t TTTE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 26, 1919. 13 REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farm. 25 acres; 14, n.iles from city Htlls boro way, where most acreage is $300 per acre; but this piece, along with a 6-room house, large barn. 3 acres of t ppU s, fin- roads, all cleared but a few tumps, $175 per acre, and only $1000 down; balance 5 years at 6 pr.cent. 10 ac es at Orchards, Wash.; cleared; barn, chickon house and bungalow. The owner of this place went south and got broke, ho wi les us to sell for $3200 $looo under cost. 20 acres: Beaverdam; tiled; gravel ro;td; no buildings, at $3 per acre; near Columbia hiKhway. .If you want soil, loo it this over. A little gold mine. German, settlement, 14 miles from city ; 40 nl ely cultivated acres, with $2.00 in improvements, such as good farm house, large burn, sheds, pig and chit-ken ho lses. I well know this, pliice and can personally recommend It: $6700 Is exceptionally cheap. Will be pleased to give more Information concerning the above- MR. CORRIN, COR A. McKENNA A CO.. Fourth st. Main 4522. 50-ACRE FARM AT AUCTION, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1019. AT 11 A. M.. AT THE FARM. Win sell our farm, known as the Max well place, located 3 miles south of Voodiand, 4 miles north of Ridgef ield. "Washington, at Davis Landing on the Lewis river. POSITIVELY NO RESERVATIONS. HIGHEST BIDDER GETS THE FARM. TERMS lo per cent cash down at sale, 10 per cent each year, with interest at 6 per cent; purchaser gets abstract and warranty deed. This Is one of the best small dairy farms In the state of Washington; 50 acres of bottom land, all under cultiva tion. S-room house, large barn, silo, hog, milk and chicken houses. Will also offer at auction 1 team. wt. 30f0 lbs., heavy harness, farm wagon, plow, harrow, potato planter, 30 tons oat and vetch hay, 80 bu. wheat. 80 bu. oats and 40 bu. barley, also small tools and other articles too numerous to men tion. Lunch served free at noon. h E. BOWMAN & CO.. OWNERS. W. S. WOOD. Auctioneer. GOOD STOCK AND GENERAL FARM IN THE UMPQUA VALLEY. 269 acres, located 104 miles east of Roseburg on good county road ; near school and church; daily mail; 60 acres In cultivation; 20 re res of this is creek bottom, rich loam soil ; will grow good crops of alfalfa, clover, corn and all kinds of grain; balance In cultivation on gentle slope: In soil and character is a dark loam and very productive. 200 acres In pasture, well set to grass; has some scattering oak timber: farm Is all under good fence, cros-s-f enced. most ly woven wire and 8-strand barb wire; good 6-room plastered house: two barns in fair condition; other outbuildings; 3 acres in family orchard; running stream through farm; good springs in pasture. The owner will Include good team of horse and some farm Implements. Price $&000; $5000 cash, long time on balance. W. A. BOGARD, Roseburg. Or. EAILUOAD man not a farmer. dlsatis fied. will sell ; someone w ill get a real bargain; 78 acres. 65 acres in cultiva tion, all extra good soil, no rock or gravel, slightly rolling, no bills, fenced and cross-fenced, 6-room house, barn, silo 'and other buildings, feed and hay for winter. 12 good cows, 1 bull, good team. 2 brood sows and pigs, chickens, all farm tools and implements to run the place nearly new ; price $11,000, terms. This place is making money; possession can be given at once; on good road, school on the corner of the place, lots of iruit and extra fine water. Owner would consider house and lot in Port land or Vancouver as part payment. J. B. Atkinson. 112 west 6th. Vancouver, Washington. WASHINGTON, "the Evergreen State," has eriendid openings for more farmers. Fruit growing, dairying and livestock raising as well as grain growing show great resul ts. Here is a mild climate, ample rainfall for irrigation, and many valleys of fertile soil. Land prices range from $2o an acre upward, depending on location and development. Good roads, schools and churches. Full information in new book by state agricultural college and United States railroad administra tion, Just off press. Ask for Washington book and give your name and address plainly. J. L. Edwards, manager agri cultural section, room 678 L'nited States railroad administration, Washington, D. C TIDE LAND DAIRY FARM. 7J5 acres near Yaquina. 300 acres high tide land, 225 acres is diked; near rail road station; 2 sets buildings, includ ing big modern dairy barns equipped with electric lights, milking machine, running water; lots of ensilage and hay; 25 heid dairy cows, 30 head young frtock, registered bull, all farm tools, "Will include everything at $00 an acre. These diked ands are as good as the Tillamook lands and are worth more than asked lor entire proposition; good ter ras. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. aVN N E W PGR T HIGH WAY. RIVER BOTTOM. 260 acres, located 2V4 miles from rail road town. Eddyvllle. Or.. Lincoln county l&o acres can be cultivated, 65 acres un der cultivation; 50 acres rine river bot- torn; one acre orchard; good fences; 4 room house, barn 20x40. shed 12x40. Price $43.50 per acre, with 10 cows, 9 yearlings, 6 calves, 6 horses. So chickens, harness, hack. 2 wagons, mower, rake, cultivators, plows, disc harrow, cream separator, tools. 50 tons hay. 2 acres do tatocs; will consider well-located acreage up to $4000 and $2000 cash; ranch is clear ; personally inspected. John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 32h acres, near Fort Rock, Lake coun ty ; 60 acres in cultivation, nearly all fenced, small house, barn and chicken house, good water. This place Is near the Government forest reserve and all open range. Will make excellent stock ranch; all clear of incumbrance. Price $4H0 or trade for small farm near, or .house In Postiand. William Radke. Fort ON PAVED road. 3 blocks from good high school, extra fine water pipfd to buildings, modern house, toilet, oath, fireplace. gasoline pumping system, ba rn, chicken houses and runs for 1000 chickens. 04 acres, 8 acres high state cultivation, no rock or gravel, extra fine loam, garden soil; price $r500, terms. J. B. Atkinson, itj west bin street, van eouvcT, Washington. PRUNE ORCHARD. One mile this side Camas. Magnifi cent view of river ; 22 acres prunes, bartlett rears, annles. cherries, peaches ; best of soil. Land rolling, buildings fair. A wonderful buy at $o-ou j caah $iouv, possession at once. MrCLURE-SCHMAUCH CO.. 306 Railway Exchange. Main 1503. SPLENDID FARM AT A BARGAIN. 320 ncres within 20 miles of Port land, 2oO acres in cultivation, balance timber; all lies well; fine trout stream across place; good buildings. Owner unable to handle is offering for $30,000, one-third cash. LI" E DDE MANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. 160-ACRE irrigated ranch under Ochoco project; all been plowed and cropped and about 14 acres set to alfalfa, balance grain stubble ; has 4 -room frame dweil in g. large Darn, granary, cnicKen house, woodshed, root cellar, windmill, three wells and pumps, and all fenced. Write or see R. W. Rea, Prineville, Or., for further particulars. 40-ACRE FARM BARGAIN. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. All under cultivation, family orchard, macadam road. 43 minutes by auto. 9- room house, cement basement, bath, hot end cold water, large barn; other out buildings. Prise $300 an acre. Photo at otrire. ECKES, 60S Chamber of Commerce. NEAR HI LLSBORO. 90 acres, located south of Hlllsboro, Tualatin river bottom ; all can be culti vated: 65 acres under cultivation: nice Ivlng land, cloning to river: countv road close to graveled road; exceptionally fine soil; on mile to scnooi; cneap buildings, Price $115 per acre; half cash. John r erguson, tiernnger mag. $40 AN ACRE, 228 acres. $10O0 down, your own time on balance, A-l soil, school on tlace. nullum g fair, springs. 2 wells miles from high school, about 60 acres in cultivation, some trade.. bee owner, room 6. .m.'.': ashington st. FOR SALE or trade. 61H acres first-class timber land, estimatm m million ft aw timber and 1 million ft. cedar, 2000 cords of wood, close to Portland on gravel road : 4-room house and well. I'hone Main enoi. 43-A. FARM for sale or rent: 13 cultivated rest pasture ; good 10-room plastered house, large dairy Darn. All Kinds fruits. 1H miles from town; good grade find high school. Mrs. A. J. Veddec Dundee, or. 20-Ai'KE FARM 1 V MILES S. OF MO ROE: ALL IN RUP AND FRUI STOCK AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IN CLUDED. PRICE $5000. L. D. LILES, WILL SELL 236 acres or 130 mostly clenred, two sets of hiillwlngs. 2n miles from Portland, only $90 per acre. See owner at bo rioDetta st. hone Sell, 20S7. c ACRES all In cultivation, one acre fruit good house and well, close to station on electric line; 17 miles to Portland. $rX0o, pome terms. Bdwy. 1058. 20U Oregon bldg. nv OWNER. 170 acres cultivated, good buildings, near good town, give time on part, call evenings, uj i.ia sc. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. SACRAMENTO VALLEY, CALIFORNIA BARGAINS. 82 acres developed hog and dairy ranch, located 7 miles from Willows. Glenn Co, 2 miles from a railroad; 50 acres very fine alfalfa, balance corn end grain; all under irrigation, modern buildings; also nice family orchard. Price $17,500 ; $7000 cash, balance to suit. 30 acres as follows: 10 acres 5-year-old oranges. 15 acres almonds, 2 to 4 years old; 1V acre family orchard and garden ; good 5-room house, barn, chicken house, etc.; plenty of water. Price $y0n, one-half cash. This is a splendid little orchard and a great- bar gain. - 55 acres in alfalfa and has a very good stand. Property is fenced, has fairly good buildings, irrigated from one of the best punping plants in the val ley. Price $10,500; $4..00 cash, balance $2500 per year with tntereat at 7 per cent. 40 acres of choice river land. Irrigat ed, located on Colusa, and Hamilton branch of 8. P. railroad ; good barn, small house; hus been in alfalfa, but was plowed up last year and planted to grain and corn. This is an unusually fine tract of land; Is all fenced with 1-og fencing. Would make an ideal or chard tract or for general farming there is no better. Price $6000; $20u0 cash will handle. 68 acres located in the Ord district, Clei.n county; here is alfalfa, fruit and grain; modern buildings and very choice - land. Price $17,500. It will take one bait cash to handle .this and the bal ance in two years at 6 per cent interest. This tract is located In one of the best cultivated sections of the county, there being some vei y fine orchards In that Immediate vicinity, and the property it self Is in a very good state of cultiva tion, and the improvements good, 015 acres stock and grain ranch; 800 acres of choi e farming land; water frorp springs and perpetual water in croek. This is one of the best stock and grain ranches, or would make an ideal subdivision tract. Price $60,000; $15,000 cash, will handle. 2500 acres s to -:1c ranch ; 54 miles creek frontage, perpetual water; fairlv good buildings, fenced ; 700 acres of choice plow land. ' This splendid ranch goes for the low price of $00,000; $12,500 cash will handle. One of the best buys in Glenn county. Plow land worth the price alone. . . m - Also hare rice lands and all kinds of traots. J. T NAPTOK, "Willows. Glenn county, California. EASTERN OREGON STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH. BEST BUY IN THE STATE. 1200 acres, all north slope; 125 acres In fall wheat, 100 acres ready for spring sowing; this Is first-class wheat - land and bunch grass pasture; thousands of acres outrange; five large springs, water piped to house and barnyard; over 50 acres timothy hay land ; double con structed house, with bath, hot and cold water, outbuildings fair, all fences In first-class condition; 40-horse cater pillar tractor and gang plows worth over $5000; Russell thresher, 12-foot header and ' binder, wagons, hack, header beds, 4-horse harrow, disc, seeder. - packer, plows, cultivator, 7 sets har ness, 11 horses, mostly mares over 1400 pounds: 3 fine colts, cows, calves, chick ens; everything goes with ranch; all In first-class condition; plenty of hay and straw; everything there to do with; price $36,000. T. J. 6EMFERT. ' - 628 Henry Bldg. 40 ACRES M00 ACRE. 1 MILE ORF.GON ELECTRIC. 40 MILES SOUTH PORTLAND. 40 acres rich loam soil in loganberry section, 23 acres in high state cultiva tion, 1 acre In .oganberries,' 5 acres fine oak timber full of wild blackberries, 7 acres timter pasture with living stream, woven wire fences, 3 acres mixed fruit. 7-room farm house fair condition. 2 meoium sized barns close to school, stores and electric station. This farm is on the main highway in a prosperous farming country. To close an estate we can sell this at the ridiculously low price of $lo0 per acre. u. cash. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. IRRIGATED ALFALFA "STOCK FARM. 160 acres, located half mile from town, central Oregon; paid-up perpetual and appurtenant water right for 160 acres; all under cultivation, 40 acres meadow, some aifalfa; good fences, orchard and some berries, 4-room house, barn, 100x50 and other buildings; lava ash soil, creek through place. Price $90 per acre, with 50 head of cattle, 20 milch cows. 12 hogs, 7 horses, exceptionally large line of ma chinery. feod mill, hay scales, gasoline saw. tanning mill and tools. Might con sider 5 or 10 acres naar small town with good school. Personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger btdg FARM- -BARGAIN. Forty acres of fine soil near Pleas ant Home, 20 miles east of Portland, on good road; fine large bungalow, ga rage, three years old: 27 acres In cul tivation', balance easily cleared ; creek runs through one corner of place; fine well of water, basement, some orchard ; price $10,000; will consider good home in Portland up to $5000 as part payment'- C. E.' ADAMS, 507 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Marshall 2575. 61 ACRES Located six miles from inter state on age, Vancouver, Wash., on hard surface road, two blocks from Union sta tion, on Slfton car line; about 35 acres In cultivation; good farm house, barn3 norses, iu cattle, barn fuli of hay. some oats, wheat and barley, w&eon. hurrv. plow, mower and other tools; about 1000 cords of wood; fine soil; adjoining land selling as high as $300 per acre; the price of this fine little farm, including everything. $12,600; terms $4500 ash, balance $2000 per year. 54 per cent in terest. GIBSON, 268 Stark. Marshall 12. REAL BARGAINS. 160 acres, 40 cultivated, 80 easily cleared in all; good house; 2 fair barns; adjoining sawmill; running water; ex cellent stock or dairy ranch; telephone; 1H miles to school; 2hk miles to sta tion; 7 miles to town; small young or chard; $tt800; 12700 down. 80 acres; 35 cultivated; - balance tim ber and pasture; 1 acres family or chard, old house, fair barn; 1 miles to station. Immediate possession; $4000; $2200 down. These are real bargains; no trades. B. A. KLIKS, McMinnvlile, Or. EAST OF McMINNVILLE. 157 acres, located on good road,. mile from Capitol highway, near Dayton. 147 acres can be cultivated. 110 acres under cultivation, 47 acres pasture: good fences; 4 acres orchard, well, creek and spring; 7-room house with plumbing brick foundation, 64x34; barn 40x60 other buildings. Price $150 per acre; terms on. part. A fine ranch. In a good district. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. FULLY 'equipped SO acres, central Oregon irrigated land; good house, barn and outbuildings, fenced and cross-fenced -50 tons of hay, some cattle, 9 head of horses, chicken, hogs and machinery; 65 acres in cultivation, family garden: 7 varieties of berries ; a snap ; $6000; terms. CALL ON US. H. H. URDAHL CO. (INC.) Main 6252. 322 Abington Bldg. Office open Sunday and evenings. FOR SALE or Tease, by owner on account sickness, 85 acres, 10 cleared. 10 prac tically cleared, 5 acres orchard ; com fortable buildings; l mile town. Ideal place for hen farm; good income from fruit. For quick sale, $40 per acre cash. Personal property for sale totaling about $500; under some conditions might con sider some terms. Address M. W. Law rence, Westport. Or. SIX MILES FROM OREGON CITY. 67 acres, red shot soil, all can be cul tivated. 7 acres under cultivation. 59 acres pasture, watered by several springs and creek, county road, M mile from macadamized road. mile to school, 5-room house, barn and chicken house, orchard: price $80 per acre. John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE BY OWNER. Sheep and goat ranch in Willamette valley ; over 800 acres, good location. Plenty of water. Take Dart in income property or small place. For particulars aqareaa owner, avi ma, Oregon lan. 40 ACRES, 16 mP.es from Portland, west side, S. P. and new highway, 30 a. in cult., halt creek bottom land; best soli; fair buildings; fruit, berries. U mile to rtarion; fine location. Price $8500. G. P. Saxtn, Hillsboro, Or. R. 2. IMPROVED ranch on highway Clackamas county, fine soil, lies well, lots living water; $5000 will handle; must sell ; If you want a bargain see owner. Phone Main 4906 after 6 P. M. for appoint ment. 77 ACRES; 11 acres in wheat, family or chard : 30 a. easy to clear ; rest good pasture ; good house and fulr barn, 20 miles southwest of The Dalles. Rail road? through place. Price $1700. . Own er I. W. Crater, Friend. Or. KENNBWICK SACRIFICE THIS WEEK. 10 acres close to town, school, station; fully paid water right; now being adver tised as Three Rivers. Price $1250; $."oo cash, b'al. 5 years. Hover, 512 Selling bldg. Main 4993. FOR SALE 40 acres with road through, 20 miles from Portland ; soil good to excellent; running water; can Irrigate; Improvements worth about $4000. Price $0000; $400 cash, bal. at 6 per cent. Address AV 161, Oregonlan. 54-ACRE ranch for sale. 38 miles from Portland. Owner, 2U2 Clay St. Alar. 462, HEAL ESTATE. - For Sale Farms, HERE is a farm bargain 80 acres, over 40 In high state of cultivation, very best of soil, 2 acres of Italian prunes and an abundance of all kinds of fruit for family use, land lies nice to work, fine spring I rear house, new 8 -room house, barn, i chicken house, etc. Fine team of horses weighing 200 lbs.. 3 cows and complete 1 equipment of farm Implements and tools, all go for only $8500; good terms. This is only 17 nines from Portland, 6 miles from Hlllsboro. This la a bargain. Let us show It to you. 120 acres, 70 in cultivation, balance timber and pasture. Practically level, several springs .and creek, lots of fruit, good 7-room house, large barn and other outbuildings, 28 sheep. 14 hogs. 2 cows, 1 heifer. 4 horses, chickens, seed wheat, . 150 bushels of oats. 10O bushels of rye. barn full of hay. al kinds of farm im plements and tools. Only 21 miles south of Portland, mile to school. -This is a going farm, well equipped, a money maker and a bargain aL $15,000. Good terras and. would take (ri residence to $3500. 220-acre stock or dairy farm. 70 In cultivation, balance very easily cleared Lots of free out-range, land lies nice to cultivate. 5 acres of orchard, creek and springs, good buHdinp. hot and cold water in house, ali crops stock and full equipment go. Including 4 horses, 30 head of cattle, chickens, etc., within 40 miles Portland, 7 miles good town and R. R., good auto road. Tis is a choice, close-in stock ranch proposition, a money maker and very cheap at $15,000. Take some trade, little cash and easy terms on balance. Tallmadge Realty Co., 619 Henry building. SIX 20-ACRE TRACTS. - Best land in Willamette valley. Now ready for planting. Suitable for Logan berries and small fruit. Special prices for Immediate acceptance. WM, McGILCHRIST, gR.. 4U Floor, U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon. WILLAMETTE VALLEY STOCK RANCH. 1300 acres, 160 in meadow bottom land, balance rolling; some quite steep, but r 11 goed black land ; no rock ; all fenced with woven wire. The place has all been brushed off and goated and seeded to taoie grass and produces a world of grass; water by river and springs; modern 12 -room house, bath, toilet; large modern dairy barn ; large stock barn- and other out-bulldinga; 19 high-grade-Jersey cows, three of them registered ; 1 registered bull ; 500 grade Cotswold sheep; registered Shrop buck; 200 angora goats, 6 horses, 4 hogs, 15 geese, 100 chickens, 12 stands bees: all tools and Implements; located on high way ; railroad runs through the place ; depot 2 miles; all kinds of fruit. This is a going, place and worth the price asked, $03,000. Would consider fcorne trade If good Income, some cash, bal ance terms. G. L. REES. 190 4th st. DO YOU WANT A REAL FARM WHERE YOU CAN RAISE A LOT OF STOCK AND MAKE GOOD? 210 acres, In cultivation, balance not , hard to clear; stumps well rotted; good pasture, 6-room house with bath and -sewer; another 4-room box house; very large -new barn with cement foun dation; 60 acres in clover and timothy; $10,000 worth of personal property (stock machinery and crops). Has from lO.ouO to 15,000 ft. of lumber plied up on place for building purposes ; about 20 miles from center of Portland in Clackamas county, near Clackamas river; creek and springs on nearly every 40 acres of place; railway graded across corner of land; 15 acres good bottom land; SO tons of hay In barn; all for $35,000; I15.0OO cash, balance 6 per cent; just a little over $100 per acre, deducting personal property. STEWART BUCK, 315 N. W. Bank Bldg. LINN COUNTY RANCH. STOCK. CROP AND EQUIPMENT. 168 acres, located near Lebanon. Or., on haxd-surfaced road; 60 acres under , cultivation; 100 acres can be cultivated, balance good pasture; two acres orchard; 14 miles to school; 5-room house, barn, chicken house and other buildings, silo: all rural conveniences. Price $61 per acre, wun o cows, zl mares, uuernscy bull, harness, wagon, mower, cultivators, plows, disc harrow, hay rake. corn planter, ensilage cutter, cider mill, fan ning mill, root cutter, gram drill and other implements. 40 tons hay and en silage ; aoout nail cash. John .Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. AGED owner sells 45 a., 4 horses, 23 cows and 9 heifers, bull, calves, poul try, wagons, harness,, gasoline engine, binder, drills, walking and sulky plows, complete Implements, milk cans, crops. Included to quick buyer, all for $7000; easy terms. Convenient railroad and panking town: 30 acres strona- soil till age; 71 -cow wire-fenced pasture: wood ond timber should pay for farm; milk C1H-CK9 running SoOO monthly: good 10 rot m house; big base nent stock barn. c rn, hog hoi-ses. Details psge 23 Btrout s fall c a tit loir. 300 naares. eauinnpd bargains; copy free. ST ROUT FA KM a.;i;njy, zus m. it., .Plymouth, bldg., Minneapolis. REFEREE'S SALE to close an estate. One of the best farms in Clackamas Co. will do som to. the highest bidder for cash on November 1. 3110. at 2 o'clock P. M. at the courthouse. Oregon City. Or. Con tains JiJ acres, i0 In high state or cul tivation, balance good pasture ; all level no rock or gravel: lO-ronm house, targe . barn, all necessary outbuildings: running water, windmill ana tank, good family orchard and berries; 3 acres of f inn English walnuts; R. F. D. and telephone good graveled road ; 4 miles S. E. of Canby, 24 miles south of Portland. For further Information write W. 1. Bauer. Molalla, Or., or see Elmer Armstrong. - at the farm. 50 ACRES of splendid rich sandy loam soil fronting on creek, fine water and spring. 40 highly cultivated, large family or chard, um her tor home use: stately h room plastered house with closets, porches, pantries, storeroom : fine cel. lar. hen house, big barn with filled silo. Lots of fruit, potatoes, grain and hay; 3 dandy hordes, 6 hogs, 5 cows, chickens, separator and complete set of farm ma chinery ana tools. This beautiful farm home is on the main highway, you should fee the maples. Price $ 11,000 ; terms. O. E. Freytag, Gladstone, Or. Phone Oregon City 260-J. WELL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED PLACE. Over 150 acres, level land, located on main road, above Sandy; well watered bv 2 streams. 14(1 acres can be cultl vated, -23 acres under cultivation; water piped to house; some or the land can be Irrigated. Price $0500 with 3 horses. . 18 head of cattle, 8 milch cows, large line or machinery, cream separator, chickens and furniture. $3000 cash. Personally inspected; photo at orrice. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. GRBSHAM DISTRICT 30 ACRES. $6000: EASY TERMS. SO acres of rifh loam soil fronting on the Powell valley road. Electric sta tion, school and stores close by. 5-room plastered house, new barn, 40x60, out buildings, iamny orchard, '.ivlng stream and well. Price only $600 on easy term3. Buy before the road Is paved. CLEA ELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 RallwHy Exch. Bldg Main 6752. 40 ACRES central Oregon Irrigated land 3-rooin house, barn, chicken house and cement cistern; all fenced; 20 acres In cultivation, 28 tons of hay, 2 good cows; a Bargain. ; terms. CALL ON US. H. H. URDAHL CO. (INC.) Main 0252. 322 Abington bldg. Office open Sunday and evenings. FOR SALE at a sacrifice if sold at once, the best Hu-acre aiiaita ranch in centra Oregon. 60 seeded, the rest ready to seed free water: Joins outside range; soil deen black loam, etc. Best barn in Desrhufs county. For full particulars address Llbbie H. Weston. Sisters, Oregon. A NICE 4 H -acre place, all in cultivation good house and bojn, running water, vood well: one mile from McMlnnvilla. Will 811 cheap. Julius Johnson. Mc- Minnvuio. ur. 166 ACRES, prune section, Dallas. 6 ml. - sta. 2 mi.; 100 acres good timber. 10 acres cuinvaiea. more reaay ror plow, Price gno-iu. j, vaiKins, jworo, or. FOR SALE 120 acres in Lane Co.. Or. gon; good soil ; very reasonable;, some timber. r or rurtner lmorroation cal 209 12tn St. aner a r. n. HAVE fine laving 40 acres close to Whit- Salmon. Wash. Sell cheap or trade for house In suburbs. Main 4906 after 6 CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, ail sizes. McKarland. 602 Yeon bldg. FARM, V mile from Troutdale. 87 acres, about 40 cultivated ; spring water piped to house and barn: creek through place CIO nor mrrm AM RRQ OF-avnnlan ' LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water; good soil, tillable: employment; easy terms J. R- Sharp. 83 M d st. Farmers Mutual Fire Relief Association. Insures at cost, $25.ono saved to farm ers yearly. Stock Exchange bldg., ciiy. OHIO FARMS I have over 400 farms" fiiMy described in free catalogue; write H. H Master Farm, Agency. Cambridge, Ohio. REA L ESTATE. For Sale Farms. SMALL FARMS. 10 acres, all in cultivation, fair house, ban. root cellar, 3 wells, 8 cows, 1 hone, waeron and farm tools. This is a beau ty: near Gresham. Gel particulars ; price $uO00. terms. 13 acres, 6 acres In cultivation, hew modern 6-room bungalow, fine plumbing, good garage and barn, good water sys tem, gas engine, concrete walks, one quarter of a mile from station, neai Gresham. Price $6000. terms. 8 acres, .i&U in cultivation, 5-room plas tered house, good garage, barn, good well, pumping and gas engine. This is a bargain. Price $3000, terms. 20 acres, 3 miles from Gresham, new good 5-room houto, barn, fine orchard, one cow, farming tools. Price $0oUO, terms. . 4o acres, 27 In cultivation, on good read, good house, modern plumbing, fin barn, gas engin. garage and milk cow. Price 11.000, terms. ' - 5w acres, 40 acres in cultivation, good 7-room strictly modern, fino orchard large barn, on good gravel road, just be yond paving of Bas line road, good soil, spring and creek. Prlc $14,000, terms. 80 acres. 50 acres in cultivation. 12 In timber, near (jrettham ; 4-room house, good . big barn, orchard, 2 wells, no waste land, good soil, one wagon, plow, cultivator and other implements; $14,500 terms. CALL ON US. H. H. URDAHL CO. (INC.), Main 6252. 822 Abington Bldg Office open 8unday and Evenings. 15 ACRES, lhi miles from Orenco. Nice ramlly4 orchard, good o-rm. nouse, gooi large barn, chicken houses, all fenced and In cultivation, 14 miles from Port land near Oregon. Electric. This place can be had for $1000 less than owner paid for iu Good place. 13 acres, 27 miles from Portland near Base Line road and S. P.. good 8-room house, barn and outbuildings, hot and cold running water, toilet, bath . and lavatory, Va acre strawberries, 1 acre loganberries, raspberries, 8 different varieties cherries, apples, prunes, pears, plums, etc., 8 acres fall -grain, kale and carrots, team, harness, wagon, buggy and all farm imnlements. also Jersey cow and a lot of chickens; np rock or gravel. This Is an A-l proposition. $i000 cash will handle. 14 acres with 6-room plastered house, good . barn, well aud creek, 15 tulles from, Portland on good road, near school. Timber will nay for place. Owner will sacrifice $1000 on thia deal. $10U0 will handle this. NORD-HAMPTON CO.. Main 8245. 40V Stock Exchange. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. This highly improved 453-acre farm, located on the Willamette river, 1 mile river frontace. 850 acres in. cultivation and In crop, targe modern house, also two small houses, large barns, feeding sheds, 2 silos, machinery sheds, complete elec trical equipment ror grinding leea, pumping water, lighting, etc; water sys tem pip d to all buildings, fenced mostly with woven wire and into separate fields, with living water in each field; there are (V arret landv loam soil and good for alfalfa; about lOO acres more of fine black bottom land; balance In chocolate loam, fine for grain, corn and clover; 10 acres In full-bearing orunes: county road on two sides. Personal property, 10 horses. 200- sheen, some cattle and hogs. lOO chickens and turkeys; Holt tractor and - complete list or all Kinds or i.irra machinery and tools; price $S0,00O. Will considci. some exchange. H. A. DRYER, The Acreage Man," 508-9 Lewis Bldg. 80 ACRES MARION COUNTY FARM 80. 0 miles south ol feaiem. i miles norm of Albany, 1 mile from electric railroad station; mile from school on good gravel road. 2 miles from Pacific high way on mail and cream Touts: all in cultivation; family orchard; all kinds of berries ; a good 6-room house with hot and cold water, hat h, tank, wind mill, good barn, stanchions for 20 oows. stalls lor o noraes. oo-ton sno, granary, 2 straw sheds, full of straw, 35 tons of hay in barn, (200 worth of grain, 3 ma.re. A Jernav cowi. 1 Holsteln bull. 3 yearling heifers. Poland China boar. 1 brood sow and 8 pigs, 12 dozen chickens, incubator, brooder, and all farming Im plements. Price 12.5O0. easy terms. Take city property up to $:f00. MITCHELL A RIPPEY. 828-29 Henry liuilding. Main 2534 44000 CASH WILL HANDLE THIS. 100 acres, 70 ueres under high state of cultivation, balance In pasture, 8-room plastered house, fine new barn, granary, chicken and hog houses, good orchard tind all manner of small fruits. Place fenced and cross fenced, watered by aorinir and running stream: located 4 mi. from good railroad and river town with all rum advantages, aiwt Including 8 heifers. 2 fine cows, lo bead ot sneep. KnlkA-tnoth and disc harrow. 2 plows. 2 wagons, hack, baggy, mower, rake, culti vator and ali small tools. Price, includ ing personal property, $16,000, $40U0 cash, balance to suit. If you are looking for a money-maker, it will pay you to investigate tnis at -once. THOMPSON & SWAN. Third and Main Sta. Vancouver, Wash. TIG ARDVILLE. DO YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD? 68H ACRES. CLOSE IN. 50 acres in cultivation; best soil and good crops; every foot level; about 10 miles from city, on good rock road, just mile from paved highway; ha good 8-rm. house, large barn, fine orchard. outbldgs., some good timber, live stream, well; a productive place: immediate possession; will sell a4l - or part; $300 per acre, lentil. O. C. GOLDEN BEiiG. -Abington Bldg. - Main 4803. IRRIGATED ALFALFA FARM, EASY TERMS. 40 acres, level and cleared rlver-bot-nm ftifwifa and bean land, main irri gating canuf goes around two sides of mis 4Ui neignuors are tuuui v tons alfalfa per acre; best dairy and hog-raising district on Pacific coast win sunnlv buver thoroughbred regis teied' brood sows at pork prices; only 4 miles to city of 80.0OO, good roads, steam, electric and water transporta tion; this is the idea place you have ben looking for; price for quick sale $lCO per acre, only $1280 cash, balance in 15 yearly payments; you won t una a single poor farmer on this rich land. i'hone, write or can ior- iuii miorma tlon. H. E. Castle, 475 Washington at. Portland phone Broadway 2182. 42 ACRES, about 30 acres under cultiva tion; comfortable 4-room house, good barn with hay fork, new machine shed, new chicken house and outbldgs., fine little orchard of assorted fruits In full bearing; 4 cows and registered Jersey bull, some nne oiooaea cnicw ens. tine span of Percheron mares, worth $550. new H-in. wagon, new manure anreader and all manner the best kind of farming tools and . equipment; barn lull or. nay, epuas, corn. etc.. etc.; located only 4 ml, from good town, close to school and ai rural advantages; oar gain at eouw. THOMPSON & SWAN, 8d and Main ets., Vancouver, Wash. CHRISTMAS GIFT IftO acres. 3 M, miles east of Cape Horn, atate of Washington: good roads, high school, grade school; land rolling; cedar posts and wire; w acres in cultivation; soon annu trra. 30O DnineB. cherries, ninmi and Deaahsi: grain has been trm-oL-n biAAn rowi: nronerty appraised bv very reputable bank farm annralser of state-wide reputation at $17,200; our price $6504). terms. FRED W. NEWELL. Oregon Investment & Mortgage Company, 218-19-20-21-22 Chamber of Commerce, Marshall 20.1. CLACKAMAS COUNTY, NEAR MOLALLA. SO acres. 4 acres one block from elec trie station, with good 6-room house, Dutch kitchen, hot and cold water, bath, and plumbing. City water, macadam I zed road, large orchard of ail kinds o frulL including berries: also 8J acre half mile from this place, fenced with wire and seeded to pasture; 2 springs. Price for all. Including this modern home. $30.-o; siann cash, JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. 20 ACRES BEST LAND. Only 18 miles out; practically all in cultivation : good 6-room nouse; barn family fruit: on mall and milk routes S350O buva this, witn sioou cash, balanc 6 per cent. P. McChesney, 304 Oak sC .Broadway zoo. FOR SALE 80-arre.farm situated in Tua latin valley 3 miles from electrl railroad and paved road, 35 acres under plow, rest timber land; 13 neaa cattle, 2 horres ann an rarm implements; ouna-i-nm In rood shane. $.16,000. $12,000 cash For further information write F. L. Shane. 494 E. Ankeny St., Portland. Or. 160 ACRE3 of timber land", lots of cedar anuO feet or timoer. wouia iikc to sen would trade for city property, with som rsh. Running water on place; a loi houwe and barn. 539 East 36th st. L. I.ltzenberg. a irRES 4 mi. Willamette river. 20 mL south Portland. Slightly improved. All clover sod. Running water. Grove of 5 acres, balance in cultivation. Fine or chard. Widow In California. Will sell at $175 per acre. Wd. B8SP. 206 ACRES. 83 cultivation, 120 bottom land; 5-room nouse, oarns, wire rence; .in., tn rift not and school. Price $7000. terms. B. B. Hamar, 1377 E. Salmon st., Portland. Or. Tabor -'?5. SCR TP. I HAVE 17 ACRES OF SCRIP; WTLL SELL RbAbUrt AoLci. W tKJtt, UKtUO Nl AN. , IMPROVED farm: will take soma trade. largain oi uoui y uiu. ieal estate; for Sale -FarnM, BENTON COUNTY FARM LANDS. THE CREAM OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. CLOSE TO THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 180-ACRE DIVERSIFIED FARM. 170 acres under the plow this year, balance ash and oak grove around the buildings; all second bottom land and d rains fine, no white land. Place well fenced, good 7-room house, fine barn 4x60; 100-ton silo; garage,' hog and chicken houses, tank, engine, windmill; water piped to houia and buildings; I on country road; community school Li mile. The equal of any farm in tne ' valley, regardless of price. Priced at 1 $123 per acre, including farm machin ery, some stock, hay, feed, household furniture, etc 320-ACRE DAIRY AND GRAIN FARM. 220 acres in cultivation, all choice wheat land; 100 acres pasture, prac tically all of which can be plowed if desired ; half or more of the pasture has been plowed : soil is free-work tng suit with a trifle of sand mixed through it, making it very easy to handle. This place is improved with an 8-room plas tered house, dairy and stock barn that would cost fdur or five thousand dollars to build ; has good family orchard Is near school and railroad station ana Is less than 10 miles from Eugene. Price $100 per acre; some terms. 345-ACRE GRAIN AND STOCK FARM. 315 acres In high state of cultivation, all lying just rolling enough to drain well; this land has all been In clover and 100 acres are in ciejver now; place Is wall fenced and cross-fenced ; has 2 stock barns, 2 silos, 9-room house with water system, family orchard, 3 acres English walnuts; is located Vi-mlle from S. P. electric station, church and school. , -mile from paved highway ; has 30 acres of fine fir and ash timber; pro duced about $12.0oo worth of crop this year. This is one of the best larg farms we have seen in the valley. Price $125 per acre. . 1G0-ACRE GRAIN AND DAIRY FARM. 130 acres in cultivation, 3u acres of timber pasture along the never-failing creek through the place; land has 0 to 8 fet fall and lls fine tor farming. This is a bargain and must be seen to be appreciated ; has .fine large barn, small house and usual outbuildings. Price Is fll.OoO; good terms. 150-ACRE STOCK RANCH. 40 acres of th best bottom land in cultivation. 22 acres of which Is now In full crops. Cultivated land Is sandy. loam and Is very fine. 110 acres of timber ad pasture; 2 fine never-failing creeks through theplace. Place is im proved with 4-room house, lies on fine macadam road, only 5 miles from good town: 1 mile to school; daily mall and transportation right at door. This Is a snap at oJUU; $juoo cash, balance at 6 per cent. FINE ONE-MAN FARM. 116 acres, 4H miles from Monmouth, 106 acres in cultivation. 10 nrri in nk grubs. This land lies slightly rolling urin wen. i nia is all ricn sol and is very productive. Place has fair improvements and is only S-mile from paved highway. Price of this place Is ivw icr acre. Kaca and every one of tlw above farms has been Dersonally inspected yy Mr. Kinney and we know them oe as represented. We have several hundred farms listed and can suit you If you want a good farm from 10 to KINNEY & CO., Benton County's Leading Farm Land Dealers. CORVALLTS. OREGON HOME OF THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. VALLEY FARMS. 820 acres. 22A nrr- in balance timber and pasture; running water; new bungalow, barn and out buildinga; 40 ml.ca Portland. 2 miles amiiiu, o per acre, and worth it terms. 80 acres. 85 acres In cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber: rollin? inrt creek, springs. 5-room house, barn, out- funujuft. x -j i 1 1 ma t-ortianu. 1 mne paved highway. ratlwnv utntinn 1 miles, 2H miles Sherwood: price $55m; half cash. This Is an exceptionally good buy; 50 minutes out of Portland 30 acres. 20 acres in cultivation. 8 acres pasture. 2 acres timber; 7-room house, 2 barns, root house, level, choice land; 1H mllfs Reedville. 15 mila Port land; $6500; $2000 cash, balance mort gage. 10 acres near Beaverton. Or half ciear. oaiaoce pasture; 4-room 'house, barn, chicken house, creek, well ; price $2)00. half cash. 81 acres choice land. GO acres cuttl- vaiea. oai. timber: running water; fruit: e-room nouse. barn, outbuilding; near good Ky. town; price $125 per acre; terms. 35 acres good land. 25 acres culti vated ; small house, near good Ry. town, K mile to store, school, grange hall ; o.miu ; terms. a snap. 46 acres. 25 acres cultivated, bal. tlm ber; running water; 8-room good house. earn, outouiiaings; a choice borne; ti5Uu, terms. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO.. 165 14 4th st. open bunday. Main 8291. CROP. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. nu acres, located o miles east Esta cada. Or.; county road, good soil, 45 acres under cultivation. 70 acres can be cultivated, good fences, family orchard, 5O0 bearing prune trees, new 6-rooin house, water piped to bouse from spring, large barn, chicken bouse ; price $7200. with 3 horses. 1 cow, 2 brood sows, 36 chickens, 7 stands of bees. 12 tons hay. 10 tons straw, 8 acres carrots, vege ' tables, wagon, mower, cultivator, plow, disc barrow, 2 sets harness and seeder; half cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. YOU CANNOT BEAT THIS FINE EQUIP PED 04-ACRE FARM AT THE PRICE. All fine land, and In cultivation; 30 tons of hay in barn. other feed, all goes with sale, including ' complete set farm Implements; 6 good cows, 3 horses, chick ens, water by spring, creek and well. Modern buildings, 6-room bungalow, large barn, silo, other out-buildings: family orchard, near a good town south of Portland. $806O. See 9am Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th and Stark. 160 ACRES, central Oregon Irrigated land; 35 acres alfalfa: all fenced and crops fenced ; 8-room house, new barn BOxSO, 1 team horses, 2 wagons. 2 good milch cows, 2 barrows, and other equipment. Including small tools; owner retiring; ' price $9000; terms. Office open Sunday and evenings. CALL ON US. H. H. URDAHL CO. (INC.) Main 6252. 322 Abington bldg. FINE DAIRY RANCH. 80 acres, located on the best part of Chelatchle prairie, 2 miles east of Amboy, Washington. All under culti. vation; exceptionally fine soil, graveled road by place, close to high school; or chard, 6-room house, barn 86x0. spring, and well, creek, silo. Price $10,500 with 10 good cows; $3onA cash. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. &tt MILES FROM CITY. 40 a., 30 a. cultivation. 6 a. in wjiesjt, 7 a. In oats. 1 a. potatoes, good orchard, 6-r. house, good barn, team horses, har ness. 3 cows, 2 pigs. 30 chickens, hay, potatoes, corn and fodder; wood for win ter; all farm Implements. Price $7800. Terms. MR HENRY. Alder Hotel. Main 3275. $n.B0 PER ACRE. BTOOK RANCH. 800 a., 400 a. slashed and seeded, 4O0.000 ft. cedar post timber, loo.OOO ft. fir;- good land: r. r. a. and P. O. on plPfe; 32 miles from Cottage Grove on hard-surface road. Must bo sold at once. MR. MILLERSHIP, Aider hotel. Main 5275. ON Pacific highway. 3 miles to Toledo, Wash., 147 aTs; 2O0 acres In cultiva tion, 2 bariis, water system, 9-rootn house, granary, outbuilolngs, a complete ranch, finest soil in atate of W'athintr tc n ; tonm. Implements, etc.; to closo an estate. $20,000. Main 2439. 212 Abing ton bldg. 9 MILES FROM CHEHALI3, WASH. SO a., 4 a. in eultivatlon. 4 a. bottom land. 1 a. orchard. 4-r. house, barn, good spring and creeks, 4 a. havlly tim bered, I.OO0.000 feet. 4 miles from town; good road. Price $1500. MR. MILLERSHIP, Alder hotel. Main (1275, NEAR HIULSBORO. 80 acres. 70 In cultivation; good house and barn; 5 cows. 8 hdrses;. Plenty of machinery; family orchard ; fiear high way; biggest bargain In Washington Co. 1125- Gasco bldg., room 6. PHONE MAIN 8380. FOR SALE Farm. $10,000; 764 acres in Tualatin valley; 6-room house, barn and - plenty outside buildings, farm Imple ments and stock Included. By owuer. Call Woodlawn 1437. 80-ACRE FARM 15 acres cleared, balance In pasture and timber: 2 wells and run ning creek; good buildings; would trade for home In city or part pay and balance on easy terms. AV 803. Oregonlan. 10O ACRES black bottom land; two miles from Molalla ; bouse, other bulldlnga fenced; $6000 easy terras. AL; 602. Ore gonlan. DAIRY farm, by owner, near Washougal, 211 a. ; 8-room house, two barns, run ning water In house and barn. F. A. Perry. 1621 The Alameda, city. FOR SALI5 Prune and dairy ranch, eighty acres, good buildings, buy from owner. PC 2Q5. Oregonlan. 17 ACRES. Wilsonville, $3500: level land, dandy tract at Ore. Elec Will show. Mc Karland, 602 Yeon bldg. Main 3372. FARM I can sell vou 393 eres with 1 acres choice bottom land, for $100 per aura. u aioay biag. BEA L ESTATE. For Sale Farms. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., Main 72. 624 Hnry Bldg. 120 ACRES NEAR SANDY. GOOD GRAVEL ROAD. $14,500. 30 acres In cultivation, 80 acres pas ture, and some timber. 7-room plas tered house and good barn, all fenced, good water. Part cuh, balance to auit. 00 ACRES, 80 ACRES IN CULTIVATION. 12 MILES OUT ON HA RO-SL R1ACKU ROAD $l4.50i. Very good bouse and barn. Al equipped with Leceasary farming topis. PERSONAL PROPERTY INCLUDED. fcpfn of hordes, 3 cow?. 2 hogs. 75 chK-sns. 8 tons of hay, 200 bushels of oats, loo bus) els of wheat. This also in clude a the house furniture. 2S ACRES NEAR GARDEN" HOME. $0o0 ALL EQUIPPED $9000. All in cultivation except 4 acres In timber. Splendid bungalow and very good barn. Dandy span of horses and all farm implements. Only 8 miles from Portland. 88 ACRES. 2C ACRES BEAVER DAM. 14 MILES FKuM PORTLAND. ON CAPITAL HIGHWAY. $ 1 6. 500. Good house, bara. onion house and garage. Ideal location for a gentleman's country home. See M. J. Edwards. GEO. E. ENOIXHAUr CO., Main 7260. 024 Henry Bldg. FARM SNAPS. 110 acres. o."i cultivated. 13 pasture, some timber; 12 acres in 5 and 6-year-oid prunes. II acres -in 1-year-old fam ily orchard in bearing. 1 acre Royal Arfne end Governor Wood cherries 12 years ola; all orchard in gotod condition: 7-room plastered house 6 years old. hot and cold water; barn 30x4xlS. machine shed and garage: all necessary outbuild ings, place watered by well and spring, all woven-wire fenced and cross-fenced; 3 miles of Oregon Normal school; equip ment as follows: 3 horses. 2 colts. 4 milk cows. 2 - yearling calves. 15 head hogs, including brood sows: .V chickens. 2 wagonB. 7-foot binder. 3 plows, spring tooth harrow, corrugated roller aud lot of other tools and Implements. $18.oOO, $S0H cash, $10.;00 terms. t per cent. 219 acres. 125 cultivated. 94 timber. 139 river bottom. 7- room house, large barn, other outbuildings; all stock and equipment; hop house: 6 miles from good town; $M per acre, terms on part. SQCOLQFSK Y. Salem. Oregon. STOCK RANCH. 288 acres, about 100 acres under culti vation and the best of land, at least loo acres more tillable when cleared. balance good pasture, part of land has gooa timber, plenty water in -pasture and by buildings, both creeks and springs, large barn, good 7-room plas tered house, family orchard, main route of North Bank highway; phone. K. F. D. daily, 2 miles store, railway station, boat landing; this land contains some of finest view points on the Columbia river and will sell at greatly advanced price in very near future ; this Is the best of grass land. In good district, con siderable farm machinery goes with the pace; place Is six miles from Wash ougal; price $18,000; half cash, balance long time. GEO. Y. MOODY CO.. Washougal, Wash. 68 ACRES. WELL-IMPROVED, FOR SMALLER PLACE. Located 3 miles McMinnvlile. all in cultivation; good 8-room house, splendid large barn, nice outbuildings ; plenty fruit and berries. It is a handsome farm home. Price $133 per acre, $2"o0 down, balance own terms. Or will take a nice tract around 10 acres as first pay ment. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6ih su Broadway 4381. M1DDLETON ACRES. 18 miles from Portland. H-hour from Portland on Jitney, located on hard surfaced .Newborn road. H -mile from depot; 10 acres. 4 acres cleared, balance slashed 4 yeans ago; 3 acres beaverdam land; nice trout stream through place; 6-room house, chicken house. good bricked -up well. Price $2500; existing mortgage $1000, due 'Z year a from June. IOIO. FRED W. NEWELL Oregon Investment & Mortgage Company, 218-19-20-21-22 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2o5. HIGH-GRADE FARM. 113 acres, extra choice, rolling high land; 80 acres high state of cultivation, balance timber; creek, spring, well, or chard, walnut, etc., hopyard. hophouse, 7-room dwelling, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, 2 barns: 21 miles Portland, 3 miles Newberg. 1 Vfc miles railway sta tion. This farm la one of the very best in the valley. Price $140 per acre; $15.ho; terms. Would consider good city proporty as part payment. R. M. GATEWOOU & CO.. 1654 4th St. Open Sundays. Main 8291. 160-ACRE -RANCH. STOCK. CROP AND T:JLIPMENT. $7000. SO tons of clover and timothy hay in big new barn ; 5 cows. 3 horses, d hick ens, necessary farm implements. 6-room house, out-bldgs.. fine water piped to house and barn, family orchard, berries, 30 acres in cultivation, fine soil, balance pasture and timber. Good outrange. 45 milea from Portland on good road, h- mile to school. See Sam Hewey at J. L. Hart man Co., No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg. SMALL FARM. CLOSE IN. $3700. 15 a., 4 a. in cultivation, bal. pasture and timber, o-r. nouse, fireplace, large barn, good wll at house, root house, chicken house, 1 horse. 3 milk cows. 1 calf. 2 Dlrfrf. 150 cl ickens. 12 rabbits. 10 tons hay, 1 ton bated straw. 35 sacks rotatoeti, y a. kale; wood for winter; wagon, 2 plows, harrow, disc, MR. HENRY. Aldor Hotel. Main 5275, SOUTH OF SALEM. 60 acres, located 1 mile from railroad town, on the main road; 50 acres under cultivation. lo acres pasture: KOod fences, old and young orchard, good 6- room nouse. barn, chicken house and machine shed; 2 wells. Price $10,000; terms on part, fine oerry district. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. FtRST-CLASS DAIRY FARM. $07.00. 51 a, 3d a. cultivation. S-r. house. 2 barns, hog house, granary, team fine horses, 7i cows, 1 lielfer, J calves. 4 brood sows. 3 s boats, 25 chickens, 50 stands bees, oO bu, oats, 20 tons hay 2 orchards, good springs, on Pacific highwny close to good town ; terms. MR. MILLERSHIP. Alder hotel. Main 5275. 300-AC RE farm close to the lown of Wlilamina on macadamised county road An ideal stock ranch. Half bottom, half hill land. Fine creek runs through the center of the property. A good deal for a man w ishing an up-to-date piece of farm property. For particulars call on Ben Kte.and. 404 Piatt blag., 127 Park st. OWNER will sacrifice 20 seres just off paved Capitol highway, l acres bearing orchard, mostly prunes; good house with hot and cold water ; barn, poultry yards and piped water; aoout S3iio personal property; finest kind of soil; $450O takes everything; easy terms. Call oQO Con cord bldg.. 2d and Stark. BARGAIN $10.800 BARGAIN. lU5-acre farm, 90 acres in cultivation, some timber, some open pasture; hous. bi-rn and other outbldgs.: telephone in house; milk routs; 7 miles 6. E. of Sil verton; torn 1-3 cash, bulauce 1, 2 and o years, o per cent interest. GIBSON. 208 Rtnrk rt. Marshall 12. 1452-ACRE ranch, SoO to be In grain, 90 hogs, 2H head work horses, 21 cattie. big line of farming machinery, good 11-room house, hot and cold water, other rood buildings, price $35 per acre ; consider good property to $20,000, remainder some cash. oat. long time at a per cent. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. 53 ACRES- NEAR REEDVILLE. All in cultivation ; good house and barn. 3 horses. 4 cows. 5 hog. 30 chick ens, wagon, buggy, plows, harrow, disc, seeder, mower; plenty winter feed; $8500 V cash. 1125 Gasco bldg.. room 6. PHONE MAIN So SO. 40 ACRES. ONLY $3m)0. 40 acres, 20 miles from Portland, near Sherwood. 8 acres In cult., house, barn, running water: timber, about 15o0 cords wood ; price $30uo. $1000 down. DRAPER, 526 Chamber of Commerce. 1200 ACRES in beautiful valley In H. Idaho; 4o0 acres alfalfa land. 200 dry farm. 6o finest pasture land : Ist-elass water right; grain elevator and ship- Slng facilities. Price $25 per acre. AO 12. Oregonlan FOR SALE 80 acres. 60 cultivation. 20 timber pasture; good buildings, excellent fruit land. 20 acres in wheat, 3 miles Pacific highway; $160 per acre. Small payment down, balance OTc in easy pay ments. H oute 2. box 69, Newberg. Or. ON CANYON ROAD. 6 miles west of court houke. 25 acres, house and barn, several springs. 10 acres clear. Canyon road now being paved, $10.oou. Oregon Inv. A Mortgage Co., 222 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Farms, ranches and livestock. If you wan land or livestock tee us. CAMPBELL PHELAN LAND & CATTLE CO., 801-2 Couch bldg., Portland. 14H ACRES, 2-rooin house, about 35 fruit trees, good soil. water, county road through place, schools near, daily mail ; worth two times the price; lloiiu. K. B. Merrifield. 3:4 Hawthorne ave. FARMS. 160 acres, close to Vale $1440 10ti acres, close to Molalla $-'5u0 WESTENGARD. R. 1 Worcester bldg. two ACRES, Alsea Bay oil district, $25 per acre ; terms; or will trade for city in come property Sam Ruby. 109 Front st. gsono IMPROVED 500-ncre stock ranch and Implements. E. D. Manning, WilUta, Cal. REAL ESTATF. For 8ale Farms. SISTERS. OR., ALFALFA FARM. . Here Is a fine irrigated proposition and cannot be beaten. Mr. Buyer, if you are looking for a good farm, one that you can raise anything on. and one that has all the water that anyone would want for irrigating purposes, aee this. This land Ilea at the head of the irriga tion ditch. You are never wanting for water; let us prove this to you. Water charges $1 per acre; example. 5 acres $5, $J0 acres $20. This la your chance; you can pay for this in 5 years. 180 acres; 60 now being cultivated; 155 aci-ea level; more can be cultivated; plenty water for 153 acres; all kinds outrange; family orchard; aoil is Al good, deep, heavy ah loam; all well fenced; 500 yards to store and postoiflc; good road : 2-story 6 room house. 8 years old; barn. 2 sheds. 2 chicken houses, 2 houses for help; root cellar. The bank owns lhis farm and cannot look after same. Don't overlook this; If you do you will be sorry. Just think, the price on this fine farm is only $10.4t)0; $35uo down, balance easy terms. Where can you beat an opportunity of this sort ? Gome in and talk it over. This won't lait; it can and will be sold. A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOW E CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Here Is a fine farm of 223 acres, all nearly level, with 165 acres under plow; IO acres of scattering oak and ash tim ber; family orchard and berries; Al black loam soil, good and deep; all well fenced: 4 milea R. R., near Creswell. Or.; W mile to school; R. F. D. ; telephone; fine lake coverimr 2 acres; good grav eled road : good 7-room house ; 2 barns. 5tix6i 10x50: all outbuildings. Price for all, $14j0u0; $7500 CHsh, bal. easy. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE A: CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Mr. Farm Buyer; do you want a real farm at what la rea. 11 v a srenuine sacri fice? If so, see this place; it la only 14 miles from Portland: consists of 1TH acres; A I soil : about 80 acres under blow: more easily cleared; buildings are boor, but the fences are woven wire. Thla property has been appraised time and again al S.outi to j,-.uu. uwmi; to certain conditions imposed on me by j owner I cannot give you any more in- ! formation in this ad., but will say, come In and I will give you the real dta. I can sell this farm for the measry sum of $16,000. This la real; don't be afraid; get busy. $60"0 cash. bal. eaay. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Listen to this: A real dairy proposition right at Portland's door. This fine farm cannot be beaten at this price. Read this thoroughly, then come in and let me show you this elegant farm In the fa mous Pleasant Valley district. Just the other side of Lents ; 89 screw; all lies with a gentle slope; 60 acres pnder plow; more ready for plow; 1 acre timber; few berrtcs. Al family orchard: all exceed ingly well fenced; stores, school. P. O. right across road; R. K. D. ; telephone; 1 spring, 1 creek; Al road; sail cannot be beat; 1 well; fine 2-story, 11-room house; not and cold water, bath, toile. sinks, etc.; all plastered and papered, modern and In excellent condition; 1 fine barn 40x60. machinery house, chicken house, etc. Personal propertv Includes 2 plows, harrow, spring-tooth harrow, disc, disc drill, mower, binder, rake, walking plow, 1 cultivator, riding cultivator, wagon, hay rack, cream separator, hay fork and equipment; 3 Al hors-es, 3 Al Jersey cows. 9 Al brood son. 5 pigs. 2 fatten ing hogs. 10O chickens. You can't beat this anvwhere. Seo it and be convinced. Price $23,000; $6000 caah, balance to suit at 6 per cent. RITTER. LOWE CO., A. G. BENDER. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. " This fine farm ts located in the Wil lamette valley and consists of 314 acres; K) acres under plow; eome oak timber; 3 acres assorted family orchard: all fenced, mostly woven wire; everything is in fine condit ion ; 1 4 miles to store, school, postoffice. etc.; R. F. D. and telephone; Al gravel road; 4 fine springs; 2-story, 8-room house, painted and plastered, in good condition : large barn and all out buildings; all farming implements com plete; 4 teams. 50 sheep, 5 hogs. 2 cows. '4 turkeys. Price for all $34.ooO; If look ing for a real proposition, this can't be beat; $8000 or $10,000 cash, balance to suit. RITTER, LOWE CO., A. G. BENDER. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WHEAT-FARM BARGAIN. 480 acres; 320 acres level, balance roll ing; 320 acres under plow; numerous out ranges: 320 acres fenced: 2 miles from railroad. 1 mile from school: good road; good well; 4-room house, good condition; barn, chicken and bunkhouses. Personal nronertv : Header, thresher, drill, plows. walking and 2 gang; harrows. 2 good wagons. 9 work horses. 2 yearling colts two 3-year-old colts, cow and calf. 4 to 6 doxeh chickens, few turkeys. I'rice tor all $550"; $3500 cash, balance ea This is a good chance to get a start; get busy. A. G. RENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO, 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. This farm Is a wonderful proposition and is worthy of the inspection of any on; see it and be convinced. It Is a fine stork and grai n pro posit Ion and consists of 247 acres, with 100 acres level bottom land. 130 acres under plow; 3 or 4 mil lion feet timber;-unlimited outrange; the soil is Al. deep and rich; 3 acres prunes. 3 acres variety orchard; all fenced with woven wire and cross-fenced. This fin farm is located south of Albany. 1 mile to school, church, P. O.. store, etc.; tele phone: 2 springs. 1 fine creek; A I grav eled road: 1 well: good 8-room house, hot and cold water, bath, toilet, etc.; 2 barns 60x66 and 8ux50; implement, tool, hog and chicken houses, prune dryer. Per sonal property : Binder, hay rake, '. walking plows, disc plow, cream sepa rator, hand cultivator, horse cultivator, grain drill, disc harrow, drag harrow, gas engine, water pump and woodsaw, feedmill. bone grinder, gas wa-sher, anvil and forge, farm wagon, 2 lig ht wagons, 1 buggy, mower, garden seeder, grass seeder, 10 cows, 4 heifers, I 4-year-old Holstein bull, l 1 -year-old I mrhain bull, 7 head horses. 5 brood sows. 4!t head hogs. 151) chickens. 6 geese. 6 (lurks. 2 acres spuds. 15 tons straw. 200 bushels oats. 400 bushels wheat. 10 acres corn, lKi tons hay in barn; just think, every thing on this place goes for the measly sum of $25,000; $H5PO cash, balance to auit at 6 per cent. Will consider clear residence In some small town or Portland or acreage to the amount of $oO0u. See thia; it is a real proposition. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. UP-TO-DATE EQUIPPED FARM. 140 acres : 80 acres under plow; 20 acres oak and ash timber; all lies almost level; family orchard, and all kinds ber ries; soil Al black loam, 4 ft. deep; all fenced with woven wire and boards: 1 miles from R. R. , school, etc.; south -of Albany; R. r . L , telephone; creek; good gravel road : right on Pacific highway, now being paved ; 2 wells ; good 8-room house; 2 oarns, 5xR6 and 18x54: hog and chicken nouse. personal property: Drill, binder, harrow, disc, wagons, cultivators, mower, hay rake, sulky plow, elder mill, cream separator, all small tolls, house hold goods, piano, dining table and chairs, rockers, library table, couch, beds, dressers, range, heater, linoleum, rugs, fruit jars and dishes. SO Cotswold sheep. P cows. i norses, sows, u cnickens, $1200 worth of wheat, oats and hay. I acres corn, potatoes and garden, winter wood cut. Just think, all for $18,900 $3000 or so cash, bal enry. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. READ THIS THOROUGHLY. Here is a real proposition for some one wanting to get a start on a farm. If you are the right man I can sell this place to you on a $.100 cash payment and give you all the time you want on the balance. HO acres; oa acres under plow all nearly level; near corvailis. Or.; some berries; family orchard; ail Al soil; all fenced with woven wire and rail; 3 miles from K. r 4 mile to school; R. K. D. ; telephone; creek; well; Al 5 or 0-room house; barn, etc. Price only $7500. Get busy and see this: don't delay. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LET t'S "WRITE YOUR INSURANCE. WILL SACRIFICE THIS FINE 230 -AC RE FARM $75 AN ACRE. 8 miles from a good town on red elec trie. 40 miles 8. W. of Portland. 340 acres of rich soil, in cultivation; no rock, lies well; balance good open pasture and timber, tillable when cleared, fenced with woven wire: 3 fine springs, creek and well, good big barn, new hog houne, chicken house, smoke house, five-room house, fruit trees, berries, fine prune and loganberry land; refused $125 a few years ago. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. T Chamber of Commerce bldg. CREEK BOTTOM LAND. 23 acres, located close to electric de pot, at Eagle creok: on macadamized road, all levwl land. 19 acres under cul tivation, balance pasture, some timber for wood; creek through place, all the land can be irrigated from crk: 5 room. barn and chicken house, orchard and some berries. Price $:100, $1100 cash personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. DA 1 R Y and stock farm, 3 00 acres, good soil, moatly open land, lays good, some in cult., good 6-room house ; located down Columbia river, on good road ; aaap, $2700, terma. Garland. 201 3d st. REAL ESTATE. Jror Sale -Farms. THREE GOOD ONES. 82fl acres. 173 in cultivation, bottom land, balance rolling, with good pasture and fine oak trees; well watered, fair house, barns and other outbuildings: good family orchard; well located. 1 mile from city limits. Price for a short time $60 per acre, good terms. 191 seres. 150 in cult., balance pasture and timber. a good 1 0-acre prune or chard in full bea.-.ng. prune dryer. F.tir hout-e. barn and good family orchard, weii watered, well located, near school, on good graveled road. 2 miles from town. Price $75 per acre, good terma. 218 acres. 75 in cultivation, balance 4 pasture and some timber: fine bungalow, house of 7 rooms, water piped to t he house; )good barn and outbuildings; good family orchard ; garage ; on good coun try road, mail and telephone: school half rr.i'.e. Located 4 miles from Kings Valley. Price $40 per acre. cash, balance on time to suit at 6 per cent. These three are all good bargains. Write HENRY AMBLER. Philomath, Benton Co., Oregon. A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. 89 acres of the very richest of shot oil, lies rolling enough to drain well. IS miles from Portland. 2 mile from Sherwood, 1 mi: from Middleton station. 5 mile off Capitol highway, '-a mile from school. 37 acres under cultivation, 2 acres stumps and pasture, 4 acres young prune trees, bearing this year. 2 acres old prune trees. 1 acre apple trees, some berries. 2 good w.l!s, f;ir barn; 7-room house, built on a high knoll and has one of the most wonderful views in the Willamette valley, overlooking Sherwood, Middleton. Capitol highway. Southern Pacific electric railroad and the beautiful valley below; with this great bargain goes 1 extra good Jersey cow, 1 2-year-old heifer, 1 brood sow, 6 pigs. 18 tons of hay in barn. 1 acre of potatoes. '1 acres of corn, furniture and all farm Implements. Price H.tM. $3iPO cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. MITCHELL A RIPPEY. S?-29 Henry Building. Main 2534. STOCKED "AND EQUIPPED 40-ACRE FA KM BARGAIN. CLOSE TO PORT LAND. 25 acres good soil, in cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber; family or chard, on gravel road, only 1 hour run from courthouse by auto; 5-room hous-e, new barn, other out-bldgs. 33 bushels seed wheat, 100 bushels oats, barn full of hay and straw; good team of horses. 2 cows. 0 chickens, farm im plements. Fine prune, walnut and berry land: price $150 an acre; terms. Pee Sam Hewey at J. -L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 43-ACRE MODEL FARM. CROP. STOCK A.N l fcwLlrMfjXT. CLOSE IN. Modern 6-room bouse, hot and cold water, bath and toilet, fine red barn, other out-bldgs., water piped to every where needed from a never-failing spring. 12 or lf tons of hay. 300 bushels grain. Farm Implements, cow, hogs, chickens. Place faces on hard road, only miles from city limits. 35 acres In cultivation. Splendid soli, lies well, balance pasture. Enough timber for firewood; good fam ily orchard, berries. - mile to school. Bldgs. valued at $5000; price $12. .'.00. terms. See Sam Hewey at J. L. Hart man Co.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 11 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 6 acres of rich shot soil, all under cutlivation. lies perfectly level, on good rocked road. 1 mile off Capitol high way, -Vi mile to Southern Pacific Elec tric and 1 mile to Oregon Electric road station. 3 4c fare from Portland, commu tation tickets ; 1 mile to school ; good woven wire fence, few fruit trees and berries. 6-room house. small barn, chicken house. 1 cow. 23 chickens. 1 S tons of hay, S cords of wood; price $25hi, $KO0 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent interest. MITCHELL A RIPPEY. 328-29 Henry Building. Main 2634. ALSEA VALLEY. For sale, a nice Utile farm In the Alsea valley, on mail route and tele phone, and a good graveled road 4 miles from Alsea : SO acres. 25 in cultivation, bottom land, balance pasture and tim ber; good house of 8 rooms, fine new barn. 4x42, also another good barn 2x 4o. chicken houses, good family orcha rd. nice little creek on the place, 6 good mi'.k cows. 1 -team wagon and harness, 1 hack, mower and hay rake. plow, har row, cream separator, all the hay and grain. 3 hogs. 7 goats. Price JOOoO. terms on part. Henry Ambler. PhilO m.i 1 h. Oregon. FOR SALE 130 acres, 3 miles from Hies soi Wash., 1 mile from Rock Creek school houtc : 85 acres under cultivation, 95 acres cut-over land ; good 6-room bouse with large porches, barn bOx62, plenty of other outbuildings; 4 acres in orchard. 2 large springs. 2 wells; wit h place will include 3d tons red oat hay, 23 cows, 1 cream separator. 2 bulls,. 10 hgs. 2 horses. 1 buggy, all farming tools. 20o chickens, ducks and geese: p'-enty of good outrange adjoining; on good road; price $ooo, $530n cash, balance ttrms. See owner and place at Helsson. J. E. Butlner, owner, Helsson. Wash. A G E N TLE M A NTSS UBURB A N HOOfsT 8.34 acres on paved highway; 7 miles out ; auto stage by the door: city tele phone: 6-room plastered bungalow, wit h splendid fireplace, two-story barn 20x32 and a two-story chicken house 16x32; six acres In the highest state of cult i vation. assorted orchard of approxi mately 1 00 t reea, bear! n g ; price $ 6 900 ; $1509 cash, balance as you like It; photos at office of Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sunday and evenings. "crop, stoc k an d equi p m en t. 43 acres, located 14 miles from Port land, this side of Oregon City. 30 acres can be cultivated, 20 acres under cul tivation ; roll in g land, large orchard, creek and 2 springs. Price $55oo with young team, 6 cows, 4 heifers, brood sow, 70 chickens, 20 tons hay. kale, vegetables, wagon, mower, cultivator, 2 plows, 2 sets harness, hay rake, cream ?epn rator, hack, buggy and farm truck. Water piped to house, good barn, hard surfaced road, close to pavement. Per sonally inspected. Photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. FIRST-CLASS DAIRY FARM. $11,000. 130 acres. 100 in cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced. 8-room good house, good, barn and outbuildings, blacksmith shop; 5 acred orchard, prunes, pears, cher ries, apples and all kinds berries; good well and spring; land lays fine, good soil; 4 miles from good twn on good road. This is the best buv in the coun try. See it at once. $3500 cash. bal. long time. MR. MILLERSHIP. Alder Hotel. Main 52T8. 40-ACRE FARM BARGAIN. Located only 12 miles from court house; 30 acres cleared and cultivated, 3 acres fine standing timber, balance river bottom pasture land. 6 acres peach orchard, also family orchard: good com fortable farm house, good large barn, two-story chicken house, other buildings; price only $6600; terms $2500 cash, bal-. ance reasonable. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. FARM FOR FALB BY OWNER. I want to show you the finest 18 -sere farm In Columbia Co.. 23 miles from Portland. V- mile off the paved highway at d one mile from Warren postoffice ard r. r station; 17 acres under cult., wiih 7 ncres of the finest beaverdam land In the state; a good 5-room house and fair outbuilding. The price Is right. 1 he terms are right, and the farm Is all right. Call Woodlawn 1973, morn tngs. A FINE Mock and dairy ranch of 415 acres. 125 In cultivation, balance rolling and hlllv In pasture, some good fir and oak timber, well watered by springs and small creek ; fair house, barn and other outbuildings; good family orchard of all kinds of fruit; located 3 miles from depot store and postoffice. on a good county road, mall route and telephone. Price for a short time. $23 per acre, terms. Henry Ambler, Philomath. Or. $ 1 OfT P E RAC R E 100 acres. 18 miles from Portland. 65 In crop, finest kind of soil, will raise any kind of crop, modern house, good burn, well fenced, family orchard, fine well and spring, crop consists of IO rrrei clover, balance fall grain, nearly all in This farm Is a bargain and will spak for tself. You should se it before buying e'sewhere. Terms. 14 oash. bal. long time. 1125 Gaaco bldg-, room 6. Phone Main 8;M. A DANDY IO ACRES. 6-room house, barn, fine root cellar, chicken house, hog house, small family orchard and as fine 10 acres of soil as you would wish to see: 16 miles from center of Portland. 7 miles from Van couver: price only $320O. This is one of tha best purchases on our books. GERHAVSER CO.. 403-4 Stock Exch. bdg. Main 8075. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. 25 4 acres in Gresham. 7-room house, bath, cement basement, fireplace, elec tricity, barn 36x22, 2 wells, milk houaa, bearing orchard, macadam road, a II in cultivation; 22 Iron stanrhions, team, wagon and harness. Implements, all for $11,000: terms. SEA-WOOD REALTY CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 32 acres, all In cultivation and In crop. 5 miles from McMinnvlile on gravel road, near paved h ighway. H mill to school, well fenced, rood st of building, family orchard and small fruit. Price $0000. some terms at 6 per cent. H. W. Bundy. McMinnvlile. Or. A FARMER'S chance 83 acres. IS In hops. 25 more cleared, balance easy cleared ; long term. Hops ought to pay for the place In 3 years. Price $125 acre. B. John. 8 St E. jBrosd w a y. Port la nd. Or. FOR SALE 2ti-A. FARM. HALF IM PROVED. BUNGALOW. FRUIT. TREES, 40 MILES FROM PORTLAND ; $0i0. TABOR 4194. r