THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER O, 1010. . BISINKSa OPPQRTI'XITlKB. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I HI SIN KS niHTIWnr. i . . j ' 7' i 'OR IM.MEDIATR RESULTS LIST WITH ciai- AGENCY. WE HAVB A y AITING LIST OK BUYKRS lOUS TO GKT TN Bl'SIXESri. JS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO LONG ANX SELL BITYKRS WANTING ""ocfr' stores from $1000 to $6000. Dry good store from $4toO to $20000. Shoe stores from $5000 to $25."oo. Clothing stores from $5000 to L'0 000. $.lHM"fectionery 8tores from $1000 to Garages from $500 to $10,000. Hotels and rooming houses from $2000 to $20. 000. EuHsRd Ur ad8' W Kiv PromPt r OKKCJON BUSr.VKSS & FINANCIAL AGENCY. t 44S Morgan Building. Ft A RE OPPORTUNITY FOR nK TO GET TNTO AN EST A BUSHED - POULTRY CORPORATION. Party to take active internet- in poul try farm in city. On who can invest $I50it to $5ooo. Will draw regular monthly salnry and dividends. Stock on hand 1 soo chickens, $6000 in feed. Build iwkn hII compltle. Five acres of land worth $7000. This is an established, paying business and C4.ll show the goods. I OREGON BUSINESS & FINANCIAL AGENCY. . 44fl Morgan BMg. VA NTED A physician who wishes one of the best 1 Nation s in Oregon. Two splendid large .sawmills, running day and night, employing 200 men, and a splendid stock country surrounding from which to draw. I ncome last year from this Bour.-R $S0OO. Am retiring to large city. Office fixtures for sale cheap. Kent of two splendid steam-heated office rooms only $20 per month. AV. 824, Oregonian. I KNOW where there must be $.0,000 to $ wort h of fine gold and quick silver lost by the old-Urne mineri in the tailings and spillways. I have the only device in the world that will nve ?0 frri i-rin ji n. i uere are many ioriunes iere lor someone with small amount of CAN MOVE ANY PLACE. Vulcanizing outfit : 1 Anderson m rhine. all tools, indudipg agency for tlie laie oi oregon lor the Anderson Vul canizing machine; all for $330. Let ua how you this outfit. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3.1! Oak ftt. CIGAR STORES. $700 Near in. west side corner. $oo Busy corner; '$28 iaily. -j-j.-.o Kxceiient location ; $5ft- daily. $2750 Candy, soft drinks, cigars. CARL E. TUGGLE. 212-213 Henry Bldg. Main 9832. Office open Sunday 1 to 5 P. M. HOT EL BARBER SHOP. . PRICE ONLY $1100. A dandy 3-chair shop, well equipped end a steady business: new 3-year lease, rent $40. including light, heat and water. Hurry if you want it. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3QS Oak St. Broadway 4133. EXTRA FINE. 1 room, all housekeeping apartments, hot and cold running water in all rooms, hot-nater heat; 3 bathroom?; good cor ner bidg. : making net profit $115 per month; $ir,oo will handle. " SEE MRS. KELLER. Ceo. T. Moore Co.. 1QQ7 Y eon bldg. A REAL GROCERY STORE. Stock at invoice, fixtures about $300; rent $20; brick building; $100 per day business; under present owner 5 years. CARL E. TUGGLE. 212-213 Henrv Bldg. Main 8832. Office open Sunday 1 to 5 P. M. PA RTNEU WANTED " for 100x100 concrete garage; good lease; full of storage and good repair business; also sell gas. oils, tires, accessories, etc.; $2rn0 required for equal half interest; iwner will give and expect references from buyer. OM1 room 401 Dekum bldg. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. A mechanic, busy In the repair shop, wants a partner to sell the gasoline, oils, tires, etc., and make himself gen eral y useful in the ga rage; profits are good; $15o0 required. Call room 401 De kum bldg. DANDY GROCERY. With 4 living rooms and bath ; stock and fixtures onlv $1 7fi0. CARL E. TUGGLE, 212-213 Henry Bldg. Main 8S32. Office open Sunday 1 to 5 P. M. FIRST-CLASS bakery and lunch, located on principal street of city, population of 800 peopl : a good supporting home in dustries town, no other bread shipped in town ; must sell at once, $500 without stock. Box 20ft, Harrisburg, Or. ABA RGAT N1 S.r0 A fT'LLY EQI TIPPED MEAT M A R K ET. GOOD LOCATION, GOOD TRADE. LONG LEASE. RENT $15. THIS IS A BUY, ON ACCOUNT OF ILL HEALTH OF PARTNER. CALL WOODLAWN 2.VJ1. NO AGENTS. FOR SA LE Greenhouses, containing 17, Otio to 18,000 feet of glass, 3 acres land, modern "-room house and barn: property fully improved, hot water heat; plant in running order. Oumpbell-Phelan Land A- Cattle Co.. 301-2 Couch bldg. WOULD LIKE to hear from someone with capital to invest in a good patent, just out: will sell outright or 1-3 interest; a good proposition. This Is a small tool. Don't answer unless you have money and mean business. F 672. Oregonian. a "cIduntrTXrgTeI " Concrete bldg.. cheap rent; 15 to 29 ears steady storage and a good repair business; also sell gasoline, oils, tires and have car agency; price only $1650. Call room 4ni Dekum bldg. RESTAURANTS ROOMING HOUSES GROCERIES. We specialize, best locations, prices nd terms right. Before buying see Har per. Scandinavian-American Realty Co., 248 Stark st. Main 5429. MERCHANDISE STORE. Invoice about $5000; rent only $40; 5-year lease; owner In present place 11 years; owner is going to. retire. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. GARAGE FOR SALE, Fireproof bldg.. good lease: 48 cars steady storage and plenty repair work for 3 men; also sell gasoline, oils, tires, accessories, etc. ; profits $500 month clear. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. I HAVE an established real estate busi ness and want a managing partner; no money required, but must finance self, have experience, executive ability and a car. Give phone references and full ln formatlon. O 90, Oregonian. HAVE you .51000 equity in residence acre" age or land to trade for good hotel doing a good business, in a good town, free of Incumbrance ? Write V. B, Putnam, Woodburn. Or. IOR SALE or trade. 5-10-15-cent store in good town in Willamette valley. Ad dress A V 330, Oregonian. M EAT MARKET, doing $4000 business up to date: moder ste expense. Graham. 325 Ry. Ex. bldg. Business Opportunities Wanted. WANTED Furniture store, new or new and second-hand, for $2000 cash, and a $5000 strictly modern, 7-room house in desirable district on paved street, A blk. of best car service in Portland. A 750, Oregonian. I WILL Invest $2000 with services in a good going business, mfg. preferred: can double the amount later. Give full de tails in first letter; principals only. AC 234. Oregonian. WISH to exchange 15 acres land, dose to good valley town, for upright shingle machine and equipment; Lane or Mitch ell Clipper preferred. D 830, Oregonian. I WANT to buy a garage In Portland: would consider a country garage with a car agency; will pay cash. Address AM 531. Oregonian. WANTED To hear from parties who have vulcanizing plan t for sale, in or out of Portland : give full particulars. J. H. Llenau, box 527, Missoula, Mont. YOU' LL SAVE TIM E and trouble by listing your business for sale with me. B. F. KELLY, Swetland bldg.. Main 7776 WANTED To lease or buy only theater in town of 1200 or more, Oregon or Wash ington. Write Emery San den. Ken mare, N. P. Box 655. WANT location for small confectionery, ice cream, toft drink, light lunches, or will buy stock. R. L. Love, 461 E. Mor rison. WANTED Bv 2 ladles, a eood businean- must be in good location and at right price; deal with owners only. H 325. Ore gonian. WOULD like to invest some money, with services, in going business. Give details. BJ 1 12. Oregonian. . I WANT to buy a mail-order business or buy products I can sell by mall; quick action desired. O 60. Oregonian. WANTED Cordwood stumpage for imme diate operation. West Side Fuel Co.. '414 10th a nd Glisan sts. WANTED Cordwood ftumpace for im mediate operation. West Side Fuel Co.. 414 loth and Glisan sts. WA NTED A good location w ith good roomy front : would buy small business. BE 210. Oregonian. i HA VE $1000 to $30O) to invest In a business: prefer manufacturing or ga rage. Address G 637. Oregonian. WA NTED Grocery stock from $2000 to $:;oo0; state lowest price for quick spot cash deal. AV 823, Oregonian. I HA VE $ 500 to"! 1 000 to invest" In a small business. What have you to offer? D 827. Oregonian. WANTED to buy from owner, good apart ment house, 25 to 35 rooms. D 82tJ, ore gonian. SM A LL barber shop for cash. Phone Wood lawn 3307. 1 WANTED All-winter contract with 2 -ton truck. Tabor 0079. , i . .w .... ....... i 1 1" ' i ! it rui if. j n.iAMML. i f i.aaijal. i rrRiinvn 1 ila" TH-rtunUIw WMtcC I Hotel, an Roomlnr Hou. Hotels and K.M,m"SnT f.rvQTP,- ..v.,., ... STrT. I moc.,, .... P,:r- " x ..r 1 ERMKSAU SERVICE IB MY MOTTO. K If you wish to buy or Hell a grocery t ' store, rooming house, apartment housa- Or othr business, LET ME ASSIST YOU. You may rail and explain what you want, or what you have, or I will call upon request. E. TL'GOLE. Main 8832. Member of Portland Realtv Board. 212-213 Henry Bldg. IF you want to sell your apartment bouse, rooming house, country hotel or grocery store. 1 iet it with us for sale. We have cash buyers for same. C. J. CULLISON CO.. ' 205H Morrison St. WANTED To buya half interest in KIKE INSURANCE AGENCY - in Portland. Will devote entire time to business. B 866, Oregonian.' $1200 AND SERVICES In some good busl . ness. Q 1Q4. Oregonian. Stocks and Bond. STOCK for sale In Arthur L. Smith Mo tors. Inc. S. H. Labbe, 731 Alberta St., FOR SALE Smith motor stoclT Fran"k Boughton. 447 Sheriock bldg.. 'Portland. Hotels and Rooming Houses. .HOTELS ROOMING HOUSES IN ALL ALL GOOD BUYS. Sn-room hotel, uptown district, rent . $250 steam heat.' hot and cold running water in all rooms. This is a modern , corner,1 frame building and is one of the best money-makers in the city, netting over $000 above expenses. Over one-half of the rooms are In house keeping apartments. This hotel will pay ior itseu in one year. Price $80u0. $300 cash.. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS. 42 rooms, 12 3s. 2 2-room apartments, located close In on the west side; rent $75, can get lease, fl'his is not a mod ern place, but one of the best money makers in the city and the location as .ur no vacancies. Price $3o00. $2000 cash. HOTEL. 33 roomB, rent $175. brick building, steam heat, hot and cold running water in every room. Moderate furnishings, but a good money-maker, with exceptionally . good terms; Price $3lo0. $1050 handles. 22 rooms almost downtown location. Rent $75. Furnace heat, eisctric lights, good furnishings, netting $250 per mouth. Price $2900, $1950 cash. EXCLUSIVE PLACE. 13 rooms in the Nob Hill district, close to Washington st. One of the best fur nished houses that has been on the market. If you wit something good and an income of $125 above expenses will do. investigate this now. Price $1900, terms. 10 ROOMS. 4 kitchenettes, furnace heat, electric lights. Another finely furnished place, with excellent rugs. Netting $SO above all expenses. Close In. west side loca tion. Price includes $100 worth of fuel. Price $1H0. 8 ROOMS. Rent $25. Rooms are all on one floor and the furnishings are above the aver age, electric lights, nets $50 above ex penses and is one of the best small buys on the market. Price $800. t SCOTT-BOWDEN CO.. 431 Chamber of Commerce bldg. STRICTLY MODERN. 35 rooms, brick building, center of west side, elegant furniture and carpets, beds of the very best. Long lease, $225 per month. Call and see this. 74-ROOM HOTEL. Modern brick building, on one of the best business streets of the west side, very good furniture, first-class business, long lease. A bargain at $11,000. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. I have one of the larger f trst-clssjj hotels of the city for sale, completely furnished with fine grill in connection. Will m-aktt long lease and sell furnish ings for 00 per cent of what it would cost to furnish at present time. It re quires $40,000 to do business. LARGE APARTMENT HOUSE. 50 well -furnished apartments, fine modern brick building, 5 years lease, low rent. Now netting $980 per month. $7000 will handle. FITE LITTLE APARTMENT HOUSE. 22 completely furnished apartments, close in on the west side. Will make long lease to proper parties, $7500. all cash, takes this. 17 ROOMS. TRANSIENT. One of the best little steam-heated bricks in the city: city heat; strictly transient house. Call and see it- ROOMING HOUSES In all arts of the city from 8 to 26 rooms. 'Watch our ads. We get results. F. RLERDON. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of Insurance. 20 ROOMS, H. K., rent very reasonable, close-in location ; clearing 140 ; stove heat; price $1850, terms. 14 rooms, rent $35, stove heat, clears over $100; first time offered in six years; price $1275, terms. 25 rooms, rent $75, good furniture, stove heat; $150O handles this money maker. 27 sleeping rooms, men only, rent $40, can have lease; very good furniture and clean; electricity, stove heat; clears $150, on terms. 34 rooms, H. K., rent $100, best loca tion, west side; clears over $200; $1800 handles. 1 5 rooms, all H. K., rent $65; Morrl-son-st. location; furnace; price $2200, $1600 down. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. 15 rooms, H. K., walking distance, price $1200, $800 will handle. 18 rooms, good location, price $1500. 37-room hotel, downtown location, price $3500. 30-room hotel and big hall that pays rent: price $5000. 124 rooms; best-paying place In city, $10,000 will handle. APARTMENT HOUSES. 67-room. good fireproof bldg.. In 1, 2 and 3 -room apts., 3-year lease. $300 a month; price $6700. $4700 will handle. SS rooms in 3 and 4-room apts.. brick bldg., good lease; rent $275 month; price $9500. ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY, 725 Board of Trade Bldg. FIREPROOF 7-story brick hotel, right In the heart of Portland; 50xl00-ft. lot. All first-class furniture. This is a beau tiful hotel and beat If ully furnished. It Is a bargain at $150,000: $50,000 cash, bal. terms to full. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 219 Lumbermen's Bldg. Broadway 398. ROOMING HOUSE OWNERS If you want to sell your rooming bouse call up Peters at Broadway 402; no mat ter how small amount of money the buyers have we pay -you the cash and take the mortgages ourselves; also busi ness chances, offices, if you have a buy er for places who has not enough money to handle it, call me up and I will put the deal through. WASHINGTON ST. LOCATION. 50 rooms, rent $200 month: all light rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, some prlvae baths: net profit about $450. Price $60O0. $4000 down. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co., 10O7 Yeon . bldg. WILL EXCHANGE 35-room hotel building, &Ox80 ft.; 3 stories, located on one of Oregon's best beaches. This should be a money-maker and a good investment, will consider farm or city property. See Mr. Gra ham. Interstate Investment Co., 410 Henry bldg.. Main 1743. LOOK AT THIS. 138-room apartment house, fine cor ner brick bdg.. mostly 2 and 3-room apartments: rent trifle over $4 per room. - 3 years' lease; net profit between $70ff and $S00. Price $15,000. splendid terms. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon bldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business. Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere; see F. RIERDON. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. k .60 ROOMS! Swellest little hotel in city, absolutely complete: 27 private baths, ground-floor lobby, automatic elevator, first-class fur niture. Price $10,000; $6500 cash will handle. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 10u7 Yeon "bldg. 28-ROOM brick hotel, steam heated, hot and cold water; this place Is in one of the best Industrial districts of Portland price $2000, $1000 cash down, balance on terms: would consider trade. Mc Clure & Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Ex change bldg. Main 1503. W EST PARK LOCATION. ' 21 rooms, all housekeeping: furnace heat; net pTOfit $186. Price $2825. with terms. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon bldg. 20-ROOM, nice place, close in, rent only $37 mo., room always rented. AH H. K. suits-, all on one floor, good monev . maker: well furnished. Price $1600. H. W. Garland. 2U1 3d. cor Taylor. A. X DeFO REST & CO.. 320-321 Henry Bidg. Main 2630. BUYERS. ATTENTION. If you wish to buy a business and haven t sufficient capital, see us. We will help finance any gond proposition purchased through our office. . SPECIAL BARGAINS. 70-ROOM HOTEL. Central west side location, corner brick building, steam heat. running ater, reasonable rent, favorable lease; price $7500, $4500 down, balance to suit. 110-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Fine west side location, everything In first-class condition; best of carpets and hardwood furniture; price $11,000, part time, & years' lease. 28 APARTMENTS. Money-maker. 60 rooms, with good lease; priee $6500, $4000 down, balance easy terms. 30-ROOM HOTEL. Exceptional buy at $4250. 30 rooms, good brick building with 2-year lease, requires $2400 to handle, balance to suit. 120-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Modern brick building In easy walking distance, 2 and 3-room apartments; clears better than $80o a month; price $16,000, $S0O0 cash; balance can be arranged to suit. HOTEL AND ROOMING HOUSE. 75- room hotel at a rental of $75 a month, just imagine paying $1 a reom rent ; It's a workingman's place in the very center of the industrial district in the north end; a money-maker, clearing $300 to $400 a month; price for all $30OO, $1500 down, balance easy payments. A LITTLE HOTEL. Exceptionally attractive brick build ing, west side. 34 rooms, best of furni ture and carpets, running water and steam heat. The location can't be beat for either steady or transient roomers. If you have $4000. see this at once. ? ? WHY WORRY ? ? When you need capital, want a part ner or wish to sell your business, we can help you. Give us a call. i WE BUY CHATTEL MORTGAGES. ATTENTION. BUYERS!!! If Interested in hotels or apartments Investigate these: 2 50 -room apartment, modern, close in, eat side: steam heat, oil-burner fur nace, electricity and gas; good furniture; income $1700 month, rent $500; price $14,500. 84-room apartment, strictly modern, electricity and gas, steam heat, elevator; gorfd furniture and furnishings: $500 net' per month, 2 -year lease: $rooo will handle. One of our best proposition. 22 -room hotel, west side; hot and cold water In every room, steam heat; fine furniture; nets $200 per month. 42-room hotel, downtown, steam heat, hot and cold water; good furniture; net income $70o month, 4 -year lease ; price $8000, best buy in city, act quickly. 12 rooms housekeeping, 2 side porches, basement, furnace, electricity and gas ; net Income $125 month; price $1900, $1200 cash, balance terms. C. E- SCOTT REALTY CO., MAIN 3353. 517-R19 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 30 ROOMS, on Stark st.. clearing 'over $200 a month. 2-year lease, rent $125. Price $2.r.OO. terms. 26 rooms, on Yamhill st.. with N. W. steam heat, 2-year lease; rent $60. Price $2700. 24J rooms, on 6th: brick bid?.. 1-year lease; rent $05. Price $26O0. 18 rooms, on First St.: brick bldg.; rent only $45. Price $1000. 11 rooms, en 22d st. ; good furniture; rent $30, 1-year lease. Price $9O0. 14 H. K. rooms, on C!a v st. furnace heat; rent $40. Price $1600. 15 rooms, on Salmon St.: furnace heat: rent only $45. Price $17. SO. TO BUY OR SELL YOUR HOTEL OR ROOMING HOUSE. SEE BUSINESS SERVICE. Main 6707. 317 Henry'bldg. BUY THIS GROCERY SNAP TODAY. $1 75-0 6 fine living rooms, fine fix tures; clean stock of grocerine. dofog a strictly cah-and-carry business; good corner, east side, cheap rent; fine neigh borhood, close to 2 schools;- good open ing for a butcher shoo in connection. Will take car or good lot as part pay ment, or make terms. Phone East 4462. or East 5142. Open today for inspection. SPLENDID HOTEL. 124 rooms. 4 Vj years' lease: w hite pressed brick, fireproof building : hot and cold water and telephone In every room. North-western heat; elevator: swell ground-floor lobby; net profit 4800. Price $17,000. $10,000 cash. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon bldg. 18 ROOMS, strictly first-class place; beau tiful furniture, large airy rooms. Best of location, close in west side, nice lawn, quarter block, rent cheap, lease, strictly clean, no Junk, fine home nice J surroundings ; money-maker. This is a ! man fnr i'iUul 14 UT Carlanri '.'111 3d St . MRS. M. E. LENT. HOTEL aND aPA RTMENT HOUSS BROKER If you wish to buy or sell, come In and talk It over; 12 years In this businsss In Portland, enables me to give you sat Ufactory service. 723-24 Northwestern Bank bldg. 116-ROOM brick hotel; always filled fine close-in location ; 40 baths; elevator; large lobby; clearing $800 to $1000 per month; 2-year lease ; owner has other interest demanding attention. Price $30,000 ; half cash, balance $300 per month. Ask for Mr. Claypoole. room 317 Morris hotel. 70-ROOM HOTEL. Fine corner brick bldg., steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms: net profit $400 month. Price $7500, $5O0 cash will handle. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon bids. ALL SLEEPING ROOMS. 16 lovely rooms, beautifully furnished; cor. building; Yamhill location. Price, including all fuel. $2000. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon bldg. 9-ROOM house with gas, electricity, fur nace; Clears about $60 per month, giving you your apartments besides. Price only $12o0; wili make terms. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark st. ALL HOUSEKEEPING. . 23 rooms. 7 apts.: rent $40; stove heat; net profit $12.5 month. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1 007 Yeon bldg. DANDY west-side apartment house, 25 apts., 3-year lease, low rent; clears bet ter than $o00; modern and up to date; price $10,000, $6500 down. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. ROOMING HOUSE: Seven 2-room apart ments. 2 single rooms, all well furnished; rent only $30; will consider one-ton truck as part payment. AH 724, Ore gonian. 90-ROOM apartment house, modern, brick, well furnished; rent $350; lease; making $ (UK) per month net; price $12,000, terms. Call 163 h West Park su Wells Ander son. WE have several cash buyers Tor apart ment houses. If you want to sell at once, get in touch with us. McReynolds & Daring. 214 Ablngton bldg. Main 4141. Evenings Main 8422. IS ROOMS, h. k. ; water in rooms; well located; good furniture; rent right; mak ing $100 per month net; price $1Su0, terms. Call 163 West Park st. Wells & Anderson. s 40-ROOM hotel, modern brick, fine west side location; good furniture, low rent, lease; good buy. Call 163 West Park st. Wtlls & Anderson. WANTED TO RENT A good apartment house between 15-30 apartments. Dealers or those wanting fancy prices need not apply. AC 259, Oregonian. SMALL transient hotel, center of city; N. W. heat; reasonable rent; doing capacity business; price $3500 cash. Thomson. 620-21 Henry bldg $200 MONTHLY NET. PRICE $1200. 15-room house, modern, good location, low rent. Call Main 5199. NOTICE If you want to buy rooming or apartment house I will help you finance it. I buy chattel mortgages. E 675. Ore gonian. WANT to buy rooming house in Walla Walla, Wash.; state price, terms and full particulars. D 805, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL 6-room flat for sale. 3 rooms rented, nice income, 3 rooms for owner. Call 322 Broadway, - west side. 30-ROOM hotel, modern brick ; well To cated; lease; can be bought right. Call 163V4 West Park st. Wells & Anderson. WANTED To buy around 100-room tran sient hotel ; owners only. BC 317, Ore gonian. FOR SALE 12 rooms; transient location; rent $40. Broadway 3895. 6-ROOM FLAT 4 rooms rented; very cheap If taken this week. Mar. 1598. IF YOU want to sell your rooming house, ans. at once. D 749, Oregonian. FOR SALE Rooming house; steam heat, all full; no agents. BP 663. Oregonian. 20 H. K. ROOMS. $1900. including" $90 on lease and cuaL $7b0 cask. 370 tiib. Hotels and Rooming; Houses. 11 ROOMS. housekeeping, clearing $75 month; good furniture; $SuO cash or $900 half cash. 18 rooms, divided Into 1, 2 and 3-room apts. ; modern building; low rent, lea; ck-ars about $125 month; price $19o0, $ 1300 cash, $25 month. 21 rooms, housekeeping apts.. near . business center, clearing $150 month; price $2400. $1600 cash, $50 month. 33 rooms, housekeeping apts., nar business center. clearing over $200 month; pri $2oo. terms. CARL E.- TUGGLE, 212-213 Henrv Bldg. Main 8832. Office opn Sunday 1 to 5 P. M. PAYING INVESTMENT. PRICE REDUCED FOR IMMEDIATE . ACTION. Hotel property located in best Colum bia river town between Portland and Astoria; . doing full capacity business with steady customers. If you want a real money-maker get busy. Owner sacrificing for $4750. Grounds, build ing, equipment and furnishings. Com plete details furnished at office of A. K. HILL CO.. 215 Lumbennens bldg.. 5th and Stark sts. HOTELS AND APARTMENTS. On west side, we have on First, Th!rd, Tenth. Twelfth, Burnside. Stark. Wash ington and Morrison streets, hotels and apartments for $43O0, $6500, $14,000, $M)00,- $18,000. $28,000, $12,000 respect ive Five apartments for $7500. $Mm, $0500, $12,000 and $16,000, respectively. J. M. Toomey. Oregon Investment & Mortgage company. 218-19-20-21-22 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. 1 2 ROO M P 12. On corner, large, light and airy rooms: furnace heat, running water all rooms; dandy furniture, clean as a pin ; clear ing at present $70 a month; all for $S45; pay $350 down, balance as you make it. Peters, of course, 15 N. 5th mu ' 44-ROOM hotel, cor. brick bldg.. steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, clean as wax ; splendid location ; net in come about $400 month. Price $5250, some terms. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon bldg. 19 ROOMS 19. One block from Olds & King's walnut and reed furniture, good carpets, swell furniture, turns away 20 people a day ; good for transient or steady; first time on the market. Price $1 750, half cash. Peters, of course, 15 N. 5th st. 54-ROOM hotel., white pressed brick cor. bldg.: 8 private baths, automatic eleva tor. Northwestern heat: net profit about $50O month; absolutely clean. Price $8000. some terms. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co.. lOo7 Yeon bldg. 12 'ROOMS, STEAM HEAT. Hot and cold water, nice ya rd, for quick sale on account of sickness will sacrifice for $1 150. J. BRUCE GOD D A RD. . 502 Couch Bldg. DO you want to make $:100 to $:50 per month clear of all expenses? If so, I have an apartment house that will do this; $2600 will handle; can be bought at a low figure. Hedges. 282 Taylor. "Good lease." 34 ROOMS. STEA M HEATED. H. K., very best location, must be teen to be appreciated; you will have to hurry. J. BRUCE GODDA RD, 5u2 Couch Bidg. MONDAY'S SPECIAL. 3 1 rooms, in dandy location, rent $30, furnace, running water In rooms: always full people on waiting list; for $895; pay $350 down. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. We buy chatel mortgages and pay the most. FOR SALE Rooming and apt. house. 30 rooms, fine location. Well furnished, good bldg.. heating plant ; good income property; stand investigation. Owner, H. M. Baker. Salem. Or., 645 Ferry st. 90-ROOM hotel, rent $2,50: net profit $.V0 month. PH-e $8000; will take $4imio in cash and mortgaees on city property. SEERS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 10o7 Yeon bldg. i 13 ROOMS. BARGAIN. $1150. Money-maker, very centrally located; won't la3t long, better see it at once. J. BRUCE OODDARD, 502 Couch bldg. 15 ROOMS, close in. west side; low rent on lease: nice clean place: good furni ture; will ciear about $115; it's a good one. Hedges. 282 Ta ylor. 11 ROOMS; all housekeeping; good furni ture, low rent: will net $75 or more per mo., and apartment for owner; only $825. terms. Hedges, 282 Taylor. 13 ROOMS, clears $90 net; rent $30: fine location, electric ligtir?, gas, near audi torium, rooms full; $650; might give terms. Hedges. 282 Taylor. FOR SALE Hotel, centrally located in Vancouver; wiil sacriiice if taken at once; good reason for selling. Address 704 Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash . HEADQUARTERS for rooming houses. If you want to buy or sell. See me. Main 3669. H. W. GARLAND. 201 3d. GET In my automobile and I will show you some of the best buys In Portland. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE By owner, 85 housekeeping rooms; steam heat. For appointment, phone Woodlawn 5958 evenings WEST PARK H. K. ROOMS. 21 rooms, good furniture, big income. Call Main 5199. EIGHT rooms.. ean, light; $850. Call 5S7 Washington. s ' WANT first-class modern hotel. Phone Monday. Main 81SU. 75 ROOM all-furnished steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms; stone building; wirkingman'a hotel ; all full of board ers; good manufacturing district; some terms. AC 217, Oregonian. 28 ROOMS, hot and cold water, modern brick building, fine furniture, a money maker; has to sacrifice on account of ill health. Act quick if looking for a snap. Owner, AC 248, Oregonian. HOTEL, modern, well furnished, spotless, hot and cold water In all rooms, 3-year lease; some private . baths, also apts. This is a bargain for cash, $70OO. THOMSON, 020-21 HENRY BLDG. FOR SALE Housekeeping apartments, 2 blocks from Olds, Wort man & King's store; .Income $300 per month. Investi gate this. McClure & Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1503. 17-ROOM apt. house, close to hospital; al ways full; will take small residence on west side. bal. mortgage. . J. J. Fisher, Tabor 3531. FOR best bargains In rooming or apart ment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th it 14-ROOM h. k. house, fine location, good furniture, low rent ; price $1250. Call 1 63 V2 West Park st. Wells & Anderson. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Goid watch charm with diamond setting, initials R. B. on 'back of charm. Phone Broadway 3682 for reward. FOUND On Lownsdale and Alder, lady's new kid glove. Ta bo r 4092. Pay for this ad and receive same. LOST Green purse on Rose City Park or Depot-Morrison cars; reward. Call Ta bor 5154. LOST Will lady who found purse near Meier A Frank's lining counter phone again where she left it. Sellwood 512. THE one who picked up purple silk um brella Is known: return at once to Lip man & Wolfe and awld further trouble. LOST A lady's wrist watch. Finder please call Mrs. H. L. Day, Tabor 1674. Reward. LOST, strayed or stolen, Japanese spaniel, male, weight, about 15 lbs. Telephone Milwaukie 30. LOST Bill folder with receipts, check, note, tire stock: $10 reward if delivered to Olympia hotel. J. K. Shipley. LOST Sunburst pin with one diamond sur rounded by pearls, valued as keepsake. Marshall 5220. apt. 204. Reward. LOST Diamond ring. Sept. 27, Washing ton st., between Lucre t la and 14th sts. Reward. 468 Wash. st. Fuji Co. LOST Black bead necklace on Hawthorne ave. Wednesday evening; reward. Tabor 856. FOUND $15, Willamette Heights. Friday morning. N. L. Hall brook. Phone Main 1217. LOST Roll of drawings, bet. 21st and Giisan and Wash, and En la sts.; reward. 534 Alder st. LOST Black leather purse containing garnet ring, fountain pen. Main 1074. LOST One alligator .satchel filled with electric bulbs. Call Mar. 669. IMPROVED farm, $25 per A.; $3000, terms. 617 Henry bldg. LOST Airedale dog, license number 1287. Return to 1172 Cleveland ave. Reward. BLACK velvet bag containing $10 and keys. Reward. H. Bush, Bab's Rest. LOST Matting bag, Woodlawn car; let ters, other articles. Phone Wdln. 2429. LOST Feb with two pins. Chicago and Normal. Call Marsh all 2074. LOST Old-fashioned gold brooch pin, leaf design. Reward. Call Main S006. LOST In Rose City Park, brown suede handbag. Reward. Tabor 1942. LOST Auto theft signal lock. No. 85732. Return to Oregonian offica. LOST White Persian cat. Oct. 28. Call at 88 Jesaup st. Reward. LOST Downtown. Monday, NovT3, dia mond ring. Liberal reward. Wdlo. 3Ua, LOST Big white Persian cat. Parties who picked him up in the viclnit y of the court house have done him no favor, as he Is too old to change -hi home now. He ws-sn't as clean as some wom en might think good for him. but he was happy and well fed and if the pa rty will bring him to the corner of 6th and Main sts. he will come home. Phone Mn. 1765 for reward STRAYED From farm - near CorvallU. about October 20, a black, white and tan English setter, rather small, four years old. strap collar. Answers to name Dan. Reward for return to farm, nine mi tea south of CorvaHis on state road, or tele phone either Corvallis 9555 or Portland. Main 2562. Robert H- Crawford. THE following articles have been found on cars- of th Portland Railway Light - Power Co.. Nov. 7: 4 purses, pin. pair glasses. 3 pairs gloves. 1 single glove, tie. coat, raincape music roll, 8 pack ages book tickets. 4 suitcases, saw, 2 lunch boxes. 14 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First a nd Al d er sts. LARGE yellow raincoat, property ex-army officer. The above has peculiar senti mental value, being made from part of captive balloon shot down by a German aeroplane and from which advertiser was oblgicd to parachute. Communica tions to P. O. box 3759. Portland. Finder will be re-warded. No questions asked. LOST A brown traveling bag in it ialed L. M. R. on Powell valley road or some where between Portland Sanitarium. E. 82d st. and Gresham. Bag contained Invalid's garments, sweater, collar bs g. Reward. Finder call Ruth Bisselt at Oregonian. Main 7070, or Tabor 4395. LOST Sunday evening, Oct. 26. from de pot, little black female dog, answers to the name of Pegny. w ith some white spots on chest, had harness, muzzle and baggage check on; take to 6115 93d st. S. K. and get reward. $50 REWARD awl no questions asked for the return of box of jewelry taken from my apartments at the Wtckersham: ar 1 ides have sentimental value. Wfn throp Hammond. TeL Main 980 and Broadway 2113. LOST Friday evening, about 5 o'clock, at Olds A. King's or LIpman-Wolf, or "be tween these stores, on Alder st., lady's purse, about $22, mostly currency. Phone Tabor 1705.. LOST From delivery truck, one case Hills Brothers coffee. Finder please notify driver as he Is responsible for same. Phone Main 446, 64 Front st-. Frank Plasky. LOST Left In toilet Llpman-Wol fe's Sat., Nov. 8, small white crochet bag. con taining $40. in currency, about 50c in cash ; also Meier & Frank check with name on. Tabor 5195. Reward. LOST Saturday morning, bet. 4:30 and 5 A. M., bill folder. $50 liberty bond. $201 currenry. on way from 21st and Glisan and old potoffice. Reward. Phone Marshall 2765. LOST A pockethook on Yamhill market, w-ith a breastpin and key and receipts Please return to Oregonian; small re ward. STRAYED Chestnut sorrel pony. 2 white hind feet and while star on head. .T. W. Dryden, 9636 59th ave. S. E. Tabor 5920. WILL the party who took purse from Llo man. Wolte's rest room about 5:20 P. M. Thursday evening please return to V. A. Day. 611 Yeon bldg. Reward. LOST A black leather purse, containing some keys ; a registeration card and some silver. Finder leave at Oregonian office; reward. John F. Marler. LOST Small white and black spotted dog; lame lpft foreleg; license No. 1692; answers to name Toodles. Return to 2930 52d tS.E. Reward. LOST Taupe fox fur on Broadway be tween Morrison and Washington by working girl. Finder please call Broad way 5711. Reward. LOST On Friday morning, either on Mill. 11th or Morrison st. a black A ?t rakhan muff. Please return to 361 Tenth st. cor. Mill st. Reward. BLACK purse containing about $20 In money, sliver pencil with na m on. cro chet work and other articles. Phone Sell. 563. LOST Th u rs.. round ebon V brooch . s-t .wit h bri) Hants, between 11th and Mont gomery and Liberty theater. Finder phone E. 7278. Reward. LOST Downtown, gold neck chain with lavalliere with pearl, Tues. or Wed.; lib eral reward. East 4781. LOST Saturday, lady's cameo pin between Haxlwood and M ultnomah field. Call E. 5527. Reward. FOUND Dress. Owner can have same bj calling at Oregonian, business office, de scribing and paying for ad. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. All medical corps men of the Oregon national guard are to report to the armory Tuesday at 1 o'clock for the Armistice day parade. Proposals Invited. SEALED proposal for metal lockers will be received at the office of the under signed. 401 courthouse, Portland, Or., until 5 P. M. Wednesday. Nov. 19, 1919. and will be opened at the meeting of the board of directors to be held at 4 P. M. November 20 in room 304 courthouse Specifications may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal payable to R. H. Thom as, school clerk and business manager, must accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bida, or to divide the award. R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business manager. SEALED PROPOSALS will be opened bv the Lighthouse Supt., Portland, Or 2 o'clock P. M.. November 18, 1919. for sale by the Lighthouse Service of about 4.00 empty oil cases, each including 2 cans, to be delivered at Tongue Point Lighthouse depot. Or. Information upon application to tne above office. Miscellaneous. POULSEN WIRELESS CORPORATION VOTING TRUST CERTIFICATE HOLDERS. All holders of voting trust certificates In the Poulsen Wireless Corporation are herewith notified that the voting trust under which such certificates were is sued has been dissolved and that tho cer tificates now outstanding are entirely worthless for the purpose of Partici pating in any stockholders' meeting of the Poulsen Wireless corporation. The holders of such certificates are ensrtled to have the same exchanged, share for share, for stock In the Poulsen Wire less corporation, and the company takes this means of urging that such exchange be made for all outstanding certificates in order that the rights of the holders thereof be preserved. The voting trust certificates should be forwarded by reg istered mall to the office of the Poulsen Wireless corporation. 812 Hobart build ing, San Francisco, where the same will be exchanged for stock and the stock certificates promptly forwarded to the owners. Shareholders forwarding stock should notify us without tail ot return address. AUGUSTUS TAYLOR, Sec. NOTICE TO HUNTERS. Bring all your game to us and we wlL dress It for you. Sanitary Poultry Mr ket. 528, Washington st. BIDS will be received up to Tuesday. Nov. 31, for wrecking of 2-story Barde dock at foot of Main st. Inquire L, B. Barde. 240 Front st. FINANCIAL. ARB TOU IN DEBTT THE INDUSTRIAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, 267 4 OAK ST., LEWIS BLDG.. OFFICERED AND MANAGED BY PORTLAND'S LEADING BUSINESS MEN AND LA BOB REPRE SENTATIVES. LOANS MADE TO WAGE EARNERS ON THEIR CHARACTER AND EARNING CAPACITY 1J SUMS OF $10 TO $500.00 AT 87e PER ANNUM. PAYMENTS MAY BE MADE WEEKLY OR MONTHLY. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. YOT7 CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS. SEE E. BUR K ITT. PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG. (2D) FLOOR. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. YOU BUY OR SELL A CAR. . WE FURNISH THE MONEY. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BUILDING. (SECOND FLORR.) MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL t ESTATE!. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AND TRUST BLDG. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate in Washington, Ore Son, J. luiuiter-ueits bidg. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. Jf you must sell yoiir Liberty or Victory Bonds. I to us. If you can buy more Liberty or Victory Bonds, buy from us. We buy and sell Liberty and Victory Bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER; YOU MAY DO WORSE. On Saturday, November 8. 1919. we paid the following prices for United Stat es Government Liberty and Victory Bonds, w htch wer the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued interest; New York Market. Interest. Total. ..$100 62 $1.41 $102.O3 9t WO 1.61 96.61 .. 92.80 1.94 94.74 . . 95.00 1.71 96.71 95. OO 1.U7 95.13 . . 94.98 9.V63 . . 93. OH .30 93.38 1st 4s 2d 4h .- Is 44S 2d 4',s 3d 4 s 4th 4U Vn-tory S s. . . . jm.42 1.77 101.19 Victory 4s. . . . In purchasing 99.42,. 2.24 101.66 Liberty and Victory Bonds we deduc fnm the above prices 37c on a $50 bond and $2.50 on a $HKM bond. In selling Liberty and Victory Bonds we charge the New York market price, plus the accrued Interest, ASK. ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN Burglar and Fireproof Sale Deposit Boxes for Rent. Open until 8 P. M. on Saturday!. MORRIS BROTHERS. INC.. The Premier Municipal Bond House. Capital One Million Dollars. Morris Building. 309-311 Stark St., Between 5th and 6th. Telephone Broadway 2151. Established over 25 years. LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues Bought and Sold. Before Buying or Selling Get Our Quotations. E. U DEVKREAUX & COMPANY. Government and Municipal Bonds. 67 Sixth Street. Between btark and Oak. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH MARKET PRICK. CASH for RECEIPTS. We LOAN money on BONDS, SAVINGS STAMPS. 7 int 725 Gasco Bldg., 5th and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. MILLIONS made In Texas oil; oil leases and stok for sale. Just returned from the oil fields. See Dr. M. Al. Pendroy 375 Taylor at. Money o Loan on Real Estate. WE CHARGE NO BROKERAGE ON RESIDENCE LOANS, and positively the lowest rates of Inter est; also make .busines (j rope rty and farm loans, liberal repayment privileges. Brokers and borrowers place your loans where you can secure the best terms. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 01 Third street. Phone Main 3967. Grouud Floor Chamber of Commerce Building. OUR Installment plan is the best and su res t me t ti od of pa y i n g a 1 oa n. $2.36 pur montti for 36 months, or $21.2-1 per month for 64) months, or $15.17 - for 96 months pays a looo loan and in terest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan uii improved city property. No coinniiscion charged EQUITABLE SAVINGS &" LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark at., Portland, Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. From O to 7 per cent lor five years. YOU MAY PAY 100 or any amount on principal and reduce interest. ABSOLUTELY NO 'IlARGK TO APPLICANT. Also see us for lowest Interest rates on business property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Phone Main 2541. 1524-29 Yeon bldg. M o N E i to loan on improved Willamette val ley i arms for sue h periods and on such terms as to repayment as will suit the requirements of hot rowers. My long connection with and thorough knowl edge oT the valley enables me to give prumpt service. No commissions charged. Address Wm. Mac Master, 331 I. S. Na tional Bank bldg., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate seeurUy; any amount from $500 up on improved city or tarm prop erty. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 2Ua Curbett Bid. Main 6915. a 2815. i FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current ratt-s on Willamette val ley farms. No commission. No delays DEVEKKAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, hi 0th St.. Portland. Or. $60,000 TO LOAN lu sums to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK, 215-216 FAILING BLDG., THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rate, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1RRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. a 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS. Loans made on improved ciiy property. Prompt service; no delay. Call and see us for terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, Northwestern Bank Bidg. SELLERS- MURTQN CO. See us today. We loaff money on real estate. 6 and ITt, long time, short time, monthly payments or as you can ; isrtm to sun. 725 Gaaco bldg.. 6th and Alder. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security at going rate of interest. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY REAL ESTATE. Homes, apartments, business proper ties, quick service, low rates, repayment privileges. H. p. Barnhart, Mar. 6170 MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city property and also 1m- proved tarm property. Current rates. WlL MacM ASTER, 331 U. S. National Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, 5H PTCR CENT. 6 PER CENT, 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbett Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. 1 HE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD 5Q6 Piatt Bidg. Main 5371. MORTGAGE LOANS. OUR OWN MONEY, LOWEST RATES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 8Q Fourth st., Portland, Or. WE WILL PURCHASE YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT CONTRACTS. WANT YOUR SMALL MORTGAGES SMITH-WAGONER CO., fctock Ex " $3500 PRIVATE MONEY now on hand for Immediate loans. Will divide. Lowest rate possible on security offered. SUITE. 525 Henry bldg. Marshall 5858. $300, $500 OR $1000 and up to loan on real estate at ce. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $15,900 TO LOAN on Improved real estate at 7. Will divide from $1000 up. f . E. BOWMAN A CO., 213 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. PRIVATE party has $30O0 to loan at 7 per cent on improved real estate; no commission. O 94, Oregonian. $1700 TO LOAN, first mortgage on Irn proved farm; no commission; give de scription. A 791, Oregonian. TO LEND First mortgage, $10o0 to $30oO. William M. Gregory. 329 Washington building. $2500 TO $0000. Will consider first-class building loans SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Mock Ex. $300. $400. $500. $750, $1000 AND UP; low rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. $300. $400, $5oO. $650,.$750. $10OO AND UP; lowest rates; quick action. Gordon Mort gage Co., 31 Cham, of Com. Main 1371). REAL ESTATE LOANS made to home builders. Mortgage Guarantee Company, 91 Fourth st. LOANS on improved real estate. Mortgage guarantee Company. 91 4th St. MONEf to Irian on improved real estate. Mortgage Guarantee Company, 91 -Ith st. MONEY on farm and improved city prop erty. K. 'K. Baxter, 704 Spalding bldg. SEE OREGONINV., & MORTGAGE CO?, 222 Chamber of Copamerce. th and Stark MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7?i. Louis Salomo l & Co.. 408 Selling bldg. MORTGAGE loans, lowest rates. aI H. Harding, 812 Railway Exchange. LOANS on city and farm property, 5 per cent up. F. Fuchs, 420 Cham, of Com. $1000 AND UP: m commission or delay F. H. DESHON, 6 1 5 Cham, of Com, bldg. $2000 TO $2500. $1000 to $6000 city or farms. 821 .Chamber of Commerce. $looo OR $500 "crr by private party. A 777. Oregonian. $5oo TO LOAN on good security. W 677, Oregonian. $000 AND $1000 to loan, real estate; terms ruflit. Jamison. 504 Lumbermen's bid. Money to Loan Chattel and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES, QUTCK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC If your payments are too large v on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them tip and advance you more money If needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans, and leave the se curity In your possession, and you can repay us In small monthly payments. A LSO WE MAKE SALARY LOAN S to salaried people, on their own note Rates reasonable. Private of ticca, all business strict y confidential. WE ALSO BUY DIAMONDS. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. LICENSED. 306-307 Dekum Bidg. Marshall 3286. 8. W. Cor. Third and Washington. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 910. 394 Stark Street, Near Tenth. Loans on diamonds, watches, vlctrolas, pianos, kodaks,, shotgjns. furniture, musical instruments, and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOR ROWER. City and county warrants cashed for face value CARRIE MYERS-HERRMAN. Manager. SALARY. LOANS CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their -own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strlctiv confidential. NOf MORTGAGES. NO 1NDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We alo loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. 218 Failing bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, Jewelry; le gal rates; all article held a year; estab lished since 1888. Dan Marx. 283 Wash. GEO HARVEY toans money on house no. d goods. Lesal rates. Tabor 3806. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furnl ture; leg: I rates. 2Q8 Washington bldg. Ixmds Wanted. LO A N W A N T F D $9O0. ONE YEAR S"c 2D MTO.) SECURITY FULLY $15.0410 OVFP. FIRST MTG. REALLY SPLENDID FARM. WELL I.OfAT:;f). WILL DEED YOfc Vi ALF INTEREST IN PROPERTY IN SALE "EXCHANGE OF PUOPi-'HTY AS ADDITIONAL PROFIT FOR "QUICK ACTION." 'DURESS PRINCIPAL. , AE 591. OREGONIAN. IjOANS WANTED first mortgage security at :: $500 750 $ 1 100 $ $2000 See M arshall with FRANK I- McC.UTRE To Buy Your Home. A hi n g ton Build ing. Ms in 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $nooo MUST find somebody at once that has cash to invest. Will make 5 inter est now, and at the end of 6 years 50' i increase of value. Or would rather guar antee fcCr and $0O0 back at end of six years. Absolutely safe. I nquire P. O. box 3U1, Centralis. Wash. WANTED $7500 at reasonable rate of in terest from private party. Loan secured by mortgage on west side income prop erty. JOHN WEIST CO., 807-S-9 Lewis bitfg. Successors to Weist A Pollarhide. I WILL PAY 8rc INTEREST AND A BONIS OF $25 A MONTH TO A PARTY WHO WILL INVEST $600 IN M Y B US T N ESS AND W 1 LL GIVE MORTGAGE ON BUSINESS CALL MAIN 455. MONDAY FOR INTERVIEW. LOAN' W ANTE L. $2750 on W. S. lot and 2 bouses, favor ably located and of very substantial value. Phone Main 7266 or call at 6J4 Henry bid g. $20.00O. 6 PER CENT, on 100x100 on Fifth and Salmon, property valued at $90.0i0. Also $15,000, 6 per cent, on valuable quarter block on west side. No agents. Main 2541 . I HAVE a first-class second mortgage of $7500; Interest 7r . on good brick in come property; all payable in two years; will give liberal discount for cash. O 85. Oregonian FOR SALE By private party, first mort Rge. $sOO, leaving 7 per cent on good producing Idaho farm. BF 212, Ore gonian. $7500.. 7 PER CENT first mortgage on eastern Oregon farm. 43 per cent of a conservative valuation. BF 145, Ore gonian. CHOICE $5000 residence loan, value securi ty. $17,nOO: 5 years. 6: no agents. Res idence phone. Tabor 4505. Oliice phone. Main 3067. $17wt. 7 PER CE NT. on two new bunga lows nar Peninsular school ; principals. East 6329. $5500 at 7 per cent on Holladay Add. cor ner; Income $luO per motnh. Herman Moell er . 02 5 Gasco bldg.. Main 140. $4000 WANTED at 8 per cent, mortgage on lOO-acre farm, Clackamas county, val ue $12.000. BC 32 6, O re gonian. WANTED Tn borrow $10,000 on a well improved irrigated fsrm: will pay 6f"j interest. BJ 84. Oregonian. $2000 C per cent, mr.dern S-room resi dence ; no commission. Mrs. L. Nielsen, Corbett. Or. t. 1. bo 59. FOR SALE $1200 contract on $4000 Rose City house; will discount for cash. Ta bor 44K or 630 East 5Sih st. North. WANTED $1600 as first mortgage on $4700 Rose City home; no commission. H 303 Oregonian. WANT $25oO on Portland Heights home. WANT $:to0rt on close-in improved lot. SUITE 525 Henry bldg Marshall 5S5S $ IMPROVED, east side prop erty; value $40,000, principals. O 99. Oregonian. WANTED, without commission. $3000 on Alameda Park home. 302 Piatt bldg.. Main &100. FIRST MORTGAGES ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTf FOR SALE. F. H. DESHON. 615 Cham, of Com, bldg. WANT ED Loa n o f $ 6500 ; a 1 so one for $9000. 224 Oregon bldg. LOAN farm. vanted. $68,000 on large Idaho BF 143. Oregonian. W A NT $2 5 1 0. 3 ye a rs 7 r on im pro ved property mortgage. BC 282. Oregonian. SEE-6rEG6nINV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Com more. 4th and Stark PERSONAL "WILL." The power of "will" to every man Is the force that has the steam. For mind is but a factor. Though different it may seem. The attitude of every man Determines his success; Controlled much by environment In general, more or less. Man self-suggests most everything And his mind will then respond. For the power of 'will" does execute Today and days beyond. The power of "will" within our store Is that you ran save more On your fall SUIT. COAT. DRESS and HAT At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. 2d Floor. Pittock b.k. EXCHANGE PLOTS FO R DOLL A R 5 Photoplay Ideas accepted, any form; revised typed, published, copyrighted. SOLD. Advice free. UNIVERSAL SCENARIO CORPORATION. Western Mutual Life bldg.. Los AngeIes. WR INKLES R EMOVED No massaging, creams, lotions or piasters; 25c for pkg. Naturezone. jcuaranteed remove every wrinkle and fine line from face. Nature s method, or money refunded. Rusceii C u m migs & Co.. Station M-55, Chica g o . WRITE A SONG Love, mother, home. childhood, patriotic, any subject. I com pose music, guarantee publication. Send words today. Thomas Merlin. 817 Reaper block. Chicago. MISS E. ADAMS Treatments for dandruff and falling hair, manicuring. 407 Morri son st. Tflford bldg. Office 305. Hrs. 11 to 8, Sundays 11 to 3. GENTLEMAN mechanic, with Ford, will teach ladies practical driving; three hour .lessons- $1: evenings only; give phone. O 106, Oregonian. DR. MATHILDE ARNESEN.- naturopath, medical gymnast; graduated from Nor way. 305 Columbia bldg.. Main 2839. I HAV8 a long list o customers for Rose City or Hawthorne bungalows. SIMMS, 4AI Cham, of Com. Main 6127. NERVOUSNESS and lumbago treated; ma nicurlng. 415 Bachanan bldg. Main R366. ROM-1-DA has grown my hair, cured dan druff. Itching Scalp. Testimonial at 427 Fleidner bldg. , MRS. WILL S. COOPER will get infor mation of importance in writing this number. AH 712. Oregonian. VANITE FUR & BLOfSESHOP FURS REMODELED AND .REPAIRED. 827 MORGAN BLDG. LADY barbers, shave 20c. haircut 35,-, tM massage 203 Everett and 3d, GKT WVI.t. F RE E. FREE. FRITB. Eery day. from lo A. M to 4 P. M . and eenlnRS on Monday, Wednesday and J-iday. from 7 to. 9, aud Sundays rom 10 THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any other wav are tovite to investigate Chiropractic methods. men are permanently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CH TROPRACTIC witt DIAGNOSTICIANS VIU thoroughly examine you. maka a complete diagnosis of your out and di rect your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WH ATEVER. CHIROPracTIC is the safe, sane, srrrw ana modern science of curing and dm venting d;.sr-aso CHIROPRACTIC will permanently cure 05 per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes th cause health returns. The above service Is all free to you at the college building and may be had la private if desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also ba V? co;ie6 building by members oC the TacuLiy, by either lady or men prac titioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Corner oi Park and YamhilL TeU Main 1014. HOSPITAL In connection with college. Will handle out-ot-town patients at a most reasotiabia rate in order to show what Chiropractic can do. Address all communications to DR. O. W. ELLIOTT. President- DIAMONDS BOUGHT. PAWN TICKETS. Scl! your diamonds direct to Diamond importers and receJvsj The h ig nest cash market vaiue. Without any disappointment. We pay from $100 to $800 Per karat. We purchase paws Tickets, oold. Silver. Platinum, Any valuables, any amount. We buy War Stamps. Liberty Bunds. Victory Bonds. It" you want money, see ua Priate otilcea. Business confidential. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 406 Spalding Bldg.. 4th Floor. Corner WwuiugioD and od sts. Phone M, 43 0. IOO PER CENT PtSTfeTM. Dr. McilpJiOK. macleay bldg.. Portland, a cb'-pi actor of experience, a past ama wur, a loo per cent chiropractic special ist, with highest testimonials from pa tterns from, eastern states, familiar with the best, also from western aud local pa tients haing unfortunately bad lass than loo per cent chiropractic elsewhere, with, of course, corresponding disappointment in delayed relief. Men .and women are fully satisfied with my Umi per cent chiropractic philosophy, long experience and superior skill demon strated in consul tat ion examinations; eitsy, careful au just men ts, rates and finally, results. Tenth year in city. Terms, 31 adjustments $15, Phone, call or write. FOURTH AND WASHINGTON. New Home, 647 East Salmon st. FALSE TE"ETM FALSE TEETH. We pay highest cash prices for old falsH? tenth anu all dental gold, platinum, silver watches, old jewelry and all valu ables of every description. $200 to $ lot to per carat for diamonds. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 4 17 Morgan Bldg., 4th Floor. m CornerWahington and Broadway. ACCUMULATION of impurities, by-prod-ucts of digestion, causa disease. The cure : Dissu. V8 and eliminate the poisons and rvua.iifce the w&akeneU parts. This can bf Uone with th? various electrical modalities. Rheumatism, neuritis, neu ra.igia, asthma. nervousness, constipa tion, female disorders, prostatic enlarge ment, lung, liver, bowel, bladder, some bt in dlsoruers, catarrh. Weak eyes. Nose, tnrsat. rectai troubles wit bout surgery. Dr. R. A. PhiiUps. Broadway bldg. INVESTIGATION is the road to knowledge. Learn what THE EKDKE HAIR. CERATE has done tor others. Away with Baldness and. Dandrutf. Our scaip peciaust win advice you. Come! Investigate! THE EKDEE CO. Woodlawn 1365. 000 Union Ave, North, Portland, or. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. THE THE AiETTER. Crowns. Bridge Uork. Dental Goid U ought. Bring or Mail. PRIVATE OJ-HChS t OR LADIES. American Brokerage. 406 Spalding Bldff 4th 1 lour., cur. Msh.-5d. Main 4340. KH EUMATISM cured by electro -magneto massage. This no cnance proposition. I do the work A sinaii outlay wnl prove this to your compieie tatisiaction. Andrew Nelson, room 9, State Bank building, Milwaukie Oregon. DR. NISBETHS Electro-Hydro institute, Succes&iuiiy treaty paraiMfc, rheumatism, btomacn and an chronic diseases and iits your sstein to ward oil puuumouia and lnriufctiza. 533-5o5 Pittock bik. Phone Broauway 51S. ALL tile litest remedk-s aold at the Clein enon Drug Co.. 200 Morrmon st-. St. diaries Hotel corner. At tins drugstore ou et jut what you call lor. W bav no suittnulbs. CHIROPODIST SPECIALIST; dUPEK b LU La hair Permanently removed manicurist; wrinkfes eradicated ; ladies genL.eiuen. 61o Bush c Laae bidg.. rirouuway and Alder. DR. RUTH OLSSON, medical gymnast Swedish grauuaie; Swedish massage, ex-ercti--s. hieam. electricity for rundown condition, rfteumatiiim. i53i Washington bidg. Aiain 634. HAIRCUT TING 35c. Washington st.. Joining Woolworta s 15c store, room 3i5 Macleay bldg. Chil dren a specialty. By the man who knows how. AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH Followed by a shower and a scientific massage w ill rejuvenate aud revivify you. Dr. Ironside. 3ub-il Broadway bldg Nurse in attendance. Phone Main 56. CHRoNIC and nervous diseases a spe cialty; new metnoub. Dr. J. w. Batdorf, aruj.ess physician, 30-4 Dekum bldg! Tel. -Viaui lloo. This ad good, for tren examination. TAR A UA ANTISEPTIC POWDER is a cleMaiug. Hi. germicidal and luvlg orauutf boucne. A great aid tn lucor rnea a..d legale dlsoruers. 50c ana 1 Pr box. I'ortJaud Hoiel Pharmacy. ERIK SON'S white shield maternity home lor unlortunate girls; no publicity; babies placed tu Christian homes. Address 79ti E. ? Jd N. ; C V2 ; 9 . $1 W ILL get your tect lued up good at Dr. uiuii s tne Ciilhui'OoisT, who doesn't tiui-l ou ; . i re. here; exam. tree. Ulobe tniaier btd.g., ilia Ac Wan. blwy. :!t;i4. WE B UY W a 1 1 ST AM Psi Spot Cash. Liberty Bonus Bought. A merit an tjronerae. 406 ;pa 1 d I n g bJ d g. FEBVET c HANXEBUT, leading wig and Loupe makerej, linest block human hair SouUa, tiairUr3.-biiia. manicuring, and tcalp treatment. 349 Alder. Main 546. TE AC HERS 5 F N E WLI F Eb P EN" CIR CLE SUNDAY NIGHT, t O'CLOCK. ALL ARB WELCOME. READINGS AND LES SONS DAY. oio KA-ST BURNSIDE. ALASKA FURS. Finest quality, ready-to-wear and to oraer at upstairs prices. The Fur Shop. 6u6 Swetland bldg.. ith and Wash. DR. ETHEL A. SACRY, painless chiropo Uist, manicurist and scajp specialist, tk3-4. 7 Wash. st. Mar. a3,'tfa lu A. id - BL30 P. M. ' DOCTOR will exchange treatments for board and room ; no drugs or surgery useu. AC 2o5, Oregonian. T0UACC0 or snutJ habit cured, or no py; $1 it cured.. Remedy sent on trial. jju peroa. Co.. W 314. Baltimore. Md. DR. ELNA SORENSON, 508 Panama bldg Drugiess me mods. Stomach, kidneys, rheumatism, constipation, etc M. 5oe6.' BEST steam bath, chiropractic vibration and elect ric in city. Dr. Margaret Jriay nie. U15 Swetiand bldg. Main i5. LADIES' purses and handbags repaired, also made to order; traveling bags. $0 hi up. Portland Leather Co., J6 Wash. at. MM E. CORA YALE BELL. Chiropodist Podiatrist), 5uG-oQ7 S etiaad bldg.. Otn and Wash. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles. wartsremoved by 10 needles method; trial free. Josie Finley. 614 Bush Ac Lane bldg. Main 63b COMPETENT young woman will give mas sage, Swedish movements, residential w 01 k. Main 453. MY RTLE CLARK'S famous oil shampoo laciai. scalp treatments, manicuring. 733 Morgan biug. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc Hours '2 to 5. or by appointment. Phone Main 104to. Office 30b-C Third st. GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair manicuring, face, scalp. 3 Fliedner bldg! PrTmeDaT BALM, 7orme7iyTa7TedBalm of Figs. Mo E. 33d. Sell. 1376, mornings. WANT CD For adoption, babv girl, 2 or 3 years. Box 151. Milwaukie. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you? See Viereck, collections. Dekum bldg. RUPTURE CAN B ECUREDw J 1 thou ifan operation. Free booklet. P. O box 1105. GOITRE, enlarged glands; cure yourself. A. R. Strachan. route 5. Hillsboro, Or. PILES CAN BE CURED without opera tion. Free booklet. p. O. box 1105. DR. WILKINSON removes corns in 3 mln. Limp im 315 Flanders L, near 6th.