The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 16, 1919, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Homer Factory Furnace Expert
Will Demonstrate Economy, Efficiency
and Advantages of the Pipeless Furnace
Federal Measures Declared
Inadequate to Needs.
Effective Method to Deal With Se
dition, Anarchy and Kadi-
calism Is Asked.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15. The growth
or radicalism throughout the country
was to be attributed to inadequacy
of federal laws against preaching
violent overthrow of the government,
Attorney-General Palmer declared to
night in replying to the senate's re
cent inquiry as to what action had
been taken by the department of jus
tice to curb efforts to establish a
dictatorship of the proletariat."
Mr. Palmer disclosed that the de
fart ment had more than 60,000 per
sons under surveillance aa radicals,
with whom it is unable to cope be
cause of weakness of present statutes.
The attorney-general urged the
passage of a law to supplement the
enpionage act and to take its place
when the war-time measure ceases to
be effective.
Proposed Bill Is Broad.
He described the proposed act as
being the most effective method of
dealing with sedition, anarchy and
radicalism generally which members
of his staff had been able to draft.
Mr. Palmer said the bill was broad
enough to stop effectually all at
tempts to overturn the existing order
and yet safeguard free speech and
the press.
Activities of the foreign language
press present another problem which
t he department has been unable to
meet successfully, he said. Investiga
tions have uncovered 222 foreign lan
guage newspapers which have openly
advocated changes in the govern
mental system by violence and preached
English newspapers branded as
anarchistic and menacing by the de
partment agencies number 105, Mr.
Palmer said. He explained that these
were much more easily dealt with, as
loyal citizens are aiding the govern
ment In reporting them.
144 Foreign Papers Enter U. S.
Tn addition Mr. Palmer said, 144
radical newspapers, published In for
eign countries, are received and dis
tributed in the United States. Most
of them, he said, were not sent
through the mails, but were shipped
in bulk and distributed by band to
the foreign population.
The department has kept a corps of
40 translators busy and is attempting
to gather evidence of their activities
from other sources, Mr. Palmer said
Articles advocating violence always
are supported, he explained, by being
followed up with pamphlets and other
. Most of the newspapers named are
practically devoid of advertising,
which the department accepts as proof
that funds are coming from outside
sources, Mr. Palmer said.
Immlsratlon Inw Changes Asked.
Mr. Palmer argued for changes in
Immigration laws and revision to im
plify laws governing deportation.
Radical leaders have taken advantage
of countless technicalities to evade
deportation, he explained.
Practically all of the radical or
ganizations in the country have looked
upon the negro race as fertile ground
for the spread of their doctrine, Mr.
Palmer said. He warned that the
propaganda had been successful in
many respects and that -the govern
ment should guard from trouble in
that direction.
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Copyright by Underwood & Underwood, N. T.
Federal Investigators to Testify
licfore Multnomah County
Grand Jury Tomorrow.
Federal officials who have been in
vestigating the 57 alleged members of
the 1. W. W. who were arrested, in a
raid the night of the Centralia out
rage will be witnesses before the
Multnomah county grand Jury tomor
row morning, giving evident which
is expected to result in many indict
ments for violation of the syndicalism
The state law under which many
of these men will be prosecuted is
more sweeping than the federal es
pionage act which demands evidence
of an overt act, as membership alone
in an organization advocating sab
otage and violence to effect political
ends or industrial aims is a violation.
District Attorney Evans, who is in
Washington, IX C, seeking to have
dismissed the Dr. A. A. Ausplund ap
peal to the United States supreme
court, from a conviction of man
slaughter, telegraphed Joseph L.
H.immersly, chief deputy, yesterday to
use the utmost vigor in prosecuting
the wobblie3."
Conviction under the state law sub
jects the criminal to a penalty which
lias as a maximum a year in prison
and a fine of $1000.
afternoon. Four of our -non went to
search the Bland home. They were
met at the door by Mrs. Bland, with a
drawn revolver. She held them up
for a moment and I believe one of
them obtained the weapon.
"These men reported that they saw
some one leave the rear door andrun
over the hill behind the house. Two
of the -posse went in pursuit, and we
are 'told that shots were heard fired
soon after. At present four men are
searching the hills in that vicinity.
The man who fled is rumored to have
been Bert Bland."
The horns of Commodore Bland is
at the northeastern outskirts of Cen
tralia, with the- fringe of low hills
pressing close to it.
Captain Dysart said that later In
formation is that Haney, missing
posse member, is not known as a
Thurston county game warden.
Seven hundred -regular United
States troops passed through here for
Camp Lwis by special train at 10:30
o'clock tonight. They are from San
Antonio and said at the station that
they expected to ba put out on
I. W. W. duty.
Marshffeld Watching for I. W. AV.
MARSHFIEIVD, Or., Nov. 15. (Spe
eial.) As a result of the Centrslia
I. W. W. affair new interest has been
aroused here in eliminating I. V. W.
members. There is known to be a j
considerable representation of the or- j
der in one or the largest logging
camps of the county, but the mem
bers have not conducted any offen
sive campaign. "
Copeland C. Burg, of the Montana
Mining association, has launched a
move anions alumni of the university
for erection of a monument on the
college campus in Seattle.
Mr. Burg who attended Washing
ton when Qrimm was bringing re
nown to the. university on the grid
iron, is urging that subscriptions to
the memorial fund be limited to mem
bers of the American Legion.
Phone your want ads to The Ore
jronian. Main 7070. A 09f.
Posters Put tp in Sacramento.
SACRAMENTO. Nov. 15. Circulars
printed in red, said to have been dis
tributed in Sacramento by Industrial
Workers of the World, were placed
today In the hands of United States
Commissioner Wallace Shepard. One
circular was signed "W. D. Haywood"
and protested against '"cruelties" in
Kansas prisons. Another circular was
in form of a subscription asking for
money to defend I. V. W. under a,r
rest. -
(Continued From First Pa-e.
number, the members of the posse
attempted to reach the spot. They
were unable to approach nearer than
100 yards to the cabin.
"The larger posse is still out there.
and will be joined tomorrow by rein
forcements which are to leave early
in the morning. All the men are
picked woodsmen, many of "whom
know every foot of the Hannaford
crer-K headwaters country.
"Though we believe that Bert Bland
is among the I. W W. who fought
the today, there are contradic
tory rumors. A girl came to us to
night and told us that she saw Bland
on the streets just a short time be
fore. Poiuw Held l p by Woraaa.
"Another rumor is that Bert Bland
was. at the home of his brother. Com
modore Bland, now under arrest, this
State Constabulary Receive Orders
to Drive Out Radicals.
BOISE, Ida., Nov. 15. Orders were
issued today by Robert O. Jones, state
commissioner of law enforcement, for
the immediate arrest of all members
of the I. W. W. found to be in Idaho.
The orders went to Chief Frank
Breshears and other members of the
state constabulary at present hunting
radicals in north Idaho and also to
sheriffs of the state who are, by state
law, members of the state constabu
lary and subject to the orders of the
law enforcement executive.
Monument on University Campus
at Seattle Proposed.
HELENA, Mont., Nov. 15. That the
memory of Warren Grimm, former
University of Washington athlete.
who was shot down by I. W. W.
tenirina, v a an., on Armistice day
while marching in an American
Legion parade, may be perpetuated.
Including wide and extra wide car
riages. Every machine guaranteed.
We sell"them on terms if desired.
Machines for rent by the month.
Write or call and inspect our stock.
Retail Departmeit
The Wholesale
Typewriter Go.
321 WMtlidna Street.
Pbone Main 3L.
Three B's
eals Three
"A terrible ttrhfnr eorameneed om my
body. I botUes of D.D.D. completely
eurvd sie.
I mw a remarkable ure of a boy barm
with Eciema."
A sincle bottle cured aaotbor ease.
Salt Rhfla of the hand.
Quoted from recent letter from Walter ft lo
se?. Elkhart, lad. Writ aim for son facts. .
Wo too, bav peen wnek remarkable ran its
accomplished by l. D. D. In hoaiiiur all forms of
t kin treobte from pimploa and black booda to
evoro coom of eroema, that we feol it auit
reach yoor caae. Come in aod ask s aboot it.
Wo ynamotoo tbe first bo t tic Me, eocod $1.0.
Wise Treatment Include Use of a
Good Blood Purifier.
The cause of catarrh exists in the
blood, and is an impurity that pro
duces an inflammation of, and dis
charge from, the mucous membranes.
It is commonly made worse by sud
den changes of weather, indiscretions
in the matter of clothing, and by
many other things; and it is haz
ardous to neglect it, because it al
ways affects the general health.
It is a constitutional disease and
must have constitutional treatment
this is rational.
Hood's Sarsaparllla purifies the
blood, builds up the system, and de
serves a fair trial in every case.
If a laxative or cathartic is needed,
taka the gentle Hood's Pills, Adv.
Z lotion ffcr Shin Disetvse
Sold by The Owl Druf Co. and Skidmoro
Drus; Co.
Gmry Street, just 09 Union S quart
Famous lor good service, cemfert and exc)lleat
cuisine at reasonable price.
Rates from $1.75 a Day
Breakfast 40c and 75c Lunch 80c: Sunders
7oe. Dinner (1.25; Sunoa) $1.60.
Municipal Car Uno direct to door.
Motor Due mettt trains and steamers.
Cork Tilings and
202 Broadway, Near Taylor
By special arrangement Edwards has se
cured for three days only Mr. F. W. Isherwood,
jfjje furnace expert of the Homer Pipeless Fur
nace .Factory.- Mr. Isherwond's wide experi
ence in pipeless-fumace heating: covers' every
phase of this modern method of heating.
Every home owner should consult Mr. Isher
wood, for he will tell you things of vital in
terest on the subject of scientific and eco
nomical heating of your home. If you are
now using a pipeless you will learn important
facts from Mr. Isherwood regarding its operation.
If you are using any other method of heat
ing soves, hot water or the old-fashioned
hot-air furnace then you should by all means
take the opportunity to get this expert infor
mation on the pipeless heating way.
Mr. Isherwood will answer all questions
about the pipeless furnace and will give all pos
sible information to anyone who cpntemplates
installing a pipeless furnace now or at some
future time. Mr. Isherwood will be at Ed
wards Company's store Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday from 10 A. M. to 3:30 P. M.
If cno I
Note the Thermo-Seal Inner Lining Heavy Galvanized
Iron with asbestos insulator. Without it there would be
no circulation of warm air. It keeps the return air cool
until it reaches the base of the furnace. It sends all the
heat to the rooms above. The Thermo-Seal is a distinct
Homer feature.
The large Homer clean-out is conveniently placed to
make occasional cleaning very easy. Feed door is extra
large to allow the use of large pieces of wood or coal.
Water pan with proper capacities is correctly located
to moisten the warm air before it leaves the Homer." The
ash-pit door is dust-tight and is the right size to permit
easy removal of ashes.
Outer and inner casings of the Homer are adjustable to
any depth basement of six feet or more. They make air
tight connections between the furnace and the register.
Made of heavy galvanized iron.
Radiator all cast, constructed in two pieces, "horse
shoe" type, flues oversize, insuring free circulation ; smoke
passes completely around the radiator, which gives maxi
mum extraction of heat before same passes to chimney.
Extra heavy reinforced firepot with ribbing both on in
side as well as outside. Made of pure Strokel iron and
guaranteed to last five years.
Note the large air spaces which insure the proper ratio
of warm and return air passing through the Homer. They
are designed to allow all the air to pass through the furnace
about every 25 minutes, giving a steady flow of warm air.
See them In the Ilfth-street -window today. Go ln-
Ide and examine them closely tomorrow; you'll agree
that Edwarda is showing tables unsurpassed in qual
ity, style and finish. Tou'U appreciate the moderate
ness of prices, too.
ilpi P p Pin
Solid Oak Six-Foot Extension
Table Illustrated
S3 Caefc, SI Wrrt N Interest.
Tes. ifa all solid oak. even to the equare barrel
pedestal and liberally-sized lees. When closed the top
measures 42 inches In diameter. Notice it's that popu
lar plank style top, too.
Other Tables for Your Consideration
An All-Solid Oak Table, with 46-lncn top that
extends to six feet; Hand-Rubbed Gold- CSp Cf
en Wax finish ;BiJU
Also a 45-inch top that extends to six feet, but
this table has a quarter-sawed flush- COQ Cfl
rim style. Tours for. si0i0U
This one haa a 45-inch quarter-sawed plank top,
extends to six feet. Yes, the base and Qf
leas are of solid oak. Only OUtiOU
This one has a more massive base. Top fa
45 Inches in diameter, quarter-sawed 4 QQ QC
oak plank style 00i03
Fumed oak finish, also a six-foot extension, but
top is 48 inches in diameter. Quartered C CC
oak plank style. Now ir1tiDa
Here is an especially aood looker, quartered
oak plank top, wax finish, 48-inch 5 Q Cfl
diameter, aix-foot extension vfOiUU
64-lnch quarter-sawed plank top, with a heavy
mission style base. An extra good (CC en
value at JJiJU
The cream of them all. even the base Is of quar
tered oak, and it's of heavy colonial C0 7K
design D0il 3
NO. 2
NO. 3
NO. 4
NO. 5
NO. 6
NO. 7
NO. 8
NO. 9
The Homer is the great saver of fuel, because It la
designed and constructed to use the maximum amount
of heat generated by the fire. The Thermo-Seal Inner
Lining protecting; the return air in the outer chamber
keepB all the heat within the furnace. The single regis
ter means, efficiency in the distribution of hot air.
: You will always have complete control of the fire
because of the Homer ash pit and perfect Joints. The
Homer fire pot and combustion chamber give more
complete combustion of fueL In other words, you will
consume the fuel more completely and at the same time
not waste so much of the heat generated.
The Homer Radiator, with its long travel, supplies
more heat in the hot-air chamber and sends less up the
chimney. And because the Homer water pan furnishes
the right amount of moisture you will not need so great
a temperature to keep your house comfortable. Actual
tests have proved that dry air demands a temperature
aboutlO degrees higher than moist air to make the
aurroundings comfortable.
These features mean that you will save with your
Homer a third to a half of the fuel that other systema
would require to give the same satisfactory results.
Installed .on Easy Terms No Interest Charged Either
Protect Your Table Top With
Hunt Cellular Table Pads
They're atsolutely sua ran teed "Heat-proof." A fft
will not crst you aa much as reflnishins will. B-side
that, you'll not have the bother. For tables tfized
42 and 45 inches In diameter
$2.25 and $2.50
For tables a.zd 4R and 64 Inches In diameter
$2.75 and $3.00
CYTCNldU ICAVC?42 4E-lneh sixes.
LAILnOkUn IXnl LO 48 and El-inch sizes, each... 75c
1 (fat? FlHffiiwl '
TToD're Not I.eavloK Those Floors TTreTrc4
While- Kdwirdi In Displaying- Over
Sevenly-FiTe Different
Brussels and Axminster 9.0x12.0
Rugs at
$2950, $3750, $41.50, $4950
(Oa Trrma to Meet Yonr Requirement.)
Drsiens and colors. Edwarda thinks, that will meet
every desire. Orientals, conventionale, medallions, all
overs and florals. In color combinations of nearly
every kind. Browns, creent. blues, tans, are, of
co Lire e, preuominutuig.
Very pretty are the 9 0x12.0 Wilton Velvet
Rusra in plain
and mulberry two-tone effects at
colored taupe, gjreen
For the Room That Caanot Be Conveniently
Xesjlected, Edwarda SfCCt This
Five-Piece Ivory or White
Enamel Suite
All pieces are full size and eonstrueteif'wlth
the utmost care finished by equally diligent
workmen whose pride it is to make them look
the very best." Walk by the Fifth-street win
dow today and see them set up aa Illustrated.
To complete the suite 180 Kdwards recom
mends Simmon's 96 - Coil, Weight - Adjusting
Spring at $15.25, and one of his
Sleepwell Mattresses
$25 or $31
You might think: Why pay $31, when there's
one made of the same cotton at $25?.
Here's the Difference
The better Sleepwell has" a heavier quality
tick and has more staple cotton in the boxing,
which will, naturally, hold up better. Both are
guaranteed not to lump or Bhlft.
i a
Together With Seven
Double Disc Records
SIO Cask. 3 Mk IVe Interest.
AlAj artiste. AT.L instrumental selec
tions. ALIj soloists. AIjJj orciiestras, ALL
bands. ALL dance records, ALL the popu
lar songs of the dav. in a word, ALL the
music of the world, without restriction,
will be at your command.
M ilHK.AM .
M odeh : Now on Display at $32 "RjsKAeButton-andResr
jyj)U, jijau ana j4y.z
l lll li S) Ja, WOO atAl;Tf) TmTi m
laclsMlag Pln-Freat Water Heater, This
Six-Mole. 17x31-lnck Ores, Riveted Tight
sm p i
TKa'SUy StirtorRe.i$&
Star Satisfactory Range
will be installed in your kitchen on these
conveniently Easy Terms
Bo Caah, 2 Week.
S Interest.
Every destrable. convenience is provided,
from a potiahed blue top that needs no
blacking to a dust-tight ash compart
ment. Vitreous enamel flue and oven linings
are non-rusting.
Permanent lightness attained only by
riveting, with a solid base to every Beam