The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 16, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 44

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r. - .-w - r vm- DC 1 YTF.R Kf?TED
system of shorthand that you could
learn in from au to w ott".
your spare time to the work.
Such a Bvutem has been evolved by
Professor Williams after 25 years 01
tudy; it contains position, double cure
and connective vowel. Will be glad to
demonstrate it at our office. we can
teach you at home. If you are now in
position vou can hold your position
and earn promotion. A bookkeeper can
learn shorthand and obtain a better
salary. People In clerical work can se
cure advancement in two or three
months. If you write shorthand now we
shall be pleal to demonstrate to you.
If you have had shorthand and do not
write it you can learn this system In
less time than you can review your old
system. This course is now oeinB Po
lished in colored plates and placed up
in loose leaf binders. The binder con
tains the practice paper, as well as the
course. The shorthand is one side or
the page and the instruction and tran
scripts on the opposite page. This
makes it easy for someone to read to
you while you write the forms. The
shorthand is right before you. You have
your teacher at your elbow. In a sur
prisingly quick time you are writing
bhorthand. There can be no question ot
Its value to a wide range of people.
Further particulars of this system will
be promptly furnished you on request
Write, phone or call
605-6 Panama Bldg.
Portland, Or.
Phone Main 8157
If so, learn the auto and tractor busi
ness and earn from $100 to $300 a
month. Southern California offers ex
ceptional opportunities whi'e ami alter
learning, high salaries, ideal working
conditions, fine year-round climate: no
previous experience necessary. Learn in
shon lime l he National Way. Expert
instructors, new, complete mechanica!
and electrical equipment including
Phi- kard l win . Choi I lac S. i
Knight, etc. No age limit. Earn board
and room while learning. Cono success
ful graduates GUARANTEE YOLR
success. .
15 Years In Los Angeles at 81 S
Figuero. Write today for Free Catalog.
LLMtllCli shipping clerk or yard loreman
wisiilng to set in touch with Arm han
nlitii; ion to 150 feet lumber daily. D
805. Oregonian.
BLACKSMITH and horscshoer wants po
sition in out-of-town shop; can do any
Kind of general work. Write box 83,
Tigard. Or.
BXi'BRIENCED married chauffeur and
mechanic will Consider either city or
out-of-town work ; good references. P
775, Oregonian.
SALESMAN, 20 years experience, familiar
all lines merchandise, successful, wants
good connections immediately. AK 700,
O re g o n i a n. .
JANITOR, man and wife, thoroughly ex
perienced; apartment house or hotel
Can take full charge if desired. T 35U,
EXPERIENCED hardware salesman
wishes position with reliable business
house, city or country; best references.
J. C. 710 Love joy St., city.
C, K F ENTER, finisher. first-class man,
active and able, knows how. good on re
pairs; can bring steel mitre box on job;
contractor preferred. Broadway 716.
SUPERINTENDENT desires position, re
liable, trustworthy man. capable of han
dling big proposition employing a large
number of men. W 76.V Oregonian.
MAN who understands concrete work de
sires position with growing concern. T
uliti, Oregonian.
CHINESE high school boy wants work
afternoons in business concern. S 4oO,
EXPERIENCED man wants position as
salesman ; good references. G. J . Arm-son.
471! Main st. Marshall 1606.
CEMENT work of ail kinds, houses raised
and basements enlarged." Main 2406.
Askfor Landolf.
WANTED Position as watchman or
janitor; references. Call Wdln. 5010.
I . N. Mille s.
"WANTED Job as night watch by elderly
man ; have had experience. Can give
reference. Phone E 621S.
YOUNG man going to high school needs
work after school and Saturdays; has
bicycle. AN 94.1, Oregonian.
AN ALL-AROUND creamery man wishes
steady place; also engineer. Can
repair own machines. Phone Col. 705.
YOUNG man wants night work in garage;
good rear-end ma,n and fair trouble
shooter. S 3 (IS. Oregonian.
CARPENTER. good mechanic,
work ; a Iterations and repairs;
able. Wilson. VL'As N. I'd.
WOULD like to get In toucli with parties
wishing to buiid or having carpenter
work to do. Tabor SI .11.
CLERIC A L. in wholesale house ; credit or
sales department preferred ; references
and experience. AK 767, Orgonian.
POSITION Packer, stock clerk, shipping
clerk or salesman; experienced and ref
erences. W 76-, Oregonian.
I want a job hauiing with my truck.
What have you? Phone East 5177.
MIDDLE-AGED man as handy man
around country place: can milk and do
garden work. ' A L 66.1. Oregonian.
FI RST-CLASS combination plumber and
tinner wants permanent position: state
wages. Address AV S55, Oregonian.
EXPERT oaintlng, tinting, enameling, and
paper banging done very cheaply. Ta-
MIDDLE-AGED man as choreman ; good
disposition and good worker ; private
place preferred. V 177, Oregonian.
CARPENTER wants repair
carpenter work ; prices
or general
Phone Tabor -J34.V
"W A NT ED Position by middle-aged man
of any kind; handy around house. AK
73'J, Oregonian.
YOUNG man attending business school
wants place to work for board. S 36J,
ft ANTED By intelligent, handy man.
uh for Saturdays and evenings. T-376,
i - cnlan.
TRi'CivlNG contracts wanted for wood, lumber, etc., local or out of town.
'all Tabor M71,
Y iSH any Inside work ; second baker or
heiper ; state wages; country preterrea.
'J Od i Washington, room 15.
YOUNG married man. mechanically in
clined, wants night work ; garage pre
ferred. Phone Marshall 3591.
BOY 1 6 wishes place to work where he
can finish school. Tabor 8736 or R 10S,
"WANTED Place as janitor In good hotel
or apt. house; experience and A-l refer
ences. Box 105. Phone Main 4430.
GERM AN-AMERICAN, 60, active, reliable,
wants light indoor work tor light wages
F. T.. 3tifi Front.
MACHINIST wants place as asst. en
gineer or fireman : oil burner preferred.
''hone Marshall 4'JSJ, room 11.
MILL superintendent wishes position with
u Rood reliable lumber firm. E ;;.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper will keep your
books in A-No. 1 order; moderate salary,
t'.ast 50:'..
Al'TO REPAIR SHOP A-t mechanic, hon
est work. Engine ignition wearing worn
speoiii Ity M d Sha ver. Wl. lt.
HR1'K contractor. Estimates Riven on all
kinds of brick work. E. a;i57.
WOl'l.D like work as janitor or firing or
team work. Bdwy. 'J5i'4. room W.
l"N with .family wants work at once;
handy at anything. Phone A lt;;i.
UNION meat cutter wants good job. 4I25tj
Powell Valley roud.
POSITION wanted by A I meat cutter, out
of cit AO 64. Oregonian.
REG 1ST ER ED pharmacist w ants relief
work or steady position. lu!5 E. 3tth N.
dan. Wdln. IMi-.
apprentice, electri-
W ANTED Cord wood to cut on contract.
AN 04. Oregonian.
WANT work for 3l-.--ton truck. Also 4
teams. Call East 45t'..
PAPERH ANGING. painting and tinting;
good w ork ; right prices. Marshall 24i3.
ENGINEER and machinist wants position.
Phone Marshall AMW.
TEM work or hauling contract. Mar-
shall 4lW.
MIDDLE-AGED man wants janitor work;
references. S 357, Oregonian.
Toi'NG man wants few- hours .work even
ings. X Oregonian.
W .TED Hauling. f"r new 3-ton Day
Elder truck. Main 1571.
W1..1. inv est :b0 .o .vm with senics.
What have you ? Phone East 541 s.
ALL-AROUND baker wants steadv work.'
J. H . Wo 'if. J0'-ta Cherry st. 4!n.
or cook job.
d by J:i panesc ;
37J, Oregonian,
EXPERIENCED printer capable of han
dling any department or taking ent-re
charge of mechanical end. good operator,
wants situation where interest might be
secured by payment of J2UO down and
balance in monthly payments. Address
. AL 6S3, Oregon ian.
GROCERY specialty salesman wants work
on commission basis. O 139, Oregonian.
foreman or would take contract by the ( w
thousand; long experience in the nani.
ling of !ogs in water; wife would cook
for few men; best of references. Box
542, Raymond. Wash.
If you are looking for a truck owner to
haul logs or lumber, write us and we
will publish free a notice where It will
be read by the men you want to reacn.
The Timberman, Portland, Oregon.
EX-MERCHANT, married, 25 years' ex
perience general merchandise lines, de
sires position In wholesale or retail
house; any respectable offer conslaered;
references gladly given. Address C. A,
B.. 2iH East 40th. .city. ,
I HAVE a good 1-ton Buick truck. What
have vou to haul bv the hour, day or
month? Prices are right; satisfaction J
guaranteed. Phone Broadway 3-3 J. ask
for Mr. Tally.
TWO young men seek positions, auto
driving, repair ehop. or any kind of em
ployment. We want an opportunity to
show what we can do; references. Phone
East 7445.
BA K E R A i J -a round man . we 1 1 posted on
bread: knows how to work on machinery,
desires stead v position in or out of town.
Phone W 6054 or write AK 7-'0, Orego
nian. RESPECTABLE man and wife wishes po
sition, hotel, apt. housekeeper, clerk,
elevator man. janitor or small camp
cooks. A K 757, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED steam engine man wants
inside job for winter: handy with any
kind of tools ; state wages and particu
lars. A M 61.1. Oregon la n.
EXPERIENCED tire " man wants jab in
tire shop or would likj to learn top and
trimming; handy with any kind of tools.
AM liI4. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 21, desires steady Inside po
sition with prospects for future; office
or shipping department preferred. E
103. Oregonian.
LO W BASS singer wishes to join male
quartet. Rehearse for 1020 campaign ;
range two octaves below "C." Earl E.
Fisher, Beaverton, Or.
STKADV, rei iable. married man.
warden work, odd iobs around the home; t
anything; moderate wages. What have
you ? Bdwy. 4;4, ask for Rosa.
BUTCHER, expert meat cutter, wants po
gitiou in or out of city ; best of refer
ences, covering 10 years operations. A V
834, Oregonian.
STEADY., reliable married man wishes
work; mechanical and selling experi
ence; no objections to leaving city. 106
Cook ave.
YOUNG man, experienced in driving car
also have had experience in garage,
will accept any decent work. Phone
Main 8033. Lowell Peairs.
MAN and wife want first-class apt. or
place In private family. experienced
cook and housekeeper. BC -57. Ore
gonian. ALL-AROUND handy, middle-aged man of
good appearance and aduress. wants
work; best of references. Bdwy. 3203,
room 3.
MARRIED Swiss, practical, ex perienced
farmer, wants to take change of a farm
the nest month. Box 33 A, route A,
G res ham. Or.
WANTED By married man. position as
shipping or receiving clerk or warehouse
man; ten years' experience, first-class
reterences. AK 726, Oregonian.
WUK K wanted after school and Saturdays
by high school student; experienced Eord
driver. Stanley Robinson, losi East
Lincoln st. Phone Tabor 6317
YOUNG married man wants work in ga
rage as helper, floor man or night man;
some experience in repair work; best of
reference. Phone Woodlawn 147.
EXPERIENCED janitor and wife will do
light work mornings and evenings for
furnished apt. Tabor 3025.
CARPENTER, brick, concrete, all kinds of
building work ; good and very reason
a'ule; day work preferred. East .16L"J.
BOY 17 wants position where he can learn
salesmanship; will accept $60-$7o. Wdln.
1 S(!'
GOOD all-around starch washer wants
steady employment. J. J. Jones. -006
Hawthorne avenue, Portland. Or.
AUTO mechanic's helper. 1 year's experi
ence, age 1 11 years. Write or call L. W.
Pan ne li. New Houston Hotel.
STEADY, reliable young man with some
experience in auto repair work wishes
position in garage. Phone D 61. 4312.
EXPERIENCED couple as manager or
janitor, apartment house. Bdwy. 1!!4,
apartment 67.
LINCOLN H. S. student. IS. desires em
ployment from 3 to 6 daily and Satur
days. Main 373o or AR yol. Oregonian.
MARRIED MAN temporarily out of posi
tion, wishes employment of any kind for
short time. Phone Marshall 3U10.
YOUNG MAN with 3 years' experience
wishes .lob In vulcanizing shop: can fur
nish best of references. Call Tabor 2443
CAPABLE all-around printer-operator
wisiies sieauy joo in country shop
once. AL 6S2, Oregonian.
CARPENTER work, remodeling, concrete
basements, house raising, leaky roof,
etc. can a 16.
CONCRETE work wanted ; I have mix
will rent same by day to fill your forms,
or contract entire. A 167'J.
OX Y-ACET VLENE welder, steady and ex
perienced, wishes position, any locality.
AK 753. Oregonian.
SINGLE man desires farm work, expe
rienced; am an auto mechanic. &52 Ober
lin st. m
YOUNG, intelligent man (good salesman),
wants any kind of fight work where he
can stay at home- AV S1U. Oregonian.
PAINTING, papering, kaisomining, reason
able, day or contract; good work guar
anteed. East lull.
1 to 5- ton capacity will contract
the month or day. Bdwy. 133.
REGISTERED pharmacist. 20 years' ex
perience; registered Oregon; good ref-
j r. 000. iirpgonian.
POSITION by married man as bushelman
and presser; small town preferred. K
709, Oregonian.
PRINTER Ad man. married, reliable,
wants work on country daily. AH 6ti7,
EXPERIENCED janitor wants work in
apartment house or sanitarium. BC 1SS,
JANITOR, experienced, make all minor
repairs: have tools; wants position. AO
30, oregonbAn.
Reasonable estimate, reliable.
EXPERIENCED janitor and wife wish
employment all or part time; good ref
erences. O 133. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED dairyman, good milker,
married, wishes position. AO 631, Ore
gonlan. J A PANESE BOY wants position general
housework and cooking. K 70S, Ore
gonian. l WANTED A position as locomotive or lo
J comotive crane or stationary engineer;
rest 01 reterences. j 1.-. oregonian.
RELIABLE married man, 30. with new
1'ord car, withes position with or with
out car. AK 746, Oregonian.
MECHANIC Expert truck and tractor en
gine man. having own tools, desires em
ployment. C. Williams, 'Jlu 13th st.
wishes position.
74'.. Oregonian.
practical male nurse
What have you? AK
JAPANESE wants job any kind work, ho
tel or restaurant. D S16. Oregonian.
WANTED To care for invalid; best of
references. AK74S Oregonian.
M A RR1ED man with
car wants
work. AO 753. Oregonian.
PAINTING, tinting and refinishlng, good
W o r K. prices i igni. 1 uwr 0001.
PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting. Ta
bor 1116.
WANTED Heavy hauling of any kind '
1 has e 4 -ton truck. East 4L'5.
I CARPENTER. A1 mechanic, remodeling or
J new work Phone Tabor- 9049.
MAN AND WIFE will do janitor work tn
apt, house, clnse in. A L 5. Oregonian.
' v iiOOL boy warts work after school and
on Saturdays- Call W oodla w a 947.
MAN with wife and child" 12 yens old.
who is an American and Oe1 ieves in
Americanism and Is 45 years of age,
wants work as janitor or e'ev.i'or op
erator for himself or himself and wife,
or will go on a ranch, or i-yih ing; an
experienced and thorough worker, wiih
reference. Living wages all I ask. AE
f.os. Oregonian.
MAN AND WIFE, with girl 11 years of
age. wants t take care of small apart
ment house for furnished apartment and
some wages. Man has steady position,
and will heip the wife about 4 hours a
day. Experience and best of city refer
nres. AL 056, Oregonian.
MARRIED man, 35, good steady worker,
wishes inside position with responsible
firm ; used to handle men and able to
take charge of warehouse. What can
you ofier? Will consider any paying in
side proposition. C 363, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted, apple packer or farm
work, two months or longer Job pre
ferred : must have good living accom
modations for wife and three children.
A duress A. Whiteman, gen. del., Oregon
City. Or.
trf mmer n nd card writer.
equipped with air brush and plenty of
ability, wants position witn aepariment
or furniture store; have something good
for holidays. AE 5l4. Oregonian.
ENERGETIC young man with good edu
cation wants position as apprentice in
garage or electric repair shop. Good
knowledge of electricity and ignition.
Tabor 3151. .
JAPANESE, honest, chauffeur, wants po
sition, any place ; very careful driver;
good mechanic; much experience; with
references. Satow. Phone A 1092, or
S 3(14, Oregonian.
GENERAL farming man. with good expe
rience, wants pluce. Understands stock,
handle tractor and other farm machin
ery. L. Peterson. Phone Marshall 4(170.
RELIABLE young man would like work;
good at all kinds repairing, carpenter,
pipe work, etc.; has full set tools. Wood
lawn 5764.
BAKER All around man. well posted on
French pastry goods, desires steady po
sition, in or out of town. Address AH
670. Oregonian.
YOUNG man. going to nigh-t school, de
sires a p'-sltion in a garage. What have
you to oif. r? Address A. H. S.. P. O.
box 4;: 16. city.
ELDERLY man to do chores around farm
or private place ; good wages and good
work. AL 667. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office
WA NT ED Position in lumber office; 16
years' experience in wholesale and re
tail trade in New England; am familiar
with sash, doors and millwork; have
personal acquaintance with eastern
buyers using quantities west coast lum
ber; prefer to associate with firm ship
ping It? eastern trade. Phone Main
7283. James M. Johnson.
BOOKKEEPER and accountant or other
office work, office manager or store; 10
years experience in various lines, de
sires position where trust, cautiousness
and system counts. Married. Can fur
nish best of references. G. P.. phone
Marshall 4777.
i YOUNG man with good general office ex-
oerience in wholesale and retail mer-
- mntllA lines desires oosition with grow
lug concern in any capacity leading to
good future; salary to start secondary
consideration. AK 764, Oregonian.
YOUNG man. experienced bookkeeper,
who left position as assistant cashier
of bank to enter service, wants office
position where work and ability will
mean advancement. AK 770, Oregonian.
POSITION by experienced accountant, as
office manager or accountant; exper
ienced in various lines, especially lum
bering and general construction. D 86S,
EXPERENCED bookkeeDer wants per
manent position ; highest testimonials
as to character and ability. Can gKe
best references locally. T 360. Orego
EX P FI R T accountant and auditor open for
engagement; thoroughly experienced; l.
years In corporation and public account
ing; best of references. Phone Tabor
CREDIT MAN Ten years' experience in
eastern cities; modern ideas on credit
and office management; now in Port
land to locate. aL 070, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and accou-ntant with nine
years' mfg. and mere, experience, wishes
position: efficient cost accountant, typ
ist. P i4. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED accountant desires small
mpir of hooks to keeD: will also con
duct continuous audits and furnish
monthly statements. D 867. Oregonian.
HIGHLY efficient stenographer with J
vears successiui sales experience at auio
parts. Plentv initiative and aggressive
ness. Main 870O, Branch 1. A. M.
YOUNG MAN 10 years' experience in of
fice work; cashier, accountant and typist.
References furnished. O 140. Oregonian.
YOUNG married man. 3 years genera', of
fice experience, wishes position; oesi 01
references. AL 671. Oregonian.
Soldier And bailors.
POSITION desired bv ex-service man. 4
years' .ervice in Mexico. U. S. and the
A. E. F. Enlisted as private, discharged
first lieutenant Signal corps; good knowl
edge of electrical appliances and motor
vehicle?, capable of handling men; wish
to affiliate myself with reliable firm in
the selling end; single, 28 years of age,
references. AN 960, Oregonian.
DISCHARGED overseas soldier, married,
now employed inside work, wants posi
tion, commercial, ti uck or private driv
ing; references ; report on day's not ice.
Mr. Baker. Wooulawn 6293. before 8 A.
M. or after 6 P. M., or address X 263,
Oregon ian.
FI RST to go and last to return. Oregon
volunteer soldier finds old job gone,
first-class electrician. auto trouble
shooter: good, all-round mechanic; mar
ried ; references. Phone Tabor 32'2 Sun
day or evenings or address H 2V2, Ore
iron ian.
YOUNG married man, juft returned from
overseas, must have work of any kind ;
can drive truck and do repairing. J.
Kirk. 401 E. Morrison.
WANTED by ambitious young man, ex
eoldier, a position as bookkeeper. Can
operate typewriter; experienced, accurate
at figures. L 101. Oregonian.
Collesre student wishes work
school for room and board
Can drive
car. AN 05:1. Oregonian.
! Y RS overseas, ex-service man going to
school 5 hrs. daily would like work out
of school hours in exchange for board
and room, phone Eastli)o-.
STENOGRAPHER and general office
worker desires position; can furnish best
of references. AK ":;.. Oregonian
DISCHARGED soldier, married, wishes po
sition as chauffeur or truck job; five
vears' experience. Phone East 4Q52.
STENOGRAPHER and general office
worker desires position. Can furnish best
of references. D 6'-'8 Oregonian
WANT contract for 2-ton trucW with or
without trailer; will equip for any kind
of hauling. M 790. Oregonian.
WANTED To drive car to San Francisco
for expenses. D. R. Leamen. phone
Main 1134.
EX-SOLDIER with family wants work,
anything. Pat O'Connor, Sellwood 2000.
YOUNG MAN wants Job on farm; can
milk. BC 313. Oregonian.
YAK IMA VA LLEY apple packers wish
work packing. :;15 Market st.. Portland.
WANTED Day work. Call B 1242. either
YOUNG lady wants general office work.
Can u$e ty pewiiter. Beginner. East 38i;Q.
WOMAN wants day work, ironing, can
ing. getting dinners. Sell . 3410.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes position as
nupfe or companion: do not object to
travel. Write V" 705, Oregonian.
NORWEGIAN woman wants housework in
a Scandinavian family. 1 06 Mississippi.
LADY wants day work. 45c an hour and
car rare. ooaiawn o-.'Pi.
EXPERIENCED e levator operator wants
position. A ti'.'"1. No. 41i:!.
"WOMAN wants day work . 4 5c a n hour
and car tare. Call Woodlawn 4330.
CAPABLE lady wants to wash woolens for
men in laundry. S 361. Oregonian.
LACE, scrim, marquisette curtains hand
laundered, called for, del. East 621-
WASH ING and housecleaning. Mrs. Mar
tin. Main f342.
YOUNG woman will stay with children
mornings or afternoons. Marshall H.'IO.
1 N DO W
cleaning, floor waxing.
Martin. Marshall 3 !'!.
A" COM PETENT woman wishes work bj
day; 50c hour. Tabor 475.
LADY" wishes work evenings, office or oth
erwise. M 4.o. uregoniun.
COLORED young woman wants work by
hour. Call East 5703.
CALL Kate to clean your apartments. 45c
an hour and car fare. "Wdln. 437.
POSITION as chambermaid,
bia 4.
Call Colura-
RELIABLE woman, good worker, wants
work by day. r"none roadway iwifl.
GOOD laundress wishes whole days. Mon.
-nl Tues. Woodlawn 304 H.
WOMAN waata day work. Woodlawn 3197,
NEAT and tidy woman a-nd a good cook
would like position as cook in private
family; am a reliable percon and capable
of taking charge of kitchen and doing
ordering: am a married woman and
would like to work for mvself and hus
band's room and board and some wages;
we are quiet, middle-aged people; my
husband is steadily employed. Answer
AL ti&Si. Oregonian.
WANTED A home by student of Chris
tian Scientist . excel lent seamstress, as
sist with general housework, fond of
children; no laundry, furrmce or serving
meals: as one of the family, prefer
Christian Scientists; salary f35. AP 446,
WOMAN and daughter (grown) want work
together, prefer cooking in a logging
camp, or some place w here there is no
woman boss. Phone Marshall 2059 or
write Mrs. Wilson. P. O. box 4373.
TWO young ladies. IS and 20, would like
work in same place, private home pre
ferred, nice neoule considered more than
wages; reference. AO 744, Oregonian, or
phone Woodlawn tti;2.
LADY with little boy wants work of Borne
Kind m city; any kind or wont : more
for home than wazes. for 3 months.
will keep house for someone needing
housekeeper. W COO, Oregonian.
RES POX SI RLE voun- woman. fond of
growing things, either animals or plants
or any outdoor work, desires a relief
from nursing; permanent if work proves
satist actory. u Mi. cjregonian.
WANTED Some kind of work by an eld-
erlv woman in a nice, respectable ram
ily : prefer housework. , Call or write
3oS Mill St.. S. Portland.
WANTED Bv Japanese girl (expert em
brolderer and beaderi. a position with
factory, or will do niece work at home;
references. I'hone A 2Jo. si a. :un be.
"WOMAN with A years child wants po
sition as chambermaid woi k or house
keeper; some experience. BD 684, Ore
WANTED Position bv young woman
first-class mayonnaise, mincemeat and
plum puudtng maker. aa .do, ure
gun ian.
YOUNG lady of pleasing personality wishes
position in doctor s or dentists s omce.
as assistant or general office work.
710. Oregonian.
CAPABLE young lady wishes permanent
oosit on at Dr vale exchange- 3 months
experience. Phone East I06O. ask for
Victor Luke.
WANTED Xmaswork to do. art needle
work, crochet, knitting, reasonably done.
Early work will he sure to get finished.
Cull at 1 !. Hawthorne ave.
TWO accomplished young ladies, violinist
and pianist, will play lor private aan-
cing parties or outers. oomawn
EXPERIENCED telephone operator wlnbes
posit ic.H on private wl tcb hoard ; refer
ences furnished. Main S.ll!.
WINDOW cleaning, floor waxing, washing
janitor ser 1c and general house by -x-
nerienced workers. Phone Marshall Soo.
A DKPKN T A RLE nurse rares for chil
dren evenings, the sick and convalescent
through the day. Mar. 34it.
YOUNG lady wishes to care for baby not
over two years, uy nay or ween; reier
ences exchanged. Call Tabor 600 S.
RVPERIENTED woman wishes work by
hour, helper In restaurant or cafeteria
preterrea. raoor
GOOD cook and housekeeper, with two
children, wants position; farm preferred
A M 6:'.4. Orenonian.
RELIABLE lady with reference, to care
for children evenings or plain sewing py
the day. Apt. 1U. Phone Main uo.8.
EX PER I ENCED teachers give instruction
in school studies, violin ana plana.
Mar. !M.
FARMERS widow with '2 boys wishes po
hition In camp or ranch, Oregon pre
ferred. AM 6-1.'. Oregonian.
VOl'NT, ladv wishes position as house
keeper In refined gentleman's home; ret'
erence. AJ liiU, uregonmn.
LADY wants housecleaning and other
work. hours, day; good work done.
Woodlawn 630S.
WANTED A place to take care of chll
dren evenings while mother is away
references. Woodlawn 16I1.
r.RE nf one or two children day time.
middle-aged lady; wishes to go home
nights. AM (iii. urcgnman.
EXPERIENCED laundress will do wash
ing at home If laundry brought to het
and called for. Tauos 50.
NEAT, experienced woman wants work
In restaurant or bakery, a joi, orego
CLEANING or Ironing, good work ; no
washing; today and Tuesday. W din
WANTED A little boy or girl to care
for in fine home; no other children.
Call Main 176.1.
WANTED Work for Monday; good ljm
dress; can give references. Call Sunday
only. Main uJJ4.
ELDERLY, capable woman desires place,
good cook. Call all week,- AsZ liaw
I home ave., room 1 z.
EX PERI ENCED cook wants position
family where second girl is kept. Ref
erences. AM )24. Oregonian.
COMPETENT woman will care for chi
dren or sirk, afternoon and evening; best
ot references. I aoor 4J4.
POSITION companion, chnperon. adult or
voung person ; city references. C 364.
COLORED GIRL would like place to h
with housework or maid work. Call East
6 4 5 6.
WANTED Position by com ;e; jnt coTk
for camp or country hotel. Address II. M.
Robertson. 51'J East Holland st.. ciy.
LADY wishes work by hour or day; good
ironer, sewer or will work in store.
I'hone E. 3no9.
Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office.
EXPERT bookkeeper can handle any set
of books: fine local references: expe
rienced in lumber, banking, real estate,
etc. Marshall 3srt or Main 1014. Would
consider half-day position.
YOUNG lady. neat, refined, desires posi
tion In' office, either clerical, typing, fil
ms, or what have you.' Would accept
position in dentist's or doctor's office.
Phone East 8159.
position with responsible firm; 1 yrs .
experience; is al.-o notary public; salary
$ 1 'l.i. Marshall 5S2.
PERMANENT or temporary position by a
first-clafcs stenographer, commercial. In
surance and secretarial experience. Ta
bor UU5S.
YOUNG lady with three years' steno
graphic experience In lumber office de
sires position ; good references. 1731 E.
11th st.
YOUNG lady stenographer w ith three
years' experience wishes position, '.'an
furnish good references. 533 Slierrett
POSITION wanted bv voung lady. 4 years'
general office experience. 2 years as time
keeper, payroll -ashier and payroll cierk:
can give references. C 373. Oregonian.
A MARRIED lady. 8 years a public school
teacher, desires office work, book work
and addressing envelopes; not stenog
raphy. Tabor 8-taG.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes per
manent position ; familiar with type
w riter and adding machine. Phone E.
PERMANENT position as stenographer. D
months' experience: reliable and sys
tematic; good reference. Dilll'- Derby st.
YOUNG lady, experienced in typing and
general office work, desi res position ;
salary reasonable. it 1ft Hudson St.
COM PETENT typist, excellent speller, no
shorthand. wants position as letter
writer. A M o!3. Oregonian.
RE LI ABLE married lady wants position
managing apartment or rooming house.
Cail Bdwy. 414.
EXPERIENCED dictaphone operator and
stenographer desires permanent posit Ion.
A E 60-. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED billing clerk and stenog
rapher desires position. AK 758, Ore
goti tan.
TVPIfST wants position: 8 months expe
rience billing; can tske some dictation.
C.i'l Tiibor i'5 Sunday.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants per
manent or temporary position tor Mon
r?;iv. Tnbor .".nJ4.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and steno
grapher; best of city references. Main
YOUNG lady, experienced, wants position
filing, mailing or auditing dept. Tabor
35 S.
LADY with experience desires position as
bookkeeper or assistant. K 717, Ore
gonian. STEN'OGRA PH ER. wit h year's experience,
good education, wants position : can give
refer nces. Bdw y. ia3. 14b X. 16th st.
STENOGRAPHER Experienced. capable,
desires pesitlon with good, reliable firm
References. AE 513, Oregonian.
LADY with several years' office experience
desires position; not stenographer. M
H 1 1 -J. Oregonian.
LADY desires clerical or comptometer po
sition. M 74. Oregonian.
YOUNG lauy wants bookkeeping position;
can give references. East snx3.
STENOGRAPHER of R years" experience
wishes position. Marshall 3119.
EN PER I ENCED stenograph r w ishes posi
tion. Phone Woodlawn VOltt.
Bookkeepers, Stenogra pbers. Office.
BOOKKEEPER Ymri of experience.
wishes work afternoons: experienced in
auditing, cost accounting, opening and
closing book?, internal revenue, state
mi'nts. etc. Rdwy. 27o2 afternoons.
oung woman of several years ex
perience, desires high-class position
where dependability and good work an
appreciated. AK 75. Oregonian.
DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, alterations.
nouse apions ana uresst. children
clothes: reasonable prices. 310 Fremont.
East 707.
IF YOU admire work well done, try Mrs
u.u uivjuon St., tor alternations,
remodeling and making of ladies' gar
ments. reasonable prices; work cuarsn
teed. Pb one Ta uor &ol 2.
FOR best results In dress ma k rug. remod-
ciiii. rciiiuriK ana alterations see Mrs.
Kinder at Emporium Dye Works. 545
Morrison st. Broadway 4259.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker will make en
gagements oy oay, tailoring, remodel'
jngand alterations. Main 479.
TAILORESS has for sale suit pattern.
brown peach bloom, will make to order;
long coats a specialty. 674 E. Stark.
DESlYtE position as helper In tailor shop
or would help dressmaker by the day.
Call for Mrs. Wood. Main 17U5.
ENGAGEMENTS by the day by up-to-date
ui vt.iodHer, rcmoueiing reasonable.
Br oil d w ay 1 507.
WANTED By a whlow, poMUon as house-
Keeper in widower a home. P 773. Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED seamstress wishes sewing
7. v your noma.
Call at Hit) Cariton hotel.
ALTERATION shop, rellnlng ladles coats
ana lauorea outton holes specialty. 60S
SweMand bldg.
I RST-CLASS dressmaker wishes sew ing
at her home; prices reasonable; hatis-
f ac t i on guaranteed. Phone Main 0451.
MIDDLE-AGED widow, good plain cook
mu iiuuBt-nut-ptT, winnes position; ref
erences. BO 3tM. Oregonian.
Dressmaking ;
Sell wood HJ57
Ir ss maker.
FOR tailoring or drettsmaklng call Wood-
lawn Address :( Mississippi ae.
DRESSM A KINO reasonable. 311 Central
biug. Main 34UM.
fc-N PERIENCED dressmaker
will go out
by day. Marshal 3111.
YOUNG woman wishes to learn dresainak-
QK- y- ibi, oregonian.
DRESSMAKING Make over and relinlnir
coil t s. re a so n a h 1 e. Ev eniugs Tab. 7 173.
AN experienced dressmaker will lo'out by
the day. Bdwy. i5tf.
GOWNS and suits. 404 Broadway. YamlillJ
LXI hAlKM'LD dressmaker and tailorcss
gew oy me oay. fciast mil 7.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing
jy uaj. .11 it in
PLAIN sewing of all kinds done at home.
n-aunuoie. Mar. oJMi, apt. 3.
-..-.' 11 .-1 ioai specialist. work Kiiuran-
vv.. iim mttBiuiame. tsroad. t.t.
HH)5 Williams Ave.
maternity and surreal rases given
hospital and professional services for
one half the usual charges. Norma.1 con
finement cases. Including druKs. dress
ings, iicenved physician's services, two
weeks' hospital care, all for 4u. Phone
j ouuian n .iain i44 or apply at
TRAINED nurse, refined. well o.Iiich icri
young woman, deOr-s position as nurse
and companion, wit h prospect of travel
or change of location. AN IWh, Orcgo-
NURSE Quiet home, attractive surround
ings, on fine auto road and car line.
Mental cases; references. G res ham. Or.
r. uox 111.
MARRIED couple want position, wife,
...v, iiuibi-, in care ior invalid; man
L,J ciiauireur. tsiS :!::. Oregonian
NURSE with hospit-al training and practT-
cat experience wants cake; reasonable.
DEPENDABLE nurse would car, for
tient suing to California; very reason-
iui-v wiuow. unencumoerca, wants po
sition as housekeeper for a refined
gentjeman. T 3U!. Oregonian.
TRAINED nurse will care for infants and
children in her home; hour or day
Phone Tabor HtSl.
UNDERGRADUATE nurse. will take
charge illness, convalescent, elderly; can
travel. Mar. IViO.
POSITION as nursegirl, willing to co
away. Wdln. 5873. h
MATERNITY and practical cases taken
years e x p e r i e n c e . E a s t 5 V5 G .
WANTED A sensible unencumbered wo
man desires housekeeping for adults that
are employed during the day; business
people preferred; good cook tnd house
keeper; state wages. D 85W. oregonian.
W,A T H D Po8i 1 ' 0 n a 8 h ouse k oeper "by
lady with 6-year-old child, who in cap
able of taking full charge of a refined
,v- mien t liouae, i sou, Ore-
W ANTED Position as housekeeper for
widower: no objection to one or two
smail children; please give particulars
in first letter; city or country. X 1IG4
POSITION as housekeeper wanted bv re
liable and very competent woman, where
full charge is given, preferably mother
less home; pleasant surroundings esucn
tial; reterences. W 7o6. Oregonian.
CAPABLE refined woman, with girl 9
wishes position as housekeeper In a re
fined home of business people or familv
?-U aults ?ny '' bfc of reference. K
S3. Oregon in n.
EXPERIENCED housekeeper for widower
c Loan in :amny ; can give
y-'-i'-u housekeeper with little
girl. 8 years, like to cure for widower's
home; A-l; best of references. Phone
...wii pot. jiuunoman. or. L. Barrett
WIDOW with child of school age would
like to keep houe for refined gentleman -neat
and good plain cook; no objection
- ...m. uv, .jo, oregonian.
xnr a v-cc- rv . 1. . -. . . I -
1V-,, o.iunon oy nay that has no
children as housekeeper for middle-aged
Pt. Johns carline.
t.ArE.nir,.te,i) housekeeper. with l'-year-old
daughter, wishes permanent po
sition; references. AL 658, Oregonian,
WIDOW, unincumbered, wishes housekn
ing for J or more gentlemen, or widower
nn cnnaren; am neat, fiood cook. L
IPS. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED, refined lady, nurses ev
perience. wants position as housekeeper
-oiiu ""in, an) loca.iiy. a tv iui
CAPABLE, refined woman with daughter
win aeep nnuse tor bachelor or widow
er in mooern apartment or home. AH
oij. oregonian.
YOUNG woman with child 7 years old
v.-is ues position as housekeeper; good
I'liiiu i-t.un.. ei-pncni reterences. Ad
dress A V h.4. Oregonian.
LADY unincumbered. wlFhes housekeeping
lor gentlemen's modern home; can giv
ail required references. AN 047. Ore
LA DY with two children wants place
keep house in city. Mrs. L, Piper, 246
nuben ai., lurimna, room 1.
CAPABLE lady desires position, house
keeper. 344 Montgomery, apt. 9. Manual!
LADV with boy 7 would like to keep hous
for widower in modern home. C 3ti
POfcilT ION as housekeeper for gentleman
or eiaeriy couple. Alter V Monday
Main U4U8.
REFINED, capable woman wishes position
as nouse Keeper ior w uio wer or oachelor
would consider out of city. Sell. 1!H51.
A WIDOW wants position ss H. K., oce
or two men. a y-iif.
EXPERIENCED laundress wishes to take
work home; will call for and deliver
fancy work especially. Phone Sell. 30&G.
Tabor 51H16.
AMERICAN-JEW L-H lady wants general
housework, jewisn nome preferred.
t5, oregonian.
D R E children i clothing a spe
clalty ; or do plain sewing. ual! 81
'ommerciaI st.. or phone Wdln. 5-S1.
COLORED woman wants laundry work
from to 3. .-"c hour. Bdwy. 1H4.
VOMAN wants day rk,
cur Xare. Wuodlawn 5ti7.
45c per and
kindly middle-aged woman
to care for an old lady Invalid. Rood
home and wages to right person. R 112.
WANTED Chamber work, cooking, pan
try work or relief work of any kind be
tween the hours of :30 A. M. and 4:30
P. M. Main 44S2-
Information and
Rental Bureau.
Reliable, up-to-dat lists of deslrmbla
vacant houses, apartments and Tlat with
deimite tniormation pertaining to each.
Newcomers to Portland will find this
bureau of great value la he. ping them
Ct properly and quickly locasd.
Eighth Floor.
OUT-OF-TOWN woman would like to rent
small house, furnished. December 1 to
March 1". approximately, from family
that is going away for winter and would
appreciate having house in careful and
re s punsible bands. C o77. Cregonian.
WANTED to rent, on or before Dec. 1. 5 or
6-room bungalow in Irvlngton or Rose
City by responsible family of 3 adults,
who will take best care of property. Call
Fred Spoeri. East
SMALL 3 or 4-room cottage, adults only,
with garden spot, fruit preferred. For
long term. Reasonable. Address Sua Cor
bett st.
WANTED To" rent, furnished 4 or 5-room
cottage or bungalow, or 3 or 4-room
fiat; rent not over $40 or 45. close in;
by responsible party. AH 71ti. Oregonian.
WANTED By- young couple, no children.
3 or 4-room furnished or unfurnished
apartment, west side preferred. S 35S,
FURNISHED HOUSE or flat. December 1.
best of references, guarantee a gainst
damage; give full particulars. AO 035.
Ft UN ISH ED house, not less than 2 bed-
rooms ; responsioie part tes . rei erencea,
phone evenings. Tabor 8153. 31 -S 51st
st. S. E-
WANTED to rent, strictly modern house
of (1 or 4 rooms with garage by ;t adults:
lrvington preferred; best of references.
East 207:t.
WANTED By responsible party. 4 or 5-
room strictly modern residence; no chil
dren; time to suit owner, iiox S-5. Van
couver. Wash.
WANTED 1. 5 or 6 rooms, modern, fur
nished or unfurnished: adults; best ref
erence. A K 7-H, Orvgonian.
WANTED Modern furnished 4-room bun
galow or flat, reasonable. East Side.
East 4478.
WANTED Modern furnished 5-room bun
galow or apartment, clot-e in. Phone
Eat 3(178.
OR 7-ROOM house on Portland Heights.
must be modern, to first -class tenant.
Marshall KJ3.
WANTED '2 to 5-room house, flat or apt
furnished or unfurnished; adults. AL
:. Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished house. apt..
housekeeping rooms, reasonable. Cail
WANT, before Nov. 3. 5-room house, un
furnished: good tenants; rent not over
$-.'. L Hit. Oregonian.
W KLtLt I urnislied house, west
in ; best business re : erence.
'nun noie., apt. Ul 7.
side, clo.-e
MODERN it. 6 or "-room house or bun
sa low. close in. partly f urn is lied or un
lurnlsheu. 3 aduits. Ai uregonlan
A N TE D To rent modern 5 -r .)in house :
no ch lid 1 en. N oodla w u !.
rent modern -7-rocm house
'2 adults: west side. Phone Main lMt7
WANTED A 5-room modern bungalow In
good location. AU Tin. Oregonian.
A prt men ta.
WANTED To rent by Dec. 1. modern fur
nished 3. 4 or 5-room H. K. or apt. Pre
fer In walking distance of the Orego
nian bldg - family of 3 adults, tall any
time after 9 Monday morning. East l:4t
for Mrs. Stewart; want the above for one
year or more.
Y A N T K D One room, furnished II. K
apartment, with kitchenette and piano
or use of; west side, walking distance.
Call Main 551.
TWO or three furnished housekeeping
rooms or apartment or furnished flat,
rear Richmond school. I hone Tabor
2-KlUM apartment, or room with bo;
wanted by refined lady, close in on w
side, or near St. Johns car. AL 7
t irf gonlan.
FI." It N ISH ED apartment or housekeeping
rooms uy coup.e. rnone t Ui t.
YOUNG woman employed wants furnished
or partly furnished living room and
kitchenette in vicinity of Campbell hotel
must be modern and well heated. All
ti-;s. Oregonian.
QUIET vounir man. attending college.
would HKe a room in reiinea nome. ciose
In. w st side; give details. P. O. Box
507. city.
W ANTE D To a rra n ge with goo d real
estate firm fur furnished office. Mar
shall 306.
ROOM and board where lady will care for
li-ear-old child while 1 am at work-
Call Sunday before - P. M. jlar.
WELL furnlfhed room by a lady, relin
home or apartment, west side. AL 4UI
YOUNG man desires steam heated furnished
room. eloe in, preteramy in apartment
houe. R 114. Oregonian.
COl PLE wiiih good warm room, close to
L'lst and Kearney sts. 3iain oo..
BACHELOR wants furnished h. k. room In
private home. j oO, uregonian.
Rooms With Board.
home environment wishes room, break
fast.' dinner, home privileges with cul
tured American family. Only best resi
dential district considered. References
exchanged. Q 142, Oregonian. '
WOMAN and child. 2 years, would like
room and board tor two or tnree montns
this winter with wholesome and attrac
tive family in good neighborhood. C
"70. OrtgonUn.
WANTED Board and room, by couple
with care for 8 mont lis cnim during
da v. west side, .walking distance. Main
MECHANIC wants room and board in con
genial private tamuy; give particulars,
answer in ETifilisli or Swedish. S 373.
GENTLEMAN seeks board. Sellwood near
.Spokane ave.: no oiner ooaruers; u
weekly. 2 meals. S 372. Oregonian.
ANTED Kind couple with comfortable
home, capable 01 caring ior eioery in
valid gentleman. AC 1'43. Oregonian.
WANTED Home for 2 boys. 8 and 10;
C. S. preferred: satisfactory compensa
tion. AM 5tl.S. Oregonian.
ELDERLY gentleman, slightly crippled
and feeble, aesirea a gooo. nome. wun
some kind people. AP 427. Oregonian.
Housekeeping: Rooms.
THREE furnished housekeeping" rooms in
a part men t. nat or private nome. r
citl engineer in C S. forest ser ice. for
self, wife and 3-year-old child. Tabor
WANTED By couple employed, 2 or 3
furnished or partly furnished housekeep
ing rooms; must be clean. AL 077, Ore
gonian. LADY wishes furnished housekeeping
room, heated, use 01 piano, near car,
priva te family. Tabor 1H5, Monday.
WANTED 2 w arm housekeeping rooms
for 2 men. Address A. B.. Hotel Lib-
ert y.
53 Front st.
NTED 3 modern furnished rooms;
heated: by refined coup.e with one chilu.
" 375. Oregonian .
W OMAN wants H . K . room . with w e - -1
heater, reasonable; state particulars. BD
07 it. Oregonian.
Businrwt Place.
DRESSMAKER wants to share store with
m illiner; must be in business district.
" AO OW. Oregonian.
M iseel la neous.
WANTED To chare yuite or office in
location: also stenographer service.
1 rew S 37 1. Oregon la n.
VNTED Doil bodv in good condition
for head nie:urlng five inches scroll
Hhotihlers. Woodlawn 50. .
MCEKY furnished room,
fireplace; $5 week. 25H
1st floor,
13th st.
FurnlKtied Rooms.
FRONT room, ground floor, walking dis
tance. 4t7 Jackson st.. between loth
andj 1 th st .
75c II DAY: $2-50 week up: outride rooms.
Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson.
SARGENT HOTEL. 71 - Grand ave.. h
apt. ana sleeping rooms. cai.
hTlLCREST HOTEL Bath, phnne. $23
mo up; without bath. 13 up. 733 Wah.
hi aled apt..
Large front room, steam
w est side. Broad w ay ;:' I.
STEAM-HEATED sleeping room,
efre spts.. 4!0 Jefferson.
1 FUKNliiiED rouja Ior rtnL 271 Halsey at.
Furnished Rooms.
Fifth and Washington sts,
Washington st. suites with bath.
$50 a month up.
East Morrison st. at East Sixth.
The principal east -aide hotel; digni
fied and refined; 1.''5 per day, double
$1.75 ; $6 per week ; 50 per month.
ANSOXIA HOTEL 14th and Washington.
Clean, respectable, modern; transients. $1
up; permanent $4 up; private bath tS.
HOTEL OCKLKY Morrison St. at Tenth, t
Steam heat. Free phone and baths.
PALACE HOTEL, 44 Wash. St.; down
town location, respectable and strictly
modern rooms 1 ar g e. e'ean.
"WHITEH ALL HOTEL, furnished rooms
and suites with baths. -53 6th, at
PHONE Bdwy. Jl'0J Terminal FaeRftge
" Transfer Co., 6th and Flanders. Baggage
stored & days free. Checks c&..ed lor.
Fl'RNISH KD ROOMS. 73 S Johnson, be
tween -d and l'3d; breakfast If wished.
Phone Main 37V0.
NICELY furnished room. apt., close in,
Sl!5. suitable for two. Marshall -4tl.
Vnf urniftlied Rooms.
ROOM S. modern conveniences, reasonable.
Over drug store, 1st and Morrison, ln
1 it i re nn m in.
UNFURNISHED heated room, with sleep
ing porch. 4tiU Stephen St., cor. E. lth
Tel. E. b050.
gas range. 44 S Hall.
rooms; including
UNFURNISHED 3 large rooms. adults
only. 515 Union ave. .North.
FOR KENT 4 unfurnished rooms; adults;
reterences. loth st.
Purnifhed Room in
Private Family.
FIX K larce front room, furnished ; at-
Ic-i.-t vf muriirn nw nouse. mi oiaii
fine lot at ion. IO- minute riie Hawthorn
rar. Call toony. :;o4 E. --d, near liaw
thorne. Phone East
WELL-FURNISHED room for man and
wife, if business oeooe. or ousiness
woman, tn a comfortable home ; ref
ences. Marshall 4 4:t.
NEAT, comfortable room for gentleman.
Kino hertroom nnii nriv-Mte silting, suaa.'n
fnr 2 genl.emen. -4S 13th St., near Main.
Marsha I;l.
NEWLY furnished strictly modern sleep
ing roomn! 5 minutes witlk from .
month up. Ui College, near Broad
NEATLY furnished warm room: hot water
beat: suitable for one or two gentirmen;
hoard ll" desired; walking distance. East
SMALL rortin. furnace heat, on west side,
eaj-v wa king distance: with refined pri
vate ra in ily ; gen tie man only. I'hone
Main 4o7.
LEAS A NT room and good board in priv
ate lamiiv. suitable for one or two gen
tlemen, ciose in. 20 E. 32d, phone
Tabor 4SSS.
FOR RENT To gentlemen, large hpstairs
room and hath in bungalow nome. u
minutes from ttth and Morrison. Tabor
NICE. lame front room. heat, lights, run
ning w ater. near bat n ; pleasant sur
rounding; for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Phone
East 051Q
MODERN room. bath, phone, always
warm ; Ideal home for one or two em
ployed ; wholesale district. 174 N. 15th
C ICE LY furn.shcd corner room adjoining
balh. suitable for 2 Indies : 2 cifisets. -
i rebsers
per mont h ;
11th st.
DiOCKS irom
YOCNG man w ith auto
ill find
E. Ankeny st. a lovel
me. with spare
eenina r"oms and sarase to rent. Come
out no iruuuir iu bi.u j-- - -
ELEGANTLY furnished room in pweil pri
vate borne, suitable lor young men.
Tl Trinity I'lace.
EC RN ISH ED sleeping room suitable for
one or two men; with or without board.
.VtJ Wash. ft.
TWO furnished room, clean and comfort
able ( lose In. 5M S Davis, bet- lsth
and r.Hh. Phone Hdvvy. 42HS.
LARGE front room, running water; suit
able for two; 27.50; strictly first class
V Nor: b. 21st st.
LA KGE. airy, light room for gentleman,
heat, phone, bath, walking distance, two
In family, S3. 50. 5u East Main. E. lr.oO.
FOR KENT Single room, modern, heat,
light, phone, bath, for man: $10 per mo.
Si mi I'mon ave. N., near Beech.
Jll.r.O PER month., comfortable sleeping
room; 11 min. t business center; no car
fare ; all conveniences. 415 Bdwy. W. S.
2 SEPARATE rooms with private bath for
mn. 2 blocks from Wash., near IVtth t,L
Bdwy. 1403
RtiOM for gentleman. Very accessible to
business center. Furnace heat. Conve
n : ences. Reasonable. 2M l.ith st
FO R RENT Pleepf ng rm., every conven
ience, private family ; w ithin w if 1 king
distance. 5!U E. Oak.
LARGK, light rooms, private residence;
walking dista7ie business district: V. S.
preferred 554 E e rttt . c o r. 1 7 1 h .
IN private family, front room. 4 windows,
furnace heat, near bathroom. $15 per
nio. Main M176.
COMFORTABLE room for single gentle
man. Rose City Park. 503 E. 4oth N.
$2.50 per week.
PLEASANT sleeping room, furnished
complete; also basement room, reason
nhl. . tor men. ,451 10th st. South.
koh rfnt A sieeDinc porch with a large
dressing room; will serve mea's. 0s3
Hawthorne, cor. of 10th. East 77S.
I FURNISHED rooms, private home, walk
Ing distance, west side, both phones.
A oTIf
N ICE large furnished room, w ith break
fast if desired in lrvington. 70S E.
Broadway. E. 452.
few evenings week. Tr.bor 1'254.
NICELY furnished room, modern.
Everett. Phone Mar. 1707.
1 WO nicely furnished rooms. 242 Broad
way. ;
NICELY furnished warm rm.. private
bath; 2 gentlemen; close in. Bdwy. 22d.
LARGE well-furnished bedroom. heat,
bath. 013 E. Davis st. East tiS50.
EL V furnished sleeping rooms, 5-min.
alk from post of rice. Call Main 67 'J.
WA RM furnished room in private family;
breakfast if wanted. 32 East 51st st. N.
FINE room, hot water heat, close In, gen
tlemen preferred. East 6381.
T4THNEAR Jefferson, choice rooms,
walking distance Main 38J3.
ROOM. neat, phone, bath, half block car.
302 Morris St. East 6ut5.
CHOICE fcingle modern room with kitchen
nrivileees. for lady employed. Mar. ;;:5ft.
FUKNldHED room, modern; close in. East
LARGE, bright, heated room in quiet mod
em borne. Tabor 9S4.
COM PORTA RLE room in private family ;
clowe in. East 7310.
FURNISHED rooms near car barns, Wdln
walking distance.
5S 1 ITU ST. A comfortable furnished
room with all conveniences.
SLLEP1NG rooms with running water. 3S
Mill st. I'hone Marshall 3151.
NICE room, walking distance. 455 Mar
ket. Mam 1 737.
SINGLE sleeping roi. close in. S'J5.
Quiet home, choice locality. 454 Taylor.
Rooms With Board.
JEANNE D'ARC Furnished rooms, with
or without board, for business girls and
lady lour in t, permanent qr transient.
Special features within the limitation
of tnc minimum wage earner; nr
week and up. 265 14th t-l. Main 411t.
NORTON I A HOTEL. PorLand's downtown
ln-h-ciaos lam fly hotel : rooms en suite
or in g ie, wun or wunoui 00a ra. ior
families and but-in ess m r and women.
We gie ou all the comiort of a home.
Rea.-onable rates.
DO YoU appreciate good room and board?
Then come to Grand Ae. hotel, :::;4
Gritid ave.. -or K. Mill. Home-styl
cook ;ng. T 370. Orvgonian.
ROOM and hoard for business girls; sll
modern conveniences; walking distance;
tl .Vi ner week. East 4732. 12 E. 7th st
30 10th ft. For business girls and
tudents; reasonable rates. Mar. loL.
LARGE, pleasant room with board for
coup.e or 2 men; reasonable; ciose In.
2H1 13th.
ROOMS for men, or girls emploed, near
Broadway B. 423 Ros st.
BOARD and room with
near shipyard. i4 3d
heat and bath.
L. Mar. 122V
Room With Board In Triate Family.
FI RST-CLASS room and board. 314 Co-
iunibla st. M-in2v4.
roTTm and board for two gentlemen In
mooern bungalow. Woodlawn 417.
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms; board
"if desired. Sell. 2523.
gOAHD and room, large room, elegant
board. 10 N. 1th.
VERY desirable room for 2 young Oltsn ',
bo me pnviieK. Main 55UX.
Rooms With Board Id Private Family.
DO YOU want the right kind of a pla
tO rOOtTI miH KAa-. VI . Ann m rr- 1
room, tillable1 for man and wite, alo I
vuv amine room; best home cooking, tur-
?oe htat and clean, west aide. Main
i -- . -t.
H o T-water iTZTi rrTTTTm rr7TZ KTT7T.
tiful Inmg room with fireplace; vou can
on.y appreciate this place bv calling to
see it; bath any time; board also;
Mien or students, west siae.
Mam 4-95.
ROOM and boaid for young man with re-
spectabie lady, and carait for rent. "TJ.t
bJd st. S E. Taka Hawthorne car. Phone
TWO little girls to board, preferably s:s-
win get good, careful care, near ML
Tabor school. I Hi. Oregonian.
ROOM and board for couple empioed, or
- Keniiemen: nouse mooern. ostrat!
itKauon. rates reasonable. Main ttti
.4 Lovejuy st.
PLA I N LY furnished room V 1th board it
modern home; all home privileges for I
nmn ana wue employe,.!: $1 per day;
block to car. Tabor Uo4.
ROOM, hoard, private borne. 574
ave.. near E. Uth. Hawthorne.
East !
LARGE, very pleasant room with board
to congenial, desirable couple; home
privileges. Tabor 4-s.
LARGE. clen room with board for 3 men
or married couple; lunch put up. Ta-
WILL board and room two or three In
my private home on east side; all home !
conveniences, also piano. East 6'J-3.
WILL cure for child: good home, family
f two: close to school. Tabor 7633.
!'t04 K'.uh st.
1 NICE sleeping room, suitable for 2 gen
tlemen; board if desired. 470 Columbia
LARGE front room with board for 2 gen
tlemen. 1 h!ock Hawthorne car. 254 E.
-;td gt. Phone East S3Qtt.
ONE larce front room, also one singla
room with board, for rent by ladv, lu
private fiat. Mar 337 S.
N R" E LY FI RN1SHEP room with board,
puiiabie for 1 or 2. furnace heat, shower
baths, good home cooking. 741 Clit-an.
PLEASANT room with board, reasonable:
gentletm-n preferred. East SOUd. 400
Monroe st.
NICELY furnished room, suitable for 1 or
2 : xeeiint board. 423 Vs Jefferson St..
Main 74H.
LARGE, neatly furnished room with board,
for ; good home cooking. 31 B. 10th
st. N.
LARGE front room s-uitable for - gentle
men;, walking distance, opposite Mult-
non-.ah club. 5S0 Salmon. Mam 3732.
Fl'RxiSHED room and breakfast for to
young women em plo ed ; Sunn vslde car
line. Phone East 150 I .
CLEAN rooms with or without board; mod
ern ; reasonable : between 2 1st and 22U.
H'tS tiiisan.
BOARD and suite of 3 elegant
suitable for young- men's club.
BOOM in west side apartment: board if
desired: young lady preferred; reason -
-,?. Marsh all 1 74.
PO ii KENT IMeasant room w ith board trt
dfsi rablc location ; C. S. preferred. Tabor
421 a.
PLE AS NT room w ith board, west side,
walking distance; , -block to car. Phone
Mam 4L'7s.
CL E A N, comfortable room for man. per
w ct-k. C.ood home cooking if desired.
4; Yamhill, up stairs.
ROOM and board for 1 or 2 ladie: ref. re
quired. o37 K. Franklin, tel. Sellwood
W ILL board and give be,t of care to litt.e
babv. Uoi'Jitt 11 lni.
WANTED Child to board, between 4 and
7 years; mother's care. Eat 51!0.
ROOM with board suitable for 2; C. S.
p : ei e rred . Phone East 2111.
La rg e
front room for two men. with
uiri E. 2Utb st. B 1313.
G ov D room and board .
walking distance. 544 1
home comforts
1 4th st.
Foil ONE or two people, garage if deiired;
1 5 m mutes' walk from low n. Et 57 15.
ROO M and board for gentleman.
Ankeny. Phone East 4tlti.
SM A LI child to keep in the country,
other children. Marshall 5S33.
R. K i.M and board w anted by refined young
lady on central west slue. Call H 7 IO.
WANT children to board; mother's care.
lo5 Corbett. Phone Mar. 3S3.
FURNISHED front room with best of
home c ooking tor 2 gentlemen. 32 tith st.
LA KG E room,
blk. car. 7
WANTED Child between 3 and 7 years ;
best of mother's care. Phone East 51 SO.
ROOM and board, suitable for 2 people,
employed, piano. 3'Jt Bdwy. Main :OiH.
Furnished Apartments.
Fifth ind Columbia Streets.
Five minutes' walk to Meier Frank's
store; good surroundings, strictly mod
ern, and 3-room furnished apts. ; all
outside with French doors and baicony
FOUR-ROOM apartment for rent, furni
ture for ?aie, walking distance. Am
leaving town; no dealers. Columbia
apartments, apartment 4, 11th and
THE .IEFFERT 2-room furnished apart
ment. $10 per mon I b. Cor. Russel I and
Kirby, between Mississippi and Will
iams aves. I'hone East l.V.4.
N 1CELY furnished 3-rooin apartment ;
suitable ftr couple emploved; $35.
Marshall Apts., 024 Marshall st. Broad-
w ay S51.
W ANTED 2 quiet, well-bred girl to share
furtiithed apt., staters or friends; refer
ence exchanged. Phone Marshall 3770.
3-ROOM nicely furnished apartment, walk
ing aisiance, on west eiue. i-none Mar
shall 328 L
PARK apts., 4-room corner apt., all out
side: hardwood floors. 2 beds; adults.
Afternoon, Mar. 133.
1 FURNISHED 3-room apt. and 1 4-room
unfurnished apt. 304 Guild st.. Guild
apts., bet. Thurniftn and Vaughn.
WANTED Young lady to share a 4-room
apartment with 3 others. Housman apts.,
7:io Hoyt st. Phone Main St41.
1. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apartments,
steam heated. 1S6 Sherman st, Mar
shall 2-ROtM apt. with hot and cold water,
everything furnished: 1-room apt. with
kitchenette. Main S32.
2-ROOM furnished apartment; steam heat:
alo cottage furnished. Wdln.
5058. L03 Stanton st.
COMPLETE apartment, $10; concrete bldg.
Union ave. and 1 Ings worth.
Til REE-ROOM furnished apartment. Call
E. l!47:t.
3 LARGE pleasant rooms; gas, elect, lights,
bath and phone. 2'.HH N. 21st st.
FURNISHED 4-rm. apt.;
53o Davis St.
also 2-rm. apt.
rm. apt. 511 Columbia.
apt.; also 1
11 :h.
furnished aPt.
Broadway 1031.
-ROOM furnished apt., adults only; ref
erences. 45 Trinity Place. Mar. fiW.
Unfurnished Apartment.
2 LARGE unfurnished housekeeping apart
ments, bay window, electric lights, gas,
bath. 715 Everett st.
UNFURNISHED apartment and flats,
walking distance and reasonable. Ste
phenson Court, 5! 5 Mill st.
ONE ground -floor room and kitchenette;
water, light and phone. Adults. 21
llth sr. Phone Main 807S.
3-ROOM unfurnished basement apt.; clean.
T:ihor 5:;!0.
5-ROOM apartment. $15.
Tabor 7S25.
FLATS Two five-room flats with steam
ben t ; need sme repairs ; will accept any
reasonable olfer from tenant, purchaser
or on trade. MO Corbett bldg.
BEAUTIFUL ."-room uulurnUhed flat to
man and wife. 506 E. 35th st. S., Rich
mond car.
MoDhJ UN 5 large rooms, upper fist, with
gar.ige. Call 1"71 E. 23d and Alberts.
-"-b st. S.
or 4-room flat. 60 5
J $;0 NICE 5-room lower
flat: mood lor
-ale. 33 K. jain.
FoR RENT Three-room flat. 760 Mnwau
kie. Sell. car.
Furnished rlata.
4-ROOM flat for rent, small ayit. furni
ture for t-ale. 121S Mall at-, alter 1 P. M.
WonilMock car.
ILL rent my five-room furnished fiat
to desirable party for 8 months, clove
In. 310 Ronton st. No. 2.
LoWER flat, S rooms, furnished, wiih
yard. 14 E. lth St.
NP'ELY furnibhed 4-room flat; adults
f.-rred. Also extra bedroom. A 107
Phone Sell.
-4-room furnished upper flat.
XHi'.KE -rom flats for rent and furniture
Ior aaie. XVth U