THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND. NOVEMBER 9. 1919. Winter Fashions in k - Vl 5" S-SYEAff T" BROADWAY REFUNDS OfT Liebes Furs Featuring New Models in. Fur Goats, Neckwear and Wraps We are showing superb new styles in Fur Coats, DolmansWraps and Neckwear beautiful pelts that are exclusive creations of H. Liebes & Company. There are luxurious wraps and scarfs for evening wear and trig models for street wear. The furs used are carefully matched and expert craftsmen work them together. Wonderful fur garments of HUDSON SEAL NATURAL MINK MOLESKIN KOLINSKY ERMINE SQUIRREL FOX AND WOLF LYNX AND NUTRIA Individuality is the keynote of Liebes Models, and only those furs that skillfully accentuate the beauty of the costume are offered. YOU PAY NO MORE FOR H. LIEBES & CO. FURS We invite your inspection of our new models. All you need is a heart and a dollar Join the Red Cross Business hours: 9:30 to 6 P. M. ESTABLISHED S5 YEARS FURS BROADWAY, Send for our new Book let of Fur Models. Helen Bottler, Mildred Hebert. Ijeola Tesch, Anna Lindsay, Helen Good, Agnes Pollock, Marguerite Allen, Anna Allen, Elizabeth Beede, Phyllis Anderson, Rae Smith, Edith Altnow, Mrs. Pollock and Mrs. Altnow. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Connell en tertained with a dance for Lieutenant T 1, A i"OTT-nrtl V 1 OTf ttT f t of the Pl- cific fleet, who waa In town for a few days, on his way to southern California, where he will Join his hip. a Parishioners of All Saints chapel held a social evening at the Laurel hurst clubhouse Wednesday night. The people of the parish have planned a similar entertainment on the first Wednesday of each month for the re mainder of the season. Ben Butler, TV. R. C, No. 61, held their regular meeting In Dawley's hall. Thirty-fourth and Yamhill streets on Thursday. The corps was Inspected by Mrs. Jennie Bentley, de partment president and inspecting of ficer. Mrs. Mabel Morton was ad mitted into the order, two applica tions were made. Visitors were Mrs. Bertha Drew Gilman, past deputy president: Mrs. M. Stevens, president Lincoln-Garfield corps; Mrs. Alma Bennett Olson, past deputy president from Dakota: Mrs. Cora McBride, deputy treasurer; Mrs. Lettie Coppell, Mrs. A. Gardner, president Sumner corps; Mrs. Helen La liar. Mrs. A. Graham. Oregon Commandery No. 1, Knigrhts Templar, entertained Us members and friends At a dancing and card party Thursday evening at the Maso-.iic temple, the second of a series being p-iven this season. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. D, C Burntrager, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Trego, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Cellars, Ralph Jennlng and Mrs. F, O. Jenning, L. R. Elder and Mrs. L. R. Butterworth, H. A. Groo oock and Mrs. Meyer, P. P. Kllbourne, t. G. Tomaslnl, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Oswald. L. L. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. R. H- Muhme, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Moody, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Marsh, Mr. and Wra. W. L. Cornell, Albert Ton der "Worth and Mrs. LL W. Ray, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Uinnen kamp, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Bonney, Miss Marion Bonney, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Runyon, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Kiger, Dr. and Mrs. B. P. Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Honeyman Jr., Alex M. Oliver, Miss Heitkemper, Mr. and Mrs. inniiiinnumTuiniiiumiiiiiimiuiiuinilmnnrimtmiinTiimiminiLziitair? Make Appointments I Now for W. O. Haines, Norris R. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. McJury, Dr. and Mrs. Earl Henton, Miss Martha Holden, W. L. J Davies. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Frost, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Moser, Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Greene, Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Sigglin, Miss M. Sigg'.ln, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jen ning, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pillman, Mr. and Mrs. Doy Gray, Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Havl land, Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Tates, Mr. and Mrs. Roy K Terry, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Boone. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. A.. E Davidson, H. W. Adrian and Miss Callle Sharp. . One of tha most enjoyable and di verting affairs of the season at Laurelhurst club was the "hard times" party given during the week under the auspices of the Men's club. More than 200 couples were In attendance, the clubhouse being taxed to its ca pacity and an evening of rare Jollity reigned. The clubhouse was decorat ed in keeping with the spirit of tha party. Tomorrow evening will be a meeting of the general membership of the Laurelhurst club to consider the construction of an addition to the clubhouse in order to Increase the dancing space, which is becoming somewhat congested. Tomorrow aft ernoon the ladies' card club will meet. Instead of Tuesday afternoon. Prize winners Thursday night, when Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dose were host and hostess, were Mrs. J. P. Buchanan and Dr. T. A. Fellows In bridge, and Mrs. Arthur Smith and A. M. Lillie In 500." . The first party of the season for Juniors was held Friday night and was largely attended. Chapter E. P. E. O, held a very pleasant meeting at Mrs. McCaw's on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Davies, from Nebraska, was a visitor. After the business meeting refreshments were served. A pleasant surprise party was given to Mrs. Mary LeClair by 25 of her friends at the home of Mrs. George Gilbert. 651 East Twenty-first street. Mrs. LeClair leaves today for a two months' trip to Michigan and other eastern states. Five hundred was played during tha evening, and later a sumptuous luncheon was served. Mrs. LeClair was presented with a beautiful purse La remembrance of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Perrte L. Dolph enter tained with a Halloween party at their home In Piedmont Saturday night, honoring flss Llna Frances Brown, and her fiance, Walter Meade Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. T. Perry Evans were hosts for' a gay Halloween dance and card party last Thursday night at their home in Laurelhurst. About 75 of the younger set and married folk danced their way around witches, goblins and lighted pumpkins. During the evening Miss Ruth As new, soprano, sang very beautifully, with Miss Dorothy Cox as accom panist. At midnight a delightful buffet supper was served by Mrs. Evans, assisted by several matrons. Miss Marlon Danley was hostess Saturday evening, November 1, for a delightful Halloween party at her home in Alameda Park. The early part of the evening was spent In fortune telling and other Halloween (Contlnu.! on Pagw g. Christmas photographs i while the Special Rates ! are on at PHOTOGRAPHY - and ART 407 Morrison St, i Bet. 10th and 11th. Bdwy. 2837 JImn7l,"!tM"' " iii:Himmiim imtu niHtnuimmnin-mmnmiflrpinjs Fall and Winter FU1R I am showing fall and winter models in Hudson Seal Mole, Mink Squirrel Nutria and Skunk Foxes and Lynx in all leading shades. IMPORTERS I UKRIERo Mannf ncf nrrr and Importer 141 BROADWAY StO ALDER Soatnvreat Corner of Broadway and Alder. COMPLEXION Contains certain Ingredients which make it distinctively perfect. It has the Decenary adhering quality. It acts as an astringent, contracting the pores of the (kin and producing that baby softness. It it daintily fragrant. Three shades fieih, brunette and white. couldnU be better, though tie price were multiplied by ten. A generous size box for 30c 5v postpaid anywhere in the U. S. The Remiller Co. 2?0 West 1 7th St. New York Sold in all Oiul Drug Stores, other good drug stores and department stores 1000 Beautiful Frocks for Evening, Dinner, Dans ant. Afternoon, Street and Business wear will be placed on sale Monday,' November 10, 1919 This sale is of exceptional importance to the women of Portland because it is made Up of the Season-end Stock and Road Samples of the most reputable designers of distinctive Gowns and Dresses in New York City. There are velveteens, Jerseys, serges, and satins with more or less straight lines, prim buttons or narrow fringe trimmings there are satins with the accentuated hips and newest girdles all smart and well tailored. Woof velours and velveteens are In, WgTi favor in tie East. We have many smart frocks of these accepted materialsalso of satins, eerges and jerseys very new and cleverly designed. - ml! K $23.75 $29.75 Trieolettet Tricotine! The two clever "tries" taken by the cloth manufacturers and made into lovely frocke by the best designers. Also velveteens and charmeuses that follow the latest fashions, yet attain individuality in trimmings. $43.75 Holidays are such jolly days! And such dressy daysl Here's Armistice Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas and New Year's right at hand with a remarkable sale of frocks in progress 1 Party gowns T We have a few in this sale, but any one of them is well worth an early morning shopping trip. Or if you shop in the afternoon there will be many lovely brocaded satins and Georgette crepes for afternoon or informal party wear. And such smart street gowns of tricotine, serge, and velveteenl - - - $59.50 If words were colors, we might be able to describe a certain collection of tricolette, tricotine, serge, velour, satin and Georgette crepe gowns that have demure collars, flirty frills and many styles of the new silhouette. There are a few evening gowns that are very pretty. - - - $79.50 in i Some feminine hearts are set on duvetyn. And we have all the familiar materials tricotine, taffeta, paulette, charmeuse and serpe cleverly designed and smartly got together. Think of the smartest gown you ever saw, then let us show you one Just a little more desirable. - - - $95.00 If you have a Harry Collins label on your gown, you need never give a thought to the style of it. for it is absolutely right in design and material. This week just to bring interest to the highest pitch we are giving a 20 reduction on all Harry Collins and other exclusive gowns upwards of 150.00. N ote: "All sketches made from models on sale HO eXCHl!tGEsT. 1 : i RE FUND3 07 V RESERVES. P: f i It . mm H I 1 Mm' TO i r- CORSETS At the Original Stop, MADAJI MARIE V. .EITFICH8, 313 Flirdnrr Bids., Tenth and Washington. The Newest Fabrics in the lat est approved styles that fash ion has designed for Ladies' Fall Suits and Coats is made to your individual order in the best of tailoring at the most reasonable prices by I. REUBIN I.adlea' Talor and Dnlgno Bui to 408 Bush & Lane it Ids'. Broadway at Alder IF YOU WANT VALUE; IF YOU WANT QUALITY; IF YOU WANT STYLE; CALL AND SEE J. K.. STERN A Woman's Beauty Lies in Her Hair So take care of your hair by uelne EKDEH HAIR CERATE. It has proven Its worth In baldness, fall ing hair, dandruff, etc Aalc your draxUt. Write or call Ekdee Company HOO Union Avenne Nnrtn Wood lawn IMS Portland, Oregon. 423 St. James Place Chlcajro, I1L M. PATT 8riTF 611. BUSH A I.AN'K KVIt-DTSO, tOli.Velt BHOADWAV AND ALULK. I.A DIES' TA1LUH 417 ALDEJi, SCHWEITZER & EGAN ladles' Tailors 802 V4 WASHINGTON' ST. . . .... . -iieit to iiaxelwottd KB Not A BlemisI mars the p c r I e c t appearance of her com pJexion. Permanent and temporary skin troubles are effectively concealed. Reduces un natural color and coiicts 1 greasy skins. Highly antiseptic, used with beneficial results as a curative agent for 70 years. 3M ALDBH ST. JSKAR 1EM H I THE !l NAME i1! i Sfitjr Owner i TAir D. Levine ! RE LI A BI LIT Y m IlL H. Enke Owner D. Levine Manager Stands for QUALITY SERVICE and RELIABILITY "There's a Difference." Wm. Pfunder's Celebrates Oregon Blood Medicine contains tha medicinal vlrtnea C a a c a r a. Berberis. Sarsaparllla, f unlper and Aromatics. An eftect ve alterative and appetizer. An ideal tonio and laxative. Pleasant to the taste. Favorably known and used for over forty years. ac Six to Plc Bottl. One DTI; Plv Dellnra. AT TOCB DRUGGIST'S, If Ba Hani It. We wm Premay Cnaraea on One Bottle or Morn to You Addreasw WOODARD, CLARKE CO. Woodlark Bldc Portland, Oregon, Alder at Weat t'ark. LADIES' TA1I.OB