TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. NOVEMBER 2, 1919. PRIZED STATUE IS dency and secretaryship at the same time will precipitate another lively contest for cojitrol between the op posing elements in union labor organ izations. Secretary Stack resigned to accept a position with the war loan board of the federal reserve bank at San Fran ciscp.Jn .which he will travel through out the states of the district for two months in the campaign for sale oi" war savings stamps. In tendering his resignation, Mr. Stack expressed the hope that he would be able again to take up the cause of organized labor here soon after the first of the new year. TREAT YOURSELE With The Wonderful Health Restorer Kidnaped Iron Woman Re stored to 0. A. C. Campus. 20 FOUND EUGENE OREGON YOUTH INVOLVED Underclassman to Be Tried by Student Council for Stealing . "Lady of Fountain." UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu gene, Or., Nov. "1. (Spe&al.) The iron woman statue stolen Thursday night from the Oregon Agricultural college campus was found late last night burled in a ditch in the south end of Eugene. Eugene high school students ana one university under classman were responsible for the bringing of the statue from the Cor vallis campus to Eugene it was dis covered last night by senior men of the University of Oregon student council. The first news that the statue known as "The Lady of the Fountain" had been stolen was brought to the Oregon campus by the president of the student body and the president of the vigilance committee of ' Oregon Agricultural college. University sen iors started an investigation at once. An automobile filled with Eugene high school students had been seen in Corvallis Thursday. These boys confessed and disclosed the hiding place of the statue. . The university underclassman will be brought before the university student council at once for -punishment. The statute was returned to the Ore gon Agricultural college representa tives and a pact drawn up by the two institutions in which the students oi each agreed not to molest the other's traditions. NEW JAIL RECOMMENDED! . - . ...... i Grand Jury Wants Clackamas to. Keep Ypung Offenders Separate, j . OREGON CITY, Or., Nov. . 1. (Spe- ' cial.) With the declaration that the county jail is unsafe and unsanitary PORTLAND BUSINESS MAN WHO WAS BURIED YESTERDAY. "IROX WOMAN" IS RETURNED University and O. A. 'C-Agree to Discountenance Vandalism. OREGON AGRICULTURAL, COL LEGE, Corvallis, Nov. 1. (Special.) The "lady fountain" which was stolen from the campus by students from the university of Oregon : nd of the Eugene high school night before last was returned today after having been located in Eugene at 10 o'clock last night. A committee of the student body went to Eugene yesterday to confer with university officials. Investigation proved that the acts were done without sanction or knowl edge of the student body of the uni versity, the student council of which met the committee and fe.Teted out the guilty persons. Five or six men were implicated in the affair. The "iron woman" was found buried in a ditch about a mile south of Eugene and brought back to Corvallis today in good condition. Signed resolutions were exchanged last night by the representatives of each student body, agreeing that neither institution should countenance acts of vandalism. University representatives said the incident was not indorsed by student sentiment and the representatives of Oregon Agricultural college expressed appreciation. It was agreed that each year off! cial attention should be called to the pact just entered into. MUST CHANGE MAYOR OBJECTS TO GARB OF : PRIVATE OPERATIVES. t ' f : - t ' - y i William Allen Wall la. Funeral services for the late William Allen- Wallis,- Portland business man, who died at St. Vincent's hospital Wednesday, October 29, were held yesterday at the' castle" hall of Ivanhoe " lodge No. 1, Knights of Pythias, of which organization he "was' chancellor commander, at. 2 o'clock P. M. Mr.'Wallis was born February 27, 1867, near Goldendale, Wash. He was engaged in the mercan tile business successively at Ru fus, .dr.; Moro, Or., and later in this city at 1840 Sandy boule vard. He was also for a time connected with the Hazelwood creamery in this city. He leaves a mother, Mrs. Ru fus C. Wallis, Rufus, Or.; broth ers, R. A. Wallis, Portland, Or.; Charles Wallis. Rufus. Or.; Har vey Wallis, Willamette Or.: sis ters, Mrs. Ida M. Carroll, Yak ima, Wash.; Mrs. P. M. French, British Columbia. He was a member of the Artisans. the grand jury, in its report filed to day, recommends the erection of a new Jail separate from the court house. Under tne "present arrange ment, the report says, young offenders are brought into contact with profes sional criminals. The report also recommends that the windows on the west side of the record vaults be protected by iron bars or shutters. The sheriff's office was found to have insufficient vault room for records. It was suggested that a svstem of rlnnlfcatA Inv hllla oo ueviseu, so mat one set may De ' 0- county treasurer's office. It Is "Good Business" to Drive a Briscoe The march of progress demands speed he who walks, or waits for' a street car, lags behind the procession. It is true economy, from a matter-of-fact "dollars and cents" stand point to ride to work in a Icq ' l " jil It's a car that satisfies in every sense of the word a beauti ful car a "bear for power" economical in upkeep to the last degree truly a REAL car and for little money. . Get us to 'take you for a ride tomorrow. Use the teleph one NOW. W w allingford Co. Distributors for Oregon and Southern Washington 16TH AND ALDER PHONE BDWY. 2492 Some Good Territory Still Open for Live Dealers . '-"-Mrrairiinrfririfr-rif inmisnnn nmnm m appointed chairman of the committee on music features of the coming Red Cross drive in this city. He asks the aid of volunteer singers willing to sing indoors at meetings, those who can sing solos or sing in chorus or quartet, and wishes all such to com municate with him at phone 56fi6. or to Miss Mamie Helen Flynn, Broad way 4080. Oswald West Declines Post. . Because of business engagements which will keep him out of the city, ex-Governor Oswald West has in formed Mayor Baker that It will be impossible for him to serve on the mayor's bread committee. No succes sor to Mr. West has been named by the mayor. Chain stitching, moss stitching, hraMinar. Booth's. R23 Morgan bldg. Complaints From Property Owners Cause Conference at "Which Agency Is Warned. Complete change of uniforms used by the members of the .Pacific In vestigating bureau, an organization which has existed in Portland for about two months, so that employes of this organization will not be mis taken for the members of the Port land police bureau, was ordered yes terday by Mayor Baker at a confer ence with G. G. Chambers, president end manager of the concern and his attorneys. In addition to a change In uniform, Mayor Baker will demand a bond of $1000 for each man employed by the company and will also demand that before allowing men to operate as officials for the company, that they receive the approval of officials of the police bureau. Some trouble has resulted from the operation of the men employed by the Pacific Investigating bureau, accord ing to the mayor. He says that solicitors for the company have can vassed residential districts and in formed property owners that they could expect no protection from the rolice, but that for $3 a month their home would be watched by the opera tives of the company. Mr. Chambers assured the mayor yesterday that he desires to co operate with the city, and -although some men employed by him might have taken advantage of their oppor tunity, he was willing to deposit a bond to guarantee faithful, honest service. WOMAN IS WRECK VICTIM Mrs. Ivee Wills Injured When Auto Is Overturned. Mrs. Lee Wills, 48, living on rural route A. Portland, is in the Good Samaritan hospital as the result of an auto accident on the Sandy road late Friday when an automobile in which she was riding was overturned. She was reported to be suffering from a fractured shoulder and rib. S. J. McKeown, 1035 Clinton street, a fruit .inspector, sustained a frac ture of the wrist last Friday while cranking an automobile. He was treated at the Good Samaritan hospital. WE ARE PREPARED For the Fall and Holiday Trade in Pianos, Players, Baby Grands Umatilla Team to Try Again. UMATILLA, Or., Nov. 1. (Special.) The boys of the west end of Uma tilla county are not discouraged over their recent defeat in the stock judg ing contest, held at Hermiston, during the Hog and Dairy show, but have organized a new team that will take up the work in earnest for the new school year. Nine boys have Joined the dairy herd record project work and stock Judging contest. The new leader of the late organization will probably be Roger Terxes, an eighth grade pupil of the Umatilla school, who scored second highest In the recent contest. The boys will keep an accurate account of the record of two dairy cows for six months and in addition will make careful tests of the milk three times a month. George Hotchkiss Street Appointed. George Hotchkiss Street has been LABOR OFFICIALS QUIT HARRY AXDEKSOX AXD MR. STACK LEAVE LABOR COUNCIL. licslgmation of President and Sec retary Expected to Precipitate Lively Contest. Harry Anderson, president, and E JJ Stack, secretary of the Central La bfer council of Portland and vicinity tendered their resignations to the members of that body Thursday night just before, the adjournment of the meeting. Nominations for the po sitions made vacant will be made at the regular meeting of the council next Thursday night and the election will be held a week later. No reason was given for the resignation of President Anderson, who has been ex ecutive head of the organization for moro than three years and is an in defatigable worker in the cause of la bor. When elected the last time there was a vigorous contest made against his election by the radical element in the council, but the final result was a complete victory for the delegates etanding firmly for upholding the principles of the American Federation of Labor. It is anticipated that the vacancies occurring in both the presi- Are You Ruptured? Do You Wear a Truss? For over fifty years we've Kiven skill, care and experience to. the manufacture and fitting of every good device for th reltef or correction of bodily defects. KEEP FIT Don't risk life, health and strength with & misfit. Wo guar antee satisfaction Call or Write. Fries Lit on Application. Woodard, Clarke & Co. Wood-Lark Bide. Alder at West Park. PORTLAND. OR. ''WS And 5 Standard Lines of Celebrated Talking Machines. Pathe $125 DRUGS BY MAIL! WE PAY THE POSTAGE. If in need of Pare Orusjs and Chem ical. Shoulder Bracen, Arch Sup ports. TKI SSKS, Klaatic Stockings. Abdominal Supporters. Sunpenjiory BandaKea for Men, and all other rubber goods of every description, send to the TRUSS EXPERTS, Laue-Davis Drug; Co. Tblnl and Yamhill, Portland, Oreicon Pfsfj Easy Terms Fresh Air Record Rooms Our phonograph depart ment now faces on Fifth street, with all of the rec ord rooms opening; out of the windows into fresh air. Where in the city will one find such an inducement to hear the records of Caruso, McCormick or Alma Gluck ? Away with stuffy record rooms forever! Come to "Our Musical Floor" the 7th. You will enjoy hearing the new rec ords and delight to stay longer where the air is pure and invigorating. Xmas Is Coming Make arrangements with us for your Xmas piano. Pick one out now and let us hold it for you. ' Select a beautiful baby grand or player or classy upright in any case design you desire. Choose From These: Knabe, Hazelton Bros.. B e h n i n g , Haines Bros., Baldwin and others. We have some good bargains in second-hand pianos. Get our selling plan. ME) T u Vj;i . ; t '- IH rill 2 Plnii .r.ri wlthmif sV.1 1 - t Inn vnnrhnnb "Hailth H k LfiiZ-A 1 You can have t Bodily Vigor, Success-Attaining Energy, Attractive, Healthful Beauty All at practically no cost The great bcneCts of the Violet Ray treatments heretofore only procurable at big expense from physi cians and beauty specialists are now available in your own home. Look over list of treatments below. Send for particulars. Painless Electricity Science has modified elec- explalnlag Violet Ray treatments wltb Renultfe Oerw eratorv: alio give full particulars as to Its application tor ailments checked below. ..Abicttiel .. Facial Neu- ..Neuritis ..Anemia. ratals ..Obealry ..Asthma . . Falllns Hair ..Pain In Ab- . . Arter Joaclero- domen sad ala Cheat ..Daldneas ..Goitre ..Paralysis ..Blackheads ..(.out ..Plies ..Brain Fat ..Hemor- ..Pyorrhea ..Bronchltla rholda ..Scars ..Bunions ..Hiy Ferer ..Sciatica ..Brulass ..Infantile . .Skin Dlaeaaea -..Catarrh Paralysla . .Sora Throat ..Colds ..Insomnia and Throat ..Chilblains ..Lsmeness Diseases ..Dsndrufl ..Locomotor ..Sprains '..Deafness and Atsxla .. Toothache Ear Diseasea ..Lumbaso ..WeakEyea Ki'S-mS . - Nerroul Af- ..Wrlnklca lections ..Wsrtsand . .Neuralgia Molea How Violet Ray Benefits Electricity from your light socket is transformed into health and beauty-giving V iolet Ray powerfully effective, yet gentle, soothing, perfectly safe. Voltage is raised from ordinary lighting current to thousand of volts, Riving tremen dous penetrative force. v. The irre sistible, revital ising power of Renulife Vio let Ray are car ried at once to every nerve cell, fibre and part of body. Blood is enriched and purified by a flood oi orr.-Tn, Riv ing added vitality nd strength. Assimilation and digestion im proved functions restored to normal extra supply of fresh blood quickly brought to area treated, remov ing congestion and supplj-ing nourishment. While relieving pains and aches, the manifest re sults of disor ders, it removes the deep-seated cause j combines the benefits of electricity, vibration, exercise, stimulation and oxidation. RENULIFE VIOLET RAY High Frequency Generators FREE DEMONSTRATION IN YOUR OWN HOME tricity that the weakest may stand its force without fear or pain. Every tissue and fibre ifl saturated, patient experiencing only a sensation of relief, as u standing in a rav of sunshine.! If: 1 r v i u 1 c 1. rtayy high f re, quency has nf . comparison with! old, crude, elec trical batteries and shocking current. Every jar and shock is removed. The effects are marvelously rapid. Relief can be given in one or more treatments. Often cures are accomplished in that time. It is positive and certain in ac tion. If you value your health, and want to keep or restore your good looks and gain vitality, throw away medicine bot tles take this sensible, scien tific means. Vi olet Rays work with nature. Every day's de lay makes relief more difficult. Send for Booklet, "Health via Violet R.y.? Model E S20.00 Model A S30.00 Model li S40.00 l Name. Unecualed for scalp Brtiwa beauty par- lnhallos o.ooe tor Ca- For tcneral dcbU MohalT lor to your home tarrb. lUroat. lanM. lly . nervousness. UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES FOR SALES AGENTS See Our Demonstration Booth, Food Show, Now at Armory THE ALGRAT CO. GASCO BLDG., FIFTH AND ALDER, PORTLAND, OR. Easy Terms imm t Nisht , Morning OAriV III- FxaCaCI I m X ak. m aa Vfl T - t - a sr Writ rr rrYj'Carv wb'M-j- Ct UJVM1 ill tit- I SHEET MUSIC nrriTtaf & (?o. ca Merchandise of Merit Only" PLAYER ROLLS Where Dairying Is a Recognized Industry The geographies of today proclaim dairying one of Oregon's leading industries. The world-wide market which has been created for evaporated milk has made this possible. Milk is no longer a perishable product, requiring immediate consumption near point of production. No longer is the dairy man's prosperity limited to the local demand. - The manufacture of evaporated milk makes it possible to pre serve the goodness and purity of fresh milk until the can . is opened. It has made it possible to market 75 of Oregon Milk outside of this state. It has taken 20 years of persistent effort and necessitated the building of an efficient organization to develop this extensive market. Twenty years of conscientious, persistent effort has created such an extensive domestic and foreign demand for Carnation that the market for the dairyman's product milk is practically unlimited. Most important of all, dairying, formerly a means of livelihood, has become a vital, vigorous, basic industry, bringing prosperity to the state as well as the dairying communities. Carnation Milk Products Company Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon VISIT THE CARNATION BOOTH FOOD SHOW Carnation Made in Oregon MILK from contented cows A