The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 19, 1919, Section One, Page 9, Image 9

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Commercial Accounts
TT7E particularly solicit the checking ac
' counts of individuals, firms and corpora
tions. We are prepared to afford them every
courtesy and accommodation consistent with
sound banking principles.
Williams Launches Broadside
on Irish Question.
And here's
11 J
Early Ratification, of "American
ized" Peace Treaty Predicted.
Labor Meet Holds Stage.
. (Confirmed From First Page.)
pians' numerous philippics against the
league of nations opponents recently
have been delivered from the repub
lican side.
Yesterday things about came to a
head when he strolled over on the
republican side and went to sleep in
Boies Penrose's seat. Penrose pro
tested that strangers visiting in the
galleries carried finding charts Xf the
floor of the senate by which they
identified senators. He complained
that some of them would go home and
tell how they caugrht "Penrose asleep
at his post while the fate of nations,
including the Irish and the Chinese,
was being settled or bartered away."
Senator Patterson of Mississippi
recognized the justice of this protest,
awoke his colleague after an hour's
slumber and permitted the Pennsyl
vania senator to occupy his own seat.
As to the peace treaty, it will be
ratified much sooner than was an
ticipated a week ago. but with much
stronger reservations than any foe of
the treaty ever hoped for at any time.
There will be no pussyfooting on
these reservations, the sentiment of
those republicans who have taken the
middle ground being best expressed
in the words of one of the reserva
tionists, who said: "Oh, this old treaty
will be all right after we shoot a lit
tle Americanism into it."
Johnson Amendment Lost.
There are two amendments to be
voted down, those introduced by
Moses of New Hampshire and Johnson
of California. The Johnson amend
ment, which looked like a winner a
week ago. will be defeated by several
votes, its fate having been decided by
the attitude of the so-called "both
enders" on the Shantung amendment.
The "both enders" are known by that
characterization which was invented
to distinguish from the "bitter end
ers." who are the treaty irrecon
cilables. . The "both enders" include several
senators, the best-known of whom in
that connection are Kellogg of Minne
sota and Hale of Maine, who have
been counted on both aides of the
treaty at one time or anther.
Hale is the senator wo pulled the
props from under t".ie Johnson amend
ment, for which he has come in for
bitter criticism from the irreconcilable
When Hiram Johnson commented
that the defeat of the Shantung
amendment was a great victory for
Japan, one of his sympathizers asked:
"Is there any truth in the report that
some one is going to a recon
sideration of the vote by which the
Declaration of Independence was
"I am surprised at you, speaking
of the Declaration of Independence,"
replied Senator Johnson. "Don't you
know anything about the new order
of things? Next thing you will be
talking about the Constitution of the
United States."
Monday will see the crisis in the
ItiH ti t r-i a 1 pftnfprpncfi On tKnt Hhv It
is believed the conference will either
go to smash or capital and labor will
get together by each yielding on the
two main issues. Agreement can only
be reached on recognition by the em-
ployers' group of labor's right of
"collective bargaining" and by labor
abandoning the privilege of having
itself represented in conferences with
employers by the walking delegate,
who usually is a rank outsider and in
many cases an alien.
As one comment puts it, "labor is
fighting for the privilege of having
a glib-talking walking delegate from
a barbers' union in Chicago sit down
with a Pittsburg steel man and dic
tate terms upon which that man shall
hire his employes." Any settlement
that is reached will be on the basis of
"humanization" of employers and the
"Americanization" of labor, in the
opinion of those who have been fol
lowing the conference.
New Conference Loon.
This conference is of small moment
as compared with the international
conference of labor, to open here on
October 29. The international confer
ence promises a show-down between
the bolshevist and the conservative
element in labor, and Arthur Hender
son, radical British laborite, who will
be here, is expected to try to carry
the day for radicalism. Samuel Gom
pers is depended upon to lead the re
sisting forces.
The Japanese apparently are the
only people in the world who are
alive to what this international con
ference may mean. It is already
charged that the Japanese govern
ment has packed its delegation with
labor men who more truthfully repre
eent the employers, giving them 41
very capable advisers to come along
and help keep them straight.
One newspaper at Osaki, which is
more or less an organ of the govern
ment, is sending five correspondents
to attend the conference.
President Wilson's attendants hav
ing assumed the attitude that the na
ture of his illness is none of the pub
lic's business, the public hereabouts
appears to have reconciled itself to
that view, and the subject has become
a matter of dwindling interest.
Rumors are fewer, although the
public does not yet accept optimistic
bulletins from the White House as
giving all of the truth. All of the
rumors which were in the air for the
first two or three weeks of Mr. Wil
son's illness were not true, but no
one will say they were all false, and
there must have been foundation for
some of them because they did not
come from enemies of the adminis
tration, but from persons who have
always had a hearty welcome at the
White House, some of them news
paper correspondents who complained
that their papers, being administra
tion supporters would not permit
them to print all the truth.
One of the rumors which gained
widest circulation was that the presi
dent had suffered a slight paralytic
stroke. The denials so far have not
been satisfying. One report widely
published that Mr. Wilson was suf
fering from aphasia originated out
side Washington and has never been
rumored or suspected here.
The only question of debatable In
terest here now is how long can
executive affairs remain at a stand
still and what steps are to be taken
to provide the country with an execu
tive head, until the legally elected
president is able to resume his duties.
Our Service Includes
4 Interest paid on Regular Savings Accounts.
3 Interest paid on Special Savings Accounts subject
to check where the minimum monthly balance is
not less than $500.00.
1 No service charge will be made for carrying checking
1 No charge will be made depositors for handling out-
1 of-town checks
Open Saturday afternoon and evening.
"The Open Door Bank
Paid on
Regular Savtnjrs
Sixth and Stark
Paid on Special
Savings Accomnta
Subject to Check:
Delightful danc
ing sessions on
weekday even
ings; orchestral
concert on Sunday
evenings. -
t Oregon rtll
"Famous for Dinners"
Dine in this warm, cozy
Grill, where you meet others
who, like yourself, enjoy the
good things so abundantly
Table d'Hote Dinner
5:30 to 9; $1.25
Service a la Carte
11 A. M. to 1 A. M.
Broadway at Stark Street
five causes account for 98 per cent
or total severity resulting from in
juries in this group."
Few Mishaps Directly Traceable to
Operation of Machinery, Says
Public Service Commission.
nnikinriiniinA nitun .
-.rf-.TT-vTT' VFC! Ti T A f X. T"
" "d"" " va iKaurb via DUM
Line Road Assumed.
George O. Brandenburg, manager
01 tne Brandenburg Engraving com
pany, has assumed management of
the Cross Road inn. on the Base
Line road. Mr. Brandenburg succeeds
Frank Coffinberry, who has accepted
an oner in connection with a the
atrical venture which will take him
away from Oregon for some time.
Mr. Brandenburg is a prominent
member of the Portland lodge of
iMtcs, being chairman of the. "PeD1
committee. In addition, for two sue
ceeding years, Mr. Brandenburg has
been chairman of the "Pep" commit
tee of the Oregon State Elks' asso
SALEM, Or.. Oct. 18. (Special)
That the use of hand tools such as
axes, saws, wedges and sledges has
been responsible for more than 43 per
cent of the accidents in Oregon among
fallers, bunkers, scalers, swampers
rivers, peelers and. tie hackers, while
less than 2 per cent of the accidents
can be traced directly to the opera
tion of machinery, is set out in a re
port prepared by William A. Marshall,
chairman of the Oregon public service
commission, submitted for considera
tion by the Pacific logging congress
at its recent meeting in Portland.
Features of the report say:
"Fallers, buckers, scalers, swamp
ers, rivers, peelers and tie hackers
Falls of trees and limbs Caused but 18
per cent of all fatal cases in this
group. This one cause, however, was
responsible for 55 per cent of the to
tal severity. Rolling logs caused 17
per cent of the total injury. On the
other hand, the use of hand tools
(saws, axes, wedges and sledges) ac
counted for 43 per cent of all acci
dents in this group, but was respon
sible for but 11 per cent of total se
verity. These three causes represent
83 per cent of total severity to work
ers in these occupations. Machinery
caused less than 2 per cent of acci
dents in this group.
"Snipers, rigging slingers, chasers,
hooktenders, choker setters and whis
tlemen Two hazards again appear as
factors in this group, falling trees and
limbs causing 21 per cent and rolling
legs 9 per cent of severity. Trees
felled or objects set in motion by
moving logs being pulled in caused 9
per cent of accidents and 21 per cent
of severity, while the breaking of or
pulling loose of lines or hooks caused
10 per cent of all accidents in this
group and 15 per cen of severity.
One-half of all fatal cases in the
group resulted from the last two
causes. Workmen being caught by
lines or caught by logs going in
caused 20 per cent of accidents and
30 per cent of total severity. These
Albany Gives $516 to Babies.
ALBA-NT, Or., Oct. 18. (Special.)
The campaign in Albany for funds
for the Albertina Kerr nureery home
in Portland netted $518.09. The cam
paign here was conducted by Mrs.
E. D. Cusiek and Miss Flora llaaon.
Must have thorough
knowledge of motor and
case work for local con
cern. ' Address
BF 109, Oregonian
Dorothy Gilbert Heads Celebration
of Albany Students.
ALBANT, Or., Oct. 18. (Special.)
A gin lea tne students of Albany high
school last evening in the first big
rally of the year, preparatory to the
football game with Eugene high
school here today, and she did a good
job of it.
Miss Dorothy Gilbert, daughter of
ex-Mayor and Mrs. P. D. Gilbert of
this city, led the winding serpentine
and directed the yells and songs. In
the student body election recently
Miss Gilbert was chosen leader of the
girls' "rooting" section.
"Wilbur Appeal Comes Tp Soon.
OREGON CITY, Or., Oct. 18. (Spe
cial.) District Attorney Hedges ex
pects to be summoned to Washing
ton, within the next few days to
argue the case of Julius Wilbur, con
victed of violation of the prohibition
act in Clackamas county. Wilbur
got a heavy fine and a jail sentence
and appealed to the supreme court.
Low Upstairs Operating; Cost, s
Cash Selling', Enormous Buying-
Power and Low Percent
age of Profit enable us to sell
clothes of quality for $10 less.
And furthermore
Our new Fall Suits and Over
coats are of the latest style
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Convince yourself of
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Come up and give them the
"once over."
$20 to. $40
Alterations Free.
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Entrance Opposite Sun
set Theater
Largest Clothiers in
the Northwest
Seattle Store
Arcade Bldg.
which sustained the lower court,
whereupon Wilbur's attorneys filed
an application for a writ of error in
the United States supreme court, con
tending that Wilbur was being de
prived of his rights under the federal
constitution. Attorney-General Brown
will probably accompany Mr. Hedges
to Washington.
i Tl-iis Shows How Your -asasassssw
S f I Salad Is Made "in ,rnaunn 0naB".
-y . Oui- Modern Kitchen fo o'
' I ftnmmt Bffl ............ .Vic
r ' S?'. KoMt Veal 2.e
Is; ft A StewedBeif".
I I I f . . J Humburirrr Steak. 1!4
I I a (7 I fffyi i i H , ' V Chkkrii Pte ...lSe
I ' 1 rVjTvv' "j V ?n I 1 Veal Stew. ............ .15e
"7l --iiXtXT V TtJfV! I Baked Beana lOc
lr,""irSr"V?l ' ,...
V J?TT -JiiCet I Patrle Be - joc
--gjairarJ r " T I Cofe. Tea 5e
I iXjL tjL Ckare for Bread,
i I ! D T 1 f gTsa I
Roast Bwf ............ .2S
KoMt Veal 2.e
Soupa. Se
Stewed Bef 1.1c
Hambnrirrr Steak. 1.e
Chicken Pte ...lSe
Veal Stew. ............ .15e
Baked Beana ...10
I- Urn . . ,2e
Pastrlea .....Be - lOe
Coffee. Tea. ............ .6e
Ko Charge for Bread.
Remick Song and Gift Shop
'Portland's Most Popular Music Store"
Special Columbia Grafonola Style
This beautiful model G-2 Grafonola, in genuine Honduras
mahogany or perfectly grained fumed oak, on terms of
B.1MMMI down and 10.M monthly. See the complete line
of Urafonolas at the ltemick Kong and Gift Shop.
HendQnartera for Columbia Fnonoarrapk Records. I
Alexander's Band la Back In Dixie
Alabama Lullaby
t.lve Sir a Smile aad Kiaa
Down Rainbow Lane
Perfert Lover
Hawaiian Dream
Out of the Kant
That's the Way I've Missed Too
Memory Land
Ira Can't Stop Me Dreaming;
Where the Water Lilies Grew
D re many Moon
You're Still an Old Sweetheart
Hawaiian Lullaby
I Used to Call Her Bahy
Then I'm Not Missing; a on
You Cannot Shake That Sblmmle Here
aianuny o 311ae
Star Dance Folio No. 20 (ZVV ?KS..!::.50c I
YTien It's Music or Records, ,Go Where the Crowds Go"
2mief cSIot D Griff ihojx
Open Evenings S2t Washington Street Main 2269
'America's Greatest Moderate Price Cigar'1
v4pl 0-'"
Distributors of
"Xhe Nation's Finest Cigars"