THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 9, 1919. 13 JREA L ESTATE. For Sale 1-amis. MR. FARM BUYER. Do you know farm lands are coin up in price? Why? Because farms in ! the east are soaring so high it is forcing . the farmer there to sell his place and ! come to Oregon, where he can live In I comfort ami buy a farm for one-half the price. Better take warning and buy one now. tee me. I have some 500 fine farms. I can save you money, two or three years from now you will think, of this ad and wish you had taken my tip. Don t delay, now is the time. Watch The Sunday Oregonian for my farm specials or write to Bender, the farm specialist A. U. BENDER. . on RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. DAIRY FARM. This proposition in a worthy one and should be given your immediate atten tion if you want to make some money. Inquire and e if the price is right. This wilt stand the strictest Investiga tion, only U miles from Portland and rght at a little town on a traveled and paved road. acres. HO acres under plow and more can easily be plowed. All lies with a gentle roll, soil cannot be beat, none belter. 1 acre of timber, berries and family orchard, all well fenced. Stores, nchool and postoffice across road. Telephone, pood spring and creek. 1 well, good H-room house, hot and cold water, toilet, bath, etc.. pood barn, 4ox00, machinery house and chick en house. Personal property: 2 plows, barrows, disc, disc drill, mower, binder, rake, walking piow, 1 cultivator, rid ing cultivator, wagon, hay rack, cream separator, hay fork. 3 good homes, 3 Al Jersey cows, 9 Al brood sows, 5 pigs.' 2 fattening hog. H,0 chickens; price for all. $2,000. $fouo cash, balance easy. This is real, see it. be convinced. See me before buying. I have the real buys. A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TTP-TO-D ATE EQUIPPED FARM. 140 acres ; HO acres under plow; 20 cres oak and ash timber: ail lies almost level ; family orchard and all kinds of berries; soil Al black loam, 4 ft. deep; all fenced with woven wire and boards: 1 '-a miles from R. R., school, etc.: south of Albany; R. K. D.. telephone, creek, good gravel road, right on Pacific high- 1 way, now being paved; .2 wells, good S-: room house, 2 barns, 50x:iti and 1S.54; ! hog and chicken house. Personal prop erty: Drill, binder, harrow, disc, wagons, cultivators, mower, hay rake, sulky plow, cider mill, rrea m separator, all small tools. household goods, piano, dining table and chairs, rockers, library table, couch, beds, dressers, range, heater, lin oleum. rugH. fruit jars and dishes. HO Cotswold sheep. 8 cows, 4 horses. 2 sows. 50 chickens, $1200 worth of wheat, oats and hay, 3 acres corn, potatoes and garden, winter wood cut. Just think, all for $1S,900. ySOuo or so cash, bal. easy. A. i. BENDER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. FARM BARGAIN-., 200 acres, all level. 115 acres under P'ow, 2o acres ash and oak timber, ber ries and family orchard, good soil, all fenced with woven wire;, 1 mile from railroad station, 6 miles from Halsey. r. R, F. D. and telephone, 200 yards from school, good creek, Al gravel road. 1 well, good 8-rnom house, hot and cold water, 3 big barns, hay house, chicken house, 2 broof'er houses and Implement hed. Price $20,000, $7000 cash, balance easy. I have photos In my office of this beautiful place. It is wortth your while to investigate It. Remember this Is only one of my "many bargains. See or write to mo. A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. This is something new, I just got this place for rale. It won't last long; because It has been appraised'time and again -at $25,4HiO and I nm offering it for 16.000. Go to the bank, go anywhere and ask them w hat this place is worth. ss what they tell you. It consists of 100 acres. S5 Hcres under plow, 30 acres Al first-growth fir that will bring the price in cordwood, 4 acres English wal nuts. 5 years old. All can be culti vated except 10 acres: family orchard, well fenced, woven wire : ll) miles from Portland, X mile to school. R. F, D.. tel ephone. 2 springs, 1 creek, good road ; house is old, but good barn u4x96. silo, etc. Will accept $6000 cash. This must go. don't delay if you are looking for a bargain. See us for real snaps. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. This fine farm Is located near Mon roe. Oregon, and consists of 225 acre a'! Al soil, which is nearly level, with 1 05 acres under plow, 10 acres of scat tering oak and ash in pasture, family orchard, berries, Al black loam soil, good and dep. all well fenced. 4 miles from railroad, mile to school, R. F. D.. telephone, beautiful lake covering two acres, 2 wells, good graveled road, good 7-room house, 2 bares. 56x60 and 40x50. machinery shed, stock shed, hog and poultry buildings; Price only $14.0to. $7000 cash, balance easy. This Is a dandy stock or hog farm, another one of our bargains. Write for full particulars to A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. STOCK AND GRAIN FARM. Here is a good farm of 247 acres, with 190 acres level bottom land. ISO acres in nigh state of cultivation, 300,000 or 400,000 feet of good saw timber, an- ii mi tea outrange, sou is Al deep and rich. 3 acres prunes. This farm Is lo cated near Crawfordsville. 1 mile to school and church, store, etc.. R. F. D.. telephone, 2 springs, fine creek, Al grav el e a road, l well, good -room house. toilet, bath, hot and cold water. 2 barn 50x06 and 30x50, Implement, tool and hog hoube, prune dryer. Personal prop erty consists of binder, hay rake, two walking plows, disc, plow, cream se pa rti tor, hand cultivator, horse cultivator, grain drill, disc harrow, drag harrow, gas engine, gas washer 'water oumo and wood saw, feed mill, bone grinder, anvil ana forge, farm wagon. 2 light waeons. 1 buggy, mower, garden seeder, gauss Feeder, ten cows, four heifers. one 4 -year-old Hoistein bull, 1 1-y ear-old Durham bull, 7 hend horses. 5 brood bows. 49 head hogs, 150 chickens, 6 geese, 6 ducks. 2 acres souds. 15 tons straw. 200 bushels oats. 400 bushels wheat. 10 acres corn, 100 tons hay in barn. Every thing goes at $25,000. $8000 or so cash, balance to suit, or will take small. well Improved acreage near Portland, or city property to S10.000 or S12.000 If mod. Why not turn your acreage or city bur den into something that can be re lied on; A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 80-ACRE MARION COUNTY FARM 80. 20 miles south of Salem. 7 miles north of Albany, 1 mile from Oregon Electric railroad station, hi mile from school on good gravel road. 2 miles from Paclfio highway on mall and cream route: all In cultivation ; family orchard, all kinds of berries, a good 6-room house with hot and cold water, bath, tank, windmill, good barn, stanchions- for 20 cows, stalls for 6 horses, bO-ton silo, granarv. black smith shop, chicken house, garage. 2 straw sheds full of straw. 35 tons of hay In barn, $100 worth of grain; 3 mares. 6 Jersey cows. 1 Hoistein bull, S yearling heifers, Foland China boar. 1 brood sow and 8 ptgs, 12 dozen chickens: incubator, brooder and all farming implements. Price $12,500: easy terms; take city property up to $35o0. MITCHELL & RIPPEY.-S2M-29 Henry bldg. Main 2534. FOR SALE, AT LEBANON, OR. 45, 50 or 80 acres of bottom land, bunga low, bam and chicken house; 2 miles out, H mile to school and on good graveled road; either size $150 per acre. 20 acres. 7 mNi out; good house and barn, orchard ; one mile from station, 1 mile from school, graveled road, all in crop. $4000. IS acres, 3 miles from town; 12 acres !n cultivation : 4-room box house, good little barn, good well. H mile to school and 8 acres of strawberries, and good roads. R. F. D. at all three places. Price $2000. M. L. SOUTH A RD, Lebanon, Or. IRRIGATED LAND 40 ACRES. Located 4 miles east Bend, Or. ; paid up, perpetual and appurtenant water right for 26 acres: 36 acres can, be cultivated; nice laying land; some un der cultivation, balance in sage brush ; no timber; canal on place; lots of water; small house : county rosd ; one mile to school ; person a llv inspected. Price $1 150: $SOo cash : no trades. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 121'A ACRES, $7.1') WILL.H VNDLE. iv acres in cultivation; 20 acres slashed and seeded; creek on place: 4-roora huse ; barn 22x24 ; woodshed 20x20 ; chicken house. Price $4000; $750 cash, balance $400 per vear. A. C. HOW LAND, St h and Mala gta, Oregon City. Or. MONTANA. Choteau Co.. section near Eskay. 30 miles to R. R. ; 65 acres cul tivated, small house and granary, plenty of good water; price $4000, owner has other business and anxious to sell. r. D. Bathnck, 515 Cham, of Coin, bldg., Port land. Or. FOR PALE Cheap farm; business man desires to sell investment at sacrifice. 164 acres 25 miles from Portland In Washington county, Oregon, back of Seppooe. 12 acres cleared, house and barn ; $5000 ca?h or trade: no dealers need apply. D 745. Oregonian. " CLOSE TO CITY ON ELECTRIC. Ten -acre farm, highly improved and all cultivated. Only $3000. Terms. Mr. Johnson. SKOTHEIM-BROWN COMPANY. o0-3 Ky. Exch. Bldg. Main vl'J'J. SEAL ESTATE, For Sale Farms. HILLCRE8T FARM. STOCK AND GRAINS, Is the best producing farm in the Red river vailey and consists of 1600 acres of deep, rich black soil with ciay sub soil, in a high state of cultivation. Soil, climate, rainfall and the natural drainage of the land makes this farm the best I.ocation in the world for pota toes, corn, aUalfa, - red and sweet clover, cattle, hogs, sheep and the great wheat crops for which the Da kotaw are so famous. .- The buildings on HiUcrest Farm are modern in every respect and the ten room house has all of the latest con veniences. They Include a concrete barn with a capacity of 50 head of horses as well as a number of scien tifically designed box stalls; 3 cement silos with a total capacity of 500 tons, a model cattle shed that provides am ple protection for 200 head, a granary, an iceiioue and ajl of the other neces sary outbuildings. This p;ace Is only ten miles from Fargo, where the state agricultural college is located, ana six miles from a $3,000,000 stockyards and packing plant, which offers a very convenient market for cattle raised on this farm. If you are interested, in the purchase of H hlcrest Farm, in whole or part, write the owner direct. GLENN I. BOILER. FARGO, BOX 273. N. I. PRUNES, the b-ist-psying crop: 20 acres in hearing; so acres or gooa tana; o miles from town; good rock road, large new barn ; oth jt buildings ; one of the best young or;hards in th state; $12, 400. half csli, bal. 0 per c nt 20 acres, 5 acres 3-year-old prunes, all cultivated; 5-room plastered bungalow; large barn, buildings new, wood house, chicken, house; well with gasoline" pump ing outfit ; all fenced and cross-fenced; 1 horse, bugy. plow, cultivator, harness, 4 tons hay. household - furniture with range new; $35oo; half cash. baL 3 or 5 years, 6 per cent. 77 acres, close to good town, all cult.; fine new buildings. a!l modern conven iences, all stocked and equipped with fine stock and machinery; elegant fine home on west side highway; $21,000; terms. ' 15 acres, all In cult. ; close to good town on west side highway; fine mod ern buildings and a dandy home ; lt rge modern barn, silo; $16,000; $0000 cash, bal. long time. 6 per cent. E. F. MA GOON, Yamhill, Or. A "WONDERFUL BARGAIN. 39 acres of the very richest of shot soil, lies rolling enough to drain, well. IS miles from Portland. 2 miles from Sherwood, 1 mile from Middleton station. xh mile off Capital highway, mile from school; 37 acres under cultivation. 2 acres stumps and pasture. 4 acres young prune trees bearing this year, 2 acres old prune trees, 1 acre apple trees, some berries, 2 good wells, fair barn. 7 room house built on a high knoll and has one of the most wonderful views in the Willamette valley, overlooking Sher wood, Middleton, Capital highway. Southern Pacific electric railroad and the beautiful valley below. With this great bargain goes 1 extra good Jersey cow, 1 2-year-old heifer, 1 brood sow. 6 pigs. 18 tons of hay in barn, 1 acre po tatoes, 2 acres of corn, furniture and all farm implements. Price $S500. $3000 cash, balance? long time at 6. MITCHELL & RIPPEY. 328-29 Henry bldg. Main 2534. FARM BARGAINS. 120 acres only 20 miles out. fine disL. bet-t of soil, 70 in cultivation, no rock or gravel, lies nice to cultivate, good build ings, plenty of fruit, place well watered, lots of stock, crop and equipment, at only $15,000. and terms. 220 acres, 75 in cultivation, lots of free outrange, place well watered. 5 acres of orchard, good buildings, hot and cold water in house, all k iuds or stock and equipment, including 30 head of cattle. This is an unusually fine stock ranch proposition, close in and priced very low at $15,000. with all that goes with it; consider Portland prop erty in exchange. Lots of others, all sizes; let us show them- to you. TALLMADGE REALTY CO.. 619 Henry bldg. 14 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE. 6 acres of rich phot soli, all under cultivation, lies perfectly level on good rocked road, 1 mile off Capital highway. "Si, mile to Southern Pacilio electric and 1 mile to Oregon Electric station. 14c fare from Portland, commutation ticket: 1 mile to school; good woven wire fence, few fruit trees and berries. 6-room house, small barn, chicken house. 1 -cow. 1 Pig. 25 chickens, 5 cords of wood. Price $2500, $1500 cash, balance long time at 6',. MITCHELL. & RIPPEY. 328-29 Henry bids. Main 2534. 1040-ACRE stock farm on the west slope of the coast range and In the Slletz basin, where grass Is green all the year. Tiiis has an abundance of bottom, hay or vegetable land, unlimited outrange of the best and springs Innumerable ; has commodious buildings, lots of fenc ing, orchards, and a fine waterfall in the stream Which could be utilized to furnish power for various purposes ; is an ideal mountain ranch and a stock man's paradise; can be bought on favor able terms at $15 per acre. B. S. COOK. 601 Stock Exchange bldaj. - COME TO GRESHAM Here Is a bargain in a 26-acre farm, all good level land and in cultivation, located on good road close to electric station near Pleasant Horn, east of Gresham ; 2 acres In or chard, fair house, small barn, good chicken ho.use and well ; price $5500. Will sell 14 acres of the above place. including all the Improvements for $4000 ; some terms. KR1DER & ELKINGTON. Telephone 17X. Gresham, Or. - BIG "WHEAT FARM. Over 3000 acres in wheat belt of east ern Washington, nearly all In cultiva tion, all lies fine, 1600 acres summer fallow, seeded now; good buildings, fine water, caterpillar, combine. and all lock and equipment necessary, every thing in fine shape. Price $120,000 for everything. M ight consider part trade. LUE DDE MANN COMPANY. U13 Chamber of Commerce. , EAST OF GRESHAM, OR. 40 acres, all good land, no waste: good soil ; place is well fenced with woven wie on the front and barbed wire on the sides and back ; 15 or 20 acres under cultivation, balance In tim ber; small barn and bouse; well; some machinery, plows, harrows, hack, 2 cultivators, racks, etc. Price $4500; $2000 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. 820 DEEDED and 80 desert land, 6 miles from Gooding, Idaho; 225 alfalfa, 115 tubble. 40 waste, ash and wood, river bottom soil, irrigates fine; 1896 water right; 3 houses, barns and outbuild ings; 2 deep wells; good fences: took $9000 off place this year; price $65,0oo, with $15,000 cash; might consider improved cit y property or western Oregon farm land in exchange. Hodgson, Sehmitt 6c Whipkey. Good lug, Idaho. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FARM. 50 acres located only few miles from heart of city, 20 acres in crop, balance pasture and some standing timber; 16 head stock, 6 brood sows. team, wagon, all farming tools; has income of over $14)0 per month at present. This is certainly a bargain at price of only $6000; good terms. - LUE DDE MANN COMPANY, V 913 Chamber of Commerce. LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 20 acres, all can be cultivated; 8 acres under cultivation ; good orchard. 25 as sorted fruit trees; good 3-room bunga low, ceiled and papered; 1 miles from town, close to school; Place well fenced and cross-fenced; 3 springs; water piped to house. Price $2700; $700 cash, long time on balance at 6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 60 ACRES, portion Columbia bottom, short distance north of Woodland ; 30 acres cultivated, balance pasture ; 5-room house. 2 barns, water piped to build ings; good orchard, good soil; with the farm goes 4 cows, good team horses, some bogs, chicKens. wagon, harness, new mower. Price $7500. Good terms. B. S. COOK, 601 Stock Exchange bl4ff. 100-ACRE river bottom stock farm, the very bet of land, good building, hog tight fences, 2 acres of mixed orchard, abundance of water, "no overflow," close to trading center, on good gravel road. This place is priced 40 per cent beiow its rtal value; $4500 cash and $6500 in 5 years, 6 per cent. V. K. Put nam, Woodburn, Or. 40 ACRES, 4 miles from county seat. 15 acres cultivated, balance eood tim ber, red shot soil. 4-room house in fair condition, good barn, woodshed and good chicken house, good well, good young or chard In good condition, berries, etc. The cultivated iana is in fine condition; price $5500, on good terms. J. R. Phreck. 502 Spalding bldg. Main l81. IrtO-ACKE Irrigated ranch under ' On h project; all been plowed and cropped and aoout l-t acres sei to aitaiia. ba.ance train stubble; has 4-room frame du;i. Ing. flarge barn, granary, chicken house, woodshed, root cellar, windmill. thre wells and pumps, and all fenced. Write or see R. W. Rea. Prineville. Or., for further particulars. 63-ACRE farm, 45 of which Is good black soil, under high state of cultivation, good 6-room house, barn and outbuildings, on good hard-surfaced road, mile from town and school. For good reason the owner has priced this place 50 per cent below its real value; $5300, part cash. V. R. Putnam. Woodburn. Or. 47 ACRES on Pacific highway. For par titulars phone Marshall rS!5. 45 min utes from Portland. Owner. Ida R. Clark. Call between 6:30 and 8 o'clock evenings and Sundays. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all Bizvti. M.c Far laud 6u2 Yeoa bldg. REAL KSTATE. For Sale Farms, benton county farm lands, the cream of the willamette Valley. near the oregon agricul tural college. iso-acre diversified farm. 170 acres under plow this year, bal ance oak and ash grove around the buildings; all second bottom land and drains fine, no white land. Place well fenced, good 7-room house, fine barn 40X64), 100-ton silo. garage, hog and chicken houses, tank, engine, windmill, water piped to house and buildings, on county road, community school M mile. The equal of any farm in the valley, regardless of price. Priced at $135 per acre, including farm machinery, tsome stock, bay, feed, household furniture, etc ONE-MAN GRAIN FARM. .134 acres, 3 miles from Cqrvallls. 130 acres of the very best quality land in cultivation, 24 acres ash pasture land, has fair set of buildings. This place has every advantage to offer a farmer, fine soil, never-failing creek, fine build ing spot, in good neighborhood, adjoins paved road and near grade school and high school, only 3 miles to Oregon Agricultural college. Price of this place is $140 per acre. OUR BfciST SMALL STOCK RANCH. 150 acres, 5 miles from town, on fine gravel road ; 1 mil from school, daily mail, 2 stages pass the place daily go ing to and from Corvallis, haul freight or passengers ; 40 acres of very best of land, nearly all creek bottom land, now in cultivation; 22 acres seeded to fall crop: balance of land is under good fence and is timber and pasture. Has 2 good never-failing streams through .the place,- spring water piped and can be connected to the house. Small 4- room house on the place. This is the best buy we know of at $55oo; $3000 cash, balance at 6 per cent. 56-ACRE DIVERSIFIED FARM. About 30 acres cul tivated, 20 acres of which is bottom land and ery fine, 26 acres of partially cleared pasture land, 1 his acres orchard; fine creek through place, 6-room house, barn, ga rage, hen house and outbuildings; 1 mile from town, on good macadam road; city water on place. With the place go 2 cows, norses, no chickens, heavy wag on, spring wagon, disc, rolier, mower. raKe, separator ana lots or small tools. Price, including all stock, tools, hay, 1 feed and 25 acres in iaii crop, is only ! $6000. 40-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. All cultivated, lies fine, 2 acres logan berries, nearly 2 acres prunes, orchard Is young but has not been well cared for; 8-roora bisngalow with water sys- i tern, barn and silo. Lies on fine road, 4 miles from Corvallis, mile to wchool and station ; snap at f 7500. LUCKIAMUTE RIVER BOTTOM. 38 acres, 20 acres In cultivation, of the best quality river bottom soil; 18 acres of timber and pasture. Has old house, large new barn and outbuildings, large family orchard. This is the kind of soil we all like to farm, but are sel dom offered a chance to "buy. Located hi mile from the S. P. electric station and store, hk mile to school, near west side highway, on graveled road. Here is a good buy at $4200, terms. 21-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. All in cultivation, 3 acres in orchard, nice lying land; fine for fruit or chick ens; 6-room houe, barn and outbuild ings; on good county road, mile to school; daily mail at door. This is a good buy at $2750. 28-ACRE BOTTOM FARM. Located 6 miles from Corvallis, on good graveled road; 14 acres cleared and cultivated, 10 acres timber and pas ture, 8 acres peaches, apples, pears, etc.; acre loganberries; good drainage, nearly all fenced, 4-room house, barn is 20x24, hen house and outbuildings. This Is a good buv at $4O00. 28-ACRB CHICKEN FARM. All in cultivation, lies fine, on gravel road, mail route, 4 miles from town, 1 mile to electric station, 1 mile to school, 6-room house, barn 26x3o, other out buildings, fenced with woven wire; I acre orchard. This is a snap at $3750, terms, at 6 per cent. 5-ACRE SMALL FARM. All cultivated and all in crop, well drained; 5-roora house, barn 20x30 chicken house and outbuildings, 1 mile from small town; price $1700 11 ACRES, BERRIES OR FRUIT. 2 miles from Corvallis, on main gravel road; .1 acre orchard. 3-room house, barn 24x36, chicken house, well, etc. Price $2300. 29-ACKE BERRY AND CHICKEN RANCH. 10 acres cultivated. 19 acres timber and pasture, 4-room house, barn 24x24, chicken house; buildings are poor; creek and springs; price $24)00. We have farms of every size and are selling some every week. If you want to see what we can rafpe. attend the Benton County CORN SHOW at Cor vallis. November 21 and 22. KINNEY & CO., Benton County's Lead- ing Farm Land Dealers. Corvallis, Oregon. Home of O. A. C. 130 ACRES. Will sell this 130 acres of choice farm land with about 65 acres of culti vated land: -Jarge barn, good well, fair house, assorted orchard; located on county road, 3 miles from small town and railroad, and 30 miles from the heart of Portland. This is frne soil, wen drained, good for clover; and we are authorized to sell tt-tim rv price of $85oo; $2500 cash, balance long time 6 per cent. Will sell this highly Improved 320- cre farm located within 25 miles from the heart of Portland, on a hard-surfaced road, close to small town on elec- line, xiu acres in cultivation; ro luuie easuy ciearea; good 6-room house, large barn with water system ,,i "num. mciuuing horses, cattle hogs and complete list of farm , will sell on easy terms or will accept smaller farm or owu WVJ jjiupt-riy as part payment. H. A. DRYER, "The Acreage Man 508-509 Lewis Bldg. BIG STOCK RANCH. l mu acres within 12 miles of Cor vallis. V mil a frnm ctafl,,., .i. fine bottom land and 250 acres upland. ! cultivation; lot more open land, balance timber: all lies fine, new paved high way will pass through place; good house with hot and cold water, bath, etc.; also small suntralow for help; 4 barns, many other buildings: fenced and cross-fenced. Including 7 miles hog-tight fencing; will include 16 head horses. 20 brood sows, BOO chickens and turkeys and all farm machinery. Price $42,500. This Is one of finest stock propositions in the state LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913Chamber of Commerce. , 15A9nREST,IN CULTIVATION. BALANCE E-tV-EV MILE FROM CAPITAL xliOn V Ax. j 1 mile from Sherwood and mile from school; good livable 5-room house .and fair barn, living stream and well on the place. . PERSONAL PROPERTY INCLUDED: " 1 horse. 1 cow and heifer. 25 chick- - ens 1 pig. heavy wagon and heavy woric harness, plow and harrow, all hay and straw in barn. Including 1 ton of oats, 10 sacks of potatoes and 25 sacks of carrots. See M. .1. Edwards - GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. Main 72ii61 Henry Bldg. DAIRY OR HAY farm, 138 "acr JuTt outside Vancouver city limits, 110 acres cultivated; splendid cow barn. 36x100, new; fair 1-story housed silo, abund ance of fruit, water piped from spring to tank, on paved highway in front of the farm; most of this farm is equal to noted beaverdam land, and portion of it can be irrigated from springs on the farm; along with the iarm goes 11 milk cows, some young klne. team, Hoistein bull and all machinery on the place and hay and grain in the barn from this , year's crop. All for $25,000. B. 3. COOK601 Stock Excha nge bldg. HIGH-GRADE FARM. 313 acres, extra choice, rolling high land; 80 acres high state of cultiva tion, balance timber; creek, spring, well; orchard, walnuts, etc., hopyard, hop house; 7-room dwelling, bath, toilet, hot and cold water; 2 barns: 21 miles Port land, 3 miles Newberg, 14 miles railway station. This farm is one of the very best in the valley; price $140 per acre, $15,820. terms. Would consider good city property as part payment. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165 4th St. Sunday Phone Tabor 2309. NO BETTER 40 ACRES OF LAND WEST OF CASCADE MOUNTAINS Located 1 mile from Pacific high way, on nara-surrace road; 20 miles irom i ortianu ; o i acres in cultivation dark loam soil, almost level; never failing spring, in 8-acre pasture: big , viwcm, uiu, o-iuom nouse; neces sary outbuildings; H mile to school fall seeding done. Price $8500. Will sell personal property reasonable. See Sam Hewey. at J. L. HARTMAN CO. v. i iiiuuri ji vMiiinerce 5 lag. 714 ACRES. 60 in cultivation, good house and barn all renceu, running water and well; 7 miles from Oregon City: 7 milk cow heifers coming fresh, 1 Hoistein bull, 3 uiu iiuibcb, uiuuci, mower, rane, aril! uiss. piow, narrow aaa ail toots to run the place; all in first-class shape and all good ground; $11,000. The ground is roiling. A. J. BOCKHOLD, Bth and Main Sts., Oregon City, Or. WASHINGTON COUNTY RANCH. 40 acres, located 3 miles from Nnrth Plains; all good land; 30 acres can be cultivated; fine soil; no gravel; 10 acres under cultivation, balance timber; 4 room frame house, barn, chicken house; 1-acre orchard; all kinds of berries; 1 mile to school. Price $1500; $1000 cash, balsnce in 1922. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 32VA .ACRES Irrigated land, most health ful part California, south of Los Angeles on R. R. ; 28 acres bearing peaches and olives, no fogs or excessive rain; $6000 will handle this, balance long time, low Interest. Box 62, Cabazon, Riverside county, Cal. 15-ACRB apple and pear orchard, located 4 miles from Hood River, 12 acres bear ing; 6-room modern houe. barn and other outbuildings, creek through place; will sell on easy terms. L. li. Smith, B 4, box 52, Hood River, Or. REAL EHTATK. ONLY $55 PER ACRE for this fine farm of 248 acres; terms half cash, long time on balance. About 40 acres of this Is Santiam river bottom, which is fine loganberry land; 10 acres heavy timber, 50 acres light timber, balance in cultivation and open pas ture; good 6-room house, large barn and all kinds of buildings, family orchard of assorted fruit, well water and river front; buildings located on macadam road only miles from Lebanon, school 1 Vfc miles, station on place. To settle an estate this property is being offered at half price. Don't hesitate a minute, get here and look this over. If this is not what you want we have it. NICE 2ACRE HOME. Highly improved garden land, 18 acres in cultivation., good family orchard of assorted tree fruit, also loganberries and small fruit; good 6-room painted house, large barn and other buildings ; located on gravel road, 1 miles from Crabtree station, on the S. P, and 6 miles from Iebanon. This Is a cheap home at only $4ooo, half cash, "long time on balance. See it snd be convinced. GIBSON & LEAVENGOOD, LEBANON. OR. ON PROSPECTIVE ROOSEVELT HIGH WAY. FRONTING ON THE OCEAN NEAR HARBOR. 366-ACRE3 STOCKED, EQUIPPED RANCH: NEAR CALI FORNIA LINE; NO FROST. NO SNOW, FLOWERS ALL YEAR. ONLY. $25 A IN AC RHi. 128 high-grade sheen: 138 extra well- bred Angora goats; chicken a team of norses; nil necessary farm implements new gasoline drag saw ; some cuUi va tion, some pasture, balance timber; fine oil; hog-tight wire fences; plenty of water; 6-room house, big barn, wood- snea, smoKe bouse, machine shed ; tarn ily orchard. walnuts, berries of all kind"; fine hunting and fishing; plenty or oysters; nsn. deer ana other game; personal property worth over $4000; all for $25 an acre. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce -Bldg. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM. 80 acres, 3 miles west of Sherwood. miles off Capital highway, 1 mile to school ; 30 acres under cultivation. 20 acres slashing and trumps, balance very heavy saw timber; extra strong, dark loam soil, Just sloping enough to drain: Bpienma young- family orchard ana uer ries gaiore. 6-room house in good condi tion, barn 60x32. hog house, chicken cellar, wood shed and garage. 2 wells, good spring piped to house and Darn, with this great buy goes 3 horses, 8 good cows, 3 dozen Barred Rock chickens, mower. ' rake, plows. 3 culti vators, harrow, wagon, buggy, hack, hay iora, du tons or nay in Darn. inu du. oats, 35 bu. wheat. Price $12,000. y- cash or bonds, balance easy term at b. Wti consider residence property up to $2500. 828 -2ft Henry bldg. Main 2534. ONLY 60.5O PER ACRE. WELL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 201 acres, located 1 miles west of railroad, on good graveled road; 100 acres under cultivation. 94 acres pas ture, some timber ; good fences: 4 acres orchard ; good 8-room house, barn .Wix fo, large eilo; buildings all in fine shape. With this plao goes 3 horses. 8 cows. 1 calf, 4 hogs. Li pigs, ll fchropsalre sheep 36 goat p. 70 chickens. 6 turkeys and crops; ba'.o 2 wagons. 2 plows, 3 sets har ness, mower, disc harrow, rake, peg- tooth harrow, or earn separator, potato planter and digger, grain drill and lots of tools: $3000 cash. Might consider small piece of acreage Hear good school town, rooming house, or country hotel. This ranch im in Lane county, near Eu gene. Or. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. SPORTSMAN'S PARADISE """" Income stock ranch, 80 acres. Trinity Co.. on new state highway,, 3 miles town, 14 miles Co. seat, 34 miles Redding; 15 acres alfalfa and garden truck. Irri gated ; first water right on big living trout stream ; more land can be irri gated; timber, pasture 7-room furnished house, phone, water piped; barn, corrals, outbuildings, farm implements and tools. Ford, 44 cattle, 3 horses, hogs, chickens. Also 80 acres mining claims, 10 miles Redding, on auto mail route; small house, furnished, barn, 3 miles fencing, good winter range,- below snow line; healthy climate, no fog, malaria, alkali nor adobe; free ranges, no feeding; big game, fishing. Both ranches, all stock, auto, everything. $6500; terms, $4000 cash; - no agents. GLENN PETTAY, Reuding, Cal. STOCK RANCH SNAP. 324 acres located in Lane countv only 5 miles from ra.lroad on fine rock road ; 70 acres in cultivation, 175 acres in saw timber which alone is worth more than the price we are asking, balance of land in pasture, no rock or gravel and no white land, all tillable, family or chard. 5-room house, barn 40x6O. other buildings, fine creek and several springs. Owner invalid and says sell, hence the price of only $26.50 per acre. This ia your chance to get in right. Come quick. $5hi0 will handle; easy terms on bal ance. JOHN B. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. FARM BARGAIN- -A REAL BUY. COWLITZ COUNTY. WASHINGTON. 130 acres; house has 3 rooms down and one large unfinished room upstairs; barn and other outbuildings; from 30 to 35 acres cleared; all can be plowed when cleared, lies nice, good soil; 7 miles from Kelso, 4 miles from Castle Rock, on good country road, close to good school ; was offered $800 for timber on 20 acres. Come In and let us show you this place ; ail for $3750, $1250 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. STEWART A BUCK, 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LOGAN BIG ' PROFIT BERRIES. , 1 know of a man with 1 1 acres In loganberries who realized $S000 gross for this year's crop. You can do just as well if you get a suitable tract of land. See me and I will sell you 51 acres, lo cated one mlie north of Gervais; all fenced and in cultivation: good level land, fine for loganberries, and the price is oniy 9o per acre. GIBSON, 263 Stark, Marshall 12. HALF PRICE FOR THIS 220-ACRE FARM $75 AN ACRE;. 3 miles from a. eood town on Red Electric. 40 miles of Portland: 140 acres of rich soil in cultivation, no rock, lies well, balance good open pasture and timber, tillable "When cleared; fenced with woven wire; 3 fine springs, creek aria wen: gooa Dig Darn, new nog house, chicken house. smoke house. 5-rootn house, fruit trees, berries; . fine prune and loganberry land. see raui Hewey at J. L. HAttTSlAM JO., Pio. 7 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg. CLOSE TO MOLALLA. do acres. In Clackamas county; all good land, no waste hills or low land 48 acres, un-der cultivation. 9 acres pas ture, 3 acres orchard: fe-mlle to school barn 30x60. good 5-room house and other buildings; 3 horses. 4 cows. 7 hogs, 30 chickens; crops and exceptionally large Utio of machinery, cream separa tor, hay Beaks and grain drill. Will con sider a mall ' piece of acreage up to $-hmm ana some casn. JOHN FERG USON. Ge rllnger bid g. 42 ACRES. WELL IMPROVED. S10.500 On a good grave h road between Sher wood and Tfgard. 4 acres beaverdam. all very rich producing soil. 2 good wells. good buildings, plenty of fruit. Including a fine crop of potatoes and onions, hay in barn, some grain. 2 fine black horses. 2 cows. 6 dozen chickens, all imple menta and tools; about half cash. Sea M. a Edwards. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. . Main 72G6. 624 Henry Bldg. 25 ACRES. $4700. FOR SALE or trade. 160-acre stock and fruit ranch; plenty of water and unllm - Hed free range; about 500 peach trees and located above frost line. On good county road and nine miles from rail way. 75 acres under cultivation ; wood on balance to pay for clearing; 16 head cattle, 27 hogs, 2 horses, hay for winter in Darn, an iarm macninery ana nouse hold goods for $7000: $8o00 cash will handle deal. Write for particulars, 747 W. Jackson St., Medford, Or. 1250 ACRES. WHEAT FARM. . 1250 acres in central Oregon, near stat Ion, nearly all in cultivation, about hall in summer ianow, gooa ounatngs, fine water, all necessary stock and farm machinery, price for everything, (35 per acre. Will take valley farm or build ing in any good town up to $30,000, bal ance mortgage. , LUEDDEMANN COMPANY? 913 Chamber of Commerce. 71 ACRES. 70 in cultivation, all level and good land, gooa house -ana Darn, an fenced t mile to town. k mlie to high school some fruit. 3 horses. 1 cow and all farm tools, 2 wells; good roads; $12,000, $5000 cash. A. J. BOCKHOLD, 8th and . Main Sts., Oregon City, Or. FLORIDA INVITES YOU, OPPORTUNITY AWAITS YOU. -All good grove and farm bargains tn central and south Florida fully described and correctly pricea in our new oooKiet, "Groves -ana Farms." Write for copy. Dotson & Hammock, American Bank bldg., Tampa, Fia. A FINE BUY 50 acres near Woodburn and close to Pacific highway, choice location and soil, good buildings, 3 brood sows with niic. 17 shoats. 3 cows, chickens, all machinery, grain, hay, etc., all ready to go on to ana a rarra wnere money is made : price i o.uuu, nan casn. au- dress box H, Woodburn. Or. SIR TO (20 PER ACRE. Fine level. Irrigable fruit and alfalfa lands. Inexhaustible water supply, Ideal climate. Write Chamber of Commerce, WUlcox, Arizona. 1-- REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. IRRIGATED FARM 80 acres, near Deschutes station; good, level roads ; mile from The Dalies-Caii-f ornla b ighway ; place wire fenced and cross-fenced; 40 acres irrigated, all rights fully paid; 35 acres in cultiva tion, 13 of which In good stand of al falia; 8 acres highly fertilized garden soil ; can verify that $ 1 100 worth of truck was sold this season to, neigh boring lumber camps; various crops raised on balance land, such as spuds, rye, corn, etc.; houpe 35x25, papered, water-piped ; barn 15x30, 3 large cement cisterns, 3 glass-covered hotbeds; horses, cow, heifer, 10 tons hay, all kinds of farm machinery, wagons, buggy, sep arator, washing machine, some furni ture. Price $6500. existing mortgage $1750, at 6 per cent, 3 years; will take $1000 cabh, balance $3750 in some farm west of mountains, with good water sup ply, near market or shipping point, not leas than 40 acres. FRED W. NEWELL, Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co., 218-19-20-21-22 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. FOR SALE. 138 acres of the very finest soil, no rock or gravel, situated 3 mi. from city limits of Vancouver, on paved road and electric line, with electric station on place; 110 acres under high state of cultivation, fenced and cross fenced; 3o0 pruue trees, 250 trees of assorted apples and pears and other fruitfc. improve ments consist of comfortable 7-room bouse, new barn oOxlOO. new silo, granary, chicken house and all neces sary outbuildings; personal property con sists of 11 cows, 1 high-grade Hoistein bull and some young stock; 3 hordes, harness, wagon, plows, harrow, mower, rake, spring-tooth harrow and all small tools and all hay and feed on hand. Price onlv S25.01MJ. $Vo00 cash and will accept good residence In Portland or Vancouver as part of cash payment up to .OO0. DO NOT FAIL TO SEE THIS PROP KRTY 1 F Y O T J ARE L OK 1 NG FOR A GOOD CLOSE-IN DAIRY AND FARM PROPOSITION. THOMPSON. 45 WAN & LEE. 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver. Wash. A DANDY FARM, LOW PRICE, A VII P.KST OK TERMS. 94 acres, about 50 acres best kind of bottom land, 20 acres fine rolling prune land; the whole tract under cultivation except a small knoll and about 5 acres In timber along a creek reserved for rtomet ic niirnoswH : 7-room house on sightly location surrounded by large oak and cherry trees : a new 5-room box hmme. barn ajid other outbuildings ; gotW springs, good family orchard of different kinds of fruit and variety of berries; soil adapted for rruit, hops, grain, dairy and general farming; located 1 mile from a pood valley town and on rood road. Price only (Mm0; terms $20u0 down, balance in 18 or more years at & ptr cent .merest, uan you oeai ii i .,. A. l,l.Lljlr.., Savcn Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank bldg. LOTS OF STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 40 acres, located north of Vancouver, Wftsh.. near ttiti Pacific hi tin way : 30 acres under cultivation, 39 acres can be cultivated, balance lu pasture ana tim ber; 12 acres seeded to grain and 12 acres ready to seed: large family or chard and lots of berries; good garden, good fences; price $5000, with 5 freh cows, one to freshen soon. team, sow. chickens, lot of hay, grain and straw, 2 wagons, mower, cultivators, aisc nar row. steel harrow, hay rake. 2 bets har ness, self-binder, cream separator, cider mill and part of household furniture; machinery in Al shape ; good cows, 5 room house, barn, granary, machine Shed. Price $5000, $31' 00 cash. Person ally Innpected, John Ferguson, Gcrling er building. GOOD FARM NEAR HUBBARD. 82 acres, about 46 in cultivation, bal. pasture and timber; running water throuch capture: all good soil; located 1 H miles from Hubbard. H mile from Pacitic highway tpaveai ; gooa two storv plastered house. 2 barns and Out buildings, two wells, plenty fruit; price (2oo per acre, wood terms, wm. oiler, owner, Hubbard, or. FOR SALE BT OWNER TO SETTLE ESTATE. 170 acres, crops, stock, machinery. In Clarke countv. 3 miles from live town, 3 miles from the Columbia, with un surpassed view of same, ah fenced" an cross fenced, 10-rm. house, big barn, 2 machine sheds, pig house, chicken house, blacksmith shop, woodshed. gasoline pump, 4 horses. 6 cows, 5 heifers. piB. chickens, 2 wagons. 2 Duggies. Dinner, mower, rake, 2 plows. 2 cultivators, harrews, 1 disc harrow, all kinds other farm tools. 11 acres young prune -orchard. 6 acres uow bearing. 3 acres good family orchard, small fruit: So acres under plow, creek through plsce graded school. Phone, rt. t . u. trie $23,000, terms. Call Wdln. 6174. SMALL FARM EQUIPPED. 24 acres, finest of soil, all In cultiva tlon except 1 4 acres timber, fine bearing orchard, good 6-rm. house, large Darn, new slln. wash house. chlcKen house, n house. wood house and garage, 7 fine cows, S heifers, 3 horses, ! hogs. SO chickens, wagon, mower, rake, tedder, d riil. cutter and mower, plows, narrows cultivator, etc. About 30 ton hay. en silage, etc. ; mile from good smu 1 town, on fine road. 20 ml es from Port land. There also goes with this place a good 5-passenger automobile worth soo. Price ir sold at once only $i.oo; terms. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO.. 410 Washington St.," Vancouver, Wash. GOOD 1 OS-ACRE STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FARM, WITH 7 h -ACRR PRUNE ORCHARD, ONLY $80 AN ACRE. 35 miles from Portland. 3 lA mile from eood town and electric line: lie acres in cul ti va tlon, 40 acres in fall grains and clover ; big family orchard ; 24 English walnut trees, 2d plums, 70 cherries, 150 apple trees; some pasture and timber; 2 Duroc sows, 1 boar, all registered ; 2 horses, cow, chickens; new binder, cost $300 ; new disc, plows, 2 wagons, buggy, some feed and seed. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. McMTNNVILLE: 40 A., (WtOO. All cultivated level land. Only 4 mile from city limits of McMinnville, on county road, has good 7-rm. hous, barn and outbldgs. 5 acres of bearing orchard, nicely fenced. Plenty of good water. This place sold a short time ago for $12.noo, and Is a bargain now at $0500. $2TO0 cash, or will take part trade. RALPH ACKLEY, 027 Corbett bldg. 20 ACRES of splendid land near Canby; 18 In cultivation, 2 pasture ; all level land, extra good. Family orchard. 6-room plastered house with bath and toilet; hot and cold water; weil, gas engine; water piped to outbuildings; barn : ga rage ; concrete eel ar; granary ; Imple ment houce; hen house; hog nouse ; all farm machinery. 2 fine Jersey cows; big work horse, 100 chickens, lots of hay, grain, potatoes and kale. This modern farm is on the main rock road, mils from town. No betr soil in Oregon. Personally inspected. Price $03)' ; half cash. O. E. Freytag, Gladstone, Or. A FIND. 1 60 acres, 34 miles east of Cape Horn, state of Washington ; good roads, high school, grade school: land rolling; eedar posts and wire; DO acres In culti vation; 3O00 apple trees, 300 prunes, cherries, plums and peaches ; grain has been grown between rows; property ap praised by every reputable bank farm appraiser of state-wide reputation at $17,200; our price $;.(mi. terms. FRED W. NEWELL, Oregon Investment A Mortgage Co., 218-19-20-21-22 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2U5. A DANDY SUBURBAN FARM. Fivo acres, all .n high state of culti vation, different kinds of fruit and ber ries ; good 5-room house, barn, chicken hcuse. well, shade trees and rose-bushes; good Jersey-Holsteln cow, chickens, some hay In barn and some Implements; lo cated near electric station, between 15 and IS miles from Portland. Price $2200. or will sell adjoining 72 acres; also In high state of cultivation, making the whole tract 12 acres, for $40o0; terms. E. A. LTNDGREN. Savon Land Co.. 9;;5 N. W. Bank bld. FIRST-CLASS LAND. 40 acres, about half in cultivation. 10 acres pasture, 10 woods ; spring and creek; good orchard; new 5-room house, fair barn: team. 2 cows, sow, pitrs, chickens, feed and implements; (Oooo. No better land for spuds, clover or grain. It's 15 miles from center of city, most of the way paved. D. McChesney, 304 h Oak st. Broadway 266. 6 ACRES best garden soil, 26 A. cultivated with family orchard, berries, etc. ; 5-rm. house, barn, 26 miles to Portland. 4 mils to good t o"lr n , R. R. station and Pa cific highway; only $1200: (500 down. See F. R. JesBe, f27 Cor- bett bldg. Phone Main 714L A FINE 44) acres; must bo sold 4.0 ettle an estate. It is located one mile from town and electric station : 7-room house and out buildings; one acre In loganberries: about 26 acres in cultivation ; on good rnad and in fine farming district: onlv $5oim). I have many other good farms on which I can quote a rancher reasonable price and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK, 214-215 Panama Blrtg. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good soil, tillable; employment; esuy term. J. R, Sharp. SUVs 3d su REAL KSTATE For Sale -Farms. SUNNY CALIFORNIA. 40 acres all rich level laud. 20 acres i under cultivation. 12 acres more which will be put into cultivation tn the spring, balance in hardwood umber and , pa-sture. place is fenced and cross fenced, with woven wire fencing. 3 acres ia Bartlet pears and 3 acres in apples, peaches, plums, quinces, etc., also nice little grape vineyard, new 5 room house, bath, hot and cold water, new chickeu huuse, granary, good bum, root house, tank and windmill, incuba tor and brooding houses, room for looo chickens, new team of horses, fine cow. 8 -hogs, about 500 chickens and all farming Implements for $Soou, half cash, balance to suit purchaser. This ' place is located in the famous Red wood valley. ml. from good school, ls from railway station. 8 4 mis. Irom county scat on paved Pacific highway; also have highly improved 20-acre tract ajoiniug this, would sell or exchange for good property close to Vancouver, or Portland. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. Sd a nd Main Sts.. Va n couve r. W ash.. BEST AND BIGGEST FARM BARGAIN IN OREGON. 47 acres, all under cultivation except 5 acn.s of white Oak along a crek run ning through the place; 1 acres wheat, fe acres oa:s and 4 acres clover already seeded; best kind of buildings, newly painted ; pictures to be seen at our of ic?: Pacific hinhwar and railroad on one side snd graveled county road on the other side of t be farm ; almost nil under hoe-titcht fence: located a f blocks from a pcstoCfiue and railway de pot ot a good valley town; improvements on the place worth almost the price asked. 1 1 1 ti Is oniy $ 0 ." o t . or with 3- cows. U-am of horses. hogs and 24 chickens, buggies, harness, separator and lmolemei.ts. SOunO : tome terms. If you are looking for something good at a low prir-e, grab this it cannot be duplicated, cion't matter where you go and how long you hunt for a bargain. E. A I.INDGREN. Savon Land Co., V35 N. W. Bank bldg. (2000 HANDLES this alfalfa farm with VM acres in alfalfa. Plenty of water, good plastered house with screen porches and electric tights. This place feeds 100 bead of beef cattle and you can sell $3oo of hay. It is also fine corn laud, plenty of sheds and barn room. a horses, 10 cows, 2 heif ers, hogs, chickens and turkeys, farm tools and hay stackers. acres of bearing orchard, it miies of ta.nfield, Umatilla Co.. Oregon. Farm contains ltio A., loo cult. Price $lo." per acre. RALPH ACK LKV, &27 Corbett bldg. 50 ACRES of rich clay loam soil; 44 in cultivation; 10 seeded to wheat; o clover; 2 orchard with all varieties of fruit. Stately 6-room plasterud house with closets, pantry. storeroom and largo porches. Woodshed w ith year's wood. Concrete cellar. Henhouse; barn with 10 cow stanchions, 4 stalls; big filled silo; lots of corn, potatoes, hay, grain and cow kale. 3 horses, 3 cows, 2 jieife.-s coming fresh, bull, and chickens. Sepa rator. Thin beautiful ranch is on the main highway, convenient In every way. Personally inspected. Price $11,000. Part cafh. O. E. Freytag, Gladstone, Or. SMALL EQUIPPED FARM. 25 acres, located 2 S m iles from Mo lalla. Or.; on guod graveled road; V-mie to school; all can be cultivated; 12 acres under cultivation, 8 acres pasture that can easily be plowed ; no waste land ; good fences; 2 acres orchard, all kinds of fruit; 6-room house, barn, chicken house snd root cellar, with cement floor; telephone and all rural conveniences. Price jmooo, with team. 2 cows, chickens, crop, cultivator, plows, harness. dc harrow, bupsy. etc.; $2."o0 cash. JOHN V KKtjU.SU N. Gerlinger bldg. 2S ACRES 12-YEAR WALNUTS. 135 acres, 90 acres in cultivation. 25 acres in 1 2-year-old walnuts, 5 acres In full bearing prunes, 00 acres in clover and grain. New, modern S-room house, large barn, prune drier; other good outbuildings; 3 horses. 2 cows, all ma chinery and tools necessary to run a place of this kind. Plenty of hay and feed, also seed ; good fences, on main county road, near Portland. I will sell this place very cheap and give goid terms. See me at 1125 Gasco bldg., room 6. or phone Main S3S0. 24 ACRES, sandy loam river bottom soil, 10 A. in cultivation, famny orchard, new 5-rm. bungalow with basement. barn 24xJtv. chicken house, garage, only V mile to R. R. sla. and Pacific highway, mile good town with stores, churches, school, etc. Price $4onu. Pee F. R. .lesse. 527 Corbett bldg. Phone Main 7141. SOt" TH ERN OREGON DAIRY RANCH. 90 acres, located 3 V miles from rail road town, 3d acres under cultivation, IO acres pasture, 5 acres alfalfa, wa tered by creek and well, county road and rural couven nroo, 5-room house, barn and other buildings, good fences, 3 acres orchard ; price $5f00, with lots of feed, lo milch cows, horses, hogs, chic ken h, turkeys and complete line of machinery. Small pay men t down will handle this place. John FergUbon, Ger linger Mdg. HERE IS A BARGAIN IN A FA KM IF TA KEN AT ONCE. !k" acres rljrht on good rock road near Moialia, 00 acres in cui ti vat ion, now in crop; fair buildings; family orchard, all kinds of berries; fine team and sad dle pony, 2 good cows. 2 brood sows. 9 pigs, 2 months old, 2 iloz. chickens: full set 01 1 arm machinery, wagons, harness, saddle, etc. All for $7.hh; half cash. STEWART & BUGK. 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. ATTRACTIVE SMALL FARM. 20 ACRES. $3750. A very homelike place; good 5-room bouse, barn, silo, chicken houses, ca rage. 2 miles from the electric. In the Canby district; 15 acres in cultivation. 5 pasture nearly c lea. red ; all good soil free of rock or gravel; there is a first- class orchard and berries. D. McCbes ncy, 3o4V Oak st, Broadway 200. RIGHT OFF PAVED HIGHWAY TO N KWBEKli. I N WASH1 N GTON CO. 5 acres, 5-room plastered house, barn. brieked-uo well; 3 acres in prunes, plum and appies, 2 large English walnut trees; this is a nice home lor some one in tn edge of a good live town, about 600 ft. to s. P. electric station, nice view; dandy. Price $3000, terms. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. GOOD BUY DANDY TRADE. 40 acres, about 20 acres under culti vation, part of balance easy to clear and part covered wtn limner ; rair nous outbuildings and good well ; located 1 1 mi it-s from Manor and about 12 mile north of Vancouver, Wash. Price only (400O; worth looking into. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co., U35 N. W. Bank bldg. GOOD 70-ACRE FARM $1500 TO HANDLE IT. CASH 40 acres in cultivation, fine soil; bal ance pasture and timber; 7-room house. water pi Deo in irom a line spring; oig barn, outbuildings; family orchard; on county road; 45 miles from Portland ; price $5oo0. See Sam Hewey at J. L, HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Com merce Bldg. HIGHLY-IMPROVED FARM of - 40 acres on main auto road, a ltltle east of " GRESHAM ; has modern 5-room house with good plumbing, splendid water system, good garage and out buildings, fine modern dairy barn worth $4o00; the Improvements alone are worth t he price of the place; let us show you this; price $11. 000. K RIDER A ELKINGTON, Gresham, Or. YAKIMA VALLEY BARGAIN Irrigated 30 acres, 3 miies from town, mile from station, government canal, 8-rooni house, big red barn, chicken house and other outbuildings, cellar,- 6-acre bearing or chard, grapes, nuts, berries, 20 acres fine alfalfa; $0000, terms. Central Yak ima Ranches Co., 512 Selling bldg. Main 4193. Write for photos. . HOOD RTYER ORCHARD. AT A BIG SACRLFICE. 4A-acre apple orchard, s years old. Good commercial variety. 370 boxes this yen r. Owner is non-resident and has written me to accept any reasonable of fer. Will sell this way below the market RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. 80 ACRES NEAR HILLS B O R O. SO acres. 40 in cultivation. 12 acres slashed and burned. balance timber; good house and barn, milk route and mail route; 2 horses. 2 cows, 2 pigs, all farm implements, including feed and seed for next year. See me at 1 125 Gasco bldg., room 6. Phone Main 830. FOR SALE $10 per acre on terms, 3o00 acres, stock ranch; 60O acres bottom al falfa land, 160 in grain : good house, large barn and other buildings, plenty of well water 12 to 15 feet deep; 3 miles from R. R., near Klamath Falls, In quire 401 Couch bldg. 714 ACRES. S. P. ELECTRIC. Good-soil, no rock, part in cuit-, to electric station and highway; close work nearby. Price $725: $100 down. DRAPER. 526 Chamber of Commerce. 60 ACRES on Tualatin river for $00 an acre; this land lies perfect ; 3 acres overflow, balance is upland: 3 miles Sherwood. 1 6 miles Portland. Inquire 304 Oak st. FINEST KELSO FARM. 60 acres mile from Kelso, excellent buildings, fortune In it for right pnrtv. J. 1. KENNEDY, S2 Salmon. Main 47J. LOST Standard Oil Co. gas book in cover, $6 currency and chauffeur's permit; re ward offered. Main 274. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. BECK'S FARM BARGAINS. $ per acre will buy 720 acres: honpe. barn, orchard, amiie land cleared, halt" tillable when cleared. Same district as next described tract. (7 per acre will buv 544 acres: on county rosd. mile to school, near R. 21 miles from Vancouver. Wash. Thoroughly burned over, large " areas very easy to clear, no brush, few logs, half tillable, balance fine pasture, half mile to large sawmill, plenty wild pea vine pasture. (R to $15 per acre will buy otjier tracts of 40 to 300U acres, same district. Best lsnd for the price that can be purchased anywhere. (3000 will buy 125 acres: 70 acres level swale, 40 acres fenced. IS acres cleared except few stumps. $ bearing fruit trees, 8-room house, two barns, shop, etc.. spring water. Same district as above lands. $4500 will buy 20 acres fine land near Sherwood. Numerous buildings. watr piped to all buildings, good fences, one acre full-bearing prunes, half-acre fam ily orchard. Good road, near paved road. About all cultivated. Wa pons, engine, cream s-f, rator. plows. har rows, etc.. etc $1!.jOO cash, balance easy. $4700 buys SO acrei, 40 cultivated. balance ea-sily cleared, eood barn, no huwe, fine orchard. cle to school Fine outrange. Some atock. pouli ry crops and machinery. $ir00 ca-sh. $croo buys loo acres, nearly evel ::ulli good road. X miies town ; 2- acres vated. .i.i acres slashed, buildings, living water. Full set lurv:e orchard, fine heifer.-, te.iiii. outrange, 12 good cow., 2 hay. silo. farm nichl uerv. eniriTie, cream separator, fed grinder, silage cutter, etc., etc. $2tmu aash. (SOO0 will buy hichly improved. stocked and equipped, in acres mil from h tat ion nea r Moll a la. Ex- elient large buildings, w atr system. head stock. ro chickens. f-ed. seed and complete farming equipment. $2.'tt0 cah $10,500 will buy 120-acre Improved Columbia river bottom dairy ranch down river near Vancouver. Need the moiey hence the sacrifice price. Other Bargains from S2VW) to $G,".000. OTIS t BECK. Suite S25 Henry Hldg. M arshall r."S. FKoorrn ve Washington o m ntv FARM PAY 'H EC IC S4oti Mi iNTH Ion acres. 3 miles irom Hillsboro and milk condenser, adjacent to The famous Gov. ithvcnmbii and Tonsrue urrns V- beaverdam, upland; iio ' acres i cultivation, balance pasturage; fenced partly wire; tiled, ditched, running wa tcr and springs; piped to hous-", barn and corral; barn 5tii4, accommodating It cows, 5 horse, box stalls, granary 11 barn. luO-ton new tilo. many outbuild In ;rts 0-room house, lamily orchard, nu merous all kinds farm implements ,t or hay, straw, also tons or oats, barl roots, mill feed, t'.o tons cni las, acres of kale, 15 head registered hih-grade seieetea producing jerseys. reT. jcrs-: bull, large horses, bogs, chickens, muci fall-own clover, vetcn, oats; governincn loan on the property of mi at 5 p-r cent ; government appraisement of farm $2l,0oo; this office price $2,ouo; per sonal proTiertv, Flark, etc.. extra. FRED W. NEW ELL, Oregon In est merit .V- Mori gage Co., 21 S-1U-20-21-22 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2'5. DIVERSIFIED STOCK. AND DAIRY FA RM. Consist In g of 1 25 acres all tillable the very best of loam soil, loo act In the high state of cult iva tlon. spring creek through place, lenced and cros ft-nced. 2 acres or bearing prunes, larg family orchard in full bearing. S-roon house. new barn, also old barn. in clud Ing W dairy cows. 10 head of you 11 cattle, o horses, harness, on 11. tractor, wagons, plows, binder, harrows, mower rake, cream separator and all sin. 1 tools, about 70 tons of hay, seed grain and chickens; located in center of hes farming district In Clarke county jirf icim (nar small town. auto stage the place, on good macada ml zed road onlv ten mi. from Vancouver, with a rural advantages. Price $20,000. $11. 000 cash. THOMPSON. SWAN A LEE. Sd and Main Stsi.. Vh ncou ver. W.-iPh . PS ACRES FOR 7M0. TAKE HOUSE AS PART. A pretty good farm. 2H miles south AnRt. htin r p. Mid tow n and car line ; 3 acres in cultivation, balance timber and 1 pasture; well watered, spring pipei .0 buildings; good 6-room house. large barn and numerous outbuildings;- a splendid orchard. Personal; Good team, 2 cows, 3 dozen chickens, geese, 10 stands bees, 2 wagons, buggy. 2 sets harness, mower, rake. plow, disc, har row, cultivator, small tools. hay and grain. Price $7500; take house to $400U. HARGROVE REALTY 40.. 122 N. 6lh St. Broadway 43.SL . HERE IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY THIS FINE 5;;-ACRE FARM. 42 acres in cultivation. balance In pasture. 6-room house, good new bji rn. This is a dandy farm for truck farming or rislrv : only 6 miles S. E. from ths courthouse In Portland. Owner is going to lease this place for 5 years to a Jap (unless we sell it before the 15th o;" the November and go to California. Has a good small orchard on hard road, is to be paved next year. If you have S0O0 in cash will take balance In Port land property; property must have cash value. STEWART ft "RUCK. 31? Northwestern Rank Pldg. . FARM BARGAIN. 80 acres, fine land, all level, most all In hign state of cultivation; larse as sorted orchard ; fine running stream ; good 6-room house, large ba in. chicken and hog housVs ; sarae; pressure waiter system, water piped over place ; joins good town with It. R.. bank, stores and high school, on paved road. 25 miU-s from Portland ; price only $5&Ci; easy terms; stock and equipment can be pur chased if desired. , THE R. S. THOMPSON CO.. 410 Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash. "HERE IS A PLACE NEAR NORTH PLAINS, WASH. CO. Seventy -eight acres all good land, 40 bottom land, balance hill land, all guod soil, 10 fruit trees; enough timber on place to more than pay for It ; saw mill just off the place. Hre is whre you can build one of the nicest farms and it will not cost you anything to speak of but 'your labor. Price $5500, part terms. STEWART & RUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. HERE IS 110 ACRES at $135 per acre. 0O" of which were cul tivated this year, balance sn pasture and five acres for wood ; you can read ily see value here; the owner is willing to sell ' at this low figure on account of death In family. We personally know this place, having myself furmed in the neighborhood for f hre years. MR. CORRIN, C O E A . M e K E N N A CO., 82 4th St. Main 6i7L FOR SA LE H of the finest 80 acres in Multnomah county. About 20 acres cleared and in crops; fair house, on good gravel road. h mile from Powell Va! ley hard surface road, nine miles from Port land. The place has never been offered for sale before. Some terms. Enquire 134 East 2vth st.. city. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 5-room modrrn bungalow near Alberta and Union. Have block in Cor vallis as part payment. Owner, BF 132, Oregonian. 11 HAVE three cash buyers for grocery stores. SIMM S. 431 Cham, of Com.. Main 612.. I AM looking for a home in R. C. ; want 5 rooms or more, fair payment down. S 327. O re goman. 1 WANT a home in Irvineton, Alameda or Laurelhurst up to $ooo; must be modern. T 352. Oregonian. I AM in market for housA. want some thing cheap: will p;iy $50 . down. bal. monthly. S 326. Oregonian. HAVE buyer for west side house to $7.-o". between Caruthers and Madison sts. John Singer. 42Q ChHin. of Com, bldg. WANT house with al least 2 lots with fruit, any part of town; fair down pay ment. T35H. Oregonian WANTED Lot in Rose City Park, on paved street; will pay cash. 35 .East oinh st. jl WANT a home In north part of town. bungalow; terms. T 855, Oregonian. VA NTED I.oT! at leapt &0xU0, In non restricted district: must be cheap for cash. O 1G4, Oregonian. WANTED High-class seven -room bunga low, strictly modern, west side; owners only. AE 5Q0. Oregonian. ' WANT res i d e n ce to $50ik; turn In $PMJ ranch and tash or assume. S24 Railway Eocc h an ge. WANTED I improved acre or lss w t th 5 or 6-room bungalow: south Ml Tabor district. T 33. Oregonlftn. WILL rade lots for small house equity on fair basis. What have you? Oive amount und location. AC 239, Oregonian. WILL take good Int as first payment 00 118 Maxwell touring cur. Seltood 717. WANT h'Hise: IOOU 4th. dear I" t as part payment. Fain 1203. 1 WANT a bungalow In Alberta. Oi cfionian. T 301. WANTED REAL fT. 1 K I DESIRE a rea. modern honi in Irving ton ieat of 1Mb st-). Laure'.hurst or Rose City (be'ow the hill), ou iOxtort lot. with garage. On f irrt floor I want lrge Hv.i.g room, dining room, den and kitchen; on second floor I desire 2 bedrooms with Inclosed sleeping1 porch, bath and toilet. Won !d li te f loort d attic, :n rge c'os' t, f : repine and fumact-. HOW DOES UU K PROPERTY MEET THIS IN SCRIPTION T I will pay at least 15O0 cash down and want three years, on mortgage, on talance. My limit Is (5000 to fSOOO; near (S0OO wruld be better. There will be no com mission to piv on this, snd 1 would liVf to occupy by November 20. AC 20!. Oregonian. HOUSES WANTED. Have client with attractive 7-room house in Piedmont, price $T0i0, clear. Warns larger house and lOoxlOo ground snd will pay up to $2500 difference. Another client has three timber claims, price $2000 each. Will trade two or all of them for modern house in good d is trtct, up to $lo.uOO or $12,000, and pay difference. Ll EDDKM ANN COMPANY, ilS Chamber of Commerce. I WANT to find a sontlemen's home pre ferably un-fnm i shed In good netghbor hood and desirable locality. It mubt have two or more bath rooms on second f !or. besides bath a nil com fort stole qnsrters for servants: also garage and at : racti ve grounds. Win lease or migh t consider purchase, giving Income prop erty in part trade. Satisfactory refer ence guaranteed. BO :io5, Oregonian. I WANT a good modern 5-room bungalow on improved street. Lose City or Haw thorne district, worth $50o0. must be c'fsr. Will rive 10 seres S-year-o'd or chard l1 mii from Monroe, fine con dition, good soil. H mi from O. A. C 1""" acres 17 miles -outh of Corvallis. oreba rd produced $100 worth of fruit t h vp;ir. Valued at $.f0o0 clear. f.lRSON. j5S Stark. Marshall 12. WANT to get in touch with party who would finance building on their land or mine, corner block preferred. lonxlOO. close in. eat or west Hide, brick building i xlOO. 3 stories and basement; will pur chaMO same on reasonable terms at a god figure. In replving give good lo cal ion and price of bare land. Address ' 1'eUum bldg. WANT TRYINGTON HOl'FES. In handling irvington homesites we narur.iliy are in touch with buyers for hones already built. List vour Irvington hous- with us. We are boosting this dis trict. RITTETt. LOWE & CO. 2iH-.-j-.V7 Board of Trade Bldg. WHO want? to buy a fine old-fashioned house, somewhat out of repair, on a sightly quarter block in East Portland ? House cost $15 ,0oo. lots worth $5of fur the price of a foreclosed mortax, about $7500 APPLY WAKEFIELD. FRIES A. CO.. S5 Fourth St. 1 HAVE sold more west side suburban hmnen In the paet year than any other Port'and dealer. Must have more homes to sell on Oregon electric or S. P. Red EVctric within 15 miles of Portland. Will se:i any place in this district pro viding it Ik on auto road. N. H ATCHlSoN. 24 Henry bldg. BUTE R S WAITING. We have several buyers for homes from 4 to 6 rooms ; any good Iocs tion ; we also need more close-in improved acres ge tracts; guarantee quick Sale, if your pmxertv is attractive. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 15H 4th. Open Sunday. Mai n 82 01. Y A NTS APARTMENT H OU SE. C;ient has clear property, some cash, and will assume, for apartment house. Wartj brick building, corner preferred, around $5n.Xn. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 11 ;i Chamber of Commerce. CASH TALKS -rootn mod-ri home in Irvine-ton or I.i:r Hiurt : must b in good condition t. nd priced right for cash. Please givs fii'.l description and phone or no at tention will bo given to your reply. Own ers or agents. X 177. Oregonian. WANTED A real bargain In a real home; don't answer unless you have an excep tional home at an exceptional price. Not over $l,on0: about M to "- cash. Lau relhurst or Irvington." BD C6y, Oreco riia n. W ANTE D 5 and 10-acre tracts near the city, improved or unimproved. We can also handle smnll acreage tracts near small towns in Oregon and Washington. Call or write us. Interstate Investment Co.. 4 10 Henry bldg. Main 1743. HAVE several clients with" $1000 cash : also several with all cash who want modern bungalows in H wthome or Rose City. List with us today. We will sell tomor row. DOBNER A POBXER. Main 8474. Ti SELL or buy your suburban home RALPH HARRIS. Suburban Home Specialist. 827 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANT to purchase city lot or suburban acreage; have to offer as first payment 3-pnsijneer Maxwell in good condition or will trade e en. Wenger, 602 Selling bldg. Main 3003. WANTED Fro.n owner preferred. 6 or 7 mcm modem house, full lot. S'JOOO to $:;:io0. Must be a bargain, spot cash : west of ;ot h st. need not answer. UK 210. Oregonian. " WANTAPARTMENT BUILDING. Will give clear income Portland prop erty and HS5unie mortgage. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trsde bldg. WE HAVE TH E BUYERS. Phone us the location of your hous and we will do the rest. I , U K D DEM A N N COM P A NT, P13 ("ham. of Commerce. Main 6067. HAVE client with cash for Improved su- 1 urban acres .re. SCANDINAYlAN-AsMERICAN REALTY CO., 24S Stark st. Main M29. LIST YOUR Irvington house with us for quick results. We art boosting this sec tion. RTTTER. LOWE & CO. 2Q1 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HALF RATE -2 fr COMMISSION. To sell your home. If you want to keep your property, do not list wltb us. Main 1043. Mutual Realty Co.. 1-.10 N. W. Bank bldg. AM IN the market for a good 5-room bung! low. east side, between Alberta and Belmont sts., vU pay $800 down, can pH y $ 50 to $ 7 5 mo n th ly. C 302, Oregoninn. WANT 5 or 6-room bungalow in R. C. Park, Irvington or Murrymead up to $60 00; p.irtv can make good cash payment. HENRY W. (iODDARD. 243 Stark st. I WANT to buy a good bungalow In Rose City Park or Hawthorne. Can pay cash. It" necessary. Oive best price, etc. AM 52:. Oregonian. Ll ST your houje for sale or trade with SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 24S Stark st. ground floor). Main 5429. VACANT lots on hard-surfaced or graveled street ; will pay spot cash, state pries and location ; only bargains considered. Addrt-ss P. O. box 29. WANTED To buy or rent 4 or 5-room modern cottage, within 10 blocks of Killingsworth and Albirvs, aves., within 3 blocks of .car. AR 892. Oregonian. WILL pav cash for your house' equitv! SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 24S Stark st. (ground floor). Main 6429. WANT 40 acres for subdivision; must b east of city on car or railroad line; must be tn Multnomah county. John E. How ard. 31 Chamber of Commerce, GET QUICK ACTION. Pave Half the Commission. M.-i in 143, Mutual Realty Co.. N. W. Bank bldg. 1219 WANT to buy a thoroughly modern bunga low in some good district. It must be modern. Oive full particulars as to price, terms, location. O 638. Oregonian. WILL give one or more lots in good loca tion and pay cash difference for home in good location. Phone owner. Tabor 1;70. ' WANT suburban homes and acreage. Im proved or unimproved, within easy reach of Portland. HENRY W. QQDPARP. 243 Stark st. WILL pay cah for a good home In Laurel hurst, irvington or otner good district. State about when possession can b given. H 307. Oregonian. CASH paid for fractional and undivided Interests In real property and estates. Km n'. T. Berry. 215 Railway Excha ng c. WANTED The best modern 5-room bun galow $4000 cash can buy. F. Fuchs, 4J0 Chamber of Commerce. WANT to rent 4 to 6-room modern fur nished house, reference furnished. BF 150, Oregonian. 4 to 6-ACRE tract, improved, commuta tion to city, about $5uo per acre. C 304, Oregonian. V A N T E L T he best house I can buy for $50O cash and one beautiful corner lot on eat side. O 146, Oregonian. FROM owner, five-room bungalow in Hawthorne . or Sunnyide; reasonabl terms. Phone East 22WU. WANTED Modern houte on improved St., in St. Johns district; must be cheap for cash. ' BD Oregonian. WANTED to purchase, modern 7 or S-room house, wst side; Portland Heights pre ferred. C i47. Oregoninn. HAVE a good lot to apply on modern 4 or 5-room bungalow. Main 7362. WANT modern 5-room bungalow in good district. Main 5420 WANTED House and lot in Seaside; must be bargain. A 705. (Jrefcoman.