The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 26, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 44

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The chiropractic profession offers the
most unusual opportunities of any fi?M
In the world today. Know about its
great opportunities before deciding your
career, or if you are dissatiiif ied in your
present position in life or its earning
capacity is not what you would like
it to be. investigate the great oppor
tunities offered in this greatest of all
professions CHI ROPW ACTIC. A most
exceptional opportunity to study chiro
practic and to become a chiropractic
physician is offered t this time by our
college; both day and night courses,
chiropractic physicians needed in the
United States today to supply the de
mands ol the million who have turned
to this great method of healing their
Augmented Curriculum. Able Faculty.
Clinical Facilities Unexcelled.
For particulars address Ur. Oh car W.
Elliott, president.
Pacific chihopractic collegh:.
Park and Yamhill.
Main 1014. Portland. Or.
You cannot learn any piirt of this
profession through correspondence.
402 Hawthorne Ave.
Automobiles, trucks, tractors, ignition
and starter work. Vulcanizing and re
treading. Special summer rates. Day
and evening classes.
We will teach you how to weld all
class a of metal in from three to six
w ecka' time. For further particulars.
AG 370. Oregonian.
Experienced land clearer with up-to-date
gasoline out lit ; give particulars and
amount you expect to pay per acre. X
1 tilt. ( 'reKonian.
YOUNG man wants work; am mechanically
inclined; absolutely dependable; would
prefer mechanical or shipping-room work.
If you can use a wide-awake, energetic
man let me know. AO 050. Oregonian.
RELIABLE and competent automobile
driver of good character and habits,
wishes position as driver for private
party. For interview phone East 1206
YOUNG man of 21 wants any kind of
work; can drive or willing to help on
auto truck; knows city well. AL till,
O NG married man wants steady posi
tion; exp. in auto 'and truck driving,
also in garage, both on floor and in
shop. Sell wood 293.
GENERAL office man. experienced, capa
ble, dependable, wants good permanent
position, arrange for personal interview.
X 17 0. Oregonian.
WANTED Concrete form, repair or plain
carpenter work; have famiiy. Phone
Broadway 1044. ask for "Carpenter' or
address 5u Hoyt at.
WANTED By reliable party, 26. position
as driver of truck or private car; thor
oughly experienced driver and good me-
chanic AK. 09, Oregonian.
CARPENTER, work and roof repairing,
garages and cement work done at rea
sonable prices; all work guaranteed.
Wood lawn 4920.
FOR leaky roofs phone us today before
the rainy season conies for good ; we
also clean and repair. We use Webfoot
paint for roots. Phone C 2050.
SITUATION wanted ' by an experienced
heating engineer ; understands oil ; can
improve your plant if it needs it; ail
or part of time. Phone Marshall 2822.
IF YOUR business does not require the
services of a bookkeeper all the time. I
. will keep them for you at odd times;
charges reasonable. AE 550. Oregonian.
SALESMAN, 15 years" experience, desires
position, any capacity ; capable of han
dling big deals. Ronald. Ross, P. O. box
3050, city. t
TALENTED youth, 17, experienced, good
voice, esthetic dancer, wishes position in
local company. Answer AG 372, Ore
gonian. MIDDLE-AGED man would like to do
chores for a middle-aged widow on a
farm ; work cheap if good home. AC
IhS, Oregonian.
RE LI A BLE man, 29, home here, wants
steady work in garage; fair mechanic,
not sufficient experience to be expert.
A J 774, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 23, business college gradu
ate, desires to learn selling game; sal
ary no object, where chance for advance
ment. Y 13!. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man would I.ike to
work on farm to do chores; work cheap
if good home. AC ISO, Oregonian.
MEAT CUTTER, experienced 12 years;
good references. 4123 Powell Valley
WANT to sell accessories with chance of
becoming auto salesman ; inexperienced ;
references. AG 300, Oregonian.
PRINTER-EDITOR wants position, coun
try or city; Al references. S 321, Orego
nian. ALL-AROUND furniture and stove man
wantf position, country or city; Al ref
erences. S 231. Oregonian.
WANTED Light manufacturing lathe
works; patent models to build. Phone
D til. Geo. A. Moffitt. Lents. Or.
STEADY young man married ) dt sires
work in nursery, some experience. Phone
Broadway 451)4, ask for Ross.
Pit INTER All-around job and newspaper
man, competent, available now. AK. 0t6.
LANDSCAPE florist garden r, expert in
all branches this line, wants employ
ment. AL 627, Oregon-an.
REAL salesman wants staple line of mer
chandise for state of Oregon; commis
sion. Box AR 711. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED janitor and wife will give
2 or 3 hours' work daily for 3 room
furnished apt. Call Tabop 3525.
HIGH school boy wants work afternoons
and Saturdays ; some experience in
grocery store. Phone East 0310.
A MARRI ED man wants a place on the
farm; beet or character. Address AK.
077, Oregonian.
WANTED Cord wood contract by crew
with gas drag saw. P. Grant, New Fosier
Hotel. 00 Third street.
PAINTER, also a' carpenter, will work in
the city for tailoring, groceries or cash.
X 1 ."7. Oregon'.u n.
EXPERIENCED shipping clerk desires po
sition ; will give references. T 350, Ore
I need work with my truck. What
have you? East 5177.
WANTED Saturday work by boy finish
ing high school. Home .phone, C 1124.
Call Mon. 27, between 4 and 5.
HARRIED man with boy old enough to
milk would like work on dairy ranch.
.auresa .m iv u si. a. t,.
WANTED By expert cook, fast and clean,
position, mornings or evenings after 10
P. M. AO 047, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED gas man wants job run
ning drag saw in a logging camp. AK
617, Oregonian. 1
St STRONG, ambitious young men want
work, trucking preferred. Phone East
HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work after
school and Saturdays. AE 572, Ore
gonian. EXPERT tea. coffee, spice and extract
manufacture:; 15 years experience.
Open for position. AV 755. Oregonian.
MARRIED couple, experienced hotel peo
ple, wish posit inn in or out of town.
BF 185. Oregonian.
GA RAGES built, houses remodeled, t on
crete work of all kinds. P. B. Younger.
Woodlawn 01 99.
YOUNG man with delivery car would liKe
contract with some company, all or part
of day. Y 131 , Oregonian.
BRICK contractor, estimates given on all
kinds of brick work. Phone East 3357.
RELIABLE night clerk wishes position in
or out of city. 4110 Clayton hotel.
CEMENT work of all kinds. P.B. Younger,
405 Stafford st. ; phone Woodlawn 0 199!
GANG with drag saw wants job cutting
wood. Call 205 Woods st.
MILKER, experienced, open for position";
. 25 to 30 cows. N. 204 Columbia st.
MEAT CUTTER wants position, suburban
market preferred. X 231, Oregonian.
CARPENTER. A-l mechanic, remodeling
cr iew work. Phone Tabor 9049.
RESHINGLING, patching, house repairing
in or out city. Call Main 0S17. room 7.'
W ANTED Day job or contract for ton
Ford truck. Broadway 477.
WORK in city, by first-class millwright.
Call Wdln. 2573.
TINTING, first-class work. $4 and $5 per
roo m . Main 38 50.
ALL-AROUND baker wants stfadv work hi
country town. J. H. Wolf. 2K 4 Cherry.
BOY 15 wants job on farm for room and
board. East 2030.
BH INGLE RS When you w ant shingling
done- call Woodlawn 5200.
MACHINIST wants job in garpge; can run SITUATION ss engineer: can furnish ref
lathe. AJ 709, Oregonian, J erences. AR 830, Oregonian.
CAMP CHEF of years' experience wishes
position in camp;- am not a grouch; can
please the men and also the company
wno pay tne unis; can furnish wife
second cook or waitress if needed; can I
furnish beat of references; only top- .
notch wages will be coasidered; can feed j
any size crew. c. 11. Brown, Tabor 400.
HOUSR OWNERS Man and wife, mid
dle aged, strong and healthy; man army
veteran, seek position as hotel, rooming
or apartment-house managers; both have
good experience along those lines; ex
cellent references. AR 34. Oregonian.
SWITCHBOARD operator 8 years' " ex
perience in hydro-electric power plants;
first-class references; good knowledge
of all classes of machinery; charge of
small plant preferred; married man with
family : permanency desired ; immedi
ately available. AN 801, Oregonian.
OFFICE manager, small manufacturing or
wholesale concern ; qualified to take
complete charge sales organization, cor
respondence, accounting, collections and
advertising; tart about Nov. 1 or soon
er if necessary ; state business and firm
name In full. M 734. Oregon lan.
ENERGETIC, educated young man, busi
ness ability, not afraid of long hours
and hard work, wishes responsible posi
tion with a future ; adaptable, reliable,
studious, conservative. Wants Satur
days off. Has car. BF 193, Oregonian.
YOUNG MARRIED man with 12 year
selling experience, acquainted with mill
and manufacturing trade in northwest
desires to make connection where there
is good future if ability counts. AH 003,
WA NT ED Position as superintendent of
construction, have had several years ex
perience on reinforced concrete, steel and
wood construction, also setting of heavy
machinery; best of reference. AM oOO,
COMB IN AT I ON plumber and steam fitter
with 15 years' experience would con
sider partnership or partial interest in
established business in prosperous city.
Piione Sell wood 3554. BD 592. Ore
gonian. WANTED By an experienced watchman,
eideriy, married, position as watchman
or caretaker; best city references. Ad
dress D. F. Howard, 497 M: Gantenbein
ave.. city.
EXPERT dynamiter and miner for timber
clearing, stumps, rocks blasted, wells
dug. orchard subsoiling, highway grad
ing, mining and prospecting. Marion S.
Cross, general delivery. Portland. Or.
AUTO mechanic, experienced, qualified,
married, desires work in private or pub
lic garage as helper, where steady man
is wan ted. Will call if you leave name
and address at phone East 8218.
YOUNG business man can devote part time
office wrk, meeting public or keer
fmall set of books; would take working
interest In good business; automobile or
lumber preferred. AH 07t. Oregonian.
W O R K. W OODL AW N 60 f 4.
EXPERT dynamiter and miner for timber
clearing, stumps, rocks blasted, wells
dug, highway grading, mining and pros
pecting. Marion S. Cross, general del.,
Portland, Or
FIRST-CLASS blacksmith of several years'
experience 2 years' experience on log
ging tools and sawmill repairs, wishes
position with out-of-town mill or log
sing company. AH 05, Oregonian.
ALTO Instructor, passed at IOC per cent;
3 years' exp. in repair shop, wants posi
'tion in first-class snop or school. AN
iS07, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants work printing office
- to learn trade; no exp., willing to work
for small wage; can leave town. BF
177. oregonian.
TRUCK driver wants to drive gravel or
lumber truck lor responsible company ;
have had experience with trailer. Phone
Woodlawn 5359.
MARRIED MAN wants job on ranch, can
handle your ranch, large or small. Can
give the best of ref. C. L. Beaddell,
Hood River, Or. R. R. 3. box 90.
MAN and wife wishes a janitor position in
first-class apartments : man can do all
repair work; good wages expected. Ad
dress R. 3. Box 282, Lents sta., city.
EX-SERVICE man wants position os truck
driver, 5 years' experience, thoroughly
competent and reliable. Phone Sell wood
24 33.
WANTED Work as engineer, fireman, ele
vator man: experienced in all, caring for
light fixtures, electric motor, etc. Sell
wood 2 5 2 0.
COM M ERCE high boy wishes work after
school u nd Saturday: age 16; 2 years ex
perience tn grocery store. Phone Sell.
A M IDDLE-AG ED man with experience
and good habits wishes a position as
chauffeur, private car preferred ; would
consider others. AE 511, Oregonian.
A-l AUTO mechanic with over 32 years
experience, wants position; A-l on
starters, ignition, carburetor and motors.
AN S02, Oregonian.
MARRIED MAN for firing boiler or fur
nace: also general repair work, carpen
ter, painting, plumbing or electric work.
Phone Woodlawn 1S92.
EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wants po
sition, first-class. Robert Mitchell.
Phone Main 161.
WANT lumber haul, city or country; have
4-ton truck equipped for that purpose.
BF 192. Oregonian.
SITUATION as Janitor in apartment house;
can furnish references. BF 1U4, Orego
Reasonable estimates, reliable. Main
585 1 .
MAN AND WIFE would like a job as
janitors or lady will do work for 2 or
3 furnished rooms. AR 827. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED man with good truck
wants job hauling logs, lumber or fuel.
AM 542, Oregonian.
YOUNG man mechanically inclined wishes
start in electric 'or machine shop. 1025
S. Jersey st. Phone Columbia 582.
mTddlE-AGED man as choreman; good
disposition and willing worker, private
place. AR 832. Oregonian.
HANDY man around hotel; good disposi
tion and not afraid of work. BF 151,
SITUATION wanted by good Japanese
cook in restaurant or hotel. In city or
country. E 014. Oregonian.
WANTED Steady employment for my
self and -ton truck. Wholesale house
preferred. Box 272 Newport. Or.
WHEN you need an expert carpenter to
repair, alter or build rough work to the
finest hardwood finish, phone East 7820.
EXPERIENCED fireman, job for winter;
oil, wood or coal. Marshall 5213, or
D 850, Oregonian.
VALLEY salesman working from Portland
to Albany desires aide line. AC 175, Or
egonian. RELIABLE man will do any kind of
work by hour, or contract anything.
Phone Broadway 2928. C. Olson.
1 to 5-ton capacity will contract by
the month or day. Bdwy. 133.
STEADY and all-around man wishes in
side employment within city for the win
ter. Call or write 453 E. 40th st. N.
A POSITION bv a competent camp or mill
blacksmith. Tabor 4732. BF 191. Ore
gonian. A REFINED yoifng Filipino would like
to work as school boy before or after
at Y. M. C. A. Phone Broadway 1474.
CA RPEN TER, do repairs of any kind,
hout-e raisin g. concrete basements, leaky
roofs. A 1070.
MIDDLE-AGED married man, resident of
city, would like steady inside employ
ment. AK 070, Oregonian.
WANT paperhanging, tinting and signs.
Painter. Mar. 351o.
HOUSE painting, tinting, plaster patched.
Call A 1071 evenings.
JAPANESE wants position as janitor or
porter. AP 400, Oregonian.
JANITOR wants about 5 or 6-hour shift;
7 ears' experience. AG 385, Oregonian.
PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting," 75c
an hour. Phone Tabor 7855.
WANTED Steady employment by young
man led man. Call Tabor 94S1.
I NEED work for my 4-ton truck"! What
have you? A. Kimarl, 301 Fremont st.
STEADY man, Scandiavian. 4S wants
work of any kind. AN N66, Oregonian.
ELDERLY man wants position as jani
tor or houseman. BJ 50, Oregonian.
WANTED Carpenter repair work by day
or contract. Phone Tabor 380Q.
WANTED Position as night watchman"
John Felemm. 5221 S9th st. S. E.
"OUNG man 23 years old wants work of
rmy kind. BD 618, Oregonian.
HANDY MAN wants position, houseclean
tng. etc. Address W 625. Oregonian.
A young, aggressive and successful
1.1 1 e m :inn?r will n r ort a i n nrnnAii.
tion from a large or small manufacturer j
wno aesires to increase his distribution
in the X. W.
Employed at present as Portland man-
agtr .or a national advertiser oi ouiia-
ing materials distributed through dealers
and jobbers. This business has been 1
built under my direction from nothing ,
iu a quarter million.
Desire a connection where compensa
tion is in direct ratio to results obtained.
AN 873. Oregonian.
WANTED By a competent man who
knows the business from A to Z. the
management of large apt. or rooming
house, or position as supt. of office
building. Can give A-l city references.
Have a position now, but I am looking
for something better. Have no objec-
tionto leaving city. BD G20. Oregonian.
HIGH - GRADE specialty salesmanager
wants connection for local or national
campaign; commission basis only; am
fully equipped and deliver the goods
as I am doing now; I create the market
if you deliver the goods of merit. X
173. Oregonian.
WANTED, by ex-service man, position as
oil or wood fireman and general repair
ing; handy with tools around plant or
hotels, day or night, in Portland; state
wages, reference furnished. S 315, Ore
CHEF, hard worker, years of experience,
competent, economical, with executive
ability, wants place as chef or manager
hotel or restaurant ; consider partner
ship where the man is needed more than
money. AL 619, Oregonian.
ALL-AROUND carpenter, 15 years' experi
ence. If you have any work of this na
ture let me do this, so you save $3 and
more a day: guarantee or money back.
Woodlawn 0084. '
YOUNG man with executive ability (which
means doing things) and sufficient in
itiative to handle all matters on their
merits, desires position as assistant ex
ecutive. p 840, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN, 30, now employed, wishes
responsible office position with private
firm; chance to climb; reasonable sal
ary to sLixt; city references. R 90,
Bookkeeper. Stenographers, Office.
FICE MANAGER Well educated sten
ographer, fitted by training and experi
ence. Inside and outside. mercantile,
shipping and government service, to act
as your right-hand man, or for any po
sition of responsibility : married. ten
years in Portland ; best references ; open
for position about Nov. 1. AM 003. Ore
gonian. YOUNG married man with gerftral office
experience, also bookkeeping, account
ing and 'corporation management, de
sires extra work for about half time;
will do your Work properly and. the
charge will be reasonable. S 312,"Ore
gonian. GENERAL office man, 10 yeais' experience
in accounting and 3 years in selling,
want position with responsiole local firm
requiring "iive-wlre who desires to give
employer his money's worth. AM 544.
YOUNG man with general office exper
ience in wholesale and retail mercantile
lines, also with some banking experience
desires position with growing concern.
Salary to start not as important as fu
ture. AK 6fr5, Oregonian.
HARDWARE man, thoroughly experienced
in ali branches of the buMness. good ac
countant and typist. 30. married, desires
position In selling or office organization;
references. N lo8, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, married, high-class stenog
rapher and capable of handling corre
spondence, wishes position with a future;
employed at present ; best of references.
AN 8U5, Oregonian.
thorough accountant wishes position ;
qualified as office manager, mfg. and
mercantile experience. Including auto
business: good typist. AM 504, oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS accountant with auditing
and revising experience desires position;
high-grade education ; capable steuog
raphcr. AH 039. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, experienced In general office
accounting, correspondence and cashier
positions, oen for new connection Nov.
1 ; references. AO 051, Oregonian.
YOUNG mun, experienced bookkeeper,
stenographer and office man, desires po
sition with chance for advancement- E.
15. Oregonian.
WANTED Position for man with office
and business experience; can furnish the
best of references. Room 422. 248 Yam-
BOOKKEEPER would like small set of
books requiring about 3 hours each day.
AO 021, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER wishes position: 5 years'
office experience; best of reference; mar
ried. AO 652. Oregonian.
COMPETENT bookkeeper would fike one
or two more sets of books to keep.
Kant 1503.
FREIGHT traffic man desires extra work
few evenings each week. AC 150, Ore
gonian WANTED Small set of books to keep;
can give one hour or more per day.
AL 610, Oregonian.
STEADY office position by young man
with general experience and good edu
cation. AR 825, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra
pher; best of references. Main 2817.
YOUNG man wants position as bookkeeper
and typewriter. Marshall 341)5.
Soldier Sailors.
AMBITIOUS young man who has been In
military service, desires a permanent po
sition with a reliable firm: I am 25 years
of age and have a good knowledge of
bookkeeping and have had some expe
rience at cost accounting; if you want a
live wire, give me a chance to convince
you that 1 can make good. AN 872,
Ore g on 1 an.
YOUNG man, at present employed by U. S.
govt, temporarily, wants steady posi
tion with chance for ad vancement; ex
perience in salesmanship, clerk and
chauffeur: good education, appearange
and plentyof pep. AC 147, Oregonian.
ANTED By ex-service . man, position
driving truck or private car; 12 years'
drtvine truck or d
xrerience motor mechanic: state li
cense No. 0240; excellent references. AM
543. Oregonian.
EX-SERVICE man wants position; expe
rienced at bookkeeping, shipping or re
ceiving clerk or salesman. AL 589, Ore
gonian. EX-SOLDIER, experienced driver, wants
position driving truck or stage line; ref
erences furnished. R. M. Kent, Main
AN EX-SERVICE man woujd like position
driving truck or car. Can do own re
pair work. Phone Tabor 5 1 1 2.
EX -OVERSEAS U. S. marine wants work
Saturdays. Call Woodlawn 2S87 Sunday
and evenings.
GOOD mechanic wants work driving truck
or garage work; good references. East
3737, apt. 6.
TRUCK driver, 5 years experience, best
of reference; married man. Call Tabor
1508. A. W. Foster.
WANTED By elderly lady, care of chil
dren by day or hour. Phone Main 6124
between 9 and 11 A. M.
VERY experienced woman wants all-aroun-J
day work; expert laundress. East 1187.
YOUNG woman wants work from 0 to 1:30.
No Sunday. AR 837, Oregonian.
LIGHT work for school girl in exchange
for board and room. Phone Wdln. 1061
WANTED H'-usewonc by day or hour.
Phone E. 2112 bet. 5 and 6 o'clock.
COOKING and waiting table for card and
d Inner parties. Sellwocd 193 2
GIRL about 15 yrs. to assist in housework.
305 Halsey st-
DISABLED oversea nurse wishes position
as elevato r operator. T 324. Oregonian.
WOMAN will cook in small camp near
Portland. AC 203. Oregonian.
WILL care for children while mother is
absent. Phone East JIM?
EXPERIENCED woman cook, hotel, res
taurant or cafeteria. AN 89 H. Oregonian.
LACE, scrim, marquisette, curtains, hand
embroidered. Call East 6190.
LADY Experienced camp cook, would like
WOMAN wants day work. Phone Sellwood
34 1Q.
WASHING done at home and out. Wood
lawn 4S99.
DAY work; experienced woman. Tabor
IRON ING or cleaning, no washing; good
work. Wdln. 6378.
WOMAN wants aay work. Call East 68SS.
AN ambitious, refined woman (married)
has many leisure hours, would like po
sition In one. or group of doctors', office.
Have had some hospital experience, hav
ing trained in one of the best accredited
schools in southern California, also have
studied under Dr. Rupert of the Uni
versity of Utah. Would take care of
books, etc. Phone Tabor 426.
REFINED young lady, studying music,
desires light housework; small, neat
family, having piano ; can take charge;
am neat, economical, reliable ; treated
as one of family preferred; no washing;
very close in; references exchanged.
AN 874, oregonian.
WINDOW cleaning, floor waxing, build
ings and general housecleantng by first
class workers. Phone Marshall 3290. or
call at room 206 Uoodnough bldg., 5th
and YamhHl sts; office hours 8 to 10
A. M.. 12:H0 to 2 and 4 to 6 P. M.
WELL-EDUCATED young woman, mere
and prof, experience, with plenty of
pep and ability, desires forming a con
nection with either a whale, grocery
house or women's ready-to-wear, as city
or road salesman. S 300. Oregonian.
WANTED By 2 respectabte young ladles
(sisters), position as chambermaids, or to
take charge of rooming house ; good
workers and neat; give particulars. Ad
dress AR 718, Oregonian.
WOMAN of good character and education
will care for children or act as com
panion evenings in exchange for room
and board in refined family. Tel. Mar
OoOO, room 307.
YOUNG employed lady wishes to assist
with any kind of work In exchange for
room and board ; private family pre
ferred. Answer by mail, 0G5 N. 53d bL,
COOK wishes work ; neat, economical, in
telligent, good manager: small hotel r
boarding house. East 4852. S 300. Ore
gonian. PRIVATE lessons Gregg shorthand, busi
ness spelling, typewriting, by former
teacher in business college. Apt. 203,
Main 0041.
COM PETENT. reliable couple wish work
few hours a day, helpers, etc., or take
charge apartment house. BF 1-54, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as housekeeper In a
refined home, by refined, educated
widow; no objection to children. S 313,
WANTED A plac to take care of chil
dren evenings while mother is away ;
references. Woodlawn 1611.
LADY wants housecleantng. other work ;
hours, day. Good work guaranteed.
Woodlawn 0305.
YOUNG woman would like managing small
apartment house or nice rooming house.
D 83i. oregonian.
YOUNG married woman wants Jani tress
work for furnished apt.; references. AH
Q55. Oregonian.
LADY" wants elevator Job or janitor work
eves. Call after 2 P. M. Sunday, Main
YOUNG lady desires light office and sten
ographic work; experienced meeting pub
lie; references. Broadway 3404.
EXPERIENCED teacher wants school near
Portland : home week-ends. AP 457,
WOMAN of refinement wants position,
light upstairs, care children, sewing. AM
602. Oregonian.
COOK wiahos position. Able manager.
Complete charge. Neat, economical. I n
Btitutional preferred. Y 99. Oregonian.
ELDERLY lady would like place as house
keeper for elderly gentleman. Write
Alice Schnltr, 23d and Umatilla st., city.
YOUNG lady employed would like sten
ographic work to do at home. Call
Kdwy. 873 evenings.
A (XIAR ED lady w lehes nit nation ai
chambermHid in hotel. Phone bet. 6 ad
8 P. 51.. Bdwy. 3v30.
SITUATION as demonstrator or saleslady;
references. 527 Division.
Book keg pers. Stenographers. Of fir.
LA D Y, experienced in office work, with
best of references desires position. Has
had experience in checking Invoices, cost
accounting and general office work; can
alwo operate typewriter and switchboard.
A 11 004. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wishes permanent position
as bookkeeper ; opportunities for ad
vancement are most desirable ; experi
ence. Phone Marshall 4400. Ask for
apt. 60S.
BOOKKEEPER, stenographer and cashier
w ishes permanent portion ; young lady.
5 years' experience, have had charge of
books and office ; salary 125 when fa
miliar with work. Marshall 5833.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wants
sets of books to keep or stenographic
work by hour or job; will assume- ail
responsibility in connection thereto. BD
023, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted after November 1 bj
competent bookkeeper, capable of taking
s full charge of office ; several years ex
periencc. AL 000, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER and billing clerk with
6 years experience in general office
work, desires a position: can handle
correspondence. Phone Tabor 6359.
POSITION, permanent or temporary, by
a thoroughly competent stenographer
and office woman, experienced in insur
ance and commercial lines. Tabor 2258.
PRIVATE secretary; stock, bond, banking
and legal experience, thorough knowl
edge of bookkeeping. BD 020, Orego-
GOOD experienced comptometer operator.
2 years in lumber office; also understand
bookkeeping; best of references. AV
098. Oregonian.
LADY wishes plain office work with
good, reliable firm, where responsibil
ity is required. Phone Carlton hotel,
room 404.
BOOKKEEPER, years of experience; can
audit, close and open books; temporary
and half -day work desired. Broadway
2732. afternoons.
BOOK KEEPER-CASH IE R. accurate and
reliable, experienced in both wholesale
and retail lines; best references. Broad
way 4027.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper anad general
office work, can take charge of office.
A N M00, Oregon la n .
YOUNG lady, experienced, wishes position
as office clerk; not a typist. Main 7392,
apt. 25.
POSITION by typist; experienced meeting
public and taking phone orders; ref
erences. Broadway 3404.
VUt'.VG lady with knowledge of type
writer wishes position as office girl. Ta
hor 3041.
Al STENOGRAPHER. 8 years' law and
secretarial experience, desires position.
Phone A 1739.
YOUNG LA D Y with know led ge of type
writer wishes poi-ition as general office
girl. Woodlawn 4.VH.
YOUNG woman desires office work ; some
experience in bookkeeping and steno
graphic work. BF 180, Oregonian.
GIRL with nine months' stenographic ex
perience desires position. East 32.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po
sition. Phone Bdwy. 34:V r
GIRL wishing office work; reference. Call
Tabor feOM9.
STB NOG R A P HER 7 years experience,
wants position. Tabor 3350.
EXPERIENCED girl wants position typing,
filing or clerical work. W 725. Oregonian.
D reiw n i n k e rs .
LADI ES suits and coats made to order;
work strictly guaranteed: also remodel
ing and making of ladles' garments,
reasonable prices. Bates. 1120 Division
st. Tabor h012.
DRESSES. Suits, Coats and remodeling;
prices reasonable. Mrs. M. E. Holmes.
0014 49th S. E. Woodstock car. Sell
wood 3-77.
IF YOU ad mire work well done, try Mrs
Bates. 1120 Division St., for alternations,
remodeling and making of ladies' gar
ments, reasonable prices; work guaran
teed. Phone Tabor 8012.
DYER S. 171 11TH ST. MAIN 7303.
COATS and suits made' and remodeled,
plush coats specialty. 671 Glisan su and
21st. upb tairs.
FOR BEST results in dressmaking and re
modeling see Mrs. Kinder at Emporium
Dye Works, 649 Morrison st. Bdwy. 4259.
ENGAGEMENTS by day by up-to-date
dressmaker; remodeling reasonable.
Broadway 1567.
HIGH-CLASS dressmaker from the east
desires work by the day. O 143, Ore
gonian. DRESSMAKING by experienced dress
maker. 991 E. 37th st. S. Phone Sell
wood 1657. after 5 P. M.
HATS made from your own material. 352
Y'amhill st.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloress
will sew by the day. East 6017.
RELINING ladies' coats and tailored but
tonholes s speclaLy. 605 Pwetlcnd bldg.
HIGH-CLASS dressmaking by the day.
All work guaranteed. Phone East 4935.
SF.WING by the day or at home; also
men's shirt making. Marshall 1252.
WOULD Ike steady employment as dress
maker's assistant. Phone E. 542.
LIMITED time onl, exclusive, distinctfve
gowns and frocks. Tabor 5022.
DRESSMAKING; experienced.
3356. 612 Marshall iU
srrrAnoxs wanted femalk.
Dress m alters;
DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, alterations,
house dresses, aprons. and children's
clothes: reasonable prices. 310 Fremont
at. East 7307.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker will go out by
day. Broadway 2719.
y arses.
Why stay at home?. Normal confine
ment cases and all surgical cases taken
care of for less than half the usual
charges. Normal confinement cases, in
cluding drugs, dressings, licensed phy
sician services and two weeks' hospital
care, all for $40. Phone Woodlawn 100.
Mail 7744 or apply 702 Dekum building.
NURSE Quiet home, attractive surround
ings, on fine auto rnjiri nnH far H n a.
Mental cases; references. Greaham, Or.
R. A., box 111.
RESPONSIBLE nurse will care for your
children evenings; relief and hourly -nursing
from $ A. M. to 4 P. M.. 25c
to 5oc per hour. Mar. 349.
TRAINED nurse will take patient in het
own home. Doctor's references. Tabor
UNDER graduate nurse, exp. all kinds
of cases. willing to travel east or
south. Write E. M .. 614 Front st.
NURSE with hospital training and ex
perience wants case; would leave city.
East 4769.
Practical nur?e will care for sick and do
work; references. Marshall 3028.
WORK by practical nurse, confinement
cases preferred. Tabor 1251.
NURSE, case of any kind or institutional
position. East 351,
GRADUATE nurse wishes case; prices rea
sonable. Phone East 6rt3.
GRADUATE nurse will take patients at
her private residence. Tabor 299.
II ouse k eeperm.
REFINED, capable widow wishes position
as housekeeper in widower's or bache
lor's home where I can have full charge;
can nurse the sick if necessary. BJ 46,
REFINED lady wants light housekeep
ing position for single man or bach
elor; girl going to school; no triflers
need apply. Cull In person after 11 A.
M. East 4981. 173 East 6th st.
WANTED Position by a capable woman
a housekeeper in a school club or apt.
house, or would accept full charge of a
gentleman's home ; no objection to chll
dren. AM 548, Oregonian.
MIDDLE aged lady would like a position
as housekeeper ia a family of one or two
gentlemen. Must be in the city. Call
Woodlawn 2OI0.
WIDOW, 47, refined and congenial, wishes
housekeeping; no lady overseer, or will
work for room and board in refined
home. AH 04Q. Oregonian.
ELDERLY lady wants housework In a
small family. Will not do washing or
take care of children. Call East 44.
SWISS woman with 13-mo.-old baby
wishes a place as housekeeper outside
of city. Marshall 3044.
MIDDLE-AGED woman would do house
keeping for one or two people employed.
S 3U3, Oregonian.
REFINED lady wishes portion in refined
widower's home or with elderly couple.
AK 092. Oregonian.
MARRIED woman wants position to man
age apartment house; can give refer-
fin-cH. aia t4 i, oregonian.
WIDOW, 47. employed, refined and con
genial, will work for room and board.
" ww. oregonian.
UNINCUMBERED widow wishes house
keeping for one or more gentlemen on
ranch. AE 571, Oregonian.
W ANTED Housekeeping for gentlemen ;
give particulars in first letter; neat,
plain cook. A V 703, Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE educated woman with two
children will take charge of good home
houwke-.'ptr. AC 2Q2. Oregonian.
AiiooLb-AOED widow to keep house for
mower or nacneior. woodlawn 5224.
Domes tics.
GOOD, experienced woman would take hold
of small home for a family who are will
ing to pay good wages; not under $50.
miiB apt.B., nawmorne ave.
Gl RLS' Polytechnic student desires to
work for room and board evenings, "in
mau lamuy; west side only East 20.1
WANTED Pos. as housekeeper or cook
by competent young woman. Willamette.
322 V Stark. Main 7S72.
WANTED Light housework or to assist in
nonacwora. a tL. oou, oregonian.
GIRL wants light housework and plai
cooking. 400 N. 19th st.
DRESSMAKING and remodeling; refer-
ences. Apt. 74. 374 3d st. Marn 110.
EXPERIENCED girl wishes position in
famiiy; good wages. AL Ml, oregnnisn.
Information and
Rental Bureau.
Reliable, up-to-dat9 lists of deslrahle
vacant nouses, apartments and Hats with
definite Informal ion nrt.inin .-h
Newcomers to Portland will find this
bureau of great value in helping them
" ci i ana quicktiy i oca Lea.
Eighth Floor.
FAMILY of three adults wants a com
ioi iauiy -lurnisnea home of -six or seven
rooms, with snace about it. ri-ft-a kiv
with garden and sleeping porch. Phone
F-Y responsible adult familr. giving high
est references: an unfurnished, strictly
modern, six to eight-room house, flat
apartment on west aide; permanent.
WANTED By rponsible family from the
, com i 'iriA niy lurnished six to eight
room home. Best references and gener
ous rent offered. Write or phone V
Vernon, Carlton hotel.
RESPONSIBLE business man wnt t,.
rent bet ore Nov. lo 5 or 0-room unfur-
msneu oungaiow. with garage. State
price and location. Will guarantee first-
4 OR 5-rootn cottage, bungalow or flat in
district bounded bv Ea,t ;iUan
Lincoln. 30th and 50th sts. Will 'pay 3
""'"l"0 ; oance. Audreys or
V . II i l P CM.l 11 II CO! II.
FAMILY of four, two children, desires
modern five-room furnished house for
iew monmi; win guarantee good care.
mi I i auur ui.i,
v A.Mtu tsy Lec. is. 6 or 7 -room mod
ern house or unfurnished flat, in good
neighborhood. Address apt. 12, 163 16th
st., city.
RESPONSIBLE counle want ft r fi.-
furnished house: very best of care: good
iv,vn.ii , ucai references. AE 543.
Oregon ian.
WANTED 6 or 7-room unfurnished house
on east side; must have either fireplace
or furnace or both and 3 bedrooms.
lyniniiK over tm. ail fc.. 1 403.
WANTED by adults. 5 or 6-room furnished
flat or house: best of rcfrnr n
Main 4522 and ask for C. M. Deer, 82
tin ii .
WANTED To rent a fumishfid 4 f k.
room cottage for 6 months or mnr-
furnish beat of references. AR 33. Ore-
WANTED To rent, by responsible business
hum, a mx or seven-room modern house
or uungaiow; win ake lease If sati
factory. Phone Tabor 6451.
FoUR-room furnished flat or house. Must
be neat and clean. Sur.fivKiii iiintpt.-i
pre ferred. Oak Grove 35-J, or Tabor
5 OR 6-ROOM bungalow. Peninsula or
Kenton a strict. ust be in cood -on
dit'on and clean. E. L., 521 Montgomery
Permanent adult tenants, modern five
or six-room unfurnished house; rent
must oe reasonaoie. laoor 339.
WANTED to rent Good 7 or 8-room houte
In- Mt. Tabor district by Jan. 1. Best
i ef erences. Tabor 4161.
A STUCCO or brick house, with at least
four bedrooms, under $UJ,0o0. John M.
Payne Co. Main 9U12.
WANT basement room, close in, west side,
for hand laundry. 235 12th st- Main
FURNISHED 5 or 6-room modern house;
best of references furnished. Marshall
-To rent
six-room bungalow,
G. T. Wadsworth.
WANTED 5-room house or 3-room apt.,
close to ear line; furnished or unf ur
nlshed. Call Marshall 6896.
WANTED A comfortably furnished house
or apartment for an adult family of 3.
Pho-ne East 7QQS.
FAMILY of 5 want modern furnished
house, near school; distance no objection.
Sel 1. 9m
WANTED Unfurnished house to rent; b
or 6-room house or bungalow. Wood
law nl 387.
MODERN furnished house or flat for 3
adults? best of references furnished.
Woodlawn 35S1.
NOV. 1 OR SOONER. A MCELi J? l it-
WANTED Furnished apartments or
housekeeping rooms; must be modern
and heated, by two adults, between 10th
and 30th wts. and Belmont and division
sts. ? describe fully ; references ex
changed. AN SOS. Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished apartment. 1 or 2
room housekeeping apartment at once
by young business woman. Close in. AH
b. Oregonian.
WANTED 2-room furnished apartment or
housekeeping rooms in private family,
by 2 ladies (mother and daughter). Call
Main 60o Sunday or after 6 P. M
TO GET In communication with girl who
will share her apartment. ill expect
WANTED to rnt unfurnished apt. for two
Main 3o2 or East 6144.
3-ROOM apartment, walking distance; not
over S3T.50; young couple, am. oi, ore
gonian. BY' two ladies, furnished room on west
side; privilege of getting DreaKrast.
Broadwny 11S0. room 501, after 6 P. M.
COUPLE with one child wants furnished
flat, apartment or house. rtione n
2-ROOM apt. by permanent couple. Phone
Kroaa way . room
WANTED 2-room furnished apartment.
3i or $40. AL 622, Oregonian.
LADY employed would like comfortable
room in apt. or house, wanting uisiance
preferred. AG 37S. Oregonmn.
BY SINGLE man. modern room: perma
nent: walking distance: state terms. s
325, Oregonian.
BY young woman employed, warm room
in apartment or with lamiiy. aj o.
YOUNG gentleman desires room, west side
apartment: references. R 91, Oregonian.
Booms With Board.
REFINED home wanted by widower for
little girl and sleeping accommouuiion
for himself and son with or without par
tial board; must be close in on west
or north side; lull particulars to AN &9,
WANTED Room and board for wife and
self, with private family; ro cnnaren;
no othtr boarders; permanent ; west
side AJ 770, Oregcnlan.
MAN with two boys 3 and 7 wishes
room and board in private family, c. s.
people preferred. Phone evenings. Main
9207. day time. Main 1890.
WANTED Board and room In private
family tor Lincoln High school boy; ref
erences. Write Mllier Mercantile Co.,
Yamhill. Or.
LADY employed would like comfortable
room In apt. or home, walking distance
preferred. AG 37 H, Oregonian.
LIGHT housekeeping room or with kitchen
use bv elderly lady; Alblna preferred.
Enst 2907.
WO R K1NOMA N with boy of school age
desires board and room in private fam
ily. Call Main 2U5S.
YOUNG bachelor wants room and board Itj
congenial family, close In : terms and
conditions. AG 375, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN wishes nicety furnished
room with breakfast: easy walking dis
tance. A L 6i4. Oregonian.
WANTED Rooms, alro room and board.
in vicinity of Union ave. and asco st.
Call Adcox school. East 74 15.
WE want room and board for a refined
invalid lady. Write or call Mr. Wright,
14! 23d st. North. Sunday.
MOTHER and daughter want comfortable,
clean room and board; daughter em
ployed. East 5-57.
BY MOTHER employed; mother's care for
schoolgirl, wes side; references ex
changed. BF 19S. Oregonian.
ROOM and board by woman, employed;
private family. AL 010. Oregonian.
TEACH ER desires room and board ; west
side preferred. S 31S, Orei;nian.
Housekeeping Rooms,
WANTED TO RENT 3 or 4 furnished
housekeeping rooms, private home, or
small furnished house. 3 in f;imtty; pood
care taken of property. AG 379, Orego
nian. LJUHT housekeeping rooms for two.
No children or pets. Must he close In,
west side and desirable; references. BJ
49. Orgonlan. or Msr. 4202.
WANTED Nov. 1, permanent H. K. rooms
for quiet, clean, elderly couple: private
family, east side; north preferred. Write
W. E. W.. 4919 31et ave. S. K
WANTED 2 or 3 unfurnished heated rooms
or sm:ll house partly furnished. Call
Vain 5531.
NICE housekeeping room, walking dis
tance, wanted by lady teacher. AG 377.
WANTED About Nov. 1. 2 or 3 furnished
or partly furnished rooms for H. K. AN
877. Oregonian.
LIGHT housekeeping rooms close in. de
sirable. Moderate price. V 677. )re
ronian. W A NTED Housekeeping rooms in Rose
City, near Rose City school. AN 741,
WANTED To rent furnished housekeep
ing rooms close In. Phone Main SI 14.
apt. 3.
Business Place.
WANT to rnt one-room of f ic furnished
for one. two or three months; uncon
nected : rent in advance. Write A V 700
Oregonian. stating Iteration, amount rent,
furnishings. I mmed'ate possession re
quired. November 1.
TO YOUNG lady, employed, large, warm,
nicely furnished front room In close in
apartment house, west side. Private en
trance to room and bath, $25. Main
2944 today.
Furnittbed Rooms.
A Modern Priced Hotel of Merit.
East Morrison and Sith.
Hotel Clifford is the principal east side
ho el and is a hotel of dignity and
refinement. $1.25 per day; two in room.
$1.75; $6 per week, $22.50 per month.
170 ilth at.; take depot car to 11th
and Morrison, walk half blocs south,
clean, modern, respectable; transient,
$1 50. with private bath. $2.
FRONT room, well furnished, for 1 or 2
gentlemen, w ith or without breakfast : 1
block from Morrison st.; SS car; walking
distance for anyone who prefers It. Call
115 E. 12th st.
GARLAND HOTEL Rooms light, modern;
plenty heat and hot water; $4 to $5 per
wk. 25 Trinity st., corner Wash ing ton,
between 19th and 20th. Main 1 135.
HOTEL Royal. 132 East Third, corner
Morrison; modern, well furnished rooms,
free phone and bath, steam heated, 75c
up. $2.50 week up.
555 TA Y LOR. 3 rooms, kitchen and
bath, nicely furnished: modern. Arrange
price according to accommodations wunt
ed ; walking distance.
HOTEL NORRIS. 533 V4 Alder; modern out
side rooms, walking distance; $4 up, with
private bath $0. Come and see.
HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st at Tenth
Rates $1 per day up; weekly, $4 up; run
niinj water, free phone and bath.
ANSON1A HOTEL 14th and Washington,
clean, respectable, modern, transient a $ 1
up. permanent 4 up Private. bath
PALACE HOTEL. 440 Wash. St.; down
town location, respectable and strictly
modern rooms large, clean.
FRONT room, ground floor, walking dis
tance. 407 Jackson st.. between lUib
and 11th streets.
PHONE Bdwy. 2202. Terminal Has K age
Transfer Co., 6th and Flanders. Baggage
stored5 days free.
IRV1NGTON Warm, comfortable room ;
rent reasonable ; two car lines. East
75c. $1 DAY; $2.50 week up; outside rooms.
Hotel Cadillac. 3d nearJeffe rson.
SARGENT HOTEL. 271 Vi Grand ave.. a. k
apt, and sleeping rooms. EsnI 291.
HI LLC REST HOTEL Bath, phone. $25
mo. up; without bath. $ie up. 733 Wah.
LA RGE doubie room, also single. 7u5
Everett. 2 blocks t rom Wash, st.
NICE furnished room,
nished; lady or couple.
everything f ur
52S Flanders st.
2 CLEAN front sleeping or housekeeping
rooms. 320 Oth
FOR RENT 1 large sleeping room, plenty
of hot water. 12S N. isth st. Bdwy. 2943.
Unfurnished Rooms.
14th st.
m for re
FOR RENT Unfurnished sleeping room.
Marshall 3345.
3 UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeeping;
private entrance. Marshall 3575,
UNFURNISHED 3 or 4, including the-gas
range. 44S Hall st.
Furnished Room In Private Family.
NICELY furnished room, modern, at 692
Everett fit, Fhune 51a r a all X767.
Furnlnhrd Rooms in Private Family.
REFINED young lady wants refined young
lady or young married woman to share
large beautiful room wl:h private bath
and phone; walking distance ; ob.iect,
company ; very reasonable to the right
party; refs. ex. Addre- full particulars
and phone number, Y 129, oregonian.
ON E large turnished room, or will share
5-room cottage w Ith iady. or man and
wife; close to Holladay, Elliott schoois;
good car service, easy walking to west
side business center: very low rent. Call
10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Sunday, or write
429 Union ave. N., near San Katael.
FOR RENT To gentleman. furnished
room with bath in private family; good
resident district. 12 min. ride I rum cen
ter of city. Call 901 East Salmon after
10:30 A. M.
LARGE attractive room with dressing
room, hot and cold water; in a beauti
ful home with steam heat, electric light,
bath and telephone ; w est side, walking
distance. Marshall 401.
H EXTRA large outside sleeping rooms,
beautifully furnished, white ivory end
golden oak, furnace neat, iree bath and
phone. 135 N. lstu, cor. of HoyU Gen
tleman preferred.
A DESIRABLE, cosy, warm sleeping room.
1st floor, bath and phone. Nice nome
for lady employed: no carfare. 415
Broadway today, Monday by appoint
ment. Mar. 349.
A LARGE front room; private bath. 2
meals, oreaki'ast and dinner; suitable
for two people or a lamilv. HOI 11th St.,
cor. of Mill. Phone Main 2mo0.
VERY attractive room for, reiincd gentle
man ; i ory woodwork, hot and cold
w aier. large closet ; 5 Mocks from busl
ntsa district. I 'hone Main 5297.
SUITE of rooms for centleman that wants
comfort; living room. bedroom and
wardrobe, sleeping porch, heat and other
conveniences. East 1 '.1.
FOR RENT Irvinton. large, attractive
room, kitchen privileges; business wom
an is preferred. Phone afternoons. E.
TWO FURNISHED rooms. 1 front room,
suitable for two; furnace heat, electric,
walking distance or c.ose to S. S. or M.
T. car. 124 E. ISth st.
FOR RE XT Nicely furnished front room
In private family to some one em
ployed. 774 Wasco st., cor. 24th. East
711 1.
COMFORTABLE room for 1 or 2 men. 110
fr otic. $15 for two; us of bath: board
nar; reu rences required. Kenton. Call
Wdln. 2573.
ATTRACTIVELY furnished large front
room, central heat. Nob Hill district,
walking distance. Men only. ref. re
quired. Main 4711.
FOR RENT Furnished front room in pri
vate family ; walking distance of two
large shop,; board if desired; in fine uu
trirt. Phone Sellwood 040.
NICELY furnished room with sleeping
porch, for two young men ; will give
break I a: t if desired. 347 Rons st., two
blocks eat of Broadway bridge.
COMFORTABLE rooms for uentleman;
bath adjoining; no other roomers ; very
close lu. west side. Main 3291. 2J
Broadw ay.
FOR RENT One or two furnished or un-
furniMhed rooms, close to Sellwood car,
close to S. P. shops. 502 Beacon st., cor
ner East loth.
One very desirable furnished room
with-in w a Iking distance, suitable for
lady employed. Phone Marshall -2-.
LA RUE furnished room, suitable for two,
ery low rent; young men preferred.
725 East Madison. Phone East 0u34.
W KLL-FU lt.MSH ED room In beautiful
home. 1 large room, suitable for 2 or 3;
shower bath : modern. 055 Everett.
329 WEST PARK, pleasant rooms for 1 or
2 gentlemen, nice location, w aiking dis
tance. FoR RENT Single room, modern, heat,
liRht. prionc, bath, for man. $10 per mo.
bo Union ave. N., near Beech.
FURNISHED room in apt. with private
family, steam heat, IcitU adjoining. $4
per eek ; ce.itral. 295 12th st., apt. 2.
SLEEPING porch bedroom, with private
f.imiLv for rent to one or two gentier.ien.
357 E:ist 42d st. Phonrt Tabor 7760.
FoR RENT Two sleeping rooms, for man
I and wife or employed ladies; cooking
ana laundry privileges. I'none 1 aoor i.v
TWO nicely furnished rooms; furnace heat,
modern conveniences; Rose City district.
Phone C lull.
BEAUTIFUL clean room in private family;
phone, heat and light: walking distance.
54 N. 21st St. Mar. 3741.
PL K AS A N'T rooms, private home; all con
veniences; west side., close in. Marshall
LA RG E, light room for gentleman; refer
ences; private residence, west side, walk
ing d iht a n cc. 554 E e re 1 1 s t. , cor. 1 7th.
FURNISHED room near Broadwny B.. 1
or 2 men. or girls employed. 423 Ross st.
East ti'.tlS.
FOR RENT 2 sleeping rioms on 2d floor;
t-verv convenience ; pri ate family. 591
E. ODt-
ROo.M in private faintly for gentleman;
all conveniences; no other roomers.
It road way 2200.
NICELY furnished room, 1 or 2 gentlemen,
close M lilt noma h club. Call Sunday or
evenings, Marshall 3295. 557 Taylor.
TO LET Furnished room, electricity, bath
aTid phone; walking distance. Broadway
HEATED room, sleeping porch adjoining
modern residence. Ladd's addition ;
wa! kin g distance. Phone East 143
vate home, walking distance; reasonable.
Cor. E. Broadway and E. First.
NEAT, furnished room to rent tn 1 or 2
gentlemen ; furnace heat. Laud's addi
tion. East 5145.
ELEG ANTLY furnished parlor, sleeping
porch, 2 beds; Ideal for ladies or geiule
men. 325 13th st.
N1E furnished room, all conveniences,
for girl employed, or couple; adults.
T:'bor 1743.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, suit a ore
for two; bath, phom-, furnace heat, near
car, $3 week. 559 E. 47th st. N.
BEDROOM, sitting room, private home,
west side; all tonvenieiuvs; gentlemen
only: r'. erences. Main 341.
ON E larse front room, light, heat and
home, all conveniences. East 3'i3. Add.
!Mi K.
NICELY furnished room In private family.
5 2. SO week. 173 E. lath at., near Belmont.
K-tst 7491.
TWO nice iront bedrooms. Rose Citv
Park. $3 for one and $2.59 for the
other. Phone Tabor 5.
1 LA RG E f urn l bed room. Phone, bath
and heat. Tabor 730. 209 E. 4Uth tt
Rent $ 1 0.
WELL-FURN ISI1ED front room for gen
tleman ; bath, furnace heat ; close iu.
Call at 509 E. Pine st.
CLEAN, light room, convenient, reason
able; 2 blocks Broadway bridge. 3t2
R oss s t .
NICELY furnished room, walking distance,
west side. 55 Montgomery ; men only.
A L 023. Oregonian.
LARGE double room, also cinfrle room, in
modern home, west side. Ali 601, Ore
gonian. ROOM for rent, 13th and Belmont, to re
fined laboring man or boy. Phone East
E it V desirable room for two gentlemen;
private family; walking distance. Main
4 201.
A DANDY, comfortable. we: 1 -ventilated
basemen t room, wit h breakfast. Main
222S. 419 Clay st.
ROOMS suitable fnr gentlemen. Call E.
.".4V."t before 3 o'clock Sunday.
FURNISHED room for 1 or 2 gentlemen .
cloe in. 349 Holladay ave.
ON E room to rent in a modern home;
suitable for a man. y. ark st.
NEATLY f tirnshd bedroom, wa! king iis-
ta nee. f 2.25 per week. 431 0th st.
CLEAN, single or double room, free light.
ttatrr. phone. 3Sn Third st.
LRGE- modern .coin walking distance.
$15. 343 13th st. Main 1721.
FOR RENT I sleeping room ;
v.-ef erred.. 420 Hall st.
VERY fine modern furnished room; gen
tleman only. 444 Third st.
ATTRACTIVE room, walking distance to
town. East 4 9 S3.
LARGE front room for 1 or 2 gentlemen.
473 Alder st.
BRIGHT, pleasant room. 1
men. iou ist.
FURNISHED room. SI a week, including
bath and phone; men only. Tabor 207.
ROOM, furnished, 258 12th st., for one
or two.
ROOM for gentleman, west side. 729 Gll
san. Mar-hall 30 13.
VH-l. fio-niuhoil run III " 1 hi IJiTh at In.
j quire upstairs.
'ONE single, one double room, modern;
private la ratory. s i - Mars nail st.
ROOM and board, with heat and baitu 0u4
3d st.
CLEAN, airy rooms in private home, board
if desired. 00 Overton, Marshall 3527.
ROOM, board, private home. 574 Ladd ave
near E. 12th and Haw t borne. E. 5145.
$50 W.EEK. corner room, close in, large
closet, bath; gentleman. 42ti- Jefferson.
NICELY furnished rooms in private home,
I pu other roomers. 322 luth su
Furnished Room In Private Family.
PLEASANT well-furnished room for gen
tleman. In a thoroughly modern private
home. Attractive homelike surroundings,
talking distance. Ref. exchanged. Kt
TO OUNG lady, employed, large, warm,
niceiy furnUhed front room in close in
apartment house. fsi tide. Private en-
trance, to room and bath. $25. Main
214 4 today.
CLEAN Beautifully furnished room in
private apartment: connecting bath,
first-class apt. house, close in ; gentie
man only: references. Mam 6916.
TWO tunny front rooms, running water;
on basement and 3d-f!oor room.
Two blocks to Central library. 215 lth
WANTED Young or mid.Le-aged lady
that is occupied during the day to stay
home evenings as a companion. In re
turn we give nice room. Ca.l Tabor 2540.
PLEASANT room, modern home, walking
distance. East 4307 before noon or even
lnga. -
FRONT room with refined famllv. walking
distance. 181 Green ave., near 23d and
NEAT room. If you are looking for a nice
cean place you will iike thi. 414 Market.
LOVELY room; mutt be peeri to be appre
ciated. 7M Hoyt sit. Main 2941.
1 STEAM heated sleeping room. 409 '-3
Jefferson st., Jeanette apis.
ONE nice front sleeping room. 446 Taylor
209 14th st. near Jefferson, choice rooms,
walking distance. Main 3-93.
CLEAN, well furnished front room, plenty
of hot water all time. 329 Montgomery.
Rooms Wnn Board.
JEANNE D'ARC Furnished rooms, with
or without board, for business girls and
lady tourists, permanent or transient.
Special features within the limitation
of the minimum wage earner; $2 per
week and up. 265 14th st. Main 411W.
NOliTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown
high-class family hotel; room a en suit
or single, w ith or without board, for
families and business men and women.
We give you all the comforts of a home.
Reasonable rates.
GRAND AVE. HOTEL. 3 blocks south
Hawthorne ave.; Just the place for men
w ho appreciate good room and board ;
SS.50 to $9.50; one large front room with
2 single beds. Bring your friend.
THE MION ON nursery wiTi board and
care for children by the day. ek or
month; reasonable. Tabor 1271. 1224
E. Main si.
8S0 10th st. For business girts and
students; reasonable rates. Mar. 125L
HARRISON HOTEL Outside rooms. 2.M
table board. SO per week. Front and
Harrison sts.
ROOM and board for business grlls; all
modern conveniences: walking dlt-tance;
$4 per week. East 4732. 12 B. 7th st.
PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms w'th board;
excellent tab!-; clo.e in. tJ Moat
gomery. near West Park.
YOUNG man would like to work for room
and board. Main 7494.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
IX BEAUTIFUL Willamette Heights home,
large, well furnished room with fire
place: wonderful view and garden: an
opportunity for young people employed to
enjoy the comforts of home: use of laun
dry. Main 1S37, or Marshall ISOrt. Mon
day. LARGE room and sleeping porch In Irving
ton home, miii.ibie it.r two or thret young
people employed ; home comforts and
privileges: good home cooking. 496 E.
10th st. North. East 329.
NICELY furnished room, vacant Nov. 1;
suitable for twe young iadles; steam
heat, good meals ; also table board for
2 or 3 ladles. o07 Gll-sn st. Broad
Way 2tSH.
ROOM with board for young lady em
ployed: thare room with congenial young
lady; piano, furnace heat, home privi
leges; walking dibtance. 4 OS Market t
Main 5123.
2 Nli'K rooms suitable for man and w if e
01 men: business people only. Good heat,
hot water, shower bath, good home cook
Ing. QM Olisan.
ROoM and board in private family, bright
and Mttll-heated. clos in on East Sid-,
convenient to two car lines. 55 E. 10th
st. X.
COMFORTABLE room for 1 or 2 young
mn; can arrame lor breakfast and dm
ner. 540 E. A Id e r
Convenient to car. room and board for
2 gentlemen. Call East 29!.
ND'ELY furnished room with board, near
Broadway bridge ; private home. 4"S
Benton st.
LARGE room for 2. with board: vacant
afi r Nov. 3; home privilege: west side.
Phone Main 1539.
RoOM and board in private family. Phone
E. 250 or call Mrs, Richa. 3S Grand
CHOICE room and board. alo table board;
walking distance west side. Broadway
WANTED Children from 2
little girls; mother's care.
Phone Marshall 3Ki.
to 9; prefer
lotiA CorbetL
GENTLE M A N" for room and bos rd ; horn s
cooking ; w aiking distance ; pnone and
la th ; S7.50 per week. 525 Clay.
WARM room and good home cooking for
2 gentlemen or couple employed. Phone
East Ooo ! . " r0 K . B u rnside.
WANTED To board and room 2 girls in
private home. $35 a month. Phone E.
LARGE homelike room, suitable for two
voung men; uplendid food. 730 East
Burnfiide st. Phone East TS42.
ROOMS with or without board in modern
bungalow . Cent lemen preferred. Garage
r.ear. Woodlawn 49S7.
ROOM and board In private home. 28S
Beech, near Williams ave. Use of piano
and Victroia. Woodlawn 23'.5.
WANTED A roommate in attractive room
across from M ulinomah ciub ; twin beds.
M . 7 7 20.
liOOM wih board for msrried couple em
ployed ; home privileges. Cll 458 East
37 th st. Tabor 8995.
WANT to care for two children at own
home; best ref. Phone Wdl. 5M4.
ROOM and board near S. P. shops. In
quire 6u5 Haig st. Sell. 3405.
jre for.
.V girl to board, room, sew and
69 Et Everett at. N.
LARGE nicely furnished room in strictly
modern homo. Irving ton. East 452.
LA RGE front room w ith ooard in private
residence; two men. Mar. 33 S.
ROOM and board In private family for one
or two gentlemen. Phone Tabor 2746
RooM and board for 2 gentlemen. 09 E.
Ankeny. East 4010.
LARGE front room with or without board
f o r senile man. 091 Flanders st.
ROOM and board in private family for 2
gentlemen. 57 O Ladd ave. Ka 2333.
ROtM and board In private family, work
ing people. 544 Vs 4th nt.
WILL board two or three gentlemen in my
home. Main 9uS.
WANTED Child. 4 to 7 years, to board;
bct of mother's care. East 51 SO.
h Of M and bo rd for mother and child.
West side Mar. 3350.
BoA RD and room In nice home. lOl N.
22d, cor. Irvin g. Mar. 2590.
Furnished Apartment.
COMPLETE apartment. Sl'.i. ionciete bldg.
Union ave. and Kllllngsworth,
BAGGAGE and furniture moving; Broad
way 401. Alert Transfer. 411 W Stark.
THE G ROVER 1 and 2-room fur. BU l
apts. Ins O rover t. usain 9U5&.
U1HL to share furnished apt.: waitress
preferred ; expenses Mght.' Mar. 2943.
WOULD like a C. S. student or working
girl to share apartment. East 2001.
ing r-MMU.
-2-room np.irtmeiit, one bioep
240 Montgomery st.
6-ROOM elegantly f urniaht-d f lat : modern ;
central ; adults; $100. 325 13th st.
RO M wit n board ; borne cooking , reason
able. 20 1 13th st. '
FURNISHED apt.. 2 rooms. 32 N. 11th st.,
cor. Couch. Broadway 1031.
2-ROOM apt., furniture for sale. Classic
apt. 30. 002 Glisan st. Bdwy. 3027.
TWO young men to share apt,, west side,
close. Phone Marshall 23.
3 ROOMS, $65. Call or.iy at Barker Apis.
Adults, references required.
FURNISHED 3 rooms with private bath,
at ?5 E. Main.
BEAL'TI FUL 4-room furnished apart ment
close in, west side, $50. Main 0374.