TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, FO'RTL.AND, OCTOBER 2G, 1910. WAVERLEY GOLFERS DEFEAT SOUND TEAM Seattle Club Men Fail Burns Trophy Play. in ROSE CITY MEN 32 UP Portland Club Starts Round Clem son Cup Pairs for Matches Are Announced. for A seventeen-man team of the Wav erley Country club registered an easy victory over the Seattle Golf club's picked team in the first half of the 1919 home-and-home tournament for the Hums trophy yesterday on the "Waverley course, the final count be ing 40 to 8 in favor of the local club men. The conditions under which the trophy is played for call for 72 holes of golf. Thirty-six holes were played yesterday and .the Waverley team will Journey to Seattle for the second half of the tournament some time in November. Eighteen holes of the first half were played yesterday- morning and the second 18 were run off in the aft ernoon. One point was given the winner of the first 18 holes and one point to the winner of the second round an additional point to the win ner of the match. Only one member of the Seattle aggregation, H. A. "Dixie" Fleager, was able to ring up three points for the visiting team. Mr. Fleager was paired with A. E. White of the local club and won both the morning and afternoon rounds with an additional point for the match. Nine members of the Waverley . team scored three points each for the local club. Dr. O. P. Willing. Ellis Bragg. E. A. Englis, Walter E. Pearson, Charles E. Miller, Richard Wilder, Jordan V. Zan, J. S. Napier and Dr. Samuel C. Slocum were those who won their morning and afternoon rounds with an additional point for the match. Several interesting matches devel oped during the course of the play, one of the most exciting and closely contested being between Walter E Pearson of Waverley and A. Dickin son of Seattle. Mr. Pearson won the morning round on the 18th hole, the players being even up on the 17th hole. The afternoon round was also squared on the 17th hole and was won by the Waverley golfer after he had sunk a 30-foot putt on. the 18th green. The cards follow: 1st. 2d. Seattle. 8 18. 18. Tot. H A. Fleaser 113 Jack H. Ballinger 0 0 0 8. L.. Russell 0 0 0 Carl Hulskamp 0 0 0 B. J. Brown 0 0 0 A. Dickinson 0 0 0 E. Fey 0 0 0 E. I. Oarrett 1 0 1 C. P. Burnett 0 0 0 J. T. Keena 0 0 0 W. P. Cameron O 0 0 W. A. Madder , 0 0 0 L, P. Lewis 10 2 H. W. Parry 1 0 1 A C. Scoffield 1 0 1 H. Oarstens 0 0 0 W. . McDonald 0 0 0 i lt. 2d. Waverley. 40 18. 18. Tot. A. K. White , .0 0 0 Dr O. F. Willing- 1 1 3 .lark Straight 0 1 2 Ellis Brans 1 1 3 K. A. End Is 1 1 !l W. E. Pearson 1 1 3 C. E. Miller 118 A. S. Kerry 0 1 2 R. Wilder 1 1 3 Jordan Zan .................. 1 1 3 .1. S. Napier ................. 1 1 3 C. E. Nelson 0 12 R. F. Prael 0 1 1 Dr. F. E. Moore 0 1 2 R A. Leiter 0 1 2 Dr. S. Slocum 0 1 3 E. E. Shaw 012 40 Today will be an active one on the links of the Portland Golf club, as the first elimination round for the Clem eon trophy -as well as those of the four flights will be played. The pair ings are as follows: Championship flight Dr. J. H. Tuttle versus W. H. Nash; Rudolph Wilhelm versus R. M. Miller; C. "W. Cornell versus Dr. T. W. Watts: C. B. Lynn versus George Janes; A. P. Dobson versus C. W. Myers; Dr. O. F. Willing versus R. F. Ross: A. E. Bowles versus C. C. Gross; G. F. Anderson versus L. W. Smith. First flight Ercel Kay versus F. A. Heltkemper; W. C. Bristol versus E. E. Hlgglns: Dr. Skiff versus H. B. Robinson; W. S. Zimmerman versus A. W. Miles. Second flight W. H. Miller versus James Copland: H. B. Schofner versus F. T. Hy kell; George Gammie versus L. W. Hum phreys: George P. Washburn versus Dr. A. D. Cage. Third flight Dr. W. I. Northup versus W. D. Scott; G. M. Schaefer versus John C. McCue; H. B. Williams versus H. Brad Shaw; W. F. Backus versus C. H. Head. Fourth flight A. S. Robinson versus a. D. Williams; F. H. Downs, bye; C. N. Bampson. bye; E. F. Younger versus Thomas Swivel. BOXING TOURNEY PLANNED WINGED M TO HOLD INVITA TION AFFAIR NOVEMBER 2 6. Battlers From San Francisco, Los Angeles, Spokane and Vancou ver, B. C, May Attend. Multnomah Amateur Athletic club will hold a big invitational boxing tournament in the winged M gym nasium on November 26, Thanksgiv ing eve, according to plans an nounced yesterday by Frank Harmer, chairman of boxing and wrestling. and tddle utJonnell, boxing and wrestling instructor. Battlers of the Olympic club of San Francisco, the Los Angeles Athletic club, Vancouver, ts. ., ana me spoKane Atnietic cluo will be asked to compete and efforts will be made to bring the winners in the Pacific coast championships in San Francisco October 29 and 30, here to box on November 26. Eddie O'Connell will leave for San Francisco tonight with three Mult nomah club mittmen. Carmen Heim, 115 pounds; Leo J. Hell, 125 pounds, and A. K. Weller, 135 pounds. The three boxers will participate In the Pacific coast championships, which will be held under the auspices of the Olympic club, Wednesday and Thurs day sights. Boxers from all over the Pacific coast are entered in the tour nament. Ten boxing bouts and two wres tling matches will comprise the card to be staged here on November 26, the eve of the annual Thanksgiving day struggle between Multnomah club and the University of Oregon. Matchmaker Jack Grant of the Portland boxing commission yester day signed Bud Ridley of Seattle to meet Georgle Franklin in a four round bout at the Hielig theater on November 5. Fred Winsor, who is handling Ridley only consented to let his boxer go on In a preliminary to show Portland tans what a real little glove wielder he Is. Winsor is after a match with Billy Mascott for his protege. Joe Rivers will meet Harry Casey in the main event of Wednesday night's card of bouts in Seattle, being -staged by Austin and Salt. They are scheduled to go six two-minute rounds. Harry Schuster will meet Lloyd Madden in the semi-windup. ... The bout between Willie Meehan and Carl Morris, slated for Oakland next Wednesday, has been called off by Jack Russell, the Oklahoma Giant's manager. Russell claims that Morris was injured in his bout with Ole Anderson in Seattle last week and refused to go through against Meehan. HOPPE IS M CHAMPiON WILLIE DEFEATS SCHAEFER IX FINAL TOURNEY GAME. Gold Medal With Ruby and Dia monds Is Handed to Winner. Second Money Is Divided. NEW YORK, Oct. 25. Willie Hoppe defeated Jake Schaefer in the final match tonight of the professional 18.2 balk-line national championship billiard tournament, 400 to 214. This left Hoppe with a perfect record for the tournament, with six victories and no defeats. His grand average for all the games was 47.5. Fallowing the final match the win ner was presented with a gold medal studded with a ruby and two dia monds, emblematic of the balk-line title for one year. Cochran and Morningstar divided second and third money, each having won four games and lost two, and Schaefer took fourth place by split ting -even on his six games. Sutton and Yamada tied for fifth place with two won and four lost, and Slosson was sixth, having lost all his games. Hoppe's total 400, average 33 4-12, high runs 94, 64 and" 57. Schaefer's total 214, average 17 10-12, high runs 84, 43 and 40. FOOTBALL PLAYER IS COACH "Pat" O'Rourke Turns Out Suc cessful Team in Montana. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene. Oct. 25. (Special.) "Pat" O'Rourke, member of the Oregon football team of 1918, is now coaching the Ana conda, Montana, high school, accord ing to -a letter received here this week. His team has won its first two games and the former varsity guard seems to be doing the tutor ing end of the game as well as he did the playing end here. In addition to his coaching duties. O'Rourke is employed by the Ana conda Mining company. He is plan ning to return to Creighton university medical school at Omaha next fall, where he was a student before com ing to the University of Oregon. VARSITY IN HARD PRACTICE Oregon Prepares for Conference Game With. Washington. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene. Oct. 25. (Special.) The University of Oregon football men spent today in hard practice before going to Seattle to battle with the University of Washington in the second conference game. The team started work the day after its return from Moscow and ) the fact that the boys have a week's layover will give Shy" Huntington and "Bill" Hayward a good chance to get the men In the best of fettle before the northern game. A number-' of the students of the university went to Corvallis this morning to see the Stanford-O. A. C. clash. Relay Race Awarded. NEW YORK, Oct. 25. The 880-yard relay for the metropolitan champion ship has been included in the inter esting programme of athletic events arranged for the first Indoor meet ing of the New Edison company on Friday evening, November 21, to be held in conjunction with Company E, 71st regiment, at the armory. Thirty- fourth street and Park avenue. With the awarding of this event, as well as the programme consisting of five other A. A. U. races, four closed events and one military contest for enlisted men of .the regiment, the spectators are sure of witnessing a full evening of exciting sport. Cal McVey Wants to Be Scout. Cal McVey, veteran of the 1869 Cin cinnati Reds, who has returned to his home in California, after attending the worlds series, wants President Herrmann of the Reds to appoint him a scout on the Pacific coast for the Cincinnati club. McVey claims to have sent 15 men to the major leagues, not one of whom was sent back to the minors. His greatest find, he says, was Frank Chance, who won four pennants for the Chicago Cubs. Yale 3 7, Tufts 0. NEW HAVEN. Conn., Oct. 25. Tale had little difficulty defeating Tufts, 37 to 0, today in the Yale bowl. Coach Sharpe s eleven apparently had recov ered from the blow received last week from the Boston college and the rearranged team displayed an im proved brand of football. Loose play ing and fumbles, however, still marked the Eli attacks. At no time did the Bay Staters seriously threaten the Yale goal line. Corvallis Beats Lebanon, 12-0. LEBANON, Or., Oct. 25. (Special.) The Lebanon football team was de feated today by Corvallis high Bchool, 12 to 0. The first touchdown was made in the second period on an inter cepted pass, and the other was made just one minute before the close of the game. Neither side could make much gains through the line or around the ends. Chahalis 14 0, Oakville 0. CHEHALIS, Wash., Oct. 23. (Spe cial.) Following its shutout without score of Centralia and Olympia, the former 6 to 0, the latter 37 to 0, Che- halis high school football team today broke all past records on Millett field by defeating Oakville 140 to 0. Shan non White of the Oakville team suf fered a broken collar bone. Missouri 3, Drake 0. COLUMBIA, Mo1., Oct. 25. Missouri university's eleven today defeated Drake's gridiron, team, 3 to 0, scoring a field goal in the second period. Drake put up a good defense but was never dangerous. Missouri had the ball within five yards of Drake's goal twice, but was unable to score. Lewis scored on a 35-yard kidk. Moore to Box Ertle. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 25. Pal Moore, Memphis, and Mike Ertle, St. Paul, both bantamweights, have been matched to box a ten-round, no-decision bout here November 10. Marshfield 64, Coquille 0. MARSHFIELD, Or., Oct. 25 (Spe- -.1.1 Tho nA.nn c-amA nf count liiaTb. school echedul was played- here this afternoon between Marshfield and Coqullle and resulted in the largest score made since foot ball was first introduced in this sec tion of the state. The Marshfield eleven scored 64 points to Coqullle's 0. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCIES. Wm. Goldman, General Manager. NATIONAL LIFE OF VERMONT. Oregonia-n Bldg. Horace Mecklem. Manager. NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFB. Northwestern Bank Bldg. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALE Motorboat. 28 ft. long by 6 ft. beam; speed 17-13 miles per hour; Kcrlppa motor. Rayfield carburetor, At-water-Kent ignition. Gray & Davis start er and generator; electric light, spot light, automobile control, -good storage battery; engine and hull in excellent condition; tSOO. W. H. E Von der Werth, east end Morriaon-st. bridge. SALESWOMEN. A few women of ability who are In terested in a short-hour proposition which can easily earn you 910 per day until Christmas. This Is not a door-to-door proposition. AN 917. Oregonian. ON ACCOUNTof sickness, owner will sell cash grocery. Including 50 bushels of Hood River apples for 550 if taken Monday; must sell on account of sick ness. See John Brown. 31:4 Railway Ex change bldg., 9 A. M. Monday. FOR SALE 1 dragsaw, 2V4-H.' P.. brand new, less than wholesale cost; dozen marble slabs. 30x410; also assortment of heavy plate mirrors, popcorn wagon. May be seen every day after 2 P. M. 324 First st. FOR RENT Nice pleasant 7-room fur nished home In Rose City: Rector heat ing system, modern in every way; piano, sewing machine, garage, chickens, ev erything for a real home. AN 918, Ore gonlan. $300 Mitchell 5-pass. touring car, splen did running order, especially equipped for long trips, hunting, etc.; must be sold in next three days. This Is & bar gain for someone. Phone Main 206. FOR SALE 2 greenhouses 20x100. 12x50. In good working order; small dwelling house and 4 lots; finest soil. Price $2400, easy terras. Call Tabor 7329, or write 20o4 E. Couch St.. Portland. f HOLD mortgage on sawmill in good lo Mttlon. plenty of accesslole timber, will take amount due and give terms; 40, 000 capacity; laouO will handle. 384 Ben ton st.. city. GIRL, about 17. to help with general housework; 3 In family; small modern house on Portland Heights; z after noons a week off. Phone Main j.4i. NO. A HOYAL, typewriter, first-class con dition, 2 color ribbon, save dealer's prof It. 78 Pirtock block., bet. 9 and 5. or phone Bdwy 1. WILL drive to Los Angeles In a late 7- passenger Premier., want our passengers to share expense: will leave next Tuesday k or later. AN Oregonian. W I Aj exchange a $40 white wicker baby bugrfy for worth of painting; will furnish paint. Sell. 3019 or No. 11 Oregon Yacht club. Sunday. WANTED Live agent, man or woman, to sell phone attachment linignta or Columbus club, Multnomah hotel; ask for Mr. Corgan. SINGLE room and bath for bachelor or housekeeping suite for lady employed in a high-class apartment house; references required. Alar. 2S:.Q. WILL, party who picked up lady's pocket dook ana gloves Friday evening1 in lavatory at public library call Tabor 8434. Sunday? ALMOST new Patheuhone with 12 records. cost new maanine alone. win sen t for J.M) Call Broadway 1270. Room 227, Sunday. FOR SALE 1918 Dodge touring car, new pamtasoate top, plate glars. tires nearly new. excellent condition and finish. East 6254. LARGE front room, unfurnished, for reiit. $iu per month. inquire aow Williams ave., cor. of Broadway. Phone East 40i2. IRVINGTON Sunny front room for gen man, exclusive home; also smaller room; board optional; near Broadway car. East 3052. WANTED Someone in neighborhood East 12th North and Hancock to stay with large child several evenings a week. Phone Kant 8545. WILL sell interest for $500, modern barber shop, downtown. Inquiie M. 215 12th. Marshall 3081 . WANTED A piano to keep for its stor age; best care; no children. Write Miss (eorge, Hooker at. TWO YOUNG men (ex-service) want work evenings in exchange for room and board. AN 019, Oregonian. LIGHT Chandler six, splendid appearance, Al condition, tires in fine shape, a real bargain at $750 cash. -Broadway 3304. NEW and delicious way of preparing ap ples lor table. zc stamps or sliver. Geo Christian, 401 Vi N. Jersey St., St. Johns. 1U14 FRANKLIN touring car. In Al con- ditlon.. price very reasonable. For in- formation call Main 2143. CARPENTRY, painting, tinting, and high grade finishing. C. E. Spencer, 0l Cleveland ave. MILLINERY work done at your home vlth new or old material. Call Monday, East 036. GIRL for confectionery store at ship yards, no Sunday work. 10 week; refer ences required. Apply 631 Hood st. WANTED Millwright man. but must be a millwright man. 821 North 14th at., cor. of Quimby. Cider mill. FOKD 1915 chassis, good tires, good con dition. Just overhauled. $215 cash, S225 terms. East 7154. 725 E. 22d st. N. LOST Lady's watch, between Madison and Alder: a present from deceased husband. Reward. Phone Tabor 4753. 2 GOOD lots. Oregon City, close in, for houseboat, fishing gear or what have you to trade? Write J. Smith, 695 V- Gllsan st. FURNITURE of 8-room house for sale; house for rent; can be seen Tuesday after 10. 321) E. 35th St. YOUXG MAN wants private lessons in arithmetic and grammar. AC 192, Ore gonian. AN EXPERIENCED nurse wishes posi tion In doctor's office. For further par tlculars call or address M. 434 13th st. EXPERT painting, tinting and paperhang lng done very cheap; satisfaction guar anteed. Tabor 9172. 24 KILLINGS WORTH ave. $15; suitable for confectionery or retail business. Woodward. 104 Second. Main 1436. FOR SALE or trade. lVi-ton truck, like new; lya price if sold this week. East 4075. A WOMAN to keep house, famllv of two. 301 East 77th North. Take Montavllla car. WILL share my home with responsible family, adults. 405 East 39th North. FOR SALE 20 .h. p. boiler with stack, complete, at a bargain. East 4675. HEMSTITCHING machine for sale. Main 488. Room 3Q9. NICE big house, arranged for 4 families, 2600; terms. Inquire 680 Milwaukle st. CLEON blue ostrich plums, cheap. B 1511. Call WICKER baby buggy for sale, good con dition. Phone E. 6914. LABOR man wanted. 32 N. 14th. St., cor. of Quimby. Cider mill. WANTED A Wdln 1016. gas range in good condition. FOR SALE A small heating stove, burns wood or coal. Wdln. 2459. EXPERIENCED drivers wanted. Apply 49 Front st. FOR SALE Household furniture and piano. Tabor 64054. 7-ROOM house for rent, part of furniture for sale. Bdwy. 536 after 2 P. M. WANTED Wardrobe trunk In exchange for phonograph. X 186, Oregonian. CLEAN attractive housekeeping suites. Also sleeping rooms, 247 li 5th st. FOR SALE Large quantity of beautiful black beads. East 7fc60. PIANOS TUNED. 13. George T. Beck. Mar- shall 875. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory FULL dress suit, $10: size 36. Monday 415 Stock Exchange bldg. GRADUATE nurse wants care of children few hours evenings. Phone Bdwy. 1443. CHARTER OAK wood heater and pipe, like new. $12.50. 104 East 6Sth st. N. FOR SALE Pool table at a bargaln;al most new. Call Woodlawn 1040. CLEAN sleeping room, front entrance. 240 Broadway. Marshall 1740 LOST Diamond ring, old-fashioned get ting. Reward. Phone D 1776. FURNISHED cottage for rent, piano, $43. 043 Mallory ave.: adults only. RESTAURANT for sale; a good location and good business. Y 140. Oregonian. WANTED A team with two dump wagona for excavating Job; short haul. East 535. FOUR H. K. rooms, also a garage. - 9070. inr.S E. Taylor. Tabor PRIVATE party will sell Ford with bak ery body. $.150 cash. Tabor 2435. FOR SALE 12 dozen new wooden folding chairs. Aaaress f. o. rox ' flat, up- 4440. FOR RENT 5-room furnlvhcd stairs; ne children- Woodlawn Classified Advertisements la The Oregonian. Umil,7 and ttundajr Per !1n. One lln 0 lt Two coowcntl re limes. tta Tbree conaeeotiTc. timet SOa Mi or Mfcn consecutive time. .... . The following; classifications excepted, the rat" of wbirh is c per line per days bltuations Wauteti Male, Situations Wanted eiuale. No ad taken for less than twn linrs. .Count six words to the line. Advertisements (except "Per sonals) will be taken over the teie pbone if the advertinar ir a eufrscrtoer to ei th er p ho ne. Mo prices will be quoted over the phone, but statement will be rendered the following; dar. Ad vertisements are taken 'or The Dally Or-cunUa until 7:30 P. M.; for The Kundav Oresjonian nntU 6 P. aI. Saturday. AUCTION SALES TODAY. New stove pipe for sale at barfraln. Auto Sheet Metal works, Park and Flanders. MEETING NOTICES. -. ATTENTION, COMRADES The Roosevelt Memorial asso ciation has kindly invited the comrades of tbe G. A. R. to attend th) Roosevelt memorial meeting at the municipal aud itorium on Monday evening. Oct- 27, at 8 o'clock. It fa hoped and expected that a large number of Grand Army men will be present to do hon or to the memory of our great American. An excellent pro tramme will be presented and seals will be .--nerved for the comrades of the'O. A. R. and U. S. W. V. Wear your badges or buttons for Identi fication as comrades. C. A. WILLIAMS, Asst. Adjt. -General, G. A. R- GUL REAZEE GROTTO NO. 65. Stated session this (Monday) evening, October 27, Masonic temple. Weft Park and Yamhill streets. 8 o'clock. At 8:30 P. M. Proph et W. Arnold Llnasey win deliver an address, subject. "Who ISaved the American Flag?' All Mas ter Musons are invited to hear this lecture. R. E. KL'LTON, Secretary. KIRKPATRICK COUN CIL NO. 2227. SECURITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, (formerly K. and L- of S.) Grand Halloween mask ball. Swiss hall. 3d and Jefferson. Friday. Oct. 31; Hochs famous union music, 20 .rood orizes. Adm. only Come all for a Jolly good time. W A SHINOTON COM MANDERY, NO. 15. K. T. A stated conclave will be held Tuesday evening. Oct. 28. dinner at 6 o'clock. Order of the Temple will be conferred on a large class, a good attendance desired. All Sir Knights cordially invited. GEO. P. ENSMAN, Recorder. ROYAL NEIGHBOR annual convention nf iuitnnmh county meets Thursday, October 30. in M. W. A. hall. 11th st-. near Stark. Resident K. P. A.s not aunmieu here especially Invited. Business session at 1 P. M. Evening session devoted to programme and dancing, when the M. W. A. Irom all camps are invited to be Pres ent. Those attending business session will be served dinner by Oregon Rose camp. THK WOMEN OK MOOSE HEART LEGION are giv ing a bazaar and banket social Monday. November 3. liHtf, at Moose Temple. 4th and Taylor sts. Come and tave a good time. CLARA BEATON, Seo. Att.no ihe big opening dance "Wednes day night, Oct. 24. at the Neighbors of Woodcraft hall, 10th and Taylor sts., given by T F B No. 209 of Portland. LKor prize for lady and gent. Best union music and a swell dance floor. Every body come and enjoy yourselves. Admission, ladies 30c. gents 50C, including war tax Danc ing 8:30. COMMiTTfc-fc.. SHEET AND PILLOW CASE DANCE. Celebrate Halloween at the big dance Tuesday night. October 2S. W O. W. nail, 12 11th St.. given by Anchor Council. .No. 74iS K. and L. of S. This Is an invitation to everyone who reads this ad. Get your sheet and pillow case, come and we will show you the time of your life. Large floor committee, Jazx band, all for 3oc ATTENTION! Officers and enlisted men "who served In Oregon guard at any time between July IV 1H17 and date of muster out of that' organization will meet at the Armory Monday night. Oct. 27, 1019. at 8 P. M. Important. Don't fail to come. IVANHOE HOMESTEAD. Brotherhood e a marirnn Yeomen, will Klve a card Pry aance. Alonua.? v "Kin .Zv Cards at 8:30, dancing at 10. Union music and grocery prizes. All Yeomen and friends Invited. Admission 25 cents. CZECHO-SLOVAKS of Portland will cel ebrate the first annual independence of the Czecho-Slovak republic Oct. 28. 8 P. M., In I.okal hall. E. 14th and Duke aye. Address will be given by Dr. J. V. Holaa and returning soldiers of the Czechs' le gion. V. KREMAR. Secretary. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD. NO. 42 . BROTHERHOOD AMERICAN YEO MEN, will give a Halloween party Thurs evening. Oct. 30. In P. S. T. V. hall. 2o5 13th st. Memoers oniy. icn. ...,.,0. correspondent. 205 Allsky bld.g. Main 6J0O. HALLOWEEN DANCE Given by Port land Council Knights and Ladles of Se curity, Thursday, October 30, Woodmen temple. 12s 11th st. Admission 50 cents. Home-made pumpkin pie and cider. P. C. ANDERSON, Chairman. MARGUERITE CAMP ROYAL NEIGH BORS OF AMERICA 500 and dance Tuesday evening, Oct. 28. East side Busi ness Men's club. Grand ave.. East Alder. Cards 8:30. Admission 25c MOUNT HOOD CIRCLE NO. 151. N. OF w.. will hold election of officers Tuesday, Oct. 28. at 8 o'clock. All neighbors are re Quested to be present. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Bros., 131-3 6th 11 FRIEDLANDERS for lodge emblems, class pins and medals. 810 Washington st. DIED. ANDRUS In thla city, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Iva Wheeler, 115 Clinton street, October 24. Sarah Cath erine Andrus. aged 67 years, mother of Guy S. Andrus of Spokane, Fred H. An drus of Elkton, Or.. Mrs. Gertrude L. Keed of White Salmon. Wash., Mrs. Maude S. Kingston of Horse Shoe Bend, Idaho, and Mrs. Iva Wheeler of this city. The remains are at Flnley's. Montgomery at 6th. Notice of funeral hereafter. WALKER At tha- family residence. 763 E. 12th N., Oct. 25, Christina Walker, aged 35; beloved wife of John Walker and mother of Peter, Jack, Frieda, Eliza beth and John Walker. Remains are at Peirson's undertaking parlors, Russ ell at Union ave. KUNS In this city. Oct. 2S, at SS3 E. 24th St. N.. Enid Virginia Kuns, aged 3 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Kuns of La Verne. Cal. Remains at Flnley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Funeral notice hereafter. CRAWFORD In this city. Mrs. Rebecca Crawford, aged 74 years, late of 14 E. Yamhill si. Remains are at funeral parlors of R. W. Gable & Co., 1U73 E. Gllsan. Funeral notice later. ZANBELICH In this city, Oct. 25, 1919. F. M. Zanbellch, aged 69 years. Re mains at Hoiman's funeral parlors, 3d and Salmon sts. Funeral notice later. FLORISTS. LUB LINER, FLORIST. S2S Morrison st.. Portland hotel. Mar. 758. 848 Morrison, bet. Bdy and Park. Mar. 267. Portland's Leading Flo wer Bho ps. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists. S54 Washington. Main 269. A 1209. Flower for ail occasions artistically arranged. CLARKiS BROS., florists, 287 Morrison st. Main 7709. Fine flowers and floral da signs. No branch stores. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP, 245 Alder st Flowers, designs, reasonable. Mar. 5922. IRVINGTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designers; lowest pneea. MAX M. SMITH, Main 7215, A S12L Sell ing bldg.. Sixth and Alder sts. TONSBTH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington t.. bet. 4tb and 5th. Mala 5102, A 1191. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, Room 153 Courthouse, 5th St. Klks to lirect fetamp JJrive. Roseburg Road Vorker Held. Entrance. Phone from ft to 5, Main 378, Home Woodlawn 164. Krort alt ruNft off rruelty to the above addreiM. Electrical lethal chamber for fen all animal. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. A i one de I ring a dojc or other pet. coin ni tin irate with. us. Call for all lost or I -trayed itock, a we look niter the Im - l iioiimlliie;. Iliere 1m no more, city uuuud, liua. Vitus Uuiniuw bvcietj. 35 centi. FrVERALMOTICES. GARBARINO At the residence. 54S Sec ond st. south. October 25, Mary Gar barlno, age 22 years, beloved daughter Of Mrs. Natale Garbarlno, sister of Joseph. Louie. John and Lena Gar barlno. Palmira Delfino. Funeral cor tege will leave the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. Tuesday. October 2. at 9 A. M.t thence to St. Michael church. Fourth and Mill streets, where requiem mass will be offered at 9:30 A. M. In terment at Mount Calvary cemetery. SOi:LE In this city, Oct. 25. 1919. Marion M. Soule. aged 32 years, late of Goodin station ; beloved wife of Roy C. Soule, mother of Betty and Marjorie Soule. daughter of J. J. Wiggins, sister of Paul Wiggins, Mrs, Samuel H. Roome of Portland. Or., and Mrs. Gladys Porter of Hamilton. Ont. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services at Hol man's funeral parlors. 3d and Salmon sts.. at 2:30 P. M. tomorrow (Monday). Oct. 27, 1919. McCRAKEN In this city, October 24. 1919. Ada Elizabeth McCracken. aged 84 years, widow of the late John McCraken mother of James R. and Robert Mc Cracken and Mrs. Charles P. Hurley of Tacoma, Wash. Frlenda Invited to at tend the funeral services at the Port land crematorium at 2 P. M. Monday, October 27. 19J.9. Please omit fiowers. Remains at Holman'a funeral parlors. 3d and Salmon sts. BONAWITZ At Condo. 9. D.. October 21. Loran Bonawltz, age 34 years, be loved husband of Elsie Bonawltz. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bonawltz; father of Grace and Joseph Bonawitz; .also survived by six sisters and one brother. Funeral services will be held tomorrow ( Monday , October 27. at 2 P M., at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at Mount Scott Park ceme tery. MERRILL In this city October 24, Albert Merrill, age 41 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merrill. Survived by six children ; brother of Mrs. Mary Fairer of Mason City, Iowa, and William L. Merrill of this city. Funeral services will be held today (Sunday), October 26. at 2 P. M . at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. Interment at Mount Scott Park cemetery. LECHMEIER At the home of his mother. 610 East Ash sc. Oct. 24. Harry W. Lechmeler, aged 17 years. Brother of Mrs. Homer Morgan and Helen Lech meler of this cttv and Georee Lechmeler. T. S. Navy. The funeral services will be held at the Portoland crematorium at 3: JO Monday (tomorrow). Friends Invited. The remains are at the Conservatory chapel of F. 8. Dunning, Inc. SEELEY The funeral services of the late Jennie Y. Seeley. who died in this city October 24. 1919, will be held today (Sunday). October 21, at 2 P. M.. from the chapel of the Skewes Undertaking company, corner Third and Clay streets. Friends - Invited. Concluding services' at tne Portland crematorium. APLIN At the family residence. 722 East Davis St., Oct. 5, Horace r . Aplin, aged 49. husband of Christine Aplln. FuneraJ service win oe neiu ai i. rrancn cnurca. East 12th and Pine at 10 A. M. Monda. Friends invited. Remains are at the con servatory chapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc.. East lxth and Easf Alder sis. Inter ment Rose City cemetery. GINGRICH The remains of Inaac Ging rich, beloved brother of Flora Ging rich of 63 U 3 Eighty-eight street, south east, will be forwarded at 7:10 P. M. today to Amanda. Ohio, where interment will be made. The remains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy Co., 5802-04 Ninety-second st. RAUWT At St. Mary's Home. Beaverton. Or.. Oct. 24. Right Rev. James Rauw, aged 65 years. Friends are invited tn attend high requiem mass, which will be offered In the chapel of St. Mary's Home Monday. Oct. 27. at 11 A. M. Mc Entee & Eilers, directors. HUBBARD In this city. Oct. 22. Ferlut- ters N. Hubbard, aged W years. The re mains wtl I be forwarded to Monmouth, Iowa, at 5 P. M. tnday ( Sunday by F K. Dunning, Inc., East Sjxth nnd Axer sts., where services will be held and in terment made. WEMETT At Boston. Mass.. Oct. 19. Jack Wemett. aged 5 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wemett of this city. Funeral service will be held at P. L. Lerch undertaking parlors, tomorrow (Monday) at 2 P. M. Friends invited. WEISS Funeral services of Martha Weiss will be held tomorrow ( Monday ). Oct. 27, at 11 A. M., at St. Peter's church in Lent. Interment at Multnomah ceme tery. A. D. Kenworthy, directors. EDGAR The funeral srevices of the late On a Muriel Edgar wfll be held tomorrow (Monday). October 27, at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at Flnley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends Invited. Interment at Rose City DOZIER Private funeral services of the late Lillian M. Dozier Were held Satur day morning, October 25, at Flnley's. Montgomery at 5th. Incineration at Mt Scott Park crematorium. WING The remains of Hobert Mott Wing were forwarded to Oelwein, Iowa, by the A. D. Kenworthy & Co., where interment will btj made. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral service. JONES AUTOMOBILE LIVERY. Marshall 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Estanlished 1877. Third and Salmon streets. Main 507. A 1511. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service Tor Lena Independent Funeral D tree ton. Wash. tt., bet. iIOth-2 1 nt, wet side. Main 2 HlU. Lady Assistant. A 7885. J.P.FINLEY&SON PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Main 9 Montgomery at 6th. A 1599. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlor with all the prl .'aey of a home, lrtth and Kverett sin. Phone Broadway 2133: Home A 2133. F. S. DUNNING, INC. 414 E. Alder. Phone Emit 62. Perfect service, personal direction, free uie oi tloral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson & Ross, Mjltno mah at E. 7th. East 54. Irvlngton dlst. LI'N.NING & McENTEE. funeral directors. Broadway and Pine sts. Phone Broadway 430. A 4558. Lady attendant- PT T TT'TT'TT East 11th and Clay sis . Jl. LiHirvUyll Eist 701. B1H33. T7i T T - XT Twelfth and Morrison st EjIVJ.l.oU.iN Broadway 2534. A. D. KENWORTHY CO.. 8802-04 92d St., Lents. Tabor 9267. BREEZE & SNOOK V!4, B 1546 A. R. ZELLAR CO. 592 Williams Ave. EKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d . and Clay. M. 4152. A 2J.1. Lady assistant VAULTS AND CREMATION. tton. jDIMd ferment for el trier. Iell. 7. MOM'MEXTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 166 4th St., Opp. City Hall. Nen Broa. IrfS BLAESING GRANITE CO. 'IT THIRD AT MADISON STREET SEW TODAT. WE CALL KOR VOIR OLD tAHi'KTS. II it era atari Woolen Clothlnpr. We Make Beautiful Hud-Woni fLvee rugs All Work Turned Out Promptly. Rag Runs Woven AH SIxea Mall Orders). Send for Booklet. Carpet Cleaned. Laid and Re fitted. NORTHWEST RUG CO, 1SS Bait 8th St. Phone lOaat 33SO $5800 West side modern house, eight large rooms, attic, basement, furnace, fireplace, etc.. and fine lot. 60x50. near 24th and Kearney, choicest part of Nob Hill district. House alone would cost over $7000 to built at present time. I am offering this bargain for a few days it 5S0O. Part cash. C. II. KORELL, 207 ItaIlwa-7 ICxchange Building. I pho- e yo r "want k :. . , j iiuuiau. Maui 0.0. A ads to The Ore- Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference- For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Orejonian. Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. A CCO V S TAN TS. JULIUS R. BLACK, accountant, auditor. epeciaUut on involved accounts. Modern ;ttm Installed, maintained. 72b-! Flt tock bioc. Telephone Broadway 1 ASSAVEKS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 14J Second "Q'U. aitver anu platinum bougnL CANCER TREATED. L. M. JONES. SI. D. CANCER TREATED. in Morgan bidg. Marshall 613. CARPET WEAVING. DllfiOThe kind that wear the best are nUUO made from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Hug Co. (former ad dress 153 Union ave. . Rag rugs woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refilling and resizing. Mail orders solicited. 1&8 E. 8th St. PhOXE EAST 3060, U FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Rugs, all sizes Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet. xl2 rugs team or dry cleaned, 11.30. FLUFF RUG CO.. Union ave. N. East 516. B 1475. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSOX COMPANY. 3S7 Washington. Broadway 434, A 154. CHIKOI'RACTOR. SOO.OOO KNOW McMahon. 100 Chiroprac tor. Thrones nrunounce IrfatniHtiti Haul est, best, permanent. 31 "treats" 1G. Te CHIROPODIST AR II SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM. Estelle and Floret t a. fl Venv the only scientific chiropodists and arch epeuiansis in tne city. 1'arlors 30 tier linger bldg., S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist: corns, bun ions, loot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. Main 1081. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO., 1J10-11-12 Royal "niu Multlgraphlng, mimeographing and mall advertising. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. ULIMANSKY & I. BIN. contractors and builders, store and office fittings, gen eral Jobbing. 211 Curry St.. city. Tele phone Main 83(13. COLLECTIONS. 2s" E T H & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17110. No collections, no charge. Established muo DANCING. YOU can never learn dancing In private lessons from Inferior Xeaclmrs In small room; you must have practice and learn to lead. See Mr. Delioney'a ad on page 8, section 1, today. He guar antees to teach you to dance. Academy 23d and Washington. Phone Main 7651. BERKELEY; Dancing Academy. 12tf 4th St.. 3d floor. Firsl-elass Instructors: lessuns day and eve. Main 3318. Classes Tues days and Thursdays; class tickets, ladles $'1, gentiemen MISS ELNORA FLECK wi'.l give up her dancing academy the 10th to teach c.asslcal dancing at Berkeley dancing academy. 12 Fourth st. Klnora Fleck. MRS. BAVHS DANCING ACADEMY, 3d floor Dekum bidg., private lessons day and eve.: class Tuea. eve. Main 1345. DANCE Saturday evening. W. O. W. hall No. 3. 12& Eleventh street. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY veterinary hospital. 415 East 7th. East 1047. B 1962. EVE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. DR. F. F. CASSEPAV, Specialist. Glasses fitted. 700 E. Burnside. cor. 20th. E. 4734. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO., 31 N. 1st St., Portland, Or. Rewinding and electrical repairing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 1046. FURS RE LI NED. FUKS rellned. up. Tabor expert workmanship. $3 and Ultift. HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co., 187 W.'Park st. HAULING CONTRACTS. WE HAUL, freight. buftftaKe. express, also contract hauling anywheie. anytime, day or nieht. East 11151. Fletcher & Fisher. H EMSTITCHING. K. STEPHAN. hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion slle plent. buttons tovcied, mull orders. 1U 1'ltlock blk. Broadway 10UB. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO TOPS. I.E TOP CO.. tub. and Oak sis. I)KY GOODS AND NOTIONS. L.DINKELSPIEL CO. 1! Stockroom and of- ces 47 N. Slh st. GRAIN .MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THASHAt'SEU HAT CO.. .-3-."5 Front St. HIOKS, WOOL ANI CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 195 Front st. MILL SI PPIJKS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 6S-70-72 Front st., Portland. OVERALLS. MERCHANTS Do you need union-made j overalls, quick deliveries, n to o a dozen unuerpriced? See Hampton. 401 Stock Kxf:hansc. Main S,J45. NEW TODAY. HOTEL BUILDING $100,000 THREE -STORY BRICK BLDG. LOT lOOxlOO, IV COOD TRAN SIENT LOCATION. THIS IS A.N LLEUAKT I.WESTME.VT. Ritter, Lowe & Go. 24II-3-S-7 Board of Trade Huildlnjc. Parrish, Watkins 8c Co. Est. 1867. frank f'.. Watklna. Manaicer. Member Portland Realty Board Real Estate, Rental, Loan and Fire and Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence Solicited. lOA Seeond St. Phonet Main 1644. HOME IN IRVINGTON n nnn Eiat-Roo Modern Dwfll- Inir. 14th and Schuyler sts. All hardwood floors. Large basement. House recently painted. Good garage. Pos session can benad imme- HARVEY "WELLS & COMPANY 602 GAStO BJLUU. Phone Slain 4564. Net Income Over 14 A modern, up - to - date furnished flat building in a very desirable district, cost owner to construct over $31,000. His Price $20,000 One-Half Cash. Balance Lose Time. J.S.Sullivan 40S Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved rltT and farm property. InBtallmeBt repayment prl vile Re If preferred i prompt, reliable aervlce A. H. BIRRELL CO. Z17-21B Northwestern Bank Hulldlns. alaraaali 4114. A. 41JUS. IRON WORKS. phoenix iron works. g Incers, founders, mechanics. xller- rr,mU-rm K, I . or- .nil hlSCksmlth ShOP. Of' fice and works, Bawthorne ave. and East Third st. MUSIC. OREGON Conservatory (school) of Music, id floor Rusell bldg. (over tne . entrance 105 H 4th. st., cor, of Morrison. EXCELLENT S-PIECB ORCHESTRA. Private danca engagements. AM 03 Oregonian. EM1L THIELHORN. violin, viola teacher: pupil Sevclk. J07 Flledner bldg. Bdy. !- VIOLIN. taught. Piano, Harmony; all airing Kol kenueck. 40H lamhili. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. I nou- i- r ..m.ti.iI fiiRLomers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good- J man. optometrist, -OK Morrison. M. ATTENTION! EVES RIGU1. Dr. George Kubenstein, veteran op tician. Is right on the job of filling the best eyeglasses at reasonable prices. o Morrison St., near Second. PATENTS. PATENTS Send sketch or model for pre liminary examination. Booklet tree. Highest references, best results, prompt ness assured. Watson E. Coleman, pat ent Lawyer. B24 F St.. Washington. L. P. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT Si years- experience V. S. and foreign patents. tOl Lekum bldg. GOLDBERG, 20 Worcester bldg. M 2525. PHYSICIAN!. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway bulidlng. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure. PLUMBINO SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at prices. Starke-Davis Co., "1- wholesale 3d. M. TOT. PK1NTINO. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. E. Gantenbeln. mgr. Printing and linotyping. H'W Front St., corner Stark. Mam or A i4i. b W. BALTES & COMPANY, PRINTING 1st and Oa k sts. M. 165. A 1165 SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVTN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front St. We buy and sell everything In the hardware and furniture, line. Phone Main 0U7O, A 7174. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. DR W. ARNOLD LINI'SEY. specialist on goitre. Main 60HO. .Morgan bldg. PAINTING. HOUSE painting and kalsomlnlng. expe rienced workmen, modest prices; hotel work specialty. -au jiam pilTlKG paper hanging and tinting; work guaranteed. Charles Gorman Phone Tabor 5304 C. H. TERRILL. house, sign painting, pa per ng. tinting. lauor ."ii. o. JOHN CONLISK. painting' and pafier- hanglng. 133 10th. Phone Bdwy. JtM.v TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service With a Reputation." vnvivi'..l'i-k"l!.STORAHE.IIAi;H.WE 13lh and Kearney. Branch s ' Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 llCll,l.V THAXSFKR CO.. 474 GI.ISVN St corner l.'Uh. Phone Broadway USt or lloy. We own and operate two larKe class A warehouses on terminal tracKS. Lowest Insurance rates In the city FlHEPRQOF STORAGE C. M. OI.SEN TRANSFER CO.. 24S Pine. PACKING. MOVING. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 105 PARK ST. STORAGE TKANSFER .!N 51K5. A 10.11. WILLAMETTE VAI.I.EY TRANS. CO. General transfer and forwarding agents. 114 North Fifth st." Broadway 454. CLAY S. MORSE. Inc.. TRACKAGE. STORA'IK. TRANSFER. 44S-454 GLLSAN ST. WATCH REPAIRING. Highest prices paid, old watches and Jew elry; condition no object; repairs special ty. Reiner Jewelry Co., 44'JH Wash. st. MANUFACTURERS PAINTS. OILS AND GI-ASS. W. P. FL'LLRR & CO., Front and Morrison. HASMI SSBN' & CO., Second and Taylor. I'lPK, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES, THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. IW-7U-72 Front St., Portland. KLINE, 84-S0 Front st. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 6X-70-72 Front t.. Portland. -M. I- KLINE. h4-S Front st. PRODI CE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. KVKIlIUXii (w- FA R K ELL. 1 40 Front st. ROPE AND HINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. ' W. SASH. IHMIKS AND GLASS. P. FI LLER & CO.. Front and Morrison NEW TODAT. Lsf 5-- f .x..i"t - ' ' rv - - : Leaving City Must Sell at Once Wonderful view home, lot 80x200. Entrance on tvo streets. Double pa rage, fine lawns, roses, shrubbery, large bearinp fruit trees apples. cherries, peaches, pear, prunes, all kinds small fruits. I Kipht large rooms, living-room and I dlninp-room finished in hardwoods, j nice light kitchen, attractive sun par ! lor or breakfast-room, large porches and sleeping rooms, four airy bed rooms, beautifully finished, special maid's quarters. House furnished with all modern conveniences. Terms rea sonable. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY 104 Kifth Street Main e9 Look at This THEN BUY IT CRRn Five - Room Bon; ..low. East 0OJUU Market, near 37th. Iot 33x90. All improvements paid for. Rooms larpe. Attractive fire place. Owner will sell on rea sonable terms. HARYEY WELLS & COMPANY 602 GASCO BLDU. Phone Main 4564. IRVINGTON HOMES OF SI.VCJI LAR CHARM AMD I1KAITV. From large reception hall you enter through French doors to beautiful liv ing room in art nouveau. "latest," also French doors to dining and breakfast room in ivory trimmed in mahogany. Pullman kitchen, three bedrooms In white, glassed sleeping porch; garage with pergola drive. a.72."0. Kat 1347. FOR SALE I have a number of good buys on East Broadway, between the river and Union avenue. This street has the best future in the city. Edw. P. Mali 309 CllAJIliUIl OF COilMIillCK. f. NEW TODAY. V hsa Botrfl Co. ESTABLISHED 189 JL We have received the High-erada Furniture, Wilton Carpets, etc from a yiiTaic iiumc vu uasi uivauwaji We have moved these goods to the Baker Auction Housp for convenience of sale. On Tuesday NEXT Comprising;: William and Mary Li brary Table, Tapestry Davenport, Mahogany Rockers and Arm Chairs in tapestry coverings, Center Tables, empire ana Art Electric T a b 1 Lamps, rare old style Mahogany Settee, Parlor Desk, large Oak Book case, several volumes of Books, larga trench Tier Jirror with Gold Leaf Frame, Leather Morris Chair. Drop- head Sewing Machine, Brass Cos- turner, Electric Vacuum Cleaners, Electric Heaters, Andirons, Fira Irons and Fire Guard, large Wilton Carpet, about 60 yards; 9x12 Rugs, small Rugs, Velvet Stairs Carpet, Fumed Oak Davenport with leather cushions, Couches and Covers. Player Piano, Records and Cabinet in mahogany; Standard Size Pool Table complete with balls, cues, racks and counters. Dining room Suite in quarter-sawed oak, William and Mary design, as follows: Table, Chairs with leather seats, and Buffet. Also another suite in golden oak, viz., Pedestal Table, Buffet and Set of Chairs. 2 Ivory Bedroom Suites, as Follows I One suite comprises Bedstead, Dress er, Dressing Table, Chair and Rock er. The other suite as follows: Bed stead, Chiffonier and Dressing Ta ble, both are complete with the cele brated high-priced Kinney-Nome Da Luxe Coil Springs, Felt Mattress and Pillows; full and three-quarter sizes Iron Beds, Springs and Mat tresses. Mahogany and Oak Dress ers, one Oak Chiffonier, Curtains and Drapes, Bedding, Blue Bedroom Rugs, Baby Crib, Steel Range, Bea ver Kitchen Cabinet, Refrigerator, Aluminum Utensils, and many other useful household items. Auctioneer's Note All the above goods are now on view and await vour most careful atten tion. Kindly call tomorrow if inter ested in good furniture. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. OriThursday NEXT In addition to our Furniture sale, we shall sell several Rolls of Build ing Paper for the United States R. R. Administration. Sale on Thursday next at 10 A. M. For Private Sale Nearly new A. B. -Gas Range, also ' in our Annex you will find" bargains in good New Furniture, at the right price, as we always sell for cash. We pay cash for household furniture. Our phone number is Main 3332. W.C. Baker and W.H.Dean Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers Masonic Temple Building Yamhill and W. Park Streets TO LEASE BROADWAY CORNER BETWEF.N 0K AD BIRXSIDE, 71 KEET HlO. 1A(,I Will lease the present build ing or jrive long-term ground lease. This is one of the best locations on Broadway. Full information Ritter, Lowe & Go. 201-3-.1-7 Hoard of Trade Ituildlns. Let la rite lour laanraaee. GARAGES For All Cars Prices on Application Ready-Cut and Portable Houses i MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1601 I'aloa Ave. IC. Wdln. 2413. LOAMS That Cost lou Less and Get You 'Out of Debt THE MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN NO COMMISSION Equitable Savings and Loan Association 240 Stark, Street. I I it