The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 09, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 6, Image 54

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(Continued from Pace 6.)
frames, after which dancins was en
joyed until a late hour, when refresh
ments were served.
Among- those present were the
Misses Olive Valck, Nell Springer,
Kdna "Valck, Marion Gilbert, Edith
Valck and Martha Gruhn, and the
Messrs. Marion Podd, Jack Heilig,
Charles Brooks, Ed McElvain, Clar
ence Danley, Frank Valck and Burt
The Past Matrons' club of Martha
Washington chapter. Order Eastern
Star, were entertained at a luncheon
by Mrs. II. H. Young last Monday.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. R. L. Bewly. 761
East Yamhill btreet, the first Mon
day In December.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Hollingrsworth,
formerly of Portland, were host and
hostess at one of the most delightful
(festivities of the Halloween season..
They entertained at their country
home near St. Helens, November 1,
and their guests were the Willamette
University club of Portland and vl- j
Thirty-two young people motored
out to the Hollingsworth home in the
early evening, and by the time of ar
rival had developed keen appetites
In the brisk air.
A Halloween supper was soon in
progress in rooms that fairly
breathed of Halloween traditions and
autumn plenty. Witches and goblins
there were without number. Autumn
leaves made a riot of color. Pumpkin
faces and the mellow candle lights
added to the scene.
After supper the evening passed
happily in games.
Mr. Hollingsworth, president of the
club, called the assembly to order
for a business meeting of a few
minutes. He tendered his resigna
tion on account of change of resi
dence, and Mrs. Robert Walsch was
elected president for the coming
Rear. ' .
Then, as a finale, the crowd gath
ered around the piano and sang the
old varsity songs.
Among the guests present were Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Smith, Dr. and Mrs.
Neal Zimmerman, Dr. and Mrs. George
Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Holl
ingsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Merton De
Xong, Dr. and Mrs. Guy Woods, Mr.
and Mrs. G. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Alby, Mr. and Mrs. James West, Miss
iEdena Clarke, Mrs. Burdick, the
Misses Ethel and Nellie Casebere, Ii.
Reynolds and Paul Anderson.
Miss Lenora Helen Ross, 439 East
Forty-fifth street, gave a Halloween
frolic Friday, October 31. It was an
all-girl party. Dancing and games
were enjoyed, a rustic supper be
ing served afterward. The rooms
.were tastefully decorated in orange
land black, with 'jack o'lanterns and
Iblack cats.
Those present were:- The Misses
Karl Craig, Inez Horrigan, Edith
Tatom, Roberta Wright, Helen Matt
Bon, Marion Brawley, Bernice Braw
ley, Gladys Brawley, Alice Ross, Mima
B.oss and Lenora Ross, Mrs. William
Kenton Ross, Mrs. A. R. Brawley,
Mrs. Charles Craig and Mrs. Charles
Leith Ross.
The Portland Shakespeare Study
club will meet next Wednesday at 2
o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. E.
Jones, 138 Hazelfern street, In Lau
relhurst. Miss Elizabeth Eugenia
Woodbury is the instructor. The first
act of Richard III is the lesson.
Phi Alpha Kappa sorority acted as
hostesses Tuesday evening at the
first of their most enjoyable dinner
parties of the season. Covers were
laid for 24, including Elvera Ander
fwn. Fay Beaver, Barbara Padden,
Pauline Granning, Hazel Wallace,
Louise Butler, Madeline Emerson, Ma
bel Ennes, Virginia Brown, Joenivia
Frank, Eva Boscovich, Verda Walters,
Effie Tyrell, Louise Teisdale, Elsie
Shirey, Lina Brown, Lucile Maier,
Genevieve Hoffman, Bess Bush, Es
ther Stump, Marie Raymond, Jose
phine McConnon, Edna Flood.
The delightful Halloween party at
the Mann home. Thirty-third street
and Sandy boulevard, Saturday even
ing was given by the members of the
Intermediate league of the Christian
Endeavor society of the, Sunnyside
Congregational church, whose month
ly concerts and informal entertain
ments at the home have long been a
ource of great pleasure to those liv
ing there.
- Xb-Q-ioag, jvido. tails-furf-tba-re-
ception and living rooms were gaily
decorated. Witches on their broom
sticks, bats, owls and startled-appear-ing
black cats were all about.
Bunches of cornstalks with pumpkins
were piled about the white-draped
pillars in- the halls. Behind a pillar
at the foot of the stairs stood a ghost,
half hidden. In the library was the
gypsy fortune- teller's tent,-in front
of which glowed a realistic campfire.
In a spooky room in the basement
apple-bobbing and other Halloween
games were played.
The guests were received by Mrs.
J. H. Wilkins, Mrs. Ralph Lee and
Mrs. Eugenia Morse. Over 150 Joined
iu the grand march. Led by a ghost
and a witch, the guests and their
hostesses and hosts marched 'and
counter-marched down the halls. A
delightful programme, arranged by
Misses Hine and Hoge, was given. It
consisted of recitations by the Misses
Doris Ogden, Elizabeth Snyder, Vir
ginia Bliss and Elizabeth Denrose;
songs by Mrs. Robert Clark, con
tralto; Misses Cathleen Mont and Jes
sie Hoge and Mr. Ralph Lee, Mrs. Uny
accompanist, and fancy dancing by
Misses Dorothy Dupene, Elizabeth
Penrose and Helena Oats.
Doughnuts, apples and cider were
served in the small dining room. 'The
table, attractively decorated with
glowing lights, tiny pumpkins, cats,
bats and witches, was presided over
by Mrs. F. Lonsbury, Mrs. A. Allyn,
Mrs. M. Horner and Miss Ward.
- m m
Mrs. Willis H. Gwaltney (Martha
Wiederhold) entertained with a de
lightful Halloween party last week
at her home in Irvington. Black cats,
witches, goblins and autumn leaves
adorned- the rooms. The centerpiece
for the dining table consisted of a
beautiful display of autumn leaves
wreathed around a basket of choice
fruit. The table was set for 16. The
principal feature of the evening was
The Misses Wanda and Dora Gor
don and Josephine Torrey entertained
a number of their friends at a Hal
loween party Friday., Dancing was
enjoyed at the Herbert Gordon resi
dence. 229 East Fifty-fifth street. At
a late hour the party adjourned to
the R. H. Torrey residence in Laurel
hurst, where a midnight supper was
served and various Halloween stunts
enjoyed until the wee small hours.
Both homes were strikingly decorated
in autumn leaves and -Halloween col
ors. Those enjoying the evening were
the Misses Leola Clark, Grace Cobb,
Virginia Huntington, Loretta Isack
son, Leonora Stone, Helen Tonseth
and the hostesses, and Lloyd' Bass,
Shelley Brown, Virgil Cowens, Lloyd
Davies, Glen Dorres, John Haak
Keith Harriman, Louis Ragenovich
and Harold Schmeer.
- - -
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John T,
Urriuhart in Vancouver was the scene
Don't Experiment
When Buying a Piano
When you buy an article as often as
every month or every year, you can .
afford to experiment you can afford
to try different makes and different
dealers. But you buy your Piano for a
lifetime you expect of it good service
for many years. Therefore it does not
pay to experiment or decide lightly.
You will have the greatest assurance
of a satisfactory selection by going to a
reliable Piano House, which carries
only dependable merchandise tell
them frankly what you would like to
have and what you can afford to pay.
Your Piano problem will then be easily
solved. You will secure value received
for your expenditure and a Piano which
will give lifetime satisfaction and pleas
ure. Dealers in Steinway and other
Pianos, Pianola and Duo-Art Pianos,
Victrolas and Records, Player Rolls,
Piano Lamps, etc.
Sherman, play & Go.
Sixth and Morrison Sts., . Portland
(Opposite Postoffice)
Seattle Tacoma Spokane
"New Hair Wffl Start
$y 'X
A Powerful Secret for Hair-Root
Developing. AUiO the New Way
of Positively Removing; Wrin
kles by Rvflnlno; the Texture of
the Skin.
I Hudson Bay 1
I Fur Co. j
Leading Exclusive
Fur Store
j announces I
that they are show-
ing some splendid
new models in
I Popular Price !
147 Broadway
A combination of beauty and
style is to be found in our
Engraved Personal
Greeting Cards
Samples now on 'display for
your inspection. This form of
sending Christmas greeting is
one used by all discriminating
people. It makes your greet
ing uniform to all. the same as
your engraved personal call
ing card. The Personal Greet
ing Card is a message from
your whole family, sent in the
most dignified and pleasing
dress possible for yon to send
it in. ...
We have plates in our
files of the elite of Port
land. If we have your
plate on file, call at once
that, you. may have the
season's first choice, and
that you will not be dis
appointed In a last min
ute rush.
Second Floor Engrarlngr
Booksellers, Stationers,
Office Outfitters,
Third and Alder Streets.
By Valenka Snratt
VlHEN the proper materials are
used.' it becomes really astonish
ing what results can be produced in
the growth of hair, and in its invig
oration. There is nothing so satisfy
ing as to be able to actually to see a
difference in the length of your hair,
and a very pronounced difference In
its appearance inside of a very few
weeks. There are many cases where
hair has stopped falling in only a few
days' time by the use of the simple
formula given here. This. Invigorates
the hair cells and has a very bene
ficial effect on the scalp tissue. The
result is a vigorous hair growth.
Get a one-ounce package of beta
quinol at ' the drug store for about
fifty cents, and mix it with a half
pint of water and a half pint of bay
rum. If you prefer you can use a
full pint of witch hazel Instead of the
water and bay rum. Try this, it will
not fall.
EXPECTANCY It is by no means
necessai-y to wait, many months for
the definite improvement of the com
plexion. You can beautify the surface
wonderfully by the use of the follow
ing simple formula. By making it
yourself you get a beautifier far
richer than you get ready-made in the
stores. The results, too. will be more
satisfying. Mix with two tablespoon-
fulq of glycerine in a pint of water
the contents of a one-ounce package
of zintone, which can be procured at
any drug store for about fifty cents.
This will give the skin a spotless tint
in a short time, and you will be proud
of your remarkable complexion.
MRS. C. G. N. ' You will nearly
always find that eoap makes the
For Superfluous Hair
TT Lead ins Seller for 10 Years
Use Fresh as Wanted
Ask Your Dealer He Knows
hair -brittle and the scalp dry.
What every woman, should use is
an article such as eggol. which
dissolves - all oily secretions on
hair and scalp and leaves the
hair In eplendid, vigorous condi
tion. It is wonderful for dan
druff. It cleans out the pores and
lets your hair "breathe" and
grow vigorously. A teaspoonful
of eggol in a half cup of water
cannot be equaled as a head
wash. Enough for twelve sham
poos or more can be obtained
from a twenty-five cent package
of eggol.
EMBARRASSED You should never
iik nnvthinsr which will Irritate the
skin while removing superfluous hair.
Kemoving superfluous nairs now De
comes a pleasure instead of a real
dread if voi will lust moisten the
hairs with a little sulfo solution which
can be obtained from your arugglsi
for one dollar. It leaves the skin as
smooth, white and soft as before.
There is no reddening or irritatmK
and it never fails to remove the
obstinate hairs with perfect ease. It
is as pleasant to use as a louon.
DESPERATE You will make your
self look years younger If you will
follow this suggestion. This formula
makes the skin texture finer, it makes
it firm and more plump in this way.
and as a result, tn a few days you
see a very marked difference In your
appearance. Wrinkles will seem to
vanish. You will realize oiricklv that
rou have found a remarkably effect
ve wrinkle secret, and tell youi
friends. Get from your druggist for
about fifty cents a two-ounce pack
age of eptol and mix with a table
spoonful of glycerine In a half pint
of water. Lse this cream liberally
and often.
BLACKHEADS Get from your
druggist a package of neroxin, for
about fifty cents, and sprinkle a little
of it -on a wet cloth , and rub this on
the blackheads. You will find they
will disappear In a few moments al
most rnagicallj.
MRS. G. F. D. The best and finest
face powder It is possible to get is
callled "Fresca Beauty Powder,"
which any druggist can supply you in
white, flesh or brunette, for fifty
cents. It far surpasses many import
ed products. Adv. v
lll ft
illinery in the
Meaning that $15 hats will be $10 Monday, and that
$55 hats will be $36.65, and all hats in between these
prices will be reduced in proportion.
This sale will include every hat in the French Room excepting
only those made of or trimmed with fur.
There will be distinguished hats of gold and silver brocade,
velvet, beaver, panne velvet.
Trimmings are rich novelties from Paris, exquisite embroid
eries and flowers, also the new feathers svich as blondine, casso
wary, hackle, curled and uncurled ostrich.
Plenty of small hats, large hats, medium hats.
Something just right for every face.
Meier & Frank's: Millinery Shop, Fourth Floor.
Store Closed
A start to beat the H. C. of
L. Bring this ad: it's worth
$3.00 on purchase of a new
machine (Only one ad to ap
ply on a machine) this week
only. Any make of machine
you wish. We carry all makes.
Sold for less. No agents
ISO Third, Near Taylor Street.
15 th
We are offering this week a special lot
of stylish blouses in all the new color
themes at prices within reach of all.
Our Coats Suits Dresses are from
the leading New York markets.
The- QjjALrrr' Store Of Portland
Store Closed
TT10R women who are
interested in the
newer styles at mod
erate prices this store
always has something
of interest. Make it a
habit to stop here
whenever you are
We are offering this week some wonderful new
color tones and desigris at attractive prices of the
season's blouse creations by the fashionable New
York artists and we solicit your inspection of our
complete line of new
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