The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 09, 1919, Section One, Page 16, Image 16

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Inch Watinnalict I parlor Ic
Captain Griffith of Dufur Res
cued on Battlefield.
-i i i.i i j. r i.
?1-39 Hot Water Bottles 98c
oA Six-cDay Sale
Li a in Mellows, Styled Commandant
of Republican Army, Gives
History of "President."
Officer Unable to Bow Before King
George Because of "Kink" in.
Back Service Is Long.
' - - ii i
' " ,
reparations are practically com-
1 .. . i M . I Enmnnn r A
- Valera, Irish nationalist leader, who
I has become known as "president of
ine lnsn repuDiic, ana wnu win vidh
Portland on November 14 and 15.
, speaking at the public auditorium on
-the latter night. Dr. Aridrew C.
' Smith, as chairman for Oregon, is In
charge of the reception plans.
A comprehensive history of De Va
lera's career is contained in press
' matter prepared by Liam Mellows,
Istyled a member of the Irish parlia
ment and commandant of the Irish
ICpUUllUdll dllllji t . 1U11111 i i -V"-
-and comrade of De .Valera.
"Earaonn de Valera, president of
- the Irish republic," says Liam Mel-
lows, "is the direct representative of
' the Irish nation which has deliber
ately determined itself as a republic.
He was chosen by adult suffrage,
through the peaceful, democratic ma-
" chinery of the ballot. Nominated by
"no small group or special interest,
nor yet self-appointed, De Valera was
fraaltr hnaatl Kw a 3 t f 1 malnritV O f
- the Irish people, as the duly ac
; credited spokesman of the Irish na-
- speak for Ireland, with an authority,
- from the standpoint of democracy,
enual to that of the nresident of the
.. United States, or of the premier of
France or of Great Britain.
."' MiMKion la Explained.
"President De Valera has under
taken this journey at the request of
his government. The selection of the
chief representative of the nation for
this mission was intended to mark, in
a conspicuous manner, the esteem in
. wnicn me jrisn people noia me peo
ple of America. His personal con
nection with this country coupled-with
his well-known affection for it, made
him a most suitable ambassador.
"President de Valera was born in
: iew lurit tity, uciower J., 100. nc
Is therefore 37 years of age. 'His
iatner aieu wiien lie was n jcdis ul
'. a era ' . 1 . ' I li n i- m i n o" A m cri-j n I h o n r t
: turned to his mother's people. In
; County Limerick, Ireland. There he
was reared. He was educated at
Bruroe, Charleville. and in the B'rench
.college, Blackrock, County Dublin, in
both of its intermediate and univer
sity departments. Later he attended
lectures at the National university and
at irinity college, jJUDiin. At every
etate of his college career he won
1 1 : . .. i, ,,
fjuirjcw sn ija aiiu s'ci.iai jji iaco miu
( holds degrees in arts, science and in
' the theory and practice cf education.
De Valera Sentenced for Life,
- "When the Easter week insurrection
took place in 1916 De Valera was en-
gaged in research work in Quaternion
, analysis (a poweriui space caicuius,
"the invention of an Irishman, Sir Will
iam Rowan Hamilton, of Trinity col-
- lege) under the directorship of Dr.
. Conway, N. U. 1., at the National uni
versity. jjuj iii cue iiiMjrreciiuii 01 riasier
week, 1916, President De Valera was
-in. command of the ftingsend Mount
street area Dublin, which he held
with his battalion. Here, with little
-more than 100 men, he withstood the
entire force of the two divisions of
the English army, which marched with
.. artillery on tne city or uurjiin, irom
" Kingstown. His main position was
order of its commander-in-chief, Pad
c riac Pearce, to surrender.
"When he surrendered, De Valera
' was tried by court-martial and sen
tenced, to be shot, but owing to the
laiug iiue ul puuuv i iiu ig nation
a'jiniit tViA OYliiMi t inn t Vi n cantnr.
, was commuted to penal servitude for
' life."
After a long fight for freedom, con
tinues the chronicle by" Mellows, the
Irish leader was freed, to be Informed
that he had been chosen by unanimous
vote to represent East Clare in the
house of commons. He broadened the
"' Sinn V c i n nrc:i n i t-i 1 1 aii a nH uniteil It
; with other factions. With other Sinn
; Fein leaders he was again arrested
' and deported, being incarcerated in
" Lincoln prison, later escaping, to seek
; hiding in Ireland, where he drew up
an indictment against England, for
presentation at the peace conference-
1 K. -1 i . J '
t i .tiuuc iv America,
"President de Valera." concludes
his biographer, "having completed his
- work in Ireland, decided, with the ap
proval of his cabinet, to come to
. America to plead the cause of Ireland
before this great republic. He has
unbounded confidence in the Amer
ican people, and he feels that Amer-
ica will insist upon the realization of
me aims lor wnicn sne entered the
" t I'H' IJ IIIC 10 11 I VII IIU'
tions to determine for themselves tha
nau live
; Dr. Andrew C. Smith has been
chosen chairman for Oregon for the
- De Valera reception, accepting the
, DOSl UDOn receint or teles-ram frnm
; Frank P. Walsh, who urged him to
- take charge of the welcome of the
Irish leader in Portland.
Frank J. Lonergan has been named
-' as general secretary of the reception
- committee. The following citizens
from the state-at-large, outside of
Portland, were on Wednesday named
as vice-presidents of the committee:
Bernard Daly, Lakeview; J. H. Pierre,
ja uranae; A. A. Smith, Baker; James
ler. The Dalles; Dr. John Kilkenny,
- Meoiord; w. Kelleher, Roseburg; P.
; H. U Arcy, Salem; Mr. Dooley, Al
bany; Dr. Donnelly. Mount Ansrel
; Frank McMenamin, Heppner; T. W.
; xuinvan, Oregon City: Pat Gallagher.
Ontario; Hugh O'Kane, Bend; Frank
Davies. Salem; Thomas Brown. Salem:
'C. P. Lonergan, Pendleton; Sam Dolan
Corvallis; Henry Lyons. Albany: W.
P. O'Brien, Astoria; Hugh McLain,
; Electrification of Western Division
to Be Completed Soon.
TACCMA, Wash.. Nov. 8. (Special.)
Complete electrification of the
western division of the Milwaukee
railroad will be finished during No
vember and it is planned to have a
special ceremony when the first elec
trie locomotive reaches Tacoma. The
. : Westinghouse company began making
delivery of locomotives today and will
send out one a week. These first
locomotives are of passenger type
but will be geared for freight service
and sent out from the east with
.freight to break the motors in.
The Milwaukee is now electrified
from Tacoma to Harlowton, Mont.,
"with the exception of a short dis
tance from Othello, Wash., across the
. . laano line, jor wnicn no .appropna
tion has as yet been made by the
board of directors or the road..
f 1
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' A -BnnMnnnnBBin
Sum of $44,260 Is Oregon's Quota
for Fund to Be Raised During
Christmas Campaign.
The American Legion,, composed of
men who saw service overseas, is
giving its support to the annual holi
day sale of Red Cross Christmas seals
which will take place throughout the
country December 1 to 10, the entire
proceeds to be used In fighting tuber
The national budget is J6. 500.000
and of this sum Oregon Is expected to
raise $44,260. In Deschutes and Jef
ferson counties the campaign will be
handled by the legion posts. Miss
Mary Cronen, a Red Cross nurse with
base hospital 46, is now devoting her
time to work among the tuberculous
soldier, and she is just now dividing
the time with organization work, and
It was through her and her close
touch with and understanding of the
overseas man and his problems that
the legion was induced to take over
the campaign for the sale of seals.
Miss Cronen has also successfully or
ganized Harney county.
Floyd E. Dorris. field secretary of
the Oregon Tuberculosis association.
under which the seal sale will be held,
is devoting his entire time to the or
ganization of the state by counties
and during the past week organized
Klamath, Jackson, Douglas, Lane and
Coos counties. This week he will be
in Linn, Marion, Polk and Yamhill
counties. Without exception he is be
ing accorded hearty support and co
operation from the leading men and
women of the counties. The women's
clubs are rallying to the campaign in
highly gratifying manner, the
chairmanship in several counties hav
ing been assumed by a woman's or
The booth sale in Portland, which
has come to be an important part of
the public health work of the wom
en's clubs, will be held from Decem
ber 6 to 20.
Work of Science Club Pointed Out
as Indicating Interest; Lack of
Equipment Hampers Effort.
gene, Nov. 3. (Special.) Renewed
stimulus is given to research work
In the University of Oregon by the
recent announcement of the coming
visit of Dr. W. F. Durand, repre
sentative of the National Research
Council, to this institution in the
course of an inspection tour of the
western institutions of higher educa
lon. Dr. Durand is professor of me
chanical engineering at Leland Stan
ford Jr. university-
Dr. E. S. Conklin, professor of psy
chology, who Is chairman of a fac
ulty committee appointed to co-oper-
Brings the Roses to
Children's Cheeks
Mothert Brew This Vegetable Tea at
Borne Good Health to All
the Family.
To drive out of the system impuri
ties that keep you feeling miserable Is
good advice, and people who want bet
ter blood and keener enjoyment of life
should not neglect takingat least a
two-weeks' treatment of gentle health
building K. & B. Tea.
Druggists will tell you that scores
of people enjoy a cup at bedtime be
cause it keeps liver and bowels in
proper condition and ends bilious at
tacks and sick headache.
Give it to the children when peevish.
They like it, and it acts very gently
on their little bowels. Be sure you get
Dr. .Carter's K. & B. .Tea. Adv.
ate in this matter, pointed out to
day that the science club of the uni
versity is formed to promote research
work. "Most of its members," he
said, "are now working , on some
form of research in their spare mo
ments, but their time is very crowd
ed." Most of them, he asserted, fell
under obligations to devote as much
time as possible to the work.
The university should ' lead the
state in all fields of knowledge, but
especially in research work, declared
Dr. Warren D. Smith, professor of ge
ology, who is on the committee with
Dr. Conklin. It should not, in Dr.
Smith's opinion, wait for instructions
from the . state.' "People outside of
Oregon," he said, "are not extraordi
narily interested in college athletics,
but their attention is attracted o
university activiies likely to affect
their interests.
"The university has been hampered
by lack of equipment and time for
research. Financial aid has been
sought from the national research
council at Washington. Oregon is not
up to standard in research, although
much has been done in several de
partments in spite of handicaps, but
it is hoped that the necessary funds
may be obtained to carry on the work
in a more thorough manner.
"Research work is the foundation
of invention and of successful, live
teaching," concluded Dr. Smith. "Some
of it may not seem at all practical at
the time and some of the knowledge
gained may not be ; used until years
afterward. One way to increase the
wealth of the state and. in time, sup
port of the university, is to discover
new resources or cheaper processes
for utilizing what we have."
White Men in Power Boats Said to
Be Taking Eskimo Food.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Nov. 8. Closed
season for walrus should be declared
by the United States government in
the Arctic, according to W. B. Van
Vallin, who has returned to Seattle
after spending nearly three years at
Point Barrow, the "corner of the
continent," searching for Eskimo
relics and history for the University
of Pennsylvania.
White men in power boats are
killing a large number of walrus,
making, it impossible for the Eskimo
to obtain enough for food, Mr. Van
Vallin said.
S. A H rreen stamps for cash.
Holman Fuel Co.. Main 3it, A 3353
Heating and Ventilating Engineers
Install Pipeless and All Other Styles of Warm Air
We Also Carry IN STOCK a Complete Line of "Per
fect" 'Trogressive" and- "Victor" Repairs and Com
plete Furnaces Sold by Us During the Last Twenty
five Years, Which .We Offer at
19 th and Wilson Streets
TACOMA, "Wash.. Nov. 8. (Special.)
To receive a wound and operate on
it alone on th battlefield does not
present half as much concern as does
the ceremony of being vested, with
the British military cross by his
majesty. King George of England.
So says Captain -Thomas E. Griffith,
medical corps, who received his dis
charge at Camp Lewis this week to
go to his home at Dufur, Or. The cap
tain, who saw 18 months' service on
the active fronts in France and Bel
gium, was kept in the service after
his return from France and recently
was surgeon of the officers' ward at
the Camp Lewis base hospital.
Captain Griffith had "hobnobbed"
with the prince of Wales in the ac
tive sectors in France: clasped hands
with King Albert of Belgium, and
found General Mangin. the French
defender, a staunch friend, but he
forgot to say "Your Majesty" when
he sooke to King George, amid royal
surroundings, although he had been
coached to say those words.
Wonnd Prevents Bowlnir.
He just talked to the king in the
democratic American way and didn't
even bow when the investure was
completed, but his neglect of this for
mality was the fault of the flesh, not
the heart, for a piece of high explo
sive had dented the Oregonian's back
and bending low as a courtesy was
one thing he could not do.
Captain Griffith was stationed at
Vancouver Barracks just after war
v as declared, but was sent overseas
pnd detailed to a British army hospi
tal at the Isle of Wight for instruc
tion in war-time surgery and soon
foui d himself in a casualty clearing
station in France and went into the
front lines with the 36th British di
vision, along with three other United
States army medical officers.
Medical Officers Killed.
Medical officers were killed and
wourded in great numbers under the
British system of having surgeons go
to w.ounded men. instead of bringing
the wounded back, and Captain Grif
fith, who . shared all the terrors of
the St. Quentin "March show" in 1918
as medical officer with the first bat
talion. Royal Irish Fusiliers. He
once found himself behind the Ger
man lines but escaped with two other
officers. In that fight every officer
was killed or wounded or taken pris
oner, and the colonel found himself
in the hands of the Germans. The
battalion was reformed and sent to
Ypres and the British had 13.000
killed and wounded in five days. The
badly-battered trot ps were then sent
to Armentierres, where the Portu
guese had given way and Captain
Griffith gave first aid in the trenches
and when relief came only 95 of the
400 men of his unit were on their
Captain Operate on Self.
A week later the captain, without
orders, accompanied a raiding party
which was looking for prisoners in
No Man's Land. The Germans were
shelling the trenches and one of the
scouting party was wounded. Captain
Griffith was carrying the soldier on
his back and a shell burst netarby
A piece of shell passed through the
bctiy of the wounded soldier, killing
him instantly, and a rergeant and cor
poral were killed. Captain Griffith
was woundod in the arm and thigh
and gassed while operating on him
self. Using his first aid kit he cut
open the wound as he lay on the
field, probed until he got the piece
of shell, poured iodine into the
wounds and laid there until stretcher
bearers rescued him.
KlnK Albert Tkr C hance.
The captain's wounds healed well,
tut the gas proved serious and ha
was in an army hospital until July
of this year and was then sent to
Camp Lewis for duty.. The decoration
by King George took place at Buck
ingham palace, December 13, 1918, and
only one other American was invested
with the medal at that time. The
award was made for service and gal
lantry at "Hill 41." where Captain
Griffith kept up the battalion first
aid post in spite of shell fire and the
attack of the Germans.
For a time Griffith was at
tached to the 27th and 30th Ameri
can divisions, and also served with
men of the 91st division in 'Belgium.
He found King Albert a much-Iovea
and democratic ruler and a soldier
who was willing to take chances in
the danirer rone.
"Comfort" Hot
Water Bottles
are made of the best
Para Rubber
are entirely
moulded in one piece.
Kecord of Dairy Council's Exhibit
Will Be Kept During Live
stock Exposition.
Miss Helen Miller of Tillamook,
who is regarded as an authority on
cowtesting. will be in attendance at
the Oregon Dairy Council's booth at
the Pacific International Livestock
exposition November 17 to 22 and will
test daily the milk of the herd that
the council will exhibit.
Th"e records of the amount of milk
and butter fat produced daily by each
cow will be posted and the amounts
and quality of feed used will be re
corded. The council will have in the
herd Merry Golden Ladd of Jteeds
port and his five daughters, who all
have a high butter fat record. Noah
Black will be in charge of these ani
mals. Three high-record cows will
be brought from Tillamook for the
exhibit and tests. Professor West
over of Oregon Agricultural college
will be general supervisor of the ex
hibit, which will cost the council sev
eral hundred dollars to stage.
The council also will have an edu
cational booth demonstrating the food
value of milk and dairy products. Ar
rangements for the exhibits and an
nual meeting of the council. Novem
ber 15, in the Multnomah hotel, are
being made by the secretary, Edith
Knight Hill. There will be a business
session at 10:30 A. M. and a luncheon
at noon. The delegates will adjourn
to attend the livestock show in the
There is considerable interest in the
election to be a feature of the morn
ing. Six directors are to be elected.
Among those who have been men
tioned as possible candidates for the
Broadway 852, A 1852
presidency are W. M. Ladd, W. B.
Ayer. R. L. Sabin, P. M. Brandt and
W. K. Newell.
' A really good sapphire should ap
pear blue by artificial light as well
as daylight. Some stones have a trace
of black and some red, the latter mak
ing themselves resemble amethyst,
espeoialy by lamplight or gaslight.
Diabetes Treated
Medical science admits of no defi
nite cure for Diabetes despite the
many years of experimenting and re
search by physicians. However, this
popular theory might be called falla
cious . if one were to judge from the
following unsolicited testimonial from
a grateful user of Warner's Safe Dia
betes Remedy.
"I had been troubled with Diabetes
for 8 years. I heard about Warner's
Safe Diabetes Remedy and I tried
some of it and got myself in good con
dition and went to work again. One
man said he doctored for 2 years and
that one bottle of -Warner's Safe Dia
betes Remedy did him more good
than ail the doctors. I am much
pleased and so thankful for your life-
saving remedy that I cheerfully rec
ommend it to anyone troubled with
Diabetes, and I hope this will be the
cause of helping many sufferers."
(Signed) James Piatt. Nafl Military
Home, Dayton. Ohio. U. S. A.
Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy is
made from a formula tried and tested
and used with remarkable results dur
ing the past 40 years. As the name in
dicates, Warner's Safe Diabetes Rem
edy is absolutely safe and is 'made
solely from herbs and other beneficial
Ingredients. Sold by leading drug
gists everywhere. Sample sent on re
ceipt of ten cents. Warner's Safe Rem
edies Co., Dept. 265, Rochester. N. Y.
People Notice It. Drive Them
Off with Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets
A pimply face will not embarrass you
much longer if you get a package of
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin
should begin to dear after you have
taken the tablets a few nights.
Cleanse the blood, bowels and liver
with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the
successful substitute for calomel; there's
no sickness or pain after taking them.
Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets do that
which calomel does, and just as effec
tively, but their action is gentle and
safe instead of severe and irritating.
No one who takes Olive Tablets is
ever cursed with a "dark brown taste."
a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good"
feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
disposition or pimply face.
Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable
compound mixed with olive oil; you will
know them by their olive color
Dr. Edwards spent years among pa
tients afflicted with fiver and bowel
complaints, and Olive Tablets are the
immensely effective result. Take one or
two nightly for a week. See how much
better you feel and look. 10c and 25c
Important Free Offer To The
Mr. F. 3. Stuart, President of the Plapao
Laboratories, Inc., bas invented the
scientific FLAP AO-PADS, designed to da
away altogether with the old fashioned
truss or mechanical appliance. We want
every raptured person that reads this to send
his or her name and address so we can send a
and other important Information that every
ruptured person should know. Absolutely
the "wonder
worker called "Plapao" will do. Wo will
prOTe to you, ABSOLUTELY FREE, that
yon can be benefited by the FREE test treat
ment. Send name and address to-dav.
P LAP AO CO., Block me, U Louis. Uo.
"Comfort" Hot Water Bottles are well known to
thousands of Owl Drug Store customers. From
a value standpoint, they are enthusiastically appre
ciated at the regular price which is $1.39.
This opportunity to buy one at 98c particularly
at the very beginning of their season of greatest
usefulness will be eagerly accepted. The 98c
price will be in effect from Monday, Nov. 10th to
Saturday, Nov. 15th, inclusive.
I cAll Owl Drug Stores feature Thermosac Covers for the 2- or 3-quart
I sizes at 35c. They protect the bottle and increase efficiency.
E. Struplere, Manager
Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention
Ml V
t'p In Syracuse, N. T., a treatment tor
rheumatism has been found that hundrrdw
of uaers say Is a wonder, reporting case
that seem little short of miraculous. Just
a few treatments even in the very worst
cases seem to accomplish wonders even
after other remedies have failed entirely.
It seems to neutralize the uric acid and
lime salt deposits In the blood, driving all
the poisonous clogrRlnK waste from the svs
tem. torenes. pain, stiffness, swelling
Just seem to melt away and vanish.
The treatment first Introduced by Mr.
telano Is so (sood that its owner wants
everybody that suffers from rheumatism or
who has a friend so afflicted, to got a free
7.,Vcpackafre from him to prove Just what
it will do In every case before a penny is
pent. Mr. Delano says: "To prove that
the Delano treatment will positively over
come rheumatism, no matter how severe,
stubborn or long- standing the case, and
even after all other treatments have failed.
I will. If you have never prevlous'y used
the treatment, send you a full size 75c
package free If you will Just cut out this
notice and send it with your name and ad
dress with 10c to help pay postage and dis
tribution expense to me personally."
F. H. Delano, 10-K Griffin Square bldg..
Syracuse, N. Y. I can send only one Free
package to an address. Adv.
Tells a Secret
Manufacturer of Famoai Medicine
Telia nj;redleBs, So Public tan
Appreciate Pute, Reliable Medi
cine. Many people fear to take medicine
to check and abort colds, cure coughs.
catarrh, etc. This fear Is groundless
with all the products of The Black
burn Products Co., Dayton, Ohio. Not
one contains opiates, narcotics or
harmful drugs. Mentho-Laxene, for
coughs, colds, catarrh and all distress
following a cold, is a compound of
Wild Cherry, Tolu. Cascara, Grinde
lia, Menthoe Ammonium Chloride
and alcohol sufficient to preserve and
keep in solution.
Every ingredient is in concentrated
form and the medicine is so strong
that only ten-drop doses are to be
taken in the "raw" state. But the
ideal way is to make into syrup by
emptying a 2Vi-oa. bottle of Mentho
Laxene into a pint bottle and then fill
the bottle with granulated sugar
syrup, made by dissolving a pint of
sugar in a half pint of boiling water.
It is said by thousands that this
makes a most effective home treat
ment for all cold troubles. The man
ufacturer guarantees it to please or
money back. Sold by all good drug
gists. Adv.
Get a small package of Hamburg
Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take, a
tablcspoonful of this hamburg tea, put
a cup of boiling water upon it, pour
through a sieve and drink a teacupful at
any ttpie. It is the most effective way to
break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the
pores, relieving congestion. Also loosens
the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once,
It is inexpensive and entirely vegc
taplp, therefore harmless.
X'-'-.v.ewnr iiir'.stHk,vt 9
; m - la
"I Now Hear Clearly"
You, Too, Can Hear!
Inasmuch as "50.000 ufrn of the
"Ai OlTSTR ON" hav had the same
satisfactory renu Its a are apparent
in the photograph above, we fel
perfect! y -afe in urging every deaf
person, wit hout a penny of expense
and entirely at our risk, to accept the
Famous Acousticon
For 10 Days' FREE TRIAL
The U19 A roust Icon is umafler.
better and of greater efficiency than
ever, and we hope every one who is
hard of hearing will accept this of
fer JuFt write sayina" that you are
hard of henrtn-j and will try the
"Acousticon' The trial will not cost
you one cent, for we even pay de
livery charges.
WARMXi! There Is no Rood rea
son whv everyone should not make
as liberal a trial offer as we do. no
do not send money for any instru
ment for the deaf until ou have
tried it.
The "Acousticon" has improvements
and patented features which cannnt
be duplicated, so no matter what
you have tried in the past, send for
your free trial of the Acousticon
.sutTf.-snr to tne Tenerl Acoustic o.
207 Oregon Bldg:.. Portland, Or.
Begy's Mustarine
For Sore Throat
And Chest Colds
Just rub on Begy's Mustarine if you
want to get rid of that cold on tho
chest, bronchitis, pleurisy or core
throat in double quick time. It can
not blister and you can get a big yel
low box of this original, real mustard
plaster improvement at a very small
A box is equal to B0 blistering mus
tard plasters and with it you can stoj
toothache, headache and earache in 10
minutes. Prescribed by doctors for 19
years. Xothing so quick and effective
to end rheumatic pains, neuritis, neu
ralgia and lumbago.
Be sure it's Begy's Mustarine. the
original in the yellow box. The 60
cent size contains two and one-half
times as much as the 30-cent size. It's
great for chilblains and frosted feet.
Money back if it isn't by far the
best mustard preparation on the
S. C. Wella Co.. LeKoy, N. Y.
Milk Toast Diet Too
Much for Her
"I doctored for years with only tem
porary relief. My liver was very bad.
After eating I would always have such
a fullness in my stomach and my
heart would palpitate. 1 could not
eat milk toast without distressing me.
Since taking a course of Mayr's Won
derful Remedy, more than a year ago.
I can eat anything my appetite
desires." It is a simple, harm
less preparation that removes the ca
tarrhal mucus from the intestinal
tract and allays the inflammation
which causes practically all stomach,
liver and intestinal ailments, includ
ing appendicitis. One dose will con
vince or money refunded. At all
druggists. Adv.
1. -1