THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, TORTLAXD, XOVE3IBER 9, 1919. 11 BEAL KsTATE. For Sale Hoaset. - GOOD HOME BUYS. 7-room modern house, like new. Just painted, double construction, full cement basement, furnace, 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs, lot 5uxl04 feet, house number Iui7 Vernon avenue, 1 Vfc blocks north of Alberta, car; price $40oo. $iuuu cash, bal ance easy. Take a look. 5-room modern bungalow, with S. P., full basement, nice garage, corner lot, good district, one bloc car; $32O0, very easy terms. 5-room modern cottage, full basement, 7 nice bearing iruit trees, chicken house and runs, 40x125 ft.; $23u0, very easy terms. "'room modern bungalow, neat and clean. first-class garage, fruit, flowers, corner 40x125 feet, near car. This is an extra nice home for 3(uo, terms. 4 - room bungalow, nearly new, $1000; $6oo cash, balance easy. 5- room cottage, modern plumbing, good condition, $1800; extra easy terms. 7-room modern house, lot 50xio0 feet, paved street, 1 block Hawthorne ave., on Glenn ave., J325o, terms; a real snap. H. M. GATEVVOOD & CO., 1 .",. 4th St. Sunday Phone Tabor 2:ilVJ. DUTCH COLONIAL, VIEW PROPERTY &500. OPEN fc'OK INSPECTION TODAY. Here Is one of the show ulaces of Rose City Park; ideally located on Wistaria avenue with a view absolutely beyond de scription; you never, never would expect to see a better home of its size. The interior arrangement, the construction, etc., ia so downright good bo far above the ordinary that it is a real pleasure to show you. There are 6 rooms, den and sun porch. Hardwood floors in every room; hot-water heating plant. Don't let us try to tell you of all the good fea tures, words are not sufficiently expres sive. Drive out today to 1402 Wistaria avenue, near 51st st. This is surrounded by beautiful homes, running into value up to $15,000. Don't put it off. See this today tomorrow may be too late. Open for inspection todav from 2 to 5 P. M. A. G. TEEPK CO.. -04 ytark St., Near Third. Main 3516. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday. ) BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER 6-ROOM, DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED MOUSE. OARAGE WITH CEMENT DRIVEWAY, HA RD WOOD FLOORS. FURNACE; IN BEST PART OK ROSE C IT Y PARK; PAVED S T R EETS A N D SEWER -IN AND PAID FOR; BEAUTI FUL LARGE LIVING ROOM. 15x22 FT. "WITH FIREPLACE AND MIRROR DOOR; DOWNSTAIRS FINISHED IN IVORY; DUTCH KITCHEN: UPSTAIRS HAS 3 LARGE CORNER BEDROOMS. EACH WITH EXTRA LARGE OLOPET: "WHITE ENAMEL HATH ROOM 11x11: LINOLEUM IN KITCHEN AND BATH: FULL CEMENT BASEMENT WITH LAUNDRY TRAYS AND GAS PLATE: SCREENS ON ALL WINDOWS AND DOORS ; NEWLY PAINTED AND TINTED THROUGHOUT; PRICE $4500. TERMS. CALL TABOR S234. FINE 6-ROOM HOME. Nice living and dinina with sliding doors between; large kitchen, pantry. 3 .lust fine bedrooms with large closets, bath and toilet up. cement basement. 50x100, paved street all paid. u. block f rem Richmond car, on 32d st.. sur rounded by nice homes and good neigh bors; house nice and clean and in good state of repair; this home alone could not be built today under $4000; owner has cone south and offers for only $3tOO. 41 uoo cafh, balance easy monthly pay ments. This ij Hplendid home and most remarkable value. Let ux show you. THE LAWRENCE CO., 2 0,". Corbett Bldg. Main 8915. J1SSS NORTH OF WESTMORELAND. On E. ISth st., near Holgute, conveni ent to the S. P. shops and Central Door & Lumber company, is a very comfort able modern 4-room bungalow ; full set of white porcelain plumbing; electric lights and gas; good cent en t basement ; extra large lot; $:;50 will handle. We have over 600 photographs of appraised tomes in our office for pale. 12 ex perienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McOUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main lm;8. Main 5156. office Open Evenings and Sundays. BEAUTIFUL 5-R OO M HIT N (J A Lf Kv '. Just a lovely living, fireplace, dining, classy buffet, both finished in old ivory, oak floors, Dutch kitchen, clever break fast nook, bath in enamel, 2 fine bed rooms, bath and toilet, cement base ment, 50-foot lot on paved st.. all paid, ready December 5. price $44O0. terms. This is certainly a bungalow and a real homey home. In Hawthorne district. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. BEAUTIFUL HOME LARGE GROUNDS $7000 ALAMEDA DISTRICT $7000. Ground UOxloo. all in nice lawn and shrubbery, strictly modern 6-room house, exceptionally well constructed, hardwood floors and white enamel throughout, tile in ki tcli en and bath. A-l furnace, gar age, paved streets in and paid. This will have to be- seen to b appreciated. Let me show you. C. A. WARRTNER. RITTER, LOWE & CO..' 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 1 HAWTHORNE B UNG A LOWBARG A I N. ' $4200 Buys a strictly modern bunga low of 6 rooms and bath and at tic; full cement basement, wash trays, furnace. This is a strictly modern bungalow with hardwood floors In threw rooms ; fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen; paved st.,- paid; on 41st, near Hawthorne. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 2094. IT WILL SELL TODAY. BEST BUY IN SUNNYSIDE. $2600 $2fWO $LV,00. Only $400 Cash Needed. Strrmyside bungalow, 5 pleasant rooms, ifull cement basement: paved street, all Improvements in and paid ; ready to move right into. Open from 2 to 5 to day, 108 E. STARK. NEAR 37TH. Close to Laurelhurst Park. MUST sell my 5-room modern home on E. 28th st. N., one and half blocks south of Alberta; has reception hall, liv ing room, dining room, built-in kitchen, two bedrooms, closets in each room, and bathroom; all large rooms; basement under half of hous; house just kalso xnined; 50x100 lot and improvements in and paid; -winter's ' wood in; $2250, un furnished; $600 cash, bal. easy payments. 1002 E. 28th st. N. Phone C 1751. ONE OF LAURELH URSTS SHOW BUNGALOWS. Reduced, owner leaving city, extra large lot, beautifully landscaped, large rooms and high ceilings give dignity to home, unusual In a bungalow; old ivorv finish, white tile fireplace. hardwood floors throughout; French doors opening on -porches; garage, on paved alley. Stop wir-i acq tnig ac j r... 5umsiae. IRVTNGTON. Located on one of the most exclusive comers in Trvington. beautiful 7-roora modern house with garage, two fire places, sleeping porch, cement base ment and brand new gas furnace : cost $10,000; will sell for JS5O0.- Excellent WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 85 Fourth st. $37oO--5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3750. t a bargain, on E. Everett St.. east of Laurelhurst, only two blocks from car n paved street: good neighborhood. See J. A. McCARTY at Laurelhurst Tract Office. E. 3th and Glisan sts. Tabor oo or ounaay ana. evenings Tabor 5007. MULTNOMAH. NR. 26TH $4250 Modern 5-room bungalow with screened i. porcn, not-water connection in fur xmoe : on lot 50x2:t5. wit h c-ot-q: fn bearing fruit trees; other lots similarly HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark st. bL'NN i. SIDE $3150. with 1-3 cash down. very gooa moaern 7-room house, close to Belmont and school and churches fine location; best bargain of anv in this part or trie town. H. H. Staub, 1027 p'-iiiioni. w ecu, i a nor zilit. SJtsOO 7-ROOM RUNG A LOW fWft $400 CASH. B A LA NCE S 2 7 r.rt Mn Tn Only 1 blk. from Woodstock car; house nas rirepiace. cabinet kitchen, basement some nice fruit trees. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. BY OWNER Artistic 6-room bungalow in Ttnse City district, hardwood floors i ri r rioui. iinisneo in ivory enamel. 4 hi. obth st. N., near Thompson. Phon Tabor 5004. $3250 HAWTHORNE. 5 ROOMS. Sleeping porch, fireplace, built-lns; paved street; terms. 1219 N. W. bank bldg. Mutual Realty Co.. Main 1643. 24TH AND ALBERTA. 6 rooms, modern, a dandy home for $3150, buy this and resell at a profit. W. C. Becktell. 11U0 N. W. Bank bldg. 6UNNYSIDE $20(10, easy terms, good 5 room cottage on 34th st : beats paying rent. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Week, Tabor 219. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, block from Irvington car, 590 Prescott st.; $1900 cash, $30 month; price $4300. . Owner, H. Grout, 559 N. 7 2d St., Seattle, Wash. FOR SALE or trade, 10-room house, lo cated near lfith and Chapman sts. Ap ply Bdwy. Ifi65 or 195 Burnside st. $3500 IN Al condition, 8 years old: 10 rooms, 2 baths ; rents for $40 month; $1Q00 cash. 1181 E. 17th st. N. BEAUTIFUL new Arlintcton Heights bun Kalow, 7 rooms n nd room for 3 more on second floor. 1002 N. W. Bank. VERY good property near 23d and Wash., west side; good house, lot 50x100. Main 1090. 7 ROOMS, modern, stylish. bet part of Sunny side, only $3,000, cash, owner, AV 815, Oregonian. 5-ROOM bungalow, $2300; 7-room house, $2250; ne vera I fine homes, $4000 up. J. J. Fisher, Tabor 3531, REAL ESTATE. IRVTNGTON $4250. Modern 6-rooro, two-story house, newly painted and tinted, with garage, hot wa ter heating plant, full basement, lot GOx 100, four blocks from canine, priced low for immediate sale. Terms given. GROVELAND PARK $4350. Charming 5-room bungalow, one block from car line, on paved street, with oak floors, full basement, fine - furnace, breakfast nook, double constructed, tap estry walls, splendid neighborhood. Thers is no duplicate or substitute for this In the city. ALAMEDA PARK $8000. Colonial two-story home of dignified architecture with garage to match, on Carlisle, containing six rooms and sleep ing porch; improvements in and paid, oak floors, beautiful corner lot, full con crete basement, appropriate fireplace and efficient furnace, interior of house being finished In .excellent blends. ALAMEDA PARK $ TO, 000. Superbly beautiful in location and de sign, and built with a- practiced ye for utility and comfort. Here is one of the most desirable homes in this exclusive district. U-room bungalow, each room fin is lied with scrupulous care and dis criminating Judgment, - a fir grove shel ters the house, a garage to match, cor ner lot of 105x114, full basemen tv massive fireplace, excellent furnace. This Is the nd of the trail for home-seekers. Let us show you the legitimacy of our adver tisements. ROSE CITY PARK $4500. 5-room bungalow with large attic which could be finished into three extra rooms, large living room with fireplace, dining room with massive buffet, oak floors, Dutch kitchen, furnace, full ce ment basement; In fact, a real home, with all conveniences. This is sure some bargain at the price, and we know values. ALAMEDA PARK DIST. $3500. 7- room house, large living room across front of house, beamed ceilings living and dining rooms, oak floors, breakfast nook, fireplace. furnace, full cement basement, wash trays, 4 bedrooms, two large porches, shade trees; 3 blocks from cariine; owner forced to sell; priced for quick sale, $500 cas-h, easy terms. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $4200. 8- room house with fireplace, furnace, oak floors, full concrete basement, 2 blocks from cariine, lot 50xlH; consider this very desirable district and & mod erate price. COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 4th S. Main 6VT1. t Main 4522. HOME BUYERS, ATTENTION. We have modern homes for sale In various sections of the city, from $2000 up. $2uu0 PARTICULARLY GOOD; 5 rooms and bath. $2250 Buys 5-room bungalow. $24on 5 rms. and sleeping porch. $2500 5 rms. and sleeping porch. Paved street. $2300 o rms., garage; s.t. paved. $2400 0-rm. bungalow; fireplace. . We have any number of good buys and will be glad to show you. It places you under no obligation. At your serv ice evenings by appointment. Terms can be arranged to suit you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 2Q4 Ry. Exch. bldg. Alain 1094. $2400 UNPARALLELED- PENINSULA BUNGALOW. This is truly a very artistically des signed bungalow; 4 light, airy rooms; large living room with cove ceilings; sol id paneled dining room ; leaded glass buffet, white Dutch kitchen and bed room: electric lights and gas: srood ce ment basement; 2 blocks from the car and Peninsula school; very eas-v terms. House like new. If you see this, you will buy it. We have over GOO photo graphs of appraised homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen at your bervice with autos. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Arlington Bldg. Main 1008, Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $2400 4 - ROO M"b UNG A LO W $ 2 4 00. Located on West Emerson on 50x100 lot, 1 block from Willamette blvd. and diocks irom iv n lings worm car; large living and dining room with most cheer ful large bedroom, bath and toilet; large front porch, back porch, full-size ce ment basement, Dutch kitchen; just a splendid 4-room bungalow at most ex ceptional value; owner has gone south on account of sickness, $2400,. $700 c sh will handle, balance $25 per month in cluding interest. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. . Main 60 IS. CHOICE WESTOVER RESIDENCE. Exquisite new 2-tory bungalow, lo cated on 100x100 corner, near car, with unobstructed view of city, mountains and river; immense rooms and hardwood floors throughout, sun and breakfast rooms, 4 bedrooms, lots of French doors and plate-giass windows, main rooms in solid mahogany, balance old ivory, artistically papered, elaborate tile bath, hot water heat, instantaneous gas heat er, double garage; price $18,000. R, iL Torrey. Tabor 407. I HAVE IT. In Rose City Park, all in good eon- umon, o rooms anu sleeping porch on paved street, close to Sandy blvd., com pletely furnished and good furniture; vacant, all ready to take possession. You can't go wrong on this. . Price $4000: $1200 will handle. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE & CO., m 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. BIG BARGAIN IN FT rvvro "T 5-room modern, classy-looking bun ga- iov, warn wane enameled oath. Dig fire place, full cement basemen t. furnace, built-in wardrobes in closets, winter's fuel and all furniture included for only $4000. Owner compelled to leave town immediately and will sacrifice $1000 by LUEDDEMANN C OM P A N Y. 313 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. $1100 3-ROOM HOVF SIIOA $100 CASH. BALANCE $20 PER MONTH. - l; e lot. some fruit trees: sfreet mac adamized: house has patent toilet, other p.umbing all roughed in and ready for bath and lavatory; gas for lights. Some thing out of the ordinary in a chicken house and run. Better see this SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. 7-ROOM HOUSE Nice reception hall, living and dining it" bo ivui iirn, pan try, i nree mrge and one medium bedroom, bath and toilet, cement basement, paved t.. all paid, on East 24th st.. M: block to AnKBny car. a gran a large borne, $3500, uimii, oa-iance iixe rem. THE LAWRENCE CO., 2Q5 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. FOR SALE BY OWNER 5-room bungalow, large living room and dining' room, fireolsee. bnnltene Dutch kitchen, large attic, abundance of berries, roses, young fruit trees, chicken house and run. See it Sunday or phone Tabor 5375 for appointment; $3350; $750, uaiaiice. easy terms. Jot7 E. 2Jth N. HOME IN GOOD RESIDENCE DKQTR TT ONE BLOCK FROM LAURELHURST PARK; HOUSE NOT MODERN BUT COULD EASILY BE MADE SO: CLEAR OF ALL INCUMBRANCES: ROOM ON L.OT FOR GARAGE: A SNAP FOR (jAirtt. UAUj OWNER SUNDAY BE- rurttt ir'. M.. EAST 7VS2. $340O. We have a 6-room house on Willlami ave. ; for the price we ask is the best buy In city; lot &Oxl30: this house Is in fine condition and is close in; $1000 will nanaie. WAKEFIELD, FRIE-S & CO. o fourth St. BORTH WICK, NR. PORTLAND BLVD. fi rrtrtTTl Hnltan Igrira vm-in-ia wr m .ttm D. kitchen, basement; lot 50x100; near jerierson nign, ioiy Kerteemer and Ock ley Green, and Union Stockyards; fruit irees, in iuii Dcaring. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. GOOD HUDSON AUTOMOBILE WITH NEW TIRES. AS FIRST PAYMENT on bungalow or small house that re quires to be fixed up; must be good vaiue, cunsuii. a. j. aioraitn. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. Main 72C6. 624 Henry Bldg. BUY FROM OWNER. Best 5-room bungalow in Alberta, modern throughout, block to Alberta car. If you are looking; - for a good nouse. see tnis Deiore you buy. 1071 E jfun st. is. ROSE CITY PARKl 5-room bungalow lust completed, mod ern, 1 block -car line, $5500, terms to suit. - HARRIS & MAXWELL. 304 Railway Exchange Building. SUNN Y SI DE On Glenn ave., $3200, very good 0-room bungalow, all one floor, lot 49x112, fruit, chicken yard, hard-surface st., finest neighborhood; best buy on my ii. i. n. n. oiauu, xvt .tseimont. Week, Taoor $3750 WEST SIDE HOME $3750. 21ST STREET. NEAR THURMAN 6 nice rooms and entrance hall; every iniiiR in aiiu , nice garage. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. WEST SIDE HOMR 7-room colonial house, gas, electricity, furnace, iuii cement casement wit laundry trays, fine attic, lot 46x1 0O price $6500, easy terms. Marshall 6013. 4-ROOM house, newly papered and paint ed and lot lOOxkOO. price $1350. reasona ble terms. See owner at Bristol Hotel, cor. 12th and stark. Broadway 3822. $3150 BUYS a 5-room modern bunpalo in eood district, full lot. fruit, berrle convenient to schools and car. Tabor 3090. SUNNYSIDE $1600, terms; good 6-room house, E. 34th St.; A snap, H. H. Staub, 1027 BelmonU Week, Tabor 219. j BEAL ESTATE. For Sale House. FIVE GOOD HOMES. $-1000 Nice S-room house, furnace, fire place, one bedroom down, 3 up stars; cement basement, laundry trays, 5 bearing fruit trees, small fruits, lot 40x100, paved street and all liens paid. 1 block to car on E. 31st bet. Hawthorne and Main, fine location; price a snap, $40O0, about $1500 cash, balancs to suit. $4500 Fine 8-room bungalow, 6 rooms downstairs, 2 bedrooms and sleep ing porch upstairs, 5 bedroom; . furnace, fireplace. all built-in ef " ' fects; full cement basement, trays. garage, corner lot. 43xHM, no city liens to assume, corner E. Salmon and 3Sth. 3 blocks to 2 car lines. 4 blocks to school; price a snap, $4500, some terms. $5250 2 nice 6-room homes on corner on East Alder and 35th; rented for $5250 per month ; a snap for a home and Income. JS00O Swell, strictly modern eight-room house, furnace, fireplace and a. II built-lns, oak floors, fine porches around 3 sides of house, doubly constructed and nice'y finished: built for a home, on a fine corner 90x100. with nice view, fine yard and shrubbery, some fruit; on E. 31st and Tibbetts; price $8000, about $2500 cash. bal. 6 per cent. $9000 -Swell 9-room home. 4 fireplaces. furnace, etc. ; 4 bedrooms, sleep ing porch, library, large attic, on unobstructed view corner. lOOx 10OO; paved streets and alt liens paid. This property cost 14.O0 to produce; for sale at $fJ0O, any reasonable terms : on E. 53d and Morrison. Mt. Tabor. GRUSST & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. $2700 TYPICAL BUNGALOW. Very attractive 5-room modern bunga low, with large front porch extending full width of house ; living room with fireplace, built-in bookcasee, paneled din ing room with plate rail, built-in buffet; white Dutch kitchen, electric lights and gas ; 2 ligh t, airy bedrooms, white por celain plumbing f fxtures, good cement basement with wash trays; on E. 72d st., close to car. Can arrange terms. We have over 000 photographs of appraised homes in our' office for sale. 12 experi enced falesraen with autos at your serv ice. SEE FRANK L McGUIRE To Buy Tour Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1008, Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. LADD'S ADDITION. 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch $0000. I am offering for sale a wonderful home in Ladd's Addition, within easy walking distance of the west side. Ex ceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace. buffet, full cement basement, furnace, etc. You will be more than pleased with the Interior ar rangement and the real thorough con struction. This was built for a home and you can tell it, too. There Is a splendid garage. Street and alley paved and paid for. Very reasonable terms of payment. Phone me at Tabor 3721. $1625 COMFORTABLE BUNGALOW COTTAGE. Very home-like, modern bungalow, close to car and school ; living room, dining room with elaborate built-in oak buffet, convenient kitchen ; cement base ment, laundry trays; 2 light airy bed rooms; full lot ; abundance of fruit, grapes and berries; $3oO down, balance like re n t . We have o ver 6)0 ph o to graphs of" appraised homes in our office far sale; 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1008. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. CLOSE IN. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow with floored attic, hardwood floors in bed room as well as living room, dining room and hall, built-in bookcases and buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, all nice-size rooms. Full lot. east front, several good bearing fruit tree, paved streets In and paid; only 14 blocks north of Sandy blvd. Out-of-town owner. See thia before It's gone. Price $4500, terms. C. A. WARRTNER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $3300 ADJOINING LAURELHURST. On Oregon St., near Jth, on a full lot; Is a very substantial 6-room modern home. This house could not be built to day for $4000 ; can be handled on easy terms. We have over GOO photographs of appraised homes In our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 106S, Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY. MODERN BUNGALOW: LIVING ROOM. MUSIC ROOM. DINING ROOM. DUTCH KITCHEN. TWO BEDROOMS. BATH, FIRST FLOOR ; THREE BED ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. TOILET. SECOND FLOOR: HARDWOOD FLOORS, BUT LT-INS, FULL-SIZE CON CRETE BASEMENT. FURNACE; $5500. T E R M S POINDEXTER. 20R SELLING BLDG., OFFICE, MAIN 1800; RES., B 7120. IRVINGTON. Owner moved to California leaves an excellent double constructed 6-room house, concrete garage, 50x100 lot. In the very heart of Irvington, must be sold within the next ten days; price $7000; easy terms; shown by appoint ment. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. $9500. NEW BUNGALOW JUST BEING FINISHED: SEVEN ROOMS. HARD WOOD FLOORS, PLATE-GLASS WIN DOW S, TILK BATH, KI REPLACE. FURNACE. GARAGE; CORNER LOT 75x100; BLOCK BROADWAY CAR. PO INDENT ER, 208 SELLING BLDG., OFFICE, MAIN 1800; RES., B 7120. NOW VACANT WEST PIEDMONT. MOVE RIGHT IN. Corner lot. and good 8-room house, full semi-cement basement, furnace, handy to car barns. $l2UO cash takes possession. Price $3000. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. DUPLEX BUNGALOW. On corner 50x60, Shaver st. ; choice bungalow for two families: each con tai ns 4 rooms, cement basemen t, good plumbing, -electric lights; a fine op portunity to combine home and in come; price $4000. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. IRVINGTON. STRICTLY MODERN. HARDWOOD FLOORS, 4 BEDROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH, ATTIC, FULL - SIZE CON CRETE BASEMENT. HOT - WATER HEAT, GARAGE; COR. LOT; $10,500. POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG., OFFICE. MAIN 1800; RES., B 7120. A TITLE insurance policy is a guarantee oy a responsible company that you will not suffer loss on account of the title to your real estate. When you buy real estate get a Titlo insurance policy. No abstract required. Title and Trust company, 91 4th st. ROSE CITY. EAST 54TH ST. N., THREE BED ROOMS, LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM. KITCHEN. BATH, FULL-SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT, FURNACE, POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG., OFFICE. MAIN 1800; RES., B 7120. TO SETTLE ESTATE. MAKE BIG SACRIFICE. Fne 7-room modern house, full lot. In fine west side district. Sell for $4500. Worth joooo. Murrv ir you want it, RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133 $3500. 6835 43D AVE. S. B. TWO-STORY 7-ROOM RESIDENCE. FURNACE. GA RAGE, LOT 80x200, CONSIDERABLE FRUIT; TERMS. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. OFFICE, MAIN 1800; RE., B 7120. HERE'S A 14EAL SACRIFICE. Strictly modern 5-room trungalow; all - built-in conveniences, breakfast ' nook, fireplace and hardwood floors; finished in .old ivory; must-, sell- this week: half block from M. V. car. Owner, 106 East ootn st. isortn ; terms. SAVE rent and car fare. Owner must sel' cheap 2 houses, 4 and 5 rooms, good as new, ' good lots, basement, lights, bath, west side. 235 Curry st. 15 min. walk to courthouse. Newly painted, tinted and enameled. Phone Main 3650. LAURELHURST. Model horn?. 7 rooms, hot water heat, hardwood floors, garage, including small 4-room tuuse. ell for $5000. East 1347. 7-ROOM modern throughout, with built-in features, fireplace, furnace, basement, up-to-date attractive home in Irvington, restricted district; very special, $4750, easy terms. T. D. Gregory, Lincoln apts.. Main 4890. or Main 2274. 57TH AVENUE $2750. 6-room bungalow, in fine condition; concrete pavement in front; stress are paved and place well kept: garage. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. $3500. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW: 6 ROOMS. FULL-SIZE BASEMENT, ELECTRIC LIGHTS. GAS. BATH. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG., OVFICH, MAIN 1800; RES.. B 7120. 100x100. 8 ROOMS. HOT WATER HEAT, FRUIT. GOOD BUY. .$3500. EAST 5438. 6-ROOM house, Clinton st, $300 cah; bal. $15 monthly. Main 1293. IRVTNGTON HOMES. Mc DON ELL, EAST 413. BEAL ESTATE. -House. $6700 A BARGAIN TN PIEDMONT On a 62xlu0-ft. lot; paved street; reception hall, living room, din ing room, Dutch kitchen and one bedroom on first floor; 5 bed rooms with sleeping porch on second floor; full cement base ment; . hot-water heating plant; fireplace; laundry trays; gas and electricity; French plate-giass windows. Interior finish mahog any. $1500 down; also trade for 5-room bungalow and difference. , This is way below average price. $7900 ON HANCOCK, IN EAST IRV INGTON Reception hall, 18x22 ft. living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; 3 bedrooms up and sleeping porch ; full ce ment basement; hardwood floors; furnace; fireplace; trays; gas and electricity; paved street; cement sidewalk and sewer; garage. This place has plate glass windows, sun porch, veneered panels in din ing room, beamed celling in liv ing room, and nice electrical fix tures; built 6 years ago; A-l con dition. See this. BIRH-CARBT CO.. 219 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 1686. $3000 ALBERTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Unusually 'attractive modern 5-room artistic bungalow; reception hall, living room with fireplace, cove ceilings, win dow seats; pretty dining room with built in buffet, very convenient kitchen. Has a central hall lined with linen closets. 2 large sunlit bedrooms with large closets, tiled bathroom with best white porcelain plumbing fixtures; good furnace, cement basement, floored attic; street Hens paid in full; full lot 50x100 with shrubs and flowers; can arrange terms. We have over 000 photographs of appraised homes for sale in our office. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 10t Main 6156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. NOTICE. BUYERS. GROCERY STORES. Well-located grocery, doing $80 to $100 a day; rent $30, with lease; no fixtures to buy; will sell at Invoice; stock will run about $2500. $1250 or invoice, close In. west side grocery with 3 f u mi shed rooms, doing $00 a day; rent $5u for all. RESTAURANT. If you are considering the restaurant business, I have at present some very good buys, ranging in price from $400 to $3200. SIMMS. 431 Cham, of Com.. Ma I n 6127. NIFTY MODERN BUNGALOW. ' Here is just what you want and all you can ask for in a A-room and S. P. bungalow home; polished hardwood floors, hot-water heating plant, fine fireplace, laundry trays, shower bath; choicest of plumbing, swell electric fix tures. Ruud heater, good basement, every th wig in Al shape ; owner requires larger home; some choice bearing fruit trees on lot; and In very good location for $3500: $100U cash handles, balance easy terms. - A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. . $2500 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. On E. 37th st.. In the Hawthorne dis trict, on a corner lot, on a paved street, is a neat 5-room -gray bungalow cottage: white enamel plumbing: electric lights ana gas; win nanuie; REAL. BAR GAIN. We have over 6O0 photographs of appraised homes In our office for uaie ; 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1008. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. IRVINGTON $sooo. This Is undoubtedly the biggest value in mis entire a is trie t. There is a full corner lot, al) liens paid. 8-room. well- constructed house with good furnace, close to Broadway and 1 rvlngton car lines. The lot is worth $3500. conserva tiveiy.- very easy terms can be ar ranged. Shown by appointment only. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Letus write your insuranc ALAMEDA PARK. Brand new 6-room bungalow, built by day labor; best of construction hardwood floors throughout: everything complete. Including very fine lighting fixtures: beautiful lot with garage; total price $7200; some terms; we can rec ommend this as an especially well-built home; open for inspection Sunday from 11 A. Al. to 3:3U f. m. ; E. 30th St. N. between Mason and Skid more. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. $2200 SACRIFICE $2200. NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE. Here is a neat little place In short walking distance of business center, full ouxioo lot and cottage. 3 rooms and bath electricity, gas. .basement,- etc., just one block from Broadway, about 5 blocks east of bridge. Termsv WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $3750 MUST BE SOLT $3750. 6-room semi-bungalow type; furnace, full cement basement, laundry trays, paved street, cement walk, sewer, all paid; close to car and school; cut $200 for 3 days; can be seen Sunday. The number Is 78H Cleveland ave. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1O08. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ONLY $4750. Large 12-room duplex house; walk ing distance Ircm city; street Improv ments, sidewalk and sewer In and paid for. This is a good income oronertv. You can live In one part and rent the ot.ier. Here Is your chance to make some money; reasonable payment down, oaiance on te nis. McCLURE & SCHMAUOH CO., 306 Railway Exchange bidg. Main 1503. MONT A VILLA BARGAIN. One or two acres, with fair 6-room. modern house, several kinds of bearing fruit trees, grapes, etc. One block to car and pavement. Owner will sacrifice all for $3750 or will s-ll you half. Re member bargains are snapped up quick ly. bee in;s toaay. very easy terms, desired. "M-V" depot car. 135 E. 87th st. N-. 3d bouse N. on west side of street. $2350 R-ROOM COTTAGE. on run ooxumi it. l block to car, not far out; good basement, full plumbing, everything in good shape choice pear and cherry trees, full bear lng : improved streets; worth more money: owner needs larger home, wil sacrifice; $400 cash, balance like rent. A. rl. UIKKISLL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. YOU CAN SELL YOUR LOT. HOW? PORTLAND HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATION will contract to build your new home promptly, economically and under prop er guarantees to satisfy you. Will finance If necessary on terms like rent. PORTLAND HOME BUILDING ASSN. 331-332-333 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 5199 SUNNYSIDE COTTAGE 12S50. Reasonable first payment. 125 mnnfhlv buys this well-built 7-room, 1 4 -story cottage, just on or Hawthorn ave., near 30th. full -lot 50x100, paved streets, good garage, all kinds of assorted bear! a fruit trees. Fred W. German Co. 73: Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. 7-ROOM house In Piedmont addition, mod em in every respect. Hardwood floors downstairs, full basement. 2 blocks from car line, 4 blocks from Jefferson high school. House In perfect condition. Price $4850. Terms. By owner. Phone w oodlawn 35. IRVINGTON. Colonial English, type, 6 rooms. Ilvin room 16x25, Led roc m and bath first f loer; 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch an bath second floor; garage; $6250. East 13-17. MODERN bungalow. 5 good rooms. hnlL bath, cement baserrrent. large attic, nice full lot. good neighborhood, near ivui ingsworth and Denver ave.. $2500 for quick sale. Good terms. Wood law 5008. $1800. $250 DOWN. BAL. LIKE RENT. 4 rooms. Dutch kitchen, full plumb ing gas, electric, macadamized st. near tar iiiv ru uum o. m. , U rlnAn. new and cozv. Owner. Main 6947. $3500. Dandy modern bungalow. Just off Sandy boulevard; lot 50x100; terms to suit. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. 621 Morgan Bldg. Main 4477. WHEN you get a Title insurance policy vou do not need an abstract or title. One premium pays for all time. Title and Trust company, 91 4th st. BEAUTIFUL house, cement block build ing. 100x1 OA; 8 large rooms1. lawrj. trees. Derrjfs, tj(irai,c. vwncr ivuviug vnj. x a- bor 7843. 4-ROOM house and two lots, plenty room to keep cow and chickens. Cash or terms; $600 will handle. Call and see owner at 1011 E. Polk at., St. Johns. WEST SIDE, 5-room cottage, lot Ouxioo, on Corbett and Gibbs sts. Price H200, easy terms. John Singer. 420 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. EVERY purchaser of real estate should have his title Insured. Better be safe than sorry. Title and Trust company, ftl 4th st. . TITLE Insurance eliminates delav rn real estate deals. Title & Trust Company, J1 Fourth st. FOR SALE Ono 6 and one 4-rrom house on same lot ; a bargain. Inquire at 1037 Vs 121a. cU N., aitcx Smtu.iy. REAL ESTATE for Sale Hoasee. HOME BARGAINS. $5600 WEST SIDE HOME $5500. 6 rooms, modern, furnace, fireplace cement basement. 50x100 lot, fin loca tion ; built for a home : couldn't be duplicated for $7oOO; 420O0 cash, balancs $W per month. $4800, IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 7 R. Furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; this place sold fur $0500; a foreclosure at $4bo0. $4200. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Corner lot, paved street, paid ; "very attractive large rooms, garage, bg soap. $6200, LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 7 R. ' $2S0O BUYS HOME WORTH S4S0O. COOK AVE.. NEAR WILLIAMS. 6 rooms, 50xloo lot, fruit trees. $3O0O 47TH. NEAR HAWTHORNE. 7-room modern home, newly painted, tinted, etc; $050 cash, $30 month, $3150, SUNNYSIDE. 6-J. MOD. HOUSE CHAS. R INGLE R & CO.. 2'25 Henry bid. IRVINGTON. A most attractive residence of 8 rooms, modern in all Its appointments and neirly new ; hardwood floors, tiled fire places In living room and front bed room; tiled bath, with Eho.vcr; also bath for maid's room ; conservatory ; extra large sleeping porch which can be heated If desired ; complete burglar alarm sys tem and double electric lighting and heating systems; located In the very beat district of Irvington. on 100x100 corner, surrounded by beau tlf til homes. This house has cost the owner be tween $18.m0 nrid $20,009. but an at tractive price will be made In selling, or would accept desirable vacant or Im proved Portland propertv for the equity. SAMUEL R. NOirTON, 610 Henry bldg. LAURELHURST. Large corner lot in-most select nelgh- oornooo, with suttptantial residence and garage, practically new. built by the late Congress ma n Ellis ; rooms all large and well lighted, on first floor finished in solid mahogany, you have spacious 11 vi a room ana z trepiace, cining room, music room and kitchen with all built- in conveniences. 3 bedrooms and beau tiful tiled bathroom on 2d floor, maid's room on 3d floor: hardwood floors x nrougnout; run cement basement, fruit room and other necessaries. Including fine hot water heating plant and a full winter's supply of wood and coal, all material and workmanship first-class, and Intending owners of a home should inspect this one no better at the price. IRVINGTON. Very substantial and modern residence, fireplace, four bedrooms, sleeping porch at SH E. 20th, corner Brazee. $6500. DONALD MacLEOD. 10VN2 Spalding bldg. Main 84L SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE (TO BUY YOUR HOME) FRANK L. McGUIRE has the "home" for you. Read each "bargain-day" L A typical home, built just for you. we've None but the best to be had. Keep your eye on the name, that has shown. Live-wire Integrity. Make this your slogan, 'My home Is my OWN." Calmly and clearly, my "home tics." I've sown, I've Gained the right to be "free." Unheeded the renter's tale of woe. In my cozy, "rent less" bungalow. Read FRANK L. McGUIRE'S ads to day, to BUY YOUR HOME. THE Easier way. S. BELLE NEER. B E A U TI FU L PI EDM ON T $4750. Six-room modern bungalow, located In one of Portland's finest residence dis tricts; hardwood floors, fireplace, built in buffet, Dutch kitchen, three large bedrooms, one down; full cement base ment, furnace, laundry trays; 50x100 lot with ajly; three short blocks two car lines;., a fine bungalow among fine homes ; some terms. GEO. T. MOORE VO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. $3250 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Built along very attractive lines: nice ly located, in very b.-st of condition ; has full concrete basement. laundry trays, fine fireplace, Dutch kitchen done In white enamel; one bedroom and bathroom on first floor; choice plumb ing and electric fixtures; $750 cash, balance terms to suit. A, 1 1. BIRRELL CO., 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. rOR SALE 4-room house on Irvine trtt itfr 'inui si., j diocks irom streetcar hath toilet, ho; and cold water and elec tric ngnts; dirt basement ; has 12 nice large fruit tree and all kinds of ber ries; chicken yard and house; prlca $1000, $20 cash down; balance at $15 inwum ana interest. wo Incum branced McCLURE & SCHMAUOH CO.. 306 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1503 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A RE A L B A Fir: A I v One of the finest 8-room houses on ine lower Heights. with good size siuunu ana a una view. is in perfect condition and absolutely modern in every detail; hardwood floors In every room in the hoiue. Owner leaving city and will sell at big sacrifice. KKLIAHLE INVESTMENT CO 505 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133 OUR MONTHLY RARP.A TV Completely furnished 5-room house on Asn st., mis side of E. 10th.; walking distance; gas. electric lights, hot and cold water, bath and full cement base ment, with winter's wood supply; all for $27i0; want $1200 cash, balance $20 per month, including Interest at 6 per cent. See Williams, 403-404 Stock Kx- '"B"tsc- 1'oone ounaay, bast 7145. EAST RFRN'STDP rr nci? iv 8 rooms. full IPml-rpmon't KumK furnace, full lot. close to car and good schools, clear of all incumbrances, easy I4 1-11 0 . C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. AN ABSTRACT of title la "not a guarantee your wwe. 11 is merely a history of your title. A Title insurance policy Is a guarantee of your title. Therefore when you buy property get a Title insurance jjuuey. iio aosiract required. Title and v.-m f-fp 11 j , vt 1 HI HI. $4200 SNAP IN ROSE CITY. 5-room bungalow, with large attic, narowooa floors. fireplace. Dutch C , ' " 1 Yemeni. casement; one DjucK. irom car. close in SIMMS. 431 Cham, of Com.. Main 6127. ALBERTA. - $1650 $1000 cash. clean, cost, B-room cot ,and ect.; large living room. 1127 E. 13th L N. cor. Erheron. By owner. SPECIAL bargain In Portland Hflrhia home of 7 rooms and sleeping porch and 1 v 14 tunitrr, pavea street, one block to car: will make you a price less than ground value. Get owner oMnday at Main 3461. $5 DOWN. $15 MONTHLY. For this small unpartitioned plastered cottage, concrete foundation and base ment, city water, total price $400 Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. bldg Open Sundays. . WEST SIDE bargain, owner leaving for east and will sell 7-room modern house, partly furnished and garage on Corbett st. for $2600, terms. John Singer, 420 Cham, of Com. bldg. BEAUTIFUL 6-room house, on Powell val ley road, also 7 acres on Buckley ave, near Sandy rd. Very good soil. Price low for cash, or will trade both places for farm not too far out. Phone Sell. 717 A REAL BARGAIN. 8-room house, 425 Fast Courh Ft cost $56fH; will cell for $4:100; $500 cash, long time on balance. 6 per cent. See it. Common pass key will let you In 418 ROSELAWN AVE. Modern 5-room home; furnace, fire place, paved street; improvements all in and paid; accessible to 5 carlines; bar gain from owner. Wood lawn 500 5 . A TITLE insurance policy Is a guaran tee of the title to your home. When you buy your home have the title insured. Better be safe than sorry. Title and Trust company, 91 4th st. ALA MEDA PARK BUNG A LO W. 6 rooms and strictly modern av floors, built-lns. garage, furnacf. Ready to move in by Nov. 15. See it today Owner, Wood lawn 5013. SACRIFICE SALE 5 rooms, modern, fire place, garage, improved street, near car, close in, lot 100105. fruit. berries shrubbery, only $30O0; $1000 cash. Sell wood 2706. CLOSE your real estate deal without an noying details by using a Title Insurance policy. No abstract required. Title and Trust company, 91 Fourth st. HAWTHORNE AVE. BUY. 8 rooms. modern. H block from Masonic temple, large lot. fine garage. Call Tabor S118. owner. YOU are sure of your title lf you lneist on title insurance. Better be safe than sorry. Title & Trust Company. 91 Fourth st. HOUSE of 2 rooms, toilet and closet; house of 3 room, toilet nd closet. See own er. 4227 RSth ave. S. E. $700 5-ROOM house in Woodlawn, 1401 Vulcan st. H. K. Meserve. 426 E. 0th st. 3-ROOM house, lights, sink. $700; turn. a. G540 SUi st. S. E, REAL ESTATE. For bale HIGH-CLASS HOLLADAY PARK A REAL BARGAIN. FOR SALE 100x100 CORNER, 16 RMS., FULLY MODERN (NEAR NEW); NEW FURNACE, BEAUTIFUL LAWN AND SURROUNDINGS. ALL THAT COULD BE UKIRU. LOCATED S. W. CORNER 22D AND HALSUV. A POSITIVE SAC RIFICE AT $16,750 (JUST APPRAISED AT $L'2.500; COST ABOUT $25,000. (TERMS). ADDRESS OWNER, 302 SELLING BLDG. KENTON BARGAIN. " N e'w 4-room bungalow, painted, plumbed and plastered. $1750. 245 Kll patrick, 2-3 biocks west Kenton bank. Would rent to responsible couple for 6 months. Terms. MODERN IRVINGTON HOME. 80x100 CORNER U-KOOM HOME. The house has full basement with hot water heat. 2 fireplaces; full cabinet kitchen, hardwood floors throughout houe, 5 bed rooms, inclosed sleeping porch, nice lawn, fine large garage. HERE IS A SNAP FOR QUICK SALTS. PRICE $7500 Very Reasonable Terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STUCK EX. a -working man's home." your "rent money" will buy it; two lots. comfortable house, fruit. flowers, etc, price this week $1050. (this place easily w'urth $250o). a bout $500 cash. balance easy kent payments will handle. Located near car. store, school. church. 3030 e. 62d st. car 40th ave.. mt. scott car. (ABOUT 2 BLOCKS N. OF CAR). CALL OWNER, MAIN 1136 OR MAIN 1777, OR CALL AT 302 SELLING BLDG $6250 ELEGANT COLONIAL 5-RM. AND SLPG. PORCH. MODERN, WEST SIDE LOT; SEE PLAN AT OFFICE; COM PLETE IN 60 DA VS. G. C. GoLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. Main 4S03. "35 Years In Portland." A FINE HOLLADAY PARK HOME. Like new, 6 rooms, all largo and large hall ; strictly modern : furnace. fire place, tapestry paper, white enamel, mahogany trimming, red beech wood floors; fine outlook: full tot and garage. A $oou, val. lor $ti)ou; terms. SCH AEFER, Broadway 3107. or Marshall 666. $3500 ALBERTA DISTRICT. 10-room modern 2-story 2-famlly house, double plumbing, part rented now for $15. Small monthly payments; fine location. $5500 ROSE CITY. Strictly modern 7-room bungalow, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage. paved streets, close in; appointments only. DuBNER & DOBNER. MAIN 8474. $2000 S-ROOM HOUSE $2000. SoxlOU, standing slightly above ment sidewalk In and paid for; corner tki'i bL aud 40th ave. S. E. ; S large rooms, olastered : uorch on 2 shies house ; good loca llty, close to car and schooL Worth more money, but mu be sold, and we are going to take lea than value in order to quick. FIRST STATE BANK. Gresham, Oregon. Phone 6."6 NEW BUNGALOW of sevent rooms In Irvington, located 21st St.. between Klickitat and r remont complete at very reasonable cost to sell at $O0O. Jf sold at once can be had for $75m). Hardwood floors downstairs, two fireplaces, parage and many conveniences that will please the discriminating buy er. Terms can be arranged. Call L. K. BAILEY CO.. 024 N. W. Bank bldg. IRVLNOTONS $10,500 most beautiful homqj: mahogany and Ivory finished; large living room, billiard room, hardwood floors throughout.- white tile bath and fireplace on aecond floor; third floor entirely fin ished. Including bathroom complete. A tip: See this property. R. T. STREET. Agent. Eaat 894. A BAR E C HANO E. BE QUICK. 734 E. Burnside, 8-room modern home, fireplace, furnace, 4 bedrooms, newly painted, papered and in splendid con dition; for quick sale, price $4500, $1500 cah, bal. like rent. East 2871. bTrm. MODERN bungalow for sale, fur nished or unfurnished. Phone East S41. Suburban Home. NOTICE. HEADQUARTERS FOR IMPROVED ACREAGE HOMES OF MERIT. Seven acr s on Capitol highway, be tween Multnomah and Tigard. finest kind of soil, lies beautifully ; about 8UU feet facing highway ; 5-room house, electric lights, good barn, chicken ' house, fruit, etc.; this ts one of the most reasonably priced places adjacent to Portland; price $5000; $3000 cash will handle. Two acres, all In cultivation; 7-rvin modern house, own water system, piped for furnace, all kinds fruit, grapes and shrubbery; this is a beautiful country place and Is located three blocks from Courtney station on Oregon City line; price $6500; terms. acres at Bell Rose station; modern 7-room house, own water system; all necessary outbuildings; good roads; all kinds fruit; 5 acres under cultivation; good rich soil; price $6SOO; $2500 cash will handle. Five acres on 45th ave.. Just outside city limits; 6-room house, good barn and chicken house, etc.; 2 acres In berries, all kinds frulL Price $6500, $3000 cash will tiandle. The above places and many more like them have been personally inspecieu oy us. See Geo. R. Henry, with Frank L. McGuire. Ablngton bldg. Open Sundays. MULTNOMAH TWO-ACRE BARGAIN WELL IMPROVED GOOD AUTO ROAD. 4500. Here's the biggest bargain ever of fered in the fast growing Multnomah district. Quarter acres surrounding this place are selling readily at $750 and $1000 per quarter. LISTEN. Two acres all in cultivation and improved with 6-room house (old but good and substantia! , a fine barn, large, properly constructed chicken house, hog house, and .other necessary .outbuildings. There are also all kinds of fruit trees in full bearing and an. abundance of small fruits. This place faces a good auto road soon to be paved and has the ftneat view of any piece of property in this entire district. And listen adjoining this place is a 10-ecre tract which you have the use of for the next five years absolu tely free. Neighbors come right to your gate and buy fruit and everj thing else you raise on this place. Present owner made $800 in the last six. months. He's moving to Montana and will sacrifice this place for $45uO, $2500 cash. Hurry, this won't last. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington st., near Second. Open Sunday. Main 8220. FINE HOME, CLOSE IN, WITH 10 ACRES $9250. Beautiful noma of 8 rooms, sem colonial, painted white, all conveniences and built-in work; fireplace, etc. ; big cement basement with several rooms ; house built 4 years ago, cost over $5uoo. Ten acres fine land, most all in culti W.tlon, berries, etc. Fine location on Gates road, about 5 blocks south of Powell Valley road; sightly location and a very classy place. Can give quick pos session, KASER A RAINEY. 823-6 Gasco bidg. Marshall 3125. SUBURBAN HOME. GRESHAM. 6 acres and macadamized rod. one half mile from Powell valley ; paved road on main road to Mt. Hood; native trees and all kinds of bearing fruit, run ning spring stream; strictly modern 8 room house; hot water heat, Portland gas; Bull Run water, electric lights; ce ment basement; separate compartments for trult and vegetables: storage for coal and wood; $10,500. bonds or A-l mort gage acceptable. I owrt and am going to sell. A. Meyers. Gresham, Oi SUBURBAN HOMESITE. ONLY $475. 210x100, over 4 city lots, rocked road, fine spring brook, piped water, electric ity, close to electric station, fine view, cedar, dogwood, maple, swimming and boating; $50 down and $10 per month. 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. OREGON CITY LINE. PRICE ONLY $H0. IOOtcIOO ground. Some fruit and ber ries ; good 4-room house, with fireplace In living room; electric lights and gas. On R-cent car fare ; Jinoo cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OK ST. BROADWAY 4133. 5-ROOM SUBURBAN HOME, -acre and good plastered 5-room cot tage and garage; near Ivergreen station. Oregon City line. Will sell this ideal 'little home for $1100, on terms to suit. Particulars .... O. A. SARLES. Northwestern Bank bldg. OSWEGO LAKE FRONTAGE. ONLY $425. 50x150 on lake shore, good view, water and lights, rock road; better than going to the beach and much less money. Call 6M0 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark 1 ACRE and good buniralow at Oak firove. $16"i. terms. Call Selwood 3033 Sunday or Sell. 14 Monday. REAL ESTATE. Suburban llomee. ONLY $7000, and no prson who has Judg ment or sense enougn 10 step out vi wi wav of a fast-moving train will hesitate lf it takes the last dollar, and he or she has no idea where another dollar will come from, will fail to buy this place. It is simply worth twice the price asked. a hintifni suburban home, an excep tional suburban home in the sense of its ! location value and surroundings ou m to it the entire distance from the busi ness center to the gate right at the station and on the Oregon City car line and on the best part of the Oregon City car line on an avenue that is lighted all night long. Here is where you get two big beautiful acres of land of the rich est soil very highly improved with as sorted fruit, small and large, in more than abundance, alt of it in full bearing. With the land goes an up-to-date very substantial 7-room residence with all of the conveniences more water and better than can be found on any other suburb an place. It ia an ideal home, enjoys the advantages of schools, churches, stores and so close In to the business center of Portland, with car service not to be equaled on the Pacific coaat. This place Is located at Courtney. To see it. if you mean business, at this sacrifice price is to buy it on tne spot, nan casn will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, AB LNGTON BLDG. Only $6000. and this offering defies a 1 comparison on the Oregon City car line, right at the station, an ideal location on a paved highway, surroundings ex cellent here you have it uj large and well-selected acres of land with all kinds of fruit In full bearing. This is a cor ner and vith this land goes a modern practically new 5-room bungalow wit h every convenience In this bungalow de sired. It has a cement basement, bath, toilet, electric light and gas. The price placed on this in a forced sale price and ordinarily this property would be cheap at $10,000. Its location is at Jennings Lodge. Don't allow this great oppor tunity to acquire a bea.utiiul suburban homo with lota of land in the best loca tion to escape vour attention. M- J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. On the river front on the west side, right where you want it. on tho car line and close in to the business center. Nothing quite like this could be obtained at any price before considering what the owner offers to gtv in tho way of uatr front hk voil arfi not compelled to take this land iu long strips in order! to get water front. ou may have it in a square giving a larpo width on the river. With the hind goes a very cozy, classy 6-room bungalow and in the bun galow you have every city convenience, such as city water, gas and elect rlcity. It is a pretty home a nd positively the b?t loca ted water front on either side of the river. $7t0 is all we ask for all of this. About half ct-ah. M. J. CLO HESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. In the beautiful city of Milwaukie on the paved highway on the Luks road only a short distance from tho best car line with tho best service run ning in or out of Portland. Only 20 minutes' ride from th business center of Portland In a district for suburban homes that nothing that we know com pares so favorably with it. Hero are 8U big acres of land, no mor beauti fully lying land in any direction around Portland. This land Is all of it on the paved highway and tho fruit of all va rieties in full beari ng of the best qual ity, together with about 1 acre of grapes, eclipses anything to be found in a day's ride. This is a commercial or chard, together vwith tons of grapes which are produced yearly. All of this means ready money. With the land and orchard goes a good substantial 6 room house, plastered, with a full ce ment basement; there la a barn, chick is most productive and there is enough en house and other buildings. This land Is most productive, and there is enough of it outside of the fruit to supply feed for man and beast. The price is so low in comparison to its value that on this point we will remain silent. Call at the office and we will divulge price- and terms. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABLNGTON BLDG. Only $1700 for this more than 1 sere of land, close enough to the station, you go to it on a paved highway. With the land goes a good comfortable 4-room house with some fruit, plenty of Rood water. On a cash sale we will shade this price verv materially. M.. J. CLO HESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $2500, and this unparalleled offer should make you sit up and take notlc one big half acre of land with mora fruit of small and large of tho finest quality, rich garden, flowers and shrub bery; with every convenience that can be f urni.shed by the city only 3 blocks from a city school, 5 blocks from station .and" car line with 6c fare you tso to it over the paved highways. lltre is the meat in tho cocoa nut and where can you get anything like It? Here is on this land a magnificent 8-room houne. perfect and no better constructed in all f the city of Portlund. This house has inside city water, gas. electric light, in fact everything that is neceysary. To be brief, the house without the land you cannot build today for less than $ loOO. The land wit hout tho house is, cheap enough for $3000. say nothing of the improvements. The owner is leaving the state and offers it free and clear of in cumbrances, a perfect title on the west side right where you want it. it Is a gift, not a sale take it all for $25H. This will not last until Monday noon come running. Half cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. If you want H acre up to 2 acres of land in cultivation on the Capital high way, close in to Multnomah station, we have special bargains to offer in these beautiful suburban acre tracts from $400 per half acre up. with all of the city conveniences, such as city water, g:ts and electricity. M. J. CLOHESSV, AB INGTON BLDG. Only $P00 buys all of this 1 big acre of land practically on the Capital high way right at the station at Bertha, all of the city conveniences are in thestreet in front of this place. This land is all in cultivation und a very pretty corner acre; 15 minutes' ride from the business center. About ?350 cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Have you got a late Bulck 6-eyllndor machine that you wish to exchange for 1 big acre of land practically in the cen ter or tne residence district in Portland? This acre can be conservatively esti mated as bei ng worth $50o0 today all right, the owner desire- very much Buick machine, so therefore will make an ven trade if of a late model. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. . only $n 00, and where cad you get anything like It? Here is almost a half acre of land with all kinds of fruit in full bearing with t he la nd goes a good substantial practically new 3 -room bun galow ; city wa ter and gas. -Near t li boulevard. Near a city srhool ; only . blocks from the station with He carfare M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. On the Sandy boulevard, the paved highway to tne t olumma, highway th Rose City Park district the dis trict most sought after. A suburban home. This contains 1 S acrs of land In a 'ery high state of cultivation, all of it on the paved highway on the car line. With this Jand goes a good 4-room house, Hleeplng porch, chicken house of "" targe dimensions, two floors, up to date, the latest model, chicken runs, wire fence 8 ft. high; the land Is all fenced. W place, and for a beautiful suburban home ' f with all of the city conveniences, as well as being on tne main nignway to tne Columbia highway, this should fill the requirements to the letter. The price of this beautiful suburban home, with lots of fruit and berrien coming into fuil bearing. Is only $5000. The chicken fa cilities on this place are of such mag nitude as to enable the purchaser to clear the purchase price from this source of income alone. Don't pass this op portunity up without deep and- serious thought. M. J. CLOHESSr. ABING TON BLDG. On the Base Line road, the main ar tery and paved highway lead ing to the east" of the city. a-Here's where you get all of the city conveniences, including city water fBull Run); only 7 mibs on a straight line you ca nnot get off the paved street from the business center to the gate. This Is the location now we will tell you about the place. Here art1 6 large acres of land, every foot in per fect cultivation. Thia land lies between -the paved highway, running back and fronting on the electric car line. There is. which goes with the land, a good substantial modern enough house for anv family, with a full cement basement. There is a barn, garage, chicken houses and other necessary buildings, plentv of fruit in full bearing of the best quality, small and large. This place means tt. a family an independent living, as well as a chance to bank lots of monev year ly besides. $RO0O is tho full purchase price for this Jewel of a suburban home. $2000 in cash is all you need, the bal ance you can hav as long time to pay an you wish. M. J. CLOHESSY, AB INGTON BLDG. Only $2200 buys all of this 1 big acre of land situated in an idal spot in the Lake Grove district, close to the beau tiful Oswego lake, only 4 blocks from the car line, on t he west side, in a se lect district. With this land goes a good modern, new 3-room house, every room large enough lo make two of. The house has all of the city convenience, such bs city water, bath, toilet and elec tric light; beautiful lawn, lots of cord wood on the place to supply the needs for years to come. $000 cash will handle this, the balance S2 per month. M. J CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home. ITE WILL BUILD a modern up-to-date bungalow for you on our -i or -acre-tracts at Multnomah sta. on terms which will meetyour approval. We wiil handle ail the detai.s of buiiding. working from our own plans or embouying your own ideas in our plans, and turn the houise over to you complete for a specified turn. " e control the choicest bui.ding sites in the Multnomah district on the hard-surfaced boulevard. City water, gaa and electric lights available. Only 15 minutes ride by auto and 20 minutes by tram on 6c commutation fare. Plana of 10o modern bungalows hre for vour inspec tion. MULTNOMAH DEVEIaI'.M KNT CO., 204 Henry bidg. N. 11. ATCHISON, manager. A HOME AND AN INCOME. $10,000 SUBURBAN HOME FOR $55A0. lltlO CROP SOLD FOR $;t5O0. Nine acres of rich loam soil, located 14 miles from Pur: land and only 4 blocks from electric station. school, stores, etc. ; 4 acres In 12- ear-o!d and 2 acres in 8-yea.r-old 2 acres S-year-old walnuts. The orchard has had excellent care. House, barn and out buildings, well fenced. The owner lives east and is sacrificing at half the value. Cut this ad out now and cUI early Mon day. You can be absolutely Independent for life at the cost of a city houe and lot; only $5500. and terms can be ar ranged. CLEVELANTJ-H"ENTE RSON CO.. 21 2 Railway Exchange Bldg. NH'E CLOSE IN HOMES. B.39 acres in cultivation, good orcr.ard; 6-room house, bam, out bui Idings, choice land; near highway; school, railway sta tion. $1500; terms. A fine home. 5 acres choice land, improved, 25 bear ing trees, stream of water, well. 6-rootn cottage, barn, garace. chicken bouse; price &2750; terms, only 30 minutes out by auto. 5 acres. Improved, 4-room cottage, outbuildings, fruit, berries. Jersey cow. 25 chickens, a nice home; $3500; terms. R. M GATE WOOD A- CO.. 1 05 i 4lh St. Sunday Phone Tabor 2oi!. IO ACHES OREGON CITY $:5u0. S '-i mi. S. on county rd., hi mi. from Pacific highway; s a. in first-class cult.. 2d crop of oats this year; 2 a. pasture, creek and several springs give plenty of moisture year round; weil drained; 3-room bungalow style house with larpe attic; liv. room, pantry and closets; good barn 30x40 with a quantity of hay in it; chicken house and orchard. Will sell out right or trade for 5-room house in Port Ian ri. HENRY W. OODDARp, 243 Stark it A COMPLETE COUNTRY ROM K, " 0 -2 acres, running spring stream, na tive trees on acre, balance in fruit and garden lands. Strictly modern house. 35x52 feet with additional storage for wood and coal, oak and beech floors in main rooms, electric lights. Bull Run water, gas. large bathroom, separate toi let, hot water heating avs-tem, large base ment with compartments for fruit and vegetables, near good town. Price $10,5uO. Terms if desired Main 81 J. It. SHRECK. 502 Spalding bldg. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME. S acres, near Oregon city; all in high state of cultivation ; fine orchurd ; good 0-room house, Inrge barn, garage, tool shed, chicken houses, hog house, wood shed, chickens, horse, buggy, hogs, all tools, all kinds berries and everything to make idea I borne ; readv to move right in; $3oo0. terms; will consider Portland clear propertv. O. V . B A D L E Y, 3 0O M. M orri so n B t . CISE-IN SUBURBAN HOME. Near macadam 1 zed road. Oc car faro ; 6 large rooms, living room, dining room, breakiast room. Luteh kitchen. 3 bed rooms; good plumbing, g:ta. city water and electric lights; only 2o minute out. Price $35,5. fl2H cah. A verv at tractive place, with lots of fruit trees Personally Instructed. JOHN FERGUSON, Cerlinger bldg. QUARTER ACRE SNAP. J,i aero with a dandy 5-room bunga low plastered in the ML Scott district. Just the place to keep a cow and chiek- ens. Electric light, city water and gas. house cost $20110. Owner non-resident and writes to sell for $1250. $250 will handle; balance $15 per month- JOHN K. HOWAKD, p 318 Chamber of Commerce. 1 ACRE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Up-to-date 5-room bungalow, base ment and attic, laundry trays, gas and running water, garage, chicken houses, some fruit and berries; located on fine road, only 2 miles from city limits; 1 acre cleared. Price only $3250; $1500 cash. LUEDPEMANN" COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. " 60x120 FEET. Five-room bungalow. In good condition and attractive, shrubbery, roses, lawn: sure to please; three blocks to car line; on hard-surface street, just outside city limits; far below actual value; $2 00O; very easy terms. See Peterson. THE FREU A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th St. - Main 69. $1000. Suburban home at Evergreen station, on Oregon City line. Park ave. and 7ih st.; 30 minutes out and paved road all the way; good house, 5 rooms, garagu. chicken house, some fruit and garden space; 100x100; terms to suit you. Phone Mil. 92-V, or call on Portland Trust company. Ot h and Morrison sts. BY uWNKR Deal direct with buyer only. Any part of 4rt acres O miles wouth of Portland, east side, on Willamette river; paved road, close to electric line. Sami locality, any part of 55 acres in Concord Home tracts. Either Ideal for subur ban homes. Also 6-room mod. house, with screens, shades, gas range. Phone Oak Orove 1-W, for appointment. WHY pay rent in the city when you can buy acre located at Jenning's Lodge. Oregon City car line, under cultivation, with a 4-room house, good well, chick en, feed room and cow shed, blackberries and strawberries. All for $S50; $250 cash and $15 a month. JOHN E. HOWARD. 31S Chamber of Commerce. NEW MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Af'RE AT MULTNOMAH STATION AND HIGHWAY. $50m; terms. Or will sell lot 74x100 with this bungalow- $4HtO if you prefer. Several very beautiful homes adjoining this. See Sam Hewev at J. L. 11 A RTM AN CO.. 7 Chamber Commerce bldg. METZGER STATION $3200. 1 acre on Salem el. with new 6-roona bungalow, hath and attic, large enough for two good rooms; large liv. room with fireplace and bui.t-in bookcases ; house plastered and on cement foundation; gas and el. in spring: near school. HENRY W. (kl)DAKD. 24;t Stark St. ONE-FOURTH ACRE. Nearly new 4-room cottage, 100 feet outside city limits, on hard -surface street; $950; your own terms. See Peter son. THE FRED A JACOBS CO.. 104 5th St. Main 6St. C4 ACRES CLACKAMAS STATION. 1 mile E. of station on main ro.d ; 30 a. In cult., black loam soil ; S-rootn house, large barn and other outbldss. ; running water; 4 a. pasture. Price $ i00 per are. HENRY W. GODDARD. 24."? Stark St. NICE HOME. I acres, all improved, nice cottage, barn, chicken house. lots of fruit and berries, on Oregon City car line, near station ; $M2"0. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 1 65 4th St. Sunday, Phone Ta bor 2'i:0. Only $1600 for almost 1 acre of land, with a good 6-room house, plenty of fruit, close to the station and car line you go to it all the wav on a paved highway. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABING TON BLDG. MK suburban 4-room house on two lns. Sightly location on Gresham line. Fif teen minutes walk frm city cars. Any reasonable offer considered. See It hi G: ibert station. Ask for Dawson s plaee. FIVE ACRES. All In cultivation, on hard-surface street, 25 minutes from postofflce; $:10mi. your own terms in reason. See Peterson. THE FRED A- JACOBS CO.. 10 5th St. Main 6Sfft. 1 ACRE MILWAUKIE $42O0. Al! in cult., streets paved: f-uit or chard; 7-room house with hath, gas, el., Bull Run water; terms $lou0 cash, bal. to be ftrran ged. HENRY W. GODDARD. 24.1 Stark s. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car line, from flVJO up. Inquire od house nonti ofRifley station, on Oregon City car ne. sign "Alder Brook." rl' KN1SMBD houteboat for sale. Ha rrlet club. 6c carfare; take Oswego local, red train at 4th and Washington, get off at Zimmerman; am leaving town. A bar g;iin. Ask for Butler. FIVE-ACRE TRACT ON POWELL VALLEY ROAD. This beautiful five acres on a ra'H road is a big bargain; $2700, all cleared; good soil. See Mr. Evt-rson. Main 6S02.