THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. XOVE3IRER 1G, 1919. 13 BEAL ESTATK. Fruit and Nut Lands. APPLE ORCHARD SALS. The reorganization committee of the Lewiston, Idaho, orchard tracts are now offering looo acres irrigated full bear ing lo and 12-year-oid apple trees in tract of 5 acres or more. The orchards are all platted, and in first-class condi - tlon, water i piped to each tract for irrigating and domestic purposes. The land will produce an v crop adapted to the climate- All kinds of fruit and vegetables are raised for the markets. Five to 20 acre." will make an ideal . home, average price $500 per acre, cash or terms. WEST JfiND ORCHARD & LAND CO., 804 Gasco Bldg. Portland, Or., or Lewjetop, Idaho. EXCEPTIONAL ORCHARD PROPOSITION. " Sutherlin valley. Five acres pears. In beannff. Fourteen acres .w towns and Spitzenberg apples in bearing. One- acre mixed fruit. Ali well taken care of and under irrigation system. Thirteen aeres f 4 barn and plenty of timber for own use. Located on good county road about two miles from town of Sutherlln. Price $5500; 3U00 cash, balance terms at 6 per cent. Box 242, Sutherlin, Or. 20 ACRES. 10 acres in bearing commercial or chard, in fine shape ;10 acres more in cultivation ; mile from station. Pri.. $4 OOP on easy terms. E fthM. Oregonian. SPECIALIST wants party of means with small place interested in culture of bet ter fruit; going wages. A. J. Averell, Medford, Or. Homestead, Relinquishments. O. AND C. RELINQUISHMENT. $200 buys this splendid 40-acre tract. 80 o which are nearly level, fine black oil. 2 miles from WJllhoit. 4 miles to Scott's Hills, about 400.000 feet of tim ber. Let this sink in. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. 'ILL sacrifice IGO-aere timber 2.5O0.OOO feet, timber lays well, gins creek, near Forewt drove. ciaim, uur. HOMESTEADS Can locate 8 homesteads, adjoining land all taken; good soil, wood, water. Address W. F. R.. 805 State St.. Hood River. Or. Pone 2004. HALF section homestead relinquishment; a snap for $250. HOl'Ck, 110 10th St. For Sale A v reage. "WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONTAGE. County of Clackamas, distant from Canby 1 14 miles, from Portland approxi mately 25 milea, electric to Oregon City, connecting with jitney for farm or Can by, fare 50c; or S. P. railroad; 45 acres, good soil, practically level, wire fence, S2 acres cultivated, balance brush, some fuel; spring branch, all year, clear and sparkling, land can be irrigated; two wells, house lhn stories, plain box bat tened, 4 to 5 looms, gopd barn, other outbuildings. 1 miles to S. P. railroad depot at Canby, formerly peach orchard, trees running out, cut down, few left, excellent for loganberries, steamboat landing, mile to paved Pacific high way, good winter road connecting, or to Canby. Price $6500, terms. FRED W. NEWELL. Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co.. 218-10-29-21-22 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 25. NICE COUNTRY HOME. 4 acres, all under cultivation and ex ceptionally fine soil. Sightly location, on good macadamized road, near the pave ment. 10 minutes walk to the electric denat. 12c comm liters' fare. Good ti ro om houe, chicken house and orchard." Lots of berries. Price $3375 with rea sonable cash payment. Personally in spected. Photo at office. John Fergu son, Gerlinger bldg. 60 Ai'llliS OF GOOD LAND, TWO MILES FROM ELECTRIC STATION, ALSO TWO MILES FROM SOUTHERN PA Ol FIC STATION ; DAILY MAIL AND CREAM ROUTE; SIX TO EIGHT ACRES YOUNG B E A R I N G F RU1T TREEri, SOU CORDS WOOD. SMALL BUILDINGS; IDEAL HOG OR DAIRY RANCH; WANT SOME CASH. BAL ANCE EASY TERMS OR TRADE FOR CITY HUME. PHUNK MARSHALL 107. - 10 ACRES BASE LINE ROAD. Close in. facing on "Base Line road and extends to station on Mount Hood raiiway. Over half in cultivation, pretty knoll for home site. Adjoining pi a i.-e to be Improved with fine country home. Snap for $5tmo. KASER & RAIN IE Y. S2.; 0 Gaaco bldg. Marshall .1125. FINE FARM NEAR PORTLAND. 40 acres only 12 milea from court t house; 30 acres under cultivation; good house and large barn; some fine river bottom land; plenty timber for fuel, fam ily orchard. Price $6600; reasonable terms. LL'EDDEMA.NN COMPANY. il 3 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY 35 MINUTES OUT. 2 acres, located on tne electric and county road, near the station. Bonita Meadows. Fin; garden land. line In All under cultivation. Tiled. New lath" and plastered hou.e 1-1x24. Price $1050 tor all cash, or $1100 on time. Personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger blag. CRANBERRY LAND will pay from 40 to 5o per cent on the investment, at a cost of $l2iK per acre. Once planted, good for lifetime without replanting. Never an overproduction, as acreage is limited. Have 15 acres of best cranberry marsh, will subdivide into 5-acre tracts and de velop for purchaser. Will be in city for a few days at 34l 6th st. CORDWOOD PROPOSITION. 13 acre, one-half mile from Ridge fleld. Wash., on county road, rural route; small house, larm and chicken house. well in yard; land level; H0O or 700 cords ot wood; price $700; $30O cash, $20 per montn. A. W. ESTES. 909 Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. 2 acres, located at "electric depot. Good 2-room house. with furniture. Place wen lencea witn wire, tiood soil One mile to school. Price $030. $351 cash. Balance will be carried as mort gage, without any monthly payments. .1 on n r ergubou, uerliuger bldg. EXTRA good home; one of the best 20 acres in Clarke county, la acres in cult vat ion, all very best wandy loam, good buildings, 3 acres fine orchard, rock road, near school, church, store, rail road station. J. B. ATKINSON. 112 V. 0th St.. Vancouver. Was hj TWO acres, all in cultivation, good soil, no rock, good double-constructed S-rm. dwelling, ham, chicken house aud yard family orchard; 2 milet from Oregon i-iiy; price oiny tioou, J20O cash, e monthly payments on balance. See Mr. Farnsworth, Interstate Investment Co., 4 10 Henry bldg., Main 1743. OREGON CITY LINE. One acre, all under cultivation, fruit and berries in abundance. tJood 4-room house, on macadamized road, near Con cord station and school Price Slttuo. i.M'O cath Personally inspected. John r crgufcon, (jeTiinger bldg. ACRE, Portland Heights Jlioo" 5 Acres, near Ores ham, cleared 1000 1K0 Acres, near Vale 1120 100 Acres, near Molalla 2500 Terms. WESTENGARD, room 1. Wor cester bldg. 6UTIIERLIN VALLEY PRUNE ORCHARD. len acres ol Italian prunes iust bearing, located one and one-fourth mile est of sutherlin on good road. A snap i at $275 per acre. Box 2-LM, Sutherlin, ! Or. GOOD tt-ROOM plastered house. 14 acre, running water ; near school, on rock road; price only $2000, $:i00 cash. bal. easy. See Mr. Farnsworth, Interstate Investment Co.. 410 Henry bldg.. Main 1743. 32 ACRES 82 D ST. $8000. AH 111 rultUatien. in oats last year; 4 room house, barn and hoghouse all old; terms- Only $250 per acre." HENRY W. iiuUDARP, 243 Stark St. TWO ACRES on hard surface roadToO" mtn uifs' ride from town. Two-Mory unfin ished house. All cleared. tiood straw, berry land. Good son. Equity $810 for quirk sa ie. N i'lt. Oregonian. KlGH T e. f our-ml les from Portland, i i-h ic 1. e 11 plant, lies right on a ,ii, JP'J.-'OO. J.-iun cash, balance d terms. Oaring At Me Reynolds, 214 Ab ington bldg. Main 4141. 1-H AOKK absolute Willamette river fron- tage. strutly high-class residence prop erty, city conveniences, on electric line. nenr vtutbm. ituto road across rear, close in. Ov. uer. Marshall 420. 1 1 u A It ES at Huber. Red Electric, just be ond Beavert on ; all cleared rock road ; Kiiiall s'mek: $s50. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. ilh st. 40 ACRES. $4400; house, fcarn. 12 cult.. onie timber. 22 miles Portland, near Co lumbia highway loop. M c Far land. 602 Yeiv.i b-.e.g. ONfci 5-aere tract of land for sale. $17 per acre; terms: $25 cash, balance 5 ner mo. for oire ear. S oil rights reserved. T T. .Tames. Palace hotel. Portland. Or. ONE or two acres on car line. 0-cent fare, run nine stream all yeur. Fine for poul try. Will s.-'I "n very easy terms. Lo cated at Metzger station. Main 0S2. 10 ACRES, ell under cull., fair bldgs.. on paved road. Vi mile from Beaverton station; $4Mrf; worth more. 11 to 4. 2o5 A. 1 jek yjbhlg. 1 TO 5 acres, real bargain at $750 per acre; good soil. leve.. tine location. (5 blocks from Rose City Park car on 72d st : terras. Tabor 6,".i', THREE acres overlooking river on west side: surrounded by beautiful hornets; at a surprisingly low price. Pacific Realty, 00 opa.diiitf bluti. M. 47. BEAt ESTATE. For Saie Acitsrc. A HOME AND AN INCOME. $10,000 SUBURBAN HOME FOR $5500. 1919 CROP SOLD FOR $3500. Nlne acres of rich loam, soil, located 14 miles from Portland and only 4 blocks from electric stai-ion, school, stores, etc ; 4 aerejr In 12-year-old and 2 acres in 8-year-o:d apples, 2 acres 8-year-old walnuts. The orchard has had excellent care. . House, barn and out buildings, well femced. The owner lives east and is sacrificing at half the value. Cut this ad. out now and call early Mon day. You can be absolutely independent for life at the cost of a city house and lot; only $5500, and terms can be ar ranged. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., . 212 Railway Exchange Bldg1. OREGON CITY LINE. 5 and a fraction acres... one-third mile from station; pood 4-room buneralow with laree attic that cn -be finished into 2 rooms; basement: good spring water piped to house, bearing orchard 30 fruit tree and lots of berries: barn 18x3S. woodshed VyU hnildintra all in Al shape ; 4 acres under cultivation, of which 2 acres Is good onion land. Price $iS50.Vwith small payment down. With this place Is a -cow, hay. wood. 2 hogs, and chickens that can be bought at a reasonable price. Personally inspected. Photo at office. JOHN FERG U SON. G erUn ger bldg. LARGE modern dairy farm and about 4500 acres, including several miles of shore line on Puget sound, about 50 miles north of Seattle, A colonization proposition with unusual townsite and summer resort features. Price for - all the real and personal property, Including valuable improvements. J365000. Terms. CALVIN PHILLIPS & COMPANY, 600 Leary Building. Sea tin. CHELATCHIE PRAIRIE RANCH. 62i acres, 50 under cultivation. - bal ance timber and pasture, good well and large creek, 6-room house, large barn, one 2-year-old colt, 1 brood sow. 4 doz en chickens, 9 cows, 1 2-year-old heifer. 3 1-year-old heifers, plow, cultivator. 2 wagons, hack, cream separator and all ernal tools. Total price. $7500; $2500 cash, balance five years at GVc. Che latchie prairie in one of the garden spots of the state of Wasnington, and is only about 45 miles from Portland. Photo at office of Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays. ACRES, all under cutivation: located east of Gresham. on good hard-surtaced road in front and graveled road on the sfde; 14 bearing fruit trees. 7 cherry trees. 16 young apple trees. 12 goose berry bushes, 20 currant bushes, black berries and grapes; all fine soil, no gravel or rock; small creek through place; good well, house, barn, chicken house and rabbit hutches: close to electric- depot. school and stores. Price $2500, $1300 cash, long time on balance at 6 per cent. Personally inspected. Photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. CHEAP ACREAGE. Five acres, $250, $10 down, $5 per month, buys five acres of land between Portland and Centralia on the main ljne of three railroads, 1 h to 31r miles from good little town: sawmills and logging camps In immediate vicinity; some of this land is partly cleared, running stream, some bottom and -some bench , this acreage priced from $25 to $75 per acre. Can give you any kind of a piece you want. CHARLES DELFEL, 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. COWS. CHICKENS AND EQUIPMENT. Nearly 5 acres, located on good road, close to Portland; 14-mile from station: all under cultivation. Everything - in the way of fruit, all bearing; also wal nuts and other nuts; good 5-room house, barn, fruit cellar and other buildings. Price $31 50, with the cows, cream sep arator, bees, rabbits, chickens and every thing. Large cash payment. No better soil anywhere. Personally inspected. Photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. 5-ACRE ORCHARD of 10-year-old trees. A chance to step right in and reap the benefit of another man's expense, labor and patient wait ing. Gocd condition and locality, very best soil, close to railroad. Owner dis abled and will sell very reasonable. Might consider cash-and-carry grocery stock, invoice about S1O0O. in exchange. Owner. 403 Stock Exchange bldg. Mam P075; evenings, T abor 6 H27. $250 CASH. 'ft.ArRF. BERRY TRACTS. Located about 5 miles west of Rainier. ctr tho hi of alluvial clay soli, well adapted for the raising of al! kinds of berries, land 'ies ideal for this purpose; 2 miles from Columbia river paved hign wav. on good road ; canneries ready tc contract for cror Price $1000, $250 cash, balance $150 annually. 505 CORBETT BLDG. ON THE PAVEMENT. t,o otait nf thp ritv. Huso Line road one tine acre, all good land: nice shade trees, citv conveniences, aras. Bull Run water, electric liph ts and city phone are there. Price sw. wiin in. This is only $100 a lot and the county pavs for the oaved road. JOHN FERGUSON. Oerlinger bldg. "TEN-ACRE SNAP. Located only 4 miles from city on fine road, lies 10 acres of fine land, smail shack, good well and pump, over half cultivated, balance small brush, eas clear; am told to nacrif ice at pric only $3000, (TtOO down, balance easy. Ll'EDDEMANN COMPANY, ItlH Chamber of Commerce. of OWNER'S SACRIFICE BE A UTlf U l. to ACRES, NEAR VA.MUL cn; r i . . -TR1C AND PAVED ROAD; EXCEL LENT FOR PRUNES AND WALNUTS; CULTIVATED. EXCEPT HALF ACRE STANDING TIMBER; PLASTERED HOUSE WITH CONCRETE BASEMENT. 3500; HE RMS. EVENINGS, TABOR 7055; 141 EAST GOTH NORTH. ONLY" 5c CAR FARE. riv 2 acres, located south of Capi tal Hill, all under cultivation, creek cm back part; lots of fruit trees, good fences. 4-room house, with city water ana gas. barn, fhfeken house and store house. Price $1H50. $10o0 cash. Personally in spected. Photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. ViIT CAN have position; 21 acres of iand. all under alKe. inis is ine unesc tana in the state of Orecon for truck garden ing and dairying; $lt- per acre, lo years to pay, first- payment due Jan. 1, li22. 7 acres cleared and 7 more easily cleared for crop. 1020. $2ti0 takes my contract. A. E. Swenson, Slough. Or. I.OGr.ED.Ct7F LANDS. Tracts, 5 acres up. located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearoy; buy on your own terms. Ll'EDDEMANN COMPANY. 613 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE- 20-ACRE SNAP. ONLY $100 PER ACRE. Just off paved highway, lit miles from courthouse. in cultivation, bal. open pasture; fine spring, no rock nor gravel. You will not get a snap like this often Call 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. CHICKEN RANCH. . SI 000. 2-acre tract and 4-room cottage: good well, on E. SJd st.. about 10 min. walk from Kendall station. Gresham carina, J. J., OKDER, 4 Grand ave.N.. cor. E. Ankeny st. 5000 ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only: easy terms, low price, $5 rir acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted ac par. Write for map show ing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma bldg Tacoma, WTash. A GOOlTwY. Fine 5-rooro bungalow, located on 3 acres, close In, about 1 acre cleared, bal ance fir grove: gas and fine well. A good buv at $3150, good terms. U'EDDEMANN COMPANY, il3 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN IF TAKEN NOW. X own ten acres land on Red River in the Burk Burnett oil field. Texas. Will sell or trade one or more acres for good income property. W, Box 43, Cor- vallis. Or It; ACRES in cultivation, good bltlga. 6 hlks. from electric station, for only $42AO. . 7tn cash, bal. to suit. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. ONE acre, all ! n cultivation, nn block pou'th of Powell Valley on Buckley ave. ; price $700. $520 csh, balance $U per mth. Tabor 5M3. 10 ACHES, tfood orchard, house, atl out buildings. Bull Run water; located jurt toatli yf Lents, 6131 92d st. S. E. Thomas Allen. - . 14 ACRES Improved land, good house, barn, water, 2 horses, wagcu, plow, cul tivator; $5000, cash, bal. on time. 656 North 0th St., Gra nfs 1 'asyh Or. 14 ACRES, in cultivation, adjoining city limits of Vancouver, with bless., for only $;;nuo; $.".00 cash. bal. to ult. Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry blcg. ACRES with running stream . 3-roo:n roit:iK?. nvnT Ma berry station on Bull Kun tar line: S15O0: terms. Bdwy. 1B5S iregon blrlg joO 1-ACRE in a high state of cultiva tion, with good bUIps., close in; ti biks. from electric station; .oo can. bal. to a u 1 1 . W i . our f. jouno. nenry u:qg. ACRES balance at Ruby Junction: cleared, ir trove; $lnoo; terms. Bdwy t Oregon bldg. ACRES, blocks 1 f 15.S. cleared, very best of station; $70t; terms. Oregon bldg. sell; $ Bdwy. VUll orexon City -iine acreage, improved ur unimrrovfld, see John Brown. 324 1 1 a 1 1 w a E xcha n ge bldg. Mar. 3331. Hi AilES. n ear Vancouver school; small Wash., on lng panitint. Oak road, near Urvve, boa 45, BE AX ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. KEWBERG HIGHWAY BARGAIN 17 acres, located just off Newberg highway on county road. 17 miles from Portland, close to siation; woven wire fencing, fine creek, family orchard, bear ing small fruit; 4-room ceiled house, with patent toilet In bathroom, tub not installed. Fine modern barn, 36x48; modern hog hou&e, 2 dandy chicken houses with runs, cement floors In barn and hog houses. 2 u.cs beautiful grove, greenhouse, and au up-to-date water system carrying water to ali buildings; electric lights. You can buy all this for $4500. 11 acres adjoining mostly in cultivation, can be purchased. - JOHN E. HOWARD. 31S Cham, of Com. $llo 30 ACRES AT REEDVILLE. A nice country torau near Keedville station ; 30 acres, 16 cleared, balance pasture and 2 acres nice timber: 6 room beaver-boarded house, red barn, outbuildings, choice fruit; $6500; $1500 down. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 6tb au Broadway 4381. AT THE EDGE OF THE CITY. 2 acres, all under cultivation ; gravel road within 2 blocks of place; good gar age, barn, chicken house and woodshed: -5-room plastered house, wired for lights, gas and electric lights available: build ings all In fine shape; nearly new: 35 bearing prune trees and other assorted fruit trees. Price $2650. $lo0o cash. This is only 25 minutes out. Personally in spected. Photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. a ACRES fine soil within 20 minutes Port land, 6-room house, barn, Z big sheds, city water, gas, on paved road ; 3 cis terns, 1 acre in berries; lo bearing cherry trees; ail level ground. The best chance you will ever have to work In city and eventually become independent. $15o0 will handle. HARRIS & MAXWELL. Main 2S31. 304 Railway Ex. Bldg. ALL IN BEARING FRUITl Two acres, at the edge of the city, on good macadam i zed road, this side of Buckley av.. close to electric line; Spitz enberg and Wrnesap apples, rherries. loganberries, raspberries. blackberries, currants, gooseberries and rhubarb : ail ofthc fruit trees in good shape. Price $1775, with tola cash. Personally in spected. JOHN FERGUSON'. Gerlinger bldg. PRETTY COUNTRY HOME. FOREST GROVE. 6 2-3 acres, best soil, 50 bearing apple trees. 120i loganberries, berries of all kinds, splendid 7-rom house, new barn, modern chicken house, Just out of town, near station ; price 53600. Hargrove j. Realty fa, 122 N. 6ta at. Broadway 438L ONLY" $15 PLt ACRE. ..J.UU acres, v ashing ion county, near Gatton, one mile to school and good county road; fenced, fair barn, about o acre cleared ; some fruit, springs, small creek, fir and cedar timber, fitv soil; idc.1 for prunes or walnuts or a dandy s.uck ranch; unlimited outrange; terms. A. W. ESTE3. 009 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES CLOSE TO ELECTRIC. First-class little place with good 5 room hou.--e, barn, etc., iots of fruit, ber ries and grape, about half in cultiva tion, rest in pasture wiih spring; hi mile from depot on guod road ; hor.e, cow, chickens and tools included ; ;iooo. D. McChetney, 304 Vs Oak at., Bdwy. 206. SEVEN-ACRE BARGAIN. Willamette, Or.; 5 acrs in cultivation; 4-room house", outbuildings, family or chard, bearing berries and small fruits, one-half acre grapes, two acres Htraw berries; 5c fare to Oregon City, :tuc to Portland; chin is a real bargain; $1350; $050 cash, balance S12."(0 per mouth. A. W. EST ES, 90it Chamber of Commerce. tl ACRES: ideal fruit and dairy farm, near town; all In cultivation; 6-room houfe, barn, chicken house. garage, spring water and creek. 2 acres Italian plume, all kinds smail fruits; choice ap ples and peaches; work house, cow, chickens, 30 stands been, farm toolP, feed and winter s wood. All for $3700. Terms. WHITE & CO., 703 j 1st St. Newberg. Or. A REGULAR HUM E PLACET Five acres fine soil, mostly In cul tivation, ct os" to river and paved high way; beautiful surroundings; 6-rooin epiendid house, cement basement, bath, toilet, hot and cold water under pressure and only 10 miles out: I've seen noth ing better; a big bargain, sure, at $3250; terms. B. F. KEITLY 715 Swtland Bldg. SPRINGS AND NATURE. Splendid 4-acre tract, with 3 living npi i rigs, beauti I'ul view of Columbia, 3 room housy, thort diHtance from Van couver and near paved highway, all equipped, for $2150, terms. ERNEST WELLS CO.. 401 Couch Bldg. Main 29. Evenings and Sundays, Tabor Sfioti. NEAR OREGON CITY. 5 acres. 2 miles Oregon City, on fine road, all cultivated, fenced and cross fenced, S-room plastered bungalow, base ment, bath, etc. Good barn, several chicken-houses. greenhouse, 160 fruit trees, some berries. Everything in fine condition. Price $3750. Terms. HUM M ELL & RUM 51 ELL, 274 Stark st. ON NEWBERG HIGHWAY A wonderful 1 5-acre tract, hiphly im proved with prunes, apples and every conceivable fruit, nut and berry ; good 6-room house, an ideal pWce and at edge of Newberg; price $J500, terms. . ERNEST WELLS CO., 401 Coucii Bldg. Main 629. Evening and Sundays, Tabor 5iOi 10 ACRES $00. nne for chickens, fruit and berries; ngni- hi store and postoffice; 30 miles from Portland;- 2-rooni shack. a r .-.. cu. jcmxj, Lerms a,-y cash balance to suit. Ll'EDDEMANN COMPANY, M3 Chamber of Commerce.' EXTREME SACRIFICE. 20 acres right at station, Oregon Elec tric, lormeriy sold for $250 acre; price now for Quick action, $110; only 17 miles out. ERNEST WELLS CO., 401 Couch Bldg Main CR29. Evenings and Sundays .Tabor 5000. 2-s ACRES. HOUSE. $13im. Located near Heaverton. 3 mile from electric station; lnd all cleared, 5-roojn house, family orchard. K mile from school and main road: price. 1300, terjns $40o dow n. b;i lance reasonable I.UEI'DEMANN COMPANY H13 Chamber of ommerc 03 ACRES, half in cul Li vat ion. bottom land, S acres prunes, 7-room house, barn, other out build ings. prune dryer, stock and Implf-meniB, all fenced, on rock road, I mile from store, 1:0 miles from courthouse. Price $10,500. 422 Wash ington street, room !). MODERN COUNTRY HOME. 12 ACRES. . PavH road, right at ftation. 5 miles city limits; rn 6-room bungalow ; land mostly cleared; red barn, out buildings; price $0000. Hargrove Realty Co.. 1-2 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381. LOWEST PRICED ACREAGE. WE HAVE IT. SUBURBAN $375 AND $450, AUTO ROADS. NEAR CAR. 10 PER CENT DOWN. 5 ACRLS. NEAR B V C K E L Y AND P O W E L L. ALL CLEARED, $2100, MANY OTHERS J. C. Corbin Co 305-6-7-8 Lewis B:dg. ACRES. Just outside of the citv limits of Woodburn. Or.: a good 7-room house priced at $4."00 for quirk sa'e. This is $.Vto less than It is worth: the best buy near Portland. Free of all incumbrance. NORD HAMPTON CO Main S243. 401 Stock Exchange Bldg.' BUY SUBURBAN PROPERTY NOW. Have a nw 4-room house on good cor ner acre, also modern 5-room hous with lari?e attic on one acr; both close to station. Come and see them and make me an offer. G. H. Johnson. Mtzger MADISON VTLLA SlOOd. si acre, 2 blks. from station on Ore. Elect ric and on paved road ; ail ciearei! ; southerly t:ore, water and ga in mains In front ot jJae.-; $'m Ml handle HENRY W. GODPARP, 243 Stark St. 20 ACRES J14.-.0." IS MILES PORTLAND. a. MILE ROP.IXO. SMALL HOUSE, 3 ACRES CLEARED. TiLLA BLE. FENCES. J. C. Corbin Co.. ;io5-6-7-8 Lewis Bldg. 5 A ' R ES. Jus: east of Beaver ton ; ro'-k road; all rieared; fine land. gas. garage, good small house, good orchard and bearing walnuts; 30u0. Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 N. 6;li s:. 1 ACRES. aM. 6 b;ks. N. of GUsan St., on Ml. Hood line: all in cult., fine place for garden t ruck ; some fruit. Bull Run water within 2 blks.. J 300 wi'.l handle HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark rit. FOR SALE ance limtv 10 seres 40 a err r. soil f. 3'J under plow, bal Al. cloe in. e. barn, good location ; a.y terms. Tabor 4131. splendid buy 3 ACRES along car line and near n tat ion; improvements alone worth price. In quire of M. E. Hayman, Wichita station, on Eftacnda car line. I HAVE 1'i lio acrt-s in Harney countv. 25 will sell for $1000. miles south 01 Burns or trade for Oregon ian. automobile. A K 755. $:0 DOWN J 5 A MONTH. 1 fu:i acre at T:pard station, all cultiva t ion : total !. 5. SM ITH - W AGONE R CO.. Stock Ex. IOO ACRES, sec. 17. 1 S. 5 improved, some timber. E . S30 per acre. East 003. REAL ESTATE. For Sal e Acreage. 10 ACRES, located south of McMUanville. Or., 9 acres can be cultivated. 5 acres under cultivation, 4-room house, barn, chicken house, good fencing. Young or chard. One mile 10 school. Nice sightly piace. Price $1175 with $275 cash. Join ing this place is 10 acres all under cul tivation, without buildings for $1050. $250 cash. Personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger Didg. PER ACRE 0 acres. Reedville dis trict; terms. McFarland. W- leon piug. For Sale t arm. IF THESE DON'T SUIT YOU YOU DON'T WANT A FARM. 160 acres; 30 acres cultivated; 18 acres beaverdam; 2o acres saw timber; lota of cedar; good tt-room box. house; all neces sary outbuildings; well; large family or chard of fruit and berries; 20 seeded to wheat, oats and rye; 20 tons 01 nay m barn; 2 acres turnips; lots of potatoes; 1 cow, 2 horses, 1 sow, 3 pigs; wagon, harnesses, implements and tools; unlim ited outrange for stock; located in Wash ington countv, 35 miles from Portland; 3 miles railroad station; mile from school. Price ti400; terms $2uoo cash, bal. any length of time at 6 per cent interest. 47 acres; all under cultivation except 5 acres white oak along creon iuuoi through place, 7 acres wheat, 8 are1i oats and 4 acres clover already seeded. Best kind of buildings, newly painted and repaired; pictures to be seen at our ot fice. Pacific highway, railroad and graveled county road run by the place. Aimost all under hog-tight fence. Lo cattd only few blocks from railway sta tion and postoffice of a good valley town. Improvements worth almost the price asked, which is only $5500; or. with 3 cows, 2 horses, 6 hogs, 24 chickens, har nesses, buggies, separator. Implements and tools, oOU0; some terms. 4 acres; about 50 acres of best kind of bottom land; 20 acre, fine ro ng prune land; the whole tract under culti vation except a small knoll and about 5 acres in timber along a creek reserved for domestic purposes; 7-room house on a sightly location surrounded by large oak and cherry trees; new 6-room box house; barn and other outbuildings. 2 springs; good family, orchard of variety of fruit and berries. Located 1 mile from a good valley town and on good road Price only b000; terms $2000 cash bal ance 18 or more years at 5 per cent inL Mr. Farm Buyer: 'as co"pa!; these with any other arm of fered for sale. We hope you will frnd there is a difference in larmi. pricee and term 01 payment. E. A. LINDGRE'N, SAVON LAND CO.. 935 N. W. Bank Bid. Main 5oSl. , COLUMBIA COUNTY FARMS. Most of the arm handled by ua are within 33 mllea of Portland, on good roads and close to market. We have the best Improved and unimproved lan. Bii-acre farm. 3 miles from Et. Helens, IS aires In cultivation, buildings, bear ing orchard, fine criek. water piped to house, good roads, close t school and postoffite; U.VHI. easy terms; stock, ....a .w.hinsrv included. in fin neighborhood, 10 acres cleared, .rest slashed except small .. 1 i, nn-lmrd. small frultS. fine creek, good building and good road?, school church and postoffice near by. $370o, part cash, balance terms. 20 acres, on rock road. 9 miles from at nin TO acres cleared, good house and barn; $170o, terms. Uood chance for logger; camp close by. 15 acres in city limits of Scappoose, in fiiiiifflilnn :tnO rr acre. Sauvies inland farm, 284 acres, bearing APPhurii luri... HmiHM and barn, fine graz ing proposition; some good duck lakea. $23,0(10 ; terms. RUTHERFORD REALTY CO., ST. HELENS, OR. I aniiMTKIl FARM tn nAnr Ot-M'hutp.s station: good. level roads: mile from The Dalles-California highwav; place wire fenced and cross-fenced; 40 acres irrigated, all right fullv paid; 35 acres in cultiva-;...-, i! nf n-l-ii.-v in ffood stand of al falfa; 3 acrra highly fertilized garden soil; can verify that $1100 worth of tnu-b nan sniil thi fso!i to netghbor- ine lumber campa: various crops raised rtn hn l.ini land such as spuds, rye, corn, etc.; house 35x25, tjapered. water- piped ; barn I.x3. a large cement us lornu a ifiass-covfTed hotbeds: horses, cow 'heifers. 10 tons of hayv all kinds of farm machinery, wagons, buggy, sep- i.r,tnr u-hinir machine, some furniture. Price $r00. existing mortgage $1750. at 3 years; will take siuuo casn. oai nr Sit7.V in some farm west of moun tainu wi'n c-nnrt water suid1v. near mar ket or shipping point, not less than 40 acres. FRED W. NEWELL. Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co., 218-19-20-21-22 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. RTfirk' RANCH 3-19. $15.000 348 acre about 20 miles east of Eugene; 100 acres under cul iivMtir.n: 75 acres in timber am balance pasture, all can be fni-1-nori xrent 140 acres. We watered with springs and creek, Mil fenced. Good fc-room house, with 2 fireplaces; 3 large hiirti ilo nnd other outbuild Ings: 2 miles from postoffice, mi at-p nnd deoot: rood roads, plenty of outrange. Good terms. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 512-13-14-13 Swetland Bldg. 00 ACRES 125 acres In cultivation; good ..ii-i- har-n- -room house: 10 acres full bearing prunes: right on paved high wav; 12 miles from the heart of Port land rent $75 per month. Personal prop erty consists of 17 milk cows, 8 heifers, 0 bulls and 2 calves, 5 horneB and har ness, hnps chickens and ducks, 3 wagon- hack, buggv, mower, rake, disc, gang plow and 2 walking plows, 2 cultivators, harrow, cream separator, cider press, nilk cooler and cans, 3o0 bushels of oats. 25 bushels of rye, 12 acres peeded crop, 50 tons of hay, straw and potatoes. Price $4000; terms. H. A. DRYER, "The Acreage Man." 508-9 Lewis Bldg. CHRISTMAS GIFT 1 un -iii mtlf-a east of Cape Horn. stiite of Washington; good roads, high school grade school; land rolling; cedar pouts and wire; DO aores in cultivation; 3O00 apple tree?. 300 prunes, cherries, plums and peaches; grain has been crown between rows; property appraised bv very reputable bank farm appraiser of stat-wle reputation at $17,200; our price 5: t'"?-- WWW.T.T. Ore en In vest men r M or r gage Co., 218-l.-20-21-22 Chamber of Commerce. Ma rshiill 205. SMALL EQUIPPED FARM. 25 acres, located 2 miles Moliala. Or. On good graveled ii - erhnsil All ran be from road. Cllltl vated. J'-' acres ur.ner :uhiih. " acre pasture, that can easily be plowed. No waste land. Good fences. 2 acres or chard, all kinds of fruit. 8-room house, barn, chicken house and root cellar, with cement floor. Telephone and all rural conveniences. Price $4000 with team 2 rows, chickens, crops, culti vator, plows, harness. isc ,narw buggv and etc. $25IH cash. John Fer- guson. Gerlinger bldg. mn nnn irTxrir. nrnne and fiairy ranch. "close to Portland. 120 acres. 90 acres in -..wi.-ottnn in acres heart nc prunes, Ni iininr ftnn: familv orchard. r.hrrlrK. nears. etc.: fenced, silo. 2 rtrw house. 8-rdm house, all ma rhinrv needed: 2 cows. 8 horses. This 1- . fin. rfil.n-tilnned farm, and Ttonev-maker; owner too old to handle. A ill take $5000 caj.n and balance on o1; interest. F. H. DESHCN CO.. 615 Chamber m CnmmTrf TAR MM I NNV1 LLE. 124 a'-res. located southwest of town, on a r-an he cultivated. 55 arrs un der cultivation. 40 seeded to crop. 70 acres pasture. Good f enres. Countv .. mil in school and all rural ronv'enlences. Good 7-room house, barn iiiv unH rtHr tn iiil In ks. One acre or- rbard. Price $0 per arre, with horses. S cows, 3 yearlings. 2 hoes. bull 15 goats. 20 chickens. 5 turkevs and' complete line of machinery. 35u0 cash. -John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. $OitO FOR THIS 40-acre farm. Improve ments could not be made for price I ask : R-roum house, large modern barn, hog and rfeken houte. good orchard and small fruit; atl fenced, level and ail cleared but about 8 acres for pasture and wood ; 1 miles to Portland, 1 S miles to railroad and station on hard surfaced road; across the road to school. Som terms. Owner; 11 E. 47th N.. or phone Tabor 2'i- . FARMING LAND, Futherlln. O Can of f . r any amount of fr from IO to 400 in a body at exceptionally low prices. Some under Irrigation. Bog 242, Suth erMri. r- HAVE farms, a II sizes, all prices, soms equipped, stock. Implements, etc.. in-d-ided Will consider Portland home on several. Thomson, 62U-21 Henry bldg Main MM). ; 16 - CF ES, good hniu. hum, orchard ; $3.-.00. Main 3o72. McFarland. 6J2 Yeoa bldg. 40-ACRE farm, near Hl'.Isboro. Or., fo sale cheap. F. Sigsby, 14W5 E. Ash st Phone Taoor l'.m. 40 ACRES near LvTe for sale or trade for land 20 or 30 miles of Portland. Mrs. Geo. St. Lawrence. Lyle. Wash. CAT IFORNIA farm for sale. Write for list. E. R. Waite. Shawnee. Oklahoma. a irnEP. $1 5oo: house, barn : level. Main McFarland. 02 Yeon bldg. SO ACRE farm f .r sale, $ $2.oo wiil Moore, Woodburn, Or. handle. 1L L. JlEA LJESTATE. For Sale Farma. 120 ACRE.'? $3500 IN TRADE. 70 acres in cult., mors not hard to put In. Some good timber, fine living water. Good o-room house, well furnished; a complete household outfit goes with the place and they are Kood. neat and ciean. Uood large barn, ail in good shape. Good I hog house, chickeo house, granary, eel ar, machine shop; ail kinds of good fruit I and grape arbor. Water right at the house. Place all fenced and cross fenced, - 4 head of horses, -2 cows, 1 heifer, 28 head of fine sheep. 13 hogs, about 60 chickens, mower, rake, binder, drill, disc, cuit. riding and walking plow, wagon, harness uata, wheat, hay, corn. ' Telephone In house. Cream route, daily mall. This "i a cbmplete farm ready to move on; you need no house hold goods; this is complete and the stuff is A-l, nice and clean. You will be more than pleased with the whole layout. This Is 1 W miles to electric line, . H mile to school, miles of Ore gon City; all gravelled but H mi.e that is going to be gravelled soon. We will take house and lot in Portland up to I35O0 In tome good district. This is our cash price, so do not pad as we will not trade for a place that is not right Price for place with everything Is $16,000. $3500 in trade and $3000 cash as first payment, bal. to suit. If you want to buy, no trade, it will take $5oo0 in cash to swing the dal. E. P. ELLIOTT A SON. Jth and Main sts., Oreton City, Or. WASHINGTON "FARM ' LANDS. We have some of the best improved farms, befit located, in the best wheat district. In thu best Dart of the west. offering you the best buy on the best terms. "Sample': 640 acres good wheat land. 650 acres of fine summer fallow. 3o0 acre uown to winter wheat. 00 acres pas ture, place' is well improved, tt-room plastered houce. well arranged Inside, cement basement, drilled well and reser voir, fine, large Darn; 3 mlies to mar ket; this place is in condition to produce irom o.ouw to 4U,oou worm ok wno. next year, absolutely the best buy in the country; price $00 per acre. $5.0o0 cash, terms on -balance, f We are able to furnish you with any number of acres of good wheat land, either Improved or unimproved, ranging In price from $00 to $200 per acre. For information, write or phone , CRANE REALTY CO- ' SL John. Wash. BUY WHEAT LAND IN MORROW COUNTY AND GET THE BlibT FOR THE MONEY. S20 acres wheat land. Id miles from Heppner; 250 acred- in summer fallow. 400 In stubble . Plenty of water; fair buildings. Price $27.50 per acre. $12.00U cash, balance long terms. 530 acres 2 tfc miles from Lexington, main highway; 200 acres summer fal low, balance stubble: fair house, barn, good buy $27,000, $S0u0 cash, balance SlooO and interest each year; deterred payments 6 per cent. 072 acres, 4 miles from town. 20 miles from railroad: 3o0 acrei summer fal low; seeded; price $27,5U0; J IO.ouiL ca.-th. balance long terms; good improvements. BROWN & McilENAAlIN. Ileppuer. Or. GOOD FARM NEAR HUBBARD. 811 acres, about 41 in cuttiv anon, bal. pasture and timber: running water through pasture: all good soil; located 1 W miles from Hubbard. y mile from Pacific highway i paved : .good two- story plastered house, 2 barns and out buildinxa. two welis. plenty fruit; prtc $-'00 per acre, good terms. Wm. Wolfer, owner, tiuooara, (jr. 400-ACKE FARM FOR SALE, NEAR NEWBEUCJ. 70 acres in wheat and oats: 18 acres In bearing walnuts; good house and outbuildings, running spring water in house; 20 head sheep, pair horses, prop erty ready for family to move onto. Will sell at a low value and on liberal terms If desired. If you want a mo:t, attractive home place, with fine roads nearly all the distance to Portland, at a price to make you some money by doing a little work on the property it will pay you to call and talk it over. W1NTHROP HAMMOND. 127 Sixth St. 40 ACRES $2250. $500 cah, $100 smi-annual!y. buys a splendid 40-acre ranch, nearly level. 5 acres fairly cleared. 5 acres more cleared and seeded tm clover between the stumps; irrigating ditch right throuch the place, water from same costing $2.50 per acre per year; well-built large 2-room house, good barn, log ptoi ehoufe and other buildings; good plow, sturnp-puller. table and block and other tools; located 0 miles north of Carbon Springs, up the rlnmblR. river. Photoarawh at office of Fred W. German Co., 732 Chain, of Com. Open Sundays. MRRR-a YOUR CHANCE. 0 acres. 35 acres in cultivation, finest of black loam soil, 20 acres 2d growth fir. easily cleared ; 35 acres scattering oak. very easily cleared; 5-room boue barns, machine shed, other outbuild inH; fine large creek back of barns: trs.r.A famliv orchard: fenced and cro fflnt-d: on 'main highway. 20 miles from Portland. Price, $125 per acre, liberal terms. Consider onie trade. MR. M1LLERSH IP, Alder Hotel. Main 5275 PANADIAV FARM. ALBERTA. lo Hcrn of rich. deeo. black loam soil. 60 acres broke, all can be cultivated. nrt rock nor brush, cornering on two main graded roads with telephone lines, in th midst of a thickly settled .district. close to school, adjoining city of Cor nation. Alta. Pop.. 1000. Price $30 per acre, or will trade as part payment on . mn.nor. fnrnFdn to Portland. Price not over $12. 000. May consider Portland home. AV 841. "Oregonian.. RARflAIXS IN BIG FARMS. . 4K51A acres; on west slope of coast range: grass green all the year; higniv imi.roveii dairy rancn. jur. .". iniit grrni: n. stockman's uaradise coast slope. All lmprovemenm ueeueu. $15 per acre. 522 acres; one of Yamhill s best farms: 350 acres open land. A snap buy at $75 acre. B. S. COOK, 601 Stock Exchange bldg. WE HAVE CHICKEN RANCHES AND SMALL FARMS MU.M .ou , f : i,-- 1 TERMS. SEE US BEFORE BUYING OR SELLING. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 329 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. PHONE BDWY. 3081. . YAKIMA VALLEY BARGAIN Irrigated 80 acres, A nine irom ion, nine nun station, government canal, 8-room house, big red barn, chicken house and other outbuildings, cellar. 6-acre bearing or chard, grapes, nuts, berries, 20 acres line alfalfa; t000, terms. Central Yak ima p.anches Co., 512 Selling bldg. Main 4O03. Write for photos. l.ITTl.K FARMS EASILY BOUGHT. 10 acres, Jut bark of Vancouver. .$2SOO 15 acres near rail and river 300 40 acres near Gaston, good land.. 15oO 80 acres near rail and river 20o0 These tracts all have some Improve ment, some very good, so purchaser can go on nnd produce a living. B. S. COOK, 601 Stock Exchange bldg. NEAR COTTAGE GROVE. $2700; $100O cash, buys a 1 40-acre ranch 100 acres tillable. 40 under cul tivation. 2.OOO.U00 feet of saw timber, family orchard, 6-room house. 2 larxe barns, chicken house, smoke house, hog house, all fenced, 7 miles to Yoncalia. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sunday s. u 553-ACRE FARM. Near Oregon City, well Improved, ''well watered; price right; must be seen to be appreciated. We have many other bar gains in farms and acreage. See us be fore buying. Co-operati e Realty Co.. 3-9 Lumbermens bldg. Phone Bdwy. S'.tSl ' FOR SALE of tno finest SO seres Multnomah county. About 20 acrs cleared and In crops: fair house, on good gravel road, hi mile from Powell Va lle hard -surface road, mile from Port- land. The Dlace has never heen offered for sa la before. Some terms. Inquire U14 East 2'.:h St., city 4 3; I 1 : ii ACRES Irrigated land, most health ful part California, south of Los Angeles on R. R. ; 2 acres bearing peaches and olives, no Togs or excessive rain; niii tnis. balance innit time. Ui Interest. Box Caoazon, Riverside county. Cal. FOR SALE The best 231-acre farm with 133 acres cultivated, good farm build ings 2 miles Woodburn. pi ice $25.00it; uniiri tM We a little trade or sell and best of terms. Crittenden & Courand. Hubbard. Oregon. Kill TO 120 PER ACRE. Fine level. Irrigable fruit and alfalfa i.nrta IriFYhauBtiule water supdiv. lda ciimste. Write Chamber of Commerce, WiHcrx, Arimtia. FOR SALE rtO-scre farm on paved high way to Portland. 20 miles. 21 to a lem. fair buildings; one mile to Aurora, only $150 per acre. This 1 the bet buy between Portland and Saiem. Critten den & Courand. Hubbard. Oregon. " fso7iir yr'arlT INCOM E. This is conservative. 30 acres, corners In citv limits; berries anrj general farm ing; very complete; get details. 1. F. arthout. Sumner. Wash. Farmers' Mutual Fire Relief Association. Insures at cost. 2.YOoo saved to fann ers yearly. ptocl Exchsnye bldg.. cit . POLK CO., two fine farms: good build ing, near Independence, $80 per acre. Tripp. Independence, Or. LOG(J E D-O FF lands. 510 acre up; running watr. bmJ soil, tillable: employment; casv term. J. R. Snarp. S:t 3d st. 160 ACRES, bet eastern Oregon alfalfa land (irrigated), 0 acres in aifaira. Ml ready for sed. Call Marshall oi0 7. REAL ESTATE. A. G. BENDER'S FARM specials. we are headquar real bargains Ui farm. We ters tor have 500 or more farms. Below Is a fair sample of our list. "We are the largest farm land dealers in Oregon. Don't fail to see us. We can sell you a farm anywhere In Oregon or Wash ington, from $5000 to $250,000. FINE CLARKE COUNTY, WASHING TON FARM. 112 acres, 110 under plow, all nearly level, 2 acres timber, all fenced with woven and barb wire, family orchard and berries, 14 acres bearing prunes, ail Al loam soil. 2 miles from R R. V. D., telephone. 18 miles from Port land, Al road and well watered; 8-room plater4 house, good condition, new silo, irmtiafv dairv hiit-. Dm n e dryer, hog house, chicken house, milk house. Price f 1 8.000. This is an A 1 farm and is hard to beat. J It must besold to settle . an estate. See it and be convinced. We have many bargains. Come in and see us before buying. We can save you money. A. G. BENDER, RTTTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. , Al DAIRY FARM. 370 land, plow, woven ffnra acres, 300 acres level, Al bottom deep and rich ; 250 acres und-T 70 acres timber, all fenced with wire and barb wire, 4 S miles R., 20 milea from foruana, :n Washington. 1 miie to school, R. F. D, teleuhom-: 2 snrlmts. 1 river. 1 well, 2- story U-room hout-e. plastered and wired for -electricity; 1 barn 75xloo. bay shed, holds 5O0 tons. Personal: Tractor. l!-20 disc 4-sec. harrow. 2 -horse plow, single plow, cultivator, wagons, buggy, cream separator, feed cutter, grindstone, all small tools, 1 team, 10 Al cows. -year-old hellers, 7 0-months-old calves, brood sow, IO to 12 pigs, shoats, etc., fiO tons bay in barn, 40 tons straw, 3O0 bushels oats, 30 acres now in oats. 30 acres in cheat, no incumbrance. Price $45,00i. $15.o00 cash, balance to suit. You can't beat this for a dairy. See it and be convinced. "A. O. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. DAIRY FARM. This proposition Is a worthy one and should be given your immediate atten tion if you want to make some money. Inquire and see If the price Is right. This will stand the strictest Investiga tion. Only 11 miles from Portland and riKht at a little town on a graveled and paved road, 88 ac res. tk ac r under plow, and more can easily be plowed. AH lies with a gentle roll, soil cannot be beat, none better. One acre of timber, berries and family orchard, all well fenced. Stores, school and postoffice across road. Telephone, good spring and creek. 1 well, uood 11-room house, hot and cold water, toilet, bath, etc.; good 4arn, 40x00, machinery house and chick en nouie. I'ersonai property; juo, harrows, disc, disc drill, mower, binder. rake, walking plow, 1 cultivator, riding cultivator, waeon. hav rack, cream sep arm tor, hay fork, 3 good horses, 3 Al .It-rev cows. 11 Al brood sows. 5 pigs, lattening hogs. 100 chickens: price for all. Sxooo. jti'Hiu casn. tai This U ral, see it. be convlnoed. See me beiore buying. 1 nave tne real Duya. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. UP-TO-DATE EQUIPPED FARM. 140 acres. 80 acres under plow. acres oak and ash timber, all lies almost level, family orchard and all kinds of berries, soil Al sl'lack ioam, 4 ft. deep; all fenced with woven wire and boards. 1 V miles from R. R., school, etc., south of Albany : R. F. D., telephone, creek, good gravel road, right on Pacific high way, now being paved ; 2 welis, good 8 room house, 2 barns, 50x36 and lhx54; hog and chicken houe. Personal prop er: Drill, binder, harrow, disc, wagons, cultivators, mower, hay rake, sulky plow, elder mill, cream separator, ail small tools, household goods, piano, dining table and chairs, rockers, library table, couch, beds, dressers, range, healer, lin oleum, rugs, fruit Jars and dishes. 30 Cotswold sheep, 8 cows, 4 horses. 2 sows, 5o chickens, $120 worth of wheat, oats and bay, 3 acres corn, potatoes and garden, winter wood cut. Just think, all for $18,iO0, $0tKl or r-o cash, bal. easy. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WONDERFUL WASHINGTON COUNTY farm buy. Anyone knowing the price of farms In this county knows this is a bargain; only 21 miles from Portland. This larm cannot be beat, no - ruatt! where you ko. 20 acres. 2h0 acres level, 235 acres bottom land. 20 unaer high state of cultivation, all Al loam soil, good and deep: 20 acres timber, al kinds berries, tamlly orchard. 2 acres 14-year-otd prunes, Al condition; ail well lencd with woven wire and board; good road. a mile to school, chiirrl store, etc., R. F. D., telephone, springs and river, 8-room good house. 3 barns, two 42x64. one 48x128; potato house with cement floor, wood house, milk house, fruit house, all cement floors hue house 14xl. smoke house, chicken house, water piped to buildings, hot and cold water. This is an exceedingly fine farm and is well located aud is ottered for $42,0o0, or $170 per acre. Where can you beat this? You can't do 1L $10, 000 cash, balance to stilt. U per cent. This is clear of incumbrance, see iL A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CLACKAMAS RIVER FARM. Mr. Farmer, while you are here to see the stock show, don't fail to see me to bu that farm. I am headquarters for real farms. Here is a real one. 2u8 meres, nearly ail level, all A 1 loam soil, 14 miles from Portland ; 50 acres Al pasture, 00 acres under plow, 25 acres timber. 25 acres brush and stumps; ber ries, family orchard, all fenced with woven wire and boards, mile to P. O., school. R. F. P., telephone, several springs, 2 creeks, good road. 2 wells, good 0-room house with bath, hot and cold water, 1 Al new bayi 3'ix72, 2 old barns, wood house, garanfi y, hen house, 4 -100 m bo x h o use, etc., 3 ho rses, 18 A 1 young 1 Holstetn cows, 8 head young stock. Price $30,400, $l0.O00 cash. See this. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LO.WE & CO., 01-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. POLK COTNTY FARM, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. This farm Is located In the best part of Polk county and is a money-maker: is highly improved and is priced less tli an ton ac joining iana. ; it cons taut 350 acres, practically all rolling, IOO acres under cultivation, balance used lor pasture; family orchard; soil is part black loam, is all fenced and cross fenced, mostly woven w ire ; I w miles railroad, about 75 miles Portland, R. F. D.r near sell 00 1 and church ; it springs, 1 ctek, good ruau, graveled, within IS miles of larm, good 6-room house. 2 barns. 24x40. 4Ox40, 3 chicken houses, gaiag, implement house, etr. Personal propert-: Binder, mower, rake, 2 plows, disc, roller. 2 dras, 2 wagons, buggy, all household furniture, houe, well tur nished. loo goats, 23 bead of cattle, 4 head of horses, 40 tons hay, all seed and feed In bins that Is needed to run the piace. Price $27,000. everything in cluded; $12,000 down, balanre to suit. W ATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MR. DAIRYMAN. Do you want a fine farm !eated on lower Columbia river h ighwav. near Scappoose ? This Is one of the finest daisy or ra t tie-raising proposi lions to be had In the state of Oregon; to see it Is to substantiate what 1 say. There are fi2 acres. 70 acre- nf bottom land, all tiled: 2'o acre.- under plow, all Al oil nf the verv best ; ,411 acres timber, famllv or chard, all fenced, 14 mile from R. R. station, uood H-rc-in hn'M-. 3 fine crek, 2 fine barns, one 5tlxx 20, cott $70o. one.fiOxliMi; patent stanchions for o cows. 3 Mlo W0 tons capacity each ; implements. 0 head full-blood cows 1 li'i ported bull, t burses. 7 htgs. 1 full ('ht'fli-r w h 1 1 boa r. 35 sheep. enila k. f. d. etc, every tiling for 75,ooo : o. imhi cash, balance eaty, fi pr cent. This Is a bargain. See It at nnc. A G. BENDER. RITTER. IJWK A CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. COLUMBIA RIVER STOCK FARM. If you sre looking for a real farm to ratue stock or do a dairying business, .this is the place. tTj acres, 2"U acres lev-l bottom land. 15u acres kia.-hed tor pax urc. (5 acres undt'r plow, unlmur. i outrange: berries and 'amuj orchard, and 10 Hnglii-h walnut tres:. all fenced, ti miles trcm Rainier. ' r.. I mile to - reboot; 12 springs, e-rek, 4 miles from i"olumlia highwav; small hou-e, 3 barns, 2 5x',0 and one 54xn: granary lor t.'J tons grain, tool shed 'jttxStl. .tore-h'Kif-e 24xt'l. blacksmith shop 121.22. IVr mitml propert y : Road wagon, farm wag on. 1 biigcy, 3 plows, harrow, disc, mow er, rake, s-ed drill, single cultivator, riding cullixator, 2 hay racks. 2 sets rtnviltle harness. 1 single harness, 2 ad dies. 1 fuie young team mares, 1 driv ing mare, 1 rid ing pony, 3 milk rows. 2 3- -ar-old h Iters-, 5 2-year-old heifers, 1 buii. 5 ralvcs, 3 pig1-, 20 rhickeits; price for all 2!'H0. Thio id a good buy. Don't forgei, we have some 5uu tartns ; com In and see us before buy ing . we wnl b4ve you money. A G. RENDER. RITTER. LoWfcl CO.. 251-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. REAL ESTATK. For Sal e Fa'-m. SPLENDID BUYS IN FINE IMPROVED FARMS. WALNUT AND ORCHARD TKACT3. READ EVERY WORD. 145 acres, 100 in cultivation.-finest soil, good water, large barn, small house, on good road. 20 rods from corporate iimt:s of Oregon City; $160 per acre; $6uu0 cash, bai. long time at 6 ,V 37 acres. Joining town of Clackamas; an extremely rich black loam, all under plow; fenced with hog-tight fence: 5 or 6 acres of young commercial orchard just coming Into bearing, large, fine house and large barn, almost new ; house not mut f i r. tH .'.' nf finest water. located on paved highway about 10 miles from Portland ; less than V ml'e from electric station. The wonld cost at least $m0 to dupLK-ate. This is offered for $SK'U0; H cash ; " less than $2M per acre." We recommend as the greatest buy we have ever of fered. 77 acres: 5S acres planted to over 1000 walnuts. 2SO0 apples. 7. S. years o.a. produced a nice crop this season; good 4-room house, barn. packing houses, poultrv house, large flowing spring of finest "water with ram. forcing water to buildings, and nice trout pond ; all we. I fenced and finest soli, near McCoy and ltrmilea from talern : $240 per acre, and reasonable terms. This tract must douole In valus inside next 5 years, hence is a most extraordinary investment and a beautiful home. 100 acres. 2 H mllea from Estacada; about 75 acres under plow of finest mo.d soil; n old orchard of about 15 acres, including bushes and vines. bunding, yards, balance 111 timber snd pasture, V... - fin. Kn...Q).nH n r v brn. 2 run ning streams of water and grand well at the house; water in house under air pressure; garage. poultry and hog houses. This is an ideal dairy farm, and soil is excellent prune and wa.nui 'an on hard-eurtace road; $2u,m0; $40'0 cash, balarvce lng time at low rate ol Interest. This is a spiendid buy. All of the above have been personal. y inspected and you will find better than we represent. Main 015. 203 Corbett Didg. FOR PALE OR EXCHANGE. Thl highly-improved 4-acre farrn. located on the Willamette river. 1 mi.e IK" frontage! 3S0 acre In clc and in crop; large modem house. 2 small houses, large barns feeoing sheds, 2 silos, machinery sheds, com plete electrical equipment for grinding feed, pumping waur, lighting. water Vstem piped to all buildings, fenced mostly with woven .wir "Jpum land, balance is chocolate loam, fine for grain, corn and clover; J acres Fearing prunes; county road on I.J T.J ! nrnrwrtv: 10 horses full two 20 -L.:"' ' 71 ,ti Vnd hoes. 300 chirk en and turkeys; Holt tractor and com plete list of ail kind of f nrm nmchtn erv and tools. Price $so.0OO W ill con sider highly-lmprovod m to 30 acres as part payment; some cash, balance long time o per cent. H A. DRYER. The Acreage Man." 5oS-9 Lewis bldg. GOOD FARMS OFFERED FOR CITY 1o acres at Or., nearly all tillable: well improved; stock, machin ery, included; $0000. "Will take resi dences iu trade. IOO ACRES. Idaho farm. Fine Irrigated land, near ly nl! cult. ; peisonal included. Price $25 000. lnco-r-i property In ttada. 550 ACRES. Oregon City district. 330 acres open land : fine oiis; g.od improvements: $27.00. Will take flat or apartment house S- L-pprre with BKOTHK.1M-P- KO W N COM P A N Y. o uiu i v Vr)'.nfe bhlc Phones Marshall 2:i3 and Mam 51f9. GOOD 1 0S-ACR E ST v IvtllJ AND ACRE KU1 lrrr.D r auji, BEARING PRUNE ORCHARD ONLY $o AN ACRE. 33 miles from Portland. S's ..Mui tnwn n ml ietrfc line nlle acres in cultivation, 4o acres in fall grains and clover. Big family orchard. 24 English walnut trees. Some pasture and timber. 2 Duroc sows, 1 boar, all registered. 2 horses, cow. chickens. New binder cost $300, new disc plows, 2 wagons, bugpy, some feed and seed. -room house. 2 big barns. 2oo-bu. gran arv. garace. See Sam Hewey at J. U HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Com merce Bldg. L FOUR MILES CORNELIUS. f.f a-res, SO in cultivation; 5-room house, barn. 40x60: silo lox:u: about 10 acres in oouom 'u. uo"l'lvc " running water, well at house. main county road, mall and milk route ; 7 cows, 3 horses, heifers, registered Guern sey bull. 2 wagons, mower and rake, binder, manure spreader, corn planter, com cultivator, seeded crop, ensilage in silo, turnips, oats and wheat, mill run : 2 plows, drill, roller, spring and drag harrow; price $VhoO, $4000 cash, balance lone time. See me at 1123 Gasco bldg., room . Main S3S0. PRICE CT'T ON THIS 232-ACRE FARM IN YAMHILL COUNTY. 05 acres very rich land, was in hops for 20 years. 50 acres more In .cultiva tion. Good soil, balance S5 acres open pasture and timber. .About all tillable when cleared. Woven wire fences. Pine creek. 2 springs and well. Good barn, house, new chicken and hog house. Or chard and berries. On gravel road near town. Price J17.500. See Sam Hewey at .1. L. HARTMAN COMPANY', No. t Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 51 ACRES. 31 acres cultivation ; some In crops; iencea ana cross lenceu, o-rf'um house, 2 good barns, hog house, granary, other outbuildings; team fine horses, 3 cows. 1 heifer. 2 caivfs, 4 brood sows rtnmfno- in. "0 shoates 'weighing 100 lbs apiece ; 50 chickens. 3 stands bees, 20 ions hv 50 bushels oats, l.i tons ruta bagas iand carrots. 2 good orchards, 4 good springs; t6.o' for all. This farm is V. mile from Pacific Highway. Mr. Mi Hers hi p. Aider Hotel. Main 52 i 5. n APRES. PAVED HIGHWAY. Between Portland and Salem. 1 mile from town : first-class land, has creek at back of place, s-room house, plas tered, old but substantial ; new Darn team, cows, hoga, chickens, farm ma- chinerr and reed ; nrst-riass grain, cio vr or" noiato land: $150 an acr-. every thing included. D. McChesney, 304 Vx Oak bL Broadway 20U. IOO ACRES. IS MILES OUT. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND NEW BERG. HIGHLY IMPROVED; M D E R N BUILDINGS: EXCELLENT FAMILY ORCHARD; RIVER FHoNTAOE: WOVEN WIRE FENCES; SOME SNAP. PRICE. $12,500. C- M. D.OLLATTH1 DE. BO7-S-0 Ivrs bldg. ST(X-KBD AND EQUIPPED FARM.. 50 acres, located onlv few miles from v.,uFi of citv: 'ti acres In crop, oaian tiMi 11 re and soni e st a n d rn g timber: 1 head stock. 6 brood sows, t-ani. wagm ll farminc tools. Has income oT ove $100 per month at precept. This is cer tainly a bsrgsin at price of only $voo: good terms. Ll'EDDEMANN COMPANY. 13 Chamber of Commerce. ISLAND" farm In Willamette river. 115 seres. 60 acres in cultivation, balance timber: sandy soil. about 1 acre in peaches: a fortune can be made on this farm- growing loganberries or raising potatoes or hops; has grown 20 sacks potatoes to the acre; price S2;.0O0. terms, but no trades. Farm too!s and S horsepower gasoline launch. White & Co, 7(i3 w First, Newberg, Or. 4'1-ACRE FARM BARGAIN. Very best of soil, no rock or gravel. 11 miles of Portland, on hard-surface road, close to electric line and station; 40 min utes to rity: 11 cents fare; beautiful -room bungslow nnd narage; 250 per arre: good terms, at ft per cent. C E. Adams. 57 Cham, of Com. b dg. Mar shal! 2575. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS FARM. WITHIN 1 MILES OK PORTLAND. 40 acres, well improved right on main road, in Clackamas count v. uood 7-room house, barn and 011 1 bui Idmga, . a II und-r .,u.ri fnrpx paved mo.-t all the w ay. This Is a enirl buy for 5TOoo. half cah. ,TBU'AP.T A.- Bl CK. 315 N. W. Bnnk lildg. WALNUTS. PRI.'NES. CLOVER, si ariei, 6 c'.ea r ; .'i-an e prune 'cl.:id-. fair buildings; gravity wtr ; m; 1 miies to Portland. ro k road: hot soil; mile to one of (fR.n s walnut groves: renter soid over 4':hi or. off place this war; a good buy at 125 p. arret l- cash. Main 420o, Port, and. . Uox 5H5. Neterg. . 13 ACRES ELMONICA ST A. A beautiful pla' and i 1 1 tn cult.. 01 Beaverton-H il'sboro graveled road : mile ftom station ; Dew O-rooan p;asirre house. large barn: young fruit tree and t-errie. Prle only $" joo. terms. HENRY W. GODDARD. 24:1 Puik st. 34 A "Xe S CI-ACK A M A S I10.2O0. 1 mi L. 01 .a samas. o" a in cu.i.. level. black loam soil ; pood -room hou.-e. ierge barn and outL'.cgs.; run- nirg watr: 4 a pasture. 11 F N'RY W. GODI A HD. Successor to .joi.DtPO A W IF. PRICK. 243 Stark St. GARDEN soot in California acres, any j amount. "old section of an .loaji:n va' (ry aill be made new by irricaiiou: ! miles (mm i'aklsnd: pavtM roads. ao'l water and rlimaie. Your chancy to get in j on ground floer. A-t uuick. R. B. Jaokon. KnlKbtsn. Ca'.. j IO ACRES ON" S. P. ELECTRIC j Close to electric station nnd highway; pari iu cultivation ; work nt-firby. Price : SltsO; $Ho dcvii DRAPER. , j r.'Jft Chimbr of Commrrcc. . FOR SALE Hi acres, sand loam, a 1. w , uhlvsiion. heart of the Cunby ' rt-Ti district. See engineer, Yeon bid engine tooui. REAL ESTATE. For Sale BENTON COUNTY FARM LANDS. THE CREAM OF THE W1LLAMKTTH VALLEY. NEAR THE OREGON AGRICUL TURAL OOLt.EOB. lwi-ACRE DIVERSIFIED FARM. 1 0 acres under plow this year. bl-an-.-e can and sh grov around Xta buildings ; ail second bottom land and drains fine, no white land. Place well fenred, good 7-room. house, fine barn 4n xHO. loo-ton silo, garage, hog and c hie Ken houses, tank, engine, windmill, w ater pived to house and buildings, on county road, community school mile. The equal of any farm in the valley re gardless of price. Priced at $135 per acre, including farm machinery, aome stock, hay. feed, household furnituxa. etc. ONE-MAN GRAIN FARM. 154 acres 3 miles from Corvatlla, ISO acres of the very best quality of land In cultivation, 24 acres aah pasture land, has fair set of buildings. This place has every advantage to offer a farmer, fine soil, never-failing creek, fine build- . in spot. In good neighborhood, adjoins pnveU road and near grade school and hiph school, only 3 M; miles to Oregon agricultural college. Price of this placa is $140 per acre. OUR BEST SMALL STOCK RANCH. 15a) acres. 5 miles from, town, on flna gravel road : 1 mile from school, (fatly mail, 2 "stages pass the place dally go ing to and from Corvallls. faaui freight or pmssenpers: 40 acres cf very beat of land, nearly all creek bottom land, new in cultivation; 22 acres seeded to fall crop: balance of land Is under good fenee and is timber and pasture. Has 2 good never-failing streams through the place, spring water piped and can be connected to the house. Small 4-room . house on the place. This is the best buy we know of at $5500; $3000 cash, balance at fl r-er rent. 5t-ACRE DIVERSIFIED FARM. About 3t acres cultivated. 20 acres of which is bottom Isnd and very fine; 26 acres of partially cleared pasture land, IS acre orchard; fine creek through place. 6-room house, barn, garage, ben house and out buildings. 1 mile from town, on good macadam road; city water on plate. With the place go 2 cows, 4 horses. 50 chickens, heavy wagon, spring wagn. disc, roller, mower, rake, sepa rator and lots of small tools. Price, in cluding all stock, tools, hay, feed and 25 acres in fall rrnp, Is onlv $At'00. 4U-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. AU cultivated, lies fine. 2 acres logan berlries. nearly 2 acres prunes, orchard is young but has not been well cared for; N-ronin bungalow with water sys tem, barn and tik. Lies on fine road, 4 miles from Corvallis, 1 miles to school and station: snap at $7!SOO. LUCK I A MUTE RIVER BOTTOM. 3s Hires, 20 acres in cultivation, of , the best quality river bottom soli ; 18 acres in timber and pasture. Ls old house, lame, new barn and outbuildings. . la rue family orchard, This is the kind of soil we all like to farm, but are sel dom offered a chance to buy. Located x mile from the S. P. electric station and si o re. mi le to school, near wet side hichway, on' graveled road- Here is a good buy at f loO, terms. 21-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. All in cultivation. 3 acres in orchard, nice lying land; fine for fruit or chick ens; 6-room house, barn and outbuild ings; on pood country road. mile to sc h ool ; daily mail at door. This i a good buv at $27."o. 2--ACRE BOTTOM FARM. Located 6 miles from Corvallls, n good traveled road : 14 acres cleared and cultivated. 10 acres timber and pas ture. 3 acres peaches, apples, pears, etc; S sere loganberries: good drainage, nearly sll fenced, 4-room hoase. baro Is 20x24. hen house and outbuildings. This iy a good buv at $4000. CHICKEN FARM. All in cultivation, lies fine, on srravet road, mail route. 4 miles from town. 1 mile to electric station. 1 mile to school, -room house, barn 28x30. other oyt biuldlnrs. fenced wirti woven wre; 1 acre orchard. This is a snap at $3750, terms st 0 pr cent. . , 5-ACRE SMALL FARM. All cultivated and all in crop, well drained ; 5-room house. barn 20x30. r hit-kn house and outbuild inga, 1 mil from smMl town: price M700 11 ACRES. BERRIES OR FRUIT. 2 mi les from Corvallls. on main grave !jroad; 1 acre orchard. 8-room house, w-arn ;4t3, chicken house, m 1L etc.- Pm. e $2Xi0. 29-ACRE BERRY AND CHICKEN HAST H. 10 acres cultivated, 18 acres timber nd pasture. 4-room house, barn 24x24, chsrkfn house; buildings are poor; creels and springs; price $2oO0. We have farms of every size and are selling some every week. If you want to see hat we can raise, axiena m Benton County CORN SHOW at Cor vallis November 21 and 22. KINNEY A.- CO.. Benton County's Lead ing Farm Land Dealers. Corvallls. Oregon. Home of O. A. C. RIVER BOTTOM FARM. 151 acres of 'lne river bottom soil. M rcres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture: 7-room house with water fcystem; large b.rn with silo, also other l-ulldincs; located on main county road, fojr nnd a half miles from Corvallis on the Wl 11a .nette river, near school, personal property as follows: 23 cows. 1 registered buii, 3 horses. 8 sows. 3 dozrn chickens. 2 wagons, harrow, disc. 3 plow mower and rake : 35 tons of hay. 2 tons of straw. 700 bushels of fatf. potatoes. 75 tons of silage, 20 acres seeded to 0;its and vetch. Price, com plete. $20.ikmj. W-ll take $10,000 cash, balance 5 per cent, long time. H. A. DRYER. The Acreage Man." ro-9 Lewis bldg. LOOKING FOR A DAIRY? HERE TS ONE THAT IS R1GP.T UP AGAINST THE CITY OF PORTLAND. 10 acres of fine land, creek through place, water piped to house and milk house; good barn. new garage, fair house; 1 S hish-grade Holstein cows. heifer and yearling bull. Selling at pres ent from 13 cow j. 40 gallons per day. testing 4.05; two more cows will be fresh soon. Good team and full set of ma chinery and tools; plenty of good hay to feed through. If taken at once every thing goes for $15,000. some terms. STEWART & BUCK. SIS Northwestern Bank bldg. ONE OF THE BEST 40-ACRE FARMS WEST OF THE CASCADE MOUN TAINS, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Located one mile from Pacific high wav on hard-surface road. lt milea from Portland. 37 acres in cultivation, dark loam soil, no rock, no gravel, almost eel, never-failing spring, in pasture, big cistern. New barn, -roora house, other outbuildings, H mile to school. Pair of horses, wagon and harness. 5 cows. 2 calves, chickens, with complete set of farminc Implements. Price $0500. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE. Going stock- ranch. 1040 acres, 20 aprs under cultivation: balance open pasiore. good grass; some timber now being nit off this land : will be seeded to grass; well watered by creeks and spring : good fencing, large house, hot and cotd water, two barns and four stock shf's. aome tools; farm located on. pood rocked road, running to town of l.-t.oon people; owing to its location. It is worth the price asked. $30 per acre; aome cash: balance terms. G. L. REES. 1O0S Fourth street. MARION COFNTY FARM. 13.94 acres. 1 mile N. E. of electric station, at Donald, is on county road and electric line runs, through place: all In cult, including 12 acres hops; arrea potatoes yet to dig ; good house, ba rn and other ou -.but id Ings; persona, propert v. including horses, 4 Jersey cows, bull. plg and atl kinds of equip ment go with the place; return on cows averases $25 a mo. per cow; price $20$ por Bore. Terms. A fine place and every thing in excellent shspe. HENRV W. OODDARD. 24S Stark Bt. 114 ACR KS, WELL LOCATED. On highwav. to be paved In the spring. Best ot soil. 5 acres in cultivation, rest is good pasture and lies well to farm ; ti-room house, water piped, 2 good barns, 1 tt iipUs to town snd electric line, 30 miles to Portland: 13.50O. This is a f ir-t-f laH goins plare and will please a particular buyer. D McChesney, 304 h oak st. Broadway M3. CH 1CK EN RANCH, hi MILES FROM PORTLAND. 1 5 aerefi, 10 acres in cuitivattoa. hl-ati-e po-ttire, g-od 5-room house barn, output ding-. rhirkfn houe fiOx40. f.l.roo-1'-r house, n ft. Patula broader, 4 In u'.-ato-t-. 3 tons of corn, team of horse;,. 2 cows. 4 SO chlrkens, all lay li c wasmn. haks, plows, harrow, feed r M,.r cood orchard, lots of small fruit. jr.M.0 ; t-nns. Mr. Ml'.lership, Alder llote;. Main 5275. CRANBERRIES. We must sMi at once the only avsil rdrr of cranberry land in. t he fa;r.ous Cranmoore addition, with rail road f 1 ont;.ge ; 5 arres. 1 mile from i;co. Was:i. : semi-developed. A sac r'f . e at Va" price. $:;noo; terms. A for tune ior toir.conc P to 2. Sunday, I'AKKIS MAXWELL. M:i m 2n;g . Railway Ex. Fids;. TTl AN A CR E2 0 ACRES. ISO acrep inder cultivation, balanre pasture ; all god land. crek throurh farm; fair t ol farm buildings; lorated 5 w tni.f from cood Sou t hern Par If ic tow n. Some stock and equipment goes ' 1 s t h plaee- C. M. DOLL ARH IDE. S"7-ft-r Lewis bldg. , ; 1 'ol; SALE SO acres in Coos Co., close to i.iwn; about 2 acres cleared, of whioh about 1" coulo be idom- d ; good 5-room, pood i.t.rn snd small orchard. $0 . r-h H 'u.-e alont- worth the prica. J. K Wend ling. -1 1 4th St. , . " 1'. ti S sr od land for sale in Tliurttn oumy . "s nf fruit, good buiiainga mi- I' g" Jh A K A'ber-.a lands Moore, Main 86b7. for sale, U K.