TTTI? SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAXD, NOVEMBER 9, 1919. HELP WANTED MALE. FREE EMPLOYMENT Soldiers, Sailors and marines; full information as to all employment openings in this community and elsewhere will be given you free at Everyman's Club, room 8A- Multnomah hotel; Broadway 3995. 243 Couch st.; Broadway 1841. All national and local efforts to assist vou are there concen trated. Knights of Columbus, Soldiers'. Bailors and Marine Employment service. 600 INEXPERIENCED men wanted to qualify as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, actylene weld era and tire vulcanlzers; only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. government war department for train ing soldiers auto mechanics; don t en roll in any other school until you have Inspected this one; railroad tare re funded If after personal Inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school; biggest, best equipped ana largest system of schools In the worm, four large schools. Write nearest brancn. MODERN AUTOMOBILE ANL,,1K V" TOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm U. Spokane. Wash.; 700 Mercer st.. olUB Wash. T. M. C. A. ADVTSORT AP EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y. M. C. A., which aids ambitious young men in prying open ine doors of opportunity. In the past ten years we have assisted 17,530 men in linding positions and at the present time the demand for men exceeds the supply. The standing this department has witn employers Is due to the discriminaiinB itervice rendered them over a Per l 35 years and they turn to the Y. XL. lor men to fill the better sort ot jods. All men seeking employment are cor dially invited to consult with one ot tne employment secre t aries. room 307- iW'E WANT an experienced, high-grade, peciaity salesman, as sales manager, for handling our burglar protection sys tem to banks and trust companies. Pre fer man with metal furniture or similar experience, who can do business with this class of trade. No inexperienced or 'general utility" man desired. Must liave references and responsibility and be able to handle Pacific Coast. A com mission proposition but a good one. Death of former manager reason for this offer. May have opportunity to in vest in company if he is the right party. This ia not a canvassing, peddling or lock selling propositon. Apply Mr. Colby, 446 Central bldg., Seattle. Wash. CARRIERS wanted In an part f city. Apply city circulation dept.. room 2u3 Cregonian bldg. 6TUDENTS wishing- to eeur routes that will net them from $35 to $60 per month, n the west side, apply city circulation dept.. room 203 Oregonlan bids. WANTED, AWAKE, IMMEDIATELY. WIDE- AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN. Must have good appearance, high school education and ability to talk con vincingly to business men. Some knowl edge of newspaper advertising would be advantage. Have fair and square prop osition with big future for the right man. Give all details in letter addressed E fala, Qregonian. TWO well dressed, refined rent! em en to work with me. If you are active and willing to start at $30 a week write for appointment to box 314, Clyde Hotel. lentil and fa tar It. STEADY men wanted to take exclusive control of good territory In Oregon and Washington; money advanced weekly; outfit and special training free, expe rience unnecessary ; our active men are making good money, you can do th same : clean, hard v. guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenish, wash. WANTED Few men with fair Intelligence and good character to accept position witn old. line lire insurance company. No previous experience required. Per manent income and chance for rapid advancement. 406 Northwestern Bank building. WANTED Shirt cutter; must be able to match strioes. mark closely, and op erate cutting machine; union shop, 44 hours. Give references and full oar ticulars In first letter. Address Conn, Gold water Co., Los Angeles, LaL WANTED A first-class laundry man, one who is capable of taking full charge of plant: would lease or sell but would prefer to have a partner; necessary to have good recommendations and a little money. AV 807, Oregonian. WANTED Able, reliable man capable o laying out floral gardens and keeping up a private place of about 2 acres. One who can batch preferred. Steady job for good man. Apply 235 Stark, cor. of 2d at. SENIOR accountant, experienced, with ex ceptional anility to take run ana com plete charge of jobs; excellent oppor tunity with large Portland firm of cer tified public accountants. D 831, Ore gonian. WANTED TIEMAKERS; new camp in Green river, stacre from UDal. Wyoming, 24 miles from Granger. Good timber, steadv work. For information writ- Standard Timber company, Evanston. Wyo., Union Pacific R. R. contractors. AUTOMOBILE and tractor school; new buildinff : modern eaulnment : best true t Ion; practical work, laboratories and shoo repair. For Information ad dress or inquire at room 416 Y. M. C. A. bldg. Phone Main 8700, brancn '2. rWANTED Bright young man stenographer, typewriter lor otiice worK. who want a free training In salesmanship and $i0 a month salary to start, one living hom with parents preferred; good future. 3 24. Oregonlan. SHIPPING CLERK for mattress mfg. con cern ; must be able packer, with expe rience of city delivery and shipping; a steadv position for the right man. Unlt ed Mfg. Co.. 971 Sandy blvd. WANTED Man who Is experienced in marking and sorting and capable of overseeing the work, to act as foreman. Phone or write Crystal laundry, Til la. -mook, Oregon. BRAKEMEN. firemen, ages 18-33, $150 to $220 monthly ; experience unnecessary; no strike; permanent positions; particu lars on request. Railway Association, Cory bldg., Fresno. Cal. WANTED Man for news work and adv. soliciting, one with enough knowledge of mechanical end to help on rush days preferred; weekly, good Washington city. AV 7i2, Oregonlan. $117 MONTH average, railway mail clerks, hundreds wanted ; list positions free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. 376- W, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Names men, 18-45, wishing be come government mail carriers, $1000' $1000 year. Answer immediately. AV 715, Oregonlan. BARBER to do light work in logging camp ana oaroer evenings: good prooo sition. Answer giving phone or address. O 1G.. Oregon ian. PRINTER WANTED All round man who understands presses; $30 per week; steady job. Write or phone Itemizer, Dallas, Or. BEST tire salesmen to sell Federal tire: splendid proposition for experienced car men only. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., 333-35 Hurnsiae st. YOUNG MAN with general office experi ence in wholesale and retail mercantile lines: state experience and salary. A 792, cregonian. WANTED Names men, 18-35, wishing be come government railway mail clerks. Commence $1100 year. Answer A 2818. urt-gonian. BTOP dally grind, start business slivering mirrors, pi tiling itiiir. are . pians Tree. Clarence Sprinkle, Dept. Oe, Marion. Ind. WANTED First-class meat cutter; good wages; steaay worK. i-iooa Kiver market, !j. Mo per, prop., hooq rtiver. Or. BOY wanted; chance to learn trade: rapid advancement. Kleist & Co., printers. lo isortn r utn su OFFICE boy, opportunity advancement. wholesale house; answer fully. AR 881, Qregonian. WANTED A-l automobile painter. all winter Job. Call at Joo Burnside st. PRINTER wanted, all-around man for Job and ad work. Globe-Times, Condon. Or. WANTED A printer-linotype operator, by the Express, Lebanon, Or. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED 100 MEN AT ONCE To learn to operate and repair auto mobiles, tractors, trucks, stationary and marine engines, to become EXPERT in ignition, lighting and starting system, battery building and repairing, arma ture winding, construction of motors, dynamos, lathe work and trouble shoot ing. We are giving a course in all these departments, where you get practi cal experience for $75 Including life membership with a privilege to re enter school at any time. This Is a special offer and is good only till De cember 1. One week free trial. Apply Hemphill's Trade school. 1107 Haw thorne ave., cor. E. 20 th. Take Mt Scott or Hawthorne car at 2nd and Alder to E. 20th, or apply at our de pot office, 124 North 6th st., 2 blocks from Union depot. INSURANCE men, or those qualified to become insurance salesmen with the training offered, to represent a progres sive life company at several central Ore gon points. The opportunities in this fast-developing region are simply un limited: prosperous little towns, rich agricultural and stock country, mam moth lumber industries and natural re sources characterize this field. Only full-timer who will work territory assigned thoroughly desired. Address H. H. Wilcox, general agent. Bend. Ore gon, or call at 705 Gasco building, Port land. YOT7NO man between 18 and SO years of age for clerical work in office of large establishment, apply in own hand writing, state experience if any and give phone number; salary $75 per month. AC 251, Oregonlan. LEARN AUTOS-TRACTORS. Big demand, big pay for trained avto, truck, tractor men, most reliable school in U. S. A. Indorsed by factories, ga rages. Free 175-page catalogue. Come to Detroit, heart of auto Industry. MICHIGAN STATE AUTO SCHOOL. Dept. 102 A, Auto bldg., Detroit, Mich. MEN WANTED TO BECOME DRAFTS MEN Salary $175-$250 month when competent. Chief draftsman will train you personally, furnish FREE tools and drawing table. Training given until placed in position at above salary. Chief Draftsman Dobe, 4001 Broadway, Div. 83A, Chicago. CIRCULATION MEN Solicitors, not desk men, wanted at once. Permanent for d or 4 men who can go out and sell a newspaper and get the money. We are not giving away anything, or taking orders. Commission with guarantee of $35 per week. Wire for authority to come. Daily News, Pocatello. Idaho. THERE is a eood opportunity for an ac countant with initiative ana some experi ence in or liking for public accounting work to earn more than the average; give particulars as to experience, pres ent employment and reason for consid ering change; salary details unneces sary. BC 334, Oregonlan. WANTED Wide-awake owner Ford car. or truck, each county, represent exclusively Bull Dog starter with vapor primer and Hot Shot battery, $50 weekly. Instantly started, easily from seat, zero weather. Money-back guarantee. Price $25. Auto ware Corp., State St., Detroit. WANTED, TIE MAKERS Xew camp on Green river, stage from Opal, Wyoming, on Oregon Short Line. Good timber. steady work. For information write Standard Timber company, Evanston, Wyoming, Union Pacific Railroad, con tractors. WANTED Hotel clerk for corporation hotel in mill town; must have had some experience and be able to write good hand, and do some accounting; please answer tn own hand writing; 7o per month and room and board. BF 214, Oregonlan. WANTED MAN AND WIFE COOKS FOR LOGGING CAM P. MUST BE EX PERIENCED AND READY TO GO TO WORK ABOUT MIDDLE OF WEEK; REPLY. GIVING EXPERIENCE. REr ERENCE AND PHONE NUMBER. AJ 759, OREGONIAN. WANTED Combination window trimmer. card writer and advertising man; must have general knowledge of dry goods and ladies' ready-to-wear; splendid opening for one who can iumisn rerer ences; state wages wanted. The Wom an's Store, Klamat Falls, Or. TWO salesmen for central and southern Ore eon towns. Must go o Salem meet crew manager Sunday night. Salary and commission. See jlr Gibbons. 5;0 Railway Exchange bldg.. at 11 A. M., Sunday. WANTED AT ONCE. BOY WITH BI CYCLE FOR GENERAL OKFICK WORK. GOOD CHANCE FOR BOY DESIRING PERMANENT POSITION. APPLY ROOM 712 ELECTRIC BLDG. FURNISHED apartment for man and wife; no children; rent ana wages wife In exchange for chamber work man can get work nearby easily. Ad dress BC 333, Oregonlan. WANTED Man and wife as chauffeur and cook; good place and wages ior competent people; references required. Apply Portland Labor Bureau, Raleigh bldg. MAN who can handle plain top and cush ion upholstering and repairing. Best of working conditions and steady em ployment. State experience and wages expected. BC 225, Oregonlan. TRUCK OWNERS We will publish a free notice of 20 words describing your equip ment if you are looking for lumber or log hauling contracts. Tho Tiraberman, Portland, Oregon. PRINTERS WANTED 2 floor men want ed by evening newspaper in one of livest towns in Oregon; good wages and permanent positions to right men. Ad dress at once, AV 826, Oregonlan. LINOTYPE operator wanted for country weekly; must be able to care for ma chine, model 5; give age, experience and salary wanted; state when can come. Address Herald, Mount Vernon, Wash. RAILROAD positions, all departments; prepare in spare time. Low cost, easy terms for instruction and models. Fed eral Railway Institute, Milwaukee. Wis. YOUNG man to take up carton window display work for large manufacturer; traveling position, ..salary and expense allowance. BC 323, Oregonlan. MEN, no matter where you live, you can have your clothes at wholesale price and tailored to your measure. Write Style-Center, Cincinnati. MAN Mechanically inclined, help refinish metal fixtures. $60 weekly, travel; ex perience unnecessary. Brasa Metals Co.. 107, St. Louis. A LIVE, energetic young man from 19 to 21 years, that wants steady work, to learn the shirt cutting trade; apply in own handwriting. X 'J2'J, Oregonlan. MEN Age 17 to 55. Experience unneces sary, make secret investigations, reports, salaries, expenses. American Foreign De tective Agency, 648, St. Louis. COMPETENT draftsman, familiar with railroad construction, capable oi nan- dling instrument and field crew in emergency. AC 221, Oregonlan. WANTED Chief engineer for 150 M. capacity, out of town mill. Must be a machinist.. uive reierences anu Bi mill experience. BC 342, Oregonlan. 3 LIVE salesmen who can approach busi ness men; steaay until January x; com mission basis. Call Monday. 227 Yam hill st. 3 EX-SERVICE xna canvass stores Mon day. Armistice day proposition. (Jail l to 4 P. M., Sunday 3S7 Yamhill; room 3. 50 SCHOOL boys to distribute cards at school room. 3io macieay Diag. joln in g Woolworth's 15c store); easy money. MEN wanted, detective work. J. Ganor, former U. S. govt, aetecuve, JJanviUe. Illinois. MAKE $20-$50 weekly at home. We fur nish everything, write us toaay. janay makers Co., 818 St. Louis. Mo. SINGLE man to travel, no selling, and satisfied with $.u per weeK. xi.u re quire d .13311221100300 ELEVATOR operator; experienced man for office building; give age, experience and phone number. BC 3-41, Oregon ian. THREE stonemasons, $6.50, 8 hours; long job; eastern Oregon; boss here 2 P. M. Sunday. Call 270 Burnside st. DELIVERY BOY wanted. One with me chanical ability preferred. Remington Typewriter Co. TRAPPER wanted, acquainted with musk rats, close in. Address BV 212, Orego nian. FIRST-CLASS salesman wanted. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 First st. EXCEPTIONALLY strong proposition for good window demonstrator. Shapley, 85 W. Park. MIDDLE-AGED or elderly man of good character for batching partner. Inquire 15ti E. 47th st. after 5 P. M. or Sunday. CAPABLE boy for office work. The Peer less Pacific Co., No. 70 Front st. WANTED Experienced grocery porter. Apply Lang & Co., 1st and Ankeny. MAN for farm work. Corner 89th and East WANT experienced collector, day 388 E. Morrison st. Apply Mon- ADVERTISING solicitors; 5012 McKay bldg. money daily. CARPENTER wanted. 28s Waahintclon at. HELP WANTED MALE. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET. THE SCHOOL THAT'S DIFFERENT. ONE WEEK FREE. To investigate our system of teaching autos, tractors, gas en pines, auto elec trical and battery work. State allowt discharged soldiers and sailors $25 per month while attending school. SPECIAL ELECTRICAL COURSE FOR AUTO ME CHANICS. DAY AND .NIGHT CLASSES. CALL OR WRITE FOR llW-PAGE CATALOG FREE. ASK FOR BOOK No. 1-B. WE NEED a capable man on our lino type, badly enough to offer him a half Interest in our entire job printing busi ness and plant for an Initial payment of $500, balance out of business earnings. Fast speed not essential, but good knowledge of book style and legal and office forms Imperative. Address AV Oregon ian. Help Wanted Salesmen. MEN WITH AMBITION Who want to make a place for themselves In the business world can connect with a live organiza tion with a national reputation, marketing national products backed by national advertising. The Willys-Overland people art marketing in Oregon, Washington and Idaho the Willys Light and Power Plant for farms and inter urban homes. This outfit battery, generator and Willys-Knight sleeve valve engine has proven superior by actual test to anything on the market. 30,000 prospects in Ore gon alone. A handsome income awaits a few men who are suffi ciently energetic to go get it. This Is no ordinary agent's job. If you cannot earn from $:ioo0 to $5000 the first year and from $5000 to $10,000 the second year and so on, you are not our man. We teach you all about the product. AH you need Is an auto, a sample outfit and a. little grit and determination. Liberal reward, exclusive territory and f re advertising. See Mr. o. C. Knight this after noon or Monday. Phone now for appointment, Multnomah hotel, Broadway 40S0; room 75. THE NOVELTY ADVERTISING CO.. Coshocton, Ohio, is ready now to make liberal contracts with experienced sales men for 1120 in Oregon and Washington. Superior line of metal, wood and card board signs, thermometers, rulers, yard sticks, cloth and leather goods, art and business calendars. Liberal commissions paid twice monthly. Successful salesmen on staple lines can make more money selling our line exclusively. Sample equipment free to men who qualify. Give full details first letter. Address JU C. Glover, Sales Mgr. SALESMAN, stop! Does $10,000 yearly sound good to you ? If so. here is the proposition: We want a good, clean, live- wire salesman accustomed to interview ing retail merchants, who possesses tact. Dustness ability and banner energy, and not kid glove salesmen. To such a man we offer the rare opportunity of making more money this year, on a commission oasis, tnan you nave ever made belore. Address J. L. Rogers, Trea., Box 176. fetation s, Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMEN One order a day means $200 per month. Five orders, $1000 per month. Wonderful new adding machine. Retails $12.50. Does work of $300 ma chine. Adds, subtracts, multiplies, di vides automatically. Five-year guaran tee. Worth its price for inventory alone. Carry in coat pocket. Full time or side line. Write ouick for trial offer. Calculator Corp'n, Dept. 40S, Grand Rapids, Mich. SALESMEN New carburetor for Ford cars. Simple, not moving part, installed 30 minutes, guaranteed double your mile age; start in zero weather without heat ing or priming; 15 days' FREE trial. Our St. Louis man sold 30O0 in 11 months. Salt Lake City man made $1200 in one week. Write U. & J. Carburetor Co., 5u5 W. Jackson blvd., Chicago. SALESMEN, calling on hardware, furni ture. department and general store trade for Portland and Oregon state to handle our line of "Horsie cars," cedar chests, flower stands, floor lamps and costumers. No samples necessary, can be sold from photographs. Large sellers, big weekly commissions. This is a big opportunity for aide line work. Manchester Mfg. Co., 1206 S. Vandeventer ave., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED Experienced calendar sales men with established territories. Unusual liberal proposition will net you $5000 to $10,000 yearly selling exclusive de signs. Particulars furnished upon receipt of application stating experience, quali fications in detail. F. J. Offermann Art Works. 299 Broadway. Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED QUICK Advertising salesmen, established line advertising signs and novelties, exclusive territory, expenses advanced, salary and commissions ; ex perience not essential; state age, height, weight, road or business experience; give three late businesa references. Stanford Crowell Co., Ithaca. N. Y. LIBERAL sales opening $2,000,000 auto mobile corporation has excellent opening for representative in your count v. In application give names of five business acquaintances as reference. Address Gearless Motor Corporation, Arrott bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. STEEL salesmen English mills, opening orancnes in western tanaaa ana Japan, want 2 experienced steel salesmen to act as foreign managers of sales; salary $8000 to start. Write. srlvinar n u.lifi cat Inn and address A. M. Cursiter, St, Francis notei. ?an f ranciaco, Lai. STATE distributing agent wanted for Simplex Shower Bath. Applicants should state experience, address and phone numoer. adoui ruu investment in mer chandise required. Address William Culver, general delivery, Portland, or dox 7U. Seattle. SALESMEN Why not offer your custo mers advertising pencils imprinted with their name in gold 7 One gross and up. You'll sell every prospect. Write for our pocket case that pays big commis- aiona. u. K. encu Co., Louisville, Ky, WANTED A man who is willing to .work and devote his entire time where he will be given instructions to enable him to receive large remuneration with the opportunity of immediate and permanent advancement. o 100, Oregonlan. SIDELINE SALESMEN Connect with the lives line of advertising pencils on mar ket; liberal commissions paid in full im mediately upon acceptance of orders. Southern Lead Pencil Co.. 818-819 Inde pendent Life Bldg., Nashville. Tenn. $10 DAILY easily made selling new $1 necessity to car owners; less than $18 cash needed to start; no risk-money re- xunaea or unsold goods. Apply in per son this A. Mi 12 Etna apts.. East 26th and Burnside., SALESMEN wanted on commission basis to sell new patented nruner: the reai thing; could be handled as side line in fruit district. The Real Pruner Co., box 123, Salem, Or. SALESMAN wanted, representing eastern manufacturers; high-grade lines; have opening for two good salesmen calling on dealers. Address district manager, AC 218, Oregonlan. OPPORTUNITY for salesmen accustomed to meeting educated people to engage with nationally known house, selling ' long established line; state age, expe rience. Box 121, Philadelphia. SALESMEN for Oregon, vacancy Nov. 15. Permanent position, staple line, excep tional terms, high commissions; $35 weekly. Sales Manager, Suite 370, 800 Woodward, Detroit. WANT several first-class house to house salesmen, good propositions, good man will earn from $200 up per week. Port land Furnace and Equipment Co., 1C3 Grand ave. "WANTED Realty salesman, best opening in Portland, preferably for experienced; must have auto; long-established office, best class of trade. O 97, Oregonian. SALESMEN, $60 weekly and $5000 yearly from reorders. We give merchants $5 chewing gum vending machine free, Millard, 486 Broadway. N. Y. SALESMEN Inexperienced or experienced, city or traveling. Wrrite for list of open ings and full particulars. Natl. Salesmen's Tr. Assn., uept. ail, Chicago. 111. COAL shortage, big money; collect, keep money; gas fires, stoves, from kerosene. Wonder Burner Mfg. Co., 858th st., Co lumbus, O. WANTED Live specialty man for quick selling auto accessory.. Will give terri tory and large commission. Cal rm. 501, Gerllnger hldg. COAL shortage means big money for ter ritory salesmen. Collect, keep money. Gas rlres in stoves from kerosene. U. S. Mfg. Co., 870th St., Columbus, O. WANTED Magnetic specialty salesmen, $200 weekly, commissions, expenses ad vanced; permanent income from reor ders. Box 1061, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. SALESMAN Live wire wanted in eVerv town to distribute auto specialties; $300 to $500 per month, exclusive territory. SpeedolineCo.1 Dept. 8o,Dallas, Texas. SALESMAN with enough self-respect to demand all he earns; no salary or ad vances. Big opportunity for big man. The Owls, South Bend, Ind. SALESMAN wanted for electrical house-i hold appliances; most popular line; lib eral commission. Stubbs Electric Co , 6th and Pine. ASSISTANT in selling ehipping room sup piles and office specialties: libeVal com mission. Call between 9 and 9:30 A. ii 309 Ablngton bldg. MEN and women who desire steady, good paying business se us Monday and I AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month bos Tuesday. 726 Corbett bids. i pital tickets. 206 Corbett bids. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted salesmen. WANTED Experienced paint salesman to sell roof paints, stains and waterproof ing materials, etc., by old established reliable coast firm to travel in out of town territory; man of proven ability and character only need apply; commis sion or guaranteed salary allowed; op portunity for right man. REMOLITE PAINT CO., INC. San Francisco, Cal. SOMETHING entirely new Peters Crank Grinder, trues tip crankshafts by hand ; J 75 investment will do work of $5ooo machine; represent us. Aluminum crazing solder Co., 1303 Widener bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED AGENTS. GO WHERE MONEY FLOWS The farm er nas tne money today. We have what he needs. You show it to him and 9 out of lO will buy. Our Aladdin kero sene mantle lamp creates a sensation wherever introduced. Five times as bright as electric; saves one-half on oil. 4 sales a day means a yearly income for you of $0000. No experience needed. Overnight trial convinces. Excellent spare time and evening seller. Rig or auto necessary. No capital required. Sample sent for ten days' trial and given free when you take up the work. Ex clusive territory. Get particulars. Man tle Lamp Co., 688 Aladdin bldg., Port land, Or. PAYS 150 New, marvelous dye prod uct; all dyeing ideas revolutionized; brilliant, beautiful, fast colors; cotton, silk or wool ; women amazed ; wonder ful repeater; peerless quality; Cakos of Penn. selling 20,000 packages weekly; absolutely different; magnificent dark and light colors ; vastly superior; no boiling ; no rubbing ; easy, simple to use; doesn't stain hands; dyes all large also small garments and articles : big exclusive territory proposition. Write at once ; wonderful offer; other supe rior products; address Peerless Prod ucts Co., Dept. A-U48, 618 W. Jacason Mvd.. Chicago. III. AGENTS Big pay and free automobile, in of food flavors, perfumes, soaps and toi let preparations, etc., ever offered. Over 000 light-weight, popular-priced, quick selling necessities ; in big demand ; well advertised; easy sellers; big repeaters. Over 100 profit. Complete outfits fur nished free to workers. J ust a postal today. American Products Co., Ji84 American bldg., Cincinnati. O. AGENTS Best seller. Jem rubber repair for tires and tubes; supersedes vulcani zation at a saving of over feou per cent; put it on cold, it vulcanizes itself In two minutes, and is guaranteed to last the life of the tire or tube: sells to every auto owner and accessory dealer. For ; particulars now to make big money and free sample address Amazon Rubber Co., Philadelphia, Pa, Dept. 79. WE WANT salesmen to sell the wonder ful Ecco Carouretor for Ford cars. We guarantee 00 to 100 per cent more mile per gallon ; easy starting, quicker pick up, smoother running motor, and throt tles down to four miles an hour. SeliS at $23.00 and is a big money-maker tor dealers. You can get exclusive terri tory by writing quick. Economy Car- buretor Co, Dept. 46, Mllwaukie. Wis. TO MAKE the most money sell NRG laun dry tablets, washes all clothes spotless clean without rubbing; cuts soap costs in half, removes all stains, makes hands soft and white, sells fast, sure repeater. Write today for agency and sample, H. J. Martin, distributor for Oregon, 000 Burnside St., Portland, Or. Call before 10 A. M. SPECIALTY salesman magazine; 132 pages; connects its readers monthly with more than 300 money-making selling propositions ; chock-full inspira tional selling talks; every issue course in salesmanship; protects salesmen vig orously exposing fraude, $2 yearly, three months' trial 25c Specialty Salesman, 12uo Como bldg, Chicago. MAN in each town to refinish chandeliers. brass beds, automobiles by new method, $10 daily without capital or experience; all or spare time: every household, store and office possible customer; field un limited in this big money-making busi ness. Write for free particulars and proofs. Uunmetal Co., 33 Elm, Decatur, Illinois. MAKE $15 dally easy. Introducing mar velous fatovoll, an absolute necessity. Keeps stoves like new; removes and pre vents rust; Indorsed and used by the biggest gas companies everywhere, enor mous repeater; unlimited profit; act quickly. Superior Laboratories, Grand Rapids. Mich. WE START you In business furnishing everything; men, women, opportunity lifetime to earn $30 to $100 weekly operating our "New System Specialty Candy Factories" home anywhere; book let free. Ragsdale Co., Box S, East Orange, N. J. CAN'DY Earn $25 to $50 weekly: ADVER TISE. MEN, WOMEN; start one of our Specialty Candy Factories in your home, small room, anywhere; grand opportun ity; we tell how and furnisb everything. CANDYMAKKRS HOUSE. lbl'J Ran stead st Philadelphia, Pa. A BIG MONEY-MAKER Quick-selling specialty, average profit from $300 to $1000 per month; a high-grade sales man's proposition ; sells on sight. Write Yale Light Co., 049 W. Washington, Chi cago. Illinois. NEW windshield cloth, solves baffling problem, one wipe cleans rain-blurred windshield, stays clear i;4 hours; motor ists amazed. Agents getting rich. 300 per cent profit. Exclusive territory. CABCO CO.. Toledo. O. , $50 WEEKLY and up selling Mexican dia monds, exactly resemble genuine, same rainbow fire, stand tests, sell at sight, repeat orders. Write quick for sample case offer free. Mexican Diamond Im porting Co., 255 Las Cruces. New Mexico. AGENTS make big profits selling extracts, perfumes, cold creams, face powders, spices, medicines, etc Beautiful high grade line, exclusive territory. Sample soap free. La cassia n Co., Dept. 141, SL Louts, Mo. AGENTS Gig pay and free automobile, in troducing wonderful new gasoline saver, puncture-proof, 5-year spark plugs and other economical auto necessities; outfit free. L. Ballwey, 621 St a. F, Louisville, Ky. AGENCY HOUSES AND CREW MANAGERS. New fast selling food specialty. Livest article. Packed your label. For full particulars write or wire. Federal Pure Pood Co., Chicago, 111. CANVASSERS wanted for several counties In Oregon and Washington; steady work, good commission; some of our men are selling over $.000 weekly; we want work ers who desire to make money. Oregon Nursery Co.. Orenco. Or. NEW AUTO WONDER No more rain or snow blurred windshields ; wonderful chemical cloth like magic; one rub keeps glass clear 24 hours; 30,000 sold first month; territory free. Security Mfg. Co., Dept. 227, Toledo. O. AGENTS, $1.50 an hour; newest kitchen tool. Every woman will use 20 times daily; easy seller; big profits. Sample free. Thomas Mfg. Co,, 2025 Bath at., Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS, 40-5100 week ; free samples; gold sign letters anyone can put on store win dows; big demand; liberal offer to gen eral agents. Metallic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark, Chicago. AGENTS $75 per week, Karbolene, guar anteed auto fuel, saves 30 per cent gas oline, increases power, eliminates car bon, liberal proposition. Robert D. Wal ker Mfg., The Dalles. Or. , AGENTS, $2.50 an hour selling guaran teed hosiery in spare time. Position per manent; Increased earnings for full time. "Write Guaranteed Hosiery Co., 3325 Ames St., Dayton, Ohio. GOOD live man for one of the best sell ing articles on the market. Must have some money to start with. Morris, 610 Henry bldg. AGENTS, $5 hourly absolutely guaranteed. Gasoline 2c gallon. Money-back guaran tee. Write Federal Chemical Works, 20 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. AGENTS wanted for big money-maker. Send 25c for sample. Money back if not satisfied. Call or address The Houghton Co., 376 Yamhill st., Portland, Or. WANTED A live agent to handle a real automobile tire proposition in Portland. Good marprin for right man. Apply to day 1H8 10th st. R. E. Sumerwell. AGENTS $50 to $75 a week representing our splendid line of men's guaranteed tailored neckwear. Particulars free. E. L. Reiser Co., Detroit, Mich. AGENTS, reversible 2-in-l raincoat and overcoat ; new, never on market before; credit given; outfit free. Milton Raincoat Co.. 3825 Marne St., Dayton. Ohio. AGENTS Men and women, make big money selling new. up-to-date photo medallions; quick sales; big profits. Cru ver Co.. Jackson and Campbell. Chicago. AGENT at once to buy my stock of "Mvs tic Cloth" and county right; only $20 required. William Blcknell, 228 East 20th st. AGENTS Our Boap and toilet article plan is a wonder. Get our free sample case offer. Ho-Ro-Co.. 117 Locust, St. Louis. AGENTS making (5 per hour gasoline 2c gallon. Money back guarantee. Fire stone Works, Gary, Ind. AFTER you've seen all the rest look into this. Call after 7 P. M.. room 217 Hotel Ansonla. 14th a-nd Washington. ' SIGNS for store and offices, new. $50 week easily made. Sign System. A-326 River st.. Chicago I Chicago. AGENTS, 5 to $10 daily, selling Brooks inhalers. We show you how. Address A. Palmer. 179 Stout St.. Portland. Or. AGENTS, quick, everything open, several articles for autos. 504 Spalding bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALR. GIRLS FOR FACTORY APPLY 7:30 MONDAY MORNING. PA CIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO., 12TH AND DAVIS ST. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of expenencea cashiers, must be familiar with National register system. We also have openings for thoroughly experienced domestic saleswomen. Apply superintendent's of fice, 9 to 10:30 A- M. TWO girls between the ages of 16 and 18 to serve as cashier wrappers. M ust furnish best references. One sales wom an experienced in selling perfumes. Apply superintendent's of iice between 0:15 and 10:30 Monday morning. LIP MAN, WOLFE He. CO. THE OLDS. WORTMAN A KING STORE requires the services of experienced double-entry bookkeepers, also experi enced office girls familiar with Bur roughs Non-Listing machine. Apply su perintendents office, l to 10:3O A. M. STENOGRAPHER WANTED. Email established real estate company wants married lady, over :S3. capable of meeting the public, familiar with the country around Portland; must take dic tation, draw deeds and mortgages; very few letters; no speed required, but must be accurate. Will pay reasonable salary to start and increase as the work is familiarised- John Ferguson. Gerlin ger bldg.. Main 6529. WANTED One waitress. $o5 per month and" board first month, $05 per month and board second month ana tnre after. Work 6 days per week and as late as 12 P. M. Good chance for pro motion to irls who annly themselves. Apply the Hazelwood. Washington st. after v A. m. ftTii,s wnntMl for factory work. Port land Pa per Package Co., E. 25th and Holladay ave. E. 7s00. WANTED Young traveling saleslady to handle exclusively our high-class line of Junior and children's dresses for Portland and vicinity. BROOKS-SCHNEIDER & CO.. 234 S. Broadway. Los Angeles, Cal. A FINE opportunity In insurance office for a lady who likes the selling end to spend haif day In office and half day outside celling; outside worK ' on com mission. Reply in handwriting, giving reference. A H 74T, Oregonlan. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants thousands women, 18 up, $HM)0-$1M0 year, easy, pleasant work; short hours. vacation with pay. List positions open free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 74-W, Rochester. N. Y. LADIES, $2.50 an hour selling guaranteed waterproof kitchen apron. Needs no laundering; sell to every home. Dainty, durable, economical. Big money. Sample free. Thomas Apron Co.," 105 Camp St., Dayton, Ohio. FURNISHED apartment for man and wife; no children ; rent and wages to wife in exchange for chamber work ; man can get work noarby easily. Ad dress .BC 333, Oregonlan. . HOUSEKEEPER for widower and 3-year-old daugnter; must have highest reter ences; good position for right person. Please state salary. BF 240, Orego nlan. WANTED Married woman, former busi ness and other capable women, who can devote from 2 to 5 hours per day out side work. Call P. M. only, 502 Cor bett bldg. ROOM RENT free, suburban house, for elderly woman, who draws pension and Is alone, for company of lone woman. WrK e full particulars. BJ 87, Oregonlan . HOUSEKEEPER wanted for suburban hnm whn loves children; must take Lull charge; modern home and good pay. A 77 6. Oregon ian. ww; ton ii ka iivA vminir ladies In our baby weiiure work. We teacii yo'i free of charge; good pay, short hours. Mrs. Wright. Hi) '23 st. N. w a rc T V, r Experienced power machine operators to work on men s ana women b outing garments. Waterproof Garment Co., 823 N. 5th st SAI.KSI.ADY wanted to sell typewriter supplies, old and well-established line; salary and commission, ber of Commerce bldg. Call 10 Cham- :t r.rt pkr DAY paid lady In each town. distribute free circulars for Economy non-alcoholic flavoring. Permanent po sition. Sf E. Burr Co., Chicago. WANTED Names girls, women. 18-50, wishing government census positions. 4H00 needed; 1140 first year. AV Oregonian. 20, varm 'rt wKPblv. nnnre time, writing for newaoaoers. magazines,, ex p. unnec, de tails free. Press Syndicate, 310, St. Louts, Mo. HAVE opening for lady to do stenographic and general office work half day; tate -xDrience and salary wanted. AH 74:t. Oregonlan. LET me give you private instructions in shorthand at your place of business any hour during the day; with references. E. M. Engles, Woouiawn 4teo4. uauvsi niirxn maid. Permanent post lion for one of experience. Reference desired. Liberal wages. Apply Mon day, 400 Chamber of Commerce bldg WE require the service of five active girls for factory work. .Good pay. steady u.Tt-u Ann v nin auu iuih American Can Co. WRITE photoplays. $25-S300 paid anyone, nituhiA ideas: experience unnecessary; complete outline free. 231 Producers Leag ue. St. Louis. w a vtkt) Kxnerienced telephone oper ator, one who has had long service in mercantile establishment; will pay will for right party, rt o.o. uieuuHmn i.KnfiER clerk. Insurance office. Must be able to use typewriter. State age, qualifications, salary expccitu. Oregonian. AC 23' EXPERIENCED manicurist, one willing to learn hair dressing iraue. tuo mux rison st. vnT:vn T.ADY to assist in dental office state aee and references. BF 238. Ore gonian. LADY dancing Instructor for private lea sons. Give phone number. BF 203, Ore gonian WAVTirn Mr. Dora Haller's address. Have fine position for you. AH. 706. Oregonian. WANTED By practical nurse, nursing and will assist with light housework. Call afer 10 A. M. Main 151'Q. WANTED A woman to help care for old ladles at the Patton Home. Phone Wood lawn 1700. ELDERLV woman to care for 2 children, one 3 and one 7 months; absolutely no work. Phone Main 4570: salary SIS. WANTED Housekeeper for family of 4 adults; good homo and wages: ref. 920 E. Main. cor. 31st. Tabor 1382. WANTED Place near 35th and Haw thorne to leave baby occasionally. AH 6112. Oregonian. YOUNG lady wanted for housekeeper on a mountain ranch; Portland climate. Ad dress BF 205. Oregonian. WOMAN to do dining-room work for rora and board for self and husband. Wu. 3727. Kenton. WANTED Young woman housekeeper In gentleman's home, Salem; state age and salary expected. AH 751. Oregonian. DRESSMAKER'S helper with up-to-date experience. 203 Strand bldg.. Park st. entrance, j w'ANTED Middle-aged woman to assist Witn nuUBC.urh miu niiuicu, uuiuo privileges. Phone Tabor 8422. W'ANTED Housekeeper for family of 4 adults; good home and wapes: ref. 920 E. Main, cor. 31st. Tabor 13S2. COUNTER GIRL wanted, ton st. 284 Washing- WAN TED Chambermaid. 151V, N. 6th st. Olympla Hotel, TELEPHONE switchboard operator. Ap ply Wadhams A Kerr Co. ' FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wanted. 203 Strand bldg.. Park st. entrance. WANT school girl to board; good home, near school. Tabor 274 3. . WANTED Experienced power machine op erators. Adams Mfg. Co.. 234 2d at. WANTED Chambermaid at the Patton home. Phone Woodlawn 1700. LADY BARBER wanted at once. 203 Ev erett and 3d. NURSE GIRL to care for -3-year-old child: daytime only. Call East 7447. DINING 2913. room sirl. Phone Woodlawn HELP WANTED FEMALE. DUE TO CONSTANTLY IN CREASING REQUIREMENTS OF SERVICE. PERMANENT POSI TION'S ARE NOW OPEN IN THE OPERATING DEPARTMENT. UNDER THE SCHEDULE OT" WAGES NOW IN EFFECT THE APPROXIMATE EARNINGS OF TELEPHONE OPERATORS ARE AS FOLLOWS: DURING FIRST TEAR OP EMPLOYMENT $860. DURING FIRST MONTH. WHILE LEARNING, 9&8.SO. THE END OF 8 MONTHS, $03 TO $70 A MO. THE END OF $tS TO $75 . 6 MONTHS. L MO. INCREASES REGULARLY GIVEN THEREAFTER UNTIL OPERATOR EARNS $i0 TO $US A MONTH. SUPERVISING OPERATORS EARN S9-2 TO $110 A MONTH, EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROMOTION TO HIGHER SALARIED POSITIONS. APPLY AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 601. SIXTH FLOOR. TELEPHONE BUILDING. PARK AND OAK STREETS. MEIER & FRANK COMPANY Requires the services of rlrls be tween the ages of 16 and 18 as wrappers and Inspector. Apply employment manager. 6th floor. MEIER St FRANK COMPANY. WANTED Experienced stenographer and general oftice girl by wholesale hardware firm. Work inciuaes sienos'i"'"' Z general otiice work; $h5 to start, with unexcelled opportunity lor advancement to one who proves by results to be the one we are looking for. State experi ence, references and age In reply. BASCHE-SAGE HDW, CO., Baker, Oregon. THREE ladles for special child welfare work; should be between -:o anu. i. educated, of good appearance and In position to travel; w instruct in re quirements; guarantee uxpenses; position pays $40 per weak to tnose qualified-. It Is the opportune time for this worn. 814 Couch bldg. Apply from until o P. M. . WK have positions (or 5 girls. 16 to 2j years oi age. lu operate power .cms machine. The work is easy to learn, pleasant; good wages paid. iy girls aiso secure a large bonus in addition. Apply Ames, Harris. Neville Bag Co., loth and Hoyt. MM K. PATTENEAUDE, hair and skin specialist, nicz. lloor Benson hotel, win accept, a limited number of pupils to learn the profession, enabling them to enter business tor themselves , unlimited opportunities In th is li n e. TELEPHONE switchboard operator for large wholesale house, one witn com mercial experience preferred, must b thoroughly competent and rapid . per manent position, good salary; give full particulars. lit Utt, Oregonlan. WANTED Assistant to bookkeeper; ex perience not essential, but must oe quicK and accurate and a good penman; op portunity for ambitious girl; state edu cational quaiiUcationa. A 7 is J, Orego nlan. WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at room 303 Police Headquarters, -a ana OaK ats.. will furnish information, give protection and assistance tree to women and girls. Interviews confidential. Blil earnings easy, startling invention; banishes spark plug trouOte; saves gaso line; sells like wildfire; exclusive terri tory. Agents write Jubilee ilfg. Co., Detik 38S. 'Omaha, Neb. WANTED 5 BKIOHT. CAPABLE ladies to travel, demons t rate ana sen aeaiers . 25 to K0 per weeK; railroad fare paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co., dept. Hlifl. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Young girl to care for lfe-year baby and to assist in light housework; good wages, comfortable home, easy work. Call East 13o. or S3Q Brazee bl GIRL exDerienced with telephone ex change ana clerical worn; opportunity in wholesale house; state age. reierences, phone number. AH .51, Oregonian. WANTED Strong healthy woman as maid and assistant li kitchen in sanatorium good waires. Call C. C. Hall. 112 CiU zensB a n kb u i 1 ding. No phone calls. BL'HSELL BUSINESS SCHOOL. Individual Instruction; enroll any time. Day-night school. Lumbermens bldg., Fifth and Stark. Broadway 34ti4. WANTED Middle-aged woman for cook lng and housework; no washing, good wages, nights off. Call tilii Thompson St., Irvington. WANTED Young women to take a hos pital training. For further information apply to supt. of nurses, Oregon City hospital. Oregon City. YOUNli housekeeper wanted by rancher and stockman; no objection to one child permanent if suited. K. A. Keller, Hills dale, or., R. 2, box 2ti. WANTED A young woman without in cumbrances as housekeeper in a gentle man's home; in answering give refer ences and age. Address E 623, Oregonian. WANTED Names women. 18 to SO. wish ing government office positions: $1140 S12U0 first year. Answer. AV 711k Orego- nla MOTHERLY lady to live with mother and boy of 7: mother employed afternoon and evenings: good home, small wages. In quire before 12 at6U18 8&th at. S. E. WANTED Woman to assist in general housework. Optical Dept., LipmaD, Wolfe & Co. GOOD home and some pay to elderly lady or school girl who will aasist with housework; references. Wdln. 1927. EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers wanted, steady employment. Apply 393 . Bel mont. DEMONSTRATOR for Royal electric cleaner, inside; must be experienced. Stubbs Electric Co.. 6th and Pine. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted for luncheon; no Sunday work. Apply 84 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak. WANTED 2 or 3 girls to work on flat work: work easy to learn. Crystal Laun dry. E. 21st and Sandy. Rose City car. FI ItST-CL ASS cook for sawmill camp; 20 to 25 men. Shawmada Lumber Co.. Yamhill. Or. EXPERIENCED girl for bakery, 15 pel week to ntaxt and wilt furnish the laun dry. G 64.T, Oregonian. W'ANTED Young housekeeper by widow er with two children. Address box 241, Forest Grove. Or. PRIVATE lessons Main 6641, apt teacher. In 203. Gregg shorthand. Business coliege WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographer Idaho. Skalet & for general store tn Gilman, St. Anthony, Idaho. WANTED An elderly lady to keep house for widower and aon. Phone Woodlawn 09ns. 203 Stanton GIRL to learn tailoring business. Apply ready for work Brownsville Woolen Mills, 3d and Morrison. ANY GIRL in need of a-, friend, apply to the Salvation Army KWscue Home. 392 E 10th st. N.. or phone East 123. FIRST-CLASS waitress, good pay with room and board. Alexander Court. 53 Ella st. EXPERIENCED finisher on coats and vests. Apply ready for work Browns ville Woolen Mills. 3d and Morrison. EX SPERIENCED stenographer; state expe rience, age and salary. A 779, Orego- W'ANTED Elderly lady or girl to stay with 4-year-old boy; mother employed during day. A 763. Oregonian. WNTED Stenographer, afternoons 1 to 5. Cutler Mfg. Co.. E. 10th and Mill sts. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrlt ing School. 6 mo. 269 14th. Main 3893. SCHOOLGIRL to care for baby, rpom and board, salary. Main 4090. MRS. HANNUM'S shorthand school dav and evening. 230 Tillamook sU Eaat Sbtii). HELP WANTED FEMALE. GOOD PRICES PAID LIBERAL BONUS IN ADDITION Half holiday every Saturday Learn a business that gives you steady employment. Experienced operators on pants. ovr" alls, coats, play suits, etc We will teach a limited number of bright Sjrls and will pay you while learning. Call at office of ML Hood factory, 33 Couch st., and we will explain our bonus sys tem to you. ATT RACT I V E TRAVE LING POSITION open in 10 days with well-known urm, calling on old patrons; will afford in come of $200 monthly; generous com missions and bonus, with salary from start; experience unnecessary; perma nent, pleasant work ; requires refined, educated woman over 27; give age. ex perience, education. Address J. C. Wine. y20 Monadnock bldg., fcan Francisco, Cal. LIPMAN. WOLFE &. CO. Require the services of an experienced copy writer for the advertising depart ment. Applicants with shorthand and stenographic experience pref errtd. t t WANTED Elderly lady, country woman preferred, in Xaxntly of 2 adults, and son of 8. as a kind of grandmother, treated as one of family and small com pensation. Write or call, ail week. Brown. 115 Hazelfern place, phone Ta bor "O40. WANTED Young lady to demonstrate new auto light signal : also solicitors, ladies or gentlemen. See Mr. Morgan from 10 to 12, Monday at HUTCH'S TIRE SHOP. 70 6th et. 2U DRESSMAKERS wanted, capable to cut and fit ; greatest opportunity given to employes tor the first time in his tory to have a share in the business; must be conscientious. 335 14th and Mill, between 1 and 2 P. M. WANTED Good stenographer and book keeper, a fine Christian character. Pres byterian preferred. Answer m own handwriting, stating experience and sal ary expected. AE 332, Oregonian. YOU WRITE THE WORDS FOR SONG We write music, guarantee publica tion, submit poems any subject. Met ropolitan studios. Dept. 33S, l14 S. Michi gan, Chicago. NURSE to take over small hospital at reasonable rent, state age, experience, references. phone number and when could come. Dr. Wendt, Cotiaga Grove, Or. 3 WAITRESSES $2.50 per shift, good side monev; chambermaid. $14 per week .; family cook, $0; ranch cook. -0; all kinds of housework. 3ul Raleigh bldg., 327 Wash. at. WANTED Stenographer. young woman v.ith general office and legal experience preferred. State age. salary expected, phone number, and reference. BO -. Oregon la n. , YOUNG woman a.i dental office assist ant. Experienced preferred; in answer ing state qualifications and saiary ex pected. AO 8. MUSICIANS wanted for first-class ama teur orchestra, Practice work; present membership, iiO, will Increase to oU. At 537. Oresonian. WA.NTliD Five good typists for several days' work. Apply in person at 3.t Morgan bldg. today between the hours of H and 1. WOMAN To do general housework, a fe.v hours a day, ti days a week. $ a week, near Reed college. Phone riunday morn ing from 10 until 1-. Sellooly. t MIDDLE-AGED woman for flunkey, by railroad hotel. Sue. room anu ooaru. Apply today. Portland Labor Agency. 11 N. -.'d. . WANTED Several women for out-ao seliine. '0 straight salary anu m- mission. Splendid opportunity. AO 1-0. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced stenographer, one who is good at uictatlon. give reierent-e and salary expected. BF 140, Orego nian. . W ANTE xnerienced stenographer; sal- ary $15 plication, number. week: state experience in ap- giving address and phoue O lOtf. Oregonian. ELDERLY lady can find good home, suit able wages, for light housekeeping ana care of two babies; mother employed. Phone Broadway Ki44 or 5,'Q Hoyt. WANTED Competent bookkeeper; must understand cost accounting ana oe aoie to use typewriter. AE 5M, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. $100 to fl-.; clerical gin, oo ; uiciapnoiiu oper ator, U0J UOi N. W. Bank bldg. GOOD experienced salesladies for coats. suits and sVlrts; best wages. -:st -Morrison st. MIDDLE-AGED or elderly woman, care of children, light housework, good home. 7030 51st ave. S. E. LADY wanted to hold copy in office. Call between l'-i and 1 loy .Second St., room ;t. linotype Monday. SALESGIRL wanted, must be respectable and furnish best of reierences. hrt N. bth st., between Everett and Flanders. GIRLS for button manufacturing and shopping. Art Embroidery At Button Co., o;t3 Morgan bldg. VIOLINISTS. young laJies. desiring practice in ensemble playing; pcible Lvicum engagement. U 7, Urtgocmii. WA.NTBU An efficient cook for small in stitution, pleas&nt environment. Ail 0-7, Oregonlan. WANTED Girl to assist with houseworli. to stay at her home nights. 407 Ciay su Main 38.U. WAME1 A woman for kitchen helper in small institution. Call Broadwaj 3404. WANTED Practical nurse to care for in valid lady: out of town position. Al f.'ltj. Oregonian. EX PERIENCED salesladies, must know how to sell ladies' wearing apparel. Best wages. i3 Morrison. WANTED Experienced operator on men's shirts. Shirek & Son. 311 and Pine. EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers. Candy Co.. E. lllh and Flanders. Vogan WOMAN for housework, good home and good salary. 25 Morrison. WANTED Woman to do laundry work in small institution. Call Broadway 04H. WANTED Waitress, must be experienced. Mar. 6ij70. KITCHEN helji wanted at once. 14 Union ave. North. WANTED Finishers and he'.pers on gowns. 302 Northwestern Bank bldg. HOUSEKEEPER-for" small family; good wag ea. AC 249. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER wanted in a widower's home Apply 72s Kearney. WANTED Chambermaid at St- Charles hotel. Front and Morrison. GIRL wanted for general housework: no rooking. Phone East 5411. A FIRST-CLASS stenographer: also an experienced bookkeeper. M. Seller & Co. GIRLS wanted. Apply 34 1st st. N. Wanted Domestics- YOUNG woman for general housework, homelike place. Call at 3O0 Cook ave. or phone E. 1793. Wllilams ave. car. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and housework. Three adults, small washing. Apply 46S Montgomery drive. GIRL to assist with housework, no wash- lng or heavy work. b32 Kaleieh Marshall 1796. GIRL for general housework, good wages, pleasant home, lots of free time. 460 E. 17th N. WANTED Reliable girl for general house work. Call mornings. Main 0068. 828 Kearney st. WANTED Girl to assist with housework, small family, good Main 260S. 821 Johnson st. general wages. FIRST-CLASS cook on meat or pastry; best reierences. Cafeteria. AC 229. Ore gonian. WANTED Second maid, good wages. 2 In family. Portland Heighta, Marshall 213. GIRL for cooking and first-floor work: family 4: no laundry; wascs. $00. Phone Main 147S. WANTED Maid for general housework, $45: no luandry. 539 Buena Vista drive. GIRL wanted for general housework: wages $60. Main 2.M9. GIRL to assist light housework; home, good wages. Tabor 520S. ' good WANTED Girl for general housework; washing. Phone East 4109. GIRL for general housework: treated as one of family; $3.. Tabor 8951. . COMPETENT girl as nurse-maid for young baby; references. 340 10th. Main 4089. GIRL for housework, no cooking, or wash ing. Main 1461. 094 Trinity place. COMPETENT cook, downstairs work, no washing, best wages. Phone East 3900. LADY'S maid wanted; good wages. Ap ply at 312 12th st.. or phone Main 8260. GIRL to hefp with housework for room and board, gome wages. East 3 8 Mi. WANTED A girl for upstairs work and assist with children. Main 6339. COMPETENT girl for general housework. j no laundry, boo Hancock, iiat 3396. HELP WANTED FEMALE, 1 anted Domestics. Gl3liireaeer to Iea"i cooking and house- n Ulli 111 fAun t n- - ...... 1 A . , ami not afraid of a little work; wages JJ 27" i lo atart and advanced rapidly w itn improvement; references a to Main t3t Tuesday between 1 and 5. . Housekeeper, no incumbrances, ror two e.derly bachelors; light work; good permanent home for right person; reasonable wages. Give particulars. dores tG- , M- A- Lewiston Tribune. Lewiston. Ida. KrRTKXC,EP pirl for Plain cooking and general housework in country; must be clean and capable; highest wages to a person meeting the requirements and i I ?J A B"IlllD,1r reIerens. Phone NUm ( ytfJ?u,JayJtweenl and o. ; WANTED Maid for general housework. Pheasant surroundings, separate bath and f room; no furnace or children to 1 w L'1 airax terrace. Wcstover. I Phone Main 107-1. JAPANESE woman for general house work m country, must be good cook, no washing a month. References. 1 hone Main 636 Tuesday between 1 -AttKit..thD woman for cookin it. d downstairs work; no washing; wages $00. Take irvlnsmn r-, t- 'qh . i swere'd Moniiiir telephone calls an- WANTED Woman or girl to assist with care of bouse and two young children. OL,od home and wages, pn upper Hood rier valley ranch. AV 817. Oregonian. WANTED A refined womn f,r 77i hoiNi'u An n , " reiernMs Apply Union ust have on ave. N. E"!i,R1 XCF? irl for general hous. -- , - ttuuiir in family licht work. w apes, .'s. N; 243ti. Call Monday. lst st. Broadway trg an PL,ADY t0 do Uht houaekeep ii.g and act as companion to lady. C. S. preferred. Call y&i E. Markeu Haw- thorne car to 33d. aw- GIyearroM d IVKe woman to care for inrhaoth. Srk- P WnV71irl f'T n'rl housework, !!S?ejov. ' Cd 43. S13 G1u I'J: r r.UZ"l h. rood Krily, 41'47. Call In morning. WANTED and fir-f;oo; work; no waning noT furnace; high wages. Main ST.W. Vnnkin. I""" n "rlt nd do plain sv7 " family;, peasant room. W-AXTED Second m.iid. Mrs. D. W. U aey at. Phone WwonTf,?TEXPer!,'nced- c-rable youn woPi r ,cookl"E and general house work, , im family. Call E. 10J5. WworIBI7K.xrf'ri',nced cook: no other "!, rerereriee. -Mrs. A. U. Rockev. Main l(!i. Fhou WANTED -Uirl or u,imun for general M orr,son. house v ork. Apply 7.7-1 V. HKI , PW A XT K r M KG R FEMALE. U iTn w:'i,VKRN;MEXT Ht8 thousands men-w omen. Is up iO(io-$iSoo year P.eaaant short hours, vacation with Pa v.' in. .fP?iliins 1en frPe- Write Frank. in Institute. Dept. ,a77-V. Rochester. X. y. M or man wanted, aiary $-4 full Hme, .,ic an hour spare time elIinK N V " -iniernaiional All I la. Tnstown. MMana?n Hife ldo,Rht janitor work. fur m a l htniployinfcnt. Nicely - T"r AH ;'(. Oreeonfun. i -"licitrrs- n,en or women; T.Oc 'J an hr. Jay the Tailor, lu4a Bel- KDl'CATIONAL, BE A DOCTOR OK CHIROPRAPTir' The chiropractic DrofpRainn nff.r. k- most unusual of any field ? world today. Know about its opportunities before deciding your Dhvx.i.r r : . u",r . -iiii-up.uuc ONB HUNMiKO THOUSAND i-r... . Ic Physicians needed in the nim i illat1f8 today to supply the de mands of the millions who have turned ills. Krt method oX heating their INVESTIGATE. Augmented Curriculum, Able Faculty. Clinical Facilities Unexcelled, i-or particulars audress Dr. Oscar W. c-Miott. president. JFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. 1 . m, x muni 11, Portland Or 1 ou annnf looo . m . i. . proft-M,iuo throuch correspondence. WANTED 100 MEN AT ONCE ,.7ii, 'ear.n to and repair auto- T.r lrKltors- trucks, stationary and marine engines, to become EXPERT in b'.",',. I'?' K ',",' "1B and "farting sst. m. ntr. i-lnh"J",e anJ rP""inB. armal lure winding, construction of motors. ?nJ'ani?S- laUle, W,'rlc H,ul fouble shoot: e e,v'n" a n all departments, where you get practical h tsh nCe.f,r 75 'ncluding lite mwn lho" a Privilege to re-enter Sffi- f .a"V lime' Tnis ia a special ofter and Is good only nil December 1. One week free trial. Apply Hemphill's Trade school. 1107 Hawthorne ave' cor -0th. Take Mt. Scott ..r Hawthorne car at 2d and Alder to E. 20th. or apply at our depot olfice. 124 North 6th a if. - blocks from Union depot. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL. HAWTHORNE AT 20TH ST. Learn to be an expert In the gas en gine held, where the demand ever ex ceeds the supply and wa-es are hiBli. Our new system of instruction tits the man not oiu for a joj in automobile, gas tractor, trucks, stationary, marine or airplane engineering but makes him an expert In them; bo:h day and n shl Classes- lake M t. Scott or Hawthorne car at 2d and Alder to E. 20th st HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 Hawthorne Ave. Automobiles, trucks, tractors. Ignition and starter work. Vulcanizing and re treading. Special summer rates Day and evening classes. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO BOSS THE JOB POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College. Portland. Enroll any time Telegraphy, stenography, baiikinc. u-ioKKeeping. secretarial. Free catalogue. .vr-w.-. o.naci COLLEGE will teach you the trade in S weeks; scalp and fate massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison LEARN to be an optician and optometrist: day and evening classes. De Keyser College of Optometry. Columbia bids. Get catalogue. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange building. Free booklet. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS AGO'. Irank K. Welles, ex-asst. State Supt, mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed. FRENCH instruction. Parisian accent: mmerclal correspondence snecialize.l Main 4463. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays vou while learning, gives you sot of tools free, position secured. 3S N. 2d st. DECKER S BUsFxESS CoLLEiVk COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSE." Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Wash, at loth. Enter now. day. evening, ail coin mercial branches. Broadway 1S21. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL. SCHOOL Mi.-s Buckel's private school: individ. uai instruction. 122 Grand ave. E. 427. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. O K EG OX LAW SCHOOL. Alisky bldg 3d and Mor. W. E. Richardron, Sec. Main 977 THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. l:n Broadway. FISlv Teachers' Aeency Journal hldff Mn 4 .s.'. Teaching positions; free registration. DRAMATIC reader and enTertainer de sires few more engagements. Main Ofln.H. WA.MbU leacner of Spanish. Can range hours. 290 Grand ave. N. ar- NEW-WAY Typewriting System tacl,e. speed; cost 10, sell $2.75. Marshall 3569. PRIVATE lessons in English for foreign ers. Main 66U8. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Work putting wood in hase ment by the cord. Phone Tabor 4362 PAPERHANGINfT painting and tinting pond work; right prices. Marshall 2493. HIGH school boy wishes employment afternoons and Saturdays. Main 1041. PATCHING, reshingling. finishing, city or country. Main 6M7, room 7. RETAIL candy maker wants night work ia small aiore. O 170, Oresonian. tIS' 11 ou are dissatisfied in your flTl "L p?sltion in r " earning ir m,t w'hat you would like tun.?,. J 'nveftigate tho great oppor nr.fl offered in this greatest of all JrfH"Ion-:HinOPIACTlC. A most .tl'tlonaI .opportunity to study chiro- ii 11 n tit