I t I I i THE SIjXDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, ' XOYE3IISER 9, 1910. 13 j 7 SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS NO FLATTER WHERE YOU SHOP, SHOP EARL The New Victor Records for November Go on Sale Tomorrow Sixth Floor Personal Greeting Cards An ordinary card at the holiday season carries an ordinary message. But a personal card made from your own plate or carrying your own message conveys an intimate feeling of Christmas good will. It carries your personal wishes and Christmas thoughts in a cheery and dignified manner. Our engraving department is now showing a particularly good assortment of designs in personal greeting cards for Christmas and the New Year. Orders placed now will receive our best unhurried attention. , Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) See Also Page 12 this section for additional MEIER & FRANK store activities featur ing November News for the Home The- Quality' Store or Portland riftH -Sixth, tlof-i-uoiv Alder Ota. See Also Back Page this section for additional MEIER & FRANK store news of a great November Sale Women's Apparel r Flacs! Flacs! FLAGS! Tuesday, November 11th, will be Armistice Day on which day the whole country will join in the first annual celebration of the day that marked the termination of the World War. We are ready with the flags for Armistice Day celebration silk, wool and cotton U. S. flags in vari ous sizes. Individual flags and composite flags of the allies. You will find our prices extremely moderate. Come in early tomorrow and select your flags for Armistice Day. Meier & Frank's: Flag Shop. Fifth Floor. econd Week of car November Pre-Holiday Sales Another Wonder Sale of Shoes for Men, Women and Children Footwear that is sound in. quality and correct in style is reduced for this 3 days' sale to Less Than Present Wholesale Cost allowing the whole fam ily to be outfitted for winter with shoes at sen sationally low cost. Women's Shoes 85.95 Famous J. & T. Cousins and other re liable makes in short lines taken from regular stock and discontinued numbers. Lace and button styles. Practically all sizes included. Brown, gray and black kid shoes, some with cloth tops to match. Medium and Louis heels. Solid leather soles. Girls' Shoes $5.95 Tan and black English walking and medium heel lace shoes with leather or neolin soles. Men's Shoes $6.35 A good assortment of styles in tan and black leather shoes taken from regular stock. Solid leather and waterproof neolin soles. Practically all sizes. . Children's Shoes Parents will appreciate these savings on good serviceable shoes for their children Sizes 5 to 8, pair $1.85. Sizes 8V2 to 11, pair $2.85. Sizes 11 Vi to 2, pair $3.85. Shoes for school and dress. Scuff er shoes with extension soles in smoke and tan leather. Black patent, calfskin and kid leathers, some with cloth tops. Turned or welt sewed solid leather soles. Lace and button styles. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Sale of Handkerchiefs Four very special offerings in men's and women's handkerchiefs for personal use and for gift selections. Men's 35c Lawn 'Kerchiefs 25 6 for $1.29. Plain white im ported cambric lawn handker chiefs that will give good serv ice. Full regulation size, 'i-inch hemstitched hems. . Men's 20c Lawn 'Kerchiefs 15 6 for 67. Fine white em broidered lawn handkerchiefs in plain and fancy hand-loom ini tial style Full size. Neatly finished with -inch hem stitched hems. 25c Pure Linen 'Kerchiefs 20 6 for $1.10. Women's fine sheer pure linen handkerchiefs, hand-loom embroidered in one corner effects in white and col lors. 4-inch hemstitched hems. Women's 20c-25c 'Kerchiefs 15 6 for 85. Women's new col ored novelty . embroidered hand kerchiefs of fine sheer mate rials. One corner styles with solid colored hems and striped borders. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Large Women's Corsets Were $12.00-813.50 $5.95 EXTRA! Sizes 29 to 36 in Frolaset front lace and Mme. Irene back lace cor sets. Beautiful models of finest ma terials. Especially designed to suit large figures. Limited number at less than half price. Meier & Frank's : Corset Shop, Third Floor. Sale of Wash Laces Specially Purchased for Holiday Sewing Yard 10c to 79c New shipments freshly opened for busy needlewomen planning gifts of doll clothes, lingerie, camisoles, boudoir pillows, boudoir caps, neckwear and so on. 10c to 35c yard for special Valenciennes and Point de Paris edges and bands, 1 to 6 inches wide. 39c and 79c yard for special corset cover embroideries on sheer Swiss or nainsook with Venise lace edges, 17 inches wide. 49c yard for special Venice and filet , laces, natural color, for collars and camisoles, 3 to 5 inches wide. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) 45 c Flannel 31c Fine weave cotton and. wool mixed flannel in just the right weight for babies' underskirts, chest protectors, etc Does not shrink. Cream color. 27 inches wide. Yard very special at 31c Flannelette 27c Regularly 35c. Light weight flannelettes in Persian, floral and conventional pattern s light and medium colors. For house dresses, kimonos, quilt coverings, etc. 36 inches wide. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) $65 Hartmann Wardrobe Trunks $54.95 15 only. Cushion-top Hartmann wardrobe trunks with 10 hangers, locking bar THAT LOCKS, double hat box and shoe box all draw ers are convertible. Reg ular size. What better gift for a "go away"? Meier & Frank's: Sixth ifloor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Flour $3.15 Royal Banquet or Crown, 49 pound sack $3.15. Seedless Raisins, new crop, 10 pounds $2.10, three pounds 65c, pound 22 Candied Citron Peel, 2 pounds $1.05, pound 53. Candied Orange and Lemon Peel, 2 pounds 75c, pound 39. Zante Currants, recleaned, 15 oz. pkgs. 3 for 95c, pkg. 33. Brooms, special at, $1.40, $1.25 and $1.10. Meier & Frank's: Grocery. Ninth Floor. All Wool Poplin and French Serge $1.98 Wonderful values! First quality all-wool 44-inch French serge and 40-inch poplins in such wanted shades as navy and midnight blue, green, Copen, plum, Bur gundy, gray and black. Buy now for personal garments and for holiday gift giving. NEW Imported Wool Challis $1.25 Not for years have we been able to announce a sale of imported all-wool challis. We have just received a limited quantity of this material in a beautiful variety of colorings. Suitable for women's, misses' and children's wear. At $1.25 yard these challis are the lowest priced all-wool goods on the market today. Meier & Frank's: Dress Goods Phop, Second Floor. Collars $1.66 to $9.33 Were $2.50 to $14.00 Peter Pan Collars Round-Neck Collars Vests Cape Collars Cascade Frills Jabots Fully a third less for au tumn models of authorita tive neckwear. Nearly all the new frocks have creamy collars and it is easy to make any dress look new and different by adding one of these feminine touches. Only one, two or three pieces of a kind. Some of organdy combined with Valenciennes, others of net top laces or with hand work, many of washable laces. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) NOTICE: Tomorrow Begins a Demonstration of Fleislier Yarns Just when women who knit are beginning their holi day work we have arranged to have a special teacher direct from the Fleisher Yarn Factory here to give free instructions to our patrons. There is no need to exploit here the many excellences of Fleish er yarns as they are known the world over for their fine qualities. Many exquisite new models are being shown now for the first time. Be sure to see them and take advantage of this opportunity to secure free instructions in the art of knitting. A Sale of Needlework Women planning to give hand-embroidered needlework pieces as Christmas gifts should not delay in beginning this work. ' Here are four very special offerings in needle work for this week. Adjusto Tea Aprons 39 Excellent quality Adjusto tea aprons stamped for embroidery on serviceable quality Lyklinen. Good values. Women's Night Gowns $1.49 Our own beautiful patterns in women's nisrht eowns stamned for embroidery on honeymoon nainsook. All sizes. Sale Bureau Sets 79 Crash bureau sets stamped on cream or white crash. Scarf 16x52 inches with pin cushion to match, 4x12 inches. Sale Lunch Sets 79 Stamped on fine art cloth- "Blue Bird" and "Marguerite" designs. Center piece and 13 doilies to match. Set 79c. -Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) SALE EXTRAORDINARY SAMPLES of Famous Hansen Driving Gloves and Mittens y4 Off A sale of automobile gloves is a quite uncommon occurrence and a sale of the . nationally known Hansen gloves is AN EVENT. The opportunity to save a full quar ter on the regular price of these gloves is too good for any motorist to pass. But we have only 202 pairs to sell at this reduction, so early shopping is desirable. The Complete Sample Line of these famous lined driving gloves and one-finger mittens we. offer in this sale comprises capes, horsehides, bucks, colt skins, some warmly lined with jersey wool, lamb's' fleece and fur. Some have fur trimmed cuffs and gauntlets. No Two Pairs Quite Alike All regular sizes in the lot and a few small sizes in unlined gloves suitable for women s wear. At $2.25 to $18.75 which represents a quarter less than the regular prices there should be the hveli est buying. Another Sample Sale Flannelette Pajamas for Less $1.98,. $2.49, $2.98, $3.49 The saving indicated by each of these special prices is consider able enough to warrant every man who feels the need of warm night wear to attend this sale. These pajamas areftmade of warmly serviceable Teazel cloth in plain colors and stripes. Nearly all have frog trimmings. High, roll and low collars. Sizes 16 and 17 predominate. Night Shirts of the same warm material are specially priced at $1.98 and $2.19 Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men. Main Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.) An Extraordinary November Pre-Holiday Sale Women's & Children's Gloves Many of the gloves offered in this extraordinary pre-holiday sale are at LESS TIIAN PREVAILING WHOLESALE PRICES. Women should avail them selves of this opportunity to select gloves for per sonal wear and mothers should buy now for their children. It is a fine opportunity to select holiday gifts. Five extraordinary lots as follows: Sale of Gloves $1.48 Fine quality light weight P. K. cape skin, lamb skin and gray silk lined mocha gloves in one and, two clasp styles. Plain and embroidered backs. All good colors and all sizes but not all sizes in each color. "Bacmo" Gloves $1.79 First time on sale. Washable cape gloves for general utility wear. Full P. K. sewn. One clasp style. Pretty shades of gray, tan and khaki with contrasting embroidered backs. Some of the skins are "sub-standard" qualities but workmanship is Bacmo standard. Gloves $1.67 Fine quality white kid gloves in two-clasp style. Overseam sewn. Paris Point stitched backs. New Wash rite washable mo cha gloves just in $4 pair. Gloves $1.19 Children's serviceable quality real mocha gloves with heavy fleeced linings and embroidered backs. One-clasp style. Gray, tan and brown. Sizes 5 to 12 years. Gloves 63c Warm jersey fleece lined gloves that are sightly, com fortable and serviceable. Black, gray, brown and khaki with contrasting embroidered backs. All sizes. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.) Sale Japanese Kimonos Hand-Embroidered $4.95 A fine gift special! Good looking cotton crepe kimonos with elaborate cherry blossoms embroidered in white on rose, lavender, green, Copenhagen and dark blue. Typical Japanese sleeves and obi. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Combination Water Bottles $1.29 Two and three-quart combine tion fountain syringe and water bottle. Guaranteed one year. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) A Sale of White Aprons for Maids and Waitresses w 65c-75c Grades at. .49 $1.00 Grades for... 69 $1.25 Grades for...85d $1.35 -$1.50 Grades 95 $1.75-$2 Grades $1.10 Some are slightly soiled, some have small imperfections. The soiled ones will be perfect after one tubbing. The flaws in the others are very small nothing to impair the looks or wearing qualities. Trimmed with embroidery, lace and hemstitching. Good materials. It is a good chance to get better than usual values for the winter season's hospital ity. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) i ! ! ! J L J . I