The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 09, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 4, Image 52

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- John Ragmhnd Eobinjvn and her Wedding AttenlanUg I j :- r Vy f - . -
Il r- Fill uCloXZ-i cxITy JZZ; O TlrirS. Robinson ( . ' ' . f , '
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Bushnrll Pfiet&t
i . TflSJjojephinp Miller one of the Bridesmaids et
. TAiJ FretTy Wed ding.
Smith, Miss Miller, Miss Frances
O'Brien, Kenneth Robinson of Berke
ley, John Raymond Robinson, Miss
Gertrude Town and the hostess.
An Interesting: visitor in town this
week Is Mrs. May Cheney, who is
the Kuest of Mrs. James Dunlap, on
Spring street. Mrs. Cheney la ap
pointment secretary of the University
university In positions all over the
world. On Thursday Mrs. Cheney was
honor guest at a dinner at the Uni
versity club, given by a few of her
friends, including- Mr. and Mrs.
George GerlinRer, Mr. and Mrs. Barry
Beal Torrey, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kin
ley, Mr. and Mrs. William Conger
Morgan, Dean McAllister, Charles
Cheney and his mother, Mrs. May
Mr. and Mrs. David Beasley Camp
bell are in Portland again after spend
ing a delightful week east of the
of California and has been the means mountains, where they were the
of placing many graduates of the ' guests of Mr. and Mrs, louls Ander-
son In Walla Walla. W1!le they were i short tim In Xew Orleans, where he
there David Campbell appeared in I attended the meetings of the Amer-
lean Academy of Periodontology-Py-
orrhea and the National Dental association.
Mrs. William Rldenbaugh of Boise,
Idaho, is in Portland, the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Thomas La re lie. of Butte,
Mont., who is spending the winter
here at the Campbell Hill. Mrs. Rld
enbaugh came to attend the Betta
Teal wedding.
Dr. M. M. Bettman will return this
week from New York, where he has
been doing post-graduate work at
Columbia university. -Prior to his
university study- the doctor spent a
Dr. and Mrs. Frederlok Klehle. en
tertained with a children's party
Tuesday afternoon In honor of Foltar
Johnson Jr., whose fifth birthday fall
on that day. The children who en
joyed the affair were Katherlne
Klehle,' Mary Stuart Smith, Mary
Robertson, Nancy Jeffery. Jack Ryderj
Robert Stelnger, Jack Newland. WU
lard Cleveland, FoLger Johnson and
Lltchard Klehle.
A miscellaneous shower was given
fot1 Miss Helen Pollock in the rooms
of Mrs. H. J. Altnow at the Cecelia
apartments Thursday night. The
guests were all present when Mis
Pollock walked into the web. The
gifts were fastened at intervals on
twine and hidden behind pictures,
over doors, and any place where she
would be obliped to use the tactics of
a fly in reaching them. Many beau
tiful presents were received. A novel
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Ruth Elizabeth, to Otto
Schul of Walla Walla, Wash., for
merly of Portland. The date of the I supper waa served, the color scheme
wedding is set for November. B7. i being pink and white. Those who
enjoyed the evening with Miss h'oi-
T,ltchard Klehle. the young son of I lock were th Misses Ruth Hottler.
IP H thAti H - -lilt Xil ; l
VI ' 'II Worthing ton Smith, TTatronof Honor at'
the tfobinson-Towne Wedding
(Continued from Page 3.)
Eighth avenue west on October. 21,
were married at Marsallles, O., In
169 and began housekeeping on a
farm there. Mr. Rubins has been en
gaged in farming ever since and has
e. small place near Irving, Lane coun
ty. They have made Kugene their
home for the past 11 years. Three
children were born to them, Mrs.
Clyde Ehoemaker of Eugene, Mrs. C
Hofsteater of Kenton, O., and Frank
Rubins of DeGraff, O.
Owing to the fact that Tuesday,
November 11, is Armistice day, the
Illinois society will not hold its regu
lar November meeting. All members
are urged to attend the December
meeting, which will be held in the
assembly room of the Portland hotel
Tuesday evening, December 9. at
8:15. A varied programme has been"
prepared and a cordial invitation is
- extended every Illlnoisian.
Mr. and Mrs. Antolne Labbe were
charming hosts for a dinner given
at the Waverley Country club laBt
Wednesday In honor of their sister
and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hyde of Tacoma, who were in
town for a few days on their way
tome from New York. About 40 per
sons enjoyed the affair, among them
being Mr. and Mrs.. William Jones,
also from Taco'ma. -
Miss Rhoda Rumelin entertained
the Betts-Teal bridal party Tuesday
night with a supper. The supper waa
given at the residence of Miss Rume
lin'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Rumelin, and was the last of the many
festivities given for this popular
bride and her attendants.
Mrs. Walter E. Towne entertained
with a dinner at the Hotel Portland
Tuesday night, when her guests were
the members of the bridal party of
her daughter and the parents of the
bridegroom. The party included Mr.
and Mrs. John Robinton, and the
Misses Cora and Ida Robinson of
Buffalo. N. T., Mr. and Mrs. Larratt
I, I llll'l 1 M i " i i t II i II ,(1
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; ' -'I
Cork Tilings and
202 Broadway, Near Taylor
t Aide"
The Wonder
Mid -Winter
D i s play
Out of the melting pot of
fashion we pick the gold and
discard the dross. It is a refin
ing process that gives our
Hats, Furs
a distinction all their oyvo.
Dance Hats
A new. showing and a most
surprising assortment of attractive
small dance hats of gold and sil
ver cloth combined with gold
lace, fur and velvet, created by
exclusive artists in millinery of
the fashion world.
We ara especially featuring
beautiful mid-winter hats, furs
and umbrellas at attractive prices.
. Great, warm woolly ones
At smaller prices than you've seen for Two Years
Blankets from Beacon, St. Mary's and Winthrope Mills
All colors and sizes and for all baby purposes 1000
of them Savings every mother who reads this adver
tisement will share in and tell her friends about.
At 85c
At $1.25
At $1.65
At $2.55
At $3.95
-Nursery designs 30x40-inch blankets in light
blues and pinks. Only eighty-five cents.
-Fine fleeced blankets bound with satin. They're
in white with striped borders and in solid pinks.
Less than today's wholesale cost.
-Wool fleeced blankets 30x40-inch pink and light
blues with both ends bound with satin ribbon.
At $5.95 "
. and $9.50
-Double wool fleeced blankets size 30x40 inches.
Snowy white with pink and blue borders. Note
that these are double blankets.
-Double heavy wool fleeced blankets in white w-ith
pink and light blue borders and silk bound.
They're wonders at ?3.95.
-are extra fine wool blankets snowy white with
pink and blue borders.
-range in price from $1.25 to $4.50. Cotton fleeced
blankets that are beautifully designed in nursery
effects that Baby likes.
Wool Filled Comforters for Baby S4.95
36x50 inch near flk blankets in light blue and pink with striped effect and design in
terwoven. A Very limited number of them to sell at this very low price.
Have You Seen Our Complete
76-Piece Layette at $33.45
It is as complete and perfect aa w can make
it. Absolutely everything necessary for the
new baby is included.
63 pieces are all ready to wear or use. 15
of the little wearables (dresses, day slips,
nighties, and g-ertrudes) are simply but exr
cruisitely. designed all ready for mother hands
to finish.
. Comeee itl- Youll declare it Perfect
Baby's Boudoir
They're completely finished
with hand-crocheted edges
all ready for baby to wear.
Made with double chest pro
tector and tape at bottom.
388 Morrison,' Below Tenth