9 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 23, 1919. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House KENTOX. PORTLAND INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. $2150 3-room furnished bungalow, lot 50xloo. Cement sidewalk and paved street. l1 blocks from Kenton car. $050 cash down. Balance at $25 per month. (2200 j-room bungalow, corner lot. 4 blocks from Kenton car. $500 cash down. Balance at $30 per month including interest. $1600 t-room bungalow, lot 100x100. 3 blocks from street car. Fireplace, 9an radiator all connected. 4 bedrooms. Owner leaving city. B A KOA1X. $50O cash down. Balance $30 per month and In terest. JOHN M ALONE. SJcCLUKE & SCHMAUCH CO. i-otf Rj.u way Exchange Bldg. Kventngs, Room 26. View Hotel, Kenton. FoR SALE For 12700 at 761 E. 9th St., on wide paved st. ; one block to river, near Sellwood car. In close-in restricted district ; the neatest small bungalow in the city; living room, bedroom, break t room, kitchen, bathroom and large closet, single panel oak doors and cas ings, full length mirror door; excep tionally fine plumbing fixtures, fireplace, gas water heater, gas Radiant fire heat er; lots of built-ins; large windows, ar tistic light fixtures and a nice porch with a pretty view. This house has just been completed lor me but business com Dels me to leave town and will sell sev era) hundred dollars less than cost and show you the bills. Name your own terms. it will make an ideal place for a young couple, .Sellwood 137a. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA HOME. Eight rooms, elegantly fin ished, large verandas and In closed sleeping porch, cement basement, laundry trays, hot water heat; surrounded by spacious grounds and fine homes, paved streets, garage. For details, price and terms, call Mr. Rhode at. Main 6809 or .Marshall 3209. AN ELEGANT HOME. T-room modern house, like new; Just painted and tinted; 4 large bedrooms, bath and hall upstairs, closet in each room, window in each closet; reception hall, living, dining rooms large; has den or sewing room, large kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace ; lot 50x104 M, ft.; flowers, fruit trees; Hi blocks Alberta car, on Vernon ave.; price $4000. $1000 cash; it would cost $5500 to re prod tire this property. R. M. OATEWOOD & CO.. 1 05 Va 4th st. Sunday phone Tabor 2300. OWNER GOING TO NORWAY. f "Rig new 7-room house, corner lot, 100x100, garden. wtreets paved, near Irv ington car; has French door, hardwood floors, fireplace, piped for furnace, real brass hardware, fine plumbing, beauti ful built-in features; price $4700; only $2500 cash, bal. long time H ; house alone cost $0000. See my American agent, R. C. O. Eder. cor. Union and M ason ave. Phone Woodlawn 3245. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. $5500 buys a new modern complete bungalow of 6 rooms and sleeping porch. 5 rooms down one and sleeping porch up. Living room arrows the entire front of house. Beautfiul built-ins; furnace and fireplace. Beautiful 13-10th hdwd. floors. Garage ; 45x100 lot. Imp. in and pd. Vs blk. to car. Terms. .). A. WK'KMAN CO., 2n4 Ry. Exch. Bidg. Main 1094. $1500 ,'OY BUNG A LOW- -$.1500. EASY TERMS. Living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and hath, fireplace, full Dutch kitchen; electricity, gas, etc.; good base ment; ij. block from paved street; 2 blocks to car. Terms to suit. A. WAKRINER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. W Write All Kinds of Insurance. IN LAURELHURST. Two extra fine large homes of 9 rooms each. located in the very choicest part of the district. There are five bedrooms in each; all hardwood floors throughout, one with good garage. Price $7000 and $7500. respectively. You surely won't call this profiteering when you see these houses. Ready to move in. See M R. I E LAHUNT Y. 270 Stark st. Main 170O; evenings East 20S0. PIE D M OXT B UN G A LO W. ALL FURNISHED, FOR $4500. A l tract i ve 5-room modern bungalow with good attic, bath and reception hall; fireplace; full cement basement; furnace; winter's fuel and furniture all included in price of $45oo. A bargain. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber olCommerce. Main 6967. BARGAIN IN ROSE CITY HOME. 4!t I'll STREET JUST SOUTH SANDY. $;;uoo Best buy in this district. Not a hung" low. a 7-room house, faces west, 50 loo lot, hard surface In and paid : house needs some repairs, but a few hundred dollars in repairs would add several t i mes the amount expended. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. LAURELHURST SACRIFICE. Half block from park, strictly up to date, double constructed. hardwood floors, large living room, den. dining room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, hall, French doors. 3 bedrooms, sleep ing porch, full basement, fruit room, furnace; lot 50x158; all kinds bearing fruit; must be sold. Owner. Tabor 4tM'. A G ENTL E M AX'S HOME. 11 rooms, strictly modern; hardwood floors in all rooms, steam heat, tireplace, 2 sleeping porches. garage: 11.500 so. ft. ground, paved street; walking distance to heart of city; price l2.o00. good terms. This home would cost to repro duce 2U,noo. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165H 4th st, ALL FURNTSHET. PRICE ONLY $2000. fi-room modern bungalow with 2 lots. all fenced, and has bearing fruit and berries ; completely furnished, ail goes at the very low price or 2oOO ; owner lives In the east, hence this offer. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 805 OAK ST. BROAD W A Y 4133. HOUSE BARGAIN HUNTERS. If you are look ing for a 5 or 0-room bungalow, a good modern house or a small cottage, call and see us. We have several exceptional bargains left over which we can sell on very easy terms at reduced prices. A. J DEFOREST & CO., ' 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. (75(10 VIEW HOME $75O0. A better view cannot be secured In the elty. Modern 7-room house, with splen did hot w ater heating system ;. wonder ful verandas overlooking the city and mountains. Garage; close to 23d and Washington and on hard -surface street and car line. Phone Mr. Abraham, Main 669. ON SELLWOOD Ca R LIN E. 4 -room bungalow, large living room fireplace, gas and electricity, full plumb ing, good basement, convenient to car and school. Price $2400, terms if de sired. Main 37S7. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 32. K33, 034 N. W. Bank Bldg. BRAND new Dutch colonial bungalow, 1252 E. 17th st., 5-room, cobblestone porch and fireplace, garage, hard-sur face. West Moreland district. $4500; half cash. Harry M. Huff. 1629 E. 13th si. S-ll. 161 office hours. Sell. 2958 evenings ana rumiays. bPECIAL Vacant. modern bungalow. Rose City district, improvements paid; $2'.00, cash $im0; also 6-room cottage. t-asi lum isortn; garage, iruit. Da; ment. screens. linoleum, water heater. $2 TOO; cash $900; Immediate possession. owner, evenings. i aDor o.it. COZY NEW HOME. BUILT FOR COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE1. IN BEST FART OF ROSE CITY PARK. FOR BALK 0.; TKKMS B X OWNER. TABOR 3S25. FOR SALE -By owner, a 6-room modern house with a furnace and full cement basement, on a corner lot, 50x110. fac Ing east, two blocks from the carline and on a good street. Price S2S50. $600 down, tctms on balance. Phone Tabor 7506. 6-ROOM house and lot. with bath, base ment. auto garage and chicken house. for sale. $2ooo; part down and part to suit on balance. Call at 1179 Mai don ave. Take Sellwood car and trans fer to Eastmorelaud car, between 30th and 40th. MOUNT SCOTT S2750. 57th avenue, 1 block from car. lot 50 xioo. -room bungalow in fine condi tion, concrete pavement, streets graded, garace ; place well kept. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. A FINE little home, 4 rooms and bath, completely furnished. electricity, gas, strictly modern; block and half to car. Move right in. Easy terms. 1031 E. 31st at. North. 10 -ROOM modern residence; 100x100 cor ner lot near business center St. Johns; can conveniently be converted into two f .&ts ; splendid Investment. $5500 easy terms. Owner East 7S20. 689 E. Alder. "" IRVINGTON CAR $42Oo! " S rooms, modern plumbing, full lot, half block from Irvington car; terms easy. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. SUNNYSIDE home on E. 33d close to Bel ment, $3150. one-third, cash down; very good 7-room house, none better for the money. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Week Tabor 2T1. FOR SALE ft-room modern bungalow on paved street; fireplace and furnace; terms reasonable. Call Woodlawn 0000. COMFORTABLE 7-room house, partlv fur nished; g od location: sewer paid: $1550, $1050 Qikbh. 114 E. Ninth., tiellwoou. REAL ESTATE, lor Sale Houses. IRVINGTON HOMES. 6 rooms and sleeping porch; full base ment; laundry trays and furnace; mod ern in every way; beamed ceiling in liv ing and dining rooms ; built-in buffet with mirrors. $8450; terms.. 6 rooms and sleeping porch ; 3 bed rooms and 4 large dressing rooms; large fireplace in living room paneled walls and ceiling in dining room; Dutch kitch en, white enamel finish; modern through out. $5500; exceptionally easy terms. Other Irvington homes from $5300 to $12,000. A NICE HOME. A 7-room semi-modern house In easy walking distance on East Salmon St.; $3500; good terms. A real modern 6-room home. Cheaper than rent. Sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen and English breakfast room. $4200. Terms, $1500 cash, baiance easy. A 40x100 lot with a cement basement 22x22. Rough plumbing in basement. Foundation ready to build on. Cement sidewalk. . Large garage has been con verted into a small dwelling house. $000; terms. C. E. SCOTT REALTY CO., MAIN 3333. 51 519 Chamber of Commerce dius- BL'SlXEdS DEMANDS SACR1FCE OF HOME. 75x100 corner, paved, "-rooms and re ception hall, 3 large, airy bedrooms, bath, many built-in conveniences, ce ment hnipnt and romnlete home laun dry, furnace; floored attic with three dormer windows, spacious veranda, beau tiful lawn and shrubbery and bear in g fruit ; house is double constructed throughout and is in excellent condition. Two Mnrks to car. Portland's best buy todav at $4850. $280l cash. Immediate possession. See Mr. Rhode. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 104 Fifth Street. Alain 6t69, A SUBURBAN HOME THAT'S DIFFER ENT PARK ROSE. Just outside nitv limits, near Sandy blvd. 6 rms. and sun room, all on one floor; very attractive interior; white en ameled throughout; cement basement; concrete fruit room and furnace; gas and electricity; ground 100x150 ft. On Craig road. Attractive garage. Fruit trees and herries. Price onlv $5750. half cash. J. L. HART MA N COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Alain ub. $7000 ALAMEDA HOME $7000. RICH WITH BEAUTY. If you are looking for a first-class strictlv modern and exceptionally well hnlli home here It is. Six nice large rooms, hardwood floors and white enamel throughout; good, nigli, iuii cement. Dae mfnt with Al furnace: ground 90x100 garage in keeping with house; all paved streets in and paid. Quick possession - can be had. Terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOW E & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BRAND NKiW BUNGALOW. 424 E. JESSl'P STREET. $4000 TERMS. RiY.rnnm hunealow. ad ioinlng Pled mnnt. Ktrictlv modern, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, electric fixtures, built-in dresser, mirror doors, attic piasierea, lull basement, cemented ; plenty ouin i riH - nnen tor Ins Dec Lion V to o daily , block to carlines. near Union and Ktl lingsworth; take Woodlawn car to Jes- sup street. Owner Main 8474. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $3500 cash will buy this, modern 5 room bungalow, worth $4500. Two block to Rose Citv car and on hard-surfac street, which is fully nald for. Hard wood floors, fireplace, dn. dining room with beautiful built-in but let. Dutch kitchen, bath, two good-sized bedrooms, cement basement, good furnace, . full sized lot. This is a real buy. Call Mr. Everson. Main 6t09. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Fine 8-room house; corner lot, 53x100; street liens ml paid; 2 fireplaces. hArd wood floors, sleeping porch, tile bath. Will sell this fine home for $7500 on easy terms Could not bit duplicated today for $12.ooo. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 C. of C. bldg Main 3026, AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. , I have taken'charge of the real estate department in the office of J. Bruce Goddard, 501-2 Couch bldg. It will be my business to sell you a house and lot or a suburban home or sell you out. Square deal guaranteed. AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR SERVICE. G. C. MOORE, 502 COUCH BLDG. 5-ROOM MODERN HOME. WOOD LAW N END OF CAR LINE. $24O0 $:;00 AND $25 PER MONTH. This has a small entrance hall, living room, dining room, full cabinet kitchen. two nice bedrooms with bath between ; full cement basement, corner lot. oSxlOO, nice lawn; cement sidewalks in and paid. This is a first-class buy for little money. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. A I OD E RN A LBERTA BUNGALOW. This ir just one block from car; full lot; garage and all: 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in conveniences, full cement basement; all street improve ments paid. Price $3300. $1000 cash will handle, balance easy. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE &. CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. OWNER leaving city, instructs us to sell 100x100 with choice fruit and berries. English wal nuts ; house has 6 rooms full pumbing, gas and electricity, full cement basement, large chicken run, good garage; price $3250, terms if de sired. Main 37S7. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632. 633, 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income?! We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish plans I and finance. Established ten years. Wei offer SECURITY. SERVICE, SATISFAC TION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc., contract ing architects, 924 N. W. Bank bldg. ' ROSE CIT Y LOOK" Seeing means buying move right !n; I fine modern bungalow on full east front lot: included Is a lull s t of new house hold furnishings including dishes and i fuel in cellar; price only s.n,o on terms; Rose City car io place. 395 E. 44th st. X.. or Ece J. B. Little, b.i.i Alberta st. S3000 WITH small down payment gets 5- li?': has garage, poultry house, alley in the rear, a little paint and tinting, place is easy worth $4000; all st. improvements in and paid F. L. BLANCH ARD, 519-20 Railway Exch. bldg. Mar. 829. ENGLISH COLONIAL. I-nrce corner lot: improvements all In and paid. Will sell $2500 under cost and 1 show the bills. Built two years ago. You can't beat this. Call at Laurelhurst of- f i-e 2TOU, Stark st.. or phone main li evenings Main 206. MR. DELAHUNTY. SOME IRVINGTON BUYS. H-rnnm hntise. full lot. garage. $5700, 6-room corner, cement garage, bunga low type, $i2-0; easy terms". A number of other excellent buys. F. L. BLANC HARD, 519 Railway Exch. bldg. Mar. 829. ' tAT-.n RFST BUY IN CITY $4750. Lni-Aiion. a 7-room and den, abso lutely modern, hot water heat, tapestry pap. r; vacant; it in market lor nom you'll look no farther. W. A. WRIGHT J. B. ROCK. 417 Abington Bldg Main 5983. i pvivi:tO' SACRIFICE. Vrtf miik sale, a strictly modern 7-r. and sleep, porch, oak and maple floors; located on 12th sL. walKing aistanee; f- r 10 dav special price of $uo0. WRIGHT & ROCK. 417 Abington Bldg. Main 59SS. OWNER MUST SELL. 208x132; 100x100 in berries; barn, ga and 3-room house, concrete base ment- hot and cold water, gas and elec- tricitv. on E. :9th st, only 2 blocks from I car; $2S00. and very easy terms. Call 5UJ Railway Exch. or phone Mar. S20. A FINE 4-room bungalow with bath, toi- let. hot ana COia water, iuii cuntreie basement, room ceiled m attic; lot iOx 1 2US; bearing irult trees ana roses; price i only $27oU; easy terms. .warsnau o F. L. BLANCHAK 1, 510-20 Railway Exchange. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. WRSTERX CONSTRUCTION CO.. Main 2035 or Main 4477. 021 Morgan bldg. J70U0 CLOSE IN. on Broadway, west side. 2 houses, ore 0 and one 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace, etc.; lots of room for jarage. Here is a map. Some terms. F. L. BLANCH ARD. 519-20 Railway Exch. bidg. Mar. 829. 1500 $300 cash. S25 per month, includ ing interest, buys 5-room bungalow ; tireplace. all modern, full basement, 50 by 100 lot. on East Stark st.; bungalow in flue shape; Tabor Ml. vould rent for $25. Phone n-u s a l E bv owner, 5-room modern house; Dum-i" -o. " u t fireplace, f u-l cement basement. Fox -..Pr,a.a raraite. one block from school and car line. 1352 Grand ave. N. Phone Wood Law n 15. t i vr.Ti rv rteai- omw . s nuni room in ivorv ; dining room, mahogany ; 4 large bedrooms; 2 tiled baths on second; fine grounds, double garage, $11,500 East 41. No agents. GANTENBEIN AVENUE $3100. Two 7-room houses, full basement, lots 0x100 each: will trade for 6-cylinder licht car- $17M each or both for $3100. HE N R Y W . GODDARD, 243 Stark St. $'750 BUYS $000 furnished home now renting for $45 per month; must hav $1000 quick cash. 320 Morgan bldg. 1TH ST., near Jefferson, 12 rooms and "garage, all modern convenience. . in o,uir owner. Ub($ 12th. REAL ESTATE. For Sr Houses. HERE'S A REAL HOME. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, all bullt 1ns; good plumbing; fine basement; full lot; onlv $4250; terms. ANOTHER DANDY BUY. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, music room, reception hali ; strictly modern throughout; $5500; terms. YOUNG COUPLE, SEE THIS. 4-room bungalow, built-ins, cement basement; full lot; $2350; easy terms. $3750 HOME. 7-room modern home, with extra fine lot; only $3750. Terms. B. F. POND REALTY CO., 1230 Sandy Blvd. Tabor 3825. Office Open Sundays and Evenings. ROSE CITY PARK. TERMS NOW VACANT. $750 down. 7 rms. and sleeping porch. This is not a new house, but a great big bargain; full cement basement; fur nace and fireplace ; corner lot paved streets on both sides; lot level with sidewalk; only 2 blks. to car; 4 blks. to school. Price only $3950. All im provements Paid. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20S. Branch office, 45tn aad Sandy, Tabor 29o4. HOME BUYERS, ATTENTION. . Willamette Heights Unobstructible View. $1100 buys a beautiful lot with 20 ft. of oaved st. in and Ddt : full 50x100. Owner will finance home on this lot at actual cost to purchaser of lot at si loo. We can build you beautiful bungalow, strictly mod ern, with furnace and 1 1 rep lace, for about $3000. This Is an oppor tunity of lifetime. Let us tell tell you about it. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. $8000 for a thoroughly modern house, two lots, on a corner, with plenty of shade trees. Can you beat this? It has six rooms and skeping porch, right on Montgomery drive, near Patton road and two blocks to the car ; the rooms are good-sized, with hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace. Here is something that you will be proud to own. Call Mr. Everson. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 104 Fifth Street. Main 6869. BRAND NEW NOW READY.. JUST THE FINEST FOR TWO PEOPLE. Large living room, with hat closet, good-sized bedroom with clothes closet also fine bath with toilet and lavatory. Nice cabinet kitchen with breakfast al cove just off kitchen. A fine big lot, 90x100. Everything paid, for $2450, $300 cash. "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN." SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. IX LAURELHUAST. $4750.. Modern 5-room bungalow: 3 blocks from car. Good condition. Three years old. ANOTHER ONE FOR $3750. Just east of laurelhurst on E. Everett near 60th. I have several others. See me at Laurelhurst office. 270 Hi Stark st. Main 1700; evenings East 2086. MR. DELAHUNTY. $2800 PENINSULA BUNGALOW $2800. GARAGE AND ALL. Five rooms, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, built-in bookcases; good basement; full lot: iust i block from naved street; blocks to car ; close to school. Clear of alt incumbrance. $500 cash will handle. balance easy monthly payments. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEST BUY IN IRVINGTON. $4000 takes this splendid property In Irvington. 2 blks from Broadway car. 6 rooms; large reception hall, large sleeping porch, f ul I concrete basement and of course modern plumbing, gas. lights. stationery tubs. etc. St'eets p.-i ved and paid ; never offered for sa lo before. Price only $4000. See Mr. Oli ver, with Harerove Realty Co.. 12J North 0th st. Phone Broadway 4381. BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME 10 rooms, 3 baths ; hot-water heat ; oak floors, ma hogany and enamel woodwork. Close in on car line: u nobs t rue tible full city and mountain view; $30,000. Will take, if desired, half or less in one or more small modern Irvington homes and nearly all halance like rent you would pay for a $15,000 home. Residence phone .Main 3ti!. THIS IS A SNAP. 1 U acres right on paved road at Oak Grove station. All cleared ana rencea 3-room shack, cow shed and ch icken house. For uuick sale will take $1600. $1 Orto cash or will divide. Owner has a oavment to make on a farm the firs of the year, is why this Is being sold so cheap. Stewart & Buck, uld iSorth western Bank bldg. 3-ROOM HOUSE. 100x100 $1400. 100x100 with lots of bearing fruit and berries: .t-room nouse witn city wate; and gas;, electric light in street; 3 blks. from station on Oregon electric; 6Vi rare; 'jo-minute rioe. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak st. Broadway 4133, S3T50 FIVE rooms and sleeping porch house is modern, on paved street and in Portland's best district ; fireplace, buit' In bookcases and buffet, cement base menl. furnace and laundry trays; Im provements all paid for; $1000 cash, bal. line rent. Main i n. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632. 033, 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. READY TO MOVE IN. 5-room completely furnished modern nungaiow in overiooK; bui.t-ins. lir' place, full cement basement and laundr trays ; tuil lot. Price $42oU; liberal terms. A. .T. DEFOREST & CO.. 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. BARGAIN AT $2250. 6-room two-story dwelling near Ree college; 1 block to car; bath, 2 toilets; ruil cement basement; excellently ar ranged for two 3-room apartments. Price $2250; terms $500 down, balance like rent. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. HAWTHORNE ave.'s finest and best in- vrstment now and In the future: $10,000 elegant quarter block with 3 very good residences on It. bringing good returns ; ground alone almost worth the money, as it is close in. H. H. Staub, 1027 Bel mont. Tabor 219. HOUSE HAWTHORNE DIST. ?2500. On Salmon street near 35th; 6-room house in good condition, bath, gas. lights, etc. Consider It a mighty gcd buy for this district. See Mr. Oliver, with Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 North Rth st. Phone Broadway 4381. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY PARK. Fine living room, dining room. Dutch kitchen, two bedrooms, bath, furnace. fireplace; hard surface, one ot the best bungalows to be found. Terms. - J. KUUHLNb. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. WILLAMETTE BLVD. $2550. Near Fiske. on lot 50x100. 6-room house, large hall, closets, fireplace, store room: win sen most ol me iurniture; Immediate possession. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. 6-ROOM semi-bungalow, hollow tile. gas. water, bath, not water lumace, wired for electricity. garage, fine view : 3 blocks from station : price $3000. 21 1 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland, Or. MODERN 6-room house on west side: 3 good bedrooms and Datn upstairs, living room, dining room and kitchen lower floor, with built-in conveniences. Call forenoons. 0S3 Kearney st. : exchaxgeI " 6-room house, modern ; paved street ; Improvements paid; will take lot worth $7o0 and $1000 cash, balance terms Tabor 8639. NEAR BROOKLYN CAR SHOPS. 4-room furnished bungalow, full cement basement, laundry tray and well fur nished, for only $2500; vacant, if you act J'tv- 5-ROOM. ounsaiow, one uiuca irorn Ana- hl i nrice $22.0. terms. 4-room cottage: lot S0x90: $1300. $350 cash. bal. easy terms. Phone Tabor 21Q. F. L Mitcheltree, Anabel. BY OWNER 6 rooms, sleeping porch, fire place, on car line, corner view lot. newly painted throughout; -terms. Main 2406. ex-enings Woodlawn 4 598. MODERN 7-roo-n house with sleeping p rcn, lot jw'1"'. maw casn payment and easy terms, utur gooa school. Owner 443 W . Faragut. call Wdln. 4413. GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas and esiimaiea. xj. j.. Aiijn. J4i sstark st. Office hour 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Main S3I. Res. pnone. lauor itt. $100 CASH. $2o per month buys neat 5. room tu-i"h """ sxs, elec tricity. 1 biocs: to car. Hock, 110 loth st. SOUTH POHTLA.xut.xAf B-room mod ern house, panijr mi nisaea ; garage ; on carline; $2600; terms. John Singer. cnampgr m IRVINGTON, beautiful 8-room home, all in ivory ana manocaii , oeautuui lot; ga rage; $'J0Q0. East 419. FOR SALE House and lot. 100x45, 10S6 E. lltn st. i. tww aiuw ta car. 91385. By owner. IRVINGTON HOME. DELAHUNT. EAST 1347. BY OWNER Strictly modern home, Irv ington. oak floors, cement basement, 50 ft lot: $4JQ0. E. 2377 or 722 Selling bldg PRETTY COTTAGE. $1600; trade for large house or acreage, assume differ ence. 1800 Siskiyou St., nr. 70th. R. C. car. IRVINGTON 7-room home, near 17th and Bras.ee. $55oO East 410; snap. IRVINGTON HOMES. EAST 34. 1U T. STREET. IRV. AGT. REAL ESTATE. For bale -Ho THE LAWRENCE CO. LAURELHURST. Lovely arge living room, artistic fireplace, French doors into hall, alM out into large front porch and into din ing room, with clever built-in buffet, fine den or library with built-in book cases, large bedroom, Dutch kitchen, laboratory on back porch, two most beautiful large and one medium bed room, large sleeping porch, bath, toilet, finest plumbing, large closets and al) the built-tns; oak polished floors up and down, cement basement, finest hot water heating plant, corner lot 60x100, garage, 1 block from Laurelhurst Park; all improvements paid. Really a most beautiful homey home. Price ony $11. 5O0, one-third cash, bal. easy. Could not be duplicated for less than $15,000. IRVINGTON. This most beautiful home is situate on 75x100 corner lot, one block from car and one of the finest corners Irvington and surrounded by most beau tiful and costly homes. The rooms are large, with breakfast room, den and al the bullt-lns; 4 most lovely, large bed rooms ana small sleeping porcn. unisnea attic with maid's room ; beautiful and bubbtantlal plumbing, oak polished floors down and up: finish old ivory and white 'cement basement, Al furnace, ga rage; improvements all In and paid. A most beautiful and attractive home, like new. Must be seen to be appreciated. $13,500. half cash. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. ALAMEDA DRIVE. ROSK CITY PARK: Beautiful bungalow type home; En trance hall w ith French deors to big living room; a huge sun parlor it beauty); dining- room in old ivory; well arranged kitchen; pantry; a den a real nonest den; extra-large paneled beam ceiling, huge fireplace, bookcases, closet. Upstairs. 2 bedrooms, 2 balconies, bath, a big roomy billiard room or bedroom: garage built in house, entered from hall; full deep basement; Al furnace; loOxloo ft. corner, facing south. Price $9500; street improvements all paid. Terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Branch office, 45th and Sandy. Open Sundays. LADD'S ADDITION. SWELL BUNGALOW $6150. If you. want a real bungalow of lots of class and distinction, we do want you to see this one: large living room, ex tending width of house: hardwood floors in every room; French doors between living and dining rooms, complete Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; full ce ment basement, furnace, etc., very reas onable terms. This is within walking distance of the business district. Let us how you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st., near 3d. Main 3092. Main 3516. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday. I) $1350 INCOME PROPERTY. On E. 8oth st.. facing on the Monta villa carline. Is a store building with a 5-room apartment above, white enam eled plumbing, electric lights and gas. The lot is worth $54)0 and you couldn't build the building for $2000. $100 down. balance like rent. We have over 600 pho tographs of inspected homes in our of fice for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at vour service. tKt. FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. EXTRAORDINARY OFFER ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. To avoid foreclosure this 7-room resi dence with furnace, f ire place, etc., on large grounds goes at a ridiculously low price. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark st. 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW on East 2Kth st. Has Dutch kitch en, built-in bookcase, buffet, full cement basement, laund ry trays and all modern conveniences. In-1 eluding 50x100 lot, fruit and shrub bery. Price only $2850. Easy terms. R. B. Smith, 11 21 East 24th st. No. Phone Woodlawn 3801. " $5500 STANDARD HOME. 7 rooms, large recep. hall . fine bath, pedestal washstand, special buffet, large rooms and closets. Iull basement t cement fir. and furnace. Large sle.-pin porch; white enamel finish; hdwd. floors. A splendid home, neat and clean. hard-surface st. and car line. Immediate possession. CLEVELAND-H END ERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6752. LET US SHOW YOTT THIS NICE HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. i rooms strictly modern house, closi in. in Hawthorne. All nice light room nicely furnished inside. All street (m provements in and paid but $15o. Owne Is going on ft farm and for a nuick will take $4500; $1000 cash; good termi on balance. STEWART & BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. REAL BUY. LARGE ALBERTA CORNER. Ground 90x100; abundance of good bearing fruit trees: all street improve ments paid: good 7-room house; this is close In; S. E. corner of 11th and Alberta. Look it over and drop In and see me. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SOUTH PORTLAND ON MACADAM ROAD. CORNER. $3700. This is a very good house on an ex cellent commercial corner; $1000 cash, balance like rent; no mortgage. Improve ments all in and paid. Consult A. C Ga.lbri.ith. GEO. E. ENGLEH ART CO.. Main 72fi6. 024 Henry bldg. BUNGALOWS I have several bargains In 5 and fi-room bungalows located In various parts of the city, ranging In price from $3150 to $10,000; also several fine houses at snap prices. Call and see Tne at Laurelhurst Tract Office, E. 30th and Gltsan sts. Tabor 3433. Evenings and Sunday. Tabor 5057. J. A. McC A RTY. ACRE good soil and bearing fruit trees, nearly new 5-room house, built-in book case and burfet, concrete foundation, good basement, large front porch and screened-in sleeping porch, bath, gas and electricity; price $3000, easy terms. Main JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632, 33. 34 N. W. Bank Bldg. NEAR S. P. CAR SHOPS. $1750. $150 cash, $25 monthly, buys this old-fashioned. ' well-built. 6-room plastered house, bath and toilet, elec tric lights, small basement, lot 45x100; street work all in and included In price. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Cora. Open Sundays. !200 BUYS a 6-room home finished in white enamel. 1 bedroom down, 2 up. Full 50x100 lot with hard surface st. In and included in price. This is an absolute bargain. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. GOOD 5-room bungalow on fine 100x100 lot, large garage, fruit and berries, full basement and attic, largel lying room, fireplace, buffet, bookcases; price $3700, $1000 cash, balance monthly. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632. 633, 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. ROSE CITY 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $350 ONE BLOCK SANDY ROAD. Full cement basement, fireplace, hard wood floors, beautiful lot. hard-surface all paid. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. FOR SALE BY OWNER 5-room bungalow Just being rintshed ; flrepface, Dutch kitchen; floored attic; cement basement; wash trays; corner Minnesota and Ains worth. Price $3800. $500 cash, balance terms. 1246 Minnesota ave. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." PIEDMONT $3600. 8-room house, 2 fireplaces, porches, gas and electricity, lot 100x100, 15 fruit trees: a fine buy. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St, IRVINGTON SNAP. $6000 will buy this beautiful 6-room home in Irvington; thoroughly modern. This Is under value. Phone Mr. Ever son. Main 6S69. JUST completed. 3 large rooms, full con crete basemertt, garage, at cost. $500 or late auto first payment. 1620 Wil liams. FOR SALE Owner will accept auto as first payment up to $700 on six-room bungalow. Daiance payments like rent. AC 264. Oregon ian. TTEN'TION 5-room modern : flr;- r- garage. 100x195, fruit, chicken house. Im proved street, near car; $3000, terms. Seiiwooa ;iuo. SELLWOOD home. $2300; rooms. p.as- terd house, fruit, paved street, garage $5O0 cash. Sellwood 2706. A REAL home: cement block building. lmtxivu. une lawn, snruooery. trees, ga rage. Owner leaving city. Tabor 7S43, STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow, ga rage and chicken hous: deal with own er. Phone Tabor 3962. 5-ROOM house, strictly modern: very rea sonsble. Inquire at 867 Corbett sL, evenings. REAL ESTATE. BIHT CAREY CO. A FIRM THAT LIVES UP TO HIGH STANDARD OF COURT ESY, SERVICE. EFFICIENCY AND INTEGRITY. Following are a few homes of the many good ones we have that we offer you today and any ol w men we recom- mead very strongly: $2650 ROSE CITY This bungalow has' never been lived in; 4 rooms; liv ing room 12x20 feet with hardwood floor, breakfast nook, Dutch kitch en, bedroom and bath ; electricity; interior finish white enamel; 50x 100 lot; half block to car; $1000 down, rest like rent. $3600 ROSE CITY A desirable 6-room bungalow; living room. dining room. Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms and bath; hardwood floors; fire place; gas, electricity. screens, shades and linoleum; garage ; full lot; 2 blocks to car; 5 years old; very attractive. $3j30 ROSE CITY 5-room bungalow on 40th st. : hardwood floors, fire place, laundry trays, gas and elec- . tncity; run cement casement; paved street; sewer; half block to car; well located. $4850 ROSE CITY A nice home. Re ception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, music room and den on first floor ; 3 bedrooms with bath and sleeping porch on second. Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, trays, gas and electricity. screens and linoleum ; mil cement basement; garage; full lot: 3 blocks to car; Al condition; near schools and churches. $5500 ROSE CITY This home Is ' 2 or 3 years old, is strictly modern; reception hall, living room with fireplace, dining room with built in buffet, Dutch kitchen on first floor; 2 bedrooms with sleeping porch and bath on second ; hard wood floors; full cement basement: one of the best working furnaces ever put in a home; laundry trays; paved street, cement sidewalk and sewer: 50x100 lot; solid concrete garage; half block from Sandy blvd.; no encumbrances; a pretty place, unusually well located. ; $2500 NEAR ALAMEDA PARK This will sell quickly; 5-room bungalow; living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath; gas and. elec tricity; new linoleum on floOT; full basement; full lot; 4 fruit trees'. 2 carlines; Al condition. Don't delay. $3500 A GOOD BUY In Sunnyside. near Ladd's addition; 7 rooms. 3 on first floor; 3 bedrooms up with bath and sleeping porch; macadam street; cement sidewalk and sewer; garage; 4Tixl00 lot; close In, on a carline; $500 down. $4350 SUNNYSIDE This Is a pretty home of 0 rooms; living room, din ing room, buffet, Dutch kitchen on first floor; 3 bedrooms with bath and sleeping porch on second; full cement basement, furnace, fire place, travs. linoleum, attractive lighting fixtures: hard surfaced street; cement sidewalk and, sewer; garage; Al condition; close In; 2 blocks to car. This is no dis appointment; $lo00 will handle. $7850 IRVINGTON This fs a 7-room house and a good one ; 18x22 living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; 3 bedrooms with slop ing porch and bath up; furnace, fireplace, trays, hardwood I'loors. full cement basement, gantgc and sewer. The windows ir. this home are plat1 glass; it has a n.;e sun porch ; electrical f i xtur es are very fine. The place in 0 years old, and is in Al condition. Its design. both inside and out, is very good. $3500 IN CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND Walking distariVe; 3 rooms down stairs. 3 up with bath; furnace, fireplace, trays, gas and electricity; paved street, cement sidewalk and newer; gas heater goes with place. This is close in, and a very good buy at this price. $5800 CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND v alking distance to town, to 2 grammar schools, to 1 high school, and to the famous Benson Poly technic school; a nice big 8-room house; reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen and break fast room on first floor: 4 bedrooms up with bath; full cement base ment. Fox furnace; macadam street, cement sidewalk and sewer; 4 fruit trees and hundreds of rose bushes; dining room is paneled and ceiling is beamed; living room is 18x35 feet: 4Hxio0 lot. This Place cah be bought for $looo down. 1 1 is a good buy. $6000 A CROSS FROM PENINSULA PARK Here's a bargain, a snap, a sacrifice, an investment call it what you will We do know, this: That the plHce cannot be repro duced today for less than $ll,OOU. Owner going to California and will m sell for the above price. This is one oi tne nest built homes in the city. Reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, den and toilet on first floor; 3 bedrooms with bath and toilet up; floored attic; lull DHsement. naif cement; hardwood floors throughout; fur nace, fireplace, - trays, gas, elec tricity, etc. ; garage ; this place has French plate-glass windows and porcelain lavatories: studding and rafters in this house are all 2xi's; 50 rose -bushes, all kinds of berries; OGxloo lot ; this in a very fine home, and one of the best bargains wc have. $2400 W O O D L A W N Another n-ond buy ; 7 rooms; living room, dining room, kitchen and bath on first i ior, i Dfu rooms on second floor ; full basement; fruit trees; lot equal to 40x100; owner will tint, paint. varnish and enamel the entire house on the inside to suit buyer; uo ii. $3100 WOODSTOCK Txanhoe addition 3o down ; brand new 6-room nouse; living room, dining room, kitchen and 1 bedroom on first floor; 2 bedrooms up ; full cement basement; hardwood floors; full lot; owner must sell; the one who gem cms gets a oargain. $3175 WOODSTOCK 5-room bungalow; living room, dining room with Duiiet, Kitchen, 2 bedrooms and oatn. tireplace, trays, gas and elec tncity ; bul It-In bookcases: full lot: garage; chicken house ; 1 blocks to car; overlooks East and West moreland. $2125 MT. SCOTT A cosy. neat, fine looking 4-room bungalow in A I condition; living room, dining room with buffet. Dutch kitchen, bed room and bath; gas and electricity; interior finish white enamel ; lot 50x100. The arranging of the roses and shrubberv on this place is the work of a florist. . $2400 MT. SCOTT 5-room bungalow, just off Powell Valley road; living room, dining room, kitchen. 2 bed rooms and bath; gas and elec tricity; screens, shades and lin oleum; lo fruit trees; 10-foot allev: garage; SOxloo lot. This place is in nice conuition, and is a very good buy. $3300 ADJOINING LAURELHURST. On Oregon street, near 30th. on a full lot, is a very substantial 6-room mod ern home. This house could not be built today for $4000. Can be handled on easy terms. We have over 600 photographs of Inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your serx-lce. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. GET YOUR MONET READY. You cannot help from buying this If you are looking for property of this kind. Corner 97x137. abundance of good bear ing fruit trees; good 7-room house; pax'ed street: clear of all incumbrance. N. E. corner of 3Sth and Hawthorne. This is a fine building site for garage or anart ment hoVise. Come in and make me an offer. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632. 633. 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. Cosy little 4-room home, good condi tion and Immediate- possession, nice bath, water, gas and electricity, lawn and walk, 1 block to car and school ; $1100, $3oo cash. bal. monthly. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632. 633. 634 N. W. Bank Bid g. NEAR KENTON CAR. $2000. $400 cash, balance $20 monthly and interest; no mortgage; nice 5-room bun galow, almost new, 50x100 lot: full base ment. Cloe to school. Consult A. C. Galbraith. GEO. E. ENGLEH ART CO.. Main 7266. 624 Henry bldg. $23,500 BUYS a 7-room home on corner lot feoxlOO. near Franklin high. Only 1 block to car. Fruit, roses and shrubbery. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bidg. Main 105M. PORTABLE house and garage for sale. Tabor S4a2. i RVINGTO N Best home. AlcDonelL SEAL ESTATE. For Sale Ho $1850 l-rm bungalow, partly modern. furnished. Lot looxloO in ber ries and garden; fairly good house, chicken bouses. 25 H $2400 5-rm bungalow modern; lot 50x 100 ; good basement, apple tree. Good terms. t4 H $3000- 4 -room house in Park Rose; rms large, ground 200x100 ft. ; good chicken house and good barn. A nice suburban home. $boo down, bal. in monthly payments like rent. 17 H $3350 5-rm. bouse Hawthorne dlst. partly modern, full cement base ment with wash trays; lot 3sxluo. 29 H $3800 5-rm bungalow, bath and toilet, lot 40x114. chicken yard and gar den fenced. Laundry trays, wood lift. street improvements in. $1500. mtg. 5 yrs. at 7 per cent, monthly payment on balance. 51 H $4500 7-rm. house ; closets, bath and pantry. 3 porches. All celled and Dlusttrt-d. concrete formation. dry basement, apple trees, cher ries and berries. Sewer, side walk all In and paid for; free from all incumbrance. 57 H. ir.Trto T.rm hmtM. strictly modern. PnnianH H-ifrhtM. House in fine condition, newly painted. $looO rinun tint. x.;o oer month and int. 6 oer cent. No Incumbrance. A swell place and a good buy. rrt H XrtSOG -room. strictly modern. lot 50x100. Irvington dist. A modern home. Mtg. for $200 tan run indefinitely. $2500 cash, bal. on good terms. R4 H T.-.nn T.rrn ail modern, well built and in good condition; a nice billiard room, sood billiard table, new law n. rosea, new sidewalks. 2 H $11,000 Big 6-rm. house with a finished attic and basement; ground 100x140; a beautiful apartment House; a -1 new ncus F""1" i...t installed cost S100O. New- garage. $4000 down, balance good terms. hi H S 30 000 A handsome home in the best part of Portland's exclusive set i .mom hmisf. thoroughly mod em; 3 bath rooms. 2 with shower; 5 lavatories. A very solenditi banuuet room. Decorat etl bv New York decorators. fireplaces. 2 down staixs, 2 up stairs. A home that is rarely itiLw. ri rn th market. Ow ne: jlnne. therefore wants to seil Will trade a or 1-3 Interes' tAf a nmMllor home, or will sni unfurnished for $25,000. $10,000 t 15. boo can remain on mtg t not rnni A r run gem en tb ca be made for monthly payments if desired. We have many more. NOR D HA M PTON CO.. 401 Stock Exchange Bldg. Mai n S245. TT 4 WTHORXE BUNGALOW. Strictly modern 6-room bungalow, close in. near Hawthorne ave., hard anoH flnnrn ftreolnce. beautiful buil in hnfft L' nlce bedrooms, large bath room, verv large Dutch kitchen, all on flrnt flnor. with one finished room 1 attic, and you can make two additiona rooms, also in attic, lull cement, was ment with laundry trays and furnac This house is double constructed hum ihrnnirhmit On oaved stree' all Improvements in and paid for. Price $425o, $050 cash, bain nee $- Pr mont in.-iii.iinc it tor font interest and hous will easily rent for $40 per month. Good investment if you do not care to ii 1n it. For particulars see E. M. PAD DEN, sales manager. METZGER-PARKER-FERGUSON CO.. Ground floor, SO 2 Oak Street. Bdwv. 3644. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. $6500 DISTINCTIVE ROSE CITY HOME. This is a real home, unusually well built, best of material, superior work manship. hardwood floors throughout, woodwork nil in white enamel, large liv ing room 14x25, large cheery fireplace, built-in bookcases, French doors lead into sun parlor, very attractive psneiea dining room with massive built-in buf fet, full white Dutch kitchen, has every built-in convenience ; breakfast room, 4 light airy bedrooms, sleeping porch, best white enameled plumbing fixtures, full cement basement with fur na.ee and launriYv trays. NOxlOO lot. lo cated on E. 57th st, 2 blks from Rose Citv car: can arrange terms. We have over 6o0 photographs of inspected homes I in our office for .sale. 12 experienced , salesmen with autos at your service, i SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY TOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 10f8. Office Open Evenings and ,Sund;i;s. JUST EAST OF LAURELHURST. $2050. Cosy 5-room bungalow, newly painted and kalsomined. living room has fire place that does not smoke, dining room has solid paneled walls, with plate rail; 2 large airy bedrooms hath between, convenient kitchen, floored attic, cement basemertt. concrete foundation, laundry travs. 50xlOO corner lot: abundance of roses and shrubbery, children's play house, garage, improved streets, some street Improvements to assume. Can ar range terms. For particulars see E. M. PADDEN. SALES MANAGER. METZGER-PARKER-FERGUSON CO.. Ground floor. 3o2 Oak Street. Bdwy. 3044. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. $ 30 50 REAL PENINSULA BUNGALOW One block from St. Johns car. on Vashfnn street, fs an unusually attrac tlv tvnlcal bungalow with large front porch "extending full width of house. minnorted bv heavy stone columns inrs living room, nretty dining room : beamed ceiling, built-in buffet, laree stone fireplace ; all woodwork in old lvorv. convenient Dutch kitchen, screened-in back porch; 3 light, airy bedrooms, with sleeping porch ; full re ment basement, hot water heating sys tern, laundry trays. Can arrange terms. w hn v-p over BOO photographs or in snected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Ruv Your Home, Abington Building. Main 10IR. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $9500. Splendid investment en close-in east side property, one double flat arid 6-room semi-modern, cottage, income $105 per month : would easily stand an advance in rent up to $120 per month. Terms. $2500 cash, balance suitable terms. Wiii take small home in exchange as part payment. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. $3700 -WALKING DISTANCE. On F 18th streeL near Burnside. is vrv substantial, modern, double-con structed 6-room house; full cement base ment. laundry trays, large, ngnt, uir; rooms: white enamel plumbllng. electri lights and gas. You couldn't build th house for 4O00. $500 will handle. have over 600 photographs of inspected homes in our 01 lice ior saie. ii: expe rienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home, Abington Building. Main 100S. Office Open Ex-enings and Sundays. FURNISHED BUNGALOW GARAGE WEST SLOPE MOUNT TABOR. Modern 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Sealed attic; living-room 28 ft. long; full cement basement ; furnace; lot 50x135; fruit trees, garage, all st. Imp. In and paid; $1206 worth of new high grade furniture and Wilton rugs. A beautiful home, ready to move into. Price $5375; about cash required. CLE VEL AND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6752. CHARMING LAURELHURST HOME. Owner moving to country offers, for 1st time, his delightful 2-story 8-room home with garage for $0oo: strictly modem and right up to minute, old ivorv finish, den. 4 big. square bed rooms, lots of plate glass, fine oak floors, just painted and decorated, nice varu. located near car and park In be; section; terms. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 4u7. SPLENDID 6-room home. Irx'ingtonr choice oak floors throughout; fine location; ga rage: $ii.".O0. Magnificent 7-room home, Irvington garage : $65o0. Excellent 8-room home, Irvington: wa terproof basement; mahogany living, oak dining, sun room, oak floors throughout. 5 bedrooms, sleeping porch. 2 baths, lot 60x100; best location. Owner. East 273 W. H. Herdman. BRAZEE ST., NICE LOCATION. Five rooms and sleeping porch; strictly modern except hardwood floors, but has good finished fir floor. 50x100 lot: nice lawn and shrubbery; paved streets in and paid; Just X block from car. Price $45oo; terms. WARRINER. -RITTER. LOW E & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NICE California bungalow . 3 rooms and bath, garage, roses, small fruit trees; completely furnished. Price ?2ioO; $1mmj cash, balance at 6 per ctDL fcuone Ta bor 66U3. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. THE LAWRENCE CO. OFFER WAVER LY HEIGHTS. Real nice tt-room home, on East S2d. near Richmond car; improvements ail in and paid; $;KHH, $hho cash. EAST MADISON. Large 7-room hsune, modern fireplace, furnace, 5oxl(KI Iflt, improx ements all In and paid; 14500. $looo cash. EAST ANKENY. Large 7-room home, block off An keny car. improvements in and paid; vu, ooo cash. HAWTHORNE. Beautiful new bungalow, oak floors, fireplace, all the built-ins, old ivory fin ish, breakfast nook, improvements all in and paid; move in Dec 10th; $44oO, $12oo cash. ST. JOHNS CAR. 4-room bungaloxv. large room?, two real nice home 'and a bargain; $24ou, Mortgage foreclosure, irvington. A splendid 6-room bungalow on 15th street North, on looxlOO lot, overlook ing Irvington. on paved street and car line, all improvements paid ; has been newly shingled, tinted and painted throughout; nice fruit and beautiful view lot. This is a fine, clean home and remarkable buy; $3000, very reasonable. Buy now and move right in. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 915. $;i5oo. UNPARALLELED HOME BARGAIN. This is one of the big Rest bargains we nave had in the office for a long time. On a 77xlOO corner lot. just east of Piedmont, is a 6-room very distinctive modern home, built-in massive lines, large porch extends full width of hou-e. There is a full cement basement w ith hot water heating system. Practically new carpets in the reception hall, living room and dining room, which could not be replaced for $5oo. but are included in the price. This large lot is worth $1000 and you could not build the house for $-4500. Abundance of fruit, berries and shrubs. Terms very easily arranged. We have over 600 photographs of in spected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO HIT YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $350 LADD'S ADDITION $tiH50. Close to the park is a moderji home of hall, lix-ing room with fireplace, built in bookcases, plate Klass windows, rIhss doors between lix-ing room and dining room; built-in buffet with mirror doors. Beamed ceiling, oak floors, kitchen has maple floors, laundry room with white enamel trays, choice w hite enameled sink, handy pan try. second floor 2 bed rooms, larpe bat h room, sleeping porch, full cement basement, plastered fruit room, fine lawn, ruses, shrubbery, fruit trees and berries, ail improvements in and paid. For particulars see E. M. PADDEN. SALKS MANAGER. f METZGER-PARKER-FERGUSON CO.. Ground floor, Ii"'2 Oak Street. Tidwy. o644. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. PRICE $!5O0. MORTGAGE $:i(MiO AT 7rr. 2 YEARS. CITY LIENS $120.01, BONDED. 1 am instructed to offer at a sacri fice price until JANTARY 1st a BEAU TIFUL BUNGALOW IN L A I ' R E L - HI RST. consisting of 7 rooms and stet ins porch. Selected hardwood floors, elegant fireplace, furnace, built-in hut- let. WHITK KNAMEL FINISH THROUGHOUT. Redecorated. CLEAN. 2 Mocks to car, 4 blocks to CITY PARK. $35iiO cash. SEE THIS HOME AT ONCE AND BUY IT. G. G. ROHRER. RENTAL REALTOR, 301 PANAMA BUILDING. $24O0 UNPA R ALLELE I PENINSULA BUNGALOW. This is truly a very artistically de signed bungalow; 4 ligb-t airy rooms; large lix-ing room with -oxre ceiling: sol id pa neled dining room, leaded gla ss buffet, whit" J Mitch, kitchen and bed room; electric lights and gas, good ce ment basement. 2 blocks from the car and Peninsula school ; verv easy terms ; house like new. If you see this you will buy it. We have over firtO photo gra phs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 1 2 ex peri e need sa lesmen with autos at vour service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main loos. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. CLOSE TO MULTNOMAH CLUB. REAL SACRIFICED Here is a large corner lot 52 x 1 00 and two good houses in short walking d is tan co on west side. one - room house, the other 11 rooms, with full cement basement, furnace, fireplace paved sts clear of a 1 1 incumbrance. The whole thing for $ 50 on . The lot a i o n e is worth much moro. Immediate possession can re had. r.asx terms. . A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NEAR TERWILLIGER BOULEVARD. LEVEL LOT. lOOxloo. Good n-room house, fine fruit, one of the best view lots in Portland : only $.ioo, Siuoo cash, balance JJ. and intr est. 6 per cent monthly ; no mort ga go Improvements all in and paid for. Con suit A. C. Galbrait h. GEO. E. ENGLEH ART CO.. Main 7206. 024 Henry bldg. $42UO LET us show you this bungalow b rooms and bath llrst Hour; targe floored attic up. Hdwd. Honrs in 3 rooms; fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen. r ull cment basemt wash trays. Paved st included in price. Terms. .1. A. WICKMAN CO., :4 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main loi4 WEST PIEDMONT. $301)0 NOW VACANT $3000. Well built 8-room house ; full corne lot: close to car. school and stores: hand to Piedmont car barns-. M ove rich t Terms. Watch our ads. e get results. . A. WAR Kl NER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST $0500. 7-room bunwaloxv ith furnace, fire place, extra good light fixtures; finished in mahogany and white ivory, paper tastefully blending with finish; streets paved, cement walks, laundry .and fruit rooms ; terms. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark st. W ESTOV ER HO M E EXCH A N J E . Owner of choice 2-story 7-room house wfth sleeping porch. hot water heat, garage, unobstructed view of entire city and mountains, price $ 15,nn0. will take in xvell-locate.l modern -room east side house to $7500, bal. mtg. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 4t7. UNION-AVE. INCOME. Nice storeroom on first floor. 4-room modern flat above, wit h fireplace up sta irs ; st reet p'ax'ed, all paid. Price $4uoO; now rented for 40 month. McGUIRE & ItElLS. 545 Union ave. N. East 54 o7. DANDY brick bungalow, fine Irvington corner, hot water heat, double plumbing hardwood floors, two fireplaces, full ce ment basement, built for a home and everything of the best; leaving for Cali fornia; price $7u00, owner. BF 301. Ore gonian. FOR SALE Hy owner, modern .i-mom bungalow. 5 blocks to car. sood locuti house in good condition, built-in features. f Ui 1 cement basemen t : large attic; ga rage, $200; would consider used car. lo or good furniture as part of first pay ment. Phone Tabor 25.V.I. $1110 $4oo CASH, bal. monthly. 4-room cottage, lix-ing room, kitchen, 2 bed rooms, full plumbing, gas and elec tricity, full basement. Main 3 JOHN S N - Do D SO N CO.. , 33. 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. 63: WILLIAMS AVENUE $35oo. 6-room house in good condition, on lot 50x100; gas and electricity, streets paved, no Incumbrance; $1000 will han dle, rest une rent. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. FOR SALE B" owner, doubie constructed electricity, gas. sewer. 2 toilete. large attic, full basement; Insured for $:jui' orice $2;MJ0, if $llo0 cash. Call Saturd evening or Monday, or after, 176 E. 74th st. N. Tabor 536. 6-ROOM colonial home, large lot, fruit and berries. pav-d st.; to exchange Tor 10 acres close in. A fine 5-room bungalow. Hawthorne district. If you see it you will want it. J. J- Fisher. Tabor 3531. FOR SALE By owner, modern 6-room bungalow, newly painted. and tinted. 1 blocks to car; cement walks in; Viicant, $240o; some terms. Phone Tabor 2550. FOR SALE 5-room house, 3 blocks north of Woodstock car. near school, loiixlut! lot. $2250; $5O0 down. 57o5 50 th sL Sellwood 2453. FOR SALE S-room home. 2 toilets J baths, Siceping porch ; can be converted into fiats at small cost, see owner. Taooi bo" a. WILL sell 5-room cottage, fine condition, modern conveniences, full-size corner lot. all citv improvements made, close in, $2375. Phone Main 9323. Monday. FOR SALE AT ONCE Lot 62xlOO. with 2 houses, good location for any kind of business. 470 and 472 Union avenue N inquire 133 Grand ave. A HOME in a live Willamette valley town. ' good pay roll, for sale or exci vestigate. Hartman. 575 Poxi well. FOR SALE 5-room house and 50x100 lot with fruit, cheap and easy terms. 6117 47th ht., !! week. DANDY modern 4-room bungalow, 'OOU. 1147 Eabt Jiat North. Alberta car. REAL ESTATE. lnr Sale -House. $5775 DISTINCTIVE COLONIAL BUNGALOW. In the choicest part of the Hawthorne district on an extra large lot, facing a paved street wih liens paid in full; is a beautiful typical colonial bungalow; wide porch extends width of house; massive concrete columns, covered with vines, give this pretty bungalow very m pleasing exterior appearance; large liv ing room wiht f irepiace and built-in bookcases; large den ; very pretty solid paneled dining room with masslvs leaded g!ass built-in buffet and window seats; inlaid hardwood floors; full Dutch kitchen; 2 light, airy bedrooms; best white porcelain pluming fixtures; full cement basement; furnace and laundry trays; unusually convenient floor plan; house in A-l condition; like new; very pretty lawn with abundance of bearinc fruit, flowers and shurbs. We have over oo photographs of Inspected homes in our oiiice for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home, Abington Ttullding. Main 103. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. CHARM. COMFORT AND CLASS. AM combined in this HOT-WATER HEATED LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 7 well-arranged rooms an one floor and beautifully finished in old ivory; every modern feature to make a home. The lot is extra large, finely lands scaped and located In the best part ot Laurelhurst. near the park. The ga mp has concrete walls and floor and harmonizes with house. A home that you will be delighted with and worth more than the price, $7500, terms. For appointment to view call. MacINNES PRATT. Main :t or Tabor Stiia Sunday. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. $3250 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. On E. 45th street, on a corner lot with pavement all in and paid for except $ UKi. is an attractive fi-room typical bungalow: Ii-ing room with fireplace, solid panaled dining room with plate rail and built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement with laundry trays. 2 light airy bedrooms. white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas: the lot alone is worth $1000 and you couldn't build the house for the price asked; newly tinted : vacant : immediate pos session : easy terns. We have ox-er 600 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Piix- Your Home, Abington Building. Main lOS. Office Open Even ingrt and Sundays. INDUSTRIAL CENTER. PORTLAND'S GOING AFTER NEW FACTORIES GETS 3 NEW ONES. 4 modern bungaloxvs, every one a real home, locations right; prices $2400 to S;immi. only $300 to $S0O cash, balance like rent. 1 small houses. Targe lots, $750 to $15o0: $ 1 50 to $300 cash, $ 1 2 to $ 1 5 per month. 3 brand new 3 and 4-room houses, on terms that you can buy. Get one of our cheap lots, $10 down and $10 per month, and let me build vou a little house. A. C. McDonald, 29(5 W. ltnibard st. Woodlawn 0273. Office open Sundays and evenings. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM, makes home buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 600 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in their respective districts with full d escript ion. Kvery home has been ap pruiseii by an expert appraiser. Some remarkable hurgams. Th t is why we o!(i over Roo homes since January 1 this year. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at x'our servir. FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home, Abington Building. Main 10't. Office open Evenings and Sundays. 5-ROOM ROSE CITT bun gaioxv, modern ; has built-in china closet, " 2 large bedrooms, hall, attic, full basement, on 50x100 lot, with plenty of room for ga race; within 2 blocks of car. Price $2f.oM. $ioo cash, $25 a month. E. N. Royal. 655 East 75th st. Pacific telephone, C 1832. FOUND A REAL IRVINGTON SNAP. First time offered for sale, handsome 2 -story 7-room residence located on B. 21st st. N.. near Thompson; nice en trance hall. large living and dining rooms, den. convenient kitchen. 3 well ventilated bedrooms and large sleeping porch, beautiful hardwood floors and fixtures, full cement basement. im proved yard, trees, room for garage; price. $ihm)o. Is aw-ay below market xqlue; terms. R. H. Torrey. Tabor 4Q7. ABUNDANCE OF FRUIT. LARGE GROUNDS AND HOUSE. Eitht rooms and bath; ground 100x100; about 2o good bearnig fruit trees, berries and shrubbery. Clear of all Incumbrances. Noxv vacant. $500 cash will take posses sion; balance easy monthty payments. Peninsula district. Close to car, school and stores. r A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. STORY AND HALF. ON CORNER. $2600. $5oo cash, balance $20 monthly and interest; no mortgage; near Interstate and Killing." worth ave., very good porch, living room, dining room, fine kitchen, full basement, fine back porch, good plumbing and bathroom. 3 bedrooms. $5m cash. $20 monthly; house is now rented for $20. Consult A. C. Galbralth- GEO. E. ENGLE H ART CO., Main 7206. , 624 Henry bldg. IR V I NGTON. 1 0-room house and garage with loox 100 lot. Can be bought for $4ooo less than house original y cost. Large living and dining room, kitchen, punt TV anil den on first floor, 6 bedrooms and bath on second floor; large full sized attic and full basement; good furnace; first floor ivory finish and hardwood floors; second floor stained fir. Thl? is the best buv in the district for $lOo0. Terms to suit. See Atchison, 204 Henry bldg. A SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW. $jtioit- ONLY $40O CASH. A homelike bungalow of 5 pleasant rooms. 2 bedrooms with bath between; full cement basement. Improvements all In and paid for and delightfully located near Laurelhurst Park; just the piece for the little ones Low priced at $2600, $4O0 cash and $35 per month. CALL TABOR 8019. ARTISTIC BEAUMONT BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and den, large lix-ing room, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, furnace, ce ment basement, full attic, garage. SOx loo lot. paved street; price $4550, $1KOO cash, includes piano and range. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632, 633. 034 N. W. Bank Bldg. HoLLADA Y S ADDITION $16,000. Well appointed residence on 100x100 corner. 5 bedrooms and two baths on 2-1 floor, finished 3d floor, large porches, well- constructed, fine shrubbery; can nuike terms if desired. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark st. IRVINGTON HOME EXCHANGE. Owner of classy 7-room bungalow with 4 bedrooms, si. pch.. garage, 2 baths. 75xloo lot. in best section, near car. will take in modern well-located 5 room bungalow, bal. easy terms. R. H. Torrey. Tabor 4Q7. """CLOSE-IN WALKING .DISTANCE. 5-room house, bath, electric lights, full basement and winter's wood. Will sell house, wood, furniture and all for $27oo Easy terms. Will rent readily for $35. First come, first served. Will iams. 403-4 Stock Exchange bldg. " W ROOMS. 75x125 LOT. New modern bungalow on 75x125 lot. 2 blocks of Woodlawn car. Price $2500; $70O cash. bal. 7 per cent. McGUIRE & REILS. 545 Union ave. N. East 5407. $3000 $500 CASH, bal. monthy. Cosy fi room bungalow, built-in features, fire place, full cement basement, nice lot. Mam 37S7. JOHNSON-DODSON CO . 632 . 633 . 634 N. W. Bank "Bldg. ROSE CITY. $3S50. 5-room bungalow, full cement basement. large attic, fireplace, hard wood floors, etc. ; improvements (n and paid; now vacant, near car. on 40th sL Phone owner. Marshall S35. $5oo0 BUYS bungalow of 5 rooms and breakfast room. Hdwd. floors throughout; furnace, fireplace. New and attractlxe. Oarage. Paved st. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Biug. Main 1094. WEST SIDE HOME. 7-room house : must be sold to close an estate. Mar. 6013. $6500. $5O0 cash, balance to suit on brand new bungalow, east front, modern in every respect; best section of Rose City Parl'- MAIN 8337. $lo5o BUYS 2-tore building. 50x100 lot, in Ilrentxvood : $2.V cash. Small store. 40 ion lot: $625: $2i0 cash. Lot 174x100. $4 25 cash. Fred Spear, Tabor 5SS7. BF UTIFUL S-room Arlington Heights residence. $7500; completed in 2 weeks. S V.'.K. Oregon! an. 8-ROOM house. 425 East Couch st ; heated, hot water, cash $5rtoo. Will sell on easy terms at $43oo. See it.