: 2 good springs, school 1 H miles from place. Good terms. GRAIN RANCH 6-4. $20 000 153 acres, 7 miles from Cor vallis on a good road, all in cul tivation but about 20 acres, which Is pasture, barn lots, house site, etc. Good water and windmill, 6 acres s;ood prune or chard which netted the owner $1045 last year; good 10-room house, with brick foundation, has bath. toilet. etc.; good house, barn and cow barn, silo, etc. Will make good terms on ale or will exchange for a good eastern Oregon farm 1 vlcinifty of Union, Or. GRAIN RANCH 1R-2. $19 000 15ft acres, 4 v. miles from good town in valley: 125 acres in cultivation. 34 acres of timber, part of it cut and on the ground; 2 acres of orchard: good 7-room hoi'se, with water piped from spring : large barn, woodshed, chicken house; located on ma oadamlsed and rock road: R. F. ).. rream route and telephone; stocked and eqmppea, inciuains 1 new tractor. Terms. I GRAIN RANCH 3-37. $17 0O0 115 acres, .practically all In cultivation: 55 acres how In J crop: 21 acres plowed ready for spring corn, level land, on ma- ! cadam road. five miles from j good valley town; good 7-room . house, large barn in good con-1 dtfion. large granary, hoghouse. milkhouse. woodhoune: 1 mi!e to church and p"hoo telephone and R. F. D. : fully stooked and I equipped. Adjoining farms are j held for from $2"0 to $250 per a-re wit bout stocK ana equip ment Terms. GRAIN RANCH 8-17. $16 OOO 225 acres in Lane eounty I Ore- 1 160 acres in cultivation. balance pasture. which rur risbed water Tor stock; part of , rAture is good farm land; good 1 7-room houe. with firepiace. j nice maple shade trees around j house, a few fruit tres and ber- I rim: large substantial barn and good cow barn in good order: ! plentv of outbuildings; soil Is 1 tine black free soil, gently roll- j tie, giving natural dramas: 1 urbnol V mile, good mady. Will ' exchange for small acreage or 1 good city income property. t PACIFIC AGE-NCY. INC.. &Li-lo-ll-15 Seliarrd Btdg. REAL ESTATE. A. G. BENDERS FARM specials. Remember, we are headquar ters for rval bargains in farms'. We have 5o0 or more tarms. Below Is a fair sample of our list. Wc aro the largest farm land dealers in Oregon. Don' t fail to free us. We can sell ou a farm anywhere in Oregon cr Wash ington, from $50O0 to $25o,oO0. FINE CLARKE COUNTY. WASHING TON, FARM. 112 acres, 110 under plow, a!! nearly level, 2 acres timber, alt lenced with woven and barb wire, -a miiv orchutd and berries, 14 acres b-aring j. runes, all Al loam soil. '' miles from R. K.. R. F. D telephone, 18 miles from Port land. Al road and well watered; 8-room plastered house, good condition, new silo, granary, dairy house, prune drver. hog house, chicken house, milk house. Price $18,000. This is an Al farm and is hard to beat. It must be sold to settle an estate. See it and be convinced. We have many bargains. Come in .and see us before buying. We can wive 'you money. A. G. BENDER. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. 301-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. Al DAIRY FARM. 370 land. plow. acres. 3o acres level. Al bottom deep and rich: 250 acres under acres timber, all fenced with woven wire and barb wire. 4 S miles from R. R.. Washington telephone: : miles from Portland, ir 1 mile to school, R. F. D. springs. I rier, 1 well. 2 Story. 9-room house, nlastered and win d for electricity; 1 barn 75x100, hay shed, hoids 50o tons. Personal: Tractor. lV-2o disc 4-sec. harrow, -ltorse plow, sinirle plov. cultivator, w agous. buKcy, cream separator. ft-ed cutt r. r rind stone. a'.T small tools. 1 team. IO Al cows. O year old heifers. 7 9-months-old calves, brood sow, 10 to 12 pigs, slioats. etc.: 60 tons hay in barn. 441 ions straw. 300 bushels oats. 30 acre now in oats. 30 acrs in cheat : no Incumbrance. Price $45.ioo : $15. uOO cash, baiauce to suit. You can t b at this for a dairy. See It and be convinced. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 301-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. UP-TO-DATE EQUIPPED FARM. 144) acres. 80 acres under plow. 20 acres oats and ash timber, all lies almost level ; family orchard and all krmis of berries, soil Al black loam, 4 feet deep; .all fenced with woven wire and boards; 1 miles from R. R school, etc.. south of Albany : R. F. D.. telephone, creek, good gravel road, right on Pacific high way, now being paved; 2 weils. good S room hous'. 2 barns, 6ox36 and Ix54 ; hog and chicken houses. Personal prop erty: Drill, binder, harrow, disc, wagons, cultivators, mower, hay rake, sulky plow, cider mill, cream separator, all small tools, household goods, piano, dining table and chairs, rockers, library table, couch, beds, dressers, range, heater. lino leum, rugs, fruit .iars and dishes. 30 Cotswold sheep, 8 cows. 4 horses. 2 sows. 5 chickens. $1200 worth of wheat, oats and hay. 3 acres corn, potatoes and gar- cen; winter wood cut. Just thing, all t sto.uoo; ssoou or so cash, balance easy. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. WONDERFUL WASHINGTON COUNTY farm buy. Anyone knowing the price of farms In this county knows this Is a bar pain; only 21 miles from Portland. This farm caimnt be beat, no matter where you go ; 2S0 acres ; 200 acres level ; 235 acres bottom land; 250 under hish state of cultivation; all .Al loam soil, cood and deep: 20 acres timber; all kinds ber ries, iamny orcnarrt. 2 acres 14-year-old prunes. Al condition : all well fenced with woven wire and boards, srood road, U mile to school, church, store etc.. R. F. D., 1 el e phone, springs and river : 8 rooni cood house. 3 b irns. two 42xG4. one 48x128; potao hoiso with cement floor, wood house, milk house, fruit house, all cement floors: hog house 14x IS. smoke house, chicken house: water piped to buildings, hot and cold water. This is a exceedingly fine farm and is well located, and is offered for $42.KM, or $170 per acre. Where can vnu beat this? You can't do it. $10,000 cash, balance to suit. 6 per cent. This ie clear of incumbrance. See It. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. POLK COUNTY FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. This farm is located in the best part of Polk county and is a monev-maker: is highly .improved and is priced lese than the adjoining land. It consists of 35U acres, practically all roll ins ; 1"0 acres under cultivation, balance ust-dj lor pasture; xamny orcnaro; soil is part black loam ; is all fenced and cross fenced : mostly woven wire: 1 H milo railroad, about 75 miles Portland. R. F. D.. near school and church ; 3 sprincs. 1 crerk. good road, graveled, within 1 miles of farm: pood 6-room house. 2 barns. 24x40. 40x40. 3 chicken houses. garHfre. implement house, ete. Pensonal property: Binder, mower, rake. 2 plows, disc, roller. 2 drags. 2 waons. buccrv, all hous hold furniture, house well fur nished; 100 Roats. 23 head of cattle. 4 head of horses. 40 tone hay. all seed and feed in bins that is needed to run the place. Price $27.0Oo, evt-rvthlng in cluded; $12,000 down, balance to suit. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. ; 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. MR. DAIRYMAN. Do you want a fine farm located on lower Columbia River highway, near Scappoose? This Is one of the finest dairy or cattle-raising proposition to be had in the state of Oregon; to see it is to substantiate what I say. There are 362 acres, 70 acres of bottom land, all tiK-d ; 2o0 acres under plow ; all Al soil of the very beet; 40 acres timber, fnmilv orchard. a:i fenced. H mile from R. R. station, good S-room house. 3 fine creeks. 2 fine barns, one 5xl20. cost $7000; one 5ixlO0. patent stanchions for 60 cows; 3 silos. 00 tons capa'-itv each; Implements. 60 head full -blood cow s. 1 imported bull. 6 horses. 27 hogs. 1 full Chester white boar. 35 sheen, e-nsilaire. feed, etc.: everything for $75,000: $2".oofl cash, balance easy. 8 per cent. This is bargain. Sea it at once. A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. COLUMBIA RIVER STOCK FARM. If you are locking for a real fRrm to raise stock or do n dairying husine: this is the p'bt. h6 acres. 200 acres level bottom land; 1 .10 acres slashed for pasture. G. acres under plow, un limited ou tranjE". berries and family orchard and 1 Enplih walnut trees: all fenced 6 miles from Rainier. Or.. 1 mile tr school: 12 Fprinvs. 3 creeks. 4 mile from CoJuTTibiH hiirhway; small house. 3 j 4 barns. 2 52x1 OO and 1 Mx0; granary for tons c rain : too! sned 20x;io. t ore house 24x46, blacksmith shon 12x22. Personal pronerty: Road wagon, farm wa gon, 1 buggy. 3 plows, harrows, disc mower, rake, seed drill, single cultivator, riding cultivator. 2 hay racks. 2 sets double harness. 1 sl-naIe harness. 2 sad dles. 1 fine young team mares. 1 driving mare, 1 rtdin' pony. 3 milch cows. 2 3-year-old helfera. 5 2-year-old heifer. 1 bull. 5 calves. 3 pies. 20 chickens. Price for all $21,000. This is a (rood buv. Don't forget we have some WO farms. Come in and see us before buying. We will save you money. V G. BFNDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. HRJiE IS A CHANCE TO TURN IN YOUR HOUSE AND GET A GOOD IMPROVED FARM. 34 acres neiTr Est a cad a. 30 In cultiva tion. 8 acres in prunes ; owner Says prunes alone will pay 10 per cent on the purchase price. Large house, almost new; small barn and out-buildings: no rack or hardpan on this place. There is some stock and personal goes with this place if sold at once. Price for every thing. $sooo. STEWART & RUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank hi la;. PRICE CUT tfc ON THIS 232-ACRB FARM IN YAMHILL COUNTY. 95 acres very rich land, was in hops for 20 years. 50 acres more in cultl a -t ion : Rood soil, balance R5 acres open pasture and timber. About all tillable when cleared : woven wire fences, fine creek, 2 spring and well, good barn, house, new chi'ken and hog houses, or chard and berries. On gravel road near town : price $1 7.500. See Sam Hewey at J. L. Hartman Co., 7 Chamber of Com merce bidg. KOR SALE SMALL FARM acres. clea r and can he culti vat ed ; fine lo- pd n berry and garden land ; living slrenm of water larg'1 enough to irri gate the place ; 5-room hous and other nui build in 2s ; w-uld make fine chicken ranch; 1 mile frm good town, close tp Pa- itie Mghw ay ; good terms to respon sible partv m a reasonable price. V. R PUTNAM. Woodburn. Or. NEAR COTTAGE GROVE. $27l; $10io pash. buys a 140-ac:re ranch, loo ;icres tillable. 40 under cul ti vat ion. 2. Ofti;. 0O0 feet of mnw tim ber. family orchard. 6-room house. 2 large barns, chicken house, smoke house, hog house, all fenced. 7 miles To Yoncalla. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. 240- A cr K stock rnch. 4 miles from rail road. 4J miles Portland: first-class l.tnd. 40 acres cleared, some timber, balance open pasture: good creek and 2 spring, j fnir buildings; easy terms: price $5500 D. McChesney. 304 Out at. Bdw y. 2u4, BEAT, KSTATE. S10 PER ACRE. For one of the beat sheep ranches In astern Washington. 13. 000 acres. M fenced and fully equipped, mild winter range and arly lambing: R. R. crosses ranch with eld ing and loading platfonna; well watered ou every part of range. Improvements are good; sheep bama. camp houses, corrala sheep sheds, shear ing sheds, full equipment fioea with the place at that price. Thousands of acres of fine agricultural land included in the 13.0o0. 4000 choice bred ewes will be mrt m with place at market. This is a going sheep ranch, ready to step on, and a great bargain at the price. MuclNNES A PRATT. 413 Board of Trade Bidg., Portland, Or. CANBY. o714-acre farm, sandy loam soli, all tillable; 24 acres cult.. R3W acres pasture, 1 acre of bearing orchard, with variety of fruits: 2 wells, 7-room first-class bungalow with bath, new barn 44x62, two chicken houses and other buildings. All fenced. 1 horse, 4 cows, 2 calves. 2 hog. 75 chickens, farm implements; ' mile from church, R. R. station, school aud stores. Price $S500. Will trade for good city home. See F. R. Jesse, at 527 Corbett bidg. Telephone Main 7141. COLUMBIA RIVER BOTTOM FARM. 4t acres of (tenulne silt loam, bottom land, located 1 miles from good town down the Columbia river on the Oregon pule: fair buigs. This soil has produced 500 s.icks of potatot-s to the a--re. This, year s crop is running over 200 sacks: it'i to loo bushels of oats is the average yield. There is a cheese factory close by and the owner will supply as manv cows as you can handle and take of the milk check until they are paid for. The price of ihis farm is only $70o0; at .-.i.M-.t eas n reo lliren. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO 212 Railway Exch. bidg. A!!n 6752. CANBY 30 ACRES. Close-in chicken ranch. $1000 down. This place has 25 acres of tillable level land, best of soil, spring water piped to building, new 4-room house, barn 14x30. Place is located about 17 miles south 01 Portland, near the paved road, has bearing orchard and best of neighbors. Price $2600, $1000 down. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO. 527 Corbett Bidg. Main 7141. 754-ACRE RANCH. One of the best in southern Oregon, large 10-room house, large barn, 10o galjon tank reservoir piped to both house and barn. ?o-ton silo, large irrigation ditch, surplus ubundance of free water, 22-. acres now under cultivation Cow creek and the Pacific highway both run through place. Only 7 miles from the thriving little town of Glendale. Douglas cmftiv, Or. W ill sell 1- intre!t and go 50-50 with purchaser in stocking same or sell whole place. See Williams at 403-4 Stock Exchange bidg., and get further particulars. 240 A. 170 A. ALFALFA $0 PER A. Got too much land. Owing to diffi culty in getting hi red help will sell 24H acres of my Soo-aire farm for only $so per acre: 170 acres in alfalfa, with free, paid-up water right. It is improved wi h a splendid 9-room modern farm home, la rge. su hgt ant ia 1 barns and numerous outbuildings. It is one of the best pav ing farms in central Oregon, located near Prineviilc. Hsrgrove Realty Co., 122 No. Oth st. Broadway 4381. 40 ACRES $2250. $500 cash. $100 pemi-annually buys a splendid 40-acre ranch, nearly level. 5 hi M'K fairly cleared. 5 acres more cleared and seeded to clover between the stumps; irrigating ditch right through the place, water from name costing $2.50 per acre per year: well-built large 2-room house, good barn. - log storehouse and other buildings: good plow, stump-puller, table and block and other tools; located 6 miles north of Carson Springs, up the Columbia river. Photograph at office of Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. KTOC K M E N STOC KM EN LISTEN Sno ACRES KOR $S PER ACRE. 800 acres In Lane county, not far from good town: all In one body; roll ing foothill land: fine soil, no rock: ' logged, burned and seeded; will carry 4iit head of stock or 1000 sheep; wa tered by river and 20 springs; R. R station right on place: hard surfaced road to property ; a great opportunity for a stock and dairy ranch ; see us quick; half cah. MhcINNES & PRATT, . 413 Board of Trade. Portland. Or. "HIGH "c 17 AS .7 1 A CR E S NEAR PC 'RTLAND-S A LEM PAVED ROAD. A very choice farm, 71 acres, 63 in cultivation, has been in potatoes and grain: just slopes enough to drain well; S-ioniii hous-. la rge barn, good- ore ha rd ; 3 horses, cow. implements, hay are in cluded : on good county road. 1 mile from town and paved road: about mid way hetwem Portland and Salem; price $11.0m0: $4000 cash. We know the coun try thoroughly and you w-i!l agree this is a mighty good buv. D. McChesney, 304 Oak st. Brtwv. 206. HERE is an oportunity to get 30 acres of fine land this side of Beaverton at a price that should appeal to anyone; 25 acres In high state of cultivation, bal ance in pas 1 u re ; enough wood on the 5 for many yea rs ; good 7-room house, f a ir barn. This can be bought now for $7000 but as soon as the paved road is com -pic ted the price will advance; $2500 will handle. Let us show you what a bargain this is. STEWART & BUCK. "15 Nort h western Bank bidg. ONLY FIVE MILES FROM CITY. 301;. acres. 27 acres under cultivation, balance in shade trees, a I can be cul tivated: good soil, located east of 82d st., county road; good orchard and lots of berries: new 7-room house, with plumbing, bathroom, sleeping porch, oth er buildings; this is close to electric transportation, only 30 minutes out by ato. This attraettve plaee is clear, will consider some trade in clear city prop er! v ; personal! v inspect ed. Marsters, at 314 Gerlinger h'dg.. Main 8529. FINE 51-ACUE EQUIPPED K ARM. 11 A. ITALIAN PRUNE TREES. ALL HEARING A-l CONDITION. IO mi'.-s from Vancouver, Wash., in the famous prune belt, on hard surface road. " good soil, 42 acres in cultivation, balance pasture. Splendid water, gas engine; 7 room house, big barn, 2 cows, hogs, 2 horses, chickens, plenty of fee-i. complete set farm Implements: price $11,000. See Sam HAwey at .J. I. Hartman Co.. 7 Chamber Commerce bidg. 140-ACRE RANCH. Located K mile from Dundee, one of the best valley districts; loo acres level land. 40 acres cultivated, about 90 acres covered with fir and hardwood: will pay for place if handled right; some fine river bottom land; adjoining lands val ued at S2O0 per acre. Price $12,600; terms $60o0 cash, balance reasonable. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. A GOOD VALLEY FARM. 70 acres of as fine land as yon will find in Polk county, level, deep rich soil, all In cultivation except H acre timber: 2 miles o a thriving town; 1 mile to R. R. station ; price Hot) per acre; terms or will accept Portland residence part payment. MacINNES A- PRATT. 413 Board of Trade Bidg.. Portland. Or. "7j20 ""a "RE s7f 1TOC KA N DA L F A I.F A . 30 acres irrigated ; 75 can be. Good housfl. barn, orchard and all kinds of berries, vegetables, etc. Very rich river bottom land with more water than you need. Som timber for wood. Price $nooo. Might take $35o0 in Portland, ba'. terms. CLE V ELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Ex-h. bidg. Main 6752. :;o ACRES ELECTRIC LIGHTS-Eirst-ctuss land, H'-r-B in cultivation, soring; good 6- room -St'.OoO. -CITY WATER, rtmtly s'oping. 26 rest pasture with jse, barn. etc. family fruit; H mile from town and e ectric line; on good high way to Port land: team. cow. hogs, implements are included for $0000. d. McChesney, 304'.- Oak st. Bdwy. 2'16. i,2t-ACRE Willamette valley stock ranch, situated 11 miles college town. 3 4 miles Pacific highway; 40O acres young saw timber, 2o acr-s under cultivation, rest pasture, outrange: houie. hot and cold water, bath, windmill, well water, three barns, two new silos: make idea.1 dairy ranch. Would consider income property for part payment or half cash, balance terms. AV 8."7. Oregonian. 20 ACRES WELL IMPROVED. Good open country south of Portland. There is 120 acrt-i in cultivation, rest is level past u re with creek. 1 mile from station: first-class 7-room house, large h i p roof b;rn, water system and creek. Owner unable to handle, will sell for $ino an acre; pU-tu res and complete de lai.s from D. McChesney. 304 Oak at. I idwy. 200. ACRES with poor building, but best of soil. 10 acres cleared; fine creek, or. chard: 35 miles out In good farming dis trict, :;- mi es to tow: j:i,.no; $r,oo cash, balance 10 years 6 per coot. $04fe Oak SL. iidwy. 266. s