TTTT2 SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 2, 1919. 17 roR BALE AUTOMOBILES. IK ITS A USED CAR YOU ARB LOOKING FOR, STOP LOOKING (v RIGHT NOW. YOU HAVE FOUND THE PLACE TO BUY IT. During this, the last week of OUR REMul)iJLLSG SALE. WE WILL OF FER So.ME exceptional values in higb Siade uel cart, including: t i'ords. Maxwells, Dodges, Buicks. Chalmers, Case. All reduced to prices that wiil make you buy them. EASY TER11S. ' You need not have all cash. Let us have just a ttnialt payment dow. and we will arrange a monthly payment plaa that makes the buying easy. SEE THEM TODAY. Open Snudays and Evenings. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO, Broadway and Burnside. Phone Broadway ttltt. ' USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. 1019 Mitchell, 5-pass. S-cyl. 191S Mitchell. 7-pass. 6-cyL 1!18 Mitchell, 5-pass. -cyl. 1018 Buick, 5-pass. 6-cyl. 1918 Studebaker, 7-pass. 6-cyl. 1918 Jordan, 7-pass. 6-cyl. 1017 Velie, 5-pass. 6-cyL 1917 Chevrolet, 5-pass. 6-cyl. 1917 Maxwell, 5-pass. 4-cyl. 1917 Saxon, 5-pass. 6-cyl. 1917 Overland, 5-paas. 4-cyL 1918 Overland, 5-pass. 6-cyl. 1912 Cadillac, S-pass. 4-cyl. Used Car Department 11ITHKLT. LEWIS PTAVER CO.. East First at Morrison sts. West Side Sales Room: Broadway at Oak sts. PHONES: B-1216. A-3.143. Bdwy. 513. OPEN TODAY. If It's a bargain in used autos. touring or'Ts. Inspect our srock. com pare our prices and easy payment plan. FORD TRUCKS. 2 Graham Brothers Ford truck at tachments tor sale at cost. MANLEY AUTO CO., Broadway 217. 11th at Burnside. LIGHT CARS. Overland touring, repainted, fine mo clinnical shape. 8nxon 6, repainted, special price. liisael 6, re-painted, new top. wire wheels, cord tires, thoroughly re painted. Easy terms. WILLIAM L. HUGHSOV OO .. 60 N. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 321. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. OLD-MODEL Buick roadster, bug type, drive it a year and -sell for more than you pay. jiuu down, balance monthly. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder. Open Sunday. B1 UDEBAKER six, f0. The best light six in town: good new paint and new lires; a perfect car and only $800. Terms. Phone Broadway 4S-10. FORD -FORD FORD. 1917 Ford touring car: speedometer; alt In Al condition. Telephone East 1723. Must sell: liberal terms. FORD FORD FORD. 1618 BUICK 7-pashenger, equipped, prac tically new cord tires, mechanically per fect. Many extras; $1325, terms. Car and owner can be seen Sunday only at low 11th st.. bet. Stark and Wash. WINTON 6, 1918 model, 7-passenger, fully equipped, wire wheels; this car Is In ex cellent condition, run 5500 miles, price $2500. Investigate this if you want a real buy.1 U. H. Johnson. Tabor 4727. CADILLAC EIGHT. Mechanically perfect, cord tires; a rich man's car at a poor man's price; terms if you need them. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TCXTH. 1819 FORD SEDAN. 6 tires, shock absorbers, skid chains and other extras, $750 Sunday only t all Bdwy. 3217 or Tabor 2418, ask dor Wilson. FORD Good mechanical -condition ; shock absorbers, new tires. newly pointed; snap. $350: half cash, balance 10 mos. Room 317 Morris hotel, 7 to 10 A. M. 1 to 3 l: M. FOR SALE 1919 Hupmobile, $1375; 5 good tires, many, extras, easy terms to responsible party. Columbia Highway -iniaiie, -t.u aiiu neunoni. laoor i.f-. FOR SALE Ford touring car. price 14"M1 extra good value. Call Brooklyn grocery, or upstairs, 577 Mllwaukie st., city. BRAND NEW Maxwell sedan, never been used. $17oo- easy terms. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. 1918 OLDS 8 roadster, exceedingly good, ry terms. Auto Sales Co., Auburn dis tributors. 9th and Couch. WILL TRADE good automobile for vT cant lot. close to city park, this side of hl';l. I mean business. C 1574. 11.18 CHEVROLET-touring. $2tin down: guarantee ami free service: enough salii Portland far Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. 1917 FORD tour, in tirst-class condition all good tires; wilt sell reasonable on terms. Phone A 49il. DODGE touring, late model: fine condi tion, good tires: terms. East 3136. BUICK 4 roadster, elec. lights and extras. $350. Broadway 2360. LITTLE roadster, 1913 model, good or der; sacrifice: leaving city. 205 E. 34th. 192( FORD touring; Ford electric-starter-run 150 miles. Tabor 4671. OVERLAND Country Club, looks and runs like new: private party. Wdln. 017. STUDEBAKER 6. 1917. by private party cheap. Tabor 6062. 516 f. 43d St. N. OVERLAND for sale, $300 cash, good con- onion, inquire 13111 ti. Harrison st. FOR SALE 2 wheel trailer, 130. 10O9 E. autn N, Wdln. 3656. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. THE PORTLAND ELECTRIC GARAGE. Wo have ft large assortment of good used late model cars that are ready for delivery. We can take your bonds and stamps and we do not charge any brok erage. We have no set terms, but can help you make terms that you can meet. Below are a few of our bargains: BUICK TOURING LIGHT SIX. This light six runs andJooks perfect; . low price of $975 with fi'J down. bal. easy. Take Ford In trade. HUP TOURING. This Is one of the big models and will So anywhere; looks and runs first-class; take ligh. car in trade. Low price and long terms. OAKLAND TOL'RINO '17. This dependable six will do all the hillls on high and run on very small expense. Low price and (200 down, bai. easy lets you own it. SAXON SIX TOURING. This light six is reflnished and looks and runs as good as new and the low price will move It; (150 down and bal. -lans easy terms. CHEVROLET TOURING. Low price of $400 and 1150 down, bal. easy, will let you drive this one home, and it's good all over. OVERLAND TOURING '17. This is the real model that always runs and this one is ready for the road; it don't need anything. Low price, long terms and bonds, full value. DODGE ROADSTER '18. Car is flrst-ciana and has non-skid tires and one extra and will do all the hard work you could ask a car to do, and the price is 8o0: Just $200 cheaper than you generally buy '18 Dodges. - $3' down, bal. easy. COLE EIGHT. 7-PASS. This is all the class and if you want a real car see this one; low pries and long terms. CHANDLER CHUMMY '18. Cord , equipment throughout, wire wheels and bumpers front and back: looks and Is first-class every way and will be guaranteed this way. . Special job; see this if in the market for some thing in a real car. "Terms and take car in trade. STUTZ. The standard of America. We have a 4-pass. sport model and it has cords, wire wheels and is ready. We have low price, lopg terms. Take car in trade. We go over our cars carefully and you can see our big shop right here, and we can prove to you our cars are right and priced lower than any place in this city. Call and inspect our cars Sunday even ings by appointment only. PORTLAND ELECTRIC GARAGE. 11th at Hoyt st. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. Stutz, Ift-valve motor. 6-pass. 12.-1 Ford coupe, new. with Rtarter. Sl.-.on Velie. run only 300O miles, jlino Hup. 1918 model, looks like new. 75 Maxwell, 1918, ." per cent new. 70 Maxwell, '19 model, special equip ment. flii.V) Buick light 6. roadster. $02j .Chevrolet touring, 1U17 model. J i".- Chevrolet touring, dero. rims. Franklin touring. $1250 Chandler, like new, a bargain. Studebaker 6. $27.1 Studebaker 4, 5-pass. $l7."i Dodge touring, a snap. $ooO Maxwell roadster, new tires. Other bargains in Fords, Overlands, Buicks. Maxwells. Chevrolets, etc Prices from $200 to $2050. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS. C. G. BLEASDALE, M0 Alder St. . OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX. $1250 HERE. ALL CHARGES INCLUDED. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. THE EAGER THRONG OF "CAR WISE" PURCHASERS WHO KNOW THE OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX IS NOT APPROACHED; in value, high quality construction, sturdiness. power and economy, by any car under $20oo is self-evident proof that our used cars are selected CAREFULLY Irom the many offered to us. THE FEW SELECTED MUST BE GOOD. THEY MUST BE REAL BAR GAINS. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOW. BST. SEE FOR YOURSELF. Oakland Light Sixes all models. 1010 Roadster. Cord tires. Good spare. Carefullv used $75 J017 Tourings $50-$725 Either one a - good .serviceable car-first-class in every way..' 1918 Tourings $900-$950 Cars have not run 3000 miles. JfilB Touring, a snap SfiOO WILLAMETTE OAKLAND COMPANY. 344 BURNSIDE Just off Broadway. Phone Broadway 82. OPEN SUNDAYS. 1910 CHEVROLET baby grand touring car, generates 41 horse-power, "A bear of a puller." $300 down, balance monthly. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Open Sunday. ling CHEVROLET. 5-pass.. new in May. 3 new tires, oversize rears, spotlight, new spare tire. 3 tubes. 2 extra rims, many extras, fine condition. $700; some time if needed. Phone Brdwy. 2229 room 216. TWO late 1918 Dodge touring cars, in good condition; some extras: real snap in these cars if taken at once: terms. Mon arch Motor Co.. 343 Vancouver. Just south of east Broadway. Open Sunday. A NICE 3-passcnger Reo roadster, six cord tires, new paint and only $850 with terms. Car at 421 Burnside st. $575 TERMS. 1919 Ford touring, run 2000 miles; some extras; excellent running order; license No. 729US. Fields Motor Co., 14th and Alder. Open Sunday. 7-PASS. 1918 Chalmers Hot Spot. In ex cellent condition. A really good car at the right price. Demonstration any time. Marshall 3210. HUDSON SUPER. Practically new Hudson - super; terms. 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. good 1918 MAXWELL roadster, $320 down: guarantee and free service; enough said Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor 1913 CADILLAC, runs very good, has the appearance of a later model car. 374 UNION AVE. M. EAST 5291. OVERLAND model 90, privately owned. wtil take Ford as part payment. 846 K. Burnside. Phone East 12. 1918 OVERLAND chummy roadster, newly reiintsnea. must sell at once. 374 UNION AVE. N. EAST 5291. 1917 AUBURN 6-cyL, 5-pass., easy terras Auto Sales Co., Auburn distributors, 9th and Couch. SPECIAL! . 1017 Ford touring; must be sold by tomorrow, $400. Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. 1917 HUPMOBILE, 5-pass., will consider light car as part payment. 374 UNION AVE. N. EAST 5291. WANTED Ford; cash, but must be a bar gain. Call Sell. 24U9, Monday to Friday after 6 P. M. STUTZ coupe, in fine condition, mechani cally guaranteed: a snap at $1450; terms Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor 1918 OAKLAND sedan, like new, cord tires, easy terms. Auto Sales Co., Au burn distributors, 0th and Couch. 191X MITCHELL light six. Just over hauled: cord tires, 2 new; a bargain. 2i'.st 12th st. 1917 BUICK. 4-cyl.. 5-pass. touring. Easy terms. Auto Sales Co., Auburn distrib utors. 9th and Couch. WILL trade my R-passenger Studebaker for piano or what have you? Tabor 1674. 215 E. 35th, near Hawthorne. 1918 SAXON touring, rear seat makes bed. Easy terms. Auto Sales Co., Auburn distributors, 9th and Couch. FOR SALE, cheap 1910. G Franklin car: would make good service car. 46 N. 2rtth. FOR SALE Late model 7 passenger Studebaker, in good condition. Call Sunday at 1075 E. 23d N. 1818 STUDEBAKER, 4-cyl. touring. Easy terms. Auto Sales Co., Auburn distrib utors. 9th and Couch. WANT used Dodge car; must be In good order, give cash price. L 146. Orego- n ia n. ' 1916 LOZIER 5-pass. Easy terms! Auto Sales Co., Auburn distributors, 9th and Couch. 1918 FORD cheap, easy payments, 3 new tires. East 1868. LATE 16 Dodge. $700, on time: good me' chanlcal condition. Phone East 6585. FORD touring, $375: best buy-In town Weber's garage. 900 Belmont. WILL trade 1918 Dort for paying-industrial or bank Btock. AK 702, Oregonian. 1918 VELIE, fine cnoditlon, easy terms. 374 UNION AVE. N. EAST 5291. BUICK light four, to be seen at City garage or 494 Tacoma ave.. Sellwood. DODGE roadster for sale $625; 1916: good condition. Call Columbia 886. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. WONDERFUL "WINTER BARGAINS. The time of the year is here when yoo can get the most for your money of an) time during; the year. Hudson model 37. fine condition, V0ry fine automobile, good tires, repainted and first-class running order $37$ Mitchell Six, good tires, good condl- tion 425 1917 Maxwell, overhauled and re painted, fine little car, all fixed up 495 1918 Maxwell, all gone over, over hauled and repainted; great buy.. 650 1919 Maxwell, Hki- new, the original finish, not wort, all in fine con dition. 875 191 Chalmers Light Six, overhauled and repainted, a fine quality car in very good shape 850 2 1917 Chalmers; one 5-pass. and one 7-pass. automobiles, all first class condition 1100 1918 Chalmers hot spotlight six. like new, a very good buy 1250 HUDSON SUPER SIX. 1917 Hudson super .six, overhauled and repainted: also guaranteed by us the same as a factory guaran tee; buy a high-grade quality car at a bargain, price 1350 1918 Hudson super six that Is all In first-class condition, so that we can. guarantee it the same as a factory guarantee on a new car... 165 Hudson super six roadster, al In first-class condition, and the car guaranteed for 90 days.... ..1250 Essex, like new, with guarantee ............ factory .150 C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. 615-617 Washington St. Portland. WE ARE still selling as many cars as usual. The reason why we sell so many cars is we give good service and our cars are guaranteed. If you want to buy a tar that is a car. call and inspect our Line of automobiles. Dodges. Fords. Light Winton Six. Elgin Six, with lots of power. ' Grant Silt- Overland, model 83. - King 8, the speed demon. Ford trucks. Chalmers touring car. KisselKar. A high-powered American, studebaker. Chevrolet. Stutz roadster. 2 Reo trucks. Hudson town car. Chalmers roadster. Oldsmobile 4-cyl. We have several cars not listed. W accept, diamonds or liberty bonds as Part payment on any car. PORTLAND-SAN FRANCISCO. USED CARS. 855 Burnside st. Broadway 3685. BEARCAT STUTZ. Little red devil of a car. a he-man's speed boat. The car that every boy and his dad hopes to own some day. First regular sixteen-valve Bearcat to be of fered for sale at a reduced price in Port land. Glad to guarantee this real automobile. See the car any week-day. AUTOREST MOTOR SALES Co STUTZ DISTRIBUTORS FOR OREGON, Tenth at Salmon. STUDEBAKER BUG. A classy car. Just finished: new body, new paint. top. wlndshlel.t. electric lights, new storage battery, new vacuum cup tires on rear. cood Fires tones on front; $250 cash. $:0O terms. Mar 1SU8 after 9:30 A. M. 1917 CHEVROLET touring car. special price $575. terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Open Sundays. OVERLAND 85-4 cylinder. $250 cash, bal ance terms; new rubber all around and new paint See It at 421 Burnside ai 1914 5-PASS Apperson; electric lights and 4-pass. enclosed coupe body. $25. Edison storage batteries, bargain'. East 17U5. ON ACCOUNT of sickness, must sell my 1917 Briscoe, good rubber. Just been painted a Rolls Rovce blue with top and cushions. Must be sold today for 1919 MAXWELL; Just Tiki nTwri gTd paint; top side curtains and tires; $850 easy terms. See this before you buy: costs nothing to look. See Tom. Ore- '" xop o., nin ana touch. ivii MllLHULL H touring. 5-pass.. rood as new. for $1090; terms; guarantee and free service: enougn said. Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th anu xayior. AUTO TOWING. Day and ntant. Reliant, ai... ?SI "L.1- Mla 259 day- -Marshall 321 nights. 1919 COLE 8 touring, bought In June: 5 iie co r u ures ana otner extras; cost win sen tor SL'ttUo; terms. Port land Car Sales Co.. 0th and Taylor. 1919 CHEVROLET panel delivery, only run 2200 miles, like new must be sold. $675; terms. Apply at 475 Morrison street. gn . ouiuvan. ijuwy. oivll. 1917 HUDSON SI'PER-STV Cord tires, $000 down, guarantee and full service; enough said. Portland Car omes io.. uin anu jayior. OWNER will sacrifice 1919" Velie 5-pass-enger, run but 6400 miles. tierfct dltion. Would consider smaller car in wuBnge. jir. omeaq. Alain i M 4. 1918 BUICK roadster, cord tires fin. dltion, $1300, terms, guarantee and free service. enougn saia. Portland Car gtica o., ijlu ana lay lor. CHEVROLET. 1918. touring. In A-1 cnnrii- tlon, good tires, will sell at $650 and giv some lerin. au ur&na avenue N.. C 55 BUICK 6 touring; price $850 for quick sale; terms: guarantee and free service: enough said. Portland Car Sales o., am anu xayior. CHANDLER light 6, a real automobile and a Bargain: come ana iOOK at this car cash or terms or smaller car. 990 E. varmners. near !4tn ana Division. LATE-MODEL Dodge. 5-naKenrr h condition; 3 new tires, terms; leaving the i-jvjt. v-o.ii ounuay or .tjonuay A. Jl., ZJ01 c. oun bi., near jtiawcnorne. MAXWELL touring, must be sold by to morrow, good condition; $575 for quick sale. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and H. F. UlLLERl See him first. He has a new Dixie Flyer for you. Terms can t be beat. Trade in your old car. Mar- snail i-t.o. 00 norm aa st. CHANDLER chummy. 1918, fine condition i,?,". ierm, -guarantee ana tree service enougn shiu. i-ornana tar Sales Co 5th and Taylor. SEVEN-PASSENGER Jeffries. 4 good cord tires, just out 01 paint snop and good at new, leaving i.uwn. maae me an offer r-none runuay a. jm.. Mam 323L 1917 DODGE touring, fine condition down, guarantee, free service, enough said. Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th and 1 ayior. FORDS ALL KINDS. IE it s a rora you want, we have it at l lie ii;iii nam, ui leiuiH. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. FOR SALE 1918 Buick, 5-pass., $1175; 5 boh iiicB, Hioiij viiitis. enny terms to re sponsible party. Columbia Highway uaragc, -1 anu dcuhuiu. laoor 4 LATE 1917 Grant 6, used very little; $32i aown, guarantee anu tree service. Port- lana Lar gates -p.. otn ana Taylor. 1920 FORD touring car. latest model, with or without ronl electric starter. 374 union ave. jNonn. c. ajvi. APPERSON, 4-cyllnder. 5-passenger, good cuiiuiLiuii, iuru ures. xunon service ata lion, cur. i',ni anu toucn. rjawy. 10. REO, 5-pass.. good condition: electrically equipped; must sell at once: make an ofter. 9 West Simpson st. Wdln. 1378 FOR SALE 1918 Ford sedan, irorui on tion. bargain if sold Sunday. Phone WHO wants this classy 1918 Dort 5-pass.? A sturay car, 3 nearly new tires: onlv TOO XKAnA TS i! r . ..-- -" OLDSMOBILE touring, like new; would take light car as first payment: liberal terms; 440 E. 17th iL N. East 3130. FOR SALE Al'TOMOBIlF.9. O B OBYES Y S USED CAR SALE. Ask the man with the big red button. The, largest used car sale ever held In Portland Is now In progress at the Lewis E. Obye Motors Co. , Over $100 000 worth of the best used cars ever offered for sale now at your mercy. "We take your liberty bonds and war stamps. , Our terms are easy; 1-8 cash, balance 10 equal payments. Read every car In this list. See these cars' at our west-side store, Broadway at Couch street. 1919 Ford touring. demountable rims on 1917 Buick '6 touring 1045 1917 Chevrolet touring . 890 1915 Chalmers Master Six touring-.. 695 1917 Dodge touring.; 885 1919 Essex touring 1725 1917 Ford delivery . . . . Ford bug 1918 Ford coupe ......... 1919 series 0-B Franklin 1916 Ford delivery 1917 Hudson Super touring.... 1917 Hupmobile touring; i 1918 Haynes chummy .......... 1917 Haynes touring 1911 Lambert touring 1917 Maxwell touring 295 89.1 72.1 2650 435 1650 925 2350 1850 195 575 1917 Maxwell tourlns 1917 Maxwell touring 1917 Maxwell roadster 1918 Maxwell touring 1915 Mitchell touring 1916 Oakland 6 touring 1917 Oakland 8 touring 1918 Oakland 6 sedan 1917 Overland touring, model 90.. 1917 Overland touring, model 75.. 1916 Pullman touring 1916 Regal 8 touring 1918 Saxon 6 chummy 1913 Studebaker 4 touring 1918 Studebaker 6 tourtng 1915. Studebaker 4 touring 1917 Velie 6 touring 1918 Winton 6, 4-paasenger 1918 Velie 6 touring i 50 625 650 T75 575 750 875 1250 775 850 625 875 825 195 1100 675 1050 2R50 1250 See these cars at our east-side store. 12 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 1916 Buick 6 touring; $ 5 1915 Chandler touring 835 1917 Elgin 6 touring 7fls 1917 Ford touring 4"s 1918 Ford touring 475 1916 Ford delivery !5 Ford bug 450 One-ton Ford truck .895 Ford bug 425 5-ton Fruehauf trailer 905 1915 Ford touring "" 1917 Hudson Super 6 touring 1350 1918 Mitchell touring 775 1918 Maxwell touring 775 1917 Maxwell touring 875 1917 Overland touring, model 90 775 1916 Overland touring, model 83... 750 1918 Oakland 6 Vourlng. 2 tops.... 1250 1914 Reo touring 475 101T Rfenhena 6 touring 1450 1918 Studebaker 4 De Luxe 1100 1916 Stearns 8 touring 1575 1914 Speedwell touring 80 1917 Velie 6 touring ' H0O Open Evenings and Sundays. LEWIS E. OBYE MOTORS CO.. 2 Big Stores Broadway at Couch St. and 12 Grand Ave. N., Near Burnside. STATES AUTO SALES CO.. 430 Burnside. Dodge touring. In fine shape. Chevrolet touring. Packard S-pass- all new tires. Cole 8 new series, mechanically per fect. Call and Inspect these before yon bay. STATES AUTO SALES CO., 430 Burnside. CHAS. C. FAGAN CO., INC. Distributors Pierre-Arrow Motor Cars ml Mntiir .Trucks. Ninth at Burnside St. Broadway 4693. 6-36 Plerce-Arrow roadster, 2- pussenger - - Plerce-Arrow touring. 7rpas. 1750 1918 OMsmobile 8 touring, like new 1650 1919 Cadillac touring. 7-passenger 4nno 1918 Packard Twin, series 8. 7-pass. 4150 Pedigreed cars with abstract of title and service. rerce-Arrow Sales Investment Service, ENGINES, several 4-cvl.. 4-cycle water cooled engines rrom i"-n. r. i One six-cvl. Continental, with electric starter: this is a new ennine; iwu -' .i.bri ens-lnea: one 6-cyl.. air-cooled engine. Also several marine en'lnes t,f various horsepower. R. E. Gore. 217 Main st Vancouver.' Wash Phone 480. Port land pnone r.ast 1920 FORD "COOP." PLIi.HTI.1 l 'SK.IJ FORD AOENTS, BDWT. 321. ASK FOR FROH MAN. 191A MODEL hlKh-craiie f I ve-passensrer Will nrcent (rood olano or player an part of first payment on ttame. Main FOR SAT-.K R-pafmfnsfvT torn-ins. rood nhape. lots or extras, term.-; 100 K J1' debt; owner nas - earn. iawr t m.t, OVERLAND Country Club, late model, at a bargain; all pooa tires; iuii Tnent. Tnhor 7S47. 1919 FORD touring, electric starter, new tires, lots of extras. r38 Fast 4let st. N. Tabor 1ST. rTlce &.. 1918 OLDSMOB1LB nix, Al condition, spot It Rh t, Z bumpers, a 11 res . price 9 1 -uu. Call East 441ft for particular? iftifi nODCK toMrinr. Al shan. new top, cord tires on rear and new non-skid on front. 'Tr,. Call Marshall 101 oi,DfJMORILE 8. 4-nass.. new tires, special color. Al shape throughout. Make an orrer. au Oregon. h. 1917 OVERLAND, just overhauled, new tires; looks like new; $550. Call Mar shall &Tl. LATE Maxwell 5-pass. touring car. over hauled and repainted, at s. big bargain terms. Call Est HUDSON super six roadster in Al me chanical condition ana oe.nft repainted guaranteed. Call Marshall a76S. 11117 RITTCK lleht 6. perfect mechanic condition. Owner. E 4414. Ol K. 0th st. N., after 1 P. M. 191R OLDSMOBILE. light 6. in good con dltion. with good tires. Leaving, city must sel 1. Call wain. - -a. 6-CYLINDER Chalmers roadster for sale or trade. Tn best condition. Sellwood 1O20. 70S Division St. WIN'TON 6. 7-pass. touring car. In good condition: will trade for Dodge and pay or take oirierence. uau 1 actor &mt. S995 MITCHELL light 6, looks and run like new, roostiy new tires, an excellent buy. 4J4 beimont bl East ltfl. FRANKLIN. 1918 model. 5 rood tirea must sell. 495 East 10th at. north. East 6803. Mr. uore. MAXWELL touring 1917. Prion East 214. cneap. FOR SALE Chalmers bug, $350; good conamion. ao xsawy. uawy. BALK AUTOMOBILES. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. YOU BUY OR SELL A CAR, WE FURNISH THE MONEY. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BT.DG., (SECOND FLOOR.) USED TRUCKS AND CARS AT ROCK BOTTOM. ATTERBURY, 2 tons. REO. 2 tons. SAXON touring car. C'H ALMERS bug. BUICK. 1918. DIAMOND T TRUCK SALES AGENCY. 89-90 9th St. North. 1912 HUPMOBILE roadster, bug typA runs and rides fine; must sell, $100 down, balance monthly. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Open Sunday. WILL exchange fine 50x100 lot on E. Yamhill, near 29th, all Improvements in and paid, that stood former owner about $2fiOO. for first-class, high-grade, late model auto. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. 1918 CHEVROLET roadster. In best me- chanical condition. $550. terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder. Open Sunday. $2500. I have a 1919 Premier, driven only 2700 miles, will take small car in trade. Imperial Hotel, room 410. J. L. Free man. 1916 CHANDLER, 5-pass., In fins con dition. Tabor 5. FOR SALE CHEAP Practically new 1919 Case 6, six cord tires, spot light, front and rear bufters and all extras. Phone Main 7972 or call Economy Shoe Store, 148 Third St. Cash only. STUDEBAKER FOtTR. 18 aeries. S or 7 pass., Uelux model. Tabor 5. 1 1916 DODGE. 1 1U17 BUICK. 1 1918 chain drive TRUCK. 1-ton ca pacity. All In good mechanical condition. Phone East 6ib"y. CHALMERS 5-pass. touring car. light 6. This car has been overhauled and re painted. A big sacrifice. Phone Mar shall 11150, apt. 42. IORD touring car, Al condition. 4 new tires, $30. Also Chalmers sedan road ster, good condition. $550. 776 Sandy blvd. Phone East 7712. FOR SALE 1919 Ford sedan, electric starter ana llgnts, wire wheels, bumper, only 25oo miles, never olf pavement; terms. Call Main 6177. 1918 OLDSMOBILE six. A-1 shape all mrouKii, new tires, inciuaing spare tire, spotlight, etc. Phone Tabor 1487 lor ap pointment. NEW Ford truck, pneumatic tires all arouuu; commercial oody; run 200 miles. Will sacrifice- quick sale. Call Tabor 301 Sun., or A. 10U6 week-days. H!5 BUICK light 6, in excellent con dition, 5 tires; come and see it. 424 Belmont st. East 191. 1018 FORD touring car In first-class con- aition. lots or extras, all new tires. Call at 727 H Borthwlck. cor. Freemont. ..0 MODEL 75 Overland touring, & fam ily car and it looks it; 5 ttres and a sure bargain. 424 Belmont st. tin a I 191. 1U18 BUICK classy wire wheela: Sturt Daer o, almost new, snap, ill N. 11th t. Bdwy. 4.".. $450 LATE Ford touring, good tires, looks wu runs use new, a pippin of a .fcord. 424 Belmont St. East 101. ONE Oakland roadster. $-0. snap. One cmssy Dug.; witn top. ill ji. 11th at. Bdwy. 453. 550 CHEVROLET touring, 4 new tires, a dandy runner and looker. 424 Belmont st. 1117 HUDSON in good condition, $1050. Apply Monday. 7Q1 Corbett bidg. BAKOA1N tf-cyl.. 7-pass. Mitchell: Drive $150, Cat! at OOP Albina ave. Automobiles Wanted. GARDEN HOME ACRE FOR DODGE OR BUICK. Own ine cultivated arre at Garden Home, on Orogon Electric, with rum, electricity and city water accessible acre cost $1200 and worth the monev. 1 need Dodge, Buick or similar car. Will trade and give or take cash, difference Owner. 242 Washington St., or phon Main 8220. LON't A 6ILVA, auto wreckere. W wreck cars and a you 50 pur cent on parts. Send tn tha parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought regardless of condi tion. East 6840. -4 62 Hawthorn ave. WANTED No. 1 Ford truck or touring ana cuin, oaiance io per month, in cluding tt per cent, modern 5 rooms, bath and toilet. 2 lots: block to surface road. 3 blocks to c.r and schooL 5103 95th st., 8. E. ' HERE IS a chance to come out even. U 111 exchange my Overland for your car with unpaid payments up to $3o0 and finish paying your contract. Mr. Baldwin, Bake Kite Bakery, 25 Yam hill st. WANTED AUTOMOBILE I have a house ana xracnonai lot in town of Rovill. Idaho, have been renting for Stl per month, and I want to exchange for an auto: what have you? C. M. Critten den. Hubbard. Or. CASH FOR CARS. I will pay cash for any light lat model touring car or roadster. Bring your car to Portland Electric Garage. 11th at Hoyt st. 1W1S ELECTRIC powerplus Indian; motor iirst-ciass condition ; newly painted ; ex tras. This is a bargain; must sell. $2jTt cash. Call Tabor iol2. WANTED Dodge or Ford or other good smaii car as part payment on my 101U Velie 5-passenger, run but 6400 miles. Mr. Bmead. Main 7584. HAVE choice lot. 60x100, at Portsmouth station, St. Johns carline, which 1 will trade for light late model car. cash dif ference if any.. Phone East 751H. THA DE and some cash for equity in 5- passenger inn moaei car. (Jail arter P. M. week days Marshall 3216. 605 Hood st. FOR SALE or exchange, 2 acres and 'J- story unrinishea houce lor Buick 1916 or 1917 or OaJcland six. G 605, Orego nian. WE WANT a good auto and some cash for my ,-iin diamond. Woodlawn 350. 1030 Maliory ave., near Alberta. WANTED Chandler chummy roadster. 1018 or 1919; munt be cheap for cash give particular?!. I 754. Oregonian. TO TRADE: 2 good lots at Multnomah as nrsi payment on t ord touring. Address box 2047, Station A. WANTED Ford car for good upright piano. Might pay fonie difference on good car. Tabor 969. WOULD like a light car as part payment on smaii nouse in feninsuia district. Phone Woodlawn 502. WILL take good new car as trade for 2.10 acres near I'ortiana. owner. M ISO. Oregonian. WANTED Roadftter. Wiil trade one or iwo ciear iota in citv: value $300 each. Call Monday. Eat 6024. 10 ACRES of irrigated land, under gov ernment Umatilla project, to trade for automobile or truck. F 722, Oregonian. CASH FOR FORDS. We pay cash for Fords and wan touring only. Garage. 11th at Hoyt st. MITCHELL 6, late model. 5 and 7-pas-senger,no dealers. 424 Belmont st- WANT roadster In exrhange for light 6-40 Mtinaon. rivate owner. Tabor nuPA. WANTED A TRAILER: MUST BE REA SONABLE. EAST 8357. LATE-MODEL Stuts from private owner only, no aeaier. AO b4d, Oregonian. LIGHT BUICK 6. for cash. East 4799. No Junk. Call WANTED Buick roadster, will pay cash. 1 i moaei. Dronuay WANT A GOOD 4 or &-pasenirer car. Haynes or Buick. Class. C 1574. WANTED to rent truck without driver. Woodlawn 5198. WANTED Light auto for good clear lot, acrea ire and cash. Fast t:i29. WANTED A few oars for dead storage. 1 eiepwione cat Tno. Motorcycles. TWIN three-speed Indian, dream tandem looks like new, lots of pep. $120: also late model electrically equipped Indian with sine car. $'4U; account aicKness. 327 W Sixth street. WILL sacrifice 1918 Cleveland at a bar gain, fine condition ; cash or terms. 2.S9 Hatleck st. ; take St. Johns car to Peninsula ave., diocks north. TWIN Harley. Al condition, $65; take gun, watcn, Dicycie or terms. L. Mann 273 Columbia st. 1921 ELECTRIC equipped Indian motor cycle, usea one ween., at a sacrifice Marshall 142ft. FOR SALE H. p. motorcycle and side car, i". iuj Vancouver ave. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES Tn X LB. BU MAXTf 4149. VOn SALTI ATTTOMOBIIKS. Motorcycle ANOTHER CARLOAD OF Ifti' . HA RLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. All used machines reduced for aJick sale on easy terms. Here are a. few Harleys. Five 1919 electric, fully equipped. One 1919 mag. A. B. C. generator. One 1919 mag., with side car. One 1919 eport model. One 1918 mag. with side car. Two 1918 mag., fully equipped. Two 1917 electric, fully equipped. One 1916 mag., A. B. C. generator, with 2 spotlights and Dream tandem. One 1914 2-speed, equipped. BARGAINS. One 1916 Power-Plus Indian. One 1915 3-epeed Indian. And in any more to select from. MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLY CO.. 200 THIRD ST. Harley-David&on Service Center. USED MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES. We need room and will sell the fol lowing used machines at these bargain prices: 1917 3-speed Henderson, overhauled and re-enaneied and equipped, $'50. 1917 Henderson, same as above. $25. 1917 electrically equipped Kxcelsior, fully equipped, with extra spotlight. $225. 1917 Harley- Davidson, electrically eottmnArl x:ii)ll 1916 Harley - Davidson, electrically equipped and overnauiea, s:a. 1913 Dayton, good running order, $50. 1915 2-1-peed Dayton, $S5. These are cash prices, but will make terms on any oi them at a little advance In price. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 30 Third street, cor. Ath. It Wiil Pay You to Ke Our Stock of USED MOTORCYCLES. Indian.--. Harley-Davldsons. Excelsiors, etc. Terms. Liberty bonds accepted. Motors, mgntos. clutchea, carburetors, cylinders, grinding, acetylene welding, manrn.-tn. eeneraAor. battery repairing. We are equipped and can take car? of anything in the mutorcycle line. Your overhauling and repairing soucn-a. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44 Grand Ave. Excelsior and Cleveland Motorcycles. Excelsior and Tremont BicycU-a STRING SAYS Our Motto -"The Best With More Service." Wfl Guarantee ' Em Iook over our used motorcycles and bicycles. some real buys at Strine Cycle Co., 6 Hroadway. SECOND-HAND laundry delivery body for Ford. Phone Broadway 1 ui. TWIN Indian, equipped, $0O cash. 415 Hancock st., Sunday Han ley, Auto Tire and Accessories. SPARK PLUGS. guaranteed 5 years, costs no more than a two-niontns piug anu in. an iaia. For information call Sellwood 2149. 191S CLEVELAND, presto light and lank account sickness sacrifice $100. Feriect condition. Mil in 2itu. NEW 3Cx4 cord. 45. Bdwy. 2itiQ. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT. WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH THIRD AND GLlSAN STS. A 2620. BROADWAY 2629. NEW A UTOS W I T H OUT DRIVER S. OVERLANDS Hl'DSONS. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 4U( 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New ears, reasonable rates. City Ga rage. 86 loth St. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS Foil HIRE L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. IMJ lOTH AND YAMHILL. A lJo, ALTHOF &r BENNETT. CAKS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. !U AND TAYLOR. MAIN lt'.S7. NEW CA RS FOR H I Ft E without drivers. N. W. corner 11th and Flanders. Broad way 45a. 1 -v 5-PA SB. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. FOR KALE TKITKH ANU TRACTORS. 2-TON DEN BY. Al mechanical condition ; a good Job goes with tins truck tf taken today. BARTLETT. Broadw ay 249. 523 Alder st. Open Sunday 10 to 2. CONTRACTS WANTED. Lumber or wood hauling contracts suitable for tru'ks wanted. State par ticulars by lMtei. a DAVE CRAWFORD, 71 N. Park it 4-TON. This truck will be sold today at less than half Us value. If you need a truck, hurry. BARTLETT. Broadway 2492. 522 Alder st. FEDERALS 2-TON FEDERALS. Two of them. The best buy in town. Dr-n't overlook them as they must go at bargain prices. See them at 421 Burn side st. 1918 PANHARD 1-ton truck chassis and cab; looks like new. $M)0. TERMS. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Open Sundays. . NEW RFPURLIC. 2-TON. LONG WHEEL- BASE. Kl X WW MILKS. TRADED ON LARGER TRUCK; BIG DISCOUNT. JEFFERY & HAN A WALT. Inc.. 65 N. 23d., near Washington. Mar. 142. MUST SELL my Panhard 1 4-tn truck used less than a montns; has fine cab and body, electric lights; easy terms. Call TaJior 120A. WANTED 2 4 or 3-lon truck; will trade 1 acre, 5-room bungalow, garage, chick en house, 4 acre fenced lor chickens, nice strawberry patch, raspberries, paved road. 20 minutes eat of city. Call bhl K. Ash. TRUCKS AT WHOLESALE PRICE. One 2-ton and one 14-ton Internatton al trucks, never been used, at factory cost price. Genuine snaps on high-grade stuix. eastern Oregon auio Co., vaie, Or. TON BUICK. Don't bo too late for thia. BARTLETT. Broadway 2492. 022 Alder ft. FOR SA LE Mollne tractor with 2 14 inch plows and carrier truck complete. All in first-cljiss condition; wiJJ con- Hider trade for stock ; ternia if ttetdred Robert Jackson. Castle Rock Wa.h . REPUBLIC ONE-TON Trp and platform body. This truck Is ready to go to work. Terms. See it H.t 421 Burnside St. BRAND new 1-ton Ford truck ; worm drive ; will discount for cat-h or trade for 1919 touring with starter. Owner. second "house south of Kendall sta., e2d street. W 3 4 -TON truck and winter contract : thi proposition requires $12ott down and you run rnaKe siumi per month. AN 905, OrgontHn. WINTER GRAVEL HAUL To party purchasing . 5-ton dump truck. For particulars call 4S4-W. Oregon City. or Broad way 091. Portland. FOR SALE 1-son Republic truck, as good as new ; will exchange for horses or cattle. Phil Suetter, 2!i Front St., Crown Stables. BRAND new 1 4-ton Master truck ; all winter contract; $20 to $40 per day on good road. Park Rose Garage, Tabor MMiO. IF YOU are interested in 3 4 -ton truck and gootl winter contract, see Nash, 71 Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 2102. WINTER GRAVEL HAUL To party purchasing 5-ton dump truck. For particulars call W 2:1. Oregon City. I WILL exchange my -ion Studebaker covered truck for any kind of small pM enger car. 223 Alder St. TRUCK. 4 to K ton. In good running condition. but needs two tires; dirt cheap ; $125 cash. Columbia 5S4. WILL sacrifice new Standard 34-ton truck, with dump body, terms. Main 5199. WANTED Hauling contract with a new 2-ton truck ; good service. East 7299. TRUCKS, all sixes, for general hauling. Call Broadway 454. FOR SALE One 1-ton and one -toa 2 w h e cl trailers. Call Bdwy 454. 4 -TON Republic Special, pract lea II y new, at reasonable sacrifice. Tabor 6597. FOR 8ATJ5 TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. TRUCKS TRUCKS TRUCKS We are determined to close out the last one of our rebuilt and guaranteed used trucka Our prices and terms ar the lowest anywhere. Here are a tew: lH-ton Federal chain drive; thorough ly rebuilt; repainted. lt-ton Federal worm, drive; rebuilt, new tires, repainted. Panhard 1 '-,-tan ; electric lights, fac-torv-built body and cab; used very little. 3-ton White; rebuilt and good for long service. We ttIU take as low as $250 down on some and give iong terms on balance See our offerings Monday or call Tabor 1268 Sunday. WILLIAM L. HUOHSON CO.. 60 N. Broadway at Davis Bdwy. SCL FEDERAL DISTRIBUTORS. PARTS iSER VICE. USED TRUCK BARGAINS. Studebaker -ton, electric starter, panel body. $575. G. M. C.. body and top. $1150 Republic 1-ton. almost new, 1250. Republic 1-tou, thoroughly overhauled, new tire. $9r.o. Ford l-ton, worm drive, body, top and cab. $575. v Ford, with 1-ton attachment. $375. Federal 14-ton, worm drive, thorough ly overhauled. $1250. Signal, IS -ton, worm drive. Continen tal motor, $lo;0. Gearsix. 2 -ton. good as new. $1450. G. M. C. 3 4-ion. chain drive. $lMi0. elie. 34-ton, chain drive, $ltuo. WE NT WORTH ft IRVIN. INC., Corner Taylor and Second Streets, TRUCK HEADQUARTERS. TRUCKS. Several Good Used Trucks on Hand. 1917 Buick light delivery $750 1917 Ford delivery 875 Buick 1-ton truck ; 405 White delivery 400 Ford 1-ton truck 450 LIBERAL TERMS. OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON. Broadway and Couch. REPUBLIC TRUCKS SEE OUR STOCK OF USED REPUB LIC TRUCKS. TAKEN IN ON LARGER SIZES. . OVERHAULED AND GUARAN TEED AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT. WILL FURNISH JOBS FOR SOME UF THEM. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. INC.. PARK Al EVERETT bl'S. BDWY. 1369. $350 A MONTH. I will sell you a truck and put yu on a good hauling Job that will last all wintet. A tm 11 mymeni down and the balance on e".v t"rms. BARTLETT. Broadway 2492. 522 Alder St. CHAS. C- FAGAN CO.. INC. Distributors Pierce-Arrow Motor Cars and Motor Trucks. Ninth, at Bunusidc St. Broadway 493. One used 2-ton truck, eouippt-d w lih hoist ami 220 cu. ft. capacity, stove wood, sawdust or garbage body. rirst class material and workmanship. Priced very low. Price complete $."i0. REPUBLIC 1-ton truck, express body and cab. motor runs smoothly and pulls fine; new solid tires all around. If you nued a truck, see this one at $mio. TERMS. FIELDS MQTuK CAR CO., 14th and Aider. Ojen Sundays. PACKARD 2-TON. Special wood truck guarantee with this truck. I erma 11 uesii u. 1 ma is dandy low-b-ilt chassis with entail wheel. See it at 421 Burnside.,, J ones. W A NT ED Hauling by day or hour for 14 -ton truck. j'hone tj Ida. AUTO REPAIRING. W A N T E D RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. Hmhe.l cah price paid tor our rifle. shotuun and kodaks. Hocufeid, i5 Third street. Maai 3,M. ALL kinds of blacksmithing and machine work, general auto and truck repair lng. Portland Blacksmith & Ma- hin works. 22d and Reed sts. Bdwy. 3$u5. GARAGES. SOMETHING NEW IV PORTABLE , GARAGES. OAVN YOUR GARAGE. $75 C25 D X . A MONTH. CALL TABOR 449-i. GARAGE FOR SA LK. 50x70, concrete, two stories, good leae. repair, accessories, oils, tras storage; deal with owiu-r; 754 E. Morrison. Phone East M53. NEW concrete garage for 1 car. 317 East .iin. south ! ti.1wth.0rne. GARAGE for rent, between 21st and and Clackamas. East 3222.' WANTED M I S ' K l.IJK N KO U S. . WANTED to buy a pool or combination pool and billKird table, must be in firs r I ass condi tion and reason a hie In price. Phone Mr. O Brln, Main 23o3, 235 Stark WILL exchange new Brunswick, Victrola Gralouola or Edison for late model tI writer. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. WANTED Ueed dragsaw with clutch, in good condition aad reasonable. W. A. Goodman. Gaston. Or., it. 2. WANTED Complete set of text books for A lex and or II am 1 !t on Institute course. Phone Tabor 3sB. or Main 1 131. CASH for man's suit. ize 42, first-class material and condition: no blues black?. AN 922, Oregonian. WANTED Old -growth cord wood stump- age or contritct : state particular". James E. Wilson, 4'n4 fsi in st. rs . "WANTED Second-hand first-ciasi horl eon tat boiler for use In creamery. Ad- ' (!re.s Manager. S2 N. oth st.. city. p mat I market tools, scales, etc, L fe7, w t . n FURNACE wanted. 2 bath tubs. 2 toilet?. - 2 lavatories, sink, laundry tuba 505 jHweuaiT'i ikik. - WANTED A second-hand martrle and us-d way . 1 . WANTED Old tnt fiy or light canvas, suitable for painters drop cloth. Tabor 1 1 . . WANTED Baby's folding go-cart. Main 1902. WANTED A beater, wood or coal. Phon Sellwood I..H4. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia moods. Pan Marx. ash ington. WE will buy your old typewriters and ray you cash. Oregon typewriter Co.. 94 5th BEST typewriter $15 will buy. Addres N. Snec st.. St. Johns. WANTED Good freight elevator. 10uo lbs, or over capacity. 720. Oregonian. JUNK, rag., meta.s. old clothing, tools, bottles, carpets; gooa prices. Eant ultl WANTED Underwood typewriter in good condition. M 4 M, Oregon. an. WANT hot gun. heater, tent, rifle. 4495. Tabor 679ft. 128 First. WANTED Us1 of piano for storage; good care given. I'none woouiawn oi. W A N TED To rent 9L. Oregonian. duck lake. AN WANT to buy 2 meat blocks for butche shop. N 49. Oregonian. W ILL py cash for Beavis-May oil stock. AO fi 411, iregonian. WILL buy Bmall lot Bea ver Moto G res ham) stock. O 145. Oregonian. WOOD-CUTTING contract wanted: lftoO t to 5000 cores. A Lr ;i91. Oregon ia n. WANTED Lamb Tuttle sock knitting ma chine. large cylinder. AG 39. Oregonian WANTED Portable electric sewing ma chine. all r-ast n.n 1. WANTED About 5-h. Main 1793. Cal PIANO for storage or reasonable charge. Mar. 292;., eve. AMERICAN CAN CO. ending machine, Main a 4 " :. O 1 T . o rf ?fo n 1 a n . DIAMOND I want diamond from 4 to 1 or larger. L 153. Oregonian. WANTED About 10,0 to lO.Ot.O poun. good ripe Highland spuds. Tabor 101 DIAMOND wanted; around 4 or karat good color; cash. r 728, Oregonian. SECOND-HAND laundry delivery body lor J-ord. Phone Broadway 1191. PAIR diamond earrings wanted; unde: karat in site. J 401. Oregonian. WANTED Cash register. Call Main 2 WANTED MISCEI.LANEOrS. WANTED. APPLES FOR CANNING PURPOSES. Call Sellwood 1024. CANNERT. 13TH AND TACOMA STS. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. Get what your diamonds are worth. Don't sell for any old price. We pay full market value, any amount; to asm ass con fidential. This ts the place where yon eaa dis pose of any Jewelry, pawn tickets, old jewelry, watches, plaUnum auvsrwer. anything of value. We buy your war stamps, liberty bonds at a basis of latest quotations; bring or maii ; private of tice for lad lea AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 406 Spalding Bidg.. 4th Floor. Corner Washington and Third Sta, DIAMONDS WANTED. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell your diamond! to diamond ex pert. We positively pay the highest cash market values for diamonds, plat inum, gold, silver, watches, old jewelry, crowns, bridges and false teeth, bee us before selling elsewhere. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 447 Morgan Bidg.. 4th Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. Houra 9 A. AL to 0 P. AL $12.50 UP TO $25. MEYER THE TAILOR PATS HIGH EST CASH PRICE FOR MEN S BU1T3 AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. THE MADISON CLEANERS 4t TAILORS 253 MADISON ST., NEAR THIRD. CALL MARSHALL 1229. DA V OK EVKN1NG. $S.50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN THE TAILOR PATS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MENS SLITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY ;,9:i2. 245V BURNSIDE BETWEEN 2D AND IID. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast -of clothing; highebt casn price paw; wia call d j,y or night. PEOPLES SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall o225. 1 2u9 Madison. UP TO $25. FOR MEN'S SLITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men s clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 d St.. N. W. cor. Wash. Main 6J44. WANTED to buy a good Piano. aiso a good Phonograph Will pay cash, but dealers or those wanting fancy prices need not appiy. A d dress G tip 7. O rcgonlan. WANTED 0x4S-inch 4-naw left-hand stub edger; No. 94 0x9-inch Berlin planer and hxJ4-inrh Woods' 4-side planer or almi lar machine; l Vaughn or similar drag saw. inquire 11. A. Lam mors. Cottage Grove, Or. T W O W A V S 1 WILL EITHER BUY YOUR DIAMOND FOR CASH OR ELL IT FOR YOU ON COMMISSION. MILL ERS CLE A RING HOUSE FOR DIA MONDS. ;i55 WASH. ST., NEXT TO MAJESTIC THEATER. FURS! FURS! FURS1 I make them look like new. cleaning and alterations of any description. J at reasonable prices. Seo the LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. Main 1043. 872V4 Morrtstm. . WANTED MEN'S SHOES. Will pay cash for stocks of men's shoes, small or large quantities; state fuil particulars In first letter. Address C 1 40. Ore k on i an. WANTED By artist, photos of beautiful women and children to be used as speci men of high-class tinting in oils; will do tin ting in exchange. Studio, 627 Henry bidg., 4th and Oak sts. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men's used suit and overcoats. Call us and you will pet the right cash price for your goods. lt7 1st st.. near Morrison. Main 7a. DIAMOND wanted, first-class stone, be tween 2 and 3 karats, in exchange Tor lil Studebaker Six. all cord tires. Mr. Miller. Main 3579. Residence, Tabor 7491. WANTED Player piano In exchange for Buick. liwht hord auto, with electric tarter and in good up-to-date shape; value $55o. Address with phone num ber. X 241. Oresonlan. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $2a per set; very old ets are most valuable; crowns, bridges boupttt: bring or mall. The Americas Brokerage. 400 Spalding bidg.. 4th Door. DIAMOND w anted. Will pay cash for bargain tn large ruamono. rnone wr or M rs. Weil, Multnomah hotel, room 27.1, all day Sunday and Monday morn ing. WE BUY War Stamps Liberty Bonds. Spot Cash Any Amount. A M ER IO AN BROKERAGE. 4of Spalding bidg., 4th f.oor. JINK WANTED. Full value puid for all kinds of rags and old clothes, furniture, tools, macbio fry etc. Cull Main 7:14. 201 H 1st st. SECOND-HAND afe; must hold .books 11 inches deep and 15 Inches high; Mate make and price. AR 846, Orego nian. WANTED A 2xl2-ft. B engine lathe. Mu?t be In first-clas condition and a bargain. Cascade Garage. Hood River, r. H IGH EST rash price paid for your rifle, shotgun or kodak; must be first class. Hochf-Id. 85 3d st. Phone Main 35S1. WANTED -sixe pool table: must be in good condition and reasonable. Wdln. ;i47. WE-BUY DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD, OLD jew-Iry for cash; name your price. Bring or mail. 323 Wash., bet. Oth and Bdwy. WANTED Numbering machine, state make, size and price. AH 794, Orego nian. 1 PAY highest prices for ladies' clothes and have some of the best bargains in the city to sell. Bdwy 59. 69 N. 10th st. Furniture Wanted. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CX. Marshall 608L OLDEST RELIABLE! HOUSE IN PORTLAND BUYS HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SPOT CASH. NOTHING TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL, FROM A BIG HOTEL TO ONE PIBCfi. PHONE Uti. Marshall 69SL GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO, 185 First st., near Yamhill. CALL MAIN 3M9 IMMEDIATELY. W K PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PKI'-ES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay htgheft prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 211 First St. Main J72S. ARE YOU GOING EAST? Consult us about reduced freight rates on hou.-ehold goods to all points ; last. throuKh service. Pacitic Coat Forward ing Co., 9th and Hoyt sta. Bdwy. 703. I WANT used furniture; cash will bo paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a housefull, and a competent, coun cils buyer wiil call. Marshall 20'. 3. Crown. CALL MAIN SS7S. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE, MAIN SS7S. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURES 'of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4027 or 160 First su NEED furniture; financially embarrassed; have plenty of real estate and valuable paper to exchange. 443 Columbia. WANT PIANO Vill take good care of piano and pay small rent; no children. East 8407 Monday. - I WANT used furniture; will pay as much, as any dealer can py. East 0417. M. H. Cale r, dealer. 540 Williams ave. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANIaO WILL PA T CASU. MAIN S2.