The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 09, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 3, Image 51

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THE United Waist League of America has set' aside
November 10-15 as National Blouse Week, in an
earnest endeavor to demonstrate the style supremacy
of American-made waists. ,With this in view, our waist
buyer has succeeded in securing a wonderful selection of;,
high-grade blouses, ranging in price from $1.95 to $60.00
Now Is the Time to Consider Buying Your Blouses for
Christinas Gifts.
Lingerie Blouses Special $1:95
In this lot are blouses that have sold up to $4.00. Dainty
lace trimmed fine voile, batiste and organdy blouses; satin
striped tailored effects, neat crossbar patterns and pastel
shade voiles. You will want more than one of these. " . . ,
Novelty Suit Blouses $8.50
Striped crepe de chines, dark suit shades and white and
flesh in heavy-weight crepe de chine and Georgette. Stun
ning blouses lavishly trimmed with bonnaz embroidery,
soutache braid, lace or beads. Though we will not quote
comparative prices, you will readily see that these blouses
were meant to sell for a far higher figure.
We Make a Specialty of
Extra Size
v ...
Great care is given to selecting-
these blouses every
style, color and line is adapted
to the stout figure. Crepe de
chine,, georgette and finest
quality voile come in white,
flesh, bisque, navy, taupe
brown and black in sizes from
48 to 54. Priced
$3.50 to $18.50
Exceptional Blouses $5.85
Heavy-weight crepe de chine, Georgette and sheer French
voiles. Collarless, round and square necks, new frilled
fronts, dainty hemstitching as well as beautifully beaded
and embroidered models, and those trimmed with soutache
braiding and touches of Val. and Venise lace. Many new
net blouses are included in this lot all have sold for a much
higher figure than quoted.
Figured georgettes as
well as the different suit
shades. Round necks,
new bell sleeves and
full lengths. Loose belts
of georgette and corded
girdles. '
High-Grade Novelty Blouses
Reduced 25
Beautiful blouses from sample lines
scarcely two alike. Smart high necks,
square, round and V necks elaborately-
beaded or daintily touched with sheer lace
and tiny tucks. All popular shades.
Casaque Blouses
Strikingly Beautiful
Satin, velvet, Georgette, pussy willow and
Georgette combinations. They are handsomely
trimmed in metallic thread, wool, French
silk twist, braided designs, real Italian Filet,
Cluny, Val and Venise lace or with fringe
and hand-drawn work. These are priced from
Use Your Charge
Account to take ' ad
vantage of the specials
Natio n a I Blouse
Week Offers.
Outfitting o
The Gray Tile Corner
Ing councilor for Wellesley college,
and is making a tour over the coun
try, visiting all of the Wellesley
clubs. During her visit here she will
be the guest of Mrs. J. E. Withrow.
705 Davis street, and Mrs. R. S. Tracy,
715 Hancock street.
Tomorrow Mrs. Vincent Cook will
give a luncheon at the University
club in her honor. In the evening
Mrs. Boudinot Seeley and Mrs. Alice
Kowe will give a cafeteria supper
for the club at 740 Patton road, after
which the regular monthly meeting
will be held to discuss ways and
means and the future development of
the local club.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Watson of
Vallejo. Cal., announce the birth of
a daughter, who was born on their
first wedding anniversary, October
26. The young lady is the first grand
child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watson
and great-granddaughter of Mrs.
John Whalley of this city.
Miss Genevieve Thompson was a
charming dinner hostess when she
entertained for her niece. Miss Ruth
Teal, and her bridal party at the Uni
versity club last Monday. Seated
around the handsomely appointed
table, which was decorated with rare
orchids, were Mrs. Cameron Squires,
Mrs. Alan Green, Miss Teal, Miss
Katherine Hart. Miss Sara McCully,
Miss Catherine Collins and the
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. C. Ball have
returned from a delightful and ex
tensive trip to the Atlantic coast.
They visited with Mr. Ball's family
and other relatives and friends.
A luncheon of interest was given
at the Arlington club last Monday,
when Cameron Squires entertained
for Carlton Betts and the men of the
Betts-Teal wedding party. Mr. Squires
guests included. Alan Green. Charles
Holbrook, Prescott Cookingham,
George Powell, Carlton Betts.
Through the efforts of its presi
dent, Mrs. Edwin Seeley Parsons, the
Drama league of Portland had the
privilege of meeting Mr. and Mrs. W.
P. Derbyshire of New York, Wednes
day night in one of the lecture halls
at the central library.
Mrs.' J3erbyshire has been an active
officer of the New Tork Drama
league for several years, and spoke
Informally to the members of the
league and their friends of the ac
tivities of the New Tork league,
touching at some length on the public
discussion, meetings', and the drama,
as a means of education, being Intro
duced Into the public schools.
Mrs. Parsons outlined the prospect
ive activities of the Portland league
for the winter. Several plays will be
given fluring the next few months by
members of the league. Through the
secretary, Mrs. Graham Dukehart, ar
rangements are being made to bring
two or three well-known authors and
lecturers to Portland to speak at some
of the larger meetings. The high
schools are being interested in the
drama and a prize has been offered
for the best play produced by any of
the high schools during the spring
term. New plays by new authors, and
those possessing histrionic ability are
being eagerly sought. To increase
the membership of the league, ar
rangements have been made by which
those wishing to join now will receive
membership until January, 1921.
Later in the evening refreshments
were served by Miss Margaret Biddle,
Miss Marion Voorhels and Miss
Gladys Bowen.
Mr. and Mrs. Derbyshire left Thurs
day for California on their way to
New Tork.
Mrs. H. W. Goode is in Tacoma, the
Braiding, Embroidery, Chain and
Moss Stitching
Button Holes for
Coats 10c Each
Tucking or Hemstitching
10c a Yard.
guest of Miss Elizabeth Harmon and
her father F. S. Harmon at- the Taco
ma country club. She will remain
until after the wedding of Miss Har
mon and Henry Goode, which will be
a very smart social event next Tues
day night. Mrs. James WJngate will
attend her sister as matron of honor,
and the Misses Ruth Davies, Charlotte
Bennott and Dorothy Dempsey, all of
Tacoma. will ' be the bridesmaids.
Fred Kribs of this city will be best
man and William and Clark Burgard
and Page Shindler will act as ushers.
Mrs. Abigail Shaughnessy is "stop
ulng at Hotel Multnomah for the win
ter. The Women of Woodcraft hall, 394
Taylor street, was well filled last Sat
urday night, the occasion being a card
party and dance given by Ivanhoe
homestead, .Brotherhood of American
Yeomen. The next social affair to be
given by this order will be on Satur
day, November 29.
On next Saturday night at 8 o'clock
the regular lodge meeting, will full
Initiatory work,-will be held. A good
sized class is promised for initiation.
All members are urged to be present.
Acme Social club will give its open-
fresh every day.
'Morrison st bet.
4th and Bth. Tel.
L0YERL Main or A 1805,
A new, snappy, fascinating game
for children. Has a marvelous edu
cational feature, being founded on
100 facts of national importance
and Interest. Anyone who can read
can play. Children play for hours
and hours, Price SO cents at all up-to-date
department, drug and book
stores, or direct, postpaid. Money
back if not satisfied. .
25 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash.
ing party at Masonic Hall.. West Park
and Yamhill streets. Friday evening,
November 21. Alii past noble grands
of Acme Rebekah lodge No. 32, I. O.
O. F., will act as patronesses. Dancing
and cards will start at 8:30 P. M.
Mr. and Mrs. Josephson of New
York announce the engagement of
their daughter, Miss Anna Rablno
witz, to Joseph Rusensky of this city.
The date of the wedding has not been
The Woman's New Thought club
held a unique party Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. George
Bruce, 1407 Congress street. It was
Fifth and Oak Sts.
Portland. Oregon
Your ChrlMfmaa Order for Personal
Greeting Cards Bhould be placed
with us immediately.
1 Giving you a wonderful oppor- V ( ' Ul hU
V I .hAACA what ttmi hta onH nra I " 11
will hold it for you. ' J&'jS
; i
Giving you a wonderful oppor
tunity to buy your Christmas
gift blouses now at attractive
prices...-. ' '
. The entire nation is honoring blouses this week. We offer as our quota
A Real Blouse Sale Event
100 Blouses
. Marked $8.50 to $15
Mostly georgettes, some crepe de
chine, of exceptionally heavy qual
ity in white, flesh, rose, bisque,
navy, brown, maize. New trim
ming: effects of lace, beading:, em
broidery, hemstitching:, make them
unusually charming: neck outlines
of whatever finish you prefer.
Every Blouse
Georgettes, ,
Crepe de Chines,
Cosaques, Voiles,
Nets, Chdllis
20 Dozen Voile Blouses T
Actual wholesale cost today. Nothing
is more practical than these neat waists
they tub beautifully. Corded, stripes and plain weaves.
SI. 00
8 Doz. Crepe de Chine
and Georgette Blouses
marked $3.95 to $4.75
Good quality and dainty styles in
white and flesh. Pretty trimmings
that make them attractive indeed.
Extra Special!
Voile Blouses $1.55
marked $1.75 to $2.75
They are exceptionally good qual
ity voile, with dainty lace edgings,
insertions and embroidery.
Selling to $7.50 .......
Georgettes and crepe de chines in all sorts of fetching modes, showing
collarless effects, round and square necks, as well as high and roll
collars. . '
You Make a Big Saving On Any Blouse You Purchase
During This Tremendous Reduction Sale.
This store will be closed Tues
day, Nov. J.1, Armistice Day
Smartly Styled Hats
Specially Priced
Fresh from our own
workrooms em
bodying all the en
chanting features of
the season's styles
rich velvet, furry
beaver made up into
the "different"
shapes that add
youth and charm to
feminine faces.
Among them is one
just made for YOU.
Don't you want it?
Fashion's Choice Plush
Full Length and Short Sport Styles feSSf
Wonderfully rich fabrics that can scarcely be dis
tinguished from the expensive real seal.
-&' V
V-' .,. i
Seal Plush
Baffin Seal
Near Seal
Yukon Seal
Silk Velours
Hudson Seal
Mat elan
' Seal Plushes $29.50 $39.50 $49.50
Fur Fabrics $59.50 $67.50 $75.00 $95.00
Velours $89.50 to $135.00
Some have no trimmings but their own richness; others have
wonderful fur collars in different pelts. For style and com
fort you cannot surpass the luxurious fur fabric coats.
w " A
called a "fragments of life" party and
the costumes worn were supposed to
typify a former life.
Much ingenuity and research were
shown, and as each brought some
thing in the way of food typioal of
the period which she represented, the
menu was varied and abundant. There
was music and recitations by young
girls and it was an afternoon of much
EUGENE. Or.. Nov. 8. (Special.)
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Rubin of this
city, who celebrated thnir golden wed
ding anniversary at their home on
Exclusive Blouses
The kind smartly dressed women desire
$20 to $65 Blouses.
from regular stock
Reduced 25
During National Blouse
November 10 to 15
G e o r gettes beautifully combined
with exquisite lace, embroidery and
beading dainty colors as well as
rich, dark shades. '
To enhance the effectiveness of the
new tailleur you will want one of
these chic overblouses or tuck-in
At the Shop of
374 Morrison at West Park. '
National Blouse Week
Permit us
to show you our splendid
new arrivals in the latest
designs and the favored
materials of fall and win
ter blouses prices to suit.
Our Special
At Am
Is not equaled at
the price.